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International Environmental
                                                                            Law Research Centre

                                         Usha Ramanathan

         Published in: 46/44-45 Economic and Political Weekly (2011), p. 10-14.

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International Environmental Law Research Centre
International Environment House
Chemin de Balexert 7, 1219 Châtelaine
Geneva, Switzerland

Land Acquisition, Eminent                                                                        that facilitates the transfer of land to com­
                                                                                                 panies in their pursuit of projects and

Domain and the 2011 Bill                                                                         profits. This has been the second, domi­
                                                                                                 nant, challenge to the legitimacy of invol­
                                                                                                 untary acquisition. In 1984, when the LAA
                                                                                                 1894 went through elaborate amendment,
Usha Ramanathan                                                                                  the role that the State had taken on in
                                                                                                 ­acquiring land for companies was re­

The displaced and their advocates                      n its 117 years of existence, the Land     inforced. The neo-liberal agenda, or the
have been campaigning for a                            Acquisition Act 1894 (LAA 1894) has        ­reforms agenda as some term it, forged a
                                                       influenced the expansion of the power       partnership between the state and compa­
law that will limit the coercive
                                                of the State to acquire and take over land.        nies. The state casts itself in the role of a
power of the State in taking                    It has helped institutionalise involuntary         facilitator; as the “public” in public-private
over land. The Land Acquisition                 acquisition. Premised on the doctrine of           partnerships (PPP); as party to contracts
Rehabilitation and Resettlement                 eminent domain, it presumes a priority to          with corporations where it guarantees
                                                the requirements of the State which, by            certain conditions and terms that would
Bill 2011 adopts some of the
                                                definition, is for the general good of the         make projects friction free while guaran­
language and concerns from                      public, over the interests of landowners           teeing profits; as agents in procuring land
the sites of conflict. But by                   and users. The doctrine of eminent                 and providing clearances; as disinvestors,
beginning with the premise that                 ­domain invests power in the state to              through which process the transfer of
                                                 ­acquire private land for public purpose on       ­assets would occur. The alignment of state
acquisition is inevitable and that
                                                  payment of compensation.                          interest with corporate interest, which has
industrialisation, urbanisation                      The language of “public purpose” has           the state acquiring and transferring land
and infrastructure will have                      lent a touch of public morality to invol­         to corporations, has had dispossessed and
lexical priority, the LARR Bill 2011              untary acquisition and dispossession              displaced persons and communities seeing
                                                  which, especially since the 1980s has             the state as adversarial to their interest.
may have gained few friends
                                                  been facing serious challenge. Mass dis­                 In 1984, the Statement of Objects and
among those whom involuntary                      placement posed an early threat to the            Reasons (SoR) of the Amendment Act
acquisition has displaced, and                    legi­timacy of the project of development.        ­referred to the “sacrifices” of the affected
those for whom rehabilitation has                 This phenomenon defied the logic of emi­           population. “The individuals and institu­
                                                  nent domain in demonstrating that the              tions who are unavoidably to be deprived
been about promises that have
                                                  link between “public purpose” and acqui­           of their property rights in land need to be
seldom been kept.                                 sition was incapable of acknowledging the          adequately compensated for the loss
                                                  thousands, and hundreds of thousands,              keeping in view the sacrifice they have to
                                                  who would stand to lose their livelihood,          make for the larger interests of the com­
                                                  security, support structures when land was         munity”, the SoR read. The widening rift
                                                  acquired and whole communities uproot­             in the meaning accorded to “the larger
                                                  ed. The LAA, 1894 was trained to acknowl­          ­interests of the community”, and the
                                                  edge a “person interested” in the land who          ­determination not to become “sacrifices”
                                                  could, therefore, become a “claimant”.               in the interests of the corporatisation of
                                                  Even this limited right did not vest in the          resources has become the theme song of
                                                  wider ­multitude who would face the con­             the past decade and a half.
                                                  sequent forcible eviction.                               A model of development that requires
                                                                                                       extraordinary sacrifices, that is ecologi­
                                                Unresolved Question                                    cally and in socio-economic terms of ques­
                                                An unresolved question has hung in the                 tionable repute and which is linked with
                                                air since the early years after Independ­              such phenomena as marginalisation,
                                                ence when laws were passed to dispossess               exclu­sion and impoverishment has not
                                                zamindars: What is the relationship of the             been able to cross the credibility barrier to
                                                state with land? Is it a landlord? A super             convince those who are sometimes
                                                landlord? An owner? A trustee? A holder                ­referred to as “victims of development”.
Usha Ramanathan (         of land? A manager? Even as this remains                Macroeconomic projections of growth and
is an independent law researcher working on     in the realm of debate, the state has,                  prosperity have not succeeded in convinc­
the jurisprudence of law, poverty and rights.
                                                among other roles, emerged as an agency                 ing the project affected that their sacrifice
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has value that they must respect; and this             Lexical Priority                                    r­ eason of the implementation of any
is in evidence in the many sites of pitched            There is a problem even at the outset. A             scheme ­undertaken by government...”
­conflict and resistance where projects                “Foreword” to the draft bill that Union              (Section 3(f)(v)). There was no procedure
 ­venture. A challenge to the development              Minister for Rural Development Jairam                prescribed, and no entitlements created. It
  paradigm has in addition emerged from                Ramesh displayed on the ministry’s web­              was among the purposes for which the
  concerns that the avidity with which                 site on 27 July 2011 begins with these               state had the power, under the Act, to
  choice land is being handed over to cor­             words: “Infrastructure across the country            ­acquire land.
  porations to be diverted from its desig­             must expand rapidly. Industrialisation,
  nated use would compromise food secu­                ­especially based on manufacture, has also          Beyond the 1894 Act
  rity, with ­agricultural land disappearing            to accelerate. Urbanisation is inevitable.         The LARR 2011 has had to move beyond
  into ­domains of non-agricultural uses.               Land is an essential requirement for all           the perimeters of the LAA 1894. Since the
                                                        these processes.” Having set these out as          mid-1990s, the demand has been for any
Laws and Policies                                       priorities which the law is to adopt, it is        law of acquisition to include within it pro­
The decades since the development                       then said: “In every case, land acquisition        visions that ensure rehabilitation. That
project got underway in the 1950s has                   must take place in a manner that fully pro­        explains the move from a “Land Acquisi­
caused “development-induced displace­                   tects the interests of landowners and also         tion Act” to a “Land Acquisition, Rehabili­
ment”. Laws and policies that dealt with                those whose livelihoods depend on the              tation and Resettlement Bill”. The applica­
rehabilitation have been around since the               land ­being acquired”. This sets up a lexical      bility of the law accordingly extends to
1960s and 1970s. The T N Singh formula                  priority for industry, urbanisation and            situations where land is acquired for
of a job to each family displaced to make               ­infrastructure, and introduces pragma­            ­purposes connected with the government
way for public sector mines and industries               tism into issues of displacement and reha­         and private companies including public-­
is of 1967 vintage.1 Since 1976, Mahara­                 bilitation. This approach runs through the         private partnership projects. The notion of
shtra has had a law on rehabilitation                    entire LARR 2011. In the bill introduced in        the “affected family” (Clause 3(c)) has
which in its current form is the Mahara­                 the Lok Sabha, the preamble uses adjec­            been introduced, and this is distinct from
shtra Project Affected Persons Rehabilita­               tives such as “humane”, “participatory”,           the “person interested” who was, and
tion Act. The most discussed is the 1993                 “informed”, “consultative”, “transparent”,         ­continues in this bill to be the person enti­
draft policy put together by the Ministry                but the juggernaut of “development” is not          tled to compensation. “Affected family”
of Rural Development.2 States and public                 to be slowed down; the process of dealing           includes agricultural labourers, tenants,
enterprises have sporadically produced                   with its wake may be modified.                      sharecroppers, artisans, those working
policies. It was not till February 2004 that                    The attempt to reconcile conflicting         in the affected area for three years prior
a National Policy on Resettlement and                    ­interests has, however, produced some              to the acquisition, “whose primary
­Rehabilitation 2003 was notified, to be                  ­interesting elements. So,                         source of livelihood stands affected by the
 ­replaced in 2007 by the National Rehabili­               • the idea of “legitimate and bona fide           acquisition of land” as also the person
  tation Policy 2006. The prescriptions in                 public purpose for the proposed acqui­            who loses land.
  policy, the possibility of performance,                  sition which necessitates acquisition of the          It includes those whose primary source
  and sanctions for non-performance are                    land identified” (Clause 8(2)(a));                of livelihood for three years prior to the
  at the heart of the problem. “Retrospecti­               • that “only the minimum area of land             acquisition was “dependent on forests or
  vity”, which acknowledges displacement                   ­required for the project” can be sought to       water bodies and includes gatherers of
  through decades past, has been a crucial                  be acquired (Clause 8(3));                       forest produce, hunters, fisherfolk and
  element in the validation, or unaccept­                   • that “minimum displacement of people,          boatmen and (those whose) livelihood is
  ability, of law and policy.                               minimum disturbance to the infrastruc­           affected due to acquisition of land”. It
       There has been an escalating demand to               ture, ecology and minimum adverse im­            ­includes too families to whom land has
  replace the LAA, 1894 with a law that recog­              pact on the individuals affected” should          been assigned under any government
  nises the perils of mass displacement, acc­               be ensured (Clause 8(3)).                         scheme and which land is to be acquired.
  ounts for those who have been dislodged                       These capture some of the causes of dis­      In urban areas, it would include a family
  and dispossessed through the decades,                     content. Yet, these are not justiciable           residing on the land for the preceding
  ­restrains companies from ­bene­fiting from               standards but indicators to be used by an         three years, or where their livelihood is
   involuntary acquisition and forced evic­                 expert committee in its appraisal of the          linked with it. This expanded idea of the
   tion, and reconsiders a model of deve­                   social impact assessment which is to be           affected family could, if the law is seri­
   lopment that could demote agri­culture                   carried out as a prelude to acquisition.          ously implemented, work to prevent indis­
   and, consequently, threaten food secu­rity.                  The LAA 1894 was concerned exclusively        criminate and wanton dispossession. The
   The Land Acquisition ­Rehabilitation and                 with acquisition; it was innocent of the          inclusion of “tribals and other traditional
   ­Resettle­ment Bill (77 of 2011) (LARR 2011)             need for rehabilitation. In 1984, “public         forest dwellers who have lost any of their
    introduced in the Lok Sabha on 7 Septem­                purpose” was redefined to include the pro­        traditional rights recognised under the
    ber 2011 will have to be tested to see if it            vision of land for residential purposes           Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional
    meets these ­expectations.                              “ persons displaced or affected by           Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest
Economic & Political Weekly   EPW   november 5, 2011   vol xlvI nos 44 & 45                                                                            11

Rights) Act 2006 due to acquisition of             in scheduled areas shall be followed. The             There are provisions that have been
land” (Clause 3(c) (iii)), however, should         weakness of this protection is revealed           intro­duced in the LARR 2011 which have
bring us to a screeching halt if we are oth­       when we consider that the transfer of land        drawn on the debates and disputes around
erwise finding room for optimism.                  from a tribal to non-tribal in scheduled ar­      displacement. Change of public purpose –
                                                   eas is generally overseen by a collector, or      where acquisition is based on one purpose
Diluting Forest Rights Act                         some agent of the state, whose job it is to       but it is used for another purpose – has
The Forest Rights Act 2006 was an out­             ensure that the interests of the tribal is pro­   been among the practices that brought co­
come of concerns about the increasing              tected. If the state is itself to be acquiring    ercive acquisition into disrepute. It
­insecurity of tribals, forest dwellers, and       the land, then the protection is diminished       ­revealed a casualness about state power.
 forest dependent communities. The threat          to that degree. If the state is legally permit­    The LARR 2011 reads: “No change from the
 of eviction, or alienation, from the forest       ted to acquire the land to be handed over          purpose or related purposes for which the
 was looming in the early years of the first       to a private company, that dilutes the pro­        land is originally sought to be acquired
 decade of this century. That tribals and for­     tection further.                                   shall be allowed” (Clause 93). “Or related
 est dwellers had no legally ascribed rights,         Bringing forest areas, and Fifth and            purposes” does allow for some leeway, but
 and this was making them vulnerable to            Sixth Schedule areas, within the law of            it still becomes a qualified power. Trans­
 exclusion from their habitat. The Forest          involuntary acquisition does not conform           acting on land and on projects between
 Rights Act 2006 was not about ­vesting            to the hard-fought norms recognised in             corporations has raised questions which,
 property rights in the individual; it was         the Samatha judgment.3 The idea of                 in part, is addressed in clause 94: “No
 about protecting the interests of the tribals     recog­nising rights so that they can be            change of ownership without specific per­
 and forest dwellers in relation to their hab­     monetised and taken over could be                  mission from the appropriate government
 itat. It was not about creating rights; it was    viewed as amounting to a fraud on the              shall be allowed”. Importantly: “No land
 about recognising rights. In including the        tribals and forest dwellers. If land has to        use change shall be permitted if rehabili­
 rights created under the 2006 Act among           be diverted for the purposes of industry           tation and resettlement is not complied
 those that may be “acquired” through              or infrastructure in scheduled areas and           with in full” (Clause 42(4)). There is no
 what, at its root, is a coercive law, it reduc­   in areas in the Fifth and Sixth Schedules,         clarity on what would constitute such
 es the Act to merely creating transactable        some route ­other than the coercive power          compliance, and setting that out would be
 property rights. The LARR 2011 does carry a       under the land acquisition law will have           necessary prerequisite to this provision
 caveat: that the law relating to land transfer    to be found.                                       ­acquiring meaning.

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    A government, embarrassed at being                 Rs 500 or both. This provision, which was        not clear if this refers to officials, affected
seen as an agent for corporations, has                 a carry-over from LAA 1894 (Section 46)          families or any others; or whether it will
stepped aside and is seen to be encour­                fortunately finds no place in LARR 2011. In      cover such acts as “overacquisition”. Con­
aging corporations to buy land from                    another context, the 27 July draft had pro­      sidering the serious consequences of
landowners, with the State stepping in                 vided for the “return of unutilised land”        ­involuntary acquisition and forced evic­
when a substantial portion – LARR 2011                 and this seems to have quietly slipped out        tion, “offences” are a component that can
sets it at 80% – has been bought. The                  of the LARR 2011. This is a significant           usefully have a place in this law; but it
­rehabilitation aspect of LARR 2011 would              omission, which has been replaced by the          clearly needs inputs assisted by imagina­
 apply where the State steps in, and also              idea of a “Land Bank” (Clause 95). The            tion and experience. A special mention of
 where a project exceeds 100 acres in rural            perception of the state as a rightful holder      the diver­sion of land from multi-cropping
 areas and 50 acres in urban areas, whether            of land is in evidence not only in this no­       to other uses employs the language of
 or not the state has had a role in the                tion of the land bank. Clause 2(1) (a) rec­       ­“exceptional circumstances” and “demon­
 ­purchase of land.                                    ognises an interest in the government to           strable last ­resort” when such diversion is
                                                       acquire land “for its own use, hold and            to occur, and percentages prescribed for
Few Rights                                             control” – each of these terms recognise           the ­maximum extent that may be allowed
For years now, “market value” as a basis               an extraordinary interest, and power, in           (Clause 10).
for compensation has been sought to be                 relation to land which conflicts around
replaced by “replacement value”. LARR                  this power have sought to tame. The LARR         Land Titling Bill
2011 falls far short of considering that               2011, in reinforcing this broad sweep of         There is another bill which must be seen
standard, even as it provides the calculus             power and ­interest, keeps the conflicts         in conjunction with the LARR 2011. The
that will increase the total amount                    alive. Fuelling the conflicts further is the     Land Titling Bill 2011 which has been
­received as compensation. The possibi­                expansion of this law to give priority to        ­released by the Ministry of Rural Develop­
 lity of other forms of compensation, such             “use of private companies for public pur­         ment in draft form, connected law. That
 as shares in the enterprise for which the             pose (including public-private partnership        bill is an attempt at commoditisation of
 land is being acquired, is built into this            projects)...”, and acquisition “on the re­        land, making it tradable in the land mar­
 bill. But land for land, jobs in the enter­           quest of private companies for immediate          ket. The long title says that the law is to
 prise, ­annuities, fishing rights are alter­          and declared use by such companies of             create a “conclusive property titling sys­
 natives only as the rehabilitation autho­             land for public purposes” (Clause 2(1) (b)        tem”. It is to “prepare a record of all
 rity deems practical. There are few rights            and (c)). The prioritising of infrastructure      ­immovable properties”. It shifts the onus
 and entitlements in this construction                 projects, which is then defined to include         from the state to the individual to keep the
 of the law.                                           “educational, sports, healthcare” and even         records updated on pain of punishment,
     The retention of the “urgency” clause             ­“tourism” are unlikely to lull the fears of       and even loss of acknowledgement of title
 is inexplicable. It is true that there is a            those who anticipate large-scale transfer         to the land or interest in the land (Chap­
 significant contraction in the LARR 2011               of land to follow if this bill were to            ter VI, “Compulsory Intimations to Land
 of the reasons that can provoke the use of             ­become law. More bluntly stated, these           Titling Authority”). Clause 36(3) cautions:
 the urgency power. Unlike the LAA 1894                  are likely to draw the lines of conflict         “All persons are deemed to have notice of
 which vests vast discretion in what is                  more sharply still.                              every entry in the Register of Titles”.
 considered urgent, and which has result­                     There is an interesting departure from      ­Indicating that the purpose of the bill is
 ed in indiscriminate use of this power, 4               the LAA 1894 in Chapter XII which atte­           simplifying transactions on land, it says:
 the LARR Bill 2011 restricts it “to the                 mpts to set out “offences and penalties”.         “Any title recorded in the Register of
 ­minimum area ­required for the defence                 Producing a false document, making a              ­Titles in accordance with the provisions
  of India or natio­nal security or for any              false claim for rehabilitation are made            of the Act, shall be considered as evi­
  emergencies arising out of natural ca­                 punishable. In a departure from common             dence of the marketable title of the
  lamities”. These situations may require                practice, the LARR 2011 suggests that “dis­        ­landholder” (Clause 41).
  immediate possession, but the perma­                   ciplinary proceedings” may be drawn up                  Indemnification in transactions on land
  nent severance of the relationship bet­                against a government servant who “if                is an idea that is undertaken by insurance
  ween the land and persons interested in                proved guilty of a mala fide action in              companies as part of their business acti­
  the land is excessive. “Requisitioning”                ­respect of any provision of this Act, shall        vity: they indemnify land titles and bear
  land or property,5 and taking it free of all            be liable to punishment”. This, and other          the cost of litigation and ancillary matters
  encumbrances, are two distinct proces­                  provisions in this chapter, though, are            if they were to arise. The idea of introduc­
  ses. This power does not belong in a land               non-specific and, so, not likely to be             ing an “indemnification” clause, where
  acquisition law.                                        ­enforceable as they now read. Clause 79,          the government indemnifies a person who
     Clause 59 of the 27 July draft allowed                for instance, provides a punishment “if           acts on the basis of the title as it is recorded
  for imposing a penalty for obstructing                   any person contravenes any of the provi­          in the Land Registry (Clause 42), is a case
  acqui­sition of land with imprisonment                   sions relating to payment of compensation         of the government taking over the role of
  that could extend to one month or a fine of              or rehabilitation and resettlement”. It is        an insurance company. They indemnify
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land titles and bear the cost of litigation     will limit the coercive power of the state in       Notes
and ancillary matters if they were to arise.    taking over land. The LARR 2011 adopts              1		 Ibid. See also, Butu Prasad Kumbhar vs SAIL ,1995
                                                                                                        Supp 2, Supreme Court Cases, 225.
   The draft Land Titling Bill is not about     some of the language and concerns from
                                                                                                    2		 Walter Fernandes and Vijay Paranjpye (1997), Re-
updating land records. It is not about the      the sites of conflict. But, in beginning with           habilitation Policy and Law in India: A Right to
accuracy of land records, but about             the premise that land acquisition is inevi­             Livelihood, Indian Social Institute.
                                                                                                    3		 Samatha vs State of Andhra Pradesh (1997) 8,
its ­finality for purposes of determining       table and that industrialisation, urbanisa­             ­Supreme Court Cases, 191.
encum­brances and saleability. It is about      tion and infrastructure will have lexical           4		 See for e g, Ashish Tripathi, “HC Quashes Acquisi­
deciding on a means by which land may           priority, the LARR 2011 may have gained                  tion of 600 Hectares of Land in Greater Noida”,
                                                                                                         dated 19 July 2011 found at http://articles.times­
be easily dealt with in the market.             few friends among those whom involun­          
   The displaced, project affected and dis­     tary acquisition has displaced, and those                697_1_urgency-clause-land-acquisition-act-greater
possessed and their advocates have been         for whom rehabilitation has been about              5		 See, for instance, Requisitioning and Acquisition
campaigning long and hard for a law that        promises that have seldom been kept.                     of Immovable Property Act 1952.

Paramakudi Violence:                                                                                resulted in the Mudukulathur riots, a clash
                                                                                                    between the Devendirars and Thevars that

Against Dalits, Against Politics                                                                    lasted for a few weeks. Though there has
                                                                                                    been a rivalry between Devendirars and
                                                                                                    Thevars since Mudukulathur riots, it
                                                                                                    ­cannot be ­reduced simply to a caste feud;
Muthukaruppan Parthasarathi                                                                          rather this is rooted in the dialectics of the
                                                                                                     ­Devendirars’ revolt against the domination

The killing of six dalits in                            he police killing on 11 September of          of the Thevars.
police firing in Paramakudi in                          six dalits on the 54th ­memorial day                 From 1958 onwards the Devendirars in
                                                        of Immanuel Sekaran in Parama­                the Paramakudi region started gathering at
September again exposes the
                                                kudi town of Ramanathapuram district                  Immanuel’s burial place to conduct a
manner in which state institutions              in southern Tamil Nadu (TN) once again                ­memorial at the taluk level. By 1969, the
work to enforce the social                      demonstrated the casteist nature of state              memorial had started attracting a substan­
dominance of certain castes. In                 institutions and the Government of TN.                 tial number of Pallar youth and ­students
                                                                                                       from the Ramanathapuram ­district. The
the southern districts of Tamil                 Immanuel Memorial                                      formation of the Thiyagi ­Immanuel ­Peravai
Nadu there is an upsurge within                 and Police Violence                                    (TIP), a dalit movement for the annihilation
dalit castes, but there is also a               Immanuel (1924-57) is considered to be                 of caste by P Chandrabose in 1988, paved
continuing complicity between                   the first leader to dedicate his life in the           the way for a routine and larger gathering
                                                struggle against caste oppression in post-             on ­memorial day. The ­memorial also at­
the dominant castes, political
                                                Independence TN. Back from the Indian                  tracted the Devendirars from Sivagangai,
parties and state institutions to               Army in 1952, Immanuel involved himself                Virudhunagar, Tirunelveli and a few nearby
beat this back.                                 in revolutionary activity against caste                districts. The ­memorial gained larger
                                                ­oppression and organised Pallar youth in              ­mobilisation only after 2007, the 50th
                                                 Ramanathapuram district.1 The period                   ­anni­­versary of ­Immanuel’s death. Now it has
                                                 1952-57 in Immanuel’s life was marked by                become an event in which several political
                                                 a series of militant activities against                 parties and organisations ­participate.
                                                 ­untouchability. During this time he also                   There were certain significant develop­
                                                  ­organised a number of conferences and                 ments a few weeks before the day of the
                                                   public meetings against caste discrimin­              present Paramakudi police killings. Gene­
                                                   ation. He associated himself with both the            rally, there seems to be hostility and dis­
                                                   Depressed Classes League and the Tamil                taste among the Thevars towards the
                                                   Evangelical Lutheran Church. He became a              growing popularity of the Immanuel
                                                   nightmare for the upper castes, especially            ­memorial day. The release of John Pandian
                                                   for the Maravars of Ramanathapuram dis­                (jp) after 10 years of imprisonment and
                                                   trict. It is widely believed that a day ­after         the victory of the Puthiya Tamilagam (PT)
                                                   his confrontation with Muthura­malingam                party in two assembly constituencies have
Muthukaruppan Parthasarathi (sharathishar-         in a peace meeting called by the district              added fuel to Thevar hostility.3 teaches cultural studies at        collector over some local ­dispute, hit men               The demand that the Immanuel Memorial
the English and Foreign Languages University,      of Muthuramalingam murdered Immanuel                   should be conducted by the State has been
                                                   on 11 September 1957.2 Immanuel’s death                pushed by dalit forces. The fact-finding
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