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International Journal of Health Sciences and Research                                                                               ISSN: 2249-9571

Original Research Article

Relationship between Smartphone Addiction with Anxiety and Depression
              among Undergraduate Students in Malaysia
                       Norbaidurah Ithnain1, Shazli Ezzat Ghazali2, Norrafizah Jaafar1
     Health Education Officer, Institute for Health Behavioural Research, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Jalan
                           Rumah Sakit, 50590 Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
   Lecturer of Health Psychology Programme. Faculty of Health Sciences, The National University of Malaysia,
                        Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50300 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
                                     Corresponding Author: Norbaidurah Ithnain


Recently, smartphone addiction has become a public health concern because it leads to poor mental
health; anxiety and depression among university students around the world. Therefore, the objective
of the study was to identify the relationship between smartphone addiction with anxiety and
depression among undergraduate students in one of a local university in Malaysia on September 2016.
Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS-M), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI-M) and Beck Depression
Inventory (BDI-M) were used as a data collection tool. Analysis of the data was done using IBM
SPSS software version 21.0. A total of 369 students (299 female and 70 male; mean age=19.3±0.98)
participated in this study. Descriptive analysis results showed scores of smartphone addiction, anxiety
and depression students were 102.52±7.21, 10.15±8.08 and 7.96±6.21. The inferential analysis found
a statistically significant positive relationship between smartphone addiction with anxiety and
depression (p
Norbaidurah Ithnain et al. Relationship between Smartphone Addiction with Anxiety and Depression among
Undergraduate Students in Malaysia

among users. [4-7] Therefore, smartphones            smartphone addiction with anxiety and
today have played an important part in our           depression. [12,21,22] Kwon et al. [23] and
community technoculture especially among             Demirci et al. [12] explained the higher the
young generation.                                    person addicted to smartphone, their anxiety
          Despite the advantages and needs of        and depression is higher. An addictive
smartphone, excessive use can lead to                individual will loss of self-control, lack of
smartphone          addiction.      Smartphone       desire and ability to communicate with
addiction refers to dependency, excessive            others. As a result, the individual will start
and uncontrolled use of the smartphone. [8, 9]       isolating himself or herself and continue to
The phenomenon of smartphone addiction               depend on smartphones. Indirectly, this also
has been a global concern as it can                  causes the individual to be worried when
contribute to poor mental health especially          cannot use smartphone. [24]
among university students. [10-16] Based on                  Study done by Kumar [25] showed
previous studies, smartphone addiction has           majority of private university students in
also been categorized as behavioural                 Malaysia agreed that smartphones can cause
addiction due to the inability of users to           headache, mental loss and sleep disorders.
control their use. [11,17]                           In 2009, a study conducted by Zulkefly and
          According to Choliz, [18] the problem      Baharudin [26] among university students in
of using smartphones is related to                   Malaysia found that students who spent
behavioural addiction due to clinical                more time with phone were more
features such as psychological effects on            susceptible to psychological disorders
emotions, personality and cognitive in               caused by unhealthy and uncontrolled
which the younger generation is more                 smartphone use.
vulnerable to excessive usage and                            A study by Ching et al. [27] reported
dependency towards smartphones. Alavi et             46.9% of Malaysian students were addictive
al. [19] stated that individuals suffering from      to smartphone. This figure showed that they
behavioural addiction have symptoms such             are moving towards dependence on
as       craving,      excessive      behaviour,     smartphone in their daily lives. However,
psychological and physical withdrawal                there is limited study done in Malaysia on
symptoms. This behavioural addiction                 the relationship of excessive use of
usually feature a very strong desire that            smartphone or smartphone addiction on
encourages someone to do something                   anxiety and, depression. Since it has been a
repeatedly without the ability to control, to        global concern recently, there is a need to
reduce or to stop. [20]                              identify     the      relationship   between
          According to Chiu, [21] smartphone         smartphone addiction with anxiety and
addiction can cause mental health problems           depression among undergraduate students in
such as anxiety and depression that will             Malaysia.
cause critical barriers in relationships,
activities, physical and mental well-being.          MATERIALS AND METHODS
The issue has reached a significant public           Design and sample: This is a cross-
health concern and in 2015, WHO issued a             sectional study using purposive sampling
report on Public Health Implications of              among newly intake of undergraduate
Excessive Use of the Internet, Computers,            students in one of a local university in
Smartphones and Similar Electronic                   Malaysia in September 2016. Those who
Devices. This report summarizes the                  were absent and, withdraw during data
problems associated with excessive use of            collection as well as uncompleted
smartphone with mental health such as                questionnaire were excluded in the study.
anxiety, depression and stress. [20]                 Data collection procedure and ethics: A
          In addition, recent studies have           pilot study was administered to 30
found there was a relationship between               undergraduate students who were not

           International Journal of Health Sciences & Research (                   164
                               Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2018
Norbaidurah Ithnain et al. Relationship between Smartphone Addiction with Anxiety and Depression among
Undergraduate Students in Malaysia

participating in the study. Result showed            Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)
that the students did not have difficulty in         To measure anxiety, Beck Anxiety
understanding        and    completing      the      Inventory-Malay Version by Mukhtar and
questionnaire. Then, actual study was                Zulkefly [28] was used. The BAI-Malay
carried out. A brief introduction on the             consists of 21 items with a four-point scale
purpose of the study was given to the                (zero to three) with Cronbach Alpha 0.91. In
students. Those who agreed to participate            the present study, Cronbach's alpha
were required to fill in the consent form            coefficient was 0.82. This inventory has
before answering a set of questionnaire. The         widely used to measure the severity of
students took approximately 30 minutes to            anxiety. Anxiety was divided into 4
answer and once complete, they returned the          categories, which are mild (score 0-13),
questionnaire. Ethics approval was obtained          moderate (score 14-19), severe (score 20-
from the university and Malaysia National            28) and extremely severe (score 29-63).
Medical Research Register prior to the               Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)
initiation of the study.                             The last section in the questionnaire was
Instrument:           A       self-administered      used Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) -
questionnaire was distributed to 435                 Malay Version by Mukhtar and Oei. [29] The
participants. The questionnaire consists of          BDI-Malay consist 20 items with a four-
five different sections: a) demography               point scale (zero to three) with 0.91 of
characteristics; information on age, race,           Cronbach alpha. The Cronbach's alpha
gender, family income, b) the pattern of             coefficient in this present study was 0.82.
smartphone usage; information on duration            This inventory requires participants to
of smartphone usage daily (hours), monthly           answer the questions in relation to how they
expenses on smartphone and, main use of              felt over the past week, with higher scores
smartphone, c)smartphone addiction; using            indicating more severe depression. There
an adapted Malay Version of Smartphone               are 4 categories under depression, which are
Addiction Scale (SAS-M), d) anxiety; using           mild (score 0-13), moderate (score 14-19),
Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)-Malay                   severe (score 20-28) and extremely severe
Version and, e) depression; using Beck               (score 29-63).
Depression Inventory (BDI) -Malay
Version.                                             Statistical Analysis: All data was entered
Smartphone Addiction Scale                           and analysed using SPSS software version
The original version scale has been                  21. The descriptive statistical analysis of
developed by Kwon et al. [23] and has been           data was performed to determine the mean,
adapted translated to Malay language by              standard    deviation,    frequency,      and
Ching et al. [27] among university students          percentage. Pearson’s correlation was used
with Cronbach Alpha 0.94. The Cronbach               to determine the strength of the relationship
Alpha for this study was 0.87. SAS-M                 between the variables and, Simple Linear
includes 33 items and divided into 6                 Regression was performed to determine the
subscales                (cyber-space-oriented       effect of smartphone addiction to anxiety
relationship, daily life disturbance, primacy,       and depression.
overuse,       positive    anticipation     and
withdrawal). Each question has a response            RESULTS
scale from 1 to 6 (1=strongly disagree to                    Out of 435 questionnaires distributed
6=strongly agree), reflecting the frequency          out, only 369 students returned the
of the symptoms and the score range is from          questionnaire with response rate 85.0%.
33-198, with higher scores indicating the            There are 5.3% were absent during data
higher risk of smartphone addiction.                 collection, 3.7% refused to participate in the
                                                     study, 4.2% did not complete the
                                                     questionnaire and 1.8% were outliers. Table

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                               Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2018
Norbaidurah Ithnain et al. Relationship between Smartphone Addiction with Anxiety and Depression among
Undergraduate Students in Malaysia

1 presented the demographic characteristics                    divided into two categories which are low
of the sample. Majority participants were                      smartphone addiction (SAS-M score<
among female 299 (81.0 %). Their ages                          median value 103) and high smartphone
range from 19 to 30 years with a mean age                      addiction (SAS-M score > median value
of 19.32 ± 0.98 years. Malay participants                      103). Results showed nearly half of the
were dominant in the study 57.5%, followed                     students    (47.7%)     experienced     high
by Chinese 29.5%, Indian 11.1% and others                      smartphone addiction.
1.9%. Besides that, 42.0% participants have                            For anxiety, results showed that
family income above RM 4000.                                   54.2% of the respondents experienced mild,
                                                               while 14.6%, 11.1%, 6.3% and 3.8% of the
Table 1: Distribution of students according to sex, race and   respondents have moderate, severe and
monthly family income (n=369)
                                                               extremely severe anxiety respectively. Mean
Variable                        n (%)
Gender                                                         ± Standard Deviation for anxiety score was
Male                            70 (19.0%)                     10.15±8.08. In depression, 80.5% of the
Female                          299 (81.0%)
Race                                                           students were mild, 14.1% moderate, 5.1%
Malay                           212 (57.5%)                    severe and only 0.3% experienced
Chinese                         109 (29.5%)
Indian                          41 (11.1%)
                                                               extremely severe. Mean ± Standard
Others                          7 (1.9%)                       Deviation for anxiety score was 7.96±6.21.
Monthly family income (n=345)
Less than RM1000                43 (12.5%)                     Table 3: Level, mean and standard deviation: smartphone
RM1000-1999                     40 (11.6%)                     addiction, anxiety and depression (n=369)
RM2000-2999                     55 (15.9%)                     Variable                     n (%)        Mean and standard
RM3000-3999                     52 (15.1%)                                                               deviation
More than RM4000                155 (44.9%)                    Smartphone addiction
                                                                Low smartphone addiction    193 (52.3%)
                                                                High smartphone addiction 176 (47.7%) 102.52±21.07
The pattern of smartphone usage                                Anxiety
Table 2 shows 70.0% used smartphone                             Mild                        260 (70.5%)
                                                                Moderate                    54 (14.6%)
more than four hours per day. Half of them                      Severe                      41 (11.1%)   10.15±8.08
(57.2%) used smartphone for social                              Extremely Severe            14 (3.8)
networking sites and spent less than RM50                      Depression
                                                                Mild                        297 (80.5%)
for smartphone monthly expenses.                                Moderate                    52 (14.1%)
                                                                Severe                      19 (5.1%)    7.96±6.21
        Table 2: Pattern of smartphone usage (n=369)            Extremely Severe            1 (0.3)
  Variable                             n (%)
  Duration of smartphone used(daily)
  Less than 1 hour                     9 (2.4%)                        Relationship between smartphone
  1-3 hour                             98 (26.6%)              addiction with anxiety and depression
  4-6 hours                            166 (45.0%)
  7-9 hours                            54 (14.6%)
                                                                       Table 4 presented the correlation
  More than 9 hours                    42 (11.4%)              between smartphone addiction with anxiety
  Main use of smartphone (n=315)                               and depression. Results showed that there is
  Call/SMS                             75 (23.8%)
  Social networking sites              211 (67.0%)             a significant positive correlation between
  Application/Games                    14 (4.4%)               smartphone addiction with anxiety (r=0.227;
  News/information                     11 (3.5%)
  Others                               4 (1.3%)                p
Norbaidurah Ithnain et al. Relationship between Smartphone Addiction with Anxiety and Depression among
Undergraduate Students in Malaysia

Norbaidurah Ithnain et al. Relationship between Smartphone Addiction with Anxiety and Depression among
Undergraduate Students in Malaysia

smartphone usage experiencing phone                  conducted after treatment. The follow-up
ringing (ringxiety) problems and tend to use         period was carried out for four weeks. The
smartphones in prohibited areas (classes and         results of the study showed the level of
libraries) and during meals. In 2008,                smartphone addiction and level of anxiety
Avvannavar et al., [45] reported that this           were decreased after the program and it
condition occurs when an individual hears            proved that the program could be used as
the sound of the phone while it does not             one of treatment methods for smartphone
ring. Besides that, "Nomophobia" is                  addiction.
increasing among young generations. [17]                        In addition to determining a
According to King et al., [46] this syndrome         relationship between smartphone addiction
occurs when an individual feels anxious or           and anxiety, findings of this study also
uncomfortable       when       parted     from       reported significant relationship between
smartphone,       computers       or    virtual      smartphone addiction and depression. It was
communication devices.                               supported by previous studies that found
        According to Przybylski et al. [47]          individuals with smartphone addiction
anxiety was also identified as a component           problems tend to have depression problems.
of Fear of Missing Out (FoMO); it is                              In 2015, Park et al. [52] has
defined as fears, anxiety, and concerns if           conducted a study to compare depression
unable to find out the latest information and,       problems among 20 students which had
experiencing social interaction. The study           been divided into two groups namely Heavy
reported university students with higher             Smartphone User Groups and Control
scores of FoMO will be more likely to                Groups; results showed that heavy users
check Facebook pages on smartphones                  who use excessive smartphones tend to
during class compared to lower FoMO                  suffer depression. In addition, the finding of
scores. A study by Skierkowski and Wood,             this study was supported by Thomee et al.
[48]                                                 [53]
     found students who restricted the usage               which conduct a year-long follow-up
of short messages on their smartphones               analysis reported that excessive use of
experienced anger, worry and anxiety. In             smartphone may be a risk factor for
another study, 50.0% of young people has             depression symptoms. Therefore, it can be
experienced anxiety when they cannot                 concluded that this study supports other
check their smartphones, compared to only            studies concerning the relationship between
25.0% Gen X and 15.0% Baby Boomers. [49]             smartphone addiction with anxiety and
In addition, Ganganahalli et al. [36] reported       depression among university students and
during examination days, nearly 90.0% of             shows that this phenomenon also happen
student responded that they felt very bad or         among university students in Malaysia.
had a feeling of lost or disconnected from
the world if cannot using mobile for hours.          CONCLUSION
        In order to overcome the issue of                    The present study showed university
smartphone addiction and anxiety, Yu and             students in Malaysia were inclined towards
Son [50] conducted a study on Acceptance             becoming addicted to smartphone and were
Commitment Therapy involving 18                      exposed to anxiety and depression.
participants and divided them into two               Therefore, there is a need to create possible
groups namely the Program Group and the              health education programs and interventions
Control Group. Acceptance Commitment                 that are appropriate to deal with the
Therapy is a psychological intervention that         addiction to the university students and
uses acceptance and awareness strategies             improve their mental well-being.
along with commitments and behavioural
change strategies to enhance psychological           ACKNOWLEDGMENT
flexibility. The program was supervised for                 We would like to thank the Director-
eight sessions and a follow-up study was             General of Health and Deputy Director-General

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Undergraduate Students in Malaysia

of Health (Research and Technical Support),                    Applied       Cognitive       Psychology
Ministry of Health Malaysia for permission to                  2007;21:527-37.
publish this paper. We would also like to                9.    Lin YH, Chang LR, Lee YH, et al.
express thanks to the University for the                       Development and Validation of the
permission to collect the data and to all students             Smartphone      Addiction       Inventory
who participated in this research. A very special              (SPAI). PLoS One 2014; 9(6).
thanks dedicated to Ms Teresa Yong Sui Mien,             10.   Emad AS & Eman H. The Influence of
for the valuable comments and suggestion to                    Smart Phones on Human Health and
improve the manuscript. Lastly, we would also                  Behavior: Jordanians’ Perceptions.
like to express appreciation for all the support               International Journal of Computer
from all parties that have contributed directly or             Networks and Applications. 2015;
indirectly to complete this study.                             2(2):52-6.
                                                         11.   Akhouri D & Kehksha A. A
Funding: No funding sources                                    comparative study of addiction of
Conflict of interest: None declared                            simple phone and smart phone and its
                                                               effect on mental health: the dark side of
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  How to cite this article: Ithnain N, Ghazali SE, Jaafar N. Relationship between smartphone
  addiction with anxiety and depression among undergraduate students in Malaysia. Int J Health Sci
  Res. 2018; 8(1):163-171.


             International Journal of Health Sciences & Research (                   171
                                 Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2018
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