Joseph Young, Lara Downes, & Florence Price's Piano Concerto

Page created by Dana Daniel

                          Joseph Young, Lara Downes, &
                          Florence Price’s Piano Concerto
                                             CONCERT DEEP DIVE
                                       SAT 4/23/22 at 8 PM & SUN 4/24/22 at 2 PM
                                   Performances #202 & #203 Season 7, Concerts 31 & 32
                                           Fisher Center at Bard Sosnoff Theater

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                   PHOTOS AND VIDEOS ARE ENCOURAGED but only before and after the music
                                 ENTER TO WIN TICKETS by signing up for TŌN email at
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            The Music                                         this period she became acquainted
                                                              with the Italian composer Piero Bellugi,
                                                              who introduced her to his teacher, Luigi
            JULIA PERRY’S A SHORT                             Dallapiccola. Because of the influence of
            PIECE FOR ORCHESTRA                               these prestigious composers, she moved to
            Notes by TŌN percussionist Petra Elek             Italy to continue working with Dallapiccola,
                                                              at the conclusion of a successful summer
                                                              at Tanglewood. After one of her most well-
                                                              known pieces, Stabat Mater, was performed
                                                              in Italy, Germany, Austria, and the United
                                                              States, she decided to take a break from
                                                              studying with Dallapiccola in order to learn
                                                              from Nadia Boulanger at the American
                                                              Conservatory in Fontainebleau. It was
                                                              during Perry’s second year in Italy that the
Matt Dine

                                                              premiere of A Short Piece for Orchestra
                                                              took place, and it quickly became one of her
            The Composer                                      most-performed pieces. For the following
            Julia Perry’s musical interest and talent was     years she traveled back and forth between
            obvious from very early in her childhood.         the U.S. and Italy, and received multiple
            After multiple achievements growing               Guggenheim fellowships. Once she finally
            up studying voice, piano, and violin, she         settled down in the States, she became a
            was offered scholarships to attend the            teacher. Both as a composer and a teacher
            Westminster Choir College in Princeton,           she combined European classical and neo-
            New Jersey. During her college years, she         classical training with her African-American
            studied composition and conducting                heritage. As a consequence of underlying
            while she continued her studies in voice,         health problems, she suffered a stroke in
            piano, and violin. After college, she took        1970, which left her right side completely
            classes at Juilliard and studied voice            paralyzed and made her unable to speak.
            at the Curtis Institute until 1951. During        Even though she tried to have her work
THE ORCHESTRA NOW                                                                                                                                                                     CONCERT DEEP DIVE

            published, it was almost impossible to           Jim Crow south, Price had to struggle                           which is often heard in Black American          Yet Rachmaninoff recovered after three
            read her handwriting after the stroke, which     with many facets of her identity that were                      spirituals. The third section transitions       months of hypnotherapy with Nikolay Dahl,
            ended up causing her work to either get          deemed unacceptable to the people in                            with an accelerando and the passing off         and in 1901 began composing his Second
            lost after her death, or only be available in    her hometown of Little Rock, Arkansas.                          of wind solos. This dance section is an         Piano Concerto, which he dedicated to
            manuscript form.                                 However, this did not stop her from having                      example of a juba, which is a dance brought     Dahl. Following its success, he was able to
                                                             her Symphony No. 1 premiered by the                             to America by enslaved people from the          balance performance and composition so
            The Music                                        Chicago Symphony Orchestra in 1933 on                           Kingdom of Kongo (present day Angola,           well that he completed his Symphony No. 2,
            Julia Perry wrote A Short Piece for Orchestra    a concert entitled “The Negro in Music.” This                   the Democratic Republic of the Congo,           the symphonic poem The Isle of the Dead,
            in 1952, and revised it twice before settling    premiere pushed Price to put composition                        and Gabon) characterized by stomping,           and his Third Piano Concerto all during
            on its final version. After an energetic and     at the forefront of her musical legacy, along                   slapping, and patting. This dance was used      the first decade of the 20th Century, while
            prominent opening, we soon find ourselves        with being accomplished on the piano and                        when rhythmic instruments were stolen to        living in Dresden. During the catastrophic
            in a lyrical slow section. The composition is    organ.                                                          stop enslaved people from communicating.        Russian Revolution and First World War, he
            clearly divided into five contrasting parts                                                                                                                      managed to survive and finally emigrated
            in which the opening thunderlike material        A Musical Reconstruction                                                                                        to the U.S., where Rachmaninoff had an
            comes back three times. In the first melodic     The Piano Concerto in One Movement                              RACHMANINOFF’S                                  intense performance schedule and little
            section the theme is first played by the         was one of many works by Price that                             SYMPHONY NO. 3                                  time for composition. From the end of WWI
            flute, then the oboe, the clarinet, and the      disappeared for decades. The loss and                           Notes by TŌN violist Batmyagmar                 until 1931 he had not composed much,
            horn. After an abrupt and short central          mishandling of her compositions due to                          Erdenebat                                       except to complete his Piano Concerto
            section, the flute, violin, and oboe take        her identity is abhorrent, proving that the                                                                     No. 4. Indeed, he felt out of touch with the
            over, leading us into the final recall of the    proper care and attention was not given                                                                         modern techniques of composition, and
            vigorous opening. The short piece is full of     to music which deserved to be treated like                                                                      wrote in the late 1930s, “The new kind of
            contrasts and sound effects that make the        the music of her peers. During America’s                                                                        music seems to come not from the heart
            work really exciting.                            recent racial awakening, many orchestras                                                                        but from the head. It may be that they
                                                             and institutions have found an interest in                                                                      compose in the spirit of the times; but it
                                                             her music again. In 2011, Trevor Weston, a                                                                      may be, too, that the spirit of the times does
            FLORENCE PRICE’S                                 Black American composer, reconstructed                                                                          not inspire expression in music.”
            PIANO CONCERTO
                                                             the Piano Concerto in One Movement from

                                                                                                                 Matt Dine
            Notes by TŌN clarinetist Olivia Hamilton
                                                             a few instrumental parts and a manuscript                                                                       The Music
                                                             written for two pianos. An orchestral                                                                           Back in Europe in 1936, Rachmaninoff
                                                             manuscript later turned up at an auction                                                                        completed his Third Symphony, which
                                                                                                                             A Gifted Student
                                                             in 2019.                                                                                                        was inspired by one of his most celebrated
                                                                                                                             Well before becoming one of the most
                                                                                                                                                                             piano works, Rhapsody on a Theme of
                                                                                                                             admired pianists of the early 20th century,
                                                             The Music                                                                                                       Paganini. The symphony premiered with
                                                                                                                             Rachmaninoff emerged as a gifted
                                                             This work features three distinct sections,                                                                     the Philadelphia Orchestra under Leopold
                                                                                                                             composition student who impressed his
                                                             although it is performed in one movement.                                                                       Stokowski in November of the same year,
                                                                                                                             teachers. He had an extraordinary gift for
                                                             It begins with a nostalgic passage between                                                                      but never achieved the fame of his previous
                                                                                                                             memorization and completed his opera
                                                             the woodwinds and brass. This transitions                                                                       work. The Philadelphia Orchestra recorded
Matt Dine

                                                                                                                             Aleko in just 4 weeks. So why did it take him
                                                             into an illustrious introduction in the piano,                                                                  it in 1939 under Rachmaninoff’s baton.
                                                                                                                             almost three decades after finishing his
                                                             using its full range and featuring chromatic                                                                    Rachmaninoff regarded his final symphony
                                                                                                                             Second Symphony to compose his Third?
            The Composer                                     leading in a flurry of notes until it arpeggiates                                                               fondly. We hear the motif enter at the start
            As the first Black woman to have a               to a transition back to the orchestra. The                                                                      of the first of three movements. It later
                                                                                                                             A Lost Confidence
            composition performed by a major                 second distinct section begins with a singing                                                                   dominates the second half of the finale.
                                                                                                                             In 1897, Rachmaninoff lost his confidence
            American orchestra, Florence Beatrice            passage in the strings before it makes room                                                                     The first movement has two contrasting
                                                                                                                             in composing after the disastrous premiere
            Price created a musical legacy that was          for an oboe solo that will eventually expand                                                                    themes: sorrow and nostalgia expressed
                                                                                                                             of his First Symphony in St. Petersburg
            tied to her training in the European classical   and flow within the piano harmonies. This                                                                       by the woodwinds; and a gracious, romantic
                                                                                                                             under the baton of Alexander Glazunov,
            tradition and Black American spirituals. A       section makes use of the consecutive                                                                            melody presented by the cellos. Within the
                                                                                                                             who was said to be drunk on the stage.
            Black woman who lived primarily in the           sixth and first scale degree in a major key,                                                                    second movement, a combination of adagio

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THE ORCHESTRA NOW                                                                                                                                                           CONCERT DEEP DIVE

  and scherzo creates two inner movements.
  The calming theme is introduced by solo
                                                  finale radiates the energy of Russian dance
                                                  music. Finally, a lush melodic theme brings                 The Artists
  horn and followed by solo violin. The           us back to high romanticism with a grand
                                                                                                              JOSEPH YOUNG conductor                        won in 2008 and 2014. In 2013, he was
  scherzo then takes its turn with the strings    conclusion.                                                                                               a semi-finalist in the Gustav Mahler
  to create a theatrical atmosphere. The lively                                                                                                             International Conducting Competition
                                                                                                                                                            (Bamberg, Germany). In 2011, he was one
                                                                                                                                                            of six conductors featured in the League of
                                                                                                                                                            American Orchestras’ prestigious Bruno
                                                                                                                                                            Walter National Conductor Preview.

                                                                                                                                                            Mr. Young completed graduate studies with

                                                                                                Jared Platt
                                                                                                                                                            Gustav Meier and Markand Thakar at the
                                                                                                                                                            Peabody Conservatory in 2009, earning
                                                                                                                                                            an artist’s diploma in conducting. He has
                                                                                                              Joseph Young is Music Director of the         been mentored by many world-renowned
                                                                                                              Berkeley Symphony, Artistic Director of       conductors, including Jorma Panula, Robert
                                                                                                              Ensembles for the Peabody Conservatory,       Spano, and Marin Alsop, with whom he
                                                                                                              and Resident Conductor of the National        continues to maintain a close relationship.
                                                                                                              Youth Orchestra–USA at Carnegie Hall. In
                                                                                                              recent years, he has made appearances         LARA DOWNES piano
                                                                                                              with the Saint Louis Symphony, Buffalo
                                                                                                              Philharmonic, Colorado Symphony, Detroit
                                                                                                              Symphony, Phoenix Symphony, Bamberger
                                                                                                              Symphoniker, New World Symphony,
                                                                                                              Spoleto Festival Orchestra, Orquestra
                                                                                                              Sinfónica do Porto Casa da Música, and
                                                                                                              the Orquesta Sinfonica y Coro de RTVE
                                                                                                              (Madrid), among others in the U.S. and

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Max Barrett

                                                                                                              In his most recent role, Mr. Young served
                                                                                                              as the Assistant Conductor of the Atlanta     Pianist Lara Downes is a Billboard chart-
                                                                                                              Symphony, where he conducted more             topping recording artist, a producer,
                                                                                                              than 50 concerts per season. He also          curator, activist, and arts advocate. She
                                                                                                              served as the Music Director of the Atlanta   has performed on major stages including
                                                                                                              Symphony Youth Orchestra, where he was        the Kennedy Center, Carnegie Hall, Lincoln
                                                                                                              the driving force behind the ensemble’s       Center, Boston Symphony Hall, the Ravinia
                                                                                                              artistic growth. Previous appointments        Festival, Tanglewood, and Washington
                                                                                                              have included Resident Conductor of the       Performing Arts, and in clubs and intimate
                                                                                                              Phoenix Symphony, and the League of           venues including Joe’s Pub, National
                                                                                                              American Orchestras Conducting Fellow         Sawdust, Yoshi’s, and Le Poisson Rouge.
                                                                                                              with the Buffalo Philharmonic and Baltimore
                                                                                                              Symphony.                                     Ms. Downes’ series of recordings includes
                                                                                                                                                            Florence Price: PIano Discoveries, a
                                                                                                              Mr. Young is a recipient of the 2015 Solti    collection of world-premiere recordings
                                                                                                              Foundation U.S. Career Assistance Award       of recently discovered piano works by
                                                                                                              for young conductors, an award he also        the groundbreaking African American

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THE ORCHESTRA NOW                                                                                                                                                               CONCERT DEEP DIVE

                                                                                                                THE ORCHESTRA NOW
  composer, and Some of These Days,                Rising Sun Music, a monthly recording
  comprising freedom songs and spirituals          series that sheds light on the music and
  that reflect on social justice, progress, and    stories of Black composers over the past
  equality. Her Sony Masterworks recording         200 years, featuring a wide range of leading
  Holes in the Sky, a celebration of the           instrumentalists and vocalists (including
  contributions of phenomenal women to the         Ms. Downes). She is host of AMPLIFY with
  past, present, and future of American music,     Lara Downes, a video series for NPR Music

                                                                                                  David DeNee
  was released in March 2019, debuting at the      now in its second season, that engages
  top of the Billboard charts. Her recording For   visionary Black musicians and artists in
  Love Of You marks her concerto recording         important topics confronting them today;
  debut, and celebrates the 200th birthday of      and an evening host and Resident Artist at                   The Orchestra Now (TŌN) is a group of vibrant young musicians from across the globe who
  the pianist and composer Clara Schumann.         KDFC. She serves as the inaugural Artist                     are making orchestral music relevant to 21st-century audiences by sharing their unique
  Her Sony Classical debut release For Lenny       Citizen in Residence for the Manhattan                       personal insights in a welcoming environment. Hand-picked from the world’s leading
  debuted in the Billboard Top 20 and was          School of Music, as well as a Fellow of the                  conservatories—including the Yale School of Music, Shanghai Conservatory of Music,
  awarded the 2017 Classical Recording             Loghaven Artist Residency. Her work has                      Royal Academy of Music, and the Eastman School of Music—the members of TŌN are
  Foundation Award, and America Again was          been supported by the Mellon Foundation,                     enlightening curious minds by giving on-stage introductions and demonstrations, writing
  selected by NPR as one of “10 Albums that        the National Endowment for the Arts,                         concert notes from the musicians’ perspective, and having one-on-one discussions with
  Saved 2016.”                                     the Sphinx Organization, the Classical                       patrons during intermissions.
                                                   Recording Foundation Award, the University
  Ms. Downes enjoys creative collaborations        of California Innovator of the Year Award,                   Conductor, educator, and music historian Leon Botstein, whom The New York Times said
  with a range of leading artists, including       and the Center for Cultural Innovation,                      “draws rich, expressive playing from the orchestra,” founded TŌN in 2015 as a graduate
  folk icon Judy Collins, pianist Simone           among others.                                                program at Bard College, where he is also president. TŌN offers both a three-year master’s
  Dinnerstein, former U.S. Poet Laureate Rita                                                                   degree in Curatorial, Critical, and Performance Studies and a two-year advanced certificate
  Dove, multi-instrumentalist/composer/            Ms. Downes’ fierce commitment to                             in Orchestra Studies. The orchestra’s home base is the Frank Gehry-designed Fisher Center
  singer Rhiannon Giddens, writer Adam             activism and advocacy has her working with                   at Bard, where it performs multiple concerts each season and takes part in the annual
  Gopnik, baritone Thomas Hampson, and             organizations including the ACLU, Feeding                    Bard Music Festival. It also performs regularly at the finest venues in New York, including
  cellist Yo-Yo Ma. Her close partnerships         America, the Lower Eastside Girls Club, the                  Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and others across NYC
  with prominent composers span genres             Sphinx Organization, and Watts Learning                      and beyond. HuffPost, who has called TŌN’s performances “dramatic and intense,”
  and generations, with premieres and              Center. ​She is an Artist Ambassador for                     praises these concerts as “an opportunity to see talented musicians early in their careers.”
  commissions coming from Michael Abels,           Headcount, a non-partisan organization
  Clarice Assad, John Corigliano, Jennifer         that uses the power of music to register                     The orchestra has performed with many distinguished guest conductors and soloists,
  Higdon, Paola Prestini, Stephen Schwartz,        voters and promote participation in                          including Leonard Slatkin, Neeme Järvi, Gil Shaham, Fabio Luisi, Vadim Repin, Hans
  and many others.                                 democracy.                                                   Graf, Peter Serkin, Gerard Schwarz, Tan Dun, and JoAnn Falletta. Recordings featuring
                                                                                                                The Orchestra Now include two albums of piano concertos with Piers Lane on Hyperion
  Ms. Downes is the creator and curator of         More info at                                 Records, and a Sorel Classics concert recording of pianist Anna Shelest performing works
                                                                                                                by Anton Rubinstein with TŌN and conductor Neeme Järvi. Buried Alive with baritone
                                                                                                                Michael Nagy, released on Bridge Records in August 2020, includes the first recording in
                                                                                                                almost 60 years—and only the second recording ever—of Othmar Schoeck’s song-cycle
                                                                                                                Lebendig begraben. Recent releases include an album of piano concertos with Orion Weiss
                                                                                                                on Bridge Records, and the soundtrack to the motion picture Forte. Recordings of TŌN’s
                                                                                                                live concerts from the Fisher Center can be heard on Classical WMHT-FM and WWFM The
                                                                                                                Classical Network, and are featured regularly on Performance Today, broadcast nationwide.

                                                                                                                Explore upcoming concerts, see what our musicians have to say, and find more information
                                                                                                                on the academic program at

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                       Bard's Orchestral Masters

  Leon Botstein Music Director                                                                                       HYUNJUNG SONG viola                              We organized concerts, and they were
                                                                                                                                                                      successful and popular.
  Violin I                     Flute                        Samuel Exline          Dilyana Zlatinova-
  Nicole Oswald                Leanna Ginsburg               Principal 2,           Tsenov                                                                            What is some advice you would give to
   Concertmaster                Principal 1, 2,              Alto Trumpet 3        Adrienne Harmon                                                                    your younger self? Do more scale practice,
  Aubrey Holmes                 Piccolo 3                   Maggie Tsan-Jung       Daniela Diaz                                                                       and do technique exercises please.
  Yeseul Park                  Rebecca Tutunick              Wei Principal 3       Denise Stillwell                                                                   Favorite non-classical musician or band:
  Yi-Ting Kuo                   Principal 3                                        Jessica Belflower                                                                  Lauv, Norah Jones, Bruno Major
  Zhen Liu                     Brendan Dooley

                                                                                                         Matt Dine
  Adam Jeffreys                 Piccolo 1                   Ian Striedter          Viola
  Linda Duan                                                 Principal 1, 2        Emmanuel Koh                                                                       MAGGIE TSAN-JUNG WEI trumpet
  Sabrina Parry                Oboe                         David Kidd              TŌN ’19
                               Shawn Hutchison               Principal 3           Karen Waltuch
                                                                                                                     Hyunjung will talk briefly about Julia Perry’s
  Violin II                     Principal 1, 2              Austin Pancner         Brian Thompson
                                                                                                                     A Short Piece for Orchestra on stage before
  Sarit Dubin                  Jasper Igusa                  Bass Trombone         Dan McCarthy
                                                                                                                     the performance.
   Principal                    Principal 3
  Zongheng Zhang               JJ Silvey English            Tuba                   Cello                             Hometown: Seoul, Korea
  Misty Drake                   Horn                        Jarrod Briley          Lucas Button                      Alma mater: Peabody Institute of The

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Matt Dine
  Tin Yan Lee*                                                                      TŌN ’21                          Johns Hopkins University, M.M., Graduate
                               Clarinet                     Timpani                                                  Performance Diploma
  Viola                        Olivia Hamilton              Keith Hammer III*      Bass                                                                                 @maggieweimaggie
  Lucas Goodman                 Principal 1, 2                                     Aidan Phipps                      Appearances: York Symphony Orchestra,
   Principal                   Juan Martinez                                                                         substitute; Aspen Music Festival, 2015,          Maggie will talk briefly about Florence
  Batmyagmar                    Principal 3                                        Contrabassoon                     2017; Festival Napa Valley Blackburn             Price’s Piano Concerto on stage before
                                                            Petra Elek
   Erdenebat                   Mackenzie Austin                                    William Safford                   Music Academy, 2018; American Institute          the performance.
                                                             Principal 1
  Hyunjung Song                 Bass Clarinet                                                                        of Musical Studies, Graz, Austria, 2019
                                                            Felix Ko Principal 2                                                                                      Home country: Taiwan
  Leonardo Vásquez                                          Luis Herrera           Horn                              What is your earliest memory of classical
   Chacón                                                                          Emily Buehler                     music? When I was about 9 years old, I           Alma maters: San Francisco Conservatory
                               Bassoon                       Albertazzi
                                                                                    TŌN ’21                          remember playing violin with a large group       of Music, M.M., 2020; Yong Siew Toh
                               Philip McNaughton             Principal 3
  Cello                                                                                                              of other kids at a Suzuki violin academy.        Conservatory of Music, National University
                                Principal 1, 2
  Eva Roebuck                                                                      Timpani                                                                            of Singapore, B.M., 2018
                               Han-Yi Huang                 Harp                                                     When did you realize you wanted to
   Principal                    Principal 3                 Taylor Ann             Miles Salerni                                                                      Awards/Competitions: Third Place, 2019
                                                                                                                     pursue music as a career? I used to play
  Kelly Knox                                                 Fleshman                                                                                                 National Trumpet Competition, small
                                                                                   Percussion                        music as a hobby. When my music teacher
  Sara Page                    Horn                                                                                                                                   ensemble; Finalist, 2017 Jeju International
                                                                                   Taylor Lents                      suggested I should consider becoming a
  Cameron Collins              Ser Konvalin                 Guest Musicians                                                                                           Brass Competition
                                                                                   Parker Olson                      professional musician, the idea got me really
  Isaac Kim                     Principal 1, 2                                                                       excited and kept me up at nights. After a        What is your earliest memory of classical
  Jordan Gunn                  Zachary Travis               Violin I
                                                                                   Piano/Celeste                     week, I somehow knew I wanted to become          music? For as long as I can remember,
  Pecos Singer                  Principal 3                 Joohyun Lee
                                                                                   Ji Hea Hwang                      a musician.                                      because my godmother is a piano teacher,
                               Shane Conley                 Nalin Myoung                                                                                              I have been listening to classical music.
  Bass                         Kwong Ho Hin                  APS ’23                                                 What is your favorite piece of music, and
                                                                                                                     why do you love it? J.S. Bach’s Schafe           My parents also love classical music,
  Joshua DePoint                Assistant 3                 Bruno Pena
                                                                                                                     können sicher weiden. Listening to this piece    especially Beethoven’s symphonies and
   Principal                   Steven Harmon*
                                                                                                                     calms me and makes me happy.                     Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D as played
  Tristen Jarvis                                            Violin II
                                                                                                                                                                      by Sarah Chang with the London Symphony
  Luke Stence                  Trumpet                      Leonardo Pineda        * not performing in               What has been your favorite experience           Orchestra. They always played classical
  Rowan Puig Davis             Diana Lopez                   ’15 TŌN ’19             this concert                    as a musician? When I was a college              music at home or in car rides, and I feel that
                                Principal 1                 Kathryn Aldous                                           student, my friends and I together made          classical music was a really big part of my
                                                                                                                     an ensemble entirely made of violists.           life growing up.
  Members of TŌN can be identified by their distinctive blue attire.
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THE ORCHESTRA NOW                                                                                                                                                        CONCERT DEEP DIVE

            What is your favorite piece of music, and       Awards/competitions: Co-winner, 2014
            why do you love it? I do not really have        Jacqueline Avent Concerto Competition,          Support TŌN
            a favorite piece of music, it changes over      Sewanee Summer Music Festival
            time. However, The Rite of Spring by Igor
            Stravinsky has been my favorite for a while.
                                                            Appearances: Montclair Orchestra, 2019–         WE’VE BROUGHT MUSIC TO MORE THAN
                                                            20; Aspen Music Festival, 2019; Chautauqua
            I really love the colorful and mysterious
            harmony with the rich and complex rhythm
                                                            Institution, 2017; National Music Festival,     73,000 LIVE & VIRTUAL CONCERTGOERS
            throughout the whole piece. Also, I love how
            Stravinsky composed this piece in a time
                                                            2017; Eastern Music Festival, 2015; Sewanee
                                                            Summer Music Festival, 2014                     IN OVER 200 CONCERTS THANKS TO
            when people had not had this kind of “new       What is your earliest memory of
                                                            classical music? I remember going with
                                                                                                            SUPPORT FROM DONORS LIKE YOU!
            music experience” yet.
                                                            my family to an outdoor summer concert
            What is some advice you would give to                                                           INSPIRE GREATNESS!
                                                            of the Indianapolis Symphony and being
            your younger self? PRACTICE MORE! But                                                           Support TŌN’s innovative training program for classical musicians.
                                                            completely awestruck to learn what an
            also enjoy life more! Just focus on what you    orchestra sounded like up close. It was
            need to do, one thing at a time, you will get                                                   THE TŌN FUND
                                                            an amazing experience, and I left with the
            past everything eventually.                                                                     Members of The Orchestra Now are completing an innovative graduate degree program.
                                                            urge to learn everything I could about the
            If you could play another instrument, what      different instruments and the kinds of          TŌN offers students the experiences they might expect as career orchestral musicians—
            would it be? Percussion. I think it is really   sounds they made.                               including public performance, touring, and recording. TŌN is tuition free, and each student
            cool for them to be able to play so many                                                        receives a yearly living stipend. Individual contributions from music lovers like you are
                                                            What inspired you to apply to TŌN? It           essential to TŌN’s success.
            different instruments and I love seeing them    seemed like an incredible opportunity not
            switch places and instruments during the        only to make music with exciting players,       Gifts to TŌN support full-tuition fellowships and annual living stipends for each musician—
            concert.                                        but to hone my ability to speak, write, and     more than 60 players from 13 countries around the globe. Your gift also provides vital
            Piece of advice for a young classical           communicate about the music I love to           resources for TŌN’s public performances—more than 30 concerts each season—from its
            musician: Pursuing music as a career might      play. I also wanted to gain experience          home base at the Fisher Center at Bard, and in NYC at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and
            feel dark and alone in your path sometimes,     with public engagement, outreach, and           The Metropolitan Museum of Art. TŌN also offers a number of family-friendly, free concerts
            but believe me, we will all see the light in    project creation, all of which are incredibly   and chamber events in New York City and across the Hudson Valley. Your generosity will
            the end!                                        important skills for musicians to possess       sustain the education and training of the next generation of great performers as they
                                                            today.                                          learn to communicate the transformative power of music to 21st-century audiences.
                                                            What do you think orchestra concerts
            JJ SILVEY oboe                                  should look like in the 21st Century? I think   SPONSOR A TŌN MUSICIAN: NAMED FELLOWSHIPS
                                                            that, above all, 21st-century audiences         Play a defining role in our success by sponsoring a TŌN musician. Direct your support to
                                                            should feel invited into a personal             have a lasting impact on the education and training of TŌN’s exceptional young players
                                                            experience each time they attend a              from around the world. TŌN offers both a three-year master’s degree in Curatorial, Critical,
                                                            concert. The atmosphere should be open          and Performance Studies and a two-year advanced certificate in Orchestral Studies.
                                                            and welcoming, and there should be nothing      Named fellowships begin with a gift of $10,000+ (Concertmaster’s Circle).
                                                            standing in the way of the audience’s ability
                                                            to feel that the music belongs to them.         For detailed information on the many ways to support TŌN, please contact
Matt Dine

                                                                                                            Nicole M. de Jesús, Director of Development, at 845.758.7988 or
                                                            What is some advice you would give to
            JJ will talk briefly about Rachmaninoff’s       your younger self? Study and become             There’s simply no other music degree program like TŌN. Help us to
            Symphony No. 3 on stage before the              familiar with as many of a composer’s works
                                                            as you can! Just knowing the major pieces
                                                                                                            inspire greatness by making a contribution today!
                                                            won’t give you the context necessary to         To Donate:
            Hometown: Walkerton, IN                         create a meaningful interpretation.             Visit TON.BARD.EDU/SUPPORT
            Alma mater: Mannes College of Music, M.M.;                                                      Call 845.758.7988
            Indiana University, B.M., B.S.

   10 / APR 2022 / THE ORCHESTRA NOW                                                                                                                                       TON.BARD.EDU / APR 2022 / 11
THE ORCHESTRA NOW                                                                                                                                                CONCERT DEEP DIVE

  The TŌN Fund Donors                                                                        Howard and Caroline
                                                                                               Goodman, in honor of
                                                                                                                              Joseph M. Sweeney
                                                                                                                              Robert Vermeulen
                                                                                                                                                               Brigitte R. Roepke
                                                                                                                                                               Arthur Rose
                                                                                               Lucas Goodman TŌN ’23          Howard N. Wallick                Beverly and Rev. Stephen
  The Orchestra Now gratefully acknowledges the generosity of each and every
                                                                                             Lee Haring                                                         Ross, in honor of Gaia
  donor who makes our work possible. Ticket sales cover less than a quarter of the
                                                                                             William J. Harper                Downbeat                          Mariani Ramsdell TŌN ’21
  expenses for our concerts and educational initiatives. For detailed information on
                                                                                             Karen and Perry Hoag, in         Anonymous (3)                    Suzanne Sarason
  contributing to TŌN, or to update your listing, please contact Nicole M. de Jesús at
                                                                                               honor of Bram Margoles         Norman Abrams                    Bonnie S. Sgarro or 845.758.7988. Thank you for making this important investment
                                                                                               TŌN ’21 and Katelyn Hoag       Fred Allen and Erica De Mane     Frances Sharpless
  in the future of classical music!
                                                                                               TŌN ’21                        Melissa Auf der Maur             Shari Siegel
  Leadership Gifts             The Merrill G. and Emita E.   Arnold** and Milly Feinsilber   Hospitality Committee for        Jeffrey Berns                    Peter Sipperley
  Estate of Clyde Talmadge       Hastings Foundation         Stan J. Harrison                  United Nations Delegations     Donald Bourque                   Theodore J. Smith
   Gatlin                      James and Andrea Nelkin*      Stephen J. Hoffman                (HCUND)                        Herbert and Sharon W.            Linda C. Stanley
  Rockefeller Brothers Fund    Jen Shykula ’96 and Tom       Elena and Frederic Howard       James Gavin Houston               Burklund                        Phyllis Tuchman
  Felicitas S. Thorne*           Ochs*                       Scott Huang                     I.B.M. Matching Grants           Evangeline Caliandro             Stephanie Walker
                               Richard D. Sime               George Jahn and Karen             Program                        Judith Chaifetz                  Ann and Douglas William
  The Yvonne Nadaud            Thom and Valerie Styron,       Kaczmar                        Malcolm G. Idelson               Joanne Chu                       Wayne and Dagmar Yaddow
  Mai Concertmaster              in honor of Jarrod Briley   Kassell Family Foundation of    John and Min Hwyei Jeung,        Karen and Mark Collins, in       Lynda Youmans, in honor of
  Chair                          TŌN ’22                      the Jewish Communal Fund         in honor of Brendan Dooley      honor of Cameron Collins         Drew Youmans TŌN ‘19
  Made possible by The Mai     Irene Vincent*                Miodrag Kukrika                   TŌN ’22                         TŌN ‘22                         Drs. Julie and Sandy Zito
   Family Foundation           David W. Welles               Janet C. Mills                  Judith and Ron Goodman           James Costello and Laura
                                                             Lisa and Albrecht Pichler         Charitable Trust of Fidelity    Cannamela                       Prelude
  Concertmaster’s              Trumpeter                     Arlene and Gilbert Seligman     Rebecca S. Kidd, in honor of     Jefferson Cotton                 Anonymous (4)
  Circle                       Anne-Katrin Spiess            Jan and Jim Smyth                 David Kidd TŌN ’22             Thomas De Stefano                Sharon B. Applegate
  Joseph Baxer and Barbara      Philanthropic Fund at the    Judith and Michael Thoyer       Erica Kiesewetter                John and Remy Duffy, in          Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baker
   Bacewicz                     Foundation for Jewish        Howard N. Wallick               Laurie and Michael Pollock        honor of Luis Herrera           Laurence Blau and Karen
  Michael Dorf and Sarah        Philanthropies               Meyer J. Wolin                    Fund of Fidelity Charitable     Albertazzi TŌN ’23               Johnsen
   Connors*                    Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Atkins                                    Dr. Nancy S. Leonard and Dr.     Priscilla Duskin, in memory of   Marie-Louise Brauch
  Emily Sachar                 Curtis DeVito and Dennis      TŌNor                             Lawrence Kramer                 Luis Garcia-Renart              Frank Brice, Jr.
                                Wedlick                      Anonymous                       David L. Lewis                   Vera A. Farrell                  Geraldine Brodsky
  Conductor's Box              Jan M. Guifarro               Naja R. Armstrong               Erika and Ernest Lieber          Teresa Genin                     Carole L. Cappadocia and
  Anonymous, in memory of      Bernard and Lisa King-Smith   Erika Bernich                   Fulvia Masi, in memory of        Helena and Christopher            Vincent Cappadocia
   Stuart Stritzler-Levine     Maury Newburger               Jesika R. Berry                   William R. Tanksley             H. Gibbs                        Harriet D. Causbie
  Koren C. Lowenthal, in        Foundation                   Marvin Bielawski                Virginia M. and Guenther         Carol and Peter Goss             Marsha S. Clark
   memory of Larry Lowenthal   Michael J. Hall               James Blakney and Kelly A.        W. May                         Tamara Judith Gruzko             Wendy Faris
  Michael L. Privitera         Tyler J. Lory and Michael      Preyer                         Warren R. Mikulka                Michaela Harnick                 Mark L. Feinsod ’94
  Christine T. Munson*          Rauschenberg                 Diane and Ronald Blum           Charles H. Milligan and Henry    Terrell K. Holmes                Katka Hammond
                               Susanne Neunhoeffer           Richard C. Bopp                   Westmoreland                   Neil and Diana King              Amy Hebard
  Allegro                      Shirley Ripullone and         Kent Brown and Nat Thomas       Gary Morgan                      Arthur S. Leonard                Al Jacobsen
  Alexandra Ottaway             Kenneth Stahl                Dora Jeanette Canaday           Inez Parker, in honor of David   Eugene Lowenkopf                 Steven Jonas, M.D.
  Northwestern Mutual          Alice Stroup, in memory of    Margaret M. Coughlin              Kidd TŌN ‘22                   Karen Manchester                 Brenda Klein
   Foundation*                  Timothy Stroup               Joseph and Phyllis DiBianco     Catherine K. and Fred Reinis     Phyllis Marsteller               Ann and Robert Libbey
                               Vivian Sukenik                Vincent M. Dicks                Ann and Thomas Robb , in         Martin and Lucy Murray           Frank E. Lucente
  Forte                                                      Richard and Hildegard ’78         honor of Dillon Robb TŌN ‘21   Stan and Bette Nitzky            Eva Mayer
  Anonymous (2)                Crescendo                      Edling                         James Rosenfield                 Nora Post                        Rikki Michaels
  Helen V. Atlas               Anonymous (2)                 Renate L. Friedrichsen          Edward Sandfort                  Robert Renbeck                   Kathleen G. Overbay
  Gary Giardina                Josephine G. Curry ’11        Peter and Charlene Gay          Linda V. Schwab Edmundson        Jing L. Roebuck, in honor of     Leslie Pepper
  Steven Holl                  Nicole M. de Jesús ‘94 and                                    Thomas J. Shykula                 Eva Roebuck TŌN ’22             Shirley Perle
  Laurie S. Lauterbach          Brian P. Walker
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THE ORCHESTRA NOW                                                                                                                                          CONCERT DEEP DIVE

  Robert Renbeck
  Joan Roth
                             Elizabeth Zubroff, in honor of
                              John D. Murphy
                                                              This list represents gifts
                                                              made January 1, 2021 to
                                                                                           The Administration
  Richard Scherr                                              March 24, 2022.
  Diane J. Scrima            *Includes gifts and                                           THE ORCHESTRA NOW
  M. Lana Sheer               pledges to the Bard             Thank you for your
                                                                                           Artistic Staff                 Administrative Staff           Matt Walley TŌN ’19 Program
  Anna Shuster                Music Festival and The          partnership!
                                                                                           Leon Botstein Music Director   Kristin Roca Executive          Coordinator, Admissions
  John Simpson                Orchestra Now Gala.
                                                                                           James Bagwell Associate         Director                       Counselor, and Guest Artist
  Jenny Snider               **Deceased                                                                                                                   Relations
                                                                                             Conductor and Academic       Brian J. Heck Director of
  Irene Zedlacher
                                                                                             Director                      Marketing
                                                                                           Jindong Cai Associate          Nicole M. de Jesús ’94         Concert Crew
                                                                                             Conductor                     Director of Development       Marlan Barry Audio Producer
                                                                                           Zachary Schwartzman            Leonardo Pineda ’15             and Recording Engineer
                                                                                             Resident Conductor            TŌN ’19 Director of Youth     Skillman Music Audio and
                                                                                           Andrés Rivas GCP ’17            Educational Performance        Video Broadcast
                                                                                             Assistant Conductor           and South American Music      Nora Rubenstone Stage
                                                                                           Erica Kiesewetter Professor     Curator                        Manager
                                                                                             of Orchestral Practice       Sebastian Danila Music         Danielle Brescia Stage
                                                                                           Bridget Kibbey Director of      Preparer and Researcher        Manager
                                                                                             Chamber Music and Arts       Marielle Metivier Orchestra    Lydia McCaw Stage Manager
                                                                                             Advocacy                      Manager                       Robert Strickstein Stage
                                                                                                                          Benjamin Oatmen Librarian       Manager
                                                                                                                          Viktor Tóth ’16 TŌN ’21        Walter Daniels LX
                                                                                                                           Production Coordinator

                                                                                           BARD COLLEGE
                                                                                           Board of Trustees              Kimberly Marteau Emerson       Mostafiz ShahMohammed
                                                                                           James C. Chambers ’81 Chair    Robert S. Epstein ’63           ’97
                                                                                           Emily H. Fisher Vice Chair     Barbara S. Grossman ’73        Jonathan Slone ’84
                                                                                           George F. Hamel Jr. Vice        Alumni/ae Trustee             Geoffrey W. Smith
                                                                                            Chair                         Andrew S. Gundlach             Alexander Soros
                                                                                           Elizabeth Ely ’65 Secretary;   Matina S. Horner ex officio    Jeannette H. Taylor ex officio
                                                                                            Life Trustee                  Charles S. Johnson III ’70     James von Klemperer
                                                                                           Stanley A. Reichel ’65         Mark N. Kaplan Life Trustee    Brandon Weber ’97
                                                                                            Treasurer; Life Trustee       George A. Kellner               Alumni/ae Trustee
                                                                                           Fiona Angelini                 Mark Malloch-Brown             Susan Weber
                                                                                           Roland J. Augustine            Fredric S. Maxik ’86           Patricia Ross Weis ’52
                                                                                           Leonard Benardo                Juliet Morrison '03
                                                                                           Leon Botstein President of     James H. Ottaway Jr. Life      Senior
                                                                                            the College, ex officio        Trustee                       Administration
                                                                                           Mark E. Brossman               Hilary Pennington              Leon Botstein President
                                                                                           Jinqing Cai                    Martin Peretz Life Trustee     Coleen Murphy Alexander
                                                                                           Marcelle Clements ’69 Life     Stewart Resnick Life Trustee    ’00 Vice President for
                                                                                            Trustee                       David E. Schwab II ’52 Life     Administration
                                                                                           The Rt. Rev. Andrew M. L.       Trustee                       Myra Young Armstead Vice
                                                                                            Dietsche Honorary Trustee     Roger N. Scotland ’93           President for Academic
                                                                                           Asher B. Edelman ’61 Life       Alumni/ae Trustee              Inclusive Excellence
                                                                                            Trustee                       Annabelle Selldorf

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THE ORCHESTRA NOW                                                                                                                                                     CONCERT DEEP DIVE

  Jonathan Becker Executive        Peter Gadsby Vice               Taun Toay ’05 Senior Vice       Stephen Dean Orchestra           Marketing and                   Erik Long Box Office
   Vice President; Vice             President for Enrollment        President; Chief Financial      Production Manager              Audience Services                Supervisor
   President for Academic           Management; Registrar           Officer                        Brynn Gilchrist ‘17 Production   David Steffen Director of       Jardena Gertler-Jaffe VAP ‘21
   Affairs; Director, Center for   Mark D. Halsey Vice President   Stephen Tremaine ’07             Coordinator                      Marketing and Audience          Box Office Supervisor
   Civic Engagement                 for Institutional Research      Executive Director,            Andrea Sofia Sala Production      Services*
  Erin Cannan Vice President        and Assessment                  Bard Early College; Vice        Administrator                   Nicholas Reilingh Database      Facilities
   for Civic Engagement            Max Kenner ’01 Vice              President for Early Colleges   Rick Reiser Technical             and Systems Manager            Mark Crittenden Facilities
  Deirdre d’Albertis Vice           President for Institutional    Dumaine Williams ’03 Vice        Director                        Maia Kaufman Audience and        Manager
   President; Dean of the           Initiatives; Executive          President for Student          Josh Foreman Lighting             Member Services Manager        Ray Stegner Building
   College                          Director, Bard Prison           Affairs; Dean of Early          Supervisor                      Brittany Brouker Marketing       Operations Manager
  Malia K. Du Mont ’95 Vice         Initiative                      Colleges                       Moe Schell Costume                Manager                        Hazaiah Tompkins ’19
   President for Strategy and      Debra Pemstein Vice                                              Supervisor                      Sean Jones Assistant             Building Operations
   Policy; Chief of Staff           President for Development                                      Kat Pagsolingan Video             Marketing Manager               Assistant
                                    and Alumni/ae Affairs                                           Supervisor                      Garrett Sager HRA ‘23 Digital   Liam Gomez Building
                                                                                                   Lex Morton Audio Supervisor       Archive Associate               Operations Assistant
                                                                                                                                    Elyse Lichtenthal House         Chris Lyons Building
  FISHER CENTER AT BARD                                                                            Communications                    Manager                         Operations Assistant
  Advisory Board                   Barbara Kenner                  Jason Collins Associate         Mark Primoff Associate           David Bánóczi-Ruof ‘22 Lead     Robyn Charter Fire Panel
  Jeanne Donovan Fisher Chair      Gary Lachmund                    Producer                        Vice President of                Assistant House Manager         Monitor
  Carolyn Marks Blackwood          Vivien Liu                      Rachael Gunning ‘19              Communications                  Ash Fitzgerald ‘24 Assistant    Bill Cavanaugh
  Leon Botstein ex officio         Thomas O. Maggs                  Producing Coordinator          Amy Murray Videographer           House Manager                   Environmental Specialist
  Stefano Ferrari                  Kenneth L. Miron                                                                                 Maya Miggins ‘23 Assistant      Drita Gjokaj Environmental
  Alan Fishman                     Christina A. Mohr               Development                     Publications                      House Manager                   Specialist
  Neil Gaiman                      James H. Ottaway Jr.            Debra Pemstein Vice             Mary Smith Director of           Paulina Swierczek VAP ‘19       Oksana Ryabinkina
  S. Asher Gelman ’06              Felicitas S. Thorne              President for Development       Publications                     Audience and Member             Environmental Specialist
  Rebecca Gold Milikowsky                                           and Alumni/ae Affairs          Cynthia Werthamer Editorial       Services Assistant Manager
  Anthony Napoli                   Executive Director              Alessandra Larson Director       Director                                                        * Equity & Inclusion working
  Denise S. Simon                  Liza Parker*                     of Development*                                                                                   group team leader
  Martin T. Sosnoff                                                Kieley Michasiow-Levy
  Toni Sosnoff                     Artistic Director                Individual Giving Manager
                                   Gideon Lester                   Malinda Slayton-Cruz MAT '10
                                                                                                   BARD MUSIC FESTIVAL
  Felicitas S. Thorne Emerita
  Taun Toay ’05 ex officio                                          Development Operations         Executive Director               Scholar in                      Director of Choruses
  Andrew E. Zobler                 Administration                   Manager                        Irene Zedlacher                  Residence 2022                  James Bagwell
                                   Shannon Csorny Executive        Michael Hofmann VAP '15                                          Philip Ross Bullock
  Bard Music Festival               Coordinator                     Development Operations         Artistic Directors                                               Vocal Casting
  Board of Directors               Kayla Leacock Hiring/Special     Manager                        Leon Botstein                    Program Committee               Joshua Winograde
  Denise S. Simon Chair             Projects Manager               Elise Alexander ‘19 Gala        Christopher H. Gibbs             2022
  Roger Alcaly                                                      Coordinator*                                                    Byron Adams                     Producer, Staged
  Leon Botstein ex officio         Artistic Direction                                              Associate Director               Leon Botstein                   Concerts
  Michelle R. Clayman              Caleb Hammons Director          Theater &                       Raissa St. Pierre                Philip Ross Bullock             Nunally Kersh
  David Dubin                       of Artistic Planning and       Performance and                                                  Christopher H. Gibbs
  Robert C. Edmonds '68             Producing*                     Dance Programs                                                   Richard Wilson
  Jeanne Donovan Fisher            Catherine Teixeira General      Jennifer Lown Program                                            Irene Zedlacher
   Emerita                          Manager*                        Administrator
  Dr. Sanford J. Friedman          Nunally Kersh SummerScape
  Christopher H. Gibbs              Opera Producer                 Production
   ex officio                      Carter Edwards Producing        Jason Wells Director of
  Thomas Hesse                      Operations Manager              Production*
  Susan Petersen Kennedy

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THE ORCHESTRA NOW                                                                                                                                     CONCERT DEEP DIVE

  About Bard College                                                                             Upcoming TŌN Events
  The Fisher Center develops, produces, and presents performing arts across disciplines          New Voices from                        Liszt & Bartók
  through new productions and context-rich programs that challenge and inspire. As a premier      the 1930s                             MAY 22
                                                                                                                                        SUNDAY AT 4 PM
  professional performing arts center and a hub for research and education, the Fisher           MAY 7 & 8
  Center supports artists, students, and audiences in the development and examination            SATURDAY at 8 PM | SUNDAY AT 2 PM      at Peter Norton Symphony Space in NYC
  of artistic ideas, offering perspectives from the past and present as well as visions of the   at the Fisher Center at Bard
  future. The Fisher Center demonstrates Bard’s commitment to the performing arts as             MAY 12                                 Zachary Schwartzman conductor
  a cultural and educational necessity. Home is the Fisher Center for the Performing Arts,       THURSDAY at 7 PM
  designed by Frank Gehry and located on the campus of Bard College in New York’s Hudson         at Carnegie Hall                       Emmerich Kálmán Gräfin Mariza Overture
  Valley. The Fisher Center offers outstanding programs to many communities, including the                                              Liszt Les Préludes
  students and faculty of Bard College, and audiences in the Hudson Valley, New York City,       Leon Botstein conductor                Zoltán Kodály Dances of Galánta
  across the country, and around the world. Building on a 162-year history as a competitive      Gilles Vonsattel piano                 Bartók Concerto for Orchestra
  and innovative undergraduate institution, Bard is committed to enriching culture, public       Deborah Nansteel mezzo-soprano
  life, and democratic discourse by training tomorrow’s thought leaders.                         Frank Corliss piano

                                                                                                 William Grant Still Dismal Swamp
  ABOUT BARD COLLEGE                                                                             Carlos Chávez Piano Concerto
  Founded in 1860, Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, is an independent,
                                                                                                 Witold Lutosławski Symphonic
  residential, coeducational college offering a four-year BA program in the liberal arts
  and sciences and a five-year BA/BS degree in economics and finance. The Bard College
                                                                                                 Karl Amadeus Hartmann
  Conservatory of Music offers a five-year program in which students pursue a dual degree—a
                                                                                                  Symphony No. 1, Essay for a Requiem
  BM and a BA in a field other than music. Bard offers MM degrees in conjunction with the
  Conservatory and The Orchestra Now, and at Longy School of Music of Bard College in
  Cambridge, Massachusetts. Bard and its affiliated institutions also grant the following
  degrees: AA at Bard Early Colleges, public schools with campuses in New York City,
  Baltimore, Cleveland, New Orleans, Washington, D.C., and Newark, New Jersey, and at
  three Bard Microcolleges; AA and BA at Bard College at Simon’s Rock in Great Barrington,
  Massachusetts, and through the Bard Prison Initiative at six correctional institutions in
  New York State; MA in curatorial studies, MS and MA in economic theory and policy, MEd
  in environmental education, and MS in environmental policy and in climate science and
  policy at the Annandale campus; MFA at multiple campuses; MBA in sustainability in
  New York City; and MA, MPhil, and PhD in the decorative arts, design history, and material
  culture at the Bard Graduate Center in Manhattan. Internationally, Bard confers BA and
  MAT degrees at Al-Quds University in East Jerusalem and American University of Central
  Asia in Kyrgyzstan; and BA degrees at Bard College Berlin: A Liberal Arts University. Bard
  offers nearly 50 academic programs in four divisions. Total enrollment for Bard College
  and its affiliates is approximately 6,000 students. The undergraduate College has an
  enrollment of about 1,800 and a student-to-faculty ratio of 10:1. Bard’s acquisition of the
  Montgomery Place estate brings the size of the campus to nearly 1,000 acres.

  For more information about Bard College, visit

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Bard's Orchestral Masters

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