A TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY TOWARDS MORE HEALTH - Making More Health - Progress report 2019-2020

A TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY TOWARDS MORE HEALTH - Making More Health - Progress report 2019-2020
Making More Health

     Progress report 2019-2020
A TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY TOWARDS MORE HEALTH - Making More Health - Progress report 2019-2020
Building and Empowering Communities                                                                                                  Unleashing
to increase Health                                                                                                               innovative pathways
Since 2011, Ashoka and              bines Boehringer Ingelheim’s       dynamic network of health                        to achieve social and business impact
Boehringer Ingelheim have           expertise in health care from      influencers, including thou-
built a collective global vision:   the perspective of a family-       sands of Boehringer Ingel-
                                                                                                                in health for people, animals and their communities
increase access to health care      owned business, with Ashoka’s      heim employees engaged in              leading to the positive role of companies in society
for people, animals and their       track-record of identifying,       health-related initiatives and
communities. Through our            uniting and animating leading      more than 100 leading social
joint initiative, Making More       social entrepreneurs and their     entrepreneurs who collectively
Health (MMH), we support the        collective insights to inspire     reach more than 9.3 million         SOCIAL                      CHANGEMAKER                                   CROSS SECTOR
systems-changing solutions          an “Everyone A Changemaker         direct beneficiaries around the
of social entrepreneurs and         (EACH) world”.                     globe. Together, this network
                                                                                                         INNOVATION                      CULTURE                                     CO-CREATION
combine diverse approaches          This convergence of innova-        is addressing the most com-
along the continuum of care         tion, business, social entrepre-   plex health challenges.
in a holistic approach. To          neurship and changemaking
achieve this vision, MMH com-       has resulted in a diverse and
                                                                                                            MMH identifies,                   MMH inspires an                            MMH fosters win-win
                                                                                                                invest in,               international community                       collaborations across the
                                                                                                              and catalyze                  of action oriented,                       social, public and business
                                                                                                          a global community           intrapreneurial people who                       sectors and inspires an
                                                                                                            of health actors              build new business skills                  ecosystem for creativity and
                                                                                                           impacting people,            through partnerships with                     a platform for accelarating
                  Manuela Pastore                                      Dana Leskova
                                                                                                          animals and planet                  the social sector                             new innovations
                  MMH Global lead,                                     Head of Corporate Strategy
                  Boehringer Ingelheim                                 and Consulting

                  Medard Schoenmaeckers                                Arnaud Mourot
                                                                                                                                               Continuum of care
                  Global Head Communications                           VP Changemaker Companies,                                                                                          Discover the poten-
                  + Public Affairs, Boehringer                                                                 MMH                Social          MMH: find         Traditional           tial of business and
                                                                       Ashoka                                                    Sector          shared value         Business
                  Ingelheim                                                                              Bringing together     Social Impact       Financially        Financial           social convergence
                                                                                                         business and social      Driven          Sustainable      Outcomes Driven        in new and exciting
                                                                                                               goals                                  Social                                      ways.

A TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY TOWARDS MORE HEALTH - Making More Health - Progress report 2019-2020
                                                            CHANGEMAKING IN HEALTH
                                                           This journey illustrates how Boehringer Ingelheim, through MMH,
                                                               progressively integrated social impact into the company.

                                                                                                           2017                             EIR receives an “HR
                                                                                                       Intrapreneurship                     Excellence Award”
                                                                                                        becomes a core
   Watch the MMH                                                                                      competency + EIR               2018
   10 years video                                                                                         and Insights           Boehringer Ingel-
                                                                               2013                   as talent offerings       heim - Beyond Inno-
                                                                             Addition of                                           vation Award.
                                                                          Co-Creation pillar
           Play now                                                                                                    2018                                            PHASE 4
                                                                  2012                                              MMH Accelerator
                                                                                                                                                                         2021 – 2025
                                                             First Fellow elected            2014                      Launch
                                                                                                                                                                      Building a culture of
                                        2010                                           Ashoka and BI reaf-
                                                                                                                                                                  changemaking and a global
                                     125 Years of BI                                   firm their commit-
                                                                                                                                                                   eco-system of partners to
                                                                                          ment to MMH
                                                                                                                                                                  make more health happen
                                                    MMH Launch
                                                                                                                                  PHASE 3
                                                                                                                                    2018 – 2020
                                                                                                                                Making More Health
                                                                                                                             globally through social and
                                                                                          PHASE 2                             business co-creation and
                                                                                            2015 – 2017                     developing local ecosystems
                                                                                       Identify Changemaker
                                                    PHASE 1                         Talent and Intrapreneurship
                                                  2011 - 2014
                                                                                     as key skills sets in Making
                                                Building a network
                                                                                            More Health
                                             of Social Entrepreneurs
                                                     in Health

THE NOVICE/STARTER: Awareness                          THE EXPLORER: Responsability                             THE PIONEER: Purpose                                     THE CHANGEMAKER: Systems changer
Appreciates social innovation and systems change;      Moving beyond strategic philanthropy; articulates        Internalizes the change and actively connects it to      Actively changes an industry for the good of all
sees potential to impact core business                 connection between social impact and core                core business with a higher organizational purpose
                                                       business                                                 identified
A TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY TOWARDS MORE HEALTH - Making More Health - Progress report 2019-2020
    100 MMH Fellows
     supported in 39                         OF COMMUNITIES AND INITIATIVES
   countries, reaching
   an estimated 9.3M*                                                        Making more health happen since 2011
                                                                                                                                        Through concrete diverse MMH
                                                             Europe                                                                programs and initiatives we are fostering
                                                      MMH Fellows: 42 | EIR: 6
                                                    V4C program: 1 in France,
                                                                                                                                          this Changemaker culture:
         Central and                                  3 in Spain, 9 in Germany                        Asia
        North America                             Online course participants*: 451           MMH Fellows: 19 | EIR: 5
       MMH Fellows: 10 | EIR: 8                    Bag to the Future projects : 5        Online course participants*: 196
    V4C program: 6 programs run
   Online course participants*: 395
                                                                                          Bag to the Future projects : 5
                                                                                      Leadership week: 14 – 210 participants
                                                                                                                               DISCOVERING                                                                   SUPPORTING
                                                                                                                                 Nearly 1 700 participants                                                     15 V4C projects run in 5
                                                                                                                                 in the Online course social                                                   countries, After the 2019
                                                                                                                                intrapreneurship for inno-                                                  program in France, 89% of the
                                                                                                                                  vation in health, from 35                                                 participants identify themsel­ves
                                                                                                                                countries, 100%* of partici-                                                as changemaker vs 57% before
                                                                                                                               pants agreed “As a result of this                                                     the program.
                                                                                                                                 course, I now understand the
                                                                                                                               business case for partnering with
                                                                                                                                     social entrepreneurs.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                      BRINGING BACK
                                                                                                                                 IMMERSING                                                                  2 editions of Bag to the Future
                                                                                                                                                                                                                intrapreneurial contest:
                                                                                                                               42 EIR in 16 countries, 82%*                                                 17 projects launched by teams
                                                                                                                               of the cohort agreed that their                                               of employees from 9 different
      Latin America                                                                                                              participation in this project                                                         countries.
    MMH Fellows: 13 | EIR: 5
                                                                                                                                 helped them to self-identify                                                 16 co-creations between
Online course participants*: 170                                             Africa                                                   as a changemaker.                                                         Boehringer Ingelheim
 Bag to the Future projects : 3                                    MMH Fellows : 16 | EIR : 18
                                                                                                                                  16 leadership weeks in                                                      and Social entrepreneurs
                                                                    V4C program : 1 in Kenya
                                                                                                                               India and Kenya, 95% of the                                                  (including 7 via the Accelerator
                                                                  + Afrika Kommt! (46 fellows)
                                                                                                                                participants stated they never                                                         program).
                                                                Online course participants* : 469
                                                                                                                               experienced a similar powerful
                                                              Leadership week : 2 – 30 participants
                                                                                                                                    leadership training**.
                                                                      Cocreations BI/SE : 7
                                                                 Bag to the Future projects : 3
EIR: Executive In Residence, leadership program                                                                                       *figures are based on self-reporting by Fellows, collected from their external communications (websites and annual reports)
                                                                                                                                                                         **based on the survey of the last cohort of participants
V4C: Venture for Change, Youth programs                                                                                                                                                     ** from 2018 survey

A TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY TOWARDS MORE HEALTH - Making More Health - Progress report 2019-2020
                                                                                                   In 2018 and 2019, 12 Fellows joined the MMH community
                                                                                                                          Discover the 6 others Fellows along the report

HEALTH ENTREPRENEURS                                                                                    Pablo Lecuona
                                                                                                   Tiflonexos - Argentina:
                                                                                                 Creating a global community
                                                                                                                                           Helene Viruega
                                                                                                                                   Equiphoria - France (AH):
                                                                                                                                      Improving the quality of
                                                                                                                                                                               Shailabh Kumar
                                                                                                                                                                          Uplift Mutuals - India:
                                                                                                                                                                           Setting up the first multi
At the core of MMH is social innovation in health.                                                of visually impaired readers         life of both the patients          community mutual health
                                                                                                   which, by using innovative        and their environment by         micro-insurance model in India
To enable everyone to have
                                                                                                  and free tools supported by     leveraging scientific research       that is community owned and
access to health and live a
                                                         Since 2011,                              technology, is replacing the      and changing the mindsets           led, thus giving them control
happy and healthy life, there
                                               Making More Health has built                      paradigm of dependency for             throughout the health         to take care of their health and
is a need to think beyond clas-
                                         a community of 100 MMH Fellows (social                  the one of autonomy of blind     ecosystem about patient care             health protection more
sical frameworks and systems
                                    entrepreneurs in health), active in 39 countries and                      people                and non-drug approaches,                 proactively through
generated by the economic
                                    reaching more than 9.3 million direct beneficiaries.                                               with a specific focus on               a nonprofit society.
world. That is why MMH is
                                     MMH has directly invested €9.8 million in finding                                                       hippotherapy
dedicated to support social
                                          and funding these social entrepreneur’s
entrepreneurs creating unique
                                        incredible health innovations. An additional
solutions that disrupt traditio-
                                          €4.3 million has been indirectly raised
nal approaches and embrace a
                                                for Fellow in the Accelerator
grounded and holistic vision of
                                                     program in Kenya
health access – for both people
                                                                                                        Nneka Mobisson
and animals.
                                                                                                        Mdoc - Nigeria:                                                         Zafer Elcik
                                                                                                   Trough an accessible plate-             Femi Kayode                      Otsimo - Turkey:
                                                                                                   form, creating a system for             Vetsark and                  Creating affordable, easily
                                                                                                  communicating and connec-             Farmalert - Nigeria:             accessible and impactful

                                                                                                    ting doctors and patients      Building a system for livestock       educational materials for
                                                                                                     together to disseminate      health and disease prevention.        families and children with
                                                                                                 knowledge in the communities      Empowering smallholder far-        autism or other special needs.
«Having been selected as an Ashoka Fellow      « Thanks to the help of BI, we have a sca-
                                                                                                 and villages on non-communi-       mers with innovative mobile        By closing the gap between
and part of MMH contributes substantially to   ling opportunity in Kenya with a local NGO
                                                                                                 cable diseases. Also providing   technology solutions and infor-      children in different learning
my work:                                       partner. BI is supporting us in this journey. »
                                                                                                 access to coaches and to peer    mation services by giving them      cycles, Zafer and his team are
belonging to the network implies new oppor-    Eszter Harsányi - Nesting play
                                                                                                   to peer learning to achieve    access to vital information that      creating a hub of solutions
tunities for partnerships, articulations and

                                                                                                    patients behavior change.     will improve their farming ope-     both for the children and their
learning, to enhance the impact of my work     « The project [between Siel Bleu and BI] starts
                                                                                                                                   rations and overall livelihood.                families.
[…]» Pablo Lecuona – Tiflonexo - Argentina     from shared vision on how we can support
                                               patients with some non-pharmaceutical
                                               treatments. […] » Siel Bleu
                                                                                                        Discover all MMH Fellows                                     Read more           >

A TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY TOWARDS MORE HEALTH - Making More Health - Progress report 2019-2020

MMH SUPPORTING PEOPLE                                                                                    DISCOVERING
TO BECOME CHANGEMAKERS                                                                                   SOCIAL INNOVATION
Providing opportunities to innovate for health                                                           AND INTRAPRENEURSHIP:
The MMH initiative places people at the center
of everything. This means patients, employees,
                                                     Boehringer Ingelheim employees are encou-
                                                     raged to open their eyes, hearts and minds and
                                                                                                         ONLINE COURSE
                                                                                                         We know that social Intrapreneurship is a                           Our 6-week, interactive, online learning environ-
young people, social entrepreneurs and all other     take action, rally teammates around them and
                                                                                                         strategy for sparking, cultivating and advancing                    ment connects Boehringer Ingelheim employees
people involved.                                     engage, through their work, in socially impactful
                                                                                                         social innovation within institutions, but some-                    with health professionals and social innovators
                                                                                                         times the first step, is about helping employees                    from around the world and prepares them for
To achieve this, MMH is embracing the Everyone
                                                                                                         to understand the basics in intrapreneurship.                       lead roles in developing health innovations with
a Changemaker vision by building programs and        By creating this environment inside the com-
                                                                                                                                                                             social and business impact.
creating opportunities for individuals to discover   pany, MMH is contributing to build a Change-
and master changemaking skills to help make          maker Culture for sustainable change, with
more health happen.                                  employees.
                                                                                                                                                               1 700 participants from
                                                                                                                                                              54 Countries, in 10 editions
                       Through concrete diverse
                                                                                                                                                                                                   have already taken on
                    MMH programs and initiatives
              we are fostering this Changemaker culture:                                                 98%*                                                                     21%              an intrapreneurial project
                                                                                                                                                                                                   or action within 4 weeks
                                                                                                                                                                                                   of course completion

                                                                                                                                                are planning
                  social innovation and
                                                                      people in their
                                                                      changemaker journey
                                                                                                          73%*                                  to taken on an
                                                                                                                                                project or action.
                                                                                                         *based on the survey of the last cohort of participants

                  in Social entrepreneurship
                  “on the ground”
                                                                      BRINGING BACK
                                                                      the changemaker skills and
                                                                      action in the company              «
                                                                                                         « This course vividly explained to me how
                                                                                                         each and every one of us can start making
                                                                                                         a change. Being embedded in an companies
                                                                                                         network is enabling rather than preventing us
                                                                                                                                                                             « My company supports intrapreneurship in
                                                                                                                                                                             a way I had no idea [about] before, and that
                                                                                                                                                                             I can take part into a social project myself
                                                                                                                                                                             in my current role as long as I find the right
                                                                                                         from creating social impact. »                                      people and project to start. It opened up my
                                                                                                         BI employee from Austria participant                                horizon and brought new opportunities to
                  In an Everyone A Changemaker «EACH» world, all people have
                                                                                                                                                                             me. »
                   the self-confidence, resources, Empathy and entrepreneurial
                                                                                                                                                                             BI employee from Singapore participant
                       Skill sets to contribute to positive, impactful Change.

A TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY TOWARDS MORE HEALTH - Making More Health - Progress report 2019-2020

SUPPORTING                                                                                                                                                                    Germany
PEOPLE IN THEIR                                          The United
                                                                                                    Launching for the first time in Kenya, 40 students from
                                                                                                                                                                              Venture 4 Change facilitated
                                                                                                                                                                              2 YES (Young Entrepreneurs

CHANGEMAKER                                              States
                                                                                                    Kenyatta and Strathmore University participated in a series of 6
                                                                                                    workshops focused on social innovation and entrepreneurship.
                                                                                                                                                                              in Science) workshops
                                                                                                                                                                              were held. PHD’s from different

JOURNEY                                                  MMH has collaborated with:
                                                                                                    Participants worked in project teams and actively engaged in
                                                                                                    tackling group tasks and assignments that combine theory and
                                                                                                                                                                              German Universities participating
                                                                                                                                                                              in this program initiated by
                                                                                                                                                                              Falling Wall Foundation, to spark
As a worldwide initiative seeking to make more           Stanford University, Cornell
                                                                                                    The program encouraged participants to develop innovative,                entrepreneurial skills. Spending
health happen, MMH recognizes the role that              University and the Univer-
                                                                                                    scalable and sustainable ground-breaking solutions on how to              an essential part of this project
younger generations can and will play in achie-          sity of Connecticut. Together
                                                                                                    improve sanitation and hygiene for children and youths aged               to learn about intrapreneurship,
ving this goal. Therefore, helping young people          with Ashoka, MMH also hosted
                                                                                                    between 6-25 years in slums.                                              how employees become (social)
to be equipped with changemaker skills such              a panel at the Ashoka U
                                                                                                                                                                              entrepreneurs and sharpen
as leadership, teamwork, entrepreneurship and            Exchange (the largest social
                                                                                                    “Our aim is to create new opportunities through innova-                   their senses as owners of social
empathy is key. As such, these young people are          innovation conference for
                                                                                                    tive approaches. By partnering with new talents, universi-                projects.
supported by Boehringer Ingelheim employees              higher education in the world,
                                                                                                    ties, professors, teachers, as well as employees, the output
to launch their own health venture via Venture 4         bringing more than 1000 inno-
                                                                                                    presented will contribute to the development of sustainable
Change programs (V4C).                                   vators in education together
                                                         every year to collaborate for
                                                                                                    solutions for all participants and their communities.”                      Learn more about
                                                                                                    Sabine Emmerich, Boehringer Ingelheim, Global lead of Making
                                                                                                    More Health Venture4Change programs
                                                                                                                                                                                 V4C programs
Boehringer Ingelheim employees are finding
value and meaningful engagement opportunities                                                                                                                                             Read more           >
by working with teams of young people through
online challenges.
In 2019, MMH V4C selected 5 teams of young         In 2019, MMH launched a 2-days challenge involving 28
                                                                                                                     Afrika Kommt!
social entrepreneurs who are offering inno-        BI employees and apprentices to increase the awareness            Leading German companies demonstrate their commitment to Africa since 2008.
vative solutions to challenges in the field of     on social innovation and foster a culture of changemaking.        AFRIKA KOMMT! is an initiative that offers young managers from Africa the chance
health and who are role models for other young     This was followed by a team working to present an idea to         to gain insights into their working processes and management methods. During the
people and their communities. Over the course      the Bag 2 the Future program, which is part of MMH. This          program, both sides can forge important contacts for a sustained and successful
of 3 months, youth teams were mentored by          Venture 4 Change was also able to deepen the link between         economic cooperation.
employees to advance their health venture,         generations of employees and diverse business units.              47 Afrika Kommt! “fellows” have been taking part to MMH initiatives, such as
with a specific focus on building a sustainable                                                                      the online course and the Social Impact Leadership Lab. This Lab aims at developing
business plan                                      100% of the participants have now a better                        SE projects for the participants of AK! program for their home countries (initiated in
In 7 years, 56 teams of young people have          understanding of social innovation                                August 2019 and ongoing)
been supported
100% of mentors would recommend this expe-         89% wants to engage in actions solving social                     “Having a fulfilling career to me means that I work with a purpose to make the
rience to another BI employee                      and environmental challenges                                      world a better place. This means pursuing a career that offers me the opportu-
                                                                                                                     nity to be creative and to be actively engaged in the development of solutions
« I’ve learned from them the dream with            93% consider themselves as changemaker                            that address social challenges, more so, in the developing world,”
which they undertake new challenges, which         vs 57% before the bootcamp                                        Elizabeth Mwangi, our Making More Health (MMH) Afrika Kommt! fellow is from
we should apply in our day to day.”                                                                                  Kenya.
Mònica Safont, Site Management Manager

A TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY TOWARDS MORE HEALTH - Making More Health - Progress report 2019-2020

IMMERSING IN SOCIAL ENTREPRE-                                                                                               «
                                                                                                                            « By interacting with people from different        « This definitely will assist me in putting

                                                                                                                            paradigms, i.e. with different ways of thinking/   customer/user centricity in front while
NEURSHIP “ON THE GROUND”                                                                                                    working, it broadens my thinking and way of
                                                                                                                            looking at our business/operation. »
                                                                                                                                                                               performing my tasks and also gives a good
                                                                                                                                                                               reflection on working in uncertain/tough
                                                                                                                            Quote from a fellow who received an EIR in 2019    situations. » BI employee from the EIR 2019
EXECUTIVE IN RESIDENCE (EIR)                                                                                                                                                   cohort
The Making More Health Executive in Residence                They tackle a specific challenge to drive forward
program gives BI leaders the chance to realize               healthcare innovation experiencing the challen-
the systemic and lasting social impact by colla-             ges, passion, entrepreneurship and agility of a
borating with some of the world’s most innova-               social entrepreneur.
                                                                                                                            LEADERSHIP WEEKS MMH INSIGHTS
tive social entrepreneurs.                                   This immersion program is key in the shift                     MMH insights is a unique and disruptive lea-       Since 2015, a total of 15 leadership weeks have
The participants develop leadership and entre-               toward changemaker Culture inside the com-                     dership program consisting of one week in India    occurred in Coimbatore, India and 2 pilot weeks
preneurial skills while working onsite, from 3               pany by supporting leaders to connect with                     or Kenya “out of the comfort zone” in an ambi-     have occured in Kenya. More than 380 partici-
weeks to 6 months, in an agile and innovative                social movements and realize the role they can                 guous environment where business and social        pants from various countries have participated.
environment alongside a leading social entrepre-             play, and the “power” they have to affect social               needs meet each other.                             This program is more than just a program,
neur and his/her team.                                       issues.                                                                                                           a starting point for many employees to
                                                                                                                            This program gives the                             engage more in Intrapreneurial initiatives.
                42 EIR placed in 16 countries since 2010,                                                                   participants the opportunity to:                   60% of the participants engage in MMH projects
                       with an ever-growing pace                                                                                                                               afterwards. For instance a group of participants
                                                                                                                            •   Gain better understanding of what MMH          created a 12-modules health program created
                     A Program that benefits employees as well as Fellows :
                                                                                                                                does and the value it brings to both BI and    and delivered by a diverse group inside and out-
                                                                                                                                society                                        side of BI which is now in its third years and a
      of the Fellows would
                                  of the participants believe they
                                                                               of the participants developed
                                                                                                                            •   Explore innovative social entrepreneurial
                                                                                                                                business models
                                                                                                                                                                               total of 24 modules. In Kenya a regular hygiene
                                                                                                                                                                               training for 1500 families and animal health
                                                                                                                            •   Develop disruptive and innovative ideas,       training for 1000 farmers has been set up as a
   recommend participation        will be able to apply what they                a new perspective on how
                                                                                                                                enhancing social entrepreneurial and           consequence. 70 % of all Bag2the future appli-
  in an Executive in Residence      have learned in their BI role                  I define success for me
                                                                                                                                intrapreneurial thinking                       cations are going back to former MMH Insight
 experience to another Ashoka                                                        and for my company
                                                                                                                                                                               week participants.
Fellow and their team (agree or
         strongly agree)                  100%*
                                     of the Fellows said they will

                                                                                                                                                     Read more          >
       of the participants
                                    apply what they have learned
                                      from participating in this
                                    project to their role as a social
                                                                                                                                                                               « [...]this program shows what can be reached
                                                                                                                                                                               with very little things. And how fast it can be!
                                                                                                    ANDREAS HEINECKE                             Learn more
    (BI employees) believe           entrepreneur or as a leader                                                                                                               It shows also the engagement of the different
                                                                                                     DIALOGUE SOCIAL
their placement was a valuable        in a social entrepreneur’s                                                                                 about MMH                     people, who are proud of what they do. »
  professional development                   organization.                                        ENTERPRISE – GERMANY                                                         2019 Leadership week participant
       experience (agree

       or strongly agree)               *figures from the 2019 cohort survey
                                                                                               Overcoming the barriers between «us» and           programs                     « Increased awareness of social responsibility
                                                                                              «them» by creating exchange platforms that                                       and as a role model for co-workers in my role as
Program “Executive in Residence” was awarded with the HR Excellence                          immerse people in worlds very different from                                      an intrapreneur. »
Award in Berlin in the category “Best Leadership Program”. The HR                             their own in order to break down prejudices,                                     2019 Leadership week participant
Excellence Award recognizes innovative flagship projects in leadership                          to communicate and understand barriers
development to realize systemic and lasting social impact.                                          that exist across different cultures,
                                                                                                  and to empower marginalized people
A TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY TOWARDS MORE HEALTH - Making More Health - Progress report 2019-2020

                                                                                                                                                                              « True, meaningful innova-
                                                                                                                                                                              tion is helping people create
                                                                                                                                                                              solutions for themselves. It’s
                                                                                                                                                                              innovation “with” people,
                                                                                                                                                                              not “for” people. » Frank

It’s an internal International contest, first      Bag 2 the future is not just a contest, but a way                                                                          Kornely – Boeringher Ingel-
edition launched in 2018 and the second in         for employees to engage, as teams, in a sus-                                                                               heim – Senior International
2019, to encourage Boehringer Ingelheim            tainable way. It’s often the starting point for a                                                                          Product Manager – Germany
employees to act as social intrapreneurs           bigger thing, helping to create movement in the                                                                            Bag 2 the future participants
and to engage with societal challenges.            company: raising awareness among colleagues,                 Educational
In total 46 projects proposals have been sub-      engaging them in supporting the chosen cause,
mitted by cross-functional teams of 6 to 7 BI      connecting with other teams and business units
                                                                                                                program in
employees from various countries. After a final    to grow the scope and impact of the project...               South India
selection, 17 projects are currently imple-        Bag 2 the future teams also engaged additionally         Medical training to tribal vil-
mented or are under development, from a soap       up to 20 employees per team for volunteering,            lages residents through 12
business in India to water shelters for homeless   money collecting, specific expertise (IT, commu-          structured modules on a
dogs in Mexico.                                    nication…).                                                variety of health topics

                                                                                                                       Learn more        >
                                                                                                                                                       Creating water
                                                                                                                                                         shelters for

                                                                                     « Collaboration with unsual
                                                                                     partners gives me the oppor-
                                                                                     tunity to live design thinking.
                                                                                     […]. It encourages me to focus
                                                                                                                                                      homeless dogs in

                                                                                     on the people and leads to                                              Learn more   >
                                                                                     human centered solutions.

                                                                                     Failures are a source of lear-
                                                                                     ning during the process. It is
    Goat training                             Soap production                        a mindshift not only a metho-                   « The team has pursued our
Developing a simple practical
and effective ways to educate
                                              training in India                      dology. It has changed my                       Bag2thefuture project with               Rabies vaccination
                                                                                     way to do my daily business. »                  so much energy and passion

 smallholder farmers in rural
                                                                                     Birgit Quint, Boehringer                        and we will certainly conti-              project in Nepal
  parts on how to keep their
                                                                                     Ingelheim – Global Senior                       nue with that spirit moving

goats healthy and well and run                     Learn more          >
                                                                                     Healthcare Innovation Manager                   forward! That’s intrapre-
   a first training in a village                                                                                                                                                      Learn more         >
                                                                                     - Germany                                       neurship and learning by
                                                                                                                                     doing! » Uday Bose, country
                                                                                                                                     head of UK
         Learn more          >

A TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY TOWARDS MORE HEALTH - Making More Health - Progress report 2019-2020

                                                  MMH AN INTERNAL MOVEMENT
                                                            “While working with entrepre-                       “It is this passion and experience to engage with the
                                                           neurs and contributing with their                   social entrepreneurs via MMH which is then reflected
 “When we started to involve actively our
                                                             expertise they also learn new,                   back in their daily business, how they challenge them-
  employees […] in leadership programs
                                                           unexpected approaches and this                     selves to lead their teams differently, how they interact
   and connected them to our projects
                                                            experience fosters the develop-                     with their employees with more empathy and active
 onsite […] the MMH movement inside the
                                                           ment of AAI (Agility, Accountabi-                  listening, how they take decisions and solve challenges
             company started.”
                                                              lity and Intrapeneurship)”                                     with pragmatic approaches.”

                                                                                                                                                                                  “Pillars of MMH have
                                                                                                                                                                                  become core elements
                                                                                                                                                                                 of our global leadership

                                Manuela Pastore                                        Dr. Eduardo Lioy                                            Verena Metzler
                                Global MMH lead                                       Strategy + Consulting                              HR Talent, Leadership+Org. Effective.
                                                   “Today, they form a growing
                                                  network around the globe that
                                                   empowers our employees in a
 “For me MMH has always                           rapidly growing curve to act as                                                                                     “MMH contributes like a
been the vehicle or let’s say                             intrapreneurs.”                                                                                           powerful catalyst to the per-
the chance to overcome the                                                                          “Engaging into the MMH                                           sonal development of our
   traditional barriers.”                                                                         co-creation with Fellows and                                     employees who get involved in
                                                                                                   Entrepreneurs brings the BI                                         the related initiatives.”
                                                                                                 MMH community closer to the
                                                                                                 (health) needs of underserved
                                                                                                    communities experience”


                                                                                                                                                       CO-CREATION                        Sylvie Branche-Letinois, Head of global
CO-CREATION WITH SOCIAL                                                                                                                               WITH SIEL BLEU
                                                                                                                                               MMH fellow Siel Bleu together
                                                                                                                                                                                          Marketing Pulmonary and Intrapreneur,
                                                                                                                                                                                          Boehringher Ingelheim.
ENTREPRENEURS                                                                                                                              with an International product manager
                                                                                                                                         launched an online platform which patients
                                                                                                                                                                                          « [Siel Bleu], Together with BI, they have com-
                                                                                                                                                                                          bined their respective areas of expertise to
                                                                                                                                           with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)       develop a digital plateform where patient
By joining forces, co-creation is a way to solve complex health                                                                                  can access guides to physical            from IPF can learn more about specific phy-
issues that cannot be solved by one player, one project or one insti-                                                                               exercises and a connect               sical activities adapted to their disease, […]
                                                                                                                                                       with their peers.                  Lots of other possibilities will also be possible
tution alone.                                                                                                                                                                             in the future. »
              MMH co-creation journey since 2015:
    more than 17 collaborations with social Entrepreneurs
                                                                            BAG 2 THE FUTURE
                                                                   team of employees implementing their
                     CROSS-COUNTRY COLLABORATION                    ideas for a healthier world that brings
                       employees from Canada, US & China          together their passion and expertise with
                      co-created a project with MMH Fellow               community-based projects.
                     organization Noora Health – to design
                      health education materials for families           ACCELERATOR IN KENYA
                      that provided information relevant for         launch of a structured 11-month
                       both North American and South-East              business accelerator program                                             OBJECTIVE                          SOLUTION                        SHARED-VALUE
                                 Asian markets.                          called the MMH Accelerator                                    Join forces and experiences to        An online platform which           MUTUAL BENEFITS
                                                                                                                                        give patients with Idiopathic        patients with Idiopathic               For the patients
                                                                                                                                           Pulmonary Fibrosis the             Pulmonary Fibrosis can       •   Maintain/Improve well-being
                                                                                                                                           opportunity to practice        access which provides guides           • Accessible at home

             2015                  2016                   2017                   2018                  2019                            physical exercises adapted to        to physicla exercises and a           • Build communities

                                                                                                                                        their condition for more well      connection with thier peers
                                                                                                                                        being and the opportunity to                                                   For Siel Bleu
                                                                                                                                           be part of a community.                                         •    Provide service accessible to
      CO-CREATION PIONEERS                    STARTING CO-CREATION IN KENYA                 NEW COHORT OF SE IN KENYA                                                                                                   larger group
   MMH launched the Co-Creating a             Making More Health supported the pilot      the Accelerator program supported 4                                                                                   • Live their Patient centric
   Healthier World global challenge, 7          and development of 3 Co-Creation         new social entrepreneurs and deepen
finalist teams of Boehringer Ingelheim         projects for markets in Nairobi, Kenya.    the support and collaboration from BI                                                                                           approach
    employees and social innovators.              Utilizing concepts such as micro-           employees and business units.                                             SIEL BLEU
                                               insurance, non-communicable disease                                                                                                                                         For BI

                                                 screenings and mobile application
                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Demonstrates concretely
« By design co-creation is                                                                                                                                        As the elderly live longer                          “Beyond the pills”
[..] about finding a com-                     STARTING ACTIVITIES WITH MMH                                                                                                                                     • Co-creation to know more

mon playing ground where
                                                   SE AND LOCAL PARTNERS                                          Watch the video                             lives and make up an increasing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 about the patients (access to
                                              Together with Thorsten Kiefer, an MMH                                                                    percentage of the population in Europe, Siel
partners can contribute                                                                                                                                                                                                aggregate data)

                                               Fellow, and the KKID, we facilitated a                                                                   Bleu is helping them overcome the various
their skills and expertise to                   hygiene awareness program in rural                                                                                                                                 • Image internally and
                                                              schools                                                                                      physical and psychological ailments
increase the impact of the                                                                                                  Play now                                                                                externally / Innovation
                                                                                                                                                             that prevent them from enjoying
whole. »                                                                                                                                                              their latter years
Sarah Jefferson – Ashoka


                                                                 MMH COMMUNITIES IN INDIA AND KENYA
                                        Connecting and empowering MMH communities locally to improve health in a holistic and sustainable way

                                                                              INDIA                                                                                                          KENYA
            Since 2015 MMH has been involving with communities in Coimbatore, South India                                                                         In 2018, based on the experience and learnings from India,
            and partnering with several organizations to increase access to health and wealth.                                                          MMH started engaging in an ecosystem and community based approach in Kenya.

                                                                                                                                                                              MMH Menstruation Day         Partnership with local NGO     Venture4 change program
                       2015-2017 From Charity to Business                                                                                    Albinism awareness project       in the slums of Nairobi               Ampath                      with students
Donation & rela-      Empowering                               Digital trainings    Prevention pro-    Reputation buil-    activities with
tionship building   local networks &                             for informal        gram for self-     ding: best CSR      MMH SE and
    in villages            trust                               health workers         help groups      Practices Award     local partners

2018–2020 From single solution to system change approach
Human and Ani-         Asset and                               Co-creation with       Empowering                          MMH Awareness                                                       MMH Kick out diabetes                 Soap production training for
mal Bond: MMH       knowledge : the                             local institutio-    locals to build    Basic business    Center at tribal       Hygiene awareness programs                    activities in Eldoret                    income generation
   in action         goat program                                 nal partners      microenterprises      trainings          hospital

                       MMH involving other companies
                                                                                                   Learn more about
                                                    ur                                       the different projects in India
                                   So                 s
                                                                                                                                                                                           Learn more about
                                                                                                                                                                                    the different projects in Kenya

                                                                  & Culture

                                                Hea l thy &

                                                                                                       Learn more
                                               Su st ainable
                                               Communities                                                                  >

                                                  We a l t h
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Learn more            >

                                                                                                                                                         FELLOW’S PROJECTS
ACCELERATOR IN KENYA                                                                                                                                     SUPPORTED THROUGH THE
                                                                                                                                                         ACCELERATOR PROGRAM
Co-create with social entrepreneurs to bring together social and                                     		        PETER AWIN                                ARE COVERING:
economic impact.                                                                                           COWTRIBE – GHANA
                                                                                                                                                         → Last-mile distribution of health commodities
The MMH Co-Creation Accelerator (MMHA),          The MMHA combines Ashoka’s expertise in
                                                                                                        Developing a comprehensive national              via Community Health Entrepreneurs
currently in its third year, was developed by    social entrepreneurship with Boehringer Ingel-
                                                                                                     scale system for animal health and disease          → Wellness platform for chronic diseases
Ashoka and Boehringer Ingelheim to scale the     heim’s business acumen and knowledge of the
                                                                                                     prevention by enabling livestock farmers by         → Micro-clinics in Nairobi’s informal settlements
work of social entrepreneurs increasing access   healthcare industry. It includes hands-on strate-
                                                                                                      using a simple and easy to access mobile           → Innovative pharmaceutical supply
to human and animal health in Africa.            gic support from Boehringer Ingelheim execu-
                                                                                                       technology and a mobile based system              chain solution
                                                 tives via the Executives in Residence (EiR) pro-
                                                                                                        of alerts, information and education.            → Last-mile distribution of animal vaccines
                                                 gram as well as links to external investors.
                                                                                                                                                         farmers in Ghana
                                                                                                                                                         → Integrated care ecosystem for NCD

                                                                                                                                                         patients in Nigeria
                                                                                                                                                         → Building NCD treatment into maternal

                                                                                                                                                         and child services in Nairobi
                               Social Entrepreneurs

                            selected (6 human health,
                                 1 animal health)                  Countries

People directly impacted
                                                             (Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria)                  « We have to challenge the
                                                                                                      status quo and think diffe-
                                                                                                      rently in order to address the
                                                                                                                                         « Together with the support
                                                                                                                                         and collaboration of Boehrin-
                                                                                                                                         ger Ingelheim and Ashoka,
                                                                                                                                                                          « The goal is to help build the
                                                                                                                                                                          healthcare infrastructure in
                                                                                                                                                                          Africa, from raising aware-
 via Accelerator pilots                                                                               barriers to healthcare in sub      Healthy Entrepreneurs deve-      ness, education, prevention,
                                                                                                      Saharan Africa. »                  loped a sustainable business     diagnosis, intervention and

                                                                                                      Eduardo Lioy                       model on NCD health care in      then rehabilitation, thus clo-
                                       IMPACT                                                         Head of Corporate Sustainable
                                                                                                      Development, Boehringer
                                                                                                                                         rural communities in Kenya
                                                                                                                                         which has contributed to the
                                                                                                                                                                          sing the loop. »
                                                                                                                                                                          Jean Scheftsik de Szolnok
                                       TO DATE
                                                                          EIR placements
                                                                                                      Ingelheim                          success of our business. »       Member of the Board of Mana-
                                                                       (2 weeks to 6 months)
                                                                                                                                         Tinka Langendam                  ging Directors and Head of

  Strategic collaboration
                                                                                                      « New solutions require brea-
                                                                                                      king out of our siloes and
                                                                                                      co-creating across the social,
                                                                                                                                         Project Manager, Healthy
                                                                                                                                                                          Animal Health Business Unit,
                                                                                                                                                                          Boehringer Ingelheim

with Boehringer Ingelheim’s                                                                           business and public sectors;       « Working with the Making
  animal health business
                                                                      Direct funding to SEs
                                                                                                      social entrepreneurs are lea-
                                                                                                      ding this new way of wor-
                                                                                                                                         More Health team has served
                                                                                                                                         as a catalyst for testing new
                                                                                                                                                                           MMH Accelerator to foster
                                                                                                                                                                           local social innovation and

                                                                                                      king. »                            approaches to NCD manage-          increase access to health-
                                                                     for pilots and scale-up          Arnaud Mourot                      ment. »                             care among underserved
                                                                                                      Vice President Global              Imo Etuk                                  communities
                             Additional funding indirectly
                                                                                                      Corporate Alliances and Chan-      C0-Founder and CTO, mDoc
                             raised via investors/funders
                                                                                                      gemaker Companies, Ashoka
                                                                                                      Innovators for the Public                                                     Read more         >


AN AGILE COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                  678K€
                                                                                                                                                 IN FINANCIAL
RESPONSIVE AND UNITED                                                                                                                            SUPPORT TO:
TO COPE WITH CRISIS                                                                                                     MMH
                                                                                                                                                                                       emergency funds
The Covid-19 crisis has affected the health and         population, also in our MMH activities and our                                                LOCAL
wellness of populations around the world. It has        network of social entrepreneurs. MMH quickly                    171K€                      COMMUNITIES
                                                                                                                                                                                    disbursed to those social
                                                                                                                                                                                  entrepreneurs working on the
taken a toll on the daily lives and financial liveli-   reacted and launched a series of actions to sup-              Emergency funds                                               frontlines to support the
hoods of nearly a quarter of the world’s global         port the community.                                         distributed to 33 MMH
                                                                                                                  Fellows who are working
                                                                                                                                                         80K€                      purchase of masks, gel, safe
                                                                                                                                                   to cover the basic needs            transport solution.
                                                                                                                 on the front lines to combat
                                                                                                                 the effects of this virus and
                                                                                                                                                    of the community work
                                                                                                                                                       in Kenya and India.                250K€
                                                                                                                  support the needs of their                                      special project funds to help
                                                                                                                   communities, putting an               30K€                      social entrepreneurs to adapt
                                                                     JOOST VAN ENGEN - HEALTHY                     additional strain on their    EUR to support other SE who         to covid-19, mainly the rea-
             NNEKA MOBISSON                                            ENTREPENEURS - UGANDA                       own operations and their      collaborate closely with MMH/      lity of social distancing (set-
               MDOC - NIGERIA                                   Telemedicine screening and consultations:                  livelihoods.                 MMH movement              ting-up telemedicine solutions,
  Care and support for pregnant                                   expanding Doctors at Distance service                                                                             tele-education programs,…)
  women: including information                                   provision through screening services and
  and support about how women                                  consultations by health experts at a distance.
  can prevent and cope with the                                   Also setting up a call center for triage.
          Covid19 virus.                                                                                                                                                        Learn more about
                                                                                                                                                                              the different projects
                                                                                                                Common actions with local
                                                How MMH                                                         communities to cope with
                                                                                                                                                                                    In Kenya           >
                                           Fellows responded to                                                 the covid19 crisis showed a
                                            the Covid19 crises
                                                                                                                great example of how win
                                                                                                                win engagement pays off                                             In India           >
                                                                                                                and of how what we have
              JOSH NESBIT                                          RITA MELIFONWU - STROKE
     MEDIC MOBILE - USA / NEPAL                                    ACTION NIGERIA - NIGERIA
                                                                                                                built in the past makes a                              Learn more about MMH fellow’s
       Developing apps for port of                              Guidance to prevent post-COVID-19               difference now.                                             responses to covid19
      entryscreening: in Kathmandu                             depression: for the vulnerable popula-
     and otherairports to protect less                         tion who may be feeling the effects of
           resourced countries                                          prolonged isolation.                                                                                      Learn more           >


MMH INTEGRATING                                                                                                   DISCOVERING
                                                                                                            animal health Fellows as guest
                                                                                                                                                              2 Innovation weeks focus on Animal health

ANIMAL HEALTH                                                                                                speaker in the online course
                                                                                                                   and case study
                                                                                                                                                                          in India and Kenya
                                                                                                                                                                    People from Animal Health BU
                                                                                                                                                                      going on EIR placements
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health is the            health. In order to have a real health continuum
second largest animal health business in the         it is naturally that Animal Health projects are
world.                                               increasingly present in MMH, as employees
Animal Health it strongly connected to Human         where bringing ideas and engaging in this field.                                         HEALTH
                                                                                                                                              IN MMH
                                                                                                                                                                            BRINGING BACK
                                                                                                                                                                       4 intrapreneurial projects
                                                                                                                                                                 • More Health for goats: a team of BI
                           MMH & ANIMAL HEALTH A                                                                6 Animal health MMH
                                                                                                                                                              employees scale up a goat health training in
                                                                                                            Fellows elected in 6 countries.
                         FOCUS ON THREE PRIORITIES:                                                         In Kenya, we have an ongoing
                                                                                                                                                              rural parts of South India by partnering with
                                                                                                                                                              diverse organizations, editing a booklet and
                                                                                                               animal health training
                                                                                                                                                                      a digital version of the training
                                                                                                            (every 2nd week) for 1000 far-
     Access to health care                                              Human-animal interactions                                                              • Rabies vaccination project in Nepal:
                                                                                                            mers (since Oct. 2019 – today,
 by improving quality of life and                                         by reinforcing disease awar-                                                     Human Pharma and Animal Health employee tea-
                                                                                                              ongoing)- Additionally, now
  supporting economical deve-                                              eness in order to increase                                                      ming up to teach communities about prevention
                                       Human-animal bond                                                     other people are involved, too
lopment of smallholder farmers                                            human health status by pre-                                                                  and provide rabbies vaccines
                                     by raising awareness of the                                              - eg families from our MMH
 in developing countries (bring                                            vention of zoonoses and to                                                        • Boogy with your beagle: neglected dogs
                                    benefits of this relationship on                                         school (750 students) and 85
  innovative health solutions to                                         increase animal health status                                                     are given to patients with NCDs > care, love and
                                      wellbeing, quality of life,...                                          families with albinism. They
   our customers and prevent                                                by prevention of diseases                                                                  movements are helping both
                                                                                                              have got chicken and learnt
      diseases in livestock)                                                                                                                                • Water Shalters for homeless dogs project
                                                                                                               about poultry by the same
                                                                                                                                                                   in Mexico launch by Fabiola Negrete
                                                                                                                                                                              from BI Mexico

                                                                                                            « Leon brought innovation to the Dairy         “ Apart from helping small holder goat far-
                                                                                                            industry of Burkina Faso. Farmers are kee-     mers to succeed in a sustainable way there is
                                                                         LEON BADIARA                       ping different generations of crossbred        another objective in this project. Through this
    DEBORAH MCCAULEY                                                    GENETIC CENTER                      cows producing twelve times more than the      pilot experience, we learn and inspire other
    VIEW – NEPAL AND US:                                               BURKINA FASO (AH):                   local breeds. Moreover, they are trained and   Boehringer Ingleheim employess to think
                                                                                                            coached.                                       outside of our normal boundaries and win
   Investigate, diagnose and support                                                                        Referring to Paul Shane Spear’s quotation      a stronger sense of purpose and fun in their
                                                             Combatting extreme poverty and improving
   management of diseases that affect                                                                       about changing the world, I can say that if    daily work. This helps us to consider strate-
                                                             health levels by modernizing milk production
        our endangered wildlife                                                                             one person can’t change the world, Leon’s      gically how and where we can contribute as

                                                                 by educating and spreading financial
                                                                  resources for the poorest farmers         project is going to change the world of each   animal health leaders in markets in which we
                                                                      throughout Burkina Faso and           farmer in Africa. »                            may not traditionally operate in today.” Dr
                                                                         neighboring countries.             Dr Lazare TANO                                 Elisabeth Kamphuis, Germany, Animal Health
                                                                                                            Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health             Manager, BI


                                                       MMH WHAT’S NEXT
                      CONVENTION 2021                                   MY.MAKINGMOREHEALTH.ORG
                  Convention in 2021 to Celebrate
            a successful 10 years of Making More Health.                            Sharing and disseminating knowledge
                                                                                        to improve health prevention

The MMH convention was the catalyst for me
to start being active; so many social entre-
preneurs sharing their experience, passion
and way of seeing the world from a diffe-
rent angle was a source of inspiration. And,
of course, at the MMH conference I had the
unique chance to meet Siel Bleu! »
Sylvie Branche-Letinois, Head of global
                                                                                    In April 2020, launch of the platform
Marketing Pulmonary and Intrapreneur,                                                   my.makingmorehealth.org :
Boehringher Ingelheim.
                                                 Watch the MMH    My.Making More Health offers free to down-          training in South India and Western Kenya. This
« The Making More Health Convention is ano-
ther great example of how big corporates and
                                                 10 years video   load resources that will help you learn and raise   platform is intended to provide helpful health
                                                                  awareness on health-related topics such as well-    information for the general public, NGOs and
social entrepreneurs can learn from and com-
                                                                  being, prevention, hygiene, and safety issues.      social workers – for all those who work “on the
plement each other in addressing big societal

                                                     Play now     We have used these resources to create interac-     ground”.
challenges. It is the famous 1+1 > 2. »
                                                                  tive learning sessions for Making More Health
Annette Jung, Head of Southern Europe &
Africa at Philips Capital, Program Lead Social
Entrepreneurs at Philips Foundation

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