KI-BERT: Infusing Knowledge Context for Better Language and Domain Understanding
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KI-BERT: Infusing Knowledge Context for Better Language and Domain Understanding Keyur Faldu ∗ Amit Sheth Prashant Kikani † Hemang Akabari Embibe University of South Carolina Embibe Embibe Abstract alized representation for tokens, entities, and input records, which are used to predict outcomes. Con- Contextualized entity representations learned by state-of-the-art transformer-based language textualized representations of entities are derived models (TLMs) like BERT, GPT, T5, etc., by cleverly mixing the representations learned for arXiv:2104.08145v2 [cs.CL] 3 Sep 2021 leverage the attention mechanism to learn the vocabulary tokens over the data. These models data context from training data corpus. How- outperform human baselines on well-defined tasks ever, these models do not use the knowledge and datasets under benchmarks like GLUE (Wang context. Knowledge context can be under- et al., 2018) and SuperGLUE (Wang et al., 2019a). stood as semantics about entities and their re- However, these models do not explicitly leverage lationship with neighboring entities in knowl- knowledge context around entities, which becomes edge graphs. We propose a novel and ef- fective technique to infuse knowledge con- a bottleneck when we finetune these models on text from multiple knowledge graphs for con- smaller domain-specific datasets. The research ceptual and ambiguous entities into TLMs community has made progress in understanding during fine-tuning. It projects knowledge the reasoning capability, its vulnerability, and chal- graph embeddings in the homogeneous vector- lenges in acquiring the implicit knowledge by such space, introduces new token-types for entities, models (Ribeiro et al., 2020) (Talmor et al., 2020). aligns entity position ids, and a selective atten- tion mechanism. We take BERT as a base- Knowledge context can be understood as the se- line model and implement the “Knowledge- mantic context of entities and their relationships Infused BERT” by infusing knowledge con- with neighboring entities in knowledge graphs or text from ConceptNet and WordNet, which sig- ontology. We can motivate example to understand nificantly outperforms BERT and other recent how knowledge context can help for better lan- knowledge-aware BERT variants like ERNIE, SenseBERT, and BERT_CS over eight differ- guage and domain understanding. For example, ent subtasks of GLUE benchmark. The KI- the input record for duplicate detention task “What BERT-base model even significantly outper- would have happened if Facebook were present at forms BERT-large for domain-specific tasks the time of World War I?" and “What would have like SciTail and academic subsets of QQP, happened if Facebook were present at the time of QNLI, and MNLI. World War II?". Here, “World War I" and “World 1 Introduction War II" are “conceptual entities" as they carry dif- ferent and unique conceptual meanings. We could Current advances in deep learning models for nat- leverage the knowledge graph ConceptNet(Speer ural language processing have been marked by et al., 2017) to derive the conceptual knowledge transformer-based language models (TLMs) like context. Both these entities would have different BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), Roberta (Liu et al., neighboring contexts in Concept-Net. Similarly, an- 2019), T5(Raffel et al., 2019), GPT2 (Radford other example for duplicate detection task is “What et al., 2019), etc. They have established increas- does eat the phone battery quickly" and “What ingly superior performance on the array of down- would cause the battery on my phone to drain so stream NLP tasks like sentiment classification, du- quickly". Words like “eat" and “drain" are poly- plicate detection, natural language inference, ques- semic words and can be classified as “ambiguous tion answering, etc. These models learn contextu- entities", but they carry a similar word sense in this ∗ Correspondence to example. Knowledge graph WordNet(Miller, 1995) † Owned implementation and experiments. gives possible senses for words, with its definition
and relationships with similar senses. Figure 1 showcases the examples to infuse There has been a growing trend of research knowledge context for conceptual entities from around the techniques to infuse knowledge from ConceptNet (Speer et al., 2017). KI-BERT (this an external knowledge graph to language models work) makes a correct prediction by infusing either in the pre-training or fine-tuning stage to im- knowledge context for entities like “absence of prove the performance (Zhang et al., 2019) (Wang mind", “absent mindedness", “World War I", and et al., 2019b) (Liu et al., 2020) (Wang et al., 2020). “World War II". We could notice that BERT fails for But there is an opportunity to invent a seamless these question pairs. Figure 2 illustrates the exam- and effective technique to infuse knowledge con- ples of infusing knowledge context for ambiguous text for both conceptual and ambiguous entities entities from WordNet (Miller, 1995). First, we from different knowledge graphs. We propose a predict the disambiguated sense for ambiguous en- novel technique for “Knowledge Infusion” to in- tities (Raganato et al., 2017) like “mass", “radius", fuse knowledge context for conceptual entities and “eat", and “drain", and after that knowledge context ambiguous entities. While our technique can be ap- around disambiguated sense is infused by KI-BERT plied to any TLMs, for the scope of this paper, we to make the correct prediction, whereas BERT fails use it over BERT, and hence present “Knowledge- for both these cases. Infused BERT” (KI-BERT). The key contribution for our work is as follow: • We propose a novel architecture and tech- nique to infuse external knowledge context during the fine tuning stage into transformer- based language models. We show a specific case of augmenting BERT to derive a novel model “Knowledge-Infused BERT" (or KI- BERT). We use the entity extraction, entity token types and positional alignment, vector space transformations of knowledge graph em- beddings from single or multiple knowledge graphs, and selective attention mechanism to infuse knowledge context. • We infuse knowledge context for conceptual entities carrying specific conceptual meaning Figure 1: Infusing Knowledge Context for Conceptual and ambiguous entities with properties like Entities word polysemy or homophony using knowl- edge graphs ConceptNet and WordNet, respec- tively. • We demonstrate how the KI-BERT signif- icantly improves the performance in com- parison to BERT. KI-BERTBASE achieves a performance of 80.47 on GLUE tasks, as compared to 78.9 for BERTBASE . KI- BERTBASE outperforms BERTLARGE on domain-specific datasets like SciTail (Khot et al., 2018), and domain-specific subsets of QQP, MNLI, and QNLI. Note, BERTLARGE has three times more parameters than KI- BERTBASE . We also empirically establish that the performance gain becomes higher as the training data gets smaller, which makes Figure 2: Infusing Knowledge Context for Ambiguous it more suitable to domain tasks with limited Entities labelled data.
• We plan to release GLUE datasets with tag- on tasks like CommonSenseQA. But it could not ging of 1) conceptual entities using Concept- achieve the performance gain over GLUE subtasks. Net. 2) ambiguous entities with their pre- Both ERNIE and AMS approach infuse knowledge dicted word sense (using GlossBERT (Huang during pre-training, which makes them computa- et al., 2019)) based on the WordNet-11 tionally expensive. Whereas KI-BERT infuses dur- dataset1 . ing the fine tuning stage makes it effective in low- resource settings. • We also plan to release the source code of K-Adapter (Wang et al., 2020), is another Knowledge Infused BERT in a git repository1 . method that considers risk of catastrophic forget- ting in a pre-trained model, hence, it trains parallel 2 Related Work neural adapters for each type of external knowledge Contextualized representation of an entity is sen- during the finetuning. It improves the performance sitive to the surrounding data context in the on knowledge-driven tasks like entity typing, rela- training corpus and input record. Contextual- tionship classification and NLP tasks like Question ized representations learned by TLMs have sig- Answering using Wikipedia. But it does not report nificantly outperformed feature-based models us- performance on GLUE tasks. ing non-contextualized embeddings methods like Models like KEPLER (Wang et al., 2019b) and Word2Vec, Glove, etc. TLMs trained on vast cor- K-BERT (Liu et al., 2020) propose directly learn- pora derive contextualized representations for enti- ing knowledge aware contextualized representa- ties by cleverly mixing the representation learned tions. KEPLER unifies it by incorporating Knowl- for vocabulary tokens over the training data. The edge Embedding objective along with the Masked task-specific supervised fine-tuning procedure fur- Language Modelling objective of BERT. On the ther aligns these contextualized representations other hand, K-BERT introduces a knowledge graph over labeled dataset for better downstream perfor- aware soft position and attention visible matrix. mance. KEPLER improves performance for knowledge- The knowledge context of an entity can be un- driven tasks, but it could not improve performance derstood as the semantic context of the entity and significantly for GLUE tasks (Wang et al., 2018). its relationships with neighboring entities in knowl- K-BERT improved over domain-specific tasks, but edge graphs or ontology. Contextualized represen- it did not show its performance GLUE tasks. tations derived using language models need not All the above-mentioned work was mainly to encode the knowledge context in them. There has infuse knowledge context around conceptual enti- been some progress on infusing knowledge from ties. On the other hand, ambiguous entities suffer external knowledge graphs into such contextual- from the problem of word polysemy or homophony. ized representations. They have different senses in different contexts. ERNIE (Zhang et al., 2019), is one such popu- Knowledge graph WordNet (Miller, 1995) lists all lar model that aims to infuse external knowledge possible senses for such ambiguous entities and for entities using Wikidata by intermixing and pro- their relationships with each other. There has been jecting back to their respective heterogeneous vec- some progress on leveraging knowledge graphs tor spaces during model pre-training. ERNIE has for word senses. EWISE (Kumar et al., 2019) achieved higher performance in knowledge-driven leverages WordNet for the task of Word Sense Dis- tasks, however, it could not be seen to improve ambiguation (Raganato et al., 2017). SenseBERT across most of the GLUE tasks. ERNIE is mem- (Levine et al.) uses a weak supervision method, and ory intensive as it effectively doubles the sequence uses allowed senses from WordNet to predict the length by reserving entity embeddings for each to- super-sense of the masked word during pre-training. ken. However we could not find any prior work which “Align, mask and select” (AMS) is a method infuses the knowledge context of disambiguated to leverage triples from ConceptNets during the word sense for ambiguous entities. pre-training stage by aligning them with Wikipedia Our work demonstrates the infusion of knowl- data (Ye et al., 2019). It aims to incorporate com- edge context for both conceptual entities and am- monsense knowledge. It gives a good improvement biguous entities from using a common architecture. 1 As of now available on request Architecture of KI-BERT eases its memory and
compute requirements, and it infuses the knowl- are tokens from the first sentence and xn+1 , .., xm edge during the fine tuning stage, which is compu- are tokens from the next sentence. xei are enti- tationally less expensive. KI-BERT achieves signif- ties extracted from the first and second sentence icant performance gains on GLUE tasks compared separated by SEP token. to above knowledge aware models. 3.1 Entity Extraction 3 Knowledge Infused BERT Entities are extracted from input data using an ex- KI-BERT extends the architecture of BERT to in- plicit n-gram string comparison method with ref- fuse knowledge context around entities extracted erence entities from the knowledge graph. Once a from input records. It projects knowledge graph string is extracted as an entity, we do not extract embeddings of these entities into BERT vector its substring as another entity. Conceptual entities space, introduce new token types for entities, map a extraction has an additional constraint that an en- positional sequence of these entities, and leverages tity should be an out-of-vocabulary phrase for the selective attention to achieve better language and model as well. This constraint helps to reduce the domain understanding capability. number of entities for which knowledge context Knowledge embeddings learned over a knowl- needs to be added and yet remain effective in over- edge graph captures the knowledge context for en- all performance gain. We define a few mapping tities and their relationships with neighbouring en- functions for entities as follow. tities. We can group these entities into two types 1) conceptual entities, and 2) ambiguous entities. 1) Conceptual entities: These are the entities EM ap(ei ) = {xj , ..xj+k } representing specific conceptual meaning. BERT where, ei spans over token xj , ..xj+k would approximate the semantic representation of such entities by mixing the embedding learned over ( 1, if ei extracted from sentence 1 their sub-words tokens when they are not part of its ESen(ei ) = 2, otherwise vocabulary i.e. “Greenhouse effect”, “World War II”, and “Refraction”, etc. Further, the dataset for ( 1, if ei is conceptual. the domain-specific task would be dominated by ET ype(ei ) = domain-specific entities, and hence there would be 2, if ei is ambiguous. more potential to improve performance by infus- EM ap is a mapping between extracted entities ing knowledge context from relevant knowledge and their corresponding tokens in the input sen- graphs. tence. ESen is a mapping of an entity to its sen- 2) Ambiguous entities: Entities like frequently tence number, and ET ype maps an entity to its used verbs, adjectives, and nouns can suffer from type, which is conceptual or ambiguous. word polysemy or homophony. Where an entity can have different meanings or two different enti- 3.2 Vector Space Projection ties can have the same meaning based on the con- text. For example, the verb “eat” can have differ- Knowledge graph embeddings are a popular ent meanings, and two different entities “drain” method to capture the knowledge context of entities. and “eat” can exactly have the same meaning de- It either models relationships between entities as pending on the context. Knowledge context for mathematical transformations, i.e. transE (Bordes such ambitious entities can be derived using two et al., 2013), convE (Dettmers et al., 2018). Or it steps. First, predicting the disambiguated sense of leverages relationships to aggregate the knowledge ambiguous entities, and then, leveraging the knowl- context from neighbor entities i.e. GAT (Velick- edge graph to derive the knowledge context of the ovic et al., 2018). KG Embedding gives vector disambiguated sense of such ambiguous entities. space representation of entities. However, we can Input sequence for KI-BERT is as follow, not directly inject this representation, as it would confuse the BERT model on how to operate on ([CLS], x1 , x2 , ..xn , [SEP ], xn+1 , .., xm , [SEP ], two heterogeneous vector spaces. This problem be- xe1 , xe2 , .., xen0 , [SEP ], xen0 +1 , .., xem0 ) comes more complex when we infuse knowledge context from multiple knowledge graphs. We learn Where CLS and SEP are special tokens, x1 , ..xn transformations of KG embedding to BERT vector
Figure 3: Architecture Diagram of Knowledge Infused BERT. Figure shows a sample input of two sentences 1) Does the greenhouse effect cause a rise in temperature by trapping solar energy? and 2) Does absorption of solar radiation exhibited by the greenhouse effect produce heat? Conceptual entities (“greenhouse effect", “solar radiation", and “solar energy") and Ambiguous entities (“trapping", “absorption") are extracted. KG embeddings of these entities are then projected to the vector space of BERT. The selective attention mechanism effectively infuse knowledge context from an external source in each layer of KI-BERT. space to effectively leverage knowledge context. tions of its representations to BERT vector space. T anH(WC2 ∗ Relu(WC1 ∗ wkei )), 3.3 Entity Token Types if ET ype(ei ) = 1. wei = BERT has two different token type ids, tokens from T anH(WA2 ∗ Relu(WA1 ∗ wkei )), the first segment/sentence are given token-type 0, if ET ype(ei ) = 2. and tokens from the second segment/sentence are given token-type 1. Since KI-BERT additionally As seen in the equation above, wkei is the KG feeds extracted entities from the first sentence and embedding for entity i which is taken from their second sentences, it assigns them token-type 2. corresponding knowledge graphs depending upon if ei is conceptual or ambiguous. We build a two 3.4 Entity Position Alignment layer feed forward network, where weights WC1 and WC2 (similarly WA1 and WA2 ) are learnable weights BERT mixes input embeddings of tokens with the for transforming conceptual entities (ambiguous embeddings corresponding to the positional se- entities). quence before feeding it to the bottom-most layer. We have found empirically that vector space This helps BERT learn the linguistic capabilities transformations are more effective when higher like POS tagging, dependency relations, seman- dimensional embeddings are projected into lower tic role labeling, and co-reference resolution, etc dimensional space. If KG embeddings have lower (Clark et al., 2019). It would be not meaningful dimensionality, we can concatenate it with other to assign an increasing position sequence for en- embeddings derived independently, like Word2Vec, tities, as these entities are extracted from tokens Glove, or FastText. Such external representations present at different positions in the input record. could help infusing additional semantic informa- KI-BERT assigns position ids for entities based on tion about entities and deriving better transforma- the position of corresponding tokens.
System MNLI-(m/mm) QQP QNLI SST-2 CoLA STS-B MRPC RTE Average 392k 363k 108k 67k 8.5k 5.7k 3.5k 2.5k − BERT BASE 84.6/83.4 71.2 90.5 93.5 52.1 85.8 88.9 66.4 79.6 SenseBERT 83.6/83.4 70.3 90.6 92.2 54.6 83.5 89.2 67.5 79.43 ERNIE 84.0/83.2 71.2 91.3 93.5 52.3 83.2 88.2 68.8 79.5 BERT CSbase 84.7/83.9 72.1 91.2 93.6 54.3 86.4 85.9 69.5 80.17 BERT BASE (Ours) 83.9/83 70.1 90.9 93.3 51.7 84.3 88.3 64.6 78.9 KI-BERT-Sense BASE 84.6/83.4 71.4 91.3 93.6 55.8 83 88.5 69.1 80.17 KI-BERT-Concepts BASE 85.2/83.7 71.5 91.2 94.4 55.5 85.1 88.2 69.3 80.46 Table 1: Comparing KI-BERT performance with other models for GLUE tasks 3.5 Selective Attention Selective Attention between entities are defined as follow: Multi-head attention layer in transformer architec- ture enables each token in the input record to at- 1 if ESen(ei ) = ESen(ej ) tend to all other tokens. Entities are appended after SA(xei , xej ) = and ET ype(ei ) = ET ype(ej ) the tokens from the input record, with projected 0 otherwise. dense vector representations from KG-embeddings of knowledge graphs. These entities are extracted KI-BERT would mask attention between a pair from the input record and each entity spans over of a token xi and entity xej when SA(xi , xej ) = 0. one or many consecutive tokens in the input record. KI-BERT uses “selective attention", where an en- tity can attend only those tokens which it spans 4 Experiments across, and vice-versa. Further, in the later section, General Language Understanding Evaluation the ablation study also demonstrates the effective- (GLUE)(Wang et al., 2018) is a multi-task bench- ness of such a mechanism. Entities belonging to mark for natural language understanding. It is a the same sentence in an input record also attend to collection of NLU tasks including question answer- each other. It would possibly help KI-BERT to de- ing, sentiment analysis, and textual entailment. It rive contextualized knowledge context for entities. also has an associated online platform for model By not allowing every token to attend all entities evaluation, comparison, and analysis. We have and vice-versa, KI-BERT prevents aggressive in- used the GLUE benchmark to compare the perfor- formation flow between tokens and entities. Thus, mance of Knowledge Infused BERT. selective attention streamlines the information flow We have used ConceptNet (Speer et al., 2017) to between entities and tokens, where data context infuse knowledge context for conceptual entities, and knowledge context get intermixed to derive a and WordNet (Miller, 1995) for the disambiguated better representation of entities. sense of the ambiguous entities. KG Embeddings All the tokens would attend to other tokens, exactly for ConceptNet are trained with the TransE (Bordes like BERT. Selective Attention between tokens are et al., 2013) method. We use GlossBERT (Huang defined as follow: et al., 2019) to predict the sense of the ambiguous entities like verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc. We have SA(xi , xj ) = 1, where, i, j ∈ {1, ..m} used KG embeddings for word sense trained with ConvE (Dettmers et al., 2018) method over the Selective Attention between tokens and entities are WordNet11 dataset. defined as follow: We have derived three variants of KI-BERT. KI- BERT-Concepts uses infused knowledge context ( 1 if xi ∈ EM ap(ej ) for conceptual entities, KI-BERT-Sense uses in- SA(xi , xej ) = fused knowledge context for ambiguous entities 0 otherwise. and KI-BERT-ConSen uses infused knowledge context for both conceptual and ambiguous enti- SA(xej , xi ) = SA(xi , xej ) ties. We ran all over experiments on V100 GPU
System SciTail QQP(Academic) QNLI (Academic) MNLI (Academic) Average BERT BASE (Ours) 90.97 71.94 81.64 61.36 76.47 BERT LARGE (Ours) 92.89 74.79 84.17 65.15 79.25 KI-BERT-Concepts BASE 92.89 77.46 87.34 64.39 80.83 KI-BERT-ConSen BASE 93.55 77.51 87.56 69.7 82.08 Table 2: Comparing KI-BERT performance for domain specific tasks System Parameters SciTail (15%) SciTail (30%) SciTail (50%) SciTail (100%) BERT BASE (Ours) 110M 85.74 87.44 90.22 90.97 BERT LARGE (Ours) 330M 90.26 91.76 91.25 92.89 KI-BERT-Concepts BASE 111M 90.82 92.28 92.05 92.89 Table 3: Model comparison on different size of training data for SciTail System GLUE Average 4.2 Domain Understanding KI-BERT-Concepts BASE 80.46 We have used KI-BERT-ConSen and KI-BERT- KI-BERT-Concepts BASE - SA 79.51 Concepts for domain-specific tasks. There are a KI-BERT-Concepts BASE - ETT - PA 79.32 wide range of problems in the EduTech domain KI-BERT-Concepts BASE - VSP + PCA 79.67 like academic questions de-duplication, question answering, content search, score improvement etc Table 4: Ablation study of KI-BERT-Concepts BASE model over GLUE tasks (Faldu et al., 2020c) (Thomas et al., 2020) (Faldu et al., 2020a). These problems have the opportunity to infuse knowledge context about domain-specific with batch size 16. We reproduced BERTBASE conceptual entities, which would not be part of with batch size 16, and reported it as BERTBASE BERT vocabulary. We have experimented on natu- (Ours). ral language inference and question similarity tasks. We have selected academic domain dataset SciTail 4.1 Language Understanding (Khot et al., 2018) and derived academic subsets of We have compared KI-BERT-SenseBASE and KI- GLUE tasks like MNLI, QNLI and QQP. Subsets BERT-ConceptsBASE models with BERTBASE , are derived if extracted entities are part of the aca- and knowledge-aware models like ERNIE(Zhang demic knowledge graph at (redacted). As observed et al., 2019), SenseBERT(Levine et al.) and in Table 2, KI-BERT-ConSenBASE significantly BERT CSbase(Ye et al., 2019) over General Lan- outperforms both BERTBASE and BERTLARGE guage Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) bench- over all these domain-specific datasets. mark. ERNIE infuses the external knowledge for entities during the pre-training process. Sense- 5 Ablation Study and Analysis BERT supplies additional information like the su- per sense of input words, where possible, and aims 5.1 Limited Labelled Domain Datasets to predict the masked whole word with its super The availability of labeled data for domain-specific sense during the pre-training process. BERT CS- tasks is a big challenge, so, we have analyzed how base model leverages knowledge graphs in its pre- KI-BERT performs when we only train it on a sub- training process to infuse knowledge context. set of training data. As we can observe in Table 3, As we can notice in Table 1, both KI-BERT- the relative improvement from KI-BERT-Concepts Sense and KI-BERT-Concepts have improved con- becomes increasingly higher as the size of training siderably to BERT, ERNIE, SenseBERT, and BERT data decreases. KI-BERT-ConceptsBASE having CSbase over all the GLUE tasks. KI-BERT- 111 million parameters outperforms BERTLARGE ConceptsBASE have achieved the average GLUE which has 330 million parameters. Moreover, KI- score of 80.46 across eight different GLUE tasks, BERT infuses knowledge during finetuning stage, which in comparison to the BERTBASE (ours) is which also makes it easy to adapt it to various do- higher by 1.56. main specific tasks.
5.2 Contribution of each Novel Techniques 6 Conclusion and Future Work We have performed ablation analysis to under- We have proposed a novel technique to infuse the stand how each novel decision choice made knowledge context of entities for better semantic for KI-BERT is adding value. Table 2 men- capabilities of state-of-the-art TLMs. We have cat- tions the average performance over GLUE tasks egorized entities into conceptual and ambiguous for different variants of KI-BERT-ConceptsBASE . entities. Ambiguous entities like verbs, nouns, ad- KI-BERT-ConceptsBASE - SA is a model vari- jectives are ambiguous in nature and suffer from ant which does not use the selective attention the problem of word polysemy or homophony. On mechanism explained in section 3.5. Similarly, the other hand, conceptual entities have specific KI-BERT-ConceptsBASE - ETT - PA variant does meanings, but they may not be present in the vo- not use special entity token types 2 defined in sec- cabulary of language models. We proposed, im- tion 3.3, and also, it does not have a positional align- plemented, and validated novel techniques like ment for entities defined in section 3.4. The model vector space projection, entity token types, en- variant KI-BERT-ConceptsBASE - VSP does not tity position alignment, and selective attention, use vector space projection and instead uses prin- which could effectively infuse knowledge context ciple component analysis to get top 768 (i.e. di- from knowledge graphs into transformer-based lan- mensions for BERT vector space) dimensions from guage models. We took BERT as a specific use the vector spaces of knowledge graph embedding. case to infuse knowledge context and releases KI- As we could notice in Table 4, the performance BERT (Knowledge Infused BERT) which outper- of KI-BERT drops if we remove any of the novel forms BERT, and other knowledge augmented mod- techniques. els like ERNIE (Zhang et al., 2019), SenseBERT (Levine et al.), BERT CSbase (Ye et al., 2019) etc. Further, KI-BERTBASE significantly outperforms BERTLARGE on domain-specific tasks, which has three times higher parameters. KI-BERT is suit- able for tasks with limited labelled dataset, as it significantly outperforms BERT in such scenarios. In this work, we have shown how to infuse con- Figure 4: Analysis of KI-BERT-ConSen prediction ceptual and lexical knowledge from ConceptNet confidence for duplicate detection for two questions (i) and WordNet. We plan to further extend the best Does greenhouse effect cause rise in temperature by way to infuse other forms of knowledge context trapping solar energy? (ii) Does absorption of solar like syntactic knowledge, domain knowledge, pro- radiation exhibited by greenhouse effect produce heat? cedural knowledge etc. KI-BERT infuses knowl- edge context during fine-tuning. Also, currently, KI-BERT infuses knowledge at the bottom-most 5.3 How Infusing Knowledge Context Helps? layer and afterward, it propagates further. We could As shown in Figure 4, we infer on a given example investigate how we could optimally infuse differ- using KI-BERT-ConSen, it makes the right predic- ent types of knowledge (i.e. syntactic, linguistic, tion even when we don’t explicitly infuse knowl- conceptual, procedural etc) from different layers. edge context around entities. This could be because Also, we could explore a multi-task learning setup KI-BERT would have already acquired knowledge where the objective function could be based on both context while training data in its model parameters. downstream task performance and knowledge in- On the contrary, both BERT-base and BERT-large fusion effectiveness. On the other hand knowledge models make a wrong prediction with very high infusion also has the potential to improve the in- confidence of 99.99% and 98.27%, respectively. terpretability and explainability (Gaur et al., 2021) Confidence of correct prediction improves by 3.3% (Gaur et al., 2020), which we plan to empirically by infusing knowledge context of entities “green- establish in future. It would be also interesting house effect", “absorption", and “trapping". It to take the concept of domain specific knowledge further improves by 1.5% when we infuse knowl- infusion beyond NLP problems like score improve- edge context of other entities “solar radiation", ment (Donda et al., 2020) and student behavioral “solar energy", “produce" and “cause". intervention (Faldu et al., 2020b).
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