Is Global Warming Harmful to Health? - Computer models indicate that many diseases will surge as the earth's atmosphere heats up. Signs of the ...

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Is Global Warming
 Harmful to Health?
   Computer models indicate that many diseases
    will surge as the earth’s atmosphere heats up.
Signs of the predicted troubles have begun to appear
                                        by Paul R. Epstein

            oday few scientists doubt the atmo-       and massive bursts of precipitation have be-
            sphere is warming. Most also agree        come more common. Aside from causing
            that the rate of heating is accelerat-    death by drowning or starvation, these disas-
            ing and that the consequences of          ters promote by various means the emergence,
this temperature change could become in-              resurgence and spread of infectious disease.
creasingly disruptive. Even high school stu-             That prospect is deeply troubling, because
dents can reel off some projected outcomes:           infectious illness is a genie that can be very

                                                                                                            JEAN-MARC BOUJU AP Photo (above and far right); KAREL PRINSLOO AP Photo (right)
the oceans will warm, and glaciers will melt,         hard to put back into its bottle. It may kill
causing sea levels to rise and salt water to in-      fewer people in one fell swoop than a raging
undate settlements along many low-lying               flood or an extended drought, but once it takes
coasts. Meanwhile the regions suitable for            root in a community, it often defies eradica-
farming will shift. Weather patterns should also      tion and can invade other areas.
become more erratic and storms more severe.              The control issue looms largest in the devel-
   Yet less familiar effects could be equally         oping world, where resources for prevention
detrimental. Notably, computer models pre-            and treatment can be scarce. But the techno-
dict that global warming, and other climate           logically advanced nations, too, can fall vic-
alterations it induces, will expand the inci-         tim to surprise attacks— as happened last year
dence and distribution of many serious med-           when the West Nile virus broke out for the
ical disorders. Disturbingly, these forecasts         first time in North America, killing seven
seem to be coming true.                               New Yorkers. In these days of international
   Heating of the atmosphere can influence            commerce and travel, an infectious disorder
health through several routes. Most directly,         that appears in one part of the world can
it can generate more, stronger and hotter heat        quickly become a problem continents away if
waves, which will become especially treacher-         the disease-causing agent, or pathogen, finds
ous if the evenings fail to bring cooling relief.     itself in a hospitable environment.
Unfortunately, a lack of nighttime cooling               Floods and droughts associated with global
seems to be in the cards; the atmosphere is           climate change could undermine health in
heating unevenly and is showing the biggest           other ways as well. They could damage crops
rises at night, in winter and at latitudes higher     and make them vulnerable to infection and in-
than about 50 degrees. In some places, the            festations by pests and choking weeds, there-
number of deaths related to heat waves is             by reducing food supplies and potentially
projected to double by 2020. Prolonged heat           contributing to malnutrition. And they could
can, moreover, enhance production of smog             permanently or semipermanently displace en-
and the dispersal of allergens. Both effects          tire populations in developing countries, lead-
have been linked to respiratory symptoms.             ing to overcrowding and the diseases connect-
   Global warming can also threaten human             ed with it, such as tuberculosis.
well-being profoundly, if somewhat less di-              Weather becomes more extreme and vari-
rectly, by revising weather patterns—particu-         able with atmospheric heating in part because
larly by pumping up the frequency and inten-          the warming accelerates the water cycle: the
sity of floods and droughts and by causing            process in which water vapor, mainly from
rapid swings in the weather. As the atmo-             the oceans, rises into the atmosphere before
sphere has warmed over the past century,              condensing out as precipitation. A warmed
droughts in arid areas have persisted longer,         atmosphere heats the oceans (leading to faster

50   Scientific American      August 2000                                                      Is Global Warming Harmful to Health?
                                                Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc.
 AMOUNT       >2
 THE RISK     1.7 TO 2.0
    WILL      1.4 TO 1.7
              1.1 TO 1.4
              AREAS NEWLY AT RISK
              NO CHANGE
              DECREASE                          RISK OF MALARIA TRANSMISSION will have risen in many parts of the
              NO SIGNIFICANT RISK               world by 2020 (relative to the average risk in the years 1961 to 1990), according
                                                to projections assuming a temperature increase of about two degrees Fahrenheit.
                                                The analysis was based solely on temperature threshold and did not assess other
                                                factors that could influence malaria’s spread.

 evaporation), and it holds more mois-        meal from an infected animal or per-         quitoes could expand into formerly for-

                                                                                                                                       BRYAN CHRISTIE; SOURCE: PIM MARTENS Maastricht University
 ture than a cool one. When the extra         son. Then the pathogen reproduces in-        bidden territories, bringing illness with
 water condenses, it more frequently          side the insects, which may deliver dis-     them. Further, warmer nighttime and
 drops from the sky as larger downpours.      ease-causing doses to the next individu-     winter temperatures may enable them
 While the oceans are being heated, so is     als they bite.                               to cause more disease for longer periods
 the land, which can become highly               Mosquito-borne disorders are project-     in the areas they already inhabit.
 parched in dry areas. Parching enlarges      ed to become increasingly prevalent be-         The extra heat is not alone in encour-
 the pressure gradients that cause winds      cause their insect carriers, or “vectors,”   aging a rise in mosquito-borne infec-
 to develop, leading to turbulent winds,      are very sensitive to meteorological con-    tions. Intensifying floods and droughts
 tornadoes and other powerful storms.         ditions. Cold can be a friend to humans,     resulting from global warming can each
 In addition, the altered pressure and        because it limits mosquitoes to seasons      help trigger outbreaks by creating breed-
 temperature gradients that accompany         and regions where temperatures stay          ing grounds for insects whose dessicat-
 global warming can shift the distribu-       above certain minimums. Winter freez-        ed eggs remain viable and hatch in still
 tion of when and where storms, floods        ing kills many eggs, larvae and adults       water. As floods recede, they leave pud-
 and droughts occur.                          outright. Anopheles mosquitoes, which        dles. In times of drought, streams can
    I will address the worrisome health       transmit malaria parasites (such as          become stagnant pools, and people may
 effects of global warming and disrupted      Plasmodium falciparum), cause sus-           put out containers to catch water; these
 climate patterns in greater detail, but I    tained outbreaks of malaria only where       pools and pots, too, can become incu-
 should note that the consequences may        temperatures routinely exceed 60 de-         bators for new mosquitoes. And the in-
 not all be bad. Very high temperatures       grees Fahrenheit. Similarly, Aedes ae-       sects can gain another boost if climate
 in hot regions may reduce snail popula-      gypti mosquitoes, responsible for yel-       change or other processes (such as al-
 tions, which have a role in transmitting     low fever and dengue fever, convey           terations of habitats by humans) reduce
 schistosomiasis, a parasitic disease. High   virus only where temperatures rarely         the populations of predators that nor-
 winds may at times disperse pollution.       fall below 50 degrees F.                     mally keep mosquitoes in check.
 Hotter winters in normally chilly areas         Excessive heat kills insects as effec-
 may reduce cold-related heart attacks        tively as cold does. Nevertheless, within          Mosquitoes on the March
 and respiratory ailments. Yet overall,       their survivable range of temperatures,
 the undesirable effects of more variable
 weather are likely to include new stress-
 es and nasty surprises that will over-
                                              mosquitoes proliferate faster and bite
                                              more as the air becomes warmer. At the
                                              same time, greater heat speeds the rate
                                                                                           M      alaria and dengue fever are two
                                                                                                  of the mosquito-borne diseases
                                                                                           most likely to spread dramatically as
 shadow any benefits.                         at which pathogens inside them repro-        global temperatures head upward. Ma-
                                              duce and mature. At 68 degrees F, the        laria (marked by chills, fever, aches and
      Mosquitoes Rule in the Heat             immature P. falciparum parasite takes        anemia) already kills 3,000 people,
                                              26 days to develop fully, but at 77 de-      mostly children, every day. Some mod-

 D     iseases relayed by mosquitoes—
       such as malaria, dengue fever, yel-
 low fever and several kinds of encepha-
                                              grees F, it takes only 13 days. The An-
                                              opheles mosquitoes that spread this ma-
                                              laria parasite live only several weeks;
                                                                                           els project that by the end of the 21st
                                                                                           century, ongoing warming will have en-
                                                                                           larged the zone of potential malaria
 litis— are among those eliciting the         warmer temperatures raise the odds           transmission from an area containing
 greatest concern as the world warms.         that the parasites will mature in time       45 percent of the world’s population to
 Mosquitoes acquire disease-causing mi-       for the mosquitoes to transfer the infec-    an area containing about 60 percent.
 croorganisms when they take a blood          tion. As whole areas heat up, then, mos-     That news is bad indeed, considering

 52   Scientific American August 2000                                                         Is Global Warming Harmful to Health?
                                               Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc.
that no vaccine is available and that the    most 500 feet in the tropics. Marching        that dengue and yellow fever may fol-
                 causative parasites are becoming resist-     upward, too, are mosquitoes and mos-          low. Dengue fever itself has struck at
                 ant to standard drugs.                       quito-borne diseases.                         the mile mark in Taxco, Mexico. Pat-
                    True to the models, malaria is reap-         In the 19th century, European colo-        terns of insect migration change faster in
                 pearing north and south of the tropics.      nists in Africa settled in the cooler moun-   the mountains than they do at sea level.
                 The U.S. has long been home to An-           tains to escape the dangerous swamp           Those alterations can thus serve as indi-
                 opheles mosquitoes, and malaria circu-       air (“mal aria”) that fostered disease in     cators of climate change and of diseases
                 lated here decades ago. By the 1980s         the lowlands. Today many of those ha-         likely to expand their range.
                 mosquito-control programs and other          vens are compromised. Insects and in-
                 public health measures had restricted        sect-borne infections are being reported      Opportunists Like Sequential Extremes
                 the disorder to California. Since 1990,      at high elevations in South and Central
                 however, when the hottest decade on
                 record began, outbreaks of locally trans-
                 mitted malaria have occurred during hot
                                                              America, Asia, and east and central Af-
                                                              rica. Since 1980 Ae. aegypti mosquitoes,
                                                              once limited by temperature thresholds
                                                                                                            T    he increased climate variability ac-
                                                                                                                 companying warming will proba-
                                                                                                            bly be more important than the rising
                 spells in Texas, Florida, Georgia, Michi-    to low altitudes, have been found above       heat itself in fueling unwelcome out-
                 gan, New Jersey and New York (as well        one mile in the highlands of northern         breaks of certain vector-borne illnesses.
                 as in Toronto). These episodes undoubt-      India and at 1.3 miles in the Colombian       For instance, warm winters followed by
                 edly started with a traveler or stow-        Andes. Their presence magnifies the risk      hot, dry summers (a pattern that could
                 away mosquito carrying malaria para-
                 sites. But the parasites clearly found
                 friendly conditions in the U.S.—enough
                 warmth and humidity, and plenty of
                 mosquitoes able to transport them to
                                                                 Changes Are Already Under Way
                 victims who had not traveled. Malaria
                 has returned to the Korean peninsula,
                 parts of southern Europe and the for-
                                                                 C    omputer models have predicted that global warming would produce sever-
                                                                      al changes in the highlands: summit glaciers (like North Polar sea ice) would
                                                                 begin to melt, and plants, mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases would mi-
                 mer Soviet Union and to the coast of            grate upward into regions formerly too cold for them (diagram).All these predic-
                 South Africa along the Indian Ocean.            tions are coming true. This convergence strongly suggests that the upward ex-
                    Dengue, or “breakbone,” fever (a se-         pansion of mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases documented in the past 15
                 vere flulike viral illness that sometimes       years (list at bottom) has stemmed,at least in part,from rising temperatures.
                 causes fatal internal bleeding) is spread-
                 ing as well. Today it afflicts an estimat-
                                                                            BEFORE 1970                                       TODAY
                 ed 50 million to 100 million in the             Cold temperatures                                            Increased warmth has
                 tropics and subtropics (mainly in urban         caused freezing at high                                  caused mountain glaciers
                 areas and their surroundings). It has           elevations and limited                                  to shrink in the tropics and
                 broadened its range in the Americas             mosquitoes, mosquito-                                              temperate zones
                 over the past 10 years and had reached          borne diseases and
                                                                 many plants to low
                 down to Buenos Aires by the end of the          altitudes
                 1990s. It has also found its way to north-
                 ern Australia. Neither a vaccine nor a
                 specific drug treatment is yet available.
                    Although these expansions of malar-
                 ia and dengue fever certainly fit the pre-
                 dictions, the cause of that growth cannot
                 be traced conclusively to global warm-
                 ing. Other factors could have been in-         DENGUE FEVER           MOSQUITOES
                 volved as well—for instance, disruption          OR MALARIA
                 of the environment in ways that favor                                                                      Some mosquitoes,
                 mosquito proliferation, declines in mos-                                                                   mosquito-borne
                 quito-control and other public health                                                                      diseases and plants
                                                                                                                            have migrated upward
                 programs, and rises in drug and pesti-
                 cide resistance. The case for a climatic
                 contribution becomes stronger, howev-             PLANTS
                 er, when other projected consequences
                 of global warming appear in concert
                 with disease outbreaks.                         WHERE DISEASES OR THEIR CARRIERS HAVE REACHED HIGHER ELEVATIONS
                    Such is the case in highlands around
                                                                            Malaria                Dengue fever        Aedes aegypti mosquitoes
                 the world. There, as anticipated, warmth        Highlands of Ethiopia, Rwanda, San Jose, Costa Rica         (can spread dengue
                 is climbing up many mountains, along                Uganda and Zimbabwe          Taxco, Mexico            fever and yellow fever)
                 with plants and butterflies, and summit         Usamabara Mountains,Tanzania                            Eastern Andes Mountains,

                 glaciers are melting. Since 1970 the ele-                                                                       Colombia
                                                                 Highlands of Papua New Guinea
                 vation at which temperatures are al-               and West Papua (Irian Jaya)                         Northern highlands of India
                 ways below freezing has ascended al-

                 Is Global Warming Harmful to Health?                                                       Scientific American August 2000             53
                                                               Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc.
become all too familiar as the atmo-
sphere heats up) favor the transmission           El Niño’s Message                              and parts of Southeast Asia and Australia suf-
                                                                                                 fer droughts.Atmospheric pressure changes
of St. Louis encephalitis and other in-                                                          over the tropical Pacific also have ripple ef-
fections that cycle among birds, urban
mosquitoes and humans.
   This sequence seems to have abetted
                                                 S   cientists often gain insight into the work-
                                                     ings of complicated systems by studying
                                                 subsystems. In that spirit, investigators
                                                                                                 fects throughout the globe, generally yield-
                                                                                                 ing milder winters in some northern regions
the surprise emergence of the West Nile          concerned about global warm-
virus in New York City last year. No             ing’s health ef-
one knows how this virus found its way           fects are assess-
into the U.S. But one reasonable expla-          ing outcomes
nation for its persistence and amplifica-        of the El Niño/
tion here centers on the weather’s effects       Southern Oscillation
on Culex pipiens mosquitoes, which ac-           (ENSO), a climate process that
counted for the bulk of the transmis-            produces many of the same me-
sion. These urban dwellers typically lay         teorological changes predicted
their eggs in damp basements, gutters,           for a warming world. The find-
sewers and polluted pools of water.              ings are not reassuring.
   The interaction between the weather,             “El Niño” refers to an oceanic
the mosquitoes and the virus probably            phenomenon that materializes
went something like this: The mild win-          every five years or so in the trop-
ter of 1998–99 enabled many of the               ical Pacific. The ocean off Peru
mosquitoes to survive into the spring,           becomes unusually warm and
which arrived early. Drought in spring           stays that way for months be-
and summer concentrated nourishing               fore returning to normal or go-
organic matter in their breeding areas           ing to a cold extreme (La Niña).
and simultaneously killed off mosquito           The name “Southern Oscillation”
predators, such as lacewings and lady-           refers to atmospheric changes                Disease Outbreaks
bugs, that would otherwise have helped           that happen in tandem with the Accompanying Extreme
                                                 Pacific’s shifts to warmer or cool-         Weather during the
limit mosquito populations. Drought                                                              1997– 98 El Niño
would also have led birds to congregate          er conditions.
more, as they shared fewer and smaller              During an El Niño,evaporation
watering holes, many of which were fre-          from the heated eastern Pacific
                                                 can lead to abnormally heavy                Extreme Weather
quented, naturally, by mosquitoes.
                                                 rains in parts of South America           Abnormally wet areas
   Once mosquitoes acquired the virus,
the heat wave that accompanied the               and Africa; meanwhile other ar-           Abnormally dry areas
drought would speed up viral matura-             eas of South America and Africa
tion inside the insects. Consequently, as
infected mosquitoes sought blood meals,
they could spread the virus to birds at a
rapid clip. As bird after bird became in-     1993, were long-lasting drought inter-       because people have learned to be more
fected, so did more mosquitoes, which         rupted by intense rains.                     careful about avoiding the animals’
ultimately fanned out to infect human            First, a regional drought helped to re-   droppings. But the disease has appeared
beings. Torrential rains toward the end       duce the pool of animals that prey on        in Latin America, where some ominous
of August provided new puddles for the        rodents—raptors (owls, eagles, prairie       evidence suggests that it may be passed
breeding of C. pipiens and other mos-         falcons, red-tailed hawks and kestrels),     from one person to another.
quitoes, unleashing an added crop of po-      coyotes and snakes. Then, as drought            As the natural ending of the first han-
tential virus carriers.                       yielded to unusually heavy rains early in    tavirus episode demonstrates, ecosys-
   Like mosquitoes, other disease-con-        1993, the rodents found a bounty of          tems can usually survive occasional ex-
veying vectors tend to be “pests”— op-        food, in the form of grasshoppers and        tremes. They are even strengthened by
portunists that reproduce quickly and         piñon nuts. The resulting population         seasonal changes in weather conditions,
thrive under disturbed conditions unfa-       explosion enabled a virus that had been      because the species that live in change-
vorable to species with more specialized      either inactive or isolated in a small       able climates have to evolve an ability to
needs. In the 1990s climate variability       group to take hold in many rodents.          cope with a broad range of conditions.
contributed to the appearance in hu-          When drought returned in summer, the         But long-lasting extremes and very wide
mans of a new rodent-borne ailment:           animals sought food in human dwellings       fluctuations in weather can overwhelm
the hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, a          and brought the disease to people. By        ecosystem resilience. (Persistent ocean
highly lethal infection of the lungs. This    fall 1993, rodent numbers had fallen,        heating, for instance, is menacing coral
infection can jump from animals to hu-        and the outbreak abated.                     reef systems, and drought-driven forest
mans when people inhale viral particles          Subsequent episodes of hantavirus         fires are threatening forest habitats.)
hiding in the secretions and excretions       pulmonary syndrome in the U.S. have          And ecosystem upheaval is one of the
of rodents. The sequential weather ex-        been limited, in part because early-warn-    most profound ways in which climate
tremes that set the stage for the first hu-   ing systems now indicate when rodent-        change can affect human health. Pest
man eruption, in the U.S. Southwest in        control efforts have to be stepped up and    control is one of nature’s underappreci-

54    Scientific American August 2000                                                          Is Global Warming Harmful to Health?
                                               Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc.
of the U.S. and western Canada. During a La                                                                                     Niña years,especially in areas hit by floods or    University have shown that regions stricken
                    Niña, weather patterns in the affected areas                                                                                    droughts. Long-term studies in Colombia,           by flooding or drought during the El Niño of
                    may go to opposite extremes.                                                                                                    Venezuela, India and Pakistan reveal, for in-      1997–98 (the strongest of the century) often
                      The incidence of vector-borne and water-                                                                                      stance, that malaria surges in the wake of El      had to contend as well with a convergence
                    borne diseases climbs during El Niño and La                                                                                     Niños. And my colleagues and I at Harvard          of diseases borne by mosquitoes, rodents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and water (map). Addition-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ally, in many dry ar-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  eas, fires raged out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of control, pollut-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ing the air for miles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ENSO is not merely a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       warning of troubles to come;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  it is likely to be an engine for
                                                                                                                                                                                                               those troubles. Several climate
                                                                                                                                                                                                               models predict that as the atmo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                               sphere and oceans heat up, El Niños
                                                                                                                                                                                                               themselves will become more com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                               mon and severe—which means that
                                                                                                                                                                                                               the weather disasters they produce
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and the diseases they promote could
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           become more prevalent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              as well.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Indeed, the ENSO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 pattern has already
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 begun to change.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Since 1976 the inten-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 sity, duration and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 pace of El Niños have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 increased. And dur-
                                                                                                                                       Disease Outbreaks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ing the 1990s, every
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                year was marked by
                                                                                                  Mosquito-borne:        Dengue fever Rodent-borne:              Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        an El Niño or La Niña ex-
                                                                                                                         Encephalitis      Waterborne:           Cholera                                          treme. Those trends bode ill for
                                                                                                                         Malaria           Noninfectious:        Respiratory illness resulting                 human health in the 21st century.
                                                                                                                         Rift Valley fever                       from fire and smoke
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                — P.R.E.

                                                                                                          ated services to people; well-functioning    lack of clean water during a drought in-         Indian Ocean to the Horn of Africa in
                                                                                                          ecosystems that include diverse species      terferes with good hygiene and safe re-          1997 and 1998 offer an example of how
                                                                                                          help to keep nuisance organisms in           hydration of those who have lost large           people will be affected as global warm-

                                                                                                          check. If increased warming and weath-       amounts of water because of diarrhea             ing spawns added flooding. The down-
                                                                                                          er extremes result in more ecosystem         or fever.                                        pours set off epidemics of cholera as
                                                                                                          disturbance, that disruption may foster         Floods favor waterborne ills in differ-       well as two mosquito-borne infections:
                                                                                                          the growth of opportunist populations        ent ways. They wash sewage and other             malaria and Rift Valley fever (a flulike
                                                                                                          and enhance the spread of disease.           sources of pathogens (such as Crypto-            disease that can be lethal to livestock
                                                                                                                                                       sporidium) into supplies of drinking wa-         and people alike).
                                                                                                                     Unhealthy Water                   ter. They also flush fertilizer into water          To the west, Hurricane Mitch stalled
                                                                                                                                                       supplies. Fertilizer and sewage can each         over Central America in October 1998

                                                                                                          B   eyond exacerbating the vector-borne
                                                                                                              illnesses mentioned above, global
                                                                                                          warming will probably elevate the inci-
                                                                                                                                                       combine with warmed water to trigger
                                                                                                                                                       expansive blooms of harmful algae.
                                                                                                                                                       Some of these blooms are directly toxic
                                                                                                                                                                                                        for three days. Fueled by a heated Carib-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        bean, the storm unleashed torrents that
                                                                                                                                                                                                        killed at least 11,000 people. But that
                                                                                                          dence of waterborne diseases, including      to humans who inhale their vapors; oth-          was only the beginning of its havoc. In
                                                                                                          cholera (a cause of severe diarrhea).        ers contaminate fish and shellfish, which,       the aftermath, Honduras reported thou-
                                                                                                          Warming itself can contribute to the         when eaten, sicken the consumers. Re-            sands of cases of cholera, malaria and
                                                                                                          change, as can a heightened frequency        cent discoveries have revealed that algal        dengue fever. Beginning in February of
                                                                                                          and extent of droughts and floods. It        blooms can threaten human health in              this year, unprecedented rains and a se-
                                                                                                          may seem strange that droughts would         yet another way. As they grow bigger,            ries of cyclones inundated large parts of
                                                                                                          favor waterborne disease, but they can       they support the proliferation of various        southern Africa. Floods in Mozambique
                                                                                                          wipe out supplies of safe drinking water     pathogens, among them Vibrio cholerae,           and Madagascar killed hundreds, dis-
                                                                                                          and concentrate contaminants that might      the causative agent of cholera.                  placed thousands and spread both chol-
                                                                                                          otherwise remain dilute. Further, the           Drenching rains brought by a warmed           era and malaria. Such events can also

                                                                                                          Is Global Warming Harmful to Health?                                                          Scientific American August 2000            55
                                                                                                                                                            Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc.
greatly retard economic development,                 gy would have multiple components.                     at-risk populations and to deliver prompt
 and its accompanying public health ben-                 One would include improved surveil-                 treatments.
 efits, in affected areas for years.                  lance systems that would promptly spot                   This past spring, efforts to limit the
                                                      the emergence or resurgence of infec-                  West Nile virus in the northeastern U.S.
                   Solutions                          tious diseases or the vectors that carry               followed this model. On seeing that the
                                                      them. Discovery could quickly trigger                  virus had survived the winter, public

 T   he health toll taken by global
     warming will depend to a large ex-
 tent on the steps taken to prepare for
                                                      measures to control vector proliferation
                                                      without harming the environment, to
                                                      advise the public about self-protection,
                                                                                                             health officials warned people to clear
                                                                                                             their yards of receptacles that can hold
                                                                                                             stagnant water favorable to mosquito
 the dangers. The ideal defensive strate-             to provide vaccines (when available) for               breeding. They also introduced fish that

                                              Weather and the West Nile Virus
      T   his diagram offers a possible explanation for how a
          warming trend and sequential weather extremes helped
      the West Nile virus to establish itself in the New York City area
                                                                                    in 1999. Whether the virus entered the U.S. via mosquitoes,
                                                                                    birds or people is unknown. But once it arrived, interactions
                                                                                    between mosquitoes and birds amplified its proliferation.
                                         More mosquitoes than usual survived                                     Mosquito population
1                                        the winter in sewers, damp basements                                    flourished in spring
                                             and other sources of still water                                        and summer

                                                                                                  As water in breeding sites
                                                                                               evaporated, organic compounds
                                                                                               became concentrated, nourishing
                                                                                                      mosquito larvae
                                                          Lack of rain killed
                                                       predators of mosquitoes
                                                     (frogs, lacewings, ladybugs)

                Many birds congregated at
                 dwindling water sources

JULY HEAT WAVE                                                           GREW LARGE
 3      Once mosquitoes infected
         with the West Nile virus
        appeared, the heat caused                                                                                           DRENCHING AUGUST RAINS
          the virus to proliferate                                                                                          Downpours formed new breeding
            rapidly inside them                                                                                              sites for mosquitoes, yielding
                                                                                                                                a new crop of the insects

                  VICIOUS CYCLE
                         BEGAN           4


            Infected mosquitoes
            transmitted the virus to
            initially uninfected birds

                                                       UNINFECTED MOSQUITO

                                                                                               INFECTION SPREAD TO PEOPLE
                                                                                             As more and more mosquitoes became
                                                                                              infected, they spread the virus to still
                                         Initially uninfected
                                                                                               more birds and ultimately to people
                                         mosquitoes picked up
                                                                                                                                                              BRYAN CHRISTIE

                                         the virus from infected birds

 56    Scientific American August 2000                                                                            Is Global Warming Harmful to Health?
                                                        Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc.
eat mosquito larvae into catch
basins and put insecticide pel-
lets into sewers.
   Sadly, however, comprehen-
sive surveillance plans are not
yet realistic in much of the
world. And even when vaccines
or effective treatments exist,
many regions have no means
of obtaining and distributing
them. Providing these preven-
tive measures and treatments
should be a global priority.
   A second component would
focus on predicting when cli-
matological and other envi-
ronmental conditions could
become conducive to disease
outbreaks, so that the risks
could be minimized. If climate models         man activities that contribute to the heat-   to pay for these solutions. Climate, eco-

                                                                                                                                           NASA (
indicate that floods are likely in a given    ing or that exacerbate its effects must       logical systems and society can all re-
region, officials might stock shelters        be limited. Little doubt remains that         coup after stress, but only if they are
with extra supplies. Or if satellite im-      burning fossil fuels for energy is playing    not exposed to prolonged challenge or
ages and sampling of coastal waters in-       a significant role in global warming, by      to one disruption after another. The
dicate that algal blooms related to           spewing carbon dioxide and other heat-        Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
cholera outbreaks are beginning, offi-        absorbing, or “greenhouse,” gases into        Change, established by the United Na-
cials could warn people to filter con-        the air. Cleaner energy sources must be       tions, calculates that halting the ongo-
taminated water and could advise med-         put to use quickly and broadly, both in       ing rise in atmospheric concentrations
ical facilities to arrange for additional     the energy-guzzling industrial world          of greenhouse gases will require a
staff, beds and treatment supplies.           and in developing nations, which can-         whopping 60 to 70 percent reduction
   Research reported in 1999 illustrates      not be expected to cut back on their en-      in emissions.
the benefits of satellite monitoring. It      ergy use. (Providing sanitation, hous-           I worry that effective corrective mea-
showed that satellite images detecting        ing, food, refrigeration and indoor fires     sures will not be instituted soon enough.
heated water in two specific ocean re-        for cooking takes energy, as do the           Climate does not necessarily change
gions and lush vegetation in the Horn         pumping and purification of water and         gradually. The multiple factors that are
of Africa can predict outbreaks of Rift       the desalination of seawater for irriga-      now destabilizing the global climate sys-
Valley fever in the Horn five months in       tion.) In parallel, forests and wetlands      tem could cause it to jump abruptly out
advance. If such assessments led to vac-      need to be restored, to absorb carbon         of its current state. At any time, the
cination campaigns in animals, they           dioxide and floodwaters and to filter         world could suddenly become much
could potentially forestall epidemics in      contaminants before they reach water          hotter or even much colder. Such a sud-
both livestock and people.                    supplies.                                     den, catastrophic change is the ultimate
   A third component of the strategy             The world’s leaders, if they are wise,     health risk— one that must be avoided
would attack global warming itself. Hu-       will make it their business to find a way     at all costs.                           SA

            The Author                                                      Further Information
   PAUL R. EPSTEIN, an M.D. trained       The Emergence of New Disease. Richard Levins, Tamara Auerbuch, Uwe Brinkmann, Irina
in tropical public health, is associate    Eckardt, Paul R. Epstein, Tim Ford, Najwa Makhoul, Christina dePossas, Charles Puccia, Andrew
director of the Center for Health and      Spielman and Mary E. Wilson in American Scientist, Vol. 82, No. 1, pages 52–60; January/
the Global Environment at Harvard          February 1994.
Medical School. He has served in med-     Climate Change and Human Health. Edited by Anthony J. McMichael, Andrew Haines,
ical, teaching and research capacities     Rudolf Slooff and Sari Kovats. World Health Organization, World Meteorological Organiza-
in Africa, Asia and Latin America and      tion, United Nations Environmental Program, 1996.
has worked with the Intergovernmen-       The Regional Impacts of Climate Change: An Assessment of Vulnerability, 1997. Edited
tal Panel on Climate Change, the Na-       by R. T. Watson, M. C. Zinyowera and R. H. Moss. Cambridge University Press, 1997. Sum-
tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad-         mary from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change available at
ministration, and the National Aero-       reports.htm
nautics and Space Administration to       Biological and Physical Signs of Climate Change: Focus on Mosquito-Borne Diseases.
assess the health effects of climate       Paul R. Epstein, Henry F. Diaz, Scott Elias, Georg Grabherr, Nicholas E. Graham, Willem J. M.
change and to develop health applica-      Martens, Ellen Mosley-Thompson and Joel Susskind in Bulletin of the American Meteorological
tions for climate forecasting and re-      Society, Vol. 79, pages 409–417; 1998.
mote-sensing technologies.                Other Web sites of interest: and

Is Global Warming Harmful to Health?                                                        Scientific American August 2000          57
                                               Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc.
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