Lake Te Koo Utu Ecology, stormwater management and restoration options Prepared for Waipa District Council 3 April 2020

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Lake Te Koo Utu Ecology, stormwater management and restoration options Prepared for Waipa District Council 3 April 2020
Lake Te Koo Utu
                                       Ecology, stormwater management and restoration options
                                                            Prepared for Waipa District Council

                                                                                    3 April 2020

Document Set ID: 10372718
Version: 3, Version Date: 17/04/2020
Lake Te Koo Utu Ecology, stormwater management and restoration options Prepared for Waipa District Council 3 April 2020
Document Quality Assurance
                               Bibliographic reference for citation:
                               Boffa Miskell Limited 2020. Lake Te Koo Utu: Ecology, stormwater management and
                               restoration options. Report prepared by Boffa Miskell Limited for Waipa District Council.

                               Prepared by:                         Andrew Blayney
                                                                    Ecologist – Associate Principal
                                                                    Boffa Miskell Limited

                                                                    Mike Chapman
                                                                    Water Resources Specialist
                                                                    Te Miro Water Consultants

                               Ecology Inputs                       Kieran Miller
                               Reviewed by:                         Ecologist – Associate Principal
                                                                    Boffa Miskell Limited

                               Status: Final                        Revision / version: [1.1]                            Issue date: 3 April 2020

                               Use and Reliance
                               This report has been prepared by Boffa Miskell Limited on the specific instructions of our Client. It is solely for our Client’s use for
                               the purpose for which it is intended in accordance with the agreed scope of work. Boffa Miskell does not accept any liability or
                               responsibility in relation to the use of this report contrary to the above, or to any person other than the Client. Any use or reliance
                               by a third party is at that party's own risk. Where information has been supplied by the Client or obtained from other external
                               sources, it has been assumed that it is accurate, without independent verification, unless otherwise indicated. No liability or
                               responsibility is accepted by Boffa Miskell Limited for any errors or omissions to the extent that they arise from inaccurate
                               information provided by the Client or any external source.

                             Template revision: 20180621 0000

                             File ref: BM19451_Lake_Te_Koo_Utu_report_draft_20200304_Final.docx

                             Cover photograph: [Lake Tee Koo Utu, © Boffa Miskell 2019]

Document Set ID: 10372718
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Lake Te Koo Utu Ecology, stormwater management and restoration options Prepared for Waipa District Council 3 April 2020

                                1.0    Introduction                                                                       1

                                       1.1    Ecological context                                                          1

                                2.0    Lake Te Koo Utu’s Catchment                                                        2

                                       2.1    Catchment Geology                                                           2
                                       2.2    Land use                                                                    2

                                3.0    Habitat values                                                                     3

                                       3.1    Vegetation                                                                  3
                                       3.2    Fauna                                                                       4

                                4.0    Discharges/outlets to the Lake                                                     7

                                       4.1    Discharges                                                                  7
                                       4.2    Lake outlet                                                                 7

                                5.0    Current water and sediment quality                                               12

                                       5.1    Water quality                                                             12
                                       5.2    Sediment quality                                                          12
                                       5.3    Botulism                                                                  14
                                       5.4    Lake health implications                                                  15

                                6.0    Ecological restoration approach                                                  16

                                       6.1    Short-term approach                                                       17
                                       6.2    Medium-term approach                                                      18
                                       6.3    Long-term approach                                                        18
                                       6.4    Lake Te Koo Utu Reserve ecological enhancement                            19

                                7.0    Conclusion                                                                       20

                                8.0    References                                                                       21

                                Appendix 1: Lake Te Koo Utu catchment map

                                Appendix 2: Lake Te Koo Utu water quality data

                                Appendix 3: Lake Te Koo Utu sediment quality data

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Lake Te Koo Utu Ecology, stormwater management and restoration options Prepared for Waipa District Council 3 April 2020
Appendix 4: Sediment sample – Certificate of Analysis – Hills

                                Appendix 5: GHD option analysis review and Boffa Miskell and Te
                                     Miro Water Consultants comments.

                                Figure 1: Lake Te Koo Utu reserve aerial and location. .................................1

                                Figure 2: Lake Te Koo Utu riparian edge showing sprayed grass to the
                                           lake edge (foreground) exotic tree cover (background) and
                                           aquatic emergent vegetation raupo (right background) and
                                           bamboo spike sedge (right foreground). .......................................4

                                Figure 3: Outlet for commercial catchment on south-western edge of
                                           Lake Te Koo Utu............................................................................ 8

                                Figure 4: Outlet for commercial catchment on south-western edge of
                                           Lake Te Koo Utu – Looking along the flow path. ..........................8

                                Figure 5: Outlet for large residential catchment on western edge of
                                           Lake Te Koo Utu............................................................................ 9

                                Figure 6: Outlet for commercial catchment on southern edge of Lake
                                           Te Koo Utu – Looking along the flow path. ...................................9

                                Figure 7: Outlet for small residential catchment on north-eastern edge
                                           of Lake Te Koo Utu......................................................................10

                                Figure 8: Lake Te Koo Utu lake outlet. .........................................................10

                                Figures 9 a-d: Time series of aerial images of Lake Te Koo Utu
                                           showing the expansion of Raupo in the western end of the
                                           lake since 2006. Indicative of sediment accumulation from
                                           Large residential and commercial catchments. ...........................11

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Version: 3, Version Date: 17/04/2020
Lake Te Koo Utu Ecology, stormwater management and restoration options Prepared for Waipa District Council 3 April 2020
1.0 Introduction

                    Boffa Miskell and Te Miro Water Consultants have been engaged by Waipa District Council to
                    produce a concept plan for the Lake Te Koo Utu Reserve (Figure 1). As part of this project it
                    was identified that the water quality, stormwater management and ecology of Lake Te Koo Utu
                    should be a primary driver to guide reserve management objectives and actions. This report
                    provides a summary of the ecology of Lake Te Koo Utu with an emphasis on the aquatic
                    environment. The report also explores the water quality issues of the lake, the sources and
                    contributors to these issues, and provides recommendations to begin to restore the Lake’s
                    water quality from both an ecological, hydrological, and engineering perspective.
                    There have been several iterations of recommendations for improving the water quality of Lake
                    Te Koo Utu over the last 20 years ranging from “soft treatment” options such as wetlands to
                    “hard treatment” options such as filters, desludging, and “nanobubble” technology. We intend to
                    focus our recommendations on options that provide the most sustainable outcomes over both a
                    short and long-term period with emphasis on solutions that act to reduce the long-term
                    contaminant inputs to the lake.

                    Figure 1: Lake Te Koo Utu reserve aerial and location.

                    1.1         Ecological context
                    Lake Te Koo Utu is a shallow lake, with an approximate depth of 2.4m, within the Cambridge
                    township and receives stormwater from the northern half of the town which is then discharged
                    east to the Karapiro stream. It is located in the Hamilton Ecological District and the area
                    surrounding the lake would have once been dominated by podocarp forest (primarily kahikatea
                    in the lower lying areas and a mixed conifer-broadleaf forest on the elevated landforms
                    (Deichmann & Kessels, 2013; Leathwick et al., 1995). It’s estimated that, since 1840, there is

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Lake Te Koo Utu Ecology, stormwater management and restoration options Prepared for Waipa District Council 3 April 2020
now less than 1% of wetlands, forest, and scrub remaining in the ecological district (Leathwick
                    et al., 1995). The area surrounding the lake itself has a threatened environment classification of
                    1, which means there is less than 10% of indigenous cover left in the area (Walker et al., 2015).

                    2.0 Lake Te Koo Utu’s Catchment

                    2.1          Catchment Geology
                    Deposition of the Hinuera Formation underpins the geology of the Lake Te Koo Utu catchment.
                    The Hinuera formation is characterised by alluvium deposits of alternating layers of sand, silt
                    and gravels which were deposited by the historical flow path of the Waikato River during the fan
                    forming phase. This sand, silt, gravel formation is influenced by regular changes in the channel
                    position as the Waikato River migrated across this surface. The Lake itself was once part of the
                    main river channel but was then ‘cut off’ from the main flow by mass deposits from the Taupo
                    eruption. The lake catchment soils range from highly permeable sandy loams to less permeable
                    silty deposits in depression areas.
                    The lake catchment (~177Ha including the lake reserve) includes a broad flat area of free
                    draining soil which provides a significant groundwater recharge zone for the lake. There is low
                    runoff from pervious garden and reserve areas and maximum rainfall infiltration can be
                    expected. Groundwater discharge was observed around the southern and western perimeter of
                    the lake during the site visits. It is expected a rapid increase in groundwater flow will occur
                    around the base due to the increased piezometric gradient created by the steep lake sides.
                    Tritium results for the Waikato show that waters from the shallow unconfined aquifers of the
                    Hinuera Surface are of recent origin, originating as precipitation within the last 5 years. Water is
                    discharged rapidly from these shallow aquifers. Similar age, well filtered groundwater is
                    expected to be discharging into the lake.

                    2.2          Land use
                    A map of the Lake Te Koo Utu catchment is provided in Appendix 1.

                    2.2.1        Residential Areas
                    The overall catchment is dominated by residential land use. The houses within the catchment
                    are typically low-density large lot residential with the majority of runoff going to private soakage
                    systems some of which will overflow to the road via kerb outlets. These kerb outlets then
                    connect to the reticulation network draining to the lake. Some runoff from residential areas is
                    therefore expected to reach the lake although it is difficult to estimate the exact area as it
                    depends on how well the private soakage devices are maintained and whether their overflows
                    are connected to the road kerb.

                    2.2.2        Roads
                    There are several high use and minor residential roads (total length approximately 7.2km)
                    which connect to the reticulation network. Stormwater trunk lines underlay Victoria Street, Taylor

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Lake Te Koo Utu Ecology, stormwater management and restoration options Prepared for Waipa District Council 3 April 2020
Street, Clare Street and Bowen Street as well as Lake Street through the southern commercial
                    catchment. The road network will be a contaminant source for runoff to the lake with an
                    estimated total impervious area in the order of 5.70Ha (assuming on average 8m wide
                    carriageway). The typical contaminants for urban roads are suspended sediments, heavy
                    metals, hydrocarbons as well as elevated temperature during summer months.

                    2.2.3       Commercial
                    A relatively small commercial sub catchment (5.35Ha) is located to the south of the lake. A
                    commercial land use has higher impervious surfaces compared to low density residential. Aerial
                    photography suggests the impervious coverage of this sub catchment is upwards of 90%. The
                    commercial area contributes more runoff to the lake relative to the larger residential catchment
                    to the north. Generally, commercial areas will generate higher contaminant loads and water
                    temperature per square metre compared to residential areas.

                    3.0 Habitat values

                    Ecological values were assessed through a site walk over and desktop review of existing
                    information for the area including previous reports and national databases.

                    3.1         Vegetation
                    Lake Te Koo Utu is immediately surrounded by a complex patchwork of planted non-native and
                    native vegetation. Most of the southern lake edge is mown grass with a sprayed lake edge.
                    Most of the canopy cover in the reserve surrounding the lake is comprised of exotic trees (of
                    which many are large, older specimens) with native shrubs, tree ferns, and pest plant species,
                    such as Tradescantia, Agapanthus, ivy, and hydrangeas, common below the canopy. The
                    vegetation overall is highly modified, and it is unlikely any of the surrounding vegetation is
                    remnant native vegetation. Riparian vegetation is variable in cover and predominately exotic
                    deciduous trees with occasional kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides) and swamp cypress
                    (Taxodium distichum) occurring directly on the lake edge.
                    Within the lake, emergent aquatic vegetation is primarily made up of raupo (Typha orientalis),
                    bamboo spike sedge (Eleocharis sphacelata), and white water-lily (Nymphaea alba) (Figure 2).
                    Submerged aquatics were limited but Potamogeton sp. and starwort (Callitriche stagnalis) were
                    noted during the sediment sampling. Native cover is the most dominant emergent vegetation in
                    the lake.

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Lake Te Koo Utu Ecology, stormwater management and restoration options Prepared for Waipa District Council 3 April 2020
Figure 2: Lake Te Koo Utu riparian edge showing sprayed grass to the lake edge (foreground) exotic tree cover
                    (background) and aquatic emergent vegetation raupo (right background) and bamboo spike sedge (right foreground).

                    3.2          Fauna

                    3.2.1        Fish
                    The predominant fish species present in Lake Te Koo utu are non-native pest fish such as
                    goldfish (Carassius auratus), gambusia (Gambusia affinis), and perch (Perca fluviatilis). There
                    have also been captures (at least 20 years ago) of shortfin eel (Anguilla australis) and common
                    bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) in the lake (Kessels Ecology, n.d.). Due to the significant fish
                    passage barrier between the lake and Karapiro stream (see Section 4.2) it is unlikely that it has
                    much importance or value for native fish species. However, a fish survey is needed to confirm
                    the value of the lake to native fish.

                    3.2.2        Bats
                    Long-tailed bats (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) which are “Threatened – Nationally Critical”
                    (O’Donnell et al., 2018) were recorded in 2014 at the Lake (Kessels Ecology, n.d.) and are
                    detected frequently in the gully systems and wider landscape surrounding Cambridge. Long-
                    tailed bats are highly mobile. Their home range is potentially very large (657-1589 ha in studied

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Lake Te Koo Utu Ecology, stormwater management and restoration options Prepared for Waipa District Council 3 April 2020
populations), with bats frequently changing and utilising a wide network of roosts across their
                    home range. They preferentially commute and forage along linear features and/or over water
                    bodies (Rockell et al., 2017), foraging for a wide selection of insect prey (Gurau, 2014).
                    Long-tailed bats typically roost in trees that are greater than15 cm diameter at breast height
                    (DBH), and have one or more of the following features:

                          •   cracks, crevices, knot holes, cavities and/or fractured limbs large enough to support
                              roosting bat(s);
                          •   sections of loose flaking bark large enough to support roosting bat(s);
                          •   hollow trunks, stem or branches;
                          •   deadwood in canopy or stem of sufficient size to support roost cavities or hollows; and
                          •   epiphytes in the canopy.
                    Roost trees, particularly those used as maternity roosts (used for breeding), are a limiting
                    resource for all long-tailed bat populations due to the specific thermal requirements necessary
                    for high quality roosts (Sedgeley, 2001). Long-tailed bats generally select the oldest and largest
                    trees available as maternity roosts 1, in both natural and modified environments. Solitary roosts
                    often occur in less ideal roosts and bats can opportunistically use tree fern crowns and cabbage
                    The Lake Te Koo Utu reserve contains a large number of potential roost trees due to the wide
                    variety of exotic trees of varying ages. This resource should be carefully managed to ensure
                    large, old trees are not lost through reserve management activities and are actively conserved.
                    Where large trees with potential roost features need to be removed or pruned, a bat tree fell
                    protocol should be followed to ensure bats are not present in the trees/limbs being felled.

                    3.2.3       Birds
                    Lake Te Koo Utu has a bird assemblage reflective of its urban location, habitat type
                    (lake/wetland), and its proximity to the Waikato River. In terms of abundance, the avifauna
                    assemblage is likely dominated by naturalised introduced species which are common in the
                    agricultural and residential landscape surrounding Cambridge such as common starling, house
                    sparrow, and European goldfinch. Several At-Risk shag species are present and use the
                    surrounding trees for roosting and fish in the lake itself. Table 1 provides a list of bird species
                    seen during the site visits, detailed in previous reports, or otherwise expected in the area
                    Table 1: Avifauna species list and conservation status – confirmed and likely species.

                                                           Species                                                      Conservation
                                                                                                                     Status - (Robertson
                               Common name                              Scientific name                                  et al., 2017)
                        Black shag                             Phalacrocorax carbo                                  At Risk - Naturally
                                                               novaehollandiae                                      uncommon
                        Common myna                            Acridotheres tristis                                 Introduced and
                        Common starling                        Sturnus vulgaris                                     Introduced and
                        Domestic duck                          Anas platyrhynchos domesticus                        Introduced

                    1Also referred to as a breeding roost or a maternity roost. Roosts where female bats
                    congregate to give birth and raise pups before they are old enough to fly.

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Species                                                      Conservation
                                                                                                                         Status - (Robertson
                            Common name                                     Scientific name                                  et al., 2017)
                      Eastern rosella                              Platycercus eximius                                  Introduced and
                      Eurasian blackbird                           Turdus merula                                        Introduced and
                      European goldfinch                           Carduelis carduelis                                  Introduced and
                      Grey warbler                                 Gerygone igata                                       Not Threatened
                      Greylag goose                                Anser anser                                          Introduced and
                      House sparrow                                Passer domesticus                                    Introduced and
                      Little black shag                            Phalacrocorax sulcirostris                           At Risk - Naturally
                      Little shag                                  Phalacrocorax melanoleucos
                                                                   brevirostris                                         Not Threatened
                      Little shag                                  Phalacrocorax melanoleucos                           Not threatened
                      Malay spotted dove                           Streptopelia chinensis tigrina                       Introduced and
                      Mallard duck                                 Anas platyrhynchos                                   Introduced and
                      Mallard duck/grey duck hybrid                Anas superciliosa x platyrhynchos                    Not Threatened
                      North Island fantail                         Rhipidura fuliginosa placabilis                      Not Threatened
                      Paradise shelduck                            Tadorna variegata                                    Not Threatened
                      Pied Shag                                    Phalacrocorax varius varius                          At Risk - Recovering
                      Pukeko                                       Porphyrio melanotus                                  Not Threatened
                      Sacred kingfisher                            Todiramphus sanctus vagans                           Not Threatened
                      Silvereye                                    Zosterops lateralis                                  Not Threatened
                      Song thrush                                  Turdus philomelos                                    Introduced and
                      Spur-winged plover                           Vanellus miles novaehollandiae                       Not Threatened
                      Swamp harrier                                Circus approximans                                   Not Threatened
                      Tui                                          Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae
                                                                                                                        Not Threatened
                      Welcome swallow                              Hirundo neoxena                                      Not Threatened
                      White-faced heron                            Egretta novaehollandiae                              Not Threatened

                    3.2.4        Lizards
                    Very few records exist for lizards in the Cambridge area. The native species most likely to occur
                    around Lake Te Koo Utu is copper skink (Oligosoma aeneum) which are Not Threatened
                    (Hitchmough et al., 2016). This species, in the Waikato, prefers damp, complex vegetation
                    within which it can seek refuge. The vegetation surrounding the lake could provide habitat for
                    this species. Potentially also present is the non-native plague skink (Lampropholis delicata)
                    which is a pest species and found throughout the Waikato.

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4.0 Discharges/outlets to the Lake

                    4.1         Discharges
                    The three catchments that discharge to the lake discharge via separate outlets (Figure 3 to
                    Figure 7). There is no water quality treatment or effective mitigation of water velocity associated
                    with any of these outlets. The outlet fed by the large residential catchment is set back from the
                    edge of the lake and is fed into the main water body via a large concrete chute structure which
                    is unlikely to reduce velocity in increased flow periods (Figure 5). Both the large residential and
                    commercial catchment outlets show signs of scour and flattening of adjacent vegetation (Figure
                    4 & Figure 6).
                    Both of the large residential and commercial catchment outlets are located at the western end of
                    the lake and there is a large amount of soft sediment accumulated in this area which has been
                    colonised by raupo. Raupo would not have been the initial cause of sediment disposition as it
                    typically encroaches from the shallow edge of waterbodies. However, raupo may have
                    contributed to an accelerated rate of sediment deposition. The establishment of raupo and other
                    vegetation will exacerbate and increase the rate of sediment deposition by slowing water flows
                    and encouraging settlement of sediments. The accumulation of soft sediments described is
                    visible in aerial imagery indicated by the expansion of raupo colonisation from the western end
                    of the lake while the other plant species, such as water lilies and bamboo spike edge along the
                    southern lake end, have changed little over this time (Figures 9 a-d).
                    With reference to Table 5-5 contaminant loads for various daily traffic counts (NZTA Stormwater
                    Treatment Standard for Highways, May 2010) sediment loading at the lake outlets from the total
                    road system connected to the pipe network could be in the order of 170kg/year based on
Figure 3: Outlet for commercial catchment on south-western edge of Lake Te Koo Utu

                    Figure 4: Outlet for commercial catchment on south-western edge of Lake Te Koo Utu – Looking along the flow path.

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Figure 5: Outlet for large residential catchment on western edge of Lake Te Koo Utu.

                    Figure 6: Outlet for commercial catchment on southern edge of Lake Te Koo Utu – Looking along the flow path.

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Figure 7: Outlet for small residential catchment on north-eastern edge of Lake Te Koo Utu.

                    Figure 8: Lake Te Koo Utu lake outlet.

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a: 2006                                                                                                                                    c: 2010 (winter so raupo and deciduous tree leaves have browned/dropped off)

                    b: 2016 (winter so raupo and deciduous tree leaves have browned/dropped off)                                                               d: 2019
                    Figures 9 a-d: Time series of aerial images of Lake Te Koo Utu showing the expansion of raupo in the western end of the lake since
                    2006. Indicative of sediment accumulation from Large residential and commercial catchments.

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5.0 Current water and sediment quality

                    5.1          Water quality
                    Waikato Regional Council has been monitoring the water quality of Lake Te Koo Utu monthly
                    since July 2019. Appendix 2 details all the parameters tested during this monitoring. Throughout
                    this period, monitoring has revealed consistently elevated total suspended solids, electrical
                    conductivity, turbidity, and total nitrogen levels when compared to Australia and New Zealand
                    guidelines (Australian and New Zealand Governments, 2018) and Waikato Regional Council
                    (WRC) guidelines where applicable (Waikato Regional Council, n.d.) 2. There was also an
                    observed spike in E. coli in the December sampling, however this remained within the
                    “satisfactory” range provided by Waikato Regional Council. Phosphorus is very high compared
                    to all guideline values with the lowest result three times higher than the WRC unsatisfactory
                    limit. Total nitrogen is universally elevated above guideline values and WRC unsatisfactory limit.
                    Compared to the Draft National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management limits Chlorophyll
                    a, total phosphorus, and total nitrogen fit into the D attribute band (the worst health band and
                    below the proposed national bottom line). We consider, based on the data available, Lake Te
                    Koo Utu is, without significant intervention, likely to continually fail to have improved water
                    quality parameters that would move it into the C attribute band and therefore above the
                    proposed national bottom line.
                    WRC measurements at 0.2m intervals throughout the water column of the lake for dissolved
                    oxygen and temperature show no thermal stratification of the water body with consistent
                    temperatures throughout the water column. The elevated water temperatures in November and
                    December detected are a particular cause for concern for fish health.
                    Dissolved oxygen (DO), measured at 0.2m intervals, shows a high level of stratification in the
                    September sampling round with water near the bottom having DO levels of >40%. This
                    suggests that lake mixing during this period was limited. In November and December, DO levels
                    were low (>55%) throughout the water column with some evidence of stratification. DO levels
                    are below guideline values and in the WRC unsatisfactory category below 1.4m in September
                    and October (with DO only marginally higher above 1.4m deep in October). In November and
                    December DO levels are very low throughout the water column and well below WRC
                    unsatisfactory level.
                    Temperature profiles are as expected for a shallow lake with relatively little shading and an
                    estimated residence time (water flushing rate) of 26 days (Kessels Ecology, n.d.).
                    The full water quality data set is available in Appendix 2.

                    5.2          Sediment quality
                    Three sediment samples were collected on 11 December 2019 including;

                     These parameters are not Lake specific and therefore should only be used as an indicative benchmark for water

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•    A composite sample of several areas of deposited sediment around the major
                              stormwater inflow pipe at the western end of the lake;

                         •    A composite sample of multiple locations along the northern lake edge; and

                         •    A composite sample on several points in the outlet are of the lake.
                         Contaminant concentrations from samples taken along the northern lake edge and in the
                         outlet, are below relevant guideline values. However, the deposited sediment around the
                         stormwater pipe shows elevated levels of iron, all heavy metals, and polycyclic aromatic
                         hydrocarbons (PAHs) compared to the other two samples. Of these lead, zinc, and PAHs
                         concentrations either exceed or are approaching the Australia and New Zealand (Australian
                         and New Zealand Governments, 2018) guideline values for sediment quality.
                    These elevated contaminant loads found in the western end are typical of urban stormwater
                    runoff, particularly lead, copper, zinc, and PAHs. Major sources of these contaminants from
                    urban catchments are likely to be (Auckland Regional Council, 2008):

                         •    Copper; brake linings (break wear) and atmospheric deposition.

                         •    Lead; garden soil, atmospheric deposition, and lead roof flashing and nail heads.

                         •    Zinc; tyre wear (tyres contain up to 2% zinc by weight) and roofing materials,
                    PAHs can be derived from multiple sources, and this depends on the activity and land use of
                    the residential areas. PAHs are often attributed to motor vehicle emissions in urban catchments.
                    Identifying the sources of PAHs can be achieved through the comparison of the ratios of certain
                    PAHs as different sources contain different ratios of individual PAHs like a fingerprint. The PAH
                    ratios detected in Lake Te Koo Utu sediments ware not consistent with fossil fuel combustion
                    by-products. The composition pattern of the PAHs is most similar to samples taken in the
                    Auckland Region where coal tar was determined to be the major source of PAH contamination.
                    Indicator ratios present in the Lake Te Koo Utu samples where high (~1)
                    indenopyrene/benzo(ghi)perylene and benz(a)anthracene/chrysene ratios which would not be
                    consistent with petrogenic PAH sources such as tyres, diesel oil, or bitumen as displayed in
                    Figure 14 of (Depree & Ahrens, 2007). Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene / (Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene +
                    Benzo[g,h,i]perylene) (0.50-0.53) and Benzo[a]anthracene / (Benzo[a]anthracene + Chrysene)
                    ((0.48 – 0.51) ratios align with that found in Motions Creek sediments in Auckland where it was
                    estimated there was a coal tar content of 0.1-1% contributing 85-95% of total PAH (Depree &
                    Ahrens, 2007).
                    Coal tar hasn’t been used since the 1980s but is still present in the older layers of many roads,
                    foot paths, and driveways and is a legacy contaminant which persists in sediments. Coal tar is
                    PAH rich when compared to the more modern bitumen now used and small amounts of it can
                    disproportionately elevate PAH levels compared to bitumen (Ahrens et al., 2007). Coal tar can
                    be released through road wear, road reconstruction, and the erosion of road side soils
                    contaminated by coal tar (Ahrens et al., 2007; Depree & Ahrens, 2007).
                    The full sediment quality data set is available in Appendix 3 and the certificate of analysis is
                    available in Appendix 4.

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5.3          Botulism 3
                    There are frequent public reports of ducks displaying symptoms of botulism (reluctance to fly,
                    stumbling gait, and neck paralysis) and dead ducks are collected form the lake daily by the
                    Waipa District Council parks team.
                    Botulism is caused by waterfowl ingesting a neurotoxin produced by several strains of the
                    bacteria Clostridium botulinum (Thomas et al., 2008; Wobeser, 1997). The epizootiology
                    (factors which cause outbreaks of disease) of botulism is extremely complex with a large range
                    of contributing factors which can cause outbreaks and ultimately waterfowl deaths. Botulism can
                    occur in large, deep, and well oxygenated wetlands as well as river systems (i.e. waterbodies in
                    good health) and are relatively unpredictable based on comparison of environmental factors
                    between water bodies and even history of outbreaks (Thomas et al., 2008). Botulinum spores
                    are common in wetlands and lake sediments and are persistent in the environment.(Thomas et
                    al., 2008; Wobeser, 1997).
                    Optimal conditions for growth of C. botulinum bacteria depend on the strain, but in genera,l they
                    require high temperatures (optimal growth range of 25°C to 40°C), low oxygen levels, and high
                    protein substrates (Thomas et al., 2008). Early understanding of botulism suggested that the
                    bacteria grew and produced toxins in the “sludge bed” at the bottom of waterbodies caused by
                    accumulations of decaying organic material depleting oxygen. Research has since shown
                    rotting vegetation and stagnant water is a poor substrate for C. botulinum growth (Thomas et
                    al., 2008). Until recently the subsequent theory of “microenvironment concept” was used to
                    explain botulism outbreaks. This theory suggests that invertebrate carcasses or other decaying
                    matter provided a suitable substrate/microenvironment for C. botulinum growth and waterfowl
                    ate these toxin laden food particles. However, there is lack of conclusive evidence that shows
                    the role of invertebrate carcasses role in botulism outbreaks (Thomas et al., 2008).
                    Current research and understanding of botulism outbreaks focuses on the “carcass-maggot”
                    cycle of botulism where vertebrate carcasses (which contain C. botulinum spores from ingesting
                    them while feeding) provide an optimal high temperature, low oxygen, and high protein
                    substrate for bacteria growth and toxin production. Botulinum spores are widely found in
                    freshwater habitats and not an indicator of poor water quality. Spores are long lived and able to
                    withstand environmental extremes, however they are more common in areas where botulism
                    outbreaks have previously occurred. A large proportion of waterfowl, which feed in botulism
                    prone areas, may have botulinum spores in their liver or intensities (Thomas et al., 2008). Then
                    fly larvae (maggots), which appear to be unaffected by the toxin, feed on the decaying carcases
                    and concentrate the botulinum toxin. Waterfowl, which won’t typically feed on decomposing
                    carcasses, feed readily on these fly larvae, when they are exposed, which can contain
                    extremely lethal concentrations of botulinum toxin (one maggot can contain a lethal dose)
                    (Thomas et al., 2008; Wobeser, 1997). Instigating factors for outbreaks can therefore be
                    anything that kills waterfowl.
                    Control and management of botulism outbreaks therefore is best focused on the collection of
                    carcasses before they become maggot infested and therefore prevent the exposure of
                    waterfowl to botulinum toxin. In the case of Lake Te Koo Utu, this is already being done and as
                    the cause of mortality and ultimately the toxigenic carcasses may not be within the reserve’s
                    boundaries (and unlikely to be identified), then vigilance in preventing the spread within the
                    reserve’s boundary should remain the focus. It is important to note that there has never been a
                    case of botulism in humans associated with botulism in wild birds (Thomas et al., 2008).

                     This section provides an extremely brief summary of a very large and complex area of active, evolving research and
                    understanding and Thomas et al. (2008) should be referred to for more a detailed synopsis.

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5.4         Lake health implications
                    Lake Te Koo Utu has elevated nutrient levels which, when coupled with high temperatures,
                    contributes to an excess of algal and plant growth within the water body of the lake. Excess
                    algal growth contributes to increased oxygen demand within the water body through overnight
                    respiration and through the build-up of dead organic matter in lake sediments being broken
                    down. The DO levels of the lake demonstrate this effect with low DO in deeper water during
                    warmer months. Depending on the species of algae that grows, elevated nutrient levels can
                    also contribute to toxic algal blooms such as cyanobacteria which are a threat to human and
                    animal health.
                    A “real-time” example of the impacts of elevated nutrient inputs can be observed within the
                    water quality data; chlorophyll a concentration of the lake indicates an algal bloom in September
                    which coincided with the depletion of oxygen from the bottom of the lake and the dissolved
                    oxygen stratification observed at the same time. This algal bloom and the following water quality
                    data also give support to Lake Te Koo Utu being nitrogen limited (Hobman, 2000). The water
                    quality data indicates that in the cooler months there is an oversupply/build-up of nitrogen. This
                    excess then appears to be used up during the warmer months with a trend towards nitrogen
                    limitation (nitrogen limitation is indicated by a total nitrogen : total phosphorus ratio of < 7:1
                    (Abell et al., 2010)). This indicates that, controlling the inputs and accumulation/build-up of
                    nitrogen is important to improve water quality and limit algal blooms during the warmer months
                    of the year.
                    Elevated suspended solids and the associated visibility (secchi depth) contributes to issues with
                    fish health such as blocking gills and disrupting food webs. However, the fish assemblage within
                    Lake Te Koo Utu is dominated by turbidity tolerant species and this is likely so for the food
                    species they rely on. High suspended solids can also inhibit plant and algal growth, however
                    there is no evidence for this in the data as there is no relationship between suspended solids
                    and Chlorophyll a concentration. It is unlikely that the turbidity of the water is inhibiting growth.
                    The most likely impact of elevated suspended solids in the lake is the transportation of
                    phosphorus and other contaminant laden sediment around the lake.
                    Elevated PAHs and metals found in the sediments close to the stormwater outlet for the western
                    residential catchments and the commercial catchment can have direct acute and potentially
                    long-term toxic effects on aquatic life within the lake.
                    The presence of elevated E. coli and Enterococci are indicators of faecal contamination and
                    indicate the elevated risk of contact with the water causing disease.
                    The elevated nutrients and contaminants in the lake are likely a result of run off from the urban
                    catchment. The sources of these are likely run off from residential houses, run off from roads,
                    and contamination of animal wastes. Elevated suspended sediment levels are likely a result
                    from a combination of urban stormwater runoff and the wind driven and mixing/resuspension of
                    lake bed sediments which can be a dominant driver sediment transport in shallow lakes (Bryers,
                    2000, p. 200). However, the accumulation of sediment does point to an ongoing discharge of
                    sediment via stormwater inputs.
                    The existing stormwater outlets at Lake Te Koo Utu are likely to have been contributing runoff to
                    the lake for the previous 50 years or more. Understanding how the catchment was developed
                    provides insights as to how long this build-up of contaminants has been occurring.
                    Prior to the roads being sealed, stormwater from residential lots (roof and driveway) would go to
                    ground soakage. The roads were gravel (pervious) with no runoff collected within a pipe and
                    therefore no outlet to the lake. The sealing of the road network necessitated a need for a kerb
                    and channel pipe network to manage the road runoff. Interestingly, there are still several minor

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urban roads in the catchment (for example Hall Street) which drain passively to the adjacent
                    grass berm with no kerb and channel. This is a good outcome in terms of stormwater treatment.
                    The issues began essentially with the sealing of the road network and parking for commercial
                    areas. The solutions therefore can also be found within these areas with a focus on the first
                    devices in areas of high use (traffic volume and intersections with vehicle braking) where most
                    contaminants are generated and where most treatment can be achieved.

                    6.0 Ecological restoration and stormwater
                        improvement approach

                    6.1          Key aspirations
                    The key aspirations for Lake Te Koo Utu for WDC, mana whenua and community are to
                    improve the water quality of the lake. The objective of the Lake Te Koo Utu concept plan, that
                    this report supports, is to improve water quality before it feeds into Te Awa O Waikato and to
                    enhance biodiversity within the boundaries of the reserve and Lake. The reason for this
                    constraint is that significant improvements require a catchment wide approach (integrated
                    stormwater management) beyond the boundaries of the Lake Te Koo Utu reserve which is
                    outside of the scope of the plan.
                    Through this process an aspiration is that there is an increase in the understanding of the
                    community of the ecological and cultural value and importance of Lake Te Koo Utu. This will
                    involve the community understanding the lakes water sources through education and what
                    impact they might have on it, educating community about significance of the lake to mana
                    whenua and understanding how the community can make changes to improve the water quality
                    outcomes for waterbodies they impact.
                    We urge caution in the expectation of water quality outcomes as the catchment use surrounding
                    the lake will not change there will be under similar water quality pressures in the future and
                    continue to receive untreated contaminants from the surrounding urban and commercial
                    catchment. Therefore, there needs to be an understanding that significant improvements to the
                    water quality of the lake will require stormwater management at source through improvements
                    of infrastructure to decrease contaminants entering the lake from the urban catchment.
                    We understand the WDC Waters Assets Team are proposing an LTP business case for a
                    pioneering study to look at catchment wide options to improve stormwater runoff to the lake. It is
                    likely these options will be like those presented in this report.
                    Without the significant improvement of stormwater treatment, the recommendations below, in
                    isolation, are unlikely to lead to measurable improvements in water quality.
                    With the implementation of stormwater treatment; the aspiration for the Lake’s water quality is
                    that it consistently maintains water quality that would put it above the Draft National Policy
                    Statement for Freshwater Management national bottom line for all attributes and consistently
                    meets the C band criteria or better.

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6.2         Lake water quality recommendations
                    From the water and sediment quality data there are clear focal points for improving the water
                    quality of Lake Te Koo Utu. These are:

                          •    Reduce or capture the first flush coarse sediment from the western residential
                               catchments and commercial catchment. Therefore, capturing phosphorus, metals, and
                               PAH contamination.

                          •    Reduce nitrogen and phosphorus inputs. With emphasis on reducing the build-up and
                               input of nitrogen throughout the year to prevent, or at least reduce the magnitude of
                               algal blooms.
                    A comprehensive options report was provided to Waipa District Council in 2005 by Tonkin &
                    Taylor (Chizmar, 2005). GHD reviewed these options with updated costings in 2018 (Kirk,
                    2018). To avoid revisiting each option within this report we have provided comments on the
                    review of options provided by GHD in Appendix 5. What we consider the best options for
                    managing Lake Te Koo Utu water quality and the surrounding park are outlined in more detail
                    below. We urge caution in the expectation of water quality outcomes as the catchment use
                    surrounding the lake will not change it will be under similar water quality pressures in the future
                    and continue to receive contaminants from the surrounding catchment. Efforts should be in the
                    context of improving water quality with an understanding of the constraints of the potential water
                    quality outcome is not the same for an urban lake than a lake within a less intensive land use
                    We have split our recommendations into actions that we consider should be undertaken in the
                    short, medium, and long-term and have focused on solutions that seek to address causes of the
                    degradation of water quality rather than the symptoms. These time frames are indicative with
                    many of the actions in the long-term section placed there as they are likely to occur over a long
                    time period but actions, such as installing stormwater treatment devices, should be addressed
                    as and when the opportunity is available within replacement and maintenance timeframes. All
                    options are addressed only as recommendations and subject to detailed design, optioneering,
                    and feasibility studies where required. It is important to note that restoration of water quality will
                    be a long-term proposition.

                    6.2.1       Short-term approach
                    Actions we recommend should be completed in the short term;

                         •    Education of stakeholders in the catchment and highlight of issues within reserve
                              design – Educating residents that live in the catchments that feed into Lake Te Koo Utu
                              on the types of contaminants and their impacts on the health of the lake is important –
                              promoting a catchment wide approach to managing runoff from hard surfaces.
                              Education content should also provide effective ways on how to minimise the
                              environmental impact on the lake to reduce these contaminant loads. Signage and
                              landscape treatments within the reserve can also serve to contribute to this messaging.
                              Daylighting some of the ground water inputs along the southern side of the lake, with
                              interpretation panels, has the potential to provide information on different sources of
                              water that feed into the lake. This can be contrasted with highlighting stormwater inputs
                              and their effects. It is important to acknowledge and highlight these aspects rather than
                              hide them away to prevent the cognitive disconnect between actions in the catchment
                              and lake water quality outcomes. When carrying out the subsequent recommendations

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outlined below education opportunities and highlighting the purpose of structures and
                               approaches will continue to be important.

                         •     Integrate a planting shelf wetland into the lake outlet arm – we recommend that a
                               wetland (bands of shallow and deep marsh) designed to trap sediments and to provide
                               shading and nutrient attenuation in the lake outlet arm is installed. This wetland will
                               seek to minimise the impact of the stormwater inputs into the lake reaching further into
                               the wider environment and Karapiro stream. This wetland will also have the benefit of
                               moving ducks further into the wider, deeper, areas of the lake reducing potential faecal
                               contamination in the shallowest part of the waterbody.

                         •     Adoption of business cases in the LTP which promote an integrated approach to
                               stormwater management within the Lake catchment.

                    6.2.2        Medium-term approach
                    Actions we recommend should be completed in the medium term;

                         •     Naturalising the lake edge – The current lake edge consists of either vertical retaining
                               walls, bare soil banks, or, on the northern edge of the lake, large aggregate rock from
                               track construction. Remediation could be done by removing the retaining timber and re-
                               sloping the lake edge. Planting will assist in stabilising the slope, attenuating nutrients
                               and provide shading of the water around the edge. In the areas where there is a current
                               slope, but it is predominantly rock, coir-logs can be installed to enable planting and in
                               the medium term encourage the development of suitable growing conditions. This
                               naturalisation does not have be around the entire lake edge but should respond to the
                               needs and desires of the community for access and views of the lake.

                    6.2.3        Long-term approach
                    Actions we recommend should be completed in the long term;

                         •     Options are limited at the stormwater outfall points into the lake due to restricted access
                               and narrow space around the lake perimeter. However, the space within the lake offers
                               an opportunity to implement ‘end of line’ water quality treatment measures which can be
                               closely aligned to landscape and amenity objectives for Lake Te Koo Utu. We
                               recommend formalising the naturally functioning wetland by providing a sediment
                               forebay in the western end of the lake to treat first flush (coarse sediment) runoff at the
                               pipe outlets from the western catchments. This wetland forebay would seek to contain
                               the current expansion of sediment deposition and vegetation in the western arm of the
                               lake. It should be designed to maximise nutrient attenuation and sediment trapping, and
                               habitat provided (however habitat should be secondary to other functions). The forebay,
                               would need to allow access for periodic maintenance and removal of sediment. This
                               option we consider requires a feasibility study from the point of view of constructability,
                               potential efficacy, consenting, and community feedback. During the wetland’s
                               construction options for removal of sediment which would reduce internal nutrient
                               loading should be consider; several options are provided and review in Appendix 5 that
                               should be considered.

                         •     As stated earlier, the preferred option for stormwater management is to adopt an
                               integrated catchment approach with practical treatment options implemented when and
                               where possible in the catchment as part of either a new capital works programme or as

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part of general operational and maintenance work. Undertaking stormwater
                              improvement work as an ‘add on’ as part of a wider project – for example road upgrade
                              or pipe upgrade – is often a viable option which other local authorities are considering.
                              This provides for cost savings and efficiencies to achieve good stormwater treatment
                              outcomes while not being the core purpose of the project. It also allows WDC to
                              prioritise the best projects to deliver the best water quality outcomes such as focussing
                              on renewal programme for higher use roads with greatest contaminant loading or within
                              the commercial catchment. A full synopsis of stormwater treatment options is provided
                              in Appendix 5 and the approach taken at each individual upgrade will be dependent on
                              a multitude of factors and need to be identified within this context at the time of design.
                              Options are likely to include at source solutions such as catch pit inserts to collect
                              coarse sediments and litter and more comprehensive options such as ‘plug and play’
                              bio-retention devices such as pre-cast raingardens and tree pits and planted swales (as
                              part of road/pipe upgrades) all of which reduce the need for additional downstream
                              measures within the lake itself such as communal sediment forebays. Porous surfacing
                              for new commercial and higher density residential areas and use of inert roof materials
                              are also good outcomes for reducing contaminant runoff into the lake.
                    Bio-retention devices were not proposed in previous reports and we have provided a synopsis
                    of this option in Table 2.
                    Table 2: Bio-retention option synopsis

                      Control      Improvement          Description                       Indicative               Boffa Miskell and Te
                      Area         Option                                                 Costs                    Miro Water

                      Source       Bio-retention        Bio retention such as             $10,000 fitted           Bio-retention options
                      Control      devices for          raingardens can be                for standard             such as raingardens
                                   road runoff          sized to treat a                  HYNDS                    retrofitted during
                                                        discrete road sub                 2mx3m precast            road/sw reticulation
                                                        catchment leading to              unit + growing           upgrade. Focus on high
                                                        a single catchpit or –            media and                traffic areas and/or
                                                        depending on grade                underdrain.              commercial/industrial
                                                        – developed as                    One device is            land use as part of new
                                                        larger communal                   required for             consent or consent
                                                        units (generally <                approximately            variation.
                                                        100sqm)                           every 100m
                                                                                          length of road.

                    Overall a combined approach to managing stormwater runoff is recommended over the long
                    term. Measures can be implemented both within the upper catchment as well as at the point of
                    discharge to reduce the overall contaminant input into the lake. This approach is consistent with
                    the messages in previous reports.

                    6.3         Lake Te Koo Utu Reserve ecological enhancement
                    In addition to the recommendations directly related to improving water quality, our
                    recommendations to maintain and improve the ecological value of the reserve surrounding Lake
                    Te Koo Utu are:

                         •    Develop a natural resource plan for the reserve; This plan should look at the different
                              availability of natural resources for native fauna over the course of the year (for example

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nectar or fruit). If gaps are present in the resources provided within the reserve; new
                               plantings should be selected, where possible, to fill in the gaps during the year for
                               specific resources. This will allow the reserve to provide a year-round resource to native
                               fauna and allow longer/permanent residence for species that currently are transient
                               visitors to the reserve. This resource plan can also look at habitat features that could be
                               created through varying the current maintenance practices such as; using natural timber
                               and tree trimmings to provide complex woody habitats for native skinks.

                         •     Develop a vegetation management plan – with a focus on habitat enhancement and
                               succession planting; This plan should be developed to look at areas where
                               supplemental planting can increase the amount of habitat complexity in the reserve.
                               Approaches like underplanting and adding epiphytes like orchids or climbers should be
                               considered. Succession planning should look at the age and lifespan of all larger trees
                               and identify when and where trees will likely need to be removed and seek to transition
                               new planting and older trees to ensure a continuous rotation of habitats are available.
                               The environment within and surrounding the reserve is a complex of native and exotic
                               vegetation and while a “native plant first” policy could be considered for new plantings,
                               the removal of exotic plants, as policy, would do more harm than good. We consider
                               that managing and enhancing habitat values is a greater priority.

                         •     Develop bat management protocols; the presence of large trees and confirmed bat
                               presence means there is a risk that, without appropriate management, tree
                               maintenance and felling can kill the “Threatened – Nationally Critical” long tailed bat.
                               Protocols should be developed for the planning of, and survey prior to works that impact
                               potential bat roosts. As a note; native bat species are ‘absolutely protected’ under the
                               Wildlife Act (1953, s63 (1) (c)) which is administered by the Department of Conservation
                               and disturbing, injuring, or killing is a breach of this act.

                         •     Review of reserve management practices – current reserve practices should be
                               reviewed to determine if there are practices that could contribute to the degradation of
                               water quality or habitat in the reserve. Things to consider, for example, would be the
                               maintenance regime and methods for plantings, spraying of lake edges, and fertiliser

                    7.0 Conclusion

                    The water quality of Lake Te Koo Utu has been degraded significantly by the inputs from the
                    catchments surrounding it. For example, sediment yields from road runoff are in the order of
                    100-200kg/year with lake inputs occurring over many decades since the roads were sealed and
                    pipe network installed.
                    We have provided recommendations to improve the water quality through a combination of
                    options to be implemented at the point of discharge in the lake reserve, within the wider lake
                    body, and at the likely source of contaminants to achieve overall improvements in lake water
                    In the long-term, a first flush forebay (with high flow bypass) combined with source controls in
                    the stormwater infrastructure to capture and treat first flush runoff volumes has high potential to
                    improve water quality of Lake Te Koo Utu. These options can integrate with the wider open

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water space of the lake and with the recreational and amenity objectives of the Lake Te Koo Utu
                    enhancement project.
                    It is important to recognise that while we have provided many recommendations for works within
                    the reserve itself that the critical factor for improving the water quality of Lake Te Koo Utu is
                    treatment of the stormwater before it gets to the lake. Without a catchment wide approach to
                    improvement, stormwater treatment in lake and reserve options in isolation are unlikely to
                    achieve measurable improvements to water quality.

                    8.0 References

                    Abell, J. M., Özkundakci, D., & Hamilton, D. P. (2010). Nitrogen and phosphorus limitation of

                              phytoplankton growth in New Zealand lakes: implications for eutrophication control.

                              Ecosystems, 13(7), 966–977.

                    Ahrens, M., Depree, C., & Olsen, G. (2007). Environmental forensics: Cracking the case of the

                              contaminated streams. Water and Atmosphere, 15(1).

                    Auckland Regional Council. (2008). Urban sources of copper, lead and zinc (Auckland Regional

                              Council Technical Report TR 2008/023). Auckland Regional Council.

                    Australian and New Zealand Governments. (2018). Australian and New Zealand guidelines for

                              fresh and marine water quality.

                    Bryers, G. (2000). Protocol for monitoring trophic levels of New Zealand lakes and reservoirs

                              (Issue 99/2). Lakes Consulting, Report.

                    Chizmar, J. (2005). Tonkin & Taylor letter to Waipa District Council; Options for the

                              management of Lake Te Ko Utu and surrounding park.

                    Deichmann, B., & Kessels, G. (2013). Significant Natural Areas of the Waipa district: Terrestrial

                              and wetland ecosystems (Waikato Regional Council Technical Report TR 2013/16).

                              Prepared by Kessels & Associates Ltd for Waikato Regional Council.

                    Depree, C., & Ahrens, M. (2007). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Auckland’s aquatic

                              environment sources, concentrations and potential environmental risks (Auckland

                              Regional Council Technical Publication No. 378). Prepared by NIWA for Auckland

                              Regional Council.

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Gurau, A. L. (2014). The diet of the New Zealand long-tailed bat, Chalinolobus tuberculatus : a

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                               Rolfe, J. (2016). Conservation status of New Zealand reptiles, 2015 (New Zealand

                               Threat Classification Series No. 17). Department of Conservation.

                    Hobman, R. L. (2000). Lake Te Ko Utu, Cambridge: Studies on the Vegetation and Water

                               Quality, with Recommendations for Ecological Management. University of Waikato.

                    Kessels Ecology. (n.d.). Cambridge Lakefront Development ecological opportunities and

                               constraints report.

                    Kirk, A. (2018). GHD Letter to Waipa District Council; Lake Te Ko Utu - Options Review.

                    Leathwick, J. R., Clarkson, B. D., & Whaley, P. T. (1995). Vegetation of the Waikato Region:

                               current and historical perspectives. Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research.

                    O’Donnell, C. F. J., Borkin, K. M., Christie, J. E., Lloyd, B., Parsons, S., & Hitchmough, R. A.

                               (2018). The conservation status of New Zealand bats, 2017 (New Zealand Threat

                               Classification Series No. 21). Department of Conservation.

                    Robertson, H. A., Baird, K., Dowding, J. E., Elliott, G. P., Hitchmough, R. A., Miskelly, C. M.,

                               McArthur, N., O’Donnell, C. F. J., Sagar, P. M., Scofield, R. P., & Taylor, G. A. (2017).

                               Conservation status of New Zealand birds, 2016 (New Zealand Threat Classification

                               Series No. 19). Department of Conservation.

                    Rockell, G., Littlemore, J., & Scrimgeour, J. (2017). Habitat preferences of long-tailed bats

                               Chalinolobus tuberculatus along riparian corridors of the forested Pikiariki Ecological

                               Area, Pureora Forest Park (DOC Research & Development Series No. 349).

                               Department of Conservation.

                    Sedgeley, J. A. (2001). Quality of cavity microclimate as a factor influencing selection of

                               maternity roosts by a tree-dwelling bat, Chalinolobus tuberculatus, in New Zealand.

                               Journal of Applied Ecology, 38, 424–438.

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