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2020 – 2021 PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK COVID-19 HEALTH PROTOCOLS ADDENDUM Dear CM Families: Your partnership is critical in helping to make the Catholic Memorial campus a safe environment for our students, faculty, and staff to learn, create, play, and work during the 2020-2021 school year. Strict adherence to the following protocols and procedures by the community on Baker Street is a foundational element to returning to in-person teaching and learning this academic year. Execution of the plan demands personal responsibility, robust and rigid structural protocols, and compliance with required PPE mandates. Through a collective partnership and because of the academic schedule which reduces the density of students in spaces throughout campus in our hybrid learning model, we will hope to navigate the challenges presented by the global pandemic. On Baker Street, Catholic Memorial has long delivered on one of the key tenants of its mission that encourages students to learn how to best take care of themselves so that they can lovingly and mindfully take care of others. This year will be filled with moments that required attention to both "self" and "others." Every student, faculty and staff member, CM family, and visitor on our campus must take personal responsibility for their own health and safety to protect themselves from the virus and prevent its possible spread. This document is a living document which means that it will be updated and adapted as we live and learn from situations that will only become apparent with students, faculty, and staff navigating our building in- person and on a daily basis. Additionally, we will need to respond to any changes or updates in guidance and recommendations made by the State of Massachusetts, the Department of Public Health, or the CDC. Our goal will always be to adhere to best practices provided by experts at these agencies. Even with protocols and safety procedures in place, living in a pandemic is difficult. To aid in this, our students and their families should always know that Catholic Memorial is committed to supporting everyone with mental health support. Any student struggling emotionally should reach out to their guidance counselors, teachers, or advisors. Please note that any policy in this addendum supersedes the 2020 – 2021 Parent/Student Handbook. Cleaning Standards Between classes, CM staff and faculty will be using a product called Fresh Start which addresses pathogens on the EPA's Emerging Pathogens list and is effective on SARS, the COVID-19 causing family of viruses. Sprayed in each classroom between periods, this “food safe” and FDA approved spray adheres to surfaces better than a hand-applied spray or wipe as it effectively cleans each classroom in minutes readying work surfaces for students. With a nightly application of this same product while adhering to CDC guided standards for cleaning, Clean Co (Catholic Memorial’s cleaning contractor for the 2020- 2021 school year) will work to ensure that the school is safe and prepared for the next day. Additionally, Catholic Memorial has procured four electrostatic spray systems to quickly and effectively apply cleaning product at a moment's notice throughout the school day.
Remote Attendance Policies • Attendance will be taken in all remote classes. Absence from class is permitted only for reasons of sickness or family emergency. • A student who is absent from his remote class is required to have his parent email attendance@catholicmemorial.org each morning of his absence. • All illnesses should also be emailed to the school nurse, Ms. Batcheller. Annebatcheller@catholicmemorial.org. Prior to Arrival CM asks that all families practice extreme caution when assessing their student's wellness each day. It is critical that if a student begin to show symptoms that families DO NOT send their student to campus, contact the school, and work with the school to move forward in a safe way. All families must fill out a mandatory survey that attests that they are symptom free. Families must take temperature of student and confirm no fever prior to filling out the survey. Student must be symptoms free prior to filling out survey in order to come to campus Symptoms include but are not limited to: o Fever (100.4 F or higher), chills, or shaking chills o Cough (not due to other known cause, such as chronic cough) o Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath o Sore Throat o Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea o Fatigue, when in combination with other symptoms o Headache when in combination with other symptoms o New loss of smell/taste o Muscle aches or body aches o Nasal congestion or runny nose (not sue to other known causes such as allergies) when in combination with other symptoms IF NO SYMPTOMS: o Send student to school. IF ANY SYMPTOM: o Do not send the student to school. o Call the school’s main office and nurse and inform them student is staying home due to symptoms. o Current Massachusetts DPH guidance is that all symptomatic individuals in Massachusetts, even those with mild symptoms, should be tested. o The student should get tested at one of Massachusetts’s test sites. o Isolate at home until test results are returned. o Proceed as follows according to test results: IF NEGATIVE: Student stays home until asymptomatic for 24 hours. IF POSITIVE: Student should remain at home (except to get medical care), monitor their symptoms, notify the school, notify personal close contacts, assist the school in contact tracing efforts, and answer the call from local board of health or Massachusetts Community Tracing Collaborative. Most people who have relatively mild illness will need to stay in self- isolation for at least 10 days and until at least 3 days have passed with no fever and improvement in other symptoms. If a student displays any of these symptoms, he must get a test for active COVID-19 infection and then follow the protocols outlined above.
The student should not return to campus until consulting with the school nurse and their family physician. If a student has come in close contact to a person with a confirmed case of COVID-19, they should not come to campus. They should immediately call their physician, the school nurse, and should follow guidelines on next steps. Visitors There will be no visitors allowed on campus without a scheduled meeting. If parents would like to meet with a teacher, staff member or administrator they must first make contact with that CM employee to arrange for a meeting. If a virtual meeting is not possible and an in-person meeting is required, the parent or family member should follow the CM visitor protocol. This includes: • Completing the CM Visitor Wellness Checklist (found here) one-hour prior to a visitor arriving on campus. • After arriving on campus, visitors should not leave their car. • From their car, visitors should call the main office (617-469-8001 or 617-469-8002). • The Main Office administration will confirm that the CM Visitor Wellness Checklist has been completed and that the visitor is symptom and exposure free. • The visitor will wear a mask at all times while they are on campus. If the visitor does not have a mask, the school will provide the visitor with a mask. • The CM faculty or staff who is hosting the visitor will be notified and will meet the visitor in the parking lot/at their car. • The visitor will sanitize their hands upon entering the building. • The visitor will “check – in” at the main office. • Maintain social distancing standards respecting and adhering to a 6-foot minimum separation. There will be no physical contact (including handshaking), following hallway directions, and other “on campus” safety protocols. • The visitor will be accompanied for the entirety of their visit by the host CM faculty or staff member. • At the end of the visit, the visitor and host CM faculty or staff will check out at the Main Office. In order to come on campus, visitors must show no symptoms of COVID-19 o Symptoms include but are not limited to o Fever (100.4 F or higher), chills, or shaking chills o Cough (not due to other known cause, such as chronic cough) o Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath o Sore Throat o Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea o Fatigue, when in combination with other symptoms o Headache when in combination with other symptoms o New loss of smell/taste o Muscle aches or body aches o Nasal congestion or runny nose (not due to other known causes such as allergies) when in combination with other symptoms Drop Off • If families bring their son(s) to school, they must remain in their automobiles during drop-off. No visitors are allowed in the school building without an appointment. • All drop-offs to the High School building should occur via the main entrance to campus, entering from Br. Heeran Way. • All drop-offs to the Middle School can take place EITHER on Gardner Street or Dunwell Street • Drop-offs should NEVER take place on Baker Street.
Pick Up • If you are picking your son(s) up from campus, we ask that remain in your vehicle at all times. • When picking up your son(s) from campus, pick up should occur in front of the Main Building. • Masks will be worn by your son after school and until the car has left campus. • Parents should arrive back on campus no more than 10 minutes prior to the end of your son's last activity. • After completing your business at the school or picking up a child, exit the campus directly via the main exit onto Baker Street. Cars travel through our campus move in a single direction. Arrival at School • Anyone arriving on campus must wear a mask at all times unless otherwise directed by a member of the faculty or administration for a designated mask break. • One hour prior to arrival at school, students must complete their daily Wellness Checklist in the presence their parent or guardian. • The High School building will open its doors at 7:30 a.m. Families and students should not arrive on campus before 7:30 as congregating in groups on campus is not allowed. • Students must arrive to campus so that students can be in their homerooms for the start of homeroom period at 8:05 a.m. • Upon arrival students must enter the school buildings using designated entrances assigned by grade level: o Grades 11-12 should enter the main building via the rear entrance, adjacent to the student lot. o Grades 9-10 should enter the main building via the Baker St. entrance. o BEFORE 7:50 a.m.: • Grade 7 and 8 should enter the High School building via the Baker Street entrance. o AFTER 7:50 a.m.: • Grade 8 should enter Donohue Hall via the Baker Street, front entrance. • Grade 7 should enter Donohue Hall via the Gardener Street side entrance. o If arriving after 8:05 a.m., High School and Middle School students should enter into the Main High School Building through the Baker St. front entrance and check in at the main office. o Middle School students should first check in at the High School. They should not directly enter Donahue Hall. o Students who arrive late to school consistently will risk forfeiting their right to engage in in-school instruction and will be moved to fully remote learning at the expense of the family. • Students are allowed into CM buildings ONLY AFTER completing their daily Wellness Checklist on the RAVE alert system AND then displaying the daily “GO” alert on their phone, work device, or on printed copy to an administrator who is posted at one of the above entrances. The “GO” alert is the automatic response to the mandatory Wellness Survey through the RAVE alert system and this response if given if the family has completed the survey and the student is symptom free. o If a student shows any symptoms, the family should record that on the survey and a “STOP” alert will be generated. Students who show any COVID-19 symptoms should not come to school. Families should immediately contact their physician and the above guidelines for protocol.
o Families should fill out this survey each day the student is expected on campus. Students who misrepresent the completion of this survey will face disciplinary action for violation of a major school rule. • If a student arrives before 7:50 a.m., he should go directly to the gymnasium where seats will be set up with appropriate social distancing. • Masks are mandatory for anyone on campus unless otherwise directed by a member of the faculty or administration during a designated mask break. • At 7:50 a.m., all homerooms and Donahue Hall will be open. o Students already on campus in the gymnasium will be dismissed to their homerooms. Middle School students should have their “GO” alert ready to show again for entry into Donahue Hall. o Students arriving after 7:50 a.m. but before 8:05 a.m. should head directly to their homeroom using the appropriate entrance and pathway through the building (all hallways are one-way only). Masks • All faculty, staff, and students will wear masks while on campus or on any form of school transportation. All CM students are required to wear a CM branded dress code approved CM mask. Universal mask wearing continues to be the most effective way to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Masks will only be removed per the direct instruction of an adult and once the student is outdoors during designated mask breaks when adequate social distancing is possible. Mask breaks will be included at intervals in the academic, daily schedule. • Face masks should fit securely under the chin and over the nose and mouth, while also fitting snugly to the sides of the face. • CM approved and branded face masks comply with the World Health Organization guidelines. Face shields are not an approved substitute for a mask though students and adults may choose to wear a face shield or goggles in addition to a face mask. Disposable masks will be on hand in the Health Office as needed for emergency use if a student forgets his mask or it is soiled during the school day. • Masks are to be washed daily with soap and water and a clean mask should be worn each day. Students should have a school approved backup mask available in case one mask becomes soiled or deemed unusable. Disinfectants should not be sprayed onto the mask, as they may cause respiratory symptoms. • Throughout the school, students can find instructions and guidelines describing the appropriate way to wear a mask • If a student forgets his mask or does not have one, he must purchase one from the main office. Lockers To reduce crowded areas and maintain social distance, students will not have access to their lockers this year. While requiring students to have their own device will reduce the amount of materials that students need for classes, students should have sturdy backpacks to support their school materials. Hallways and Stairwells To minimize congestion and to maintain proper distances during passing periods, hallways and stairwells will be labeled in a one-way traffic pattern. Students will be encouraged keep moving and will not be permitted to congregate in the hallways. • When moving from class to class, students must use the assigned direction in the hallways regardless of the location of their next class and without exception.
• After dismissal, the hallways will be closed to students. Students will only be permitted to use the hallway if they have a school sponsored club or activity taking place in one of the classrooms. • Stairwells will have an assigned direction up or down. • Students should move up and down stairwells in a single file. Bathrooms There are several measures we taken to improve the health and safety of students in the bathroom. • Each bathroom will have a clearly marked occupancy restriction to provide the appropriate amount of space between students and a maximum occupancy for each restroom. • To mitigate lines and students gathering in bathrooms, students will only be able to use the bathrooms during class and lunch periods. • No student may use the bathroom without the permission of their classroom or homeroom teacher and only one student may use the restroom at a time from each space. • Before students go to the restrooms, they will take an electronic survey using a device that will record the information necessary to contact tracing. Discipline Faculty and staff will report any health and safety violations to the administration. • Students may be sent home immediately for any breach of health and safety protocols. • If students with multiple health and safety violations risk forfeiting their right to engage in school in school instruction and events and will be moved to fully remote learning at the expense of the family. • These violations may include but are not limited to: o Removing masks outside approved mask breaks o Not maintaining social distancing o Touching other students or sharing materials o Disregarding hallway/building directions o Unauthorized use of lockers, bathrooms, or water fountains o Wearing a non-CM approved uniform mask o Consistently arriving late to school. Remote Learning Dress Code Middle School students are required to wear their red CM polo during remote learning. Students may also wear their gray CM Dress Code ¼ Zip pullover as an additional layer over the polo shirt. High School students are required to wear either their CM polo or another non-CM polo. Students may wear the CM Dress Code ¼ Zip pullover as an additional layer over the polo shirt. We believe that uniforms help to raise students’ expectations of themselves when they are dressed neatly and seriously. While students may be away from campus, they are still engaged in classes and committed to the larger CM community. Cameras During synchronous online lesson, students are expected to be visible on camera. This is meant to promote an optimum learning environment where students are fully engaged during remote learning. To protect their privacy, students may use blurred or digital backgrounds.
Online Presence Distance learning requires Catholic Memorial students and teachers to use various online platforms that are meant for educational purposes. Inappropriate use of technology will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion. Students are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include (but are not limited to) being polite, using appropriate language, properly citing and/or obtaining permission for all information from research sources when the information used from those sources is included in a work as a direct quote or paraphrase. Catholic Memorial, and Massachusetts law, forbids students from recording or taking pictures of teachers or other students without consent. Any student in violation of this will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion. Service Program Requirements Due to COVID-19 and the lack of access to service sights for the fall of 2020, the requirements of service are being adjusted for the 2020-2021 academic year. Students will need to complete service hours in order to progress to the next grade level or graduate. Students will receive details for the service program through their Theology classes.
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