Ireland ILP IN FOCUS 2021 - Matheson

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Ireland ILP IN FOCUS 2021 - Matheson
Ireland ILP
                                                     IN FOCUS 2021

 ILP brings swift and cost-      New structure accommodates      Private funds pegged for
 efficient launch of sub-funds   broad range of asset classes    expansion in Ireland
Featuring Alter Domus | CSC | DMS Governance | Maples Group | Matheson
Ireland ILP IN FOCUS 2021 - Matheson

     The appeal of a regulated
                                       Interview with Barry O’Connor

          egulation has been at the forefront of investors’       are key to investors. Until now, the material gap in the
          minds ever since the global financial crisis in 2008.   QIAIF regime has been the lack of a suitable partnership
          In the current environment, the need for oversight      vehicle and the enhanced ILP addresses that.”
and monitoring is even more necessary as the industry                Under the QIAIF regime, the Central Bank of Ireland
navigates uncharted waters. However, this requirement             doesn’t review the documentation in the vast majority of
for more robust supervision needs to be tempered with             cases. Rather, it relies on confirmations from the lawyers.
flexibility.                                                      This means that, if all the documents and service providers
   Ireland’s amended Investment Limited Partnership (ILP)         are in order, a manager can make a filing with the Central
Act, which came into effect on 1 February, strikes a bal-         Bank by 5pm one day, and have their fund approved the
ance between regulation and broad investment capabilities.        day after.
Barry O’Connor, partner in the Asset Management and                  “Having a regulated fund in this space come to market
Investment Funds Group at Matheson, explains: “Within             in this kind of timeframe is very attractive to managers. The
the ILP and in contrast to similar vehicles in other jurisdic-    QIAIF regime also doesn’t impose many limits on what the
tions the fund itself is regulated, which makes a significant     fund can invest in or the amount of leverage which can
difference to investors. This vehicle will sit within Ireland’s   be applied. This is something which fund managers and
existing Qualifying Investor Alternative Investment Fund          investors are keen on. Therefore, this results in a vehicle
(QIAIF) regulatory regime, which has been around since the        which can invest in a broad range of asset classes and
1990s and which has been incredibly successful. The QIAIF         which can be brought to market quickly,” O’Connor notes.
regime offers features that managers appreciate – like the           What the QIAIF regime does regulate are issues like
speed to market – but it also has controls over governance        monitoring and independent oversight, conflicts of interest,
aspects that are absent in unregulated vehicles and which         conduct, reporting, fitness and probity of directors etc. “The

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Ireland ILP IN FOCUS 2021 - Matheson

regulatory regime provides several protections        didn’t have the structure available. Now this
for investors without any of the elements             has changed and we’re on a level playing
which could cause a drag on the fund or stop          field with other jurisdictions like Luxembourg,”
the managers from doing what they want to             O’Connor comments.
do,” O’Connor adds.                                       He believes the initial appetite for the
                                                      structure will be from managers who don’t
Greater on-shoring                                    already have a European footprint: “There is
Traditionally, investors largely got exposure to      a lot more interest coming from managers
these alternative asset classes through unreg-        who are coming to Europe for the first time
ulated funds. However, as more investors have         and therefore with a completely clean slate–
been on-shoring their investments, motivated          primarily from the US. This is because those
by tax implications and other factors, having a       who already have Luxembourg partnerships
regulated alternative is particularly attractive.     will be less likely to move existing funds or to
    “The appetite for more regulation has             use the ILP for the next vintage of an existing
become a long-running theme in the indus-             fund. However, those managers will consider
try. In addition to the current pandemic, the         the ILP as an option when looking to set up a
2008 financial crisis and scandals like the           completely new fund.”
Bernie Madoff fraud case caused investors                 In O’Connor’s view, the growth of the
to feel a bit lost. The investor sentiment was        ILP will start off as a trickle which may then
then complemented by the introduction of              become a deluge: “I think it will be a slow
the Alternative Investment Fund Managers              burner initially but once it gets going, it could
Directive, which drove managers and their cli-        be very successful. For years, managers have
ents towards regulated products. Further, for         been saying to us that “if only” Ireland had
some investors, especially in the institutional       a suitable partnership, they would have set
and pension space, the need for regulated             their fund up here.” He says Matheson gave
funds was then built into their mandates.”            52 presentations to clients and prospective
    “This direction of travel towards regu-           clients between the middle of January and
lated funds has been sustained but it’s now           the end of February, which is indicative of the
being pushed along by tax issues as well.             appetite for this structure.
Having the Cayman Islands going on and off                Now that Ireland is on a level playing field
the European Union blacklist has left some            in terms of the structures it offers, the juris-
investors wary of investing in Cayman funds           diction can focus on its differentiating factors.
because of the worry that the jurisdiction will       O’Connor says: “Now that we’re at the table
be blacklisted again,” O’Connor outlines.             and can have these conversations, we can
    Ireland has a strong track record in pro-         highlight things that managers have said
viding regulated alternative funds. O’Connor          (all else being equal) attract them to Ireland,
details: “Back when the focus on regulation           including that English is our first language and
began to ramp up, Ireland had a fantastic head        Ireland is a common law jurisdiction, which is
start. We were one of the few, if not the only,       familiar to managers outside of Europe. Also,
jurisdictions in the world that offered hedge         other cultural factors come into play, such as
funds that were regulated.”                           service standards. We bring a solutions-driven
                                                      mind-set rather than a more administrative
Final piece of the puzzle                             approach which people might perceive is
The ILP has completed Ireland’s offer as a            offered elsewhere.” n
financial jurisdiction. The amended legislation
provides the last piece of the puzzle, allowing
Ireland to offer a suitable vehicle for all strate-
                                                       Barry O’Connor
gies and investor types.                               Partner, Matheson
   “The main benefit of this law is not any indi-
vidual feature of the structure itself, but rather     Barry O’Connor is a partner in the Asset Management and Investment Funds
                                                       Group at Matheson. He practices financial services law and advises many of
the fact that Ireland now has a partnership that
                                                       the world’s leading financial institutions, investment banks, asset management
works. Before this law was enacted, manag-             companies, broker-dealers and corporations carrying on business through Irish
ers had a hard reason not to come to Ireland           domiciled investment funds (ICAVs, investment companies, unit trusts, CCFs and
                                                       ILPs) and Irish domiciled management companies (UCITS and AIFMs).
when setting up partnerships – we simply

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