Koorie Education Calendar 2019 - JANUARY - Victorian Aboriginal Education ...

Page created by Harold Deleon
Koorie Education Calendar 2019 - JANUARY - Victorian Aboriginal Education ...
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
    JANUARY                               The Victorian Aboriginal               Protocols for Koorie Education in              We highly recommend            The Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc. (VAEAI) was first
                                          Education Association Inc.             Victorian Primary and Secondary                consulting with Aboriginal     established in 1976 as the Victorian Aboriginal Education Consultative
                                          (VAEAI) is the peak Koorie             Schools has been produced by VAEAI             people and Aboriginal          Group (VAECG). The shared aim of the VAECG was to increase the
                                          community-controlled body for          following requests for guidance on             sources for information.       presence and voice of Koorie people in education decision making at a
                                          Aboriginal Education and training      appropriate protocols for schools to           Where available, your local    time when limited Aboriginal organisations existed.
                                          in Victoria.                           follow in providing a welcoming school         LAECG is a good first point
                                                                                 environment for Koorie community               of contact and VAEAI can       Today VAEAI continues to represent the Victorian Koorie Community in
                                          Explore the VAEAI website ,            members, and working respectfully              assist with contacts. Try to   relation to education policy development and strategic programming at
                                          subscribe for newsletters and          with the Koorie community to enrich            work with local community      local, state and national levels.
                                          follow us on Facebook.                 school curricula.                              people and Elders, and
                                                                                                                                always respect their           VAEAI supports the provision of education and training that reinforces the
                                          VAEAI website:                         Protocols for schools:                         intellectual and cultural      Koorie community’s cultural identity, and increases awareness in the wider
                                          http://www.vaeai.org.au/index.cfm      http://www.vaeai.org.au/_uploads/_ckpg/files   property rights.               community of Koorie cultures, histories and aspirations in education and
                                                                                 /ProtocolsDocVAEAI18jan17final.pdf                                            training.

              26        Survival Day      A day off, a barbecue and              ONLINE RESOURCES in full                       Did you know that the          The 26th of January aka Australia Day, Survival Day, Invasion Day,
                                          fireworks? A celebration of who we                                                    celebrated Kurnai              Sovereignty Day and National Day of Mourning marks an important time
              January                     are as a nation? A day of mourning                                                    Gunditjmara world              for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and for non-Indigenous
                                          and invasion? A celebration of         1st National Day of Mourning:                  champion boxer Lionel          Australians alike. For the first Australians the day essentially marks the
                                          survival? Australians hold many        http://aiatsis.gov.au/collections/collection   Rose was the first             survival of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their cultures.
                                          different views on what the 26th of    s-online/digitised-collections/day-            Aboriginal person to be        For non-Indigenous Australians it marks the landing of the First Fleet, a
                        National Day of   January means to them.                 mourning-and-protest-aborigines-               named Australian of the        group of eleven ships from Britain that landed on the shores of Botany Bay
                        Mourning 1938                                            conference-75th-anniversary/26th-              Year back in 1968?             where the clash of two cultures and the fight for one land began.
                                          In 2017 a number of councils           january-1938
                                          controversially decided to no
                                                                                                                                                               From 1940 until 1955, the National Day of Mourning was held annually on
                                          longer celebrate Australia Day on      http://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginal
                                                                                                                                                               the Sunday before Australia Day and was known as Aborigines Day. In 1955
                                          this day, while ‘Change the Date’ is   culture/history/australia-day-invasion-day
                                                                                                                                                               Aborigines Day was shifted to the first Sunday in July after it was decided
                                          the slogan of a prominent
                                          contemporary campaign and              http://www.naidoc.org.au/about/naidoc-                                        the day should become not simply a protest day but also a celebration of
                                          dedicated website. Consider why        history/                                                                      Aboriginal culture and survival.
                                          there is continuing debate and
                                          conflicting emotions about our         NACCHO communiqué & CTD campaign:
                                          national day. For an Aboriginal        http://nacchocommunique.com/2014/01/
                                          perspective read the communiqué        24/naccho-aboriginal-health-and-january-
                                          from the National Peak body of         26-debate-what-does-australia-day-mean-
                                          Aboriginal health organisations.
                                          Research the first Day of Mourning,
                                          involving Victorian Yorta Yorta        Lionel Rose
                                          leaders William Cooper and Sir         https://www.australianoftheyear.org.au/
                                          Doug Nichols and its connection to
                                          NAIDOC week held later in July.        https://www.australianoftheyear.org.au/h
                                          The Australian of the Year Awards      roll/?view=search&query=indigenous
                                          occur annually on this date. How
                                          many Aboriginal Australians of the     http://www.australianoftheyear.org.au/ho
                                          Year have there been? Who are          nour-roll/?view=fullView&recipientID=68
                                          they and where are they from?
Koorie Education Calendar 2019 - JANUARY - Victorian Aboriginal Education ...
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
    FEBRUARY   4          Anniversary of the
                                               With older students watch the DVD
                                               The Legacy of a People about the
                                                                                      Legacy of a People DVD
                                                                                      http://trove.nla.gov.au/work/171001609?selec                                              Try to embed real life stories and
               February                                                               tedversion=NBD50015642
                          Walk-off of 1939     Shepparton Koorie community and
                                               Cummeragunja Reserve, and
                                                                                                                                                                                perspectives from your local
                                                                                      Cummeragunja Mission:
                                               investigate the reasons for the
                                               Cummeragunja Walk-off of 1939
                                                                                                                                                                                Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                                               (VAEAI has a limited number of
                                                                                                                                                                                Islander community members
                                               The now archived Mission Voices
                                                                                      http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/44035/2006112                                               across your curriculum throughout
                                               website developed by the Koorie
                                               Heritage Trust is a great multimedia
                                                                                                                                                                                the year.
                                               resource. Listen to the late
                                               Bangerang Elder Uncle Sandy            http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/44035/2006112
                                                                                      3-                                             Did you know that the
                                               Atkinson and other descendants of
                                                                                      0000/www.abc.net.au/missionvoices/cummera      legendary Bunyip is said to       Cummeragunja lies on the NSW side of Dhungala – the Murray River – on
                                               Cummeragunja discuss life in the       gunja/voices_of_cummerangunja/uncle_sandy      get its name from the             the traditional lands of the Bangerang and Yorta Yorta peoples. The river
                                               day, belonging and connection to       _atkinson/uncle_sandy_talks_of_conservation
                                               place. (‘Real Player’ free software    _practices_/default.html
                                                                                                                                     Wemba Wemba and                   is hugely important to the people and has sustained them for thousands
                                               may need to be downloaded’).                                                          Wergaia languages of the          of years.
                                                                                      Pecan Summer opera:                            Murray River Region?
                                                                                      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4txDrTCu                                         On the 4th February 1939, over 200 residents of the Cummeragunja
                                               With younger students (years 5-8)
                                                                                      aaM                                            Numerous tales of the
                                               explore       the     Voices      of                                                                                    Mission walked off the mission station in protest against conditions at the
                                               Cummerangunja links and read or        https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/video/86
                                                                                                                                     bunyip in written literature      station, and crossed the Murray River into Victoria, leaving the state of
                                               listen Uncle Sandy Atkinson talk       0269123626/Pecan-Summer-The-Opera              appeared in the 19th and          New South Wales. At the time, this was in contravention of rules set by the
                                               about conservation practices. What                                                    early 20th centuries. One of      New South Wales Aboriginal Protection Board restricting the movement of
                                               evidence is there that people lived    https://www.google.com.au/search?q=pecan+      the earliest known is a story     Aboriginal people. Many settled in Barmah, Echuca, Shepparton,
                                                                                      summer+youtube&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=v         in Andrew Lang's ‘The
                                               in harmony with their land? Provide                                                                                     Mooroopna and Fitzroy (Melbourne).
                                                                                      id&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjD8pL14urYAhUDU7wK          Brown Fairy Book’ (1904).
                                               at least one specific example of       HaQ7DG4Q_AUICigB&biw=1222&bih=721
                                               their conservation practices. (‘Real                                                  Explore the origins of,
                                               Player free software may need to be    http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/about      sightings and writings about
                                               downloaded’).                          -town/first-aboriginal-opera--pecan-summer-    bunyips.
                                               With students research the opera
                                               Pecan Summer by Yorta Yorta            -town/pecan-summers-ray-of-sunshine-
                                               composer Deborah Cheetham – the        through-song-20120907-25jtm.html
                                               first opera written by an Indigenous
                                               Australian and involving an
                                               Indigenous caste – based on the
                                               Cummeragunja Walk-off. A filmed
                                               version of Pecan Summer is now
                                               available through SBS On Demand
                                               and a number of video clips and
                                               news reports have been uploaded
                                                                                                                                     Image from The Bunyip of
                                               to Youtube. Explore the life of
                                                                                                                                     Berkeley's Creek Written by
                                               Deborah Cheetham and her journey                                                      Jenny Wagner and illustrated by
                                               to be an opera singer and author.                                                     Ron Brooks First edition:
                                                                                                                                     Longman Young Books,
                                                                                                                                     Melbourne, 1973.                  Act 1 of Pecan Summer: photo by Robert Jefferson see: http://indaily.com.au/sport
Koorie Education Calendar 2019 - JANUARY - Victorian Aboriginal Education ...
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
                   Murray River focus: Focus some            Murray River Resources:
                   learning activities around Koorie         http://www.murrayriver.com.au/about-the-
                   peoples, languages and stories of
                   the Murray River region, such as          http://www.booktopia.com.au/murray-river-
                   the Bangerang Dreaming story *            shane-
                   about the creation of Dungala             strudwick/prod9780733330896.html?clickid=z
                   (Tongala), aka the Murray River,          ObUOfSm8Ta5x%3AhxMcV7hx3mUkQSqsUM%
                   and the famous Bunyip story.              3ATXWTE0&bk_source_id=75030&bk_source=

                                                             Murray River Country with teaching notes
                   *Depending on the region or the
                   language group, there are a               http://aiatsis.gov.au/publications/products/mu
                   number of Creation Stories about          rray-river-country-ecological-dialogue-
                   the Murray River – for good               traditional-owners/paperback
                   background material see: Ponde
                   the Murray Cod – River Creator.           p/education/mrc_final.pdf

                   Behind the News (BTN) have                Murray River Creation Stories:
                   produced a short documentary that
                   looks at life along Australia's largest   Bangerang story:
                                                             listen: https://youtu.be/TgjY27Sy48g
                   river system, the Murray River.
                   River Kids is narrated by Tyrone, a       read:
                   young SA Ngarrindjeri boy, who            http://trove.nla.gov.au/work/22892111?select
                   introduces us to people who               edversion=NBD42424768
                   depend on it.
                                                             Ponde the Murray Cod – River Creator:
                   With secondary students, explore
                   the ecological, spiritual, economic
                   and aesthetic significance of the         Murray River Bunyip
                   Murray- Darling basin and                 http://www.murrayriver.com.au/about-the-
                   approaches to custodial                   murray/bunyips/
                   responsibility, environmental
                   management and sustainability.
                   Murray River Country: An
                   ecological dialogue with traditional
                   owners by geographer Jessica Weir
                   comes with downloadable teaching
                   notes and discusses the water crisis
                   from a unique perspective – the
                   intimate stories of love and loss
                   from the viewpoints of Aboriginal
                   peoples who know the inland rivers
                   as their traditional country.
Koorie Education Calendar 2019 - JANUARY - Victorian Aboriginal Education ...
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
                1965 Freedom        Learn about the 1965 NSW             Freedom Rides:
                Rides Anniversary   Freedom Rides against prejudice
     February                       and racial discrimination headed     http://www.abc.net.au/archives/80days/s                                                               One lesson we can all draw from the
                                    by Aboriginal students Charles       tories/2012/01/19/3414788.htm
                                                                                                                                                                               Freedom Ride is the importance of speaking
                                    Perkins and Gary Williams.
                                                                         http://www.vaeai.org.au/_uploads/_ckpg/                                                               out against injustice, challenging oppression
                                    View and download our feature        120218.pdf                                                                                            and discrimination, and doing it now.
                                    teaching resource The 1965
                                    Freedom rides for a host of          https://www.flickr.com/photos/statelibrar
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ann Curthoys, honorary professor, author, original freedom-rider
                                    curriculum-aligned activities,       yofnsw/albums/72157654250887374
                                    online links and multimedia
                                                                                                                                                                     The 1965 Freedom Rides:
                                                                                                                                                                     In February 1965 a group of Sydney University students called "Students
                                                                                                                                                                     for Aboriginal Rights" (SAFA), led by Aboriginal students Charles Perkins
                                    Previously unpublished
                                                                                                                                                                     and Gary Williams, began a trip that would change Australian history. Their
                                    photographs of the 1965
                                                                                                                                                                     journey was both an attempt to emulate the US Civil Rights Movement
                                    Freedom rides discovered in the
                                                                                                                                                                     action in the early 1960s, and designed to expose the racist underbelly of
                                    NSW State Library of NSW
                                                                                                                                Image of The Daily Mirror, at:       Australian society in rural NSW.
                                    archives were first exhibited in                                                            http://www.kooriweb.org/foley/imag
                                    2015. Encourage students to                                                                 es/history/1960s/freedom/fr13.ht
                                                                                                                                ml                                   The book "Freedom Ride: a freedom rider remembers" by Ann Curthoys,
                                    explore these photographs useful
                                                                                                                                                                     relives the experience of the Freedom Ride, drawing largely upon a diary
                                    for discussions and presentations.
                                                                                                                                                                     written during the journey and the recollections of Indigenous and non-
                                                                                                                                                                     indigenous people who were involved. Contemporary media reports as
                                                                                                                                                                     well as secondary accounts supplement the story, drawing attention to the
                                                                                                                                                                     impact of the ride and highlighting the ways in which the events have been
                                                                                                                                                                     See: http://www.kooriweb.org/foley/images/history/1960s/freedom/frdx.html

                                    Why were students compelled to
                                    take this action?

                                    What do these types of actions
                                    hope to achieve?

                                                                         Excerpt of Unidentified boys in wood shack, February
                                                                         1965 / from The Tribune archived collection. At:
Koorie Education Calendar 2019 - JANUARY - Victorian Aboriginal Education ...
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
                National Apology   Where were YOU when the              VAEAI teaching resource:                        With sensitivity, honouring       The National Apology to Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
     13                                                                 http://www.vaeai.org.au/_uploads/_ckpg/files
                Anniversary        Apology was made?                                                                    the Apology Anniversary           Peoples was delivered by the then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on February
     February                                                           /National%20Apology%20_10th%20anniversar
                                                                                                                        and National Sorry Day            13, 2008 and acknowledged in particular the Stolen Generations.
                                   Invite a Stolen Generations                                                          builds understanding and
                                   member or another Aboriginal or      NSDC:                                           respect between school            Each year the National Sorry Day Committee encourages all schools,
                                   Torres Strait Islander parent,       http://www.nsdc.org.au/                         and community, teachers           community groups, workplaces and individuals to commemorate the
                                   Elder or community member to         Learning About the Stolen Generations
                                                                                                                        and students.                     anniversary of this important event in Australia's history.
                                   speak with your students about       Resource:
                                   the Stolen Generations and the       http://vaeai.org.au/support/dspdefault.cfm?lo   Discuss with your guest
                                   importance of celebrating the        adref=126                                       speaker prior to the lesson
                                   Apology Anniversary.                                                                 what they are willing to
                                                                        The Apology speech:
                                                                        http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiLnsFyAV        talk about, especially
                                   Engage with and download our         qE                                              relating to potentially
                                   Vic Curriculum-aligned National                                                      sensitive issues.
                                   Apology Anniversary teaching                                                         Remember that across
                                   resource for background                                                              Victoria and the rest of the
                                   information, suggested activities,                                                   nation almost every, if not
                                   online links and teaching                                                            all Aboriginal families have
                                   resources.                                                                           been negatively affected
                                                                                                                        by the policies and
                                   Download the National Sorry Day                                                      practices that have led to
                                   Committee’s excellent resource                                                       dispossession and what we
                                   Learning about the Stolen                                                            now call the Stolen
                                   Generation: the NSDC’s school                                                        Generations. For some,
                                   resource for great classroom and                                                     this is still very difficult to
                                   whole-of-school activities.                                                          reconcile and talk about.

                                   Some questions you might want
                                   to consider with your students as
                                   part of a lesson:

                                   1. When might we apologise and
                                   say sorry for something, and how
                                   important is it? Any personal
                                   stories to share? How did you feel
                                   when someone apologised?

                                   2. Why was it so important for
                                   Parliament to make an Apology?

                                   3. How did your family members
                                   feel when the Australian
                                   Parliament said ‘sorry’ in 2008?
Koorie Education Calendar 2019 - JANUARY - Victorian Aboriginal Education ...
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
     21         International     Talk with students about their       International Day of Mother Language:      Did you know that there       International Mother Language Day celebrates language diversity and
                Mother Language   own language backgrounds using       https://en.unesco.org/commemorations/      are approximately 250         variety worldwide annually on February 21, established 20 years ago n
     February   Day               a range of maps where possible,      motherlanguageday/2018                     Aboriginal languages          1998. Significantly it also remembers events such as the killing of four
                                  and encourage children to use                                                   (around 500 including         students on February 21, 1952, because they campaigned to officially use
                                  their mother languages to                                                       dialects) in Australia, and   their mother language, Bengali, in Bangladesh.
                                  introduce themselves and talk        days/mother-language-day
                                                                                                                  around 40 Aboriginal
                                  about their families and culture                                                languages in Victoria?        This is a day to celebrate languages spoken world-wide, to highlight the
                                  or sing a song.                      https://www.una.org.uk/mother-                                           importance of preserving linguistic diversity and the human right to use
                                                                       language-day-factsheet                                                   these languages.
                                  Talk about the language situation
                                  in Australia, and explore                                                                                     In the wonderful words of Nelson Mandela, “If you talk to a man in a
                                  Australian Languages online with     Aboriginal Languages maps:                                               language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his
                                  the magnifying glass on the          http://www.vaclang.org.au/Resources/ma                                   language, that goes to his heart”.
                                  language map link making             ps.html
                                  connections between language
                                  and place where students and
                                  teachers were born. Large
                                  printed maps can be purchased        Koorie Language apps on iTunes
                                                                                                                                                "Towards Sustainable Futures
                                                                                                                                                through Multilingual
                                  from AIATSIS and other outlets.      https://itunes.apple.com/au/developer/vi
                                  With your students identify the      corporation/id928978621
                                  traditional language group or
                                  country associated with your
                                                                                                                                                Education."          IMDL 2017 theme

                                  school and research the language
                                  and its language community.

                                  Download a range of Koorie
                                  interactive digital story apps
                                  made for iPads and iPhones
                                  featuring Koorie languages and
                                  English versions, by searching for
                                  VACL at the iTunes store.

                                  Work with VAEAI, the Victorian
                                  Corporation for Aboriginal
                                  Languages (VACL) and local
                                  Koorie community members to
                                  introduce the local Koorie
                                  language to your school in a
                                  variety of ways, formal and

                                                                                                                                                Aboriginal Languages of Victoria map reproduced with permission
                                                                                                                                                from the Victorian Corporation for Aboriginal Languages:
Koorie Education Calendar 2019 - JANUARY - Victorian Aboriginal Education ...
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
    MARCH           International Day     Focus lessons around pride in       Racial discrimination:                         Did you know that in 1938          The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is
            21                                                                http://www.racismnoway.com.au/
                    for the Elimination   identity and celebration of                                                        prior to WWII, an                  observed annually on 21 March. On that day, in 1960, police opened fire
            March   of Racial             diversity.                                                                         Aboriginal delegation              and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration in Sharpeville, South
                    Discrimination                                            http://www.racismnoway.com.au/teachin          headed by Yorta Yorta              Africa, against the apartheid pass laws. Proclaiming the day in 1966, the
                                          Discuss the effects of prejudice    g-resources/anti-racism-                       leader William Cooper,             United Nations General Assembly called on the international community to
                                          and racial discrimination with                                                     protested against the              redouble its efforts to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination.
                                          students through a range of                                                        treatment of Jewish People
                    Harmony Day           personal and anecdotal stories.     https://teentalk.ca/2018/03/13/internatio      in Germany and tried to            Harmony Day also celebrated on the 21st March centres on the message
                                                                              nal-day-for-the-elimination-of-racial-         hand a resolution to the           that “Everyone belongs”, reinforcing the importance of inclusiveness to all
                                          Explore the Racism No Way site      discrimination-2/                              German consul-general              Australians. Since 1999, thousands of Harmony Day events have been held
                                          for Australian schools which                                                       condemning the Nazis'              in childcare centres, schools, community groups, churches, businesses and
                                          features a wide range of teaching   William Cooper- led protest against Nazi       persecution of Jewish              federal, state and local government agencies across Australia.
                                          activities and resources.           treatment of Jewish peoples:                   people? At the time, the
                                                                              http://www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2012          German consul-general              1965 Freedom Rides:
                                          Teen Talk features some             /s3649212.htm                                  refused to see the                 In February 1965 a group of Sydney University students called "Students
                                          background information, tips for                                                   Aboriginal delegation,             for Aboriginal Rights" (SAFA), led by Aboriginal students Charles Perkins
                                          dealing with discrimination and     world/jewish-world-features/an-
                                                                                                                             which had walked into              and Gary Williams began a trip that would change Australian history. Their
                                          who to talk to, and ways we can     aboriginal-protest-against-the-nazis-          town from William                  journey was both an attempt to emulate the US Civil Rights Movement
                                          encourage more diversity in our     finally-delivered.premium-1.483806             Cooper's home in                   action in the early 1960s, and designed to expose the racist underbelly of
                                          schools and community life.                                                        Melbourne's west.                  Australian society in rural NSW.
                                          Learn about the 1965 NSW            dpress.com/2010/10/22/william-                                                    Go to our February 12 activities and links for more details.
                                          Freedom Rides against prejudice     cooper/https://atributetoaustralianchristi
                                          and racial discrimination headed    ans.wordpress.com/2010/10/22/william-
                                          by Aboriginal students Charles      cooper/
                                          Perkins and Gary Williams.
                                                                              International Day for the Elimination of
                                                                              Racial Discrimination:
                                          Why were students compelled to      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International
                                          take this action? What do these     _Day_for_the_Elimination_of_Racial_Discr
                                          types of actions achieve?           imination


                                                                              1965 Freedom Rides:
                                          Go to February 12 activities and                                                   The Argus, 7 December 1938. p. 3
                                          links for more details about the
                                          1967 freedom rides.
Koorie Education Calendar 2019 - JANUARY - Victorian Aboriginal Education ...
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
     30      10th Anniversary of   With your students, research             The Gunditjmara Land Justice Story:        Lake Condah in the Budj      On the 30th March 2007, Gunditjmara People in south-western Victoria
             Gunditjmara native    Gunditjmara country, people              http://www.aiatsis.gov.au/_files/ntru/public
                                                                                                                       Bim world heritage area is   won an 11-year legal battle for native title rights over 140,000 hectares of
     March   title recognition     history and culture. If able, invite     ations/monographs/MonographGunditjmara
                                                                                                                       one of the world’s most      crown land. Celebrations were held on Gunditjmara country to celebrate
                                   Gunditjmara community members            .pdf
             and settlement                                                                                            ancient examples of          the native title consent determination – a determination that was reached
                                   to come to the class or school and
                                                                          http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/n traditional aquaculture,         through the consent of all parties, rather than litigation. The celebrations
                                   speak about Gunditjmara matters.       ative-title-win-for-gunditjmara-             dating back at least 6600    were at the base of the volcanic mountain Budj Bim, also known as Mount
                                                                          people/2007/03/30/1174761734730.html         years and preceding          Eccles National Park, and followed a special hearing of the Federal Court of
                                   With older students research the                                                    Stonehenge or the            Australia on Country. On this day, the Gunditjmara people spoke about
                                   Gunditjmara struggle for Native        http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/i Pyramids of Egypt,               how the native title determination was the end of a long struggle for
                                   Title recognition.                     ndigenous-victorians-close-to-settlement-in-
                                                                                                                       consisting of complex        recognition of their status as the first peoples of their country. They also
                                                                                                                       systems of traps and ponds   talked about their future work to protect their native title rights and
                                   Lake Condah, extremely significant l
                                                                                                                       engineered by the            interests, and how the business of land justice continues.
                                   to Gunditjmara People, is an                                                                                     See: http://www.aiatsis.gov.au/_files/ntru/publications/monographs/MonographGunditjmara.pdf
                                   Indigenous Protected Area. Visit or
                                                                          http://www.theage.com.au/news/National/      Gunditjmara people.
                                                                          Gunditjmara-win-native-title-                Regarded as the world’s
                                   learn about Indigenous Protected       battle/2007/03/30/1174761740241.html
                                   Areas (IPAs) in Victoria, such as                                                   first engineering project,
                                   Kurtonitj or Lake Condah in the                                                     the extensive and
                                                                          Indigenous Protected Areas (IPA):
                                   South-west of Victoria.                https://www.dpmc.gov.au/indigenous-          elaborate system of
                                                                          affairs/environment/indigenous-protected-    channels and dam walls
                                   In 2011, a Bush Blitz occurred on areas-ipas                                        were used over millennia
                                   Gunditjmara        country        with                                              predominately for catching
                                   Traditional Owners to survey           https://www.dpmc.gov.au/sites/default/files  short-finned eels for
                                   biodiversity in the IPAs. Investigate /publications/IPA_FS_2015_1.pdf               consumption and trade.
                                   the program and some of the flora
                                                                          Victorian IPAs:
                                   and fauna surveyed. Research and https://www.environment.gov.au/indigenou Go to our curriculum-
                                   discuss management strategies, s/ipa/declared/vic.html                              aligned STEM special
                                   and how to work collaboratively                                                     feature for more details
                                   with Traditional Owners, to Bush Blitz:                                             and online resources.
                                   preserve ecological biodiversity. http://bushblitz.org.au/
                                   Watch the video with Gunditjmara http://bushblitz.org.au/kurtonitj-lake-
                                   Elder Ken Saunders about involving condah-tyrendarra-indigenous-protected-
                                   Traditional Owners to survey areas-vic-2011/                                        Woven eel trap
                                   biodiversity in IPAs and investigate
                                                                          Honour Roll inductees and others:
                                   the program and some of the flora                                                                                The Federal Court convening at Budj Bim (formerly Mt Eccles national park), for the
                                   and fauna surveyed. Where else is /gunditjmara-pair-elevated-to-state-                                           Gunditjmara Native title claim. Photo by Damian White.
                                   Bush Blitz Working?                    indigenous-honour-roll/
                                                                                                                                                    Bush Blitz on Gunditjmara country: In March 2011, a team of more than
                                   Research the lives of Gunditjmara        http://www.vic.gov.au/aboriginalvictoria/co                             30 scientists gathered in SW Victoria, on Gunditjmara country, within the
                                   Elders and community members             mmunity-engagement/leadership-                                          Budj Bim National Park to undertake a Bush Blitz survey. Six reserves were
                                   who have been strong advocates           programs/aboriginal-honour-roll/2013-
                                                                                                                                                    investigated together comprising the IPAs of Lake Condah, Kurtonitj and
                                   for their communities like Edna          victorian-aboriginal-honour-roll/the-lovett-
                                                                            brothers.html                                                           Tyrendarra. Sites at the Lake Condah Mission were also surveyed, situated
                                   Brown and William Rawlings, the                                                                                  350 km from Melbourne. The survey team included experts from Museum
                                   Lovett Brothers, Laura Bell, Young                                                                               Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, University of NSW, SA
                                   Australian of the Year state finalist,   mmunity-engagement/leadership-                                          Museum and the Australian Biological Resources Study. A highlight of the
                                   Benson Saulo, world famous singer        programs/aboriginal-honour-roll/2013-                                   survey was the close collaboration between the Gunditjmara traditional
                                   Archie Roach, playwright, author         victorian-aboriginal-honour-roll/laura-
                                                                                                                                                    owners, the Working on Country Budj Bim Rangers and the visiting
                                   and musician Richard Frankland           bell.html
                                                                                                                                                    scientists. In total, 854 species new to the reserves were identified and
                                   and Australia’s first commissioned
                                   Aboriginal officer, Reginald             http://www.australianoftheyear.org.au/hon                               18 are possibly new to science!
                                   Saunders for starters.                   our-roll/?view=fullView&recipientID=1072
Koorie Education Calendar 2019 - JANUARY - Victorian Aboriginal Education ...
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
     25      ANZAC DAY   ANZAC Day on the 25th April is a
                         prime time to acknowledge
                                                               VAEAI ANZAC Day Feature:
                                                                                                          Did you know that
                                                                                                          Gunditjmara man Reg                               “When my uncle came back
     April                                                     files/ANZAC%20Day_2018.pdf
                                                                                                                                                            from serving in Korea he
                         Aboriginal and Torres Strait                                                     Saunders was the first
                         Islander services to this nation.                                                Aboriginal person to be
                                                               Exhibitions and memorial box:
                                                                                                          commissioned as an officer
                         Over 1000 Aboriginal and Torres
                         Strait Islanders fought for
                                                                                                          in the Australian Army?                           couldn't even get a beer in a
                         Australia in World War I despite
                         profound barriers to enlisting.
                                                                                                                                                            pub let alone a pension, and
                         View and download VAEAI’s             https://www.awm.gov.au/learn/memorial                                                        he wasn't permitted to become
                         curriculum-aligned interactive
                         ANZAC Day feature with online
                                                                                                                                                            a citizen until 1968.”
                         multimedia resources and
                         suggested activities to explore                                                                                                                             John Kinsella, nephew of Captain Reg Saunders MBE
                         Indigenous Australians’ war           https://anzacportal.dva.gov.au/education/
                         service.                              resources
                                                                                                                                                    Over 1000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders fought for Australia in
                         The Australian War Memorial site      https://www.awm.gov.au/learn/schools/r                                               World War I despite profound barriers to enlisting. In proportion to
                         has a variety of online resources     esources/research-a-soldier                                                          population, no community in Australia contributed more to the war effort
                         as well as the Department of                                                       “Unable to vote but eligible            in the Second World War than the Torres Strait Islanders. By 1944 almost
                         Veteran Affairs.                      http://anzacportal.dva.gov.au/sites/defaul                                           every able-bodied male Torres Strait Islander had enlisted. However, they
                                                                                                            to die”
                                                               t/files/publication-                                                                 never received the same rates of pay or conditions as white soldiers,
                                                               attachments/Indig_primary.pdf                                                        initially one-third that of regular soldiers, and after a two-day "mutiny" in
                                                                                                            Former Richard Wynne, State
                                                                                                            Aboriginal Affairs Minister,            December 1943 this was raised to two-thirds.
                                                               http://anzacportal.dva.gov.au/sites/defaul   Victoria
                         Consider participating in the         t/files/publication-
                         Shrine of Remembrance Poster          attachments/Indig_secondary.pdf              Source:
                         Competition highlighting the                                                       http://www.creativespirits.info/abori
                         participation of Aboriginal service                                                ginalculture/history/anzac-day-         Australian War Museum Memorial Box:
                         men and women as a class or           Captain Reg Saunders:                                                                Each memorial box contains artefacts that students can handle, as well as
                         whole-school activity.                                                                                                     photographs, case studies, uniforms, a video, oral histories, teacher’s
                                                               https://anzacportal.dva.gov.au/multimedi                                             notes, and more. Memorial boxes can be adapted for use across many
                                                               a/publications/greece-and-                                                           areas of study and are accessible to a wide range of students, from lower
                                                               crete/biographycaught-chickens-and-ate-                                              primary to senior secondary.

                                                               nflicts/korean-war/events/china-                                                     Shrine of Remembrance Poster Competition:
                                                               intervenes-korean-war/captain-reg-                                                   The winning poster will become the official Remembrance Day 2019 poster
                                                               saunders                                                                             for the Shrine of Remembrance and will appear on banners and posters
                                                                                                                                                    around the City of Melbourne. Schools awarded prizes to the winning and
                                                                                                                                                    highly commended artworks receive a selection of books from the
                                                                                                                                                    Department of Veterans’ Affairs, a personalised visit to the Shrine and are
                                                               Shrine of Remembrance Poster Comp:                                                   invited to place a flower in the Field of Poppies whilst attending the Official
                                                               http://www.shrine.org.au/Education/Post                                              Remembrance Day Service on 11 November. Winning entries and highly
                                                                                                                                                    commended artworks will be displayed in an exhibition at the Shrine to
                                                                                                                                                    coincide with Remembrance Day 2019. Entry closes, September 2019 (date TBC).
                                                                                                                                                    See more at: http://www.shrine.org.au/Education/Poster-Competition.
Koorie Education Calendar 2019 - JANUARY - Victorian Aboriginal Education ...
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
                National Sorry Day   National Sorry Day was born out       Stolen Generations resources and             Did you know that a
    MAY   26                                                               testimonies:
                                                                                                                                                          Lake Tyres,
                                     of a key recommendation made                                                       Victorian Aboriginal team,        Aboriginal Station,
          May                        by the National Inquiry into the      http://vaeai.org.au/_uploads/rsfil/000386    led by Wotjobaluk man             Aug. 14th, 1930.
                                     Separation of Aboriginal and          _fadc.pdf                                    and star all-rounder              Most Excellency Lord Stonehaven,
                                     Torres Strait Islander children                                                    Unaarrimin aka Johnny             State Governor,
                                                                           http://www.stolengenerationstestimonies                                        Canberra House, N.S.W.
                                     from their families in the Bringing   .com/
                                                                                                                        Mullagh, was the first
                                     them Home Report that was                                                          sports team to represent          I'm a full - blooded Aboriginal by birth decent from Royal Blood. I used to write
                                     tabled in Federal Parliament on       http://indigenousrights.net.au/              Australia overseas and            letters to Queen Victoria in my young days. Your most Excellency, I beg to ask of
                                     26 May 1997.                                                                       began a 6-month tour of           his Excellency a great favour - would his Excellency kindly grant me permission
                                                                           http://indigenousrights.net.au/resources     England in May 1868?              to get my three grand - children who were snatched suddenly from me by an
                                                                                                                                                          Ordering Council under escort of Nurse Singleton from Lake Tyres Aboriginal
                                     View and download VAEAI’s             http://www.australianstogether.org.au/st     Sporting Life reported that       Reserve, transferred to the State Public Home, Melbourne. Three girls ages ranging
                                                                           ories/detail/the-stolen-generations                                            from 13 years, 5¼ years, baby 2½ years Mary Darby, Sarah Darby and Nelly
                                     National Sorry Day feature for                                                     “No eleven in one season
                                                                                                                                                          Darby. The three girls were my only comfort when their mother Lizzie Darby, my
                                     background information,                                                            ever played so many               daughter, expired nine months ago at the Bairnsdalegate Hospital. When we came
                                     suggested activities, curriculum                                                   matches so successfully.”         down to the town Captain Newman made a covenant with me in the presence of
                                     links and a host of online            ions,9737.html                                                                 Patrol Walter M'Cready, that I could have the three grand - daughters till such time
                                     resources.                                                                                                           I'd be married. On the eve of my marriage to Mrs. Edwards who looked after and
                                                                           https://www.humanrights.gov.au/publicat                                        never neglected the children, they were snatched away by an Ordering Council. I
                                                                           ions/track-history-us-taken-away-kids-                                         wish to bring under your Excellency's consideration the matter. I was decoyed to
                                                                                                                                                          marry for the sake of the three grand - daughters, to keep them, and for them to be
                                                                                                                                                          snatched away by an Ordering Council. God is no respector of persons. We are in
                                                                                                                                                          His sight equal to all His subjects. Before the white people came to Australia. God
                                                                                                                                                          gave us children to bring and train up for His service in our own disposition. Our
                                                                           Native XI and Unaarrimin aka Johnny
                                                                                                                                                          disposition is instilled in our children and I don't consider it fair the white people
                                                                                                                                                          should deprive us of our children to bring them up in their disposition. It can never
                                                                                                                                                          be done.
                                                                           programs/leadership/victorian-                                                 I am, Yr. obedient Servant,
                                                                           indigenous-honour-roll/victorian-                                              (SGD.) Frederick Carmichael
                                                                           1841-1891                                                                      Source: https://www.humanrights.gov.au/publications/track-history-us-taken-away-kids-
                                                                           ralian_eleven_the_first_australian_team      Australian Bicentenary issue
                                                                                                                        shows Unaarimin (1845-
                                                                                                                                                          National Sorry Day is a day of commemoration and remembrance for the
                                                                                                                        1891), whose European name
                                                                                                                                                          Stolen Generations - the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
                                                                                                                        was Mullagh, the star all-
                                                                                                                        rounder of the first Australian   forcibly removed from their families, communities and cultures between
                                                                                                                        team to tour England, issued      the 1800s and the 1970s.
                                                                                                                        on 29 January 1988, first day
                                                                                                                        of the Bicentenary Test           The first Sorry Day was held in Sydney on 26 May 1998 and has been
                                                                                                                        Match.                            commemorated nationally on 26 May each year since then, with
                                                                                                                                                          thousands of Australians from all walks of life participating in memorial
                                                                                                                        The First Cricket Tour            services, commemorative meetings, survival celebrations and community
                                                                                                                        commemorative stamp was           gatherings, in honour of the Stolen Generations.
                                                                                                                        released by Australia Post in
                                                                                                                        2018 on the 150th anniversary
                                                                                                                        of the historic tour.
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
           Anniversary of the   On 1 January 1901, the Australian    Digger J. Jones:                                                                    On 27 May 1967, the Australian Government held a referendum.
     27                                                              http://www.scholastic.com.au/schools/ed
           1967 Referendum      Constitution came into effect,                                                                                           This was a momentous turning point in Australian history. More than 90
     May                        establishing the Commonwealth        ucation/teacherresources/assets/pdfs/Dig                                            per cent of Australian voters chose ‘Yes’ to count Aboriginal and Torres
                                of Australia. There were two         ger_J_Jones_TN.pdf                                                                  Strait Islander peoples in the census and give the Australian Government
                                references to Aboriginal people                                                                                          the power to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                                contained in the Australian          au/files/unit_3.pdf
                                                                                                                                                         Islander peoples.
                                Constitution of 1901.
                                                                     ’67 Referendum:                                                                     The purpose of the 1967 Referendum was to make two changes to the
                                Firstly, section 51 of the           http://indigenousrights.net.au/civil_rights                                         Australian Constitution. These changes enabled the Commonwealth
                                Constitution gave the                /the_referendum,_1957-67                                                            Government to:
                                Commonwealth power to make
                                laws with respect to ‘people of      http://aiatsis.gov.au/exhibitions/referend                                          (i)Make laws for all of the Australian people by amending s51 of the
                                any race, other than the             um-australia-had-have                                                               Constitution (previously people of the ‘Aboriginal race in any state' were
                                Aboriginal race in any state, for                                                                                        excluded) and;
                                whom it was deemed necessary
                                to make special laws.’                                                                                                   (ii)Take account of Aboriginal people in determining the population of
                                                                     Vote yes for Aborigines:                                                            Australia by repealing s127 of the constitution (formerly, Aboriginal people
                                Secondly, section 127 of the         http://www.roninfilms.com.au/video/0/0/                                             had been haphazardly included in the census but not counted for the
                                Constitution provided that ‘in       492.html?words=vote+yes                                                             purposes of Commonwealth funding grants to the states or territories)
                                reckoning the numbers of people                                                    Did you know that from
                                of the Commonwealth, or of a         School referendum:                            1947 Aboriginal and Torres            From 1967, Aboriginal people were counted in the census and included in
                                State or other part of the           http://geckos.ceo.wa.edu.au/primary/soci      Strait Islander People were           base figures for Commonwealth funding granted to the states and
                                Commonwealth, aboriginal             al-political/Pages/1967-referendum.aspx                                             territories on a per capita basis.
                                                                                                                   counted in the official
                                natives shall not be counted’.                                                     Commonwealth census but
                                                                     Faith Bandler:
                                                                                                                   were first classified as              Contrary to popular thinking the 1967 Referendum did NOT
                                The states remained responsible                                                    Polynesians, then as Pacific             − give Aboriginal peoples the right to vote
                                for the welfare of Aboriginal        50th anniversary:                             Islanders? Prior to this,                − give Aboriginal peoples citizenship rights
                                people until the 1967                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twm           Torres Strait Islander                   − give Aboriginal peoples the right to be counted in the census.
                                referendum.                          T3p5ghpE                                      people were regarded as
                                                                                                                   'aboriginal natives’ and
                                View and download VAEAI’s                                                          were excluded from
                                interactive online resource: The                                                   population figures if they
                                1967 Referendum for suggested                                                      were of more than 50 per
                                activities, background                                                             cent Torres Strait Islander
                                information, links to teaching                                                     heritage.
                                resources and the Vic curriculum.
                                50 years on from the 1967                                                          https://www.sbs.com.au/news/myth
                                referendum, WA Nhanhagardi                                                         and
                                Elder the late Clarrie Cameron                                                     http://abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf
                                shared some of his memories of                                                     2011
                                this historic event. For a strong
                                contemporary Aboriginal
                                perspective on being Aboriginal in
                                this era, watch the short video
                                and discuss points and issues
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
              National         Download the VAEAI National           Reconciliation resources:                   Did you know that             What is Reconciliation week?
              Reconciliation   Reconciliation Week teaching                                                      Reconciliation week starts    National Reconciliation Week celebrates the relationship between
     May-     Week             resource for a curriculum-linked      http://www.vaeai.org.au/_uploads/_ckpg/     with the anniversary of the   Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and all other Australians. Every year,
     3 June                    brief.
                                                                                                                 1967 Referendum and           the week is held between the same dates, 27 May to 3 June. The dates
                                                                                                                 ends on the anniversary of    draw attention to significant historical events. The 27 May marks the day
                               If your school does not already       www.reconciliation.org.au
                                                                                                                 the Mabo victory, which       in 1967 when the referendum was passed for the Australian Government
                               have one, consider developing a                                                   led to the Australian         to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and to allow them
                               Reconciliation Action Plan and        https://www.reconciliation.org.au/raphub/   Government recognising        to be recognised in the census. The 3rd of June marks the day in 1992 that
                               include activities linking National                                               native title and              led the Australian Government to recognise native title and acknowledge
                               Sorry Day and Reconciliation          https://www.reconciliation.org.au/nationa   acknowledging Indigenous      Indigenous Australians as the original occupants of Australia.
                               Action Week, so that colleagues       l-reconciliation-week/                      Australians as the original
                               and students see how these days                                                   occupants of Australia?
                               are inter-connected. Include
                                                                     Two Mates:
                               students, colleagues and your
                               LAECG where possible in its           mates.html
                               To find out more about                g/pdf/Two_Mates.pdf
                               Reconciliation Action Plans
                               (RAPs), and about planning
                               events to celebrate NRW,
                               contact Reconciliation Australia
                               and/or download their Teaching
                               and Learning Ideas resources for
                               National Reconciliation Week.

                               With local Koorie community
                               members and colleagues organise
                               a week of cultural activities such
                               as performances, films, stories,
                               workshops. Focus on the
                               contribution that Aboriginal
                               people have and continue to
                               make to Australian society, and
                               work with students to complete a
                               variety of tasks that explore what
                               reconciliation means for young

                               With younger students read
                               stories to encourage thinking
                               about reconciliation such as the
                               Broome-set Two Mates by
                               Melanie Prewett (teaching
                               resources available).
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
           Annual Shrine of       Consider attending the annual         Shrine of Remembrance Victorian                                             The Shrine of Remembrance Victorian Aboriginal Commemorative
     31                                                                 Aboriginal commemorative service:
           Remembrance            Victorian Aboriginal                                                                                              Service, is an annual commemoration and wreath laying ceremony for
     May   Victorian Aboriginal   commemorative service at the          http://www.shrine.org.au/Remembrance/                                       Indigenous service men and women held at 11am on the 31st May.
           Commemorative          Shrine of Remembrance, 11am           Services?page=11
           Service                with your students.
                                                                        Indigenous Service Publication:
                                                                                                                                                    Annually, Victorian Primary School students and classes are invited to
                                  Download DVA’s Indigenous             resources                                                                   enter the Remembrance Day Poster Competition. The winning poster in
                                  Service publications for primary                                                                                  the Shrine of Remembrance Poster Competition, will become the official
                                  and secondary schools for             Poster Competition:                                                         Remembrance Day 2019 poster for the Shrine of Remembrance, and will
                                  background and suggested              http://www.shrine.org.au/Education/Post                                     appear on banners and posters around the City of Melbourne.
                                  inquiry activities. Search            er-Competition
                                  ‘Indigenous Service’).                                                                                            Schools awarded prizes to the winning and highly commended artworks
                                                                                                                                                    will receive a selection of books from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs,
                                  Enter the Shrine of Remembrance                                                                                   a personalised visit to the Shrine and will be invited to place a flower in the
                                  Poster Competition and design                                                     2015 Shrine of Remembrance      Field of Poppies whilst attending the Official Remembrance Day Service on
                                                                                                                    Poster Competition, winning
                                  posters highlighting the                                                                                          11 November, 2019. Winning entries and highly commended artworks will
                                                                                                                    entry by Emily Hall, Grade 5,
                                  participation of Aboriginal service                                               Genazzano FCJ College, Kew      be displayed in an exhibition at the Shrine to coincide with Remembrance
                                  men and women relative to this                                                                                    Day 2019. See more at: http://www.shrine.org.au/Education/Poster-Competition
                                  year’s theme as a class or whole-
                                  school activity (entries close
                                  September 2019, date and theme
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
                  Mabo Day   Held on June 3rd each year,           Eddie Koiki Mabo:                           Did you know that when
    JUNE   3                                                       http://www.abc.net.au/tv/mabo/welcome/
                             feasts, dance and celebrations                                                    Europeans first settled the
           June              can be found not only in the                                                      Port Phillip region it was
                             Torres Strait but all over the                                                    already occupied by five
                             Australian mainland to honour an      Behind the News report:                     Aboriginal language
                             amazing man.                          http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s3765672.   groups? These groups
                                                                   htm                                         spoke a related language
                             View and explore VAEAI’s                                                          and were part of what is
                             multimedia resource Mabo Day          ABC Mabo Classroom:                         commonly called the
                             with background information, Vic      ay=messagestick_2012_ep17.mp4
                                                                                                               KULIN (koo-lin) nation of
                             curriculum links, suggested                                                       peoples. The five language
                             activities, BTN reports, and links    http://www.abc.net.au/tv/mabo/timeline/     groups are: Wathaurong,
                             to podcasts, videos and other                                                     Woiwurrung, Taungerong,
                             online resources.                     Yorta Yorta land justice struggle:          Dja Dja Wurrung and Boon
                                                                   https://waynera.wordpress.com/yorta-        Wurrung.
                             With students listen to the ABC
                             National podcast Don’t Fence Me
                             In - a deeply personal account
                             about Edie Mabo presented by
                             family spokesperson Gail Mabo
                             and filmmaker Trevor Graham, as
                             they remember what life was like
                             while the court case consumed
                             their lives - full of stories we've
                             not heard before about Eddie
                                                                                                               Map source:
                             Koiki Mabo.                                                                       http://lrd.kangan.edu.au/indigenous

                             Significant in Victoria is the                                                                                          Mabo Day Celebrations in Townsville, QLD 2011 see:
                             rejection of the Yorta Yorta                                                                                            http://www.abc.net.au/local/videos/2011/06/03/3235188.htm

                             Native Title case in 1998 in the
                             High Court - a decision upheld
                             again in 2002. With senior
                             secondary students discuss: to
                             what extent does the concept of
                             justice correlate with courts
                             upholding laws; and to what
                             extent is the law adequate in
                             addressing issues of justice,
                             under current Native Title

                             Comprehensive information
                             about the Yorta Yorta Struggle for
                             Land Justice can be found on the
                             ‘On country Learning Course’
                                                                                                                                                     Image source: https://waynera.wordpress.com/yorta-yorta-struggle-for-land-justice/
                             Wordpress site.
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
            World Environment   Visit or learn about Victorian      World Environment Day                          "Gunditjmara will conserve           World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5 to raise global
     5                                                              http://www.un.org/en/events/environme                                               awareness to take positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet
            Day                 Indigenous Protected Areas (IPA)                                                   Lake Condah. It is an
     June                       in Victoria, such as Kurtonitj or   ntday/                                         important Gunditjmara                Earth.
                                Lake Condah in the South-west of                                                   place and we have fought
                                                                                                                                                        Indigenous Australians have managed their country for tens of thousands of years.
                                Victoria. IPAs across the country                                                  hard over many
                                                                    IPAs:                                                                               An Indigenous Protected Area is an area of Indigenous-owned land or sea where
                                can be found by selecting the       https://www.environment.gov.au/indigen
                                                                                                                   generations to see it                traditional owners have entered into an agreement with the Australian
                                online map.                         ous/ipa/declared/vic.html                      returned to us so that we            Government to promote biodiversity and cultural resource conservation.
                                                                                                                   can heal this land.                  Indigenous Protected Areas make a significant contribution to Australian
                                Watch the video with                https://www.environment.gov.au/indigen         Gunditjmara will restore             biodiversity conservation - making up over a third of Australia's National Reserve
                                Gunditjmara Elder Ken Saunders      ous/ipa/declared/kurtonitj.html                the natural abundance of             System.
                                about Museum Victoria’s Bush                                                       the lake and its native
                                Blitz Program, working with         http://www.environment.gov.au/indigeno         plants and animals for us            Bush Blitz
                                Traditional Owners in Indigenous    us/ipa/declared/lake-condah.html               today and our future                 The overall thrust of the Bush Blitz activities provides opportunities for students to
                                Protected Areas, and investigate                                                   generations"                         develop their knowledge and understanding about:
                                                                                                                                                        • the meaning of biodiversity in the context of Australian ecosystems
                                the program and some of the
                                                                    Bush Blitz and Lake Condah:                                                         •the classification processes used in describing organisms and how these
                                flora and fauna surveyed. Where     https://youtu.be/H9cnyd6QgCI
                                                                                                                   Ken Saunders, Gunditjmara            processes may lead to the identification of previously unknown species
                                else is Bush Blitz working?                                                        Elder                                •species that are threatened within Australian ecosystems.
                                                                    http://asta.edu.au/resources/bushblitz         http://www.environment.gov.au/indi
                                Download the Bush Blitz teaching                                                   genous/ipa/declared/lake-            TeachLive is an educational program developed by Earthwatch Australia in 2003.
                                resource produced by the            http://bushblitz.teachlive.org.au/index.ph     condah.html                          Since its inception, the program has seen Primary and Secondary teachers teach
                                Australian Science Teachers         p/resources/resources                                                               'live' back to their classrooms from some of the most rich and diverse ecosystems
                                Association (ASTA), and work                                                       Did you know that the                around the world. From calling classrooms via satellite phone in the dark
                                with local community members        http://bushblitz.teachlive.org.au/             Gunditjmara in the South             rainforests of Brazil's Pantanal, to skype sessions from Australia's Outback,
                                and Koorie educators to include                                                    West of Victoria                     teachers who take part in the program not only experience scientific research at
                                                                    http://bushblitz.org.au/                       established intricate                its best, but are given the opportunity to bring a unique learning experience to
                                some of the activities, such as
                                                                                                                                                        their students and schools. It is through education that we gain the understanding
                                inviting local Koorie Community                                                    kuuyang (kooyang) or eel
                                                                    Bush Tucker:                                                                        necessary to enact change and continue to strive for innovative and effective
                                members to talk to your students    Koorie plants, Koorie people : traditional
                                                                                                                   trapping and farming                 strategies for conserving our environment.
                                and tell them what they know        Aboriginal food, fibre and healing plants of   systems, and developed
                                about the movement and              Victoria by Nelly Zola and Beth Gott           smoking techniques to                IPA Map:
                                interactions among animals in the                                                  preserve and trade their
                                local area.                         Note that this book is out of print            harvest - possibly one of
                                                                    currently, but available in many lending       the first cultures in the
                                Do you have a ‘Bush Tucker’         libraries – click on link below for holding    world to do so.
                                expert in your region?              libraries:
                                Learning about bush tucker is a
                                great introduction to
                                Australian plant species.

                                Teachers might want to
                                investigate the pilot educational
                                program- Bush Blitz Teachlive.

                                                                                                                   .   Woven eel trap
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
            Anniversary of     With students explore the            http://ergo.slv.vic.gov.au/explore-               Batman's Treaty: Today we acknowledge the anniversary of the signing of
     6                                                              history/colonial-
            Batman’s Treaty,   National Museum Australia’s                                                            Batman's Treaty in 1835 by a group of 8 Kulin Elders - including Wurundjeri
     June   signed in 1835     educational resources focused on     melbourne/pioneers/batmans-treaty                 Ngurungaetas (most senior leaders) Bebejan (Babajen) and three brothers
                               Batman’s treaty.                                                                       with the same name, Jika Jika (Jaga Jaga) or Billibellary – and John Batman,
                                                                                                                      an Australian born grazier, businessman and explorer, for the purchase of
                               Visit State Library Victoria’s                                                         land around Port Phillip, near the present site of the city of Melbourne.
                               teachers page which examines,        http://www.onlymelbourne.com.au/melb
                               through primary source analysis      ourne_details.php?id=5579                         John Batman believed he was trading for 600,000 acres of land, with 40
                               and stimulating discussion                                                             pairs of blankets, 42 tomahawks, 130 knives, 62 pairs of scissors, 40
                               questions , some of the problems     http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-135926506/view          looking glasses, 250 handkerchiefs, 18 shirts, 4 flannel jackets, 4 suits of
                               historians have with John                                                              clothes and 150 lb. of flour. The Kulin would not have been trading their
                               Batman's 'treaty' .                                                                    land rights in this exchange.
                                                                    First People:
                                View a graphic of Batman's          https://museumsvictoria.com.au/books/in           Batman's Treaty is significant, as it was the first and only documented time
                               Treaty including a transcript of                                                       when Europeans attempted to negotiate their presence and occupation of
                               the Batman Land Deed.                Kulin:
                                                                                                                      Aboriginal lands directly with the traditional owners, in accordance with
                                                                    http://www.yarrahealing.catholic.edu.au/          English Common Law. However, the treaty was declared void by the
                                After researching Batman’s          kulin-nation/index_wide.cfm?loadref=32            Governor of New South Wales Richard Bourke, on the basis that the Kulin
                               Treaty, discuss mutual (mis)                                                           people did not have a right to deal with the land, which ‘belonged’ to the
                               understandings, alternate world      https://museumvictoria.com.au/about/bo            Crown.
                               views and the terms of this          oks-and-journals/books/indigenous-
                               original transaction.                cultures/back-list/first-people-the-
                                                                    eastern-kulin-of-melbourne-port-phillip--         Click on the image to see enlarged details.

                               With your students learn as much     central-victoria/
                               as you can about the Kulin
                               Nations. This Yarra Healing
                               webpage is a good starter for

                               For a great description of the
                               Kulin including the signing of the
                               treaty and daily life in days gone
                               by, purchase copies of or borrow
                               First People: The Eastern Kulin of
                               Melbourne, Port Phillip & Central
                               Victoria (Presland G. MV)

                                                                    Map source: http://lrd.kangan.edu.au/indigenous

                                                                                                                      John Batman’s famous treaty, Merri Creek, Northcote 1835. By George Rossi Ashton. National Library of
                                                                                                                      Australia, nla.pic-an9025854.
Koorie Education Calendar 2019
            Coranderrk            Explore the Vic Curriculum-aligned        Coranderrk and Minutes of Evidence:               Did you know that             Gazetting of Coranderrk Reserve:
     30                           Coranderrk Teacher Resource               http://www.minutesofevidence.com.au/
            Aboriginal reserve                                                                                                Coranderrk gets its name
     June   officially gazetted   Package on FUSE, targeted to Years
                                                                            http://fuse.education.vic.gov.au/?8X2S9B          from the Woiwurrung           On the 30th June 1863, the Victorian Government Gazette reported that
            in 1863               9 and 10: History & Civics and                                                              name of the plant known       2,300 acres of land around Badger’s Creek in what is now Healesville, had
                                  Citizenship, and easily adapted for       http://www.troublemag.com/coranderrk-we-          in English as the Victorian   been temporarily reserved “For the use of Aborigines (in lieu of the land at
                                  other year levels.                        will-show-the-country/                            Xmas Mint Bush?               Watt’s Creek) by Order of the 22nd June 1863,” following a deputation to
                                                                                                                                                            Queen Victoria during her visit in the same year by 15 Wurundjeri
                                  Visit also the Minutes of Evidence                                                                                        (Woiwurrung), Boon Wurrung and Taungurung people.
                                  website and learn more about
                                  Coranderrk and its significance.          Mission Voices – Coranderrk:                                                    http://gazette.slv.vic.gov.au/view.cgi?year=1863&class=general&page_num=1447&state=V&classNum
                                                                            http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/44035/2006112                                     =G68
                                  If able to, visit Coranderrk itself, in   3-
                                  Healesville.                              0000/www.abc.net.au/missionvoices/corander
                                  Explore the excellent Mission
                                  Voices website and teacher                http://www.yarrahealing.catholic.edu.au/stori
                                  resources around the Coranderrk           es-voices/index.cfm?loadref=91
                                  reserve. This site is dedicated to all
                                  the Aboriginal missions and               Wandoon:
                                  reserves in Victoria, previously          http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/44035/2006112
                                  used to control the movements
                                  and activities of Victorian Koories.      download/256/812/file/Aunty%20Joy%20Murp
                                  Purchase or borrow the excellent
                                  Coranderrk: We Will Show the              Bansfield:
                                  Country (2013) about Coranderrk           http://www.minutesofevidence.com.au/static/
                                  and the 1881 Parliamentary
                                                                                                                              Coranderrk in flower
                                  Listen to the 2013 ABC Radio              http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Dunolly
                                  interview podcast Leave Us Here:
                                  150 years of Coranderrk with              Wurundjeri Stories at Pound Bend:
                                  senior descendants of Coranderrk
                                  Aunty Joy Murphy Wandin,                  url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.manningham.vic.gov
                                  Murrundindi, Aunty Carolyn Briggs,        .au%2Ffile%2F5526%2Fdownload&ei=3YGNVKL
                                  Uncle Wayne Atkinson and others.          dHsPtmgWruoL4Dw&usg=AFQjCNEEAMz53VDf
                                  There are many heroes                     Y
                                  surrounding Coranderrk and many
                                                                            Coranderrk: We Will Show the Country (2013)
                                  stories of success, resilience,           http://aiatsis.gov.au/publications/products/cor
                                  survival and injustice. With your         anderrk-we-will-show-country/ebook
                                  students explore the lives of
                                  Wurundjeri, Taungurung and Dja            Awaye Podcast - Leave Us Here: 150 years of
                                  Dja Wurrung heroes: William               Coranderrk:
                                  Barak, John Green, Thomas
                                  Bamfield, Robert Wandoon,                 coranderrk/5144226
                                  Thomas Dunolly and Caroline                                                                                               Coranderrk petition - Activist William Barak and others sent this petition on behalf of the Aboriginal
                                                                                                                                                            people of Coranderrk to the Victorian Government in 1886, see:
                                  Morgan and their involvement in                                                                                           https://museumvictoria.com.au/melbournemuseum/whatson/current-
                                  the Coranderrk Parliamentary                                                                                              exhibitions/melbournestory/favourite-objects/coranderrk-petition/
                                  Inquiry of 1888.
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