KICK THEM ALL OUT! - they spend billions on WAR, BIG OIL, and ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION while workers suffer and the world burns -

Page created by Cindy Brady
KICK THEM ALL OUT! - they spend billions on WAR, BIG OIL, and ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION while workers suffer and the world burns -
End NATO’s     RBC off the Yintah!
                 proxy war in   End attacks on
                 Ukraine        Wet’suwet’en
                    page 7             page 3

 $2 | No 643 | May 2022                     


they spend billions on WAR,
DESTRUCTION while workers
suffer and the world burns
KICK THEM ALL OUT! - they spend billions on WAR, BIG OIL, and ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION while workers suffer and the world burns -
by John Bell
                  CUPE Ontario confronts
Telecom oligarchs bill 124
sink plan for                                                                      by: Peter Votsch                           than a legal challenge, to defeating
                                                                                                                              Bill 124 – this despite the reality of a
                                                                                                                                                                           legislation, setting up a confrontation
                                                                                                                                                                           with the Ford Tories. The groundwork

affordable internet
                                                                                   CUPE Ontario just concluded its            5% reduction in real wages faced by          must be laid for this – in common
                                                                                   2022 convention, which took place          CUPE members this year and beyond            fronts wherever possible, as suggest-
                                                                                   via zoom April 27-29. Hundreds             across the board. This is demoralizing       ed by OCHU.
                                                                                   of delegates debated a variety of          for current members, and makes it               While the groundwork will have

                                                                                   progressive motions from combating         all the more difficult to organize the       to take place at the Local level, there
        oronto Mayor John Tory          player Shaw Communications only            discrimination, to climate justice,        unorganized, when all that is on offer       will need to be a corresponding lead
        launched his re-election        managed to post a meagre profit of         to the low rates of social assistance.     is an ongoing reduction in compen-           from the top. Not one that simply
        bid by pulling the plug on      $1 billion, but don’t weep for them –      In addition to hearing from leaders        sation.                                      says that ‘the execs and members do
        “Connect TO”, a plan to         their profit is up 43% over last year.     from CUPE National and the NDP,               An activist (from the International       not support a mass strike’. This will
provide affordable internet services       It is hardly surprising that Tory       delegates heard from Professor Akua        Socialists) raised this issue directly by    not do the trick, and will ensure more
to low-income people.                   and the conservative councilors            Benjamin, a founder of the Black           proposing a ‘working class strategy’,        defeats in an already shrinking public
   High speed internet access is no     who make up his executive board            Action Defence Committee, who              opposed to reliance on the courts and        sector, which faces constant pressures
longer optional; the pandemic has       danced to big telecom’s tune. Tory         spoke eloquently on the issue of an-       the politicians, to fight the legislation.   of privately delivered services on all
proven that. It is becoming impossi-    is a lifelong friend of oligarch Ted       ti-Black racism and intersectionality.     This proposal also called for mass           sides. Instead of blaming the ranks
ble to manage children’s education,     Rogers, and his very first job was            But the most important issue facing     direct action, including strike action.      and the locals, a lead is more neces-
financial matters or communication      with Rogers Communication. His             CUPE members and public sector             In an important, but symbolic victory,       sary than ever from CUPE, to liaise
without it. On top of the crisis of     entire “working” life has seen him         workers took center stage in terms of      this was added to the Action Plan. A         with our public sector partners such
affordable housing and skyrocket-       bounce between Conservative Party          debates: Bill 124 – public sector wage     number of delegates followed on with         as OPSEU, SEIU and teachers unions
ing food prices, internet access for    backrooms and Rogers executive             restraint in Ontario, brought in by
more and more people is threatened.     suites. The Toronto Sun (of all            the Ford Tories in 2019. For the last
                                                                                   3 years, workers in the public sector
                                                                                   have faced wage and benefit increases
                                                                                   limited at 1%. All this while inflation
                                                                                   has been rising, and is now 6% - lead-
                                                                                   ing to an ongoing wage reduction.
                                                                                   While it is set to expire shortly, there
                                                                                   is no indication that a Tory govern-
                                                                                   ment would not renew it, or impose
                                                                                   similar bill to replace it.
                                                                                      As we approach the June 2
                                                                                   provincial election, the Tories have
                                                                                   adopted the approach of carving out
                                                                                   certain groups from the legislation,        Ontario Nurses march against bill 124 (ONA)
                                                                                   among them police and nurses, while
                                                                                   keeping it in place. With the distinct
                                                                                   possibility of a renewed minority or       calls for a “general strike”.                and others, (to include ‘private sector’
                                                                                   majority Tory government facing               Socialists certainly support mass         unions that increasingly represent
                                                                                   the province’s public sector workers,      strike action – but it has to be more        workers in the public sphere). If local
                                                                                   the debate in CUPE took on added           than rhetorical, or nice words in            execs and activists feel there is a
                                                                                   importance.                                an ‘Action Plan’ that subsequently           real, not a paper strategy, one that the
Factor in the defunding of public       places) reported in 2021 that Tory            In CUPE, the Ontario Council of         collects dust in a union office. CUPE        leadership is willing to act on, they
libraries, and a large part of the      had pocketed almost $700,000 for           Hospital Unions (OCHU) has led             Ontario’s leader, Fred Hahn, while           will be empowered to organize on the
working poor will be left behind.       services rendered to Rogers while          the way, by proposing joint bar-           being generally supportive of calls for      ground to build the action needed.
   According to a report in the         mayor. Small wonder that Tory has          gaining and building pickets around        mass action, has in the past point-             CUPE Ontario has a long and
Toronto Star the mayor and his staff    been granted unprecedented access          Ontario with the Service Employees         ed to reticent union presidents as a         well-deserved reputation as a progres-
were swayed by a full court press of    to Rogers-owned media outlets like         International Union (SEIU), another        reason for not making such a call.           sive provincial division of Canada’s
telecom corporate lobbyists.            CP24 news platforms.                       of the important unions in the             He pointed this out at the convention        largest union. Its activist tradition has
   Canada’s telecom rates are              Sadly, the sorry state of the left on   healthcare field. At the convention,       – but the debate cannot end there.           led to almost continual growth over
currently 2nd highest among de-         council means that, barring a disas-       an OCHU motion proposed common             An escalating strategy needs to be de-       the years. But a ‘day of reckoning’
veloped countries. In 2021 Rogers       ter, Tory is a shoo-in for re-election.    front bargaining for nursing, support,     veloped, and taken to the locals. This       may be in the offing, brought on by
Communication took in over $12.5        Toronto will be in Rogers’ pocket          service and clerical staff in the          may include ‘hard’ pickets of Tory           four more years of Tory rule, and
billion in revenue, more than $500      for the foreseeable future. And if the     hospital sector, and mobilizing CUPE       MPP offices, or occupations. In the          continued losses as a result. Our
million more than the previous          city’s working people are angry, we        members in support.                        end, one of CUPE’s sectors will have         weakness will not go unnoticed by
year. Bell Canada banked $23.45         may never know, because they’ll               Absent from CUPE Ontario’s              to demand increases in bargaining            our corporate enemies – we best
billion for the same period. Regional   lack the internet access to tell us.       “Action Plan”, was a strategy, other       that falls outside the confines of the       prepare for battle.

 Mourn the dead, fight like hell for the living!
by: Peter Votsch, CUPE retiree          Act passed its 3rd reading in 1914.        over 30,000 a year – likely the tip            These solemn memorials, ob-              put a stop to workplace hazards or

                                           While many will light candles           of the iceberg, as many workers are        served this week all over Canada,            dangerous practices.
          n April 28 each year,         in ceremony on that day, another           not covered the provincial Workers         are indeed a condemnation of a                   There has been a strong re-
          workers in Canada and         symbol is also used to denote the im-      Safety and Insurance Boards, but           system that sends workers to work            sponse to recent tragedies, such
          internationally commemo-      portance of health and safety on the       by private insurance that may have         every day, but does not return them          as the 26 Westray Mine workers,
          rate a day in remembrance     job – the Canary in the Mine. The          different reporting methods, not to        to their homes and their loved in            killed in 1992, in Nova Scotia; or
of their Sisters and Brothers injured   Canary in the Mine dates back to the       mention lower levels of compensa-          the same condition, or at all. Many          the Metron disaster in Toronto,
or killed on the job.                   UK in 1911, when miners began to           tion, if any.                              in notoriously dangerous industries          when a boom near the top of a high
    In Canada, April 28 is called       take canaries in a cage down with                                                     such as mining or construction, or in        rise collapsed, killing 4 workers,
the Day of Mourning. The tradition      them into the mines. The canaries                                                     our understaffed and over populated          grievously injuring 1; or at Fiera
began in 1983 when two Canadian         were used to indicate the presence                                                    healthcare facilities, where violence        Foods, also in Toronto, where 5
Union of Public Employees (CUPE)        of carbon monoxide – they would                                                       against staff members has reached            workers have died on the job since
health and safety reps came upon        collapse and die when it was present.                                                 epidemic levels, understand this only        1999 – all events that took place in
a funeral of a firefighter killed on    Due to their small size and rapid                                                     too well.                                    non-union workplaces. Many in the
the job. They resolved to take this     breathing rate, the carbon monoxide                                                       Provinces often have legislation         labour movement such as the United
to CUPE’s convention, and to pass       would affect them immediately,                                                        that allows for the right to refuse          Steelworkers have demanded justice
a motion that a day be devoted to       giving the miners time to escape.                                                     unsafe work, an important gain for           that fits the crime: kill a worker, go
those who suffered a workplace inju-       The symbol of the canary, in the                                                   the labour movement. But it is hard          to jail. We need to organize and use
ry, or those who died while working     cage of the workplace, is a haunting                                                  to enforce when you don’t have a             our force as workers to make this
for their employer. Such a motion       image. It is a reality of front line                                                  union, and risk being fired for doing        happen, to put bosses behind bars.
was passed by CUPE, and the             workers everywhere. If you look at                                                    so. Or when a worker representative              So on April 28, we must mourn
Canadian Labour Congress quickly        those killed on the job, or those that                                                on a mandatory joint health and              our dead, and fight like hell for the
followed suit at its next convention.   die subsequently of their injuries,                                                   safety committee is not sent, at the         living - and fight like hell for a sys-
April 28th was selected as this was     we are looking at a rate of almost 3                                                  employer’s expense, for training that        tem that puts people’s lives over the
the day Canada’s first Compensation     a day (995). Reported injuries are                                                    would allow them to investigate, and         carnage of capitalist profit.

2 Socialist Worker May 2022
KICK THEM ALL OUT! - they spend billions on WAR, BIG OIL, and ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION while workers suffer and the world burns -
Pride Toronto made secret
deal, bowed to cops                                                                                                        Tell RBC:
LGBTQ+ activists have used
Freedom of Information laws to dig
up documents showing that members
of the Pride Toronto executive
made a secret deal with city hall to
re-introduce police participation in
                                         as the secret meetings were going
                                         on a serial killer was preying on the
                                         gay community, and it was revealed
                                         that police efforts were either inept
                                         at best.
                                             While restriction imposed by the
                                                                                  have demonstrated that returning
                                                                                  cops to Pride is their priority, and
                                                                                  they will use their financial resourc-
                                                                                  es to make it happen.
                                                                                     At issue is the soul of Pride.
                                                                                  Is it a grass-roots expression of
                                                                                                                           defund CGL
the festival. In return they received    COVID-19 pandemic have made              a still-oppressed and threatened
Trillium Grant specifically aimed at     the debate moot for several years,       community, or a corporate-driven
a campaign to win the community          it is far from over. Different levels    fun fair?
over to the idea.                        of government, led by Mayor Tory,           The struggle continues.
   In 2016 queer members of Black
Lives Matter disrupted the Pride
parade to protest the inclusion of
uniformed police in the festival.
Since then official TPS presence
has been excluded from the festival,
although un-uniformed individual
officers were always welcomed.
The change was welcomed by most
of the LGBTQ+ community.
   The documents show that the deal
was brokered in 2018 by individuals
on the Pride executive board, Mayor
John Tory, and TD bank. The plan
included strategies for deflecting di-
rect questions about TPS participa-
tion. It should be recalled that even     BLM leads the Toronto Pride march - No Cops in Pride!

Ottawa says no to the
far-right on May Day
                                                                                                                           Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs marched to RBC in Toronto

                                                                                                                           by: Michelle Robidoux                  In their statement, they explain:

                                                                                                                                                                  “With RBC as its financial leader,
by: Chantal Sundaram                       There was infighting amongst           a way to turn the story around,                     s TC Energy prepares to     the controversial Coastal Gas Link

                                         themselves about how to present          because unions across Ontario had                   drill under the Wedzin      project has shown a blatant disre-
           undreds of bikers (and        the whole event. It was a conver-        decided to celebrate the historic day               Kwa (otherwise known        gard for Wet’suwet’en People, the
           many SUVs and a few           gence of the far right just seizing on   for workers rights with rallies in                  as the Morice River) in     will of the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary
           trucks) rolled into Ottawa    another attempt to build their base      cities including Ottawa.                 northwestern BC, momentum is           Chiefs and the Canadian Supreme
           on April 29, for an event     and their profile without being too         Those rallies were calling for        building across Turtle Island to       Court-recognized sovereignty of
that claimed to be about veterans        openly complicit with open fascists.     all the things the far-right has no      demand that the Royal Bank of          the unceded Wet’suwet’en territo-
rights but featured every far-right      The Rolling Thunder organizer            answer for, but which tap into the       Canada (RBC) stop funding this         ry.”
and conspiratorial theory associated     was exposed on a local radio show        anger that motivates many convoy         disastrous fracked gas pipeline.
with the recent truckers’ convoy         for not being able to explain why        supporters: the terrible handling           The Coastal Gaslink (CGL)           Decolonize
that occupied Ottawa in February.        well-known Holocaust denier Chris        of the pandemic by all levels of         pipeline is the largest fracked gas    In April, Decolonial Solidarity
   Rolling Thunder Ottawa was an         Sky was a featured speaker on their      government, the need for paid sick       project in Canadian history. It runs   launched an Adopt-a-Branch
attempt to keep the momentum of          website.                                 days, and for ongoing economic           through unceded Wet’suwet’en           campaign to support the strug-
the far-right-led convoy movement          So the critical thing the many         supports for all those who lost          territory, and has never been ap-      gle against the CGL pipeline by
going. And now that vaccine and          groups in Ottawa organizing against      income from the pandemic.                proved by Wet’suwet’en hereditary      maintaining a regular presence
masking mandates are being lifted,       Rolling Thunder had to do was to            On May Day, Ottawa District           chiefs. RBC is the largest lender to   at RBC branches across so-
this time they came with a new pre-      expose their real agenda.                Labour Council organized a rally         this pipeline, effectively bankroll-   called Canada until RBC divests.
text to spread their message of hate.      Whether they claim to stand for        in the space that had been occupied      ing the violation of Indigenous        Hundreds of people attended the
   They claimed to want to               job creation in the oil and gas in-      by rolling Thunder the previous          sovereignty and the violence that      launch and have signed up to
reconsecrate the national                                                                  day. Community Solidarity       has come with it.                      build local campaign groups.
War Memorial, which they                                                                   Ottawa, which formed in                                                   A campaign launch later this
themselves had desecrated                                                                  response to the original con-   RCMP attacks                           month will involve a range of
and as a consequence were                                                                  voy occupation in February,     The RCMP has relentlessly              activities at bank branches. These
barred from the monument                                                                   held a Hate-free zone Block     harassed Wet’suwet’en people op-       include leafleting and poster-
in February.                                                                               Party afterwards. That day      posed to this project, which threat-   ing, protests and other outreach
   Indigenous veterans had                                                                 demonstrated that commu-        ens their water, land and sover-       activities to broaden opposition to
already reconsecrated the                                                                  nity, the labour movement,      eignty. Since November 2021, 32        RBC’s policies which are further-
space with a smudging                                                                      and the working-class           people have been arrested for their    ing violence against Indigenous
ceremony after the convoy                                                                  history of May Day is what      opposition to the pipeline. As The     people and the climate crisis.
supporters had urinated                                                                    speaks for workers and the      Tyee reports, “The B.C. RCMP’s            These campaigns will need to
and danced disrespectfully                                                                 poor, not the lies of the       industry response squad spent          be bolstered by mass solidarity
on it. And during Rolling           Ottawa workers march on MayDay                         “convoy.”                       almost $1 million protecting the       actions as have been organized in
Thunder’s reappearance at                                                                     Community Solidarity         Coastal GasLink pipeline in less       the past, when RCMP launched
the monument a group of veterans         dustry over a just transition to good    Ottawa also organized an “un-            than two months as construction        raids on Wet’suwet’en land
gathered to counter protest and          green jobs, whether they claim to        welcoming party” on the evening          on Wet’suwet’en territory entered      defenders. With drilling under
testify that this event did not speak    support truckers‘ rights against         Rolling Thunder rolled in. It will       final phases last winter.”             Wedzin Kwa imminent, there is
for them.                                vaccine mandates and turn that into      continue to be important to try to          As well as destroying unceded       urgent need for renewed solidari-
   Still, the convoy claimed they        anti-vax and anti-mask conspira-         challenge them directly every time       Indigenous land and waters, once it    ty efforts far and wide to stop the
were coming back to reclaim the          cy, and whether they try to co-opt       they try to claim the streets.           is operational the CGL pipeline is     CGL pipeline, as we saw during
space, and made speeches about           veterans rights, it is an attempt to        Ultimately we need to defeat          expected to carry up to five billion   Shut Down Canada in 2020.
the abuse they suffered there at the     redirect the real anger of poor and      their message and all they stand for.    cubic feet of natural gas every day.
hands of police. In fact, police had     working class people towards the         We need a long-term movement that        This natural gas, when burned, is
been tolerant and even complicit         far right.                               can stand up to the rise of the far      equivalent to 585.5 million pounds
with them in February, and this con-        But it is also to disguise what       right no matter what form it takes,      of CO2 being emitted every day.
tinued with the police escorts for       they cannot say openly: they want        both on the streets and by challeng-        RBC is the fifth biggest bank
Rolling Thunder this time.               to divide the poor and working           ing their ideas.                         lender to fossil fuel infrastructure
   But this was all beside the point.    class by legitimizing all the politics      Inspired by this start in Ottawa,     in the world, and the biggest in
Their “veterans“ message didn’t          of hate on the lines of racial hatred,   “Community Solidarity” groups            Canada. It owns 8% of TC Energy
even penetrate as a legitimate cover     Islamophobia, homophobia, trans-         have sprung up all over the country.     shares, and without its investment,
into the Ottawa population who           phobia and misogyny.                     A “Community Solidarity Project”         the project can not go forward.
mostly wondered what they’re still          But the weekend that Rolling          is now supporting the connection            In March, a group of celebrities
protesting about now that COVID          Thunder rolled into Ottawa was           between these groups. See www.           launched a campaign to build pres-
restrictions are being lifted.           also May Day weekend. This was             sure on RBC to divest from CGL.

                                                                                                                                                                    May 2022 Socialist Worker 3
KICK THEM ALL OUT! - they spend billions on WAR, BIG OIL, and ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION while workers suffer and the world burns -
Workers fight
Workers in the US are winning the right to organise in the factories and
stores of massive multinational corporations. Sophie Squire speaks to
activists that are fighting for union recognition

‘We can win union fight,’ says US
Starbucks worker
           cross the United States        for 20 hours to eight.                     “We had a Zoom call for the           “I think we can win this fight,” she      this a reality. All we did was talk
           workers are taking on             “Corporate said it was a             Starbucks Workers United group,          added. “I really do, with the way         to each other. We tried to make
           massive corporations to        reasonable adjustment correlating       and within six days, we had              that it’s spreading. We can unionise      sure everyone was on board. “We
           win the right to organise      with how much profit the store          organised the store. We managed          Starbucks workers.”                       knew the bosses would attack us,
in a union. Inspired by the victories     earned. But it’s going to harm          to get 79 percent of workers to sign        But Morgan stressed that               and Starbucks would try and say we
at Amazon and Starbucks, millions         people’s livelihoods. People are        union cards in three days. After that,   unionising is only the beginning.         were coercing people into voting.
are thinking about how they might         scared they’ll lose b­ enefits. You     we made our intentions public and        “We must fight so that we are paid        So to fight this, we had to make sure
unionise their workplace, and asking      get health insurance if you work 20     then filed to have a union election.”    enough to live on. We should be           everyone was on the same page.”
what a union can do.                      hours a week. If your hours get cut        After going public, Morgan said       allowed to keep tips that we receive         The seven workers were only
   Workers at Starbucks coffee            to 15, you’ll lose out.”                ­managers employed tactics to make       on credit cards. Another important        sacked after declaring that their
shops are among them. By Thursday            “The cut in our hours was the fuel    workers feel uncomfortable. “Dress      thing that we fight for is for workers    store would file for a union election.
of last week the number of stores                                                                                                     to be able to decide what      Nikki said that bosses couldn’t
getting organised totalled over 200.                                                                                                  is needed in their store and   legally fire them for organising.
   Through the Starbucks Workers                                                                                                      take the action that they      So they came up with trumped-up
United campaign, workers vote on                                                                                                      deem appropriate.              charges instead. “One of the reasons
whether to join Workers United                                                                                                           “We want to elect our       they gave for firing me was that I’d
Labour Union. This is affiliated with                                                                                                 own leaders and fight for a    ask a colleague if they wanted me
the s­ econd-biggest union in the US,                                                                                                 real say in how our stores     to clock in early when I first entered
the Service Employees International                                                                                                   are run.”                      the store every morning,” she said.
Union.                                                                                                                                                                  Beto added that one of the
   While it cannot be denied that                                                                                                   Coffee giant sacks               reasons for firing him was that he
a big union is involved, workers                                                                                                    seven to stop organ-             “didn’t wear a mask in non-working
say this campaign is being driven                                                                                                   ising                            hours.” Nikki pointed out that they
from the ground up. Many activists                                                                                                   Seven Starbucks workers         suspended those known as the
look to Buffalo, in the state of New                                                                                                 were called into work           Montgomery Seven because they
York, where Starbucks workers                                                                                                        by managers while a             worked so well together. “We’ve
first petitioned the National Labour                                                                                                 snowstorm raged in              bonded through trauma working at
Relations Board (NLRB) for a union                                                                                                   Memphis, Tennessee in           this store,” she said. “These guys
election last August.                                                                                                                February of this year. At       are my family, which made our
   Morgan, who works in a                                                                                                            fifteen-minute intervals        union campaign so strong.”
Starbucks in Austin, Texas, told                                                                                                     they were all fired for            And Beto added that Starbucks’
Socialist Worker that she didn’t                                                                                                     trying to unionise their        attack on them had “backfired”.
believe unionising was possible at                                                                                                   store. This move was later      “Starbucks head office tried to
first. But workers’ experiences in                                                                                                   deemed illegal by the           make us an example of what
Buffalo got her thinking differently.     Starbucks union activist Morgan (pictured left), has been building a                       NLRB.                           happens when you unionise. But
   “I noticed what happened in            fightback in Austin, Texas.                                                                   Beto, one of the seven       really it’s had the opposite effect
Buffalo, but I’ll admit it didn’t occur                                                                                              who was fired, told             of what they wanted. It’s inspired
to me that we should do it here,” she     that lit our fire, and we moved fast.   code is now being enforced more          Socialist Worker that he and others       many more stores to unionise and
said. “I thought that maybe Buffalo       Two other colleagues and I set up       severely, especially for those that      were inspired by Starbucks workers’       fight back.”
was just a particularly bad store to      an u­ nofficial committee. Then we      are very pro-union. We’ve also           move to unionise in Buffalo. “We             He added, “The bosses will
work in.                                  started posting memes and articles      been told that we’ll be disciplined if   knew what we wanted after that,” he       do absolutely everything to strip
   “Then our hours got cut. Some          into our barista group chat about       we’re even a minute late,” she said.     said, “That was to unionise.”             us of our dignity. But we will
people had their hours cut by half.       how awful Starbucks CEO Harold             But Morgan added that these              Nikki, who was also sacked, said       keep fighting back, for Starbucks
Some went from being scheduled            Schultz is.                             attacks are “fuel” to keep fighting.     workers were central to making            workers and everyone.”

4 Socialist Worker May 2022
KICK THEM ALL OUT! - they spend billions on WAR, BIG OIL, and ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION while workers suffer and the world burns -
                                                                                                                                 We will not go back!
                                                                                                                                 Full access to free
                                                                                                                                 abortion for all

      Amazon workers
      in Staten Island                                                                                                           by: Carolyn Egan                        were being denied in Canada. The

                                                                                                                                                                         same was happening in the Atlantic
      recently won a                                                                                                                        utrage spread across the     provinces, in British Columbia,
                                                                                                                                            United States as leaked      in Manitoba, Saskachewan and
      union vote. The                                                                                                                       information became public    Alberta.
                                                                                                                                            that the conservative           American reproductive rights
      corporation is                                                                                                             majority on the Supreme Court was       organizations, physicians and oth-
                                                                                                                                 about to overturn Roe v Wade. This      ers reached out to Canadians, and
      going to great                                                                                                             would have a devastating effect         networks were established to make
      lengths and using                                                                                                          on thousands, denying access to
                                                                                                                                 abortion in almost half the states
                                                                                                                                                                         accessing the procedure as easy
                                                                                                                                                                         as possible. This was absolutely
      dirty tricks to                                                                                                            in the US by leaving it up to state
                                                                                                                                 legislatures to determine local
                                                                                                                                                                         necessary to give those seeking
                                                                                                                                                                         abortions the dignity and respect
      stop any further                                                                                                           regulations.
                                                                                                                                    The news was not unexpected
                                                                                                                                                                         that they deserved.

      victories                                                                                                                  as we saw anti-abortion justices
                                                                                                                                 appointed to the highest court, state
                                                                                                                                                                         Building the movement in
                                                                                                                                 assemblies pass restrictive legis-      But the key was building a mass
                                                                                                                                 lation, and politicians denouncing      movement that fought for repro-
                                                                                                                                 those who sought to have control        ductive justice and access to abor-
                                                                                                                                 over their own bodies. In Texas         tion for all. We set out to organize
                                                                                                                                 a young woman, Lizelle Herrera          that movement in communities
Lessons from the battle                    and Department Store Union (Rwdsu)         Workers must push for strikes and          from Rio Grande City, was arrested      across the country, involving trade
to unionise Amazon                         to unionise a warehouse in Bessemer,       action to win better pay, conditions       for murder for inducing an abor-        unions, racialized communities,
warehouses                                 Alabama, failed just last year. The        and dignity.                               tion. Only after a huge outcry were     Indigenous activists, students, faith
Thousands cheered when Chris               No vote led by 993 to 875, but the             The union has to be an instrument      the charges dropped and she was         communities, and all who were
Smalls, the founder of the Amazon          NLRB ordered a re-vote due to public       for struggle and improvements in           freed. It is the most vulnerable who    willing to fight for the change we
Labour Union (ALU), announced that         pressure on Amazon. With some votes        workers’ lives. The Amazon bosses          will be most affected from Black,       needed.
8,300 workers at the JKF8 warehouse        still contested, the official result of    are playing dirty but they can still       Hispanic, Indigenous and poor              Organization such as the Black
in Staten Island, New York, had won        this round of voting is unclear. But the   be beaten. One sign of how Amazon          communities. It is they who are         Action Defense Committee, the
their unionisation ballot last month.      union is likely to lose again by around    will try to hit back it that is has        standing up and fighting in groups      Ontario Federation of Labour,
   Small proclaimed, “A revolution         118 votes, according to the Rwdsu.         formally objected to the vote to           such as Sister Song.                    the Canadian Labour Congress,
is here. We’re going to organise              So why have workers in New York         unionise at Staten Island. Ludicrously        The majority of Americans do         Women Working with Immigrant
buildings all over the nation. In the      triumphed, while workers in Alabama        it complained to the National Labor        not want to see Roe v Wade over-        Women. The Ontario Organization
last 72 hours we’ve been contacted         still can’t get over the threshold?        Relations Board because the vote           turned in recent polls. This does not   of Visible Minority Women, the
by workers all over the world. They        The successful drive to unionise at        had been conducted in a way that           seem to bother the ideologically        Canadian Federation of Students,
want to unionise and we’re going to        the JFK8 centre was driven from the        favoured the union.                        driven supreme court justices.          and so many more became actively
absolutely help them.”                     bottom up by workers. It relied on             Amazon argued, in one instance,        Samuel Alito said in the document       involved in the fight for reproduc-
   The news was a beacon of hope           worker activists inside the building,      that when the union offered workers        obtained by Politico, “We can’t al-     tive justice.
that workers everywhere could stand        and some of them were also political       marijuana, it amounted to an               low our decisions to be affected by        We fought for universal child-
up to this corporate giant. It inspired    activists.                                 “impermissible grant of support”           any extraneous influences, such as      care, birth control in our own com-
the nearly 1,500 workers in the nearby        In contrast, the Rwdsu took a           for workers’ votes. The company            concern about the publics reaction      munities and our own languages,
LDJ5 Amazon sorting centre to vote         different, more traditional trade          said the way union supporters had          to our work.” He showed total con-      an end to forced sterilization that
on whether to join the ALU. The result     union approach that relied on union        interrupted mandatory anti-union           tempt for the rights of those seeking   particularly affected Indigenous
of the ballot will be out soon.            full timers to build a yes vote from       meetings “intentionally created hostile    an abortion as well as the will of      women, for decent jobs, for an end
   Amazon bosses are terrified that        outside. All the decisions made            confrontations” that limited Amazon’s      the majority. There is a slogan that    to racial and sexual harassment,
workers dare to unionise. They are         during the campaign were driven by         right to communicate with staff.           we used to chant, “Campaign Life        and employment equity, as well
employing dirty and intimidating           full time union officials, who did not         The company also said the union        your name’s a lie! You don’t care if    as full access to free abortion. We
tactics to undermine the organisation.     experience the same hardship that          had improperly “polled” workers            people die”! They don’t care, and       went into the streets with mass
   Pascquale Cioffi, a process assistant   workers did inside. This ended in          during a key period before the election.   there is no doubt that if this comes    demonstrations and were able to
at the JKF8 fulfilment factory,            defeat.                                    The Amazon Labor Union responded,          to pass we will see the return of       organize the pro-choice sentiment
described how managers would be               What’s clear is that worker-led         “Amazon is attempting to overturn the      back street, illegal abortions.         in this country into a strong move-
“grabbing people and taking them to        campaigns to unionise Amazon are           democratic voice of its own workers.          I had a call from a woman in         ment that won the overturning of
the office.” He added that they would      a must, but organising within this             “The entire world knows that the       Detroit, Michigan this morning          the federal abortion law. Much
sit them in a room with lawyers and        industry giant won’t be simple.            workers won our election and we look       asking if Roe was overturned could      more still had to be done but it was
human resources reps to ask whether        Bullying bosses, lousy pay and awful       forward to sitting down with Amazon        people come to Canada to seek           an important victory.
they were coerced into union support.      conditions mean that Amazon has a          in May to negotiate a fair contract for    abortions. It brought me back to           Hopefully there will be a similar
   And workers at another warehouse        high staff turnover. US data company,      the workers at JFK8.”                      the days before the Morgentaler         uprising across the United States
have received threatening letters from     Payscale found that the average                The company has refused to             decision in January 1988, when          that will mobilize millions to stop
Amazon that asked workers to vote no       tenure of an Amazon worker is only         recognise the union. But it can be         the Canadian Supreme Court              this vicious right wing attack on
and attacked the union for asking its      a year.                                    beaten. Nearly 20 years ago, the           overturned the federal abortion         abortion rights. We will fight along
members to pay dues. The workers at           Amazon bosses hope this will lead       workers at a Walmart store in Quebec       law here. In those days we helped       side all those Americans who in
JKF8 have triumphed, but the battle        to a constant turnover of staff that       voted to unionise, and within six          many travel to Buffalo. Sometimes       the streets in Houston, New York,
to organise Amazon workers won’t           won’t stay long enough to build union      months the company shut the store          we went down with them, but             Boston, San Francisco and so
be easy.                                   links. This means that building union      down. But Amazon simply cannot             most often they traveled alone          many other cities.
   An attempt by the Retail, Wholesale     membership at Amazon isn’t enough.         shut its large warehouses.                 because there were so many who             We will not go back!

                                                                                                                                                                           May 2022 Socialist Worker 5
KICK THEM ALL OUT! - they spend billions on WAR, BIG OIL, and ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION while workers suffer and the world burns -
The conflict in Ukraine is an imperialist proxy war
What’s happening in Ukraine isn’t just a national struggle against Russia. It’s a proxy war between imperialist powers
by: Alex Callinicos                                 to the Russian invasion shows the continued                                      Stalin eventually agreed to the invasion. He                                           with the US, avoiding a Third World War by

                                                    vitality of nationalism as a mobilising force.                                   hoped to gain access to the southern ports of                                          letting North Korean and Chinese armies do
          trangely enough, supporters of Nato’s     But national struggles still unfold in the                                       Pusan and Inchon.                                                                      the fighting. Stalin used Kim and Mao, though
          proxy war with Russia tend to deny        context of an imperialist system dominated by                                       He also thought the US would proba-                                                 both were also independent actors with their
          that it is a proxy war. There are ex-     rival capitalist powers that use smaller states                                  bly not intervene, but that if it did the new                                          own ideological motivations and economic
          ceptions. Leon Panetta, director of the   for their own purposes.                                                          Communist regime in China would bear the                                               and geopolitical interests. Something similar
CIA under Barack Obama, admitted in March,             The Cold War shows how this leads to                                          brunt of the war. Stalin distrusted the Chinese                                        is happening today.
“It’s a proxy war with Russia whether we say        proxy wars. In July 1950 the Korean War be-                                      leader Mao Zedong and believed a confron-                                                 Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky
so or not.” But Western governments and their       gan when the Communist-led North invaded                                         tation with the US in Korea would make him                                             and his regime represent a particular national-
apologists still deny this.                         the Western-dominated South.                                                     easier to control.                                                                     ist project and they are fighting for Ukraine’s
   The main reason they give is that Russia            Kim Il-sung, the North Korean leader, was                                        In the event, the US did intervene, as did                                          independence. The US and its allies, how-
is actually being fought by the forces of the       eager to reunify the Korean peninsula. But he                                    China. They fought each other to a standstill,                                         ever, are backing them up, according to the
Ukrainian government, with substantial pop-         needed the support of the Soviet Union under                                     confirming the partition of Korea that contin-                                         Financial Times, with “every day, eight to 10
ular support. Sometimes they say things like,       Joseph Stalin, who had put him in power in                                       ues today.                                                                             cargo flights, most of them operated by the US,
“calling this a proxy war denies the Ukrainians     the first place.                                                                                                                                                        carrying hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth
agency” and reduces them to the US’s puppets.          According to Shen Zhihua’s fascinating                                        Nato drives imperialism                                                                of increasingly heavy weaponry”, for their own
   The problem perhaps is partly the very word      study—Mao, Stalin, and the Korean War—                                           The Soviet Union had waged a proxy war                                                 interests.
“proxy”, which means a person acting on                                                                                                                                                                                        US defence secretary Lloyd Austin last week
behalf of another. During the Cold War, the US                                                                                                                                                                              spelled out the US’s objective—“Russia weak-
often accused this or that Communist move-                                                                                                                                                                                  ened to the point where it can’t do things like
ment in the Third World of being Russia’s                                                                                                                                                                                   invade Ukraine”. So this isn’t just a national
“proxies”.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  struggle between Ukraine and Russia. It’s also
   The implication was that they were just                                                                                                                                                                                  a conflict between imperialist powers. Failing
puppets of the Soviet Union. What actually                                                                                                                                                                                  to see this leads to an underestimation of the
happened showed that different nationalist                                                                                                                                                                                  dangers.
movements with their own goals and interests                                                                                                                                                                                   William Burns, the current CIA director,
used the same Stalinist ideology.                                                                                                                                                                                           warned recently, “Given the potential desper-
   For example, in the second half of the 1970s                                                                                                                                                                             ation of President Putin and the Russian lead-
the Communist regime in Vietnam fought                                                                                                                                                                                      ership, given the setback they’ve faced so far
wars against two other Communist regimes, in                                                                                                                                                                                militarily, none of us can take lightly the threat
Cambodia and China. A genuine example of a                                                                                                                                                                                  posed by a potential resort to tactical nuclear
proxy in the US Cold War sense would be the                                                                                                                                                                                 weapons or low-yield nuclear weapons.” Proxy
right-wing exiles organised and armed by the                                                                                                                                                                                wars are bad, but an all-out inter-imperialist
CIA in the attempted invasion of Cuba in 1961.                                                                                                                                                                              war would be infinitely worse.
   In its own way, the Ukrainian resistance          NATO members continue to send the newest weapons to Ukraine                                                                                                               reprinted from

changing the world in an
age of capitalist crisis
June 18 | across Canada
  Marxism 2022
  a festival of                                                                                                                                                                                                              Territorial Acknowledgement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             As settlers, we acknowledge our

  socialist ideas                                                                                                                                                                                                            occupation of lands that are the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Indigenous territories of Turtle Island.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Furthermore, we support all struggles
Find more information and talk descriptions at                                                                                                                                                                               for Indigenous sovereignty in whatever
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             forms they take by the hundreds of First
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Nations and Inuit communities that
Organized by the International Socialists                                                                                                                                                                                    have resided here for many thousands of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             years, and by Métis communities that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             have developed in the last hundreds of
Find us on:                   @socialist_ca                       \socialistca                                                                                                                         years.

                                                             WHERE WE STAND                                                social, economic and             the people of Quebec.

 Never             miss an issue.                             The capitalist system          concept of “just transition”   production and distribution
                                                                                                                                                          political equality for women.
                                                                                                                                                          We are for an end to all
                                                                                                                                                          forms of discrimination
                                                                                                                                                                                              We support the struggles
                                                                                                                                                                                           for self-determination of
                                                                                                                                                                                           Quebec and Indigenous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Join the Socialists
 Yearly subscription $30                                      is based on violence,          for affected workers.          to satisfy human needs,
                                                                                                                            not corporate profits—to      and homophobia against           peoples up to and including
                                                              oppression and brutal
 Institutions, 1st Class & U.S. $50 international: $60        exploitation. It creates       Workers’ power                 respect the environment,      lesbians, gays, bisexuals        the right to independence.        Name:
                                                              hunger beside plenty, it       Any alternative to             not pollute and destroy it.   and transgender people.          In particular, we recognize
                                                              threatens our sustenance       capitalism must involve                                        We oppose                      Indigenous peoples’
  Name:                                                       through unsafe and             replacing the system from      Oppression                    environmental racism. We         original and primary right        Address:
                                                              unsustainable farming, and     the bottom up through          Within capitalist society     oppose discrimination on         to decide their fate and
                                                              kills the earth itself with    radical collective action.     different groups suffer       the basis of religion, ability   that of their lands, heritage,
  Address:                                                    pollution and unsustainable    Central to that struggle       from specific forms of        and age.                         and traditions. Socialists        Phone:
                                                              extraction of oil, minerals,   is the workplace, where        oppression. Attacks on                                         in Quebec, and in all
                                                              animals, trees, and            capitalism reaps its profits   oppressed groups are          Canada, Quebec,                  oppressed nations, work
  Phone:			                                                   water. Capitalism leads        off our backs.                 used to divide workers        Indigenous Peoples               to give the struggle against      E-mail:
                                                              to imperialism and war.           Capitalist monopolies       and weaken solidarity.        Canada is not a “colony”         national oppression an
                                                              Saving ourselves and the       control the earth’s            We oppose racism and          of the United States, but        internationalist and working
  E-mail:                                                     planet depends on finding      resources, but workers         imperialism. We oppose        an imperialist country in its    class content.
                                                              an alternative.                everywhere actually create     all immigration controls.     own right that participates
  Mail to: PO Box 339, Station E,                                Capitalism cannot           the wealth. A new socialist    We support the right of       in the exploitation of much      Read the full                     Fill in the form and send to International
  Toronto, ON Canada, M6H 4E3                                 regulate the catastrophic
                                                              effects of climate change.
                                                                                             society can only be
                                                                                             constructed when workers
                                                                                                                            people of colour and
                                                                                                                            other oppressed groups
                                                                                                                                                          of the world. The Canadian
                                                                                                                                                          state was founded
                                                                                                                                                                                           statement at:                     Socialists, PO Box 339 Station
  Phone: 416.972.6391 / E-mail:          We stand for climate           collectively seize control     to organize in their own      through the repression of                     E Toronto ON M6H 4E3
                                                              justice, including the         of that wealth and plan its    defence. We are for real,     Indigenous peoples and           ourstand                          416.972.6391 /

6 Socialist Worker May 2022
KICK THEM ALL OUT! - they spend billions on WAR, BIG OIL, and ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION while workers suffer and the world burns -

War, militarism and the
by: Brian Champ                                      the Canadian government’s increasing war          problems in Indigenous communities,                  hope. We need to continue to build opposition

                                                     spending and their climate plans.                 following decades of inaction. This is just 3%       to our own rulers’ drive to war, following the
         he brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine,         NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg        of the increase in military spending.                example of those risking so much in Russia.
         after decades of tension around NATO        has called for member countries to spend at          $17 billion could be used to build 600            This means calling for an end to NATO as
         expansion eastwards, has put the            least 2% of GDP on their military. In March,      km of surface rail light rapid transit in our        an imperialist force, and calling for Canada
         world on a knife edge of potentially        Canada’s Defence Minister Anita Anand             cities; install solar panels on 450,000 homes        to get out of NATO. It means calling for an
escalating conflict. At odds are imperialist         announced the exploration of options to           that could completely power those homes;             end to supplying arms and soldiers to eastern
blocs that each have nuclear arsenals with           increase military spending “exceeding the         build 20 new hospitals every year; increase          Europe, while supporting humanitarian
the potential to leave large areas of the planet     2% level, hitting the 2% level and below the      education and healthcare spending.                   efforts in the region. Ukrainians have the right
uninhabitable for many generations.                  2% level”. The truth is that the Department          In Canada, if the 2% military spending            to self-determination and self defence, but
    And in Ukraine, where there are many                                                                                                                    if It means supporting and amplifying mass
nuclear reactors, the potential for the breach of                                                                                                           involvement of Ukrainians in standing up to
radiation containment structures adds another                                                                                                               the Russian occupation. Building the links
wrinkle to the question.                                                                                                                                    between the anti-war forces on the ground
    The environmental impact of war is not                                                                                                                  in Russia, Ukraine and in NATO member
only related to the nuclear arsenal, however.                                                                                                               countries can create pressure on rulers to back
So-called conventional weapons pack an                                                                                                                      away from pursuing these aims.
environmentally destructive punch: napalm,                                                                                                                       But it also means the end of arms
defoliants like Agent Orange, depleted                                                                                                                      shipments from the West to their allies like
uranium used for armour piercing shells.                                                                                                                    Israel and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East.
The immediate destruction is compounded                                                                                                                     Israel uses their military might to project
by ongoing environmental degradation in the                                                                                                                 power in the region, but also to wage war on
areas where these weapons have been used.                                                                                                                   the Palestinian population. Saudi Arabia has
The danger in Ukraine for an escalation to a                                                                                                                led the assault on the people of South Yemen
direct war between rival imperialist blocs could                                                                                                            using weapons supplied by Canada and other
magnify the destruction with the prospect of                                                                                                                western powers, a war that gets scant mention
whole economies directed to produce for the                                                                                                                 in the western media. There are many other
war effort, escalating the conflict to a potential                                                                                                          conflicts around the world, and the main inter-
world war. The scale of environmental                                                                                                                       Imperialist rivalry is really between the US
destruction would be that much higher.                                                                                                                      led bloc and China, although contradictions
   But with the climate crisis, the environmental                                                                                                           abound because of the interpenetration of
impact of war is not just the effects of weaponry                                                                                                           their economies.
in the field of battle, but the carbon emissions                                                                                                               Sabre rattling in one region can increase
associated with the operation of war machinery.                                                                                                             tensions elsewhere and proxy wars or more
The US military in their “peacetime” operations                                                                                                             direct wars between the main powers can flare
emits more carbon than whole countries like                                                                                                                 up in the context of the overlapping crises of
Denmark or Portugal. For military equipment,                                                                                                                late capitalism.
power trumps fuel efficiency and the intensity                                                                                                                 Climate and environmental movements
of emissions is very high. We have no way of         of National Defence (DND) is the largest          increase goal is reached, it would be roughly        worldwide are fertile ground for building the
knowing for sure how much carbon militaries          department, spending $24.3 billion and            the same as the Canada Health Transfer               forces opposing war because there is already
around the world release into the atmosphere,        consuming 7.1% of federal spending. Raising       (from federal to provincial health programs)         a clamouring for change of course from the
because they are exempted from reporting.            the DND budget to 2% of GDP would                 of $43 billion per year. If the military budget      system, but the transition is not happening,
   If these numbers are high during non battle       raise this amount to $41.4 billion (12% of        were eliminated, the health transfer could be        or it is not happening quickly enough, and
operations, the carbon intensity increases           federal spending). In early April the Liberals    doubled to dramatically improve underfunded          activists are already calling for more money
dramatically during a hot war. War is not            announced that they would “only” increase         hospitals. The numbers are similar for               for a real transition away from fossil fuels.
compatible with the goal of keeping global           military spending to reach 1.5% of GDP - an       education budgets.                                      When governments dither and obfuscate
temperatures from rising more than 1.5               increase of around $8 billion.                                                                         on climate solutions, but then eagerly spend
degrees, which the world’s leaders have                 The new Liberal climate plan is a terrible     Climate activism and                                 money on war, this has the potential to
committed to, once again at last November’s          plan because it funnels billions to false         environmentalism and building                        provoke anger in the climate movement and
COP meetings in Glasgow. There was a lot             solutions like CCUS and pretends that market      the anti-war movement.                               a readiness to take action to oppose the war
of disappointment that leaders could not even        mechanisms can lead the transition. This          The fact is if we hope to be able to achieve the     drive, connecting it to the need to fund the
agree to stop producing and burning coal, much       plan will not stop the climate crisis, but it’s   just transition to a zero carbon economy for         transition to a zero carbon economy.
less phase out fossil fuels. Fighting wars is not    instructive to know that if the DND budget        the sake of the planet and future generations,          This is part of a climate justice framework
compatible with meeting these commitments.           is raised to be 2% of GDP, the $17.1 billion      the war drive of our rulers must be stopped. We      that seeks climate solutions that lead to an
It is quite clear that wars fought for control       increase is almost twice the money budgeted       simply can’t afford to waste the opportunity         actual transition from fossil fuel capitalism
of fossil fuels put the world on a trajectory        for the whole climate plan ($9 billion). The      and money on programs that will further the          towards the zero emissions economy where
towards far worse climate outcomes. The fact         announced $8 billion DND budget increase          crisis, when we need those resources to be           no community or worker is left behind.
that Russian LNG supplies to Europe play a           is almost as much as the whole climate plan.      targeted towards halting the runaway train of           Mobilizing to oppose our ruler’s drive to
role in this conflict further demonstrates the                                                         the capitalist economy that is undermining           war, whether for fossil fuels or some other
difficulty that capitalism has of transitioning      What else could this money be                     the life supporting capacity of the earth.           reason, is a key part of mobilizing masses
away from fossil fuels.                              spent on?                                            The fantastic anti-war movement in Russia,        of Indigenous people, workers, people
                                                     The federal government has promised $6            where tens of thousands have been arrested           from racialized and other marginalized
Just Transition and War                              billion over ten years to fix drinking water      and potentially face years in jail, is a beacon of   communities, environmentalist, and climate
During the pandemic, campaigns targeting                                                                                                                    activists to create a force for change from
divestment of financial institutions and                                                                                                                    below that can transform the world for a
insurance companies from fossil fuel projects                                                                                                               sustainable future.
had made inroads in part because lower oil                                                                                                                      Climate Voice, a new network including
prices and increased costs of production due                                                                                                                Indigenous, labour, climate, environmental
to blockades and other resistance had made                                                                                                                  and student groups, came together in the
investors wonder if they’d see a return on                                                                                                                  process of organizing the November 6 Rally
investment. But after the Russian invasion                                                                                                                  on the Global Day for Climate Justice during
of Ukraine, there was a story in the Financial                                                                                                              the COP26 talks in Glasgow.
Post about how the European energy crunch                                                                                                                      Our headline climate justice demands were:
and the conflict had breathed new life into                                                                                                                 Respect Indigenous sovereignty; Phase out
an LNG project on the east coast of Canada                                                                                                                  Fossil Fuels; Just Transition for communities
over the prospect of supplying energy to                                                                                                                    and workers; Global Justice.
Europe. The impact of the war on oil prices                                                                                                                     As our rulers pursue the drive to war, we
had also changed the economics of pipeline                                                                                                                  must assert that “No War” is also a climate
construction and tar sands development, with                                                                                                                justice demand, seeking justice for the victims
higher prices suddenly making these projects                                                                                                                of the conflict, but also for future generations
more profitable.                                                                                                                                            who will bear the brunt of war spending
   And there is a massive contradiction between                                                                                                             priorities that doom them to a bleak future.

                                                                                                                                                                         May 2022 Socialist Worker 7
KICK THEM ALL OUT! - they spend billions on WAR, BIG OIL, and ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION while workers suffer and the world burns -
$2 | No 643 | May 2022 |

Tenants fight and win
by: Sid Lacombe                                                                                                                                                   same when they were first elected in 2015. They

                                                                                                                                                                  have yet to actually come through with any new
          esidents at 12 Lansdowne avenue in                                                                                                                      units.
          Toronto’s Parkdale neighbourhood                                                                                                                           In the last 30 years the feds have largely
          have forced their landlord to remove                                                                                                                    abandoned renters. They announce 5 year plans
          all eviction notices and have even been                                                                                                                 to build housing with great fanfare but there has
able to get some needed repairs done to their                                                                                                                     been almost no new affordable housing built in
building.                                                                                                                                                         those decades.
   The victory came after a months-long fight                                                                                                                        The reality is that the ‘housing crisis’ is not a
where the landlord used every tactic they                                                                                                                         crisis for the ruling class. They have no interest
could to undermine and intimidate the tenants                                                                                                                     in reducing housing costs. Banks, developers
- including trying to evict them for damage to                                                                                                                    and landlords are making billions as prices
property after they hung banners from their                                                                                                                       skyrocket. The politicians who represent the
balconies during a rally.                                                                                                                                         interests of the rich will only tinker around the
   This is just one of a recent string of victories                                                                                                               edges of the issue and will not end the hardship
in the area that came about because of tenant                                                                                                                     for working people and the poor.
organizing and with support from the community                                                                                                                       This has been the case ever since capitalism
and local agencies.                                                                                                                                               arrived on the scene and imposed new private
   One consistency in all of the eviction fights is                                                                                                               property rules. It will remain an issue as long as
that the victories come because of community                                                                                                                      the system persists.
and building mobilization. It is the extra judicial                                                                                                                  As Frederick Engels wrote in The Housing
fight that is winning the day.                         Parkdale Organize led a series of rallies in support of local tenants                                      Question, “it is not that the solution of the
   Tenant law in Canada is written by landlords                                                                                                                   housing question simultaneously solves the
for their own benefit. Legal fights are important     end the hardship for poor and working people         result in increased housing costs.                     social question, but that only by the solution of
in that they often buy time for residents to          seeking housing.                                        For example, the budget calls for tax breaks        the social question, that is, by the abolition of
organize but they are heavily tilted towards the                                                           and incentives for people to buy their first           the capitalist mode of production, is the solution
landlords and are not designed to protect the         Housing and capitalism                               house. The scheme sounds good but will only            of the housing question made possible.”
interest of renters.                                  The capitalist politicians have been making          mean more cash being pushed into the housing              The recent tenant fights are a great example
   The number of community solidarity groups          grand statements about their resolve to stop         market - further inflating prices. It will also only   of how neighbours and communities can come
has grown during the pandemic and are now             the housing crisis. The federal Liberals made        be useful for people who have the money for a          together to push back on the landlords and they
a bulwark against the worst ravages of the            the issue a centrepiece of their recent budget       down-payment. That’s not who needs the help.           must be strengthened. But we will only be rid of
capitalist system. They deserve our support. We       announcing billions to help create housing. It is       The Liberals also announced more money to           the housing crisis when we are rid of the greedy
cannot rely on governments to do anything to          all smoke and mirrors. The budget will likely        build affordable housing. They did much the            bosses who run this rotten system.

Stop privatization of hospitals
Join the Ontario Health Coalition campaign
                                                      revoked as this information came to light. In        a necrotic wound caused by neglect which               to use the crisis to hand lucrative contracts to
by: Pam Johnson                                       fact, the Ford government recently passed            contributed to her death.                              the private sector. A video was played of the

                                                      legislation to allow for more for-profit homes,         Dr. Dick Zoutman, former Scarborough                press conference at the summit where Christine
         he Ontario Health Coalition (OHC),           and created a law that shields these pandemic        hospital administrator, outlined the reality           Elliott, Ontario Minister of Health, called for
         a long-time healthcare advocate              profiteers from lawsuits related to their criminal   of healthcare funding. Ontario’s funding for           private hospitals to pick up the slack. Ford’s
         organization, has launched a bold            neglect of residents.                                healthcare is the lowest per capita in Canada.         agenda was also exposed when it came to
         province wide campaign to expose                Speaker Michelle Jones, who lost her              Stunningly, Ontario also has the lowest ratio          light that private schools were offered more
the Ontario PC government’s plan to privatize         grandmother in an LTC, reported that there was       of beds per capita of any jurisdiction in the          rapid tests than the public systems and public
healthcare under the cover of the COVID               only one overnight nurse and three Personal          industrialized world.                                  hospitals. COVID vaccines are available at
crisis. OHC has hosted summits in cities              Support Workers treating dozens of sick and             But the Ford government response to the             Shopper’s Drug Mart, but not your doctor’s
across the province to inform the public of the       frail residents needing constant care. Jones         health care deaths and worker burnout has              office. Ontario no longer provides the more
sheer scale of the healthcare devastation that        found out too late that her grandmother had          been to blame individuals for getting sick and         accurate PCR tests for COVID for free, but you
has taken place and to call for a mass public                                                                                                                     can pay for them.
                                                                                                                                                                  Say No to healthcare privatization
Ford’s appalling healthcare record                                                                                                                                The Ontario Health Coalition is sounding
Doug Ford’s handling of the pandemic has                                                                                                                          the alarm and organizing a mass campaign
been a series of disasters that continue to be                                                                                                                    including street protests, door-to-door
repeated through wave after wave of COVID.                                                                                                                        canvasing, lawn signs, windows signs and
Speakers at the summit in the Toronto, North                                                                                                                      stickers to raise the pressure on the Ford
York and Scarborough area outlined some of                                                                                                                        government and all politicians to say no to
the devastating facts. Natalie Mehra, leader                                                                                                                      healthcare privatization.
of the Ontario Health Coalition and Michael                                                                                                                         In poll after poll, respondents support a
Hurley, Ontario Council of Hospital Unions                                                                                                                        public healthcare system by an overwhelming
president, spoke about the nightmare conditions                                                                                                                   majority. The Ford government is vulnerable
in Ontario’s long-term care (LTC) homes.                                                                                                                          on this issue and the opposition parties need
Ontario has the highest rate of deaths in LTC                                                                                                                     to be pressured to step up. The Ontario Health
homes of any jurisdiction in the industrialized                                                                                                                   Coalition is calling for everyone to get involved
world - 4,500 LTC residents have died since the                                                                                                                   to build the momentum.
beginning of the pandemic. As well as COVID,                                                                                                                      There are dozens of locations where campaign
many died from dehydration, starvation and                                                                                                                        material can be picked up and local contacts
neglect due to chronic understaffing.                                                                                                                             can plug you into activity across the province.
   Three quarters of those deaths happened in                                                                                                                     The OHC campaign website has a wealth of
for-profit LTCs, while executives, like former                                                                                                                    information and materials. Pick up your sign
Premier Mike Harris, and shareholders raked                                                                                                                       today!
in profits. Not a single fine was laid or licence                                                                                                                    For more info see:
KICK THEM ALL OUT! - they spend billions on WAR, BIG OIL, and ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION while workers suffer and the world burns - KICK THEM ALL OUT! - they spend billions on WAR, BIG OIL, and ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION while workers suffer and the world burns -
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