Keeping Rumors in Proportion: Managing Uncertainty in Rumor Systems - People

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Keeping Rumors in Proportion:
                    Managing Uncertainty in Rumor Systems
                              Peter M. Krafft                                                           Emma S. Spiro
                            Information School                                                        Information School
                          University of Washington                                                  University of Washington

ABSTRACT                                                                             1   INTRODUCTION
The study of rumors has garnered wider attention as regu-                            For the past several years the city of Seattle, Washington has
lators and researchers turn towards problems of misinfor-                            been in the midst of a housing crisis. The crisis is popularly
mation on social media. One goal has been to discover and                            attributed to the influx of tech workers driving prices up,
implement mechanisms that promote healthy information                                leading to both housing development and displacement. In
ecosystems. Classically defined as regarding ambiguous situ-                         the midst of this crisis, discussion and rumors spread about
ations, rumors pose the unique difficulty of intrinsic uncer-                        whether rising prices might actually reflect a bubble. Re-
tainty around their veracity. Further complicating matters,                          cently several new facts have come to light. Stories swirl
rumors can serve the public when they do spread valuable                             around the city bars—empty units in new buildings, rents
true information. To address these challenges, we develop an                         beginning to deflate, the Seattle-based employer Amazon
approach that reifies “rumor proportions” as central to the                          building new headquarters in other regions. Given these
theory of systems for managing rumors. We use this lens to                           facts about the situation, a gambler might place certain odds
advocate for systems that, rather than aiming to stifle rumors                       on whether there is in fact a housing bubble. But does the
entirely or aiming to stop only false rumors, aim to prevent                         level of public concern reflect those rationally calculated
rumors from growing out of proportion relative to normative                          odds? What if the current of vague worries transforms into
benchmark representations of intrinsic uncertainty.                                  a wave of intense panic?
                                                                                        It is impossible to tell whether people who insist there is
CCS CONCEPTS                                                                         an impending housing crash are right or wrong, but if these
• Human-centered computing → Social media; • Ap-                                     voices become loud enough, perhaps disproportionately loud,
plied computing → Psychology; Sociology; • General and                               there could be material consequences. At the same time,
reference → Design;                                                                  if material consequences are inevitable, if for instance the
                                                                                     real estate industry has simply been maneuvering to prop
KEYWORDS                                                                             up prices, then people who believe prices will continue to
Rumors; design; misinformation; uncertainty                                          increase might make misinformed major financial decisions.
                                                                                     So when the latest article in the Seattle Times on the housing
ACM Reference Format:                                                                crisis gets published, how should this news organization
Peter M. Krafft and Emma S. Spiro. 2019. Keeping Rumors in Propor-
                                                                                     moderate the discussion section on the article’s webpage?
tion: Managing Uncertainty in Rumor Systems. In CHI Conference
on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019),
                                                                                     What does a healthy conversation on this sensitive, contested
May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk. ACM, New York, NY, USA,                         issue look like? What can be done to manage the uncertainty
11 pages.                                    around these rumors—to preserve discussion but prevent
                                                                                     rumors from growing out of proportion?
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for               The study of rumors has recently garnered wider attention
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies                as regulators and researchers turn their eyes towards the
are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that              problems of misinformation and disinformation on social
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights
for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must
                                                                                     media. The shared hope is that there may be mechanisms
be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or              we can discover and implement to ensure healthy informa-
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific   tion ecosystems online. Early in 2018 in his Congressional
permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from               hearing on the impact of Facebook on the 2016 U.S. presi-
CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk                                        dential election, Mark Zuckerberg stated: “We need to make
© 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed            sure that people aren’t using [the voice we give them] ...
to ACM.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5970-2/19/05. . . $15.00
                                                                                     to spread misinformation.” Mr. Zuckerberg’s perspective re-                                              flects a common tack in the literature on systems for dealing
CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk                                                      Peter M. Krafft and Emma S. Spiro

with problematic forms of information—detect and stop the           2   EXISTING APPROACHES
spread of problematic content [53].                                 Our key contribution is to lay out a framework and
    Misinformation is defined as an unintentionally false utter-    formulate design targets that incorporate considera-
ance, while disinformation is information that is deliberately      tions of intrinsic uncertainty in systems for managing
false or misleading [24]. Rumors include a broader class of         rumors. The rhetorical and practical focus in much existing
“unverified information” [7], which can be true or false, and       work has been on false rumors, and especially verifiably false
therefore can become disinformation or misinformation once          rumors. We have already outlined our argument for why the
the veracity is settled. Sometimes rumors are simple gossip,        goal of preventing only and all false rumors is untenable—an
perhaps at most irksome for some involved. Other times,             important category of rumors occurs in situations where the
rumors are powerful. In times of crisis, rumors draw their          veracity of the rumor cannot be determined by the infor-
strength from the anxiety of uncertainty [1, 3, 36–38]. False       mation available about the situation. Before we introduce
rumors can have profound, and unwarranted, negative im-             our own framework, we first discuss limitations of existing
pact [1, 8, 49]. In these cases false rumors can feel arbitrary,    approaches to dealing with such cases.
unpredictable, and threatening.
    Because of these factors, the focus of much existing work       Promoting Critical Thinking
has been to quell false rumors. While valuable for certain
                                                                    One reasonable approach to take in system design, educa-
purposes, this existing work and rhetoric belies one of the
                                                                    tion, and policy-making is to promote critical thinking. An
key difficulties of rumors as a broad category. Rumor, as
                                                                    example of this approach relevant to both disinformation
unverified information, includes as a direct consequence a
                                                                    and rumors is educational campaigns such as the popular
degree of uncertainty. A rumor, in its classical scholarly defi-
                                                                    information literacy course, Calling Bullshit.1 If it is not pos-
nition, is only a rumor if its participants cannot tell whether
                                                                    sible to tell what is true with certainty, perhaps we can foster
it is true or false. Rumors only exist in ambiguous situations.
                                                                    rational degrees of skepticism in consumers of content and
The fundamental problem with a detect-and-stop approach
                                                                    thereby promote self-moderation in rumoring.
is then this: How can we be expected to classify a rumor as
                                                                       This attractive goal seems achievable in principle, and so-
true or false at the time of spreading if the rumor, by defini-
                                                                    lutions oriented towards it may indeed yield productive out-
tion, pertains to a proposition for which there is no available
                                                                    comes, but the science on belief formation suggests that we
definitive evidence to establish truth or falsity? And should
                                                                    will need more. Results in psychology and cognitive science
we put ourselves in the business of stemming rumors that
                                                                    have suggested that people have a tendency to think in ways
might turn out to be true?
                                                                    that are contrary to rational internal representations of uncer-
    When ambiguity is intrinsic to the state of the world, we
                                                                    tainty about facts and situations. One facet of these findings
can at best hope to quantify rumor uncertainty given the
                                                                    is our tendency to hold relatively “binary” beliefs—beliefs
information available. Although much existing work recog-
                                                                    that the world is simply one way or another—rather than nu-
nizes this difficulty to some degree, it is often operationalized
                                                                    anced judgments such as based on finer-grained probability
away in the relevant literature within the human-computer
                                                                    assessments [47]. Belief change can occur in this model, but
interaction, computer-supported cooperative work, and nat-
                                                                    it happens in discrete bursts from disbelief to belief rather
ural language processing communities. Pieces of work on
                                                                    than through tempered, gradual changes in shades [6]. Fur-
rumors that neglect uncertainty in their analysis either focus
                                                                    thermore, instead of always believing the proposition that is
on analyzing rumors in retrospect, after they have been con-
                                                                    most likely according to available evidence, people across a
firmed or debunked, or utilize a broader definition of rumor
                                                                    range of laboratory experiments demonstrate behavior con-
to include verifiable misinformation [17, 42, 50]. We cannot
                                                                    sistent with randomly choosing between discrete beliefs with
rely on this common approach for all problems of rumor.
                                                                    probability related to the evidence [25, 39, 47, 48]. Taking this
Efforts to detect and stop verifiable misinformation or verifi-
                                                                    cognitive science at face value we can conclude that human
ably false rumors are laudable. Techniques should undoubt-
                                                                    belief formation displays a degree of arbitrariness that is
edly be developed to identify and prevent disinformation
                                                                    contrary to the mental representation of rational uncertainty
campaigns, abusive or hateful behavior, and other clearly
                                                                    or even to the rational selection of discrete or binary beliefs.
problematic content. In addition to these efforts, though, we
                                                                    To put it simply, people can be simultaneously opinionated,
must also take ambiguous rumors seriously. Here we con-
                                                                    stubborn, and capricious in what they believe. To manage
tribute to the investigation of how to manage uncertainty
                                                                    rumors as effectively as we can, we will need to do more
on digital platforms, how to promote healthy sensemaking
                                                                    than just campaign for critical thinking.
of complicated situations, and how to keep rumors in pro-
portion when we don’t know what is true.
Keeping Rumors in Proportion                                                   CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk

Preventing Rumoring                                                evidence to determine whether a rumor is true or false. Promi-
Another reasonable approach, one that circumvents rather           nent fact checking organizations include Snopes and Poli-
than directly addresses the issue of uncertainty, is to try to     tiFact, but there has also been work in the academic com-
prevent all rumors regardless of their veracity. This approach     munity pushing this approach in new ways, such as pre-
is advocated by prominent researchers of rumor in psychol-         dicting credibility through rumor features (e.g., [9, 10, 29])
ogy and organizational behavior [14, 15], and has also been        or through trust networks (e.g., [51]). As with the “detect-
explored in computer science (e.g., [46]). Evidence suggests       and-stop” approach in general, though, fact-checking is in-
that an indirect approach of ameliorating anxiety about is-        herently limited in situations of intrinsic uncertainty, when
sues that would stimulate rumors can prevent rumors from           there are not enough facts available to check.
forming in the first place [14, 15]. Recent studies have indi-
                                                                   3   RUMOR PROPORTIONS
cated that detecting rumor-related content using discussion
patterns and content characteristics can also be successful        As we have just discussed, existing approaches to managing
[32, 34, 35, 52, 53].                                              rumors in situations of intrinsic uncertainty are variously
   A disadvantage of the goal of preventing all rumors re-         burdened by theoretical, practical, and ethical issues. To
gardless of veracity is that success at this goal undermines       stimulate further conversation around new approaches that
the positive effects that rumoring and true rumors can have.       may overcome some of these limitations, we advocate for a
An alternative definition that has been proposed for rumors        turn towards focusing on analyzing rumor proportions. If
is “informal news” [40]. This notion highlights that rumors        we cannot be rid of all false rumors without also stemming
concern topics that are important to people but which are          some true rumors, if people cannot always be expected to
difficult for traditional news outlets to report on because of     maintain rational representations of uncertainty individually,
the ambiguity that surrounds them. Relatedly, one important        and if rumors are sometimes beneficial, then we must come
theory of rumors is that rumors function to help us make           to terms with rumors as a part of life and we must ask: When
sense of the world together [40]. In this capacity and also as     does a rumor become a problem that warrants action? At
a means of expression, rumors also are theorized to serve          what point does the number of people who believe a rumor
to reduce our anxieties [43]. Although rumors could be an          become a sign of a dysfunctional sociotechnical system? And
ineffective mechanism for this function if they are often un-      what is a healthy rumor proportion?
true, both classic and recent studies that have conducted             We define the proportion of a rumor to be the fraction of
open-ended surveys of rumors in circulation have concluded         people who would express more belief than disbelief in the
that most rumors are true or are based in truth [8, 54]. If we     rumor at a particular point in time. Plenty of existing work
stamp out all uncertain rumors, then we will in many cases         has examined rumor proportions. The statistical techniques
lose the flag-bearers of beliefs that turn out to be true. Fi-     at our disposal as researchers necessitate that quantitative
nally, there has historically be a political dimension to rumor,   analyses use summary statistics such as averages, and there-
with rumor being a lever of power not just for the political       fore metrics like rumor proportions. For instance, works
elite but also for the masses [12]. While the approach of          studying the effectiveness of interventions on rumors test
preventing all rumors regardless of veracity would certainly       whether increases or decreases in rumor proportions are
have upsides, to stem all rumors would also be to prevent an       achieved (e.g., [17, 22]). Descriptive research has shown that
outlet for informal news, to restrict our ability for collective   the proportions of affirmations and denials of rumors are
sensemaking about the world, to undercut expressions of            related to the probability of the rumors being true (e.g., [32]).
anxiety, and to remove an axis of political power from the         Surveys of public opinion invariably report the proportion
disenfranchised. A certain amount of rumor is not just un-         of people who hold a particular belief, and there are well-
avoidable but can actually be advisable, potentially even an       known notable cases of public opinion diverging from, for
integral part of a thriving information ecosystem.                 example, the aggregate opinions of experts, such as in be-
                                                                   liefs about climate change [2, 13, 23]. Other research shows
                                                                   that certain rumor proportions, such as beliefs about who
                                                                   perpetrated the 9/11 World Trade Center plane attack, can
                                                                   vary widely across countries [44].
Fact-Checking                                                         Despite this work, there remains a lack of a clear articu-
A final common approach to dealing with rumors is fact-            lation of rumor proportions as a first-class concept central
                                                                   to the theory of systems to manage rumors, rather than as a
checking. A typical process of fact-checking involves col-
                                                                   construct of public opinion simply necessitated by the use
lecting curated public evidence or investigating to find new
                                                                   of quantitative methods. We argue that rumor proportions
                                                                   can be more than a descriptive gauge of public opinion. The
CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk                                                  Peter M. Krafft and Emma S. Spiro

key theoretical angle that we will develop is to view ru-            phrased as design criteria. We will motivate the design crite-
mor proportions as a population-level representation                 ria we choose both with results from cognitive science and
of intrinsic uncertainty in the world. We can then ask               with results from mathematical decision theory. Mathemat-
whether rumor proportions correspond to a “rational” level           ical approaches are inherently reductive, and our account
of intrinsic uncertainty about a rumor, rather than asking           in this paper will omit many important considerations. The
whether a rumor itself is true or false. In other words, this        payoffs will be (1) design targets that are specified precisely
theoretical lens allows us to formulate a normative target           enough to be used for mathematical optimization in system
for rumor proportions that incorporates considerations of in-        design, and (2) a connection to mathematical models of belief
trinsic uncertainty, providing a new way to manage rumors            formation, which allows us to perform an initial assessment
whose veracity cannot be determined.                                 of the feasibility of our design targets.
   To illustrate what it means to have such a normative bench-
mark, we can consider how this idea fits next to existing em-        Design Criteria
pirical usages of rumor proportions. For instance, Friggeri et
al. [17] look at whether a Facebook post getting “snoped” in         We formulate our design criteria with respect to a rumor,
its comments affects its reshare rate. When a person links to        denoted R. Consistent with the definition of rumor as a propo-
a Snopes article in a comment on a post, that action could           sition for belief [37], we model R as a being a logical proposi-
potentially increase or decrease the reshare rate of the orig-       tion about the world. Our framework is intended to pertain
inal post. Of course, if the original post is verifiably true,       to rumors of “fact”, as opposed to, for example, political
we might be fine with the comment increasing the reshare             interpretations, ideologically-minded statements, or highly
rate, and if the original post is verifiably false, we might         emotional topics. We consider rumors of fact to be those
hope for the comment to decrease the reshare rate. However,          rumors for which a well-informed domain expert could rea-
the perspective we articulate here makes clear that we must          sonably be expected to provide an authoritative probability
be more careful in our normative judgments about changes             judgment. We also restrict our focus to rumors of sufficiently
in the reshare rate in intermediate, ambiguous cases of in-          large public interest since the proportions and dynamics of
trinsic uncertainty. In such cases, increases or decreases in        smaller-scale rumors may operate in substantially different
rumor proportions are only meaningful if they yield final            ways. Taking the Seattle Housing Crisis case from our intro-
rumor proportions that are above or below or close to some           duction, we will use as an example R the proposition “There
reasonable threshold.                                                is a housing bubble in Seattle that will soon pop” for the
   If just a few people believe a rumor, as long as that rumor is    purposes of illustration of our formalism.
not evidently false and potentially dangerous, we might not             We let N R be the number of people who are discussing
declare a problem. We can hardly blame individual people for         rumor R on a hypothetical social media platform at a partic-
holding beliefs that are within the realm of possibility, beliefs    ular point in time. We let n R be the number of people who
that have some degree of credibility, however slim. If lots          affirm a positive belief in rumor R. The rumor proportion
of people believe something that is unlikely to be true, then        of R is then pR = Nn RR . In light of the discussion in previous
maybe there is a problem. But again, how many is “lots”?             sections we advocate for three design criteria in regard to
When can we say a rumor has grown out of proportion? To              rumor proportions. These design criteria straddle the line
foreshadow our answer: If an educated guess might place              between descriptive hypotheses about human behavior and
the odds of a rumor at 50:50, then to return to our example          normative targets for human behavior. The criteria specify,
above, if 20% of people believe the rumor, an increase in            in mathematical terms, how we might hope that people be-
reshare rate could be considered acceptable; while if 80% of         have within a particular rumoring context. Whether or not
people believe it, we might rather see a decrease in reshare         people do behave in this manner depends on both the inher-
rate—in either case bringing the rumor proportion closer to          ent tendencies people have and the structure of the system
50%. Although indirect diagnostics are possible for certain          in which they are interacting. Human behavior is always
cases, as we will see later, we choose to first elaborate a direct   shaped by the institutions surrounding us. The institutional
approach of this sort to answering the challenges at hand.           forms or, in the case of rumors the digital platforms that
                                                                     structure our choices and interactions, create rules, affor-
4   “REASONABLE” RUMOR PROPORTIONS                                   dances, constraints, and incentives for behavior. All of these
We aim to specify exactly at which point a rumor becomes             factors encourage certain behaviors and discourage others.
“out of proportion” with available evidence for the rumor. To        At the same time, we might say there is a “human nature” in
achieve this level of precision, we must use a mathematical          the sense that regardless of these differences across contexts,
approach. Our overall strategy is to mathematically formu-           there are certain ways of behaving that people are funda-
late reasonable normative benchmarks for rumor proportions           mentally unlikely to display or incapable of displaying. We
Keeping Rumors in Proportion                                                   CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk

attempt to formulate design goals that are achievable given       logical negation of R. Bayes’s Rule then provides us a way
plausible tendencies of human behavior, and we will argue         to compute a probability judgment on the proposition R
for the feasibility of achieving these criteria. Our design       given we have observed the two pieces of evidence E 1 and
criteria are:                                                     E 2 : P(R | E 1 , E 2 ) = P (E1P, (E
                                                                                                    E 2 | R)P (R)
                                                                                                       1, E 2 )
                                                                                                                  . This probability judgment
  (1) If rumor proportion pR is at a “reasonable” level, then     is called the posterior probability of R given E 1 and E 2 , with
      new evidence for rumor R should increase pR .               P(E 1 , E 2 | R) called the likelihood of E 1 and E 2 given R; P(R)
  (2) If rumor proportion pR is at a “reasonable” level, then     the prior probability of R; and P(E 1 , E 2 ) the marginal likeli-
      new evidence against rumor R should decrease pR .           hood of E 1 and E 2 . We denote E = {E 1 , E 2 , . . .} to represent
  (3) If rumor R 1 is more plausible than rumor R 2 according     the set of publicly available evidence related to the rumor
      to publicly available evidence, and both rumor propor-      R. P(R | E) is then a posterior probability that the rumor R is
      tions are at “reasonable” levels, then we should have       true given the available public evidence E.
       n R1   n R2
      NR > NR .
         1      2
                                                                  Mathematical Formulation
These design criteria are meant to lead us towards defining
what it means for a rumor to be in proportion to its evidence.    Given these mathematical tools for reasoning about uncer-
The criteria state some of the properties that we expect of       tainty, the criteria we gave above relatively informally can
such “reasonable” rumor proportions, both in terms of the         be further formalized as a mathematical control problem. We
proportions’ dynamics and the proportions’ relative values        can view a system designed to manage rumors as a function
across different rumors.                                          f : [0, 1] → [0, 1] that takes the public evidence probability
                                                                  P(R|E) as input, and yields a proportion of users (pR = nNR )
Quantifying Evidence                                              who believe the rumor R as output. The criteria we described
                                                                  in the last section can be formally represented within this
To make these criteria actionable, a critical component must
                                                                  general framework as placing a constraint on f to be a strictly
be specified in more detail. How do we know what consti-
                                                                  monotonically increasing function, defined everywhere on
tutes evidence for or against a rumor? How can we measure
                                                                  the input space. Alternative goals can also be specified in this
when one rumor is more plausible than another? To make
                                                                  framework, but violate these constraints on f . Preventing
these determinations, we appeal to the dominant mathemati-
                                                                  just false rumors corresponds to attempting to design a sys-
cal framework for quantifying evidence and reasoning about
                                                                  tem in which f (0) = 0, and f is undefined on all other inputs.
uncertainty, Bayesian reasoning. Bayesian reasoning is both
                                                                  Preventing all rumors corresponds to a function f (p) = 0
a practical toolkit deployed by statisticians to quantify their
                                                                  for all p < 1, which is not strictly monotonic, and is also
uncertainty about world and the foremost computational the-
                                                                  undefined when p = 1. Determining f in a particular ap-
ory of human belief formation in computational cognitive
                                                                  plication can depend on the cost of false rumors or on the
science [20, 21].
                                                                  benefit of true rumors. In the following we will explore a
   The technique is to relate propositions about the world
                                                                  particular case that assumes a balance between these costs
to available information through statistical models of the
                                                                  and benefits.
structure of the situation. Bayesian reasoning represents be-
liefs about the world as numeric values between 0 and 1,
                                                                  5   RUMORS IN PROPORTION TO EVIDENCE
and manipulates those beliefs according to Bayes’s Rule. For
example, we might have the following model of the Seat-           Could a system that satisfies the design criteria in the last
tle Housing Crisis. If “there is a housing bubble in Seattle      section ever be achievable? One simple function that satisfies
that will soon pop” then with high probability we should          the constraints given is the identity function, f (P(R | E)) =
see rental prices stabilizing or starting to decrease. Let the    P(R | E), i.e., aiming to ensure rumor proportions are equal
symbol E 1 refer to this possible consequence. The postulated     to their level of plausibility, Nn RR = P(R | E). This particu-
probabilistic relationship between these two propositions         lar function also has additional beneficial properties. There
can then be expressed P(E 1 | R) = 0.9, meaning the prob-         are simple behavioral mechanisms of rumor propagation
ability of E given R is the case is 0.9. 0.9 in this case is a    that maintain this rumor proportion as an invariant prop-
subjective probability judgment that is part of our assumed       erty over time. In other words, adding superscripts to indi-
statistical model. We might also have other consequences          cate change over time, there are simple mechanisms that
to incorporate into our model. Perhaps if there is not an         maintain under certain assumptions: If pR(t ) = P(R | E), then
                                                                  E pR(t +1) = P(R | E). The same invariant includes a property
                                                                    h       i
imminent housing market crash in Seattle, then we would
expect real estate companies to be creating new develop-
                                                                  of adaptive proportionsh that respond        to new evidence: If
ment projects, which we could call E 2 , and formalize with                                    (t +1)
another conditional probability: P(E 2 | ¬R), where ¬R is the
                                                                   (t )
                                                                  pR = P(R | E ), then E pR
                                                                                  (t )                  = P(R | E (t +1) ).
CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk                                               Peter M. Krafft and Emma S. Spiro

    A simple “social sampling” behavior provides a motivating      point in time. Finally, several pieces of work in the litera-
example of one such mechanism [11, 26]. The social sampling        ture on rumor detection and classification have noted that
procedure consists of people who are undecided about their         detection and classification are possible based on features
beliefs sampling proposed beliefs uniformly at random from         of discussion patterns, such as the presence of questioning
people who are decided, and then assessing whether to accept       or the proportion of affirmations versus denials [32, 41, 42],
the received proposed belief according to evidence. In certain     which indicates a relationship in existing systems between
environments, this simple procedure of people learning from        rumor credibility and rumor proportions. Other work has
each other provably yields the condition E[pR ] = P(R | E)         directly documented self-correcting dynamics [4, 54].
[26]. The reason that this procedure maintains this property          This body of evidence shows that even if people do not al-
as invariant once it has been achieved, and while no new           ways manage to keep rumors in proportion to evidence when
evidence is presented, is easy to see. Suppose we have that        completely left to their own devices, mechanisms of human
pR = P(R | E) among people with decided beliefs. When a            cognition and behavior in rumor contexts are likely at least
group of new people enters the conversation and samples            capable of being oriented towards such an end. This observa-
among those with decided beliefs, the probability of consider-     tion brings us back to our prior discussion of the interaction
ing proposition R as true under uniformly random sampling          between human behavior and structural considerations in
will be exactly equal to the proportion of people who believe      achieving design goals within systems for managing rumors.
it, i.e. pR = P(R | E). As long as the acceptance mechanism        Equipped with a theoretical prototype of behavior, we can
for beliefs under consideration does not introduce bias, the       interrogate what structural considerations are sufficient for
proportion of people who accept belief in R will then also         achieving our design goals given that behavior. If we take the
be pR . The property of adapting to new evidence obtains for       social sampling model of behavior as a starting point, then
similar reasons.                                                   one key structural condition supports keeping rumors in
    Several pieces of evidence support the plausibility of some    proportion. The condition is that when one person samples a
such social sampling mechanism as an approximate descrip-          proposed belief from another person, that sample should be
tion of human behavior, and support the feasibility of keep-       drawn uniformly at random from across all people. Uniform
ing rumors in proportion to P(R | E). The evidence come from       sampling is disrupted when any single person has an un-
three places. First, many studies in cognitive science have        due degree of influence in the sense that that person’s belief
shown that people display Bayesian updating on average             is more likely to be sampled than someone else’s. Having
in aggregate [20, 21, 45], and recent work has argued that         equal contributions to discussion from different people there-
these results may be best explained by sample-based cogni-         fore promotes collective sensemaking under this mechanism,
tive mechanisms [47]. Second, some work has directly tested        while having influencers like network hubs or otherwise
social sampling models as models of behavior outside of the        overly loud people undermines it. In the following section,
rumor context [26, 28]. Third, several papers in the litera-       we make these considerations more concrete in the form
ture on rumors demonstrate discrete belief propagation and         of implications for future research and design, and explore
also support the feasibility of both self-correcting dynamics      other implications of our general approach, setting aside
and maintaining in-proportion rumors as an invariant. A            particular behavioral mechanisms.
common qualitative coding of rumors involves an ontology
that generally includes four categories: affirmations, denials,    6   IMPLICATIONS FOR RESEARCH & DESIGN
comments/neutral statements, and questions/expressions of          Our work has several implications for future research and
uncertainty [30, 32, 34, 43, 50, 53]. The fact that affirmations   design. The primary outcome is an emphasis on rumor pro-
and denials are separated in this ontology from expressions        portion as a “dependent variable”, and an aim to quantify and
of uncertainty suggests that people maintain three states:         achieve reasonable rumor proportions. Our work suggests
undecided, decided yes, or decided no. Other work has sug-         research questions such as: How often do we observe reason-
gested that rumor proportions vary over time more than how         able rumor proportions? What factors lead to this property
people express uncertainty about a rumor [54]. A recent re-        obtaining or failing to obtain?
sult about the structure of the evolution of rumor content is
also consistent with sample-based rumor propagation. Re-           Measuring Success
searchers showed that prominent threads of rumors tend             In the course of the development of our approach, we have
to change in discrete mutations more by merging different          touched upon both direct and indirect ways to measure
rumor threads [27]. Merging threads involves entertaining          whether rumors have grown out of proportion, or are in
and combining multiple initially inconsistent beliefs about        proportion to evidence. Each of these direct and indirect
the world, and therefore is not possible if we only think of       metrics applies to just a single rumor or a pair of rumors.
the world as being one way or another at any particular            Analyzing a single rumor can be treated as a single sample of
Keeping Rumors in Proportion                                                    CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk

all the rumors in the ecosystem, and each positive conclusion        take the form of a subgroup analysis of rumor proportions
in a single analysis should increase our assessment of the           using survey or social media data.
health of the ecosystem.
                                                                     Social Media Design
Direct Measurements. A direct approach is to take a particu-         We now explore how these considerations could impact spe-
lar rumor as a sample; have experts (e.g., [31]), or perhaps a       cific research and design questions in the context of social
prediction market [33], make a quantitative judgment about           media. To be concrete, we will frame these implications in
what is a rational probability P(R | E) that the rumor is true       terms of a hypothetical Twitter-like social media system.
given public evidence; and to assess the gap between that            Since our approach is derived from theory, we frame all of
probability and the proportion of people who express belief          our implications in terms of questions that could be inves-
in the rumor either through a survey or through observa-             tigated empirically. To that end, in the hypothetical social
tional data analysis of social media content. The disadvan-          media system we consider, we could ask:
tage of the direct approach is the need to specify a precise
quantity P(R | E), which can be subjective and variable.                • Given an expert’s judgment of the probability that a
                                                                          rumor is true, does the proportion of people who are
Indirect Measurements. There are several indirect approaches              affirming that rumor on our social media system match
that avoid the requirement to specify a precise quantifica-               that expert probability judgment?
tion of intrinsic uncertainty. Each of the design criteria we           • How often and for what types of rumors are our indi-
specified in Section 4 provide a route to measurement. Sup-               rect measurements of healthy proportions satisfied?
pose an analyst has measured rumor proportions themselves               • Across all rumors for which a proportion nNR of affir-
using surveys or social media data analysis. One indirect                 mations is observed, do we in retrospect see that a
approach is then to assess whether the release of new public              proportion nNR of those rumors was true?
evidence tends to increase or decrease rumor proportions.               • Which features of the social media platform lead ru-
This analysis would consist of looking at a time series of                mors to tend to stay in proportion versus to grow out
rumor proportions, marking on that time series when new                   of proportion?
pieces of public evidence such as news articles are released,           • When some people post much more than others, there
annotating those pieces of evidence as supporting the ru-                 can be differences between the total proportion of ru-
mor or not, and examining how the time series of rumor                    mor affirmations as compared to the total proportion
proportions tends to vary as a function of those events. Sim-             of people who affirm the rumor. The social sampling
ilar methodologies are deployed in “event studies” of the                 model that we gave as an example of a mechanism un-
dynamics of financial markets.                                            der which rumors will be kept in proportion predicts
   Another indirect option when no new information is ar-                 that ensuring this gap is small will help keep rumors
riving is to examine pairs of rumors. Rumor proportions can               in proportion. How far does the proportion of affirma-
be compared and judged according to whether the difference                tions of a rumor diverge from the proportion of people
in proportions across a pair of rumors reflects the difference            who affirm it in our system of interest? What design
in credibility across that pair. We offer that in a healthy infor-        choices influence this gap? Does reducing this gap in-
mation ecosystem, differences between rumor proportions                   deed help keep rumors in proportion as predicted by
will tend to reflect differences in credibility, and when this            the social sampling model?
condition does not obtain, there is reason for concern. Con-            • The same social sampling model also suggests ensur-
cretely, this analysis would consist of eliciting judgments               ing the probability of exposure to content corresponds
on which of the rumors is more credible according to public               to the number of people sharing that content. Is the
evidence, and then checking that the rumor with greater                   probability of each user being exposed to a rumor af-
proportions is also the rumor with higher credibility. While              firmation or denial equal to the proportion of people
this technique does require assessments of evidence, it does              who affirm or deny that rumor in our system of inter-
not require precisely quantifying P(R | E) since only a rank              est? How can this property be achieved, e.g. in search
ordering is needed.                                                       functionality on the system?
   A final example of an indirect option is to examine the pro-        Our theoretical investigation also derived specific inter-
portions of one rumor across different contexts. In healthy in-      ventions on the structure of a social media environment
formation ecosystems, the proportion of a rumor on one plat-         aimed at promoting reasonable rumor proportions. The suc-
form or in one location or within one demographic should be          cess of these interventions could be measured by observing
similar to the proportion of that rumor in other platforms, lo-      how the answers to any of the above questions vary as a
cations, and demographics. Conducting this analysis would            function of these interventions.
CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk                                                    Peter M. Krafft and Emma S. Spiro

    • Does the repost mechanism promote reasonable rumor           analysis could be conducted in the context of a social media
      proportions or disrupt this goal?                            platform even if this deviation was previously undiscovered.
    • What effect on rumor proportions does showing fea-
      tured posts from people you do not follow have?              Seattle Housing Crisis
    • Which achieves a healthier rumor proportions: a cu-          Our second case builds on our Seattle Housing Crisis exam-
      rated feed or a feed of all content?                         ple. We collected data from YouTube and the Seattle Times
    • What are the effects on rumor proportions of other           website. For YouTube, we searched for “seattle housing crisis”
      mechanisms, such as enabling users to disable replies?       and analyzed the first video in the search results with more
  Our work also suggests a shift in how to analyze rumor           than 100 comments.3 For the Seattle Times, we look at the
detection and classification methods.                              comments section of a relevant article.4 The two authors
                                                                   of this paper independently coded the top ten comments
    • Similar to focusing on credibility (e.g., [10]), predict
                                                                   from each source as either indicating whether Seattle is or is
      the level of evidence supporting a rumor rather than
                                                                   not in the midst of a housing bubble that will soon pop, or
      classifying its veracity.
                                                                   NA (uncertain or other). We merged the independent codes
    • Focus on calibration of probabilities as a metric rather
                                                                   by coming to consensus where there were disagreements.
      than accuracy or false positive/negative rates. If we can
                                                                   We then compare the proportion of affirmations versus de-
      correctly predict the probability that a rumor is true,
                                                                   nials in the sample from YouTube to the sample from Seattle
      then we can assess whether the rumor proportions are
                                                                   Times. On YouTube we find that 100% of the non-NA-coded
      reasonable without resorting to expert judgment.
                                                                   sampled comments affirm the rumor. On the Seattle Times,
7   EXAMPLES                                                       the proportion was 83%. The gap between the rumor pro-
                                                                   portions in these two samples indicates that at least one of
We now consider examples of two of our proposed analyses.
                                                                   the two systems could be structured in a way that promotes
We perform small-scale analyses that are meant to be illustra-
                                                                   “out of proportion” discussions of rumors. At the same time,
tive but could easily be expanded. These cases demonstrate
                                                                   the relatively high proportion across both contexts suggests
how our concepts and metrics can have utility independent
                                                                   that public evidence might also favor the truth of the rumor.
of the details of their theoretical foundations. We have made
the coded data for these example available online.2                8   DISCUSSION
Climate Change Beliefs                                             Most mathematical treatments of rumor or other forms of
                                                                   collective behavior offer a specification of a particular be-
Our first case builds on the example of climate change. Given
                                                                   havioral mechanism, e.g. in the form of an algorithm or a
the scientific consensus on this issue, climate change denial
                                                                   differential equation. These “descriptive” accounts aim to cap-
is more productively viewed as a form of misinformation
                                                                   ture key features of social phenomena in order to explain or
or disinformation than of rumor, but the case serves to il-
                                                                   predict human behavior using mathematics and data. Our ap-
lustrate the concepts and methods of our approach. For this
                                                                   proach is parallel to and distinct from this modeling tradition.
case, we collected data by searching for “global warming” on
                                                                   Our primary contribution is to offer a framework for reason-
Twitter and analyzing the top ten English language “Latest
                                                                   ing about rumor proportions and their “health”. The key
Tweets” we observe. The two authors of the present paper
                                                                   concepts we introduce to this end are (1) a mathemati-
independently coded each tweet as either indicating belief
                                                                   cal measurement device (Bayesian rumor probabilities)
or disbelief in anthropogenic climate change, or NA (uncer-
                                                                   and (2) a mathematical criterion (rumor proportions
tain or other). We merged the independent codes by coming
                                                                   in relation to Bayesian posterior distributions). To un-
to consensus where disagreements were present. We then
                                                                   derstand the type of contribution we are trying to make,
compare the proportion of affirmations versus denials in this
                                                                   consider an analogy to the study of urban dynamics. Our
sample against a benchmark of the aggregate expert opin-
                                                                   contribution is akin to the development of a concept such as
ion, currently estimated to be between 90-100% of climate
                                                                   measuring the degree of segregation in a city. Regardless of
scientists [2, 13]. Our codes indicate that only 25% of the sam-
                                                                   what mechanisms underlie the phenomenon, the new metric
pled tweets affirm the fact of climate change, and therefore
                                                                   provides a way to assess a kind of population health. The
this discussion is far out of proportion relative to the expert
                                                                   measurement device and the mathematical criterion
benchmark. It is well-known that aggregate public beliefs
about climate change diverge from expert beliefs (e.g., [23]).     3 “Seattle Housing Bubble - Unusual Surge in Homes Inventory” https://
Our use of this case study is meant to show how this type of
                                                                   4 “Seattle-area rents drop significantly for first time this decade as new
2          apartments sit empty” Seattle Times January 12, 2018
Keeping Rumors in Proportion                                               CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk

we introduce can be applied regardless of the details           to grow out of proportion. One use of these model exten-
of what rumor mechanisms are at play.                           sions within our framework is therefore to examine how
                                                                changes in rumor mechanisms promote or inhibit healthy
Empirical Validation                                            rumor proportions.
A reader may worry about the lack of empirical validation
of our framework. Checking fit to data and including key        Extensions to Measurements and Diagnostics. Extending the
explanatory variables are central to accounts that focus on     measurements and diagnostics we introduce is somewhat
specific mechanistic models. However, our contribution is a     more subtle. How should we conceptualize the notion of
framework not a particular model. Fit to specific datasets or   “healthy rumor proportions” in light of considerations such
veracity of particular mechanistic descriptions aligned with    as incentive, affect, or trust? Should we judge dangerous
the framework are inadequate evaluation criteria for such       rumors more harshly? What about disturbing or offensive
theoretical developments. Frameworks are weighed based          rumors? And what of rumors in contexts when scientific
on their generative, constructive potential—what thoughts       knowledge or other expert judgments are suspect? In the
and practices they inspire. We demonstrate this potential       present work we avoided these issues by proclaiming a focus
in our paper with the implications for research and design      on non-political “rumors of fact”, but extensions to other
we enumerate. We do also present a more classic type of         situations are desirable. For incentives, existing decision-
“model”—one behavioral mechanism, “social sampling”—in          theoretic models provide a guide for how to modify distri-
order to lend credibility to the value of our theoretical ma-   butions of beliefs in high-cost or high-gain situations [18].
neuvers. We presented evidence for the plausibility of this     For disturbing or offensive rumors, we would have to in-
mechanism through qualitative relationships between prop-       corporate constraints of the sort discussed in debates about
erties of social sampling and results in existing published     platform moderation (e.g., [19]). To incorporate considera-
studies. We choose a simple mechanism for clarity of illus-     tions of public mistrust, we could adjust the sources of who
tration. Future work could test through laboratory or field     generates a normative baseline probability judgment. Rather
experiments whether our design implications yield produc-       than relying on expert judgment we could, for example, de-
tive threads of research.                                       fine the proper posterior probability to be the one that a lay
                                                                person presented with a body of evidence would give.
Utterances versus Individuals
We have already briefly alluded to the difficulties posed by    9    CONCLUSIONS
the difference between the number of people who express         The primary contribution of our work is a framework for
belief in a rumor versus the number of actual utterances        reasoning that we make actionable with new tools for mea-
affirming a rumor in a particular environment. This distinc-    surement and diagnosis. Although this framework involves
tion is important in practical analysis of rumors on social     a modeling approach, our focus is not on a description of a
media [5], and for the most part we have elided it. Analysts    single “model” as in a specific proposed mechanism of rumor.
should be careful to mind this gap, and future theoretical or   We do not aim to present the definite end-all-be-all model
methodological work on estimating proportions of people         for all rumors, but rather to offer a point of inspiration and
who believe a rumor could consider how to adjust for sam-       a lens for analysis. The measurement devices and the mathe-
pling bias induced by differences in numbers of expressions.    matical criteria we introduce can be applied regardless of the
Model Extensions                                                details of what rumor mechanisms are at play. The ultimate
                                                                recommendation we make for the design of systems to deal
Extensions of Social Sampling Mechanism. Although the spe-      with rumors is to attend to the proportion of affirmations of a
cific behavioral mechanism of social sampling is not central    rumor, and attempt to keep rumor affirmations in proportion
to our main contributions, extending this model illustrates     to the evidence for the rumor. We offered both direct and
how the measurements and diagnostics we introduce can           indirect ways to diagnose whether this goal is achieved.
be used in richer contexts. Two important factors that are
omitted from the social sampling model are interpersonal
                                                                10   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
trust and network structure. The mathematics of these exten-
sions is a straightforward application of similar extensions    This work was supported in part by National Science Foun-
of existing models of group belief dynamics [16]. Making        dation grants 1420255 and 1715078, by the Washington Re-
these extensions changes the dynamics of the social sampling    search Foundation, and by a Data Science Environments
model so that aggregation to Bayesian rumor proportions is      project award from the Gordon and Betty Moore Founda-
no longer guaranteed. These deviations suggest hypotheses       tion (Award #2013-10-29) and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
that could be tested about what factors could cause rumors      (Award #3835) to the University of Washington eScience
CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk                                                                   Peter M. Krafft and Emma S. Spiro

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