Page created by Brett Schwartz
Investor Presentation
                                                                        July 2021

Copyright © PropertyGuru Group. All Rights Reserved.

About this Presentation
This presentation is being made in connection with a potential business combination (the “Business Combination”) involving Bridgetown 2 Holdings Limited (“Bridgetown”) and PropertyGuru Pte. Ltd. (“PropertyGuru”) to a limited number of parties who may be interested in acquiring securities of
PropertyGuru (“Securities”). Merrill Lynch (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Citigroup Global Markets Inc., KKR Capital Markets Asia Limited and TPG Capital BD, LLC have been engaged by PropertyGuru to serve as placement agents (the “Placement Agents”) with respect to the offering of Securities to prospective
investors in connection with the Business Combination.
This presentation has been prepared for use by Bridgetown and PropertyGuru, and is intended solely for investors that are qualified institutional buyers (as defined in Rule 144A under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”)) and eligible institutional investors outside the U.S. (such
as, in the EU, eligible counterparties and professional clients each as defined in Directive 2014/65/EU, as amended) for the purposes of familiarizing such investors with Bridgetown and PropertyGuru in connection with their proposed business combination. Further, this presentation is only addressed to and
directed at specific addressees who: (A) if in member states of the European Economic Area (the “EEA”), are persons who are “qualified investors” within the meaning of Article 2(e) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (as amended) (“Qualified Investors”); and (B) if in the United Kingdom, are Qualified Investors
who are: (i) persons having professional experience in matters relating to investments who fall within the definition of “investment professionals” in Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the “Order”); or (ii) high net worth entities falling within Article
49(2)(a) to (d) of the Order; or (C) are other persons to whom it may otherwise lawfully be communicated (all such persons referred to in (B) and (C) together being “Relevant Persons”). This presentation must not be acted or relied on (i) in the United Kingdom, by persons who are not Relevant Persons and
(ii) in any member state of the EEA by persons who are not Qualified Investors. Any investment or investment activity to which this presentation relates is or will be available only to, and may be engaged in only with, (i) Relevant Persons in the United Kingdom; and (ii) Qualified Investors in any member state
of the EEA.
For the purposes of this notice, the “presentation” that follows shall mean and include the slides that follow, the oral presentation of the slides by members of management of Bridgetown or PropertyGuru or any person on their behalf, the question-and-answer session that follows that oral presentation,
hard copies of this document and any materials distributed at, or in connection with, that presentation. By attending the meeting where the presentation is made, or by reading the presentation slides, you will be deemed to have (i) agreed to the following limitations and notifications and made the following
undertakings and (ii) acknowledged that you understand the legal and regulatory sanctions attached to the misuse, disclosure or improper circulation of this presentation.
This presentation has been prepared by Bridgetown and PropertyGuru, is preliminary in nature and solely for information and discussion purposes and must not be relied upon for any other purpose. This presentation does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation
to purchase any security of PropertyGuru, Bridgetown, or any of their respective affiliates. No such offering of securities shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of section 10 of the Securities Act, or an exemption therefrom. The contents of this presentation have not been
reviewed by any regulatory authority in any jurisdiction.
If the contemplated business combination is pursued, Bridgetown will be required to file a preliminary and definitive proxy statement, which may include a registration statement, and other relevant documents with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). You are urged to read the proxy
statement and any other relevant documents filed with the SEC when they become available because they will contain important information about Bridgetown, PropertyGuru and their contemplated business combination. Shareholders will be able to obtain a free copy of the proxy statement (when filed),
as well as other filings containing information about Bridgetown, PropertyGuru and their contemplated business combination, without charge, at the SEC’s website located at Bridgetown and its directors and executive officers may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies
from Bridgetown’s shareholders in connection with the proposed transaction. A list of the names of such directors and executive officers and information regarding their interests in the business combination will be contained in the proxy statement when available. You may obtain free copies of these
documents as described in the preceding paragraph. The definitive proxy statement will be mailed to shareholders as of a record date to be established for voting on the contemplated business combination when it becomes available.
While utmost care has been taken in preparing the presentation, none of Bridgetown, PropertyGuru, or their respective advisors or representatives or any of their respective affiliates accept any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from any information presented or contained in this
presentation, or the opinion expressed by the presenters. You must make your own assessment of the relevance, accuracy and adequacy of the information contained in this presentation and must make such independent investigation as you may consider necessary or appropriate for such purpose.
Although Bridgetown is in the process of conducting due diligence on PropertyGuru, such due diligence is not yet complete and therefore there is a risk that material issues could arise as such diligence progresses. Bridgetown cannot assure you that this diligence will identify all material issues that may be
present with the business of PropertyGuru. Further, past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. The presentation should not be construed as legal, tax, investment or other advice. This presentation does not purport to contain all of the information that may be required to evaluate the
contemplated business combination or any investment in Bridgetown or any of its securities and should not be relied upon to form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract or commitment or investment decision whatsoever. This presentation is intended to present background
information on Bridgetown and PropertyGuru, their business and the industry in which they operate and is not intended to provide complete disclosure upon which an investment decision could be made.
You should not construe the contents of this presentation as legal, tax, accounting or investment advice or a recommendation. The merit and suitability of an investment in PropertyGuru should be independently evaluated and any person considering such an investment is advised to obtain independent
advice as to the legal, tax, accounting, financial, credit and other related advice prior to making an investment.
This presentation shall remain the property of PropertyGuru. Each of PropertyGuru and the Placement Agents reserves the right to require the return of this presentation (together with any copies or extracts thereof) at any time. By its acceptance hereof, each recipient agrees that neither it nor its agents,
representatives, directors, or employees will copy, reproduce, or distribute to others this presentation, in whole or in part, at any time without the prior written consent of PropertyGuru and that it will keep confidential all information contained herein or otherwise obtained from PropertyGuru (in
accordance with such recipient’s agreement with the applicable Placement Agent to receive such information) and will use this presentation for the sole purpose of evaluating a possible acquisition of Securities and for no other purpose. Any unauthorized distribution or reproduction of any part of this
presentation may result in a violation of the Securities Act.
This document and any other document or material in connection with the offer or sale, or invitation for subscription or purchase, of any Securities may not be circulated or distributed, nor may any Securities be offered or sold, or be made the subject of an invitation for subscription or purchase, whether
directly or indirectly, to persons in Singapore other than (i) to an institutional investor (as defined in Section 4A of the Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore (the “SFA”)) pursuant to Section 274 of the SFA, (ii) to a relevant person (as defined in Section 275(2) of the SFA) pursuant to Section
275(1) of the SFA, or any person pursuant to Section 275(1A) of the SFA, and in accordance with the conditions specified in Section 275 of the SFA and (where applicable) Regulation 3 of the Securities and Futures (Classes of Investors) Regulations 2018 or (iii) otherwise pursuant to, and in accordance with the
conditions of, any other applicable provisions of the SFA.
Notification under Section 309B of the SFA: The Securities shall be (A) prescribed capital markets products (as defined in the Securities and Futures (Capital Markets Products) Regulations 2018) and (B) Excluded Investment Products (as defined in MAS Notice SFA 04-N12: Notice on the Sale of Investment
Products and MAS Notice FAA-N16: Notice on Recommendations on Investment Products).

Disclaimer (Cont’d)
 Forward Looking Statements
 This presentation contains forward-looking statements that reflect our current views with respect to, among other things, our industry, operations and financial performance. Forward-looking statements include all statements that are not historical facts. In some cases, you can identify these forward-looking
 statements by the use of words such as “outlook,” “believes,” “expects,” “potential,” “continues,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “could,” “seeks,” “predicts,” “intends,” “trends,” “plans,” “estimates,” “anticipates” or the negative version of these words or other comparable words. Such forward-looking statements
 are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Accordingly, there are or will be important factors that could cause actual outcomes or results to differ materially from those indicated in these statements. Some of the factors that may cause actual outcomes or results to differ materially from those expressed
 in, or implied by, the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: PropertyGuru’s ability to attract new and retain existing customers in a cost effective manner, competitive pressures in and any disruption to the industry in which PropertyGuru and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) operates, the
 Group’s ability to achieve profitability despite a history of losses, the Group’s ability to implement its growth strategies and manage its growth, customers of the Group continuing to make valuable contributions to its platform, the Group’s ability to meet consumer expectations; the success of the Group’s
 new product or service offerings; the Group’s ability to produce accurate forecasts of its operating and financial results; the Group’s ability to attract traffic to its websites; the Group’s ability to assess property values accurately; the Group’s internal controls; fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates;
 the Group’s ability to raise capital; media coverage of the Group; the Group’s ability to obtain insurance coverage; changes in the regulatory environments (such as anti-trust laws, foreign ownership restrictions and tax regimes) of the countries in which the Group operates, general economic conditions in
 the countries in which the Group operates, the Group’s ability to attract and retain management and skilled employees, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the business of the Group, the success of the Group’s strategic investments and acquisitions, changes in the Group’s relationship with its current
 customers, suppliers and service providers, disruptions to information technology systems and networks, the Group’s ability to grow and protect its brand and the Group’s reputation, the Group’s ability to protect its intellectual property; changes in regulation and other contingencies; the Group’s ability to
 achieve tax efficiencies of its corporate structure and intercompany arrangements; potential and future litigation that the Group may be involved in; unanticipated losses, write-downs or write-offs, restructuring and impairment or other charges, taxes or other liabilities that may be incurred or required
 subsequent to, or in connection with, the consummation of the Business Combination and technological advancements in the Group’s industry. The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or review any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new
 information, future developments or otherwise, except as required by law. In light of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, the forward-looking events and circumstances discussed in this presentation may not occur and actual results could differ materially and adversely from those anticipated or
 implied in the forward-looking statements. We caution you therefore against relying on these forward-looking statements, and we qualify all of our forward-looking statements by these cautionary statements.
 All information herein speaks only as of (1) the date hereof, in the case of information about Bridgetown and PropertyGuru, or (2) the date of such information, in the case of information from persons other than Bridgetown and PropertyGuru. Forecasts and estimates regarding PropertyGuru’s industry are
 based on sources we believe to be reliable; however there can be no assurance these forecasts and estimates will prove accurate in whole or in part. You should read this presentation with the understanding that our actual future results, levels of activity, performance and events and circumstances may be
 materially different from what we expect. You should carefully consider the risks and uncertainties described in the “Risk Factors” section of the proxy statement/prospectus on Form F-4 relating to the business combination, which is expected to be filed by PropertyGuru with the SEC and other documents
 filed by PropertyGuru from time to time with the SEC. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Bridgetown and PropertyGuru assume no obligation and do
 not intend to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.
 Confidential Information
 The information contained in this presentation is confidential and being provided to you solely for the purpose of assisting you in familiarizing yourself with Bridgetown and PropertyGuru in connection with their proposed business combination. This presentation is being provided solely for your confidential
 use with the express understanding that you will not release any portion of this document, discuss the information contained herein, or make reproductions of or use this presentation for any other purpose without the prior express written permission of Bridgetown and PropertyGuru. By reviewing this
 information, you are acknowledging the confidential nature of this information and are agreeing to abide by the terms of this legend.
 Use of Projections and Historical Financial Information
 The 2019 and 2020 historical financial data included in this presentation has been derived based on PropertyGuru’s management accounts prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IFRS”) and are subject to updates
 based on an ongoing audit in accordance with PCAOB standards.
 This presentation contains financial forecasts for PropertyGuru with respect to certain financial results for PropertyGuru’s fiscal years 2021 through 2025 for illustrative purposes. Neither Bridgetown’s nor PropertyGuru’s independent auditors have audited, studied, reviewed, compiled or performed any
 procedures with respect to the projections for the purpose of their inclusion in this presentation, and accordingly, they did not express an opinion or provide any other form of assurance with respect thereto for the purpose of this presentation. These projections are forward-looking statements and should
 not be relied upon as being necessarily indicative of future results. In this presentation, certain of the above-mentioned projected information has been provided for purposes of providing comparisons with historical data. The assumptions and estimates underlying the prospective financial information are
 inherently uncertain and are subject to a wide variety of significant business, economic and competitive risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the prospective financial information. While such information and projections are necessarily speculative,
 PropertyGuru and Bridgetown believe that the preparation of prospective financial information involves increasingly higher levels of uncertainty the further out the projection extends from the date of preparation. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that the prospective results are indicative of the
 future performance of PropertyGuru or that actual results will not differ materially from those presented in the prospective financial information. Inclusion of the prospective financial information in this presentation should not be regarded as a representation by any person that the results contained in the
 prospective financial information will be achieved. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements concerning PropertyGuru and Bridgetown, the proposed transactions or other matters and attributable to PropertyGuru and Bridgetown or any person acting on their behalf are expressly qualified
 in their entirety by the cautionary statements above.
 Non-IFRS Financial Measures
 This presentation also includes certain financial measures not presented in accordance with IFRS including, but not limited to, Average Revenue per Agent, Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA margin, Adjusted EBITDA Drop Through, average listing price per day and certain ratios and other metrics derived
 therefrom. These non-IFRS financial measures are not measures of financial performance in accordance with IFRS and may exclude items that are significant in understanding and assessing PropertyGuru’s financial results. Therefore, these measures should not be considered in isolation or as an alternative to
 net income, cash flows from operations or other measures of profitability, liquidity or performance under IFRS. You should be aware that PropertyGuru’s presentation of these measures may not be comparable to similarly-titled measures used by other companies. Bridgetown and PropertyGuru believe
 these non-IFRS measures of financial results provide useful information to management and investors regarding certain financial and business trends relating to PropertyGuru’s financial condition and results of operations. Bridgetown and PropertyGuru believe that the use of these non-IFRS financial
 measures provides an additional tool for investors to use in evaluating ongoing operating results and trends in and in comparing PropertyGuru’s financial measures with other similar companies, many of which present similar non-IFRS financial measures to investors. Management does not consider these
 non-IFRS measures in isolation or as an alternative to financial measures determined in accordance with IFRS. These non-IFRS financial measures are subject to inherent limitations as they reflect the exercise of judgments by management about which expense and income are excluded or included in
 determining these non-IFRS financial measures.
 This presentation also includes certain projections of non-IFRS financial measures. Due to the high difficulty in forecasting and quantifying some of the information that is excluded from these projected non-IFRS measures, together with some of the excluded information not being ascertainable or accessible,
 non-IFRS measures in this presentation are presented on a non-IFRS basis without reconciliations to the most directly comparable IFRS financial measures.
 Industry and Market Data
 In this presentation, Bridgetown and PropertyGuru rely on and refer to certain information, estimates and statistics obtained from third-party sources (including Frost & Sullivan). Frost & Sullivan cannot guarantee the accuracy of such information. You are cautioned not to give undue weight to such
 estimates. Neither Bridgetown nor PropertyGuru has independently verified the accuracy or completeness of any such third-party information, which involves elements of subjective judgment and analysis that may or may not prove to be accurate. None of Bridgetown, PropertyGuru, their respective
 affiliates, the Placement Agents or any third parties that provide information to Bridgetown, PropertyGuru, or their respective affiliates, such as market research firms, guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or availability of any information. None of Bridgetown and PropertyGuru, their respective
 affiliates, the Placement Agents, or any third parties that provide information to Bridgetown, PropertyGuru, and their respective affiliates, such as market research firms, are responsible for any errors or omissions (negligent or otherwise), regardless of the cause, or the results obtained from the use of such
 content. Bridgetown and PropertyGuru may have supplemented such information where necessary, taking into account publicly available information about other industry participants and the PropertyGuru’s management’s best view as to information that is not publicly available.
 This presentation may contain trademarks, service marks, trade names and copyrights of other companies, which are the property of their respective owners. Solely for convenience, some of the trademarks, service marks, trade names and copyrights referred to in this presentation may be listed without the
 TM, SM © or ® symbols, but Bridgetown and PropertyGuru will assert, to the fullest extent under applicable law, the rights of the applicable owners, if any, to these trademarks, service marks, trade names and copyrights.
 None of Bridgetown, PropertyGuru, their respective affiliates, or the Placement Agents give any express or implied warranties with respect to the information included herein, including, but not limited to, any warranties regarding its accuracy or of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use,
3and they expressly disclaim any responsibility or liability for direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, compensatory, punitive, special, or consequential damages, costs, expenses, legal fees, or losses (including lost income or profits and opportunity costs) in connection with the use of the information herein.
 By accepting this presentation, the recipient will be deemed to have acknowledge and agreed to the foregoing.

        Hari V Krishnan                                              Joe Dische                         Daniel Wong                      Matt Danzeisen
         Chief Executive Officer,                                 Chief Financial Officer             Chief Executive Officer,                 Chairman,
           Managing Director                                                                          Chief Financial Officer,            Bridgetown 2 Holdings
                                                                                                      Bridgetown 2 Holdings

                                                                                                     Leads venture investment and      Heads Private Investments at
       Two decades of technology                               20 years of global financial
                                                                                                      major M&A at Pacific Century       Thiel Capital, with a primary
        industry leadership across Asia                          experience across listed and
                                                                                                      Group                              focus on investing in private
        Pacific and the US                                       private companies
                                                                                                                                         companies and funds in the US
                                                                                                     Raised $6.7bn worth of
       Former Vice President, Asia                             Former CFO at ASX-listed iCar                                           and Asia
                                                                                                      financing for FWD(2)
        Pacific and Japan at                                     Asia: largest automotive
                                                                                                                                        Raised and deployed over
        LinkedIn – led one of the                                internet portal in South East       Former Senior Managing
                                                                                                                                         $550mm throughout South
        fastest growing regions for the                          Asia(1)                              Director and member of the
                                                                                                                                         Korea and Southeast Asia(2)
        business, having started as the                                                               Executive Committee of
                                                                Accountant ICAEW, Graduate
        first hire in Asia                                                                            PineBridge, an asset manager      Former Vice President and
                                                                 Member of Australian Institute
                                                                                                      managing over $55bn across         Portfolio Manager at
       MBA from INSEAD                                          of Company Directors
                                                                                                      Asia(2)                            BlackRock

4   ____________________
    (1) iCar Asia ASX release 22-Feb-2019
    (2) Bridgetown 2 Holdings Prospectus, as of March 2020
Overview of Bridgetown 2 Holdings Limited

                Targeting companies with operations or prospective operations in the "new economy sectors" within technology, financial services and media in Southeast Asia and South Asia

                                                 Backed by Prominent Sponsors                                                              To Capture Growing Opportunities

            Key Investments:

                                                                                                                                SEA as one of the fastest growing regions globally (1), predicted to be 4th
                                                                                                                                largest economy by 2030 (2)

                                                                                                                                We believe the move to e-commerce in SEA could parallel China's similar
                                                                                                                                migration 10 years ago

                                                                                                                                SEA Internet users to reach ~ 400 million in 2020, 70% of total population (3)
            Key Investments:

                                                                                                                                SEA digital economy expected to reach US$300bn by 2025 (3)

                Execution know-how, operational value-add and exclusive access to                                           Poised to make an impact and create value in the technological
                                     proprietary network                                                                                       space of Southeast Asia

    (1) ASEAN Key Figures, 2020
5   (2) Singapore Business Review, ASEAN to become world's fourth largest economy for 2030: Singapore PM Lee, August 2018
    (3) Google, Temasek and Bain & Company e-Conomy SEA 2020 Report
Investment Thesis
                       Vibrant, increasingly affluent property seekers to drive property sector growth for foreseeable future.
                                       Optimal time to invest into business with markets poised for recovery.


                                            Before                                                                                                                   During                                                                                                          After

                     Recent Track Record of                                                                                        Transformative Investment During                                                                                   Well Positioned to Monetise Post-COVID
                    Growth & Profitability(1).                                                                                                  COVID.                                                                                                                 Period.
    Revenue growth CAGR of ~25% for four years entering                                                                      Capturing COVID-driven unique opportunities including                                                                    Group has driven digitization and market share growth
                     COVID period(2)                                                                                                            strategic M&A

                   Market Leadership(3)                                                                           Large TAM(4)                                                                 Proven Business Model

    (1) Adjusted EBITDA positive in CY19A and CY20A; Adjusted EBITDA excludes SBP, costs of REA acquisition & integration, one-off & ongoing costs of listing, as well as impact from Listing proceeds investments. Refer to slide 44 for CY19A & CY20A reconciliation to net loss
    (2) In terms of revenue based on statutory accounts; growth CAGR for periods CY15A to CY19A
    (3) Please refer to slide 26 for details on market share and ranking
    (4) Please refer to slide 15 for further details on TAM assumptions
Our Vision

    To be the trusted advisor to
    every person seeking property

PropertyGuru at a Glance

                            US$75.7 million                                                                     29% pro forma                                                      Declining net loss in CY20A &                                                                      US$8.1 billion
                                CY21F                                                                            CY20A–25F                                                         Adjusted EBITDA(2) positive                                                                         in core and
                              revenues(1)                                                                      revenue CAGR(1)                                                         in CY19A and CY20A                                                                            adjacent TAM (3)


                            #1 Player                                                                        >2.8 million                                                                          >37 million                                                                             >49,000
                     in 4 priority markets(4)                                                              monthly real estate                                                                   monthly property                                                                      active agents(8)
                      74% organic traffic (5)                                                                  listings (6)                                                                         seekers (7)
    Note: Financials based on assumed completion of acquisition of REA Group’s Malaysia and Thailand assets (refer to slide 10 for further details); USDSGD FX rate of 1:1.327
    (1) Revenue forecasts excludes impact from Listing proceeds investments; Please refer to slide 44 for further details on historical and forecast financials
    (2) Adjusted EBITDA excludes SBP, costs of REA acquisition & integration, one-off & ongoing costs of listing, as well as impact from Listing proceeds investments. Refer to slide 44 for CY19A & CY20A reconciliation to net loss
    (3) Please refer to slide 15 for further details on TAM assumptions; Core TAM refers to “Agent & Developer Marketing”, Adjacent TAM refers to “FinTech”, “Data Services”, “Developer OS”, and “Home Services”
    (4) Please refer to slide 26 for details on market share and ranking
    (5) Organic traffic (which is traffic to a website that is not a visit generated by a paid advertisement and all mobile application traffic) as a proportion of total visits as sourced from Google Analytics, last 6 month average as at 31 December 2020 for all priority markets, excludes impact of REA Assets to be acquired (refer to slide 10
          for further details)
    (6) Data from PropertyGuru; Calculated as the number of listings created during the month for Vietnam and total listings at the end of the previous month for other markets, excludes RumahDijual and Dothi, as well as impact of REA Assets to be acquired (refer to slide 10 for further details); Data represents last 3 months average
          as at 31 December 2020
8   (7) Data sourced from Google Analytics (number of website visits), excludes impact of REA Assets to be acquired (refer to slide 10 for further details); Data represents last 3 months average as at 31 December 2020
    (8) Data from PropertyGuru; An agent with a valid subscription (valid for 12 months following payment) for Singapore, Malaysia and Other Asia, whereas active agents in Vietnam are classified as agents who credit money into their accounts; Data represents last 3 months average as at 31 December 2020. Excludes impact of REA
          Assets to be acquired (refer to slide 10 for further details)
Our Journey

                                                                                            Closes funding from TPG, Emtek,                                                                                       Closes Series F
                                                                                                                                 1                                 1      Closes funding from KKR          1
                                                                                                      and Square Peg Capital                                                                                      funding

                                                                                                                                                                             Launch of
                                                                                                                                             Hari V. Krishnan
                                                                                                                                             appointed as CEO
                                                                                          Strategic investment by                                                             Lens and
                                     Closes funding from                                                                                                                   Home-Loan
                              1                                                     1     Deutsche Telekom and                                                                                                          Acquisition
                                     angel investors                                                                                                                      Pre-Approval
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of IPP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        from REA(1)

    2007                  2008                  2009       2010   2011           2012           2013           2014            2015   2016           2017              2018         2019            2020        2021

              PropertyGuru launches                                                                             Acquires
              in Singapore                                                                                 SaaS platform
                                                                         Expands into                     ePropertyTrack                      PropertyGuru
                                                                         Malaysia, Indonesia,              (now FastKey)                      celebrates 10 year
                                                                         Thailand                                                                                                                          Acquires
                                                                                                                                                                                                           MyProperty Data
                                                                                                                                              Acquires Asia                                                in Malaysia
                                                                                                                                              Property Awards
                                                                                                                                                                                 Expands in Vietnam,
                                                                                                 Acquires RumahDijual In                                                         wholly acquiring
                                                                                                                                              Expands into Vietnam with                                        PropertyGuru
                                                                                                                                              strategic investment in                                          Finance

9   ____________________
    (1) Refer to slide 10 for further details
Acquisition of REA Group’s Malaysian and Thai Assets(1)
Further strengthening of our position as the leading(2) Proptech group in Southeast Asia

      Malaysia is the 3rd large
          growth market for
          PropertyGuru                                                                                    63% Market share in Malaysia(4)

      Revenue(3) & Adjusted
          EBITDA(3) accretive deal

                                                                                                          33% Market Share in Malaysia(4)
      REA Group as new
          strategic shareholder
          with an expected 18%
          stake on closing
                                                                                                          5% Market Share in Thailand(4)

      (1) The transaction is expected to close sometime end July 2021 – mid August 2021, subject to customary closing conditions including REA’s divestment of its 27% interest in 99 Group, operator of, and PropertyGuru understands from REA that it is on track to close
      (2) Please refer to slide 26 for further details
      (3) Revenue excludes impact from Listing proceeds investments; Adjusted EBITDA excludes SBP, costs of REA acquisition & integration, one-off & ongoing costs of listing, as well as impact from Listing proceeds investments. Refer to slide 44 for CY19A & CY20A reconciliation to net loss
      (4) Based on Relative Engagement Market Share, which is defined as time spent on the PropertyGuru website multiplied by the number of visits relative to the time spent on comparable websites multiplied by the numbers of visits. This is calculated using data from SimilarWeb accessed 2 March 2021, last 3 month average as at 31
10         December 2020. The average time on site is calculated as the time elapsed between the first and last page view per visit (visits are closed after 30 minutes of inactivity); Closest peer as identified by data from SimilarWeb. From October 2020, Malaysia business started using a beta SimilarWeb algorithm that more accurately
           reflects mobile traffic
1. Our Market Opportunity

Copyright © PropertyGuru Group. All Rights Reserved.
PropertyGuru Today: A Proven Model with 3 Macro Tailwinds

                                                                                    1. URBANISATION: Halfway through a decade of urbanization, over 50 million urbanites needing housing(1)
                                                                                    Urban Population (millions)
                                                                                                                  161.6                                                                         2023

     Digital marketplaces
                                                                                                                                     36.8              39.6
      have proven to be                                                                                                   30.7              28.7              22.1       27.3
                                                                                                                                                                                5.4       5.9

         the most                                                                                          1                     2                 3                 4

                                                                                    2. MIDDLE CLASS EXPANSION: Increasing purchasing power, +61% expected growth(2) over a decade

     efficient means                                                                GDP per Capita (US$’000)

         to create                                                                                55.6

        economic                                                                                                          9.7        14.8
                                                                                                                                            5.8        9.5
                                                                                                                                                              3.4        5.4    2.6       5.2

     activity within                                                                                       1                     2                 3                 4                5

                                                                                    3. DIGITALISATION: More than 200 million people moving online(3)
      the property                                                                  Internet Penetration (% Population)
                                                                                                                 96%                                                                      94%
           sector                                                                                 79%

                                                                                                                                            45%                                                 2015

                                                                                                           1                     2                 3                 4                5
      Source: Frost & Sullivan
12    (1) Difference between total SEA urban population expected in 2023 and 2013
      (2) Average for 5 countries from 2015 to 2025
      (3) Difference between total SEA internet users expected in 2023 and 2013
Offline-to-Online Migration Provides Runway for Growth
Southeast Asian markets are ~10 years behind certain developed markets and are forecast to experience significant growth

     Online Penetration of Real Estate Advertising Expenditure (1) in Our Priority Markets vs. Certain Developed Markets


                              60%                                           61%

                                                               33%                                                                  33%
                                                                                          24%                                                                                      24%
                                                                                                            10%                                        10%                    9%


                                1                                            2                   3                 4                 5                        6               7

                                                       2010          2015    2020                                                    2015   2020   2025E

     Source: Frost & Sullivan
     (1) As a % of total real estate advertising expenditure
PropertyGuru Tomorrow: Go Broad to Go Deep
Suite of B2B platforms tech-enable property sector players; digital transformation of workflows needed

     PropertyGuru marketplaces efficiently match supply                                                                  Operating system (OS) software manages all the
     and demand (listings and seekers)                                                                                   systems and resources that a user needs to be effective

      Property Seekers / Sellers            Seekers / Sellers                                                                 Agents
                                                                        Profitable model with efficient customer                           Agent OS
       Access to financing                                                     acquisition and retention                                   Access to financing, valuations
       Market insights – price, timing
                                                                                                                                            Actionable insights
       Post-transaction home services
                                                                                                                                            Value-added services (photography, staging, etc. )
       Lifetime value financial services
       Investment & portfolio management


                                            Banks /                                                                                    Developers
      Banks / Valuers                       Valuers
                                                                                                                                                Developer OS
       Valuers’ workflow automation
                                                                                                                                                 Sales process automation and bookings
       Automated valuation models                                              Strong network effects                                           Actionable insights for research & construction
       Risk management solutions
                                                                                                                                                 Property management

Go-to-Market Strategy
Expanded Long-term TAM of ~S$10.7bn or ~US$8.1bn from incremental market share in core segments and growth into adjacencies

                                                                                   Home Services
                                                                                                                                   Contractor services and moving services
                                                                                    Developer OS
                                                                                    Data Services
                                                                                   ~US$0.5bn                   Enabling core IT systems automation for developers in sales,
                                                                                                                                     marketing, and property management

                                                                                                                         Valuation & data consultancy services for valuers,
                                                                                               z                                      banks, developers and governments

                                                                                                                                                          Mortgage leads,
                                                                               Agent & Developer                                             property and rental insurance    Business
                                                                                  Marketing                                                                                    Today

                                                                                                             Core listings marketplace and developer marketing solutions(1)

15   ____________________
     Source: Frost & Sullivan
     Note: USDSGD FX rate of 1.327; Adjacent TAMs (ex-Agent & Developer Marketing) as per Frost & Sullivan
2. Our Business Overview

Copyright © PropertyGuru Group. All Rights Reserved.
Integrated Revenue Model with Recurring Subscription Benefits

                                                                      Agent / Agencies                                                                                           Developers                                                                           Financial Institutions

                                                Online Property Classifieds Marketplaces                                                                          Digital Sales and Marketing                                                                          Mortgage Marketplace
     Proposition                             Agents advertise properties and marketplaces match                                                                Developers market new projects and                                                          Buyers are matched to suitable mortgages,
                                                   buyers / tenants with sellers / landlords                                                                      automate their sales process                                                          advertised by banks and brokered by PropertyGuru

     Select                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PropertyGuru has referral arrangements
     Customers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 with a number of major banks in Singapore

                                             Recurring revenue model in Singapore, Malaysia,                                                     Digital advertising: banners and content marketing                                                        Commissions on mortgage fulfilment
                                              Thailand and Indonesia (1)                                                                           for new project launches                                                                                  Digital advertising products: sponsorship / banners
     Revenue                                      Annual subscriptions and tiered packages                                                       Awards and Events: ticket sales, marketing packages,
     Model                                   Pay per listing (in Vietnam only)                                                                    sponsorship, booths
                                                                                                                                                  SaaS sales process automation solution: software
                                             Depth Products in all markets except Vietnam (2)
                                                                                                                                                   license per project

                                                                                                                              Marketplaces                                                                                                                                       FinTech

17     (1) These Agents pay annual upfront fees that generally may not be refunded after the initial 30 day trial period has elapsed so are considered recurring
       (2) Depth Products are optional features and add-ons that Agents can purchase, from within or on top of their subscription packages, to enhance visibility and performance. Examples include Boost and Repost, refer to slide 54 for further details
Agent Subscription Packages
Ability to purchase additional credits to be used for Depth Products

                                     12                                                                                  12                                         12                           12
                                  months                                                                               months                                     months                        months

                      10 Concurrent Listings                                                              25 Concurrent Listings                          60 Concurrent Listings       100 Concurrent Listings

                            550 Ad Credits                                                                    3,000 Ad Credits                              9,000 Ad Credits             35,000 Ad Credits

                   Data - basic functionality(1)                                                      Data - limited functionality(2)                   Data - full functionality(3)   Data - full functionality(3)

                     Basic Premium Features                                                                  Additional Premium                             Additional Premium           Additional Premium
                                                                                                                  Features                                       Features                     Features

                        Standard                                                                             Advance                                         Premier                     Business
                               Most basic                                                                     Best for starters                             Best for full-time           Suits highly active
                                                                                                                                                                 Agents                        Agents
     Note: Our subscription packages are similar across all of our markets with the exception of Vietnam which operates under a “pay as you go” model
     (1) Basic functionality refers to non real time project data and basic listing performance insights
18   (2) Limited functionality refers to non real time project, unit, and market data, as well as advanced listing performance insights
     (3) Full functionality refers to real time data and full listing performance insights
Developer Products
A broad suite of developer oriented offerings

                                       Awards and Events                                                           Digital advertising and software
                           Awards                              Events                   Digital Advertising                    FastKey                           Others

                  Property awards ceremonies
                                                                                                                      SaaS based sales automation
                honour top developers for their
                                                   Virtual and physical events such   Brand advertising and lead       solution enables end-to-end    Marketing as a Service (MaaS),
                    achievements in various
                                                    as showcases and exhibitions        generation campaigns            project management from         database marketing etc
                categories. Digital promotion of
                                                                                                                        launch to sales conversion
                       category winners

     Priority                                                                                                                                            Selected Markets Only

                   China          Australia
                   Hong Kong      Sri Lanka
                   Macau          Mongolia
     Offered       Cambodia       Philippines
                   Myanmar        Japan
                   India

FinTech Enabling Frictionless Home Financing

     Our Approach                                                                                                                                                                              Our Growth Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Make home loans accessible to all property buyers
                                                                  Deliver smart home financing
                                                                   experiences that empower users                                                                                                 Leverage our property agents
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Expand into adjacent products
                                                                  Digitally integrate the home                                                                                                   Innovation by moving up the value chain
                                                                   financing ecosystem

                                                                  Leverage customer data to build
                                                                   life-time value services

     Key Priority Market Insights

                                                                                                                                                                           Revenues & Margin
                                        50k annual finance-able transactions (>US$30bn p.a.) for Singapore(1)
        Market                          US$49m of annual commissions, mainly to bank-employed brokers for

                                        Dissatisfied due to low trust in banks and unfamiliarity of agents with
                                         mortgage products(2)
       Consumers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Agent-referrals to expand the base
                                        Mortgage consumers generally have high life-time-value (refinancing,
                                         insurance, and others)(3)

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Home Loans for PropertyGuru marketplace consumers
       Regulatory                       Supportive of FinTech players to enter and compete with banks

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Customer Base
     Note: USDSGD FX rate of 1:1.327
     (1) Data sourced from Frost & Sullivan
20   (2) Data sourced from PropertyGuru’s surveys
     (3) Data sourced from Deloitte’s 2018 report on “The Value of Mortgage Broking”, where c. 70% of leads come from existing mortgage customers; Survey was conducted in Australia, which has a more established and mature real estate mortgage broking market
Data Business: Building Trust through Transparency

              Property Seeker                                                              Banks

                                                                                                                    Our Approach
                                                                                                                    Single source of truth: Proprietary consumer demand data

                                                    Past Transactions                                               Reference price data in countries without official records

                                                                                                                    Data science and technology capabilities
     Agents                        Pricing                                                            Valuers
                                                   Property Information                                             Ease of data access through more intuitive interfaces

                            & supply                                              POIs

                                                                                                                    Our Growth Strategy
                                                                                                                    Valuation management system for valuers and banks
                                    PropertyGuru                          Commute
                                     Clickstream                                                                    Automated valuation solutions for banks and property owners
                                                                                                                    Property market intelligence for agents, developers, buyers, city planners

              Seller / landlords                                                         Developers

Technology Innovation Enhances Market Leadership
Three pillars of focus: Artificial Intelligence, Immersive Content and Enterprise Software

                                                                                           Artificial Intelligence (AI)

                                            Proprietary AI Recommendations: Personalisation(1)                            Proprietary Quality Photos Guide: Image Moderation

                       Park Levine                           Park Levine    Park Levine     Park Levine
                       2 Faber Lane                          2 Faber Lane   2 Faber Lane    2 Faber Lane

22   ____________________
     (1) Illustrative addresses and pictures for reference only
Technology Innovation Enhances Market Leadership
Three pillars of focus: Artificial Intelligence, Immersive Content and Enterprise Software

                                                                                                Immersive Content

                                       Market-defining immersive content products                                                   PropertyGuru Green Score

                 PropertyGuru Lens: Visual search using smartphone camera
                 Storyteller: Explore properties/ neighbourhoods virtually                                   Proprietary IP to drive sustainability choice
                 Drone video: Neighbourhood research

                                                                        Point, Tap & Discover
                                                                          Homes On-The-Go!

23   ___________________
     Note: Kindly refer to video “PG product video – final” in VDR for more information
Technology Innovation Enhances Market Leadership
Three pillars of focus: Artificial Intelligence, Immersive Content and Enterprise Software

                                                                                               Enterprise Software

                                                   SaaS Based Sales Process Automation Solution

                                                                                                                     End-to-end solution which centralises key
                                                                                                                     project processes

                                                                                                                      Sales collateral delivery

                                                                                                                      Sales channel performance tracking

                                                                                                                      Digitisation of document generation

                                                                                                                      Real-time bookings management

                                                                                                                      Agent outreach and media content creation

24   ___________________
     Note: Kindly refer to video “Property_Guru_FastKey_Finalv3” in VDR for more information
Agent & Developer Business
Scale across five Southeast Asian regions

                                                       Singapore                                                      Vietnam                                                      Malaysia                                                      Thailand                         Indonesia

     Entered                                              2007                                                          2016                                                         2011                                                          2011                            2011

     Agent &
     Developer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         0.58
                                                              0.46                                                         0.52
     TAM                                                                                                                                                                                 0.29

                                                                1                                                             2                                                             3                                                            4                            5
         CY20A                                              56.8%                                                         22.3%                                                          9.6%                                                          7.5%                          2.6%

         CY25F                                              32.0%                                                         22.4%                                                         21.0%                                                         10.6%                          1.4%

25      Note: USDSGD FX rate of 1:1.327
        (1) Sourced from Frost & Sullivan; Includes only Agent & Developer TAM; Please refer to slide 15 for further details on TAM assumptions
        (2) Does not include revenue contributions from FinTech and Data, as such disclosed percentages will not sum up to 100%; 25F includes impact of REA Assets to be acquired (refer to slide 10 for further details) but excludes impact from Listing proceeds investments
#1 Market Positions
Strong network effects create significant competitive advantage and drive increased profitability

                                                  Singapore                                                        Vietnam                                                       Malaysia(1)                                                      Thailand(1)                                                      Indonesia

     Market                            #1                                                               #1                                                             #1                                                              #1                                                               #2
     Position (2)

     Relative                                               75%                                                                 65%
     Engagement                                                                                                                                                                          95%                                                                  57%
     Share (3)                                       3.4x                                                               2.3x                                                            24x                                                             2.2x                                                           0.6x
                                                 closest peer (2)                                                   closest peer (2)                                               closest peer (2)                                                closest peer (2)                                                closest peer (2)

                                                                                                                                                                                              Expected to approach SG/VN levels in the
     Organic                                                                                                                                                                                  mid-term, post acquisition of REA Assets
                                                         84%                                                             98%                                                                                                                                                                                             83%
     Traffic                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             75%
     (PropertyGuru                                                                                                                                                                       25%
     Only) (4)
         (1) Refer to slide 10 in relation to the acquisition of REA Assets which would add to PropertyGuru’s current Malaysia and Thailand businesses
         (2) Based on Relative Engagement Market Share, which is defined as time spent on the PropertyGuru website multiplied by the number of visits relative to the time spent on comparable websites multiplied by the numbers of visits. This is calculated using data from SimilarWeb accessed 2 March 2021, last 3 month average as at 31
              December 2020. The average time on site is calculated as the time elapsed between the first and last page view per visit (visits are closed after 30 minutes of inactivity); Closest peer as identified by data from SimilarWeb. From October 2020, Malaysia business started using a beta SimilarWeb algorithm that more accurately
              reflects mobile traffic
26       (3) Singapore is aggregate of (72%) and (3%). Vietnam is aggregate of (63%) and (2%). Malaysia is aggregate of (63%) and (33%). Thailand is aggregate of (53%), (3%) and
     (2%). Indonesia is aggregate of (21%) and (11%); This is calculated using data from SimilarWeb accessed 2 March 2021, last 3 month average as at 31 December 2020.
         (4) Organic traffic (which is traffic to a website that is not a visit generated by a paid advertisement and all mobile application traffic) as a proportion of total visits as sourced from Google Analytics, last 3 month average as at 31 December 2020, excludes impact of REA Assets to be acquired (refer to slide 10 for further details)
Our Green Progress Report
Driving change in the sector using our market leadership, brand and reach

                                        PropertyGuru                                                                                        Consumers

                                       Green Offices                                                                                  Awareness & Education
                                     SG, MY, ID, TH & VN
                                   GreenGuru Advocates                                                                    How-to

                        50         in 5 offices came together to implement initiatives to transform
                                   into Green Offices
                        Some initiatives include:

                        +     E-Waste disposal & recycling bins
                                                                      Discourage single-use plastics in
                                                                      the office
                                                                                                                   100+ Articles                       Thought-leadership
                              Personal lunch boxes, cutlery and re-usable bags issued to employees
                                                                                                           “How to” pieces, green projects          Consumer sentiment survey
                              Green station to borrow re-usable bags, coffee and lunch containers                 and home loans

        Green Travel Policies                              Carbon Footprint Audit                         Rewarding Green Developers

                                                                                                          Elevated recognition for
                                                                                                          sustainability category in Asia
                                                                                                          Property Awards

      Lower Carbon Footprint                        Assessment of Carbon Footprint                        in entries to
        policy launched in Q1 2020                        Remedial actions to start in 2021               Green categories

3. Our Growth Strategy

Copyright © PropertyGuru Group. All Rights Reserved.
Strategic M&A: A Core Component of Strategy
Proven track record of strategic acquisitions supplementing organic builds – to drive penetration and growth

      Increase the range of our                                                                         To build sales                To solidify   To strengthen     To gain access     To gain access        Acquisition of
                                                                                                              process                leadership         Developer      to Vietnam(2)            to data         REA Group’s
       offerings and fast-track                                                                          automation                in Indonesia      relationships                            analytics        Malaysia and
                                                                                                            capability                                        and                           platform in            Thailand
                                                                                                                                                        marketing                             Malaysia             property
     expansion into new markets                                                                                                                           solution                                                     portal
                                                                                                        CY20A Revenue
                                                                                                         Contribution:            CY20A Revenue
                                                                                                          US$0.75m                 Contribution:    CY20A Revenue
                                                                                                                                    US$1.6m(1)       Contribution:      CY20A Revenue
                                                                                                                                                       US$3.7m           Contribution:    CY20A Revenue
                                                                                                                                                                          US$13.8m(4)      Contribution:       CY20A Revenue
                                                                                                                                                                                            US$0.45m(5)          Pro Forma:
                                                                                                                                                                     Oct-16; Oct-18(3)
       ____________________                                                                                                                                                                                 Announced on May-21,
       Note: USDSGD FX rate of 1:1.327                                                                                                                                                                        expected to close
       (1) Refers to Indonesia’s revenue                                                                                                                                                                   sometime end July 2021 –
       (2) Dai Viet Technology and Investment Joint Stock Company
                                                                                                                                                                                                              mid August 2021
       (3) Wholly acquired
       (4) Refers to Vietnam’s revenue
       (5) Actual CY20A revenue contribution from MPD post-acquisition
29     (6) Actual full year CY20A revenue of the REA assets
       (7) The transaction is expected to close sometime end July 2021 – mid August 202 (refer to slide 10 for further details)
Our Core Strategic Focus Aided by Expanded TAMs = A Long Runway for Growth

      1                                                                                                               2                                                                                                                3
              Agents                                                                                                           Developers                                                                                                       Expanded play into adjacent TAMs
               ARPA(1) growth through Depth Products(2)                                                                        Performance-focused value proposition                                                                           Near-term:
               Increasing acquisition in growth markets                                                                        Continued innovation of FastKey                                                                                    FinTech: Mortgage, property insurance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Data Services: Valuation / data
                                                                                                                                Offline-to-online migration                                                                                         consultancy services
                                                                                                                                     Vietnam, Thailand                                                                                          Mid-term:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Developer OS services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Home services

     Illustrative Chart; Not Up to Scale to Represent Any Forecasted Revenues                                                                                                                                                                                 Home Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Developer OS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Data Services



                       CY20A Revenue                                                             Agents                                                         Developers                                                     TAM Expansion                                  Long-Term Revenue
       Note: USDSGD FX rate of 1:1.327
30     (1) ARPA is defined as agent revenue divided by number of agent customers
       (2) Depth Products are optional features and add-ons that Agents can purchase, from within or on top of their subscription packages, to enhance visibility and performance. Examples include Boost and Repost, refer to slide 54 for further details
4. Financials

Copyright © PropertyGuru Group. All Rights Reserved.
Group Financials Overview

     Group Revenue(1)                                                                                                                                                           Group Adjusted EBITDA(2)(3)
                                                                                                                                                                                Group Adjusted EBITDA(2) Margin (%)

                                                                                                                                                                                           14%                      5%                     (16%)     8%     18%     26%     33%



                                                                                                                                 178.8                                                                                         COVID Recovery

                                                                                                          142.6                                                                                                                                                     46.8

                                                                                   109.3                                                                                                                                                                    25.9

                                                            75.7                                                                                                                             9.4                                                     8.6
             66.6                    61.9                                                                                                                                                                           3.4


           CY19A                   CY20A                  CY21F                   CY22F                   CY23F                  CY24F                   CY25F                            CY19A                  CY20A                     CY21F    CY22F   CY23F   CY24F   CY25F

       Note: USDSGD FX rate of 1:1.327
       (1) Revenue excludes impact from Listing proceeds investments
32     (2) Adjusted EBITDA excludes SBP, costs of REA acquisition & integration, one-off & ongoing costs of listing, as well as impact from Listing proceeds investments. Refer to slide 44 for CY19A & CY20A reconciliation to net loss
       (3) Please refer to slide 44 for reconciliation from net income for CY19A and CY20A
Pro Forma Revenue(1) Bridge
          CY21: COVID recovery year with 22% YoY revenue growth; YTD May 2021 revenue at +19% growth over YTD May 2020
          CY22 and CY23: organic revenue growth of c.30% each year
          Malaysia to contribute to 15.8% of CY23F revenue and 16.4% of CY25F revenue due to incremental contribution from REA Assets
          Total YoY growth of 44% and 30% in CY22 and CY23 respectively
          Additional upside potential with Listing proceeds investments(3)


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    YoY       ‘20A – ‘25F CAGR

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                +25%                                        29%   Total
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 YoY                            7.3 222.6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              10.2   11.7 5.5
                                                                                                                                                                                      +30%                                                                                          13%     105% Data & FinTech
                                                                                                                                                                                       YoY                                                              9.1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              4.8       5.9 178.8                                   12%
                                                                                                                             +44%                                                                                   8.7                                                                     34%   Other Asia
                                                                                                                                                                                                  8.2      8.5
                                                                                                                                                                      4.9      6.4 142.6                                                                                             21
                                                                   +22%                                                                 8.4                6.1                                                                                                                       %      51%   MY
                                                                    YoY                                              5.2 109.3
                                                                                                 10.3 4.6                                                                                                                                                                            22
                                                                                        7.2                                                                                                                                                                                                 29%   VN
                               2.8       4.0      0.9       2.3 75.7           6.4                                                                                                                                                                                                   %
            61.9 3.9
     10%           10%
                   22%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              32%     15%   SG

         CY20A                                                     CY21F                                                    CY22F                                                    CY23F                                                      CY24F                              CY25F


                                                                                                                                                                                     Data and FinTech
                     Singapore                                  Vietnam                                 Malaysia                       Other Asia(2)
      Note: USDSGD FX rate of 1:1.327
33    (1) Includes revenue contribution from REA Assets to be acquired, which would add to PropertyGuru’s current Malaysia and Thailand businesses (refer to slide 10 for further details), excludes impact from Listing proceeds investments
      (2) Refers to revenue from Thailand and Indonesia
      (3) Illustrative impact from investment based on 7.0-9.0x of revenue; additional growth rate assumed post-investment; Refer to slide 47 for further details
Singapore Marketplace: Recurring Revenue with Growing Yield

         Singapore agent business has maintained strong growth momentum, driven by network effect
         Despite COVID-19, renewal rate has recovered and outperformed management forecast

 Average Revenue per Agent(1)                                                                                            Renewal Rate vs. Pre-COVID Plan
     (US$ p.a.)                                                                                                            (%)

                                                                                                                                          While renewal rate under-performed budget
                                                                                     Lower discretionary spend
                                                                                                                                           during COVID-19 lockdown, since lifting of
                                                                                      in 2020 due to COVID-19
                                                                                                                                             lockdown restrictions, renewal rate is
                                                                                                                                          significantly outperforming by 600–700bps
                                                                                               2.1k                                                                                                             86%
                                                                                                                                                                                        81%         82%                     82%
                                                                                                                                                                            80%                                                   79%         79%
                       Since 2016, strong ARPA                                                                                         COVID miss               77%                                       78%         78%
                      growth has been driven by                                                                                                     71%
                                                                                                                                              69%         69%         70%         70%
                      two price increases in 2017                                                                         68%
                                                                                                                                 66%    65%
                               and 2019

               CY16A                         CY17A                         CY18A              CY19A              CY20A

                                                                                                                           Mar-20        Apr-20     May-20      Jun-20       Jul-20     Aug-20      Sep-20      Oct-20      Nov-20      Dec-20

                                                                                                                                                                 Actual Renewal Rate          Pre-COVID Plan
34       Note: USDSGD FX rate of 1:1.327
         (1) ARPA is defined as agent revenue divided by number of agent customers
Group Adjusted EBITDA Before HQ Costs(1)


                                                                                                                                                                                                            10.1                                                   Adjusted EBITDA Before
                                                                                                                                                                                                             4.1                                                    Headquarter (“HQ”) Costs excludes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    HQ costs, SBP, costs of REA
                                                                                                                                                                                                            21.8                                                    acquisition & integration, one-off
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (c.US$38.0m(4)) & ongoing costs of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    listing (c.US$6.3m(4)), as well as
                                                                                                                   55.7                                                                                     23.3                                                    impact from Listing proceeds
                                                                                                                                      2.4                                                                                                                           investments. Refer to slide 44 for
                                                                                                                    5.2               0.2                                                                                                                           CY19A & CY20A reconciliation to
                                                                                                                   12.3                                                                                                                                             net loss
        Total              26.8
                            4.2                                                                                                                                                                             49.9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Growth in CY23F expected to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    driven by operating leverage in
                           25.1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Singapore & Vietnam

                         (2.5)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Malaysia expected to be
                         (0.0)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      profitable(1) on back of market
                         CY19A                                                                                   CY23F                                                                                    CY25F                                                     leadership

     HQ Costs            (17.4)                                                                                   (29.8)                                                                                  (36.1)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Post COVID-recovery, Group
     Adjusted                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       profitability(1) trend to be extended
                          9.4(2)                                                                                   25.9                                                                                    73.1

                             Singapore                                Vietnam                              Malaysia                               Other Asia                               Data & FinTech
      Note: USDSGD FX rate of 1:1.327
      (1) Adjusted EBITDA Before HQ Costs excludes HQ costs, SBP, costs of REA acquisition & integration, one-off & ongoing costs of listing, as well as impact from Listing proceeds investments. Refer to slide 44 for CY19A & CY20A reconciliation to net loss
35    (2) Please refer to slide 44 for reconciliation from net income
      (3) Includes Adjusted EBITDA from Thailand and Indonesia
      (4) Estimated
5. Transaction Overview

Copyright © PropertyGuru Group. All Rights Reserved.
Transaction Overview

     Key Transaction Terms                                                                                                                                                   Illustrative Sources and Uses
                 Pro forma equity value at Listing of US$1,783m
                 100% rollover by existing PropertyGuru shareholders
                                                                                                                                                                               New Bridgetown 2 Class A Shares                                                                                                        $1,352
                 REA has committed to $20m of the $100m PIPE and exercised a call option over
                  an additional US$32m of primary shares that will be settled with the PIPE                                                                                    Bridgetown 2 Cash-in-Trust                                                                                                              $299

                 US$433m of pro forma cash held on balance sheet to pursue growth                                                                                             PIPE Investor Cash                                                                                                                      $100

                 Assumes no SPAC shareholders elect to have their SPAC shares redeemed for                                                                                    REA Option Exercise                                                                                                                       $32
                  cash as permitted
                                                                                                                                                                               Total Sources                                                                                                                          $1,783

      Illustrative Pro Forma Valuation
      (US$m)                                                                                                                                                                   Uses

       Total Equity Value(1)                                                                                                                    $1,783                         PropertyGuru Purchase Equity(1)                                                                                                        $1,277

       Existing Net Cash on Balance Sheet(2)                                                                                                       ($40)                       Bridgetown 2 Sponsor Class A Shares                                                                                                       $75

       Cash to Balance Sheet from Transaction                                                                                                   ($393)                         Cash to Balance Sheet from Transaction                                                                                                  $393

       Total Enterprise Value                                                                                                                   $1,350                         Estimated Fees & Expenses                                                                                                                 $38

       Implied CY22F EV/Revenue(3)                                                                                                                12.4x                        Total Uses                                                                                                                             $1,783

     Note: USDSGD FX rate of 1:1.327
     (1) Assumes undiluted share count of 127.7 million rollover equity shares, 29.9 million Bridgetown 2 public shares, 7.5 million sponsor promote shares, 10.0 million PIPE shares and 3.2 million REA options shares. Undiluted share count does not include 112,000 warrants held by KKR (4.0 million pro forma shares) and 176,964
           restricted stock units and share options (6.4 million pro forma shares). Assumes no SPAC shareholders elect to have their SPAC shares redeemed for cash as permitted
     (2) Cash on balance sheet as at 31 March 2021; includes pre-Listing adjustments
     (3) CY22F revenue of US$109.3m; Includes revenue contribution from REA Assets to be acquired (refer to slide 10 for further details), excludes impact from Listing proceeds investments
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