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PhD Programme in Agricultural, Environmental and Food Science and Technology KICK-OFF MEETING of the 34th Cycle Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (DISTAL) November 23rd, 2018 ACCADEMIC YEAR 2018/2019
PhD BOARD Massimiliano PETRACCI (coordinator) Andrea MONTI Claudio RATTI (vice-coordinator) Santina ROMANI Paolo BOSI Silvio SALVI Giovanni BURGIO Daniele TORREGGIANI Claudio CIAVATTA Attilio TOSCANO Diana DI GIOIA Paolo TREVISI Giovanni DINELLI Andrea VERSARI Luca DONDINI Lucia VANNINI (Resp. document preparation) Luca FONTANESI Davide VIAGGI Federico MAGNANI Matteo VITTUARI (Resp. course programme) Giovanni MOLARI
CALL FOR APPLICATION – 34rd CYCLE TOTALE PhD POSITIONS (22+7) - With scholarship (12) 10 University of Bologna general budget (10) 1 “5x1000” campaign 1 University of Bologna general budget + DISTAL - With scholarship linked to specific topics (6) 1 Enecta S.r.l “Harmonized procedures of analysis of medical, herbal, food and industrial cannabis ” 3 DISTAL “Excellent Department Programme” focused on the research topic “Water-Food-EnergySustainable agriculture Nexus” 1 Emilia-Romagna Region “Genomics and phenomics big data….” 1 DISTAL “Horticultural, forest and ornamental tree systems”
CALL FOR APPLICATION – 34rd CYCLE - Reserved (2) 1 employees of ILSA S.p.A 1 employees of Agricola Grains S.p.A - Covered by research grants (4) 1 “Strategies to mitigate salinity effects in field crops” 1 “Development of agro ecological grape wine systems” 1 “Microbiota and resistome profile of foods of animal origin” 1 “Application pulsed electric fields for food processing” Extra-quota positions - Foreign candidates with a grant (6) 6 China Scholarship Council (CSC)
RESEARCH TOPICS 1. Agronomy, agricultural genetic and chemistry, agro-environmental systems (Giovanni Dinelli) 2. International cooperation and sustainable development (Matteo Vittuari) 3. Microbial ecology and plant pathology (Claudio Ratti) 4. Agricultural and food economics and policy (Davide Viaggi) 5. Agricultural entomology (Giovanni Burgio) 6. Agricultural engineering (Daniele Torreggiani) 7. Food science and biotechnology (Santina Romani) 8. Animal science (Paolo Bosi) 9. Production systems, forest and ornamental trees (Luca Dondini) 10. Water-food-energy-sustainable agriculture nexus (Attilio Toscano)
Agronomy, agricultural genetic and chemistry, agro-environmental system Surname Name Grant Title Supervisor SSD Development of a varietal Employee of traceability system on Enrico Noli BRAZZO Agricola Grains analytical basis in oleaginous (Giovanni Dinelli, AGR/02 Denis S.p.A species of interest for the Silvio Salvi) organic sector Assessing halophytes CALONE cultivation to support the Lorenzo Barbanti UNIBO AGR/02 Roberta resilience of salt-affected (Andrea Monti) agricultural systems Identification and LI characterization of genes CSC Silvio Salvi AGR/07 Kai involved in root system architecture in maize Physiological aspects and modeling approach applied to Giovanni Dinelli NEGRI common wheat landraces to UNIBO (Ilaria Marotti, AGR/02 Lorenzo improve adaptability and Sara Bosi) quality of wheat in a climate change scenario Molecular basis of abiotic TASSINARI UNIBO stress tolerance in Poaceae Silvio Salvi AGR/07 Alberto family Giovanni Dinelli ZHANG Phenolic wheat extracts for CSC (Francesca Truzzi, AGR/02 Yanxin colon cancer prevention Ilaria Marotti)
International cooperation and sustainable development Surname Name Grant Title Supervisor SSD Woody bioenergies Edoardo Andrea Segrè UNIBO application in the Region AGR/01 DESIDERIO (Matteo Vittuari) Emilia Romagna
Microbial ecology and plant pathology Surname Name Grant Title Supervisor SSD MA RALF and FERONIA Elena Baraldi CSC AGR/12 Lijing strawberry defense genes (Claudio Ratti) Essential oils and hydrolates PROTO as tool against bacterial plants Paola Mattarelli UNIBO AGR/16 Mariarita diseases in the framework of (Diana Di Goia) integrated control Use of selected Mycoviruses for a promising bio-control ZHANG CSC approach of Fusarium head Claudio Ratti AGR/12 Jing blight disease
Agricultural and food economics and policy Surname Name Grant Title Supervisor SSD Analysis of innovation BENI HOUD Employee of ILSA diffusion and marketing Aldo Bertazzoli AGR/01 Youssef S.p.A research’s oriented to develop (Claudio Ciavatta) the Moroccan’s market Luca Camanzi Digital Innovation in Italian GIUA (Giulio Malorgio, UNIBO agrifood SME’s marketing AGR/01 Carlo Davide Viaggi) system
Agricultural engineering Surname Name Grant Title Supervisor SSD Wastewater treatment and NAN CSC reuse technology in Attilio Toscano AGR/08 Xi agriculture Technologies and methods for Tamara UNIBO sustainable water Attilio Toscano AGR/08 RICCHI management in agriculture
Food science and biotechnology (1/2) Surname Name Grant Title Supervisor SSD DE AGUIAR Optimization of emerging SALDANHA Pietro Rocculi UNIBO technologies for fish products AGR/15 PINHEIRO (Santina Romani) and by-products valorization Ana Cristina Application of pulsed electric Jessica fields (PEF) for the modulation Pietro Rocculi GENOVESE Research grant of chemico-physical and (Santina Romani) AGR/15 rheological properties of different foods Metabolomics investigation of Luca Laghi LI CSC meat and meat-based (Massimiliano CHIM/06 Yan products by 1H-NMR Petracci) Microbiota and resistoma Chiara profile of foods of animal Gerardo Manfreda Research grant OLIVERI origin coming from traditional (Massimiliano VET/04 intensive and antibiotic-free Petracci) farms Valorization of by-products Maria Teresa and waste from agri-food Dario Rodriguez Estrada UNIBO industries, and their utilization AGR/15 MERCATANTE (Massimiliano for innovative food Petracci) formulation In field application of Simin biocontrol agents to improve Rosalba Lanciotti UNIBO AGR/16 SABAGHIAN the safety and quality of grape (Lucia Vannini) based products
Food science and biotechnology (2/2) Surname Name Grant Title Supervisor SSD Innovative strategies for the SCHOUTEN mitigation of acrylamide and UNIBO Santina Romani AGR/15 Maria Alessia other toxicants content in different food products Harmonized procedures of analysis of medical, herbal, food and industrial cannabis: TURA development and validation of Tullia Gallina cannabinoids’ quality control Toschi Matilde Enecta s.r.l. AGR/15 methods, of extraction and (Massimiliano preparation of derivatives Petracci) from the plant raw material, according to the product destination
Animal science Surname Name Grant Title Supervisor SSD Application of big data in MOSCATELLI Emilia-Romagna animal science: genomic and Luca Fontanesi AGR/17 Giulia Region phenomic integration in pig breeding and selection
Production systems, forest and ornamental trees Surname Name Grant Title Supervisor SSD Ligda Beatriz Effects and modes of action of Adamo Rombolà DIAZ RODRIGUEZ Research grant agroecological strategies in AGR/03 (Luca Dondini) olive and grapevine DISTAL Optimizing water and crop Enrico “Horticultural, load management to improve Moreno Toselli MOSCONI forest and Gold 3 kiwifruit (Actinidia AGR/03 (Luca Dondini) ornamental tree chinensis) quality and storage systems” life Characterisation and Daniela Francesco Spinelli UNIBO functions of strawberry AGR/03 SANGIORGIO (Luca Dondini) associated microbiome
Water-food-energy-sustainable agriculture nexus Surname Name Grant Title Supervisor SSD DISTAL “Excellent Hyperspectral Imaging in the Alessandro Angelo Fabbri Department fruit and vegetable sector: AGR/09 BENELLI (Giovanni Molari) Programme” field application The importance of the Federico DISTAL “Excellent nutritional strategies for the CORREA Department production efficiency and the Paolo Bosi AGR/18 Programme” animal health improvement of sows and piglets Gianmarco DISTAL “Excellent Luca Corelli Innovative orchard design for BORTOLOTTI Department POM solutions Grappadelli AGR/03 Programme” (Luca Dondini)
CURRENT PhD STUDENTS Research topic XXXIV XXXIII XXXII XXXI TOT. 1) Agronomy, Genetics, Chemistry 6 5 7 2 20 2) Cooperation 1 3 1 5 3) Microbiology and Pathology 3 3 5 3 14 4) Economy and Politics 2 1 2 3 8 5) Entomology 1 1 2 6) Engeneering 2 2 1 3 8 7) Food Science 8 3 4 4 19 8) Animal Science 1 3 1 2 7 9) Tree systems 2 1 2 3 9 10) Nexus 3 3 TOT. 29 22 23 21 95
OVERALL SCHEDULE (34° Cycle) 1st Year (Nov 2018 – Oct 2019) ▪ Aug 2019: Evaluation form of the activities of the 1st year ▪ Mid Sep 2019: Admission to the 2nd Year 2nd Year (Nov 2019 – Oct 2020) ▪ Aug 2020: Evaluation form of the activities of the 2nd year ▪ Mid Sep 2020: Admission to the 3rd Year 3rd Year (Nov 2020 – Oct 2021) ▪ Aug 2021: Evaluation form of the activities of the 3rd year ▪ Mid Sep 2021: Admission to thesis reviewing phase (reviewers and final exam board members and date must be appointed) ▪ Oct 2021: Electronic submission of thesis for external revision (2 reviewers) Thesis revision (Nov 2021 – Jan 2022) ▪ Mid Dec 2021: Deadline for thesis review ▪ Mid Jan 2022: Decision of admission to final exam based on thesis evaluation Submission of final version of the thesis and Final exam (Feb – Apr 2022) ▪ Mid Feb 2022: Electronic submission of final version of the thesis ▪ Mar 15th – Apr 15th, 2022: Final exam
Courses • Compulsory: attendance (at least 80%) and proficiency (final test) • But can be taken in the next year • Additional activities (CV/subject specific and NOT COMPULSORY FOR EVRYBODY) have to be agreed with the supervisor and/or the CV responsible • Contact for didactic activities: • Please use your address for all the communications related to the PhD. You will receive ALL THE OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS on your address
Courses - Academic writing • The course of Academic Writing is an advanced course aimed to provide specific writing skills so it requires B1++ as minimun level of proficiency. It is not a usual language course and it is not aim to develop basic speaking and writing skills. • The check their level of proficiency PhD candidates are expected to attend a mandatory test organized by the CLA (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo). The dates will be communicated shortly. • Those who are not reaching a minimum level of B1++ are reccomended to improve their English language skills to attend the Academic Writing course during the second year.
Courses Title Hours Venue Lecturer Dates 2018-2019 Bibliographic services to support research (Servizi 4 Aula TBD, Viale Federica December 10 bibliografici di supporto alla ricerca) Fanin 48, Rossi 9.30-13.30 Bologna Setting up a research protocol (Impostazione di un 4 protocollo di ricerca) N.B. PhD candidates from the CVs in Economics and Cooperation should NOT take this course. Writing a scientific paper in biological and 4 physicochemical sciences (Impostazione della stesura di una pubblicazione scientifica in materie biologiche January 30 e fisico-chimiche) N.B. PhD candidates from the CVs Aula TBD, Viale 15.00-18.00 in Economics and Cooperation should NOT take this Fanin 48, L. Corelli January 31 course. Bologna Grappadelli 9.00-13.00 and 14.00-18.00 How to present a paper in a scientific conference in in 5 biological and physicochemical sciences (Presentazione di una relazione ad un convegno scientifico in materie biologiche e fisico-chimiche) N.B. PhD candidates from the CVs in Economics and Cooperation should NOT take this course.
Courses Dates 2018- Title Hours Venue Lecturer 2019 Philosophy of science and research 10 Sala Mancini, M. Bittelli February methodology DipSA 4th floor, xxx Fanin 44, Nord wing, Bologna How to present a paper in a scientific 5 December 3 conference in social and economic sciences Meeting room 9.00-12.30 N.B. This course is only for PhD candidates DipSA , 3rd floor, and from the CVs in Economics and Cooperation. East wing, via 14.00-15.30 D. Viaggi Writing a scientific paper in social and 8 Fanin 50, January economic sciences N.B. This course is only for Bologna 7 and 8 PhD candidates from the CVs in Economics and 9.00-13.00 Cooperation. Impact of biotechnology on production, safety 6 Aula 11, Viale S. Salvi, February and protection of sustainable agricultural Fanin n. 42, L.Fontanesi, xxx products Bologna C. Ratti Introduction to statistical tools 15 Computer Lab, A. February Campus of food Berardinelli xxx science, Cesena
Courses Dates 2018- Title Hours Venue Lecturer 2019 Statistical methods in agriculture and data analysis 10 Computer A. Berardinelli February N.B. PhD candidates from the CVs in Economics Lab, Campus xxx and Cooperation should NOT take this course. of food science, Cesena Introduction to statistical tools in social and 10 Meeting room M. Canavari February economic sciences applied to agriculture, food and DipSA, 3rd xxx environment N.B. This course is only for PhD floor, East candidates from the CVs in Economics and wing, Fanin Cooperation. 50, Bologna Artificial neural networks: modeling, software 6 Computer A. Fabbri March packages and research applications Lab, Campus xxx of food science, Cesena Mathematical models in environmental, crop and 4 Computer G. Vitali March food science Lab, viale xxx Fanin 46, Bologna
Courses Dates 2018- Title Hours Venue Lecturer 2019 Geographical information systems 8 Aula D. March/April informatica Torreggiani xxx Bologna civico 46 1° piano Research financing and project design in 4 D. Viaggi January 9 and agricultural sciences (Progettazione e 10 finanziamento della ricerca in agricoltura) 9.00-13.00 and 14.00-18.00 Intellectual property rights, enterprise 4 D. Viaggi, January January 1411 and creation, and business plan (Proprietà 9.00-13.00 15 intellettuale, creazione di impresa e business 9.00-13.00 and plan 14.00-16.00 January 16 and 21 9.00-13.00
Courses Dates 2018- Title Hours Venue Lecturer 2019 Academic writing (TEST) - N.B. The test is mandatory for all the PhD students February 18-22 (days TBD) Entrance test (Bologna, Lab C Via Filippo Re 10) Academic writing (Corso di scrittura scientifica 24 Selected students based on entrance test. in inglese) All the seminar will start at 10.00 (10.00 - 13.00) and will be held in Aula TBD. March xxx April xxxx May xxxx
Compulsory Courses Compulsory courses and seminars will be given in English. Variations from the compulsory learning programme must be proposed by each tutor to the Scientific Committee and then approved. PhD students are expected to attend at least to 80% of the course duration. Otherwise the course will not be considered as attended. Each course includes a final examination test. If not passed, the course will not be considered as attended
Annual evaluation • You will receive within the end of July 2019 by email the evaluation form for the admission to the following year of PhD course • At the end of each year of the course the STAAA students must fill in their relative evaluation form containing information about the research activities and the didactic activities • The form must be signed by the tutor (the lacking of the tutor signature compromises the admission): the signed forms will be evaluated by the PhD Board, with particular emphasis on the attendance of mandatory didactic activities.
Trainee period abroad • Mandatory period abroad for all PhD students (minimum 3 months with exception of foreign and industrial PhD students); • 30% grant increase or Marco Polo Scholarship (by DISTAL) • Your period abroad must be authorized by the PhD Board: documents required are the invitation letter of the foreign institution and the form properly filled in (you will receive it by email) • You and your tutor are kindly requested to promote international agreements (such as joint thesis supervision, double title): the UNIBO Doctorate office gives full assistance for this international activities.
Other activities • Any external activities with salary must be authorized by the PhD Board: form is available at the Unibo doctorate office. Request for extension • According to the present regulation, except for relevant healthy problems, pregnancy or paternity, NO EXTENSION can be requested.
REQUIREMENTS TO BE ADMITTED TO THESIS REVIEW ▪ Attending at least 80% of the compulsory courses ▪ Period abroad of a minimum duration of 3 months (with exception of foreign and industrial PhD students) ▪ Publish at least 1 article on a journal with IF
TIPS: the main sources of information!!!!
For any “burocracy” need, the right procedure is: Please, before contacting me or other staff members for specific information, check the web site!!!! STEP Please, avoid 1: I check trivial if the questions!!! information is available on the WEB!!! DON’T FORGET: STEP 2: If not available, I contact the competent office (ARIC): -use and frequently check your UNIBO email EMAIL: -frequently checkSTEP the3: If requested by ARIC, I contact the responsible of my UNIBO and STAAA doctorate WEB SITE Curriculum STEP 4: If also the Responsible of my research topic cannot help me, I contact the Coordinator!! The Coordinator or other members of the Doctorate board are not allowed to issue any type of document (unless specifically requested by the central office ARIC)
Rules of the Research doctorate (PhD REGULATION – 15.12.2016) This is the official document including all the information
PERSONAL WEB-PAGE It is strongly reccomended to include your CV and professional picture
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