Is it really clean? An evaluation of the efficacy of four methods for determining hospital cleanliness

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Journal of Hospital Infection (2009) 72, 140e146
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Is it really clean? An evaluation of the efficacy of
four methods for determining hospital cleanliness
O. Sherlock a,*, N. O’Connell a, E. Creamer a, H. Humphreys a,b
  Department of Clinical Microbiology, Education and Research Centre, Royal College of Surgeons in
Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
  Department of Microbiology, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

Received 13 November 2008; accepted 9 February 2009
Available online 24 March 2009

    KEYWORDS                          Summary An important component of effective cleaning in hospitals in-
    ATP bioluminescence;              volves monitoring the efficacy of the methods used. Generally the recom-
    Cleaning;                         mended tool for monitoring cleaning efficacy is visual assessments. In this
                                      study four methods to determine cleaning efficacy of hospital surfaces
                                      were compared, namely visual assessment, chemical (ATP) and microbio-
                                      logical methods, i.e. aerobic colony count (ACC) and the presence of
                                      meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Respectively, 93.3%, 71.5%,
                                      92.1% and 95.0% of visual, ATP, ACC and MRSA assessments were considered
                                      acceptable or ‘clean’ according to each test standard. Visual assessment
                                      alone did not always provide a meaningful measure of surface cleanliness
                                      or cleaning efficacy. The average ATP value from 120 swabs before cleaning
                                      was 612 relative light units (RLU) (range: 72e2575) and 375 RLU after
                                      cleaning (range: 106e1071); the accepted standard is 500 RLU. In a hospital
                                      setting with low microbiological counts, the use of chemical tests such as
                                      ATP may provide additional information of cleaning efficacy and ATP trends
                                      allow identification of environmental surfaces that require additional
                                      cleaning or cleaning schedule amendments.
                                      ª 2009 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights


                                                                    The role of contaminated environmental surfaces
 * Corresponding author. Address: Department of Clinical            in the transmission of healthcare-associated path-
Microbiology, RCSI Education and Research Centre, Beaumont
Hospital, PO Box 9063, Beaumont Road, Dublin 9, Ireland.
                                                                    ogens such as meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus
Tel.: þ353 1 8093728; fax: þ353 1 8093709.                          aureus (MRSA) is supported by the fact that clean-
   E-mail address:                             ing and/or disinfection of the environment can
0195-6701/$ - see front matter ª 2009 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Monitoring cleaning efficacy in hospitals                                                                 141

reduce the incidence of healthcare-associated col-       a surgical ward) in Beaumont Hospital, a 700-bed
onisation or infection.1,2 While it is recognised that   adult tertiary referral hospital. Two high-depen-
hand hygiene is the most important factor in pre-        dency rooms on each ward (Room A with four beds
venting healthcare-associated infection, touching        and Room B with six beds) and one isolation room
contaminated surfaces may result in the acquisi-         (with an MRSA-positive patient) were chosen for
tion of pathogens on hands. Hence, monitoring            the study. The ten sites analysed include nine
the environment as a reservoir of pathogens has          common hand-touch surfaces and one floor sur-
recently assumed a greater priority.3                    face. Flat surfaces included the door handle/push
   Environmental cleaning regimens are not stand-        plate, patient table, patient locker, window ledge,
ardised or regulated and monitoring of cleaning          a random area in a treatment room, a random area
efficacy is generally based on visual assessment.        on the nurse’s desk/station and the toilet floor.
This method can overestimate cleanliness, thus           The toilet floor was included to determine the
proposals for bacteriological standards with which       cleanliness level of a surface that is commonly
to assess clinical surface hygiene in hospitals,         perceived as ‘very dirty’ or contaminated. Curved
based on those used by the food industry, have           surfaces included the patient bedframe and the
been suggested as a more effective means of              handle rail in the toilet. Each of these surfaces was
hygiene monitoring.4,5 These methods include tra-        in good condition and would pass the parameters
ditional microbiological methods such as total aer-      set out in the Infection Control Nurses Association
obic colony count (ACC) to detect the number of          (ICNA) audit guidelines. All surfaces with the
bacteria on environmental surfaces, and culture          exception of the curtain are considered easy to
of indicator organisms, as these are a potential         clean. The curtains were not regularly cleaned or
high risk to patients in any quantities. Additionally,   changed. The probability of healthcare workers
rapid cleanliness testing by ATP bioluminescence,        touching or walking on these surfaces was high, as
which detects the bioburden present and not just         wards are usually full to capacity and have a heavy
the level of bacterial contamination, is a quick         throughput of patients/staff and visitors. Each site
way to assess the cleanliness of an environmental        was sampled with three swabs (three 10  10 cm
surface. It provides a quick and sensitive test          areas beside each other were sampled); first with
that can detect whether cleaning is inadequate.6         a Clean-Trace swab (ATP), and then with two
   Although the goal of environmental cleaning           other saline-moistened sterile cotton swabs for
and disinfection is not sterilisation, adequate          ACC and MRSA culture. All ten sites were sampled
cleaning requires sufficient removal of grime/de-        early in the morning (before routine cleaning)
bris/microbes and pathogens to minimise patients’        and again in the afternoon (after routine
risk of acquiring infections from hospital environ-      cleaning).
ments.7 Current guidelines in Ireland and else-             Nine hundred and sixty environmental assess-
where for assessing hospital hygiene recommend           ments were conducted including (Figure 1) 240 vis-
the use of visible cleanliness as a performance cri-     ual assessments, 240 ATP bioluminescence swabs,
terion. In this study, visual assessment was com-        240 total viable bacterial counts and 240 swabs
pared with ATP bioluminescence monitoring,               for the isolation and identification of MRSA. Of
microbial load (ACC) and MRSA detection to deter-        each of these 240 assessments, 120 were acquired
mine cleaning efficacy in an Irish hospital of ten       from a medical ward and 120 from a surgical vascu-
hospital ward surfaces before and after cleaning         lar ward. Each of these assessments was acquired
on two inpatient wards. We evaluated whether             by swabbing/assessing the 10 selected environ-
visual assessment was a sufficient means of              mental sites before and after cleaning. Twenty
monitoring cleaning efficacy.                            swabs/assessments were collected in three sepa-
                                                         rate rooms (A, B and an isolation room). Each
                                                         room was assessed twice over a period of six
Methods                                                  days, giving 120 assessments for each method.

Study design                                             Test standards/pass rates

To evaluate the potential use of the 3M ATP             The results were analysed according to various test
bioluminescence hygiene monitoring system (3M            standards selected for this study, which specify: (i)
International Ltd, Brigend, UK) in a hospital envir-     an ACC pass rate is an aerobic colony count (ACC)
onment, the surface cleanliness of ten environ-
142                                                                                                  O. Sherlock et al.

                                                960 assessments

           240 ACC              240 ATP swabs                 240 MRSA                       240 Visual

        120 ACC swabs                                    120 ACC swabs from
      from medical ward                                  surgical/vascular ward

        Week 1                                                        Week 2

                                          20 swabs*                                                       20 swabs*
      20 swabs*           20 swabs*                                 20 swabs*          20 swabs*
                                          from isolation                                                  from isolation
      from room A         from room B                               from room A        from room B
                                          room                                                            room

Figure 1 Flow chart for 960 environmental assessments of cleanliness, including 240 visual assessments, 240 ATP
bioluminescence swabs, 240 total viable bacterial counts and 240 swabs for the isolation and identification of
MRSA. ACC, aerobic colony count; MRSA, meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. *Ten before clean and 10 after

graded as ‘clean’ based on the absence of visual                  3M ATP bioluminescence using the Clean-
soiling, presence of moisture, staining or poor sur-              Trace swabs
face condition (derived from ICNA guidelines) and
(iv) an ATP pass rate was a bioluminescence result                All organic matter contains an energy molecule,
Monitoring cleaning efficacy in hospitals                                                                 143

saline, vortexed for 10 s and 100 mL spread on to       Notably, there was less of an improvement after
a Columbia Blood Agar (CBA) plate (Cruinn Diag-         cleaning on this ward, and there was increased
nostics, Dublin, Ireland) using a sterile spreader,     detection of MRSA after cleaning.
and incubated for 48 h in a 37  C incubator. Follow-      ATP trends were plotted for all 10 surfaces and
ing 48 h incubation, any colony growth on the           the results of two sites are shown in Figure 2. Two of
plates was counted and the ACC calculated.              12 (15.6%) toilet floors processed before cleaning
                                                        passed ATP standards, while 7/12 (58.3%) passed af-
MRSA isolation and identification from                  ter cleaning. RLU readings from this surface were al-
                                                        ways higher than from all other surfaces tested,
environmental swabs
                                                        ranging from 1016e7658 RLU before cleaning to
                                                        551e5615 RLU after cleaning. In comparison, 11/
MRSA was isolated from the environment (10 cm2
                                                        12 (92%) nursing desks passed before and after
surface) using saline-moistened cotton swabs.
                                                        cleaning. Figure 3 compares average ATP values
Swabs were inoculated into MRSA enrichment
                                                        for each surface before and after cleaning, high-
broth (Tryptone Salt Broth 6% NaCl; Cruinn), incu-
                                                        lighting surfaces that require additional cleaning,
bated overnight, before being subcultured on to
                                                        e.g. toilet floor/lockers/curtains, and enabling of
chromogenic agar (MRSA Select Chromogenic
                                                        comparison of cleaning efficacy between wards.
Agar, Bio-Rad 63747; Bio-Rad Life Science Group,
                                                           ACC and MRSA specimens from all 10 sites
Marnes La Coquette, France) and incubated for
                                                        before and after cleaning were processed. Nine-
24 h at 37  C. Colonies resembling MRSA were con-
                                                        teen of 240 (7.9%) failed the >103 cfu/mL or
firmed by standard microbiology methods (purifi-
                                                        2.5 cfu/cm2 ACC standard. The remaining speci-
cation on CBA, Staphaurex plus latex slide test
                                                        mens had growth of
144                                                                                                  O. Sherlock et al.

       8000                                                Toilet floor
                          Before clean       After clean

              A1     B1        C1      A2           B2     C2         D1     E1       F1       D2        E2       F2
                              Medical Ward                                           Surgical Ward

       1200                                                  Ward desk
                          Before clean       After clean

              A1     B1        C1       A2          B2     C2        D1      E1       F1       D2       E2        F2
                               Medical Ward                                          Surgical Ward

Figure 2 ATP trace, before and after cleaning, on two wards. A1, A2; B1, B2; C1, C2; corresponds to room A, B, C of
the medical ward. 1 and 2 designate week 1 and 2 respectively. The same applies to D1eF2, but on the surgical ward.
RLU: relative light units; - - -: 500 RLU pass/fail line. Vertical dotted line represents the division of the medical and
surgical ward data. Diamonds: before clean; squares: after clean.

can be made to our cleaning schedules which may                 desk (Figure 2). Cleaning of this surface either
improve our ATP pass level of 71.5% to something                more frequently or more effectively is necessary.
closer to that achieved in the Welsh hospital                   Also apparent from plotted bar charts (Figure 3A
(86e100%). Also, other research has shown that                  and B) is the success/failure of cleaning in the
best-practice cleaning procedures and a more                    medical versus surgical ward. In the surgical
stringent pass/fail benchmark are linked to incre-              ward, cleaning was less effective with as much as
mental quality improvements.12 This report                      50% of RLU values increasing after cleaning. This
suggests a revised pass/fail benchmark of 250                   may be due to contamination of surfaces during
RLU, but our data analysis is based on the former               the cleaning process on this ward, or perhaps due
standard of 500 RLU.9 If a more stringent ATP                   to the higher levels of patient movement on this
benchmark were applied to this study, an overall                ward and subsequent surface recontamination.
ATP pass score of 50.4% would have been achieved.               The treatment room and window ledge are poten-
This more stringent benchmark may be useful if                  tial sources of dirt/infection here but this is not
considering implementing novel cleaning or                      apparent on the medical ward. These graphs en-
disinfection systems, e.g. vaporised hydrogen per-              able visualisation of the effectiveness of cleaning
oxide, but may not be achievable in such envir-                 with the majority of RLU values falling after clean-
onments as hospitals housing sick and infected                  ing. The use of ATP to monitor cleaning efficacy is
patients and full to capacity.                                  a sensitive test that reports not just the presence
   While overall failure rates provide an indication            of microbiological, but also any organic, contami-
of cleaning efficacy in relation to benchmark                   nation. Whereas reporting this level of sensitivity
values, they do not provide an indication of the                in many hospitals is new, it is common practice
extent of failure.4 Thus the use of ATP technology              in industry and has important implications for the
has added value when applied to the monitoring of               maintenance of good manufacturing practice and
cleaning trends of specific surfaces. The ATP                   product safety/sterility. The cost per test of a Bio-
graphs plotted using 3M software highlight the                 trace swab is V2.80. Time to result after the swab
areas in each ward that require additional atten-               has been taken is 20 s. By comparison, an ACC
tion, i.e. the floor in comparison to the nurse’s               swab and plating on CBA is approximately V0.60
Monitoring cleaning efficacy in hospitals                                                                           145

Figure 3 (A, B) ATP trace results from 10 environmental sites before (BC) and after cleaning (AC) on (A) a general
medical ward and (B) a general surgical ward. *Toilet floor values require multiplication by a factor of 10. (C) Overall
ATP pass/fail rates from 10 environmental sites from two wards. RLU, mean relative light units.

with time to result being 48 h. An MRSA swab/en-              training cleaning staff, running hygiene education
richment and plating test costs approximately V2              programmes or when used as a random audit
with time to a negative or preliminary positive               tool. Unlike visual methods, ATP testing is not
result being a minimum of 48 h. The cost per                  subjective.
MRSA positive test significantly increases when                  In this study the microbial load on hospital
confirmatory tests are considered. Recent studies             surfaces was also assessed using ACCs and MRSA
show that feedback of cleaning efficacy to ward               isolation. ACCs are a good indicator of general
and cleaning staff improves the thoroughness of               bioburden in an environment, but they are slow to
cleaning and the environmental prevalence of                  process. Eight out of 120 (6.6%) ACC counts failed
MRSA and vancomycin-resistant enterococcus.2,7                on the medical ward and 11/120 (9.1%) on the
Considering the costs and time delays for each                surgical ward. Notably, >50% of specimens pro-
test type, the use of ATP swabs for monitoring                cessed for ACC produced no growth at all, thus ATP
may be justified. Additionally, ATP testing and               data have added value here for trend analysis.
data interpretation would be a useful tool when               Further studies using contact plates/dip slides or
146                                                                                               O. Sherlock et al.

use of neutralising buffer swabs instead of just           Trace swabs and provided the instrument for
saline-moistened swabs may be best for sampling            the trial.
the environment and may recover more micro-
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Acknowledgements                                            2007;17:285e295.
                                                        14. Boyce JM. Environmental contamination makes an impor-
                                                            tant contribution to hospital infection. J Hosp Infect 2007;
We thank Beaumont Hospital ward staff, cleaning             65:50e54.
staff and management, especially P. Flood, for          15. Larson EL, Aiello AE, Gomez-Duarte C, et al. Biolumines-
their cooperation.                                          cence ATP monitoring as a surrogate marker for microbial
                                                            load on hands and surfaces in the home. Food Microbiol
  Conflict of interest statement
                                                        16. Lewis T, Gallo M, Weinbren M, Griffith CJ. An assessment of
  None declared.                                            the effectiveness of modified hospital cleaning protocols
                                                            using visual, ATP bioluminescence, and microbiological
  Funding sources                                           analysis. J Hosp Infect 2006;64(Suppl. 1):55e56.
  This work was supported by Health Research            17. Carling PC, Briggs J, Hylander D, Perkins J. An evalua-
                                                            tion of patient area cleaning in 3 hospitals using novel
  Board Translational Research Grant TRA/004/6.
                                                            targeting methodology. Am J Infect Control 2006;34:
  3M subsidised in part the cost of the ATP Clean-          513e519.
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