INTEGRATED MEDIA PLANNER - 2018 Your source for qualified professionals seeking the knowledge and support

Page created by Pauline Wagner
INTEGRATED MEDIA PLANNER - 2018 Your source for qualified professionals seeking the knowledge and support
                    Your source for qualified professionals seeking the knowledge and support
                    that is critical for addressing safety issues across a wide range of disciplines.

  1                                      2                                3

Relevance Reach
                                                                        THE MOST INFLUENTIAL SPECIFIERS
INDUSTRY                               PUBLICATION                      EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES

INTEGRATED MEDIA PLANNER - 2018 Your source for qualified professionals seeking the knowledge and support

About NFPA Multi-Channel Media                 3

NFPA Mission and Vision                        3
Print Publications
       NFPA Journal®                          4–8
       Sponsored Content                        9
       NFPA C&E Exhibit Directory              14

Electronic Media                                        4–8
      NFPA Journal® Online                     10
            NFPA News                          12
            NEC Connect News                   12
            NFPA Journal Update                13        1              10
            Safety Source                      13
            Fire Sprinkler Initiatives News    13

Unique Digital Opportunities                             2
     Code Sponsorship Package                   9
     E-mail Lead Generation Program            11
     Conference & Expo Awareness               14

NFPA® Sales Contacts                           15

Terms and Conditions                           15        3


Use this Integrated Media Planner to choose
from NFPA print and electronic publications and
other digital vehicles that let you target the right
prospects at the right time.


INTEGRATED MEDIA PLANNER - 2018 Your source for qualified professionals seeking the knowledge and support
For more than 100 years, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA®) has been the world’s
leading advocate for fire prevention and an authoritative source on public safety, developing
consensus codes and standards—now numbering more than 300—intended to minimize the
possibility and effects of fire and other risks. And while this remains a critical part of our work, the
mission has evolved to serve the broader needs of the future.

Today’s NFPA is a global research and knowledge organization that develops, collects, adds
value to, and delivers a broad spectrum of information aimed at top decision makers of the fire,
electrical, and building safety industries. We have focused our efforts to help them do their job
more easily and more effectively.

That unique professional community—made up of members and nonmembers around the world
—trusts, respects, and depends on NFPA’s many communication channels for news, information,
and resources. They are also a large and loyal audience for our advertisers that serve their
industry and can provide the products and services they need, when they need it.

NFPA Vision/Mission
As part of its ongoing evolution as one of the world’s foremost safety organizations, NFPA
recently adopted a new statement of vision: “We are the leading global advocate for the
elimination of death, injury, and property and economic loss due to fire, electrical, and
related hazards.”

Complementing that vision is NFPA’s new mission: “We help save lives and reduce loss with
information, knowledge, and passion.”

INTEGRATED MEDIA PLANNER - 2018 Your source for qualified professionals seeking the knowledge and support

The official voice of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA®),
the industry’s most trusted provider of fire, electrical, and building
safety knowledge

Your connection to
  information to help save lives and reduce

  AND BUYERS of industry-related equipment
  and services

  other industry publication

Advertise in an award-winning publication
In 2017, NFPA Journal won three Excel Awards,
including two golds, from Association Media &
Publishing, the nation’s largest and most
influential membership organization for
association magazines. These Excels are just
the latest recognition the NFPA Journal has
received in recent years—including numerous
awards for editorial and design work, best
overall magazine, best redesign, and best
special issue—and further confirmation that
NFPA Journal ranks among the best
association magazines in the country.

INTEGRATED MEDIA PLANNER - 2018 Your source for qualified professionals seeking the knowledge and support
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA®) is a key global resource for not only the
codes and standards governing fire, electrical, and building safety but also an advancing body
of knowledge dedicated to the elimination of death, injury, and economic loss due to industry-
related hazards. That’s why NFPA Journal is a “must read” for the industry’s key decision makers.

Nearly 50,000 readers turn to NFPA
Journal every issue for its insightful
editorial content
    professional and technical content our members

    influence the codes and standards of tomorrow.

    experts examines the latest industry innovations
    and advocacy programs.

The industry’s best-read publication is
also its most effective marketing tool
NFPA Journal readers control a huge portion of the industry’s
buying power. They rate the NFPA Journal as their “most
useful publication when making purchase decisions.” And a
comprehensive redesign has made the magazine
even more relevant and visually appealing to meet the
changing needs of readers. . .and advertisers.

Add extra impact to your marketing
Two unique and cost-effective marketing opportunities can
enhance your results through the strong affiliation and trust
readers have for NFPA Journal and the NFPA.

    Placement of a full-page editorial style ad in our
    Sponsored Content Section lets you highlight your
    company’s latest products and effectively generate leads.
    See page 9 for more information.

    Your furnished inserts, outserts, polybagging, gatefolds,
    belly bands, and business reply cards can ride with NFPA
    Journal. Contact your sales representative for rates and

INTEGRATED MEDIA PLANNER - 2018 Your source for qualified professionals seeking the knowledge and support
Every issue of NFPA Journal brings important coverage of fire, life safety, and electrical issues—
information that is timely, deeply researched, and accessible to a wide readership. NFPA Journal
helps readers understand the big picture, with knowledge that is critical for success in many
professional disciplines.

Top Professionals                                                     Products Readers Buy                                 Our advertisers say it all...
35% Architect, Engineer, Consultant,                                  51%         Education/Training                        1
    Contractor                                                        41% Sprinkler Systems                                “What is most impressive about NFPA
31%      Facilities Safety Officer, Security                          39% Fire Alarm Panels & Peripherals                  Journal is their clear separation of
         Officer                                                                                                           editorial and advertising. This editorial
                                                                      39% Suppression Systems
27% Owner, President, Manager,                                                                                             integrity generates serious, qualified
    Administrator, Supervisor                                         38% Smoke Detection Systems
                                                                                                                           readers that advertisers appreciate.”
5%       Installer/Distributor                                        36% Voice/Fire Alarm Notification Systems                 ~ Marketing Communications Manager,
2%       No answer                                                    32% Wire and Cable Up 19%!                                  Marinette, WI
                                                                      32% Fire Pumps                                        2
                                                                      30% Inspection/Design Software Up 58%!               “We need to reach the people in fire
Type of Businesses Readers                                                                                                 protection engineering who are ready
                                                                      26% Fire-Rated Building Products
Work In                                                                                                                    to push their careers to the next level.
                                                                      22% Hazardous Material Storage
33% Architectural, Engineering, Consulting,                                                                                We find the NFPA Journal is regularly
    Design, Contracting                                                                                                    read by both the fire workforce and its
                                                                      Results delivered by
30% Government Agency                                                                                                      management team—just the audience we
                                                                      NFPA Journal                                         want.”
16% Industrial: Including manufacturing,
                                                                      38% Visited an advertiser’s website                       ~ Associate Director of Marketing,
    processing, warehousing,
    petrochemical, mining, utilities                                  35% Discussed an ad/article with someone                    Worcester, MA
                                                                          else in the company
16% Institutional: Including health care,                                                                                   3
    educational, correctional, religious,                             32% Referred an ad/article to someone                “We have been placing ads with NFPA
    transportation services (air, rail,                                   else in the company by passing along a
                                                                                                                           Journal for over 15 years. Together with
    marine, motor)                                                        tearsheet, photocopy, or actual issue
                                                                                                                           NFPA’s large distribution scale and great
5%       Commercial: Including office, retail,                        16% Recommended/specified products or                ad placement, the results enable greater
         restaurant, data processing, financial,                          services advertised                              reader response, which equals good
         telecommunications                                           16% Requested additional information from            business.”
                                                                          a company, sales representative, or                   ~ Customer Service Manager
                                                                          distributor                                             Las Vegas, NV
                                                                      11%         Bought products or services advertised

     NFPA Journal readers spend millions of dollars annually specifying, purchasing, or
     installing fire and life safety products!
     82% of NFPA Journal readers are involved in specifying, recommending, and approving
     product purchases.
     In the past year, 62% of readers took one or more actions as a result of seeing an
     advertisement or article in NFPA Journal.
     49% of NFPA Journal readership is unduplicated by other professional publications—
     up 69% in the past year—proof that, even when budgets get tight, NFPA Journal is
     the ONE publication the industry can't do without.
    Statements and percentages contained herein compiled from NFPA Journal® Signet AdStudy® Report
INTEGRATED MEDIA PLANNER - 2018 Your source for qualified professionals seeking the knowledge and support
Rates (B/W Rates 25% off color rates)

                        Full Page           2/3 Page            1/2 Page                 1/3 Page                     1/4 Page
1x                      $9,200              $7,650              $6,740                   $5,960                       $5,620
3x                      $8,980              $7,470              $6,580                   $5,860                       $5,520
6x                      $8,640              $7,290              $6,410                   $5,730                       $5,400
9x                      $8,440              $7,190              $6,300                   $5,620                       $5,280
12x                     $8,200              $7,030              $6,190                   $5,520                       $5,170
18x                     $7,990              $6,860              $6,070                   $5,400                       $5,070

                                                                          te in cre ase for 2018!
                                                                     No ra
ADVERTISING SPECIFICATIONS                                                                   PUBLICATION
                                                                                             TRIM SIZE: 8 1⁄8'' x 10 7⁄8''

 Mechanical Specifications                      Acceptable File Formats                               FULL PAGE       2 PAGE SPREAD
                                                                                                    81/8" x 107/8"      16 1/2" x 11 1/8"
 BLEED—Allow 1/8'' bleed beyond trim.           PDF files/X1-A preferred.
                                                                                                        Live area
 SPREADS—Keep live matter 1/4'' from            Ads created in Adobe Illustrator and                     7” x 10”
 gutter.                                        Freehand can be provided as EPS files
 PREFERRED MATERIAL— Electronic art             with all fonts created as outlines.
 to specifications.                             Be sure to include fonts or save fonts as
                                                outlines.                                       2/3 PAGE
 COLOR PROOF—Required with all four-
                                                Ads created in Adobe Photoshop can              VERTICAL
 color ads.
                                                be provided as EPS or TIFF files with        4 1/2" x 97/16"
 PRINTING—Web offset on coated stock.           resolution of 300 dpi.
 Premium Positions                              • All color images must be separated                   1/2 PAGE
 (Premium applied to earned frequency             as CMYK.                                         HORIZONTAL
 plus four-color cost)                                                                              67/8" x 41/2"
                                                • All fonts must be included as both
 Back Cover:                  Plus 35%
                                                  screen and printer fonts. Truetype
 Inside Front Cover:          Plus 30%
 Inside Back Cover:           Plus 20%            fonts are not acceptable.
 Page 1:                      Plus 20%          • Laser proofs for black and white ads
 Guaranteed Position:         Plus 10%            and color proofs for color ads must                   1/3 PAGE                1/3 PAGE
                                                  accompany all digital materials.                       SQUARE                 VERTICAL
 Digital Advertising Material                                                                       4 1/2" x 4 7/8"         2 1/8" x 9 7/16"

 Requirements                                   Advertising Materials
 ACCEPTABLE MEDIA—Ads may be                    Dorinda Fergason
 submitted by email to       Advertising Operations Manager
 or on CD formatted for Macintosh.              NFPA Journal                                            1/4 PAGE
 FTP TRANSFERS—Call for instructions.           1 Batterymarch Park                                  35/16" x 41/2"
                                                Quincy, MA 02169
 back cover.
                                                P 617.984.7323
                                                F 617.984.7090

INTEGRATED MEDIA PLANNER - 2018 Your source for qualified professionals seeking the knowledge and support
Make sure your message reaches your best customers all year long—and target special interest
groups with the editorial focus—in each issue of NFPA Journal!

 Issue               Closing Dates       Featured Editorial
 JANUARY/FEBRUARY    Advertising Close   Projected feature stories: Safety issues related to the use of ride sharing services,
                     12/7/17             including Uber and Lyft, for emergency medical transport; Evidence-based design: What is it, how
 2018*                                   it’s used, and how it can optimize health care outcomes
                     Materials Close     • Update on the 2018 edition of NFPA 80 and fire door issues in health care occupancies • Update
                     12/14/17             on the 2018 edition of NFPA 99, Health Care Facilities Code
                                         Special focus: Health care occupancies

 MARCH/APRIL 2018*   Advertising Close   Projected feature stories: Addressing the fire problem in waste recycling facilities;
                     2/7/18              Addressing fire safety issues in micro distilleries
                                         • Updates on NFPA standards related to combustible metals and combustible dust • Look ahead
                     Materials Close      at 2019 edition of NFPA 30B, Manufacture and Storage of Aerosol Products
                     2/14/18             Additional coverage: Expanded preview of the 2018 Conference & Expo in Las Vegas
                                         Special focus: Industrial and storage occupancies
                                         FREE Advertiser Bonus: Place a half-page or larger ad in this issue and receive a free AdStudy
                                         report designed to measure the effectiveness of your advertisement

 MAY/JUNE 2018       Advertising Close   Projected feature stories: Fire station design—new thinking on preventing firefighter
                     4/9/18              cancer
 NFPA CONFERENCE                         • Update on NFPA 150, Fire and Life Safety in Animal Housing Facilities • An overview of the 2019
 & EXPO SHOW         Materials Close      editions of the NFPA 13 family, including important changes to NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinkler
 ISSUE*              4/16/18              Systems • An overview of changes to the 2019 edition of NFPA 72®, National Fire Alarm and
                                          Signaling Code • The latest on NFPA 111, Stored Electrical Energy Emergency and Standby Power
                                         Special focus: 2018 NFPA Conference & Expo preview

 CONFERENCE                                 JUNEÐN FPA CONFERENCE MEDIA

 JULY/AUGUST 2018*   Advertising Close   Projected feature stories: NFPA’s 2017 U.S. firefighter fatalities report
                     6/7/18              • Updates to the 2019 edition of NFPA 610, Guide for Emergency and Safety Operations at
                                          Motorsports Venues • Update on the development of NFPA 1300, Community Risk Assessment
                     Materials Close      and Community Risk Reduction Plan Development
                     6/14/18             Special focus: Assembly occupancies

 SEPTEMBER/          Advertising Close   Projected feature stories: Addressing fire and life safety issues in spaceports; NFPA’s 2017
                     8/7/18              U.S. fire loss report; NFPA’s 2017 U.S. catastrophic multiple-death fires report
 OCTOBER 2018*                           • Update on NFPA 3000, the new standard for preparedness and response to active shooter
                     Materials Close      and hostile events • Update on the 2019 edition of NFPA 914, Code for Fire Protection of Historic
                     8/14/18              Structures
                                         Special focus: Government, civic, educational, and cultural occupancies

 NOVEMBER/           Advertising Close   Projected feature stories: NFPA’s 2017 U.S. firefighter injuries report; NFPA’s 2017 U.S.
                     10/8/18             large loss fires report
 DECEMBER 2018*                          • U pdate on 2019 edition of NFPA 1221, Installation, Maintenance, and Use of Emergency
                     Materials Close      Services Communications Systems • Update on the development of NFPA 451, Guide for Fire
                     10/15/18             Based Community Healthcare Providers
                                         Special focus: New topics related to sprinklers and alarms

                                         * All information is tentative and subject to change. Find updates to the editorial calendar for
                                           each issue at

INTEGRATED MEDIA PLANNER - 2018 Your source for qualified professionals seeking the knowledge and support
                                                                                                                                                                  NFPA members depend on each issue of NFPA Journal for information
                                                                 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION

                                                                                                                                                                  they can trust on cutting-edge products and emerging technologies
                                                                                                                                                                  when making their buying decisions. Placement of a full-page editorial
               THINKING BEYOND
                                                                                                                                                                  style ad in our Sponsored Content Section lets you highlight your
               THE CODE
               The Need For Supplemental Fire Suppression
                                                                                                                                                                  company’s latest products and provides valuable and effective lead
                                                                                                                                                                  generation. And Sponsored Content will also be included in the NFPA
          M    ost developed countries have created
               or adopted a fire code for industrial
               and commercial buildings. The prem-
               ise of most code is both simple and
                                                              continuity. In virtually every facil-
                                                              ity there is critical equipment that
                                                                                                     presence of operators, equipment
                                                                                                     has been completely destroyed either
                                                                                                     due to inadequate training or inad-
                                                              presents an elevated fire risk. In spite
                                                              of this increased risk, code remains   equate resources to fight the fire.
                                                                                                                                                                  Journal Online edition.
               essential: Protect life and structure.         generalized in focus with an emphasis     “To fully protect their assets,
                 But is meeting fire code enough? For         on full building sprinkler systems for architects, specifiers and facilities
               some businesses which utilize readily          the purpose of protecting occupants    managers working in the industrial
               replaceable equipment and can toler-           and the structure itself. Although     or manufacturing industries need to

                                                                                                                                                                  Talk with your NFPA Journal advertising representative for pricing.
               ate some downtime, perhaps it is. How-         the building and the occupants are     offer protection for their facilities
               ever, many forward-looking companies           protected with the sprinkler system,   that activates well before a fire gets
               that are taking a closer look at their         critical equipment may not be pro-     to the stage where the sprinklers go
               operations as part of a best practices         tected. That is when a supplemental    off. They need to go beyond code,”
               or business continuity exercise have           suppression system is needed.          said Scott Starr, Director of Market-
               found that code simply isn’t enough to                                                                   ing at Firetrace
               protect them from catastrophe. Either                Ensuring continuity of business and the             International. “These
               downtime or the loss of specific equip-                                                                  professionals need
                                                                    reduction in downtime is seeing companies
               ment could be crippling, placing the                                                                     to be thinking about
               future of the business in question, so
                                                                    go beyond fire code by adding supplemental          putting additional
               they are actively seeking supplemental               fire suppression systems as part of their           fire suppression
               solutions to further mitigate their risk.            resiliency planning.                                systems in place in
                 With many businesses never reopen-                                                                     areas and equip-
               ing after a fire, an important part               According to a 2012 NFPA report     ment with elevated risk for the
               of planning for the future is making           on fires in U.S. industrial and manu-  benefit of their clients.”
               sure enough attention has been paid            facturing facilities, shop tools and      Firetrace is a world leader in special
               to protecting assets. For a company            industrial equipment were involved     hazard fire protection, providing
               to remain viable it must not only be           in 29% of structure fires. Small       both in cabinet and machine level
               able to survive an incident but also           particles such as dust, fiber, or lint fire protection for high value and/or
               be resilient enough that the damage            (including sawdust) were the first     mission critical machinery and equip-
               caused is not catastrophically expen-          items to ignite in 12% of fires.       ment as well as the new E4 engineered
               sive and any downtime is minimal.                 For example, fires in CNC ma-       systems for protection of large
                 While facilities are required to             chines can cause significant damage    rooms. Genuine Firetrace systems
               abide by fire regulations, fire code is        in seconds and potentially spread      are available through a network of
               not written to emphasize business              throughout the facility. Even in the   over 500 distributors worldwide.

              For information on NFPA Journal sponsored content email Æ         SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2015 NFPA JOURNAL    83

 NFPA_Fire Trace SC_09.15 .indd 83                                                                                                             8/26/15 11:42 AM

As part of its commitment to enhancing public safety, NFPA makes its key codes and standards available online for
review at no charge. Convenient on-demand access places important safety documents on the desktops of
traditional industry users as well as members of the general public. Your message here will reach readers who have
a keen interest in safety topics. Ads will appear on free access code pages as “interstitial ads”.

Talk with your NFPA Journal advertising representative for pricing.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Advertising Questions
                                                                                                                                                                                                     For questions, please contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Kayla Fuqua
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mohanna Sales Representatives
                                                                                                                                                                                                     305 W. Spring Creek Parkway
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Building C, Suite 101
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Plano, TX 75023
                                                                                                                                                                                                     T 214.291.3648
                                                                                                                                                                                                     F 972.985.8069

INTEGRATED MEDIA PLANNER - 2018 Your source for qualified professionals seeking the knowledge and support
More exposure for your advertising message
Features, articles, and archives from NFPA’s award-winning publication continuously draw
qualified member and nonmember industry professionals to NFPA Journal Online. This
content-rich site offers great visibility for your products and services, plus the option to appear
with member-only features.

Each issue of NFPA Journal is available online with all the magazine’s stories and ads just as
they appear in print—plus hot links to advertisers’ web pages.

  1                                                                                                       A
Top Banner Ad (A)
Your message gets optimum visibility atop the NFPA Journal site.
(728 x 90) run of site. File size limit: 40K

Skyscraper Ad (B)
Positioned in the left navigation bar and rotates throughout all                                                C
NFPA Journal site pages. (120 x 600) run of site. File size limit: 40K

Feature Article Sponsor (C)
Ad within NFPA Journal feature article.                                                     B
(300 x 250)
File size limit: 40K

      Advertising Rates

                                                                                                 for 2018!
      1 month                   3 months                 6 months
      $1,900 net                $3,900 net               $6,450 net
                                                                                 rate in cre ase
      1 month                   3 months                 6 months
      $1,450 net                $3,200 net               $4,950 net   apps
                                                                               available for all mobile
      FEATURE ARTICLE SPONSOR                                                  devices
      2 months                                                                 Android
      $3,200 net                                                               Apple iOS            

As a paid advertiser in NFPA Journal, your company name and product detail will receive extra exposure—and a
bonus in sales leads—through inclusion in this online program at no additional charge.

NFPA Journal uses the proactive eResponse program from Inquiry
Management Systems (IMS). After their print issue arrives, NFPA Journal
subscribers receive electronic reader service “cards” via
e-mail, offering a second chance to find out more about
advertisers and products in the latest issue in order to
generate increased lead volume for you and produce results
that competing publications can’t match.

The cards allow readers to click through to your web site, pull
up a full copy of your ad, or request more information. Any of
these actions generates a lead, and all leads are delivered to
you electronically in a single, easy-to-use lead package.

Add even more impact to this opportunity
A single banner ad will appear on each issue’s reader service card e-mail.

   Advertising Rates
   1 issue                 $3,470 net

   728x90 px

Effective electronic newsletters add more impressions in your target market
There is no better way to get your message to qualified professionals. Recipients of NFPA’s opt-in e-newsletters are
top decision makers in the fire, electrical, and building safety industry who will see and react to your digital ad
because it is part of their essential reading.

Each issue of NFPA News provides detailed information about NFPA codes and standards
activities and related news that is critical to NFPA members involved in the standards       1
development process. This e-newsletter is emailed monthly.

     Advertising Rates
               Size                  Price               Duration
Banner 1       600 X 90              $4,000 net          1 issue                             2
                                     $8,500 net          3 issues
                                     $15,500 net         6 issues
Banner 2       600 X 90              $2,250 net          1 issue
                                     $5,100 net          3 issues
                                     $7,600 net          6 issues
Banner 3       600 X 90              $1,750 net          1 issue
                                     $4,350 net          3 issues
                                     $6,850 net          6 issues

NEC Connect News
A monthly electrical e-newsletter from the publisher of NFPA 70®, National Electrical
Code®. This newsletter keeps electrical industry professionals informed about the
latest code-related articles and executive summaries.                                        1

     Advertising Rates
               Size                  Price               Duration
Banner 1       600 X 90              $4,000 net          1 issue
                                     $8,500 net          3 issues
                                     $15,500 net         6 issues                            2
Banner 2       600 X 90              $2,250 net          1 issue
                                     $5,100 net          3 issues
                                     $7,600 net          6 issues                            2
Banner 3       600 X 90              $1,750 net          1 issue                             3
                                     $4,350 net          3 issues
                                     $6,850 net          6 issues                            3
     More newsletter advertising opportunities on next page.

NFPA Journal Update (members only)
This e-newsletter reaches influential NFPA members with additional                           1
articles, features, and special online exclusives. It is sent out twice a
month to up to 40,000 NFPA members.

Safety Source                                                                               2

A monthly e-newsletter on the latest information and happenings
in NFPA’s Public Education division: activities, educational tips, and
Sparky the Fire Dog®.

Fire Sprinkler Initiative News                                                                                                         1
The monthly e-newsletter is a resource for home fire sprinkler advocates                    3
working to increase the use of life-saving sprinklers in new construction.

     Advertising Rates                                                                                                                2
               Size                     Price               Duration
Banner 1       600 X 90                 $2,500 net          1 issue
                                        $5,660 net          3 issues
                                        $9,290 net          6 issues
Banner 2       600 X 90                 $1,500 net          1 issue
                                        $3,200 net          3 issues
                                        $5,100 net          6 issues
Banner 3       600 X 90                 $1,300 net          1 issue                                                                   3
                                        $3,000 net          3 issues
                                        $4,900 net          6 issues
All three banner positions $4,500 per month

     Image Specifications
Maximum File Size — 40k
Acceptable File Formats — gif or jpeg
Animation — acceptable; no flash (Note: Animated ads will only rotate in
“view in browser.”)

     Advertising Materials                                                                       3

All e-newsletter materials are due 2 weeks prior to publication.
All e-newsletter dates and circulation are subject to change without notice.   For information, pricing, and distribution dates on
                                                                               other NFPA newsletters—including e-Access,
     Advertising Questions                                                     Research+Analysis, and Fire Break—go to
                                                                      or contact your sales
For the latest information about distribution, schedule, stats, and more go
                                                                               representative at
to or contact:
Lynne Grant
Sales & Advertising Coordinator                                                                      NFPA® and NFPA Journal® are registered trademarks of the
                                                                                                     National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park,
NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169                                                          Quincy, MA 02169
P 617.984.7790 F 617.984.7090
Awareness Opportunities

Connect with potential customers exactly when they are looking for
information about products and services
June 11–14, 2018 • Las Vegas, NV

Exhibit Directory                                    Mobile App for the 2018
More than 4,500
NFPA members
                                                     Conference & Expo
come to the NFPA                                     NFPA is again offering advertising
Conference & Expo                                    on the C & E mobile phone app in
looking for ways to                                  2018.
do a better job…
solve a problem…                                     Contact your Regional
save money…make                                      Sales Representative for all
more money…update their knowledge…keep up with       opportunities and pricing.
the competition…and more. Whatever their reasons
for attending, they will never be more receptive     • Available for download to all
to new ideas. And that’s why your advertisement        smartphones
in the Exhibit Directory is a “must buy” that will   • 2018 app will be live May 2018
reach thousands of interested fire and life safety     and remain active for one year
professionals — including architects, consultants,
facilities managers, and municipal officials.        • App will be promoted in
                                                       conference hand-outs and
                                                       publications, on the website, Twitter, Facebook, the
                                                       Blog, and signage around the conference venue

                                                          Advertising Questions
                                                          For questions, please contact:
                                                          Kayla Fuqua
                                                          Mohanna Sales Representatives
                                                          305 W. Spring Creek Parkway
                                                          Building C, Suite 101
                                                          Plano, TX 75023
                                                          T 214.291.3648
                                                          F 972.985.8069

                                                                                     Terms and Conditions:
                                                                                     By submitting advertising to the publisher, National Fire Protection Association (“NFPA”), for publication in
                                                                                     NFPA Journal or the other publications described in this media kit (the “NFPA Publications”), the advertiser

                                                                                     and its agency, if there is one, each agree to the rates in this media kit and to the following other terms and
                                                                                     Advertising Content and Acceptance: All advertisements are accepted and published entirely on the
                                                                                     representation that the advertising agency and/or advertiser are properly authorized to publish the entire
THESE REPRESENTATIVES WILL                                                           contents and subject matter thereof. The advertiser and its agency shall have full responsibility for the
                                                                                     content of their advertisements. Notwithstanding, the NFPA shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to
HELP YOU PUT THE POWER OF                                                            reject advertising for any reason whatsoever.
NFPA JOURNAL® BEHIND YOUR                                                            Indemnification: It is understood that, in consideration of the publication of advertisements, the advertiser
MARKETING MESSAGE.                                                                   and/or advertising agency will indemnify and hold the NFPA harmless from and against any claims or suits
                                                                                     for libel, violation of rights of privacy, plagiarism, trademark, patent and copyright infringements (including
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                                                                                     Publication not to constitute Endorsement: The appearance of advertising in NFPA Publications does

NFPA Sales Contact
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                                                                                     products or services. The advertiser and its agency shall not, either in NFPA Publications or elsewhere,
                                                                                     claim or imply, directly or indirectly, any such NFPA endorsement or approval, nor shall they utilize the
Kayla Fuqua                                                                          fact of advertising in NFPA Publications to market or promote any advertising claims of the advertiser, its
Mohanna Sales Representatives                                                        products or services.

305 W. Spring Creek Parkway                                                          Identification of Advertisements: The NFPA reserves the right to add the word “Advertisement” at the
                                                                                     top and/or bottom of, or anywhere within any publication page, that in the NFPA sole judgment, too closely
Building C, Suite 101                                                                resembles editorial pages of the publication.
Plano, TX 75023                                                                      Agency Commission: 15% of the gross billing allowed to recognized agencies on space, color, and position
T 214.291.3648                                                                       only, provided account is paid within 30 (thirty) days of invoice date. Supplied inserts are priced NET.
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  2                                                                                  contract, insertion order, purchase order, etc.

National Sales Director
                                                                                     Limitation of Liability: The liability of the NFPA for any act, error or omission, including those caused
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                                                                                     advertisement in question. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the NFPA assumes no liability whatsoever: for
Bill Mello                                                                           errors in key numbers, the reader service section, advertisers’ index, or any type set by the NFPA; for any
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                                                                                     accidents, fires, acts of God or any circumstance not in control of the NFPA; or for the accuracy of any
1 Batterymarch Park                                                                  corrections or changes made to any advertiser’s materials.
Quincy, MA 02169                                                                     Terms of Sale: Terms of sale are NET 30 (thirty) days from date of invoice, No cash discounts allowed.
T 617.984.7543                                                                       Line of Credit: Advertiser’s line of credit may increase or decrease from time to time. Such changes will be
F 617.984.7090                                                                       made at the sole discretion of NFPA and no advanced notification is promised or implied.
E                                                                    Collection Related Issues: NFPA may notify the advertiser if advertiser’s agency has not paid in full within
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                                                                                     Whole Agreement: The rates and other terms and conditions set forth in this media kit shall constitute the
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Founded in 1896, NFPA’s mission is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on
the quality of life by providing and advocating consensus codes and standards, research, training,
and education

NFPA®, NFPA Journal®, necplus®, National Electric Code®, NEC®, and NFPA 70E® are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169

These representatives will help you put the power of
NFPA Journal® behind your marketing message.


NFPA Sales Contact
Kayla Fuqua
Mohanna Sales Representatives
305 W. Spring Creek Parkway, Building C, Suite 101
Plano, TX 75023
T 214.291.3648
F 972.985.8069


National Sales Director
Bill Mello
1 Batterymarch Park
Quincy, MA 02169
T 617.984.7543
F 617.984.7090

Founded in 1896, NFPA’s mission is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards
on the quality of life by providing and advocating consensus codes and standards, research,
training, and education.

NFPA® is a registered trademark of the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169
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