Juice 2018 IEG Vu - Informa

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Juice 2018 IEG Vu - Informa

Juice 2018
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Juice 2018 IEG Vu - Informa
Juice 2018 IEG Vu - Informa

Contents                                                    Juice is a survivor
                                                           By Neil Murray                                                    drinking as much mango juice as they were.
                                                                                                                             Disease and weather effects are both
                                                           A couple of years ago, Foodnews (now part                         problems for citrus, cutting production in
                                                           of IEG Vu) speculated on “the death of                            Florida and Brazil. Weather conditions (frost,
                                                           juice” and concluded that, despite all the                        in this case) hammered Chinese apples in
                                                           doomsayers, the industry was fundamentally                        the early spring of this year, and Polish
                                                           healthy and still had a bright future.                            apples at the same time last year. Prices are
                                                                                                                             volatile everywhere, making budgeting for
                                                           Perhaps it is time to reassess this. The                          production a nightmare.
                                                           industry is embattled like never before. The
                                                           sugar issue has grown and grown, and                              In this supplement, you can see how the
                                                           more and more countries are implementing                          EU’s imports of FCOJ have almost halved in
05 Searching for gold                                      sugar taxes. In some cases, this is done                          the last six years. This seems alarming, but
                                                           with a poker-faced assurance that the levy                        then European consumers have discovered
08 Function to the fore                                    is being imposed out of concern for public                        NFC orange juice, and imports have
                                                           health, or that all the money raised will be                      increased from about 1.6 million tonnes to
                                                           diverted to worthy causes, or both.                               2.3 mln tonnes in the same period (some of
12 Less reliant on imports                                                                                                   these imports are re-directed from one EU
                                                           Scepticism says that hypothecated taxes                           country to another). And NFC juice is a much
                                                           usually find their way into the general revenue                   more expensive product.
16 	Nam Hom coconut                                       pot, sooner or later, and one can only chuckle
     water industry to                                     at the UK’s government having to reduce its                       Concentrates still have a great future, but as
     stress its organic roots                              estimate of the tax take because the British                      ingredients in soft drinks and other products,
                                                           soft drinks industry had reformulated a lot                       rather than as commodities intended to be
                                                           of its drinks to remove the sugar. The UK                         reconstituted and sold as pure juice. The soft
22 	Tomato juice still                                    industry, poker-faced, pointed out that this                      drinks industry is displaying inventiveness
     a favourite in                                        was what the government wanted, surely?                           and originality in new product development
     Slavic countries                                      One got the distinct impression that it would                     that is truly encouraging. High-value
                                                           have preferred the cash.                                          functional juice drinks, rather than pure
                                                                                                                             (and cheap) reconstituted juice are the
24 Trading up                                              Demand for sweet juices is certainly waning.                      future, and the industry will be more
                                                           India is discovering that consumers are not                       profitable for embracing them.

                          Agribusiness Intelligence | Informa UK Ltd. | Christchurch Court | London EC1A 7AZ | UK
      IEG Vu              Telephone: +44 20 7017 7500

          Publishing Director IEG Vu & IEG Policy                              News Analyst: Dairy/Tomato/Frozen                   Head of Advertising Sales Ben Watkins
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          Tel: +44 20 7017 7587                                                Tel: +44 20 7017 4990                               Email: ben.watkins@informa.com
          Email: adam.sharpe@informa.com                                       Email: jana.sutenko@informa.com                     Advertising Sales Richard Jewels
                                                                                                                                   Tel: +44 20 337 73163
                                                                                                                                   Email: richard.jewels@informa.com
          Principal Analyst: Beverages                                         News Analyst: Canned Products
          Neil Murray                                                          Estela Cuesta                                       Subscription & Marketing Enquiries
                                                                                                                                   Email: marketing@agra-net.com
          Tel: +44 20 7017 7553                                                Tel: +44 20 7017 4549
          Email: neil.murray@informa.com                                       Email: estela.cuesta@informa.com                    Agribusiness Intelligence Client Services Team
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                                                                                                                                   APAC: +61 287 056 966 (9am-5pm AEST)
          Senior Analyst: Dried Fruit & Nuts/Spices & Exotics                  News Analyst: Dried Fruit & Nuts/Spices & Exotics   NORTH AMERICA and LATAM:
          Julian Gale                                                          Jose Gutierrez                                      +1 21 26 52 53 22 (9am-5pm EDT)
          Tel: +44 20 7017 7539                                                Tel: +44 20 3377 3704                               Email: agrahelp@informa.com
          Email: julian.gale@informa.com                                       Email: jose.gutierrez@informa.com
                                                                                                                                   © Informa UK Ltd 2018

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Juice 2018 IEG Vu - Informa
Searching for gold
Costa Rica is truly blessed, when it comes to pineapple. The
country is now the world’s largest grower, in a country where the
climatic conditions are perfect for the fruit and where the MD2
variety reigns supreme, even if other countries are now planting
it as well.

By Neil Murray

The hot days and relatively cool nights         decade or two as Costa Rica moved beyond      Costa Rica is keenly aware
promote the development of the fruit            its traditional offerings of banana, coffee
sugars, and while pineapple is grown all        and sugar. Costa Rica’s core product is its   of its need to preserve
year round in the country, there are two        NFC pineapple juice, although production of   the environment. This is
natural production peaks.                       concentrate has been increasing, and it       business, as well as a
                                                also makes pineapple purée for those
Costa Rica also happens to be one of the        customers that want it.                       natural desire to see
most ecologically-minded countries on the                                                     the country’s incredible
planet. This is partly due to its former        “We do concentrate, in 60 and 65 brix, as     plant, animal and bird
reliance on agricultural products, but with     well as NFC juice,” affirms Eugenia Valle,
the growing appreciation of its biodiversity,   Florida Products’ sales and marketing         life to thrive
its tourism industry has grown as well, and     manager. “We make about 40,000 tonnes
Costa Rica is keenly aware of its need to       of NFC juice annually.” Currently, the
preserve the environment. This is business,     plant is running at about 70% capacity
as well as a natural desire to see the          because of the lacklustre pineapple juice
country’s incredible plant, animal and bird     market, although Costa Rica has coped
life to thrive.                                 with the fall in demand better than, for
                                                example, Thailand, because its premium
The country is keen to diversify its            product (Thailand does very little NFC
agricultural offerings. Pineapple cultivation   juice) is still appreciated by dedicated
has expanded dramatically in the last           pineapple juice consumers.

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Juice 2018 IEG Vu - Informa
The family owned company has been in         sense to diversify,” explained Valle.          “I think the major retailers should be
business for some 30 years, starting with                                                   involved in letting people know what this
banana. “When we started in the late         Aseptically packed Arjuna pumpkin,             country is doing. And I want to give this
1980s, aseptic processing was not really     butternut squash, vegetable pear               positive message: one hundred and fifty
known here,” explains Valle. “And we saw     (chayote) and Beauregard sweet potato          people work at Florida Products. We want
a huge opportunity for pineapple.” It took   purées are now being offered all year          to be reliable, responsible and to deliver
off and the company indeed diversified       round, in single strength format. All have a   what people expect.”
into pineapple, giving up banana             shelf life of around 18 months at room
processing in 2010 (it has always been,      temperature
traditionally, something of a low-value                                                     The country’s social
product, whereas NFC pineapple juice is      Valle told IEG Vu that annual production of    responsibility and
exactly the opposite). “The exponential      the new lines is only around 200 tonnes at
growth of pineapple gave us a hint.”         the moment, but obviously this will
                                                                                            sustainability standards
                                             increase according to demand. It is            applied by the industry
“When we started in                          possible that concentrated purées will also    are being transferred
                                             appear as Florida Products has
the late 1980s, aseptic                      concentration equipment.
                                                                                            to other sectors
processing was not
                                             The pineapple industry is important to         And banana purée has made a comeback.
really known here”                           Costa Rica, not just for the employment        “We have made special agreements with
                                             and foreign exchange that it brings, but       the growers, in what we consider to be an
Now Florida Products of Costa Rica has       because it is being used as a role model       integrated supply chain with innovation
expanded beyond its traditional              for other agro-industries to follow. The       and new ways of doing business,” the
production of NFC pineapple juice into       country’s social responsibility and            company said, in a recent announcement.
a range of vegetable-based purées.           sustainability standards applied by the        “With this vision in mind, we are ready to
“We thought that, much as we would           industry are being transferred to other        offer high quality banana purée,
like to focus on one product, with the       sectors. “Social responsibility is very        concentrated banana purée and clarified
current pineapple situation, it made         important for our work,” nods Valle.           banana juice concentrate.”

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ONLINE                AUCTION

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                                                           RICHARD SIEBERER
                                                           Telephone: +43 676 843 813 105
Juice 2018 IEG Vu - Informa
Function to the fore
                             Functional ingredients are moving hard into the beverage sector,
                             as consumers demand healthy drinks and formulations. Here, we
                             spotlight three of the fastest growing additions to beverages.

                             By Bill Tuohig

Today’s natural and          All the natural and organic companies          however, is demanding more. Not even
                             filling exhibition centres in Baltimore and    the traditional functional products are
organic disruptors are       Anaheim are causing real pain points in the    finding favour. These are the processed
dispensing with the          mainstream food and beverage world.            items that contain the trending functional
refined carbs and building                                                  ingredient of the day, like orange juice
                             Multinational giants from Pepsi to             with extra calcium. Today’s natural and
new food and drink           ConAgra are accepting they need to             organic disruptors are dispensing with the
products from the            change their product offerings to meet         refined carbs and building new food and
ground up                    the consumer demand for healthier              drink products from the ground up,
                             consumables, but they don’t know how           starting with nutrient-dense whole foods
                             fast and with which products.                  like maca and mushrooms, cacao and
                                                                            coconut, curcumin and chia.
                             Part of their problem is systemic. They have
                             operated for the last half-century on          Annual growth in US sales of natural,
                             products built on a foundation of cheap,       organic and functional food and drinks
                             unhealthy, subsidised commodity crops.         has exceeded 8% since 2011, while the
                             Consumer health has never been a               mainstream world has not broken 3%
                             consideration.                                 since 2011, according to Nutrition
                                                                            Business Journal. The three ingredients
                             The up-and-coming Millennial generation,       listed below have all shown remarkable

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Juice 2018 IEG Vu - Informa
Juice 2018 IEG Vu - Informa
growth: the chart logs new products                             planet Earth. While barely a blip on the
launched at the influential US West show                        new product development map just four
last year and in 2016.                                          years ago, algae-derived products are
                                                                finally arriving on store shelves within
Curcumin is responsible for the golden                          drinks, cosmetics and dairy. Over the last
yellow colour and the health benefits                           decade there has been an explosion of
within the Indian spice known as                                algae research in government, academia
turmeric. Technically, it is the three                          and private-sector initiatives. At first,
curcuminoids within curcumin that are                           algae was seen as a potential biofuel.
the specific phytochemicals really                              That hasn’t worked yet, but beauty
responsible its benefits).                                      lotions and the nutritious ingredients
                                                                market have turned out to be the low-
There seems to be no end                                        hanging fruit. Producers can tweak the
                                                                formulation of creating algae industrially
to the continued march of                                       to spike different nutritional levels, be it
probiotic bacteria                                              protein, omega-3s or other healthy fats,
                                                                with decadent textures and enticing
Curcumin is important because it is believed                    taste profiles.
it can address silent inflammation, which is
at the root of most chronic degenerative                        Dietary supplements have been the
diseases. This inflammation message has                         traditional go-to format for truly efficacious
had a difficult time gaining traction with                      doses of probiotic bacteria. Even now, pill      There seems to be no end to the continued
consumers. Curcumin has become an                               makers are continuing to shift their product     march of probiotic bacteria into an
effective vehicle for addressing that.                          developments because research is                 increasing range of foods and beverages.
                                                                identifying particular bacterial strains with    While the dairy category (primarily yogurt)
Even now, in the supplements world, much                        specific health benefits.                        is still a stronghold, probiotic cultures have
innovation and differentiation is occurring                                                                      made their move into non-dairy beverages,
with brands using various techniques to                         No longer are consumers satisfied that any       and are also also driving interest in
enhance the bioavailability of this                             acidophilus is as good as any other.             fermented beverages such as kombucha
notoriously large molecule that the body                        Multistrain formulations, combined with a        and apple cider vinegar.
can have difficulty assimilating. At the                        prebiotic fibre, are being rolled out with
same time as curcumin supplements                               ever-increasing quantities of bacteria. At       Another entrant is maca, which is
boom, brands are using curcumin as an                           the same time, understanding of the health       traditionally grown at high altitudes in the
inflammation-busting ingredient in foods                        benefits inherent in the makeup of a             Peruvian Andes. The unique combination of
and, in particular, beverages.                                  person’s microbiome are expanding beyond         high elevation, abundant sunshine and
                                                                traditional gut health and immunity-             distinctive soil composition helps the plant
Algae were one of the first life forms on                       boosting properties.                             with its superfood status. It has a sweet,
                                                                                                                 nutty taste with hints of butterscotch.
New beverage launches at Expo West containing functional
New beverage launches at Expo West containing                                                                    While sometimes categorised with Indian
functional ingredients                                                                                           adaptogens, the maca root is more than
                                                                                                                 a plant bioactive that balances the body’s
                                                                                                                 physiology. Traditional use also points to
                                                                                                                 potential as an aphrodisiac (which never
                             60                                                                                  hurts sales potential), and as a hormone
                                                                                                                 regulator that can help women with
Number of Product Launches

                             50                                                                                  PMS and menopause and men with
                                                                                                                 sperm health.
                                                                                                                 There are as many as 13 different maca
                             30                                                                                  phenotypes, all with slightly different
                                                                                                                 benefits, which can be both useful and
                                                                                                                 also lost on consumers and some
                                                                                                                 manufacturers alike. Its potential is so huge
                                                                                                                 that China has started planting maca in the
                                                                                                                 highlands of Tibet and could soon overtake
                                                                                                                 Peru as the maca supply country of origin.
                             0    26    68   4       17                 8      51             6     27
                                  Turmeric       Algae                  Probiotics           Maca Root
                                                                                                                 This is an extract from a report from New
                                                                                                                 Hope Networks NEXT Data & Insights Group.
                                                         2016    2017

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Less reliant on imports
                           The EU’s appetite for imported AJC has been steadily declining as
                           domestic apple production grows. However, poor Polish harvests
                           have caused a late resurgence in imported juice.

                           By Neil Murray

                           From well over three quarters of a million      all-time lows, it is still cheaper to maintain
                           tonnes of imported apple juice                  the lower content.
                           concentrate (AJC) in 2012, EU imports
                           have steadily declined year-on-year,            White grape juice, though, has not been as
                           bottoming out more than 100,000 tonnes          much used in blends as in the past, partly
                           lower in 2016 (640,270 tonnes) before           because it has actually been slightly
                           adding about 18,000 tonnes of volume in         costlier than apple. Even on the occasions
                           the following year.                             when prices have been close to parity, or
                                                                           even when grape has been slightly
                           Fundamentally, apple juice has been             cheaper, the cost of reformulation and
                           cheap for much of this decade. Apple juice      changing the packaging has meant that it
                           and white grape juice are the two key           has not been worthwhile making a switch,
                           juices for juice blends and also as bases       so apple has dominated.
                           for other juices, such as cranberry, which is
                           far too acidic to be drunk as a juice on its    One main reason for a decline in imports
                           own. An 80/20 mix of apple or grape juice       has been a rise in European production,
                           and cranberry juice results in a drink that     especially in Poland. Poland’s new
                           is 100% pure juice and can be labelled as       EU-funded apple orchards and coldstores
                           such. Some mixes even use a lower               have combined to lift the country’s apple
                           percentage of cranberry: when the juice         harvests from around 2.6-2.8 million
                           was very expensive and prices rose, the         tonnes to a peak of around 4.1-4.2 mln
                           percentage of cranberry juice was cut and       tonnes in the 2016/2017 season. The
                           even though cranberry prices are at             decline in European imports is quite well

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matched by a corresponding rise in Polish        Not only do Germans
AJC production.
                                                 have a taste for more sour
There are exceptions, however. German            apple juice than other
imports have doubled since 2012 and              countries, but it is also
Austrian, Italian and Polish imports have all
increased. In the case of Germany, this is
                                                 mandated by law
because a lot of the country’s ‘backyard’
apple trees (streuobstbau), which tended to      It is not easy to see where this high acid
be older trees producing apple varieties         juice will come from in the future. High
that are no longer popular, have been            acid (4.5%+) apples are grown in other
grubbed out and the practice of collecting       countries, including Poland, but Poland has
the streuobstbau for processors is also          also uprooted its old trees, replacing them
declining. This is a major problem for           with higher-yielding orchards that are
Germany and Austria, because these older         devoted to producing sweeter table fruit.
trees have been a major source of high acid      In the past, the UK has sometimes
juice which is essential for German juice        actually sold its prized high-acid Bramley    very expensive, but IEG Vu would expect
manufacture. Not only do Germans have a          apples to Poland and Germany, to be           this trade to continue as blenders widen
taste for more sour apple juice than other       crushed and used for blending. Both the       their search for high acid juice.
countries, but it is also mandated by law.       fruit and the transport costs have proved
                                                                                               In the current season, now ending, high
 EU AJC IMPORTS                                                                                acid AJC has been all but unobtainable.
                                                                                               Anyone who has it has been keeping it for
 Country                   2012      2013         2014       2015        2016         2017
                                                                                               their own blending purposes: IEG Vu has
 France               300319       264652       233313     214745      186427      172959      heard no reports of anyone offering this
 Germany                44304       51241        58264      76480       89029        87856     product at very high prices, though there
 Netherlands            88702       78765        65603      71774       66084        77965     must have been some trading.
 UK                   104645        84532        88513      78767       77838        70455
                                                                                               Chinese AJC has been
 Spain                  52160       93032        78654      74513       56033        70381
                                                                                               cheaper than anything
 Ireland                67030       58837        70017      63814       58510        61310
 Sweden                 21174       21144        22227      21214       18793        18774
                                                                                               made in Europe
 Poland                    8809       9536       10561      11031        9960        14069     Poland’s AJC imports increased in 2017,
 Belgium                11123       10490         9431       9617       10571        13279     as the country started importing product
 Austria                   9286       9762       10574      12036        9658        13218     from China and elsewhere. to blend with
                                                                                               its own meagre domestic production.
 Italy                     6046       7286        7693       6786        6770        10441
                                                                                               Only by doing this could Poland hope
 Greece                 12823       15645         8648       7489       11720         8448     to produce AJC at anything like the
 Denmark                   2809       2754        4011       4277        4138         7229     Chinese price.
 Czech Rep                 3242       3625        2845       4100        5129         5475
                                                                                               Italy mainly produces sweet AJC, and so
 Portugal                  7175       6236        5867       6505        6390         5304     has collided directly with other countries
 Bulgaria                  2623       3078        2144       3034        3332         4462     that produce this type of juice at lower
 Cyprus                    1761       5270        2292       6913        6240         3432     prices. Contenders here include Turkey and
 Finland                   2619       2333        2827       2789        3068         3282
                                                                                               Chile (and Chilean product is duty-free into
                                                                                               the UK).
 Hungary                    714        592         782         781       1143         1789
 Luxembourg                1042       1240         992       1141        1544         1545     Chinese AJC has been cheaper than
 Slovakia                   539        436         559         684       1068         1276     anything made in Europe, even with 30%
                                                                                               duty added, and this is reflected in the
 Croatia                   1550       1587        1161         419       1215         1268
                                                                                               figures for 2017. It will also show up when
 Slovenia                   751        620         740         644       1667         1157     the full-year figures for 2018 are available.
 Romania                   1121       1296        1194       1236        1246         1082     IEG Vu expects that the EU import figure
                                                                                               will be higher again in 2018, taking into
 Lithuania                 1184       1560        1180       1228        1288         1063
                                                                                               account all the AJC imported from China in
 Latvia                    1267        874         839       1082        1058          549     the first half of this year, and then
 Estonia                    293        291         294         369         333         235     domestic production should recover this
 Malta                       35         16          11          26          19          13
                                                                                               autumn, due to a forecast large European
                                                                                               harvest, with a correspondingly smaller
 Total                755147       736730       691235     683495      640272      658318
                                                                                               need for imports.

14 / Juice 2018 | IEG Vu                                                                                                    www.ieg-vu.com
Nam Hom coconut
                           water industry to
                           stress its organic roots
                           By Estela Cuesta

Once consumers             Nam Hom, which means ‘fragant water’ in      Hom coconuts accounts for less than 1% of
                           Thai, traditionally refers to the local      the world’s coconut supply. It is obviously
understand the value of    coconut destined for production of water     healthy, it is truly naturally sweet with an
this coconut variety and   and soft meats for bakeries and smoothies.   average brix of 7, therefore I believe there
its production process,                                                 was a potential upside in the market: once
                           The coconut manufacturer ‘Never more         consumers understand the value of this
they will pay more for     than 28 Days’ started processing young       coconut variety and its production process,
what is truly good for     organic coconuts of this variety in 2016.    they will pay more for what is truly good
their bodies               Estela Cuesta of IEG Vu met its director     for their bodies.
                           Nadon Chaichareon at the THAIFEX trade
                           show, held in Bangkok earlier this month.    EC: Why organic?

                           EC: Why coconuts?                            NC: Working in the organic industry has
                                                                        become a passion of mine, to improve and
                           NC: The coconuts we predominantly use        bring knowledge of its benefits to consumers,
                           are of the Nam Hom variety, which can        and also a lifestyle that I definitely adhere to
                           only be found in five provinces in central   myself. My company maintains a strict policy
                           Thailand: mainly from farms in Ratchaburi    of producing products that are natural,
                           and Pathum Thani, but also from Nakhon       therefore absolutely not adding anything, be
                           Patom, Samut Songkram and Samut              it sugar, syrup, preservatives, additives,
                           Sakorn. My estimate is our supply of Nam     solutions, etc. I’m a purist!

16 / Juice 2018 | IEG Vu                                                                               www.ieg-vu.com
EC: Where do you export the fresh
                                                                                                    coconuts to?

                                                                                                    NC: Currently, only to Europe, but after
                                                                                                    Thaifex I believe we will expand our market.
                                                                                                    We started this offering just two months ago
                                                                                                    so we do hope to grow it. They are not
                                                                                                    organic, as explained above. That said, I am
                                                                                                    working with an R&D lab abroad that
                                                                                                    prolongs the aesthetics of the diamond
                                                                                                    shaped coconuts with an organic solution. I
                                                                                                    hope our tests will be conclusive by Q4 2018.

                                                                                                    EC: Is more expansion planned?

                                                                                                    NC: I am trying to gain presence in cities and
                                                                                                    countries with a higher discretionary income
                                                                                                    and with a prominent ex-pat community,
                                                                                                    such as Dubai, Shanghai, Beijing, Melbourne,
                                                                                                    Sydney, etc. As a small company, I am still
                                                                                                    offering private labelling (OEM) to local
EC: What inspired the company name               taking care of the farm for other crops.           brands in order to add a stock keeping unit
‘Never more than 28 days’?                       Nam Hom coconut plants take three years            (SKU) to their product line. It is difficult for
                                                 to grow, which means farmers get no                me to expand my brands there myself with
NC: It comes from the best harvesting            income during the first three years. This is       this current financial restriction.
period of the Thai young coconuts. Nam           the reason why many plant other crops to
Hom coconuts take around four and a half         survive at first. If farmers grow other crops      However, we are not only limited to one
months to fully ripen, but farmers focus on      before and use chemicals, then obviously it        solution (ready-to-drink) but also for B2B
the timing technique of harvesting               would be non-organic. Therefore, many              offerings that allow a different variety of
between each picking round. If the               farms find it difficult to obtain certification.   uses for coconut water or coconut meat.
coconut is picked younger than 20 days,                                                             Brand owners can import, and distributors
the coconut water will be too acidic and         Another major component that makes the             and importers can be a part of it as well.
not sweet while the coconut meat will be         fruit non-organic is the final offering.
very thin. If the coconut is picked older        Coconuts are green but they are                    EC: What new products are you launching
than 28 days, the coconut water will be          aesthetically shaped like diamonds and             at Thaifex?
less sweet and less aromatic whilst the          have that white exterior. This is a result of
coconut meat will be thicker.                    using chemicals to avoid browning.                 NC: This year we launch two new offerings:
                                                                                                    the organic coconut milk and the new
We do not go through HPP in Thailand and         EC: Once the harvesting is done, how is            Talay brand.
it therefore has a shelf life of seven days.     the water extracted from the organic
That is why our 28 DAYS product is limited       coconuts?                                          Although there is a huge market for coconut
to Bangkok, as we deliver ourselves, truly                                                          milk, the demand for organic coconut milk,
from farm to shelf. The main thing that          NC: We use microfiltration before                  we believe, exceeds the supply. We hope
sets us apart is the superior quality of taste   extracting the coconut water into PET              that this product will be used in restaurants
and aroma. However, most stores’                 bottles and freezing them (with HPP or             but also by end users at home.
refrigeration units do not comply to the         not) as soon as possible. This I believe, is
standard 2°-5°C chill, which makes our           the best way to preserve the coconut               On the other hand, Talay is a new brand for
products go rancid quicker.                      water’s benefits nutritionally without             100% Fresh Frozen Raw Coconut Water (high
                                                 compromising using non-organic methods             pressure processed), which keeps the
For export, we do employ HPP to increase         to preserve the product.                           premium fresh quality components of its big
shelf-life, which allows our partners abroad                                                        brother, 28 DAYS, but competes in the market
to handle the goods easier.                      EC: What are the main markets for your             between the pasteurised/UHT TetraPak/PET
                                                 coconut drinks?                                    bottled products and our 28 DAYS offering.
EC: What are the challenges coconut                                                                 The coconut water is our specific blend and it
growers face when harvesting organic             NC: Definitely the US and Canada. Demand           is available for this brand only.
crops?                                           for our young coconut meats - as they are
                                                 softer and sweeter – in these two markets          EC: What is your organic raw material
NC: Nam Hom coconuts are quite easy to           has recently increased. However, coconut           production volumes?
grow as long as the soil and weather             water is also growing in the UK, Spain and
conditions are suitable. The difficult part is   typically other cities with a large ex-pat         NC: 28 days is a medium size growing
not using any pesticides or herbicides when      community that travels a lot.                      company so we don’t use that much, as

18 / Juice 2018 | IEG Vu                                                                                                           www.ieg-vu.com
Bureau Couécou and its partners will be welcoming you during the SIAL 2018 at the booth SC F 113
yet. Customers take time to grow with us,      THB0.8 (USD 0.25), which was the lowest       same. Some customers who have not
starting ordering pallets rather than          price point last year and closer to the       travelled to Thailand to taste our coconuts
containers as our products have high           average price decades ago. I estimate the     sometimes believe that ours are too sweet
value. We are trying to get into the Fresh     average price for last year was around        and that we add sugar to the water.
Diamond shaped coconuts game as it is          THB0.16 (five US cents) per nut.
where the volume game lies, but major                                                        EC: What is the difference between young
players here export lots of containers         Last year, in January 2017, there was a       and mature coconuts?
weekly; some daily.                            drought and prices went up to the highest
                                               point and definitely had a major effect on    NC: It is a different raw material for
We are certified for around 3,000 rais         many farms and manufacturers like myself.     different core purposes. Mature coconuts
(1,185 acres) of land. These lands are         Instead of harvesting 10 nuts from 1          have thicker meats and are good for
mainly of our contract farmers, but we         branch, we got no more than three nuts        coconut milk production, while young Nam
work with the team of pickers who              per branch.                                   Hom coconuts have sweet and aromatic
provide a Transaction Certificate for each                                                   waters and softer meats for bakeries and
delivery which we present to our certifier,    EC: Does the size matter?                     smoothies. I have to thank the rest of the
Control Union.                                                                               industry that made coconut water such a
                                               NC: The size of the coconuts can be a big     hyped drink over the past years, but what I
Historically, some major players               factor for the industry as well. Diamond      offer is worth much more, more scarce and
overclaimed the amount of organic              shaped nuts are bigger due to the sorting     its taste is naturally sweet and aromatic.
coconuts they harvested, but now there         process and the smaller ones are cracked
is a quota system in place where 500           to get the water for manufacturers like       EC: What is your forecast for the Thai
coconuts can only be harvested per 1 rai       myself. However, young Nam Hom                coconut industry?
(0.4 acres) per month.                         coconuts this year from Ratchaburi are
                                               smaller than usual. It takes the same         NC: The market in the past few years has
EC: What is Thailand coconut raw               amount of time to crack the coconuts but if   been more volatile, especially with the
material production per year?                  the nut is small, the water and the meat of   introduction of China and Chinese
                                               the yield is much less. My factory, located   importers. An example: the founder of
NC: I just saw Bangkok Bank saying that        in Pathum Thani, last year had a good crop    Alibaba Group, Jack Ma, visited Thailand in
Nam Hom coconuts are one of the main           of Nam Hom coconuts.                          April this year and said he would support
fruit exports from Thailand. In the next few                                                 the purchases of durian, Thai bananas and
years, my estimate is there will be more       EC:Is there any way to control the            young Nam Hom coconuts to China. What
supply on the market as people owning          sweetness?                                    happened was that prices soared just
land will plant Nam Hom coconut trees to                                                     because of this. I am glad that Thai Nam
serve the increasing demand.                   NC: As a manufacturer, we try to keep our     Hom coconuts are being recognised as a
                                               standard of sweetness at a minimum of 6.5     different coconut variety but it is the local
However, plantations and crop volumes          brix, although our average is at 7 brix for   supply/demand mechanism against
are very cyclical in Thailand, which I         2017. We are quality-based and we are         speculation that makes the risk higher for
believe is a major problem in our local        truly fresh: not all batches will taste the   this industry.
farming industry. A great example now is
durian: farmers now are planting durian
trees all over Thailand and ripping out
palm trees, coffee trees or rubber trees,
just because the demand is high. We go
with the flow very easily.

EC: Is the Thai coconut market stable or
does it have its ups and downs like the
pineapple industry?

NC: Absolutely. From April to June coconuts
from the farm can cost up to over THB.030
(USD0.91) per nut. Coconut loves rainwater
and heat but hates cold and dryness. As it
takes four to five months for one branch to
grow until optimal ripeness, at the early
stages it was dryer and cooler than usual.

The best time to harvest coconuts is,
unfortunately, when winter falls in the
major part of our export market. You can
buy the raw coconut from the farm at

20 / Juice 2018 | IEG Vu                                                                                                  www.ieg-vu.com
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Tomato juice still a
                            favourite in Slavic countries
                            Tomato juice remains a clear favourite flavour in eastern Europe,
                            with some countries not only increasing domestic output, but also
                            increasing exports.

                            By Jana Sutenko

A survey in Russia found    Over the years, there has been a lot of           overtaken only by orange juice which was
                            speculation about tomato juice’s appeal:          placed first with 20%.
that tomato juice is the    dieticians say that tomato juice is more
second-favourite juice in   beneficial than fresh tomatoes due to its         The FAO suggests that tomato ranks first
the country, with 16% of    high lycopene content , a strong                  among vegetable crops, with the world’s
                            antioxidant; some doctors say that it is a        plantations exceeding 4.0 million hectares.
respondents choosing it     useful substance for the prevention of            With all the propagated health benefits and
over apple and peach        oncological diseases.                             the popularity of processed tomato, it is only
                                                                              fair that output of the product increases.
                            A whole other story is the consumption of
                            tomato juice during air travel: it is said that   Ukraine, one of the emerging tomato
                            the lower air pressure in aircraft cabins         paste producers, increased its exports of
                            makes tomato juice taste better than when         tomato juice last year by 24% with the
                            consumed at ground level.                         total reaching 6,304 tonnes, worth
                                                                              USD2.48 million.
                            The highest demand for tomato juice
                            remains in the foodservice industry for           According to the country’s agriculture
                            preparation of different recipes, during air      ministry, the largest markets were the US
                            travel (as above) and in the post-Soviet          (430 tonnes, USD164,000), Israel (284
                            bloc, where it remains one of the                 tonnes, USD104,000) and Lithuania (247
                            favourite juices.                                 tonnes, USD102,500).

                            A survey in Russia found that tomato juice        Ukraine, unlike Russia, produces tomato
                            is the second-favourite juice in the              juice from its own tomato paste, which is
                            country, with 16% of respondents                  visible in the latest trade data: last year,
                            choosing it over apple and peach,                 Ukraine’s tomato paste imports totalled

22 / Juice 2018 | IEG Vu                                                                                    www.ieg-vu.com
114 tonnes, while Russia’s reached more                                    amount as its closest contender Ukraine.                          The share of Russian raw materials in
than 129,000 tonnes, mainly supplied by                                                                                                      processing ranges from 20-30%. According
China and Italy.                                                           The president of the Russian Union of Juice                       to the expert, juice companies are ready to
                                                                           Producers Natalia Ivanova, said: “The volume                      buy more raw materials, including more
Russia’s exports totalled 6,537 tonnes last                                of domestic raw materials used for the                            tomato paste as the volume of own
year and were worth USD3.16 mln: 10%                                       manufacture of juice products is insufficient                     production is still marginal.
less than in 2016 and around the same                                      to meet the needs of the industry.”
Top-5 global tomato juice exporters (tonnes)                                                                                                 However, the latest media reports and
Top-5 global tomato juice exporters (tonnes)                                                                                                 analytical data suggest that Russia’s
12K                                                                                                                                    80K
                                                                                                                                             tomato-growing and producing regions are
11K                                                                                                                                    73K   increasingly raising their output, which
10K                                                                                                                                    67K   might result in more tomato paste
9K                                                                                                                                     60K
                                                                                                                                             availability for juice production.

8K                                                                                                                                     53K
                                                                                                                                             Among other main exporters are Germany
7K                                                                                                                                     47K   and Italy, the exports of which, 11,346
6K                                                                                                                                     40K   tonnes and 10,965 tonnes in 2017
5K                                                                                                                                     33K   respectively, are around the same range.
4K                                                                                                                                     27K
                                                                                                                                             International demand for tomato juice
3K                                                                                                                                     20K
                                                                                                                                             remains a mystery, with global exports
2K                                                                                                                                     13K   bouncing up and down almost every
1K                                                                                                                                     7K    year. This has also recently happened:












0                                                                                                                              6,304     0
                                                                                                                                             the exports somewhat rebounded in
                         2015                                      2016                                        2017                          2017 to a total of 77,029 tonnes from a
                                                                                                                                             sluggish 2016 when the exports reached
                  Total          Germany         Italy            Spain            Russian Federation             Ukraine                    66,942 tonnes.

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www.ieg-vu.com                                                                                                                                       IEG Vu | Juice Supplement 2018 / 23
Trading up
                           Europe’s consumers have fallen in love with NFC orange juice and
                           have traded up from reconstituted juice.

                           By Neil Murray

                           Europe’s love affair with premium NFC          far the largest supplier to Europe) has
                           orange juice meant an increase in              controlled the NFC juice price very
                           imported tonnage of some 50% between           carefully, this dip is likely to be a direct
                           2012 and 2016. Last year, however, saw         result of the sugar scare. Consumers
                           a dip in imports and, given that Brazil (by    are nervous.

                            EU imports of NFC orange juice (tonnes)

                            Country                2012         2013       2014         2015         2016          2017
                            Belgium               85699      100569       159410     204367        445399       353870
                            Germany              232454      216975       233111     270646        263033       295213
                            Netherlands          107377        91806      121947     145953        194471       206716
                            Spain                194885      180799       181529     206798        161819       184303
                            Austria               30196        41914       41972       31453        30489         54146
                            France                36574        23797       23719       22232       100770         32492
                            Italy                 13798        15806       34887       30332        31856         25291
                            Ireland                9943         6938        7287       15666        23411         19754
                            Poland                11431        14959       16762       18879        19195         18410
                            Denmark               41230        52319       41685       34577        32276         15009
                            UK                     6304         9658       11008       14418         9699          7358
                            Hungary                6203         6879        9179        9414         8102          7253
                            Sweden                 3268         2733        1522        1259         1118          5652
                            Greece                 1149         1245        1254        3192         4071          5497
                            US                    56753        93463      107751       31645        17603          5019
                            Costa Rica             1506         5437        5413        9254        10297          4835
                            Portugal               5439         3702        5573        6111         4072          4369
                            Morocco                2980          909        2806        2411           815         3685
                            Czech Republic         3611         2411        2372        2809         2940          3154
                            Mexico                 1223         2308        1620        3353         5373          3114
                            Egypt                   211          222         491        1156         4880          3071
                            Romania                   85        2056        5167        4676         4456          3040
                            Serbia                  243          305        2202        1743         2994          2228
                            Cyprus                 1390         1447        1923        2177         2371          1830
                            Latvia                 1818         1277        1515        1531         1433          1463
                            Israel                 2717         2011         852         836         1285          1308
                            Others                11331         9140        8230        7753         6713          4981
                            Total               1642698     1965610      2327245    2011652      2510709       2292654

24 / Juice 2018 | IEG Vu                                                                                www.ieg-vu.com
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There was a large fall in imports through
                                                                               Belgium and a reasonable increase in
                                                                               those destined for the Netherlands. It is
                                                                               hard to draw a conclusion from this. It is
                                                                               possible that more customers or shippers
                                                                               chose to use Antwerp as a port of entry
                                                                               rather than Rotterdam.

                                                                               France has taken to NFC
                                                                               juice in recent years, in a
                                                                               big way
                                                                               There also seems to be a data
                                                                               discrepancy in imports to France in
                                                                               2016, which the data puts at over
                                                                               100,000 tonnes or four to five times the
                                                                               usual volume. France has taken to NFC
                                                                               juice in recent years, in a big way, but it
                                                                               does appear to more freshly squeezed
                                                                               juice sold from machines in
 EU FCOJ IMPORTS                                                               supermarkets, though private label
                                                                               and branded products have made
 Country                   2012     2013     2014     2015     2016     2017
                                                                               inroads into its market.
 France               140685      164131   136465   106408    76440    83353
 Germany              106383       86728    97171   107499    83708    78853   In fact, juice freshly squeezed in-store, or
 Netherlands           38764       57826    41367    36425    39123    52082   in a dedicated facility, is likely to be the
                                                                               biggest rival to pre-packed NFC orange
 UK                   219751      208179   172782   142988    25368    32412
                                                                               juice. It is a good sales proposition: it is
 Spain                 35909       35694    18510    16928    33798    21527   genuinely freshly squeezed, and
 Ireland               23806       21776    17602    20092    20933    17461   consumers appreciate that its shorter
                                                                               shelf life indicates this. Cold-pressed
 Sweden                12026       17101    14437    15326    17873    16235
                                                                               juices are also growing fast, and as the
 Poland                    3471     4071     4753     8895     6118     8806   shelf life of these products (also known
 Belgium               17919       15871    17984    10509    10339     6960   as HPP juices) increases, and it is getting
 Austria                   8977    11571    11372     7263     6170     6847   longer every year, then premium brands
                                                                               will find it easier to fight back.
 Italy                     9440     8093     7741     5435     4481     5738
 Greece                    7336     6310     5313     4546     4457     4943
 Denmark                   4804     3627     2770     3210     3265     4104
                                                                               Freshly squeezed juice
 Czech Republic            1477     1684     1878     2266     3543     3755
                                                                               is likely to be the biggest
 Portugal                  6692     7671     3770     4397     3149     3738
                                                                               rival to pre-packed
 Bulgaria                  1397     1411     1208     3243     2626     2856
                                                                               orange juice
 Cyprus                    2184     2005     1495     2187     2601     2760
 Finland                   3438     3031     2647     2983     2698     2275
                                                                               EU demand for FCOJ actually increased
                                                                               slightly in 2017, but a mere 8,000 tonnes
 Hungary                   1407     3113     3027     2873     2516     1890
                                                                               more is insignificant. More product came
 Luxembourg                2800     2794     2995     2575     1820     1775   in through the Netherlands and France
 Slovakia                  2006     1366     1209     1512     1978     1513   imported more, and these figures were
                                                                               enough to offset declines in shipments to
 Croatia                    274      329      309      302      706     1486
                                                                               other countries.
 Slovenia                   351      380      483      746      963     1058
 Romania                    782      844     1727     1083      997     1033   Of course, Brazil prefers to crush fruit for
                                                                               NFC juice rather than FCOJ because it is
 Lithuania                 1415     1307     1282     1277     1115     1016
                                                                               more lucrative. IEG Vu thinks it is unlikely
 Latvia                     681      850     1154      854      572      382   that FCOJ imports will rise to their levels
 Estonia                    619      567      427      485      399      228   of six or seven years ago, but they will
 Malta                      190       81       33       31        4        7
                                                                               probably stabilise as more FCOJ is used as
                                                                               an ingredient in the new generation of
 Total                654984      668407   571909   512336   357760   365090
                                                                               ‘healthy’ soft drinks.

26 / Juice 2018 | IEG Vu                                                                                    www.ieg-vu.com
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