ISSUE NO. 78 OCTOBER 2021 - Alternative Information ...

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ISSUE NO. 78 OCTOBER 2021 - Alternative Information ...

                                                                                                                  ISSUE NO. 78 OCTOBER 2021

We need a vanguard of the poor / COP 26 & greenAmandla!
                                                        Issuehope           1
                                                              NO.78lies in grassroots struggles
                                                                                   OCTOBER  2021/ No cricket transformation without social transformation
ISSUE NO. 78 OCTOBER 2021 - Alternative Information ...
ISSUE NO. 78 OCTOBER 2021 - Alternative Information ...
26 | Structural problems with local government
 Editorial                                                                                                South Africa
 02 | Reclaim the local state                                                                             28 | Spin-doctoring the July chaos: dangers of
 News briefs                                                                                              Climate crisis:
 04 | News briefs                                                                                         30 | COP 26 and green capitalism: hope lies
                                                                                                                 in grassroots struggles
 Feature: local government -                                                                              Labour
 system failure                                                                                           32 | The double-edged sword - Cosatu and
                                                                                                                 Numsa strikes
 06 | Manifesto
 08 | Local government interviews                                                                         33 | No cricket transformation without social
                                                                16 Is remunicipalisation the answer for          transformation
                                                                     local government?
 14   | The priority should be affordable services,                                                       International
        not income for local government
                                                                                                          36 | 9/11 How the USA’s - and UK’s - hubris
 16   | Isgovernment?
            remunicipalisation the answer for local                                                              met its nemesis
 18   | The   water crisis and lack of political will in
        Nelson Mandela Bay                                                                                38 | Every month is for women jazz
                                                                                                                 musicians: the South African case
 19   | Scarcity  of water increases private market
        in Mbizana, Eastern Cape
                                                                                                          44 | Book review: was it a breakthrough?
 20 | Why are our taps dry in Gauteng?
      It’s yellow versus blue in Nelson Mandela
 22 | Bay: where are the red and green?

 24 | We need a vanguard of the poor
                                                                20 Why are our taps dry in
 26 | Structural problems with local government

                                                                38 9/11: how the USA’s – and UK’s –
                                                                     hubris met its Nemesis

       We welcome feedback
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                                                           Amandla! Issue NO.78    1      OCTOBER 2021
ISSUE NO. 78 OCTOBER 2021 - Alternative Information ...
RECLAIM the local state
           FTER THE 2021 LOCAL                                in coalition governments in a few                    truthfulness. In one isolated case of former
          government elections on 1st                         municipalities;                                      councillor Simphiwe Zwane, who stood and
          November, the overall architecture              ●   The return of the IFP in parts of KZN;               got elected on a social movement ticket in
          of the neoliberal local government              ●   The possible rise and presence of                    Johannesburg, we saw her consistently and
system will remain largely unchallenged. A                    explicitly xenophobic and racist political           actively supporting popular struggles.
major factor enabling this is the strategic                   forces as elected public representatives;                  It means movements and councillors
and programmatic weaknesses of                                and                                                  who actively affirm and display anti-
progressive mass working class                            ●   Possible outlier outcomes with some of               capitalist values and advance a people-
organisations, and the absence of an                          the independent and social movement                  centred morality in their personal and
effective, mass-based and dynamic Left                        candidates, only in a few areas.                     public lives.
actively organising in working class                                                                                     This is why the political platform
                                                          The post-elections moment is key. Left and
communities. However, in that context, we                                                                          advanced by the Cry of the Xcluded is
                                                                             working class forces
                                                                                                                   important. It is essentially a combination
                                                                             need to look beyond
                                                                                                                   of radical, socialist perspectives and
                                                                             the elections and
                                                                                                                   mass politics from below, together with
                                                                             focus on sustainably
                                                                                                                   transformative socio-economic demands
                                                                             building a longer-
                                                                                                                   and a commitment to full accountability
                                                                             term, post elections
                                                                                                                   and transparency.
                                                                             set of strategies for
                                                                             transformation of                     Mass struggles to
                                                                             local government. This                make local government
                                                                             can be the foundation
                                                                             to challenge and
                                                                                                                   Even with the best will and commitment
                                                                             overcome the deep-
                                                                                                                   to the broad working class, any radicals
                                                                             seated municipal crisis
                                                                                                                   occupying council seats will come up
                                                                             and its neoliberal roots,
                                                                                                                   against significant systemic and structural
                                                                             whilst also building
                                                                                                                   constraints. These will limit the possibilities
                                                                             democratic popular
                                                                                                                   for the kind of radical change required.
                                                                             power and alternatives
                                                                                                                          Overall, the post-1994 local
                                                                             which challenge the
                                                                                                                   government system has been systematically
                                                                             system. There is no
                                                                                                                   shaped by a number of factors:
                                                                             short cut.
                                                                                                                   ● The history of apartheid local
                                                                                  Beyond                                government,
                                                                                  narrow                           ● The limited political transition that
                                                                                                                        ended apartheid,
                                                                                  electoralism                     ● The neoliberal policy choices made
                                                                                           Obviously, there
                                                                                                                        by the post-1994 government, and
                                                                                           are advantages and
                                                                                                                        in particular the conservative fiscal
                                                                                           disadvantages to
                                                                                                                        framework, and
                                                                                           participating in
                                                                                                                   ● The rise of a state-dependent parasitic
                                                                                           elections. A narrow
 The political platform of the Cry of the Xcluded is important. It is a combination of     electoral path can
 radical, socialist perspectives & mass politics from below, together with transformative                          The fiscal framework is particularly a
                                                                                           lead to opportunism
 socio-economic demands & a commitment to full accountability & transparency.                                      problem. It is based on the assumption that
                                                                                           and the capture of
                                                                                                                   local government can raise its budget from
must acknowledge the Left working class                                                    even the most radical
                                                                                                                   the sale of services (known as “full-cost
political manifesto and campaign of the Cry                       movements and councillors.
                                                                                                                   recovery”). So, less than 9% of the national
of the Xcluded, in the midst of many other                               On the other hand, there can be
                                                                                                                   budget is devoted to local government and,
independent candidates and movements                              significant     potential for struggles opened
                                                                                                                   on average, only 30% of local government
contesting these elections.                                       up by Left and class struggle-based
                                                                                                                   budgets comes from the national fiscus.
       The political significance of the                          councillors in a number of municipalities.
                                                                                                                   This is a massive constraint on progressive
elections lies in the following likely trends:                    Such councillors can be exemplary people’s
                                                                                                                   councillors from doing anything more than
● The large number of working class                               councillors, committed to work hard
                                                                                                                   being an opposition in the Council.
     voters who will not turn up;                                 with their constituencies to shape an
                                                                                                                          So, what strategies must we adopt to
● The further decline of the ANC in black                         oppositional and transformative politics.
                                                                                                                   successfully roll back the conservative fiscal
     working class areas;                                                Such an approach requires strong
                                                                                                                   constraints on municipal financing? Not to be
● The consolidation of the DA in only a                           movements        which continue their
                                                                                                                   forgotten are demands to meet basic needs in
     few areas where it governs or holds a                        campaigning and ensure that councillors
                                                                                                                   the here and now, in the context of building
     significant share of the vote currently;                     remain accountable to their communities
                                                                                                                   real local democracy. None of this can be
● Some increased support for the                                  through regular meetings, information
                                                                                                                   carried out by isolated councillors without a
     EFF, possibly including a major role                         dissemination, transparency and
                                                                                                                   broader mass movement actively mobilising

                                                     Amandla! Issue NO.78           2        OCTOBER 2021
ISSUE NO. 78 OCTOBER 2021 - Alternative Information ...
and organising working class communities.                Transformative struggles                                        Communities could strategically use
      Immediate struggles and demands                    to advance alternatives                                         resources from the Solidarity Fund, the
correctly raise the need to end cut-offs and             from below                                                      SETAs, and other public finance institutions
evictions, and to realise decent, high quality             Beyond struggles for reforms to meet                          to overcome some of these challenges. But
and adequate delivery of basic services.                   immediate demands, our organising                             this requires effective organisation.
These services include water, electricity,                 has to include a longer-term agenda for                              In Argentina and a few other
housing that changes apartheid geography,                  thorough-going systemic change. How                           countries,  workers and the unemployed
sanitation, refuse removal, street lights,                 do we engage activists, movements and                         have followed the strategy of Occupy, Resist
libraries, shelter at taxi ranks, etc.). Other             communities in this project? How do we                        and Produce. They take over closed factories
priorities include local employment, an                    connect immediate demands with systemic                       and workplaces, resist any opposition from
end to the “user pays” principle, and an                   transformation so that we can challenge                       previous owners and the state, and then
end to the casualisation embedded in the                   and roll back the capitalist logic of the                     start to put them back into production.
Expanded Public Works Programme and                        market in the local state? How do popular                     This creates self-employment based on
Community Work Programme.                                  forces come to own the notions of public                      democratic self-management.
      The tender system in municipalities                  goods and a social wage? For example,                                This sounds like a distant if not
has become the main opportunity for                        a social wage at the municipal level may                      impossible dream. But the reality of the
accumulation by local elites. Many activists               include municipal commonage for small                         ongoing job losses means that we cannot
are being killed                                                                                                                              ignore such a strategy.
either because they                                                                                                                           This is also where we can
stand against or                                                                                                                              link recently retrenched
expose corruption                                                                                                                             workers, who have trade
in a development                                                                                                                              union organising skills,
project. This points                                                                                                                          with social movements
to the need for a                                                                                                                             and communities.
major campaign to                                                                                                                                   Progressive
“remunicipalise”                                                                                                                              responses to the climate
(bring service                                                                                                                                crisis have included
provision back to                                                                                                                             programmes and
municipalities) and                                                                                                                           strategies such as life
end outsourcing                                                                                                                               beyond coal initiatives,
and corruption.                                                                                                                               just transition localities,
      Building from                                                                                                                           climate jobs in renewable
this, we suggest key                                                                                                                          energy, climate-wise
elements of what                                                                                                                              housing and public
can be a serious and                                                                                                                          transport. Such ideas
effective organising                                                                                                                          are already emerging
strategy from both                                                                                                                            in the struggles of
a renewed Left and                                                                                                                            communities resisting
the broader social                                                                                                                            the power of mining
                          Workers demonstrate in defence of “recuperated” ceramics factories in Argentina, where workers and the unemployed
movements:                have taken over closed factories and workplaces and put them back into production (recuperated them).                companies. They require
● Strong local                                                                                                                                 support, skills, capacity
     organisations                                         farmers and urban agriculture, food parcels                                        and  resources.
     with layers of skilled and effective                  for indigent families at least partly made
     activists and leaders,                                from local, common produce, free public
                                                                                                                   Onwards from the
● Mobilising ordinary people to be active                  transport, universal wifi at the local level,           elections
     builders of organs of democratic mass                 etc.                                                          The municipal level affects each and every
     power (street by street, block by block,                    And then there are immediate socio-                     household. Given rising unemployment
     ward by ward),                                        economic needs. Already, thousands of                         and the need to survive, organising at
● Actively building broader unity                          stokvels, bulk buying groups, mutual aid                      community level has become quite critical
     and solidarity between different                      activities, community soup kitchens, food                     and vital. This means forging a renewed
     communities and municipalities in                     gardens, and largely poorly organised                         mass, and class struggle-based Left in
     ways that go beyond local demands                     cooperatives exist in villages, informal                      all the localities where the working class
     and roll back isolation and alienation.               settlements and townships. The barriers                       resides.
     For example, the proposed campaign                    and struggles they face are many, including                          Already, in places like Makhanda,
     for remunicipalisation requires a                     challenges around self-management, being                      Bitou,   Botshabelo, Cape Town, eThekwini
     strong and principled alliance between                squeezed by bigger players in the market,                     and Johannesburg there exist radical
     municipal worker trade unions and                     limited financing options, and municipal                      activists and movements organising
     social movements, and                                 policies and by-laws that constrain their                     communities on many of these issues.
● The capacity to organise across                          growth and potential.                                         The challenge is to find ways to connect,
     apartheid geography.                                        We need to build effective and                          engage with and support this energy into
The starting point is to support activists,                creative strategies, capacity and resources                   sustained self-agency for reclaiming the
movements and communities that are                         to organise around these challenges and                       local state from below.
facing, feeling and responding to the impact               barriers, whilst also harnessing them to
of government’s anti-poor policies and the                 advance a progressive economic logic.
collapse of municipalities.

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failures are structural – a full cost recovery         And not only are investors getting
                                                  system which simply cannot work in many          huge dividends. The share price has
                                                  municipalities. But those who suffer are the     increased massively as well – from a
                                                  local residents and local businesses.            12-month low, Anglo American is up 71%,
                                                        Now the Bethal Residents Association       Kumba 58% and BHP 56%.
                                                  is taking the Municipality and Eskom                   Stack that against 4.4%, the current
                                                  to court, asking the court to bang their         offer for Numsa’s engineering workers
                                                  heads together and reach agreement               (who substantially service this high-
                                                  on a repayment system which would                performing mining industry). Or against
                                                  prevent or limit further power cuts. How         the withdrawal of the R350 to the poorest
                                                  dysfunctional is this system, that residents     South Africans, only reluctantly restored
                                                  have to go to court to try to restore sanity…    after massive riots. Or against the 2.3
                                                  and electricity.                                 million households which reported child
                                                                                                   hunger in South Africa in April/May this
                                                  It’s official: municipal                         year.
                                                  bills skyrocket                                        As usual, austerity only applies to the
                                                  According to the Johannesburg Property
                                                  Owners and Managers Association, 10
                                                  years ago its council bill represented 14%
                                                                                                   National Credit Regulator
                                                  of tenants’ household expenses. Now              goes after the wrong
                                                  it is almost 24%. And that money must
                                                  come from other essentials, such as food.
                                                                                                   The Lungelo Lethu Human Rights
                                                  Another contributing factor to the massive
                                                                                                   Foundation has brought a R60 billion class
                                                  explosion in hunger and poverty in South
                                                                                                   action suit against South African banks
                                                                                                   for systematically selling repossessed
                                                                                                   properties “for a song”. By doing this,
                                                  Mining profits amid                              it has defrauded the owners of those
                                                  widespread hunger and                            repossessed properties and enriched the
                                                  poverty                                          buyers. The National Credit Regulator
                                                                                                   (NCR) has a clear mission: “to support the
                                                  Once again there is a commodities boom,
Up to 20 hours a day                              and once again the mining companies
                                                                                                   social and economic advancement of South
                                                                                                   Africa by regulating for a fair and non-
without electricity                               know what to do with their massively
                                                                                                   discriminatory market place for access
In Govan Mbeki Municipality, power is             expanding profits – pour them into
                                                                                                   to consumer credit”. So you would think
cut for up to 20 hours a day. This has been       the pockets of their largely non-South
                                                                                                   that it would rejoice at this lawsuit and do
going on for nearly two years and got             African shareholders. Of course, investors
                                                                                                   everything it could to assist.
worse in March last year. The cause, of           are delighted. As Philipp Wörz, fund
                                                                                                          Unfortunately, the NCR hasn’t seen
course, is the failure of the Municipality        manager at PSG Asset Management, put it,
                                                                                                   it like this. They think that it is much more
to pay Eskom bills. As we explain in the          “Commodities have indeed been booming
                                                                                                   important to fight about whether those
feature of this issue, the causes of such         lately… Commodity companies will return a
                                                                                                   who brought the case were entitled to some
                                                  lot of cash to shareholders”.
                                                                                                                     NCR documentation they
                                                                                                                     are using to prove it. So the
                                                                                                                     NCR has launched its own
                                                                                                                     lawsuit to interdict the use
                                                                                                                     of the documents. Thereby,
                                                                                                                     coincidentally, it lets the
                                                                                                                     banks off the hook. Which
                                                                                                                     leads some to ask – which
                                                                                                                     side of the fence is the NCR
                                                                                                                     on anyway?

                                                                                                                    R228 billion on
                                                                                                                    the line
                                                                                                                    The latest round in the
                                                                                                                    attempts of Karpowerships
                                                                                                                    and its friends to win
                                                                                                                    a 20-year contract
                                                                                                                    went decisively to
                                                                                                                    Karpowerships. In another
                                                                                                                    act of brazen defiance
                                                                                                                    of all procedures, the
                                                                                                                    National Energy Regulator
                                                                                                                    (Nersa) has granted the
                                                                                                                    Karpowerships’ Turkish
                                                                                                                    owners three gas-to-
 Why is Gwede Mantashe so keen on this deal that his department’s non-negotiable deadline was suddenly extended     electricity generation
 by two months when Karpowerships needed a bit more time?                                                           licences. Now the only

                                              Amandla! Issue NO.78      4      OCTOBER 2021
ISSUE NO. 78 OCTOBER 2021 - Alternative Information ...
obstacle in their way is the Environment           raised their voices to expose the UN’s Food         strengthened their global “food value
Minister, Barbara Creecy. Since Nersa              Systems Summit as only advocating one               chain,” contributing to the consequences
has given no reasons for its decision, it          food system - so they’re being silenced.            that over 23 percent of Africans (282
is impossible to know how it managed to                 The United Nations Food Systems                million people) still go to bed hungry every
avoid the fact that:                               Summit (UNFSS) was held virtually at the            night.
● Environmental authorisation had been             end of September. During the last year,                   A third criticism of the UN Food
     refused by the Department of Forestry,        these indigenous and farmer organisations           Systems Summit is that it heralds
     Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE);         have raised their voices to expose the              technological advances as the primary
● The internal appeal process by                   summit as advocating only one food                  answer to overcoming continuing hunger
     Karpowership is still under way,              system - the one that is polluting the soil,        in an era of climate change. Most of us
     challenging the decision by the DFFE.         water, and air, and killing vital pollinators.      applaud multiple revolutions in genetics
      On top of that, required licences,                In contrast, the food system that              while we queue for vaccines, but genetic
agreements and authorisations are                  feeds 75 to 80 percent of the human                 manipulation of seeds threatens the
absent. Will the Minister be as relaxed            population - smallholder farmers                    future of food, because ownership of the
about procedure as Nersa? And why is               practicing biodiverse cropping (in line             technology controls ownership of the seed.
Gwede Mantashe so keen on this deal that           with the principles of agroecology) - was                 After appeals to transform the
his department’s                                                                                                        agenda, many of these
non-negotiable                                                                                                          farmers and advocates
deadline was                                                                                                            decided to boycott the
suddenly extended                                                                                                       summit. This “outside
by two months when                                                                                                      resistance” included
Karpowerships                                                                                                           African voices, who stated:
needed a bit more                                                                                                             “The current UNFSS
time?                                                                                                                   process gives little space
                                                                                                                        to traditional ecological
Mantashe’s                                                                                                              knowledge, the celebration
clean coal                                                                                                              of traditional diets and
Speaking of
                                                                                                                        and local community
Mantashe, while
                                                                                                                        Africans have experience
other South African
                                                                                                                        and knowledge relevant
cabinet ministers
                                                                                                                        to the current and future
were meeting with
                                                                                                                        food system. Any process
climate envoys
                                                                                                                        or outcome that does not
from the US and
                                                                                                                        recognize this is an affront
European countries,
                                                                                                                        to millions of African food
Gwede Mantashe’s
                                                                                                                        producers and consumers.”
department has
been pushing for
more investment
in coal. Deputy                                                                                                        “welcome” for
Director General
Maqubela made
                                                                                                                       Afghan refugees
                                                                                                                         On the back of the
the Department’s             Protest at Dungavel asylum seeker detention centre in UK. Asylum                            chaotic withdrawal from
position clear: “The         seekers are housed in accommodation that is reported as “damp,                              Kabul after the defeat in
attack on coal is            squalid, infested with rats, cramped, and primed for Covid infections”
                                                                                                                         Afganistan, the British
premature. Investors
                                                                                                                         government promised
who wish to continue investing in coal
                                                        only added to the agenda after months          a “warm welcome” to Afghan refugees
mining, must proceed. The Department
                                                        of criticism. Those in opposition to the       who had been evacuated. In reality, they
will continue processing those licenses
                                                        summit say it is advancing industrial          slot into a system which currently has a
until we are certain of the viability of the
                                                        agriculture, which is the core problem, not    backlog of 71,000 cases. Sometimes they
                                                        solution, for addressing climate change,       wait months for a decision. Sometimes
      This is the “logic” behind the
                                                        malnutrition, and hunger.                      years. Meanwhile they are housed in
provisions in the Mining and Energy
                                                              A second criticism is that               accommodation that is reported as “damp,
Recovery Plan to give hundreds of millions
                                                        corporations are trying to replace the         squalid, infested with rats, cramped, and
of rand to the Council for Geoscience to
                                                        UN system of one country-one vote with         primed for Covid infections”. They are not
pursue the myth of “clean coal”. Pursue
                                                        “stakeholders”. This is a euphemism that       allowed to work. Even if they are do get
strategies that will guarantee more severe
                                                        may sound inclusive but really only invites    refugee status eventually, the government
global heating and wait and see what
                                                        those “who think like us” to the table.        can try to remove them again after 30
happens with alternatives. With leadership
                                                        Smallholder farmers, who produce the           months, and then again after another 30
like that, no wonder South Africa is the 12th
                                                        majority of our food, are not invited.         months, for years on end.
biggest source of greenhouse gases.
                                                              This food summit is about the global           If that’s a warm welcome, it makes us
                                                                                                       wonder what a colder one looks like.
Indigenous farmers                                      business of agriculture, not the livelihoods
                                                        of those who produce nutritious, biodiverse
silenced                                                foods. Governments’ attempts to regulate
This is an abbreviated version of a report from         global food corporations (e.g. labelling
the Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate         unhealthy foods, taxing sugar products)
Debt.                                                   meet strong opposition from these
      More than 500 indigenous and farmer               industries. Yet the corporations profited
organisations across the continents have                massively from the 2008 food crisis and

                                               Amandla! Issue NO.78       5        OCTOBER 2021
ISSUE NO. 78 OCTOBER 2021 - Alternative Information ...
             E ARE INDEPENDENT                         We have joined forces to continue OUR
               movements and individuals         collective struggle to transform the lives of
               who have come together to         the poor majority and for a life of dignity.
               campaign in this local
government election under a common               For us dignity means:
banner – the Cry of the Xcluded. We did          ●    Not going to bed hungry;
not come from nowhere, even if elections         ●    A decent job with a living wage;
are new to many of us. We have been active       ●    Well-built houses in communities
in our communities for years,                         where we can live without fear;
campaigning for decent housing, land,            ●    Decent free basic services, especially
affordable basic services, jobs and against           water, electricity and sanitation;
corruption. Many of us fought in the             ●    Safety in our communities.                     and poor from uniting in struggle.
liberation struggle.                                                                             ●   We are anti-racist and believe in a non-
                                                 Although others have changed, we remain
      We have decided to enter this election                                                         racial South Africa.
                                                 unapologetically radical. We believe people
because our country finds itself at the edge                                                     ●   We are anti-xenophobia – the
                                                 make their own history. We are our own
of a cliff. The economy is so sick that it                                                           discrimination against foreigners - and
                                                 liberators. Elections are a continuation of
places the nation at a point of no return.                                                           we decry the practice of the bosses to
                                                 the struggle – not a substitute. If we are
The levels of poverty, and unemployment                                                              drive wages down by exploiting foreign
                                                 elected, we will take the struggle of the
- in particular amongst our youth,                                                                   nationals and migrants from deprived
                                                 streets to the city and town halls to make
women, persons with disabilities and                                                                 parts of our country.
                                                 poor people’s struggles louder.
LGBTQI + community - have reached                                                                ●   We fight all forms of discrimination
                                                       We are not politicians, we are
such proportions that the country can                                                                or oppression based on the supposed
                                                 activists. Our manifesto is guided by a
be plunged into another civil war and                                                                colour of our skin, the language we
                                                 saying of one of the great leaders of Africa,
continued conflict if nothing is done.                                                               speak or because of our religious beliefs.
                                                 Amilcar Cabral: “tell no lies, claim no easy
                                                 victories.” In that vein, we will not make
                                                 empty promises. The truth shall set us free.
                                                                                                 Sexism & gender-based
                                                                                                 violence oppresses women!
                                                 What we stand for                               ●   No man must lift a hand to women or
                                                 We have come together because,                      girls.
                                                 even though we belong to different              ●   Gender-based violence is not part of
                                                 organisations, we share certain values              our culture.
                                                 and beliefs. The most important are:            ●   We are opposed to all forms of sexism
                                                                                                     and the discrimination and oppression
                                                 Inequality is killing our                           of women or of any person because of
                                                                                                     their sexuality.
                                                 country!                                        ●   Women who perform essential work
                                                 ●    It stands in the way of social and
                                                                                                     in the home and community must be
                                                      economic freedom.
                                                                                                     fully compensated, as it is the unpaid
                                                 ●    It tears apart our communities, and
                                                                                                     labour of women which is the source of
                                                      makes us suffer the indignities of
                                                                                                     their continued oppression.
      Local government is in a terrible               hunger, poverty and violence.
mess. In many municipalities basic services      ●    We stand for a Basic Income Grant of
have collapsed. Our people have to face               R1500 a month for all the unemployed
                                                                                                 Integration not new
water and electricity cut-offs, even where            and those earning less than R3500 a        Apartheid
they pay for services. Often raw sewage               month.                                     ●   Spatial planning must be expedited to
runs downs our roads and many are in a           ●    We want quality public education and           unify our cities, towns and villages.
shocking state. Clinics are overrun and               health systems, not determined by
                                                                                                 In addition we believe
often don’t have basic medicines. This is             wealth.
                                                                                                 ● The local government fiscal
not just a result of corruption. It is also      ●    We are for equality based on the
                                                                                                     framework, based on full-cost
an outcome of systematic under-funding                redistribution of wealth, where
                                                                                                     recovery for services and puny funding
of local government, budget cuts and the              the mines, land, banks, factories,
                                                                                                     from the national fiscus, is the main
outsourcing of services to profit-making              cellphone networks, farms, food
                                                                                                     cause of the crisis of local government
business interests, imposed by the ANC                corporations, etc, are democratically
                                                                                                     and must go.
national and DA provincial governments.               owned and controlled by the people.
                                                                                                 ● Extreme austerity imposed by
Another major cause of this crisis is the        Racism and xenophobia                               Treasury is becoming the most painful
deployment of incompetent political
appointees. Not only do we need a new            divides us!                                         and destructive policy for municipal
                                                 ●    The economic and political elites foster       governance we have experienced since
vision for local government. We need a
                                                      divisions to turn poor against one             the end of apartheid.
new vision for government and for the
                                                      another, to prevent the working class      ● Scientific knowledge is created by both
fundamental transformation of our society.
                                                                                                     indigenous and academic intellectuals.

                                              Amandla! Issue NO.77      6      AUGUST 2021
ISSUE NO. 78 OCTOBER 2021 - Alternative Information ...
We know that Covid 19, HIV-AIDS,                We want
    TB, etc. pose great dangers for public
    health and can only be countered
                                                    well financed
    through scientifically-tested                   municipalities
    treatments, which can include western           This will require a massive
    and non-western medicines.                      increase in budgets for
●   We face great dangers from climate              local government. This is
    change, and only the radical reduction          why the Cry of the Xcluded
    of emissions of greenhouse gases from           commits to a hard fight:
    burning coal, gas and oil to generate           ● For participatory
    energy, as well as many other causes                budgets & planning.
                                                                                                  ●   Although education is not a municipal
    that municipalities have control over,          ● Against budget cuts.
                                                                                                      function, to do everything in our power
    can prevent more extreme storms,                ● For free basic services financed
                                                                                                      to fight to get rid of pit latrines and to
    floods, heatwaves, droughts and fires.              through national government
                                                                                                      make education truly free.
●   We are for a just transition where                  transfers.
                                                                                                  ●   To provide free sanitary pads –
    workers and poor communities                    ● To reduce top heavy management
                                                                                                      menstruation is not a choice!
    are compensated for closing down                    through rationalisation of bureaucratic
                                                                                                  ●   For climate jobs by building
    polluting industries, including in                  hierarchies.
                                                                                                      municipal-owned wind and solar
    many municipalities which need to be            ● For higher taxes on the very rich.
                                                                                                      plants and supporting community
    restructured.                                   ● For full accountability and
                                                                                                      renewable energy cooperatives.
                                                        transparency, where every municipal
We believe this struggle continues today and                                                      ●   To prioritise the expansion of public
                                                        contract with private companies is
must be rebuilt based on unity and solidarity.                                                        transport to ensure free and safe public
                                                        published and easily accessible.
Our campaign is not only about the crisis of                                                          transport.
                                                    ● For municipal land to be made
local government or for the delivery of better                                                    ●   To prioritise the employment of youth,
                                                        available for integrated housing,
services, but for a SOCIALIST South Africa                                                            especially unemployed graduates,
                                                        commonage and for food gardens; we
where the enormous wealth of this country                                                             to meet the unfulfilled needs of our
                                                        support the demand of rural women
would be freed from the greed of the few and                                                          people.
                                                        for one woman, one hectare for
be used to ensure that everyone has a decent                                                      Voting for our candidates will mean
                                                        sustainable household consumption.
life, a life of dignity. We are for people before                                                 a commitment to mobilisation and
                                                    ● For municipal land and resources
profit.                                                                                           sustained struggle to change government
                                                        to be made available for recreation,
Unlike the politicians of the main political            especially for our youth.                 policy. This cannot happen overnight, but
parties, we do not make empty promises. We          ● For the implementation of social            only through uniting our communities in
want you to vote for candidates who are part            programmes for youth to provide           struggle and solidarity. Our priority is not
of poor people’s movements in communities               employment, cultural activities and       government positions or being paid fat
and who will continue to fight against the              facilities to overcome substance abuse.   salaries to be a Councillor.
injustices of the system.                           ● To promote labour-intensive
                                                        production through municipal by-laws      Our pledge
We want democratic                                      – people before machines.                 Therefore we make the following pledge
                                                    ● To implement effective track and            to fight against being bought off by money
and people-controlled                                   tracing for Covid-19 infections           and interest groups:
municipalities.                                         and to encourage free testing and
                                                                                                  All candidates standing for this bloc, if
●   We will fight for municipalities which              vaccinations for all.
                                                                                                  elected will:
    will build and fix roads, water pipes           ● To employ community health workers
                                                                                                  ● Receive a modest wage paid by their
    and other infrastructure.                           to provide primary health care at
                                                                                                       movement, comparable to the wages
●   We will struggle to ensure that services            community level as part of building a
                                                                                                       of government or industrial workers,
    are supplied in greater quantity                    comprehensive primary health care
                                                                                                       and will contribute a percentage of
    and quality than at present, with no
                                                                                                       their income to movement building in
    disconnections due to inability to pay,
                                                                                                       our communities.
    and no collective disconnections in our
                                                                                                  ● Refuse any position on any corporate
    communities (Eskom ‘load reduction’)
                                                                                                       board or contract with any profit-
    if our neighbours cannot pay.
                                                                                                       making company, and will have no
●   We are against the tender system,
                                                                                                       business dealings with any part of
    which breeds corruption. We are
    against contracts and jobs for people
                                                                                                  ● Reside in the ward they are elected,
    because of political connections.
                                                                                                       make their contact details available to
●   We will fight privatisation and the
                                                                                                       the community, be available 24/7 to
    outsourcing of municipal functions,
                                                                                                       address community needs, and hold
    including in the form of public private
                                                                                                       monthly ward meetings.
    partnerships. Workers should be
                                                                                                  ● Be active in community based
    insourced and paid a living wage.
●   We will demand transparency of
                                                                                                  ● Respect the right of recall by
    all projects, contracts and financial
                                                                                                       the community, should they
    transactions. Only through complete
                                                                                                       lose confidence with the elected
    transparency over decision-making
                                                                                                       candidate, in properly constituted
    and public ownership can we ensure
                                                                                                       assemblies based on the principles and
    equality and accountability.
                                                                                                       commitments of this Manifesto.

ISSUE NO. 78 OCTOBER 2021 - Alternative Information ...

                                      the government
                                    movement    of the – system
                                                       workers’ failure

Amandla! interviewed representatives of three popular
organisations which have decided to stand candidates in the
local government elections. They were:

       PETER LOBESE                                  MOTSI KHOKHOMA                          AYANDA KHOTA
                Active                                         Botshabelo                     Unemployed People’s
                United                                        Unemployed                      Movement / Makana
                Front                                          Movement                          Citizens Front

 A                                               B                                      U
          CTIVE UNITED FRONT                               OTSHABELO UNEMPLOYED                   NEMPLOYED PEOPLE’S
           derived its origin from                         Movement (BUM) was                      Movement (UPM) was
           United Front. It is a result                    founded in 1999 to address              formed in 2009 because
           of the Numsa moment in                          massive issues of                       there was a vacuum. We
 2013, when the United Front was                  unemployment, democratic              started by attending IDP (Integrated
 established as a front that unites the           control and social injustices in a    Development Plan) meetings, and
 struggle of communities and the                  non-sectarian manner. We aim to       people were saying that we’ve got to
 workplace. And then in 2016, United              serve both the rural and peri-        do something. These people are
 Front at a national level indicated              urban poor communities of our         taking us for a ride.
 that they are not ready to contest at a          province. Botshabelo is a large             Then there was a shut down
 national or provincial level. But they           township outside Bloemfontein.        in Makhanda on 16th June and a
 will allow those communities who                      We have registered for           decision was taken to say, “We are
 are ready to contest to do so.                   the election as Botshabelo            sick and tired of political parties that
       We just put an “A” in front                Unemployed Movement and they          are cruel, that are corrupt, that are
 of United Front. We used Active                  regard us as a political party. But   not honest, that are lying, that have
 United Front in order to contest. As             we know, we are not a political       failed us. We must dismiss them. We
 it happened, we won one seat in the              party, because we are operating       must recall them. We must dissolve
 election, and the ANC and DA won                 only at the local level. (MK)         them”. And one way to do so, is to
 six seats each. So we held the balance                                                 participate in this local government
 of power and our councillor, Peter                                                     election, as a community.
 Lobese, became the Mayor.                                                                    So we were given that mandate
       Despite the fact that Peter                                                      to form this civic structure, Makana
 Lobese was ousted by the ANC and                                                       Citizens Front. (AK)
 DA, AUF has grown. We are now
 contesting at a District Level – the
 Garden Route District. (PL)

                                           Amandla! Issue NO.78    8     OCTOBER 2021
Local government – system failure
1. WHAT MADE                                                AND ONE MUST BE HONEST TO SAY,                      WE ARE ACTIVISTS. YOU CANNOT
                                                              these guys, they don’t listen, they                separate our interests and those
YOU STAND IN THIS                                             don’t care. To them, it’s all about                of the community, because we
ELECTION?                                          promises, it’s not about accountability. It’s       live in the community, we are part of that
                                                   coming over and over again with the same            community, and we are pursuing the
         CORRUPTION, OUTSOURCING OF                promises, with the same promises and                problems of that particular community.
          work, clinics of municipalities          different promises.                                 So, I think that makes us distinct from a
          not functioning, roads bad,                     The right to govern our people, has          political party. (AK)
factories closing at the municipal                 been appropriated
level, no investments coming in, local             by the politicians.
                                                   There was a slogan
economy falling apart, inequality
                                                   “The people shall
growing, unemployment growing. All the
                                                   govern” and that
municipalities are dysfunctional.
                                                   slogan has been
      But when you go to the budget of a           appropriated by
ward, that ward every year is being given          politicians, and it
a particular amount of money, that can             is the politicians
change the lives of the people. But these          that are in
things are not being done. (MK)                    government now.
                                                   It is politicians that
                                                   govern now. (AK)
          City Hall to highlight the scourge
          of rape in our society, the                       THERE
scourge of unemployment in our society,                     ARE
the scourge of the collapse of governance.                  TWO
They say “It is not our competency”.               organisations
What bullshit. They are failing to collect         that are
the refuse, they are failing on the                dominating
electricity, they are failing on roads. But        politics. It is
they think we must only fight for roads.           ANC and DA. And
They don’t understand that these things            people are tired
are intertwined. They don’t understand if          of those two
they don’t deliver on their constitutional         organisations,
obligations, like lights, it makes certain         they do not want
                                                                             “Corruption, outsourcing of work, clinics
people vulnerable.                                 them. They                of municipalities not functioning, roads
      There is nothing that can ever be            do not trust              bad, factories closing at the municipal
delivered by the current status quo. It’s          them anymore.             level, no investments coming in, local
run out, it’s torn out, it’s finished. The         And these                 economy falling apart, inequality
                                                                             growing, unemployment growing. All the
only thing that they can do, over and over         organisations,
                                                                             municipalities are dysfunctional.”
again, it’s promises and promises and              they don’t
promises. (AK)                                     even change
                                                   their leaders. You find that there are
         ABUSE OF POWER, POOR SERVICE                                                                                 WE ARE COMMUNITY
                                                   leaders that have been leading in this
         delivery, and the high cost of                                                                               activists who are championing
                                                   organisation since 1994, they have been
                                                                                                                      the struggle for the working
         services, land questions and              councillors since 1995 and they are still
                                                                                                           class at a local level, at a grassroot level.
many other issues that the community               councillors today. And they have done
                                                                                                           So, we are a hand of the community, we
were not happy with. People in the                 nothing for the community (PL)
                                                                                                           are not a political party. You can say we
communities are suffering. We are at a                                                                     are a movement, a community-based
grass-root level; we are seeing this               2.WHY DO YOU THINK                                      movement.
suffering on a daily basis. It’s going to be
worse now with Covid-19. (PL)
                                                   YOU CAN DO BETTER?                                             At times, political parties have got a
                                                                                                           tendency to divide the community. Ours is
                                                             WE ARE NOT A POLITICAL PARTY.                 just to embrace the community struggle,
Politicians don’t care                                       We are activists. So when you                 because we are encouraging citizens to be
         WE HAVE SEEN WHAT HAPPENS                           are an activist, you should be                active. Hence we are saying Active United
          when people are taking their             involved in issues that are affecting                   Front, it means active citizens.
          mandate from political parties.          your community. You can’t just relax                           You will find members from various
Politicians don’t care about people. But           when you are an activist. You became                    political parties in the United Front, from
when they are going to election, they              an activist because of things that you                  the ANC, from the EFF, from DA and others.
suddenly remember them, because they               see on the ground that are not going                    But even in the election, they said they will
                                                   well. And that is why we are fielding                   stand by what United Front is going to do
want them to put them again in power.
                                                   comrades in terms of them being                         and they will vote for United Front. (PL)
They are not implementing whatever the
                                                   councillors. Because we want to change
communities are asking them to do. (MK)
                                                   the status quo. (MK)

                                               Amandla! Issue NO.78       9       OCTOBER 2021

                                                   the government
                                                 movement    of the – system
                                                                    workers’ failure
OUR PLEDGE                                                    organisation. But also, that makes us a                              And accounting to the community:
We have signed a pledge including:                            community organisation.                                        to say, “We were here and this is what we
                                                                                                                             promised. This is what we have done and
           A living wage for councillors:                     Caretakers of the pledge
                                                                                                                             this is how we are moving forward”. (AK)
           communities must have full                         This pledge is important. Your councillors
           control of our councillors, because                have committed to this oath. And most                                   Mandate from our communities
they are not going to get that full salary.                   important, you have a very strong UPM                                   We must take the mandate from
If you are getting R50,000 in PE, the                         outside, which will also be carers and                                  our communities. Everything will
organisation and communities will agree to                    caretakers of that pledge, to forever remind                   come from communities. What they need,
pay you the living wage – R15,000, R12,500                    you that you have committed to this. That                      what they are thinking, what you can do
at least. (MK)                                                will continue to play that critical role that                  in council. So that is the backbone of us
                                                              it’s playing now. I think that can give us a                   participating in this election. The mandate
No corporate boards: We will refuse to sit                    peaceful night.                                                from the communities, the suffering
on any boards of corporations. Politicians                                                                                   of the community, the demand of the
are serving in all these corporate boards,                    Democracy and accountability
                                                                                                                             community. (MK)
whose sole interest is to maximise profit.                    Before we started attending, IDP meetings
And it’s capturing them.                                      were conducted in English and a bit of                                      OUR MANIFESTO SHOULD BE
                                                              vernacular. But the details are hidden in                                 localised and talk directly to
Live locally: if we get elected, our comrades                 English. English really excludes a majority                               what the municipality needs
will continue to stay where they are                          of people. But all that the politicians were                   to do. Rather than to have this blanket,
currently staying, in their respective wards.                 worried about was to get the white cloth                       centralised approach of national political
They will not hire trucks in the deep of the                  on the table, the bottles of water, and their                  parties that there’s service delivery and
night and put in their furniture and go stay                  chairs covered.                                                electricity and all of that.
somewhere.                                                          We were challenging those details                              Our people have said, Active United
          Subject to recall: we respect the                   because they were excluding our people.                        Front has been looking after us for the
          right of recall. If our member is                   Some of these wards are quite vast. It was                     last five years. They will vote for the
          recalled, we will not be consulting                 important to organise transport for people                     organisation that they know and they are
with a political party whose head office                      to attend the meetings. And also make sure                     used to, rather than following the old ways
is in Joburg. That makes us an activist                       to give notice on time.                                        of voting.

  Service delivery protest in Makhanda. “We are activists. You cannot separate our interests and those of the community, because we live in the community, we are part of that
  community, and we are pursuing the problems of that particular community. So, I think that makes us distinct from a political party”.

                                                        Amandla! Issue NO.78              10        OCTOBER 2021
Local government – system failure
don’t vote for a person,
or an organisation that
mushroomed during the
election. Because they will
first look at who are these
leaders, where do they come
from. (PL)

          OVER AND ABOVE
           the concern to us
was work, was jobs. And
that very issue was absent
in all the IDP meetings, the
question of unemployment
in this municipality. (AK)

           WE ARE NOT SAYING
          to people that
          we are going
to do one, two, three,
four for you. People and
us, we must fight for
these things, because
we are trying to change
how municipalities are
functioning in totality. Why
do we have EPWP workers
who are not insourced by             Unemployed People’s Movement Young Women’s Forum march against handling of rape cases
                                     in Makhanda. “They say rape is not our competency. What bullshit... They don’t understand if they
municipalities? Why are
                                     don’t deliver on their constitutional obligations, like lights, it makes certain people vulnerable.”
the people still saying in
shacks? Our comrades
                                                      our roofs, in our backyard gardens, we                                      IT’S NOT A MATTER OF ELECTING
should be fighting on a daily basis,                                                                                              councillors that will represent
                                                      introduce a culture of producing our own
not only for these elections. So we are                                                                                           us. It’s a question of building a
                                                      food. We undermine the power of corporate
building beyond elections. (MK)                                                                                        movement towards and beyond the local
                                                      in deciding what to eat and not eat.
          THE ACTUAL ISSUE THAT THE                          We can introduce climate jobs. There’s                    government elections. It’s a matter of
          community wants is firstly                  a water   crisis  because    of the   climate     crisis.        pushing the struggle and making sure that
          land. All the available pieces of           We can show that climate jobs are really not                     the struggle takes place in those council
government land must be given to the                  impossible.                                                      chambers. It’s a struggle that must go on.
community for farming, for housing and                       And   you  have    got these    things     that           It’s a struggle that is going on.
other recreational activities. Number                 have   been   privatised.   We   can    start  thinking                 You are reaching a number of people
two is job opportunities. People will be              into that. There are windmills, for example,                     that you wouldn’t reach under normal
able to build their own houses, if you                that are privately owned instead of being                        circumstances. You have got to get their
give them job opportunities. Number                   socialised.   (AK)                                               thinking, the thinking pattern of our
three is housing. Number four is crime.                                                                                people. So it’s also quite interesting. (AK)
Violence against women and children, is                4. HOW DO                                                         OURS IS NOT ABOUT WINNING
another thing. And youth empowerment                   ELECTIONS FIT INTO                                               elections. Ours is about fighting,
and women empowerment. Training and
education, is also very important. Those
                                                       BUILDING BROADER                                                 whether there is an election or
                                                                                                               no election. People were saying, we are
are the five key pillars that we think we              ORGANISATION AND                                        this group of people that is not happy
need to consider. (PL)                                 STRUGGLE?                                               with what the ANC, what the DA, are
A different approach
                                                       WE ARE BUILDING THE ORGANISATION                        doing locally. So we are not ready to go
                                                       for beyond the election, not only for                   and support these political parties in the
                                                                elections. We are always on                    next elections. They asked, “What are
          Income Grant in Makhanda. But
                                                                the ground, we are here, five                  you saying? Are you saying we should
          instead of giving cash, we give you
                                                                years. These elections help us to              fold our arms and do nothing in this
food. With a municipality that has got more
                                                       popularise the organisation, because on a               election. Or should we come together,
than six farms, you could start producing
                                                       weekly basis we are on the media talking                establish ourselves and contest this
with a view to undermining hunger. And
                                                       about BUM. (MK)                                         election?” (PL)
also extend that so that in our homes, in

                                                  Amandla! Issue NO.78         11        OCTOBER 2021

                                                the government
                                              movement    of the – system
                                                                 workers’ failure
5. IS THIS PART OF                                        independent candidates, hear from them                           some of the challenges that are there. The
                                                          what it is that pushed them to contest as                        budget from municipalities is not enough.
BUILDING A NEW                                            independents. Bring them into the social                               At the moment, who is going to
LEFT?                                                     movement. (PL)                                                   change those austerity measures? Toyi-
           IF WE HAVE councillors or a                                                                                     toyis are not going to help. Burning streets
           councillor, we’ll be building                  NO SOCIALISM IN ONE                                              is not going to help. The only thing that will
                                                                                                                           change those National Treasury policies is
           around them in terms of building               MUNICIPALITY                                                     a movement that is based on socialism.
the Left. So that we can have a vibrant                                EVEN IF YOU WIN, YOU WILL NOT
political party of the left. So that we change                                                                                   Otherwise, in 2024, what are we going
                                                                       deliver socialism in Makhanda
the situation of our people. But if we don’t                                                                               to do with all these voters that we have
                                                                       alone. Even if you are a
do that, if we are just saying no, we will                                                                                 campaigned for in this local government
                                                            revolutionist, you’d understand that you
concentrate on BUM, we will exclude                                                                                        election? This is the question that we could
                                                            cannot deliver socialism in Makhanda,
Amadiba Crisis Committee, we will exclude                                                                                  not answer in 2018.
                                                            living in South Africa. You can’t deliver
Amandla in PE, then we are not building                                                                                          When people conduct struggles in
                                                            socialism in South Africa, living in a
anything. (MK)                                                                                                             their communities at a local level, who will
                                                            continent. You can’t deliver socialism
                                                                                                                           complement them at a national level? We
           WE ALSO CONNECT OUR STRUGGLES.                   in a continent, living in a world. It’s just
                                                                                                                           are not represented there. Which means
           We connect with other civic                      impossible.
                                                                                                                           we will toyi-toyi on the ground and people
           movements that are participating                       Though you want to better the lives of
                                                                                                                           will be taken to prison, they will be shot
in elections,                                               our people, but I mean, look here, you are
                                                                                                                                                                by police,
because                                                                                                                                                         because they
we are not                                                                                                                                                      are not toyi-
narrow.                                                                                                                                                         toying at a
We are also                                                                                                                                                     national and
building                                                                                                                                                        provincial
a left bloc                                                                                                                                                     level. And
that could                                                                                                                                                      national
then start to                                                                                                                                                   will not
challenge the                                                                                                                                                   change its
predatory                                                                                                                                                       policy and
political                                                                                                                                                       province will
powers in                                                                                                                                                       not change
this country,                                                                                                                                                   its policy.
in a very                                                                                                                                                       Because
serious and                                                                                                                                                     all these
meaningful                                                                                                                                                      actions are
way. (AK)                                                                                                                                                       happening
                                                                                                                                                                at a local
                                                                                                                                                                level, where
                                                                                                                                                                they are
                                                                                                                                                                not even
                                                                                                                                                                 they are
                                                                                                                                                                 not even
SEE, AT THE         “We must take the mandate from our communities. Everything will come from communities. What they need, what they are thinking, what
                                                                                                                                                                 fearing the
national and        you can do in council. So that is the backbone of us participating in this election. The mandate from the communities, the suffering of the
                    community, the demand of the community.”                                                                                                     smell of the
                                                                                                                                                                 tear gas.
level, is a                                                 living in an era of a neoliberalism of local
                                                                                                                           They are not even fearing the shots of the
structure or a movement or a body that will                 government that doesn’t have money. You
                                                                                                                           rubber bullet.
resemble the struggles that are happening                   have got a government that says fiscus in
                                                                                                                                 National legislation and supply chain
at a local level.                                           empty, fiscus doesn’t have money. And
                                                                                                                           policies are all hindering service delivery.
      At the moment, there is no                            you won’t change them and say, “No
                                                                                                                           Just supply chain management processes,
organisation that is championing socialist                  there’s money there, there’s money in
                                                                                                                           will take you three months. You finish
policy, the working-class struggles. We                     that”. Because they are very rigid in their
                                                                                                                           almost half of the year with supply chain
were hoping that the SRWP, the workers                      austerity roll out. (AK)
                                                                                                                           processes, planning and all of that. By the
party under NUMSA, was going to fill that
                                                                       MEANINGFUL           CHANGE        DEPENDS          time it’s end of the year, financial year,
void, but it did not do well.
                                                                       on   the  National      Treasury,     and           some of the budget is difficult to spend.
      The weakness here is the failure of a
                                                                       a change in national policies,                            If you look at some of these creches
leading socialist movement. So all those
                                                            especially   the   austerity    measures.       The            and schools, they need support, even
people that want to see policies of the Left
                                                            truth of the matter is that the austerity                      community gardens, they need the support
are wandering around. That’s why we
                                                            measures     by  the  National      Treasury     destroy       from the municipality. But the national
see them contesting as individuals or as
                                                            all these beautiful manifesto ideas and                        government policies, National Treasury,
community-based organisations.
                                                            then  there’s   a  feeling    that   they’ve   been            are saying you can’t support those kind of
      We just need a coordinator at a
                                                            promising     people.    When      you   look  at the          organisations. (PL)
national level that will properly coordinate
and merge these local struggles, call these                 budget,   it’s totally   not   enough      to address

                                                     Amandla! Issue NO.78           12        OCTOBER 2021
Local government – system failure
           6.WHAT IS YOUR                                      The ANC will allow DA to dominate                   asking as the community. Transparency
                                                         and DA will allow ANC to dominate, but they               around the housing allocation,
           EXPERIENCE                                    don’t want to have a small party to dominate              transparency around job opportunities and
           FROM BITOU?                                   or to have influence in what is happening at              increased job opportunities, getting land
                                                         a local level. I think our comrades, when they            for the people, giving land to the people,
Having been in office for the last
                                                         go there, they must go there once they know               giving bursaries.
5 years, Peter Lobese has some                           that if they work with the ANC or DA they are                   When you give all this to people, you
additional reflections on the                            playing with the lion and hyena.                          must not make favours or seek favours. We
experience, and some advice for                                                                                    just gave it, whether you are DA or ANC or
others.                                                  …and advantages                                           what. If you qualify, you get a house. We
                                                         Influence                                                 don’t ask what organisation you belong to.
Challenges…                                              These communities are saying to the                       We said as long as you are a beneficiary,
The jealousy from these two political                    political parties that politics are not your              whether you are EFF, DA you will get
organisations, DA and ANC. If they are                   monopoly, to us at a local level. If we come              employment, you will get a house according
elected, they must know that they will be                together, we can be able to force you to                  to the housing policy, according to the
dealing with that. It’s like you are sleeping            listen to us. We can force you to sit down                recruitment policy of the municipality,
with the lion or you are sleeping with the               in the council chamber with us, even if you               according to the bursary policy. It’s for
hyena. Even if you go into coalition with                don’t want. Whether they like it or not,                  that reason that now people started to have
them, if you sleep with any of them, the                 they are hearing the voice of the Active                  confidence in Active United Front. And they
chances are tomorrow we will not see you                 United Front in each and every council                    want to give us another chance to be there
alive. On a daily basis they want to destroy             meeting, in each and every workshop.                      again, to continue to champion the very
you.                                                           We influence policies, we influence                 same things that they are doing.
      Sometimes the ANC councillors                      budget. So we have said - we are having a
know all the ministers in the province or                                                                             Unite for implementation
                                                         seat, we will not vote for this budget if it
the departmental ministers. Behind your                                                                               The only thing that we are a friend with
                                                         does not address A and B. We will not vote
back, they will tell the minister not to                                                                              is that service delivery combat plan
                                                         for this policy if it’s a capitalist policy. And
implement certain projects, because if they                                                                           and its implementation. Because that
                                                         that itself has given the community power.
implement those projects they will be to                                                                              service delivery combat plan is composed
                                                         And you have seen the change that has
your benefit as a mayor of a small party,                                                                             of DA manifesto, ANC manifesto and
                                                         happened in Plettenberg Bay. The people
and they don’t want
you to shine. Because
once you deliver that,
they will put you at
another level in the
      The ANC are not
prepared to respect
any other political
party. They have
got this political
monopoly. It is either
you allow them to
dictate, or else, if you
don’t allow them to
dictate, everything is
wrong. And everything
must be destroyed.
Rather than working
and complementing
other parties, they
want to destroy what
                               Gardens in Makhanda. “With a municipality that has got more than six farms, you could start producing with a view to undermining hunger.”
we are doing, the good
we are doing, so that it
should be implemented by them.                        are saying it has never happened before.
      For example, I came with a lot of                                                                               our manifesto. We looked at those
                                                      That is why you have seen the growth of
programmes. I got land and all of that;                                                                               commonalities, those common issues that
                                                      Active United Front in that community.
things that they have been failing to get over                                                                        we say we are all championing for this
                                                      It’s because of championing these socialist
the past years. I challenged the national                                                                             community. You will find the ANC and
                                                      policies which are poor orientated.
minister, provincial minister and I got those                                                                         DA are talking nicely - they are going to
through. But at the verge of implementing it,         Transparency                                                    give this and this. Things that we will also
they don’t want you to be seen as somebody            In the beginning, ANC and DA people did                         identify as important in the community.
that implemented those plans. They want               not  understand      this  United   Front    thing.   But,      But they don’t implement that, they
to implement themselves. So they will do              after  we’ve   been    in government,       it is only          don’t do anything about it. So if you fail
anything to discipline you, to suspend you,           then they said no, this party when it’s in                      to do that, we will review the coalition
to destroy you.                                       government, it exactly did what we’ve been                      agreement and we will cancel it. (PL)

                                                     Amandla! Issue NO.78          13        OCTOBER 2021

                                          the government
                                        movement    of the – system
                                                           workers’ failure
not income for local government
By Tracy Ledger

         HE NEW POST-1994 STATE
         envisaged a central role for local
         government to deliver the
         promised “better life for all”. The
blueprint for this new form of local
government was laid out in the 1998 White
Paper on Local Government. The planned
changes to the structure and operation of
local government under the new
Constitution were considerable: the White
Paper imagined an entirely new kind of
municipality, with radically different
authorities and obligations. South Africa
would (for the first time) have wall-to-
wall municipalities, and local government
would now deliver far more services to
many more people.

   South Africa has been given a rare and                                              Although 85 per cent of all South African households have an electricity
                                                                                       connection, most low-income households with such a connection still
   historic opportunity to transform local                                             use other sources of energy (coal, gas, wood, paraffin, candles etc).
   government to meet the challenges of
   the next century. ... the existing local
                                                   government’s funding requirements. The                goal of reducing poverty and inequality.
   government system will be radically
                                                   White Paper assumed that income from                  Effective access has two components:
   transformed…. (into) a system of local
                                                   property rates and services charges would             ● Physical access - infrastructure and
   government which is centrally concerned
                                                   be sufficient to finance 73 per cent of all                service delivery that ensures a reliable
   with working with local citizens and
                                                   local government aggregate operating                       and quality service, and
   communities to find sustainable ways to
                                                   expenditure requirements, as indicated in             ● Affordability - services that are
   meet their needs and improve the quality
                                                   Table 1. Operating expenditure includes                    unaffordable cannot be accessed.
   of their lives.
                                                   all staff costs, office accommodation,                The 1998 White Paper emphasised the
   White Paper on Local Government,                payments to bulk services providers, all              importance of affordable basic services
   1998                                            other non-capital costs associated with               in achieving the goal of universal access.
                                                                                                                                  When services are
Providing basic                                                                                                                   unaffordable for
services to be                                                                                                                    poor households,
                                                                                                                                  their contribution
developmental                                                                                                                     to poverty
tool and source                                                                                                                   reduction is eroded.
of income                                                                                                                         Unfortunately,
In order for these                                                                                                                neither the
ambitious goals to                                                                                                                White Paper nor
be achieved, a just-                                                                                                              any subsequent
                              Table 1: White Paper proposed contribution of different income sources to own revenue and to total legislation provided
as-radical new fiscal         operating expenditure
framework for local                                                                                                               a clear definition of
government was required. It had to                 delivering   services, and  infrastructure            “affordable”.
ensure that all municipalities had access          maintenance.                                                The White Paper did not see any
to sufficient resources to discharge                     Because of the assumption that local            conflict between these two goals —
their mandates. The local government               municipalities can self-fund most of their            services priced at a level that all households
fiscal framework (LGFF) is the set of              expenditure,    the national   budget   only          could afford, and services priced at a level
arrangements that should ensure that               contributes a relatively small funding                that would ensure sufficient income for
municipalities in aggregate have enough            top-up (less than 10% of total operating              local government. The clear assumption
money to fund their developmental                  expenditure    requirements)    via  the              was that there was a point of convergence
agenda.                                            equitable   share and  conditional    grants.         in tariff setting at which both goals could
      The basis of the LGFF is that own                  But universal access to services is also        be achieved — and the current municipal
revenue will contribute most of local              a critical part of South Africa’s long-term           financial system is based on this.

                                              Amandla! Issue NO.78       14       OCTOBER 2021
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