Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020 - GOK

Page created by Julio Stanley
Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020 - GOK
Startup Policy
Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020 - GOK
Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020 - GOK
To give wings to startups in the
      state through strategic
investment & policy interventions
     by leveraging the robust
 innovation climate in Bengaluru.
Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020 - GOK

As per the Global Startup Ecosystem                    Small businesses have been in fact the
Ranking Report 2015,”Bangalore is home                 largest job providers and a vibrant start-
to approximately 3,100 to 4,900 active                 up ecosystem driven by innovation can
tech startups and has achieved the                     be a key to better employment opportu-
second highest growth rate for exit                    nities for the youth and have widespread
volume and VC investment among the                     positive impact on the economy. Social
top 20. As a result, Bangalore moved up                innovation could have wide-ranging ben-
four positions to #15 in 2015, advancing               eficial impacts on quality of life as it could
from #19 in the 2012 ranking”. As per this             improve accessibility to health care; intro-
report Bengaluru is the only Indian city to            duce environmentally-friendly technolo-
be ranked within the best twenty start-                gies etc. Karnataka is poised for the next
up eco systems across the world. The                   phase of growth in startup sector as the
State’s long and sustained leadership in               potential to leverage the existing ecosys-
driving the IT economy and conducive                   tem     in   Bengaluru   and   build   similar
R&D ecosystems have contributed to this.               eco-systems in two-tier cities is tremen-
The     existing     policy       framework       of   dous. With the projections of being the
Government of Karnataka, mainly the i4                 largest conglomeration of IT profession-
(IT, ITES, Innovations and Incentives                  als by 2020, Bangalore is well placed to
Policy 2014-2019), ESDM, AVGC policies                 also be amongst the top 5 startup eco-
and     the    Industries          Policy     14-19,   systems in the world in the near future.
recognized the importance of promoting                 The objective of the State is to ensure
startups and the need to give the                      that Bengaluru maintains the lead posi-
necessary          impetus             to     tech-    tion in the country and to develop other
entrepreneurship early in the day, and has             important cities as startup destinations
invested on building incubation spaces in              on par with top 30 international startup
partnership        with        industry     bodies;    hubs.
encouraging innovation in educational
institutions   through           its    New     age    Vision: To create a world-class startup
incubation     network;         providing      seed    ecosystem in the state through strategic
capital and other incentives. In 2015,                 investment      and   policy   interventions
close    to    35%        of    Indian      startups   leveraging the robust innovation climate
functioned from the state, making it the               in Bangalore.
single largest startup hub in the country.

                                                             Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020 - GOK
Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020 - GOK
Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020 - GOK
a) Stimulate the growth of 20,000
   technology based startups including
   6,000 product startups by 2020 in

b) Achieve creation of 6 lakh direct and
   12 lakh indirect new employments in
   the sector

c) Mobilize Rs. 2,000 Cr funding for
   investment in startups through
   Government intervention alone, by
   leveraging the Fund of Funds
   proposed to be put in place by the
   State Government

d) Facilitate generation of at least
   25 Innovative Technology solutions
   with a social impact in sectors like
   Health care, Food Security, Clean
   environment and Education for all

                           Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020 - GOK
in Education
through NAIN
Innovation is second nature to
man. This policy document
recognizes the fact that the
seeds of entrepreneurship and
the innate ability to innovate
must be nurtured in academic
institutions. It is the need of the
hour to develop a culture that
produces innovators who dare
to dream an original idea and
pursue it till fruition. The State
would therefore work towards
creating such an ecosystem in
academic        institutions     as

                         Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020 - GOK
New Age Incubation Network (NAIN)
The new age incubation scheme under                     geography. They shall be mandated to
implementation in engineering colleges will             incubate projects through competitive
be expanded to all professional and                     selection process among students,
post-graduate institutions in two-tier cities in        alumni as well as local entrepreneurs.
a phased manner. At least 50 academic
institutions shall be covered under this              g) Students of such institutions will also be
program during the Policy Period. The                    encouraged to intern with startup
selected academic institutions would be                  incubators recognized by the state
assisted to establish an incubator in the                government to do their mini-projects or
given discipline and encourage student                   summer/ winter projects or internships
projects. All such incubators would be                   that are done during vacations. The
networked and connected to a common                      incubators may be mandated to run
portal to facilitate exchange of thoughts,               selection programs throughout the state
ideas and collaboration across institutions              to ensure students have access from any
and disciplines. All selected institutions               college in Karnataka. Such projects can
would be graded on the basis of Key                      then also be converted to final year
performance         indicators.        Financial         Projects where the university and college
assessment will be provided for three years              must involve an external project guide/
to the selected institutions for setting up the          mentor as identified by such incubators.
incubator and other activities. Institutions             GoK shall allocate 20% of the total
that excel would be further supported for                program cost additionally towards
another two years.                                       setting up a PMU (Program management
                                                         unit) in KBITS that shall be entrusted with
Each NAIN institution will be assisted as follows:       the job of capacity building of
 a) Grants for supporting operational                    institutional personnel responsible for
    expenses in their incubator e.g. Salaries            management         of  the    program    at
    of Regional Coordinators, mentoring                  institution level, conduct networking and
    programs,     networking      meetings,              mentoring events for the benefit of
    conducting Hackathons etc.                           participants and other related activities
                                                         e.g. student stipend for internships. The
 b) Annual Financial support for projects                PMU shall also be responsible for
    for upto Rs. 3 lakhs per project                     assisting    in    the   monitoring    and
                                                         management of the programme.
 c) Training and Capacity           Building    for
    Faculty and students

 d) Exposure to Support and Network
    Programs     conducted by   the
    departments concerned

 e) Opportunity to visit international startup

 f) Internship Stipends NAIN institutions
    shall act as hubs with other academic
    institutes in the district acting as spokes
    driving the innovation ecosystem in the

                                                         Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020 - GOK
Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
                               7 7
Fostering strong partnerships
between R and D institutions
and Industry

Technology business incubators               Information    &    Communication
(TBIs) in institutions of higher             Technology (ICT)/Internet of Things
learning:                                    (IOT)/Software Products

The State Government would assist in         Manufacturing including Electronics
the setting up of TBIs in institution of     systems design, Robotics and 3 D
higher learning with well-developed          Printing, manufacturing 4.0
Research and development facilities
to foster a strong link between R&D          Healthcare and Bio Pharma
and commercialization of
technologies so developed. TBIs are          Agriculture and allied fields
proposed to be promoted in
following selected thrust areas that         Clean-Tech
have potential for faster growth like
(the list is not exhaustive):                Energy

                                             Water and its recycling


                                             Nanotechnology and Composites

                                           Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
The host institution must provide land
and built-up space for TBI and must         Providing early
also share available facilities and
expertise for setting up of the TBI. The    stage/Idea2PoC
TBI must be run as a society or a
section 8 company with strong               (Proof of Concept)
academic-industry collaboration. The
eligible funding would be decided on
case to case basis. The state support
                                            To encourage innovators who may
would be for the initial capital cost for
                                            need early stage funding to stimulate
equipments       and     facilities, and
                                            commercialization       of    research
recurring costs of management of TBI
                                            discoveries and to help in validating
for three years period, extendable by
                                            proof of concept and subsequently to
another      2     years     based    on
                                            assist them to cover costs like
performance, at the end of which the
                                            certification,  manufacturing     pilot
incubators are expected to become
                                            devices etc., the State will set up an
self-sufficient. The existing TBIs would
                                            Ignition fund on the lines of BIG fund
be eligible for assistance for scaling
                                            of BIRAC, GOI. Funding will be in the
up or for expanding into niche areas
                                            form of Grant-in-aid limited to a one
with the condition that a single TBI
                                            time grant of upto Rs. 50 lakhs to be
may not focus on more than 2-3 thrust
                                            released in tranches based on the life
                                            cycle of the business plan. The state
                                            may at its discretion choose to
For the purpose of this policy, a TBI is
                                            administer this Grant in Aid Fund
an incubating facility in an institution
                                            through TBI s (as defined earlier) or
of higher learning and provides
                                            identified incubators of excellence.
services such as business advice,
                                            This may also help incubators to work
financial counseling, assistance with
                                            as accelertors. Startups need not
business      management            and
                                            necessarily be incubated in the
accounting, legal and regulatory
                                            incubator for being eligible for such
guidance, access to mentors etc., in
addition to physical infrastructure
appropriate for the thrust area for the
                                            Recognized Incubators which are
                                            managing Seed Fund Scheme of
                                            Government of India will be given
                                            matching seed funds to further
                                            increase the amounts available for
                                            startups by 200%.

                                               Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
Creating Incubation
infrastructure through PPP
The State would invite the private          incubators or for implementing other
sector     including      globally   and    startup initiatives. These incubators in
nationally well known accelerators          Tier II cities and Bangalore shall play
and incubators to set up world class        the role of mentor institutes for NAIN
incubation centers and accelerators         colleges. The incubators/accelerators
or expand existing facility /operations     shall be assessed on KPIs such as
on PPP basis. Such centers must             number of companies incorporated,
provide all necessary infrastructure        no of funding transactions facilitated,
for the given sector such as R&D Labs,      mentor interactions facilitated etc.
common centre for prototyping,              The Incubators/accelerators shall
common testing/QA/QC labs, design           administer the following schemes to
studios and tool rooms, Fab labs,           be rolled out for incubatees:
Biotech Wet Labs, Green Houses,
Animal Houses, Office Spaces, Small          a) Full facilitation for establishment
and Large Conference Rooms, Office              of an entity (a company or other
Spaces for Skunk Works and other                such entity) by obtaining requisite
modern amenities as required and                information in a single form, and
shared services like legal, accounting,         facilitating filing for regulatory
patents,       investment        banking,       compliances in prescribed format.
community events and mentoring and
promotional and marketing support            b) Subsidized seats up to Rs. 3000
for startups. Land or built-up space            per seat per month limited to 5
would be provided at the applicable             seats per incubatee for a
rates     in     Industrial/ITparks/SEZs        maximum duration of       a year
developed by the Government in                  depending on market discovered
two-tier cities. The support from the           rates which vary from city to city.
Government for the PPP partner                  Other    assistance  like   Legal,
would be determined through price               Accounting and mentorship on
discovery through open bidding. The             regulatory compliances shall be
support shall be for a period of 3              provided.
years. In addition, the Government
may partner with Industry bodies,            c) Virtual incubation of incubatees
trade associations, think tanks or              where      incubatees    are   not
similar non –Profit organizations               physically
working for the promotion of the                plugged into the facility through
relevant sector for setting up                  mentorship, funding etc.

                                               Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
Startup funding through
                                             Fund of Funds

                                             A fund of funds shall be allocated for
Networking and Aggregation of
                                             investing in venture funds that invest
Common Instrumentation
                                             in startups in various sectors. The
Facilities (CIFs):
                                             fund of funds would be in addition to
GoK and GoI have established Labs            any sector-specific venture funds
and       Common         instrumentation     already being operated by the State
Facilities like IMTI etc across the state.   through its entities, and could also
Efforts shall also be made to maintain       invest in future venture funds
list of all such CIFs (Government or
                                             promoted by the State. A portion of
Private) that are available for public
                                             the fund of funds may be utilized for
use. Efforts will be made to develop
and use a single online application to       Angel stage funding. A professional
reserve lab and equipment time on            fund manager shall be selected
pay per use basis for all incubatees on      through open bidding process.
priority, through a MOU with such            Investment committee with Officers
institutes. Common instrumentation           from the Government, industry and
facilities shall be set up in identified     academic experts with sector-specific
areas      like   Electronics,    Mobile,
                                             domain knowledge, financial and legal
Animation        and     Gaming,      IOT,
                                             background etc with no conflict of
Analytics, Design Engineering etc on
PPP or under GoI schemes under               interest will be constituted.
MSME, Deity etc. The testing and
product evaluation facilities should be
of international standards.

                                                 Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
Channelizing Innovation for                Promoting Capacity Building
Social Impact                              through exposure visits and
The State intends to use the vibrant
startup     environment      to    drive   A corpus fund will be created to
innovation through use of technology       conduct training workshops and
to find workable and scalable              organize exposure visits to both
solutions to challenges faced by it.       national and international startup
Under its Social innovation challenge      ecosystems/innovation        hubs   for
competition, the State will use the        faculty, students and incubatees in
model of Grand challenges to focus         GOI/GOK recognized incubators.
attention and effort on specific           Ideathons and Startup festivals would
problems. Each year, 5 challenges will     be organized to create an exhilarating
be identified by a committee with          climate to inspire innovation.
representatives from Government,           International and National Exposure:
subject specialists, NGOs etc. Each        A programme would be setup to send
year challenges would be posed in 5        selected startups, college and school
identified areas and solutions selected    students, faculty etc., to leading
through a rigorous selection process       startup destinations in the country
shall be awarded an initial grant and a    and abroad for getting exposure as
follow on funding and may be taken         well as an opportunity to meet and
up for implementation as a pilot           converse with industry leaders,
project at an appropriate scale. The       thinkers and innovators. Provision
winners will also automatically qualify    shall be made to ensure 1/3rd
for incubation space in the incubators     representation         of       women
supported by the State Government          entrepreneurs, students and teachers
as per the prevalent norms.                etc. Existing programmes of the
                                           Government       like     the    Market
                                           development assistance scheme of
                                           VTPC would be also accessed for
                                           some of these purposes.

Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
d) The Contract Labour (Regulations
Providing State                                & Abolition) Act 1970

support in the                              e) The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
form of incentives                          f) The Minimum Wages Act 1948
& concessions
                                            g) The   Employment       Exchanges
                                               (Compulsory     Notification  of
The startups that qualify the eligibility      Vacancies) Act 1959
conditions in Karnataka would be
entitled to the incentives and              h) General permission shall be
concessions provided in the i4, ESDM,          available for 3-shift operations
AVGC, BT, Industrial policy etc., as           with women working in the night
well as to additional incentives and           for startups, subject to such units
concessions     as     specified       in      taking the prescribed precautions
annexure-2. Please see annexure-1 for          in respect of safety and security of
the definition of startup for the              employees in addition to providing
purposes of this policy.                       the required welfare and health
                                               amenities as prescribed under
Startups signed up in recognized               applicable     labour   laws    and
incubators/ accelerators including             obtaining the necessary approvals
through virtual incubation will be             from the competent authority of
permitted to file self-certifications, in      the    Government      under    the
the prescribed formats under the               Karnataka shops and Commercial
following acts and rules framed there          Establishments Act and Rules or
under barring inspections arising out          the      Factories Act 1948 and
of specific complaints. The same shall         Rules, there under as the case
be facilitated through the startup cell        may be.

a) The Factories Act 1948                   Applicability:

b) The Maternity Benefit Act 1961           This policy is applicable to all startups
                                            satisfying the eligibility criteria set
c) The  Karnataka      Shops  &             forth in the policy in the sectors of
   Commercial Establishments Act            Manufacturing, ICT, BT and other
   1961                                     sectors.

                                               Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
Enablement                                      a) Service Providers
                                                   CA, Lawyers, IP Protection, real estate
Startup Cell:
New ventures, mostly started by young           b) Organizations
people with little prior knowledge of
                                                   TiE, NASSCOM, iSpirt, Coffee Meetup
corporate affairs, have many hurdles to
face during the early stages. Rather than       c) Programs/Events
worrying about how to get their business
                                                   Consrukt    Festival,         TiE-Con,
floated, concerns of IP Protection,
navigating through state and central
regulations    and       incentives,     tech
                                                d) Incubators/Accelerators/co-working
entrepreneurs should be able to focus on
building the right product and seeking
early customer validation. Further, there       e) Investors/investor organizations
are     numerous      informational       and
awareness needs of startups that should         f) Incoming trade delegations
be addressed in a business friendly
environment.         To     facilitate  such
                                                g) Policies Regulatory environment etc
handholding, Startup Cell will be
established in KBITS to act as a one stop
shop that enables easy flow of
                                                The Startup cell shall promote Bangalore
information and assistance to needy
                                                and Karnataka as a startup destination
startups. The cell shall also act as a single
                                                through participation in international and
connect with Government departments
                                                national     events,    sponsoring     the
where the Startup needs to implement
                                                participation of local startups in such
pilots of their projects e.g. facilitate
                                                events and various other means. The cell
clinical research through coordination
                                                must also sponsor the visit of delegations
with Hospitals through the Health
                                                of startups to promotional and marketing
                                                events in India and abroad.

Startup Portal and Hotline:
                                                Startup council:
The startup cell must network with
                                                A startup council shall be set up under
Industry     bodies,   TBIs,    academic
                                                the chairmanship of the Chief Minister
institutions, other incubators etc and
                                                with the relevant ministers and senior
thus, provide a common interface where
                                                officers of the government and 10
the symbiotic components of the startup
                                                industry experts as members to review
ecosystem could interact more closely
                                                the implementation of the startup policy.
and effectively. The cell shall manage a
                                                Attempt shall be made for equal
common startup portal and hotline,
                                                representation of various domains like
which could provide information on
                                                ICT,     Animation      and     Gaming,

                                                    Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
Agri-Biotechnology, Health, BFSI, ESDM       This Policy is valid for a period of 5 years
and other manufacturing. The council         from the date of its notification or till a
shall meet at least once a year. A Startup   new policy is formulated.
Policy Monitoring and Review Committee
shall be set up under the Chief Secretary    Review mechanism
with Principal Secretary, IT, BT and ST,     This policy shall be reviewed once a year.
Commissioner, Industries and Commerce;       A status report shall be commissioned by
Managing Directors of KSIIDC, KSSIDC,        the State to critically appraise the
VTPC; Director, IT & BT and two-three        usefulness of the policy, the ease of
outside experts with the Managing            implementation and the outcomes
Director, KBITS as the convenor.             achieved. The report shall be placed
                                             before the Startup council.
Operational Guidelines
Detailed operational guidelines shall be
put in place for administering all the
programs under this policy and the same
shall be reviewed annually.

                                                Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
 Definition of a Startup
a. Should      be    Technology          Based:      The   a. Employment: The company employs at
  facilitation under this policy is intended                 least 50 (fifty) per cent of its total
  for only technology based startups, i.e.                   qualified workforce in Karnataka, which
  one that creates a technology                 based        shall not include contract employees.
  service or product or uses technology
  for enhancing functionality or reach of                    Note: The term “qualified” may be
  an existing product or service.                            understood in connection with the
                                                             National Skills Qualification Framework,
b. Tenure: The startup must not have been                    issued   by      the    Ministry     of   Skill
  registered/incorporated for more than 4                    Development       and     Entrepreneurship,
  (Four) years from the date of such                         Government of India (“NSQF”). Under
  application for any incentive applied                      NSQF, the term “qualification” has been
  under this policy. The same shall be 7                     defined as: “a formal outcome of an
  (seven) years for BT companies. Though                     assessment       and    validation    process
  the   startups         may    not      have   to   be      which is obtained when a c o m p e t e n t
  registered or incorporated for receiving                   body determines that an i n d i v i d u a l
  various incentives or benefits under the                   has achieved learning          outcomes to
  policy, any funding beyond early stage                     given standards”
  funding       shall          require      necessary
  registration or incorporation.                           b. Exit Clauses: A startup will cease to
                                                             receive benefits under this policy upon
c. Location:        The     company/entity           be      the following:
  registered        in    Karnataka       under      the          Revenue       Criteria:    Upon       the
  Karnataka         Shops        and      Commercial              company reaching a revenue of Rs.
  Establishment Act, 1961 ; and                                   50 Crores

                                                                Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
f. Exclusions: A company in order toqualify
  as a start-up under this policy should not
  have been
    1. Formed      by      the   demerger   or
                                                 Incentives and concessions to startups
      reconstitution a business already in
                                                 would as per existing policies in addition
                                                 to incentives available under various state
                                                 and central government policies. Startups
   2. A subsidiary of a firm in the State,
                                                 shall be eligible for following additional
      except subsidiary of a start-up itself –
      that still qualifies as startup and the
      combined entity also satisfies the
                                                  1. Reimbursement of Service Tax paid
      start-up criteria;
                                                    by       startups   incubated   in    GoK
                                                    supported incubators and CIFs whose
   3. A merged entity in the State, except
                                                    annual turnover does not exceed Rs.
      if the combined entity satisfies the
                                                    50 Lakhs for the first three years or till
      criteria listed above;
                                                    the incubator becomes DST certified
                                                    whereby the services given by the
   4. A franchisee of an existing business in
                                                    incubator and the incubatees become
      the State;
                                                    exempt from service Tax.

   5. Promoted or sponsored by or related
                                                  2. Reimbursement of VAT/ CST: Annual
      to an Industrial group in the S t a t e
                                                    Reimbursement of VAT/CST paid in
      whose group turnover exceeds
                                                    Karnataka, upto a maximum of Rs. 50
      Rs. 300 crore;
                                                    Lakhs turnover by incubated startup
                                                    companies within a period of first
   6. A holding company or should not
                                                    three years of being incubated.
      derive more than 50% of its
      income from investments and loans
                                                  3. Reimbursement of VAT/ CST: Reim
                                                    bursement of VAT/CST on goods
   7. A holding company or should not               supplied       to   the   Incubator    or
      derive more than 50% of its income
      from investments and loans.

                                                  4. The tax incentives shall be modified
                                                    once G.S.T is introduced in the state.

                                                     Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
5. Financial        Assistance     as      Matching   Many of these benefits shall be
  Grants: The Government would match                  administered        through     identified
  the funding raised by the             Incubator     incubators      as      implementation
  from Government of India on a 1:1 basis             partners in order to speed up the
  as matching grants.                                 process without compromising on
                                                      due diligence in disbursal of fiscal
6. Marketing Incentives to Startups:                  incentives.    At    the      same   time
  Government shall provide reimburse-                 incubators shall not insist on physical
  ments        of     30%    of      the     actual   incubation of mentee incubatees so
  costsincluding         travel     incurred     in   as to ensure greater touch points for
  international marketing through trade               incubators being supported by the
  show participation. This incentive will             Government.
  be subject to a maximum of Rs.5 Lakhs
  per year per company.

7. Patent Filing Cost: The cost of filing and
  prosecution of patent application will
  be reimbursed to the incubated startup
  companies subject to a limit of Rs. 2
  lakh (0.2 million) per Indian patent
  awarded. For awarded foreign patents
  on a single subject            matter, upto Rs.
  10 lakh (1 Million) would be reimbursed.
  The reimbursement will be done in 2
  stages, i.e., 75% after the patent is filed
  and the balance 25% after the patent is

8. Promoting         Entrepreneurship       among
  women:       All    Government        supported
  startups shall be mandated to allocate
  minimum 10% seats for                 startups
  with       women          co-founders         on
  preferential basis.

                                                      Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020




For information and assistance please contact:

Principal Secretary to Government
Dept.of Information Technology, Biotechnology and
Science & Technology.
Government of Karnataka.
VI Floor, 5th Stage
M.S.Building, Ambedkar Veedhi
Bangalore - 560 001

Email ID: itbtsec@gmail.com

Managing Director
Karnataka Biotechnology & Information Technology Services
BMTC- Central Offices Building
TTMC 'B' Block, 4th Floor, Shanthinagar, KH Road,
Bangalore 560 027

Email : mdkbits@gmail.com
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