International Journal of Research and Review

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International Journal of Research and Review                                                          E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

Research Paper

 German Grammatical Errors by 2nd Semester Students in Essay Writing
                         Ahmad Sahat Perdamean, Tanti Kurnia Sari, Siti Kudriyah

                 Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
                              Jalan Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan, Indonesia
                       Corresponding Author: Ahmad Sahat Perdamean (


This study aims to describe errors, causes of errors, and grammatical materials that must be
comprehended by 2nd semester students; all this is meant to make them free from German
grammatical mistakes when they make essays. This research is qualitative involving 136 students as
research subjects who were selected from four German study programs. The results show that students
made many errors in their writing production amounting to 19 types of errors in vocabularies and
grammar. It is recommended that students enrich vocabularies (deutsche Vokabeln) and improve the
mastery of German grammar (Structuren) in order they are able to write German language well.

Key words: Error analysis, grammatical error, composition, German grammar

INTRODUCTION                                                materials do 2nd semester students master in
        Writing is a difficult skill, not only              writing production in German?
for pupils, students but also for junior
lecturers (Saragih, 2007: 42). Students at                  LITERATURE REVIEW
German Study Program, Faculty of                            Error analysis (Fehleranalyse)
Language and Arts (UNIMED) also                                     Error     analysis     (Fehleranalyse)
experienced difficulties in writing because                 compares pre- and post-errors students
they did not yet master German grammar                      make during their study and is addressed to
and vocabulary (Perdamean, 2013: 85); in                    how to minimizes student such errors as
addition, students who were graduated from                  soon as possible (James in Sermsook,
high schools majoring in language also had                  Liamnimitr and Pochakorn, 2017: 102).
difficulties in writing. They felt that they                Error analysis is also said to be an attempt
could not write something and did not know                  to explain errors in the use of foreign
what to write (Hanh, 2015: 350).                            language which is different from mother
Anyone who learns a foreign language, like                  tongue. Errors are defined as deviations
German, certainly makes an error (Lahti,                    from the rules that apply or as a violation of
2018: 32). This error is a problem that must                the rules of grammar, which occur due to
be solved and to solve the problem one must                 misunderstandings or difficulties in
know his/her difficulties and errors in                     communicating (Cherubim, 1980: 1). Brown
writing. To study students’ errors, these                   (1980: 148) stated that error analysis is an
errors must be analyzed first (Prediger and                 analysis of the errors of a student’s language
Wittmann, 2018: 1). The paper has three                     either foreign, second language or general
research problems: i) what errors do                        language. In line with the opinions above
students make in German grammar?, ii)                       Ardiana and Yonohudiyono (1998: 2.4)
what causes such errors?, and iii) what                     argued that error analysis in language is a

            International Journal of Research & Review (                                300
                               Vol.5; Issue: 10; October 2018
Ahmad Sahat Perdamean German Grammatical Errors by 2nd Semester Students in Essay Writing

process based on the analysis of students’ or        students difficult to master German
someone’s errors. Corder (1981: 45) said             grammar.
that error analysis has two functions in the         Writing skills (Schreibfähigkeit)
learning process, namely to investigate the                  Writing means to pour thoughts or
process of language learning and to find out         feelings on paper (Leo, 2002: 10) and as a
whether remedial teaching is necessary or            skill it can be learned (Takwin, 2008 at
not so that the achievement of learning     and might become an
objectives is successful.                            achievement (Indrawijaya, Sitorus and
        Error analysis is a method, a                Wacker, 1996: 3).Writing skill is a difficult
techniquev, or a strategy to find out                category      (Zulkarnainidiran,      2013),
mistakes made by students. When quoting              therefore, students should pay attention to
Crystal, Pateda (1989: 32) stated that error         the elements in writing, namely: i) spelling
analysis is a technique to identify, classify,       and punctuation (Satzzeichen), ii) choice of
and interpret systematically errors made by          words (Wortwahl), iii) effective sentences
students who learn a foreign language or a           (der Satz ), and iv) paragraph development
second language. Error analysis is a                 (Mardiyah, 2016: 265). mastery in
working process and as a working                     vocabulary and in sentence structure
procedure, error analysis has the following          (grammar) contribute to learners in
working steps: i) collecting data in the form        composing or writing good sentences
of language errors, ii) identifying and              (Munirah and Hadian, 2016: 84).
clarifying errors, iii) arranging error ratings,
iv) explaining mistakes, v) predicting areas         MATERIALS AND METHODS
that are vulnerable, and vi) correcting                      This research is a qualitative
mistakes (correcting mistakes, if possible,          research aimed at describing the forms of
eliminate errors through the preparation of          German grammatical errors, the causes of
appropriate materials, good handbooks and            errors and the preparatory materials that
matching teaching techniques (Ardiana and            must be mastered by students. The research
Yonohudiyono, 1998: 2.8)).                           subjects were 136 students fselected from
German grammar (Strukturen)                          German study programs at four universities
        German grammar may involve                   in Indonesia. The instruments used were
morphology (word formation, verbal                   related to writing tests with the theme
conjugation, adjective declination), syntax          Ausflug auf die Insel Samosir. Students had
(the choice of words, wording, one word              30 minutes to write essays and after they
relations with other words, one sentence             finished, the essays were collected,
relations with other sentences), and                 corrected, tabulated, and analyzed using
orthography including: the use of                    percentage techniques.
punctuation and the correct writing of words
(Perdamean and Sari, 2015: 40).In the 2008           RESULTS
Block System Curriculum that is applied in           1. Errors in Structuren
the German Study Program, there are                  Some samples of errors in Structuren made
structural courses with 12 credits (first and        by students when they wrote essays are
second semester have 4 credits respectively          shown in (i)-(xix) in the followings:
and third and fourth semester have 2 credits         (i) Rechtschreibung
respectively). One of the causes in students’        There were 105 of 136 research subjects
low mastery in German grammar is the                 made mistakes in writing German
unavailability of German grammatical                 vocabulary; the first letter of a noun (or
teaching books that are suitable for the             something that was principally called a
Program. In the IQF curriculum that is valid         noun) was not written in uppercase (capital)
and was begun in 2016 there are no German            letters and the first letter of the first word on
grammatical courses, and all this makes              a sentence was either not written in capital

           International Journal of Research & Review (                       301
                              Vol.5; Issue: 10; October 2018
Ahmad Sahat Perdamean German Grammatical Errors by 2nd Semester Students in Essay Writing

letter(as seen in sentences (a), (b) and (c). In     Insel Samosir has to be written as Zum
sentence (a)Die reise von Medan nach                 ersten mal fuhr ich auf die Insel Samosir.
Parapat dauert 6 bus 7 Stunden the word              (v) Dativ case
reise must be written with capital letter as                  Fifty two students made errors s in
inReise. In sentence (b)Ja, ich bin sehr             the Dativ case; the sentence (k)Wir sind mit
Glücklich the word Glücklich must be                 ein Auto gefahrenshould be grammatically
written with small letters as in glücklich. In       written asWir sind mit einem Auto gefahren.
sentence (c)ich möchte noch mal nach                 (vi) Punctuation marks (das Satzzeichen)
Samosir fahrenthe sentence should be                          Forty six students did not put a
written as Ich möchte noch mal nach                  comma (,) to separate independent and
Samosir fahren.                                      dependent clauses and did not use a period
(ii) Position of verbs (Position des Verbs)          (.) at the end of sentences.
        There were 76 students putting verbs         (vii) Incomplete sentence (der Satz)
in various positions, but not in the second                   There were 43 students wrote
positions, such as in the final positions            verbaless sentences as shown in sentence
following the conjunctions wenn, weil; they          (l). The sentence (i) Ich wähle die Insel
did not separate the basic verb (Infinitiv)          Samosir, weil dort sehr schön should be Ich
from its prefix (trennbares Verb) as shown           wähle die Insel Samosir, weil es dort sehr
in sentences (d), (e), (f), and (g). The             schön ist.
sentence (d)Zuerst ich bin mit dem Bus nach          (viii) Conjunction (die conjugation)
Samosir gefahren is better written as Zuerst                  A total of 37 students did not
bin ich mit dem Bus nach Samosir gefahren.           conjugate verbs in accordance with the
The sentence (e)Wenn ich noch Zeit                   subject as shown in the sentence (m). The
hatte,ich mochte noch mal dorthin fahren             sentence (m)Wir kann schöne Insel
should be written as Wennich Zeit Hätte,             Samosirshould be written asWir können
möchte ich noch mal dorthin fahren. The              schöne Insel ansehen.
sentence (f)Zum Schluss möchte ich noch              (ix) Akkusativ Case
mal auf die Insel Samosir fahren, weil es                     Twenty six students made errors s in
gibt dort schones Strand should be writtenas         the Akkusativ; the sentence (n)Dann haben
Zum Schluss möchte ich noch mal auf die              wir der Sand gespielt has to be written as
Insel Samosir fahren, weil es dort schönen           Dann haben wir den Sand gespielt.
Strand gibt. The sentence (g)zuerst ich              (x) Form of Partizip Perfekt
abfahre should be written as Zuerst fahre                     A total of 14 students made errors in
ich ab.                                              the formation of Partizip Perfekt; the
(iii)Word choice (Wortwahl)                          sentence (o) Wir sind um 5 Uhr abgefahr
        As many as 64 students chose and             should be Wir Sind um fff Uhr losgefahren.
used appropriate words as written in the             (xi) Nominative Cases
sentence (h). The sentence (h) Nesthe woche                   There were 14 students made errors
ich in Insel Samoir gehen should beNächste           in the Nominativcase: the sentence (p)Meine
Woche fahre ich auf die Insel Samosir.               Brother und Muttershould actuaally be
(iv) Preposition (die Präposition)                   written as Mein Brother und meine Mutter
        A total of 55 students did not               sind aufgeregt.
properly use prepositions, as shown in               (xii) Wrong uses of auxiliaries haben
sentences (i) and (j), in the Dativ and                   and sein
Akkusativ case. The sentence (i)Letzte                        A total number of 14 students did
Woche war ich in der Insel Samosir should            not use the auxiliaries verbs haben or sein in
be grammatically written as In der letzten           the Perfekt sentence; the sentence (q)Ich
Woche auf der Insel Samosir. Meanwhile,              möchte schon seit lange dort fahren, weil
the sentence(j) Ersten Mal als ging ich in           ich viel über Insel Samosir gehörtshould be
                                                     well written asIch möchte schon seit lange

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Ahmad Sahat Perdamean German Grammatical Errors by 2nd Semester Students in Essay Writing

dorthin fahren, weil ich viel über Insel                      Pronomen; the sentence (u) ..., die ich fühle
Samosir gehört habe.                                          ist glücklich, should be better written as ...,
(xiii) Singular or plural forms of objects                    ich fühle mich glücklich.
    (der Singular oder der Plural)                            (xvii) Articles
        Thirteen students made errors in the                           Five students mistakenly wrote
uses of singular or plural formation of                       articles for nouns when they made titles as
nouns; the sentence (r)Dort habe ich viele                    in the Die schönen Urlaub auf der Insel
interessant Platz ansehenshould be better                     Samosir which should be written as Der
written asDort habe ich viele interessante                    schöne Urlaub auf der Insel Samosir.
Plätze ansehen.                                               (xviii) Genetiv case
(xiv) Word structure (die Wortstellung)                                Three students made errors in the
    Ten students made errors in placing                       use of Genitiv case as shown in the
words in sentences as shown in the                            sentential fragment (v): ..., weil die Insel
following sentential fragment (s) ..., weil die               Samosir in der Mitte des Tobasee liegt; the
Insel Samosir gibt es einige historische von                  fragment should be ..., weil die Insel
Medan which should be grammatically                           Samosir in der Mitte des Tobasees liegt.
written as ..., weil es auf der Insel Samosir                 (xix) zu Infinitiv
einige historische Plätze gibt.                                        One student made errors in using the
(xv) Declination (die Deklination)                            Infinitiv zu; the sentence (w) Wir fahren mit
    Nine students did not correctly use                       dem Auto undauchau circa sechs Stunden zu
adjectives; the sentence (t)Ich fahre mit                     ankommenshould be grammatically written
meinem groβe Familie must be written as                       as fahren mit dem Auto und brauchen circa
Fah fahre mit meiner groβen Familie.                          sechs Stunden anzukommen.
(xvi) Reflexive pronouns (Reflexive                           The Table 1 summarizes the types of errors
    Pronomen)                                                 and the number of students who made errors
        There were six students di not                        in German grammar.
complete their sentences with Reflexive

                             Tabel 1. Types of errors and number of students making errors
              No   Types of errors                               Number of students making errors   %
              1    Rechtschreibung                               105                                77,20
              2    Verb positions (Position des Verbs)           76                                 55,88
                   Word choice (Wortwahl)                        64                                 47,06
              4    Preposition(die Präpositionen)                55                                 40,44
              5    Dativcase                                     52                                 38,23
              6    Punctuation (das Satzzeichen)                 46                                 33,82
              7    Incomplete sentences (der Satz)               43                                 31,61
              8    Verbal conjunctions (die Konjugation)         37                                 27,20
              9    Akkusativ case                                26                                 19,11
              10   Partizip Perfektforms                         14                                 10,29
              11   Nominativcase                                 14                                 10,29
              12   Use of auxiliary verbshaben orsein            14                                 10,29
              13   der Plural or der Singular                    13                                 9,55
              14   Word structure in sentence (die Wortstellung) 10                                 7,35
              15   Declination (die Deklination)                 9                                  6,61
              16   Reflexive Pronomen                            6                                  4,41
              17   Articles (Artikel)                            5                                  3,67
              18   Genetivcase                                   3                                  2,30
              19   zu Infinitiv                                  1                                  0,73

2. Causes of errors                                           3. Teaching materials in Strukturen 2
       Some causes of errors students made                            Based on the number of students
are: i) students rarely wrote essays in                       who made errors, the materials in Strukturen
German, therefore, they were not careful                      2were grouped into two parts; the first part
whether their choices of words are correct,                   is particularly given to semester 1 and the
and ii) students did not master German                        second one to semester 2. Materials for
grammar.                                                      semester 1 include Wort, Satz, Paragraph,

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Ahmad Sahat Perdamean German Grammatical Errors by 2nd Semester Students in Essay Writing

Rechtschreibung,         Personalpronomen,           ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Verben and Nomen. Meanwhile, those for                       We would like to thank the Directorate of
semester 2 cover prepositions (die                   Research and Community Service, Directorate
                                                     General of Research and Development
Präpositionen), cases of Genitiv, Perfekt            Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology
and Präteritum, adjectives (das Adjektiv),           and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia. This
reflexive Pronomen, die Konjunktionen,               research was carried out in accordance with the
Passiv and Konjunktiv II.                            Research Contract Number: 027 / UN33.8 / LL /
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    How to cite this article: Perdamean AS, Sari TK, Kudriyah S. German grammatical errors by 2nd
    semester students in essay writing. International Journal of Research and Review. 2018;


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