JJOOBB DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN - Preliminary Job Information - Première Urgence Internationale

Page created by Brent Mclaughlin
                                                   Preliminary Job Information
Job Title                                                         ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR - IRAQ
Country & Base of posting                                         IRAQI KURDISTAN, ERBIL
Reports to                                                        HEAD OF MISSION
Duration of Mission                                               12 months

                                              General Information on the Mission
Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-religious international aid organization.
PUI teams are committed to supporting civilians’ victims of marginalization and exclusion, or hit by natural disasters, wars and economic
collapses, by answering their fundamental needs. PUI’s aim is to provide emergency relief to uprooted people in order to help them
recover their dignity and regain self-sufficiency. The association leads in average 200 projects by year in the following sectors of
intervention: food security, health, nutrition, construction and rehabilitation of infrastructures, water, sanitation, hygiene and economic
recovery. PUI is providing assistance to around 7 million people in 21 countries – in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Eastern Europe and

Humanitarian Context in Iraq
Wide-scale violence and armed conflict erupted in Iraq in January 2014. In Anbar governorate, the cities of Ramadi and Falluja were
particularly affected, the violence and its impact quickly grew. Also in June 2014, ISg, together with other armed groups, attacked and
seized control of Mosul and large portions of northern Iraq, including areas of Diyala, Kirkuk, Ninewa, and Salah al-Din governorates. The
Government of Iraq (GoI) has conducted multiple military operations since 2016 to regain control of territories held by ISg and announced
in November 2017 that military operations had successfully concluded in their retaking of all Iraqi territory. Military operations in Mosul,
Anbar and Salah Al-Din have led to ongoing massive internal displacements, serious and systematic violations of civilian protection and
basic human rights, interrupted access to basic services, and put a severe strain on host communities. The country is now gradually
moving from an emergency situation which required lifesaving operations to a post-conflict transition towards durable solutions. As per
the HNO published by OCHA on November 2019, 5.67 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, with 1.77 million in acute
need. Half of them are concentrated in Ninewa and Anbar governorates. Furthermore, an estimated 2.8 million returnees continue to form
a complex caseload for humanitarians, development actors, relevant government agencies and donors, with 1.2 million in acute
resilience and recovery needs.

PUI in Iraq
Present in Iraq since 1983 through Aide Médicale Internationale (AMI), and since 1997 through Première Urgence (PU), PUI (Première
Urgence Internationale) brings help to vulnerable refugees, displaced persons as well as host communities (to avoid marginalization
when the pressure on available resources becomes unbearable), in order to improve their living conditions and reinforce their resilience
to enable them to regain dignity and autonomy. PUI’s objective in Iraq is to provide a humanitarian response to needs arising from
movements of population through actions aimed at reinforcing the existing Health system, and providing Mental Health Psychosocial
Support to the people in need, but also at providing access to Shelter, to drinking Water, Hygiene and Sanitation. Given the scale of the
crisis and the needs observed, PUI emphasizes multiple sectoral interventions and develops as much as possible an integrated
approach, keeping health the core sector of its intervention.

Current programs of PUI in Iraq

1. Integrated Health, Protection, WASH and Shelter services provision to IDPs and vulnerable communities living in areas
previously affected by the conflict in Anbar, Ninewa and Dohuk Governorates of Iraq
The project aims at improving the living conditions of vulnerable populations in areas still impacted by the previous conflict, through
health, protection, shelter and WASH interventions, and at providing health and protection services to IDPs in camps.

2. Strengthening quality and access to mental health services in Iraq, in consortium with ACF-lead, IMC and HI

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The project aims at improving the access to quality mental health and psychosocial care in Iraq through enhancing technical capacities of
governmental institutions at the ministry of health level, capacity building of stakeholders at national and governorates levels and
promotion of mental health care. In particular, the project supports the mental health authorities in Iraq in order to improve the access and
quality of services as well as increase community resilience.

3.. Increasing access to integrated Health, MHPSS, and Protection services for conflict-affected population unable to return to
their area of origin in Iraq, in consortium with IMC
This ECHO-funded project aims at addressing unmet needs of conflict-affected population in Iraq who are unable to return to their areas
of origin, by increasing their access to integrated Health, MHPSS and Protection services. Both PUI and IMC will provide quality primary
health care services including MHPSS through a tailored approach.

4. Support the COVID-19 quarantine and isolation (Q/I) area set up in IDP camps in Northern Iraq.
This project is funded by IHF and is implemented by a consortium of 4 NGOs (PUI, INTERSOS, BCF and DAMA) with PUI leading the
consortium. The project aims to ensure access for vulnerable communities in overcrowded settings to prevention and safe isolation from
spread of COVID-19.

Configuration of the Mission
 BUDGET FORECAST 2021                                     7,500,000 Euros
                                                          5 BASES (DOHUK, MOSUL, BAGHDAD, RAMADI, HADITHA) AND 1
 BASES                                                    COORDINATION OFFICE (ERBIL)
 NUMBER OF EXPATRIATES                                    14

 NUMBER OF NATIONAL STAFF                                 211

 NUMBER OF CURRENT PROJECTS                               4

 MAIN PARTNERS                                            OFDA, MADAD, CDC, ECHO, UN Agencise

 ACTIVITY SECTORS                                         Health, MHPSS, WASH, Shelter
                                                          Erbil Coordination: Head of Mission; Deputy HoM Programs; Log Co; Finance Co.;
                                                          HR Co.; Health Co.; MEAL Coordinator; WASH and Shelter Co; MHPSS
                                                          Coordinator, Grants Officer;
 EXPATRIATE TEAM ON-SITE                                  North bases (Dohuk/Mosul): Field Co; Deputy FieldCo Programs, 2 Project
                                                          Managers; Admin Manager
                                                          Central and Southern Iraq (Bagdad/Ramadi/Haditha): Area Co; Deputy Area Co
                                                          Programmes;; Admin Manager

                                                                 Job Description
Overall objective
The Administrative Coordinator is accountable for the sound financial, accounting and budgetary management of the mission as well as
the administrative and legal records. S/he is also responsible of the administrative management of the human resources (expatriate and
national) at the mission level. S/he will guarantee constant, harmonized and efficient human resources support of employees throughout
the country as well as developing and rolling out the mission strategy for 2020/2021.
Tasks and responsibilities
   Financial, budgetary and accounting management: S/he is responsible for all aspects relating to finance, including budgetary
      and accounting elements, as well as the mission cash flow.
   Administrative and legal management: S/he supervises administrative financial records and guarantees that the status and
      functioning of the mission are in legal accordance with PUI management standards and the requirements of the intervention
      country and donor requirements.
   Representation: S/he represents the association in its relations with partners, authorities and different local players for the
      financial, and administrative aspects of the mission
   Coordination: S/he centralizes and diffuses information within the mission and to headquarters for all financial, administrative,
      aspects of the mission, and consolidates the internal and external reporting for these domains.
   HR Policy definition and application: According to the mission strategy, he/she leads the development of PUI’s HR policy in the mission in
      accordance with the country of operation's relevant legal framework (including tax aspects) and the organization’s policies and guidelines
      (including antifraud, protection, abuse prevention, etc.)
   Administrative management and processes: S/he oversees and acts as ultimate reference in the administrative management
      of national teams as a whole (recruitment, pay, monitoring, evaluation, training, licensing, etc.)
   Salary grid: S/he supervises salaries payment and follow the evolution of the salary grid (latest update of the grid was 2018).
   National personnel development: She/he implements a clear development policy linked to objective setting and builds a plan
      for training and accompanying to increase the level of employee competencies. The mission objective is to have as many locally
      hired staff in managerial positions as possible.
   Ensure the Administrative Follow-up of Expatriates: He/She will ensure a proper administrative follow up of expatriates
      (residence, arrival and departure, holidays and attendance…) in collaboration with the HR officer. S/he will support the HoM upon request in issues
      related to expat HR.
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Specific objectives and linked activities
       a. Financial
  S/he elaborates and updates monitoring charts to ensure the financial equilibrium of the mission and prevent risks. S/he analyses
     financial information, and shares his/her conclusions with the coordination team, the base managers and the appropriate technical
     managers, as well as with the audit manager at headquarters.
  S/he ensures the implementation and correct use of financial, accounting and budgetary procedures and management tools
     throughout the mission. S/he is responsible for briefing new managers on these rules and organizes ad hoc training when
  S/he ensures, amongst other things, that expenditure procedures are respected and implements an internal control system.
  S/he also participates in the validation of procurement files.
  S/he is responsible for financial audits on the mission and supervises the transmission to headquarters of the necessary documents
     and information within the framework of headquarters’ audits
       b. Budgetary
  S/he pilots the development of the mission budgetary framework for the year, and monitors/revises it at regular intervals.
  S/he formulates project budgets within the framework of operations proposals (including budgetary narrative), respecting the
     procedures for each donor, in coordination with the coordination team and the appropriate field managers. S/he ensures therefore
     the cost coverage strictly linked to the proposed programs, but also to the fair distribution of mission operating costs throughout
     each project.
  S/he prepares each month the budgetary monitoring for each project, which s/he communicates to the appropriate players in the
     mission and headquarters within 25 days following the end of the month, and analyses with them any discrepancies between
     forecast and actual figures.
  S/he carries out budgetary projections at regular intervals in order to ensure the optimization of budgetary resources while
     respecting the eligibility and flexibility rules of each donor. S/he proposes where necessary budgetary adjustments, which could
     necessitate requests for contractual amendments. S/he takes into account the contractual timing required for presenting an
     amendment and ensures that all the documents are transmitted in due time to headquarters.
  S/he ensures, throughout each project, that funds are correctly attributed, respecting the contractual framework in terms of eligibility
     rules (date, nature and procurement procedures) and reporting intervals.
  S/he produces external financial reports for the donors that s/he transmits to the Head of Mission for transmission to headquarters
     with all the documents constituting the contractual report.
       c. Accounting
  S/he supervises the accounting assignment of transactions, ensures that expenditure is correctly assigned and carries out the
     monthly accounting closure having carried out all the necessary controls. S/he then transmits the monthly accounts to headquarters
     in an electronic version as well as the paper accounting returns within 5 days following the end of the month.
  S/he is responsible for the correct archiving of accounting documents according to the rules established by headquarters.
       d. Cash Flow
  S/he establishes the provisional cash flow with the teams and transmits to headquarters requests for transfers. S/he ensures that
     the amount of cash flow for the mission is sufficient for the requirements in the field over the period, taking into account possible
     donor payments carried out locally in these transfer requests to headquarters.
  S/he is responsible for the bank accounts and funds for which s/he regularly controls the balances, and s/he organizes fund
     movements to the mission permanently mindful of the security of the transferred and stocked funds..

 S/he defines the yearly HR strategy in collaboration with the Head of mission (HoM) and including input from Base administrators
   and field coordinators. Ensure its implementation and update if needed.
 S/he ensures legal compliance with Iraqi and Kurdish laws and regulations by working in close partnership with the contracted
 S/he makes sure that the rules and procedures are known, understood, and implemented by all team leaders and coordinators, and
   that they have all tools needed for their application (internal regulations, employment contracts, job profiles, etc.).
 S/he leads the implementation and be the guarantor of PUI’s policies, including specific measures and mechanism for Prevention of
   Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Anti Fraud and Corruption Policies and Child Protection, along with the HoM and with the
   assistance of technical relevant persons for each case if necessary. An institutional code of conduct was published but the HR
   coordinator (in collaboration with the HoM) will be in charge of rolling it out in the field and adapting it to the local set-up in order to
   make sure it is fully understood and potential breaches are reported and followed-up appropriately.
 S/he observes and oversees the actual HR management (recruitment, integration of new employees, functioning of payroll, training,
 S/he will be the direct responsible of the HR management of Erbil base (coordination), supported by the HR officer.
 S/he provides daily HR support and advice to employees and managers based on the needs and situations faced.
 S/he provides recommendations on his/her observations and work with the coordination team to make the necessary
 S/he ensures the fairness and efficiency of the recruitments (regular adjustments of the process based on the needs identified and
   feedback received, ensure measures are taken to avoid bias in the selection, ensure transparency of the process and appropriate
   documentation in case of audit …. )
 S/he implements a staff complaint, conflict resolution and representation system for labor claims, sensitive HR complaints and
   overall staff satisfaction.
 S/he ensures that the Internal Regulations roll out properly and watches for any modifications or updates needed.
 S/he oversees PUI’s yearly registration before the relevant authorities in KRG and CSI in collaboration with the HR officer in Erbil
   and liaison officer in Bagdad.
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 S/he elaborates medium- to long-term HR development policy for locally hired employees active and updated

    S/he ensures an efficient circulation of information to field, capital and headquarters teams.
    S/he drafts or participates in the drafting of internal activity reports for everything dealing with financial, budgetary, accounting
    S/he ensures the administrative coordination at mission level by regular visits to the bases, controls, monitoring, training, etc…
    Externally, s/he represents PUI with the legal, fiscal and administrative authorities (Work inspectors, Tax office, collection

 S/he supervises all the admin team, directly or not. S/he drafts and validates job descriptions and carries out or delegates
   performance appreciation interviews. S/he animates work meetings, arbitrates possible conflicts, and defines priorities and activity
 S/he participates in the recruitment of members of the admin team.
 S/he ensures and/or supervises continuous development training for procedures and tools of PUI for local and international
   members of the admin team, at the capital and on the bases.
 S/he supports the Base Managers in their admin activities, in a functional and non-hierarchical relationship.
 S/he elaborates the admin department action plan according to the objectives defined in the annual mission program.
 S/he supervises the action plan of the Finance Team in the mission
 Check and validate payroll on a monthly basis for all 6 bases
 Check and validate all recruitments for all 6 bases before new employees are hired
 Provide technical support to base administrators on HR matters (including but not limited to: sensitive cases, situation that does
   not fall under any of our procedures…) and ensure a harmonized and fair treatment of employees mission-wide.
 Take over base HR management in the absence of a local HR team or admin manager.
 Assess the implementation of the different HR measures and policies at mission level, ensuring feedback and adjusting when
 Review and assess all promotion requests and salary upgrade requests in order to guarantee their fairness and assess budget
   availability along with finance department.
 Ensure the information sharing and coordination within the HR department mission-wide
 Train newcomers of HR team in collaboration with the admin manager (if any)
 Travel to bases to provide in-person HR support when required


  S/he oversees the issuance of all Visas in KRG (process managed by HR officer),
  S/he oversees visa process for expatriates: communicate new visa / extension requests to liaison officer in Baghdad (under the
     admin manager’s daily supervision) and manage visa-related issue. Seek support from relevant partners (NCCI, DNGO, lawyer,
     liaison officer etc...) to stay up to date on visa-associated regulations and ensure appropriate visa management for current and
     future expatriates.
  S/he ensures the arrival arrangements for expatriates (accommodation, airport pick-up, briefings etc...) in collaboration with
     logistics and head of mission.
  S/he ensures the per diem and travel allowance calculation for expatriates
  S/he links with HQ, ensure the leaves request follow up for expatriate as well as flight booking for 6/12 month breaks.
  Under the management and upon request of HoM, support communication between the mission and HQ regarding expat contracts
     and other technical HR aspects of the mission functioning and organization.
Focus on 3 priority activities related to the context of the mission
    1. To ensure the compliance of PUI to the legal and fiscal requirements of the authorities (Kurdistan and Federal Iraq)
    2. To lead the implementation and follow up of the OFU in the country
    3. To update the internal staff regulations and salary grid.
Team Management
 Number of people to manage and their position (expatriate/local staff)
  Direct management: 2 local staff
  Indirect management: 2 expats (base admin) and 7 local staff (finance assistants/officers/managers)

                                                         Required Profile
Required knowledge and skills
                                                         REQUIRED                                           DESIRABLE
TRAINING                                    Financial/accounting management                          Project management
                                                                                                 Human Resources Management
  Humanitarian                                                                                                  X
  International                                                                                                 X
  Technical                                                 X

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KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS                                                                     Knowledge of institutional donor procedures
                                                                                          (ECHO, Europe aid, OFDA, UN agencies…)
                                                                                             Good knowledge of the financial
                                                                                          administration of a humanitarian mission.
                                                                                            Training and capacity building skills
  English                                                 X
  Arabic                                                                                       X Arabic would be an asset
  Pack Office                                   X (Excel compulsory)
  Other (to be specified)                                                                                 SAGA
Required Personal Characteristics (fitting into the team, suitability for the job and assignment)
  A strong commitment to humanitarian principles and the will to make sure beneficiaries’ needs are covered as best as the
   resources available allow.
  Capacity to delegate and to supervise the work of a multidisciplinary team;
  Capacity to manage multi-donor, multi-sector and multi-location (governorates) projects
  Strong commitment to support/develop capacity of national staff and developing second layer of leadership;
  High resistance to pressure, stress and ability to say “no”;
  Strong listening and empathy skills;
  Problem solving and leadership skills;
  Proven management ability and inter-personal skills – team player;
  Ability to work on own initiative and collaboratively as part of a diverse team and manage a varied workload;
  Proven capacity for analysing and synthesizing comprehensive information and technical data;
  Ability to write and edit reports under deadline pressure;
  Ability to guarantee effective and timely outputs;
  Self-motivated, flexible and adaptable to the needs of the team and organization;
  Important organization and rigor skills.

 EMPLOYED with a Fixed-Term Contract
 MONTHLY GROSS INCOME: from 2 200 up to 2 530 Euros depending on the experience in International Solidarity + 50 Euros per
   semester seniority with PUI
 COST COVERED: Round-trip transportation to and from home / mission, visas, vaccines…
 INSURANCE including medical coverage and complementary healthcare, 24/24 assistance and repatriation
 BREAK POLICY: 5 working days at 3 and 9 months
 PAID LEAVES POLICY: 5 weeks of paid leaves per year + return ticket every 6 months

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