Latin American Poultry Summit to Debut at 2019 IPPE USPOULTRY and Foundation Approve $355,000 in New Research Grants Court Gives EPA More Time to ...

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Latin American Poultry Summit to Debut at 2019 IPPE USPOULTRY and Foundation Approve 5,000 in New Research Grants Court Gives EPA More Time to ...
NEWS & VIEWS                                                                November / December 2017

                                                                                 Latin American Poultry
                                                                                 Summit to Debut at 2019 IPPE

                                                                                 USPOULTRY and Foundation
                                                                                 Approve $355,000 in New
                                                                                 Research Grants

                                                                                 Court Gives EPA More Time to
                                                                                 Provide Reporting Assistance
                                                                                 to Poultry and Egg Producers

   The All Feather Association serving the industry through education, research, communication and technical assistance.
Latin American Poultry Summit to Debut at 2019 IPPE USPOULTRY and Foundation Approve 5,000 in New Research Grants Court Gives EPA More Time to ...
         Brian Barrett
                                a s s o c i a t i o n
      Bob “Pic” Billingsley      1   President’s Column
    SANDERSON FARMS, MS          8   Research Results
        Jonathan Cade            9   Poultry Industry Continues to Improve Worker Safety Record
  HY-LINE INTERNATIONAL, IA      9   Court Gives EPA More Time to Provide Reporting Assistance to Poultry and Egg Producers
                                10   USPOULTRY Releases White Paper on How the Poultry Industry Benefits Employees, Communities and Consumers
       Alan Duncan
    MOUNTAIRE FARMS, AR         11   USPOULTRY Research Program Reaches $30 Million in Funding
                                12   Wooden Breast Condition in Broilers
        Mikell Fries
 CLAXTON POULTRY FARMS, GA      13   Poultry Industry’s Injuries and Incident Rates Drop, but Focus Still Needed
                                14   Is the Industry Doing Enough to Pass Food Safety Lessons Learned Down to the New Generation of Leaders?
        Ben Harrison            16   USPOULTRY Foundation and the Poultry Science Association Foundation Jointly Announce Inaugural M.S. & Ph.D. Student Career Fair
      AMICK FARMS, sc
                                17   USPOULTRY Foundation Allocates $282,500 in Student Recruiting Funds
         Tom Hensley            18   Member News

        Mark Hickman            E d u c at i o n
       PECO FOODS, AL           15 Poultry Protein & Fat Seminar: Efficiencies in Rendering Highlighted and Industry Tours Offered
          Paul Hill
   West Liberty Foods, IA       In t e r n a t i o n a l p o u l t r y e x p o
        Greg Hinton              2   Complimentary IPPE Registration Available Through M2A Program; Deadline Dec. 31!
     ROSE ACRE FARMS, IN         2   IPPE Represented at Latin American Poultry Congress
       Robert Holzer             3   Latin American Poultry Summit to Debut at 2019 IPPE
CHICKMASTER INCUBATOR CO., NJ    4   2018 IPE Education Programs
                                 5   2018 IPPE Schedule
         Dan Huber
      FOSTER FARMS, CA           6   Special Discount for Poultry Growers at 2018 IPPE
                                 6   IPPE Providing Free Bus Service from Field Operations
        Alice Johnson

        Bob Krouse

        David Lathem
       L & R FARMS, GA

       Phil Laughlin

       Mike Levengood
        PERDUE, MD

          Bill Lovette

       Elton Maddox
      Wayne Farms, GA

       Sherman Miller

        Jarod Morrison
      FARBEST FOODS, IN                                             NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2017
                                N e w s & V i e w s is produced quarterly by the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, the world’s largest and most active poultry
        Jerry Moye
     COBB-VANTRESS, AR              organization. USPOULTRY represents the entire industry as an “All Feather” Association. USPOULTRY is a nonprofit
                                     organization which represents its poultry and egg members through research, education, communication and
        John Prestage             technical assistance. Membership includes producers and processors of broilers, turkeys, ducks, eggs, and breeding
     PRESTAGE FARMS, NC         stock, as well as allied companies. Formed in 1947, the Association has member companies nationwide and affiliations
                                                            in 28 states. USPOULTRY also sponsors the International Poultry Expo.
        Kevin Phillips

        Doug Ramsey                                                        Send Comments to: Ne w s & Vi e ws ,
      TYSON FOODS, AR                                  U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, 1530 Cooledge Road, Tucker, GA 30084-7303
        Andy Southerly
         CARGILL, KS

         Mark Waller
Latin American Poultry Summit to Debut at 2019 IPPE USPOULTRY and Foundation Approve 5,000 in New Research Grants Court Gives EPA More Time to ...

Continually Meeting the Needs of
the Poultry Industry
The poultry industry is constantly evolving, and therefore, as a trade association we have to evolve to
meet the needs of the industry. Our board leadership over the years has given us the input to evolve
as needed. A few recent examples of new ways of meeting the needs of the industry include our
Association’s co-sponsorship with the Poultry Science Foundation of an inaugural M.S. & Ph.D. Student
Career Fair to take place at the 2018 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) and our co-
sponsorship of a new Latin American Poultry Summit, with WATT Global Media, to debut at the 2019
IPPE.    John Starkey
Many have seen the increase in the numbers and diversity of students available each year through                  John Starkey, PE
the College Student Career Program at IPPE. To continue extending that reach, our Association has
partnered with the Poultry Science Foundation to sponsor the inaugural M.S. & Ph.D. Student Career
Fair. The Career Fair will be held on Monday, Jan. 29, 2018, concurrent with the International Poultry
Scientific Forum. This unique program is designed to better serve USPOULTRY member companies
and allied suppliers, particularly involving, but not limited to, technology driven companies such as
those in genetics, health, pharmaceutical and nutrition. The target participants are post-doctoral and
early Ph.D. students. The Career Fair will balance between a formal and informal event, allowing these
top-grade students to interact with leading industry companies and suppliers who need their level of
technical expertise.

We also recently announced our partnership with WATT Global Media to debut a Latin American
Poultry Summit in 2019. This event will build upon and expand the “Poultry Seminar in Spanish”
education program that has been conducted for several years, including the upcoming 2018 IPPE.
The summit will address leading technical topics covering live production and processing issues of
greatest priority to Latin American poultry and egg producers and processors. The evolution to the
Latin American Poultry Summit came as a result of feedback from attendees that the “Poultry Seminar
in Spanish” needed to expand to allow for more topics and attendee interaction with speakers, as
well as networking. Participants in our Foundation-sponsored International Student Program had
also requested opportunities to network with Latin American industry professionals. This new Latin
American Poultry Summit will meet these needs.

These programs are two examples of how our Association continues to evolve to meet the needs of
the industry. We appreciate the continued guidance of our board in evolving our programs. Further,
any member who sees a need in our four mission areas – research, education, communication,
technical assistance – that we can address, please contact me.

John Starkey, PE

                                                                                                          NOV/DEC 2017 I NEWS & VIEWS I 1
Latin American Poultry Summit to Debut at 2019 IPPE USPOULTRY and Foundation Approve 5,000 in New Research Grants Court Gives EPA More Time to ...
> I N T E R N A T I O N A L              P O U L T R Y         E X P O

Complimentary IPPE Registration Available
Through M2A Program; Deadline Dec. 31
                                                   and feed products, a variety of education
                                                   programs to cover all aspects of your
                                                   businesses, as well as endless opportunities
                                                   to network with your colleagues and friends
                                                   in the industry.

                                                   Details about the M2A program and a
                                                   complete schedule of events are available
                                                   at There is no limit to the
                                                   number of employees who can register from
 Brought to you by our Elite Sponsors,             one company under this program, but they
 the Members to Atlanta (M2A) program              must pre-register by Dec. 31. Beginning Jan.
 offers complimentary access to the 2018           1, 2018, registration rates for the show will
 International Production & Processing             be $100 per person. To avoid this charge,
 Expo (IPPE) and is available exclusively to       register now!
 the member companies of American Feed
 Industry Association (AFIA) (feed and pet food    The success of IPPE is due in large part
 manufacturers only), North American Meat          to USPOULTRY members sending their
 Institute (NAMI) (packer processors only) and     teams to IPPE. USPOULTRY members have
 U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY)        worked side-by-side with our Association,
 engaged in the production of feed, meat,          AFIA and NAMI to provide comprehensive
 poultry and egg products.                         education sessions, and there is something
                                                   for everyone. More than 1,200 suppliers have
 IPPE is the premier event for USPOULTRY and       also committed to bringing new technology
 will be packed with the largest display of        and interactive demonstrations for your team
 equipment, supplies and services used in the      to see and experience.
 production and processing of poultry, meat

 IPPE Represented at Latin American
 Poultry Congress
 Nath Morris, executive vice president - expo,
 and Rafael Rivera, manager of food safety
 and production programs, for USPOULTRY,
 represented IPPE at the XXV Latin American
 Poultry Congress from Sept. 26 - 29, in
 Guadalajara, Mexico.

 The Latin American Poultry Congress focused
 on agriculture, farming, poultry and birds, and
 mammals. The conference program included
 six plenary sessions and 45 lectures on current
 themes and situations, as well as global

                                                            Nath Morris and Rafael Rivera at the IPPE booth at the Latin American Poultry Congress

Latin American Poultry Summit to Debut at 2019 IPPE USPOULTRY and Foundation Approve 5,000 in New Research Grants Court Gives EPA More Time to ...
>    I N T E R N A T I O N A L            P O U L T R Y         E X P O

Latin American Poultry Summit to Debut
at 2019 IPPE
The International Poultry Expo (IPE) and WATT        president of WATT Global Media. “We look           industry that has served commercial poultry.
Global Media are pleased to announce the             forward to partnering with U.S. Poultry & Egg      Industria Avícola is the only monthly poultry
debut of the first Latin American Poultry Summit     Association and the IPE to co-produce and          publication of the entire region that reaches
during the 2019 IPPE. This event will build upon     expand on the programming to further broaden       an audience of more than 12,000 poultry
and expand the “Poultry Seminar in Spanish”          the education of this valuable market which        professionals in 40 countries.
education program that has been conducted for        we’ve collectively served for more than 60
several years, including the upcoming 2018 IPPE.     years.”                                            The 2018 IPPE will be held Jan. 30 – Feb.
The summit will address leading technical topics                                                        1, 2018. With the Super Bowl coming to
covering live production and processing issues       In addition to fostering domestic attendance,      Atlanta in 2019, the IPPE show dates have
of greatest priority to Latin American poultry and   IPPE actively seeks to bring in a diverse          been moved to Feb. 12 – 14, 2019. Mark your
egg producers and processors.                        international audience from around the world.      calendar to note this change in the IPPE trade
                                                     This was very apparent at the 2017 IPPE where      show schedule for 2019 only.
The program will have simultaneous translation       a new international attendee record was set
in Spanish, English and Portuguese for               with 8,018 visitors from 129 countries, with the
attendees. Along with speakers discussing            largest international representation from Latin
relevant topics affecting the Latin American         America.
poultry sector, lunch and a reception and dinner
will be offered. Special recognition will also be    Also certain to provide a draw for Latin
provided for the Latin American Hall of Fame         American poultry professionals is the well-
during the summit, founded and presented             established readership base for Industria
by WATT Global Media and Industria Avícola           Avícola. Founded in 1952, Industria Avícola is
magazine in 1987, to recognize people who have       the main publication of the Latin American
dedicated their lives to the advancement of the
poultry industry in Latin America. Additionally,
students and advisors participating in the
USPOULTRY Foundation International Student
Program will be recognized during the event.
This program, created four years ago, brings
approximately two dozen Latin American
students, with their advisors, to the IPPE

“We have received feedback from attendees
of the “Poultry Seminar in Spanish” that the
program needs to expand to allow for more
topics and attendee interaction with speakers,
as well as networking. Participants in our
Foundation-sponsored International Student
Program have also requested opportunities
to network with Latin American industry
professionals. We are pleased to offer the Latin
American Poultry Summit during the 2019
IPPE to address these identified needs of such
a vital component of our attendee base,” said
John Starkey, president of U.S. Poultry & Egg
Association (USPOULTRY), which produces the

“There is a need for deeper discussion of the
topics that impact the Latin American poultry
producers and processors,” stated Greg Watt,

                                                                                                         NOV/DEC 2017 I NEWS & VIEWS I 3
Latin American Poultry Summit to Debut at 2019 IPPE USPOULTRY and Foundation Approve 5,000 in New Research Grants Court Gives EPA More Time to ...
> I N T E R N A T I O N A L               P O U L T R Y        E X P O

2018 IPE Education Programs                                                                                               Sponsored by

MONDAY, Jan. 29                                     on the development of industry programs         and consultants address issues that contribute
Seminario Avícola en Español (Poultry               or tools to advance their aspirations of        to or create these new challenges.
Seminar in Spanish)                                 producing more protein in a sustainable
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.                                     fashion.
                                                                                                    THURSDAY, Feb. 1
$150 registration fee
                                                    Defend the Flock – Biosecurity Basics           Current Poultry Research and Findings:
                                                    for Poultry & Egg Producers and Live            Information You Need to Know to Help Your
This program, presented entirely in Spanish,
                                                    Operations Personnel                            Business
will discuss improvements in the areas
                                                    9 a.m. – 11 a.m.                                9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
of breeding, incubation, grow-out, egg
                                                    Included with registration                      Included with registration
production, processing, and health. Topics
include methods for efficient use of energy,
                                                    This first-time program will consist of four    This session will feature researchers providing
evaluation of production equipment,
                                                    speakers with expertise in egg biosecurity,     highlights from completed USPOULTRY-funded
management strategies to improve bird
                                                    turkey biosecurity, knowledge of the recent     research projects over the past year. The session
performance, and biosecurity.
                                                    avian influenza outbreaks, National Poultry     will focus on woody breast syndrome, humane
                                                    Improvement Plan biosecurity and the use of     depopulation methods and other poultry
                                                    hidden cameras in biosecurity.                  research.
Jan. 29 & Jan. 30
International Poultry Scientific Forum              WEDNESDAY, Jan. 31                              THURSDAY & FRIDAY,
Monday, Jan. 29, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.                    Poultry Market Intelligence Forum               Feb. 1 & Feb. 2
Tuesday, Jan. 30, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.                   9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.                             International Rendering Symposium:
$55 registration fee; $115 after Jan. 1             Included with registration                      Keeping Agriculture Sustainable
                                                                                                    Thursday, Feb. 1,12 – 5 p.m.
Sponsored by the Southern Poultry Science           A leading economist and industry experts        Friday, Feb. 2, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Society, the Southern Conference on Avian           will provide insights on how domestic and       $200 registration fee
Diseases and USPOULTRY. The forum presents          global economies and animal rights activists
information on industry topics such as              impact the poultry and egg industries. They     The U.S. rendering industry collects and safely
environmental management, nutrition,                will identify challenges facing the industry    processes more than 50 billion pounds of animal
physiology, pathology, processing and               and discuss how the U.S. and international      byproducts each year. Rendering converts
products, and avian diseases. Students with a       poultry industries are positioned to move       these materials into fats and proteins used in
valid student ID may register complimentary         forward in 2018.                                animal feed. The rendering industry provides
onsite. Price includes admission to the IPPE                                                        services for the safe collection of these materials
show floor.                                         Wastewater Treatment Challenges for the         and uses heat to dehydrate and separate the
                                                    Poultry and Egg Industry                        fat and solid materials. The rendering industry
                                                    9 a.m. – 12 p.m.                                is a green, sustainable, and vital part of the
TUESDAY, Jan. 30                                                                                    agricultural chain. This symposium will focus on
                                                    Included with registration
Animal Agriculture Sustainability Summit                                                            the opportunities and challenges to the industry
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.                                                                                    today.
                                                    Water is a necessary component of producing
Included with registration
                                                    a safe and wholesome source of protein.
                                                    While the poultry and the egg industry has
An ever-increasing population coupled
                                                    a long history of efficiently treating the
with a shrinking agricultural workforce has
                                                    wastewater generated in poultry and egg
compelled the animal agriculture industry to
                                                    processing plants, the industry consistently
make sustainability its top priority. Each animal
                                                    faces new challenges ranging from bacteria
agriculture sector has initiated an industry
                                                    thresholds in storm water to the carryover of
driven program to define sustainability and
                                                    antimicrobial compounds into wastewater
measure its commitment to become more
                                                    treatment plants. Attendees of this program
sustainable. Representatives of the beef, dairy,
                                                    will hear industry representatives, academia
pork and poultry industries will share details

Latin American Poultry Summit to Debut at 2019 IPPE USPOULTRY and Foundation Approve 5,000 in New Research Grants Court Gives EPA More Time to ...
>     I N T E R N A T I O N A L                   P O U L T R Y        E X P O

 2018 IPPE Schedule
LOCATION                                                                Monday, Jan. 29                                          Wednesday, Jan. 31(cont’d)
Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC)                7 a.m. - 5 p.m.   Attendee & Exhibitor Registration      8 - 10 a.m.         Robotics in the Meat & Poultry
285 Andrew Young International Blvd. N.W.                             open 		                                                    Industry, Room B404
Atlanta, GA 30313-1591 USA                                            B & C Building Registration Lobby      8 - 10 a.m.         Meat Quality Workshop: Taste the
+1.404.223.4000                                     7 a.m. - 6 p.m.   Attendee and Exhibitor, Scan-                              Beef, B401
                                                                      and-Go                                 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.    Feed Production Education
EXHIBIT HOURS                                                         Marriott Marquis Lobby                                     Program, Room B304/305
Tuesday, Jan. 30:   10 a.m. – 5 p.m.                8 a.m. - 5 p.m.   International Poultry Scientific       8 a.m. - 5 p.m.     Permit Required Confined Space:
Wednesday, Jan. 31: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.                                   Forum, Rooms B310 – B315                                   Train the Trainer, Room B402
Thursday, Feb. 1:   9 a.m. – 3 p.m.                 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.   Environmental Conference for           8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. College Student Career Program
                                                                      the Meat and Poultry Industry,                             Interviews
REGISTRATION                                                          Room B407                                                  Thomas Murphy Ballroom
Attendee Registration: B-Building and               8 a.m. - 5 p.m.   Worker Safety Conference for the       9 - 11:30 a.m.      Poultry Market Intelligence
C-Building Registration Lobby                                         Meat & Poultry Industry,                                   Forum, Room C202/204
Exhibitor Registration: B-Building and                                Room B405                              9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Wastewater Treatment
C-Building Registration Lobby                       9 p.m. - 5 p.m.   Seminario Avícola en Español,                              Challenges for the Poultry & Egg
Sunday, Jan. 28, 2018        12 – 5 p.m.                              Room A412                                                  Industry, Room C107
   (Exhibitor registration only on Sunday)          1 - 5 p.m.        Preventing & Responding to             10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. TECHTalks, Booths B8973, C1007
Monday, Jan. 29, 2018         7 a.m. – 5 p.m.                         Foreign Material Contamination         1 - 3 p.m.          Livestock Handling & Stunning
Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2018        7 a.m. – 5 p.m.                         Incidents, Room B403                                       to Optimize Animal Welfare and
Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2018 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.         1 - 5 p.m.        Pork 101 Workshop,                                         Regulatory Compliance, Room
Thursday, Feb. 1, 2018 7:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.                             Room B408                                                  B403
                                                                                                             2:30 - 4 p.m.       FSPCA Preventive Controls
FEES                                                                      Tuesday, Jan. 30                                       Qualified Individual Training for
On-site: IPPE: $100 USD                             7 a.m. - 5 p.m.     Attendee & Exhibitor Registration                        Animals, Room B301
International Poultry Scientific Forum:                                 open
$115 USD                                                                B & C Building Registration Lobby                        Thursday, Feb. 1
Grower Days: $5 USD (Any day with coupon)           7:30 - 11:30 a.m. Understanding and Achieving            7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Attendee & Exhibitor Registration
Lost Badge: $10 USD (Cash only)                                         Operation Excellence, Room                               open
Student: Complimentary with student ID                                  B404                                                     B & C Building Registration Lobby
There are no refunds/substitutions/name or          7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Pet Food Conference, Room             7 a.m. - 6 p.m.     FSPCA Preventive Controls
company changes on any badges.                                          B304/305                                                 Qualified Individual Training for
                                                    8 a.m. - 12 p.m.    Environmental Conference for                             Animals, Room B301
AIRPORT SHUTTLE (Thursday only)                                         the Meat and Poultry Industry,       8 - 10 a.m.         Get the Facts with Meat
A free shuttle service is offered from the                              Room B407                                                Mythcrushers, Room B409
Georgia World Congress Center to Hartsfield-        8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Worker Safety Conference for the        8 a.m. - 5 p.m.     Permit Required Confined Space:
Jackson Atlanta International Airport. The                              Meat & Poultry Industry,                                 Train the Trainer, Room B402
shuttle will begin after the close of the Expo on                       Room B405                            8:30 - 10 a.m.      Packaging Trends & Technologies
Thursday and will run until 4:30 p.m. Look for      8 a.m. - 2 p.m.     International Poultry Scientific                         Room B403
the airport shuttle signage.                                            Forum, Rooms B310 – B315             8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. College Student Career Program
                                                    8:30 - 10:30 a.m. Beef 101, Room B408                                        Interviews, Thomas Murphy
CUSTOMER CONNECTION CENTER                          8:30 - 10:30 a.m. Family Business Focus, Room B409                           Ballroom
Connector, between B-Building and                   9 a.m. - 12 p.m.    Defend the Flock - Biosecurity for   9 - 11:30 a.m.      Current Poultry Research and
C-Building                                                              Poultry & Egg Producers and Live                         Findings: Information You Need
This area is where exhibitors can meet                                  Operations, Room C208/210                                to Know to Help Your Business,
privately with customers.                           9 a.m. - 12 p.m.    Animal Agriculture Sustainability                        Booth C1007
                                                                        Summit, Room C107                    12 - 5 p.m.         International Rendering
WELCOME RECEPTION AT THE GEORGIA                    11 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. TECHTalks, Booths B8973, C1007                           Symposium 2018 (Day 1), Room
AQUARIUM                                            1 - 5 p.m.          College Student Career Program                           B203
Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2018, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.                                Thomas Murphy Ballroom
Complimentary tickets are required and              5: 30 - 7 p.m.      College Student Career Program                          Friday, Feb. 2
available in the B-Building lobby – tickets                             Opening Session / Keynote Address    8 a.m. - 1 p.m.    FSPCA Preventive Controls
are limited and distributed on a first-come,                            Thomas Murphy Ballroom                                  Qualified Individual Training for
first-served basis. The ticket counter opens                                                                                    Animals, Room B301
at noon on Monday, Jan. 29.                                                                                  9 a.m. - 12 p.m.   International Rendering
                                                                        Wednesday, Jan. 31
                                                                                                                                Symposium 2018 (Day 2), Room
                                                    7: 30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Attendee & Exhibitor                                    B203
                                                                        Registration open
                Sunday, Jan. 28
                                                                        B & C Building Registration Lobby
12 - 5 p.m.   Exhibitor Registration open           8 - 10 a.m.         Meat Industry Regulatory and
              B & C Building Registration Lobby                         Compliance Session, Room B408

                                                                                                                   NOV/DEC 2017 I NEWS & VIEWS I 5
Latin American Poultry Summit to Debut at 2019 IPPE USPOULTRY and Foundation Approve 5,000 in New Research Grants Court Gives EPA More Time to ...
> I N T E R N A T I O N A L                  P O U L T R Y          E X P O

 Poultry Growers Receive Special
 Discount at 2018 IPPE
                                                                                                                        and we urge poultry growers
                                                                                                                        to join us in Atlanta to see and
                                                                                                                        experience it all,” said IPPE show

                                                                                                                        Poultry growers can attend the
                                                                                                                        IPPE on Tuesday, Wednesday and
                                                                                                                        Thursday. Registration will begin
                                                                                                                        each morning at 7 a.m. at the
                                                                                                                        Georgia World Congress Center,
                                                                                                                        285 Andrew Young International
                                                                                                                        Blvd., in downtown Atlanta. A
                                                                                                                        completed registration form and
                                                                                                                        a 2018 Grower Days coupon are
                                                                                                                        required. Registration forms will
                                                                                                                        be located at the Expo and should
 Poultry growers are invited to attend the 2018         “We encourage growers to take advantage             be completed on-site. Coupons are available
 International Production & Processing Expo             of this opportunity to attend IPPE at such          through state poultry organizations.
 (IPPE) with a special registration fee of only $5      a wonderful price. They will see the newest
 (on-site only), a terrific savings of $95! IPPE will   innovations and technology and have the
 be held at the Georgia World Congress Center           ability to attend a wide range of education
 in Atlanta from Jan. 30 – Feb. 1, 2018.                sessions. There is a lot to see and do at IPPE,

 IPPE Providing Free Bus Service from Field
 Free bus service from field operations will            more than 260 people from 11 poultry                three trade shows—International Feed Expo,
 again be available for the upcoming 2018               complexes as far away as North Carolina             International Poultry Expo and International
 International Production & Processing Expo             took advantage of the bus program. The              Meat Expo—representing the entire chain
 (IPPE). Company employees and contract                 program is available to any location within an      of protein production and processing. More
 producers of companies actively involved in            approximate three-hour drive from Atlanta.          information about IPPE, including registration
 the production and processing of poultry and                                                               details, lodging and education offerings, is
 meat or the production of animal/poultry               “We strongly encourage company managers             available at
 feed, who are also members of the U.S. Poultry         to take advantage of the free IPPE bus
 & Egg Association (USPOULTRY), American                program,” said IPPE show organizers. “The bus       For companies that are interested in taking
 Feed Industry Association (AFIA) and North             program makes it simple and convenient for          advantage of the bus program, please contact
 American Meat Institute (NAMI), are eligible to        their employees and growers to attend the           Larry Brown at (678) 514-1985 or via email at
 participate.                                           Expo at no cost. This is a first-rate opportunity
                                                        to see and experience the latest innovations
 Complimentary registration for IPPE will be            in poultry, meat and feed production and
 provided through the Members to Atlanta                processing. It is also a unique and cost-
 (M2A) Program. Buses will pick up employees            effective way of recognizing employees and
 and growers at a location selected by the              acknowledging the role of producers.”
 company, travel to the Expo and return
 the same afternoon. There is no cost to the            IPPE is expected to attract more than
 company or the individuals. At the 2017 IPPE,          30,000 attendees and is a collaboration of

Latin American Poultry Summit to Debut at 2019 IPPE USPOULTRY and Foundation Approve 5,000 in New Research Grants Court Gives EPA More Time to ...
>   A S S O C I A T I O N

 USPOULTRY and Foundation Approve
 $355,000 in New Research Grants
USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Harold E.              The research grants and institutions include the
Ford Foundation (USPOULTRY Foundation)             following.
have approved $355,000 for seven new
research grants at five institutions. The          A Single Step Poultry Wastewater Remediation
research funding was approved by the boards        for In Situ Recovery of Potable Water and
of directors of both organizations, based          Value-Added Products
on recommendations from the Foundation             University of Kansas (research grant made
Research Advisory Committee.                       possible in part by an endowing Foundation gift
                                                   from Pilgrim’s)
The Foundation Research Advisory
Committee evaluates research proposals             Improved Fly Control on Poultry Facilities with
to determine their value to the industry           Microbial Products
and then makes recommendations to the              Penn State University (research grant made
boards for funding. Committee members              possible in part by an endowing Foundation gift
are professional specialists from member           from Midwest Poultry Services)
companies representing different segments
of the poultry and egg industry with               Improving Cold Weather Foam Depopulation
expertise in a variety of disciplines.             Operation
                                                   University of Delaware (research grant made
The Association’s comprehensive research           possible in part by an endowing Foundation gift
program dates back to the early 1960s              from Mountaire Farms)
when funds were first approved for poultry
disease research. It gradually grew into           Evaluation of the Combined Effects of Air
an all-inclusive program incorporating             Movement and Reduced house Relative
all phases of poultry and egg production           Humidity on Bird Health and Welfare in the
and processing. Since the inception of             Early Phase of Commercial Broiler Production
the research program, USPOULTRY and its            University of Georgia (research grant made
Foundation have reinvested more than $30           possible in part by an endowing Foundation gift
million dollars into the industry in the form of   from Wayne Farms)
research grants, with the International Poultry
Expo, part of the International Production &       Nutritional Strategies to Reduce the Incidence
Processing Expo (IPPE), as the primary source      of Wooden Breast in Pectoralis Major Muscles
for the funding. More than 50 universities         in Broiler Chickens
and federal and state facilities have received     Auburn University (research grant made possible
grants over the years.                             in part by an endowing Foundation gift from
                                                   Peco Foods)
“Research continues to be an important
component of USPOULTRY’s and the                   Potential Impact of Litter Quality on E. coli-
Foundation’s service to the industry, as           Associated Cellulitis in Production Turkeys in
we have now crossed the $30,000,000                Iowa
threshold in reinvesting back in the industry      University of Georgia (research grant made
through research. The Foundation Research          possible in part by an endowing Foundation gift
Advisory Committee is the core of the              from the Cooper Family Foundation)
research program with committee members
providing numerous hours studying and              Developing and Validating a Bioelectrical
evaluating research proposals before making        Impedance Index for Rapid Detection of
recommendations for funding. We sincerely          Woody Breast Fillets
appreciate and value their excellent work,”        Auburn University (research grant made possible
said Jerry Moye, retired president, Cobb-          in part by an endowing Foundation gift from
Vantress, and USPOULTRY chairman.                  Claxton Poultry)

                                                                                                      NOV/DEC 2017 I NEWS & VIEWS I 7
Latin American Poultry Summit to Debut at 2019 IPPE USPOULTRY and Foundation Approve 5,000 in New Research Grants Court Gives EPA More Time to ...
>     A S S O C I A T I O N

    Research Results

Foundation announce the completion of
two funded research projects. The projects
are part of the Association’s extensive             Research Shows Limited Effectiveness for
research program encompassing all                   Two Darkling Beetle Control Products
phases of poultry and egg production and
processing. Brief summaries are shown               Project #BRF003: Development of
here. The complete reports, along with              Improved Integrated Pest Management
information on other Association research,          Programs to Control Vectors of Salmonella
may be obtained by going to USPOULTRY’s             on Hen Farms
                                                    (Dr. Nancy Hinkle and Dr. Brian Fairchild,
Research Rules Out Possible Kinky Back              University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.)
                                                    Dr. Nancy Hinkle and Dr. Brian Fairchild, from
Project #688: Efficacy of Breeder Hen               the University of Georgia, recently completed
Vaccination for Protecting Broilers from            a research project in which they evaluated
Enterococcal Spondylitis Caused by                  two products for the control of darkling
Enterococcus cecorum                                beetles. The products they evaluated were
                                                    diatomaceous earth and a fungus, which is
(Dr. Luke Borst, North Carolina State University,   pathogenic for insects, Beauveria bassiana.
Raleigh, N.C.)                                      They found that neither product was highly
                                                    effective against either the larval or adult
Dr. Luke Borst and colleagues at the College        stages of the darkling beetle. Likewise, when
of Veterinary Medicine at North Carolina            used together the effectiveness of the two
State University recently completed a               products was not significantly enhanced.
research project in which they developed
an experimental vaccine to protect broilers         The research was made possible in part by an
against developing “kinky back.” Kinky back is a    endowing Foundation gift from CCF Brands.
bacterial disease that affects the spinal column
of broilers and causes paralysis. The vaccine
was used in broiler breeder hens to induce
maternal antibody levels needed to provide
protection to broilers. Although the vaccine
induced antibody in the hens, the antibody
failed to protect the broiler progeny of those
hens against development of the disease.

    8 I NEWS & VIEWS I NOV/DEC 2017
>    A S S O C I A T I O N

Poultry Industry Continues to Improve
Worker Safety Record
The incidence of occupational injuries and          made in improving safety for its workforce.       Turkey Federation. Collectively, the three
illnesses within the poultry sector’s slaughter                                                       organizations represent companies that
and processing workforce has fallen by 82           “Employee safety is of utmost importance. The     produce 95 percent of the nation’s poultry
percent over the last 20 years and continues to     poultry industry continues to concentrate its     products and directly employ more than
decline according to the 2016 Injury and Illness    efforts on the prevention of workplace injuries   350,000 workers.
Report recently released by the Department of       and illnesses, especially musculoskeletal
Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).           disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome, by         “The poultry industry has been diligent
                                                    recognizing the benefit of implementing           in reducing recordable injuries and
The total recordable poultry processing illness     ergonomics and medical intervention               illnesses for decades,” said John Starkey,
and injury rate for 2016 was 4.2 cases per 100      principles, while continually effecting new       USPOULTRY president. “This most recent
full-time workers (per year), down from 4.3         technology and automation in the workplace,”      data acknowledges the excellent safety
in 2015. The poultry industry’s rate of 4.2 was     said the Joint Industry Safety and Health         performance achievements the poultry
below the rate of 6.9 for similar agricultural      Council in a statement regarding the report’s     industry has accomplished. We will continue
industries in terms of injuries per 100 full time   release. “Though the past two decades have        to implement additional practices and tools
workers and lower than the rate of 4.7 for the      shown a remarkable decrease in the numbers        to further protect the people that work
entire food manufacturing sector.                   and rates of injury and illnesses, the poultry    hard every day in our plants to provide
                                                    industry is dedicated to pursuing new and         high-quality, safe and nutritious protein for
Poultry processing’s 2016 rate of 4.2 represents    inventive ways to safeguard our workforce.”       consumers.”
an 82 percent decrease from 1994 (the oldest
data available on the BLS website), when the        The Joint Industry Safety and Health Council
recorded rate was 22.7, demonstrating the           consists of members from USPOULTRY, the
immense advancements the industry has               National Chicken Council and the National

Court Gives EPA More Time to Provide Reporting
Assistance to Poultry and Egg Producers
The District of Columbia Court of Appeals           the National Response Commission (NRC)            that they are truly required to report rather
issued a court order granting a request by          reporting system’s incapacity to handle the       than speculate. We also hope the additional
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),          thousands of calls that will accompany a          time will give the NRC a chance to upgrade
USPOULTRY and the National Pork Producers           reporting mandate of this type.                   their system to handle the increased call
Council (NPPC) to extend the stay that delays                                                         volume this reporting requirement will
the requirement for farms to report airborne        “We are pleased with the court’s order to         certainly bring,” commented John Starkey,
emission of ammonia that is generated as            extend the stay. We are hopeful this pause        USPOULTRY president.
manure naturally breaks down. The request for       will allow for meaningful engagement by all
an extension came after EPA issued preliminary      stakeholders,” commented Jerry Moye, retired
guidance that acknowledged reporting by             president, Cobb-Vantress, and USPOULTRY
poultry and egg farmers was hindered by a           chairman.
lack of scientifically based information that
would allow them to estimate emissions from         “We are pleased the court recognized the
their farms.                                        untenable position poultry and egg producers
                                                    were forced into from not having an emission
The court’s order granting the extension also       estimation methodology backed by sound
recognized a brief submitted by USPOULTRY           science. Hopefully, this extension of time
and NPPC that provided further rationale for        will allow the Agency to develop additional
extending the stay. This brief demonstrated         guidance that gives our farmers certainty

                                                                                                        NOV/DEC 2017 I NEWS & VIEWS I 9
>      A S S O C I A T I O N

    USPOULTRY Releases White Paper on How
    the Poultry Industry Benefits Employees,
    Communities and Consumers
    USPOULTRY has released a white paper,
    titled “Providing Protein, Enriching Lives,”
    that highlights the multiple ways the poultry
    industry benefits employees, communities
    and consumers. Protein is essential in our
    diets, and the poultry industry is doing more
    than just providing a meat product. The white
    paper features expertise and data used from
    members, economic studies and government

    The document details different ways the
    poultry industry positively affects the lives
    of consumers from a nutritional standpoint,
    including nutrition and affordability. The white
    paper also examines the job opportunities the
    industry provides, such as offering competitive
    wages with benefits in communities. The
    poultry industry has continued to be a growth
    industry, typically located where other
    industries have contracted or disappeared
    altogether. Numerous testimonials from
    poultry industry employees are included
    in the document showing the growth and
    advancement opportunities that are available.

                                                       The poultry industry’s efforts to create a safe   includes the white paper and suggested
                                                       workplace is additionally highlighted within      Facebook and Twitter social media posts, as a
                                                       the white paper. Within poultry processing        resource to its members to demonstrate how
                                                       plants, the occurrence of occupational injury     the poultry industry is an important aspect of
                                                       and illness has decreased by more than 80         the food supply system by providing a broad
                                                       percent in the last 20 years. While it is now     range of healthy protein options that are
                                                       in line with “all manufacturing,” the industry    available and affordable to consumers on all
                                                       continues to look for ways to improve.            levels. The poultry industry is also important
                                                       Providing a safe workplace is important,          to today’s economy as it offers well paying,
                                                       because poultry companies are members             stable jobs, competitive benefits and unlimited
                                                       of the community. In addition to providing        opportunities for advancement,” remarked
                                                       jobs and a safe working environment,              John Starkey, president of USPOULTRY.
                                                       poultry companies make a positive economic
                                                       impact on the local communities in which          Questions about information related to
                                                       they operate, through revenue generated,          the white paper can be directed to Matt
                                                       donations to local service providers and          Spencer, director of HR & safety programs, at
                                                       organizations, and service projects.    

                                                       “USPOULTRY is providing this white paper,
                                                       along with a corresponding toolkit that

>    A S S O C I A T I O N

USPOULTRY Research Program Reaches
$30 Million in Funding
USPOULTRY’s research program has passed            disciplines and additionally have had              generated through the International Poultry
a noteworthy milestone. Combined with the          extensive industry experience with a solid         Expo, part of the International Production
USPOULTRY Foundation, more than $30 million        grasp on overall issues affecting the industry,”   & Processing Expo, and the remaining half
has been funded in research grants to meet         commented Jerry Moye, retired president,           from the Foundation. Our successful one
the challenges facing the poultry and egg          Cobb-Vantress, and USPOULTRY chairman.             time, capital campaign that concluded in
industry. Since the first $5,000 grant awarded     “They dedicate numerous hours to determine         2015 really helped enable us to return to
in 1963 to Dr. Allen Edgar at Auburn University    the relative value of competing research           funding $1 million a year in research, which
to study control measures for infectious bursal    proposals before making recommendations to         is one of the pledges we made to donors
disease (Gumboro), USPOULTRY’s investment          the board for funding. Their commitment and        during the campaign,” remarked Paul
in research has been a significant factor in       expertise make the program the most viable         Hill, West Liberty Foods, and USPOULTRY
the growth and prosperity of the U.S. poultry      and extensive operational research effort in       Foundation chairman. “We remain grateful
industry.                                          the poultry and egg industry.”                     to the many companies and individuals who
                                                                                                      contributed to the campaign, allowing the
The research program also continues to evolve.     “Research is one of the four key missions of       Foundation to raise almost $11 million. This
The Board Research Initiative was created          USPOULTRY’s service to the industry,” said         has also given us the ability to establish the
in 2013 by the boards of both organizations        John Starkey, USPOULTRY president. “Our            Emergency Research Program, which funded
to address specific issues identified by the       Association and Foundation are committed to        $550,000 in HPAI research in 2015 and just
directors. It operates concurrently with the       continue growing the research program and to       funded another $125,000 HPAI project as a
traditional research funding, referred to as       addressing the needs of the poultry industry.      follow-up.”
the Comprehensive Research Program, in             We are pleased to have achieved $30 million in
which proposals are submitted for funding          research funding, but even more pleased with       The USPOULTRY research program is under
consideration. Research topics for the             the issues the program has addressed over the      the direction of Dr. John Glisson, vice
Comprehensive Program are available on             years.”                                            president of research. He can be reached at
the USPOULTRY website,                                                   
A third component is Emergency Research            “For the last several years, about half of the
Funding, allocated when an exceptional             research funding has come from revenue
need arises, such as the 2015-2016 highly
pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak.

Currently, funding for the Comprehensive
Research program is appropriated in 19 topic
areas at research institutions throughout the
nation. The research encompasses all phases
of poultry and egg production and processing
and is updated every two years with input from
the boards and other USPOULTRY committees.
The current research priorities include animal
welfare, broiler/turkey breeder management,
broiler management, commercial egg
production, diseases, employee safety and
health, environmental management, feed mill
operations, food safety, further processing,
genetics, hatchery management, human
nutrition, live haul, poultry nutrition, poultry
housing, pullet management, breeder
replacement management and processing.

“The Foundation Research Advisory
Committee is the cornerstone of the research
program. Committee members are specialists
representing a broad spectrum of scientific

                                                                                                       NOV/DEC 2017 I NEWS & VIEWS I 11
>      A S S O C I A T I O N

Wooden Breast Condition in Broilers
    Over the past few years an economically            broilers from the 1950s. The broilers used           The cause of the phlebitis in the breast
    important muscle condition affecting the           represented the three major genetic lines            tissue of young birds, which initiates the
    breast muscle of broiler chickens, usually         used in the United States and the Athens             cascade of events causing wooden breast,
    called “wooden or woody breast,” has emerged       Canadian Random Bred (ACRB) line, which is a         is not known. The University of Delaware
    in the broiler industry. The condition is          line of chickens used to maintain the genetics       research indicated that there may be an
    characterized by hard, chewy areas in the          of 1950s broilers. They found that wooden            underlying malfunction of fat metabolism
    breast meat. Affected breast meat is unsuitable    breast was present in all major modern breeds        in affected broilers. The research from North
    to be used as breast fillets. Another condition    at approximately the same prevalence. In             Carolina State University showed that the
    of the breast muscle, called “white striping,”     addition, they found no difference in the rate       initial inflammation of the veins looks very
    has appeared as a problem in the broiler           of occurrence of the condition in male and           similar to inflammation caused by a virus.
    industry. Little is known about the cause of       female broilers. Most surprisingly, they showed      All of these leads are being followed. In the
    these conditions and whether they are related.     that the condition was present in the ACRB           meantime, the primary broiler breeding
    This has stimulated the poultry industry to        broilers but the condition was much milder.          companies are working diligently to reduce
    conduct research to determine the cause and        Microscopically, the initial phlebitis can be        the occurrence of this condition in their
    find solutions. Much of the research has been      seen in the breast muscle tissue of the ACRB         broiler lines through selective breeding.
    funded by USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY              broilers, but the process does not progress          The key to eliminating this condition from
    Foundation. Some projects are still in progress    to widespread damage to the muscle tissue.           the modern production system is the
    while others have been completed; and we           The North Carolina State University research         thorough understanding of the condition
    have already gained some very important new        also confirms the report from the University         and its cause. As the poultry industry has
    insight on these conditions.                       of Delaware that the initial process begins          successfully done with so many other new
                                                       with inflammation of the small veins in the          diseases or conditions, new knowledge
    Dr. Benham Abasht and colleagues at the            breast muscle and can be found as early as           gained through research will be used to
    University of Delaware, Department of Animal       two weeks of age. Dr. Barnes and his group           implement solutions.
    and Food Sciences, established the sequence        suggest a new name for this condition, broiler
    of events that leads to the formation of           breast myopathy (BBM), which reflects the new        USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation
    wooden breast. Studying the breast tissue of       understanding of the nature of this condition.       have funded eight research projects on
    broiler chickens at various ages, they found                                                            wooden breast. Three of those projects
    that the early lesions of the condition could      So, what do we know so far? It appears that          have been completed, and five others are
    be found in broilers as early as two weeks         the small veins which drain the blood supply         in progress. As each project is completed
    of age. The first indication of a problem is       from the breast muscle become inflamed at a          we learn more and more about these breast
    inflammation of the small veins (phlebitis)        very early age. It is likely that this impedes the   myopathy conditions. The accumulated
    in the breast muscle, which can be seen            flow of blood to the breast muscle. The breast       knowledge gained through these research
    microscopically in breast tissue of two week       muscle is growing rapidly in young broilers          efforts will lead to a better understanding
    old birds. This inflammation is characterized by   and requires a large and constant blood              of wooden breast and white striping and
    fat infiltration into the areas surrounding the    supply. Any interruption of blood supply to          provide pathways to solutions.
    veins. By three weeks of age the muscle tissue     the breast tissue causes the cells of the breast
    in affected areas begins to degenerate and die,    tissue to become sick and eventually die.            Dr. John Glisson
    which is then followed by a process of healing     These areas of dead muscle cells are gradually       Vice President of Research
    that fills in much of the damaged areas with       replaced by fibrous tissue causing the affected
    fibrous tissue, somewhat similar to the process    muscle to become hard. Additional space from
    of scarring. This continues until the time of      lost muscle can fill with fat, which helps explain
    slaughter. In general, the longer the broiler      the relationship between wooden breast and
    lives the more apparent the fibrous tissue         white striping. They appear to represent two
    replacement in the breast muscle becomes,          presentations of the same condition. Muscle
    until at some point it becomes obviously hard      hardness appears to plateau at 7-8 weeks of
    to consumers.                                      age and remains largely unchanged after that.
                                                       This condition is found in all major broiler
    In another project, researchers at North           breeds, males and females, and appears to
    Carolina State University, led by Dr. John         have been in broiler lines dating back to at
    Barnes, looked at the occurrence of wooden         least the 1950s.
    breast in modern genetic lines of broilers and

>    A S S O C I A T I O N

Poultry Industry’s Injuries and Incident
Rates Drop, but Focus Still Needed
The total recordable poultry processing              signaled an openess to work with labor and
illness, and injury rate for 2016 was 4.2 cases      industry to futher enhance worker safety.
per 100 full-time workers (per year), down
from 4.3 in 2015, as released by the BLS. The        In November 2017, Scott Mugno, vice
poultry industry’s rate of 4.2 was below the         president for safety, sustainability and
rate of 6.9 for similar agricultural industries in   vehicle maintenance for FedEx Ground, was
terms of injuries per 100 full time workers and      nominated as President Trump’s Assistant
lower than the rate of 4.7 for the entire food       Secretary of Labor for OSHA. Mugno is
manufacturing sector.                                currently the chairman of the research advisory
                                                     committee of the American Transportation
These reductions are due in no small part to         Research Institute, as well as the chairman
effective industry programs, including better        of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce OSHA
ergonomic workplace design, employee                 subcommittee. Mugno, an attorney, has
training and early medical intervention              worked in industry for more than 30 years. His
programs. Still, there must be a focus on            nomination shows evidence that he will drive
reducing these injury and incident rates even        to enhance worker-protection regulations with
further. This includes focusing on the reduction     input from all affected parties. In 2006, Mugno
of high severity injuries involving energized        told the publication Business Insurance, “We’ve
equipment, in addition to reducing slip, trip,       got to free OSHA from its own statutory and
and fall incidents and chemical exposure             regulatory handcuffs.”
during sanitation and production. The industry
must also focus on forming cooperative               Working closely with the Joint Poultry
agreements with the new administration at the        Industry Safety & Health Council, consisting
Occupational Safety and Health Administration        of members from USPOULTRY, the National
(OSHA). The current administration has               Chicken Council and the National Turkey

                                                                                                       Federation, we will reach out to Mugno and
                                                                                                       his staff to form cooperative agreements to
                                                                                                       improve safety in the poultry industry. These
                                                                                                       proposed agreements could focus on topics
                                                                                                       such as the Regional Emphasis program,
                                                                                                       including ergonomics, LockOut/TagOut
                                                                                                       (LOTO), machine guarding, carbon dioxide,
                                                                                                       carbon monoxide sanitation and microbial
                                                                                                       intervention chemicals. These cooperative
                                                                                                       agreements can also serve to dispel some
                                                                                                       public misconceptions around topics such as
                                                                                                       access to toilet and sanitary facilities.

                                                                                                       Matt Spencer
                                                                                                       Director, HR & Safety Programs

                                                                                                        NOV/DEC 2017 I NEWS & VIEWS I 13
> A S S O C I A T I O N

 Is the Industry Doing Enough to Pass Food Safety
 Lessons Learned Down to the New Generation of
 The poultry industry is going through a             mid-1990s. This change is not only occurring        We need to ensure the industry is doing
 noticeable change in leadership. New faces          within the industry, it is also happening at the    enough to pass this knowledge to the
 are starting to emerge, and it is just a sign       federal government level as well. It is important   next generation of food safety experts.
 that a generational change within the               to discuss that this mega regulation brought a      We must avoid the consequences of not
 industry is occurring. The food safety world        great amount of change to the industry. Before      teaching new leadership the lessons
 is no exception, and this change was well           this rule, food safety was assessed by a series     learned. Otherwise, the mistakes from the
 portrayed during the last public meeting            of visual inspections of facilities and products    past will be repeated and, in the end, the
 on whole genome sequencing hosted by                in order to deem poultry products fit for           needle towards making food safer than
 the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food           human consumption. PR/HACCP replaced this           it is today will not move. Thinking about
 Safety and Inspection Service. The meeting          initial system with a science-based approach        WGS technology, potentially how precise
 discussed practices and plans for collecting        where the safety of food was determined by          and frequent outbreak investigations could
 and analyzing whole genome sequence (WGS)           controlling hazards, most of which we cannot        become, the discussion of lessons learned
 data, in addition to the state of the science and   see with the naked eye.                             from HACCP needs to occur. This will only
 other issues surrounding this technology. What                                                          help the industry avoid repeating prior
 really stood out is the mix of experienced and      We can debate whether HACCP in its purest           discussions and wasting time reinventing
 new leaders that were in attendance.                form was ever completely implemented, but we        the wheel, rather than focusing to reach the
                                                     can observe the progress that has been made         next level of food safety management.
 Discussion of meat industry foodborne               over the last two decades. This rule has gone
 disease outbreak investigations using WGS           through changes over the years as a product
 demonstrated the change occurring in the            of the conversations industry and government        Rafael Rivera
 industry where young leaders are beginning          leaders have had as together we learned more        Manager, Food Safety & Production
 to replace the existing leadership that went        on how to best control hazards.                     Programs
 through the original “Pathogen Reduction/                                                     
 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points”        The history and knowledge produced from
 (PR/HACCP) mega regulation established in the       these discussions is potentially at risk today.

>    E D U C A T I O N

Poultry Protein & Fat Seminar
Efficiencies in Rendering Highlighted and
Industry Tours Offered
                                                  that can be used to determine if facilities      addressed several techniques and methods
                                                  would benefit from adding personal protective    that will help prevent failure to properly
                                                  equipment to their safety programs to help       refrigerate food, inadequate cleaning
                                                  offset the costs of injuries in the workplace.   of vehicles between loads and failure
                                                                                                   to properly protect food. She provided
                                                  Clifford Lange, associate professor at Auburn    information on groups affected by the rule
                                                  University, examined the effects of quaternary   that have collaborated to produce guidance
                                                  ammonia compounds (QAC) on wastewater            documents on industry best practices and
                                                  operations. Lange focused on the species and     training materials relating to the final rule
                                                  quantities of quaternary ammonia compounds       that was enacted in 2016.
                                                  that can be found in poultry wastewater and
                                                  rendering effluents. He emphasized the effects   Other topics covered included challenges
                                                  of these QAC’s within aerobic and anaerobic      with peroxide testing, types and uses of
                                                  wastewater treatment processes, followed by      magnets in processing, costs of water in raw
                                                  recommendations on how to reduce them in         materials, wastewater treatment challenges,
                                                  wastewater.                                      sanitary transportation and more.

                                                  Michele Sayles, executive director of food
                                                  safety and quality with Diamond Pet
                                                  Food, discussed case studies on sanitary
                  James Howry
                                                  transportation and adhering to Food Safety
         Georgia Tech Research Institute          Modernization Act regulations associated
                                                  with the Safety Transportation Rule. Sayles

USPOULTRY’s 2017 Poultry Protein & Fat
Seminar brought together rendering
professionals in Kansas City, Mo., to learn
about industry-related topics covering
areas such as wastewater treatment
challenges, sanitary transportation and the
cost of safety incidents. Also as part of the
seminar, attendees were able to tour nearby
equipment manufacturing companies that
gave overviews of the processes involved
when equipment is sent in for rebuild and
answered questions about preventative
maintenance tips and techniques for optimal
equipment operations.

During his presentation on the “True Cost
of Safety Incidents,” James Howry, principle
research associate with the Georgia Tech
Research Institute, provided a realistic view
of the direct and indirect costs associated
with injuries that occur in the workplace.
Medical expenses, legal services and worker’s
compensation costs are just a few of the
expenses that come along with avoidable
                                                                                           Michele Sayles
injuries or fatal accidents. Howry stressed the                                          Diamond Pet Food
importance of a return on investment formula

                                                                                                    NOV/DEC 2017 I NEWS & VIEWS I 15
>     A S S O C I A T I O N

    USPOULTRY Foundation and the Poultry Science
    Association Foundation Jointly Announce
    Inaugural M.S. & Ph.D. Student Career Fair
                                                    and nutrition. The target participants are post-     scholarships, and through M.S. and Ph.D.
                                                    doctoral and early Ph.D. students.                   Fellowships supported by Foundation donors
                                                                                                         through grants or endowments.
                                                    USPOULTRY, through the USPOULTRY
                                                    Foundation, hosts a well-established and highly      “Utilizing the strengths and resources of
                                                    successful College Student Career Program            PSA and the USPOULTRY Foundation, this
                                                    during IPPE. The integral components of              new program will target post-doctoral and
    The USPOULTRY Foundation and the Poultry        this outstanding program include interview           Ph.D. students,” said Jerry Moye, USPOULTRY
    Science Association Foundation (PSA             opportunities with member companies and              Foundation incoming chairman, who also
    Foundation) are pleased to announce the         exhibitors for summer internship employment          serves on the PSA Foundation Board. “This
    jointly sponsored inaugural M.S. & Ph.D.        and entry level career positions for B.S. and M.S.   is a great service our two organizations can
    Student Career Fair which will be held during   students seeking employment in the poultry           provide to the poultry and allied industry,
    the International Production & Processing       production, processing and allied supplier           particularly those with needs in genetics,
    Expo (IPPE), scheduled for Jan. 30 – Feb., 1,   industry.                                            health, pharmaceutical and nutrition fields.
    2018, at the Georgia World Congress Center in                                                        Further, this opportunity is provided in
    Atlanta, Ga.                                    The Poultry Science Association (PSA) provides       one place at one time in conjunction with
                                                    a career program focused primarily on                the IPSF, conveniently benefiting these
    The Career Fair will be held on Monday, Jan.    academic career opportunities for graduate           exceptional students and industry companies
    29, in conjunction with the International       students, both M.S. and Ph.D., through the           seeking talented employees to provide for
    Poultry Scientific Forum (IPSF). This unique    PSA website. The effort is supported by the          their next generation of scientific leadership.”
    program is designed to better serve             PSA Hatchery, which is PSA’s graduate student
    USPOULTRY member companies and allied           organization and the PSA Foundation primarily        Inquiries about the career fair should be
    suppliers, particularly involving, but not      through the Giesen Internship Program for            directed to Barbara Jenkins, vice president of
    limited to, technology driven companies such    aspiring graduate students in conjunction with       education and student programs at
    as those in genetics, health, pharmaceutical    industry partners, endowed undergraduate   

You can also read