It's Time for You! Summer 2021 Course Catalog - REGISTRATION OPENS MONDAY, MARCH 29, 2021 PHONE REGISTRATION OPENS MONDAY, APRIL 5, 2021 ...

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It's Time for You! Summer 2021 Course Catalog - REGISTRATION OPENS MONDAY, MARCH 29, 2021 PHONE REGISTRATION OPENS MONDAY, APRIL 5, 2021 ...
Learning programs for adults age 50 and better
                                  at the University of Pittsburgh

                                                   Summer 2021
                                                   Course Catalog
                                                   It’s Time for You!
Summer 2021 Term
                                 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
                                 University of Pittsburgh

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                   DATES AND DEADLINES
Welcome                           3                 May 17         OLLI Session 1 begins

Membership and                                      May 31         Memorial Day, no classes
Registration                      4
                                                    June 21        OLLI Monday Session 1 courses end
Scholarships                      5
                                                    June 26        OLLI Session 2 begins
Schedule at-a-glance              6, 7
                                                    July 5         Independence Day (celebrated), no classes
Courses by topic                  8, 9

OLLI Session 1 Courses            10                August 2        Session 2 courses end

OLLI Session 2 Courses            18

Monday Master Classes             24, 25

Special Events                    26

How to Audit Undergraduate
Courses                    27

Instructor Biographies            28

About OLLI
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) is a program in the College of General Studies at the
University of Pittsburgh. Established in 2005, it is supported by the Bernard Osher Foundation
and is one of 123 OLLIs located on college campuses throughout the United States. The National
Resource Center for Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes, located at the Northwestern University,
provides technical assistance to the OLLI programs across the country.

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute aspires to create a dedicated intellectual environment for
older adult students, nurturing a lifelong passion for learning. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
fosters lifelong learning through courses and programs that engage the learner, provide social
interaction, and enrich lives. OLLI’s faculty, which includes University of Pittsburgh professors and
retired faculty, challenge participants to understand the cultural forces of today, to interact socially
and intellectually with one another, and to live empowered lives.
  to OLLI at Pitt!

    If you are age 50 or better and have
    a curious mind, join us!
    The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the
    University of Pittsburgh offers learning opportunities
    designed specifically for older adult learners.
    Reasonable membership fees and generous financial
    assistance make OLLI membership possible for anyone
    who would like to join us. Upon becoming a member,
    you have immediate access to courses, special classes,
    lectures, and events.

    Currently, OLLI courses meet on Zoom, offering
    members the safety and comfort of learning from home.
    OLLI members enjoy interacting online with instructors
    and other members who share a love of learning.
    Our excellent teachers are from the University and
    also from the diverse and talent-filled Pittsburgh area.

    OLLI at Pitt members want you to know that they are
    a welcoming and friendly group. No previous affiliation
    with the University of Pittsburgh and no college
    experience is needed to become a member. We look
    forward to seeing you soon!

    It’s Time for YOU!

                                                  OLLI.PITT.EDU   |3
Membership and Registration
An active OLLI membership is required to register for courses
                                                          How to Register
    Choose your membership                                Due to current circumstances, members and
    Annual Membership – $225                              interested individuals should register online at:
    (Covers Summer, Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 Terms)
    Term Membership – $125                                1.   SIGN IN using your username and password—OR—
    (Covers Summer 2021 Term)                                  create an account if you do not already have one. Click
    2nd Installment Membership – $100                          on the Sign In link in the upper right-hand side of the
    (for those who purchased a term membership in              page. (After putting in your username and password,
    Spring 2021, this option adds two additional terms         you will know you are signed in if “Welcome, ” appears at the upper left corner of the
                                                               page under the OLLI logo after logging in.)
    Space constraints and continued safety practices
    on Pitt’s campus due to COVID-19 mean that            2.   Proceed to Home Page and the Renew/Become a
    all Summer 2021 courses will take place online             Member area. ADD a membership to your cart if you
    through the Zoom platform. Once online courses             are not currently a paid, active member.
    begin on Monday May 17, 2021 there will be no
    refunds issued for membership payments unless         3.   Next, proceed to review courses of interest (From
    OLLI cancels the term.                                     Homepage click on OLLI Session #1, Session #2
                                                               or OLLI Courses by Topic. Locate a desired course
    Membership includes access to unlimited online             and click on “ADD TO CART.” (Note: you can
    OLLI courses, lectures, special events and groups.         review courses by day of week and/or topic on the
    Depending on the status of the University, it may          registration website.)
    include two pre-approved undergraduate courses
    for auditing. Courses will take place on the          4.   If more courses are desired after you add a course
    Zoom platform.                                             to your shopping cart, click: “CONTINUE SHOPPING”
    Note: All existing paid and up-to-date OLLI                to locate additional courses and add to your
    memberships will be able to register for all online        shopping cart.
    courses as well.                                      5.   After all courses have been selected, go to your
                                                               shopping cart to complete the check-out process and
                                                               pay for your membership, if necessary. Be sure to click
                                                               through ALL Screens until completion of the process
                                                               and the payment page, if necessary.

                                                          NOTE: If you do not see an “Add to Cart” button under
                                                          a course, there are three possible reasons. 1) Registration
                                                          has not begun yet. 2) You are a paid, current member and
                                                          have not signed in. (Check for “Welcome YourFirstName”
                                                          in the top left-hand corner of the screen) 3) You are not a
                                                          current member or your membership is expired and you
                                                          have not added a membership selection to your cart FIRST,
                                                          before adding a course.
           All Summer Term 2021
          courses and lectures will                       Difficulties?
                                                          If there are any difficulties with registrations, please leave
            take place online via                         a message on our main phone line: 412-624-7308 or
             the Zoom platform.                           email us at Please know that our office is
                                                          working remotely and will have to return your phone call.


Scholarships for the Osher Lifelong        Choose your favorite courses based
Learning Institute (OLLI) are based        on the topics, days, and times that
on financial need and are awarded
to people age 50 and older who are         interest you!
interested in attending our program.
The scholarships partially offset the      Courses are offered for your exploration,
cost of OLLI membership. All OLLI          enjoyment, or academic interests.
members pay something toward a             Academic – these courses are like
membership, but our awards can             undergraduate college courses with the
make OLLI possible for those who           instructor lecturing most of the time.
might not otherwise be able to join.
                                           Exploration – more “hands on” oriented
Financial assistance is for one term       courses: OR may be an academic topic primarily
and must be applied for each term.         taught through interactive group discussion and practice.
A simple application form is used
and must be entirely completed to          Enjoyment – most of class is spent with the students discussing the
receive consideration. All scholarship     topic, practicing a skill, or the primary purpose is for group sharing
applications for Summer term 2021          and discussion.
must be received by Monday,
May 10, 2021.
Awards: Scholarships range from $50
- $100 per term. Notification of your
award and the amount of the award
will be sent within two weeks of receipt
of your application. Please contact
the office to receive a scholarship
application and for more information
by emailing

   Learning is Priceless!                                                            Give the Gift of
   Please support OLLI at Pitt                                                       Learning
                                                                                     Are you are searching
       Your donation helps to:                                                       for the perfect gift for
                                                                                     your friend, neighbor,
       •   support hundreds of courses each year                                     relative, mom or dad
                                                                                     in the over 50 crowd?
       •   attract top notch instructors
                                                                                     A gift certificate for membership
       •   keep membership fees as low as possible                                   in OLLI at Pitt is a thoughtful and
                                                                                     meaningful gift for someone who
       •   help those who need financial assistance to
                                                                                     enjoys challenging themselves
           join OLLI through the Bobenage-Szczepanski                                and engaging with peers. Gift
           Membership Fund                                                           certificates can be for one term
       •   impact outreach activities in communities                                 or an annual membership. To
           and neigborhoods where membership                                         purchase an OLLI membership
           is underrepresented                                                       gift certificate, send an email to
                                                                            and include your
       Make a gift by donating online at, or                           phone number. We will call you
       by contacting the OLLI office at 412-624-7308.                                to arrange your purchase. What a
                                                                                     memorable gift it will be!

                                                                                                           OLLI.PITT.EDU   |3
OLLI Session 1 • Monday, May 17– Monday, June 21
MONDAY                             TUESDAY                         WEDNESDAY                        THURSDAY                       FRIDAY
9–10 a.m.                          10–11:30 a.m.                   9–10 a.m.                        10–11 a.m.                     10–11:30 a.m.
Better Balance! Steady             Beginning Level French:         Gentle Yoga                      Dance and Be Fit               The Age of the Crusades: Part 1
and Strong                         Present Tense Verbs             Jill Clary                       Roland Ford                    Jared Day
Diane Markovitz                    Cathleen Sendek-Sapp            9:30–11:30 a.m.                  10–11:30 p.m.                  Empower Writing with Poetry,
10–11:30 a.m.                      Consider the Bee                Visual Journaling: Collage,      Beginner Spanish               Part 2: Non-Rhyming Poems
Creative Nonfiction: Share Your    Jeff Aziz                       Printmaking, Bookmaking,         Maria Franco de Gomez          Sandra Gould Ford
Message to Transform Lives         Coping with Stress for          & More                           Beginner Watercolor            Intermediate Conversational
Ann Hultberg                       Mental and Physical Health      Ann Rosenthal                    Melissa Tai                    French: Hypothetically Speaking
Gardens of the World: Ideas        and Longevity                   10–11:30 a.m.                    The Rhythm of the Cosmos       Cathleen Sendek-Sapp
for Your Garden                    Bruce Rabin                     Contemporary India               Elizabeth Burnette             Prehistoric Life and Earth History
Doug Oster                         Experimental Watercolor         Lipika Mazumdar                                                 Stephen Lindberg
                                                                                                    Urban Dream, Urban
The Internet Revolution:           Melissa Tai                     Study Group on Anti-Black        Nightmare: New York City       Supreme Court Sampler
An Improbable History                                              Racism                           Abby Mendelson                 John Burt
Richard Wilson                                                     Ralph Bangs
                                                                                                    What Style Is It? A Survey
Nutrition and Food: Back to                                        Who Killed Jesus? The Origins    of Domestic Architectural
Basics                                                             of Anti-Semitism in Ancient      Styles with a Focus on
Judith Dodd                                                        Christianity                     Pittsburgh Houses
11 a.m.–12 noon                                                    Rebecca Denova                   Robert Jucha
Chair Yoga                                                         10:15–11:15 a.m.                 Writing a Legacy Letter
Sally Sherman                                                      Chakra Yoga All Levels           Jay Sherwin
                                                                   Jill Clary

MONDAY                             TUESDAY                         WEDNESDAY                        THURSDAY                       SATURDAY
1–2:30 p.m.                        1– 2:30 p.m.                    1–2:30 p.m.                      1–2:30 p.m.                    10–11:30 a.m.
Monday Master Classes              Advanced Intermediate Conver-   Advanced Beginner Spanish        Advanced Conversational        Moments in Time
Each Monday afternoon, OLLI        sational French:                Maria Franco de Gomez            Spanish                        Germaine Watkins
will offer a Master Class on a     Simply Conversation             Existentialism                   Maria Franco de Gomez
special topic from an expert in    Cathleen Sendek-Sapp            William Pamerleau                Art Looting and Destruction:
their field. Members may           At Home with Your Apple         How to Awaken Your Inner         Historical Context
register for one, all, or just a   Macintosh Computer              Fiction Writer                   Valerie Grash
few of the Master Classes.         Richard Fitzgibbon              Laurie McMillan                  Democracy: A Moving Target
3–4:30 p.m.                        Creative Writing:                                                Javier Vázquez-D’Elía
                                                                   The Roaring ‘20s
Great Symphonies of the            Developing Characters           Julia Hudson-Richards            Ongoing Evolution of the
20th Century                       Martha Rogus                                                     American World Music Genre
Stephen Schultz                                                    War and Pieces- How Music
                                   Descartes’s “Meditations”                                        Jazz, Part II
                                                                   Reacts to War and Conflict
TED Talks (Section 1)              Gregory Strom                                                    Christopher Dean Sullivan
                                                                   Owen Cantor
Kathy Callahan                     Forward to the Past Social                                       Understanding the Stock
                                                                   3–4:30 p.m.
                                   and Political Impact of 60’s                                     Market
                                                                   Alexander the Great and the      Aaron Leaman
                                   Popular Music                   Hellenistic World
                                   David Crippen                   Taylor Coughlan
                                                                                                    3–4:30 p.m.
                                   TED Talks (Section 2)           Isabel Allende and Pablo
                                   Kathy Callahan                  Neruda: The Spanish Civil War,   The Detective Story from
                                   3–4:30 p.m.                     Exodus, Exile, and Friendship    Victorian Solutions to
                                   Coup, Putsch, Rebellion,        Camila Pulgar Machado            Modern Searches
                                   or Riot                                                          Michael Hefland
                                   Andrew Lotz
                                   Single-novel Study: Thomas
                                   Bell, “Out of This Furnace”
                                   Nicholas Coles

OLLI Session 2 • Saturday, June 26–Tuesday, August 3
MONDAY                             TUESDAY                           WEDNESDAY                          THURSDAY                       FRIDAY
10–11:30 a.m.                      10–11:30 a.m.                     9–10 a.m.                          10–10:50 a.m.                  10–11:30 a.m.
History of Medicine and            Beginning Level French:           Gentle Yoga (continued)            Dance and Be Fit (continued)   The Age of the Crusades: Part 2
Healthcare                         Present Tense Verbs               9:30–11:30 a.m.                    10–11:30 a.m.                  Jared Day
Orin James                         (continued)                       Visual Journaling: Collage,        Beginner Spanish               Agitators: Women Abolitionists
(In)Sanity of the Species:         Experimental Watercolor           Printmaking, Bookmaking,           (continued)                    John Burt
Reading Octavia Butler’s           (continued)                       & More (continued)                 Beginner Watercolor            Bible as Literature: Joshua
“Kindred” and “Dawn”               Money, Power, and                 10–11:30 a.m.                      (continued)                    and Judges
Kimberly Latta                     Climate Change                    Dante’s Purgatorio Journey:                                       David Brumble
                                                                                                        Mapping Our Differences:
Pittsburgh Shattered Glass         Alan Irvine                       The Burden of Sin Toward a         Understanding Dimensions       Intermediate Conversational
Anne Madarasz                      The Science and Mystery           Heaven of Freedom                  of Culture through Cultural    French: Hypothetically
Social Media from a Research       of Shadows                        Paolo Montemaggi                   Comparison                     Speaking (continued)
Perspective                        Bruce Goldstein                   Domes in World Architecture        Hillary Koller
Cristina Bahm                      Women in World Religions          Paul Tellers                       Music Enrichment for
11–12 noon                         Sandra Collins                    A History of Modern                Health and Wellness
Chair Yoga (continued)                                               Economic Globalization             Raymond Uy
                                                                     William Van Lear                   The Scramble for Africa or
                                                                     History of Photography:            How African Countries Got
                                                                     1900-1945                          Their Shapes
                                                                     Christine Lorenz                   Jon Grogan
                                                                     10:15–11:15 a.m.                   A World Awash in Blood:
                                                                     Chakra Yoga All Levels             Great Vietnam War Novels
                                                                     (continued)                        Abby Mendelson

MONDAY                             TUESDAY                           WEDNESDAY                          THURSDAY                       SATURDAY
1–2:30 p.m.                        1–2:30 p.m.                       1–2:30 p.m.                        1–2:30 p.m.                    9–10 a.m.
Monday Master Class Lectures       Advanced Intermediate             Advanced Beginner Spanish          Advanced Conversational        Zumba Gold
Each Monday afternoon, OLLI        Conversational French: Simply     (continued)                        Spanish                        Lisa Sobek
will offer a Master Class on a     Conversation                      Art of Global Catholic Missions    (continued)
special topic from an expert in    (continued)                       Rachel Miller                      Art Looting and Destruction,
their field. Members may           Archetypal Astrology: The Plan-   Bret Hart, Mark Twain, and         Contemporary Issues
register for one, all, or just a   ets as Aspects of Ourselves       the Evolution of a Distinctive     Valerie Grash
few of the Master Classes.         Lilan Laishley                    American Voice and Style           Best American Short
                                   Nevermore, The Great Tradition    David Walton                       Stories 2020
                                   of Supernatural Poetry            Social Responsibility and Ethics   Adam Reger
                                   Brett Rutherford                  in American Sports                 Poetry and Prose in the
                                   Spinoza’s Ethics                  Ray Jones                          Pandemic
                                   Gregory Strom                     “Such Friends”: The Literary       Sasha Reese
                                   Taking and Editing Photos with    1920s in Dublin, London, Paris,    Poverty in Western
                                   Your iPhone                       and New York City                  Civilization: A Historical
                                   Rich Fitzgibbon                   Kathleen Dixon-Donnelly            Overview Since the
                                   The Trump Years and Recent        The Spanish Republic and Civil     Middle Ages
                                   Events in the Light of History    War, 1931-1939                     Javier Vázquez-D’Elía
                                   Louise Mayo                       Julia Hudson-Richards
                                   3–4:30 p.m.                       3–4:30 p.m.
                                   Classic Hindu Texts: The          Contemporary European Film:
                                   Rāmāyaṇa and the Bhaga-           1980s–present
                                   vad-Gītā                          Lucy Fisher
                                   Daniel Heifetz                    Mythology of the Ancient
                                   Found Poetry: Discovering the     and Modern World- Heroines
                                   Extraordinary in the Everyday     and Heroes
                                   Erik Schuckers                    Marcie Persyn

                                                                                                                                                    OLLI.PITT.EDU    |3
Courses by Topic • Summer 2021
Clicking on each course title will take you to its course description in the catalog.

Art History and Architecture                                   History, Classics, & Philosophy
Art Looting and Destruction, Contemporary Issues         22   The Age of the Crusades: Part 1                        16

Art Looting and Destruction: Historical Context          16   The Age of the Crusades: Part 2                        23

Art of Global Catholic Missions                          21   Agitators: Women Abolitionists                         23

Domes in World Architecture                              20   Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World          14

History of Photography, 1900-1945                        20   Descartes’s “Meditations”                              12

What Style Is It? A Survey of Domestic Architectural           Existentialism                                         14
Styles with a Focus on Pittsburgh Houses                 15
                                                               History of Medicine and Healthcare                     18

Film, Music & Theater                                          Mythology of the Ancient and Modern World:
                                                               Heroines and Heroes                                    21
Contemporary European Film: 1980s–present                21
                                                               Pittsburgh Shattered Glass                             18
Forward to the Past Social and Political Impact of 60’s
Popular Music                                            12   Poverty in Western Civilization: A Historical
                                                               Overview Since the Middle Ages                         23
Great Symphonies of the 20th Century                     11
                                                               The Roaring ‘20s                                       14
Ongoing Evolution of the American World Music
Genre Jazz, Part II                                      16   The Scramble for Africa or How African Countries
                                                               Got Their Shapes                                       22
War and Pieces: How Music Reacts to War and Conflict 14
                                                               The Spanish Republic and Civil War, 1931-1939          21

Fitness, Health, & Self-Interests                              Spinoza’s Ethics                                       19

Archetypal Astrology: The Planets as Aspects                   “Such Friends”: The Literary 1920s in Dublin, London,
of Ourselves                                             19   Paris and New York City                                21

Better Balance! Steady and Strong                        10   Supreme Court Sampler                                  17

Chair Yoga                                               10
                                                               Language Studies
Chakra Yoga All Levels                                   14
                                                               Beginning Level French: Present Tense Verbs            11
Coping with Stress for Mental and Physical
Health and Longevity                                     11   Advanced Intermediate Conversational French:
                                                               Simply Conversation                                    12
Dance and Be Fit                                         15
                                                               Advanced Beginner Spanish                              14
Gardens of the World: Ideas for Your Garden              10
                                                               Beginner Spanish                                       15
Gentle Yoga                                              13
                                                               Advanced Conversational Spanish                        16
Music Enrichment for Health and Wellness                 22
                                                               Intermediate Conversational French:
Nutrition and Food: Back to Basics                       10   Hypothetically Speaking                                17

TED Talks (Section 1)                                    11

TED Talks (Section 2)                                    12

Zumba Gold                                               23

Courses by Topic • Summer 2021 (continued)
Clicking on each course title will take you to its course description in the catalog.

Literature & Creative Writing                                 Political, Social Sciences & Society
A World Awash in Blood: Great Vietnam War Novels       22    Contemporary India                                           13

Best American Short Stories 2020                       22    Coup, Putsch, Rebellion, or Riot                             12

Bible as Literature: Joshua and Judges                 23    Democracy: A Moving Target                                   16

Bret Hart, Mark Twain, and the Evolution of a                 Mapping Our Differences: Understanding Dimensions
Distinctive American Voice and Style                   21    of Culture through Cultural Comparison                       22

Consider the Bee                                       11    Money, Power, and Climate Change                             18

Creative Nonfiction: Share Your Message to                    Social Responsibility and Ethics in American Sports          21
Transform Lives                                        10
                                                              Study Group on Anti-Black Racism                             13
Creative Writing: Developing Characters                12
                                                              The Trump Years and Recent Events in the
Dante’s Purgatorio Journey: The Burden of Sin                 Light of History                                             19
Toward a Heaven of Freedom                             20

The Detective Story from Victorian Solutions to               Religious Studies
Modern Searches                                        16
                                                              Classic Hindu Texts: The Rāmāyaṇa and the
Empower Writing with Poetry, Part 2:                          Bhagavad-Gītā                                                 20
Non-Rhyming Poems                                      17
                                                              Who Killed Jesus? The Origins of Anti-Semitism in
Found Poetry: Discovering the Extraordinary in                Ancient Christianity                                         13
the Everyday                                           20
                                                              Women in World Religions                                     19
How to Awaken Your Inner Fiction Writer                14

(In)Sanity of the Species: Reading Octavia Butler’s           Science, Technology & Medicine
“Kindred” and “Dawn”                                   18
                                                              At Home with Your Apple Macintosh Computer                   12
Isabel Allende and Pablo Neruda: The Spanish Civil War,
Exodus, Exile, and Friendship                          14    The Internet Revolution: An Improbable History               10

                                                              Prehistoric Life and Earth History                           17

Nevermore, The Great Tradition of Supernatural Poetry 19     The Rhythm of the Cosmos                                     15

Poetry and Prose in the Pandemic                       22    The Science and Mystery of Shadows                           19

Single-novel Study: Thomas Bell, “Out of This Furnace” 13    Social Media from a Research Perspective                     18

Urban Dream, Urban Nightmare: New York City            15    Taking and Editing Photos with Your iPhone                   19

Writing a Legacy Letter                                15
                                                              Visual & Performing Arts
Math and Economics                                            Beginner Watercolor                                          15

A History of Modern Economic Globalization             20    Experimental Watercolor                                      11

Understanding the Stock Market                         16    Moments in Time                                              17

                                                              Visual Journaling: Collage, Printmaking,
                                                              Bookmaking, & More                                           13

                                                                                                            OLLI.PITT.EDU   |3
OLLI Course Descriptions
Session 1: Monday, May 17–Monday, June 21, 2021

                                          Gardens of the World:                   Nutrition and Food:
 MONDAY                                   Ideas for Your Garden                   Back to Basics
                                          Let’s explore gardens from all over     The Pandemic, new dietary
9–10 a.m.                                 the world. This course is more than     guidelines, a focus on the
                                          the “travelogue”. The incredible        environment—these are just some
Better Balance! Steady                    landscapes of England, France, Italy,   of the changes that may require
and Strong                                Holland and more offer many ideas       adjustments in our food lives. New
Are you looking for an exercise           to use in the home garden. You don’t    food access and options, along
program designed to improve your          have to have a grand estate to have a   with changing health needs, add to
everyday life? This course, led by        wonderful garden on a smaller scale.    the confusion. Nutrition needs are
a Physical Therapist, will focus on       Enjoyment • Doug Oster                  personal, and one size does not fit
balance and core strengthening                                                    all. There are more questions than
exercises. Come join the fun and          The Internet Revolution:                answers since nutrition, health and
learn a program designed to improve       An Improbable History                   food needs that work for you may
your posture and daily function while                                             not work for your partner or relative.
also decreasing your risk of falls        The Internet as we know it was a        But there are some nutrition basics
and injury. No special equipment          surprise, even to its many inventors.   that have stood the test of time. This
needed, and most of the exercises         This course traces its evolution from   course will focus on evidence-based
are completed standing. No part of        its origins in the Cold War of the      and personalized guidance.
the program involves getting up and       1950s to its explosive growth after
                                          privatization in the 1990s. We will     Academic • Judith Dodd
down from the floor. This program is
suitable for beginners yet appropriate    examine why IBM and AT&T thought
                                          the key technologies of the internet    11 a.m.–12 noon
for those with more exercise
experience as it can be adapted to        were unworkable; how the 1960s
                                          counterculture fostered the growth of   Chair Yoga
fit individual needs.
                                          the personal computer; why Bill Gates   This gentle form of yoga is practiced
Enjoyment • Diane Markovitz               vastly underestimated its importance    using a chair as a prop/stabilizer
                                          as late as 1995; and why attempts       for support during standing
10–11:30 a.m.                             by governments and international        poses or adapted for sitting on a
                                          regulatory agencies to dictate          chair. It is especially beneficial for
Creative Nonfiction:                      standards for the Internet failed.      people concerned with balance or
Share Your Message to                                                             coordination issues or those who have
Transform Lives                           Academic • Richard Wilson
                                                                                  felt they are unable to participate in
This course focuses on the writing of                                             other yoga experiences. The class
creative nonfiction. Techniques and                                               includes poses for strength training,
skills of the various forms of creative                                           mobility in the joints and more
nonfiction, such as the personal                                                  relaxing poses to help steady the
essay, memoir, and flash nonfiction                                               mind. Opportunities to intensify, with
are examined in class and practiced                                               modifications to make the poses more
in student writing. Students will                                                 accessible, will be offered throughout
learn and practice strategies for                                                 the course so that participants learn
brainstorming, drafting, critiquing,                                              to adapt to their personal situations
and revising their work.                                                          and comfort as well as challenge
Enjoyment • Ann Hultberg                                                          themselves. The course is appropriate
                                                                                  for all levels.
                                                                                  Enjoyment • Sally Sherman

1–2:30 p.m.                                                                            Coping with Stress for
                                           TUESDAY                                     Mental and Physical Health
Monday Master Classes                                                                  and Longevity
(see pages 24-25)                         10–11:30 a.m.                                This four-week course is a journey
                                          Beginning Level French:                      that will teach you how to change
3–4:30 p.m.                               Present Tense Verbs*                         the way your brain responds to
                                          This 10-week course is designed for          both acute and chronic stress. High
Great Symphonies of the                                                                levels of chronic stress can alter the
                                          students with little prior knowledge
20th Century                                                                           quality of both mental and physical
                                          of French. We will look at the
This new class will cover the             mechanics of verb conjugations and           health and longevity. The journey
development of the symphony as the        how to use them to create simple             will provide education so that you
major genre of classical orchestral       conversationally-based present tense         understand why stress can alter both
music. From its roots in the 18th         sentences. The scope of this class           mental and physical health and will
century, through major innovations in     will be kept at a very basic level.          teach you how to reduce the effect
the 19th century, we will concentrate     Vocabulary and support structures will       of stress on your mental and physical
on symphonic masterpieces of the          be introduced as necessary.                  health and longevity. The journey is
20th century. The focus will be on                                                     intended for healthy individuals who
                                          Exploration • Cathleen Sendek-Sapp           will benefit from increased stress-
specific musical characteristics of
the countries and regions where                                                        coping skills and, also, for individuals
the composers lived. We will cover
                                          Consider the Bee                             with diseases where stress coping
the instrumentation and harmonic          This course will be exploration in           can promote an enhanced sense of
and melodic characteristics of each       literature, art, and philosophy of the       well-being and possibly influence the
symphony. Most importantly, we            ages-long collaboration between              course of disease.
will dive into the programmatic and       humans and bees. Bees are found              Exploration • Bruce Rabin
emotional content of the music            everywhere in human thought.
created by these masters.                 There are political bees, sexy bees,         Experimental Watercolor*
                                          lawyer bees, and holy bees (Judaism,
Academic • Stephen Schultz                                                             In this 10-week course, students with
                                          Christianity, and Mormonism have
                                          all claimed to have the bees on their        previous watercolor experience will
TED Talks (Section 1)*                                                                 enjoy using household items and
                                          team). We will explore how bees have
Members may register for only one         held up a mirror to human foibles            products to produce a variety of
section of the course.                    and human society in works including         textural effects. Each class will open
TED (technology, entertainment, and       Shakespeare’s “Troilus and Cressida”,        with a demonstration using a new
design), a nonprofit organization that    Dickens’ “Our Mutual Friend”, A.S.           technique. Students will engage in
promotes “ideas worth spreading”;         Byatt’s “Angels and Insects”, Bernard        brainstorming possible applications
features talks by some of the world’s     Mandeville’s “The Fable of the Bees,”        for the techniques. Everyone will be
most engaging speakers on a wide          Denis Villeneuve’s “Blade Runner:            encouraged to share their work at
variety of subjects. The TED website      2049”, and Lucas Cranach’s “Cupid            the end of class.
features more than 2,300 talks on         Complaining to Venus”. Along                 Enjoyment • Melissa Tai
video. In this class, we will discuss,    the way, we will learn quite a bit
debate, and reflect on a few of these     about the natural history of bees,
talks each week. Some talks are           about beekeeping, and the way in
informational, some are just plain fun.   which bees have become a sort of
Group members are encouraged to           indicator species for environmental
select talks that inspire or intrigue     degradation and climate change.
them to kick off the discussion.          This is intended as an interdisciplinary
Exploration • Kathy Callahan              science/arts/humanities course and
                                          welcomes students of many interests.
                                          Academic • Jeff Aziz

                                                                                     * LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE   OLLI.PITT.EDU   | 11
James Baldwin: Living in Fire                      better understand your computer so        The subject matter will be explored
                                                   you will be more productive. We will      through lectures, Powerpoint
This course will read fictional and
                                                   explore the intricacies of the Finder     presentations and selected YouTube
non- fictional works by Baldwin, and
                                                   and many of the current Apple             videos with discussion. A handout will
the newest biography of Baldwin.
                                                   applications.                             be provided each week outlining the

The readings and discussions will
                                                                                             material for the day.
celebrate the personal and political               Enjoyment • Richard Fitzgibbon

life of the great African-American
                                                                                             Enjoyment • David Crippen

writer who changed the face of                     Creative Writing: Developing
Western politics and culture. Baldwin              Characters*                               TED Talks (Section 2)*
was a lifelong anti-imperialist, black             Characters drive the stories in books,    Members may register for only one
queer advocate, chronicler of the                  movies, and TV. Through weekly            section of the course.
Civil Rights Movement. The class will              discussions and writing, in this course   TED (technology, entertainment, and
explore how Baldwin’s life and work                we will discuss the physical, social,     design), a nonprofit organization that
channel the long history of African                and psyche that characters possess,       promotes “ideas worth spreading”;
American freedom struggles and how                 then apply that to our own creative       features talks by some of the world’s
Baldwin has become a symbol of the                 writing during class. Students can        most engaging speakers on a wide
global Black Lives Matter movement.                share their own unique characters         variety of subjects. The TED website
Academic • Ken Boas                                with each other in class, if willing.     features more than 2,300 talks on
                                                   Exploration • Martha Rogus                video. In this class, we will discuss,
1–2:30 p.m.                                                                                  debate, and reflect on a few of these
                                                   Descartes’s “Meditations”                 talks each week. Some talks are
Advanced Intermediate                                                                        informational, some are just plain fun.
                                                   More than any other text, Descartes’s
Conversational French:                                                                       Group members are encouraged to
                                                   “Meditations” marks a decisive
Simply Conversation*                                                                         select talks that inspire or intrigue
                                                   turning point in the history of
This 10-week course is designed                    philosophy. In less than 100 pages,       them to kick off the discussion.
for those who have taken several                   Descartes set a new agenda for            Exploration • Kathy Callahan
French courses and are interested                  philosophical inquiry, based on
in strengthening their speaking                    radical doubt and focused on deep         3–4:30 p.m.
abilities and comprehension. Each                  and troubling questions about
week’s lesson centers on a selected                how it is possible for us to know         Coup, Putsch, Rebellion,
topic with the goal of building and                anything and how the mind can be          or Riot
recalling useful vocabulary. The class             connected to the body. In this course     This course explores the political
is conducted for the most part in                  we will study the “Meditations” in        context and history of attempts to
French. No text is required.                       its entirety with a keen sensitivity to   adjust electoral and governmental
Exploration • Cathleen Sendek-Sapp                 the way in which Descartes’s thinking     transition outcomes via force. It will
                                                   continues to shape human self-            examine the differences between
At Home with Your Apple                            understanding.                            different types of circumventing
Macintosh Computer                                 Academic • Greg Strom                     established transition rules in political
This course will take advantage of                                                           regimes and ask questions about
Zoom to enable you to learn more                   Forward to the Past: Social               where we draw lines (and who gets
about your Mac computer. Previously                and Political Impact of 60’s              to draw those lines). A variety of
OLLI offered a course for Apple                    Popular Music                             historical cases from across the world
laptops because members had to                     This course will explore how the          and through history will be explored
bring their own computer to campus.                sociology and politics of the             and compared, to hopefully build a
Now, with the availability of Zoom                 revolutionary 1960’s decade shaped        good foundation of understanding
we can serve a wider audience of                   popular music, and how music may          of just how this unruly side of
Mac users. This course will cover the              have altered history. Guest lecturers     governmental transitions might
operating systems currently being                  with expertise in various subjects        be understood.
used by Macs that are 8 years old or               are included. Attendees will follow       Academic • Andrew Lotz
newer. (roughly OS X 10.13 through                 the evolution of 1960’s music as a
MacOS Big Sur 11) The object of                    unique art form and a social force.
the sessions will be to enable you to

Single-novel Study: Thomas                 9:30–11:30 a.m.                               Study Group on Anti-Black
Bell, “Out of This Furnace”                                                              Racism
We will read one important novel,          Visual Journaling: Collage,                   This course is inspired by the newly
slowly and closely, attending to its       Printmaking, Bookmaking,                      required Pitt undergraduate course,
author’s art and vision, historical        & More*                                       Anti-black Racism, developed after
context, and contemporary                  This 10-week course is designed as            last year’s police killings of George
significance. Published in 1941,           a summer “art retreat” in which you           Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and others
“Out of This Furnace” is a family          will make your own journals and fill          that called national attention to the
saga spanning fifty years of steel-        them with the colors, shapes, lines,          continued devaluation of Black lives
town history in the Mon Valley. It         and patterns of your inner and outer          in the U.S. Using videos of short
follows three generations of Slovak-       worlds. We will take inspiration from         lectures and materials prepared by
Americans from arrival in the 1880s,       art and artist visits, and explore a          Pitt faculty and local activists, we
through the Homestead strike and the       wide range of media, techniques, and          will discuss and examine racism,
Great Depression, to the unionization      visual approaches. Collage will include       inequality, social difference, and
of the mills in the New Deal era.          both found and handmade paper.                related topics in order to gain insight
Along the way it addresses immigrant       Printmaking techniques will include           into the Black experience and cultural
life, the hazards of steelmaking, race     a range of monotype techniques,               expression, and everyday strategies
and gender relations, labor strife –       including gel printing, trace                 for anti-racism. Participants will be
and the strength of the human spirit       monotype, and dark field monotype;            asked to view at least one video
in response to these conditions.           stamps and relief prints; and drypoint.       on a topic before class each week.
Braddock-born Bell writes with an          You will make sewn and folded books,          Class time will be spent discussing
insider’s matter-of-factness, gentle       including accordion, pamphlet, and            each week’s themes and topics. This
irony and great tenderness. The class      stab binding, plus repurpose found            course is most appropriate for those
will include lectures and discussion,      books. All experience levels welcome.         who wish to discuss/reflect on these
enhanced by songs, photos, and             More experienced students can                 topics and grow anti-racism strategies
video clips of relevant events.            choose to focus on and develop a              in their lives.
Exploration • Nicholas Coles               specific project.                             Exploration • Ralph Bangs
                                           Exploration • Ann Rosenthal
                                                                                         Who Killed Jesus? The
                                           10–11:30 a.m.                                 Origins of Anti-Semitism in
 WEDNESDAY                                                                               Ancient Christianity
                                           Contemporary India                            Anti-Semitism (a modern term),
9–10 a.m.                                  The significance of India is                  remains a tragic expression of
                                           characteristically downplayed,                religious and cultural intolerance.
Gentle Yoga                                possibly because of its inherent              Where and when did this begin?
This 10-week course is geared for          complexities. It is the largest               This course examines the origins
those new to yoga or those who are         democracy, economically vibrant,              of Christian-Jewish relations in the
interested in a gentle practice. It        and full of seeming paradoxes. In             ancient world in three areas: the story
includes a combination of meditation,      this course we will explore the many          of the trial and crucifixion of Jesus in
breath work, and flowing movement          successes and challenges in today’s           the gospels; the letters of Paul; and
intended for all abilities. This class     India, primarily through how western          the writings of the Church Fathers
offers nurturing, kindness, and            media (news and popular sources)              against the Jews in the second
compassion for the body, regardless        portray this ancient and varied land          century. Each of these areas has an
of a student’s physical abilities, age,    and its peoples. Each week will focus         historical and social context that will
or experience. You will experiment         on a topic which will allow us to             help to explain the ways in which
with balance, strength, flexibility, and   consider the social, cultural, political,     the early Christians articulated their
stillness while practicing mindfulness     and religious backgrounds leading to          position in relation to Judaism.
and meditation techniques.                 a better understanding of what India          Academic • Rebecca Denova
Enjoyment • Jill Clary                     has come to mean both internally and
                                           externally in the contemporary world.
                                           Academic • Lipika Mazumdar

                                                                                       * LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE   OLLI.PITT.EDU   | 13
10:15–11:15 a.m.                                   nature of freedom, responsibility, bad      this phenomenon with music as a
                                                   faith, authenticity, and the absurd. A      commentary on history and current
Chakra Yoga All Levels                             common theme running through all            events from Mozart and Beethoven,
                                                   our discussions will be how we find         to Woodstock.
This 10-week course moves through
                                                   meaning in life given the realities of      Exploration • Owen Cantor
traditional yoga poses (or asanas)
                                                   contemporary culture.
that align each individual chakra,
moving up the spine from the root                  Academic • William Pamerleau                3–4:30 p.m.
chakra to the crown chakra. Chakras
are energy centers located across                  How to Awaken Your Inner                    Alexander the Great and the
different points on our spinal column.             Fiction Writer*                             Hellenistic World
When energy becomes blocked                        Your inner fiction writer will blossom      Alexander the Great died young
in a chakra, it triggers physical,                 in this course which will embolden it       but left the world forever changed.
mental, or emotional imbalances that               through stimulating writing exercises,      This course follows Alexander from
manifest in symptoms such as anxiety,              fresh ways to practice story-making,        the courts of Macedonia to the
lethargy, or poor digestion. This class            methods to grow your fictional worlds       steppes of Afghanistan and explores
is for the student who likes a fluid,              and characters, and a community             the profound cultural changes and
mindful practice that links alignment,             of writers to share and highlight the       political developments that define
movement and breath. Participants                  gems of your work. We will focus            this period of kingdoms and empires
should wear comfortable, loose fitting             on writing short fiction pieces that        we call the Hellenistic Age. Together,
clothing and have a yoga mat.                      jump off the page! No experience            we will explore questions and issues
Enjoyment • Jill Clary                             necessary. Let your imagination soar!       related to ethnic identity, cultural
                                                   Exploration • Laurie McMillan               and intellectual exchange, empire
1–2:30 p.m.                                                                                    building, globalization, and artistic
                                                   The Roaring ‘20s                            experimentation.
Advanced Beginner Spanish*                                                                     Academic • Taylor Coughlan
                                                   A century ago, the world began to
Members may take only one level of                 emerge from a devastating war and
Spanish per term.                                  a pandemic of historic proportions.         Isabel Allende and Pablo
This 10-week course is for students                The decade that followed became             Neruda: The Spanish Civil
who have advanced beyond a                         famous for flappers and cultural            War, Exodus, Exile, and
beginning knowledge of Spanish                     revolution, but also political revolution   Friendship
and wish to further refine speaking,               and polarization. How will our              We will read Isabel Allende’s novel,
listening, and reading comprehension               ‘20s compare?                               “A Long Petal of the Sea” (2019),
skills. Classroom practice focuses on              Academic • Julia Hudson-Richards            in which she tells us the story of a
the use of complex grammar, syntax,                                                            couple, Víctor and Roser, in exile
and vocabulary.                                    War and Pieces: How Music                   due to the Spanish Civil War. They
                                                   Reacts to War and Conflict                  travel to Chile on the SS Winnipeg
Exploration • Maria Franco de Gomez
                                                                                               (1939) along with 2,000 Spanish
                                                   In this four-week course, seasoned          refugees from Franco’s fascism.
Existentialism                                     with humor, emotion, and discovery,         Because this exodus was arranged
Existentialism was a movement                      and presented as interconnected             by the poet-diplomat Neruda, the
that defined philosophy in much                    building blocks, we will examine            Winnipeg is known as Neruda’s “Boat
of the twentieth century, but it                   the relationship of music to the            of Hope.” Each week we will read
had a wide influence on art and                    art and imagery of warfare and              three chapters, following Victor and
culture well outside of academia.                  conflict. Throughout the history of         Roser’s trajectory as they go into exile
While less known today, it is no less              classical and contemporary music,           again after Pinochet’s coup, this time
relevant as a way of grappling with                composers have reacted to conflict          to Venezuela. There Víctor meets
some of life’s biggest questions.                  by crystalizing emotions for their          Isabel Allende, also exiled in Caracas
This course focuses primarily on                   audience in the language of music.          and working as a journalist. A strong
the philosophical tradition that                   From musical bomb blasts to silly           friendship is born. Audio-visual
constitutes existentialism, which                  calvary charges, great composers,           materials will be used to recreate
examines the nature of human life                  enmeshed in their own world, react          historical references.
from the perspective of the concrete               to the topical news of the day—often
                                                   with ethereal results. We will examine      Exploration • Camila Pulgar Machado
individual. We will examine the

The Rhythm of the Cosmos                      present. The course introduces
 THURSDAY                                  We exist in this universe, but the
                                                                                         each major style by viewing national
                                                                                         prototypes but then concentrates on
                                           ongoing events in space are beyond
10–11 a.m.                                 our human scales of time and size.
                                                                                         local examples found in Pittsburgh
                                                                                         and southwestern Pennsylvania.
                                           What are the natural rhythms of the
Dance and Be Fit                           cosmos and how can we put them
                                                                                         Architectural styles are also a useful
This 10-week course engages all age                                                      tool to help understand social and
                                           in a coherent perspective? Einstein
groups and all ability levels with fun                                                   cultural history from different periods
                                           said, “The most beautiful thing we
and easy dance and fitness routines.                                                     and this too will be emphasized in
                                           can experience is the mysterious.” In
Learning basic dance and fitness                                                         the course.
                                           this course we will investigate origins,
moves will help participants take          such as simple hydrogen forming the           Academic • Robert Jucha
more steps toward a healthier lifestyle    basis of all structure; slow transitions,
and get you moving. No experience          such as gas cloud to star to black            Writing a Legacy Letter
or special skills are needed. Great        hole; the scale and consequences              This four-session course is designed
for beginners as well as veteran           of collisions and expansion;                  to introduce the concept of “legacy
dancers, the course can be adapted         dynamic events such as quasars and            letters” and to encourage participants
to anyone’s unique needs.                  supernovae; and “empty” space,                to craft their own legacy document.
Enjoyment • Roland Ford                    which is full of the unknown, and             A legacy letter (also called an “ethical
                                           hazardous to humans.                          will”) is a written document that
Beginner Spanish*                          Academic • Elizabeth Burnette                 allows people to share their life
Members may take only one level of                                                       lessons, express their values and
Spanish.                                   Urban Dream, Urban                            transmit their blessings to future
                                           Nightmare: New York City                      generations. A legacy letter is shorter
This 10-week course is for beginners                                                     than a memoir, typically just a few
and it focuses on Spanish pronunciation,   Perhaps both. New York City, America’s
                                                                                         pages. Writing one is a rewarding
vocabulary, grammar, and useful            great metropolis, was never more than
                                                                                         experience that creates an enduring
expressions for travel. Participants can   a dream. Delightful, dirty, constantly
                                                                                         gift for children, grandchildren, and
expect classroom practice to include       reinventing itself, its environs,
                                                                                         other loved ones. The course includes
speaking, reading, and listening           purpose, morés—is it paradise or
                                                                                         discussion and brief writing exercises
comprehension.                             perdition? We’ll read some excerpts
                                                                                         to help participants examine their life
                                           and come to our own conclusions.
Exploration • Maria Franco de Gomez                                                      histories, explore their values, and
                                           Jeremiah Moss, “Vanishing New
                                                                                         capture important insights. It offers
                                           York: How a Great City Lost Its Soul”;
Beginner Watercolor                        Olivia Laing, “The Lonely City”; Jane
                                                                                         advice, encouragement, and a model
Enjoy the beauty, quirks and happy                                                       structure to help participants draft
                                           Jacobs, “The Death and Life of Great
surprises watercolor painting can                                                        and complete their own legacy letter.
                                           American Cities”, “Vital Little Plans”;
bring! In this course, a new online        Robert Caro, “The Power Broker:               Exploration • Jay Sherwin
lesson and demonstration, followed         Robert Moses and the Fall of New
by discussion, will be presented           York”; Roberta Gratz, “The Battle
each week. Topics to be covered will       for Gotham”.
include washes, brush work, color,
                                           Academic • Abby Mendelson
perspective, composition and much
more. Participants will be encouraged
                                           What Style Is It? A Survey
to submit photos of their own
                                           of Domestic Architectural
watercolor works for group discussion,
                                           Styles with a Focus on
questions, and suggestions. Individual
                                           Pittsburgh Houses
feedback from the instructor will
be provided to participants. This          Have you ever walked past an old
course is appropriate for beginners        house and wondered what style is it?
and those with less than one-year          This course helps provide the answers
watercolor experience.                     to this question by describing the
                                           features which identify American
Enjoyment • Melissa Tai
                                           domestic architecture beginning
                                           with the Colonial period up to the

                                                                                       * LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE   OLLI.PITT.EDU   | 15
1–2:50 p.m.                                        an unfinished journey in pursuit of         care?), and even delve into the weird
                                                   a moving target. We explore what            and fascinating world of behavioral
Advanced Conversational                            makes democracy possible, as well as        finance, to better understand
Spanish*                                           the sources of its frequent fragility and   sometimes why we all make bad
                                                   permanent need for renewal. Special         decisions with our money.
Members may take only one level
                                                   attention will be paid to the analysis      Academic • Aaron Leaman
of Spanish.
                                                   and discussion of the challenges
The main goal of this 10-week course               and transformations experienced by
is Spanish reading and conversation.
                                                                                               3–4:30 p.m.
                                                   American democracy throughout the
Group discussions based on short                   last decade.
stories written by Hispanic writers
                                                                                               The Detective Story from
will be the methodology for the class.
                                                   Academic • Javier Vázquez-D’Elía            Victorian Solutions to
Weekly reading assignments will
                                                                                               Modern Searches
provide the content of the course.
                                                   Ongoing Evolution of the                    Early stories by Poe and Doyle
Class discussions will be conducted
                                                   American World Music Genre                  present clear morality and rational
in Spanish, so participants are
                                                   Jazz, Part II                               solutions. More modern and post-
expected to have a significant                     This experiential course will focus         modern stories by Dashiel Hammett,
knowledge of Spanish.                              on participants’ listening skills           the Swedish couple, Maj Sjowall
                                                   and appreciation for the Jazz               and Per Wahloo and George V.
Exploration • Maria Franco de Gomez
                                                   genre art form, specifically in the         Higgins produce more morally and
                                                   eras of the Big Band, Jazz, R&B,            socially complex visions and more
Art Looting and Destruction:
                                                   Funk, Fusion, Blues and other               problematic “solutions.” While
Historical Context
                                                   offerings that have taken the art           the focus will be on the texts, their
Looting and destruction have                       of free expression and innovation           characters, and their meanings, we
long been a devastating aspect of                  to such a level of inner reflection.        will also look at the historical contexts
cultural strife. The desire to possess             We will discover how the aspects            of the writers and their stories.
plundered objects of intrinsic or                  of everyday sounds in this music            Academic • Michael Hefland
artistic value has, in fact, reshaped              conjures images, not just as complete
cultures, as have the actions of those             songs, but through nuanced voice
who acting upon ideological beliefs                and instrument inflections as well.
undertake iconoclasm as a method                   Music recordings, demonstrations,            FRIDAY
of intimidation and force, whether for             guided listening, personal reflection
political or religious purposes. With              and discussions on artists and time
specific examples, we’ll examine the
                                                                                               10–11:30 a.m.
                                                   periods will be presented with the
issues surrounding image defacement                goal of participants deepening their
from ancient times to the present,
                                                                                               The Age of the Crusades:
                                                   appreciation for the Jazz music art         Part 1
and thoroughly dissect looting as                  form and its basic elements while
part of both traditional warfare and               developing the skills to become             This course will examine one of the
modern extremism.                                  better listeners.                           most iconic set of conflicts commonly
                                                                                               associated with the Middle Ages:
Academic • Valerie Grash                           Enjoyment • Christopher Dean                The Crusades. For over 200 years,
                                                   Sullivan                                    Christians and Muslims battled for
Democracy: A Moving Target
                                                                                               control of the Holy Land, showcasing
The course goes back and forth                     Understanding the                           some very memorable people of the
between theory and history,                        Stock Market                                age. This course, Part 1, will focus
combining the analysis of concrete                 Everyone has watched the stock              on the First Crusade; Saladin and the
processes of democratization                       market go up and down, but if you’ve        Second Crusade, along with Henry II,
having taken place at different                    ever wondered “why,” then this is           Eleanor of Aquitaine and the
points throughout the last two                     the class for you. We will discuss          Angevin Empire.
centuries, with the discussion of                  market metrics and trends, study            Academic • Jared Day
concepts and hypotheses aiming to                  the basics of both fundamental and
explain the dynamics leading to the                technical investment analysis (What
emergence of democratic regimes.                   is a P/E Ratio and why should I
Democratization is presented as

Empower Writing with                       Prehistoric Life and
Poetry, Part 2: Non-Rhyming                Earth History                                SATURDAY
Poems                                      The history of life on the Earth is
In this course, students will learn,       preserved within the rock layers as         10–11:30 a.m.
examine, and practice a special few        fossils. How has life on Earth changed
of the over sixty types of poems.          over the last 4.5 billion years? This       Moments in Time
Students will practice tools essential     course will present a summary               Learn the creative side of digital
to poetry, understanding that these        of Earth history and the amazing            photography! This course will
techniques improve all writing.            organisms that have inhabited our           concentrate on shutter speed.
Specific forms to be covered include       planet. From the first primitive            In photography, shutter speed or
acrostic, blank verse, cinquain,           multicellular animals and hard-             exposure time is the length of time
free verse, haiku and palindrome.          shelled trilobites; through the age of      when the film or digital sensor inside
It is not necessary to have taken          dinosaurs, mammals, and the ice age         the camera is exposed to light, also
Part 1. All are welcome.                   we’ll explore the fascinating science       when a camera’s shutter is open when
Exploration • Sandra Gould Ford            of Paleontology. Geological and             taking a photograph. After learning
                                           biological principles for interpreting      and reviewing the dynamics in class,
Intermediate Conversational                ancient life are introduced and             participants will go out between
French: Hypothetically                     examined. The Earth’s geologic              each class and use their skills to
Speaking                                   timescale, methods of absolute and          capture meaningful moments in time.
                                           relative age dating techniques as well      Participants will be asked to share
This 10-week course explores some          as invertebrate and vertebrate fossils      their work in class, if they chose, as we
of the verb tenses not covered in the      will be included.                           discuss the impact of shutter speed.
Past and Present Tense classes, and
then applies them in various classroom     Academic • Stephen Lindberg                 Exploration • Germaine Watkins
activities. Class time also includes
working with passages from a selected      Supreme Court Sampler
secondary text. This course is geared to   The third of the three branches of
students who are not yet comfortably       federal government created by the
delivering simple sentences in French.     Constitution is the Supreme Court.
Some prior knowledge of French is          Its decisions touch multiple aspects of
expected. Advanced speaking skills         American life. This sampler considers
are not required.                          five significant cases. The course is a
Exploration • Cathleen Sendek-Sapp         history course which focuses on the
                                           persons involved, political issues,
                                           cultural context, and consequences
                                           rather than a legal course providing
                                           material for lawyers. These particular
                                           cases have the potential to arouse
                                           student interest in the manner of a
                                           page-turning novel or a well-crafted
                                           Academic • John Burt

                                                                                     * LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE   OLLI.PITT.EDU   | 17
OLLI Course Descriptions
Session 2: Saturday, June 26–Tuesday, August 3, 2021

                                                   explains how the deadly economy of        11 a.m.–12 noon
 MONDAY                                            slavery has continued in the United
                                                   States through the rise of the modern     Chair Yoga
10–11:30 a.m.                                      prison system and the persistence of      (continued from Session 1)
                                                   white supremacist ideology.
History of Medicine                                Academic • Kimberly Latta                 1–2:30 p.m.
and Healthcare
This course navigates the                          Pittsburgh Shattered Glass                Monday Master Classes
development of medicine and                                                                  (see pages 24-25)
                                                   The Pittsburgh region became
healthcare systems in the western                  a center for production of glass,
society. We will examine the                       but also for innovations in its
conceptualization and understanding
of health, disease, and treatment
                                                   manufacture, design, and marketing.        TUESDAY
                                                   This four-week course tells that story,
starting with early ideas in Ancient               unraveling the complex 200 plus-year
Greece and trace how these ideas                   history of Western Pennsylvania’s
                                                                                             10–11:30 a.m.
were modified or strengthened                      first industry. This course will blend
with the emergence of theoretical,                                                           Beginning Level French:
                                                   illustrated lectures that include both
scientific, and technological advances                                                       Present Tense Verbs
                                                   an examination of historical context
over time. Lastly, we explore the                                                            (continued from Session 1)
                                                   and glass objects, as well as class
inescapable influence of political and             discussion to engage students in
cultural influence in how these entities                                                     Experimental Watercolor
                                                   how to look at, not through, the glass
were used to establish the current                                                           (continued from Session 1)
                                                   in their lives and hopefully see and
healthcare systems, with emphasis                  understand it in a new way.
one the American healthcare system.                                                          Money, Power, and
                                                   Enjoyment • Anne Madarasz                 Climate Change
Academic • Orin James
                                                                                             Climate change and related
                                                   Social Media from a
(In)Sanity of the Species:                                                                   environmental issues look like issues
                                                   Research Perspective
Reading Octavia Butler’s                                                                     of technology and science. That
                                                   In this course we will take a “high-      technology, however, is shaped by
“Kindred” and “Dawn”
                                                   level” overview of various social         economic and political systems,
Octavia Butler’s greatness as a                    media platforms. The course will          which, in turn, are rooted in industrial
writer has only recently received the              also include topics such as persona       civilization founded upon the cheap
attention she deserves as a great                  building using social media data,         power made possible by burning
American novelist. In this course, we              machine learning in social media          fossil fuels. We will examine all these
will consider her most well-known                  research, and current “future of          aspects of climate change and fossil
works, “Kindred” (1979), in which a                social media” speculations. Although      fuel use to gain an understanding of
modern African-American woman                      the scope of this course does not         this most critical issue of our time.
is periodically and involuntarily sent             include a “how-to” use social media
back in time to live the life of an                                                          Academic • Alan Irvine
                                                   guide, knowing more about its
enslaved American ancestor; and                    various platforms may aid in its use.
“Dawn”, in which an African-American               After completion of this course the
woman is selected by aliens to lead                student will be able to discuss current
a new species on earth thousands                   social media trends from a research
of years after humans rendered it                  perspective.
uninhabitable. We will consider these
                                                   Academic • Cristina Bahm
novels in relation to Ava Du Vernay’s
vital documentary, “13th”, which

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