Investor Presentation - May 2021 - ARC Resources Ltd.

Page created by Andy Adkins
Investor Presentation - May 2021 - ARC Resources Ltd.
May 2021
Investor Presentation - May 2021 - ARC Resources Ltd.
The Largest Pure-play Montney Producer
                                                                                                                               Shares outstanding                                                                          724 million

                                                                                                                               Market capitalization(1)                                                                    $6.0 billion

                                                                                                                               Net debt(2)                                                                                 $2.4 billion

                                                                                                                               Enterprise value(1)(2)                                                                      $8.4 billion

                                                                                                                               Quarterly dividend                                                                         $0.06/share

                                                                                                                               Dividends paid since inception                                                              $6.7 billion

                                                                                                                               Montney production by operator(3)(4)


 (1)    Market capitalization as of May 5, 2021.
 (2)    Combined pro forma net debt excluding lease obligations as of March 31, 2021. Refer to the “Capital Management” note
        in ARC’s financial statements and to the section entitled “Combined Pro Forma Reconciliations” within the Advisory







        Statements to this presentation for the calculation of Seven Generations’ net debt excluding lease obligations as of






        March 31, 2021.
 (3)    Source: Company reports, estimated operated Montney volumes used in the absence of public disclosure.
 (4)    Includes ARC’s non-core Pembina production.

                                    Leading energy producer focused on its disciplined, returns-focused value proposition                                                                                                                         2

 Positioned for Success

  Size and                                           Capital Allocation Strong Financial                                                                 Cost Savings                                       ESG
  Scale                                              Optionality        Position                                                                         and Synergies                                      Leadership

       + Largest pure-play                            + Significant free funds                          + Investment-grade entity                        + Annual cost savings of                           + Commitment to
         Montney producer                               flow(1) generation                                provides cost of capital                         approximately $160 million                         responsible development
       + Sixth-largest energy                         + Ability to increase return of                     advantage                                        resulting from acquisition                       + Lowest GHG emissions
         company in Canada                              capital to shareholders and                     + Strong deleveraging profile                      of Seven Generations(3)                            intensity producer
       + Commodity and                                  fund development of                               and ample liquidity                            + Near-term focus will be to                       + Established platform for
         geographic diversity                           Attachie                                        + Net debt(2) expected to be                       integrate Kakwa asset into                         commercializing
       + Optionality through all                      + Dividend remains a key                            reduced to low end of target                     ARC’s portfolio to realize                         responsibly developed
         price cycles                                   component of shareholder                          range of 1.0 to 1.5 times                        operating, drilling, and                           resource
       + Low cost of capital                            returns                                           annualized funds from                            completions efficiencies
                                                      + Returns-focused value                             operations by year-end 2021

 (1)    Free Funds Flow is a non-GAAP measure that does not have any standardized meaning under IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. Refer to the Advisory Statements to this presentation.
 (2)    Excluding lease obligations. Refer to the “Capital Management” note in ARC’s financial statements.
 (3)    Includes finance costs that are expected to be approximately $50 million lower for the combined entity than they would have been if the Seven Generations senior notes remained outstanding.

         ARC is uniquely positioned to create significant shareholder value following the acquisition of Seven Generations                                                                                                                        3

05/05/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1
Investor Presentation - May 2021 - ARC Resources Ltd.
Guiding Principles

       Sustainable business                                                                      Risk management                                                             Superior capital discipline
                                                                                           around all aspects of the                                                         and allocation with strong free
       model with best-in-class                                                         business including maintaining                                                         funds flow(1) generation to
                assets and focus on                                                      a strong financial position at                                                         ensure optimal returns to
               long-term profitability                                                    all commodity price levels                                                                  shareholders

                                               Operational excellence
                                              and top-tier ESG performance                                                           infrastructure to support
                                                   through efficient and                                                              operational control, low cost
                                                  disciplined execution                                                                 structure, and optimized
                                                                                                                                            revenue streams

 (1)   Free Funds Flow is a non-GAAP measure that does not have any standardized meaning under IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. Refer to the Advisory Statements to this presentation.

                                  Guiding principles have created a strong foundation for excellent business performance                                                                                                                         4

 2021 Business Priorities
 1. Protect strong financial                                                         2. Demonstrate capital                                                                3. Deliver meaningful
    position and maintain                                                               discipline and profitability                                                          returns to
    flexibility                                                                         of investments                                                                        shareholders

 + Strengthen balance sheet with                                                     + Integrate Kakwa asset into ARC’s                                                    + Generate funds from operations to:
   free funds flow(1)                                                                  portfolio and focus on realizing                                                        + Pay dividend
 + Reduce net debt(2) to annualized                                                                                                                                            + Sustain production
   funds from operations to low end                                                  + Execute capital program to                                                              + Substantially reduce net
   of target range of 1.0 to 1.5 times                                                 sustain production at core                                                                debt(2)
                                                                                       Montney areas
 + Execute additional commodity                                                                                                                                            + Declare dividends of $0.24/share
   hedges to de-risk pricing volatility                                                  + Majority of program made up
                                                                                           of profitable half-cycle                                                        + Once net debt(2) to annualized
                                                                                           investments                                                                       funds from operations is at the low
                                                                                         + Two small-scale                                                                   end of target range, consider:
                                                                                           infrastructure optimization                                                          + Increasing returns to
                                                                                           projects at Sunrise and                                                                shareholders
                                                                                           Parkland/Tower                                                                       + Investing in profitable
                                                                                                                                                                                  growth at Attachie
 (1)   Free Funds Flow is a non-GAAP measure that does not have any standardized meaning under IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. Refer to the Advisory Statements to this presentation.
 (2)   Excluding lease obligations. Refer to the “Capital Management” note in ARC’s financial statements.

 Protect the balance sheet, support the dividend, prioritize capital investments that drive long-term value and profitability                                                                                                                    5

05/05/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2
Investor Presentation - May 2021 - ARC Resources Ltd.
Q1 2021 in Review
                                             Production                                                                               Capital expenditures
                                             boe/day                                                                                  $ millions

                                               ARC                                                   170,430                            ARC                                                      125.7

                                               Seven Generations                                     180,774                            Seven Generations                                        148.3

                                               Combined pro forma(1)                                 351,204                            Combined pro forma(1)                                    274.0

 Funds from operations                                                                   Free funds flow(2)                                                                       Net debt(3)
 $ millions                                                                              $ millions                                                                               $ millions

  ARC                                                        273.9                          ARC                                                      148.2                          ARC                                                       568.0

  Seven Generations                                          300.6                          Seven Generations                                        152.3                          Seven Generations                                      1,786.9

  Combined pro forma(1)                                      574.5                          Combined pro forma(1)                                    300.5                          Combined pro forma(1)                                  2,354.9

 (1)   Combined pro forma production, capital expenditures, funds from operations, and free funds flow represent the results of ARC plus Seven Generations for the three months ended March 31, 2021. Combined pro forma net debt excluding lease
       obligations represents net debt excluding lease obligations of ARC plus Seven Generations as of March 31, 2021. Refer to the section entitled “Combined Pro Forma Reconciliations” within the Advisory Statements to this presentation for the
       calculation of Seven Generations’ funds from operations and free funds flow for the three months ended March 31, 2021, and Seven Generations’ net debt excluding lease obligations as of March 31, 2021.
 (2)   Free Funds Flow is a non-GAAP measure that does not have any standardized meaning under IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. Refer to the Advisory Statements to this presentation.
 (3)   Excluding lease obligations. Refer to the “Capital Management” note in ARC’s financial statements.

              ARC is well-positioned to deliver on its 2021 business priorities following excellent performance in Q1 2021                                                                                                                                 6

 2021 Guidance – Production
                                                                                                                                  Q1 2021                           Q2 to Q4 2021                                              2021
                                                                                                                                  Actuals                            Guidance(1)(2)                                      Guidance(1)(2)
       Crude oil (bbl/day)                                                                                                             13,647                       12,000 - 13,500                                  12,000 - 13,500
       Condensate (bbl/day)                                                                                                            13,812                       69,000 - 75,000                                  55,000 - 60,000
       Crude oil and condensate (bbl/day)                                                                                              27,459                       81,000 - 88,500                                  67,000 - 73,500
       Natural gas (MMcf/day)                                                                                                                 794                        1,200 - 1,255                                    1,100 - 1,140
       NGLs (bbl/day)                                                                                                                  10,620                       49,000 - 52,000                                  40,000 - 42,000
  Total production (boe/day)                                                                                                        170,430                    330,000 - 350,000                               290,000 - 305,000

  • Q2 2021 production is expected to be ~7% lower than Q1 2021 combined pro forma production of
    351,204 boe/day due to significant turnaround activity and spring break-up impacts
  • Q3 2021 and Q4 2021 production is expected to average ~340,000 boe/day
 (1)   The Business Combination closed on April 6, 2021 and as such, 2021 guidance includes ARC's financial and operational results for the three months ended March 31, 2021 plus the Company's expectations for the combined financial and operational
       results of ARC's and Seven Generations' operations for the remaining nine months of 2021.
 (2)   COVID-19 impacts on demand and market volatility may impact ARC’s future financial and operational results. ARC will continuously monitor its guidance and provide updates as deemed appropriate.


05/05/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 3
Investor Presentation - May 2021 - ARC Resources Ltd.
2021 Guidance – Expenses and Capital Expenditures
       Expenses ($/boe)
             Operating                                                                                                                                                                                                               4.10 - 4.60
             Transportation                                                                                                                                                                                                          4.50 - 5.00
             G&A expense before share-based compensation                                                                expense(3)                                                                                                   0.90 - 1.00
             G&A - share-based compensation expense(4)                                                                                                                                                                               0.30 - 0.45
             Transaction costs                                                                                                                                                                                                       0.20 - 0.30
             Interest and financing                                                                                                                                                                                                  0.70 - 0.80
       Current income tax expense as a per cent of funds from operations                                                                                                                                                                          1-5
       Capital expenditures before land and net property acquisitions (dispositions) ($ millions)                                                                                                                                   950 - 1,000
       (1)   The Business Combination closed on April 6, 2021 and as such, 2021 guidance includes ARC's financial and operational results for the three months ended March 31, 2021 plus the Company's expectations for the combined financial and operational
             results of ARC's and Seven Generations' operations for the remaining nine months of 2021.
       (2)   COVID-19 impacts on demand and market volatility may impact ARC’s future financial and operational results. ARC will continuously monitor its guidance and provide updates as deemed appropriate.
       (3)   Excludes transaction costs associated with the Business Combination.
       (4)   Comprises expense recognized under all share-based compensations plans, with the exception of the Deferred Share Unit Plans.


 $160 Million in Annual Synergies from Acquisition of 7G
 Synergies expected by 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           $160 million

                                                                                                                                                                                          $25 million

                                                                                                                                                 $25 million

                                                                                                       $15 million

                                                            $50    million(1)


                    $45 million


                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Realized Cost Savings:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          + Finance Costs


                  Corporate Costs                           Finance Costs                        Operating Efficiencies                     Market Optimization             Drilling & Completions Efficiencies              Annual Synergies

       (1)   Finance costs are expected to be approximately $50 million lower for the combined entity than they would have been if the Seven Generations senior notes remained outstanding.

                                    Longer-term opportunities include capital allocation synergies and improved market access                                                                                                                                    9

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Investor Presentation - May 2021 - ARC Resources Ltd.
Capital Allocation Principles Remain Unchanged
 Principles                                                                                                 Priorities

                              Manage net debt(1) to funds from operations
                                                                                                                                                                                                 •Debt Reduction
                              ratio within 1.0 and 1.5 times


                              Pay sustainable dividend                                                                                                                                           •Organic
                                                                                                               Funds from
                              Profitably sustain production through efficient                                  Operations
                              execution and controlled decline rate
                              Focused on:                                                                                                                                    ~$1 billion

                                                                                                                                                                              per year
                              • Protecting strong financial position                                                                     $174 million or

                                 and maintaining flexibility                                                                             $0.24 per share
                              • Prioritizing profitability and value                                                                         per year
                                 over volumes
                              • Returning capital to shareholders
                                                                                                                   Inflows                             2                          3
                                                                                                                                                                              Outflows                  4

 (1)   Excluding lease obligations. Refer to the “Capital Management” note in ARC’s financial statements.

                                  ARC’s capital allocation continues to focus on delivering strong returns to shareholders                                                                                          10

 Investment-grade Entity
 Bank credit facility                                                                                       Long-term notes repayment schedule(1)
                                                                                                            Cdn$ millions
 + $2.0 billion unsecured extendible revolving credit facility
 + ~$1.2 billion of available liquidity
 + Credit facility matures in 2024
                                                                                                                                                                                                 3.72% US$ Note
                                                                                                                                                                                                 8.21% US$ Note
 Long-term debt refinancing                                                                                                                                                                      5.36% US$ Note
                                                                                                             300                                                                                 3.31% US$ Note
                                                                                                                                                                                                 3.81% US$ Note
 + Issued two tranches of private unsecured notes of $1 billion
                                                                                                                                                                                                 4.49% Cdn$ Note
   aggregate principal amount in Q1 2021
                                                                                                             150                                                                                 2.354% Cdn$ Note
   + DBRS credit rating of BBB with a stable trend
                                                                                                                                                                                                 3.465% Cdn$ Note
   + Weighted average interest rate of 2.965%
   + Average term of 7.75 years                                                                                0











 + Proceeds were used to retire and/or defease Seven
   Generations’ senior notes, which had a weighted average
   interest rate of 5.955%, and to repay Seven Generations’ credit
 (1)   Assumes Cdn$/US$ exchange rate of 1.2572 at March 31, 2021.

                                                                 Investment-grade status provides cost of capital advantage                                                                                         11

05/05/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                          5
Investor Presentation - May 2021 - ARC Resources Ltd.
Asset Overview

                  ~3,500 boe/day
                  Complete detailed engineering
                  work for development
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ante Creek
                  Greater Dawson                                                                                                                                                                          ~$60MM Ɣ 16 wells
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~17,000 boe/day
                  ~$240MM Ɣ 44 wells                                                                                                                                                                      Deliver profitable light oil
                  ~93,000 boe/day                                                                                                                                                                         production by leveraging 2020
                  Sustain production and                                                                                                                                                                  facility expansion
                  complete small-scale facility
                  sour conversion and optimization
                  project at Parkland/Tower                                                                                                                        Kakwa                                  Kakwa
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~$525MM Ɣ 55 wells
                  Sunrise                                                                                                                                                                                 ~180,000 boe/day
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Integrate asset and focus on
                  ~$80MM Ɣ 9 wells                                                                                                                                                                        maximizing free funds flow(1)
                  ~40,000 boe/day                                                                                                                                                                         generation
                  Expand existing facility by 40 MMcf/day
                                                    italize on
                  and maximize throughput to capitalize
                  anticipated strength in natural gass pricing
 Note: Well counts denote wells drilled in calendar year; number of wells with completions activities in calendar year may vary.
 (1) Free Funds Flow is a non-GAAP measure that does not have any standardized meaning under IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. Refer to the Advisory Statements to this presentation.

        2021 priorities focused on asset integration, sustaining production, and maximizing free funds flow(1) generation                                                                                                                      12

 Commitment to ESG Leadership
                                Environmental                                                   Social                                                           Governance

                             + Maintain standing as lowest                                   + Be an industry leader in                                      + Manage risks around all aspects
                               GHG emissions intensity                                         health and safety practices                                     of the business
                               producer amongst Canadian                                       and performance
                               E&P peer group                                                                                                                + Ensure appropriate oversight of
                                                                                             + Form strong relationships with                                  ESG strategies and practices
                             + Awarded CDP score of “A-” on                                    stakeholders and Indigenous
                               Climate Change and “B” on                                       communities                                                   + Align executive compensation
                               Water Security                                                                                                                  with performance, including
                                                                                             + Maintain a diverse and                                          incorporating ESG metrics into
                             + Provide low-carbon energy for                                   inclusive workforce                                             determination of compensation
                               the future through technology                                   + Member of 30% Club and                                        levels
                               and innovation                                                    Bloomberg Gender-Equality
                             + Responsibly manage water use
                               in operations                                                 + Create shared value for society

                             + Proactively restore land

                            ARC is committed to delivering strong ESG performance and leading reporting transparency                                                                                                                           13

05/05/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     6
Investor Presentation - May 2021 - ARC Resources Ltd.
ESG Excellence
 Oil and gas companies’ relative ESG rankings(1)                                                                                                        2019 GHG emissions intensity(2)

                               70         Africa                                                                                                          0.12
 Social and Governance Score

                                          Latin America                                                                                                   0.09
                                          Middle East
                                          Russia                                                                             ARC
                               58         United States



                                                                                                                                                                    ARC 2019

                                                                                                                                                                                     ARC 2018
                                    40                  46               52           58                            64                  70
                                                                       Environmental Score

   (1)                         Source: BMO Capital Markets; Yale Environmental Performance Index (EPI); Social Progress Imperative; Worldbank Worldwide Governance Indicators, BMO Capital Markets; Bloomberg; CSRHub. For presentation, an equal weight (1/3) of each
                               index is represented.
   (2)                         Performance data for 2019 GHG emissions intensities comes from 2019 CDP submissions and other publicly available data sources. Peer group includes: BNP, BTE, CNQ, CPG, CVE, ERF, MEG, NVA, OVV, PEY, SU, TOU, VET, WCP.

                                                              ARC is the lowest GHG emissions intensity producer amongst Canadian E&P group                                                                                                                              14

 Network of Owned-and-operated Infrastructure
 Combined network of owned-and-operated infrastructure

   + Natural gas processing and sales capacity of 1.5 Bcf/day
   + Ability to optimize larger portfolio, which has access to
     downstream markets across North America

 Benefits of owned-and-operated infrastructure

   + Lowers cost structure and increases funds from
   + Provides ability to manage production based upon
     prevailing commodity prices to optimize revenues
   + Retains economics of facility optimization projects

                                                    Owned-and-operated infrastructure affords greater optionality and control over cost structure                                                                                                                        15

05/05/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               7
Investor Presentation - May 2021 - ARC Resources Ltd.
Natural Gas Financial and Physical Price Management
 WCSB demand and export capacity growth(1)                                                                                           Natural gas realizations(2)(3) and diversification(4)(5)

                                                                                                                                                              5.00                                                                $4.39

                                                                                                                                                              4.00                                                                $1.41
                            5.4 Bcf/day Demand & Export Capacity                                                                                                                                                        $2.82

                                                                                                                                                              3.00                                                                          Realized Gain (Loss) on
                                  Growth Expected by 2025                                                                                                                $2.14         $2.03            $2.18                               Risk Management Contracts
                                                                                                                                                              2.00                     $0.11            $0.02                               Diversification Activities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        $2.94     $3.19     Average Price before
                                                                                                                                                              1.00       $2.13         $2.07            $2.26                               Diversification Activities
            LNG Canada Phase 1                                                                                                                                                                                         ($0.06)
                                                                                                                                                              0.00      ($0.08)       ($0.15)          ($0.10)
             +2.1 Bcf/day by 2025                                                                                                                                                                                      ($0.06)   ($0.21)
                                                            Intra-Alberta Demand                                                                                        Q1 2020       Q2 2020          Q3 2020        Q4 2020    Q1 2021
                                                             +1.5 Bcf/day by 2025
              Enbridge T-South Capacity                                                                                                                                    8%                   9%               9%              9%
                 +0.2 Bcf/day by 2021                                                NGTL East Gate Capacity                                                               7%                   9%               9%              12%
                                                                                                                                                                           1%                                                               Dawn Floating
                                                                                       +1.3 Bcf/day by 2022                                                    75%

                                                                                                                                      % of Total Production
                                                                                                                                                                           28%                                                   15%        Malin Floating
                                           NGTL West Gate Capacity                                                                                                                                               15%             16%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Henry Hub Floating
                                             +0.3 Bcf/day by 2023                                                                                              50%         13%                                                              Midwest US Floating
                                                                                                                                                                                                21%                                         WCSB Floating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 39%                        Hedged
                                                                                                                                                               25%                                                               41%
                                                                                                                                                                         Bal 2021               2022             2023            2024
 (1)   Source: ARC Risk Research, TC Energy, Enbridge, company reports.
 (2)   Natural gas realizations are for ARC as a stand-alone entity.
 (3)   R   li d gain
       Realized     i (loss)
                      (l   ) on risk
                                 i k managementt contracts
                                                      t t isi nott included
                                                                   i l d d in
                                                                            i ARC’s
                                                                              ARC’ realized
                                                                                        li d natural
                                                                                               t l gas price.
 (4)   Diversification based on internal volume and marketing assumptions for the combined pro forma entity, adjusted for ARC’s heat content.
 (5)   “Hedged” includes all physical and financial fixed price swaps, collars, and 3-ways.

                                                Well-diversified North American natural gas exposure increases optionality                                                                                                                                               16

 Canadian Condensate Market
 Crude oil and condensate pricing(1)                                                                                                 WCSB condensate supply and demand(2)(3)
 US$/bbl                                                                                                                             Mbbl/day

  80                                                                                                                                              800

  60                                                                                                                                              600

  40                                                                                                                                              400

  20                                                                                                                                              200

   0                                                                                                                                                            0
       2017                     2018                      2019                      2020                      2021                                                     2017         2018        2019        2020         2021F   2022F     2023F        2024F
                                        WTI            Condensate                 WCS                                                                               WCSB Condensate Supply                Imports Required        WCSB Condensate Demand

  • Heavy reliance on imported volumes from the US results in                                                                                          • WCSB condensate demand is expected to stay well in excess of
    Canadian condensate trading within a very tight range to WTI                                                                                         local supply for the foreseeable future
 (1)   Source: Bloomberg.
 (2)   Source: ARC Risk Research, AER, BCOGC, COLC.
 (3)   Forecast includes the impact of GEI/USD Diluent Recovery Unit assuming 2021 on-stream date.

                    Continued reliance on imported condensate volumes is constructive for Canadian condensate pricing                                                                                                                                                    17

05/05/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               8
Investor Presentation - May 2021 - ARC Resources Ltd.
Significant Cash Flow Protection
 Crude oil and condensate production hedged(1)                                                    Natural gas production hedged(1)
 Mbbl/day, %                                                                                      MMBtu/day, %

  48                                                                                        60%    720,000                                                                                                60%

  36                                                                                        45%    540,000                                                                                                45%

  24                                                                                        30%    360,000                                                                                                30%

  12                                                                                        15%    180,000                                                                                                15%

       0                                                                                    0%               0                                                                                            0%
                    Q2 2021                 Q3 2021           Q4 2021              2022                               Q2 2021              Q3 2021               Q4 2021                 2022

                                          Production Hedged       % Hedged                                                          Production Hedged               % Hedged

 (1)       Positions as of May 5, 2021.

                                                      ARC is well-hedged with a long-term focus on reducing downside risk in                                                                                      18
                                                            funds from operations and creating certainty in cash flows

 Greater Dawson Overview
 Snapshot                                                                                         Development plan
 Q1 2021 Production                         Total: 99,003 boe/day                                 • Maximize throughput to capitalize on strength in natural gas pricing
                                            Natural gas: 469 MMcf/day
                                            Crude oil & liquids: 20,885 bbl/day                   • Improve Parkland/Tower’s deliverability and profitability with facility
                                                                                                    optimization and sour conversion project

                      Tower                                                                       Infrastructure build-out(1)
                                            Phase I & II
                                            Gas Plants
                                                                                                     Montney Natural Gas Processing Capacity
                                                                           Phase III & IV            Montney Crude Oil & Liquids Processing Capacity                                     Parkland/
                                                                            Gas Plants                                                                                         Dawson      Tower        Total
                                                Parkland                                                                                                                       Phase IV Optimization   Capacity
                                                                        Phase I & II                                                                Dawson      Phase I & II
                                                                        Gas Plants                                                                  Phase III    Upgrade
                                                               Dawson                                                       Parkland/
                                                                                                                             Phase I
                                                                                                                 Phase II
             Pembina & Enbridge                                                                    Dawson
                                                                                                   Phase I
             Parkland-Dawson Interconnect Pipeline
                                                                                                    2010         2011        2013        2015        2017         2019         Q2 2020 Q3 2021
 (1)       Represents owned-and-operated infrastructure.

                                          Large integrated network of owned-and-operated infrastructure with low cost structure                                                                                   19

05/05/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                        9
Sunrise Overview
 Snapshot                                                                              Development plan
 Q1 2021 Production                    Total: 40,913 boe/day                           • Complete infrastructure optimization project to add 40 MMcf/day of
                                       Natural gas: 245 MMcf/day                         processing and sales capacity
                                       Crude oil & liquids: 41 bbl/day
                                                                                       • Maximize throughput to capitalize on strength in natural gas pricing

                                                                Phase I & II
                                                                                       Infrastructure build-out(1)
                                                                Gas Plants
                                                                                           Montney Natural Gas Processing Capacity

                                                                                                                                     Phase I & II    Total
                                                                                                                   Sunrise           Expansion      Capacity
                                                                                                                   Phase II

                                                                                              Phase I

                                                                                                  2015            2018 - 2019         Q2 2021
 (1)   Represents owned-and-operated infrastructure.

                                           Low-cost natural gas development with excellent deliverability and profitability                                     20

 Kakwa Overview
 Snapshot                                                                              Asset overview
 Q1 2021 Production                    Total: 180,774 boe/day                          Nest 1: Ultra-rich condensate region
                                       Crude oil & liquids: 101,300 bbl/day
                                       Natural gas: 477 MMcf/day                       Nest 2: Primary liquids-rich region
                                                                                       Nest 3: High-deliverability natural gas-weighted region
                                                                 Cutbank               Development plan
                                                                                       • Integrate Kakwa asset into ARC’s portfolio and focus on realizing
          Wapiti                                                                       • Leverage Seven Generations’ recent innovations on well and pad
                                                                                         designs to optimize inter-well spacing for future pad development
                                                                 Nest 1                • Sustain production at ~180,000 boe/day
                                          Nest 2
                                                       Pembina                 Lator
                                                       Kakwa River
                                                                                       Natural gas processing and sales
                                                                                       •   760 MMcf/day of owned-and-operated capacity
                                                             Nest 3
                                                                                              •     Cutbank, Lator, and Gold Creek
                                                            Rich Gas                   Condensate stabilization
             Deep Southwest                                                            •   >60 Mbbl/day of owned-and-operated capacity

               Development of condensate-rich asset focused on efficient execution and capital efficiency improvements                                          21

05/05/2021                                                                                                                                                      10
Ante Creek Overview
 Snapshot                                                                                       Development plan
 Q1 2021 Production                    Total: 17,099 boe/day                                    • Deliver profitable light oil production by leveraging 2020 facility
                                       Crude oil & liquids: 8,534 bbl/day                         expansion
                                       Natural gas: 51 MMcf/day

                                                       Gas Plant                                Infrastructure build-out(1)
                                                                                                   Montney Natural Gas Processing Capacity
                                                                 10-7                              Montney Crude Oil & Liquids Processing Capacity
                                                               Gas Plant

                                                                                                                                                 Ante Creek
                                              10-36                                                                                                10-36        Total
                                             Gas Plant                                                                      Ante Creek           Expansion     Capacity
                                                                                                                             Phase I

                                                                                                 Existing Infrastructure      2012                   Q2 2020
 (1)   Represents owned-and-operated infrastructure.

                                                                           Stable, low-risk light oil development                                                         22

 Attachie Overview
 Snapshot                                                                                       Development plan
 Q1 2021 Production                    Total: 4,593 boe/day                                     • Complete detailed engineering work for development
                                       Crude oil & liquids: 2,619 bbl/day
                                       Natural gas: 12 MMcf/day                                 • Recommence drilling activities once development is undertaken to
                                                                                                  ensure the most efficient and profitable execution possible

                                                                                                Infrastructure build-out(1)
                                                                                                   Montney Natural Gas Processing Capacity
                                                                                                   Montney Crude Oil & Liquids Processing Capacity
                                                         Phase I
                                                        Gas Plant                                                                    Attachie West
                                                                                                                                        Phase I
                               (3.5 Mbbl/day)

         North Montney Mainline
                                                                                                  Existing Infrastructure
 (1)   Represents owned-and-operated infrastructure.

  ARC expects to make sanctioning decision in H2 2021 for first phase of development of large condensate-rich resource                                                    23

05/05/2021                                                                                                                                                                11
Additional Information

 Asset Details

                                                    Greater Dawson       Sunrise           Kakwa           Ante Creek       Attachie

  Net production – Q1 2021
   Crude oil & liquids (bbl/day)                             20,885                41           101,300            8,534           2,619
   Natural gas (MMcf/day)                                       469               245               477               51              12
   Total (boe/day)                                           99,003            40,913           180,774           17,099           4,593
   Net sections                                                 231                36               779              196             308
   Net acres                                                149,800            23,100           498,500          125,500         202,000
   Working interest                                           ~97%              ~93%              ~99%            ~100%            ~99%

  PDP Reserves (MMboe)                                          139                 66               259               22                7
   Liquids (MMbbl)                                             26.5                  -             141.2             11.1              3.3
   Gas (Bcf)                                                    679                394               708               67               20

 (1)   Denote Montney sections and acreage only.

                                         Commodity and geographic diversity across asset portfolio provides optionality                      25

05/05/2021                                                                                                                                   12
Historical Performance(1)
 Production                                                                               Net debt(2) to FFO                                                                      Dividends(3)
 Mboe/day                                                                                 $ billions, ratio                                                                       $ billions, % of FFO

  180                                                                                        1.6                                                                      2.5         8                                                                   120%

  135                                                                                        1.2                                                                                  6                                                                   90%


  90                                                                                         0.8                                                                                  4                                                                   60%


  45                                                                                         0.4                                                                                  2                                                                   30%

       0                                                                                     0.0                                                                      0.0         0                                                                   0%

                                                                                                   2021 YTD

                                                                                                                                                                                      2021 YTD
           2021 YTD

                         Montney Natural Gas (boe/day)
                         Non-Montney Natural Gas (boe/day)                                                  Net Debt (LHS)
                         Montney Crude Oil & Liquids (bbl/day)                                              Annualized Funds from Operations (LHS)                                                  Cumulative Dividend (LHS)
                         Non-Montney Crude Oil & Liquids (bbl/day)                                          Net Debt to Annualized Funds from Operations (RHS)                                      Dividends as a % of Funds from Operations (RHS)

 (1)       Historical performance is for ARC as a stand-alone entity and presents results up to and including March 31, 2021.
 (2)       Net debt presented for 2021 onwards excludes lease obligations. Refer to the “Capital Management” note in ARC’s financial statements.
 (3)       Dividends as a per cent of funds from operations calculated as dividends before Dividend Reinvestment Plan and Stock Dividend Program.

                                                  ARC has managed a profitable business through all commodity price cycles                                                                                                                                   26
                                                  with its efficient Montney assets, capital discipline, and strong balance sheet

 Historical Performance(1)
 Annual produced reserves replacement(2)

                                                        Growth through Acquisition                         Organic Growth




                 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
                       Reserves Replacement - Development                             Reserves Replacement - Net Acquisitions & Dispositions                                    Reserves Replacement - Total                     Production

 • ARC’s 2020 finding and development costs were $2.34/boe for 2P reserves and $2.60/boe for TP reserves(3)
 (1)       Historical performance is for ARC as a stand-alone entity and present results up to and included December 31, 2020.
 (2)       1997 to 2002 reserves data is based on company interest established reserves (proved plus 50 per cent of probable reserves). 2003 to 2020 reserves data is based on gross interest proved plus probable reserves.
 (3)       Includes future development capital.

                                                                         203% of produced reserves replaced in 2020                                                                                                                                          27
                                                                 150% reserves replacement or greater for 13th consecutive year

05/05/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  13
Risk Management Contracts Positions at March 31, 2021(1)
                                                                      Q2 2021 to Q4 2021                               2022                                     2023                                    2024                                    2025
 Crude Oil – WTI                                                  US$/bbl            bbl/day                US$/bbl            bbl/day              US$/bbl             bbl/day             US$/bbl             bbl/day             US$/bbl             bbl/day
 Ceiling                                                           56.65             12,113                  56.17              11,000                -                     -                 -                     -                 -                    -
 Floor                                                             48.63             12,113                  47.05              11,000                -                     -                 -                     -                 -                    -
 Sold Floor                                                        40.01              8,662                  37.81              8,000                 -                     -                 -                     -                 -                    -
 Swap                                                              40.01              1,662                    -                   -                  -                     -                 -                     -                 -                    -
 Sold Swaption(2)                                                  43.00              1,338                    -                   -                  -                     -                 -                     -                 -                    -
 Total Crude Oil Volumes (bbl/day)                                                   13,775                                     11,000                                      -                                       -                                      -
 Crude Oil – MSW (Differential to WTI)(3)                         US$/bbl            bbl/day               US$/bbl             bbl/day             US$/bbl              bbl/day            US$/bbl              bbl/day            US$/bbl              bbl/day
 Swap                                                              (6.11)             5,000                    -                   -                   -                    -                  -                    -                  -                   -
 Natural Gas – NYMEX Henry Hub(4)                                US$/MMBtu         MMBtu/day              US$/MMBtu           MMBtu/day           US$/MMBtu            MMBtu/day          US$/MMBtu            MMBtu/day          US$/MMBtu            MMBtu/day
 Ceiling                                                            3.15            177,891                  3.13              115,000               2.74                10,000              2.74                10,000                -                   -
 Floor                                                              2.61            177,891                  2.60              115,000               2.50                10,000              2.50                10,000                -                   -
 Sold Floor                                                         2.12            136,727                  2.19               85,000               2.10                10,000              2.10                10,000                -                   -
 Natural Gas – AECO 7A                                            Cdn$/GJ            GJ/day                Cdn$/GJ             GJ/day              Cdn$/GJ              GJ/day             Cdn$/GJ              GJ/day             Cdn$/GJ              GJ/day
 Ceiling                                                            2.41            120,000                  2.52              160,000               2.40                90,000              2.40                90,000              2.73               20,000
 Floor                                                              1.95            120,000                  1.99              160,000               1.87                90,000              1.87                90,000              2.00               20,000
 Sold Floor                                                           -                 -                    1.75               20,000                 -                    -                  -                    -                  -                   -
 Swap                                                               2.30             83,345                  2.23               20,000               2.06                10,000              2.06                10,000                -                   -
 Sold Swaption(2)                                                     -                 -                    2.00               20,000                 -                    -                  -                    -                  -                   -
 Total Natural Gas Volumes (MMBtu/day)                                              370,625                                    285,607                                  104,782                                 104,782                                 18,956
 Natural Gas – AECO Basis (Differential to NYMEX
   Henry Hub)                                                    US$/MMBtu            MMBtu/day           US$/MMBtu           MMBtu/day           US$/MMBtu            MMBtu/day          US$/MMBtu            MMBtu/day          US$/MMBtu            MMBtu/day
 Sold Swap                                                         (0.93)              66,673               (0.88)             35,000               (0.91)              70,000              (0.91)              70,000              (0.66)              25,000
 Total AECO Basis Volumes (MMBtu/day)                                                  66,673                                  35,000                                   70,000                                  70,000                                  25,000
 Natural Gas – Other Basis (Differential to NYMEX Henry
   Hub)(5)                                                                            MMBtu/day                              MMBtu/day                               MMBtu/day                                 MMBtu/day                               MMBtu/day
 Sold Swap                                                                             110,000                                 110,000                                 80,000                                    4,973                                    -
 Foreign Exchange Contract                                               Settlement Date                    Notional Amount ($ millions)            Exchange Rate (Cdn$/US$)
 Bought Forward                                                           April 1, 2021                                360                                   1.2605
 Bought Call                                                              April 13, 2021                               25                                    1.2810
 Variable Rate Collar(6)                                                 August 23, 2021                               10                                1.2549 - 1.3000
 (1)   The prices and volumes in this table represent averages for several contracts representing different periods. The average price for the portfolio of options listed above does not have the same payoff profile as the individual option contracts. Viewing the
       average price of a group of options is purely for indicative purposes. All positions are financially settled against the benchmark prices.
 (2)   The sold swaption allows the counterparty, at a specific future date, to enter into a swap with ARC at the above-detailed terms. These volumes are not included in the total commodity volumes until such time that the option is exercised.
 (3)   MSW differential refers to the discount between WTI and the mixed sweet crude oil grade at Edmonton, calculated on a monthly weighted average basis in US dollars.
 (4)   Natural gas prices referenced to NYMEX Henry Hub Last Day Settlement.
 (5)   ARC has entered into basis swaps at locations other than AECO.
 (6)   Variable rate collar whereby if the Cdn$/US$ spot rate is below 1.2825 at expiry, the ceiling will re-adjust to 1.3000.


 ESG Recognitions and Rankings

  Member of MSCI Global Sustainability Index
  MSCI ESG Rating: AAA                                                                                                             Member of FTSE Russell’s FTSE4Good Index Series since 2018

  Voluntary participant since 2007                                                                                                 Member of the 30% Club since 2018
  2020 Climate Change Score: A-
  2020 Water Security Score: B

  Member of Sustainalytics’ Jantzi Social Index                                                                                    Member of Bloomberg’s Gender-Equality Index since 2021

                                                       View ARC’s 2020 ESG Report at                                                                                                                                                 29

05/05/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           14
Advisory Statements
 Notes Regarding Forward-looking Information
 This presentation contains certain forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively referred to as "forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable securities legislation
 about current expectations about the future, based on certain assumptions made by ARC. Although ARC believes that the expectations represented by such forward-looking information are reasonable, there
 can be no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking information in this presentation is identified by words such as "anticipate", "believe", "ongoing", "may", "expect", "estimate",
 "plan", "will", "project", "continue", "target", "strategy", "upholding“, or similar expressions and includes suggestions of future outcomes. In particular, but without limiting the foregoing, this presentation contains
 forward-looking information with respect to: the ability of ARC to generate free funds flow and the anticipated uses thereof; the anticipated impacts of turnaround activity and spring break-up on production and
 field operations and the corresponding decrease to production; estimated production amounts and quantities thereof; the continued electrification of well sites across ARC's asset base; the potential impact of
 COVID-19, its effect on demand and market volatility, and its possible effect on ARC's future financial and operational results; the anticipated synergies expected to be attained through corporate and finance
 cost savings, operating efficiencies, market optimization opportunities, and drilling and completions efficiencies; the expected decrease in costs resulting from the satisfaction of Seven Generations' senior
 notes; the expected reduction in ARC's ratio of net debt excluding lease obligations to annualized funds from operations; the expected increased optionality resulting from reaching ARC's debt reduction targets;
 the estimated annual capital requirements to sustain ARC's production; the anticipated core areas of ARC's future production; the planned approach to developing the Kakwa asset including plans to continue
 on the path of optimizing the inter-well spacing for future pad development in the area; ARC's continued commitment to upholding strong environmental performance by reducing its GHG emissions and a
 continued focus on a strong safety culture; ARC's intention to monitor its guidance in respect of COVID-19 and provide updates as required; ARC's priorities for the remainder of 2021; the continued payment of
 ARC's quarterly dividend and the value thereof; anticipated increases to production; the anticipated creation of a cohesive ESG strategy and the implementation thereof; impacts of and the timing of achieving
 ARC's target range of net debt excluding lease obligations to annualized funds from operations; anticipated cost savings and synergies; and other statements.
 Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information as ARC's actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied. ARC undertakes no obligation to update or
 revise any forward-looking information except as required by law. Developing forward-looking information involves reliance on a number of assumptions and consideration of certain risks and uncertainties,
 some of which are specific to ARC and others that apply to the industry generally. Material factors or assumptions on which the forward-looking information in this presentation include: ARC's ability to
 successfully integrate the business of Seven Generations; access to sufficient capital to pursue any development plans; ARC's ability to issue securities; the impacts the Business Combination may have on the
 current credit ratings of ARC; forecast commodity prices and other pricing assumptions; forecast production volumes based on business and market conditions; the accuracy of outlooks and projections
 contained herein; projected capital investment levels, the flexibility of capital spending plans, and associated sources of funding; achievement of further cost reductions and sustainability thereof; applicable
 royalty regimes, including expected royalty rates; future improvements in availability of product transportation capacity; opportunity for ARC to pay dividends and the approval and declaration of such dividends
 by the board of directors of ARC; cash flows, cash balances on hand, and access to ARC’s credit facility being sufficient to fund capital investments; foreign exchange rates; near-term pricing and continued
 volatility of the market; the ability of ARC's existing pipeline commitments and financial hedge transactions to partially mitigate a portion of ARC's risks against wider price differentials; estimates of quantities of
 crude oil, natural gas, and liquids from properties and other sources not currently classified as proved; accounting estimates and judgments; future use and development of technology and associated expected
 future results; ARC's ability to obtain necessary regulatory approvals; the successful and timely implementation of capital projects or stages thereof; the ability to generate sufficient cash flow to meet current
 and future obligations; estimated abandonment and reclamation costs, including associated levies and regulations applicable thereto; ARC's ability to obtain and retain qualified staff and equipment in a timely
 and cost-efficient manner; ARC's ability to carry out transactions on the desired terms and within the expected timelines; forecast inflation and other assumptions inherent in the guidance of ARC; the retention
 of key assets; the continuance of existing tax, royalty, and regulatory regimes; the accuracy of the estimates of each of ARC's and Seven Generations' reserve volumes; ARC's ability to access and implement
 all technology necessary to efficiently and effectively operate its assets; the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on commodity prices and the global economy; and other risks and uncertainties described from time to
 time in the filings made by ARC with securities regulatory authorities.
 The forward-looking information in this presentation also includes financial outlooks and other related forward-looking information (including production and financial-related metrics) relating to ARC following
 the completion of the Business Combination, including: the expectations of ARC regarding the impact of the Business Combination on free funds flow, net debt excluding lease obligations, production, and net
 debt excluding lease obligations to annualized funds from operations. Any financial outlook and forward-looking information implied by such forward-looking statements are described in the joint management
 information circular of ARC and Seven Generations dated March 1, 2021, and the documents incorporated by reference therein, the MD&A, and ARC's most recent annual information form, which are available
 on ARC's website at and under ARC's SEDAR profile at and are incorporated by reference herein.


 Advisory Statements
 Basis of Preparation
 All financial figures and information have been prepared in Canadian dollars (which includes references to "dollars" and "$"), except where another currency has been indicated, and in accordance with International Financial
 Reporting Standards ("IFRS" or "GAAP") as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. Production volumes are presented on a before royalties basis.

 Non-GAAP Measures
 Certain financial measures in this presentation do not have a standardized meaning as prescribed by IFRS, such as free funds flow (including on a per share basis), and therefore are considered non-GAAP measures. See the
 “Capital Management” note of ARC’s unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements as at and for the three months ended March 31, 2021 for further information on other measures contained in this presentation
 including funds from operations and net debt. These measures may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. These measures have been described and presented in order to provide shareholders,
 potential investors, and analysts with additional measures for analyzing the transaction. This additional information should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures prepared in accordance with IFRS.
 Free Funds Flow
 Management uses free funds flow as a measure of the efficiency and liquidity of its business, measuring its funds available for capital investment to manage debt levels, pay dividends, and return capital to shareholders. The
 Company computes free funds flow as funds from operations generated during the period less capital expenditures before undeveloped land purchases and property acquisitions and dispositions. By removing the impact of current
 period capital expenditures from funds from operations, Management believes this measure provides an indication to investors and shareholders of the funds the Company has available for future capital allocation decisions.

 Barrels of Oil Equivalent
 Natural gas volumes have been converted to barrels of oil equivalent (“boe") on the basis of six thousand cubic feet ("Mcf") to one barrel ("bbl"). Boe may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A conversion ratio of 6 Mcf: 1
 bbl is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent value equivalency at the wellhead. Given that the value ratio based on the current price of crude oil compared
 with natural gas is significantly different from the energy equivalency conversion ratio of 6:1, utilizing a conversion on a 6:1 basis is not an accurate reflection of value.
 Throughout this presentation, crude oil refers to tight, light, medium, and heavy crude oil product types as defined by National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities (“NI 51-101”). Natural gas refers to
 shale gas and conventional natural gas product types as defined by NI 51-101. ARC’s production of conventional natural gas is considered to be immaterial. ARC’s core producing properties that are considered to be shale gas
 include Attachie, Dawson, Parkland (including parts of Tower), and Sunrise, and as such, natural gas, condensate, and natural gas liquids (“NGLs”) are disclosed. ARC’s core producing properties that are considered to be tight oil
 include Ante Creek and parts of Tower, and as such, crude oil, natural gas, and NGLs are disclosed. ARC’s core producing property that is considered to be light crude oil is Pembina, and as such, crude oil, natural gas, and NGLs
 are disclosed. NGLs for Kakwa refer to natural gas liquids, except for condensate, which is reported separately. Natural gas for Kakwa refers to conventional natural gas and shale gas combined.
 Throughout this presentation, when condensate is disclosed, it is done so as it is the product type that is measured at the first point of sale. As per the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation (“COGE”) Handbook, condensate is a by-
 product of the NGLs product type. NGLs by-products include ethane, butane, propane, and pentanes-plus (condensate).

 Advisory – Credit Ratings
 Credit ratings are intended to provide investors with an independent measure of credit quality of an issue of securities. Credit ratings are not recommendations to purchase, hold, or sell securities and do not address the market price
 or suitability of a specific security for a particular investor. There is no assurance that any rating will remain in effect for any given period of time or that any rating will not be revised or withdrawn entirely by the rating agency in the
 future if, in its judgment, circumstances so warrant.


05/05/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       15
Advisory Statements
 Combined Pro Forma Reconciliations
 This presentation includes certain financial and operational results of Seven Generations for the three months ended March 31, 2021, which are derived from the unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements of
 Seven Generations as at and for the three months ended March 31, 2021 (the "Seven Generations Financial Statements"). The Seven Generations Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS following the
 same accounting policies as the annual audited consolidated financial statements of Seven Generations as at and for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019. Copies of the annual audited consolidated financial statements
 of Seven Generations as at and for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019 are available under Seven Generations' SEDAR profile at The Seven Generations Financial Statements were reviewed and
 approved by the Board of Directors of Seven Generations, consisting of ARC management, on April 29, 2021, and were reviewed by the Audit Committee of ARC on May 5, 2021. These results are included to provide the reader with
 an understanding of how ARC established its expectations of the financial and operational results of the Company for the balance of 2021 and beyond following the completion of the Business Combination. In this presentation,
 when these financial and operational results are added to the results of ARC for the three months ended March 31, 2021, they are referred to as "combined pro forma" results and assume the completion of the Business
 Combination as of such date. The combined pro forma results stated herein do not have any standardized meanings under IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other entities.
 Combined Pro Forma Funds from Operations                                                                                Combined Pro Forma Net Debt excluding Lease Obligations
   $ millions                                                                For the three months ended March 31, 2021     $ millions                                                                                          As at March 31, 2021

   Seven Generations                                                                                                       Seven Generations

     Cash provided by operating activities                                                                      327.5        Senior notes                                                                                                    1,536.8

     Change in non-cash working capital                                                                         (53.1)       Credit facility draws                                                                                             180.0

     Change in other long-term liabilities related to operating activities                                       26.2        Long-term portion of lease liabilities                                                                             50.1

   Seven Generations funds from operations                                                                      300.6        Long-term portion of share-based compensation liability                                                             7.1

   ARC funds from operations(1)                                                                                 273.9        Current assets                                                                                                  (411.8)

   Combined pro forma funds from operations                                                                     574.5        Current liabilities                                                                                               567.9

 Combined Pro Forma Free Funds Flow                                                                                                                                                                                                          1,930.1

   $ millions                                                                For the three months ended March 31, 2021       Current portion of risk management assets                                                                          22.5

   Seven Generations                                                                                                         Current portion of risk management liabilities                                                                  (115.6)

     Cash provided by operating activities                                                                      327.5        Net debt                                                                                                        1,837.0

     Change in non-cash working capital                                                                         (53.1)       Long-term lease liabilities                                                                                       (50.1)

     Change in other long-term liabilities related to operating activities                                       26.2      Seven Generations net debt excluding lease obligations                                                            1,786.9

   Funds from operations                                                                                        300.6      ARC net debt excluding lease obligations(1)                                                                         568.0

   Investments in oil and natural gas assets                                                                   (148.3)     Combined pro forma net debt excluding lease obligations                                                           2,354.9

   Seven Generations free funds flow                                                                            152.3      (1)   Refer to Note 9 “Capital Management” in ARC’s financial statements as at and for the three months ended March 31,
                                                                                                                                 2021 and to the sections entitled “Funds from Operations” and “Capitalization, Financial Resources and Liquidity” in
   ARC free funds flow(2)                                                                                       148.2            ARC’s MD&A.
   Combined pro forma free funds flows                                                                          300.5      (2)   Non-GAAP measure that does not have any standardized meaning under IFRS and therefore may not be comparable
                                                                                                                                 to similar measures presented by other entities. Refer to the section entitled “Non-GAAP Measures” in ARC’s MD&A.

 Advisory Statements
 Reserves Disclosures
 All reserves in this presentation are, unless indicated otherwise, as at December 31, 2020 as evaluated by GLJ Ltd. in accordance with the definitions, standards, and procedures contained in the COGE Handbook and NI 51-101.
 Kakwa reserves are as at December 31, 2020 as evaluated by McDaniel & Associates Consultants Ltd.
 All reserves and resources volumes for the Montney and elsewhere in this presentation are company gross.
 Gas volumes are “sales” for reserves.
 The amount of natural gas and liquids ultimately recovered from ARC’s the Montney resource will be primarily a function of the future price of both commodities.
 Reserves are estimated remaining quantities of crude oil and natural gas and related substances anticipated to be recoverable from known accumulations, as of a given date, based on the analysis of drilling, geological,
 geophysical, and engineering data; the use of established technology; and specified economic conditions, which are generally accepted as being reasonable. Reserves are classified according to the degree of certainty associated
 with the estimates as follows:
     Proved Reserves are those reserves that can be estimated with a high degree of certainty to be recoverable. It is likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will exceed the estimated proved reserves.
     Probable Reserves are those additional reserves that are less certain to be recovered than proved reserves. It is equally likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will be greater or less than the sum of the estimated
     proved plus probable reserves.


05/05/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              16
Investor Relations Contacts
 Kris Bibby                                                 General Investor Relations Enquiries

 Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer           403.503.8600
 403.503.8675                                                1.888.272.4900                           

 Martha Wilmot

 Investor Relations Analyst

                Visit ARC’s website at and ARC’s SEDAR profile at   34

05/05/2021                                                                                             17
                                                      2021                             2020                                     2019
($ millions, except per share amounts)                 Q1          Q4          Q3               Q2         Q1         Q4         Q3         Q2
Commodity sales from production                       525.3       363.1        285.0            217.9      269.5      325.1      253.7      282.9
   Per share, basic                                    1.49        1.03         0.81             0.62       0.76       0.92       0.72       0.80
   Per share, diluted                                  1.48        1.02         0.81             0.62       0.76       0.92       0.72       0.80
Net income (loss)                                     178.0       120.8        (66.1)           (43.5)    (558.4)     (10.2)     (57.2)      94.4
   Per share, basic                                    0.50        0.34        (0.19)           (0.12)     (1.58)     (0.03)     (0.16)      0.27
   Per share, diluted                                  0.50        0.34        (0.19)           (0.12)     (1.58)     (0.03)     (0.16)      0.27
Funds from operations(1)                              273.9       212.0        144.6            150.2      160.8      172.8      145.4      193.0
   Per share, basic                                    0.78        0.60         0.41             0.42       0.46       0.49       0.41       0.54
   Per share, diluted                                  0.77        0.60         0.41             0.42       0.46       0.49       0.41       0.54
Free funds flow(2)                                    148.2       135.3         92.0            106.1       (9.0)      31.1      (16.5)      18.8
   Per share, basic                                    0.42        0.38         0.26             0.30      (0.03)      0.09      (0.05)      0.05
   Per share, diluted                                  0.42        0.38         0.26             0.30      (0.03)      0.09      (0.05)      0.05
Dividends declared                                     21.3        21.3         21.2             21.3       42.5       53.1       53.1       53.1
   Per share(3)                                        0.06        0.06         0.06             0.06       0.12       0.15       0.15       0.15
Total assets                                        6,011.1     4,954.2      4,982.9          5,136.8    5,172.6    5,778.3    5,819.2    5,878.9
Total liabilities                                   3,062.8     2,163.6      2,292.7          2,360.3    2,332.4    2,338.4    2,317.1    2,267.7
Net debt(1)                                           613.6       742.7        867.8            961.1    1,079.7      940.2      945.5      829.2
Net debt excluding lease obligations(1)               568.0       693.5        834.2            923.0    1,037.3      894.0      897.4      779.3
Weighted average shares, basic                        353.4       353.4        353.4            353.4      353.4      353.4      353.4      353.4
Weighted average shares, diluted                      354.4       354.3        353.4            353.4      353.4      353.4      353.4      353.9
Shares outstanding, end of period                     353.4       353.4        353.4            353.4      353.4      353.4      353.4      353.4
Geological and geophysical                              2.0         2.5          2.4              3.4       6.5        0.9        1.1        0.3
Drilling and completions                               90.3        68.1         40.8             31.8     131.3       86.7      101.0      110.1
Plant and facilities                                   21.8         3.1          5.9              8.3      25.8       47.5       51.1       56.2
Maintenance and optimization                            4.4         1.5          2.1              1.4       4.4        3.0        6.2        5.8
Corporate                                               7.2         1.5          1.4             (0.8)      1.8        3.6        2.5        1.8
Total capital expenditures                            125.7        76.7         52.6             44.1     169.8      141.7      161.9      174.2
Undeveloped land                                         —           —            —                —         —          —         0.7         —
Total capital expenditures, including undeveloped
   land purchases                                     125.7         76.7        52.6             44.1     169.8      141.7      162.6      174.2
Acquisitions                                             —          61.6          —               0.5       2.5         —          —          —
Dispositions                                           (0.1)       (63.2)         —              (0.6)     (2.4)      (1.1)      (2.8)      (0.9)
Total capital expenditures, undeveloped land
   purchases, and net acquisitions and dispositions         125.6        75.1         52.6      44.0   169.9      140.6       159.8       173.3
   Crude oil (bbl/day)                                     13,647      15,554       15,373    14,987  16,997     17,083      16,782     18,272
   Condensate (bbl/day)                                    13,812      14,715       14,831    13,239  11,262     10,937      10,846     10,230
   Crude oil and condensate (bbl/day)                      27,459      30,269       30,204    28,226  28,259     28,020      27,628     28,502
   Natural gas (MMcf/day)                                   794.1       783.1        708.2     773.3   692.2      669.0       595.4       596.4
   NGLs (bbl/day)                                          10,620       8,678       10,208     9,405   8,152      8,123       7,952       7,041
   Total (boe/day)                                        170,430     169,468      158,444   166,510 151,783    147,650     134,813    134,938
Average realized prices, prior to risk management
    Crude oil ($/bbl)                                       64.46       48.14        45.45     25.88   49.69      65.11       64.79       70.26
    Condensate ($/bbl)                                      71.59       53.55        48.49     31.54   57.52      68.08       65.70       71.38
    Natural gas ($/Mcf)                                       4.60       2.88         2.16      1.92    2.05       2.36        1.54         1.74
    NGLs ($/bbl)                                            29.45       18.03        14.85     10.84    6.36      11.69        5.25         7.71
    Oil equivalent ($/boe)                                  34.25       23.29        19.55     14.38   19.52      23.93       20.46       23.04
($, based on intra-day trading)
High                                                          8.67       7.20         6.94      6.12    8.39       8.26        7.85         9.61
Low                                                           5.88       5.66         4.54      3.64    2.42       5.40        5.37         6.37
Close                                                         7.72       6.00         5.95      4.56    4.05       8.18        6.31         6.41
Average daily volume (thousands)                            3,125       1,582        1,363     2,177   3,207      2,583       1,838       2,255
(1) Refer to the "Capital Management" note in ARC’s financial statements and to the sections entitled "Funds from Operations" and “Capitalization,
     Financial Resources and Liquidity” contained within ARC’s MD&A.
(2) Non-GAAP measure that does not have any standardized meaning under IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by
     other issuers. Refer to the section entitled “Non-GAAP Measures” contained within ARC’s MD&A.
(3) Dividends per share are based on the number of shares outstanding at each dividend record date.
(4) Trading statistics denote trading activity on the Toronto Stock Exchange only.
DIRECTORS                                                             EXECUTIVE OFFICE              CORPORATE CALENDAR
Harold N. Kvisle                                                      ARC Resources Ltd.            June 22, 2021
Board Chair                                                           1200, 308 – 4th Avenue S.W.   Annual Meeting of Shareholders
Marty L. Proctor(1)(2)                                                Calgary, Alberta T2P 0H7
                                                                                                    July 29, 2021
Board Vice-Chair                                                      T 403.503.8600                Q2 2021 Results
Farhad Ahrabi(1)(3)                                                   TOLL FREE 1.888.272.4900
                                                                                                    November 4, 2021
                                                                      F 403.503.8609
David R. Collyer(4)(5)                                                                              Q3 2021 Results
Susan C. Jones(2)(4)
William J. McAdam(1)(2)                                                                             STOCK EXCHANGE
Michael G. McAllister(2)(4)                                           TRANSFER AGENT                LISTING
Kathleen M. O’Neill(1)(5)                                             Computershare Trust
                                                                                                    Toronto Stock Exchange
                                                                      Company of Canada
M. Jacqueline Sheppard(4)(5)                                          600, 530 – 8th Avenue S.W.
Leontine van Leeuwen-Atkins(1)(3)                                     Calgary, Alberta T2P 3S8

Terry M. Anderson                                                     T 403.267.6800
(1) Member of Risk Committee
(2) Member of Safety, Reserves and Operational Excellence Committee
(3) Member of Audit Committee
(4) Member of Human Resources and Compensation Committee
(5) Member of Policy and Board Governance Committee
                                                                      PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
SENIOR MANAGEMENT                                                     Calgary, Alberta
Terry M. Anderson
President and CEO
Kris J. Bibby
Senior Vice President and CFO                                         CONSULTANTS
David B. Holt                                                         GLJ Ltd.
Senior Vice President and COO                                         Calgary, Alberta
Lara M. Conrad
Senior Vice President, Development
Armin Jahangiri                                                       LEGAL COUNSEL
Senior Vice President, Capital Projects
                                                                      Burnet, Duckworth &
                                                                      Palmer LLP
                                                                      Calgary, Alberta
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