Jackson Heights Celebrates the Arts this Spring! - JHBG - Jackson ...

Page created by Micheal Fernandez
Jackson Heights Celebrates the Arts this Spring! - JHBG - Jackson ...
Volume 33, No. 1
                                                       Spring 2022
                                                       Jackson Heights
                                                       Beautification Group


Jackson Heights Celebrates the Arts this Spring!

                                                       Volume 32, No. 1
                                                       Spring 2020
                                                       Jackson Heights
                                                       Beautification Group


            Jackson Heights – “A Garden in the City”
Jackson Heights Celebrates the Arts this Spring! - JHBG - Jackson ...
Arts &
     Culture in
     Student Artists of Tomorrow!
     One of the murals welcoming
     the community to PS280.

                President’s Message              2

                                                     President’s Message

                Editor's Message                 2
                Sping Arts Events in JH          3
                                                     BY LESLIE ELLMAN
                JH Art Talks Return!             3
                Seeing Art in Our World          3
                The Arts in JH Public Schools    4   Happy New Year, Neighbors! As we begin a new year, we always
                En español                       6   make plans and hope for the best. Art has been one of the main
                                                     things helping us during challenging times and delighting us at all times. The JHBG
                Prairie Garden at St. Mark’s     8
                                                     runs several art programs such as The Jackson Heights Orchestra, Summer Sundays
                Poetry at St. Mark's             8
                                                     in the Park, and The Children’s Art Contest open to students in our local public
                Art Retail Therapy Opens         9   schools. Our Historic Weekend tours celebrate the architecture of our neighborhood,
                JH Notables: Alfred Butts        9   and we are proud to be fiscal sponsors for individual artists and arts programs such
                Our Urban Ecosystem             10   as JH Art Talks and En Construcción. We embrace this role because we believe in the
                Wild Sightings in JH            11   power and importance of art in making life more beautiful and meaningful.
                Let's Green Queens              11
                Ongoing Events                  12   Leslie Ellman, President
                Membership Form                 12
                On the cover:
                Art by Kirsten Magnani
                                                                   En español • páginas 6–7
 Editor’s Message                                                           Creating and Imagining in 2022 BY MELISSA ZAVALA

                ith the start of a new year, we are renewed by early       we are also introducing a new feature in our
                signs of spring, emerging plant life offering new          quarterly issues: a gardening advice column
                hope for positive changes ahead. The uncertainty           promoting the use of native plant species for
                of an adaptable virus continues to shape our world         the invaluable improvements they represent
                this new year. The strains this has placed on us           for the city. We hope to inspire gardeners to
 have turned many towards the healing power of the arts and                introduce more of the beautiful wild species
 to the restorative efforts of creating—from things to food—as             native to our region in spaces under their care.
 a way of developing old and new skills. This issue thus reviews              We appreciate your support, and we are always glad to hear
 the state of the arts in our neighborhood, taught in our local            from you. Please send us your suggestions for stories, articles,
 schools to children from a young age, and available to the rest           and any other thoughts on how we can better serve you by
 of us via different programs free of cost. We highlight some of           emailing us at info@jhbg.org or writing to us by mail at
 those programs in this edition.                                           JHBG, PO Box 720253, Jackson Heights, NY 11372.
     In a special article for this issue, Kirsten Magnani, JHBG’s
 Artist-in-Residence, offers a sense of the ways in which art              Happy Spring!
 is found in small details in our urban surroundings. A textile
 designer, environmental motifs inspire her designs. This year,            Melissa Zavala, Editor

 2 VIEWS FROM THE HEIGHTS | SPRING 2022                                                                                    www.JHBG.org
Jackson Heights Celebrates the Arts this Spring! - JHBG - Jackson ...
                                                           Wed. March 9                                     the bookstore. Libreria Barco de Papel, 40-03
                                                                                                            80th Street. 5:00 p.m.
                                                           Jackson Heights Orchestra Concert
                                                           St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 33-50 82nd St.,
                                                           7:30 p.m. Free with a suggested donation of
                                                                                                            Wed. April 6
                                                           $20 and $10 for students and seniors. Music
                                                                                                            National Poetry Month Celebration
                                                                                                            part of the Red Door Poetry Series at St.
                                                           by Copland, Honegger, and Mozart. Mask and
                                                                                                            Mark’s Episcopal Church on 34th Avenue,
                                                           proof of vaccination required at the door.
                                                                                                            between 81st and 82nd Streets. 12 o’clock
                                                           Wed. March 16                                    Wed. April 13     JH Art Talks (see below)
                                                           Red Door Poetry Series:
                                                                                                            Espresso 77 or on Zoom. 35-57 77th St.
                                                           COVID Remembrance by Alice Quinn
                                                           St. Mark’s Episcopal Church on 34th Avenue,
                                                           between 81st and 82nd Streets 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                                            Sat. May 7th In-person readings
                                                                                                            (in Spanish) by authors of En Construcción at
                                                           Sat. April 2nd In-person readings                the bookstore, Libreria Barco de Papel, 40-03
                                                                                                            80th Street. 5:00 p.m.
                                                           (in Spanish) by authors of En Construcción at

JH Art Talks Return!                                           BY LINDA GANJIAN

         he new season of                 Our mission is to celebrate the
         JH Art Talks begins on       wealth of artistic talent in Queens by
         April 13 at Espresso 77      giving artists a platform to present
         (or on Zoom pending          their work to their community. Since
         public health guidance).     its inception in 2016, 65 works have
Talks are planned for the second      been featured over 40 events.
Wednesday in April, May, and              The 2022 season will be curated
June, as well as September until      by Linda Ganjian, Stephanie Beck,
November. A diverse group of local    Deborah Wasserman, and Paul
artists, representing a range of      Krause.
media, will be invited to present         For more information, or to
recent projects, and participate      sign up for our mailing list at
in a Q&A.                             jharttalks.com

 Seeing Art                     W
                                            hy do we make art? Are       many summers in the Highlands             is always an ugly stage that offers an
                                            we inspired by beauty,       of Scotland. Our life experiences         opportunity to improve, to take risks,
                                            by something disturbing,     influence how we observe our              try something new, and to get out of

 in Our World
                                            or by an emotion that        surroundings: I notice buildings,         one’s comfort zone.
                                we need to share? The reasons            cities, colors, patterns, and nature.         I want my images to encourage
                                and possibilities are endless …              The cover art for this newsletter     people to look at our neighborhood
                                Sometimes the reason is unclear. We      portrays the idea of making art. I        and city anew, to see details they may
 BY KIRSTEN MAGNANI             just know we have to and love to. It     wondered, how am I going to convey        have missed, such as the beautiful
                                is an opportunity to explore ideas,      this? I started by walking around         architectural brick and stonework.
                                take risks and discover what one is      the neighborhood, observing and           Much thought and skill went into
                                capable of.                              noting things of interest. I had an       these designs often found high up
                                    The images we create are             Aha! moment: use details from             and out of our line of sight. I hope the
                                products of who we are at a particular   the buildings to create a fanciful        art in this newsletter brings them up
                                moment in time and in a given            world. I collected references and         close in a whimsical way. Every detail
                                environment. They incorporate            orchestrated all the parts to create      may be found in Jackson Heights. Do
                                our life experiences. Everyone           a composition of drawings, colors,        you recognize the creatures holding
                                has a story to tell. Mine includes a     textures, and experimented with           the paintbrush? Do you know where
                                father who practiced architecture        scale to connect them all. Throughout     the main building is? The location of
                                and urban planning, a mother who         this process, it was essential to stop,   the diamond pattern in the colorful
                                sculpted, a career in textile surface    step away and study the composition       mural? I’ve depicted these objects
                                design, and a childhood growing up       as a whole, to see what worked and        in a new way showing how art can
                                in Jackson Heights and spending          what didn’t. During this process there    enrich our lives. Please, enjoy.

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    Public-School Students Create                          BY MELISSA ZAVALA

                                                                                                                         Studio in a School
                                                                                                                         partners with at
                                                                                                                         least two of our
                                                                                                                         local schools to
                                                                                                                         teach students
                                                                                                                         the fundamentals
                                                                                                                         of visual art from
                                                                                                                         an early age. This
                                                                                                                         artwork was made
                                                                                                                         by three-year-old

            Music, theater, dance,          PS280 Home of the Lion Hearts                 standards followed by city and state set in
            and visual arts offer a         34-20 94th Street                             2004 and 2005 (for art and music, along
            variety of skills. From         Emphasizing academics and providing           with dance and theater, respectively). This
            collaboration, to creativity,   a supportive instructional community,         plan sets benchmarks for a standardized
            discipline and focus,           PS280 has a vibrant arts                                     curriculum in the arts. In
arts education in its different forms       program with a dedicated                                     conjunction with their use
teach learners important skills about       visual arts teacher, Ms.                                     of the SPARK program,
themselves and their communities,           Alba, and a full-time music                                  PS222 follows 10 dynamic
enhancing connections between               teacher, Ms. Dardano.                                        instructional units
history and cultures. Given these           Additionally, PS280 has                                      encouraging research-
lifelong benefits, we explore the state     a theater program for 4th                                    based, lifelong learning.
of arts education in our neighborhood.      graders after school.                                        The acronym stands for
This past fiscal year is the first time                                                                  Student Partnerships for
public schools received full funding        PS149 The Christa McAuliffe School            Advanced Research and Knowledge, an
from the city and the state, along          93-11 34th Avenue                             approach based on mentoring and student
with federal support. Prior to this,        Students K-5 at PS149 study under Ms.         collaboration using inquiry-based methods.
gaps in school budgets meant schools        Esparzamestres, a beloved art teacher         These approaches are tied together
had to seek funding from different          who goes out of her way to inspire, and       through their Schoolwide Enrichment
sources for supplies to instruction.        mentors the school’s Art Club during          program (SEM), which is a research-
With funding now available, how             school hours. PS149 also has two music        supported educational model encouraging
can art enhance our local school            teachers, a band, and chorus program.         students to engage in individual research.
curricula? Schools are listed east to       The Principal, Ms. Hernandez, is a
west, from K-5, including the single        wholehearted supporter of arts education.     The Renaissance Charter School
charter school, followed by the two                                                       35-59 81st Street
intermediate schools in the area.           PS222 Firefighter Christopher                 Dating back to 1993, Renaissance School
                                            Santora School: Early Childhood               resulted from an effort to reform the public
                                            Magnet School of Exploration                  school system through collaboration and
                                            86-15 37th Avenue                             community building between teachers,
                                            Since its inception in 2002 as a small        parents, and the neighborhood. Small by
                                            school with grades PreK-2, PS222 has          design with PreK-12 grades totaling just over
                                            garnered recognition for its strong           600 students in one building, this school is
                                            curriculum and its robust arts program        among the most successful charter schools
                                            including theater as well as music and        in the city. It offers a three-tiered curriculum
                                            visual arts, all based in the Blueprint for   based in core studies, experiential learning,
                                            Teaching and Learning in the Arts, a set of   and community service. Students receive ➡

4   VIEWS FROM THE HEIGHTS | SPRING 2022                                                                             www.JHBG.org
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State of the Arts in Jackson Heights: continued from previous page

instruction in creative dance; drama; vocal
and instrumental music; and visual art. By
grades 7-9, students choose an art field
to specialize in though art instruction is
woven overall into the curriculum as a way
of knowing and learning. In partnership with
various arts organizations from Queens
Council on the Arts, The Metropolitan              Second graders play with concepts of light and shadow using black and white shapes to understand some
Opera Guild, State Council on the Arts,            of the abstract principles of contrasts.
and many others, students are connected
more directly to the art world throughout                                                              Club that meets two days a week as well as
the city. Student creativity and hard work                                                             after-school programs in dance, band, and
is promoted during “Rensizzle Week”,                                                                   choir. Led by Ms. Asin, IS145 students have
a highlight each year, when the school                                                                 participated in JHBG’s annual Art Contest.
community showcases independent                                                                        A drama program was initiated just as the
studies completed in partnership with                                                                  pandemic struck but a musical is in the
varying organizations selected for                                                                     works for this spring.
their unique expertise. Their brand of
experiential learning inculcates a sense of        of geography, history, and explorations of
the importance of social justice, service,         nature and culture with the arts.
and creativity in students’ lives and
academic work.                                     PS398 The Hector Figueroa School
                                                   69-01 34th Avenue
PS212                                              The newest school in the neighborhood,
34-25 82nd Street                                  PS398 currently houses grades 3K-2. It
Beyond a strong                                    provides all students with music instruction
academic program,                                  once a week by Mr. Wettstein, a creative
PS212 educators                                    teacher who uses songs from the diverse
and administrators understand the                  population’s cultural traditions to train           IS230 73-10 34th Avenue
arts as integral to their curriculum. In           students in singing and basic instruments.          For grades 6-8, IS230 provides students
visual arts, students are taught to “Think         The school will be partnering with Teatro           three years of band and chorus as well as
like Artists”, fostering creativity. Music         SEA (Society for the Educational Arts,              visual arts instruction in preparation for
instruction parallels literacy education,          Inc.) to establish a dance residency and            competitive arts High Schools. With three
deepening students’ analytical skills,             is currently partnering with Studio in a            classes a week, this middle school also
while also promoting music appreciation.           School. This organization formed following          offers students access to art exhibitions,
In partnership with the organizations              the fiscal crisis in 1977 when budgets were         concerts, city-wide festivals, parades,
like Studio in a School, NYC Ballet, Arts          cut throughout city schools. Philanthropist         and more.
Connection, Flamenco Vivo, CUNY CAT,               Agnes Gund founded this initiative to bring
Joyce Theater, Carnegie Hall, and others,          art professionals to classrooms in 10-week          School bands and choirs have been unable
their arts educators nurture emotional             cycles to promote arts learning.                    to rehearse since congregating together
development under Mrs. Picard and Ms.                                                                  entails risks of contagion. With young
Segarra in art and music respectively.             IS145 Joseph Pulitzer Magnet School                 students increasingly suffering from
                                                   of Innovation and Applied Learning                  depression resulting from isolation and
PS069 The Jackson Heights School                   33-34 80th Street                                   interruptions to daily life, providing them
of Cultural and Performing Arts                    Two years ago, IS145 opened a Makerspace            with the therapeutic effects of artistic
77-02 37th Avenue                                  for students and faculty. Partnering with           expression is vital. Let’s ensure the growth
With a rich music program developed                BEAM Center in Brooklyn, students create,           of these invaluable programs and connect
over several years, students from PreK             explore, and learn collaboratively from             our students to this creative community
through 5th grade rely upon the Kodály             STEM-based projects. Both low- and                  to inspire tomorrow’s artists. Contact
technique of teaching music through folk           high-tech tools are available along with            District 30 Superintendent, Dr. Philip
songs and games to develop singing voices          art supplies and other materials useful to          Composto, to express your support for
early on. As they age, students join the           builders. Preparing 21st century student            continued generous arts funding at (718)
school orchestra or their award-winning            makers with practical skills in various             391-8323. Become involved in your School
choir. Instruction happens once a week.            fields from science and technology to               Leadership Team (SLT) and support efforts
Visual arts develop students’ fine-motor           engineering and math (i.e., STEM fields)            by the Community Education Council
coordination using explorations of basic           is the school’s main goal, as is fostering          (CEC) to ensure that arts programming
elements like lines and surfaces, with work        entrepreneurship. This school has two art           is not undercut by prioritizing English/
performed independently or cooperatively.          teachers, one for dance, and two for music          Language Arts and Math only. The arts
The school’s art curriculum ties studies           (for band and choir). There is an active Art        matter now more than ever.

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Jackson Heights Celebrates the Arts this Spring! - JHBG - Jackson ...
Mensaje                           destacamos algunos de
de la                             esos programas. Este año,
Presidenta                        vamos también a introducir
POR LESLIE                        un nuevo elemento en los
ELLMAN                            números trimestrales: una
¡Feliz año nuevo,                 columna de consejos sobre
vecinos! Al comenzar un nuevo     jardinería para promover el
año, siempre hacemos planes y     uso de especies de plantas
esperamos lo mejor. El arte ha    nativas por las invaluables
sido una de las muchas cosas      mejoras que representan para
que nos han ayudado durante       la ciudad. Por favor, envíanos          Una de las presentaciones
tiempos difíciles y siempre       sugerencias sobre historias,            en persona del año pasado
nos ha seducido. El JHBG          artículos o cualquier otra              de la serie “JH Arts Talks”
organiza varios programas         idea sobre cómo podemos                 celebrando artistas locales
                                                                          y cultivando comunidad.
artísticos, como la Orquesta de   servirte mejor a info@jhbg.
Jackson Heights, los Domingos     org o escríbenos por correo
de verano en el parque y el       a JHBG, PO Box 720253,
Concurso de arte para niños.      Jackson Heights, NY 11372.           juego de mesa Scrabble. Su         Seguramente nos inspira
Nuestros recorridos del fin de                                         inventor, Alfred Mosher Butts,     la belleza, algo inquietante
semana histórico celebran la      Las charlas sobre arte               fue un arquitecto que perdió       o alguna emoción, que
arquitectura del vecindario.      “JH Art Talks” regresan              su trabajo durante la Gran         necesitamos compartir. Las
Estamos orgullosos de ser         POR LINDA GANJIAN                    Depresión. Vivió en la Calle 79,   razones son incontables, pero
patrocinadores de artistas y      La nueva temporada de “JH            en el edificio Hampton Court,      también las posibilidades.
de programas artísticos como      Art Talks” comienza el 13 de         y fue parroquiano de la Iglesia    Solo sabemos qué hay que
las charlas sobre arte “JH Art    abril en Espresso 77 (o vía          Metodista Comunidad Unidad         hacerlo, y nos encanta.
Talks” y “En Construcción”.       Zoom, dependiendo de las             de la Avenida 35. A principios     Es una oportunidad para
Asumimos este papel porque        recomendaciones sobre salud          de la década de 1930               explorar ideas, tomar riesgos
creemos en el poder y la          pública). Las charlas están          desarrolló el juego basado en      y descubrir de lo que uno es
importancia del arte en la        planeadas para el segundo            su anterior juego de palabras,     capaz. La pieza para la portada
transformación de la vida en      miércoles de abril a junio y         Lexiko. Probó su nuevo juego       de este número necesitaba
algo más bello y significativo.   de septiembre a noviembre.           usando a sus co-parroquianos       retratar la idea de “hacer arte”.
                                  Nuestra misión es celebrar           en el salón social del sótano      Me pregunté, “¿cómo voy a
Mensaje de la Editora.            la riqueza de talento artístico      de la iglesia. Butts lanzó el      hacerlo?” Empecé caminando
Crear e imaginar en el 2022       en Queens proporcionando             juego en 1938 como Criss-          en el vecindario, observando y
POR MELISSA ZAVALA                a los artistas una plataforma        Crosswords, pero las ventas        notando cosas de interés. Tuve
Con el inicio                     para mostrar su trabajo a la         fueron pésimas. Sin embargo,       una intuición: usaría detalles
del nuevo                         comunidad. La temporada              tras sucesivos cambios y           de los edificios para crear un
año, nos                          2022 será curada por Linda           distintos compradores, el juego    mundo imaginario. Espero
renovamos                         Ganjian, Stephanie Beck,             ha llegado a más de 100 países     motivar a la gente mediante las
con las                           Deborah Wasserman y Paul             en 30 idiomas, y se estima         imágenes que creé para mirar
tempranas                         Krause. Para más información         que se han vendido más de          nuestro vecindario y la ciudad
señales de la                     o para inscribirse a nuestra         150 millones en los últimos        de forma diferente. Cada
primavera, esa emergencia         lista de contactos visita el sitio   70 años. Por algún tiempo,         detalle pertenece a Jackson
de la vida en las plantas que     jharttalks.com                       el JHBG ha patrocinado un          Heights. Por favor, ¡disfrútalo!
ofrece nueva esperanza                                                 club en la iglesia donde el
ante los cambios positivos.       Los destacados de Jackson            juego fue inventado. Después       La poesía y la meditación
Por eso, este número revisa       Heights. El lugar de                 de muchos años de vivir en         ofrecen paz en la Iglesia de
el estado de las artes            nacimiento del Scrabble:             Jackson Heights, Alfred Butts      San Mark
en nuestro vecindario,            Alfred Mosher Butts                  se jubiló en su pueblo natal       POR SPENCER REECE
impartidas en nuestras            POR DANIEL KARATZAS                  Poughkeepsie, Nueva York,          Octubre de 2020 marca el
escuelas a los niños desde        Es uno de los juegos de              donde murió en 1993.               comienzo de la Serie Red Door.
temprana edad y disponible        mesa más populares y mejor                                              La iglesia había estado cerrada
al resto de nosotros a través     conocidos en el mundo, y fue         Ver el arte en nuestro mundo       por siete meses debido a la
de diferentes programas           creado por un residente de           POR KIRSTEN MAGNANI                pandemia y a la muerte del
gratuitos. En esta edición        Jackson Heights. Se trata del        ¿Por qué hacemos arte?             Padre Checo a causa del       ➡
6   VIEWS FROM THE HEIGHTS | SPRING 2022                                                                                www.JHBG.org
Jackson Heights Celebrates the Arts this Spring! - JHBG - Jackson ...
EN ESPAÑOL continuado

COVID-19. Fui invitado por la       Por favor, considera ayudar          custodio del espacio interior.   o envíanos tus preguntas
diócesis a venir de España a        a la Iglesia de San Mark esta        Autoidentificada como Hoya       y comentarios por correo
la Iglesia de San Mark como         primavera, ven los sábados           Head (Cabeza de hoya),           a JHBG, PO Box 720253,
un sacerdote encargado              después de las 10:00 a. m. y         Tanya colecciona variedades      Jackson Heights, NY 11372.
provisionalmente. En Nueva          pregunta a Dorothy Moran             del género Hoya, una planta
York había la necesidad de un       cómo puedes apoyar.                  asiática tropical que consta     ¡Art Retail Theraphy
espacio para la meditación y                                             de entre 200 y 300 especies.     está aquí!
la poesía, y yo quería abrir la     El estado de las artes               Las pequeñas plantas de          Después de haber perdido la
iglesia tanto a miembros como       en Jackson Heights: los              Tanya representan la bioética    antigua y querida papelería
a los peatones de la Calle 82.      estudiantes de escuelas              de Wilson: “El esplendor         ubicada en la Avenida 37 con
La serie consiste en la lectura     públicas crean                       aguarda en proporciones          la Calle 82, Jackson Heights
de un poema por un poeta dos        POR MELISSA ZAVALA                   diminutas” (Wilson, Biophilia,   tiene una nueva tienda de
veces con cinco minutos de          La educación artística en sus        1984: 139). ¿Qué ecosistemas     productos para arte. Se
silencio entre ambas lecturas.      diferentes formas enseña             urbanos te interesan? Ponte      encuentra en el 84-26 de la
Las lecturas se realizan cada       importantes habilidades sobre        en contacto con nosotros en      Avenida 37; su propietario,
primer y tercer miércoles del       uno mismo y la comunidad             info@jhbg.org o escríbenos       Francisco Cogollo, se está
mes a las 6:30 p. m., excepto       e intensifica las conexiones         por correo a JHBG, PO Box        convirtiendo rápidamente
durante el verano. El 6 de abril    entre historia y cultura. Dados      720253, Jackson Heights,         en un excelente vecino, en
la Iglesia de San Mark tendrá       estos beneficios permanentes,        NY 11372.                        especial para los artistas
un evento de lectura de todo        exploramos el estado de la                                            locales. Su tienda ofrece
el día, con varios poetas, entre    educación artística en nuestro       Enverdezcamos Queens.            exposiciones de galería
ellos Padraig O’Tuama, quien        vecindario. Por primera vez,         ¿Quieres hacer más para          gratuitas y sesiones sobre
graba Poetry Unbound para el        en el pasado año fiscal las          reducir el cambio climático?     arte por $22, cada tercer
programa de radio On Being,         escuelas públicas recibieron         Aquí hay algunos consejos        lunes a las 7:00 p. m.; síguelos
de Krista Tippett.                  fondos completos de la ciudad        verdes para quien quiera         por Instagram, instagram.
                                    y del estado, así como apoyo         hacer la diferencia.             com/artretailtherapy
Un jardín-pradera en la             federal. Las escuelas están                                           antes de registrarte. Para
Iglesia Episcopal de San Mark       enlistadas de este a oeste,          ¡Repáralo, no lo desheches!      más información, escribe a
POR DAVID WATSON                    desde la preescolar K-5,             POR MELISSA ZAVALA               artretailtherapy@gmail.com
El año pasado los jardineros de     incluyendo la única escuela          Hoy en día, las cosas están      o llama al (718) 406-9444.
la Iglesia de San Mark crearon      concertada del vecindario,           hechas para romperse.
un jardín-pradera con plantas       seguida por dos escuelas             Pero ¿si en vez de comprar       Un espectáculo salvaje en
nativas. Este jardín crece ahora    primarias en el área.                más muebles desechables,         Jackson Heights
bajo un cerezo grande con una                                            zapatos o ropa nuevos, y más,    Un estridente ruido que duró
enorme rama horizontal afuera       Nuestro ecosistema urbano.           reparamos los objetos viejos     varias horas en los jardines
de la entrada principal de la       De afuera hacia adentro              y rotos? ¿A dónde podemos        de The Towers inquietó a
iglesia. El proyecto fue un reto,   POR MELISSA ZAVALA                   llevar las cosas dañadas para    los vecinos el día de Año
porque carecía de un diseño         El renombrado biólogo                que las arreglen? Tristemente,   Nuevo. Una cacofonía de
firme. Su planeación requirió       Edward O. Wilson falleció a          hay pocos reparadores por        graznidos de cuervos asesinos
un nuevo acercamiento. Esta         finales de 2021. Conocido            aquí, pero hay algunos a         ahuyentaba a un búho de
primavera, planeo agregar           por su revolucionaria                quienes vale la pena apoyar:     cuernos de rejilla. En Jackson
Conoclinium coelestinum             investigación sobre hormigas,        tapicería (Corona Upholstery:    Heights y los alrededores
(flores de niebla azul),            su trabajo inspira la                101-19 Northern Boulevard;       viven otras aves rapaces.
Phycanthemum multicum               conservación comenzando              [718] 429-6258), reparación      Desde el halcón de cola roja
(menta de montaña) y más            por los más pequeños                 de zapatos (Columbus Shoe        (Buteo jamaicensis) hasta
Asclepias tuberosa (hierba de       organismos y fundado en la           Repair: 79-05 Avenida 37;        halcones peregrinos (Falco
mariposa). Las especies que         biofilia, es decir, en la afinidad   [728] 205-7651), arreglos        peregrinus) y cernícalos (Falco
plantamos tienen profundos          humana por la vida que nos           de ropa (Unit Cleaners:          sparverius), las aves de rapiña
sistemas de raíces que no           une a otras especies. Los            77-05 Avenida 37; [718]          han regresado. ¿Qué vida
necesitan mucha agua, se            residentes de la ciudad que          639-7049), reparación de         salvaje inusual has visto por el
extienden para llenar espacios      no tiene espacio para un             electrodomésticos (Climate       vecindario? Envíanos fotos y
vacíos, necesitan poco              jardín también son custodios         Crew Corp: 37-63 Calle 83,       comparte tu historia enviando
cuidado y mantienen a raya          de organismos grandes y              Suite 221; [347] 418-7804).      un email a info@jhbg.org
la maleza. El acercamiento          pequeños. Una residente              ¿Qué soluciones ecológicas       o escríbenos por correo a
a las plantas nativas hace la       de Jackson Heights, Tanya,           te gustaría promover?            JHBG, PO Box 720253,
jardinería mucho más fácil.         representa este tipo de              Escríbenos a info@jhbg.org       Jackson Heights, NY 11372.

www.JHBG.org                                                                         VIEWS FROM THE HEIGHTS | SPRING 2022               7
Jackson Heights Celebrates the Arts this Spring! - JHBG - Jackson ...
A Meadow Garden at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church                   BY DAVID WATSON

                                                                                               his past year, gardeners at St. Mark’s created
                                                                                               a meadow garden with native plants. This
                                                                                               garden now grows below a large cherry tree
                                                                                               with a gigantic horizontal branch (well-
                                                                                               cabled to the vertical trunk) outside the
                                                                                      church’s main entrance. Visitors are welcome to
                                                                                      81st Street and 34th Avenue during open hours.
                                                                                          I had previously helped design a native plant
                                                                                      area at The Towers following strict guidelines.
                                                                                      The St. Mark’s project was challenging because it
                                                                                      lacked a firm design. Planning it required a fresh
                                                                                      approach. Taking it piecemeal allowed me to avoid
                                                                                      unnecessary expenses, as did using plants supplied
                                                                                      by neighbors, friends, and others nearby.
                                                                                          Last spring, during a trip to see friends in
                                                                                      Hudson-NY, they blessed me with a number of
                                                                                      Symphyotrichum lateriflorum, or “Calico Asters,”
                                                                                      after I helped them with their gardening. This plant
    What was a traditional English garden at St. Mark’s now                           became the backbone for that area. I also moved
    contains a native prairie garden and other wilder spaces.                         some Agastache foeniculum (Anise Hyssop), over-
                                                                                      planted in another garden area, which became ➡

Poetry and Meditation Offer Peace at St. Mark’s                 BY SPENCER REECE

         ctober, 2020, marks the start of The Red Door Series.
         The church had been closed for seven months due to the
         pandemic and the death of Father Checo from COVID-19.
         I was invited by the diocese to come to Saint Mark’s as an
         interim-priest-in-charge. Recently returned from a decade
in Madrid, Spain, where I was working for the Spanish Episcopal
Church as the canon-to-the-ordinary, I created the Unamuno
Author Series which culminated in an international literary
festival. In New York, there was a need for space for meditation
and poetry. I wanted to open it to church members and anyone
walking down 82nd Street. The series consists of a poet reading
one poem twice with five minutes of silence in between readings.
Those of other faiths, non-believers, and long-
time Saint Mark’s members sit in pews in silence
and listen to poets read their poems. Readings
are the first and third Wednesday of every
month at 6:30 p.m. We take summers off. The
Red Door Series received media coverage and a
major grant from the diocese for 2022. On April
6th Saint Mark’s will have an all-day event of
poets reading poems including the presence of
Padraig O’Tuama who records Poetry Unbound
for Krista Tippett’s On Being radio program.                                       Poetry finds a
Saint Mark’s is resurrection. These poets                                          home at St. Mark’s
                                                                                   under the leadership
plant their poems like seeds into the silence of                                   of Father Spencer,
Wednesday nights in Jackson Heights to spread                                      a poet, and new
hope. We’re a Holy Spirit factory.                                                 Priest-in-Charge.

8   VIEWS FROM THE HEIGHTS | SPRING 2022                                                                                   www.JHBG.org
Jackson Heights Celebrates the Arts this Spring! - JHBG - Jackson ...
Meadow Garden at St. Mark's: continued

                                essential. Dunolly
                                Gardens also gave us                          JACKSON HEIGHTS NOTABLES
                                “coneflower” plants,
                                Echinicea purpurea.                                 Highlighting former Jackson Heights residents of notable interest
                                     By the beginning                                    for the ways in which they represent our neighborhood.
                                of last autumn, most
                                of these displayed
                                beautiful flowers in a
                                                                                       Alfred Mosher Butts
                                part-shaded area. The
                                                                                          The Birthplace of Scrabble BY DANIEL KARATZAS
                                plant literature advises
                                full sun for most, but
A coneflower past its bloom
still looks beautiful, offering
                                they did well under the
something interesting at        big cherry tree.
different times of the year.        This spring, I plan
                                to add Conoclinium
coelestinum (Blue Mist Flowers), Pycanthemum
multicum (Clustered Mountain Mint), and more
Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly Weed). The species
we plant have deep root systems which do not need
much watering, spread to fill up empty space, need                                                                   The Community Methodist Church
                                                                                                                     is where the popular game Scrabble
little care, and keep weeds out. The native-plant
                                                                                                                     was perfected by neighborhood
approach makes gardening much easier.                                                                                parishioners, commemorated by the
      Please consider helping at St. Mark’s this spring.                                                             street sign on that corner.
Arrive a little after 10:00 AM on a Saturday and ask
Dorothy Moran how you can help. St. Mark’s has
other gardens beyond those described here.

                                                                                 t is one of the most popular and well-known board games in the
                                                                                 world and was created by a Jackson Heights resident. That game is
                                                                                 Scrabble. You may have seen the street sign honoring Scrabble at the
                                                                                 southeast corner of 81st Street and 35th Avenue. The word Avenue is
                                                                                 spelled out, and its letters, along with the “th” in 35th, have numerical
                                                                              sub-scripts indicating the value of each letter in Scrabble.
                                                                                 Scrabble’s inventor, Alfred Mosher Butts, was an architect who lost
                                                                              his job during the Great Depression. He lived on 79th Street in Hampton
                                                                              Court and was a parishioner at the Community United Methodist Church
                                                         Sign up for          on 35th Avenue. During the early 1930s he developed the game based
                                                         Monday art           on his earlier word game, Lexiko. He tested his new game using his fellow
                                                         classes and          parishioners in the basement social room at Community Church. Butts
                                                         see local
                                                                              launched the game in 1938 as Criss-Crosswords, and sales were dismal.
                                                         work at                 While the game was developed in the 1930s, it was not until the 1950s
                                                         Art Retail           that Scrabble became a sensation. In 1948, after a decade of weak sales
                                                         Therapy.             and unable to interest other game companies, Butts sold manufacturing
                                                                              rights to James Brunot, of Newtown, Connecticut. Brunot changed the
                                                                              name to Scrabble and granted Butts a royalty on each game sold. Sales

Art Retail Therapy is Here!                                                   were still low until 1952, when a Macy’s executive who had played the
                                                                              game placed a substantial order. Unable to meet the sudden demand,

                                                                              Brunot sold the manufacturing rights to Selchow and Righter. The
         fter losing the beloved longtime stationery shop on 37th
                                                                              Macy’s executive was prescient since by 1954, just two years later, over
         Avenue just off 82nd Street, Jackson Heights has a new art
         supplies store! Located at 84-26 37th Avenue, its owner,
                                                                              three million sets were sold.
         Francisco Cogollo, is quickly making an excellent neighbor,             Today, the game is marketed in over 100 countries in 30 languages,
especially to local artists. He grew up in Elmhurst and has a real love for   and it is estimated that over 150 million have been sold over the last 70
the neighborhood. Art Retail Therapy offers free gallery shows and $22        years. There are thousands of Scrabble clubs all over the world, and for a
art sessions every other Monday at 7 p.m. requiring registration. Follow      number of years the JHBG sponsored a club that met in the Community
them on Instagram at instagram.com/artretailtherapy for their                 Church where the game was invented. After many years of living in
class schedule before registering. Email them at artretailtherapy@            Jackson Heights, Alfred Butts retired to his hometown of Poughkeepsie,
gmail.com, or call (718) 406-9444 to find out more. Stop by and               New York, where he died in 1993.
find ways of enhancing your creativity and greet our new neighbors!

www.JHBG.org                                                                                         VIEWS FROM THE HEIGHTS | SPRING 2022                    9
Jackson Heights Celebrates the Arts this Spring! - JHBG - Jackson ...
Volume 33, Number 1          OUR URBAN ECOSYSTEM This ongoing series considers the impact of urban gardening and landscaping
                                                 practices on city wildlife and open spaces—as well as indoor ones.

                            Bringing the Outdoors Indoors
Spring 2022

Jackson Heights                                                                                                            BY MELISSA ZAVALA
Beautification Group
P.O. Box 720253
Jackson Heights, NY
(347) 766-9129

Edwin O’Keefe Westley
Jerry Goldman
Louise Mulvihill
Melissa Zavala
Rommel Alama
Kirsten Magnani

Design & Production
Rommel Alama

Distribution Director
Edwin O’Keefe Westley
                            Tiny plants make a home, providing warmth and beauty all year round.

Translator &
En Español Editor                  enowned biologist, Edward O. Wilson,
Julia Erika                        passed away as 2021 ended. Known for his
Negrete Sandoval                   groundbreaking research on ants, his body
                                   of work inspires conservation beginning
Contributors                       with the tiniest organisms and rooted in
Leslie Ellman               biophilia, the human affinity for life binding us to
Linda Gangian               other species. Humans are ecosystem builders,
Dan Karatzas                not just destroyers. He reminds us that we can
Kirsten Magnani             and should do more for our world. City residents
Spencer Reece               without outdoor gardening space are also
David Watson                stewards of big and small organisms. Life-long                  growers on Instagram, ordering plants in the mail.
Melissa Zavala              resident of the neighborhood, Tanya, represents                 She has learned a great deal about their nutrient
 Arts & Culture in          this type of indoor steward. A self-identified                  requirements, preferred moisture conditions,
 Jackson Heights            “Hoya Head”, she collects varieties of the genus                and lighting needs which she supplements with
                            Hoya, a tropical Asian plant consisting of 200-300              lamps and imaginative arrangements on her
 This warm scene is one
 of the growing number of   species. With waxy leaves, growing as vines or                  windows. She marvels at the idiosyncrasies of
 colorful murals around     creepers, some with peduncles with fragrant star-               their make-up—from flat and fuzzy, to round and
 the neighborhood.          shaped flowers smelling of chocolate Tootsie Rolls              waxy leaves—to their personalities. With attention
 Found along 80th Street,
 this mural adorns The      and others like cotton candy, Hoyas are diverse.                to aesthetics, she finds pots to fit their needs and
 Queensboro Restaurant         The pandemic prevented us from seeing others.                her style, highlighting their beauty. She has come
 on Northern Boulevard.                               Stuck in the house, Tanya             to terms with the insects that invariably come with
                                                      turned to plants. “Seeing             plants and accepts her indoor environment as one
                                                      something grow since we               requiring strict management so that life can thrive,
                                                      couldn’t see anyone,” she             giving up workspace to her plants. Plants not only
                                                      says, led her to grow her             add beauty but cleanse our indoor air and produce
                                                      unique plant collection               healthful emotional and psychological effects.
                                                      from “normal person 10                Tanya’s tiny plants represent Wilson’s bioethics:
                                                      plants to 110”! Preferring            “Splendor awaits in minute proportions” (Wilson’s
                                                      tiny cuttings so she                  Biophilia, 1984: 139).
                                                      can “fit them all in”, she               What urban ecosystems interest you? Contact
                                                      began watching YouTube                us at info@jhbg.org, or via regular mail at JHBG,
                                                      videos and following Hoya             PO Box 720253, Jackson Heights, NY 11372.

10   VIEWS FROM THE HEIGHTS | SPRING 2022                                                                                     www.JHBG.org
Wild Sightings in Jackson Heights!


         raucous noise lasting                                                    aggressive top food chain           horned owls
         several hours in the                                                     predators which prey on             are widespread
         gardens at The Towers                                                    a variety of animals from           throughout
         rattled neighbors                                                        rodents to rabbits, snakes,         North America
         on New Year’s Day.                                                       as well as young hawks and          and much of
Resident Barbara Mutnick                                                          crows—motivating the crows          South America
said, “It’s been like the Sharks                                                  to push this new raptor out.        as well. They nest early
and the Jets but between birds                                                    “So, I didn’t have to worry         in the year, making their
here in Jackson Heights!”                                                         about the owl ... the crows         calls throughout northern
likening the heated avian                                                         were the ones to be scared for,”    woodlands in winter a
contest to sports rivalries.                                                      said Mrs. Magnani. Jackson          common sound. What unusual
A cacophony of cawing by                                                          Heights has several other birds     wildlife have you seen around
a murder of crows (Corvus                                                         of prey living here and nearby.     the neighborhood?
brachyrhynchos) intimidated                                                       From red-tailed hawks (Buteo        Send us pictures and share
a great horned owl out of the                                                     jamaicensis) to peregrine           your story by emailing us at
area. “I expected the owl to                                                      falcons (Falco peregrinus),         info@jhbg.org, or writing
be murdered!!” said Dorothy                                                       and American kestrels (Falco        via regular mail at JHBG,
Magnani. Great horned                  Crows work together to intimidate a        sparverius), raptors have           PO Box 720253, Jackson
owls (Bubo virginianus) are            visiting great horned owl at The Towers.   made a comeback! Great              Heights, NY 11372.

Let’s Green Queens
Want to do more to slow climate change? Here are some green tips for anyone wanting to make a difference. Fix it, Don’t Toss it!*
                                                                   BY MELISSA ZAVALA

Need some basic repairs? Consider our local merchants as a green alternative to buying new items.

        hings today are made to break.               and fulfill our needs. Where can damaged            With the value of manual skills on the
        But what if instead of buying                things be taken for repair? Sadly, there            rise, our landfills becoming more costly
        disposable DIY furniture, brand              are few local menders around, but here              and environmentally unsound, and our
        new shoes, clothes, and more, we             are some worth supporting.                          planet’s limits becoming ever clearer, now
        repaired old or broken items? The                                                                is a good time to reconsider everyday
Japanese concept of Kintsugi provides                UPHOLSTERY: Corona Upholstery                       practices and find ways to do more to
inspiration for breathing new life into              101-19 Northern Boulevard (718) 429-6258            waste less.
things and appreciating imperfections.                                                                       What green solutions would you like
By repairing cracked dishware, pots,                 SHOE REPAIR: Columbus Shoe                          to promote? Email us at info@jhbg.org,
and other items using gold, artisans                 Repair 79-05 37th Avenue (718) 205-7651             or send us questions and comments via
strengthen them, making shattered wares                                                                  regular mail at JHBG, PO Box 720253,
more beautiful, transforming them into               ALTERATIONS: Unit Cleaners                          Jackson Heights, NY 11372.
works of art with new stories to tell. This          77-05 37th Avenue (718) 639-7049
is not to propose pricey repairs for worn                                                                * To promote sustainable practices and support
or damaged items but to encourage the                ELECTRICAL/APPLIANCES:                              for local merchants, information for this list was
idea that old, tattered, and worn things             Climate Crew Corp                                   crowdsourced from neighborhood residents and does
can have a second life, remain attractive,           37-63 83rd Street, Suite 221; (347) 418-7804        not represent an endorsement by the organization.

www.JHBG.org                                                                                  VIEWS FROM THE HEIGHTS | SPRING 2022                      11
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              V I E W S F RO M T H E H E I G HT S – W I N T E R 20 13
   ONGOING                                       FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS:
                                     Please join us or renew your membership (there are 2 ways):
Saturdays, 11am-1 pm                          Go to www.JHBG.org/membership and pay by credit card.
JH-SCRAPS (composting)
69th St. & 35th Ave.
                                                      It’s quick and easy! Mail a check with this form
For info on what is compostable,                           for the membership level you select to:
contact info@JHBG.org
                                                              JHBG–Membership • P.O. Box 720253
Most Saturdays, 10 am                                             Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Tree LC
Meets at the NE corner of                Membership includes a subscription to Views from the Heights and helps fund our numerous
                                     community activities. JHBG is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so your contribution is tax deductible.
80th St. & 37th Ave.
Schedule may vary and include
                                                                  Please check membership level:
some Sundays. Check the
JHBG Facebook page                     Individual $50               Patron            $250		               Sponsor $1,000
for complete information.
                                       Family $100                  Benefactor       $500		                Other __________
Saturdays 10 am                                                      Please print the following:
Clean and Green
For complete details,                 Name:
go to www.jhbg.org.
                                      Address (Include apt. #):
JH-CREW dog run                       City/State/Zip:
69th St. between 34th & 35th Aves.
To join, go to www.jhbg.org           E-mail address:
for application. Suggested
                                       If you’re interested in being contacted about any JHBG activities, please email
donation, $25/year.
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