Join Team Darling Downs Health - Toowoomba City - Queensland ...

Page created by George Ortega
Join Team Darling Downs Health - Toowoomba City - Queensland ...
Team Darling Downs Health
      Toowoomba City
Join Team Darling Downs Health - Toowoomba City - Queensland ...
Darling Downs Health

      For more information contact:
      Recruitment and Attraction
      Workforce Division
      PO Box 405, Toowoomba QLD 4350
      Office hours: 8.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday

      © Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service 2019
      4364.v1 | 09/2020

      CC BY Licence Summary Statement
      In essence, you are free to copy, communicate and adapt the work for non-commercial purposes, as
      long as you attribute Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service and abide by the licence terms.
      To view a copy of this licence, visit

      Front Cover photograph of Wellcamp Airport, Toowoomba, courtesy of Tourism and Events Queensland.

                                 We respectfully acknowledge all Traditional Custodians of these lands and
                                 recognise their cultural heritage, their continuing connection to land, and their
                                 role in the life of the region. We are inspired by this tradition in our work to share
                                 and preserve Australian’s cultural memory for future generations. We sincerely
                                 acknowledge and pay our respects to all Elders past, present and future.

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Join Team Darling Downs Health - Toowoomba City - Queensland ...
Darling Downs Health.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–5
Meet our Board and Chief Executive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–7
Toowoomba, the Garden City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8–9
Exciting annual events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Meet our Executive Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12–13
Toowoomba staffing locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Meet our prostate cancer nurse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Staff wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16–17
Meet our electrical apprentice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
10,000 steps with Agnes Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Join #teamdarlingdownshealth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20–21
Recruitment process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

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Join Team Darling Downs Health - Toowoomba City - Queensland ...
       to Darling Downs Health
       “Caring for our communities – Healthier Together”
       Darling Downs Health provides exceptional patient centred care to 300,000 people in public
       hospitals across 29 facilities. We have a large geographical imprint of a 90,000 square kilometre
       radius with one large regional referral hospital, extended inpatient mental health services,
       medium sized regional hub hospitals, rural hospitals, multipurpose health services, community
       outpatient clinics and residential aged care facilities.
       Our vision, “Caring for our communities – Healthier Together” provides the framework for what we
       want to achieve and the choices we make in improving our community’s health and wellbeing.
       Our values – compassion, integrity, dignity, innovation, and courage – define how we provide care
       to meet the needs of our community which include health issues associated with ageing, obesity,
       chronic disease and low socioeconomic status.
       Darling Downs Health has over 5,000 hardworking, innovative and compassionate staff employed
       in full-time, part-time and casual positions. We are one of the largest employers in the region!
       At Darling Downs Health innovative ideas are strongly encouraged, career progression is
       supported by managers, annually hard-working employees are recognised, health and wellbeing
       is a focus and our staff thrive in a strong, value-based culture throughout our facilities.

             Are you ready to
           explore your career
            opportunities with
          Darling Downs Health?                              Continue reading to meet
                                                         our Board Chair, Chief Executive,
                                                         Executive Director of Toowoomba
                                                         Hospital, staff profiles and stories
                                                             and more reasons to join

                                            #teamdarlingdowns                                              .

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Join Team Darling Downs Health - Toowoomba City - Queensland ...
Over                          Almost                    Over                          Over
 159,000                          3,000                  18,000                       230,000
 emergency                        babies                women having                    outpatient
 department                        born                 breastscreens                  occasions of
presentations                                                                            service

Planning Regions
     Darling Downs - East
     South Burnett
     Southern Downs
     Western Downs

Facility type
     Multipurpose Heath Service
     Outpatient Clinic
    Community Care Unit
     Residential Aged Care

                Compassion                                              Integrity
                We engage with others and demonstrate                   We are open, honest,
                empathy, care, kindness, support and                    approachable, equitable and
                understanding                                           consistent in everything we do

                Dignity                                                 Innovation
                We treat others with respect,                           We embrace change and
                display reasonableness and take                         strive to know more, learn
                pride in what we do                                     more and do better

                We respectfully question for clarity
                and have the strength and confidence
                to Speak Up

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Join Team Darling Downs Health - Toowoomba City - Queensland ...
       Our Board and Chief Executive
       Welcome to Darling Downs Health

        Darling Downs Health is a Tier One health service that consistently delivers world-class health
        care to our communities across a large geographical region. This is achieved by our dedicated
        and hardworking staff providing timely, safe and compassionate care. Our staff are innovators,
        consistently working to put patients at the centre of the work we do, and tailoring care based
        on the needs of the community.
       A hospital is the cornerstone of any community, and particularly a large regional centre like
       Toowoomba, where our hospital serves as a hub for a population base approaching 300,000,
       distributed over 90,000 square kilometres.
       The Board and I would like to thank our Darling Downs Health staff for their continued hard
       work throughout the year to help care for our communities and we look forward to welcoming
       new employees to the Darling Downs Health team.
        We are proudly one of the largest employers in the region and we have some of the brightest,
        most talented health professionals in Australia right here on the Darling Downs.

        Mr Mike Horan AM
       Darling Downs Health Board Chair

      Our Board Members

      Mr Mike Horan AM    Dr Dennis Campbell       Ms Cheryl Dalton   Dr Ross Hetherington   Marie Pietsch
      Chair | Toowoomba   Deputy Chair | Toowoomba South Burnett      Southern Downs         Southern Downs

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Join Team Darling Downs Health - Toowoomba City - Queensland ...
This recruitment magazine is a great opportunity to showcase our
                          exceptional patient-centred care, our connection to community and the
                          people we care for.
                      Our staff are our greatest asset and we know the importance of supporting
                      their health and wellness, so they can continue to provide the best
                      possible care for our communities. As a health service we have an
                      advanced wellness strategy for our staff that sits within four pillars – eat,
                      move, think and track. We support the holistic health of our staff – from
  what we fuel our bodies with, to making exercise a priority, to looking after our mental health
  and tracking our progress.
  We are committed to supporting and promoting the wellness of our staff, delivering patient-
  centred care, and pursuing innovation.
  We are one of the best performing health services in the state and I am proud of the dignity,
  innovation, compassion, integrity, and courage of our staff. We’re humble, we don’t always
  seek recognition, and we provide outstanding patient-centred care.
  We are #teamdarlingdownshealth.

  Dr Peter Gillies
  Darling Downs Health Chief Executive

Trish Leddington-Hill   Megan O’Shannessy   Dr Ruth Terwijn    Professor Julie Cotter   Dr Maree Toombs
Western Downs           Western Downs       Toowoomba          Toowoomba                Toowoomba

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Join Team Darling Downs Health - Toowoomba City - Queensland ...
toowoomBa                                                  Welcome to
      the garden city                                            Australia’s second
                                                                 largest inland city.
                                                                  Here you are guaranteed to
                                                                  experience award winning
                                                                  wines, excellent dining choices,
                                                                  beautiful gardens, rich history,
                                                                  and art culture throughout the
                                                                  city. Toowoomba provides the
                                                                  feel and convenience of living
                                                                  in a city, without losing its
                                                                  country charm.

      Exciting Things to Do:
      »   Visit the tranquil and beautiful Japanese Gardens
      »   Enjoy a family outing at the Darling Downs Zoo, home to African lions,
          white lions, baboons, herd of zebras and giant tortoises
      »   Choose from five different markets to attend each weekend
      »   Wander through one of Queensland’s largest outdoor street art galleries
      »   Pack the picnic basket and relax in one of the 150 parks and gardens
          throughout the city
      »   Enjoy wine tasting at one of three vineyards
      »   Enjoy an 18 fun-filled themed hole mini putt putt course at the City Golf Club
      »   Shop the latest fashion and experience the new dining quarter at the
          recently developed shopping centre, Grand Central
      »   Enjoy the fresh air and specular views of the Lockyer Valley by
          climbing Table Top Mountain
      »   Learn all about Toowoomba’s history at the Cobb and Co Museum.

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Join Team Darling Downs Health - Toowoomba City - Queensland ...
Darling Downs Health
 region has an average
daily temperature range
 of 12.0c to 26.0c and
   an average rainfall
       of 665mm.

Did you know Toowoomba
is referred to as the Garden City?
The Carnival of Flowers began in 1949 to promote the
struggling city following the hardships of World War II.
Since its inception, the carnival has grown to a 10-day
event including a floral parade, food and wine festival,
walking history tours, sideshow alley and garden
competitions throughout the city. Make sure to visit the
Botanical Garden at Queens Park and Laurel Bank Park
during the month of September to see the beautiful
flower arrangements.

                                                     From Toowoomba to the world!
                                                     Toowoomba has an airport that flies
                                                     directly to Melbourne, Townsville, Darwin,
                                                     Western Queensland and Sydney.

                                                     Toowoomba is just a 90-minute drive
                                                     from Brisbane and 129 minutes to the
                                                     Gold Coast!

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Join Team Darling Downs Health - Toowoomba City - Queensland ...
Many events are held in Toowoomba’s central Queens Park Gardens.

              ANNUAL EVENTS
              January-                      February                March
              March                         For the keen golfers:
                                                                    Take the
                                                                    family to the
              Visit the                     Queensland PGA          Toowoomba show
              sunflower fields              Championship            and compete in the
              in full bloom.                City Golf Club.         Peak2Park event.

                                            May                                              June-July
                                           Treat your mother
                                           to a Mother’s Day                                 Family fun at the
                                           High Tea, raising                                 Winter Wonderland
                                           funds for Breast                                  outdoor ice
                                           Cancer Awareness.                                 skating rink.

              August                        September               October
              Delicious food,
              performances and              Attend the Carnival     Stroll through the
              displays to enjoy at          of Flowers Parade       city and immerse
              the Language and              and Food and            yourself in the
              Culture Festival.             Wine Festival.          street art on display.

              November                                              Weekends                 Sundays
                                                                    Get involved with        Restock your pantry
              Date night! Head to                                   a local Park Run,        and fridge with fresh
              the Empire Theatre                                    held at two different    and locally grown
              with your loved one                                   locations every          produce from the
              to watch a show!                                      Saturday morning.        local markets.

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Cobb n Co is a must-do, for markets and tours

Catch a show at the Empire Theatre

Capture a memory at local sunflower fields

Join the crowds at the annual Carnival parade.

                                                                                                  City center art

                                                 Enjoy a quiet stroll at the Japanese Gardens.

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Andrea Nagle           Annette Scott          Greg Neilson           Hayley Farry            Hwee Sin Chong

       MeeT                                                         Greg Neilson
                                                                    Executive Director Mental Health

       our Executive team                                           In one sentence, describe your job:
                                                                    Overall accountability for the performance of
                                                                    Darling Downs Health Mental Health Alcohol and Other
                                                                    Drugs Services.
                                                                    Why did you choose a career in health?
       Andrea Nagle                                                 A career in health stemmed from my overall interest
       Executive Director Nursing and Midwifery                     in people.
       In one sentence, describe your job:                          What do you love about the Darling Downs region?
       My role is the professional lead for nursing and             This region offers the best of a universal city and country
       midwifery for all of DDH nurses and midwives. I also         feel with genuine down to earth people who care about
       hold operational responsibility for our Public Health Unit   their communities.
       and Community and Oral Health Service, including our
       Nurse Navigators.                                            Hayley Farry
       Why did you choose a career in health?                       Executive Director Workforce
       I always knew my career would be in health, but I never
       imagined I’d be in the role I am now.                        In one sentence, describe your job:
                                                                    I lead a team that focuses on providing supportive
       What do you love about the Darling Downs region?             functions to our employees such as Human Resources,
       I love how we have everything we need right here             Work Health and Safety, Recruitment and Selection,
       without the craziness of a big city. We have open            Learning and Development and Culture and Capability.
       spaces, and beautiful places to experience whenever
       you feel like exploring.                                     Why did you choose a career in health?
                                                                    I have always had a desire to help others. Working in
                                                                    healthcare allows me to do this by supporting others to
       Annette Scott                                                provide the very best care possible to our communities.
       Executive Director Allied Health
                                                                    What do you love about the Darling Downs region?
       In one sentence, describe your job:                          Darling Downs is a beautiful place to live. It has
       I manage the allied health professionals (non-medical        excellent schooling, sporting amenities, and we have
       and non-nursing clinical workforce) as well as a range of    all the benefits of urban living. We’re close enough to
       specific services including the Breast Screen program,       Brisbane and the Coasts making it easy to plan short
       Darling Downs Health Research Agenda, Allied Health          getaways on the weekends.
       Education and Training agenda and Community Aged
       Care services.                                               Hwee Sin Chong
       Why did you choose a career in health?                       Executive Director of Queensland Rural
       Working in health has given me a lot of opportunity
       to practice across a diverse range of clinical settings
                                                                    Medical Service
       and age groups. I began as a physiotherapist, and now        In one sentence, describe your job:
       as a service manager I am in a privileged position to        I am responsible for several medical speciality training
       influence planning and decision making to improve the        pathways and provide advice to Queensland Health
       experience for our staff, patients and communities.          departments including medical industrial relations
       What do you love about the Darling Downs region?             negotiations, in order to develop an appropriate medical
       The sense of community is strong, the services available     workforce for the needs of rural and remote Queensland.
       are extensive, the environment including the gardens         Why did you choose a career in health?
       and parks are exceptional and the weather (for the           Healthcare is critical to everyone. It’s a great privilege
       most part) is beautiful.                                     to help those around me while contributing to such a
                                                                    precious and necessary service.
                                                                    What do you love about the Darling Downs region?
                                                                    The people are so lovely, and our towns all have a
                                                                    unique charm, beauty and there are natural wonders to
                                                                    be found.
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Jane Ranger            Joanne Shaw             Julian Tommei         Paul Clayton           Shirley-Anne Gardiner

Jane Ranger                                                    What do you love about the Darling Downs region?
                                                               I like the small town and rural feel but with Brisbane,
Chief Finance Officer                                          Gold and Sunny Coasts all within easy reach.
In one sentence, describe your job:
I am responsible for providing single-point accountability     Paul Clayton
for the Finance Division including Finance Control,
information access and Business Analysis and
                                                               Executive Director Infrastructure
Development areas ensuring practical financial                 In one sentence, describe your job:
management of Darling Downs Health.                            I provide executive leadership for the Darling Downs
Why did you choose a career in health?                         Health Infrastructure Division, and I ensure the
I have worked in many different industries, including          coordinated and efficient delivery of DDH capital
banking, manufacturing, hospitality, transport and the         infrastructure projects, ICT services, operational
building industry. Health is the most complex, changing        services (facility services), and maintenance and
and challenging but rewarding industry where my                engineering services.
contribution, like everyone in our team, really counts.        Why did you choose a career in health?
What do you love about the Darling Downs region?               There is a palpable sense of collective purpose among
I love the country lifestyle I have living in Darling          staff and effort is rewarded knowing there is a genuine,
Downs region.                                                  and often life-changing, contribution back to our
                                                               community. Where else do you get that?

Joanne Shaw                                                    What do you love about the Darling Downs region?
                                                               Cool winters in front of the fire, warm summers under the
Executive Director Rural Services                              trees, and a less-crowded regional lifestyle. Granite Belt
In one sentence, describe your job:                            wines and Chinchilla watermelons are pretty good too!
I oversee 15 acute hospitals, three multiple purpose
health services, six residential aged care facilities, two     Shirley-Anne Gardiner
outpatient clinics and two primary practice clinics across
90,000 square kilometres within Darling Downs Health.
                                                               Executive Director Toowoomba Hospital
Why did you choose a career in health?                         In one sentence, describe your job:
During high school, my Nana (grandmother) became               I have been the Executive Director for Toowoomba
unwell with cancer and lived with my family during the         Hospital since August 2016 and I am operationally
last year of her life. I assisted with her care and became     responsible for a budget of over $325 million and
aware of the work done by palliative care nurses. This         2,000 staff.
experience led to an interest in health and I completed        Why did you choose a career in health?
my Bachelor of Nursing.                                        I am a social anthropologist and my passion is
What do you love about the Darling Downs region?               understanding Social Determinants of Health, such as
Darling Downs is a friendly regional area, which is            conditions in a person’s education or income that play
close to other bigger city centres and has several social      a role in shaping health outcomes. These are major
activities and park areas.                                     contributing factors to health inequities and an area that
                                                               I have been advocating for throughout my career (If we
                                                               can impact the social determinants of health, we can
Julian Tommei                                                  change lives!)
Executive Director Legal and Governance
                                                               What do you love about the Darling Downs region?
In one sentence, describe your job:                            The community! I love the passion and enthusiasm that
My fantastic team and I support the Board and Executive        our community has. They want to make a difference and
in ensuring effective corporate governance of the Darling      I love that! I also love the annual Toowoomba Carnival
Downs Health operations.                                       of Flowers, it’s so beautiful at that time of year.

Why did you choose a career in health?
I was practising law predominantly in medico-legal
litigation in private practise in South Africa when I
decided to emigrate to New Zealand in 2002. It seemed a
natural progression to take on an inhouse legal role with
a District Health Board at that time. I then progressed to
include corporate governance more broadly.
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       three office locations
       Toowoomba Hospital
       Toowoomba Hospital, located on Pechey Street,
       is the main regional hospital for Darling Downs
       Health. It has nearly 300 beds and seven
       operating theatres. The five clinical service
       groups include medical, women’s and children’s,
       patient flow, surgical and cancer care, and                                     Baillie Henderson Hospital
       clinical support. The four professional divisions
       are medical services, Queensland Rural Medical
       Service, allied health and nursing and midwifery
                                                             Baillie Henderson Hospital
       Toowoomba Hospital is a fast-paced working            The Baillie Henderson Hospital campus is set on
       environment and the care we provide continues         75 hectares and is about three kilometres from
       to grow each year.                                    Toowoomba. The hospital has a handful of active
                                                             wards that provide Extended Inpatient Services
                                                             to medium and long term inpatient assessment,
                                                             treatment and rehabilitation of individuals who
                                                             are unwell or disabled by their mental disorders.
                                                             The remainder of the campus is administration,
                                                             maintenance and operational services with
                                                             offices in heritage-listed buildings. The grounds
                                                             and buildings are beautiful, surrounded by lush
                                                             green grass and native bunya trees. Wellness
                                                             walks and taking breaks outside are encouraged.
                                                             Wellbean Co cafe is located at Toowoomba
                                                             Hospital and Baillie Henderson Hospital. The cafe
                                                             is operated by Toowoomba Hospital Foundation,
                                                             who cater to our staff’s coffee and food needs.
                                                             The cafe offers a range of hot and cold drinks
                                                             and fresh healthy food from locally sourced
                                                             ingredients by our qualified chefs and baristas.
        Toowoomba Hospital

       Mt Lofty Heights Nursing Home
       Mt Lofty Heights Nursing Home has 40 beds
       comprising of 20 dementia-specific, 19 frail aged
       and one respite bed. Mt Lofty sits on beautiful
       tended grounds overlooking Toowoomba. The
       facility has a resident dog, guinea pigs and birds.
       The facility also has a fully catered function
       room and has operational staff on site.                                      Mt Lofty Heights Nursing Home

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Jo Hiscock
Introducing a passionate
advocate for men’s health,
gardening enthusiast and
prostate cancer specialist nurse
at the Toowoomba Hospital.
We sat down with Jo to find out
how her role has been going
and why she advocates for the                                                                          Jo Hiscock
Toowoomba lifestyle!
As a prostate cancer specialist nurse,                   What sparked your interest in men’s health
what do you do?                                          and this role, in particular?
I see men, both those who have been newly                I’ve always had an interest in men’s health and
diagnosed and those who have been diagnosed for          making sure men look after themselves. Most men
some time, to provide support and information about      don’t speak up and in some ways, I think we need
their disease and treatments. It’s a very complex        to advocate for them.
and ever-changing subject. I talk to them about the
issues they may be facing and the decisions they         I’ve had some good male role models in my life. I’ve
need to make.                                            got two sons myself, and a very good husband –
                                                         and they need to be looked after just the rest of the
The outcomes of treatment can result in very, very       men out there!
personal problems. And I try and help with those
problems. It can be very devastating for a lot of men.
You have to build up the trust with them to find out     Working at Toowoomba Hospital, how do you
the issues they may be facing, in order to provide       find a work life balance?
that help.
                                                         I have a good position at the Toowoomba Hospital
                                                         and I work with a great group of people. I have a
How many men do you think you have helped?               great manager who sees the importance of a work
                                                         life balance.
It would be well over 250 men. There’s a lot of men
out there facing these issues. At any one time, I        I believe it is also important to manage your time
would have about 40 men I am actively seeing.            effectively and be efficient in what you do. By doing
There’s been a few times now, people have said to        this I am able to finish my work tasks within my
me, ‘I don’t know what I would have done without         rostered hours and head home to enjoy my garden.
your support’. And that’s wonderful to hear and know
that I’m making a difference.
                                                         How long have you lived in Toowoomba?
What are some of the more difficult parts                I grew up in Oakey, which isn’t far from Toowoomba
of the role?                                             at all. My family and I moved to Toowoomba in
                                                         approximately 1986 and have greatly enjoyed living
Often with prostate cancer, when it is in the early      here. I spend my weekends gardening, visiting and
stages and localised, there are no symptoms at all.      admiring the gardens around the city and spending
We see big, burly men and they’ve had no lumps and       time with friends and family. Toowoomba has such
no issues with their waterworks, and yet they are        potential for growth, it truly is a beautiful city and
faced with this wretched cancer diagnosis.               provides a great lifestyle for all ages.
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                 HAPPIER LIFESTYLE
       Leanne Reynolds thought she knew                            “The incidental exercise promotes the release of
                                                                    endorphins (the body’s feel-good chemicals) and
       what she was getting for her fiftieth                        sets me up for an active day while clearing my head
       birthday last year.                                          and putting me in a great mood.”

       After all, she had picked the jewellery out herself –       The benefits continue when Leanne arrives to work
       alongside husband Chris.                                    and doesn’t have to worry about the hassle of
                                                                   finding and paying for a car park.
       And as expected, on the big day, the small
       beautifully wrapped and ribboned box was waiting            She has also had a positive impact on colleagues,
       to reveal the precious prize within.                        some of whom have also started riding to work.

       What Leanne didn’t know was that a second gift was          “I think it sets a great example for patients and
       waiting for her … in the garage.                             visitors too,” Leanne said.

       “I’d been complaining about being unfit and wanting         “As child health workers we are seeing increasing
        to make a change,” Leanne, who is a Clinical Nurse          levels of childhood obesity, and by getting fit
        in the Child, Youth and Family Health department of         and healthy ourselves we can show how fun and
        Toowoomba Hospital, explained.                              beneficial an active lifestyle can be.”

       “Chris had been researching electric bikes, and he          Other benefits have included setting a good
        thought an e-bike might be just what I needed to           example of a healthy lifestyle for her two children,
        make exercising part of my day-to-day routine by           and reducing her environmental footprint.
        riding to work,” she said.
                                                                   Leanne said she was surprised to find there were no
       “I was so excited when I saw the bike and I couldn’t        barriers to adopting a ride-to-work routine.
        wait to get started.”
                                                                   “Previously I thought it would take me longer to get
       Leanne adopted a healthier diet,                             to work, I was worried I wouldn’t get home in time to
                                                                    meet the kids after school, and I had concerns about
       swapped the car for the bike, and
                                                                    riding in traffic and weather,” she said.
       hasn’t looked back. So far, she has lost
       18 kilograms, increased her fitness level                   “I have found that it takes me the same amount of
                                                                    time to get to work, it only takes me five minutes
       and gained numerous other benefits.                          longer to get home (it is an uphill ride for part of the
       “Just making that commitment to ride in the morning          way), there are dedicated bike lanes on my route to
        makes such a big difference to my day,” Leanne said.        separate me from traffic and a simple light-weight
                                                                    weather-proof jacket is all I need to keep me dry on
       “Riding gives me an enormous sense of wellbeing              rainy days.
        by connecting me to the environment and the
        community,” she said.                                      “On very hot days, I can use the bikes’ electric motor
                                                                    to supplement my physical effort and allow an extra
       “My route takes me through Queens Park, where I              five or 10 minutes to freshen up in the bathroom and
        say hello to the gardeners and watch as the plants          change clothes before work.
        and floral displays grow and change throughout
        the seasons.                                               Cycling has brought so much joy and positivity into
                                                                   Leanne’s life, she is looking for ways to increase
       “I’ve got to know other people who are out walking,         her usage of the e-bike and leave the car at home.
        riding, or giving their dogs a run in the off-leash area   It seems this unexpected birthday present truly
        of the park.                                               has been a gift that keeps on giving.

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Leanne Reynolds

    Darling Downs Health Wellness Program
    The Darling Downs Health Wellness program encourages staff to make healthy lifestyle choices.
    The program provides staff with a broad range of information regarding physical, nutritional, emotional and
    financial wellbeing. The staff internet page is filled with links to different diet options, physical activities
    ideas, creating healthy habits, mindfulness and meditation.

    Toowoomba Darling Downs Health employees also have many discounts to gyms and health facilities
    across the city. Employees also have access to the Fitness Passport program which allows staff and family
    discounts to gyms and health facilities across the state.

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       our electrical
       apprentice                                                                                    Connor Lawless

       Connor Lawless is an enthusiastic,                     “It is a great opportunity and experience to be
                                                               involved in preparing the campus for the new
       hard-working and safety focused                         hospital,” Connor said.
       second year electrical apprentice                      Connor chose to complete his apprenticeship with
       with Darling Downs Health.                             Toowoomba Hospital as he enjoys the structure of
                                                              the organisation and the emphasis placed on safety.
       Confronted with over 500 different apprenticeship
                                                              “Safety comes first at Darling Downs Health, it’s
       occupations to pick from, Connor decided on
                                                               one of the reasons I enjoy working here so much,”
       the electrical trade as it offered a challenge and
                                                               Connor said.
       constant variety.
                                                              “Before starting any job, we ‘toolbox talk’,” which
       “I love the challenge being an electrician provides.    Connor says is tradesman jargon for holding an
        I love the maths behind it,” Connor said.              informal group discussion focusing on the safety
       “The electrical apprenticeship provides me with job     aspects of the job.
        variety and constant learning opportunities. I will   A tradie’s health and safety is the most valuable part
        always be learning in this job.”                      of their toolkit. Connor shared his great advice for
       Day to day, Connor works alongside the other           keeping healthy and safe in his workplace.
       tradesman to check electrical installations,           “I walk around a lot and am constantly carrying tools
       schematics and testing and repairing equipment.         and equipment. I eat tuna and rice every day for
       Electrical work has also commenced in preparing         lunch,” Connor said.
       the Bailliee Henderson campus for the planned
       new hospital.                                          “Work smart. Never go into a job half-heartedly.”

                                                                   Darling Downs Health offers
                                                                   apprenticeships in the
                                                                   following trades:

                                                                   - Plumbers
                                                                   - Fitters
                                                                   - Painters
                                                                   - Electricians.
Pictured: Iconic tree-lined streets of Toowoomba

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Pictured: Picnic Point

10,000 steps
with Agnes Wright
As a little girl growing up in Papua New
Guinea, Agnes Wright had a big dream
– to work in a job caring for people.
“The Papua New Guinean culture is very family
 orientated and there is a big focus on looking after one
 another,” Agnes said.

“I knew when I grew up I wanted to find a job where I
                                                                                               Agnes Wright
 could help to take care of others.”

Agnes moved to Australia in 2003 and began applying
for jobs in the health care industry, with a focus on
catering services.                                           “I also deliver food to the wards, which is nice
                                                              because I like to talk to the patients.
“I wasn’t having any success so I enrolled in a
 hospitality course at TAFE and studied for a year,”         “Some patients have few or no family or visitors
 she said.                                                    and are in hospital for a long time, and they look
                                                              forward to having a chat – it’s just a few minutes
“Soon after I was offered two jobs on the same day, and       of my time, but to them it’s a big thing.
 decided to take the position working in the kitchen at
 Bundaberg Hospital.”                                        “We are here to look after our patients, and give
                                                              them the care and attention they need.”
Agnes now works in the kitchen at Toowoomba
Hospital, after relocating in 2012 to be closer to family.   As a gym enthusiast who lives an active lifestyle,
                                                             Agnes also enjoys the physical element of her work.
“I love my job, it is different every day and I like that
 variety,” she said.                                         “I am on my feet all day, my work involves a lot of
                                                              walking and standing, but it is a good thing –
“I fill a range of roles in the kitchen, from preparing       I like it.”
 sandwiches to working on the plating line, making sure
 every tray has the correct meal items.                      Agnes also enjoys working in a team and says she
                                                             is lucky to have great supervisors and managers.
“We cater for so many different patients that have
 specific dietary requirements – some have diabetes,         “They are all such nice people, it makes you look
 some have allergies, some need soft foods and                forward to coming to work every day,” she said.
 thickened fluids, some are vegetarian or vegan – and        “I always thought it would be my dream job.”
 it is very important that we get the right foods to the
 right people.                                               And Agnes is living her dream.

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Join Team Darling Downs Health
       We are one of the largest employers in the Darling
       Downs with a team of more than 5,000 people
       across 90,000 square kilometres. Our workforce is
       made up not only of clinicians – doctors, nurses,
       midwives, allied health; but also, administration
       staff, maintence and engineering, cleaners,
       gardeners and cooks. Everyone in our health
       service plays an important part and we’re dedicated
       to making a difference.

       Team Darling Downs Health provides a supportive
       workplace to build your career. You are supported
       through online training to increase your
       understanding of the expectations of Darling Downs
       Health, provided with top remuneration packages to
       match your experience, generous leave loading and
       shift work penalty rates. Hard working employees
       are recognised at the annual Darling Downs Health
       Staff, Volunteer, Innovation and Research Awards.

       Darling Downs Health is an employer of choice
       by ensuring we provide equitable and fair
       opportunities for people with disability, culturally
       and linguistically diverse people, Aboriginal
       and Torres Strait Islander People, women and
       disadvantaged groups.

       Keep an eye out on for all our latest recruitment opportunities.
       However if there are no current positions advertised in your chosen field, you can still
       apply to work for Darling Downs Health by contacting Recruitment and Attraction on
       (07) 4699 8310 or email

       To join #teamdarlingdownshealth, visit
       for more information about working with us.

              APPLY NOW

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Follow us
on social media
To learn more about #teamdarlingdownshealth,
jump onto our social media channels to see the great things
our staff do and the way we positively engage with
our community!

                                                           Keep up to date with our latest
                                                           tweets by following us on
          Packing school lunches becoming
          difficult? Head over to our
          Pinterest page, Darling Downs
          Health, for tips and ideas to keep
          your kids healthy and happy!

                                                       We love using Facebook to share
                                                       videos, photos and educational
                                                       information to our readership!
  With more than 200 hundred
                                                       Like us on Facebook
  posts and over 1000 followers,
  our Instagram is a hit! Hop on and
  follow us @darlingdownshealth

      Do you want to know how to escape the
      flu season? How to make your health your              Be sure to follow us on LinkedIn
      greatest wealth? Or what not to say to a              as well @ darling-downs-
      pregnant woman? Well head on over to                  hospital-and-health-service
      our #healthiertogether blog! Our stories
      are entertaining and educational, we
      guarantee you will enjoy the read!


                                                                                             21 |
Our recruitment process

       How to join us
       Prepare your application following the requirements
       outlined in the recruitment package.

       Submit your application through

       If we love what you submit to us, you will be offered a
       formal interview.

       Once we offer you a job, you will need to provide
       documents and references for our checking. We will
       also need to undertake pre-employment requirements.

       If you are unsuccessful, you will receive an email at
       the end of the recruitment process.

       For more information on our
       recruitment process head over

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