Journal of Information and Computational Science

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Journal of Information and Computational Science                                                   ISSN: 1548-7741

           A study on Swami Vivekananda's view on the Education and Value in
                            Human Resource Development.

                                                 Tapasi Howlader
        Research scholar, Dept. Of Education ,University of Kalyani , Kalyani ,adia , West Bengal
                  Contact number : 8617339858, Email ID :
                                                    Binoy Roy
        Research scholar, Dept. Of Education ,University of Kalyani , Kalyani ,adia , West Bengal
              Contact number : 8240602228, Email ID :

       ow a days technological innovation had a great contribution to globalisation all aspect which
      change human life style. But this change left behind the values. Such as – As the erosion of
      family values very much seen in the urban families due to nuclear family. A child is a Resource
      in the society. If a child cannot adopt the values, there is no meaning of education. So, it is said
      that human resource is westage.On the other approach our culture is actively involved in
      spiritual and ethical value, unless these values not achieved the education is not fulfilled his
      aims. In this regard this paper deals with the thoughts and view of Swami Vivekananda’s to
      develop human resource in respect of education and value. The view of his education is not
      gather of information which will insert into mind of a child by force. It is the manifestation of the
      perfection already in man.

      Key Words : Education, Value ,Human Resource Development.

      Introduction : “Arise ! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached.”Swami Vivekananda was a great
      philosopher and reformer In Indian Education .He was a true follower of Ramkrishna Paramhansha and
      his Idealness .He was also one of the contemporary Indian Philosophers who revolted against the
      imposition of British system of education in India . He criticised such education on the ground that it is
      not related to Indian’s culture and pointed out that it brings about an external change without any
      profound inner force . So he emphasis new ides such as – physical education , religious education ,
      vocational education and woman education based on the Indian culture and the needs of the society. As

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Journal of Information and Computational Science                                                       ISSN: 1548-7741

      his mission was to strike a balance between the spirituality of the East and the materialism of the West
      .This great soul is known as a world teacher and a great educationist of the twenties century.
      Review of Related Literature :
      Gupta ,R.P.(1985.) : From his study the researcher concluded Swami Vivekananda laid stress on physical
      and mental development of student ; education should lead to the development of character , development
      a feeling of nationalism and international understanding, motivation for attainment of Nirvan. Etc.
      Misra, Shiva Saran(1986.) : The study conclude that Swami Vivekananda selected the following method
      of teaching i.e. contact ,concentration, self-experience, question –answer ,self-discipline etc.
      Barman & Bhattacharyya (2012) : reveled that Swami Vivekananda laid stress on real education which is
      helpful in the character building .He also believed in man-making education by which the student adopt
      values such honesty, respecting others, co-operation, Love, affection ,forgiveness and as a result the
      student develop himself morally ,socially, physically and spiritually.
      Objectives :
      1.To analyse the view point of swami Vivekananda on Education .
      2.To know his teaching method to development human resource.
      3.To find the values of swami Vivekananda to human resource development.
      Research Question :
      1.What is the view point of Swami Vivekananda on Education ?
      2.How Swamiji’s teaching method are relevant to human resource development ?
      3. What is the values of Vivekananda to develop human resource development ?

      Methodology : The research in this field can be classified as quantitative and qualitative research.
      According to the nature of the topic the investigator has used qualitative method. In this work Secondary
      Sources are used. And sources were taken from several books and journal about swami Vivekananda.

                                         Vivekananda’s Views on Education
      Aims of Education : Swami Vivekananda says , “The end of all education , all training should be man –
      making.”Education aims at bringing about an all-round development in an individual. It is the product of
      man’s thought and action. According to Vivekananda the following should be main aims of education :
      Creating Self-confidence and Self-realization : Education must provide self-knowledge, which brings
      material prosperity and freedom from the bondage of worldly existence. A man can attain perfection and
      achieve the glory of life through self analysis and self insight .He says ,”Faith in our self and faith in God
      ....this is the secret of greatness.”Education must aim at this kind of knowledge of the self and at the
      creation of self –confidence and self –realization.

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Journal of Information and Computational Science                                                        ISSN: 1548-7741

      Preparation of Bold Citizen : Swamiji realize that fear is the main cause for all social and individual
      problem .It is education which should remove this fear and make the citizens bold and brave to face the
      challenges of life.
      Service to Mankind : Swamiji says ,”If you want to find God , serve man .”He belives that it is not the
      God in symbol and images that we find and worship in temples.Education should teach the pupils that
      service of mankind is service to God.
      Manifestation of Perfection : According to Swami Vivekananda the major aim of education is the
      manifestation of perfection already present in a child . Every child is endowed with certain hidden powers
      which can be unveiled with the help of education .
      Promotion of Universal Brotherhood : He said that through education , we should gradually receive the
      idea of universal brotherhood .so he always pleaded for the harmony and good relationship among all
      Unity in Diversity : The true aim of education is to look for unity in diversity . He said that spiritual and
      material world is one but their distinction is an illusion. So education should enable man to find out unity
      in diversity.
                        Swamiji also mentioned some aims of education i.e. character building, physical
      development, serving humanity, spirit of renunciation, religious development, vocational efficiency,
      intellectual development etc.
      Man-Making education : Man-Making education brings out the significance of the famous word said by
      Vivekananda at the Parliament of Religions held in 1893 at Chicago. These are Help, Assimilation,
      Harmony and Peace .So education should develops these qualities of man .
                          Man is combination of three letters .i.e. M=Morality, A=Ability and N=Nobility.
      Swamiji said, “Man-Making is my mission of life. I am not a politician , nor I am a social reformer . It is
      my job to fashion man...I care only for the spirit: When that is right ,everything will be righted by itself.’’
      Man-making is meant for Swami Vivekananda arising man to the consciousness of his important divine
      nature, making him rely always on his innate spiritual strength.
                          Vivekananda’s guru Sri Ramkrishna used to say that “Manush” needs to become
      “Man-Hush” that is a man needs to become a true man. He said, “Whose spiritual consciousness has been
      awakened.” Following his guru Vivekananda emphasised that the ideal of all education , all training
      should be this man making.
      Mass Education : Swami Vivekananda emphasis to improve the conditions of the masses and he
      advocated mass education . The individual developments not a full development of our full nation, so he
      need to give education to the society or common people. He takes his mass education as an instrument to
      improve the individual as well as society. He observed , “If we are to rise again ,we shall have to do it in
      the same way ,that is by spreading education among masses.” so he gave the prime importance to the
      education of the masses. The importance of mass education is also described by his speech. “I considered
      that the great national sin is the neglect of the masses ,and that is one of the cause of our downfall. No
      amount of politics would be of any avail until the masses of India are once more well-educated, well-fed,
      and well-cared for.’’ He also gave importance on woman education as well as mass education.

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      Methods of Teaching : The methods of teaching proposed by swami Vivekananda is totally based on
      Indian tradition but it has a great value. According to Swamiji “Knowledge is inherent in every man’s self
      ; what man knows is only what he discovers by taking the cover off his own soul.’’ The methods of
      teaching described by Vivekananda are :
          1.   Practice of Yoga.
          2.   Develop the mind by Concentration and deep meditation.
          3.   Lecture, discussion, Self-experience and creative activities.
          4.   Self-learning or auto-learning.
          5.   Travel.
          6.   Constructive Approach.

                                            Values of swami Vivekananda
      Values defined in organisational behaviour as the collective conceptions of what is considered good
      ,desirable and improper in a culture. Values stands for the ideals we live for. They are the guiding
      principles of life which are conductive for all-round development .According to swami Vivekananda
      intellectuality is not the highest good . Morality and spirituality are the things for which we strive. So we
      need to make students as a good human resources. They can decide what is right or wrong; what is good
      or evil ; what is justice or injustice. Values that we learnt from swami Vivekananda are describe below.
      Education : He is a well educated person. He had a vast knowledge in arts , language , religion ,
      philosophy as well as literature. He doesn’t believe in collection of information .He says education should
      be man- making , life giving and character building .He says “Education is not the amount of information
      that we put into your brain and ransriot there , undigestc all your life ,we must have life building ,man
      making, character making and assimilation of ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them
      your Life and made them your life and character, you have more education and any man who has got by
      heart a whole library.
      Unity is divinity : For Vivekananda , religion is simple realization. It is not just listening or becoming or
      simple acquiring knowledge on that worship of God must makes ones heart pure and it should make them
      do good to others . He believe that “ service to man is service to God.”He says “I am a Hindu .I am sitting
      in my own little Well and thinking that whole world is my little well. The Christian sits in his little well
      and think that whole world is his well. The Mohammedan sits in his little well and thinks that is the whole
      world. “
      International Integration and 2ation Building : For him integration is a power. If all the people of our
      country integrated with each other , this accumulation of power will make India a better nations. “All the
      wealth in the world can not help one little Indian village ,if the people are not taughtto help themselves.”
      so our work should be mainly educational both moral and intellectual.
      Faith and Confidence : He is a self made man of immense faith and right from his schooling had a good
      confidence level .” Have a faith that you are all, my brave lads , born to do great things ,let not the barks
      of puppies frighten you -no , not even the thunder bolts of heaven – but stand up a d work .” One must
      have the courage to move ahead and do his duties ,as fear will down even great ships so what is a man.

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Journal of Information and Computational Science                                                          ISSN: 1548-7741

      Social Service : He is a man with obedience and hard work .He states “ No Centralization is possible
      Unless there is obedience to superiors .No great work can be done without this Centralization of
      individual forces…. Give up jealousy and conceit .”He believes that the secret of success is having
      infinite purity and infinite perseverance .
                 One should bravely move ahead and take the leap without expecting success . He says ,”Be
      steady . Avoid jealousy and selfishness . Be obedience and eternally faithful to the cause of truth ,
      humanity and your country and you will move the world . Remember it is the person , the life , which is
      the secret of power , nothing else. Jealous is the band of all slave . It is the bane of our nation. Avoid this
      Love and Renunciation : Vivekananda has observed ,'What is the watch word of all ethical codes?.Not I
      , but thou.”And this 'I ' is the outcome of the infinite inside that is trying manifest itself on the outside
      world .He says ,” This is Renunciation we shall have to get out of the difficulty by reversing the process
      by which got in ,and then morality and charity will begin .”
      Ethics and Morality : The basis of all system rest upon the goodness of man .No nations is great or good
      because parliament enacts certain laws ,but because it’s men are great and good .One must admit that law
      ,govt. Politics are phases that are not final anyway . There is a goal beyond them where law is not needed
      .Christ saw that the basis of not law , that morality and purity are the only strength.

                           Quotes by Swami Vivekananda                               Values from his quotes
      “The motive power of the whole universe ,in whatever way it                 Unselfishness , Renunciation ,
      manifests itself , is that one wonderful thing, unselfishness               Love .
      ,renunciation , love ,the real ,the only force in existence.”
      “Give love , give help ,give service and give any little thing you can      Love , Help , Service.
      ,but keep out barter.”
      “Fill the brain with high thoughts , highest ideals ,place them day and     Highest ideals
      night before you, and out of that will come great work.”
      “Relationships are more important than life , but it is important for       Relationship
      those relationship to have life in them.”
      “In the world take always the position of Giver.”                           Renunciation
      “Strength is life , weakness is death.”                                     Strength
      “All the power is within you , you can do anything .Believe in that         Express the Divinity.
      ;don’t believe that you are weak .stand up and express the divinity
      within you.”
      “To be good and to do good that is the whole religion.”                     Good work.
      “External practices have value only as help to develop internal             Purity.
      “Who is helping you , don’t forget them. Who is loving you , don’t          Help , Love , Trust .
      hate them . Who is trusting you , don’t cheat them”
      “ Practice virtue , persevere in virtue.”                                   Virtue.
      “ To become fearless and through struggle serve humanity.”                  Humanity.
      “ If you are pure , if you are a strong , you one man is equal to the       Purity.
      whole world.”
      “Mind you there is no value in learning. You are all mistaken in            Disciplining of the mind.
      learning the only value of knowledge is in the strengthening, the
      disciplining of the mind.”

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      “You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.”                   Believe in yourself.
      “self confidence is the real religion.’’                                     Self confidence.
      “Truth is power and untruth is weakness.’’                                   Truth.
      “Help and not Fight.”                                                        Harmony and Peace.

      Impact of Value to develop human resource : Value reflects on the attitudes and behaviour of a man.
      So value is very important to develop human resource. Value helps –
      1. Develop a healthy and balanced personality.
      2. Promote social efficiency of a child.
      3. Increase vocational and professional efficiency.
      4. Foster the character and morality of children.
      5. Develop the social qualities. Such as –empathy, equality, respect for all, critical thinking, tolerance.
      6. Moral awareness.
      7. Development of international brotherhood.

      Findings of the study : The following findings have come out through the study
      ●Swamiji’s concept of education is useful for present background of education for all-round development
      of student.
      ●Man-making is a harmonious development of the man in respect with morality ,honesty and peace etc.
      So it is told that to develop a human man making education must be given.
      ●Swamiji’s method of teaching follow the present psychological dimension to develop human.
      ●Mass education gives importance on the universal concept on education .So every resources have to
      chance to develop inner potentiality by their own condition.
      ●Development of value is more essential so that they carry on their life with respectively.
      ●True knowledge is very important for life but without values it can be spoil. So that development of
      value is very important of true knowledge.
      ●Values makes a man perfect as well as develop nations.
      Conclusion : At last it is conclude that thoughts and values of Swami Vivekananda has a great role to
      develop human resource. His aims of education, methods of teaching, mass education, woman education ,
      man-making education, value education gives direction of the processing of perfect human. It is seen
      from his writings ,dialogues and action that a relevant and meaningful system of education based on the
      need of modern India which help to develop human in 21st century . In the word of Jawaharlal Nehru ,
      “Rooted in the past and full pride in India’s prestige, Swami Vivekananda was yet modern in his approach
      to life’s problem and was a kind of bridge between the past of India and her present. His mission was the
      service of mankind through social service, mass education, religious revival and social awakening
      through education .”

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