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PRELIMINARY VERSION: DO NOT CITE The AAAI Digital Library will contain the published version some time after the conference Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Explicit Policy Estimates Navyata Sanghvi†1 , Shinnosuke Usami†1,2 , Mohit Sharma†1 , Joachim Groeger∗1 , Kris Kitani1 1 2 Carnegie Mellon University Sony Corporation,,,, Abstract the perspectives these four methods take suggest a relation- ship between them, to the best of our knowledge, we are Various methods for solving the inverse reinforcement learn- the first to make explicit connections between them. The de- ing (IRL) problem have been developed independently in ma- velopment of a common theoretical framework results in a chine learning and economics. In particular, the method of unified perspective of related methods from both fields. This Maximum Causal Entropy IRL is based on the perspective of entropy maximization, while related advances in the field enables us to compare the suitability of methods for various of economics instead assume the existence of unobserved ac- problem scenarios, based on their underlying assumptions tion shocks to explain expert behavior (Nested Fixed Point and the resultant quality of solutions. Algorithm, Conditional Choice Probability method, Nested To establish these connections, we first develop a com- Pseudo-Likelihood Algorithm). In this work, we make previ- mon optimization problem form, and describe the associated ously unknown connections between these related methods objective, policy and gradient forms. We then show how from both fields. We achieve this by showing that they all each method solves a particular instance of this common belong to a class of optimization problems, characterized by form. Based on this common form, we show how estimat- a common form of the objective, the associated policy and ing the optimal soft value function is a key characteristic the objective gradient. We demonstrate key computational and algorithmic differences which arise between the methods due which differentiates the methods. This difference results in to an approximation of the optimal soft value function, and two algorithmic perspectives, which we call optimization- describe how this leads to more efficient algorithms. Using and approximation-based methods. We investigate insights insights which emerge from our study of this class of opti- derived from our study of the common optimization problem mization problems, we identify various problem scenarios and towards determining the suitability of the methods for various investigate each method’s suitability for these problems. problem settings. Our contributions include: (1) developing a unified per- spective of methods proposed by Ziebart (2010); Rust (1987); Hotz and Miller (1993); Aguirregabiria and Mira (2002) as 1 Introduction particular instances of a class of IRL optimization prob- lems that share a common objective and policy form (Section Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) – the problem of in- 4); (2) explicitly demonstrating algorithmic and compu- ferring the reward function from observed behavior – has tational differences between methods, which arise from a been studied independently both in machine learning (ML) difference in soft value function estimation (Section 5); (3) (Abbeel and Ng 2004; Ratliff, Bagnell, and Zinkevich 2006; investigating the suitability of methods for various types of Boularias, Kober, and Peters 2011) and economics (Miller problems, using insights which emerge from a study of our 1984; Pakes 1986; Rust 1987; Wolpin 1984). One of the most unified perspective (Section 6). popular IRL approaches in the field of machine learning is Maximum Causal Entropy IRL (Ziebart 2010). While this 2 Related Work approach is based on the perspective of entropy maximiza- tion, independent advances in the field of economics instead Many formulations of the IRL problem have been proposed assume the existence of unobserved action shocks to explain previously, including maximum margin formulations (Abbeel expert behavior (Rust 1988). Both these approaches opti- and Ng 2004; Ratliff, Bagnell, and Zinkevich 2006) and mize likelihood-based objectives, and are computationally probabilistic formulations (Ziebart 2010). These methods are expensive. To ease the computational burden, related methods computationally expensive as they require repeatedly solving in economics make additional assumptions to infer rewards the underlying MDP. We look at some methods which reduce (Hotz and Miller 1993; Aguirregabiria and Mira 2002). While this computational burden. One set of approaches avoids the repeated computation by Copyright c 2021, Association for the Advancement of Artificial casting the estimation problem as a supervised classification Intelligence ( All rights reserved. or regression problem (Klein et al. 2012, 2013). Structured † Equal contribution. ∗ Work done while at CMU. Classification IRL (SC-IRL) (Klein et al. 2012) assumes a lin-
early parameterized reward and uses expert policy estimates 1988) describes the following Bellman optimality equation to reduce the IRL problem to a multi-class classification prob- for the optimal value function Vθ∗ (s, ): lem. However, SC-IRL is restricted by its assumption of a linearly parameterized reward function. Vθ∗ (s, ) = max r(s, a, θ) + a + γEs0 ∼p0 ,0 [Vθ∗ (s0 , 0 )] . (1) Another work that avoids solving the MDP repeatedly is a∈A Relative Entropy IRL (RelEnt-IRL) (Boularias, Kober, and Peters 2011). RelEnt-IRL uses a baseline policy for value The optimal choice-specific value is defined as Q∗θ (s, a) , function approximation. However, such baseline policies are r(s, a, θ) + Es0 ∼p0 ,0 [Vθ∗ (s0 , 0 )]. Then: in general not known (Ziebart 2010), and thus RelEnt-IRL Vθ∗ (s, ) = maxa∈A Q∗θ (s, a) + a . cannot be applied in such scenarios. (2) One method that avoids solving the MDP problem focuses Solution: The choice-specific value Q∗θ (s, a) is the fixed on linearly solvable MDPs (Todorov 2007). (Dvijotham and point of the contraction mapping Λθ (Rust 1988): Todorov 2010) present an efficient IRL algorithm, which they call OptV, for such linearly solvable MDPs. However, Λθ (Q)(s, a) this class of MDPs assumes that the Bellman equation can 0 0 be transformed into a linear equation. Also, OptV uses a = r(s, a, θ) + γEs0 ∼p0 ,0 max 0 Q(s , a ) + a0 . (3) a ∈A value-function parameterization instead of a reward-function parameterization, it can have difficulties with generalization We denote the indicator function as I{}. From (2), the optimal when it is not possible to transfer value-function parameters policy at (s, ) is given by: to new environments (Ziebart 2010; Levine and Koltun 2012). π(a|s, ) = I {a = arg maxa0 ∈A {Q∗θ (s, a0 ) + a0 }} . (4) Another recent work that avoids solving the MDP repeat- edly is the CCP-IRL approach (Sharma, Kitani, and Groeger Therefore, πθ (a|s) = E [π(a|s, )] is the optimal choice 2017). This approach makes an initial connection of IRL with conditional on state alone. πθ is called the conditional choice the Dynamic Discrete Choice (DDC) model, and uses it to in- probability (CCP). Notice, πθ has the same form as a policy troduce a CCP-based IRL algorithm. By contrast, our current in an MDP. work goes much further beyond the CCP method. Specifically, The Inverse Decision Problem: The inverse problem, i.e., our work establishes formal connections between MCE-IRL IRL in machine learning (ML) and structural parameter es- and a suite of approximation-based methods, of which the timation in econometrics, is to estimate the parameters θ of CCP method is one instance. Importantly, unlike (Sharma, a state-action reward function r(s, a, θ) from expert demon- Kitani, and Groeger 2017), we perform a comprehensive strations. The expert follows an unknown policy πE (a|s). A theoretical and empirical analysis of each algorithm in the state-action trajectory is denoted: (s, a) = (s0 , a0 , ..., sT ). context of trade-offs between the correctness of the inferred The expert’s distribution over trajectories is given by solution and its computational burden. PE (s, a). Considering a Markovian environment, the prod- uct of transition dynamics terms is denoted P (sT ||aT −1 ) = QT 3 Preliminaries τ =0 P (sτ |sτ −1 , aτ −1 ), and theQ product of expert policy T In this section, we first introduce the forward decision prob- terms is denoted: πE (aT ||sT ) = τ =0 πE (aτ |sτ ). The ex- lem formulation used in economics literature. We then fa- pert distribution is PE (s, a) = πE (aT ||sT ) P (sT ||aT −1 ). miliarize the reader with the inverse problem of interest, i.e., Similarly, for a policy πθ dependent on reward parameters θ, inferring the reward function, and the associated notation. the distribution over trajectories generated using πθ is given The Dynamic Discrete Choice (DDC) model is a dis- by Pθ (s, a) = πθ (aT ||sT ) P (sT ||aT −1 ). crete Markov Decision Process (MDP) with action shocks. A DDC is represented by the tuple (S, A, T, r, γ, E, F ). S 4 A Unified Perspective and A are a countable sets of states and actions respec- In order to compare various methods of reward parameter tively. T : S × A × S → [0, 1] is the transition function. estimation that have been developed in isolation in the fields r : A × S → R is the reward function. γ is a discount factor. of economics and ML, it is important to first study their con- Distinct from the MDP, each action has an associated “shock” nections and commonality. To facilitate this, in this section, variable ∈ E, which is unobserved and drawn from a distri- we develop a unified perspective of the following methods: bution F over E. The vector of shock variables, one for each Maximum Causal Entropy IRL (MCE-IRL) (Ziebart 2010), action, is denoted . The unobserved shocks a account for Nested Fixed Point Algorithm (NFXP) (Rust 1988), Condi- agents that sometimes take seemingly sub-optimal actions tional Choice Probability (CCP) (Hotz and Miller 1993), and (McFadden et al. 1973). For the rest of this paper, we will Nested Pseudo-Likelihood Algorithm (NPL) (Aguirregabiria use the shorthand p0 for transition P dynamics T (s0 |s, a) and and Mira 2002). softmaxf (a) = exp f (a)/ a exp f (a). To achieve this, we first describe a class of optimization The Forward Decision Problem: Similar to reinforce- problems that share a common form. While the methods we ment learning, the DDC forward decision problem in state discuss were derived from different perspectives, we show (s, ) is to select Pthe action a that maximizes future ag- how each method is a specific instance of this class. We gregated utility: E [ t γ t (r(st , at , θ) + at ) | (s, )] where characterize this class of optimization problems using a com- the state-action reward function is parametrized by θ. (Rust mon form of the objective, the associated policy πθ and the
objective gradient. In subsequent subsections, we discuss NFXP: Under the assumption that shock values a are −a the critical point of difference between the algorithms: the i.i.d and drawn from a TIEV distribution: F (a ) = e−e , explicit specification of a policy π̃. NFXP solves the forward decision problem (Section 3). At Objective Form: The common objective in terms of θ is the solution, the CCP: to maximize expected log likelihood L(θ) of trajectories gen- erated using a policy πθ , under expert distribution PE (s, a): πθ (a|s) = softmax Q∗θ (s, a), (10) L(θ) = EPE (s,a) [log Pθ (s, a)] . (5) where Q∗θ (s, a)is the optimal choice-specific value function (3). We can show Q∗θ is the optimal soft value, and, conse- Since transition dynamics P (sT ||aT −1 ) do not depend on θ, quently, πθ is optimal in the soft value sense. maximizing L(θ) is the same as maximizing g(θ), i.e., the Proof: Appendix ??. expected log likelihood of πθ (aT ||sT ) under PE (s, a): To estimate θ, NFXP maximizes the expected log likelihood of trajectories generated using πθ (10) under the expert dis- g(θ) = EPE (s,a) log πθ (aT ||sT ) tribution. We can show the gradient of this objective is: P = EPE (s,a) [ τ log πθ (aτ |sτ )] . (6) P ∂r(st ,at ,θ) P ∂r(st ,at ,θ) EPE (s,a) ∂θ − EPθ (s,a) ∂θ . (11) Policy Form: The policy πθ in objective (6) has a general t t form defined in terms of the state-action “soft” value function Proof: Appendix ??. Qπ̃θ (s, a) (Haarnoja et al. 2017), under some policy π̃. MCE-IRL: (Ziebart 2010) estimates θ by following the dual gradient: Qπ̃θ (s, a) P P = r(s, a, θ) + Es0 ,a0 ∼π̃ Qπ̃θ (s0 , a0 ) − log π̃(a0 |s0 ) , (7) EPE (s,a) [ t f (st , at )] − EPθ (s,a) [ t f (st , at )] , (12) πθ (a|s) = softmax Qπ̃θ (s, a). (8) where f (s,Pa) is a vector of state-action features, and EPE (s,a) [ t f (st , at )] is estimated from expert data. The This policy form guarantees that πθ is an improvement over reward is a linear function of features r(s, a, θ) = θ T f (s, a), π̃ in terms of soft value, i.e., Qπθθ (s, a) ≥ Qπ̃θ (s, a), ∀(s, a) and the policy πθ (a|s) = softmax Qπθθ (s, a). This implies (Haarnoja et al. 2018). In subsequent sections, we explicitly πθ is optimal in the soft value sense (Haarnoja et al. 2018). define π̃ in the context of each method. Connections: From our discussion above we see that, for Gradient Form: With this policy form (8), the gradient both NFXP and MCE-IRL, policy πθ is optimal in the soft of the objective (6) is given by: value sense. Moreover, when the reward is a linear function of ∂g P h π̃ ∂Qθ (sτ ,aτ ) features r(s, a, θ) = θ T f (s, a), the gradients (11) and (12) ∂θ = E PE (s1:τ ,a1:τ ) ∂θ are equivalent. Thus, NFXP and MCE-IRL are equivalent. τ We now show that both methods are instances of the class ∂Qπ̃ (s ,a0 ) of optimization problems characterized by (6-9). From the πθ (a0 |sτ ) θ ∂θτ P − . (9) a0 discussion above, πθ (a|s) = softmax Qπθθ (s, a). Compar- ing this with the forms (7, 8), for these methods, π̃ = πθ . Proof: Appendix ??. Furthermore, by specifying π̃ = πθ , we can show that the The general forms we detailed above consider no discounting. gradients (11, 12) are equivalent to our objective gradient (9) In case of discounting by factor γ, simple modifications apply (Proof: Appendix ??). From this we can conclude that both to the objective, soft value and gradient (6, 7, 9). NFXP and MCE-IRL are solving the objective (6). Details: Appendix ??. Computing Q∗θ : For NFXP and MCE-IRL, every gradi- We now show how each method is a specific instance of ent step requires the computation of optimal soft value Q∗θ . the class of optimization problems characterized by (6-9). The policy πθ (10) is optimal in the soft value sense. Q∗θ is Towards this, we explicitly specify π̃ in the context of each computed using the following fixed point iteration. This is a method. We emphasize that, in order to judge how suitable computationally expensive dynamic programming problem. each method is for any problem, it is important to understand Q(s, a) ←r(s, a, θ) + γEs0 ∼p0 [log a0 exp Q(s0 , a0 )] (13) P the assumptions involved in these specifications and how these assumptions cause differences between methods. 4.2 Conditional Choice Probability Method 4.1 Maximum Causal Entropy IRL and Nested As discussed in Section 4.1, NFXP and MCE-IRL require Fixed Point Algorithm computing the optimal soft value Q∗θ (3) at every gradient MCE-IRL (Ziebart 2010) and NFXP (Rust 1988) originated step, which is computationally expensive. To avoid this, the independently in the ML and economics communities respec- CCP method (Hotz and Miller 1993) is based on the idea tively, but they can be shown to be equivalent. NFXP (Rust of approximating the optimal soft value Q∗θ . To achieve this, 1988) solves the DDC forward decision problem for πθ , and they approximate Q∗θ ≈ Qπ̂θE , where Qπ̂θE is the soft value maximizes its likelihood under observed data. On the other under a simple, nonparametric estimate π̂E of the expert’s hand, MCE-IRL formulates the estimation of θ as the dual policy πE . The CCP πθ (10) is then estimated as: of maximizing causal entropy subject to feature matching constraints under the observed data. πθ (a|s) = softmax Qπ̂θE (s, a) (14)
In order to estimate parameters θ, the CCP method uses Table 1: Summary of the common objective and policy form, the method of moments estimator (Hotz and Miller 1993; and specifications for each method. Aguirregabiria and Mira 2010): P P P Objective Form: g(θ) = EPE (s,a) [ τ log πθ (aτ |sτ )] EPE (s,a) [ τ a F(sτ , a) (I{aτ = a} − πθ (a|sτ ))] Policy Form: πθ (a|s) = softmax Qθ (s, a). Qπ̃θ is soft value (7) π̃ = 0, (15) Method → MCE-IRL CCP Method NPL Characteristic ↓ = NFXP ∂Q π̂E (s,a) Specification of π̃ πθ π̂E π̂E , πθ1 ∗ , πθ2 ∗ , ... where F(s, a) = θ∂θ (Aguirregabiria and Mira 2002). Gradient step Soft Value Policy Policy An in-depth discussion of this estimator may be found in computation optimization improvement improvement (Aguirregabiria and Mira 2010). Connections: We show that CCP is an instance of our class of problems characterized by (6-9). Comparing (14) with (7, 8), for this method, π̃ = π̂E . Further, by specifying π̃ = π̂E , ∂Qπ̃ (s,a) solving the forward decision problem exactly in order to cor- we obtain F(s, a) = θ∂θ . From (15): rectly infer the reward function. This requires computing a h π̃ ∂Qθ (sτ ,aτ ) ∂Qπ̃ i policy π̃ = πθ that is optimal in the soft value sense. On the θ (sτ ,a) P P τ EPE (s1:τ ,a1:τ ) ∂θ − a π θ (a|sτ ) ∂θ other hand, we discussed in Sections 4.2-4.3 that the computa- tion of the CCP and NPL gradient involves an approximation =0 (16) of the optimal soft value. This only requires computing the Notice that this is equivalent to setting our objective gradient policy πθ that is an improvement over π̃ in the soft value (9) to zero. This occurs at the optimum of our objective (6). sense. This insight lays the groundwork necessary to com- We highlight here that the CCP method is more compu- pare the methods. The approximation of the soft value results tationally efficient compared to NFXP and MCE-IRL. At in algorithmic and computational differences between the every gradient update step, NFXP and MCE-IRL require methods, which we make explicit in Section 5. Approximat- optimizing the soft value Q∗θ (13) to obtain πθ (10). On the ing the soft value results in a trade-off between correctness other hand, the CCP method only improves the policy πθ of the inferred solution and its computational burden. The (14), which only requires updating the soft value Qπ̂θE . We implication of these differences (i.e., approximations) on the show in Section 5 how this is more computationally efficient. suitability of each method is discussed in Section 6. 4.3 Nested Pseudo-Likelihood Algorithm Unlike the CCP method which solves the likelihood objective 5 An Algorithmic Perspective (6) once, NPL is based on the idea of repeated refinement of the approximate optimal soft value Q∗θ . This results in a refined CCP estimate (10, 14), and, thus, a refined objective In this section, we explicitly illustrate the algorithmic differ- (6). NPL solves the objective repeatedly, and its first iteration ences that arise due to differences in the computation of the is equivalent to the CCP method. The authors (Aguirregabiria soft value function. The development of this perspective is and Mira 2002) prove that this iterative refinement converges important for us to demonstrate how, as a result of approx- to the NFXP (Rust 1988) solution, as long as the first estimate imation, NPL has a more computationally efficient reward π̃ = π̂E is “sufficiently close” to the true optimal policy in parameter update compared to MCE-IRL. the soft value sense. We refer the reader to (Kasahara and Shimotsu 2012) for a discussion on convergence criteria. Connections: The initial policy π̃ 1 = π̂E is estimated from observed data. Subsequently, π̃ k = πθk−1∗ , where πθ ∗ k−1 Algorithm 1: Optimization-based Method ∗ is the CCP under optimal reward parameters θ from the Input: Expert demonstrations. k − 1th iteration. We have discussed that NPL is equivalent to Result: Reward params. θ ∗ , policy πθ∗ . repeatedly maximizing the objective (6), where expert policy 1 Estimate expert policy π̂E . π̂E is explicitly estimated, and CCP πθk (8) is derived from π̂ 0 2 Evaluate Occ E (s ) ∀s . 0 k refined soft value approximation Qπ̃θ ≈ Q∗θ . 3 repeat (update reward) 4 Optimize soft value Q∗θ . (13). 4.4 Summary 5 Compute πθ = softmax Q∗θ (s, a). (10). Commonality: In this section, we demonstrated connections 6 Evaluate µπθ . (17). ∂g between reward parameter estimation methods, by develop- 7 Update gradient ∂θ . (19). ing a common class of optimization problems characterized 8 Update θ ← θ + α ∂θ ∂g . by general forms (6-9). Table 1 summarizes this section, with 9 until θ not converged specifications of π̃ for each method, and the type of computa- ∗ 10 πθ ∗ ← πθ , θ ← θ. tion required at every gradient step. Differences: In Section 4.1, we discussed that the compu- tation of the NFXP (or MCE-IRL) gradient (11) involves
Algorithm 2: Approximation-based method 4, (13)), and (2) evaluating µπθ by computing occupancy measures Occπθ (s0 ) (Line 6, (13)). On the other hand, each Input: Expert demonstrations. gradient step in NPL (Alg. 2) only involves: (1) updating Result: Reward params. θ ∗ , policy πθ∗ . soft value Qπ̃θ (Line 7, (20)), and (2) updating value gradi- 1 Estimate expert policy π̂E . ent (Line 9, (21)). Both steps can be efficiently performed 2 Initialize π̃ ← π̂E . π̂ 0 0 without dynamic programming, as the occupancy measures 3 Evaluate Occ E (s ) ∀s . Occπ̃ (s0 |s, a) can be pre-computed (Line 5). The value and 4 for k = 1 ... K do (update policy) value gradient (20, 21) are linearly dependent on reward and 5 Evaluate Occπ̃ (s0 |s, a) ∀(s0 , s, a). reward gradient respectively, and can be computed in one 6 repeat (update reward) step using matrix multiplication. This point is elaborated in 7 Update value Qπ̃θ . (20). Appendix ??. The gradient update step in both algorithms 8 Improve πθ = softmax Qπ̃θ (s, a). (8). (Alg. 1: Line 7, Alg. 2: Line 10) has the same computational ∂Qπ̃ complexity, i.e., linear in the size of the environment. 9 Update ∂θθ . (21). ∂g The outer loop in NPL (Alg. 2: Lines 4-14) converges in 10 Update gradient ∂θ . (22). ∂g very few iterations (< 10) (Aguirregabiria and Mira 2002). 11 Update θ ← θ + α ∂θ . Although computing occupancy measures Occπ̃ (s0 |s, a) 12 until θ not converged (Line 5) requires dynamic programming, the number of outer 13 π̃ ← πθ , πθ∗ ← πθ , θ ∗ ← θ. loop iterations is many order of magnitudes fewer than the 14 end number of inner loop iterations. Since Alg. 2 avoids dynamic programming in the inner reward update loop, approximation- Optimization-based Methods: As described in Section based methods are much more efficient than optimization- 4.1, NFXP and MCE-IRL require the computation of the based methods (Alg. 1). The comparison of computational optimal soft value Q∗θ (13). Thus, we call these approaches load is made explicit in Appendix ??. “optimization-based methods” and describe them in Alg. 1. We define the future state P occupancy for s0 when following π 0 policy π: Occ (s ) = t P (st = s0 ). The gradient (11) π 6 Suitability of Methods can be expressed in terms of occupancy measures: In Section 5, we made explicit the computational and algo- rithmic differences between optimization (MCE-IRL, NFXP) ∂r(s0 ,a0 ,θ) h i µπ̂E = Occπ̂E (s0 )Ea0 ∼π̂E P ∂θ , (17) and approximation-based (CCP, NPL) methods. While s0 approximation-based methods outperform optimization- ∂r(s0 ,a0 ,θ) h i µπθ = P Occπθ (s0 )Ea0 ∼πθ (18) based methods in terms of computational efficiency, the ap- ∂θ s0 proximation the soft value introduces a trade-off between ∂g =µ π̂E − µπθ (19) the correctness of the inferred solution and its computational ∂θ burden. For some types of problems, trading the quality of Approximation-based Methods: As described in Sec- the inferred reward for computational efficiency is unreason- tions (4.2, 4.3), CCP and NPL avoid optimizing the soft able, so optimization-based methods are more suitable. Using value by approximating Q∗θ ≈ Qπ̃θ using a policy π̃. We theory we developed in Section 4, in this section, we develop call these approaches “approximation-based methods” and hypotheses about the hierarchy of methods in various types describe them in Algorithm 2. Note, K = 1 is the CCP of problem situations, and investigate each hypothesis using Method. We define the future state occupancy for s0 when an example. We quantitatively compare the methods using π 0 P π in (s,0 a) and following policy π : Occ (s |s, a) = beginning the following metrics (lower values are better): t P (st = s | (s , 0 0a ) = (s, a)). (7, 9) can be written in • Negative Log Likelihood (NLL) evaluates the likelihood terms of occupancy measures as follows: of the expert path under the predicted policy πθ ∗, and is directly related to our objective (5). Qπ̃θ (s, a) = r(s, a, θ) + s0 Occπ̃ (s0 |s, a)Ea0 ∼π̃ P • Expected Value Difference (EVD) is value difference of r(s0 , a0 , θ) − log π̃(a0 |s0 ) , (20) two policies under true reward: 1) optimal policy under ∂Qπ̃ θ (s,a) = ∂r(s,a,θ) true reward and 2) optimal policy under output reward θ ∗ . ∂θ ∂θ h 0 0 i • Stochastic EVD is the value difference of the following + s0 Occπ̃ (s0 |s, a)Ea0 ∼π̃ ∂r(s∂θ ,a ,θ) P (21) policies under true reward: 1) optimal policy under the ∂g h ∂Qπ̃ 0 0 θ (s ,a ) i true reward and 2) the output policy πθ ∗. While a low = s0 Occπ̂E (s0 ) Ea0 ∼π̂E P ∂θ ∂θ Stochastic EVD may indicate a better output policy πθ∗ , h π̃ 0 0 i ∂Qθ (s ,a ) low EVD may indicate a better output reward θ ∗ . − Ea0 ∼πθ ∂θ . (22) • Equivalent-Policy Invariant Comparison (EPIC) Reward Update: NPL has a very efficient reward param- (Gleave et al. 2020) is a recently developed metric that eter update (i.e., inner) loop (Alg. 2: Lines 6-12), compared measures the distance between two reward functions to the update loop of MCE-IRL (Alg. 1: Lines 3-9). Each without training a policy. EPIC is shown to be invariant gradient step in MCE-IRL (Alg. 1) involves expensive dy- on an equivalence class of reward functions that always namic programming for: (1) optimizing soft value (Line induce the same optimal policy. The EPIC metric ∈ [0, 1]
Path Obstacle Goal True Reward Figure 1: Obstacleworld: Visualization of the true reward and comparative performance results (Performance metrics vs. trajectories). with lower values indicates similar reward functions. approximation-based methods are expected to perform as EVD and EPIC evaluate inferred reward parameters θ ∗ , while well as optimization-based ones only in high data regimes. NLL and Stochastic-EVD evaluate the inferred policy πθ∗ . In Experiment: We test our hypothesis using the Obstacle- addition to evaluating the recovered reward, evaluating πθ∗ world environment (Figure 1). We use three descriptive fea- is important because different rewards might induce policies ture representations (path, obstacle, goal) for our states. Since that perform similarly well in terms of our objective (6). this representation is simultaneously informative for a large Details for all our experiments are in Appendices ??-??. set of states, we can estimate feature counts well even with lit- Method Dependencies: From Section 4, we observe that the tle expert data. The true reward is a linear function of features MCE-IRL gradient (12) depends on the expert policy esti- (path : 0.2, obstacle : 0.0, goal : 1.0). mate π̂E only In Figure 1, we observe that in low data-regimes (i.e. with few P through the expected feature count estimate EP̂E (s,a) [ t f (st , at )]. In non-linear reward settings, the de- trajectories) MCE-IRL performs well on all metrics. How- pendence P is through the expected reward gradient estimate ever, with low expert data, CCP and NPL perform poorly EP̂E (s,a) [ t ∂r(st , at , θ)/∂θ]. On the other hand, the NPL (i.e., high NLL, Stochastic EVD, EPIC). With more expert data, CCP method and NPL converge to similar performance (or CCP) gradient (16) depends on the expert policy estimate as MCE-IRL. This is in agreement with our hypothesis. for estimating a state’s importance relative to others (i.e., state occupancies under the estimated expert policy), and for approximating the optimal soft value. 6.2 Correlation of Feature Counts and Expert From these insights, we see that the suitability of each Policy Estimates method for a given problem scenario depends on: (1) the Scenario: We now investigate the scenario where the good- amount of expert data, and on (2) how “good” the resultant ness of feature count and expert policy estimates becomes estimates and approximations are in that scenario. In the fol- correlated. In other words, a high amount of expert data is lowing subsections, we introduce different problem scenarios, required to estimate feature counts well. This scenario may each characterized by the goodness of these estimates, and in- arise when feature representations either (1) incorrectly dis- vestigate our hypotheses regarding each method’s suitability criminate between states, or (2) are not informative enough for those problems. to allow feature counts to be estimated from little data. Hypothesis: Both optimization-based and approximation- 6.1 Well-Estimated Feature Counts based methods will perform poorly in low expert data regimes, and do similarly well in high expert data regimes. Scenario: We first investigate scenarios where feature Reasons: In this scenario, the goodness of feature count, counts can be estimated well even with little expert data. relative state importance and optimal soft value estimates is In such scenarios, the feature representation allows distinct similarly dependent on the amount of expert data. Thus we states to be correlated. For example, the expert’s avoidance of expect, optimization- and approximation-based methods to any state with obstacles should result in identically low pref- perform poorly in low data regimes, and similarly well in erence for all states with obstacles. Such a scenario would high data regimes. allow expert feature counts to be estimated well, even when Experiment: We investigate our hypothesis in the Moun- expert data only covers a small portion of the state space. tainCar environment, with a feature representation that dis- Hypothesis: Optimization-based methods will perform bet- criminates between all states. Thus, state features are defined ter than approximation-based methods in low data regimes, as one-hot vectors. MountainCar is a continuous environment and converge to similar performance in high data regimes. where the state is defined by the position and velocity of the Reasons: If feature counts can be estimated well from small car. The scope of this work is limited to discrete settings with amounts of data, MCE-IRL (= NFXP) is expected to converge known transition dynamics. Accordingly, we estimate the to the correct solution. This follows directly from method transition dynamics from continuous expert trajectories using dependencies outlined above. On the other hand, NPL (and kernels, and discretize the state space to a large set of states CCP) require good estimates of a state’s relative importance (104 ). We define the true reward as distance to the goal. and soft value in order to perform similarly well. Since In Figure 2, we observe that in low-data regimes all meth- low data regimes do not allow these to be well-estimated, ods perform poorly with high values for all metrics. As the
True Reward Figure 2: Mountain Car: Visualization of the true reward and comparative performance results (Performance metrics vs. trajectories). True Reward Figure 3: Objectworld: Visualization of the true reward in 162 grid, 4 colors and comparative performance results (Performance metrics vs. trajectories in 322 grid, 4 colors). Dark - low reward, Light - high reward. Red arrows represent optimal policy under the reward. every gradient step, this could either be well-estimated (simi- lar to Section 6.1) or not (similar to Section 6.2), depending on the capacity and depth of the network. On the other hand, in high data regimes, we can expect reward gradient, relative state importance and soft value to all be estimated well, since the expert policy can be estimated well. Experiment: We investigate the hypothesis using the Ob- MCE-IRL NPL CCP Method jectworld environment (Wulfmeier, Ondruska, and Posner 2015) which consists of a non-linear feature representation. Figure 4: Objectworld: Recovered reward in 162 grid, 4 colors with 200 expert trajectories as input. Objectworld consists of an N 2 grid and randomly spread through the grid are objects, each with an inner and outer color chosen from C colors. The feature vector is a set of amount of expert data increases, the performance of each continuous values x ∈ R2C , where x2i and x2i+1 are state’s method improves. More importantly, around the same num- distances from the i’th inner and outer color. ber of trajectories (≈ 400) all methods perform equally well, From Figure 3, in low-data regimes, all methods perform with a similar range of values across all metrics. This is in poorly with high values for all metrics. With more expert agreement with our hypothesis. data, the performance for all methods improve and converge to similar values. Similar results for MCE-IRL were observed 6.3 Deep Reward Representations in (Wulfmeier, Ondruska, and Posner 2015). Consistent with our hypothesis, in this environment we observe no difference Scenario: We investigate scenarios where rewards are deep in the performance of optimization- and approximation-based neural network representations of state-action, as opposed to methods in both low and high data regimes. linear representations explored in previous subsections. Hypothesis: Optimization-based methods either perform better or worse than the approximation-based methods in low 6.4 Discussion data regimes and perform similarly well in high data regimes. In Sections 6.1-6.3, we described three problem scenar- Reasons: From (11), the gradient of optimization-based ios and discussed the performance of optimization- and methods depends on the expert policy estimate through the approximation-based methods. We now discuss the suitability expected reward gradient. Comparing (11) and (12), we can of methods for these scenarios. think of the vector of reward gradients ∂r(st , at , θ)/∂θ as High data regimes: In all scenarios we discussed, in high the state-action feature vector. During learning, since this data regimes, both optimization- and approximation-based feature vector is dependent P on the current parameters θ, the methods perform similarly well on all metrics (Figures 1- statistic EP̂E (s,a) [ t ∂r(st , at , θ)/∂θ] is a non-stationary 3). Qualitatively, all methods also recover similar rewards target in the MCE-IRL gradient. In the low data regime, at in high data regimes (Figures 4, ??). This is because, as
Settings MCE-IRL NPL CCP Method methods from an optimization perspective. Specifically, an MountainCar interesting future direction is to characterize the primal-dual 2 optimization forms of these methods. Since many IRL meth- State Size: 100 4195.76 589.21 (×7) 193.95 (×22) ods (including adversarial imitation learning) use an opti- ObjectWorld mization perspective, we believe this will not only lead to new algorithmic advances, but will also shed more light on Grid: 162 , C: 4 32.21 4.18 (×8) 2.40 (× 13) Grid: 322 , C: 2 638.83 30.63 (×21) 14.00 (× 46) the similarities and differences between our approaches and Grid: 322 , C: 4 471.64 29.85 (×16) 11.19 (× 42) more recent IRL methods. Grid: 642 , C: 4 10699.47 340.55 (×31) 103.79 (× 103) Another future direction we plan to explore is to use our explicit algorithmic perspectives for practical settings where Table 2: Training time (seconds) averaged across multiple runs. MCE-IRL is often intractable, such as problems with very Numbers in brackets correspond to the speed up against MCE-IRL. large state spaces, e.g. images in activity forecasting. Our work details how approximation-based methods can be ap- plied in a principled manner for settings where expert data is readily available. We hope to apply our insights to problems stated in Section 4, NPL converges to NFXP when the expert such as activity forecasting, social navigation and human policy is well-estimated, i.e.,, when more data is available. preference learning. Further, approximation-based methods are significantly more computationally efficient than optimization-based methods Acknowledgements: This work was sponsored in part by (Section 5). This finding is empirically supported in Table 2. IARPA (D17PC00340). We thank Dr. Robert A. 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