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issn 2193-4665 Vol. 7 • Issue 3/2015 laser international magazine of laser dentistry 3 2015 | research Use of the Er:YAG laser for initial treatment of chronic periodontitis | case report Periimplantitis and Er:YAG laser | industry Laser snoring and sleep apnoea reduction
editorial I Dear colleagues, Prof. Dr Norbert Gutknecht Editor-in-Chief This year, after much time and effort, we have arranged a scientific program featuring a number of interna- tional experts for the annual congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde (DGL), themed “Wavelengths”. Furthermore, in response to repeated requests from our foreign colleagues, we have expanded the congress to include an international audience. In order to accommodate this change, we have scheduled the first congress day, 27 November, for international lectures which will be interpreted. As you can see in our preliminary program, in addition to guest speakers such as Prof. Jens Malte Baron, a der- matologist from the RWTH Aachen University Hospital, Dr James Carroll, a specialist in low-level laser therapy from the UK, Dr Joshua Weintraub from Stevenson, USA, and Prof. Dr. Peter Rechmann from the University of San Francisco, USA, a substantial number of national and international lecturers will discuss the wide range of wave- lengths for use in laser dentistry. In addition, short presentations will complement the program. Without promising too much, the lectures will offer new insights into the mode of action of lasers concern- ing different tissue types and cell function. At the DGL party on Saturday evening, certificates for the mastership course will be awarded to DGL and in- ternational students. Moreover, all of the major laser manufacturers will be exhibiting their products and offer- ing workshops. It goes without saying that only through your participation at this year’s international DGL conference can the association continue to achieve what distinguishes it: innovation, knowledge transfer, fellowship and friend- ship. Therefore, I would like to encourage all of you to not only participate in our congress in Berlin but also to warmly welcome our international guests to the event. With warm regards, Prof. Dr Norbert Gutknecht Editor-in-Chief laser 3_ 2015 I 03
I content page 6 page 14 page 18 I editorial I news 03 Dear colleagues 26 Manufacturer News international | Prof. Dr Norbert Gutknecht 32 News international I research I DGL 06 Use of the Er:YAG laser for initial treatment 35 DGL – International of chronic periodontitis | Prof. Dr. Norbert Gutknecht | Prof. Ana Minovska et al. 36 Abstracts zur 24. Jahrestagung der DGL in Berlin 12 A simple vision test based on the speckle effect | Prof. Dr Axel Donges 46 News germany I case report I about the publisher 14 Periimplantitis and Er:YAG laser 50 | imprint | Dr Carole Leconte I industry report 18 Laser snoring and sleep apnoea reduction | Dr Jaana Sippus 22 Ablation of Dental Hard and Soft Tissue with 9.3 µm CO2 Solea Laser | Dr Joshua P. Weintraub I practice management 28 Eleven tips for success in your dental clinic—Part I Cover image courtesy of Syneron, | Dr Anna Maria Yiannikos page 28 page 32 page 46 04 I laser 3_ 2015
The universe at your fingertips. ® TwinLight Peri-implantitis Treatment A simple and effective procedure that offers the power to treat peri-implantitis – an increasing threat to oral health. • Minimally-invasive technique • Fast regeneration/healing • Reduced inflammatory response • Highly effective treatment • No antibiotics needed Peri-implantitis treatment video 96014 CE ENG/1
I research Use of the Er:YAG laser for initial treatment of chronic periodontitis Authors_Prof. Ana Minovska, Macedonia; Dr Daniela Cvetanovska Stojceva, Macedonia; & Prof. Georgi Tomov, Bulgaria Periodontitis denotes inflammatory destruction of the periodontal ligament and supporting bone. _Periodontitis denotes inflammatory destruc- most common outcome measures tion of the periodontal ligament and supporting used to determine whether treat- bone. The course of periodontitis is characterised by ment is successful. intermittent exacerbations of the disease. Today, it is generally accepted that pathogenic bacterial plaque Phase 1 causal, antimicrobial or in the susceptible host triggers a complex inflamma- non-surgical periodontal therapy tory/immune response, which results in clinical in- refers to the initial supra- and sub- flammation and catabolic changes in the non-miner- gingival treatment of periodontal alised connective tissue and bone,1 followed by pro- disease.2 After a thorough examina- gressive tissue destruction and pocket formation. tion and accurate diagnosis, the pro- tocol usually includes the use of Based on these findings, strategies for the effec- antimicrobial agents, home-care tive treatment of periodontal disease aim to arrest the instructions, and scaling and root inflammatory disease process by removal of the planing, followed by evaluation supra- and subgingival biofilm and to establish a lo- of the need for surgical proce- cal environment and microflora compatible with pe- dures. The gold standard of riodontal health. Reduction of probing pocket depth, successful treatment is de- maintenance or improvement of clinical attachment fined as maintenance or gain levels, and reduction in bleeding on probing are the of clinical attachment.3 06 I laser 3_ 2015
research I As lasers can achieve excellent tissue ablation with strong bactericidal and detoxification effects, they are one of the most promising new technolog- ical modalities for Phase 1 therapy.4 Over the last two decades, the use of different dental lasers has been included in the above regimen. Laser light is a unique, non-ionising form of electromagnetic radi- ation that can be employed as a controlled source for tissue cutting or ablation, depending on specific parameters. There are many different types of lasers, and each produces a specific wavelength of light. Throughout the last decades, clinicians involved Fig. 1 in the treatment of periodontitis have used differ- ent dental laser wavelengths. Each wavelength has indicated that this minimally invasive method may Figs. 1–5_Classical treatment a somewhat different effect on the dental and peri- allow instrumentation of very deep pockets without versus laser treatment; results for odontal structures, owing to the specific absorption leading to major trauma of the hard and soft tissue, PBI, PPD, CAL, GR and BL after three of that laser energy by the tissue. Of all lasers emit- that is, removal of tooth substance and an increase months. ting in the near- and mid-infrared spectral range, in gingival recession.17, 19 erbium lasers are unique in that they are the only lasers that can cut both hard and soft tissue with The second phase of initial therapy entails closed minimal heat-related side-effects. It has been sug- debridement of periodontal pockets: debridement gested that the erbium wavelengths present the of root surfaces of plaque and calculus, detoxifica- broadest range of application for clinical dentistry tion of the root surfaces, root planing and gingival and are likely the most suitable lasers for periodon- curettage. The removal of pocket epithelium and a tal therapy.5–8 portion of infected connective tissue has been a matter of debate,21 but current research results During Er:YAG laser irradiation, the laser energy clearly demonstrate the possibility of bacterial is absorbed selectively by water molecules in bio- colonisation of pocket epithelium and connective logical tissue, causing evaporation of water and or- tissue.22–24 ganic components, and thus resulting in thermal ef- fects due to the heat generated by photothermal In our study, we compared gingival curettage and evaporation. Moreover, in hard-tissue procedures, scaling and root planing using an Er:YAG laser ver- the water vapour production induces an increase in sus conventional mechanical hand instrumentation internal pressure within the tissue, resulting in ex- according to clinical indicators of successful treat- plosive expansion called “micro-explosion”.9 These ment and/or periodontal stability after non-surgical dynamic effects cause mechanical tissue collapse, therapy of patients with chronic periodontal dis- resulting in thermomechanical or photomechanical ease. ablation.10 This phenomenon has also been referred to as “water-mediated explosive ablation”.11, 12 _Materials and methods Laser treatment has the potential advantage of Patient selection accomplishing soft-tissue wall treatment effec- After undergoing a comprehensive periodontal tively along with root surface debridement. Aoki et examination, 20 patients older than 35 years with al.13 and Keller and Hibst14 began to investigate the application of the Er:YAG laser to periodontal hard-tissue procedures, such as dental calculus re- moval and decontamination of the diseased root surface. A number of basic studies on Er:YAG laser application to root surface treatment have been reported in clinical studies on non-surgical pocket therapy using laser.15–17 Controlled clinical trials and case report studies have also indicated that non-surgical periodontal treatment with the Er:YAG laser leads to significant gain of clinical attach- Fig. 2 ment.18–20 Preliminary clinical results have also laser 3 _ 2015 I 07
I research (which, in turn, does not allow calculation of energy density), differences in experimental design, lack of proper controls, differences in severity of disease and treatment protocol, and measurement of dif- ferent clinical end-points. Taking this into consideration, the protocol for clinical measurements was established as follows. The clinical parameters were assessed at the base- line visit and three months27–29 after therapy. The presence of dental plaque was determined accord- ing to Silness and Löe’s plaque index (PI; 1964)30 and the degree of inflammation was assessed using the Fig. 3 papillary bleeding index (PBI) by Saxer and Mühle- generalised chronic periodontitis25 were included in mann (1975).31 Bleeding was tested by careful inser- the study and gave their written informed consent. tion of a blunt probe to the bottom of the pocket and The study was conducted in accordance with the gentle movement laterally along the pocket wall. Declaration of Helsinki of 1975 as revised in 1983. After 30 seconds, the intensity of bleeding was The patient inclusion criteria were as follows: non- scored in four grades and recorded: smokers, no periodontal treatment within the last 12 months, no systemic disease that could influence (a) Grade 1: a single bleeding point the outcome of therapy and no use of antibiotics (b) Grade 2: a fine line of blood or several bleeding prior to treatment. points became visible at the gingival margin (c) Grade 3: the interdental space filled with blood to Study design some extent For the purpose of the study, a split-mouth de- (d) Grade 4: profuse bleeding. sign was chosen. A total of 30 maxillary and 20 mandibular pairs of contralateral single- and multi- Immediately after probing, the clinical attach- rooted teeth were included. Each tooth of each con- ment level (CAL)32, 33 was measured from the ce- tralateral pair had to exhibit attachment loss of mento-enamel junction to the point at which the ≥ 5 mm at one aspect of the tooth. In each contralat- probe tip stopped (PD fibres). Gingival recession eral pair, one tooth was treated with closed curet- (GR) was detected by measuring the distance from tage,26 that is, gingival curettage followed by scaling the cemento-enamel junction to the gingival mar- and root planing using ultrasonic and hand instru- gin. The periodontal probing depth (PPD)34, 35 or ments, while the other tooth was treated with laser- pocket depth was measured from the gingival mar- assisted gingival curettage, followed by laser-as- gin to the point at which the probe tip stopped. The sisted scaling and root planing using an Er:YAG laser. extent of bone loss was detected using transgingi- val probing36 under local anaesthesia, confirmed Clinical measurements and supported by direct digital (filmless) radi- A meaningful comparison between various clin- ographs.37 ical studies or between laser and conventional ther- apy is difficult at best and likely impossible at the Oral hygiene programme present. There are several reasons for this, including The oral hygiene programme was followed for different laser wavelengths, wide variations in laser four weeks prior to treatment, and consisted of parameters, insufficient reporting of parameters supragingival tooth cleaning with an ultrasonic de- vice, creation of conditions to enhance oral hygiene (if needed) and reinforcement of optimal personal oral hygiene38 at two and four appointments. A PI score of < 1 was chosen as a criterion for good oral hygiene.39 Treatment In the control group, closed curettage was per- formed by scaling (with an ultrasonic device) and root planing (using Gracey curettes; Hu-Friedy),40 gingival curettage,41, 42 and removal of the pocket epithelium and infiltrated subepithelial connective tissue using a Fig. 4 complete set of Gracey curettes (Hu-Friedy). 08 I laser 3_ 2015
research I In the test group, closed curettage was per- formed with the LiteTouch laser (Syneron Dental Lasers), which has a direct delivery system and the active medium is built into the handpiece base. For the purpose of the study, a regular handpiece and external water irrigation were used. Clinical param- eters for low-energy settings (50 mJ–100 mJ) to im- prove inflammatory conditions by reducing the bacterial load and inflammatory tissue in the peri- odontal pocket were utilised. Scaling and root planing were performed on the root surface and the laser was kept angled with an in- clination of the fibre tip of 10–15 degrees to the ver- Fig. 5 tical axis of the tooth. Instrumentation was per- formed from the coronal to the apical in parallel _Results paths. The laser settings were as follows: hard tissue, chisel tip (0.5 mm × 1.4 mm) × 17 mm, water spray Clinical data was collected at baseline and three level 6, 100 mJ, 15 Hz, energy density of about months after treatment. PI, PBI, PPD, CAL, GR and 256 mJ/mm2, power density of about 3.85 W/mm2, bone level (BL) were measured and analysed. There and pulse width of about 170 ms. The instrumenta- were no statistically significant differences in the tion with both hand instruments and laser was per- data at baseline between the two groups in any of formed until the operator felt that the root surfaces the examined parameters according to the had been adequately debrided and planed. The laser- Mann–Whitney U test (p > 0.05). assisted periodontal pocket debridement (gingival curettage) was performed on the soft tissue with the After three months, an iterative comparison of laser kept at a 20-degree angle between the laser tip the data was performed, again using the and the vertical axis of the tissue with parallel move- Mann–Whitney U test. The results showed highly ment along the pocket wall, starting from the bottom statistically significant differences in PBI, PPD, CAL, of the pocket. The laser parameters were as follows: GR and BL between patients treated classically with soft tissue, non-contact mode (performed at a dis- mechanical debridement and those treated with tance of 1–2 mm between the tip end and the tissue), laser (p < 0.01; Figs. 1–5). For PI, there was no statis- 50 mJ, 30 Hz, tip of 0.6 mm × 17 mm, energy density tically significant difference between the tested of about 178 mJ/mm2, power density of about groups after three months (p > 0.05; Fig. 6). 5.35 W/mm2, and pulse width of about 290 ms. Furthermore, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test was Statistical analysis used to analyse the data obtained for the laser- The difference between the two groups (test and treated group at baseline and after three months. control) over the study period was analysed using The results showed highly statistically significant the Mann–Whitney U test and the Wilcoxon signed- differences for all parameters (p < 0.01). The same rank test. test (Wilcoxon signed-rank test) was used to analyse Fig. 6 laser 3_ 2015 I 09
I research the data obtained for mechanical debride- adhere and grow. Even more important are the pos- ment at baseline and after three itive results obtained for gingival curettage using months. No statistically significant laser. Although gingival curettage after scaling and differences were found (p > 0.05) root planing using mechanical instruments has for GR, but the differences for the been shown to have no added benefit over routine rest of the parameters analysed scaling and root planing, the poor clinical outcome were highly statistically signifi- of gingival curettage in the past may have been due cant (p < 0.01). to the lack of an effective tool for soft-tissue de- bridement. Contrary to mechanical treatment with _Conclusion conventional instruments, the excellent ablation of tissue with the LiteTouch laser is expected to pro- The goal of using a pulsed mote healing of the periodontal tissue, ablating the Er:YAG laser in periodontal therapy inflamed lesions and epithelial lining of the soft-tis- is to create a temperature gradient or sue wall of the periodontal pockets._ profile in tissue that will have the ability to effectively coagulate, incise and excise bi- Editorial note: A list of references is available from the ological tissue, in other words, that will result in the publisher. removal of material or ablation of tissue. Conserva- tive therapy consisted of plaque and calculus re- moval, smoothing of the root surfaces, detoxifica- tion of the root surface and gingival curettage, and contact our comparative study has demonstrated highly statistically significant differences for PBI, PPD, CAL Prof. Ana Minovska and BL between patients treated classically with ETERNAdent mechanical debridement and those treated with Orce Nikolov 190-1/1 laser (p < 0.01). Our results are consistent with those 1000 Skopje of Feist et al.,43 Schwarz et al.,44, 45 and Folwaczny et Macedonia al.46 The obtained outcomes are most probably due to the elimination of bacteria and endotoxins from the root surfaces, where human gingival fibroblasts Kurz & bündig Die therapeutischen Strategien einer effektiven Behandlung von parodontologischen Erkrankungen bestehen darin, die entzündlichen Krankheitsprozesse zum Erliegen zu bringen. Der „Gold-Standard“ für eine erfolgreiche Behandlung wird in die- sem Rahmen als Versorgung oder klinisches Attachment definiert. Da Laser hervorragende Gewebeablation mit starken Bak- teriziden sowie Entgiftungseffekte erzielen können, gehören sie für eine Erstbehandlung zu den vielversprechendsten techni- schen Möglichkeiten. Da sich die Pocket-Therapy auf die Behandlung parodontaler Entzündungen bezieht und die zweite Phase der Erstbe- handlung ein geschlossenes Débridement der Zahnfleischtaschen umfasst, fokussiert sich die vorliegende Studie auf die kli- nischen Indikatoren für eine erfolgreiche Behandlung und eine parodontale Stabilität bei Patienten mit chronischer Parodon- titis. Hierbei werden vor allem der Einsatz des LiteTouch ER:YAG-Lasers mit den konventionellen, mechanischen Handinstru- menten vergleichen. Der eingesetzte Laser wies folgende Eigenschaften auf: non-contact, 100 mJ 15 Hz, Meißel Tipp x 17mm, Dichte der Ener- gie über 256 mJ/mm2, Leistungsdichte über 3,85 Watt/mm2, Pulsdauer über 170 Ms für Hartgewebe. Für Weichgewebe: 50 mJ, 30 Hz, Spitze 0,6 x 17 mm, Dichte der Energie über 178 mJ/mm2; Leistungsdichte über 5,35 Watt/mm2, Impulsbreite über 290 ms. Das Split-Mouth-Design wurde bei 20 Patienten angewendet, die unter 35 Jahre alt waren, chronische Paro- dontitis sowie 68 Zähne mit einem Verlust des klinischen Attachments von ≥ 5 mm aufwiesen. Die folgenden klinischen Daten wurden zum Behandlungszeitpunkt sowie drei Monate danach erhoben: Plaque-Index, PBI (Papilla Bleeding Index), PPD (Periodontal Pocket Depth), Cal (Clinical Attachment Level), GR (Gingival Recession) und BL (Bone Level). Die erhaltenen Daten wurden anschließend mit dem Mann-Whitney-U-Test analysiert, wobei es keinen statistisch sig- nifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen in einer der untersuchten Parameter gab (p > 0,05). 10 I laser 3_ 2015
Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Lasers in Dentistry Next Start: 26th September 2016 Aachen, Germany 4 semesters Become part of the International Dental Elite • Create new economic potential for your practice • Two year career-accompanying postgraduate pro- gramme at the University of Excellence RWTH Aachen • Combination of lectures, skill training sessions, live ops, tutorials, and practical workshops • Internationally accepted and accredited by the German Governent, the European Union, the Washington Accord and the Bologna Process • Science-based and practice-orientated on highest na- tional and international level • Increased patient satisfaction: minimal contact reduced vibration and pain RWTH International Academy Kackertstraße 10 I 52072 Aachen I Germany phone +49 241 80 23543 I fax +49 241 80 92525 AALZ GmbH Pauwelsstraße 17 I 52074 Aachen I Germany phone +49 241 47 57 13 10 I fax +49 241 47 57 13 29 PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAMMES
I research A simple vision test based on the [PICTURE: ©DELPIXEL] speckle effect Author_Prof. Dr Axel Donges, Germany _A non-accommodated, moving eye with no re- _Introduction fractive error perceives a speckle pattern as station- ary. If the speckle pattern moves with the motion of Let us consider an optically rough white wall. If this the head, the eye is long-sighted (hypermetropic); if it wall is illuminated with coherent light (i.e. laser light), moves contrary to the motion, it is near-sighted (my- interference effects occur. This means that the white opic). wall will appear speckled or spotted to an observer (Fig. 1). This phenomenon is referred to as the speckle Fig. 1_A white wall illuminated with effect. Both, dark and bright spots are called speckles. coherent laser light appears speckled All speckles together form the speckle pattern. to an observer (Source: groups.jqi. _Speckle formation disordered-neutral-atoms- opticallattices). Each point of the wall that is hit by the incident Fig. 2_Formation of a speckle light is a starting point of a spherical scattered wave pattern by superposition of scattered (Fig. 2). The spherical waves, which are launched from waves in the image plane. closely adjacent scattering points on the surface, overlap because of diffraction by the lens aperture in Fig. 1 the image plane (i.e. the retina of the eye). Because of the roughness of the illuminated surface, statistical phase shifts between the scattered waves occur. Ow- ing to these phase shifts, the speckle pattern results in incident light the image plane. lens _Eye examination The speckle effect is used in metrology. An exam- ple of application is the study of the refractive error of an eye.2 In this case, the following procedure is utilised. First, the patient looks with one eye (the other is closed) relaxed (i.e. with no accommodation) in the scattered light direction of a rough wall illuminated with laser light. The patient perceives a speckle pattern. Then, the pa- image plan tient moves his or her head, for example from bottom rough wall to top or from left to right (or vice versa). Finally, the Fig. 2 patient perceives one of three variants: 12 I laser 3_ 2015
research I 1. The observed speckle pattern remains stationary. This indicates that there is no refractive error of the eye. 2. The speckle pattern moves down (up, right or left) d u when the head and thus the eye goes up (down, left or right). In summary, the speckle pattern moves contrary to the movement of the head. In this case, the eye is myopic.3 Fig. 3 3. The speckle pattern moves up (down, left or right) when the head goes up (down, left or right), that is, the speckle pattern moves with the movement of the head. In this case, the eye is hypermetropic.3 d u Figures 3 to 5 illustrate the observed phenomenon. Figure 3 shows schematically a non-accommodated eye with no refractive error in two different positions (down and up). In this case, the eye is referred to as Fig. 4 emmetropic. Since the distance between the lens and the retina corresponds to the focal length of the eye, an incident parallel ray is refracted at the same point d u of the retina regardless of the position (down or up) of the eye. Figure 4 shows a myopic eye, that is, the eye is too long. In the two positions of the eye (down and up), an Fig. 5 incident ray is refracted at two different points of the retina. Since the brain exchanges bottom and top, the can simulate emmetropia, myopia and hyperme- Fig. 3_An optical ray parallel to the perceived speckle pattern moves opposite to the mo- tropia._ optical axis of the lens is always tion of the eye. refracted at the same point of the Sources: retina. Figure 5 shows a hypermetropic eye, that is, the eye Fig. 4_An optical ray parallel to is too short. In this case, the situation is reversed com- 2011/6175/pdf/tiz122.pdf; (Download April 29, 2015) the optical axis of a myopic eye is pared with Figure 4. refracted at two different regions of disordered-neutral-atoms-optical-lattices; the retina; the point of impact of the _Conclusion (Download September 23, 2015) ray on the retina moves parallel to the movement of the eye. A speckle pattern is perceived as stationary if a Fig. 5_An optical ray parallel to the non-accommodated and non-defective eye is moved. contact optical axis of a hypermetropic eye is If the speckle pattern migrates opposite to or with the refracted at two different regions of movement of the eye, it is myopic or hypermetropic, Prof. Dr Axel Donges the retina; the point of impact of the respectively. You can convince yourself of the de- Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Akademie ray on the retina moves antiparallel to scribed effect by observing, for example, a white wall Seidenstr. 12–35 the movement of the eye. illuminated with an expanded laser beam. By wearing 88316 Isny/Allgäu different goggles (with different focal lengths), you Germany Kurz & bündig Betrachtet man eine optisch raue Wand mit kohärentem Licht (Laserlicht), so treten Interferenzeffekte auf. Es lassen sich helle und dunkle Flecken – ein sogenanntes Speckle-Muster – beobachten. Der Speckle-Effekt lässt sich messtechnisch ausnutzen, beispielsweise in der Ophthalmologie. Ein Speckle-Muster wird bei bewegtem, nicht-fehlsichtigem Auge als stationär wahrgenommen. Wandert das Speckle-Muster mit der Bewegung des Kopfes mit, ist das Auge übersichtig. Im anderen Fall ist es kurzsichtig. Durch das Tragen verschiedener Brillen (mit verschiedenen Brennweiten) können zudem Emmetropie, Myopie und Hyper- metropie simuliert werden. laser 3 _ 2015 I 13
I case report Periimplantitis and Er:YAG laser Author_Dr Carole Leconte, France Fig. 1_Periimplantitis is becoming _Periimplantitis is becom- The removal would allow a tissue increasingly prevalent. ing increasingly prevalent (Fig. reconstruction which would pro- 1). Its aetiologies are varied and vide the new treatment with bet- Fig. 2_Initial appearance of the often connected. Among the ex- ter bases, thus making the final very shrunk mandible, major isting treatments, the Erbium: result more predictable. periimplantitis. YAG laser is possibly the least Fig. 3_Periodontal probe that is too known, despite its numerous However, there are numerous short, pockets of more than 30 mm clinical advantages. Those in- "conservative" treatments of all around the implants. clude the removal of granula- periimplantitis possible, of which Fig. 4_The first centimetre and even tion tissue and tartar and the de- Fig. 1 some are associated with tissue more is only granulation tissue, contamination of the titanium regeneration while others are of differentiated, inflammatory, while, at the same time, conserving healthy tissue not. In any instance, the aetiology must be identi- haemorrhagic appearance; it is very and existing implant structures. The first step in any fied, the pathological tissues removed and decont- difficult to approach this type of site treatment of periimplantitis is to carefully analyse amination carried out. This is generally achieved by with a cold knife. the clinical situation in order to identity and remedy techniques of scaling (manual or ultrasonic), air pol- Fig. 5_Removal of the granulation possible causes (hygiene, prostheses, lack of tissue ishing, photodynamic therapy1 or local/general an- tissue by Er:YAG laser, scaling etc.) and to evaluate whether the implants should be tibiotics.2 It is highly recommended to inform the without contact, without “leakage” of treated or removed. patient about the different treatment options and unsupported tissue, maintaining the to actively involve him in the decision making as his healthy tissues and removing all Depending on the situation, a more favourable willingness to cooperate is crucial to the course of the unsupported tissue down to the outcome might be achieved by removing the previ- the treatment. Particularly in cases of unexpected implant in the bone. ous work rather than treating the current problem. complications or sudden, necessary changes of Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 14 I laser 3_ 2015
DGL_Programm_ENG_A4_Layout 1 13.10.15 13:55 Seite 1 24th International Annual November 27–28, 2015 Berlin, Germany Congress of the DGL Hotel Palace Congress President: WAVELENGTHS Prof. Dr Norbert Gutknecht/Aachen, Germany Programme overview Organisational matters Congress opening address Congress fees* President of the DGL, Prof. Dr Norbert Gutknecht/Aachen, Germany Dentist (DGL member) 185,– €* Laser Supported Reduction of Specific Microorganisms in the Periodontal Pocket Dentist (non member) 220,– €* with the Aid of an Er,Cr:YSGG laser Dental technician/assistant (with proof) 90,– €* Student (with proof) 25,– €* Guest speakers *No VAT is charged on the congress fee. Prof. Dr Jens Malte Baron/Aachen, Germany Investigation of the biological effects of laser systems by means of 3-D Meeting package fee (all participants) 98,– € plus VAT in vitro skin models The meeting package fee (incl. coffee breaks, refreshments and meals) is payable by Prof. Dr Andreas Braun/Marburg, Germany all participants. The 445 nm semiconductor laser in dentistry—Introducing a new wavelength DGL Evening event Dr James Carroll/Chesham, UK Saturday, November 28, 7.00 p.m. Debonding ceramic brackets—A minimally invasive laser technology from Aachen Bon Dia Restaurant, Hotel Palace Berlin Cost per person 75,– € plus VAT Dr Marina Polonsky/Ottawa, Canada (incl. food, drinks and live music) Pain perception and need for local anaesthesia during caries removal in Class I–V cavity preparations using an Er,Cr:YSGG laser—A prospective clinical study Organiser Deutsche Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V. Dr Alin Odor/Constanta, Romania (German Society for Laser Dentistry) Clinical study of Er,Cr:YSGG (2,780 nm) and diode (940 nm) laser-supported Universitätsklinikum der RWTH Aachen, Clinic for ZPP / DGL periodontal treatment concept according to Gutknecht Pauwelsstraße 30 | 52074 Aachen, Germany Tel.: +49 241 8088-164 | Fax: +49 241 803388-164 Dr Ioannis Papadimitriou/Athens, Greece | Management and removal of gingival hyperpigmentation by means of a diode laser Organization/Registration Dr Jaana Sippus/Vaasa, Finland OEMUS MEDIA AG Sleep apnoea and snoring therapy using an Er,Cr:YSGG laser Holbeinstraße 29 | 04229 Leipzig, Germany Dr Habib Zarifeh/Beirut, Lebanon Tel.: +49 341 48474-308 | Fax: +49 341 48474-290 Crown lengthening in soft and hard tissues in the aesthetic zone | Prof. Dr Gerd Volland/Seville, Spain Venue Colour makes it! Hotel Palace Berlin Budapester Straße 45 | 10787 Berlin, Germany Dr Jörg Meister/Bonn, Germany Removal of dentine with a diode-pumped Er:YAG laser—First results For booking of various accommodation types at the hotel Dr Dimitris Strakas/Thessaloniki, Greece PRIMECON | Tel.: +49 211 49767-20 | Fax: +49 211 49767-29 Bleaching with Er,Cr:YSGG laser | Dr Thorsten Kuypers, Msc/Cologne, Germany Continuing education credits One-year NightLase anti-snoring treatment—First experiences The event complies with the guidelines and recommendations of the Kassenzahn- Dr. Joshua Weintraub/Stevenson, MD (US) ärztliche Bundesvereinigung (national association of statutory health insurance Using the First 9.3 µm CO2 All-tissue Laser for Anesthesia-Free Caries Removal dentists) from 23 September 2005, including the points evaluation recommendation and Cavity Preparation of the continuing education advisory board of the Bundeszahnärztekammer (German dental association) from 14 September 2005 and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahn-, Prof. Dr Peter Rechmann/San Francico (US) Mund- und Kieferheilkunde (German society for dental and oral medicine) from 24 In vivo fissure caries prevention using a short-pulsed CO2 laser and fluoride varnish October 2005, applicable from 1 January 2006. Participants can earn up to 16 credits.. I hereby register the following persons for the 24th International Annual Congress of the DGL from November 27–28, 2015, in Berlin, 24th Annual Congress of the DGL Germany: ❏ yes Please fax this form to ❏ no +49 341 48474-290 Title/Surname/Name, Job Title DGL-Member or send it via post to ❏ yes ❏ no Title/Surname/Name, Job Title DGL-Member OEMUS MEDIA AG DGL Evening event (Saturday, November 28): ............ (Please enter number of persons.) Holbeinstraße 29 Stamp/Address I hereby accept the terms and conditions of the OEMUS MEDIA AG. 04229 Leipzig Germany Date/Signature laser 3/15 E-mail address
I case report Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 10 Fig. 6_Bone craters cleaned, treatment, the patient’s initial say in the medical de- ness that can be parameterised in advance. The implants decontaminated along the cisions might soften the impact of a different out- treatment is without any direct contact and the in- entire surface outside the bone. come. Having emphasised that there are other ways tensity applied depends on the methods of emission Fig. 7_Three minutes betadine irriga- of treating periimplantitis than just following con- and application and on the tissue structure. Like tion, then rinsing with saline solution. servative treatment options, it is equally vital to sunlight that irradiates the surface of the earth, ac- Fig. 8_Sutures (no bone or other stress that no matter what treatment is used it is cording to the season (distance), the time (angula- filling was carried out). very important to identify and adequately deal with tion) and the matter (molecular nature/colour), the Fig. 9_Appearance of the tissues at the causes in order to ensure the best possible heal- laser beam deviates, from the initial parameterisa- one year of healing, maturation, ing process. tion. By varying and adjusting the intensity (power), absence of clinical relapse, the emission frequency (Hz), the distribution sur- organisation of keratinised tissue There is no miracle instrument that guarantees a face of the emitted energy and the parameters cited adhering around the implants, successful treatment of all types of periimplantitis. above (distance, angle etc.), the effects can be "con- hygiene could be improved. However, in those instances that include treatments trolled". The Er:YAG lasers have a 2,940 nm wave- Fig. 10_Stage of change of of the gums, the bone, the pathological tissues and length. The infrared (invisible) light is strongly ab- attachment system (balls > locators) the titanium, the Er:YAG laser holds major advan- sorbed by water and hydroxyapatite. This extreme for the patient's comfort. tages over other treatment options. absorption, which is caused by the photoablative ef- Figs. 11a & b_Initial panoramic X-ray, fects, allows the precise and selective removal of global and detailed view with bone _Bases for a better understanding pathological tissues and various deposits while level highlighted. leaving the healthy tissue untouched. It also pro- Figs. 12a & b_Visit after one year: A laser is a photon beam with considerable en- vides a controlled bacterially detoxified surface. apart from the external aspect that ergy. When emitted in very short pulses, the electro- shows no sign of periimplantitis, magnetic beam interacts with matter in a pre- The efficacy of the ablation is 540 µg/J and the spontaneous bone regeneration dictable way. the depth of the removal by pulse is greater than that followed the debridement is 0.4 mm.3 Due to the extremely fine and translucent considerable; the comparison of the This interaction differs from that of traditional tips of the Er:YAG laser, it guarantees an optimal vi- two X-rays shows vertical bone gain instruments that mostly follow Newton's laws of sual control while working without any direct con- and bone-titanium contact in this physics. When working with a laser, the laws of tact. This makes it a particularly effective laser for place. quantum physics guarantee a predictable effective- several key stages of treatment of pathological peri- implant. Removal of granulation tissue The photoablative effects vaporise the matter and break into the granulation tissue, which in ef- fect eases and lead to the complete elimination of the tissue. The applied method and precise param- eter settings limit the iatrogenic nature of the scal- ing. Fig. 11a Fig. 11b While using a round purr would have caused considerable damage with less ablative and greater thermal effect reducing visual control4-7, the pene- tration of the erbium laser is almost nil (less than 30 µ) and therefore no damage of the bone is done. Due to the precision of the work, the healthy tissues stay untouched. This is even more so the case when the instrument is supported by operating micro- Fig. 12a Fig. 12b scopes or high-power fibre magnifying glasses. 16 I laser 3_ 2015
case report I Removal of the tartar— periimplantitis. This may explain a Fig. 13_Laser devices have proven to decontamination of the titanium certain reluctance towards the use be very effective in the treatment of This allows: of other instruments such as the periimplantitis. – Mucous membrane to be cleared Er:YAG laser. Each and every instru- off of the infiltrated area. ment is unique, in the same way as – The bone to be cleaned off gran- the characteristics of one laser can ulation tissue and yet to be pre- differ considerably from those of served, without aggression another. Each type of laser has very ("cold" laser) in order to avoid specific, sometimes even opposing any necrotic halos, which can Fig. 13 effects. For instance, diode lasers do lead to complications or failures. not damage the titanium but cause – To preserve the decontaminated titanium which a harmful temperature rise while Nd:YAG lasers will can then, at a later point, be re-osseointegrated. damage the surface of the titanium. With regards to the treatment of periimplantitis, the specific charac- _Clinical case teristics of the Erbium laser prove to be the most ef- fective: it allows the operator to accurately select and In the present case, a 76-year-old patient visited precisely remove the pathological tissue and to de- our clinic and presented us with a poor initial situa- contaminate the titanium without staining it, hence tion indicating very poor dental hygiene, xerostomia, enabling a renewed osseointegration. However, the oral thrush, a poorly adapted prosthesis, non-pas- successful treatment still depends on the individual sive, no vestibule. The patient’s first visit to our clinic practitioner and the employed equipment. Further was in July 2010, although the symptoms of a peri- research is needed to improve the procedure and pre- implantitis had already been developing since 2004. dictability of the desired results. The world of implan- A non-conservative treatment, including the re- tology is constantly evolving and the revolution of the moval of the implants and scaling, secondary recon- old implantological treatments lead to new develop- struction of bone and keratinised mucous mem- ments and techniques. Facing those changes, den- brane if necessary (Figs. 1–12) seemed favourable. tists must actively seek and promote all available However, the particular circumstances of the pa- treatment options, including the use of laser. There is tient’s poor dental health, partially caused by prob- a very good reason for its growing presence._ lems with alimentation leaving the patient fragile, led us to try to conserve the highly infected implants, which had peri-implant pockets of over 13 mm wide. contact _Conclusion Dr Carole Leconte 14 rue du Croissant There is a multitude of traditional instruments 75002 Paris such as curettes, specific ultrasound inserts and tita- Tel.: + 33 01 53890311 nium brushes that are commonly used when treating Kurz & bündig Dieser Artikel beschreibt die Vorteile des Er:YAG-Laser-Einsatzes bei der Behandlung von Periimplantitis. Neben den kon- ventionellen Therapiemöglichkeiten, wie spezielle Ultraschalleinsätze oder Titanbürsten, kann die Nutzung eines Er:YAG-La- sers dabei besonders im Bereich des Zahnfleisches, der Knochen, des krankhaften Gewebes und des Titans von Vorteil sein. Der Er:YAG-Laser hat eine Wellenlänge von 2.940 nm. Der unsichtbare Infrarot-Lichtstrahl wird stark von Wasser und Hydroxylapatit absorbiert. Diese enorme Aufnahme, die durch photoablative Effekte verursacht wird, ermöglicht das präzise und selektive Entfernen von pathologischem Gewebe, während das gesunde Gewebe unberührt bleibt. Aufgrund der sehr fei- nen und lichtdurchlässigen Spitze des Lasers, ist eine sehr gute Sichtkontrolle während der Arbeit ohne direkten Kontakt mög- lich. Das macht den Laser für mehrere wichtige Behandlungsphasen im pathologischen periimplantären Bereich attraktiv. Den- noch sind Laser je nach Wirkung einzusetzen, denn diese sind spezifisch und können sogar gegensätzliche Wirkungen haben. Diodenlaser beispielsweise schaden Titan zwar nicht, verursachen aber einen erheblichen Temperaturanstieg, Nd:YAG-Laser können sogar die Titanoberfläche zerstören. Der Einsatz eines Er:YAG-Lasers gestaltet sich daher am effektivsten, da der Be- diener exakt auswählen, das krankhafte Gewebe entfernen und das Titan dekontaminieren kann und somit eine erneute Os- seointegration ermöglicht wird. laser 3 _ 2015 I 17
I industry report Laser snoring and sleep apnoea reduction [PICTURE: ©SERDAR BAYRAKTAR] Author_Dr Jaana Sippus, Finland Fig. 1_Mallampati classification. _Introduction Figs. 2a & b_NightLase treatment procedure. It has been estimated that roughly 30–50 % of the US population snore and almost one-third suffer from sleep apnoea. However, only 5 % have been di- agnosed and treated.1, 2 Snoring and sleep apnoea re- sult from obstructed airways. This can be an outcome of many different factors, such as anatomic devia- tions, tumours, polyps, allergies, large adenoids and tonsils, a large uvula or a long soft palate.3–6 Heavy snoring is sometimes called “heroic” snoring and may affect bed partners, even causing marital conflict. Snoring is not sleep apnoea and sleep apnoea is not snoring. Still, many patients with loud snoring also have obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). An overnight sleep study known as polysomnography should be conducted on severe snorers to conclude if they have OSA. During the sleep test, the number and length of possible apnoeic periods is recorded, and oxygen levels, heart rhythm (EKG), body position and bruxism are examined. Treatment can be discussed after the sleep study results have been evaluated. Fig. 1 Fig. 2a In OSA syndrome, several breathing pauses may cause a significant decrease in blood oxygen level and cardiac arrhythmia. OSA syndrome is life-threatening with long-term effects resulting in lung and heart problems.7 This may also interact with the brain’s restorative REM sleep periods and cause concentra- tion, memory and mood problems. Daytime sleepi- ness, morning headaches, sexual dysfunction, hallu- cinations and short-term memory loss are other Fig. 2b problems related to OSA.7–9 18 I laser 3_ 2015
industry report I Fig. 3b Fig. 4b Fig. 3a Fig. 3c Fig. 4a Fig. 4c Non-surgical treatment options for patients suf- many benefits of treatment with NightLase (Fotona), Figs. 3a–c_Case #1. Pre-op Class 4 fering from OSA include oral appliances, palatal im- such as no need for anaesthetic, no pain and only (a). Class 1 after three treatments (b). plants, weight loss, alternative medicine and contin- three short 20-minute sessions with immediate re- Class 2 at recall 36 months uous positive airway pressure (CPAP) masks.10 Surgi- sults. This case presentation describes the treatment post-op (c). cal methods include laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty of patients with OSA using an Er:YAG laser, with a Figs. 4a–c_Case #2. Pre-op Class 4 or uvulopalatopharyngoplasty,11 radiofrequency tis- long-term follow-up period of 28–36 months. These (a). Class 1 after three treatments (b). sue ablation and palatal implants.12–14 clinical cases are part of an uncontrolled study to Class 1 at recall 28 months evaluate the usefulness of the laser in snoring and post-op (c). _Laser treatment option: NightLase sleep apnoea treatment. Among other treatments, a minimally invasive _Materials and methods laser treatment is now available. In this method, laser light is used for non-ablative thermal heating of the Patients with different OSA levels are included in tissue, which subsequently causes shrinking of the this case report, all from a general dental practice. Ten collagen fibres. This phenomenon opens up the air- patients were randomly selected and five typical ways and reduces snoring and sleep apnoea. There are cases are presented here visually, in terms of preoper- AD laser 3 2015 l is h | | b Pu r you se! | exp er ti
I industry report Fig. 5b Fig. 6b Fig. 5a Fig. 5c Fig. 6a Fig. 6c Figs. 5a–c_Case #3. Pre-op Class 4 ative, postoperative and recall photographs. Three – The treated tissue is thermally processed and con- (a). Class 1 after three treatments (b). patients used a CPAP mask before treatment. All of the sequently shrinks. Class 1 at recall 36 months patients gave their consent for the treatment proto- – Sessions are scheduled at appropriate time inter- post-op (c). col using the Er:YAG laser and for the clinical photo- vals. Figs. 6a–c_Case #4. Pre-op Class 4 graphs taken pre- and postoperatively to be used in – Total delivered pulses vary per patient from 10,000 (a). Class 1 after three treatments (b). presentations. All of the treatments were performed to 15,000. Class 2 at recall 28 months from late 2011 to the first quarter of 2012. No anaes- post-op (c). thetic was administered. Mallampati classification Clinical case #1 (Fig. 1) was used before and after the treatments. All The patient was a 46-year-old female patient. of the treatments were performed with a LightWalker Medical anamnesis established severe OSA with re- AT laser (Fotona)—other Fotona models can be used lated headaches and daytime drowsiness. Intra-oral too. Before each treatment, the effects of the Er:YAG examination showed Mallampati Class 4. The postop- laser treatment were explained to the patient (Fig. 2a). erative result showed Class 1 (Figs. 3a–c). A fractional laser beam (Fig. 2b) was used with a PS04 handpiece at minimally invasive settings according to Clinical case #2 the manufacturer’s protocol: The patient was a 42-year-old female. Medical anamnesis included severe OSA and use of a CPAP – The laser beam is fired at soft intra-oral tissue with mask. The greatest concern for the patient was her a repetition rate of 10 Hz in LP mode. heavy snoring causing relationship problems. Intra- – The laser beam is manually delivered across the tar- oral examination showed Mallampati Class 4. The Figs. 7a–c_Case # 5. Pre-op Class 4 get, either vertically or horizontally (depending on postoperative result was Class 1 (Figs. 4a–c). (a). Class 1 after three treatments (b). the region). Class 2 at recall 36 months – Several passes are performed across each region Clinical case #3 post-op (c). (with well-defined overlap). The patient was a 30-year-old male and former ice-hockey player, lately unable to exercise at all ow- ing to his becoming out of breath immediately owing to severe OSA. He had been using a CPAP mask for two years with discomfort. His Mallampati Class 4 was re- duced postoperatively to Class 1 (Figs. 5a–c). Clinical case #4 The patient was a 45-year-old male with snoring and breathing problems, causing relationship stress. Fig. 7a His Mallampati Class 4 was reduced postoperatively to Class 1 (Figs. 6a–c). Clinical case #5 The patient was a 56-year-old male with moder- ate OSA, which was causing relationship problems, as well as sleeping problems, a sore throat and morning headaches. His Mallampati Class 4 was reduced post- Fig. 7b Fig. 7c operatively to Class 1 (Figs. 7a–c). 20 I laser 3_ 2015
industry report I _Results All of the patients using a CPAP mask were able to discontinue use of the mask after the first treatment. After the third treatment, patients reported improve- ment of more than 85 %. Average improvement after one treatment session was 51 % and after the second session, 61 % (Fig. 8). All of the patients were satisfied and stated that they would recommend NightLase therapy. None re- ported discomfort or pain during or after the treat- ment. Only one mentioned dry mouth postopera- tively. All of the patients reported that they could breathe much more easily and that motion-related with proper examination and exclusion criteria are Fig. 8_Total score for snoring exhaustion had disappeared; quality of life was also important to identify the therapy needed. reduction after three treatments. better without daily headaches. _Conclusion _Discussion NightLase is a safe and very successful treatment Both snoring and sleep apnoea are the cause of for reducing snoring and sleep apnoea, and is sup- several health issues and are potentially life-threat- ported by evidence-based dentistry. It is a minimally ening.8 Still, most patients are unwilling to undergo invasive treatment with no need for special arrange- treatment owing to multiple side-effects, unsuccess- ments, either pre- or postoperatively. Since no anaes- ful non-surgical and surgical treatments, and un- thetic is needed, the treatment is well accepted by pa- comfortable procedures.15 tients. Long-lasting effects—from 12 to 36 months— allow for high overall satisfaction among patients._ In the treatments presented in this article, the suc- cess rate was over 85 % (Fig. 8). Even after 28–36 months, the results remained good. NightLase is an easy treatment to perform, with no pain during or af- contact ter the treatment. Therefore, it can also be repeated with minimum discomfort to the patient. The proce- LaserEdu dure is safe with no need for anaesthetic or medica- Hovioikeudenpuistikko 20 B tion. Consequently, it allows a good night’s sleep and 65100 Vaasa, Finland better quality of life for the patient and his or her part- ner sharing the same bed. However, patient selection Kurz & bündig Konventionelle Behandlungsmethoden von Schnarchsymptomen und Schlafapnoe (Atemstillstand) umfassten bisher alles, von oralen Apparaturen über Uvulaplastik-Operationen, Radiofrequenz-Gewebeablationen, CPAP-Masken (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) bis hin zu alternativer Medizin. Eine minimalinvasive Zahnheilkunde mit dem Einsatz eines Lasers ermöglicht die Durchführung einer nicht-ablativen Er:YAG-Straffung des Gaumenzäpfchens, des Gaumensegels sowie des umliegenden Gewebes mit einem partiellen Laser- Handstück. Diese sogenannte „NightLase®“-Behandlung wird von Fotona angeboten. Dieser Case Report beschreibt nun dazu die Behandlung von Patienten mit Schlafapnoe, die langfristig 28 bis 36 Monate lang mit einem Laser therapiert wurden. Die klinischen Fälle sind Teile einer freien Studie, die den Lasereinsatz bei der Schnarch- und Schlafapnoebehandlung auf Effizienz untersucht. Dazu werden repräsentative Fallbeispiele nach Mallampati- Klassifikationen aufgezeigt und die Vorteile der NightLase®-Therapie gegenüber konventionellen Methoden erläutert. Ergeb- nis: Bereits nach der dritten Behandlung bekundeten 85 Prozent der Patienten eine Verbesserung. Bereits 51 Prozent hatten bei dem ersten Lasereinsatz eine Verbesserung gespürt. Alle Patienten (insgesamt 100 Prozent) waren am Ende der Behand- lung zufrieden und würden die NightLase®-Therapie weiterempfehlen. laser 3 _ 2015 I 21
I industry report Ablation of Dental Hard and Soft Tissue with 9.3 µm CO2 Solea Laser Author_Dr Joshua P. Weintraub, USA _Introduction soft, and osseous tissue. Solea utilises isotopic CO2 as Fig. 1a_Pre-operative #27 with a medium and uses a wavelength of 9.3 µm. Unlike fractured amalgam and As a practicing general dentist, I am always think- other lasers, this wavelength has chromophores of recurrent decay. ing about the next clinical challenge. Like any general both hydroxyapatite and H2O, allowing it to vaporise Fig. 1b_Pre-operative radiograph dentist, I regularly encounter a vast array of dental all tissue in the oral cavity. In addition to the unique tooth #27. problems in need of attention. Having the best in- wavelength, Solea is the first and only dental laser to Fig. 2_Tooth #27 preparation struments at my disposal is of the utmost importance use computer controls to optimise beam delivery. Be- completed. to achieve optimal results. Over the past several fore a procedure, I simply choose one of the three “tis- Fig. 3_Tooth #27 restored. years, I have used multiple lasers operating at various sue types” (Enamel, Dentin, or Soft Tissue). The beam Fig. 4_Post-operative radiograph of wavelengths to manage treatment involving enamel, that comes out of the laser has a diameter of tooth #27. dentin, alveolar bone and soft tissues of all types. 0.25 mm, but computer-controlled motors, called Fig. 5_Teeth #s 16 and 14 and These lasers include erbium (2.9 µm), Nd:YAG galvos, move tiny mirrors inside the handpiece to cre- edentulous ridge (1.064 µm), diode (0.81 µm) and most recently, an all- ate patterns yielding multiple spot sizes ranging from #15 pre-operatively. new CO2 laser that operates at 9.3 µm. CO2 lasers op- 0.25 mm up to 1.25 mm. The galvos give me the right Fig. 6_Pre-operative radiograph erating at 10.6 µm have been around for decades and size pattern for the job at hand. Again, the computer showing inadequate coronal tooth have long been considered the gold standard for soft plays a role in making sure that the right amount of structure #s 16 and 14. tissue ablation, but soft tissue was all that could be energy is delivered in the right size pattern. The com- Fig. 7_Pre-operative view #14 DB cut with that particular wavelength. In this paper, bination of a unique wavelength and computer con- with arrow as reference point as case I will discuss how I use the Solea laser (developed by trols make Solea an instrument suitable for a wide progresses. Convergent Dental Inc.), a 9.3 µm CO2 laser for hard, range of applications. _Case 1: Fractured amalgam and recurrent decay The first case exhibits the use of Solea on enamel and dentin. The patient, a 69-year-old female, pre- sented with tooth sensitivity. The exam revealed a fractured amalgam and recurrent decay on #27 MOL (Figs. 1a and 1b). No local anaesthetic was used on Fig. 1a Fig. 1b this vital tooth, but topical anaesthetic (TAC 20 com- prised of Lidocaine 20 % Tetracaine 4 %, Phenyl- ephrine 2 %) was used for the interproximal ma- trix/wedge. Solea was used to outline the preparation using the Enamel Setting until dentin was reached: 0.25 mm spot size, 15 µs pulse duration, 100 % mist, 20 %–100 % variable speed foot pedal. The amalgam was then removed with a high speed handpiece (Kavo Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Electrotorque) and 245 bur. I was able to use the bur without anaesthetic because of the profound anal- 22 I laser 3_ 2015
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