Intra- and intergroup vocal behavior in resident killer whales, Orcinus orca
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Intra- and intergroup vocal behavior in resident killer whales, Orcinus orca Brigitte M. Weißa兲 Department of Behavioural Biology, University of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Austria Helena Symonds and Paul Spong OrcaLab, P.O. Box 258, Alert Bay, B.C., V0N 1A0, Canada Friedrich Ladichb兲 Department of Behavioural Biology, University of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Austria 共Received 13 June 2007; revised 21 September 2007; accepted 25 September 2007兲 Vocal communication within and between groups of individuals has been described extensively in birds and terrestrial mammals, however, little is known about how cetaceans utilize their sounds in their natural environment. Resident killer whales, Orcinus orca, live in highly stable matrilines and exhibit group-specific vocal dialects. Single call types cannot exclusively be associated with particular behaviors and calls are thought to function in group identification and intragroup communication. In the present study call usage of three closely related matrilines of the Northern resident community was compared in various intra- and intergroup contexts. In two out of the three matrilines significant changes in vocal behavior depending both on the presence and identity of accompanying whales were found. Most evidently, family-specific call subtypes, as well as aberrant and variable calls, were emitted at higher rates, whereas “low arousal” call types were used less in the presence of matrilines from different pods, subclans, or clans. Ways in which the observed changes may function both in intra- and intergroup communication. © 2007 Acoustical Society of America. 关DOI: 10.1121/1.2799907兴 PACS number共s兲: 43.80.Ka 关WWA兴 Pages: 3710–3716 I. INTRODUCTION and reflect genetic relatedness 共Barrett-Lennard 2000兲. Closely related matrilines are referred to as “pods” 共Bigg Vocal communication within and between groups of in- et al., 1990兲 and share most or all of their call repertoire. dividuals has been described extensively in birds and terres- Ford 共1991兲 grouped all pods that share any call types or trial mammals 共birds: e.g., Kroodsma and Miller, 1996; Rad- subtypes into acoustic clans; subclans further define clans ford, 2004; Beecher and Campbell, 2005; mammals: e.g., Seyfarth, 1987; Boughman and Wilkinson, 1998; McComb through use of subclan-specific call types. Relative produc- et al., 2000兲. However, little is known about how cetaceans tion rates of different call types and whistles vary with broad utilize their sounds in their natural environment 共Janik, behavioral states of the entire group 共Ford, 1989兲, but in 2000兲, in particular, vocal interactions with conspecifics. Vo- contrast to the AT1 transients, none of the residents’ call cal signals relate to behavioral contexts in several species, types correlate exclusively with any particular activity 共Ford, mainly in humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, 1989兲. Rather than reflecting behavioral states, the discrete bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus 共see review by Ty- call repertoires are thought to function primarily to maintain ack, 2000; Janik, 2000兲, southern right whales, Eubalaena cohesion and coordinate activities in intragroup contexts australis 共Clark, 1982兲, and beluga whales, Delphinapterus 共Ford, 1989, 1991兲. leucas 共Belikov and Belkovich, 2003兲. Recently, Saulitis There is increasing evidence that the individually dis- et al. 共2005兲 reported context-specific calls also in the AT1 tinct signature whistles of bottlenose dolphins function as subpopulation of mammal-eating killer whales or orcas 共Or- cohesion calls when individuals of a social group are sepa- cinus orca兲 in southern Alaska. Unlike “transient” orcas, the rated 共Janik and Slater, 1998; Watwood et al., 2005兲. Signa- fish-eating, “resident” orcas of the northeast Pacific live in ture whistles may even facilitate reunions between separated exceptionally stable matrilineal units 共hereafter termed individuals, especially between calves and their mothers “matrilines”兲, where offspring of both sexes travel with their 共Smolker et al., 1993兲. Similarly, resident orca matrilines mothers lifelong 共Bigg et al., 1990; Ford et al., 2000兲. They were recently found to increase the usage of family-specific are frequently vocal and possess a complex vocal system call types immediately after the births of calves, suggesting with group-specific dialects 共Ford, 1989, 1991; Yurk et al., that family-specific call types are of profound importance for 2002兲 that remain stable over decades 共Deecke et al., 2000兲 maintaining cohesion within the matriline, in particular be- tween mothers and their dependent offspring 共Weiß et al., a兲 2006兲. Also, call type matching in vocal exchanges within Current address: Konrad Lorenz Forschungsstelle, Fischerau 11, A-4645 Grünau im Almtal, Austria. Electronic mail: matrilines suggests that the discrete call types of residents b兲 Electronic mail: function in intragroup communication 共Miller et al., 2004b兲. 3710 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122 共6兲, December 2007 0001-4966/2007/122共6兲/3710/7/$23.00 © 2007 Acoustical Society of America
In social species vocal signals are commonly found to TABLE I. Life history parameters of the individuals belonging to the three matrilines within the A1 pod in the studied timeframe. ID numbers and not only serve communication within, but also between demographic data according to Ford et al. 共2000兲. groups, and call usage and structure frequently change with the social context 共e.g., Elowson and Snowdon, 1994; Matriline ID Sex Born–Died Mother Smolker and Pepper, 1999; Hopp et al., 2001; Snowdon and A12 A12 Female 1941 unknown de la Torre, 2002; Baker, 2004; Radford, 2005兲. Group size A31 Male 1958–1997 A12 and composition are known to affect the use of stereotyped A33 Male 1971 A12 calls in several highly social species, e.g., African elephants A34 Female 1975 A12 共Payne et al., 2003兲 and Northern right whales 共Parks and A55 Male 1989 A34 Tyack, 2005兲. Resident orcas are very social and matrilines A62 Female 1993 A34 regularly travel and interact together irrespective of related- A67 Unknown 1996 A34 ness or degree of call sharing, yet, intergroup communication A74 Unknown 2000 A34 has received little attention and has only come into focus A30 A30 Female 1947 A2 recently. Riesch et al. 共2006兲 described stereotyped whistle A6 Male 1964–1999 A30 types that are shared throughout the Northern resident popu- A38 Male 1970 A30 lation and potentially serve in vocal communication even A39 Male 1975 A30 A50 Female 1984 A30 between members of different acoustic clans. Also, the call A54 Female 1989 A30 design of several discrete call types suggests that they are A72 Unknown 1999 A50 long-range communication signals with an active space ex- A75 Unknown 2001 A54 ceeding by far the distances across which members of a A36 A36 Female 1947–1997 A1 matriline usually separate 共Miller, 2006兲 and the existence of A32 Male 1964 A36 multiple long-range call types suggests a role in intergroup A37 Male 1977 A36 communication. We thus suggest a significant role of discrete A46 Male 1982 A36 calls not only in intragroup, but also in intergroup, commu- nication of resident orcas. To test this hypothesis, we ana- lyzed call use of three Northern resident matrilines in intra- were within visual range, changes in any of the previous and intergroup contexts, i.e., matrilines traveling alone or parameters, as well as times, when the whales passed key with other matrilines of different relatedness. In particular, landmarks, were noted. we tested the following predictions: 共1兲 Call use of focal Acoustic data were collected with a hydrophone network matrilines changes with the presence or absence of other monitored at OrcaLab 24 h a day and year round. Whales matrilines and 共2兲 changes depend on the identity of the were recorded on a two-channel audio cassette recorder other matriline共s兲. 共Sony Professional Walkman WM-D6C or Sony TCD-D3兲 with up to six radio-transmitting, custom-made hydrophone stations 共overall system frequency response 10 Hz– 15 kHz兲 II. MATERIAL AND METHODS whenever they were vocal 共see Weiß et al., 2006兲. Data col- lection was strictly land based and thus did not interfere with A. Study animals and data collection or disturb the whales. Johnstone Strait and adjacent waters off Vancouver Is- land, British Columbia, form the summer “core area” for the B. Acoustic analyses Northern resident community of orcas, which consists of more than 200 individually known orcas in three acoustic Focal matrilines were frequently observed and recorded clans 共Bigg et al., 1990兲. The focus in this study was on three with matrilines from different pods 共closely related closely related matrilines, A12, A30, and A36, comprising matrilines兲, subclans, and clans. For investigating the intra- the most commonly encountered pod, A1 共Ford et al., 2000兲. and intergroup vocal behavior we selected recordings where In October 2002, they consisted of 7, 7, and 3 individuals, focal matrilines were encountered in one of five clearly de- respectively 共Table I兲. fined social contexts: 共1兲 alone, 共2兲 together with the other Visual data were obtained at OrcaLab, located centrally two A1 matrilines 共“same pod”兲, 共3兲 in the company of in the study area 共50° 34⬘N and 126° 42⬘W兲, and through a matrilines belonging to a different pod within the same network of observers: OrcaLab volunteers stationed at field acoustic subclan 共“same subclan”兲, 共4兲 in the company of stations, other independent researchers, and whale watch op- matrilines belonging to a different subclan within the same erators. Data from all sources were integrated and summa- clan 共“other subclan”兲, or 共5兲 in the company of matrilines rized on a daily basis. The waterways were routinely sur- belonging to a different clan 共“other clan”兲. “Alone” referred veyed with spotting scopes; visual observations were done to situations in which only the focal matriline was seen or on an opportunistic basis, whenever whales were seen or heard within the same or adjacent hydrophone range共s兲. A heard within the vicinity of a station. Upon sighting, the focal matriline was considered to be in the company of an- number and identity of individuals 关based on ID catalog other matriline when both were observed within acoustic 共Ford et al., 2000兲兴, group composition, group cohesion, di- range of each other, were heading in the same direction and rection of movement, and behavioral state 共travel, motion- were engaged in the same behavior. Distances between less, forage, or socialize兲 were recorded. As long as whales matrilines traveling in company were estimated with the help J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 122, No. 6, December 2007 Weiß et al.: Orca vocal behavior and group composition 3711
TABLE II. Number of samples, calls and recording days of focal matrilines avoid a bias towards call types of higher amplitude 共see in varying social contexts. Miller and Tyack, 2001兲. The remaining data were split into Matriline With n samples n calls n days samples of 100 calls. Preferably, samples were chosen from different recording days. However, because selection criteria A12 ... 10 983 7 strongly reduced the number of usable samples in some of A12 Other pod 6 570 3 A12 Other subclan 2 181 1 the defined social contexts, we also included recordings with A12 Other clan 2 159 1 less than 100, but a minimum of 75 calls. For the same A30 ¯ 15 1500 14 reason, we sometimes used multiple samples from the same A30 Other pod 4 353 3 day, but as widely separated in time as possible and never A30 Other subclan 2 186 1 more than three to maximize statistical independence of the A30 Other clan 6 550 4 A36 ¯ 10 965 7 data 共Table II兲. For each sample, we determined percentages A36 Other pod 3 258 3 of call use per call 共sub-兲type as well as the call rate 共n A36 Other subclan 4 366 2 calls/minute/individual兲 and the number of different call A36 Other clan 9 810 6 types used. A12+ A30+ A36 8 783 4 Data were analyzed using the SPSS® statistical pro- gram. As data clearly deviated from normal distribution of landmarks and were typically well below 1000 m. We 共Shapiro-Wilk, all parameters p ⬍ 0.02兲, they were tested only used recordings for further analysis during which the nonparametrically. Also, data were tested separately for each spacing, direction of travel, and behavioral states of the in- matriline, as basic call use differs somewhat between the volved matrilines were observed from shore or were reported three focal matrilines 共Miller and Bain, 2000; Weiß et al., from whale watching boats, and that allowed definite attribu- 2006兲. Frequencies of call types and numbers were compared tion of calls to the matrilines in a defined situation. This between single focal matrilines and focal matrilines in com- excluded night-time recordings as well as those where one or pany using Mann-Whitney-U tests. Because calls could not more additional matrilines were seen and/or heard within be reliably attributed to the producing matriline when all range of the same hydrophone as the defined matriline共s兲. three focal matrilines were recorded together, we did not The selected recordings were obtained between 1989 and compare recordings of the three matrilines together with 2002 except for one recording of the A30 and B7 matrilines, those of the single matrilines, but rather with several aver- that was obtained in August 2005. The predominant behav- aged samples 共frequency of a given call type for A12 iors were traveling and/or foraging. Calls were classified according to Ford 共1987, 1989, + A30+ A36 divided by 3兲. In those cases, where call use did 1991兲 by simultaneous acoustic and visual inspection of son- differ between the single and the company contexts, we con- agrams, generated with Cool Edit 2000 共Syntrillium Soft- ducted Kruskal-Wallis tests to further test for differences in ware Corporation兲 or Raven 1.2 共Cornell Lab of Ornithol- call use depending on the identity of the company. Compari- ogy兲. Two call subtypes, N5iii and N9iv 共Weiß et al., 2006兲, sons of call use between each single social context were not were additionally distinguished because they were family feasible due to an n below 5 in 6 of 9 of the company con- specific to focal matrilines. texts. We did not consider alpha correction for multiple test- ing, because of an increased risk of type-II error due to small C. Statistical analyses sample sizes 共Nakagawa, 2004兲. Call types with rates of oc- If more than 5% of calls were not both visually and currence below 1% in any context were included in the cat- acoustically recognizable because of poor signal-to-noise ra- egory “other” for the given matriline. All statistical tests tio, recordings were excluded from statistical analysis to were two-tailed. FIG. 1. Call use of all three focal matrilines traveling on their own or with each other. ab, aberrant and var, variable. Bars show median percent- age of total calls and first and third quartiles. Asterisks mark significance levels: * = p ⬍ 0.05; ⫻ = p ⬍ 0.06; and n = 8 共alone兲 and 9 共together兲. 3712 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 122, No. 6, December 2007 Weiß et al.: Orca vocal behavior and group composition
FIG. 2. Call use of the A12 matriline traveling on its own or with whales from different pods or 共sub-兲clans. ab., aberrant; var., variable; and imit., imi- tation. Bars show median percentage of total calls and first and third quar- tiles. Asterisks mark significance lev- els: * = p ⬍ 0.05; * * = p ⬍ 0.01; and n = 10 共alone兲 and 10 共with company兲. III. RESULTS the A12 matriline, the family-typical call subtype, N9iv, was Altogether, 81 samples totaling 7664 calls of focal used significantly more often in the presence of other groups, matrilines on their own or in the company of other groups which was also the case for variable calls 共Mann-Whitney U were of sufficient quality for statistical analysis 共Table II兲. test, N9iv: n = 26, U = 25, p = 0.003, variable: n = 26, U Call patterns when matrilines were alone were comparable to = 21.5, p = 0.001兲. On the other hand, N1, N3, N7, N8 and those described by Miller and Bain 共2000兲 and Weiß et al. N9i calls made up significantly higher portions of the call 共2006兲 for the three focal matrilines. repertoire when the matriline was recorded on its own With the exception of N3 calls and N10 calls, mean call 共Mann-Whitney U test, N1: n = 26, U = 41.5, p = 0.041, N3: use of the single A1 matrilines was very similar to that of the n = 26, U = 24, p = 0.002, N7: n = 26, U = 33, p = 0.012, N8: n A1 matrilines traveling together 共Fig. 1兲. N3 calls made up a = 26, U = 32, p = 0.01, N9i: n = 26, U = 34.5, p = 0.014兲. With significantly smaller proportion of calls when all three A1 up to 10% change in call use, differences were more pro- matrilines were together 共Mann-Whitney U test, n = 17, U nounced in the A36 matriline than in the A12 matriline. = 9, p = 0.008兲, while the use of N10 calls tended to increase The use of some call types also differed depending on in such situations 共Mann-Whitney U test, n = 17, U = 16, p = 0.059兲. which group accompanied a focal matriline 共Fig. 5, Kruskal- In the presence of more distantly or unrelated matrilines Wallis test, A12—aberrant: n = 10, H = 5.595, p = 0.061, from other pods/clans, the A12 matriline was found to in- A36—N7: n = 10, H = 5.854, p = 0.054, A36—variable: n crease the use of the family-typical N5iii, as well as aberrant = 10, H = 6.014, p = 0.049兲, which suggests that changes in and imitation calls 共Fig. 2, Mann-Whitney U test, N5iii: n call use may not only have been affected by the presence of = 20, U = 22.5, p = 0.035, aberrant: n = 20, U = 20, p = 0.023, other groups, but also by their identity. However, sample imitation: n = 20, U = 15, p = 0.007兲. In each case, changes in sizes in the different conditions were low and more detailed call use were below 5%. Although we did not find any sig- analyses were not feasible. nificant differences in call use of the A30 matriline traveling Focal matrilines did not differ in their call rate 共n calls/ with or without company 共Fig. 3兲, they used the family typi- minute/individual兲 nor in the number of different call types cal N47 call 2–3 times more often in the presence of used in any of the contexts 共Kruskal-Wallis test, all p ⬎ 0.1, B-subclan for which two samples were available. The A36 Mann-Whitney U test, all p ⬎ 0.1兲. matriline showed a number of distinct changes 共Fig. 4兲. As in FIG. 3. Call use of the A30 matriline traveling on its own or with whales from different pods or 共sub-兲clans. ab., aberrant and var., variable. Bars show median percentage of total calls and first and third quartiles. n = 15 共alone兲 and 12 共with company兲. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 122, No. 6, December 2007 Weiß et al.: Orca vocal behavior and group composition 3713
FIG. 4. Call use of the A36 matriline traveling on its own or with whales from different pods or 共sub-兲clans. ab., aberrant and var., variable. Bars show median percentage of total calls and first and third quartiles. Asterisks mark significance levels: * = p ⬍ 0.05. * * = p ⬍ 0.01; and n = 10 共alone兲 and 16 共with company兲. IV. DISCUSSION tent changes were increases in the use of family-specific call subtypes as well as variable and aberrant calls in the pres- This study presents evidence that resident orca ence of orcas from other groups. Changes in call use were matrilines change their vocal behavior in intergroup contexts. typically well below 10% and thus less pronounced than the Consistent with our predictions, percentages of call types changes observed in call use in another social context, i.e., used by focal matrilines depended on the presence or ab- after the birth of a calf 共Weiß et al., 2006兲. sence of additional matrilines in two out of three studied The focal matrilines differed considerably in the number matrilines; findings for the third matriline were also consis- of call types with emission rates affected by the social con- tent in key respects, though sample sizes were small and the text. The A36 matriline showed significant changes in call changes were not statistically significant. The most consis- use in half of their repertoire 共7 of 14 call types兲, the A12 matriline to a considerably lesser extent 共3 of 15 call types兲, and there were no statistically significant changes at all in the A30 matriline. However, their family typical N47 call was used 2–3 times as often in the presence of B-subclan matrilines and interestingly, changes in the A36s’ acoustic behavior were also strongest in the presence of matrilines from B-subclan. To some extent, the differences in call use may reflect low sample sizes for some matrilines in some contexts; how- ever, it is also possible that they reflect different social roles arising from differences in associations and movement pat- terns. At least one of the three focal matrilines is present in the study area, almost daily, during each summer and fall 共Symonds and Spong, private communication兲. Changes in call use exhibited by the A1 matrilines thus may reflect dif- ferences in the manner in which each of the matrilines re- sponds to intergroup situations involving the other, less com- monly visiting Northern resident groups in the Johnstone Strait area, and they may underscore possible differing social roles within their own pod and community. Just how each of the A1 matrilines performs its role and specifically what these roles might be is beyond the scope of this study, how- ever, the indication that matrilines within a pod have possible different roles should encourage further investigation. It also seems possible that some of the changes we ob- served reflect differences in the age and sex composition of individual matrilines. Indeed, the three focal matrilines do differ in this respect; the A36 matriline consisted of only one female and her three adult sons prior to the matriarch’s death FIG. 5. Use of 共a兲 N7 calls and 共b兲 variable calls by the A36 matriline in in 1997, and since then only of adult males, whereas the different social contexts 共focal matriline alone, with matrilines from the other two matrilines each added a new generation during the same subclan, another subclan or another clan兲. Bars show median percent- age of calls and first and third quartiles. Numbers of samples appear above study period. Studies of other species show that vocal signals the bars. can convey not only individual or group-specific informa- 3714 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 122, No. 6, December 2007 Weiß et al.: Orca vocal behavior and group composition
tion, but also age and sex-specific cues that may remain dis- functions in intra- and intergroup communication, such as tinguishable even when transmitted over greater distances directionality cueing and thus indicating one’s location and 共e.g. Green, 1981; Rendall et al., 2004; Blumstein and Mu- direction of movement 共Miller, 2002兲. nos, 2005兲. Animals may respond differently to calls of In conclusion, the presence and identity of accompany- males and females 共e.g., Vicario et al., 2001; Miller et al., ing matrilines significantly affected calling behavior of resi- 2004a兲 or may respond differently to signals depending on dent orca matrilines. The observed changes seem to reflect their own sex 共Rogers et al., 2006兲. It is plausible, therefore, call functions in both intragroup, as well as intergroup, com- that the differences in call use among our focal matrilines munication, and differences between matrilines hint at pos- stemmed partly from different age or sex distributions in the sible different social roles within the community. To get a focal or the accompanying matrilines. However, as virtually better understanding of these roles, we will need extensive nothing is known about age or sex differences in the call use data sets of individual calling behavior along with precise of wild orcas, this idea remains purely speculative. behavioral observations. Both are currently extremely diffi- At least in some call types, changes in use seemed not cult to obtain, but provide potentially fruitful challenges for only dependent on the mere presence of nonfocal matrilines, future research. but to some degree on whether these nonfocal whales were ACKNOWLEDGMENTS from a pod within the same subclan, from a different sub- clan, or from an entirely different clan, i.e., whales that differ The authors wish to thank Anna Spong and OrcaLab both in the degree of relatedness and of call type sharing. assistants for continuous recording and observation efforts. Although the focal matrilines share almost all call types with Also, they are grateful for the contributions of observers, whales within the same subclan, they share few with those researchers, and whale-watchers in the Johnstone Strait area, from a different subclan and none with whales from a differ- especially the late Michael Bigg, Graeme Ellis, and John ent clan 共Ford, 1987, 1991兲. Studies in other species have Ford. The study was supported by a doctoral scholarship of shown that the degree of vocal sharing may play an impor- the Austrian Academy of Sciences to B.M.W. tant role in acoustic communication between groups and in- dividuals. For instance, song sparrows, Melospiza melodia, Baker, M. C. 共2004兲. “The chorus song of cooperatively breeding laughing kookaburras 共Coraciiformes, Halcyonidae: Dacelo novaeguineae兲: charac- were more likely to perceive a song as directed at them if the terization and comparison among groups,” Ethology 110, 21–35. song was shared than if it was unshared 共Beecher and Camp- Barrett-Lennard, L. G. 共2000兲. “Population structure and mating patterns of bell, 2005兲; and great tits, Parus major, responded differ- killer whales, Orcinus orca, as revealed by DNA analysis,” Ph.D. thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. ently to song types shared with neighbors and strangers Beecher, M. D., and Campbell, S. E. 共2005兲. “The role of unshared songs in 共Stoddard, 1996兲. Observations of primates are consistent singing interactions between neighbouring song sparrows, Anim. Behav. with those for birds. Lemasson and Hausberger 共2004兲 ob- 70, 1297–1304. Belikov, R. A., and Belkovich, V. M. 共2003兲. “Underwater vocalization of served more vocal exchanges in Campbell’s monkeys, Cer- the beluga whales 共Delphinapterus leucas兲 in a reproductive gathering copithecus campbelli, that shared calls and suggested sharing during different behavioral situations,” Okeanologiya 43, 118–126. to be important in advertising bonds. Bigg, M. A., Olesiuk, P. F., and Ellis, G. M. 共1990兲. “Social organization and Complex vocal signals can serve multiple functions in genealogy of resident killer whales 共Orcinus orca兲 in the coastal waters of British Columbia and Washington State,” Rep. Int. Whal. Comm., Spec. inter-group behavior, such as cooperation, inter- and intra- Issue, 12, 383–405. sexual assessment between groups 共e.g., Seddon, 2002兲, and Blumstein, D. T., and Munos, O. 共2005兲. “Individual, age- and sex-specific call repertoire and complexity are often parameters used in information is contained in yellow-bellied marmot alarm calls,” Anim. Behav. 69, 353–361. mate choice 共see McGregor, 1992兲. The higher percentages Boughman, J. W., and Wilkinson, G. S. 共1998兲. “Greater spear-nosed bats of variable, aberrant and in part also imitation calls in inter- discriminate group mates by vocalizations,” Anim. Behav. 55, 1717–1732. group contexts may reflect some of these vital aspects of Clark, C. W. 共1982兲. “The acoustic repertoire of the southern right whale, a social interactions. Variable and aberrant calls have been as- quantitative analysis,” Anim. Behav. 30, 1060–1071. Deecke, V. B., Ford, J. K. B., and Spong, P. 共2000兲. “Dialect change in sociated with situations of high arousal, e.g. during socializ- resident killer whales 共Orcinus orca兲: Implications for vocal learning and ing 共Ford, 1989, 1991兲 and may reflect a more sexually cultural transmission,” Anim. Behav. 60, 629–638. charged situation, since whales from disparate groups are Elowson, A. M., and Snowdon, C. T. 共1994兲. “Pygmy marmosets, Cebuella pygmaea, modify vocal structure in response to changed social environ- more likely to mate 共Barrett-Lennard, 2000兲. Ford 共1989兲 ment,” Anim. Behav. 47, 1267–1277. also reported whales to be highly vocal when engaged in Ford, J. K. B. 共1987兲. “A catalogue of underwater calls produced by killer socializing 共i.e. showing physical contact, aerial displays whales 共Orcinus orca兲 in British Columbia,” Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Science No. 633. etc.兲. However, the mere presence of other groups that were Ford, J. K. 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