Introducing and reminding you of your local REALTORS! Meet the experts to call when you want to buy or sell a home in Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wyoming ...

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Introducing and reminding you of your local REALTORS! Meet the experts to call when you want to buy or sell a home in Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wyoming ...
Get to Know
LOCAL                           your

                                                                  Thursday, February 25, 2021

Introducing and reminding you of your local REALTORS! Meet the
experts to call when you want to buy or sell a home in Luzerne,
Lackawanna, Wyoming and surrounding counties.
Introducing and reminding you of your local REALTORS! Meet the experts to call when you want to buy or sell a home in Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wyoming ...
2 Thursday, February 25, 2021                          Get to Know your Local REALTOR                                                      Times Leader

        Tips for First-Time Sellers
F  irst-time home buyers are
   granted numerous perks
when house hunting. Benefits
like specialized loans, tax breaks
and community programs make
buying a more manageable pro-
cess with exciting advantages.
  But, when those purchasers are ready to move
on to another property, as first-time sellers they
must make multiple decisions.
  A significant resource in your home-selling
experience is a real estate agent. Their exper-
tise can streamline the process by pricing the
property based on local trends, finding moti-
vated buyers and ensuring the legal aspects are
covered. When choosing a real estate agent, ask
your friends and loved ones who have recently
sold their homes for a referral.
  Here are some other factors to consider before
rushing to place your home to the market.
            Complete Repairs
  While major renovations may not make fi-
nancial sense, it’s crucial to ensure the home is
move-in ready before going to market. Rather
than focusing on removing walls or extending
the living space, spend time inspecting your ap-
pliances. Try to make sure that all water equip-
ment is free from leaks, the floors are sturdy
and your HVAC system is up to date. It can be a
dealbreaker when a homebuyer visits the prop-
erty and notices that they must make significant
investments in updating their appliances.
              Timing Matters                         winter. Of course, the weather can vary dramati-   egy. The visual of how space is used can entice
  If you aren’t in a rush to sell your home, wait-   cally, depending on your region. Timing the        prospective buyers who can imagine how the
ing for a summer selling season can help get the     market right is another benefit you gain when      property will work for their daily lives. Even if
most value and quickest turnaround. According        working with an experienced agent.                 the house is already vacant, it’s beneficial to fill
to the Nationals Association of Realtors, warmer                Should You Stage?                       it with furniture, bedding and lights to give it an
months show to have the most aggressive house          Hiring an expert to stage your home before       attractive ambiance.
hunters, while sales significantly slow during the   an open house or showing is an excellent strat-
Introducing and reminding you of your local REALTORS! Meet the experts to call when you want to buy or sell a home in Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wyoming ...
Tracy Goryeb Zarola
                         Full-time Real Estate Professional
                         committed to FiRst-RatE sERViCE
                             1755 Memorial Highway, Shavertown • 570-696-3801

EXCEPTIONAL finishes and desirable location for this NEW CONSTRUCTION
townhome with FIRST FLOOR MASTER BEDROOM. The home features open
floor plan, stunning kitchen, beautiful wood floors, crown moldings and tiled
baths. The two second floor bedrooms and loft area offer ample space for guests
or office. The large unfinished basement has high ceilings.
MLS# 20-5328                                                       $369,000
                                                              Qualified Buyers
                                                              Are Out Looking NOW!
                                                    NOW is the perfect time to get your home on the market.
                                                    Selling your home is serious business. Hire a full-time real
                                                          estate professional with a reputation for success. 80981149
Introducing and reminding you of your local REALTORS! Meet the experts to call when you want to buy or sell a home in Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wyoming ...
4 Thursday, February 25, 2021                          Get to Know your Local REALTOR                                                        Times Leader

 Should you Buy a Foreclosure?

           M       any buyers consider foreclosed homes when looking for their next house. While
                   an attractive option because of price, this may not be a good fit for every buyer.
   A home foreclosure is like the repossession      allowing the lender to recover some of their          hire an inspector and receive bids from contrac-
of a vehicle or other valuable possession. If a     financial loss.                                       tors if repairs are necessary. Use the recondition-
previous owner failed to make their payments on       • Real estate owned. If a property fails to sell    ing costs to build your negotiating power before
time, the loan holder moves to take the property    at auction, the home is generally listed tradition-   making an offer. If you know of a homeowner
back.                                               ally. A specialized agent will show the house to      facing foreclosure, you can sometimes score
   Foreclosure laws vary from state to state, so    interested shoppers and can result in a great deal    a great deal while helping them alleviate their
it’s imperative to do your research before making   after not selling initially.                          financial struggles.
an offer or waiting for the property to become                  Get the Most Value                                    Read the Fine Print
available. Depending on your location, the pro-       Investing in a foreclosed home comes with             Some states institute a law called the “right to
cess can take months to years.                      unique risks over a traditional home purchase.        redemption,” which means property owners who
   There are two categories of foreclosed homes     For instance, the property has likely been va-        have been foreclosed have a period to buy back
and knowing the difference can help improve         cant for a considerable period as the bank tries      their home. Ensure the process is completed
your negotiating power.                             to settle their legal issues. Empty buildings are     before attempting to buy a house at an auction
   • Bank owned. Once a bank has finalized the      prone to vandalism, theft and dangerous condi-        or from a bank. You may find yourself moving in
foreclosure, they typically put the home up for     tions like the development of mold or mildew.         and fixing up your new purchase as the previous
auction. Potential buyers will make their bids,       When researching a property, it’s crucial to        owner strives to earn it back.
Introducing and reminding you of your local REALTORS! Meet the experts to call when you want to buy or sell a home in Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wyoming ...
                    For all oF your real estate needs
                Residential, CommeRCial, leasing and land
 Judy Rice is one of the very                                        motivation to the very people she
best Realtors in Northeastern                                        represents: “Helping people – it’s
Pennsylvania.                                                        the one-on-one interaction. Problem
                                                                     solving, listening: it all makes for a
  Some of Judy’s many accolades
                                                                     very fun and engaging career.”
include being Lewith & Freeman’s
number one Top Producing agent                                          Judy is an Associate Broker, a
for 2011 while far surpassing those                                   Certified Residential Specialist
sales figures in 2019. She also                                       (CRS), an Accredited Buyer’s
serves as the Commercial Division                                     Representative (ABR), and also
Head and Residential Specialist for                                   possesses the Graduate, REALTOR
Lewith & Freeman.                                                     Institute (GRI) designation. Her
                                                                      love for the business and her
  While the role of the real estate is
                                                                      desire to grow and continually
always changing due to the unique
                                                                      learn have helped to define her
needs of the individuals involved,
                                                                      success. A resident of Dallas, Judy
Judy’s experience has provided her
                                                                      represents buyers and sellers of both
with the skill to successfully adapt to those needs.
                                                       residential and commercial properties throughout
In fact, it is one of the things she enjoys most about
                                                       the Back Mountain, Kingston, West Pittston,
her profession:
                                                       Pittston, Mountain top as well as the surrounding
  “Every day is a new adventure and learning           communities throughout Luzerne County.
experience.”                                             When she isn’t busy working, Judy enjoys yoga,
  One thing remains constant, though, and that        golf, racquetball, and actively volunteers and
is Judy’s success. Judy attributes her continual      participates in many clubs and boards.

 leWItH & FreeMan                                  ProVIdInG ProMPt, ProFessIonal serVICe
                                                          WItH attentIon to detaIl
    real estate                                            For More tHan 30 years
   L          o: (570) 288-9371
                                                                  JUDY RICE
    F         d: (570) 714-9230                                  ASSOCIATE BROKER

  eMaIl:                                          GRI, ABR, CRS
Introducing and reminding you of your local REALTORS! Meet the experts to call when you want to buy or sell a home in Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wyoming ...
6 Thursday, February 25, 2021                             Get to Know your Local REALTOR                                                         Times Leader

   Judging a Home’s Resale Value
E  ven if you plan to
   purchase your for-
ever home, it’s essential
to think of the future.
Life may take you in an
unexpected direction.
   Before buying a property, you
should know how to understand
it’s resale potential. Ensuring it will
appeal to others if you must make
a move is necessary to make the
purchase a positive investment.
   One way to stay on top of your
home’s value after the purchase is
by hiring an appraiser to estimate
its worth. They will analyze fac-
tors like the structure’s quality, the
square footage, a home’s rooms and
the neighborhood’s characteristics.
Their expertise is beneficial to gain
before putting in an offer on a prop-
erty, even if the seller has already
hired their own professional.
   As you navigate open houses and
private showings, know what to
look for when judging the resale
value of your potential home.
   Research the Location
  The location of a home directly         a home. When you live in an area         a listing or drive by to view it in        • It’s been on the market for an
impacts the value and demand of           without nearby educational institu-      person. Even if it lacks appeal right   extended period.
the property. Do your research to         tions, your buyers’ pool is limited to   now, consider how you can improve          • It’s the highest-priced listing in
find out about its school systems,        a specific collection of purchasers      it. Sometimes, a fresh coat of paint    the neighborhood.
economy and nearby entertain-             by mostly excluding families.            and an investment in landscaping           • The home requires significant
ment. Finding a property developed                  Curb Appeal                    can improve the appearance dra-         renovations before it is suitable for
in an up-and-coming neighborhood            The home’s interior may have           matically.                              living.
can turn your initial purchase into a     been the main selling point, but                    Red Flags                       Research crime rates, the police
sizable return in the future.             make sure the exterior shows off           Besides looking for the best fea-     presence and the types of business-
  Even if you don’t have or plan          plenty of curb appeal. The outside       tures of a home, consider these red     es that thrive to ensure the commu-
to have children, local schools are       of your property is the first thing      flags before committing to making       nity is safe.
essential to increase the value of        others notice as they pull in for        an offer.
Introducing and reminding you of your local REALTORS! Meet the experts to call when you want to buy or sell a home in Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wyoming ...

Introducing and reminding you of your local REALTORS! Meet the experts to call when you want to buy or sell a home in Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wyoming ...
8 Thursday, February 25, 2021                              Get to Know your Local REALTOR                                                        Times Leader

                          Attract More Buyers

                           I f you’re planning to sell your home, you should understand what
                             helps properties sell and how to get more eyes on your listing.
   To further comprehend how a buyer’s mind             tion. A professional real estate agent can high-     mind who is looking for your property’s features.
works during a real estate transaction, check           light its robust features based on what is selling   When there isn’t an already potential purchaser
out this list of the essential factors of a house, as   in the local area. Here are some other tips to       in mind, their skills for drafting an attractive
reported by the National Association of Realtors.       boost your showing and invite more buyers for a      listing and reaching a broad audience will be an
   • Most were looking to avoid renovations and         showing.                                             asset during the sale.
problems with plumbing or electricity.                      Choose a Qualified Real Estate                          Take Professional Pictures
   • Most newly purchased homes were about                                                                      Since many homebuyers do their research on-
1,850 square feet, had three bedrooms and two                          Agent
                                                          The guidance of a professional real estate         line first, painting your property in its best light
bathrooms and were built after 1990.                                                                         is imperative. Hire a real estate photographer
   • Heating and cooling costs were the most            agent can impact many factors in a real estate
                                                        transaction. When the goal is to attract more        to document all four corners of your home and
important environmental features in buying deci-                                                             yard. Make sure to highlight bathrooms, bed-
sions.                                                  buyers, it’s essential to choose a proven expert
                                                        who excels in marketing and has significant con-     rooms, entertainment spaces and the landscap-
   • For 44% of recent buyers, the first step they                                                           ing. An appealing listing can entice buyers to
took in the buying process was viewing the prop-        nections.
                                                          Real estate agents who are prominent in their      schedule a visit. You should also consider offer-
erties online.                                                                                               ing a virtual tour with your agent. The ability to
   Because home buyers are doing their research         areas work with their peers and communicate
                                                        about their client’s needs regarding a home. In      view the home digitally is an excellent starting
online before even visiting a property in person,                                                            point for buyers, especially in the age of social
it’s critical to craft an attractive listing descrip-   some cases, they may already have a buyer in
Introducing and reminding you of your local REALTORS! Meet the experts to call when you want to buy or sell a home in Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wyoming ...
Jerry Busch Jr.
             Makes Selling                      SO
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            Your Home Easy                    570-288-2514

    • Jerry will handle ALL the details: Advertising,
  Appointments, Negotiations, Financing and Closing.
• Ready List of Qualified Buyers • Your home will receive
        constant exposure through the Internet,
           Newspaper, Direct Mail and more.
 Gerald L Busch Real Estate Inc.
                  Serving You Since 1968

     570-288-2514 • Cell 570-709-7798                          80981134
Introducing and reminding you of your local REALTORS! Meet the experts to call when you want to buy or sell a home in Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wyoming ...
10 Thursday, February 25, 2021                           Get to Know your Local REALTOR                                                        Times Leader

                   Moving to the Suburbs
T  he ongoing CO-
   VID-19 pandemic
has changed how many
Americans think of where
they live.
  According to data from a recent
Harris Poll, nearly a third of U.S.
citizens are considering moving to
less densely populated areas. Trad-
ing in city living for many close-knit
suburb communities provides lower
crime rates, more affordable costs
and larger living spaces.
  If you’re a parent, more desolate
areas have access to highly rated
schools. The education opportuni-
ties are often a significant factor
that families make before investing
in a property. A smaller student
body also means that your children
will get more one-on-one time while
learning and build stronger bonds
with their peers.
     More Convenience
   One of the most significant rea-
sons people escape the city for sub-
urban homes is the slower pace and
convenience. Major metropolitan
areas can be challenging to navigate
considering public transportation,
dense crowds and immense traf-
fic. Sometimes, a quick visit to the     and quiet are not high on the list.      home purchase, suburban living          children enjoy their own rooms,
grocery store can lead to a stressful,   With the heavy traffic, hustle or ur-    offers beautiful properties with sig-   a spacious backyard and several
all-day event. In smaller communi-       ban life and consistent traffic activ-   nificant amenities. While the asking    bathrooms. If you are ready to make
ties, Americans gain quick access        ity, it can be challenging to find the   price for these buildings may be        a move, reach out to real estate
to places like shops, restaurants and    silence to relax fully. While many       considerable, families can find great   agents in the prospective area to get
entertainment venues without trav-       suburbs offer exciting social scenes,    deals on a home that provides larger    the ball moving.
eling into a hectic city environment.    the more spacious footprint tends        living space in terms of square foot-     Most of the deal can be per-
       Peace and Quiet                   to be more laid-back and peaceful.       age and features.                       formed virtually while they research
 Living in the heart of a city comes      More Value in Purchasing                   Because the living quarters          potential properties that work with
with some advantages, but peace            When looking for value in your         are more sizable in the suburbs,        your budget.

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14 Thursday, February 25, 2021                              Get to Know your Local REALTOR                                                       Times Leader

                    Manage Emotional Stress

                                 S     elling your home can be stressful, especially if you have
                                       an emotional connection to a property.
   When the process begins to affect your mental         where they will lay their roots. Showcase the         active and being intrusive to your agent. While
well-being, it’s critical to take a step back and        house in its best light while avoiding the feelings   you shouldn’t get in the way while they work, it’s
manage your feelings. Rushing through a trans-           that may arise. If you painted your walls with        beneficial to respond to feedback, keep the home
action to get it over with can lead to negative fi-      bright and vibrant colors, consider repainting        tidy between showings and ask your expert for
nancial results or regret. Before hiring an expert       them with more neutral tones that speak to a          updates.
to list your home, make sure you’re emotionally          broader audience. It’s also an excellent idea to            Turn to Friends and Family
ready, and the decision is right.                        hire a professional cleaning service before going       Sometimes taking a step back from the sale
   If you’re hesitant, draft a list of the reasons you   to market. They can remove unnecessary clutter,       can provide stress relief. Rather than worry
plan to sell and the advantages you may acquire          clean the carpets and polish parts of your home       yourself about the transaction, try to find time
by staying. If you find more things you like about       that are often forgotten.                             to connect with friends and family. Discuss your
living in the property, consider forgetting the              Involve Yourself in the Process                   concerns with them about the home sale for a
idea and re-evaluating it in a few months. How-             The stress of being left out of the loop during    different perspective. Perhaps they have gone
ever, if you’re committed to selling, consider           a real estate transaction can be challenging to       through the same emotional struggles that come
these tips to control your emotions.                     manage.                                               with selling your property and will provide you
         Your Home is a Product                             Be honest with your real estate agent and ex-      with honest advice.
  Regardless of the memories you created within          plain that you wish to be involved in the process.
the property, to a potential buyer, it’s a home          It’s essential to find a balance between remaining
Office: 570.696.1195
CENTURY 21                              ®
                                             Direct Line: 570.696.5406
                                             Cell: 570.690.2579
Smith Hourigan Group               
DONNA KLUG                                   655 Memorial Highway
                                             Shavertown, PA 18708

                         Donna Klug, CENTURY 21
       Century 21 Smith Hourigan Group Sales Affiliate,
     Earns Masters Ruby Award for 2020 Sales Production
 CENTURY 21 Century 21 Smith Hourigan Group, Shavertown is pleased to announce that
 Century 21 Real Estate LLC recently recognized Donna Klug, sales affiliate with the office, as a
 top-producer nationwide when it honored her with the coveted 2020 CENTURY 21® Masters Ruby

 Ruby level status is awarded to a C21® sales affiliate who has met minimum sales production of
 $146,000 or 32 closed transaction sides within a calendar year. The sales affiliate also receives a
 trophy and a personal invitation to attend the annual CENTURY 21 Top Agent Retreat.

 “Donna places her real estate wisdom and passion for life into her everyday business, helping
 to make clients more comfortable with the real estate transaction as they make what may be the
 most significant purchase of their lives,” said Century 21 Smith Hourigan Group, broker/owner of
 CENTURY 21 Century 21 Smith Hourigan Group.

 Donna has been a reoccurring top producer at Century 21 Smith Hourigan since starting her career in
 2009. She has also been the recipient of the Quality Service Pennicle Award,which is received due to
 customer satisfaction.

 It is truly an honor to receive the Masters Ruby Award and Pennicle Quality Service Award and to be
 recognized among such talented and dedicated group of real estate sales professionals,” said Klug.
 Please call me if I can assist you in selling or purchasing a home, 570-696-5406.
913 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming | 570-814-4183

   Susquehanna Modular Homes is located in Wyoming PA, Owners Stephen Han-         bathrooms, tiled laundry room with cabinets and shelfing, etc., all built to State
non and Jack Casper have the flexibility to offer Home Packages and or Lot/ Home   and Local code. We have over 40 floor plans to choose from consisting of Ranch,
Packages at affordable prices. Stephen joined Susquehanna Modular Homes in         Raised Ranch, Bi-Level, Two-Story, Cape Cod, Etc., with or without an attached
2016 to meet the increased demand for new home construction in Luzerne County      garage.
and surrounding areas. Stephen is also a Licensed Real Estate Agent for JJ Man-       In addition to the advantage of a home constructed under cover with no expo-
tione Appraisal and Realty Group Inc., in Wyoming PA.                              sure to the harsh Northeast elements we are able to provide high end finished
   Susquehanna recently built two homes with “Custom Features”. We started         products in a timely manner. We use the same material used for stick-built homes
with a Centre Avenue Series/ T – Ranch and a Crown Manor Series/ Two – Story;      but our homes are completed in 6 months verses 1 year. Let us help you design a
we ordered the Homes incomplete, or in shell form and finished them on site with   home to your specifications and save time and money.
Aristokraft Kitchen Cabinets, Granite Counter Tops, Hardwood Flooring, tiled          Please Contact Stephen @ 570-814-4183

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