Laparoscopic treatment of isolated superficial peritoneal endometriosis for managing chronic pelvic pain in women: study protocol for a randomised ...

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Whitaker et al. Pilot and Feasibility Studies       (2021) 7:19

 STUDY PROTOCOL                                                                                                                                    Open Access

Laparoscopic treatment of isolated
superficial peritoneal endometriosis for
managing chronic pelvic pain in women:
study protocol for a randomised controlled
feasibility trial (ESPriT1)
Lucy H. R. Whitaker1, Ann Doust1, Jacqueline Stephen2, John Norrie2, Kevin Cooper3, Jane Daniels4,
Lone Hummelshoj5, Emma Cox6, Laura Beatty7, Patrick Chien8, Mayank Madhra9, Katy Vincent10
and Andrew W. Horne1*

  Background: Endometriosis (where endometrial-like tissue is found outside the uterus) affects ~ 176 million
  women worldwide and can lead to debilitating pelvic pain. Three subtypes of endometriosis exist, with ~ 80% of
  women having superficial peritoneal endometriosis (SPE). Endometriosis is diagnosed by laparoscopy and, if SPE is
  found, gynaecologists usually remove it surgically. However, many women get limited pain relief from surgical
  removal of SPE. We plan to undertake a future large trial where women who have only SPE found at initial
  laparoscopy are randomly allocated to have surgical removal (excision or ablation) of SPE, or not. Ultimately, we
  want to determine whether surgical removal improves overall symptoms and quality of life, or whether surgery is of
  no benefit, exacerbates symptoms, or even causes harm. The primary objective of this feasibility study is to
  determine what proportion of women with suspected SPE undergoing diagnostic laparoscopy will agree to
  randomisation. The secondary objectives are to determine if there are differences in key prognostic parameters
  between eligible women that agree to be randomised and those that decline; how many women having
  laparoscopy for investigation of chronic pelvic pain are eligible for the trial; the range of treatment effects and
  variability in outcomes and the most acceptable methods of recruitment, randomisation and assessment tools.
  Methods: We will recruit up to 90 women with suspected SPE undergoing diagnostic laparoscopy over a 9-month
  recruitment period in four Scottish hospitals and randomise them 1:1 to either diagnostic laparoscopy alone (with a
  sham port to achieve blinding of the allocation) or surgical removal of endometriosis. Baseline characteristics, e.g.
  age, index of social deprivation, ethnicity, and intensity/duration of pain will be collected. Participants will be
  followed up by online questionnaires assessing pain, physical and emotional function at baseline, 3 months, 6
  months and 12 months.
  (Continued on next page)

* Correspondence:
 MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh
EH16 4TJ, UK
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Whitaker et al. Pilot and Feasibility Studies   (2021) 7:19                                                       Page 2 of 8

  (Continued from previous page)
  Discussion: Recruitment to a randomised controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of surgery for endometriosis
  may be challenging because of preconceived ideas about treatment success amongst patients and clinicians. We
  have designed this study to assess feasibility of recruitment and to inform the design of our future definitive trial.
  Trial registration:, NCT04081532
  Status: Recruiting
  Keywords: Chronic pelvic pain, Surgery, Excision, Ablation, Feasibility trial, Placebo

Background                                                       review of ‘laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis’, the
Endometriosis is a chronic oestrogen-dependent condi-            authors conclude that laparoscopic removal improves
tion that affects an estimated 176 million women world-          ‘condition-associated pain’ (cited as ‘better’ or im-
wide [1]. It is defined by the presence of endometrial-          proved’) compared to diagnostic laparoscopy alone at 6
like tissue (‘lesions’) outside the uterus [2]. It is now gen-   months (OR 6.58, 95% CI 3.31 to 13.10) [7]. Yet, this
erally accepted that there are three endometriosis sub-          conclusion is based on data from only three randomised
types (‘superficial peritoneal’ or ‘SPE’, ‘ovarian’, and         controlled trials (RCT), only one of which blinded the
‘deep’). Endometriosis is associated with debilitating pel-      participants to their allocation, with a total of just 171
vic pain and/or infertility and the socioeconomic costs          participants as well as an amalgam of different subtypes
of endometriosis in the UK are ~ £8.2 billion per year           of endometriosis. Furthermore, only one unblinded RCT
with direct healthcare costs amounting to ~ £2315 per            included in the analysis (just 69 participants) has follow-
woman per year (based on 2009 prices), similar to those          up data to 12 months showing benefit of surgery (OR
of diabetes mellitus [3].                                        10.00, 95% CI 3.21 to 31.17), leading the authors to de-
   Management options in current national and inter-             fine the strength of the evidence as of moderate and low
national endometriosis guidelines for women with                 quality, respectively, for the two timepoints, using
endometriosis-associated pelvic pain include surgical            GRADE criteria [8]. Furthermore, the uncertainty
removal of endometriosis and medical treatment                   around surgical management of SPE is compounded by
with analgesics, ovarian suppressive drugs, and neu-             the limited evidence to allow an informed selection of
romodulators [4, 5]. ‘Surgical removal’ involves lap-            specific surgical modalities to remove SPE, e.g. laparo-
aroscopic       excision     and/or     ablation      of   the   scopic ‘ablation’ versus laparoscopic ‘excision’) [9].
endometriosis, often undertaken at the time of initial              Consequently, the 2017 NICE Endometriosis Guideline
laparoscopy to investigate pelvic pain. Establishing             recommends further research into the effectiveness of
whether treating isolated SPE in women with chronic              laparoscopic removal of SPE in isolation to manage
pelvic pain is clinically and cost-effective is import-          endometriosis-associated pain [10]. This research rec-
ant because this forms a large part of the workload              ommendation is also supported by the results of a recent
in gynaecology and uses considerable resources.                  UK and Ireland James Lind Alliance Priority Setting
Around 30% of the direct health care costs of endo-              Partnership (PSP) Initiative for Endometriosis estab-
metriosis are attributable to the cost of surgical               lished to identify the key research questions that were
treatment. Data from Scotland (population: 5.3 mil-              most important to both women with endometriosis and
lion, 51% women) indicate that 101,137 pelvic lapar-             healthcare practitioners involved in their care [9].
oscopies were performed in women from 1981 to                       If future research demonstrates that surgery is not ef-
2010 [6]. An estimated 91,023 (90%) of these proce-              fective for the treatment of pain associated with isolated
dures were for investigation of chronic pelvic pain              superficial peritoneal disease, it is possible that this
and, of these, 17,834 (20%) revealed a new diagnosis             group of women could be spared an invasive surgical
of endometriosis. Half of the women with endomet-                procedure, in particular if their pelvic imaging does not
riosis in this population underwent a further surgical           reveal any pathology (pelvic ultrasound or MRI, inter-
procedure for this condition within 5 years.                     preted by an experienced operator, will diagnose ovarian
   There is little scientific evidence to demonstrate            and deep endometriosis subtypes). They could instead
whether surgical removal of isolated SPE (accounting for         be offered investigations for other known causes of pel-
~ 80% of the subtypes) improves overall symptoms and             vic pain and early pain management (e.g. neuromodula-
quality of life more than not surgically treating the endo-      tor drugs, physiotherapy, and psychological approaches).
metriosis, or whether surgery could exacerbate symp-             Furthermore, it is conceivable that future research might
toms (or even cause harm). In the most recent Cochrane           demonstrate that surgery for SPE in isolation is not only
Whitaker et al. Pilot and Feasibility Studies   (2021) 7:19                                                  Page 3 of 8

ineffective, but may aggravate the symptoms of pain, or       Secondary objectives
even cause harm. It is therefore crucial that policy-
makers, funding bodies, researchers, clinicians, and           1. To determine if there are any differences in
women with endometriosis work together in a ‘precision            key prognostic parameters (including age,
medicine ecosystem’ to build a knowledge base that can            social deprivation, ethnicity, and duration of
determine whether SPE is better suited to surgical, con-          pain) between eligible women that agree to be
servative, or multimodal treatment to ultimately guide            randomised and those that decline
and improve individualised patient care.                          participation.
  We believe that a large multicentre high-quality RCT is      2. To determine how many women having
urgently needed to determine whether laparoscopic exci-           laparoscopy for investigation of chronic pelvic pain
sion/ablation is of clinical benefit to women with chronic        are eligible for the trial (i.e. have only SPE).
pelvic pain where the only finding is SPE. The aim of this     3. To determine the variability in outcomes.
proposed blinded randomised study is to inform the feasi-      4. To determine the most acceptable methods of
bility and design of this future large multicentre RCT.           recruitment, randomisation, and assessment tools.

Primary objective
The primary objective is to determine what proportion         Methods/design
of women with suspected SPE undergoing diagnostic             Study design
laparoscopy will agree to randomisation to either surgi-      We aim to perform a two-arm, parallel, double-blind
cal removal of SPE or diagnostic laparoscopy alone.           randomised controlled feasibility trial (Fig. 1).

 Fig. 1 Flow chart for the trial process
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Study settings                                                Primary outcome
We will recruit patients from gynaecology outpatient          The proportion of eligible women, who agree to ran-
clinics, gynaecology wards, and day surgery units within      domisation. If the upper limit of the 95% confidence
NHS Lothian (Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and St              interval of the proportion of eligible women who agree
John’s Hospital), NHS Grampian (Aberdeen Royal In-            to randomisation is not less than 40% then this will be
firmary), NHS Tayside (Ninewells Hospital) and NHS            deemed an acceptable recruitment rate to proceed to a
Greater Glasgow and Clyde (Queen Elizabeth University         definitive trial.
Hospital, Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow Royal Infirmary
and Stobhill Hospital) (all UK).                              Secondary outcomes

                                                                 The reasons why women decline participation
Study participants
                                                                 The proportion of women undergoing diagnostic
Women with suspected SPE will be recruited prior to in-
                                                                    laparoscopy who go on to be diagnosed with SPE
vestigation by diagnostic laparoscopy.
                                                                 Intraoperative and postoperative complications
                                                                 Pelvic pain and quality of life
Inclusion criteria                                               Need for analgesia, hormonal treatment, and/or
Women are eligible for inclusion if they are as follows:            neuromodulators after laparoscopy (immediate post-
                                                                    operative period and longer term)
   Aged between 18 and 55                                         The proportion of completed trial questionnaires
   Undergoing laparoscopy for the investigation of                Maintenance of blinding
      chronic pelvic pain                                          Adverse events (as reported by the participants)
   Found to have isolated SPE identified at laparoscopy           Acceptability of the trial
   Able to give informed consent                             Participant enrolment
                                                              Participants will be recruited from gynaecology out-
                                                              patient departments following a clinical decision to per-
Exclusion criteria
                                                              form a diagnostic laparoscopy for the investigation of
Women are excluded if they have one or more of the
                                                              chronic pelvic pain. Potentially eligible women will be
                                                              asked by their attending clinician if they are happy to
                                                              meet with a member of the clinical research team. If
   Previous surgical diagnosis of endometriosis
                                                              they agree, the women will then be given a patient infor-
                                                              mation sheet and the opportunity to discuss the trial. A
   Deep endometriosis or ovarian endometrioma on
                                                              letter of invitation may also be sent to potential partici-
      imaging or at laparoscopy
                                                              pants who have been referred to the research team from
   Ovarian cyst requiring surgical management
                                                              the women’s direct clinical care team. Due to the
   Peritoneal ‘pockets’ only noted at laparoscopy
                                                              COVID-19 pandemic, initial contact by the research
                                                              team was widened to include contact by telephone. Con-
Interventions                                                 sent will only be taken later once the patient has had
Participants will be randomised to diagnostic laparos-        ample time, of at least 24 h, to read the patient informa-
copy alone or surgical removal of SPE. The operating          tion sheet. A further appointment will be arranged for
surgeon can choose to remove the endometriosis either         the participant to come for this visit. Those patients ini-
by excision, ablation or a combination of the two at their    tially contacted by telephone have the option to attend
own discretion. All surgeons will be asked to insert two      the hospital to discuss the trial and provide written in-
5 mm lateral wall ports in addition to the 10 mm umbil-       formed consent or provide informed consent verbally
ical port. One lateral wall 5 mm port is always required      over the telephone. All participants will be asked to re-
for a diagnostic laparoscopy. A second lateral wall port      confirm consent on the day of laparoscopy and will be
is often required to remove endometriosis lesions. Two        asked to sign the study consent form before any research
5 mm ports will therefore be inserted in order to main-       activities are carried out.
tain patient blinding. All participants consented to the         For those not interested in the trial, we will ask them
study will be informed of other options for the manage-       to sign a separate short consent form agreeing for us to
ment of endometriosis-associated pain available to them       keep their age, ethnicity, part of their postcode (to calcu-
throughout the trial, as part of routine clinical care, in-   late DEPCAT score), duration of pain, and reason for
cluding analgesics, ovarian suppressive drugs, neuromo-       not participating so that we can look at the demograph-
dulators and physical and psychological therapy.              ics of those participants who decline, which will help
Whitaker et al. Pilot and Feasibility Studies   (2021) 7:19                                                          Page 5 of 8

inform a future larger trial. This short consent may take          Data collection tools
place in less than 24 h as this may take place in a clinic         Our ‘trial questionnaire’ comprises of a range of validated
setting and will reduce the burden of further contact on           patient-reported questionnaires, collected pre-operatively
the participant. If eligible participants were not                 and then at 3, 6 and 12 months’ post-surgery (minimum
approached, we will ask the attending clinician to docu-           data collection timepoints). The baseline and follow-up
ment their reasoning for this. All data will be recorded           trial questionnaires will differ in that as follows:
on a case report form and transferred to a secure data-
base. The diagnosis at laparoscopy will be established for           1. The baseline questionnaire contains text prior to
all eligible women for the duration of the trial to estab-              the EHP-30 as follows “This questionnaire asks
lish the true incidence of SPE in isolation.                            about symptoms due to endometriosis. We realise
                                                                        that you do not know whether or not you have
Sample size                                                             endometriosis so please try and ignore the refer-
The emphasis in this study is to establish feasibility, not             ences to endometriosis and simply answer the ques-
statistical significance. This study is designed primarily to           tions focusing on the symptoms.”
explore recruitment rates, and we will aim to recruit as             2. The questions in the MYMOP2 questionnaire have
many women as possible over a 9-month period. We esti-                  been adapted in the follow-up questionnaires to ac-
mate that we will recruit ~ 2–3 women per month per                     count for the fact that the participant needs to re-
centre and will aim to recruit up to 90 women. Ninety par-              member how they answered this questionnaire at
ticipants would be able to give a half width of the 95% con-            baseline.
fidence interval of +/− 6.4% around a 40% recruitment rate.
                                                                     The ‘trial questionnaire’ will include the following:
Eligibility will be confirmed by the clinical research team           Endometriosis Health Profile-30 (EHP-30) [11]
at the time of laparoscopy following a finding of SPE                 Rome IV Criteria [12]
only. Participants will then be randomised by the clinical            Pelvic Pain and Urgency/Frequency Patient (PUF)
research team in a 1:1 ratio to either diagnostic laparos-             Symptom Scale [13]
copy alone or to concurrent surgical removal (ablation/               painDETECT™ [14]
excision) by simple randomisation using a computer-                   Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) [15]
generated random number list provided independently                   Pain Catastrophising Questionnaire (PCQ) [16]
by the Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit (ECTU). As ran-                 Fibromyalgia Scale (FS) [17]
domisation takes place intra-operatively, it will be a fast,          Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile 2
simple procedure in theatre via a web-based system, or                 (MYMOP 2) [18]
via a telephone call to the trial management team who                 Working Productivity and Activity Impairment
will use the computer system on their behalf.                          Questionnaire (WPAIQ) [19]
                                                                      EuroQol 5 Dimensions 5 Level Questionnaire (EQ-
Blinding                                                               5D-5L) [20]
At the time of consent, the participant will be reminded that         Capability Questionnaire (ICECAP-A) [21]
they will be given a diagnosis post-operatively of the findings
at the time of laparoscopy but will not be told if surgical re-      At 3, 6 and 12 months post-randomisation, partici-
moval of endometriosis was carried out. They will be told          pants will be asked questions (‘outcome questionnaire’)
that the details of whether the endometriosis was removed,         about analgesic use, hormonal medication, pregnancy,
or not, will not be disclosed to their GP. Details of trial par-   and the use of healthcare services. At 3 months post-
ticipation and diagnosis will be disclosed to the GP as well       surgery, participants will also be asked to complete an
as any recommended treatment from their attending phys-            additional questionnaire (‘acceptability’) that will include
ician. There will be a process by which they can be un-            questions about the questionnaires and the acceptability
blinded at their request prior to the formal unblinding            of trial participation. This will be via a telephone call
process at 12 months. Details of the extent and type of re-        with a member of the research team.
moval (ablation, excision or both) will be recorded. All of
the surgical findings and any surgical procedures to remove
the endometriosis will be available in the medical notes and       Details of surgical findings and surgical removal of
there will be information about the participation in the trial     endometriosis
and the importance of maintaining the participant blind. At        Following laparoscopy, the surgeon will be asked to
the end of participation, the participants’ GPs will be in-        complete a surgical case report form (SCRF) detailing in-
formed if surgical removal was performed.                          formation from the operation:
Whitaker et al. Pilot and Feasibility Studies   (2021) 7:19                                                          Page 6 of 8

     Surgeon’s name(s)                                           Data analysis
     Extent of endometriosis                                     Analysis of the quantitative data will largely consist of
     Duration of surgery                                         descriptive statistics and comparison between the two
     Concurrent intra-uterine system (IUS) insertion             groups. Throughout, we will summarise continuous vari-
     Intraoperative complications (bowel injury, ureteric        ables using the mean, standard deviation, median, lower
      injury, bladder injury, vascular injury and reverting       quartile, upper quartile, minimum, and maximum
      to laparotomy)                                              values. We will report categorical variables using the fre-
                                                                  quency and percentage for each category. Baseline
  If allocated to surgical removal of endometriosis:              demographic and clinical data will be summarised by
                                                                  study arm and overall. The feasibility outcomes (propor-
   Type of removal will be recorded (excision, ablation          tion of eligible women who agree to randomisation, the
      or both).                                                   proportion who decline participation, the proportion
   Subjective assessment of whether or not complete              who are diagnosed with SPE and the type of surgical re-
      removal was achieved.                                       moval) will be analysed by calculating the proportion
                                                                  and its exact binomial 95% confidence interval. Clinical
  In addition, the SCRF includes a specific set of pre-           and patient outcomes will be summarised by study arm
determined photographs. For the diagnostic laparoscopy,           and overall and reported as a difference between study
this is a standard panel of photographs of the pelvis,            arms. The acceptability of trial participation, proposed
which includes the utero-vesical fold, Pouch of Douglas           methods of recruitment, randomisation, and assessment
and right and left ovarian fossa. If allocated to surgical        tools will be assessed quantitatively using the acceptabil-
removal, the approach (ablation, excision or a combin-            ity questionnaire to explore comparisons between the
ation) will be documented; as well an assessment of the           two groups and will be reported as estimates of differ-
adequacy of removal and photographs of the areas after            ence. The variability in the EHP-30 pain domain score
the endometriosis has been removed. Two independent               and other patient-reported outcome scores will be used
clinicians will assess these images, blind to initial classifi-   to inform the sample size calculation for the full trial.
cation, to reduce the likelihood of misclassification.            We will qualitatively review the acceptability question-
                                                                  naire and determine the nature and number of un-
Post-operative complications                                      answered questions within the clinical questionnaire to
A post-operative complications form (part of the CRF) will        refine our assessment tools for the future definitive trial.
be completed detailing complication up to 30 days post-
operation. This will be completed by the clinical research        Data handling, storage and archiving
team, utilised information gained by a phone call to the          A log with the participants’ name and date of birth will be
participant and correlated with the participant’s hospital        kept along with their unique study number in a separate
record. Specific complications include urinary retention,         file. All the data generated from the study will be stored in
unintended overnight stay, haemorrhage, transfusion pel-          a pseudo-anonymised form in a bespoke database, which
vic haematoma, visceral injury (bowel, bladder, ureteric),        will also be password protected. Only anonymised informa-
infection (urinary, chest, wound, pelvic abscess, other),         tion will be stored on this, and participants will only be
venous thromboembolism, fistula, hernia, return to the-           identifiable by their study number. All paperwork will be
atre, readmission, ITU admission and death.                       kept in a locked filing cabinet in a locked office. All data
                                                                  will be stored on a university server on a password-
                                                                  protected computer with access limited to the research
Unblinding                                                        team, in accordance with NHS and University of Edinburgh
An unblinding facility will be available on the database.         guidelines, and in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
If a clinician would like to unblind a participant (e.g. at       All study documentation will be kept for a minimum of 5
the participant’s request), they will need to contact the         years from the protocol-defined end of study point. When
research team who will be able to tell them which arm             the minimum retention period has elapsed, study docu-
of the study they were in. Participants will be given the         mentation will not be destroyed without permission from
option to be unblinded at the end of the trial.                   the Sponsors (NHS Lothian and The University of Edin-
                                                                  burgh). The statistical analysis plan will be written prior to
Adverse events                                                    unblinding but the final analysis will be done unblinded.
Participants will be asked about the occurrence of ad-
verse events related to their surgery and related medical         Data monitoring
therapies, which will be recorded in the post-operative           No data monitoring committee will be convened for this
CRF at 30 days.                                                   small feasibility study as all care is standard care or less.
Whitaker et al. Pilot and Feasibility Studies   (2021) 7:19                                                    Page 7 of 8

The trial management group will ensure that any ad-            endometriosis treated surgically. When asked whether
verse events are reported in a timely manner to the            they would consider taking part in the proposed defini-
sponsor for review.                                            tive trial, 20% ‘definitely would’, 26% ‘would likely par-
                                                               ticipate’, and 17% ‘did not know’.
Trial sponsors                                                    To improve recruitment, we aim to identify and en-
The trial is co-sponsored by the University of Edinburgh       gage with all relevant stakeholders and to develop and
and NHS Lothian.                                               test tailored messages and educational materials [23, 24].
                                                               We will involve patient representatives and members of
Ethical approval                                               the relevant professional surgical societies throughout
Ethical approval has been obtained from the East of            the study to help increase buy-in of the trial by
Scotland Ethics Committee (NHREC 19/ES/0079).                  highlighting the importance of the research question and
                                                               the worthiness of the placebo design.
Dissemination                                                     A potential limitation (but also a strength) of our
Data will be published in peer-reviewed journals and           study is the broad inclusion and exclusion criteria, which
presented at international conferences. The clinical           we have produced in an attempt to reflect the true clin-
study report will be used for publication and presenta-        ical scenario of endometriosis. Our criteria do not take
tion at scientific meetings. We will make the information      into account pain intensity, do not exclude women with
obtained from the study available to the public through        non-reproductive comorbidities (e.g. irritable bowel syn-
national and international bodies, e.g. Endometriosis UK       drome, bladder pain syndrome) that could explain their
and                                         symptoms, and allow participants the use of concomi-
                                                               tant medications. We are aware that these characteristics
Discussion                                                     may increase variability in patient responsiveness to
We recognise that there may be difficulties in recruiting      treatment and consequently carry the risk of failing to
to a definitive randomised controlled trial (RCT) to assess    demonstrate treatment effect. We will therefore capture
the effectiveness of surgery for the painful symptoms asso-    this information in our study in the participants’ ques-
ciated with superficial peritoneal endometriosis (SPE). We     tionnaires to ensure informed interpretation of our re-
have therefore designed this study to assess the feasibility   sults as well as aid in the planning of the future
of recruitment and to generate adequate data to meaning-       definitive trial.
fully reduce uncertainties in other important aspects of          We have chosen data collection tools to assess the
the future trial.                                              core domains of pain, physical/emotional functioning
  A systematic review of surgical RCTs with a placebo          (including sleeping difficulties), improvement/satisfac-
arm found that slow recruitment, due to difficulties find-     tion with treatment, symptoms and adverse events, fol-
ing eligible patients (and clinicians) who would agree to      lowing advice from a pain medicine specialist and
participate, was the major barrier to successful trial com-    clinical psychologist. These tools are in line with the
pletion [22]. Patients and clinicians may have inherent        IMMPACT recommendations for chronic pain trials [25,
beliefs and preferences about surgery as an intervention,      26]. We will assess the reliability and acceptability of
which might affect their willingness to participate in a       these data collection tools in order to refine our
surgical trial with a placebo arm. In this study, we are in-   methods for the subsequent RCT.
vestigating a surgical procedure that is already widely ac-       We acknowledge that blinding, whilst essential for an
cepted and available, despite an absence of high-quality       objective reporting of pain by the women, presents add-
evidence supporting its use. We conducted a national           itional challenges. In our clinician survey, when surgeons
online survey of clinicians who manage women with              were asked whether they would be prepared to insert an
endometriosis in 2017. After excluding those that did          extra port (total of two 5 mm ports in addition to the
not perform laparoscopies, we had 88 responses. When           camera port) at the time of surgery to blind women to
asked to judge the strength of the evidence for ablation       treatment allocation, 58% of surgeons agreed. We will
and excision for endometriosis, where zero is very weak        monitor the compliance with this extra measure in the
and 10 very strong, the average weights were 5.9 and 4.3,      diagnostic laparoscopy only group, and survey the ac-
respectively. Furthermore, 81% of surgeons consider a          ceptability amongst the participants.
trial to be required, and 73% are willing to participate.         In summary, this study with embedded evaluation
We also conducted an online survey targeting women             of trial processes and collection of outcome data, will
with endometriosis with promotion from Endometriosis           allow us to undertake detailed feasibility work to in-
UK, the Endometriosis Association of Ireland, and Endo-        form a future large-scale trial in the important but We received responses from 1218 women,          challenging area of surgery for endometriosis-
of whom 98.8% had endometriosis, and 83% had their             associated pain.
Whitaker et al. Pilot and Feasibility Studies          (2021) 7:19                                                                                          Page 8 of 8

Abbreviations                                                                       8.    Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Vist GE, Kunz R, Falck-Ytter Y, Alonso-Coello P, et al.
ECTU: Edinburgh Clinical Trial Unit; REC: Research Ethics Committee;                      GRADE: an emerging consensus on rating quality of evidence and strength
SPE: Superficial peritoneal endometriosis; RCT: Randomised controlled trial;              of recommendations. BMJ. 2008;336(7650):924–6.
CRF: Case report form; SCRF: Surgical case report form; DEPCAT: Deprivation         9.    Pundir J, Omanwa K, Kovoor E, Pundir V, Lancaster G, Barton-Smith P.
category                                                                                  Laparoscopic excision versus ablation for endometriosis-associated pain: an
                                                                                          updated systematic review and meta-analysis. J Minim Invasive Gynecol.
Authors’ contributions                                                                    2017;24(5):747–56.
AWH prepared the first draft of the manuscript. All authors edited and              10.   Horne AW, Saunders PTK, Abokhrais IM, Hogg L. Top ten endometriosis
approved the final version of the manuscript.                                             research priorities in the UK and Ireland. Lancet. 2017;389(10085):2191–2.
                                                                                    11.   Jones G, Jenkinson C, Taylor N, Mills A, Kennedy S. Measuring quality of life
                                                                                          in women with endometriosis: tests of data quality, score reliability,
Funding                                                                                   response rate and scaling assumptions of the Endometriosis Health Profile
ESPriT1 is funded by a grant from Scotland’s Chief Scientist Office (TCS/18/              Questionnaire. Hum Reprod. 2006;21(10):2686–93.
43).                                                                                12.   Palsson OS, Whitehead WE, van Tilburg MA, Chang L, Chey W, Crowell MD,
                                                                                          et al. Rome IV diagnostic questionnaires and tables for investigators and
Availability of data and materials                                                        clinicians. Gastroenterology. 2016;S0016-5085(16)00180-3.
Not applicable                                                                      13.   Parsons CL, Dell J, Stanford EJ, Bullen M, Kahn BS, Waxell T, et al. Increased
                                                                                          prevalence of interstitial cystitis: previously unrecognized urologic and
                                                                                          gynecologic cases identified using a new symptom questionnaire and
Ethics approval and consent to participate
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1. Horne AW, Sanders PTK. SnapShot: endometriosis. Cell. 2019;179(7):1677.          Publisher’s Note
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3. Simoens S, Dunselman G, Dirksen C, Hummelshoj L, Bokor A, Brandes I,
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