Investigation of an international outbreak of multidrug-resistant monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium associated with chocolate products, EU/EEA ...

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 Investigation of an international outbreak of multidrug-
 resistant monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium
 associated with chocolate products, EU/EEA and United
 Kingdom, February to April 2022
Lesley Larkin¹ , Maria Pardos de la Gandara² , Ann Hoban¹ , Caisey Pulford¹ , Nathalie Jourdan-Da Silva³ , Henriette de Valk³ ,
Lynda Browning⁴ , Gerhard Falkenhorst⁵ , Sandra Simon⁶ , Raskit Lachmann⁵ , Rikard Dryselius⁷ , Nadja Karamehmedovic⁸ ,
Stefan Börjesson⁷ , Dieter van Cauteren⁹ , Valeska Laisnez9,16 , Wesley Mattheus10 , Roan Pijnacker­, Maaike van den Beld11 , Joël
Mossong12 , Catherine Ragimbeau13 , Anne Vergison12 , Lin Thorstensen Brandal14 , Heidi Lange14 , Patricia Garvey15 , Charlotte
Salgaard Nielsen15,16 , Silvia Herrera León17 , Carmen Varela18 , Marie Chattaway19 , François-Xavier Weill² , Derek Brown20 , Paul
1. Gastrointestinal Infections and Food Safety (One Health Unit), UK Health Security Agency, London, United Kingdom
2. Institut Pasteur, Université Paris Cité, Centre National de Référence des E. coli, Shigella et Salmonella, Unité des Bactéries
    pathogènes entériques, Paris, France
3. Sante Publique France, Direction des Maladies Infectieuses Unité EAZ, Paris, France
4. Clinical and Protecting Health Directorate, Public Health Scotland, Glasgow, United Kingdom
5. Robert Koch Institute, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology FG 35 - Gastrointestinal Infections, Zoonoses and
    Tropical Infections, Berlin, Germany
6. Robert Koch Institute, Department of Infectious Diseases, Unit for Enteropathogenic Bacteria and Legionella / National
    Reference Centre for Salmonella and other Bacterial Enterics, Wernigerode, Germany
7. Public Health Agency of Sweden, Unit for Zoonoses and Antibiotic Resistance, Stockholm, Sweden
8. Public Health Agency of Sweden, Unit for laboratory surveillance of bacterial pathogens, Stockholm, Sweden
9. Epidemiology of infectious diseases, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium
10. National Reference Centre for Salmonella and Shigella, Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium
11. 11 National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Centre for Infectious Disease Control, Bilthoven,
12. Health Inspection, Health Directorate, Luxembourg
13. Laboratoire National de Santé, Epidemiology and Microbial Genomics, Dudelange, Luxembourg
14. Department of Infection Control and Preparedness, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway
15. HSE -Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin, Ireland
16. ECDC Fellowship Programme, Field Epidemiology path (EPIET), European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC),
     Stockholm, Sweden
17. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Centro Nacional de Microbiología, Madrid, Spain
18. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. CIBER epidemiología y salud pública. Madrid, Spain
19. Specialist Scientific Reference Service (Salmonella), Gastrointestinal Bacteria Reference Unit, UK Health Security Agency,
     London, United Kingdom
20. Scottish Microbiology Reference Laboratories, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Correspondence: Lesley Larkin (

Citation style for this article:
Larkin Lesley, Pardos de la Gandara Maria, Hoban Ann, Pulford Caisey, Jourdan-Da Silva Nathalie, de Valk Henriette, Browning Lynda, Falkenhorst Gerhard,
Simon Sandra, Lachmann Raskit, Dryselius Rikard, Karamehmedovic Nadja, Börjesson Stefan, van Cauteren Dieter, Laisnez Valeska, Mattheus Wesley, Pijnacker
Roan, van den Beld Maaike, Mossong Joël, Ragimbeau Catherine, Vergison Anne, Thorstensen Brandal Lin, Lange Heidi, Garvey Patricia, Nielsen Charlotte
Salgaard, Herrera León Silvia, Varela Carmen, Chattaway Marie, Weill François-Xavier, Brown Derek, McKeown Paul. Investigation of an international outbreak of
multidrug-resistant monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium associated with chocolate products, EU/EEA and United Kingdom, February to April 2022. Euro Surveill.

                                                                           Article submitted on 11 Apr 2022 / accepted on 13 Apr 2022 / published on 14 Apr 2022

An extensive multi-country outbreak of multidrug-                                   of infection with monophasic Salmonella enter-
resistant monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium                                         ica subsp. enterica serotype Typhimurium (1,4,5,12:i:-)
infection in 10 countries with 150 reported cases,                                  eBG 1, sequence type (ST) 34 was identified in the
predominantly affecting young children, has been                                    United Kingdom (UK). The cluster was unusual, with all
linked to chocolate products produced by a large                                    but one reported case younger than 10 years, and the
multinational company. Extensive withdrawals and                                    strain demonstrated genotypic markers of an unusual
recalls of multiple product lines have been undertaken.                             antimicrobial resistance pattern not commonly seen in
With Easter approaching, widespread product                                         livestock, food or human disease cases in the UK. The
distribution and the vulnerability of the affected                                  cluster was not closely related to any other UK strains
population, early and effective real-time sharing of                                of monophasic S. Typhimurium.
microbiological and epidemiological information has
been of critical importance in effectively managing                                 Exploratory interviews using an open-ended, anthro-
this serious food-borne incident.                                                   pological approach (not binary yes/no questions) were
                                                                                    undertaken with the parents/guardians of five cases
In February 2022, a small five-single nucleotide poly-                              in England for hypothesis generation. Subsequently, a
morphism (SNP) single linkage cluster of eight cases                                targeted questionnaire to refine hypotheses identified                                                                                                                                         1
Figure 1                                                                                                                                                                        Figure 2
Distribution of confirmed and probable salmonellosis                                                                                                                            Distribution of confirmed and probable salmonellosis
outbreak cases by week and country and by date of                                                                                                                               outbreak cases, by age group and sex, EU/EEA and UK, up
onseta,b, EU/EEA and UK, up to 10 April 2022 (n = 150)                                                                                                                          to 10 April 2022 (n = 150)

                      25                                                                                                                                                        Age group
                                                                                                                                                                                  > 60                                             Female
    Number of cases

                      15                                                                                                                                                         51-60


                      5                                                                                                                                                          21-30

                           13 Dec
                                    20 Dec
                                             27 Dec
                                                      3 Jan
                                                              10 Jan
                                                                       17 Jan
                                                                                24 Jan
                                                                                         31 Jan
                                                                                                  7 Feb
                                                                                                          14 Feb
                                                                                                                   21 Feb
                                                                                                                            28 Feb
                                                                                                                                     7 Mar
                                                                                                                                             14 Mar
                                                                                                                                                      21 MAr
                                                                                                                                                               28 Mar
                                                                                                                                                                        4 Apr
Summary of exposure to chocolate produced by the implicated company derived from interviews with confirmed and
probable salmonellosis outbreak cases, EU/EEA and UK, up to 10 April 2022 (n = 101)

                  Number of case       Brand       Brand       Brand         Brand   Brand products   Brand products   Other company
                    interviews       product A   product B   product C     product D      E–J           unspecified       products
Belgium                 22              19           13          8            8             2               0               6
France                  21              12           5           8            0             3               2               9
Germany                    7             4           3           2             2            7               0                1
Ireland                    11            1           1           0             1            0               6               0
Luxembourg                 1             1           0           0            0             0               0               0
Netherlands                2             2           0           0            0             0               0               0
Norway                     1             1           0           0            0             0               0               0
Spain                      1             0           0           1            0             0               0               0
Sweden                     4             2           0           0            0             0               2               0
UK                         31           22           12          0             2            5               0                1
Total                   101             64           34         19            13           17               10              17

EEA: European Economic Area; EU: European Union; UK: United Kingdom.

countries, 88 cases (87%) confirmed consumption of                       product samples, derived from cases’ homes, have
these products. The most commonly consumed prod-                         been sampled in four countries, with negative results
uct was Product A, marketed primarily for children in                    to date.
the age group 3–10 years, but multiple other product
types were also reported (Table ).                                       Notably, the Salmonella outbreak strain has an
                                                                         uncommon and extensive AMR profile compared with
Microbiological investigations                                           other monophasic S. Typhimurium strains circulating in
The isolates from confirmed cases reported in EU/EEA                     Europe. Analysis of genotypic markers of antimicrobial
countries and the UK demonstrated limited genetic                        resistance (AMR) in seven EU/EEA countries and the UK
diversity. A minimal spanning tree was produced using                    indicated markers against several classes of antimicro-
the cgMLST V2 + HierCC V1_Tree algorithm [4] (Figure                     bial drugs. Of specific note were genotypic indicators
3), including human isolates from nine countries, one                    of the presence of the lnu(F) gene conferring resistance
per case (n = 99), that were available on EnteroBase                     to lincosamides. Further phenotypic analysis at the
( and belonged to                       National Reference Laboratories in France, Germany,
HC5_296366. The majority of isolates (n = 59; 60%)                       Belgium and the UK according to EUCAST guidelines
were genetically indistinguishable (0 allelic differ-                    [5,6] confirmed resistance to: penicillins (bla TEM-1), ami-
ences), with a maximum allelic difference across the                     noglycosides (streptomycin, spectinomycin, kanamy-
cluster of 8 and all isolates having ≤ 5 allelic differ-                 cin, gentamicin strA-strB, ant(3”)_Ia and aac(3)_IId),
ences when compared with at least one other isolate                      phenicols (cmlA1, floR), sulfonamides (sul3, per-
in the cluster. Analysis of the UK outbreak cluster alone                haps sul2), trimethoprim (dfrA12) and tetracyclines
indicated very limited genetic diversity across the clus-                (tetA/B and tetM). There was some variability of the
ter with the average distance between isolates being                     outbreak strain’s AMR profile, possibly related to the
less than one SNP.                                                       presence of multiple or chimeric plasmids, warranting
                                                                         further investigation to confirm.
cgMLST minimal spanning tree of all Salmonella isolates
of human origin available on EnteroBase in association                   Outbreak control measures
with HC5_296366 according to country of isolation                        Food chain investigations in the affected countries
(generated on 13 April 2022).                                            indicated that the majority of the products implicated
                                                                         in the epidemiological investigations were produced
Previous analyses on isolates posted on EnteroBase                       predominantly at a single production site in Belgium.
had identified several non-human isolates that fell                      This was the same facility from which the outbreak
into the same cgMLST HC5_296366 cluster and had 0                        strain had been identified in December 2021 in the pro-
allelic differences compared with the cgMLST profile of                  cessing equipment.
the predominant human outbreak case isolates (data
not shown). Subsequent enquiries revealed that these                     Based on the strong descriptive epidemiological evi-
isolates were obtained through food business operator                    dence implicating these products in this outbreak,
sampling of the processing equipment (the buttermilk                     on the identified food chain links and on evidence of
ingredient tanks) carried out on 15 December 2021 and                    contamination previously identified at production,
again in January 2022 in one of the implicated com-                      risk management actions were taken in all affected
pany’s manufacturing facilities. At least 10 implicated                  countries, including withdrawal of all product lines                                                                                                           3
Figure 3
                                                             through routine food hygiene procedures [7]. It has
Genomic clustering of the monophasic S. Typhimurium          been suggested that the high fat content of chocolate
isolates (HC5_296366) available on EnteroBase, EU/EEA
and UK, up to 13 April 2022 (n = 99)                         may have a protective effect for the bacteria [10,11],
                                                             including against gastric acid, and possibly altering
                                                             the functional infective dose of Salmonella, resulting
                                                             in clinically severe disease from exposure to only very
                                                             low levels of contamination [12,13].

    United Kingdom (n = 45)
    France (n = 30)
                                                             By 10 April, this outbreak involved at least 150 reported
    Germany (n = 8)                                          cases in nine EU/EEA countries and the UK. Owing to
    Belgium (n = 7)
    Sweden (n = 4)
                                                             known under-reporting of Salmonella surveillance
    Netherlands (n = 2)                                      systems and the varying sensitivities of microbiological
    Ireland (n = 1)
    Luxembourg (n = 1)                                       techniques used across countries, the scale of the
    Spain (n = 1)
                                                             outbreak is certainly underestimated, especially
                                                             considering that very high volumes of the implicated
                                                             chocolate products are consumed in the EU/EEA and the
                                                             UK. However, while the period between initial detection
                                                             of the outbreak in the UK and subsequent control
                                                             measures taken at the international level spanned
                                                             a duration of more than 2 months, once definitive
Source: EnteroBase (       epidemiological links with the implicated product
                                                             were made, control actions followed rapidly. Indeed,
                                                             compared with previous outbreaks of salmonellosis
produced in the implicated production facility and           associated with chocolate products, the duration of
extensive product recalls, supported by news alerts          this investigation was relatively short [7,14-16].
and advice for consumers, starting with the first recall
on 2 April in the UK and Ireland and extended to other       The field of infectious disease epidemiology
countries shortly after. Extended recalls were carried       for Salmonella has been considerably impacted by the
out from 7 April as the investigations in a number of        adoption of next generation sequencing technologies
countries progressed, resulting in further evidence to       combined with novel epidemiological approaches such
support these recalls. On 8 April 2022, Belgian authori-     as iterative open-ended interviewing [17]. The increas-
ties stopped production at the facility in Belgium and,      ing use of WGS enables us to detect and resolve
following the European Rapid Alert System Food and           outbreaks more quickly, especially where common
Feed (RASFF) alert notifications (RASFF 2022.1799),          serovars such as S. Typhimurium are involved, allow-
the World Health Organization/Food and Agriculture           ing consolidation of evidence implicating specific food
Organization International Food Safety Authorities           vehicles of infection at the international level [18-20].
Network (INFOSAN) also issued a global alert on 10
April notifying 77 countries and territories to which dis-   Another notable aspect of this outbreak was the multi-
tribution of the implicated products had been estab-         drug resistance profile of the outbreak strain and spe-
lished to initiate a global recall (see the Supplement for   cifically resistance to kanamycin and gentamicin, and
a non-exhaustive list of country-specific recall notices).   the presence of lnu(F), a determinant of resistance to
                                                             lincosamides, which are relatively rare for monopha-
As at 10 April 2022, investigations are still ongoing to     sic S. Typhimurium in Europe. While not of especial
define specific national supply chains for the implicated    clinical significance as the outbreak strain is suscepti-
products and common sourcing of raw ingredients.             ble to fluoroquinolones, azithromycin and third-gener-
Root cause analysis for the outbreak is also ongoing         ation cephalosporins which provide effective treatment
to determine whether the outbreak was caused by a            options for cases of bloodstream infection, the unusual
contaminated ingredient or another (potentially multi-       AMR profile constituted an additional characteristic of
strain) source of contamination.                             the outbreak strain to be assessed by all countries in
                                                             the early stages of investigation for case ascertain-
Discussion                                                   ment and possible hypothesis generation. This empha-
Historically, chocolate-associated outbreaks have been       sises the usefulness of including more uncommon AMR
protracted and usually of large scale, probably reflect-     profiles in early international communications and
ing both the long shelf life of chocolate and the long       subsequent incorporation as part of the international
survival of Salmonella in these products, as well as         outbreak case definitions, where this facilitates identi-
difficulties in detecting and resolving such outbreaks       fication of possible or probable cases before the appli-
[7-9]. Previous investigations have resulted in recov-       cation of WGS and/or epidemiological investigations to
ery of only small amounts of Salmonella bacteria             confirm outbreak cases.
from sampling of chocolate products, suggesting that
contamination in chocolate may be difficult to detect
in product sampling, as well as difficult to mitigate

Valeska Laisnez, Wesley Mattheus, Roan Pijnacker, Maaike
Conclusion                                                      van den Beld, Joël Mossong, Catherine Ragimbeau, Anne
The large multi-country aspect of this outbreak with            Vergison, Lin Thorstensen Brandal, Heidi Lange, Patricia
multiple products (some marketed under different                Garvey, Charlotte Salgaard Nielsen, Silvia Herrera León,
names) implicated in different countries in children            Carmen Varela, Marie Chattaway, François-Xavier Weill,
of young age made this outbreak not only unique but             Derek Brown and Paul McKeown were directly involved in
                                                                the gathering of epidemiological and microbiological data to
one that required an especially urgent, coordinated             inform the outbreak investigations at the national level and
response. Moreover, the occurrence of contamination in          participated in information sharing exchanges for collation
chocolate products in the run-up to Easter when choco-          of information at the international level. Additional analysis
late consumption will increase considerably, especially         of the data and presentation of the data in agreed formats
among children, increased urgency even more.                    for multi-country collation of information was led by Lesley
                                                                Larkin, Maria Pardos de la Gandara, Ann Hoban, Sandra
                                                                Simon and Derek Brown. All authors reviewed the draft
Early notification of the detection of the outbreak and         manuscript and submitted contributions and amendments to
preliminary findings of the UK investigation followed by        ensure clarity for presentation of national and international
rapid multi-country collaboration in information shar-          level data.
ing, coordinated and supported by ECDC, was essential
to the rapid progress of the outbreak investigations.
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