JUNIOR SCHOOL PARENTS HANDBOOK 2021-2022 - Munich International School

Page created by Walter Fowler
JUNIOR SCHOOL PARENTS HANDBOOK 2021-2022 - Munich International School

            Munich International School
              Pioneering international education since 1966
JUNIOR SCHOOL PARENTS HANDBOOK 2021-2022 - Munich International School
1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 School Mission.................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 School Values ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 ESSENTIAL CONTACT INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Junior School Faculty 2021/22 ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.0 SCHOOL CALENDAR 2021/22 ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
4.0 ESSENTIAL AGREEMENTS ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 MIS Community Commitments to Principled and Ethical Conduct ................................................................................................ 10
5.0 ACADEMICS ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.1 Admissions of Students .................................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.1.2 Promotion and Acceleration of Students ..................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 English as an Additional Language (EAL) ......................................................................................................................................... 11
5.3 Learning Support .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
5.4 Academic Honesty ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11
6.0 COMMUNICATION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.1 iSAMS Parent Portal ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Study Book ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.3 Seesaw ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.4 Emergency Telephone Numbers and Home Details ........................................................................................................................ 12
6.5 Emergency Procedures for Parents ................................................................................................................................................. 12
6.6 Report Cards ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.7 School Related Mail ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
7.0 CONFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
7.1 Requesting Conferences During the Year ........................................................................................................................................ 13
7.2 Three-Way Conferences ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
7.3 Student-Led Conferences ................................................................................................................................................................. 13
7.4 Parent Conferences for Early Childhood ......................................................................................................................................... 13
8.0 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................................. 13
8.1 School Day ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
8.2 Absences ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
8.3 Arriving Late and Leaving Early ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
8.4 Buses................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
8.5 Changes to home arrangements ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
8.6 Health and Safety Laws .................................................................................................................................................................... 14

      MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                                                                                                                           1
JUNIOR SCHOOL PARENTS HANDBOOK 2021-2022 - Munich International School
8.7 Clothing and Shoes ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14
8.8 JS Swimming Programme................................................................................................................................................................. 15
8.9 Lunch and Lunch Recess ................................................................................................................................................................... 15
8.10 Afternoon Recess ........................................................................................................................................................................... 16
8.11 Supplies .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
8.12 Field Trips ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
8.12.1 Responsibility of Major Medical/Treatment for Students......................................................................................................... 16
8.13 Health and Safety ........................................................................................................................................................................... 16
8.13.1 Accidents and Injuries ................................................................................................................................................................. 16
8.13.2 Health Records ............................................................................................................................................................................ 17
8.13.3 School Nurse and Medication ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
8.13.4 Nut and Food Allergies ................................................................................................................................................................ 17
8.13.5 Contagious Diseases.................................................................................................................................................................... 17
8.13.6 Exclusion from PE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 18
8.13.7 EC 5/6 Schuleinganguntersuchung (School Entry Screening) .................................................................................................... 18
8.14 Grade 1 Schulbescheinigung (Certificate of School Registration) ................................................................................................ 18
8.15 Junior School Library ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
8.16 After School Activities, After School Care and Extra Curricular Activities .................................................................................... 18
9.0 HOMEWORK ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
10.0 BEHAVIOUR GUIDELINES................................................................................................................................................................ 21
10.1 Philosophy ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
10.2 Principles ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
10.3 Essential Agreements ..................................................................................................................................................................... 21
10.4 Procedures for dealing with inappropriate behaviour ................................................................................................................. 22
10.5 Roles and Responsibilities.............................................................................................................................................................. 22
11.0 COMMUNICATION FLOW AT MIS: ................................................................................................................................................. 23
12.0 ACADEMIC PROGRAMME .............................................................................................................................................................. 24
12.1 The Learner Profile ......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
12.2 The Primary Years Programme (PYP): Early Childhood – Grade 4 ............................................................................................... 25
13.0 ESSENTIAL AGREEMENTS ON ASSESSMENT IN THE PYP ............................................................................................................... 26
14.0 SPECIAL DAYS IN THE JUNIOR SCHOOL.......................................................................................................................................... 28
15.0 PARENT TEACHER VEREIN (PTV) .................................................................................................................................................... 28
15.1 PTV Grade Representatives ........................................................................................................................................................... 28
16.0 JUNIOR SCHOOL READING GUIDE.................................................................................................................................................. 29

      MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                                                                                                                          2

Dear Parents,

The parent information booklet, together with the iSAMS Parent Portal, Seesaw, and the weekly MIS Bulletin aim to provide general
information about your child’s school and tries to answer questions that you may have. If you do not find all the answers you seek,
please do not hesitate to contact us in the Junior School office.

I wish you and your child a happy and successful year at MIS.

David Freed
Junior School Principal


1.1 School Mission

   Nuture – Challenge – Inspire

   Munich International School nutures, challenges and inspires our students to become:
       • Academically successful, life-long learners
       • Creative and innovative thinkers
       • Ethical globally-minded contributors, and
       • Healthy, well balanced individuals, who will thrive and make a positive impact in a complex and changing world.

1.2 School Values
Our values are encapsulated in the IB learner profile. All members of the MIS Community strive to be:

We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We
learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.

We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas
that have local global significance.

We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in
making reasoned, ethical decisions.

We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listen
carefully to perspectives of other individuals and groups.

We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people
everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.

We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and
evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.

    MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                                                            3
We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the
lives of others and in the world around us.

Risk takers
We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and
innovate strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.

We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives – intellectual, physical, and emotional – to achieve well-
being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.

We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in
order to support our learning and personal development.

(IB, 2013. The IB learner profile booklet. Cardiff: International Baccalaureate.)

    MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                                                         4

 Junior School Principal                                          08151 366-400
 David Freed                                                      dfreed@mis-munich.de

 Junior School Assistant Principal                                08151 366-401
 Olivia Devereux Burke                                            odevereuxburke@mis-munich.de

 PYP Coordinator                                                  08151 366-442
 Vicki Shaver                                                     vshaver@mis-munich.de

 Junior School Counsellor                                         08151 366-440
 Ditta Krojmand                                                   dkrojmand@mis-munich.de

 Junior School Administrative Assistant to the Principal          08151 366-403
 Amanda Emery                                                     aemery@mis-munich.de

 Junior School Secretary                                          08151 366-402
 Ann Peeters                                                      apeeters@mis-munich.de

 Junior School Fax                                                08151 366-409

 Head of Learning Support                                         08151 366-377
 Maureen Burke                                                    mburke@mis-munich.de

 Head of English as an Additional Language                        08151 366-344
 Glau Serralvo                                                    gserralvo@mis-munich.de

 Director of Admissions and Communications                        08151 366-126
 Sabine Fuchs                                                     sfuchs@mis-munich.de

 Admissions Assistants                                            08151 366-120/121
 Suzanne Hemke                                                    admissions@mis-munich.de
 Denise Hitchen

 Transport Director                                               08151 366-150
 Tina Kellar                                                      transportation@mis-munich.de

 School Nurse                                                     08151 366-160
 Kirsty Zuill/Sally Rhys-Jones/Sara Temmler                       nurse@mis-munich.de

 After School Activities and Fine Arts                            08151 366-107
 Alice Byers                                                      activities@mis-munich.de
 Pamela Stout                                                     arts@mis-munich.de

 Mother Tongue Language Co-Ordinator                              08151 366-251
 Tanja Connemann                                                  tconnemann@mis-munich.de

 Parent Teacher Verein                                            ptv@mis-munich.de

Please note that all members of staff can be contacted by email using the email addresses above.

    MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                          5
2.1 Junior School Faculty 2021/22

 CLASS                                   TEACHER                              TEACHER’S EMAIL ADDRESS
 Early Childhood 4/5A                    Sarah Bosch                          sbosch@mis-munich.de
    Teaching Assistant                   Louise Rhodes
 Early Childhood 4/5B                    Emma McLaurin                        emclaurin@mis-munich.de

 Early Childhood 5/6A                    Alexandra Kreissl                    akreissl@mis-munich.de
   Teaching Assistant                    Rupinder Hardman
 Early Childhood 5/6B                    Laura Schwaiger                      lschwaiger@mis-munich.de
  Teaching Assistant
 EC Teaching Assistant                   NuNu San
 EC Extended Day Teacher                 Sherry Günther                       sguenther@mis-munich.de

 Grade 1A                                Barbara von Both                     bvonboth@mis-munich.de
 Grade 1B                                Natascha Gaim Marsoner               nmarsoner@mis-munich.de
 Grade 1C                                Elizabeth Sturm                      esturm@mis-munich.de
 Grade 1D                                Teresa Arnone                        tarnone@mispmunich.de
 G1 Teaching Assistants                  Niketan Wilkhoo
                                         Cara Whitehead
                                         Mate Derda

 Grade 2A                                Susan Hall                           shall@mis-munich.de
       2B                                Susan Bushby                         sbushby@mis-munich.de
       2C                                Sheila Majithia                      smajithia@mis-munich.de

 Grade 3A                                Sharon Stefanski                     sstefanski@mis-munich.de
       3B                                Kimberly Popma                       kpopma@mis-munich.de
       3C                                Robynne Exner                        rexner@mis-munich.de
       3D                                Tonianne Lederer                     tlederer@mis-munich.de

 Grade 4A                                Dan Stevens                          dstevens@mis-munich.de
       4B                                Nicola MacLaine                      nmaclaine@mis-munich.de
       4C                                Todd Huck                            thuck@mis-munich.de
       4D                                Nicole Cotton                        ncotton@mis-munich.d

 German                                  Carmen Binneberg                     cbinneberg@mis-munich.de
                                         Dagmar Richter                       drichter@mis-munich.de
                                         Christine Garnish                    cgarnish@mis-munich.de
                                         Anne Starck                          astarck@mis-munich.de
                                         Agnes Bowerman                       abowerman@mis-munich.de
                                         Kira Richter                         krichter@mis-munich.de

 Learning Support                        Julia Breuer                         jbreuer@mis-munich.de
                                         Ann Marie Sedor                      asedor@mis-munich.de
                                         Vicki Shaver                         vshaver@mis-munich.de
                                         Maureen Burke (Head of Department)   mburke@mis-munich.de
    Reading Assistant                    Sarah Manwaring                      smanwaring@mis-munich.de

    MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                                6
CLASS                                       TEACHER                              TEACHER’S EMAIL ADDRESS
EAL                                         Liz Newman                           lnewman@mis-munich.de
                                            Melissa Montegna                     mmontegna@mis-munich.de
                                            Miriam Palma                         mpalma@mis-munich.de
                                            Ingrid Fridman                       ifridman@mis-munich.de
                                            Katja Gibner                         kgibner@mis-munich.de
                                            Adria Csorgo                         acsorgo@mis-munich.de
                                            Glau Serralvo (Head of Department)   gserralvo@mis-munich.de

Music                                       Petra Richter                        prichter@mis-munich.de
                                            Lydia Nova                           lnova@mis-munich.de

Library                                     Teri Lynn Biedenbach                 tbiedenbach@mis-munich.de
          Library Assistant                 Heather Amarante

Art                                         Marguerite Zabriskie                 mzabriskie@mis-munich.de
          Art Assistant                     Lisa Sprinks

PE                                          Jens Schneider                       jschneider@mis-munich.de
                                            Lieke Burghout                       lburghout@mis-munich.de
                                            Robbie Pados                         rpados@mis-munich.de
                                            Jayson Bowerman                      jbowerman@mis-munich.de
                                            Fadime Verhoeven                     fverhoeven@mis-munich.de
                                            Romina Erhardt                       rerhardt@mis-munich.de
                                            Nadine Slavinski                     nslavinski@mis-munich.de

After School Care                           Carmen Binneberg                     afterschoolcare@mis-munich.de
        ASC Assistants                      Kerry Lightfoot
                                            Elke Plechschmidt
                                            Dianne Prosi

Technology and Making                       Armin Martin                         amartin@mis-munich.de
IT Technician                               Andy Smit                            asmit@mis-munich.de

Principal                                   David Freed                          dfreed@mis-munich.de
Assistant Principal                         Olivia Devereux Burke                odevereuxburke@mis-munich.de
PYP Co-Ordinator                            Vicki Shaver                         vshaver@mis-munich.de
JS/MS Counsellor                            Ditte Krojmand                       dkrojmand@mis-munich.de
Administrative Assistant to the Principal   Amanda Emery                         aemery@mis-munich.de
Secretary                                   Ann Peeters                          apeeters@mis-munich.de
Absence Contact                                                                  js-absence@mis-munich.de
Nurse                                       Kirsty Zuill                         nurse@mis-munich.de
                                            Sally Rhys-Jones
                                            Sarah Temmler

     MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                                       7
2021   August
       18             Wednesday        Beginning of School Year   Classes Begin

2021   September
       10              Friday          Early Release              14:00 Finish

2021   October
       1               Friday          Bridge Day                 No Classes
       8               Friday          Early Release              14:00 Finish
       22              Friday          Last Day of Classes
       23-1 Nov        Sat – Mon       Fall Break                 No Classes

2021   November
       2               Tuesday                                    Classes Resume
       12              Friday          Early Release              14:00 Finish
       17              Wednesday       Staff Professional Day     No Classes

2021   December
       10              Friday          Early Release              14:00 Finish
       22              Wednesday       Last day of classes        12 Noon finish
       23- 9 Jan       Thur – Sun      Winter Break               No Classes

2022   January
       10              Monday                                     Classes Resume
       21              Friday          Early Release              14:00 Finish

2022   February
       18              Friday          Last day of classes        14:00 Finish
       19-27           Sat – Sun       Ski Week                   No Classes
       28              Monday                                     Classes Resume

2022   March
       25              Friday          Early Release              14:00 Finish

2022   April
       8               Friday          Last day of classes
       9-24            Sat – Sun       Spring Break               No Classes
       25              Monday                                     Classes Resume
       29              Friday          Early Release              14:00 Finish

2022   May
       20              Friday          Early Release              14:00 Finish
       26              Thursday        Ascension Day              No Classes

2022   June
       6               Monday Pentecost                           No Classes
       10              Friday         Early Release               14:00 Finish
       16              Thursday       Corpus Christi              No Classes
       17              Friday         Bridge Day                  No Classes
       30              Thursday       Last Day of Classes         12 Noon Finish
                                      End of School Year

   MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                           8

   MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2020/21
4.1 MIS Community Commitments to Principled and Ethical Conduct
One of our central guiding statements at Munich International School is our School Values. These comprise ten characteristics,
including Principled, Open-minded and Caring. Derived from these values, we believe that four basic characteristics lie at the core of
a community dedicated to learning, mutual respect and understanding.

 Care                                                                Respect
 We continuously act in the best interest of each other, our         We value human dignity and promote equality and growth for
 community and the global environment. We demonstrate our            all our members. We always treat each other, our campus and
 care by assuming positive intentions in others, seeking to          the environment in a thoughtful, considerate and positive way.
 emphasise even in difficult situations and always seeking the       We demonstrate through our behaviour and interaction a high
 best outcome not just for ourselves, but also for others.           level of respect for cultural diversity, social justice, democratic
                                                                     values and shared responsibility for the common good.
 Integrity                                                           Trust
 Integrity is expressed through honesty, reliability and morally     A true community can exist only in an environment of mutual
 sound actions. We exercise integrity through our                    trust. Trust is developed and demonstrated through openness
 commitments to each other and to our community. We are              (particularly to differing opinions), honesty, fairness and a will
 responsible, principled and consistent in our communications        to increase peace, harmony and well-being for everyone within
 with and treatment of every person both within and beyond           our community. Trust results in confidence in the intentions
 our community.                                                      and actions of others, in our community.

All members of the MIS community embody the ideals above through several important domains of action:

Communication: We employ verbal, written and non-verbal language that is respectful, honest, professional, polite and aimed at
mutual understanding and positive rapport.

Listening: We listen carefully to each other, especially in conflict situations. We seek first to understand and only then to be
understood. We listen actively, empathetically and patiently for true understanding.

Appreciation: We treat each other, our campus, school materials and the environment with appreciation. Bullying and harassment
(including physical, verbal, online and psychological harassment and bullying) will never be tolerated by either the School
Administration or by any member of the school community.

Collaboration: We work together productively as a community for the good of our students and of our School. We answer the call
to participate in appropriate activities in appropriate ways and play our part to vigorously support the School’s mission and

Reflection: We reflect regularly on our own behaviours and our roles in both problems and solutions. We accept and give
constructive criticism and constantly seek to improve and grow as people and as a community. We focus criticism on behaviours,
not people, and avoid becoming defensive when faced with differing opinions and views.

As an international community that values learning and global-mindedness, Munich International School promotes positive,
responsible and respectful behaviour. These expectations extend to all members of our community.

    MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                                                            10

5.1 Admissions of Students
Placement of students is based on:
    • Availability of places
    • A child’s chronological age on the 1st October
    • Current grade level and its relationship to MIS curriculum
    • Language proficiency
    • Any testing or screening that may be deemed necessary.

Screening may take the form of, but is not limited to, consideration of previous reports in English, a personal interview, school
readiness testing, a review of special needs documentation and health records, and / or a request for a confidential
recommendation from the previous teacher.

The aim of these procedures is to ensure that the curriculum offered at MIS best meets the needs of the child.

5.1.2 Promotion and Acceleration of Students
It is usual for students to move to the next grade on completion of the school year, if they have completed a sufficient number of
days at school in order to cover the curriculum being taught at that grade level. On rare occasions, circumstances may lead to a child
being considered for retention or acceleration. The Principal will make the final decision after conferring with the teachers, parents
and appropriate support personnel.

5.2 English as an Additional Language (EAL)
EAL teachers provide non-native English speaking students with language support until their English proficiency has reached the
level at which they are able to independently participate in all homeroom lessons.

A student’s English skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing are assessed on:
     • WIDA English language proficiency test
     • Parent language survey
     • Classroom and EAL teacher observations during the first weeks of entry.

5.3 Learning Support
The aim of the Learning Support is to provide specialised support for students in the Junior School who require additional support.
All students receiving support are taught in small groups, individually, or in the homeroom.

5.4 Academic Honesty
In the Primary Years Program, teachers refer to and use the behaviour guidelines (into which embedded the IB Learner Profile) as a
guide to appropriate behaviour in all situations.

Teachers will lead by example and model academic honesty for their students through their planning and delivery of the curriculum;
this includes the gathering and generation of resources.

If a student plagiarizes work during the research process, the teacher will use the opportunity to teach the principles of academic
honesty at an age-appropriate level as part of the learning process.


6.1 iSAMS Parent Portal
All information, including letters and dates of events specific to the Junior School can be found on the iSAMS Parent Portal.
Announcements and information ae also sent out via a weekly email from the Principal and via Seasaw.

    MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                                                           11
6.2 Study Book
The Study Book is used in EC through Grade 4 to communicate with the teacher. It is also a very useful sources of information.
Please read your child’s study book daily.

We ask if you could please use the following guidelines:
   • Date all notes to avoid confusion
   • Always write if there are any changes to your child’s going home arrangements
   • Write if you child is not going to be attending his/her After School Activity.

Please be mindful that whilst messages from you will be read daily by teachers, it may not always be first thing in the morning,
therefore, if you have an urgent message, please contact the Junior School office.

We are not permitted to keep a child off their normal bus or let them go with other adults without a written request from you.

6.3 Seesaw
Seesaw is an on-line platform used by all students and teachers in the Junior School to document learning and build home-school
communication. Students in EC-Grade 4 regularly post work in their digital Seesaw journals, using a variety of tools to create and
reflect on their learning. It’s simple for students to organize their work in one place to share with their teachers and families.
Teachers can “approve” work and offer feedback. Then parents can view their children’s work in the Seesaw Family app and offer
comments in text or voice messages. Teachers will also regularly post important messages and reminders to students and parents on
Seesaw is private, secure and fully complies with GDPR regulations. Each family will be provided with a QR code to connect to your
child’s personal Seesaw journal. You’ll only see posts created by your child. Once you connect to your child’s Seesaw journal, you will
be notified when there are new posts or announcements, so you can see what's happening at school and engage in your children’s
learning. You can learn more Seesaw at: https://web.seesaw.me/parents

6.4 Emergency Telephone Numbers and Home Details
Please ensure that the Admissions office has updated information regarding your address, home telephone number, work number,
mobile / handy number, emergency contact number and email addresses. In the event of a change in details, please advise the
Admissions office immediately as it is imperative that we are able to contact you in the event of an Emergency. Email:

6.5 Emergency Procedures for Parents
Parents on campus during an emergency or practice drill are required to follow the school’s emergency procedures. During a fire
emergency or drill, all parents must assemble on the Junior School Grade 3 and 4 play area. During a lockdown emergency or drill,
follow the instructions of a staff member. If you are in the cafeteria or another indoor common space, go to the Library, unless
otherwise directed by staff.

6.6 Report Cards
Report cards for students in Grades 1-4 are uploaded on iSAMS for parents twice a year. Students in Early Childhood receive a Perik
report during the February parent conference and a yearly report card in June.

6.7 School Related Mail
The majority of information will be sent to you via email and will be available on the iSAMS Parent Portal. Occasionally, letters will
be sent home with the youngest family member. Please check your child’s schoolbag on a regular basis.

    MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                                                          12

7.1 Requesting Conferences During the Year
You are most welcome to meet with any of your child’s teachers during the course of the year. In order to make an appointment
with a teacher you may write a message in your child’s study book, email the relevant teacher directly or contact the office. The
teacher will contact you with a suitable times to meet.

7.2 Three-Way Conferences
Three-way conferences for EC through Grade 4 (involving the student, teacher and parents) will take place in October. This is an
integral part of our curriculum in the Junior School and it is an expectation that parents attend their child’s three-way conference.

7.3 Student-Led Conferences
Student-led conferences for EC through Grade 4 take place in March with students accompanying parents to the conference. There
is no school for Junior School students on this day. These conferences are also an integral part of our curriculum and it is an
expectation that parents attend.

7.4 Parent Conferences for Early Childhood
An additional Parent Conference for EC students occurs in January. Parents will meet the homeroom teacher for a 30 minute
conference, and also with the English as an Additional Language teacher and the German Language teacher for an additional 15
minute conference each. Students do not attend these conferences and there are no classes on conference days for EC students.


8.1 School Day
For Grades 1-4 the school day starts at 09:05 and ends at 15:15. Students should be in their homeroom by 9:10 ready for
For students in EC classes, drop off is between 09:05 and 09:20, but students must be in the classroom by 09:20, and pick-up times
vary depending on the booking option selected. Options include between 13:20 – 13:35, 14:20 – 15:35 and 16:20 – 16:35

8.2 Absences
Please notify the Junior School office before 09:20 if your child is going to be absent from school: js-absence@mis-munich.de or
Tel: 08151 366402/403. This information is checked so that your child’s whereabouts is known at all times.
Please Note: If your child is well enough to attend school, it is school policy that he/she attends PE classes and also goes outside at
recess time. To be excused from PE, a doctor’s note must be provided.
If you bring your child to school (after 09:10) please go directly to the Junior School office.
We strongly recommend that no child is absent from school for any reason other than personal sickness. If however, there are
unavoidable circumstances that will result in your child being absent for one or more days, please talk to your child’s homeroom
teacher and complete a leave of absence form (available on the iSAMS Parent Portal or from the office), and return it to the Junior
School office at least 3 days in advance of the planned absence. Teachers are not required to provide homework for students during
absences resulting from family trips, events or other personal reasons.
If a student is absent for a total of 15 days or more, the Assistant Principal contacts the parents for a meeting to discuss the reasons
for absence. Promotion to the next grade is not automatic (once a total of 20 days is reached) but needs to be reviewed by the
teacher with the Principal/Assistant Principal. All attendance data can be seen online.

Parents must ask for written permission from the Principal for their children to miss school one time or on a regular basis for an out-
of-school activity (such as ballet, football, swimming).

    MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                                                           13
8.3 Arriving Late and Leaving Early
The beginning and end of the school day are very important times for your child and disruptions to these routines will have a
negative impact on your child’s overall enjoyment of the school day.
    •    Please inform the Junior School office if for any reason your child will be arriving late to school.
    •    Children arriving in the classroom after 09:10 in grades 1-4 and after 09:20 in EC will be marked as ‘tardy’ (unless they
         travelled on the school bus).
    •    If it is necessary for a child to be picked up early from school. Permission needs to be sought in advance and parents must
         collect their children from the Junior School office (not the classroom or the car park). The teacher must be informed in
         advance in order for them to send the child to the office. If someone other than the parent is collecting the child, the Junior
         School office must be informed before the child will be allowed to leave the school.
    •    If your child becomes sick during the school day, the nurse will call you to collect your child. Please check out in the Junior
         School office before leaving school.
    •    Please try to make all dental and medical appointment outside of school hours.

8.4 Buses
    • If you want your child to travel on a different bus, a written request must be made to the Transportation Director, Tina
        Kellar, by 12 noon on the day the bus pass is required.
    • If it is possible to accommodate your request, Tina Kellar will provide your child with a bus pass.
    • Only families who pay bus fees can use the bus service.
    • Please write a message in your child’s study book so that the homeroom teacher is informed of the change in

8.5 Changes to home arrangements
If there is a change to your child’s arrangements for going home, please write a note in the study book. For short notice
notifications, please call the JS office no later than 14:00. Please do not send an email to the teachers as there is no guarantee it will
be read in time!

8.6 Health and Safety Laws
Due to health and safety laws for Junior School aged children in Bavaria, we ask that all parents comply with the following:
    •    Under no circumstances during the school day, or at the end of the Extra Curricular Activity are children permitted to walk
         to the car park alone. Parents/guardians must pick up their children from the JS building, JS office or the After School
    •    Children must always be accompanied by a parent or guardian when walking from the school ar park before 08:50 or after
    •    Children are not permitted to be on the school premises after 15:15 unless they are under close and constant parental
         supervision, they are participating in an After School Activity, they are part of the ASC programme or they are participating
         in the EC Extended Day programme.
    •    Children are not to use the playground equipment after 15:15 unless the parent/guardian responsible for the child is
         supervising the outdoor area.
    •    No supervision is provided for children before 08:50. Therefore, parents are responsible for their own children until a
         teacher is on duty at 08:50.

8.7 Clothing and Shoes
All clothing and shoes should be labelled with your child’s name. Lost and found boxes are located in the Junior School entrance,
first floor wing of the Junior School and the gymnasium. Parents are requested to check the lost and found boxes at regular intervals
for lost items.
Periodically the boxes are emptied and the contents donated to charity; notification of this will be announced on the iSAMS Parent

    MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                                                            14
Indoor (house) shoes will be will be worn for classroom and indoor physical education lessons. For this reason, students must have
appropriate shoes for indoor PE lessons that they will also use for the classroom. Slip on shoes, sandals, Crocs, and slippers will not
be allowed.
Recess is always outdoors unless the weather is particularly inclement. Please ensure that your child comes to school dressed
appropriately for the weather conditions, including rain.
Please note: It is not advisable for Junior School students to bring mobile phones, electrical items or anything of great value (eg
expensive soccer balls) to school. If they do, whenever possible, items should be clearly labelled with the student’s name and must
remain enclosed in the student’s backpack during the duration of the school day. Children with long bus journeys are permitted to
use such items on the bus. The school cannot be held responsible for these items in the event of loss, damage or theft.
Dress Code
There is no school uniform. Students should wear practical, respectful clothing that is appropriate to the weather conditions.
PE Uniform
Students are required to have/wear the following for their PE lessons:
All students will need to be provided with one pair of outdoor shoes for physical education and one pair of indoor shoes that will be
worn for classroom and indoor physical education lessons. For this reason, students must have appropriate shoes for indoor PE
lessons that they will also use for the classroom. Slip-on shoes, sandals, Crocs, and slippers will not be allowed.
EC: Children should wear loose comfortable clothing appropriate for PE lessons, on the days that they have PE.
Grade 1 and 2: Children should wear loose comfortable clothing suitable for PE Lessons, on the days that they have PE. Long hair
should be appropriately tied off the face. Swimming programme: one swim cap, one pair of swim goggles and a one piece swim
Grade 3 and 4: MIS PE uniform (shorts and t-shirt)

8.8 JS Swimming Programme
Students in Grades 1 and 2 participate in the school swimming programme which is organized by the Physical Education
Department. Each class will attend approximately 7 classes per year at the local Starnberg Swimming Pool. Buses are used to
transport the students to and from the pool. Parent volunteers will be requested to assist.

8.9 Lunch and Lunch Recess
Students in EC 4/5 through Grade 4 have the option to participate in the lunch programme offered by the school cafeteria or they
can bring a packed lunch from home. Students in EC4/5 and EC 5/6 will eat their lunch in their Homerooms and students in Grades
1-4 will each their lunch in the cafeteria.
Grade 1 and 2 students are served at the table. Grade 3 and 4 students select food from the serving line. It is the parents’
responsibility to monitor their child’s lunch purchases. Sweets and candy are not permitted at lunch or snack recess.
Parents can choose on a daily basis whether they participate in the school lunch programme, which is managed via the Il Cielo
website or bring a packed lunch from home.
It is the parents responsibility to cancel their children’s lunches, via the Il Cielo website, on field trip days, conferences days or other
relevant days when their child will not be eating their pre-booked lunch. More information about the food services offered at MIS is
available on the iSAMS Paretn Portal. Monthly menus are posted on the Il Cielo website.

    MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                                                              15
Il Cielo Cards:
    •    EC, Grade 1 and 2 cards should be kept at home, as they are not required at lunchtime.
    •    Students in Grades 3 and 4 are responsible for their own cards.
All trash from home lunches and recess snacks should be brought home for recycling as well as providing an indicator to parents of
how much of the food was eaten that day.
Junior School students are not allowed to purchase items from the kiosk or snack line during the school day or at the end of the
school day if they are travelling home on the 15:15 bus, attending an After School Care or attending an After School Activity.

8.10 Afternoon Recess
Afternoon recess is from 13:55 until 14:15. Please send your child with a drink in a drinking bottle (not glass and no fizzy drinks
except fizzy water) and a healthy snack (candy and sweets are not permitted). Snack boxes and drinking bottles should be labelled
with your child’s name. All children participate in outdoor recess.

8.11 Supplies
Please refer to your child’s supply and clothing list, available on the new families portal: https://www.mis-
munich.de/admissions/welcome/js and iSAMS Parent Portal . Your child’s homeroom teacher will send a note to you if further
supplies are needed during the year.

8.12 Field Trips
Every grade level will participate in field trips during the year as part of the educational programme. There are no charges made for
any field trips. Parent volunteers may be requested to accompany the class.

8.12.1 Responsibility of Major Medical/Treatment for Students
Parents must provide the school with any medical conditions for students. For major medical conditions, it is the responsibility of
the parent to ensure that treatment options are available to the student during the course of the trip.
It is paramount to the health and safety of students that parents inform the school of changes to student medical conditions.
Process for medical list:
    1.   Parents give medical information to admissions
    2.   Data is entered into iSAMS
    3.   Trip list is built by grade level leader, coach, athletics etc
    4.   Absentee list (for the trip) is then given to the nurse and school offices
    5.   Nurse checks the list for medical needs
    6.   Nurse informs the appropriate leader of the student and the condition
    7.   Coach, trip leader is sent to the nurse for training on treating the condition (EpiPen etc)
    8.   Medical conditions are listed on the risk assessment form
    9.   Trip leader takes an updated list with medical conditions and medications.

8.13 Health and Safety

8.13.1 Accidents and Injuries
Any injury to a student should be reported to the school nurse immediately. Those occurring on the way to and from school, at
school or at a school-sponsored activity are covered by the ‘Bavarian State Student Accident Insurance’ (Bayerische
Landesunfallkasse). This insurance covers all the costs of school accidents, but only up to public health insurance medical fees.
Private medical fees are not covered. For immediate treatment, please always firstly consult a ‘D Artzt’ - this would be all hospitals
and a few certified doctor’s practices. The school nurse can help you with any questions.

    MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                                                          16
A report of the accident is completed by the nurse and sent to the accident insurance within 24 hours of the injury. Should a student
be injured at school, and it becomes apparent after they are at home that the injury requires medical treatment, please notify the
school nurse the following day. A child, who receives an injury during recess must report to the teacher on duty, they will then send
the child to the school nurse, who will deal with the injury and complete the appropriate paperwork.
If your child needs regular dressings changed, stiches removed or any other medical review, please refer to your own house Doctor
or Praxis.

8.13.2 Health Records
        a.       Records on student medical history and immunization status are collected from every student upon entry to the
                 school. The minimum recommended immunizations are tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, polio (DTTP), measles,
                 mumps (MMR), Hepatitis A&B, FSME (tick borne encephalitis) and a tuberculosis chest X-ray.
        b.       Records of school related injuries requiring medical care are kept for insurance purposes.
        c.       Records are maintained in the Health Office and are confidential. Information will be shared with a child’s teacher
                 as appropriate.
        d.       When a child leaves the school, the health records will be included in his/her final transfer records.

8.13.3 School Nurse and Medication
    • Parents should inform both the nurse and the Homeroom teacher of any special health information. It is essential for the
        school to know about allergies, health problems and medical conditions.
    • Children with asthma and/or allergies should bring extra medication to the Health Office.
    • Children with medicine permission form on file may receive non-prescriptive medication for pain relief. No aspirin
        preparations are used.
    • If your child needs specific medication during the day, it is important to co-ordinate the administration of medication with
        the school nurse.
    • Parents should bring in their child’s own medications clearly labelled, if they are to be administered by the School nurse.
        This includes non-prescription medication such as Paracetamol, Ibruprofen, Antihistamines etc.
        Please provide written information which includes:
        i.        The type and name of the substance prescribed by the doctor
        ii.       The time the medication is to be administered
        iii.      The dosage
        iv.       The duration for which the medication is to be taken
        v.        The name of the doctor who has prescribed the medication.

8.13.4 Nut and Food Allergies
MIS works closely with parents, health professionals and staff to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment for students. The
Junior School employs strategies to minimize the risks associated with peanut and tree nut allergies, focusing on prevention,
education and emergency response. While the Junior School cannot guarantee a nut-free environment, it imposes a ban on peanut
and tree nuts in grades EC through to four, in case of a known severe nut allergy in a particular class. The restriction includes
lunches, snacks and other items brought in by parents. A nut-free table is designated in the cafeteria where students are
encouraged but not required to sit for lunch, unless their parents or doctor request it. Lunches prepared by our cafeteria will be
nut-free, and caution will be taken to avoid cross-contamination with peanuts. Parents must inform the cafeteria about their child’s
food allergy. No food or drinks are allowed to be consumed on school buses. All students identified with a food allergy, with
potentially serious consequences, will have an Individual Health Care Plan through their doctor, parents and the school nurse. The
plan will include preventative measures and emergency procedures in case of exposure.

8.13.5 Contagious Diseases
If there is a suspicion of a student having a contagious disease, parents or teachers are to contact the Health Office. The school
nurse will advise on action to be taken to prevent spreading of the disease to others. The school nurse provides weekly updates on
contagious diseases that are going round school in the ‘Weekly Bulletin’.

    MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                                                       17
8.13.6 Exclusion from PE
If a student is unable to participate in PE for health reasons, a doctor’s certificate must be provided and should be handed into the
Junior School office. The Health Office cannot provide excuse notes to students for PE lessons.

8.13.7 EC 5/6 Schuleinganguntersuchung (School Entry Screening)
Every year in late Spring, the Public Health Department in Starnberg invites all EC 5/6 students who are eligible for school in the
coming year, to attend a school entry medical screening. According to Bavarian Law, attendance at the screening is compulsory.
Letters from the Department of Health will be sent to you by the school nurse.

8.14 Grade 1 Schulbescheinigung (Certificate of School Registration)
If you are contacted by your local education authority requesting confirmation that your child is registered at MIS, please contact
the Junior School Office who will prepare the requested letter for you.

8.15 Junior School Library
Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 09:00 to 16:00 (it may close at 15:30 on Tuesdays due to staff meetings)
After 15:15 children visiting the library must be accompanied by a parent.
Book borrowing
    •    EC Students: 5 books
         Grades 1 - 4: 10 books (combination of English, German or Mother Tongue).
    •    All students can borrow for two weeks. Parents can borrow for two weeks and Faculty can borrow for one month.
    •    Students in Grades EC, 1 and 2 should have a library bag for bringing their books to and from school.
    •    Students can return their books on any day and don’t need to wait to return them all at once on their library day.
    •    Students and parents may renew their books by bringing them to the library (unless the book is on hold for someone else).
    •    Students and Parents are only allowed to check out 2 books from the same series at a time.
    •    A student with an overdue library book is not allowed to check out another book until the overdue book is returned.
    •    Overdue library book notices will be sent out weekly.
    •    If a library item is not returned within 3 months, a replacement copy will need to be provided. Any misplaced books
         needing a longer checkout period need to be considered on an individual basis by the librarian.
    •    If a library book is lost or damaged, a hardback replacement copy needs to be purchased and brought to the library.

8.16 After School Activities, After School Care and Extra Curricular Activities
MIS offers various After School Activities for students that are run by staff members, parents or externally recruited professionals.
EC students that are enrolled in the normal school day programme (09:05 – 15:15) are able to participate in the After School Activity
Students participating in After School Activities must be collected promptly by their parents / guardian at the end of the activity at
the activity location. Under no circumstances are students allowed to wait for their parents in the playground, in the cafeteria, in
the school car park. No supervision is available for siblings of the student participating in an after school activity or for a student
waiting for the start of their activity. All students on the school campus after 15:15 must be under parent supervision (unless they
are attending an After School Activity, ASC or the EC Extended Day Programme).
After School Care (ASC) provides supervision and care to students in Grades 1 – 4 from 15:15 – 16:10, Monday to Friday. Students
who are enrolled in ASC may board the 16:15 buses and participate in the After School Activities. ASC is located in classrooms in the
Junior School.

    MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                                                             18
Instrumental tuition is available on a private basis. For students in Grades 3 and 4, these lessons can take place before or after
school, or during recess times. Students below Grade 3 may only participate in lessons scheduled before or after school. A limited
number of instruments are available for hire.
The After School Activities office is located in the Schloss. Most activities are offered in 3 ten-week sessions (Fall, Winter and
Spring). Information and sign ups can be found on the iSAMS Parent Portal.
Alice Byers is the After School Activities Co-Ordinator. Tel: 08141 366107 email: activities@mis-munich.de
Pamela Stout is the private Instrumental and Arts Co-Ordinator. Tel: 08151 366107 email: arts@mis-munich.de She also works
with Alice Byers in the After School Activities office.

Throughout every school day, children at MIS engage in rich, structured learning experiences that help support their development
and success. As we continue to examine how children learn best, the Junior School has identified the most research-proven
methods of extending children’s learning at home.
The gains children make from reading and being read to daily for at least 20 minutes a day are well documented and in addition,
effective homework provides students with 5-10 minutes of focused review of specific skills they are developing in class. For this
reason, the Junior School Homework Policy includes required daily reading and short, focused skill practice.
After school, we greatly value the importance of family time, unstructured play time and providing children with opportunities to
guide their own learning. Play is essential to the cognitive, social, emotional and academic well-being of children. Children benefit
from having opportunities to engage in authentic learning experiences independently and with their parents, such as cooking,
playing, shopping, practicing an instrument, dancing, reflecting on their school day, and supporting a new found interest or hobby.
As a result, we have developed the following policy on homework in the Junior School.
Early Childhood
Children should have a balance of reading and being read to for at least 20 minutes a day in English, German or their home language.
Grades 1-4
Children should have a balance of reading and being read to every day in English, German or their home language. Children should
experience a variety of text types.
Grades 1-2: approximately 20 minutes
Grades 3-4: approximately 30 minutes
Children should engage in short, focused skill review each day, such as word sorting, maths practice and physical education sills.
These will be mix of independent and parent-support activities.
Grades 1-2: approximately 10 minutes
Grades 3-4: approximately 20 minutes.

Additional Homework
Students may receive varying types of homework assignments throughout the year linked directly to the classroom, such as
interviewing a family member about his or her migration story; finding the price of different foods at a local grocery store; or
mapping the route they take to get to school. These differ by grade level and expectations will be communicated to the students.

    MIS Junior School Parent Information Handbook 2021/22                                                                            19
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