INTHISISSUE Historic modernism - Chartered Institute of Architectural ...

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INTHISISSUE Historic modernism - Chartered Institute of Architectural ...

Historic modernism                        Doctor’s orders                     The first fifty years
Restoring Powell & Moya’s                 The CIAT Award-winning              CIAT’s 1980s history
Cripps Building                           hospital
The magazine of the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists   Issue 115 Autumn 2015 ISSN 1361-326X £5.00
INTHISISSUE Historic modernism - Chartered Institute of Architectural ...
AT magazine                                             In this issue
  AT magazine is published by
  The Chartered Institute of
  Architectural Technologists                                                                                  Cover: Alan King
  397 City Road London                                                                                         Award Winner
  EC1V 1NH UK                                                                                                  The Grillagh Water House
  Tel. +44(0)20 7278 2206                                                                                      by Patrick Bradley
  Fax. +44(0)20 7837 3194
                                                                                                               Architects, winner of the
                                                                                                               2015 Alan King Award

  ISSN 1361-326X                                                                                           4   More than
  Chief Executive                                                                                              minimalist
  Francesca Berriman MBE                                                                                       A look at award winning
                                                              12                                               CIAT practice Kyson

  Editor                                                                                                   8   New life in Newport
  Hugh Morrison
                                                                                                               Tom Kinver MCIAT's
                                                                                                               extension and renovation of
  Advertising                                                                                                  a Welsh farmhouse

  Copy deadline for next edition
                                                                                                           12 Hertfordshire icon
  14 October for winter edition.
                                                                                                               Lee Wardman MCIAT
                                                                                                               reveals a landmark design
  Published 11 January 2016.
  Advertising deadline for                                                                                 14 Historic
  next edition                                                                                                modernism
  Orders must be placed by                                                                                     Toni Page MCIAT on the
  4 December.                                                                                                  restoration of Powell and
  The Chartered Institute of                                                                                   Moya’s Cripps Building
  Architectural Technologists (CIAT)
  is the lead qualifying body for                                                                          18 What the doctor
  Architectural Technology and
  represents those practising and
  studying within the discipline in the                                                                        Isabelle Morgan looks at an
                                                                                                               award-winning hospital
  UK and internationally. CIAT
  qualifies Chartered Architectural                                                         18
  Technologists, MCIAT and
  professionally qualified
                                                                                                           22 CIAT: the first 50
  Architectural Technicians, TCIAT                                                                            years
                                                                                                               The latest installment from
  Printed by                                                                                                   the Institute’s archives
  The Lavenham Press Ltd,
  Lavenham, Suffolk.
                                                                                                           28 CDM and domestic
  Publication of an article or item                                                                           projects
  does not imply that CIAT or                                                                                  Appointing a Principal
  any of its staff is in agreement with
  the views expressed, nor does                          43                                                    Designer
  CIAT or any of its staff accept
  responsibility for errors or                                                                             30 Gulf club
  omissions. © CIAT 2015.                                                                                      CIAT’s expansion in the
                                                                                                               Middle East continues

                                                                                                           43 Never too late
                                                                                                               A new career for one of the
                                                                                                               Institute’s oldest qualifying

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  2    Issue 115 Autumn 2015
INTHISISSUE Historic modernism - Chartered Institute of Architectural ...
Editor’s foreword                                                                                      Annual
                                                                                                       All mem eview
                                                                                                      Annual ers have been
                                                                                                               Review               sent th
                                                                                                      with th             a                 e
                                                                                                              is issue nd Resolutio
                                                                                                     receive           . If you h         ns
                                                                                                             dt                   av
                                                                                                    (0)207 2 hem, please t e not
                       CIAT’s anniversary shows an Institute in                                             78 2206
                                                                                                                                 el. +44
                       the prime of its life

         IAT celebrated its fiftieth   have a living history from which                               discipline of Architectural

C        anniversary on 25
         September with a
Celebratory Luncheon featuring
                                       we can learn lessons for the
                                                                              We still have
                                                                                   a living
                                                                              history from
                                                                                                      Technology and the needs of the
                                                                                                      public. The Institute’s Awards, for
                                                                                                      example, are open to all
high profile industry figures and      It is large enough to have                which we             regardless of membership; not a
Institute members old and new. It      influence in diverse areas of the         can learn            means of ‘back-slapping’
also involved the presentation of      world including the Middle East,        lessons for            favoured members, but a way to
CIAT’s Awards; one of the winning      Africa and Australasia, but small                              highlight successes in the
projects is featured on the cover      enough to function without
                                                                                the future            discipline of Architectural
of this issue, and full details will   wasteful layers of administration                              Technology.
follow in the next issue.              and bureaucracy. It’s been said
                                       that CIAT ‘punches above its                                   Finally, the demographics of the
The event reminded me of the           weight’; perhaps an overly                                     Celebratory Luncheon also
reasons why CIAT is a force to be      combatitive image; I would prefer                              showed that we are an ‘all-age’
reckoned with in the built             to put it in engineering terms and                             organisation. Student
environment. It is old enough to       say that we work well on both the                              membership continues to
have been established for half a       ‘macro’ and ‘micro’ scales.                                    increase, but at the same time,
century and to have built up a                                                                        members such as Peter Whitfield
‘collective memory’ of how best to     Some of the global reach of CIAT                               MCIAT, recently qualified at 64
serve its members and the public;      can be seen in features on page                                and profiled on page 43, prove
but young (and fortunate) enough       30 (a look at practices in the Gulf)                           that we are there for members
to still have active Founder           and on page 34 which covers                                    aged 18-80 and beyond.
Members able to share their            recent Region/Centre celebrations
insights with the younger              of the 50th anniversary. I believe
generation. As the archive feature     CIAT also gets the balance right                               Regards
on page 22 of this issue shows,        between representing its                                       Hugh Morrison
unlike many organisations we still     members and representing the                                   Editor

                                          Becoming a
                                          Chartered Environmentalist
                                          As a constituent body for the Society for the Environment, CIAT is licensed to award the
                                          Chartered Environmentalist qualification to its Chartered Members. The Society for the
                                          Environment is the leading co-ordinating body in environmental matters and is a pre-
                                          eminent champion of a sustainable environment, and has registered over 7000 Chartered
                                          Environmentalists (CEnv).

                                          The Society for the Environment has made changes to the Chartered Environmentalist
                                          qualification. The reason for this change is to ensure there is a sound knowledge, proven
                                          experience and best practice within the profession, as the Environment is the heart of the
                                          professional qualification.

                                          To be eligible to become a Chartered Environmentalist, applicants must be MCIAT and
                                          demonstrate relevant academic and/or professional experience. For further information
                                          please visit:

                                          or contact Amina Khanum, Specialist Registers’ Coordinator at Central Office
                                          on +44 (0)20 7278 2206 (

                                                                                                           Issue 115 Autumn 2015                3
INTHISISSUE Historic modernism - Chartered Institute of Architectural ...

        A nineteenth century
        corner warehouse
                                                                                  More than
        turned contemporary
        inner city dwelling
        captures the essence of
        simplicity that award-
        winning CIAT registered
        practice Kyson is
        becoming increasingly
        known for.

        Isabelle Morgan,
        Coordinator explains
        why the firm’s designs
        are about much more
        than a minimalist

   n the view of Scott Kyson MCIAT, his         achieving this is not easy. From initial      49 Scrutton Street in Shoreditch is a

I  philosophy of architectural design can
   be comparable to that of fashion and
particularly the ‘Little Black Dress’, the
                                                scale and massing conception to the
                                                composition and articulation of a façade
                                                or the energy and sustainability strategy,
                                                                                              Victorian warehouse refurbishment and
                                                                                              conversion designed by and for Scott,
                                                                                              his wife and their three children and was
concept being that the black dress              great layers of intelligence, thought,        winner of the 2014 Alan King Award.
should be simplistic, elegant, versatile        research and experimentation underlie         Built in 1863, the building, formerly
and timeless, with or without                   the firm’s designs. These processes do        home to Patey and Company,
accessories. What Scott is saying is that       not only involve carefully selecting the      perfumers to Her Majesty, was derelict
in architecture, as in fashion the concept      right materials for each individual project   when purchased by Scott and his wife in
of the design must be robust in the first       and site, but also an in-depth analysis of    2012. With a sensitive approach, the
instance. If it is not, there will be a need    the surrounding townscape, streetscape        refurbishment has revealed original
to layer and add on. Just as if the dress                                                     architectural features and laid a modern
is not right, a shawl, a bag or extra                                                         fabric to create a comfortable and
makeup might be added to distract               If the design is                              simple yet sophisticated inner city
attention. He says, ‘What that is doing is      right there will                              home.
masking the fact that you didn’t look
good in the dress because the initial
                                                be no need to                                 Despite the warehouse’s discrete
design or selection was flawed’. He             apply layers of                               elegance, there is a lot more to this
believes that the same applies to               unnecessary                                   finish than meets the eye and much
architecture and that if the foundation of      decoration                                    thought and research went into how
the design is right in the first place, there                                                 elements of the old warehouse could
will be no need to apply layers of                                                            feature as part of the updated
unnecessary decoration.                         and proportions of neighbouring               contemporary space. A lot of the layers
                                                buildings. There is strong forethought        added or built up over the original fabric
As Director of the Shoreditch-based             about the physical fabric that will result    (mostly during the building’s more
practice Kyson, Scott ensures this              and how this will impact upon the             recent life as an office building) have
philosophy is central to the practice that      senses and lives of those who will live       been removed to reveal features such
aims to realise buildings with a sense of       in, work in and experience the spaces         as the underside of the floor beams and
simplicity at their core. He insists that       they create.                                  the original exterior brickwork.

  4    Issue 115 Autumn 2015
INTHISISSUE Historic modernism - Chartered Institute of Architectural ...

                                                                                             The process of removing layer upon
                                                                                             layer of paint from the external bricks
                                                                                             was not straight-forward. Although the
                                                                                             building is not listed, the desire to
                                                                                             preserve the historic elements meant it
                                                                                             was necessary to undertake an in-depth
                                                                                             analysis of how the paint could be
                                                                                             removed without damaging the bricks.
                                                                                             Although the initial idea was to grit blast
                                                                                             the warehouse’s exterior, through
                                                                                             sample testing, Kyson realised the paint
                                                                                             was extremely thick. In fact, it would not
                                                                                             come off unless the blasting was raised
                                                                                             to such a high pressure at which it was
                                                                                             also likely to wipe off the top surface of
                                                                                             the bricks, the most durable layer. Such
                                                                                             a mistake, Scott notes is common;
                                                                                             buildings are often blasted without
                                                  Sweet smell of success: the property was
                                                                                             careful testing, resulting in the strongest
                                                  originally home to a perfume company
                                                                                             surface being wiped away and allowing
                                                                                             moisture to enter more easily.

                                                                                             To solve this issue, the firm worked with
                                                                                             a restorative masonry-cleaning
                                                                                             specialist who were able to provide an
                                                                                             appropriate and environmentally clean
                                                                                             chemical peel that was applied to the
                                                                                             bricks for 24 hours before being washed
                                                                                             down with a superheated (150°) high
                                                                                             pressure (140bar/2030psi) water jet. To
                                                                                             find the correct chemical cocktail, Scott
                                                                                             explains the process, ‘we carefully
                                                                                             removed a brick to be sent off for
                                                                                             testing, they were then able to identify
                                                                                             the correct chemical compound required
                                                                                             to breakdown the paint. With the
                                                                                             technology available in this field, we
                                                                                             learnt that it is possible to recover
                                                                                             ecclesiastical murals that have been
                                                                                             painted over by applying the correct
                                                                                             chemical compound that would remove
                                                                                             the paint without harming the mural

                                                                                             Finally removing the paint, there was a
                                                                                             low moment of disappointment when the
                                                                                             bricks underneath were found to be
                                                                                             completely covered in carbon and soot.
                                                                                             It also became apparent that the high-
                                                                                             pressure water jet would remove the
                                                                                             cement mortar. The decision was
                                                                                             therefore taken to repoint the building
                                                                                             with a historically accurate lime mortar
                                                                                             and what came about hadn’t been
                                                                                             anticipated. The contrast between the
                                                                                             carbon stained bricks and very light
 The kitchen features exposed floor beams of the storey above.
                                                                                             mortar was unique and even more so
 Opposite: stairwell to the roof garden.
                                                                                             because it had come about through this

                                                                                                       Issue 115 Autumn 2015         5
INTHISISSUE Historic modernism - Chartered Institute of Architectural ...

                                                                                                                The rooftop garden

unexpected process whilst unveiling the      intelligent passive design and               children and a luxury gym and sauna at
original exterior of the building. In the    environmentally considerate                  basement level. It was also important to
end Scott was incredibly pleased with        technologies within its design from the      ensure a certain level of sound proofing
this unexpected appearance, ‘normally        outset and only where necessary and          from the street. Achieving a sense of
when you restore and sandblast, the          useful.                                      peacefulness and quiet in the heart of
bricks colour is enhanced to a bright                                                     Shoreditch was a challenge in itself and
yellow because you bring out their                                                        there was a thorough investigation to
original colour. So that was an amazing      As a place of refuge                         find the correct combination of glass for
outcome.’                                    from the everyday                            the windows to ensure a balance of

Restoring and reusing as much of the
                                             bustle of the city,                          acoustic and thermal comfort.

historic fabric as possible negated the      outdoor space was                            The original stair running up the side of
need to manufacture many new                 an essential                                 the building was relocated to the centre
materials. Where new materials were
required, these were carefully selected
                                             requirement                                  cutting a vertical penetration through the
                                                                                          house. By shifting the stairway, the
and Scott, as both owner and project                                                      structure of the warehouse was
lead has over specified leading the          As a place of refuge from the everyday       reinforced and a stack ventilation
building to exceed the regulations for a     bustle of the city, outdoor space was an     system incorporated whereby hot air
new build.                                   essential requirement. Spatially, the        absorbed by the house’s brick fabric can
                                             building fills its entire footprint, which   escape via the vertical route when lower
The house is designed to be as passive       meant the best option was to remove          level windows and doors are opened to
as possible with a balance of solar gain,    the original pitched roof and build a        let cooler air from outside in through the
thermal loss and passive ventilation as      rooftop garden.                              dwelling.
three key factors that work towards the
sustainability credentials. In its           Although there was an initial desire to      This element of the design reflects the
appearance, the building does not boast      flip the layout upside down with kitchen,    notion that technology does not always
any bolt-on sustainable measures which       dining and living areas upstairs near the    or automatically mean high-tech. Here,
Scott generally avoids in his projects. He   rooftop garden, the need for privacy and     a sound understanding of how heat
believes that sustainability should not be   distance from the noise of the street        moves and how design can be used to
an extra or add on at the end of the         ultimately led the upper floors to be        control air flow allows for temperature
project, but should be an elementary         reserved for sleeping quarters whilst        regulation throughout the year and there
consideration in the design strategy from    living and dining are at street level. The   is no need for air conditioning.
day one. 49 Scrutton Street uses             house also has a playroom for the            Following from his own experience as

  6    Issue 115 Autumn 2015
INTHISISSUE Historic modernism - Chartered Institute of Architectural ...

an apprentice working under John               terracotta have never had a reason to           In Waterloo, Kyson is working on a major
Halton, Scott promotes a hands-on              look at other technologies. ‘We believe         project restoring the Grade II listed Old
approach to Architectural Technology           that by introducing a secondary                 Fire Station and adding a structural glass
education. ‘One of the things I found          substrate material and having it backed         addition to the rear. The ironwork of the
useful about my own education was              onto a concrete panel or pre-cast               building’s projecting balconies was found
learning how to build before I learnt how      columns we could provide stability to the       to be severely rusting, hence there was
to design’. Although he admits there is a      material’.                                      an urgent need for restoration with a
case for learning the other way around                                                         serious risk of collapse. The former
too, as many do in architecture degrees.       The result, he explains will not be the         Marston’s pub has now moved back in
He thinks that an Architectural                typical slick finish of modern terracotta,      on the lower level, whilst offices will
Technology education gives good rigour         but there will be five or six different ‘cake   occupy the upper floors once the project
for working in a practical office              mixes’ of terracotta that will produce          is soon complete. The firm is also
environment.                                   varied effects and colour in the columns        working on a large scale mixed use
                                               of the lattice shell. The aim is to             retail, office and residential scheme next
After years of practical experience            reinvigorate terracotta as a material. ‘In      door, a limestone clad structure that
himself, Scott started the practice in         the past it was a really beautiful material     stands on an important junction
2006. Previously he had spent 10 years         and it was used at the base of pubs and         successfully mediating between the
in practice working for CAD Associates,        quite ornate buildings, whereas in recent       larger scale buildings of Waterloo Road
HBG Construction, Purcell Miller Tritton       times it has been utilised as factory           and the finer urban grain of Lower
Architects and Sidell Gibson Architects.                                                       Marsh.
Today the growing practice of thirteen
prides itself on realising projects like 49
                                               Even in larger scale                            Scott is happy with how the practice is
Scrutton Street that are ‘intelligently        projects there is great                         growing. The firm has gone from
conceived yet simplistically elegant’. To      consideration and                               strength to strength and although it
date, the firm has completed many              respect given to the                            would like to continue to develop, there
                                                                                               is no desire to be a ‘big’ practice. He
residential projects primarily working on
brownfield sites and adaptive reuse
                                               selection of materials                          would like Studio Kyson to maintain its
projects in London. However, more                                                              friendly and tight-knit atmosphere and to
recently they are seeing a shift into hotel    produced rainscreen cladding’.                  continue to apply the same thoughtful
projects. The practice is currently            Although the structure is made up of            approach and maintain client
working at planning stage on a new nine        simple columns, Scott wants to bring            relationships throughout the design
storey hotel in Islington.                     back a feel of the handmade. For this,          process. He doesn’t want to lose control
                                               he has been playing around with mini            of the detail. At present, the firm is
Even in larger scale projects, there is        pieces of terracotta. A small sample is         refurbishing a room across the hall for
great consideration and respect given to       never far from reach in the office and          their workspace to expand.
the selection of materials. Much               both abstract and representative models
attention is focused on the natural            are on show in the Studio’s entrance.           They are simultaneously building a small
qualities of these materials and what                                                          model making workshop. Although
they are capable of. The challenge at          Kyson are also working on a new five            expanding, there is still a strong
the hotel project in Islington is to build a   star boutique hotel in Shoreditch for the       emphasis on testing materials and
nine storey lattice shell out of terracotta    luxury brand Blakes Hotel. The brand            processes via different techniques such
column casings; although at this stage it      has an existing hotel in Kensington and         as model making both in the virtual and
looks like Kyson may have to invent the        here Kyson are currently working with           real world. The models around the
technology themselves. The limits of           renowned interior designers Anouska             Studio are made of the raw materials
terracotta mean that it cannot go as big       Hempel to add a new private penthouse,          and give a tactile sense of the embodied
as they want it to be, however, Scott          restaurant and bar.                             experience that will result once a design
thinks that those who are making the                                                           is realised.

                                                                            Feet of clay: the challenge at Kyson’s Islington hotel
                                                                            project is to build a nine storey lattice shell out of
                                                                            terracotta column casings; although at this stage it looks
                                                                            like Kyson may have to invent the technology
                                                                            themselves. The solution is likely to be five or six
                                                                            different ‘cake mixes’ of terracotta that will produce
                                                                            varied effects and colour in the columns of the lattice
                                                                            shell. The aim is to reinvigorate terracotta as a material.

                                                                                                         Issue 115 Autumn 2015            7
INTHISISSUE Historic modernism - Chartered Institute of Architectural ...

 New life in Newport
 With views of Carningli Mountain (an extinct volcano) and the Preseli hills; the
 extension and renovation of Pwll Farm House in Newport, Pembrokeshire, offered
 Tom Kinver MCIAT, Chartered Architectural Technologist, and his team at Kinver
 Kreations Ltd a unique and exciting brief. By Hugh Morrison, Editor.

      om explains that his first             The new owners’ inspired brief was to      connected harmoniously with the

T     introduction to the building and
      clients was slightly unusual, ‘I had
a phone call asking if I could view this
                                             create a welcoming, warm and modern
                                             family home. The National Park planners
                                             worked closely with Tom and his team to
                                                                                        extended living spaces.

                                                                                        Powder coated aluminium glazing units,
old farmhouse on behalf of the potential     enable a beautiful rear and side           a new feature entrance and bespoke
buyers that same Saturday morning as         extension to be created. Vertical French   oak and glass staircase helped turn this
they were unable to get there from           oak ‘stepped’ cladding, sedum and lead     home into an even more special place
London and were concerned it would be        roll mop roof coverings helped create      to live in and visit.
snapped up, I had a brief tour of the        the stunning space required, but in a
property with the agent and with after       sympathetic design. Tom wanted to          The original property had a single storey
my quick phone call back to the clients,     achieve a reconciliation of opposites,     extension added during the 1970s as
they thankfully were able to snap it up      where the host building, a traditional     well as an outdoor swimming pool. The
quickly.’                                    farmhouse with its enhanced character,     extension was truly unsympathetic to

 8    Issue 115 Autumn 2015
INTHISISSUE Historic modernism - Chartered Institute of Architectural ...

the main house. This created a                house. We created a traditional first floor   Tom, the clients and builders were
challenging brief for the design team, as     rear extension to the farmhouse and           recently rewarded for all their hard work.
Tom explains. ‘The challenge was to           placed the juxtaposing modern                 The project was recently crowned the
create an extension that allowed for an       extension under it’.                          ‘All Wales’ winner at the Local Authority
additional kitchen and dining area, utility                                                 Building Control (LABC) Building
room, master bedroom, extra                   The entire farmhouse was renovated,           Excellence Awards for the Best
bathrooms, a games room and gym;              with new natural slate roof coverings,        Extension and Material Alteration to a
plus changing rooms for the outdoor           lime pointing, decoration, plumbing, and      dwelling. The award celebrates all vital
swimming pool, whilst aiming to undo          underfloor heating. Oversize floor slabs      elements in the creation of an excellent
the 1970s architectural damage to the         and high quality materials have truly         buildings; technical design and
old farmhouse, and ignoring the               transformed this home into a welcoming        innovation, sustainability and high
temptation to simply demolish the             space, and the wonderful views of the         performance.
extension.                                    river and adjacent woodland as well as
                                              the landscaped gardens are captured           The project is now going forward to the
‘We looked to encapsulate the new             with the large fenestrations. The project     Grand Finals in London this November
extension around the two buildings,           was completed on time and to budget in        to compete for the best extension and
aiming not to outbalance the host farm        summer 2014.                                  material alteration in the UK.

                                                                                                     Issue 115 Autumn 2015         9
INTHISISSUE Historic modernism - Chartered Institute of Architectural ...

Top: Front (east) elevation.
Below: Side (west) elevation.
Bottom: Ground floor plan showing pool and

 10   Issue 114 Summer 2015
 R egister
        e nnow
            ow … w
 Free-to-attend, 2 d
                     ay e
                         xhibition, 24 sspeaker
                                         peaker cconference
                                                  onference p
                                                                  amme a and
complimentary 2 h hour
                   our champagne
                        champagne d  drinks
                                      rinks rreception   networking
                                              eception & n            evening
                                                           etworkiing evening

       Architects, SSpecifiers,
                     pecifiers, Building
                                 Building D
                                             esigners, TTechnologists,
                                                                 o ists, SSurveyors
                                                                           urveyors & EEngineers
                 ƒCommercial, IIndustrial
                 ƒCommercial,      ndustrial & R   esidential P
                                                 Residential    rop
                                                                 o erty D
                                                              Property      evelopers
     Town, City
             City & C   ounty C
                     County       ouncils, LLocal
                               Councils,     ocal P lanning A
                                                  Planning    uthor
                                                                  o ities, T
                                                             Authorities,    own & C
                                                                           Town       ity P
                                                                                    City   lanners
                        Construction C    o panies, B
                                        Companies,       uilders & C
                                                       Builders      ontractors
                                roducts & SServices
                                              ervices IIndustry
                                                        ndustry SSuppliers

     Hertfordshire icon
     CIAT Registered practice Wardman Brown designed The Beacon, an advanced
     and highly sustainable building planned for Hemel Hempstead. Lee Wardman
     MCIAT, Chartered Architectural Technologist, discusses the project.

       he Beacon, Hemel Hempstead by     excess of the 10,000 plus dwellings         Not to do so risks the Green Belt and

T      Corona Properties and CIAT
       Registered practice Wardmans
Architectural Services, is a 16 storey
                                         detailed in the Core Strategy Document
                                         September 2013. Unless we develop
                                         land and communities more efficiently,
                                                                                     affects future generations.

                                                                                     The Beacon aspires to be the UK’s only
mixed use building incorporating the     there will be a natural inevitable          EPC A++ multi-dwelling building,
latest and most advanced renewable       encroachment onto the green belt. Most      utilising zero carbon and low carbon
technology (funded and supplied by       local councils envisage at least a 1%       technologies, with a unique design to
Symbio Energy a supplier and generator   reduction in the green belt area as         reduce energy loss, indoor arboretum to
of renewable energy) and aims to         identified in the Core Strategy             create clean air, on-site gymnasium and
become the world’s most sustainable      Document. It is therefore imperative that   leisure facilities providing an integrating
building.                                ideology and previous doctrine are re-      community lifestyle. It includes ‘A’ grade
                                         examined. When land is scarce, it is        offices and a roof garden offering
There is a desperate requirement for     logical to build efficiently, elegantly     unparalleled views of Hemel Hempstead
additional housing in the UK, far in     higher and lower into basement areas.       and surrounding areas.

12   Issue 115 Autumn 2015

The Beacon will provide 208 apartments       In his foreword to the UK government’s
and employment in the offices on ground      National Planning Policy Framework          Lighting up the
and first floor. It aims to be part of the   (NPPF) 2012 document, The Rt Hon
regeneration of the town as detailed in      Greg Clark MP, then Minister for            Beacon
the Dacorum Core Strategy and will           Planning stated ‘Development that is
serve as a much needed iconic                sustainable should go ahead, without        The Beacon incorporates the best
representation into the gateway of           delay – a presumption in favour of          principles of sustainable community living
Hemel Hempstead. Buildings such as           sustainable development that is the         and efficient use of scarce land resource
the ‘Gherkin’ and ‘The Shard’ provide        basis for every plan...Planning must not    incorporating the latest in renewable
prestige to the City of London. The          simply be about scrutiny. Planning must     technology consisting of:
Beacon will similarly provide its            be a creative exercise in finding ways to
surroundings with prestige and               enhance and improve the places in           Solar PV
sustainability kudos by aiming to be the     which we live our lives.’
only EPC A++ building of its kind in the                                                 0.96MWp PV installation consisting of
UK.                                          ‘Sustainable means ensuring that better     2,216no 435W PV modules. Producing
                                             lives for ourselves don’t mean worse        an estimated 876,327kWh per annum.
Landmark iconic developments enhance         lives for future generations... We must
the character of a town and act to lure      accommodate the new ways by which           CO2 savings - 401,000Kg per annum
inward investment into an area thereby       we will earn our living in a competitive
promoting economic growth. It is no          world. We must house a rising population,
coincidence that cities throughout the       which is living longer and wants to make    Vertical Access Wind Turbine (VAWT)
world such as Dubai, Singapore, and          new choices. We must respond to the
Kuala Lumpur all seek to have iconic         changes new technologies offer us. Our      At this stage we have earmarked 2no
buildings which attract investment into      lives and the places in which we live       10kW Aeolos wind turbines. We estimate
the city and country. It is hoped the        them, can be better, but they will          that these would provide a combined
Beacon will put to rest Hemel                certainly be worse if things stagnate’      annual yield of 48,000kWh per annum.
Hempstead’s reputation as the ‘ugliest
town in the UK’ (Daily Telegraph, 13         Future development needs to                 CO2 savings – 25,000Kg per annum
August 2013).                                incorporate sustainability and
                                             innovation. The Beacon is exactly that, a
The building aims to meet Dacorum’s          beacon for sustainability and innovation.   Ground Source Heat Pump System
CS17 New Housing policy for an
average of 430 net additional dwellings      Client: Corona Properties
                                             Design: WardmanBrown                        The GSHP system consists of 582kW
to be be provided each year (between                                                     peak load which is served using multiple
                                             Engineer: Thomasons
2006 and 2031), while also providing a       M&E consultant: Retroflo                    heat pumps throughout.
35% equivalent social housing offsite via    Automated car parking: Skyline
a monetary contribution                      Renewable energy: Symbio Energy

                                                                                                    Issue 115 Autumn 2015    13

                         Historic modernism

                                The Cripps Building by Powell and Moya,
                                      part of St John’s College Cambridge,
                                 recently underwent major conservation
                                        work. Toni Page MCIAT, Chartered
                               Architectural Technologist and Accredited
                                       Conservationist at RH Partnership
                               Architects Ltd, describes the challenges of
                                           a ‘historic’ modernist building.

14   Issue 115 Autumn 2015

          hilst many think of listed        place for students, fellows and staff in     enable safe access to the flat roof areas

W         buildings as being at least a
          century old, there are many
examples of modern 1960s architecture
                                            which to live and work. However, during
                                            this time there have inevitably been
                                            problems of degeneration of the
                                                                                         which had been closed due to the
                                                                                         inadequate height guarding. The college
                                                                                         also wanted to take the opportunity to
that due to their innovative designs have   building. At the same time, there have       improve the sustainable elements of the
been listed. These often present            been substantial changes in the way we       design by utilising solar panels located
significantly different challenges to       design and construct buildings − fire        on the tank room roofs for water heating.
conservation than more historic             regulations have changed considerably;
buildings, due to the lean design and       accessibility; and energy efficiencyare      The refurbishment works consisted of a
materials used in their construction. One   increasingly important; and enabling         new fire alarm system and
such example that has only recently         alternative use of accommodation during      compartments being formed to meet the
been listed as grade II* in 2009, is the    vacations has significant financial          current regulations for fire safety, new
Powell and Moya Architects Cripps           advantages.                                  services (both electrical and
Building owned by St John’s College,                                                     mechanical), new drainage systems
Cambridge.                                                                               (both foul and surface water), new
                                                                                         guarding at roof level, new card access
Powell and Moya Architects were             There have been                              system to the rooms, improvement in
commissioned to design purpose built        substantial changes in                       disabled access by providing accessible
accommodation for St John’s College in                                                   bedrooms on the ground floor level,
the 1960s. The buildings were funded by
                                            the way we design and                        thermal upgrades to external
former St John’s undergraduate student      construct buildings                          components along with Portland stone
of Natural Sciences, Sir Humphrey                                                        repairs and renewing lead clad panels.
Cripps. The Cripps building opened in
1967.                                                                                    Where opportunities existed to improve
                                            The college realised a number of years       services distribution, this was taken to
The Cripps Building sits on the western     ago that the quality of the                  improve access for long term
side of the college grounds. It is a four   accommodation offered by the Cripps          maintenance or reduce visual impact.
storey building formed from eight blocks    Building is of a lower level than might be   This led to clever design solutions such
joined to form a long snaking terrace       expected by students, particularly those     as utilising the new stainless steel
across the site, taking into account the    studying in Cambridge. Whilst the rooms      guarding at roof level to become part of
constraints imposed by the proximity of     are very large and spacious, the level of    the buildings lightning protection system.
the river, existing college buildings and   thermal comfort is very poor and the
the Bin Brook which runs through the        condition of the built-in furniture and      The roof was also leaking after several
site. The snaking form created two new      general finishes needed constant             campaigns of remedial works over time
large three-sided courts.                   attention.                                   which had led to excessive loading of
                                                                                         the slim roof deck. Structural repairs
The Cripps Building is an important         This led to a brief to improve the thermal   were carried out using carbon fibre
example of architecture of its period,      performance of the building whilst           ‘plasters’ internally, heavy screed
described by Pevsner as ‘a masterpiece’.    providing en-suite facilities and            removed from the roof deck and a new
Forty years since their construction the    improved shared kitchen space for the        asphalt roof finish on lightweight tapered
buildings still provide a very agreeable    students. The college was also keen to       insulation board.

                                                                                                  Issue 115 Autumn 2015       15

Materials were chosen to suit heavy          phase started in 2009 and the final        approval were received in 2009 for initial
student use and sensible cleaning            phase was completed in 2014.               phases with further approvals received
regimes in the new en-suite areas and                                                   in line with the phasing.
kitchens whilst original features such as    Liaison was held with Building Control,
the indigbo doors and muhuhu flooring        Conservation Officer, English Heritage,    A contract management form of contract
were refurbished and retained in             the Twentieth Century Society and other    was used with specialist sub-contractors
bedrooms and corridors.                      authorities along with reviewing all       being brought in for specialist items
                                             proposed works against the                 such as refurbishment of bronze framed
The Cripps buildings contain 199             conservation plan to ensure that any       windows, new lead cladding panels,
student rooms and a number of Fellows’       changes were not detrimental to the        stonework cleaning, new stainless steel
setts (rooms with adjoining facilities)      overall appearance of the building.        roof guarding, furniture restoration and
This presented the college with a            Given the prominence of the building, it   fall restraint system.
problem of needing to decant significant     was considered a listed building by the
numbers of people during the                 design team from the initial feasibility   The works have been completed for
construction works. The preference           studies for the project in 2006 despite    some time now and the feedback is
expressed by the college was to phase        only receiving its grade II* listing in    positive. It is great to see such an iconic
the refurbishment works, carrying out        2009. Listed building Consent, Planning    60s building working well for the college
works on two blocks at a time. The initial   Permission and Building Regulations        and hopefully for many years to come.

 16    Issue 115 Autumn 2015

Make the past your future...
The CIAT Conservation Register
The CIAT Conservation Register identifies Chartered Architectural
Technologists competent in the conservation of historical buildings and
their surroundings. The competencies that all Members must demonstrate
in order to join the Register link directly to the ICOMOS guidelines
(International Council on Monuments and Sites). CIAT is a member of the
Edinburgh Group, a consortium of bodies with expertise and
representation within conservation, including Historic England, Historic
Scotland and professional bodies.

CIAT Accredited Conservationists are recognised by leading heritage
agencies to act as lead consultants on grant-funded projects.

To join the Register and for further information please visit:

or contact Amina Khanum, Specialist Registers’ Coordinator at Central
Office on 020 7278 2206 (

                                               Issue 115 Autumn 2015    17

  What the doctor ordered
P+HS Architects are
setting a new standard
for design in healthcare.
Isabelle Morgan,
Coordinator, looks at how
this is being achieved at
an award-winning
hospital, with calm
spaces that encourage a
sense of community to
ease the treatment

         alking into The Endeavour Unit        With an almost hotel-like atmosphere and    client needs. From initial stages, regular

W        at The James Cook University
         Hospital, it is clear this is not a
typical NHS building. The light filled
                                               aesthetic, the Unit goes beyond regular
                                               treatment units to make the patient’s
                                               experience more pleasant than is usually
                                                                                           meetings were held with the Foundation
                                                                                           Trust, NBBJ and Interserve at the
                                                                                           hospital that ensured a positive working
atrium and waiting area has a peaceful         expected in a hospital environment.         relationship amongst the group and
atmosphere, a result of the calm colours,                                                  mutual understanding of what the project
open space, and surrounding shading                                                        was aiming to achieve.
and landscaping. As you approach the
entrance of the Unit, the car park,
                                               The staff claim to be                       Being a treatment facility, ensuring the
although only metres from the building         less stressed...and                         technical elements were right was top of
disappears behind the now tall-grown           patients have been                          the list. Also key, was the challenge of
wild shrubbery and is out of sight and         arriving early for their                    how to design a building with a non-
mind.                                                                                      clinical feel. Technical Director Adrian
                                               appointments                                Taylor MCIAT of P+HS Architects notes
The specialist centre for cancer treatment                                                 the need for a broad perspective on the
and winner of the 2014 Award for               Completed in 2012, CIAT Registered          issues at hand in this type of project. ‘In
Excellence in Architectural Technology         Practice P+HS Architects realised the       all projects, we have to ensure that every
has achieved an effective design solution      project in collaboration with NBBJ          technical detail is delivered to the highest
for a facility with a range of complex         Architects and Interserve Construction      quality, meeting rigorous standards for
technical requirements but also a strong       Limited for South Tees Hospital NHS         the building type, but we never lose sight
need for sensitivity towards the end user;     Foundation Trust. P+HS Architects pride     of the need to be sympathetic to the
individuals suffering from cancer and          themselves on their ability as a practice   users. In healthcare environments we
those accompanying them for treatment.         to really listen and understand what the    have to remember that users are often

 18    Issue 115 Autumn 2015

Issue 115 Autumn 2015   19

                                                                                                  community at the hospital with people
                                                                                                  gathering here to socialise and chat. The
                                                                                                  success of the building has raised
                                                                                                  awareness of how the quality of clinical
                                                                                                  spaces impact on the daily routine of
                                                                                                  staff, patients and visitors, the non-clinical
                                                                                                  feel easing the anxiety often felt when
                                                                                                  attending for daunting treatments.
                                                                                                  Building radiologically-tight bunkers to
                                                                                                  house linear accelerators, (used for
                                                                                                  radiation treatment), as well as CT
                                                                                                  scanners and other technical equipment
                                                                                                  drove the crucial design decisions for the
                                                                                                  Unit. Although multiple spatial layouts
                                                                                                  were proposed, including one where the
                                                                                                  bunkers were underground to achieve
                                                                                                  maximum radiological protection, budget
                                                                                                  ultimately dictated these would be on the
                                                                                                  ground floor.

                                                                                                  Much research went into investigating the
                                                                                                  best method of construction for the
                                                                                                  bunkers. In the past, the most common
                                                                                                  method of construction for bunkers has
                                                                                                  been solid concrete walls and roofs. This
                                                                                                  method has a number of issues
                                                                                                  associated with it and therefore it was
                                                                                                  decided that an alternative mode of
                                                                                                  construction employing concrete
                                                                                                  sandwich panels, known as the Forster
                                                                                                  Sandwich system would be used.

                                                                                                  Although used in other projects in
                                                                                                  Europe, The Endeavour Unit pioneers the
                                                                                                  use of this system in the UK. The
                                                                                                  manufacturers travelled over from
                                                                                                  Germany to give a presentation and
                                                                                                  speak with the design team about how
                                                                                                  this method of construction would work
                                                                                                  and the panels are a welcome alternative
 Top: exterior view of the unit. Above: a radiological bunker                                     to the traditional use of the concrete
                                                                                                  blocks. Although they are thin, the
distressed or unwell, families are anxious          P+HS worked hard to convince the client       packing that goes inside them is very
and staff are working under enormous                that the extra space (along with the          dense and ensures maximum radiological
pressure; it's our job to create facilities         additional cost) would give them the          protection. The panels also have
that not only function well, but that               building they wanted. It seems going that     environmental benefits as in this case,
support users at this difficult time’. Led          little bit further has paid off. The staff    they were filled with local blast furnace
by Stephen Hatcher MCIAT, a holistic                claim to be less stressed working in the      slag.
approach to the brief was taken whereby             new building and patients have been
the treatment facilities were incorporated          arriving early for their appointments. This   The main benefit of using this method is
into an overall design solution that is             has been a nice surprise for both the         that there is a reduction in the risk of
comfortable and welcoming for patients              Unit’s staff and those who worked on the      radiation escaping. With concrete there is
and visitors daily.                                 design and construction, as this had          an inherent risk of this happening. There
                                                    never been experienced at the existing        are not only problems with it drying out
Central to this approach is the open plan           treatment facilities across the road.         and cracking but it is impossible to
double height entrance space, the atrium.                                                         properly test the mass of the concrete
More generous than the usual circulation            What P+HS Architects has accomplished         until it is totally set. If there is a problem,
and waiting areas at these facilities, this         is not only a pleasant space to be in, but    this is not known until the project is nearly
space was seen as very important and                also a catalyst for a growing sense of        finished at which point it is too late to

 20    Issue 114 Summer 2015

rectify. The sandwich panel system is a
much more controlled method of
compacting and testing density. The
panel system also offers program
benefits because there is no need for
pouring large volumes of concrete and
waiting for it to set. With the panels,
Stephen says ‘they came on, they
erected them and they were offsite pretty

                                                                                                                                            David Churchill
In another break from the norm, the new
treatment bunkers have made an impact
on how the patient experiences the               Award-winning Kingfisher Court
building. In a traditional bunker, there had
to be a maze between the waiting area           Stephen recognises the privilege of            spectrum including social housing, extra
and treatment room to prevent the               having a client who aspires to create a        care, apartments and master planning.
escape of radioactive beams to adjacent         building that not only meets the clinical      With a high volume of Architectural
rooms. However, the design employed             criteria, but goes much further. With The      Technologists and Technicians in the
allows for an alternative which is a mini       Endeavour Unit, South Tees Hospitals           practice, P+HS are well prepared for any
maze access corridor. Stephen says,             NHS Foundation Trust recognised the            challenging brief that may come their
‘The mini maze means you must have a            possibilities of design to affect the users’   way.
door at the entrance of the bunker,             daily lives and Stephen hopes in the
however we felt that this was a lot less        future to have more clients with such          Adrian says ‘Projects are not getting
imposing than a long walk down a narrow         vision. The benefit of good design can be      easier to deliver. Every project is difficult
corridor’. What this means is a shorter         seen in the results.                           so you need that very strong technical
distance between waiting area and                                                              back up to be able to deliver some of the
treatment facility with easier flow to the      Stephen himself has been with P+HS             complex projects we’ve done and that is
patient’s visit reducing some intimidating      Architects for 14 years. Following the         one of the reasons that as a practice we
elements of the experience in traditional       success of The Endeavour Unit, he has          are very keen on pursuing as many
radiotherapy bunkers.                           more recently been acting in a monitoring      Chartered Members of CIAT as possible,
                                                role for a new hospital project in             demonstrating our strength in technical
The building has a BREEAM excellent                                                            delivery and providing reassurance to
rating and sustainable features were            As a practice we were                          clients and contractors that the people
considered throughout the design                very keen on pursuing                          delivering their buildings know what they
                                                                                               are doing.’ P+HS currently have 10
process and incorporated as an integral
part of the building. Generally, the
                                                as many Chartered                              Chartered Architectural Technologists
building is naturally ventilated with natural   Members as possible                            and 8 members of other grades.
airflow and daylight to all working spaces.
The atrium is especially airy in its            Cambridge for Nuffield Health. Here,           P+HS Architects continue to expand their
openness and passive solar shading has          Stephen has been acting on behalf of the       portfolio and work in other areas of
been used on all of the main glazed             client, visiting site and inspecting the       healthcare and housing. One of their key
elevations. Most of the glazing on the          works to ensure that the building has          areas of growth and expertise is mental
ground floor is south facing and here           been constructed according to the              healthcare. They are currently delivering
there is a brise soleil shading system with     drawings and specifications. He is also        a £41m project in Northampton for St
aerofoil sections over the front windows        currently working on a new operating unit      Andrew's Healthcare: a charity providing
as well as a large overhang surrounding         and mortuary at the Darlington Memorial        specialist NHS mental healthcare. In
the entrance. The combination of these          Hospital. The Darlington project involves      2014, the Practice completed Kingfisher
passive solar features ensures the inside       six new operating theatres and a               Court near St Albans, another major
temperature is controlled effectively year-     refurbishment of the existing operating        mental healthcare facility, for which they
round.                                          department and day surgery wards, along        won Project of the Year in the Design in
                                                with a new mortuary department and             Mental Health Awards. Kingfisher Court is
A ground source heat pump was also              bereavement suite.                             a state of the art, 86 bed acute adult
installed which helps provide the under                                                        mental health facility designed around the
floor heating to the large floor space of       Although The Endeavour Unit is                 recovery model of care.
the atrium. This mechanism pumps fluid          Stephen’s first project of this type, P+HS
down into the ground where the                  are well versed in building radiotherapy       The stereotype of hospital facilities as
temperature is steady all year long. As         units. The firm that began 31 years ago        architecturally drab and sterile is shot to
the fluid comes back up it is pre-warmed        has grown today to have over 50 staff          the ground by P+HS as they design airy
and when it enters into the heating plant       over two offices in Stokesley and Leeds,       open spaces establishing a sense of
therefore it has already been warmed.           and a new office in Newcastle. Their work      calm and building community. It will be
This means that the boilers have less           is primarily in the realm of healthcare and    interesting to see what innovations
work to do and energy consumption is            housing. On the residential side, the          continue to arise as the firm continues to
reduced.                                        practice has projects across a wide            grow.

                                                                                                          Issue 114 Summer 2015        21

CIAT: the first fifty years
In the third in our series of articles celebrating the Institute’s 50th Anniversary, we
look at the developments of the 1980s in this extract from 40 Years On: A History of
the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists by Adam Endacott, Archivist.

      he year 1984 was an extremely                                                  Architectural Technology — the

                                           Administrator Sharon Klein left the
      productive one for SAAT. First, a    Society after seven years’ service,       Constructive Link
      formal description of the work of    having ensured that Graham Watts had
SAAT members was released:                 settled in as the society’s first Chief   In May, the long awaited report from the
‘Members of the Society are specialists    Executive. It was calculated that SAAT    Reappraisal Group entitled Architectural
in modern architectural construction       now had members in 33 countries, with     Technology — the Constructive Link was
materials and management with an           a regional breakdown of 5,351 — there     published. The report was the product of
increasing involvement in computer         were actually more overseas members       over 18 months intensive study and
technology as it affects the industry’     than in two of the Society’s UK regions   research by a group consisting of David
then, in January the inaugural meeting     (South Wales and West and Northern        Cracknell, Helen Cochran, John Gailer,
of the National Practice Committee was     Ireland). SAAT introduced a new service   Edward Grizzell and Graham Watts. The
held and began work on the proposed        called ‘The Careers Information Service   report presented a macro-view of the
alternative system for Building Control.   (CIS)’, publishing careers literature.    future needs of the UK Construction

   Former RIBA president
   and Brutalist architect
   Owen Luder cuts the
   Institute’s 21st birthday
   cake with President Paul

 22    Issue 115 Autumn 2015

Industry and the role of professional
Architectural Technicians and
Technologists. Broadly grouped into nine
sections, the constructive link looked at
the background to the current situation,
technological change, economic and
political change, economic input, project
management, future practice, education
and training, institutional policy and an
assessment of current SAAT policies.

The report was unquestionably the most
extensive single item of research work
ever undertaken by SAAT, selling at
£5.00 per copy. The publication
underlined the need for adaptation to
economic and technical change, new
methods of building procurement and
diversification of architectural training
and services. It also illustrated how the
application of technical expertise can
contribute to resolution of the many
problems facing the construction
industry from within the architectural       Representatives of the new Hong Kong Centre at their 1985 AGM

In the same month, a breakthrough           performance. Over 200 delegates                At the close of his keynote speech
came for members in private practice on     attended the seminar. The AGM itself           ‘1984’s Call for Technical Competence’
their own account when large numbers        was held on 23 November and it was             to the SAAT Annual Conference, Paul
of Building Societies and Banks gave        resolved that the title British Institute of   Newman presented the third Honorary
recognition to SAAT’s full Membership       Architectural Technicians be pursued           membership to Professor Denis Harper
qualification, for inspection and           instead of British Institute of                CBE for his immense contribution to the
certification purposes. At the time, 255    Architectural Technology, as the latter        integration of technical competence into
members were in approved modes of           had been rejected by Companies House           the design and building process, his
self-employed practice. Graham Watts        in April, because of objections from the       involvement as Chairman in the RIBA
made a visit to Hong Kong to assist with    RIBA and the Architects’ Registration          working party on technician education
the establishment of a Society centre on    Council of the UK (ARCUK). A new               and training which led to the formation
an informal basis prior to the AGM.         Article of Association was created by          of SAAT and his association with
                                            unanimous vote to allow the facility of        various aspects of the Society’s work
The first SAAT National Student Award       the creation of Overseas Centres, thus         since that time. The SAAT/PUGH Award
was presented by John Walkerdine,           paving the way for the unanimous               was presented to Sam Allwinkle for his
Chairman of the BTEC Construction           decision to create the first such centre in    article ‘Thermography and Building
Board, held at the Park Court Hotel,        Hong Kong.                                     Performance’. Sam expressed his
Lancaster Gate in June to four students                                                    delight at the honour of receiving the
from Richmond upon Thames College.          As Graham Jackson handed over his              award and donated his prize money to
In total, 32 colleges entered for the       presidency to Paul Newman at the               the Save the Children Fund for
award. The total membership at 1            AGM, he reflected on the publication of        Ethiopians.
August 1984 stood at 5261 (2 Honorary,      the Constructive Link and said ‘We have
4146 full, 819 associates, 187 students     made a real beginning and can be               In September, Owen Luder, now a Past
and 107 retired).                           pleased — pleased but not complacent           President of RIBA wrote in Building
                                            — and the older members have only              magazine ‘SAAT members are growing
The AGM was held from 22 to 24              prepared and reinforced the foundation         in numbers and confidence. It is no
November 1984 at the Crest Hotel            for the younger members to continue            accident that they propose to change
Erskine, Glasgow. It included a seminar     the superstructure of what will one day        their name to the British Institute of
on ‘Building Enclosure Performance’,        be a very fine Institute of technology.’ At    Architectural Technology(sic). It is clear
which would help very much in               the end of his term, Graham Jackson            where they think their future lies. It is
increasing awareness of the vital           was presented with a bound and signed          doubtful whether SAAT today would be
importance of architectural technology      set of papers from the Council, at his         prepared to lose its independence and
within the area of building enclosure       last full meeting of Council as Chairman.      throw its lot in with the RIBA’ −

                                                                                                    Issue 115 Autumn 2015        23

                                                                                         dustbin enclosure. Membership by
                                                                                         August had reached 5369.

                                                                                         Finally in November 1985 it was officially
                                                                                         agreed that the name of the Society be
                                                                                         changed to the British Institute of
                                                                                         Architectural Technicians. The decision
                                                                                         was made for three primary reasons;
                                                                                         that the notion of a Society had been
                                                                                         replaced by the reality of an Institute, all
                                                                                         matters now related purely to
                                                                                         Architectural Technicians and the rapidly
                                                                                         growing international membership.


                                                                                         The start of occasional conferences for
                                                                                         CPD organised by SAAT in conjunction
                                                                                         with other authorities for the benefit of
                                                                                         members began on 11 October.
                                                                                         Approximately 40 members attended the
                                                                                         Cement and Concrete Association
                                                                                         Headquarters in Wrexham Springs for a
                                                                                         day conference aimed at discussing and
  The amalgamation of IAAT                                                               illustrating new production quality control
  and BIAT: Jim Kirwan (right)                                                           and site testing techniques for concrete,
  and Charles Lehman                                                                     new ways of using the material in
                                                                                         construction and means of avoiding
                                                                                         defects in reinforced concrete.

a statement which produced mixed            monitor continually the activities of        Charles Lehman became the Society’s
views across the membership.                professional Architectural Technicians in    first President Elect, a role newly
                                            their Continuing Professional                created to give the Incoming President a
Colin Denton MSAAT was awarded the          Development. Over 140 members                substantial overlap period in which to
OBE (Order of the British Empire) in the    enrolled on the scheme during the first      become fully conversant with the various
New Year’s Honours List of 1984 in          month. The announcement of the               aspects of the position.
recognition of his outstanding service as   Student Award winner was duly
a Chief Building Surveyor. To round off     announced and awarded to Richmond            The AGM was held on 29 November
the year, SAAT produced an abridged         upon Thames College, who retained the        1985 at the Danbury Park Management
guide to the 1984 Building Act.             trophy for a second year.                    Centre, Chelmsford, Essex. The
                                                                                         delegates unanimously voted in favour
Hong Kong Centre                            Now, after 20 years, SAAT no longer          of changing the Society name to The
                                            remained the only Associated Society of      British Institute of Architectural
Following on from the formation of the      the RIBA under Bye-Law 75 of the Royal       Technicians, and on the second day of
Hong Kong Centre, a Committee of five       Charter. That honour was accorded to         the AGM, John Walkerdine MBE was
members was duly elected in the early       the Society of Architectural Illustrators    awarded Honorary membership for his
months of 1985, with MAK Hon Kuen           after several years of lobbying to           long and valued services to technician
MSAAT as Chairman. The Committee            become associated. To compensate,            education and training and for his long
oversaw the first overseas assessment       SAAT joined the World Organisation of        friendship with the Society.
boards in Hong Kong from 9 to 13            Building Officials. The World
December. In all, 37 candidates were        Organisation of Building Officials was       21 years of SAAT
assessed with 28 recommended for full       established in June 1984 to provide an
Membership. The visit was substantially     international forum for all professionals    1986 marked the 21st birthday of SAAT
funded through a generous grant from        involved in the administration of Building   and a host of events and commemorations
the Commonwealth Foundation.                Codes and Standards. The Society             were held to celebrate the occasion.
                                            could now call itself a Chartered            National Council approved a package of
Continuing Professional Development         Member of the World Organisation of          ideas to promote and develop the
                                            Building Officials.                          celebration, which included special
In May, the Society proudly launched                                                     headed notepaper, issued to mark the
SAAT’s Continuing Professional              Central Office undertook a face-lift in      transition from SAAT to BIAT and a
Development Scheme. At the launch, the      July with renovations to the front           special one-day franking motif used on
scheme was not compulsory to members        elevation and forecourt of the office. The   12 February. The 21st birthday proved to
and those undertaking the scheme            work included the installation of new        all the sceptics in the industry that the
would need to complete a minimum of         sash windows at each level, the              Society had survived and was here to
120 units of CPD throughout the year.       cleaning and re-pointing of all brickwork    stay as the only independent qualifying
The overall aim of the scheme was to        and a new paved forecourt with a brick       body for Architectural Technicians.

 24    Issue 115 Autumn 2015
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