I N T E G R AT E D
                                                 SOLAR ROOF TILES

              I N S TA L L AT I O N G U I D E

                                                                        7960 Silverton Ave. St. 123,
                                                                             San Diego CA, 92126
                                                                                  Ph: 858.215.4344
                                                                                  UL 1703 / UL 790

                                                                                     Kevin Reeves
                                                                               Operations Manager
                                                                                 Ph. 619.888.3625

                                                                                         Robert Wilcox

                                                                                  Bruce Wintemute
                                                                         Ph: 888.291.1457 Ext. 102

                                                                          Brian Roth, P.Eng., MBA,
                                                                              Ph: +1 778 828 6764

7960 SILVERTON AVENUE UNIT 123, SAN DIEGO CA, 92126                                             G O S O L AR ,
UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624
                                                                                           © Ergosun 2020

                                                             Developed by Solarmass Energy Group
                                                                       7960 Silverton Ave. St. 123,
                                                                             San Diego CA, 92126
                              I N T E G R AT E D                  
                              SOLAR ROOF TILES                   
                                                                                 Ph: 858.215.4344
                                                                                 UL 1703 / UL 790


SAFETY WARNINGS.............................. 1         MECHANICAL          ROOM..............        8
PRE-INSTALLATION............................... 2       TROUBLESHOOTING.................             9
EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS.................. 3               SYSTEM ILLUSTRATIONS.........                10
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & WIRING.... 4                     PRODUCT DATA SHEET.............             12
CONNECTING RECEIVERS..................... 5             SALES & MARKETING INFO......                14
CONNECTING TILES.............................. 6        CERTIFICATION LABEL..............           17
SYSTEM DIAGRAM............................... 7         LISTING REPORT........................      18

7960 SILVERTON AVENUE UNIT 123, SAN DIEGO CA, 92126                                              G O S O L AR ,
UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624
                                                                                        © Ergosun 2021

                                                                   Developed by Solarmass Energy Group
                                                                             7960 Silverton Ave. St. 123,
                                                                                   San Diego CA, 92126
                                 I N T E G R AT E D                     
                                 SOLAR ROOF TILES                      
                                                                                       Ph: 858.215.4344
                                                                                       UL 1703 / UL 790


   Please read this entire document before han-          WARNING: To avoid risk of elecric shock, fire,
   dling, wiring, operating, or servicing Ergosun        injury, or death:
   roof tiles.
                                                         Solar roof tiles when exposed to direct sunlight
   Site visit, permitting, system design, and other      create DC energy. Cover the surface of the
   general information need to be established by         module with a nonpermeable covering when
   a structural engineer & certified electrician         installing to avoid unwanted energy generation.
   before a licensed C-46 or GC (CA & CO) begin
   installation of an Ergosun system.                    Shock hazard increases as more solar tiles are
                                                         connected in parallel strings. When modules are
   Ensure that local authorities and correspond-         connected, they will produce a higher voltage.
   ing energy companies approve permit/site
   installation before solar roof tiles are installed.   Never exceed local jurisdiction maximum volt-
                                                         age per array. Tile series and voltage should be
   If switching from a different roofing material,       permitted and reviewed before connecting.
   be sure to submit roofing permits prior to
   installation of a new roof.                           Work only in dry conditions with proper safety
                                                         gear. wear gloves, guards, and nonconductible
   Ensure that the structural integrity of the roof      clothing. Only use tools that are permitted to use
   has been approved to hold the weight of a             with electrical currents when handling electricity.
   concrete roof tile: Boral Saxony 900 Series -
   940lb/sq Boral Saxony 600 Series - 585lb/sq.          Never connect Ergosun solar roof tiles to other
                                                         solar power generating products.
   Always secure roof tiles to battons with pref-
   fered fastening method.                               Never install a broken or damages tile. Contact
                                                         Ergosun directly to receive a replacement.
   Never move multiple tiles connected to eacho-
   ther. Always unplug, and shut down power to a         Do not carry a module by its MC4 wiring or junc-
   string before maintenence.                            tion box.

   Avoid damage to the module top surface by             Please refer to section 690.8 of the National
   handlingwith care. If a module must be laid           Electric Code (NEC) for more guidlines.
   face down, do so on a non-abrasive surface.

7960 SILVERTON AVENUE UNIT 123, SAN DIEGO CA, 92126                                                   G O S O L AR ,
UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624
                                                                                                 © Ergosun 2021

                                                                  Developed by Solarmass Energy Group
                                                                            7960 Silverton Ave. St. 123,
                                                                                  San Diego CA, 92126
                                 I N T E G R AT E D                    
                                 SOLAR ROOF TILES                     
                                                                                      Ph: 858.215.4344
                                                                                      UL 1703 / UL 790


    Instructions are provided as a refference only.        Have a physical copy of an accurate system
    Follow all local and state regulations,safety, and     design to label all strings, connections, and
    laws. For technical questions, contact the local       receivers (Example 1a).
    solar department in your area. Contracted solar
    installer is responsible for all final install meth-   Determine number of penetrations in roof if
    ods & materials. Aim to install components             wires are entering a structure. It is recom-
    according to approved permit.                          mended that the penetrations are located at
                                                           the top of the system.
    For new builds and reroofs, consider establish-
    ing a contact with the project roofing company         Clip junction box housings on to back of solar
    to coordinate installation of tiles & battens. It is   tiles, you will hear a “click”. Pull on MC4 to
    possible for for roofers to assist with laying         ensure connection is secure (Figure 1b).
    Ergosun solar tiles.
    Two/one Qualified Person are recommended to
    start installing inverters, PV combiners, and
    additional equipment a day before solar tiles are
    installed according to design.


7960 SILVERTON AVENUE UNIT 123, SAN DIEGO CA, 92126                                               G O S O L AR ,
UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624
                                                                                             © Ergosun 2021

                                                              Developed by Solarmass Energy Group
                                                                        7960 Silverton Ave. St. 123,
                                                                              San Diego CA, 92126
                                I N T E G R AT E D                 
                                SOLAR ROOF              TILES     
                                                                                  Ph: 858.215.4344
                                                                                  UL 1703 / UL 790


  Ergosun is a manufacturer of solar tiles only. All additional materials necessary for install are the
  responsibility of the solar contractor. Below is a bill of materials created by a solar installer for a
  standard 8kW ergosun system. Each job will vary based on home size, panel location, etc.

  This list is provided FOR REFERENCE ONLY.

7960 SILVERTON AVENUE UNIT 123, SAN DIEGO CA, 92126                                                   G O S O L AR ,
UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624                BEAUTIFULLY.
                                                                                                © Ergosun 2021

                                                                  Developed by Solarmass Energy Group
                                                                            7960 Silverton Ave. St. 123,
                                                                                  San Diego CA, 92126
                                 I N T E G R AT E D                    
                                 SOLAR ROOF TILES                     
                                                                                      Ph: 858.215.4344
                                                                                      UL 1703 / UL 790


     Install Inverters according to manual (at          Install AC disconnect at least 6” away from right
     least 24” apart) (using six 3”x1/4 self-topping    of inverter.
     screws with flat washer)
                                                        Install Emergency Disconnect and Electrical
     Assemble combiner boxes with fuse holders          Panel 6” away from each other to the right of AC
     and install at least 6” away from the left of      disconnect.


     DC wiring first, according to diagram com-         AC wiring from, AC disconnect 2 to inverter 2,
     biner to inverter. From combiner 1, Combi-         L1 and L2 neutral and bonding, then back to
     nation of 1 to 5 into input 1 inverter 1, Com-     30amps double pole breaker in 100amps
     bination of 6 to 9 into input 2 inverter 1 with    panel.
     neutral and grounds wire.
                                                        Wiring transmitters according diagram T1, T2
     DC wiring according to diagram combiner to         and T3 in parallel, back to rapid shut down
     inverter. From combiner 2, Combination of          emergency disconnect and to the sub panel
     10 to 13 into input 1 inverter 2, Combination      15amps breaker.
     of 14 to 17 into input 2 inverter 2 with neutral
     and grounds wire.                                  Wire to input 1 to inverter number 1 through T1
                                                        and wire to input 2 through T2. Then wires to
     AC wiring from, AC disconnect 1 to inverter        input 1and 2 to inverter number 2 through T3.
     1, L1 and L2 neutral and bonding, then back
     to 30amps double pole breaker in 100amps           Now link 100amps sub main panel to 100amps
     panel.                                             breaker in main panel.

7960 SILVERTON AVENUE UNIT 123, SAN DIEGO CA, 92126                                                 G O S O L AR ,
UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624               BEAUTIFULLY.
                                                                                               © Ergosun 2021

                                                                 Developed by Solarmass Energy Group
                                                                           7960 Silverton Ave. St. 123,
                                                                                 San Diego CA, 92126
                                I N T E G R AT E D                    
                                SOLAR ROOF TILES                     
                                                                                     Ph: 858.215.4344
                                                                                     UL 1703 / UL 790


    Connect all 48 panel in series measure voltage      Installing receiver on a piece of ply sheet 3” x
    and record value clearly in a book string 1 = 38    3” screw on to the ply sheeting of the roof in
    x 12.1 = 460v.                                      the middle of tile # 1 of string # 1.
    (Reading should be +/- 10 volts max)
                                                        Then loop panel wires and receiver wires and
    Turn Receiver according to diagram                  install tile # 1 of string # 1.

    Label from left to right wires L1, L2, L3 and L4    Measure and record string voltage in combiner
                                                        now that the receiver is connected, you should
    Disconnect Panel #1 from string and L1 and L3       get the voltage of one panel approximately
    is connected to the first panel in the string.      12.1 volts. Note: this will change when the
    (Panel # 1 is connected to string through receiv-   transmitter is activated to 580 volts.
                                                        Keep all breakers and disconnect off until all
    L2 is connected to the positive + of panel # 2 in   strings are completed and you are ready to
    the string.                                         commission system.)

    L4 will be connect to string lead wire going
    straight to fuse # 1in combiner box # 1.

    Also the Negative of Panel #48 will be connect-
    ed string lead wire going straight to Neutral bar
    in combiner box # 1.

7960 SILVERTON AVENUE UNIT 123, SAN DIEGO CA, 92126                                                 G O S O L AR ,
UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624              BEAUTIFULLY.
SALES@ERGOSUNUSA.COM                                                                           © Ergosun 2021

                                                                   Developed by Solarmass Energy Group
                                                                             7960 Silverton Ave. St. 123,
                                                                                   San Diego CA, 92126
                                 I N T E G R AT E D                     
                                 SOLAR ROOF TILES                      
                                                                                       Ph: 858.215.4344
                                                                                       UL 1703 / UL 790


   One Qualified person to supervise panel              Double check number of tiles in each string to
   installation, test for correct VOC and make          ensure correspondence with desired VOC. If
   proper mc4 crimping and connection.                  there are 40 tiles at 12 volts, a reading of
                                                        480-500 volts should be received.
   Only combine strings of tiles on the same
   face/orientation of a roof.                          It is possible that the Labtest current/voltage for
                                                        these modules may vary compared to real world
   Ensure AWG wiring routes are planned before
   laying tiles.
                                                        Absolutely no joining of wires, only where strings
                                                        start and end, straight to the combiner box.
   Strings of tiles can be placed up or down
   through battons to continue a line of tiles. Addi-   Always pull and test MC4 connection for firm-
   tonal personnel can test inverter, confirm           ness and ensure water tight.
   VOC, and connect AWG wiring to designated
   fuse holder according to design.                     Be on the lookout for low VOC as of result of
                                                        bad/broken panels. Replace any broken panel
                                                        even if it is giving great VOC may affect future
   Ensure all tiles with receiver underneath them       output of the system.
   are discreetly identifiable and clearly identifi-
   able on roof drawing that identify each string.
   Plans are strongly encouraged for future refer-
   ence to check or replace individual tiles.

   Ensure all 17 strings positive and negative
   wires are all labelled.

7960 SILVERTON AVENUE UNIT 123, SAN DIEGO CA, 92126                                                  G O S O L AR ,

UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624
                                                                                                © Ergosun 2021

                                                             Developed by Solarmass Energy Group
                                                                       7960 Silverton Ave. St. 123,
                                                                             San Diego CA, 92126
                              I N T E G R AT E D                  
                              SOLAR ROOF TILES                   
                                                                                 Ph: 858.215.4344
                                                                                 UL 1703 / UL 790


7960 SILVERTON AVENUE UNIT 123, SAN DIEGO CA, 92126                                         G O S O L AR ,
UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624
                                                                                       © Ergosun 2021

                                                             Developed by Solarmass Energy Group
                                                                       7960 Silverton Ave. St. 123,
                                                                             San Diego CA, 92126
                              I N T E G R AT E D                  
                              SOLAR ROOF TILES                   
                                                                                 Ph: 858.215.4344
                                                                                 UL 1703 / UL 790


7960 SILVERTON AVENUE UNIT 123, SAN DIEGO CA, 92126                                        G O S O L AR ,
UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624
                                                                                       © Ergosun 2021
TM         Developed by Solarmass Energy Group
                                                                           7960 Silverton Ave. St. 123,
                                                                                 San Diego CA, 92126
                           I N T E G R AT E D                        
                           SOLAR ROOF TILES                                          Ph: 858.215.4344
                                                                                     UL 1703 / UL 790


    Strings are not clearly and visibly identified.        Strings combine from different orrientations.

    A poor MC4 connection is located.                      Based on local laws and regulations: No A/C
                                                           or D/C
    Strings combine on the roof, underneath solar          protection.
                                                           No individual A/C disconnect for inverters.
    There is an excess of joining wires in strings.
                                                           10) Poor location choice for inverters.
    Low VOC due to bad or broken solar tiles.

    Diodes are bad or broken.

7960 SILVERTON AVENUE UNIT 123, SAN DIEGO CA, 92126                                                  G O S O L AR ,
UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624
                                                                                             © Ergosun 2020


                                                                                                                 EXAMPLE SYSTEM

                         Figure 4 – Illustra�on Example Drawing of Typical System

                     LabTest Certification Inc.
                     LISTING REPORT
                       Date Issued:   Project No:                Client              Report No:   Revision No:

                       May 8, 2018      16963          Solarmass Energy Group Ltd.   16963-1S          0

                                                 ERGOSUN USA
                              7960 SILVERTON AVENUE UNIT 123, SAN DIEGO CA, 92126
           UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624
                                                    SALES@ERGOSUNUSA.COM                                                © Ergosun 2020

              I N T E G R AT E D
              SOLAR ROOF TILES

                                       Figure 3 – Illustra�on Example Drawing of a 5.4kW System







          1. 10 STRINGS OF 36 SOLARIZED TILES                                                4. INVERTER - DUAL STRING 6.0kW
          2. PENETRATION W/ 2” CONDUIT FROM ROOF                                             5. A/C DISCONNECT
          3. PV12 DC COMBINER BOX (INSIDE EQUIPMENT ROOM)                                    6. 100AMP PANEL LINK / MAIN BREAKER

                                           Figure 3 - Solar Array Weight and Loading Calcula�ons

     Number of Tiles in Total:                  360                                Weight of Individual Panel:           1lb.
     Number of Arrays:                          10                                 Mounting System Weight:               N/A
     Number of Panels in Array:                 36                                 Total Weight of Array:                360 lbs.
     Voltage per Array:                         360                                Solar Panel Area:                     357 sq ft.
     Number of Connections to Roof:             20                                 Total Array Area:                     357 sq ft.
     Total Amps: 15 Amps (14 strings @1.5Amps) divided into 2                      Distributed Load:                     357 lbs.
     inputs on the inverter thus 10.5amps per input.

                                                                       ERGOSUN USA

                                     UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624                © Ergosun 2020

             I N T E G R AT E D
             SOLAR ROOF TILES

                                            Awarded Most
                                            Pioneering Tile
                                                             Energy Innovator Awards,
                                                             CV Magazine 2019

    Ergosun Roofs                                       Our Story
 make a powerful                                      The Ergosun Integrated Solar Roof Tile was

 statement about                                      engineered in the UK and now reliably
                                                      generates power on homes in the US, Canada,

   your home and                                      the United Kingdom, Sweden, South Africa,

your commitment
                                                      and Jamaica using the most common roofing
                                                      material in the world - concrete roof tiles. We

     to the future.                                   continue to grow our geographic footprint with
                                                      many more projects in development globally

                                        ERGOSUN USA
                     7960 SILVERTON AVENUE UNIT 123, SAN DIEGO CA, 92126
      UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624


           I N T E G R AT E D

                                                                                                    SYSTEM DATA

 Solar Technology

SOUTH FACING                                                    ACHIEVE MAXIMUM POWER
HOMES                                                                     ON
                                                               COMPLEX ROOF LINES
Ergosun is connected to the grid or to a
storage system the same as traditional
solar systems and is therefore eligible
                                                                 Renewable energy without sacrificing a home’s
for all of the same tax rebates and
savings.                                                         aesthetic.

Cut cells lower the power load per cell,
increasing efficiency and bypass diode                            Outperforms traditional solar in low light
technology prevents one shaded panel
from affecting others.                                            conditions and at non-optimal orientations.

Warrantied to provide 80% of peak
power after 25 years, Ergosun tiles have
been put through a range of severe                                Choose the amount of power, the types of
weather tests ensuring peak                                       inverters, and battery storage.
performance and are certified to a host
of international standards.

                                                           ERGOSUN USA
                                        7960 SILVERTON AVENUE UNIT 123, SAN DIEGO CA, 92126
                     UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624

              I N T E G R AT E D
              SOLAR ROOF TILES


Absorb more sunlight with our 3rd
generation solar tile. Designed without a
glass surface, our matte finish tiles
consistently provides more energy,
wherever the sun may be. Our low amp,
high voltage system produces energy
earlier in the day, and later into the night.

Enter a new era of solar; cut-cell
technology lowers the power load per
cell, increasing efficiency. Furthermore, a
bypass diode prevents one shaded panel
from affecting others so you can achieve
maximum power on complex rooflines

Add battery storage add usage
monitoring to your system and stay
independent from the grid.

Thank you for your interest in
Ergosun Integrated Solar Tiles.
                                                         ERGOSUN USA
                                      7960 SILVERTON AVENUE UNIT 123, SAN DIEGO CA, 92126
                       UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624
                                                   SALES@ERGOSUNUSA.COM                                     © Ergosun 2020


                                                                                       CERTIFICATION LABEL


                                                                 Solarmass Energy
                                                                    Group Ltd.
                                                              200-120 Lonsdale Ave, North
                                                                    Vancouver, BC,
                                                                       V7M 2E8
                                            Model No.: ergosun 15
                    Max. Power (Pw) +/-                      Current at MPP
                                               15.0 W                                1.45 A
                    5%                                       (imp)
                    Max series                               Short circuit
                    overcurrent                              current (isc)
                                                2.5 A                                1.20 A
                    protection device
                    where required
                                                                 Current temp
                                                                                        0.05 %
                    Open Circuit Voltage                         coefficient
                                                    12 V
                    (Voc)                                        Voltage temp
                                                                                        0.35 %
                    Volt. at max. Power                          Power temp
                                                    10 V                                0.35 %
                                    Power measured in the standard condition (STC).
                                       Irradiation 1000Wm2 AM = 1.5 Temp 25C
                       CAN/CSA C22.2 No 61730-1: 2019
                                                                 Serial Number:
                       CAN/CSA C22.2 No 61730-2: 2019
                              IEC/EN 61730-1:2018
                             IEC/EN 61730-2: 2018
                              IEC/EN 61215-1:2016
                                 UL 61730-1:2017
                                 UL 61730-2: 2017
                    Fire tests, spread-of-flame and burning-
                    brand tests Safety Class A in accordance
                                   with UL 790
                          System Fire Class Rating: See
                    installation instructions for Installation
                      Requirements to achieve a specified
                        system fire class rating with this
                                                   Application Class A and Safety Class II
                      ATTENTION!                           per UL/CSA/IEC/EN 61730-1
                      Never connect or          Tested and certified to harmonized IEC/UL 61730
                      disconnect under                              standards
                         load current                           Produced in China
                                              MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE 600 Vdc
                       Lattention ne se
                      connecte jamais ou
                     ne se deconnecte pas
                          sous charge

                                                  ERGOSUN USA
                               7960 SILVERTON AVENUE UNIT 123, SAN DIEGO CA, 92126
           UNITED STATES 858.215.4344 | CANADA +1 888.291.1457 | EUROPE +44 (0) 117.313.7624
                                             SALES@ERGOSUNUSA.COM                                 © Ergosun 2020
  Solarmass Energy Group Ltd.
           Suite 204, 6360-202 Street
                  Langley, BC
                V2Y 1N2 Canada

Date:            May 8, 2018
Report No.:      16963-1S
Revision No.:    0
Project No.:     16963
Model No.:       ergosun 15
Product Type:    Photovoltaic Roof Tile

    Your Partner in Testing and Certification Inc.

                205 – 8291 92 Street, Delta, BC
                      V4G 0A4, Canada
                    Phone: 604-247-0444
                      Fax: 604-247-0442
LabTest Certification Inc.
    Date Issued:                 Project No:                                       Client                                     Report No:                   Revision No:

    May 8, 2018                     16963                        Solarmass Energy Group Ltd.                                   16963-1S                             0

                                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

         GENERAL TERMS ....................................................................................................................................... 5
         ALTERATION ............................................................................................................................................... 9
         MARKING ................................................................................................................................................... 10
         EXAMPLE MARKING LABEL .................................................................................................................... 12
         PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................... 13
         FIGURES / DIAGRAMS .............................................................................................................................. 16
         PICTURES .................................................................................................................................................. 20
         FACTORY PRODUCTION TESTS ............................................................................................................. 26
         TEST DATA SECTION ............................................................................................................................... 28
         UNLISTED COMPONENTS REQUIRING RE-EVALUATION - N/A .......................................................... 34

                                                                     Page 2 of 34
                                                          DCN: 3008, Rev.9 January 2016
This document may not be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without
                                                permission in writing from LabTest Certification Inc.
LabTest Certification Inc.
    Date Issued:                Project No:                                  Client                                 Report No:   Revision No:

     May 8, 2018                   16963                     Solarmass Energy Group Ltd.                             16963-1S           0

Certification System                           Type 3 (ISO / IEC Guide 67 clauses 6.2 and 6.3)
                                               This report covers the evaluation of ergosun 15, a photovoltaic module with integral
                                               concrete roof tile. Rated power output of 14.5 W 20-cell modules with a maximum
                                               system voltage of 600V; maximum fuse rating of 2.5 A; Class A roof covering material
                                               fire rating.
ICS Code                                       27.160

Report reference No.:                          16963-1S
Note: By signing the below, both the Issuer and the Reviewer hereby declare to abide by the applicable LabTest policies:
1.) Statement of Independence # 3014 (LabTest Employees), or
2.) Independence, Impartiality, and Integrity #1039, clause 11 (Engineering Service Subcontractors).

Complied and Issued by:
                                               Robert Grady
(print name and signature)
Date of issue:                                 May 8, 2018

Reviewed by:
                                               Sandeep Bhayana
(print name and signature)

Date of Review:                                May 8, 2018

    Testing Location (Name):                   LabTest Certification Inc.
Address:                                       3255 Pepper Lane Suite 112, Las Vegas, Nevada 89120 USA
Testing By:                                    Robert Grady

Applicant’s Name:                              Solarmass Energy Group Ltd.
Contact Person:                                Paul Henderson
Address:                                       Suite 204, 6360-202 Street, Langley, B.C., V2Y 1N2, Canada

Test specification                             Photovoltaic Roof Tile
                                                   ➢ CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 61730-1:11 (R2016)
Standard                                           ➢ CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 61730-2:11 (R2016)
(Test Specification)                               ➢ UL 1703 (Ed. No.3)
                                                   ➢ UL 790 (Ed. No.8)
                                               The submitted test item noted below was found to be in compliance with the above
                                               noted standard(s).

Test item description                          Photovoltaic Roof Tile
Manufacture:                                   Solarmass Energy Group Ltd.
Model No.:                                     ergosun 15
                                                     ➢    Electrical:
                                                           ➢ Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 12 V
                                                           ➢ Short Circuit Current (Isc): 1.20 A
                                                           ➢ Voltage at Maximum Power (Vmp): 10 V
                                                                     Page 3 of 34
                                                          DCN: 3008, Rev.9 January 2016
This document may not be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without
                                                permission in writing from LabTest Certification Inc.
LabTest Certification Inc.
    Date Issued:             Project No:                             Client                              Report No:             Revision No:

    May 8, 2018                 16963                  Solarmass Energy Group Ltd.                        16963-1S                      0

                                                      ➢    Current at Maximum Power (Imp): 1.45 A
                                                      ➢    Maximum Power (Pw): 14.5 W
                                                      ➢    Maximum System Voltage: 600V
                                                      ➢    Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 25°C to 55°C
                                                      ➢    Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to 85°C

                                                ➢    Roof Covering Material Fire Class Rating:
                                                      ➢ Class A

                                           Note: Electrical ratings measured in standard test conditions (STC) of 1000 W/m², AM
                                           1.5 spectrum, and 25°C.

                                                                     Page 4 of 34
                                                          DCN: 3008, Rev.9 January 2016
This document may not be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without
                                                permission in writing from LabTest Certification Inc.
LabTest Certification Inc.
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                                                         GENERAL TERMS

Test item particulars: Ergosun 15, a photovoltaic module with integral concrete roof tile. Rated power output of 14.5 W
20-cell modules with a maximum system voltage of 600V; maximum fuse rating of 2.5 A; Class A roof covering material
fire rating.

Possible test case verdicts

Test case does not apply to the test object :           N/A
Test item does meet the requirement ........ :          Pass (P)
Test item does not meet the requirement .. :            Fail (F)


   Conducted at LabTest Certification Inc.
      Date of receipt of test item ....................... : March 21, 2018
      Date(s) of performance of test ................. : March through May, 2018

   File Transfer, testing conducted by
        Certification Body (CB) ……………………:
        Report No. ………………………………….:
        Report Date ………………………………..:

General remarks

This report does not permit the use of the LC mark unless provided with Certificate of Conformity and
Authorization Letter to Mark issued by LabTest Certification Inc.

This report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of the testing laboratory.
The test results presented in this report relate only to the item(s) tested.

(see remark #)" refers to a remark appended to the report.
"(see Annex #)" refers to an annex appended to the report.
   Throughout this report a comma is used as the decimal separator.
   Throughout this report a period is used as the decimal separator.

Report History:

    ➢     Rev. 0 – Issued May 8, 2018

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                            General Requirements and Definitions
         The Applicant and Manufacturer have agreed to produce, test and label LabTest Certification Inc. listed
         products in accordance with the requirements of this Report. The Applicant and Manufacturer have also
         agreed to notify LabTest Certification Inc. and to request authorization in writing prior to using alternate
         parts, components or materials.

         Components used shall be those listed in the LabTest report covering the products specified in the index
         including any amendments and/or revisions.

         The LabTest listing mark applied to the products shall either be separable in form, such as labels
         purchased from LabTest, or on a product nameplate or other media only as specifically authorized by
         LabTest. Use of this listing mark is subject to the control of LabTest.

         Manufacturing and Production Tests shall be performed as required in this Report.

         Periodic unannounced audits of the manufacturing facility shall be scheduled by LabTest. An audit report
         shall be issued after each visit. Special attention will be given to the following:

              •    Conformance of the manufactured product to the descriptions in this Report.
              •    Conformance of the use of the LabTest mark with the requirements of this Report and the Listing,
                   Labeling, and Follow-up Service Agreement.
              •    In-plant Quality Control procedures.
              •    In-plant personnel changes.
              •    Manufacturing changes.
              •    Performance of specified Manufacturing and Production Tests.

         In the event that the LabTest representative identifies non-conformance(s) to any provision of this Report,
         the Applicant shall take one or more of the following actions:
              • Correct the non-conformance(s).
              • Remove the LabTest Certification Mark from non-conforming product.
              • Contact the LabTest Certification Inc. office that issued this Report for additional instructions.

         Representative samples of the subject project were examined and are described in the body of this report.
         Unless specifically stated otherwise, the following general definitions, terminology and construction details

         Asterisk: In "Certified*" the asterisk denotes that an SCC Accredited Certification Monogram appears in
         the components.

         Asterisk: In "Listed*" the asterisk denotes that an OSHA Accredited NRTL Listing Monogram appears in
         the components.

         Equivalent: The phrase "or equiv" denotes that an alternative equivalent component having similar
         mechanical and electrical characteristics may be used and, where the original component was Certified
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         and/or Listed/Recognized, must be a Certified and/or Listed/Recognized component. Equivalent means
         that the component has equivalent mechanical and electrical characteristics and has no impact on the
         conformity of the product.

         Construction Details: For specific construction details, reference shall be made to the following
         photographs and descriptions. All dimensions are approximate unless specified as exact or within a
         tolerance. In addition to the specific construction details described in this Report, the following general
         requirements also apply.

         General Construction: The construction of the appliance shall be in accordance with reasonable concepts
         of safety, substantiality and durability. Component parts shall be well fitted and not show signs of
         becoming warped, bent, broken or otherwise damaged through normal use.

         Displacement of Parts: Every part of the appliance shall be designed to be secure against displacement
         and constructed to maintain a fixed relationship between essential parts under normal and reasonable
         conditions of handling and usage. Simulated logs and/or coal pieces are a functional part of the burner
         and shall be secured in position.

         Materials: Materials used in the construction of appliances shall have strength, durability, resistance to

         Exposed Edges: Exposed edges, which may come in contact with the operator’s hand during normal
         adjustment, or usage should be smooth.

         Joints: Joints of surfaces enclosing combustion products shall not depend primarily on cement for
         tightness and shall be durable and rigid construction, such as welded, brazed, machined and bolted,
         tongue-and-groove, slip, lap, or screw joint.

         Threaded Parts: Bolts, nuts and screws employed in the assembly of the appliance shall not require the
         use of special tools for removal or replacement. Bolts, nuts, screws (except sheet-metal screws) and
         other threaded parts shall have threads conforming to the Standard for Unified Inch Screw Threads,
         ANSI/ASME B1.1 or the Standard for metric Screw Threads – M Profile, ANSI/ASME B1.13M.

         Controls: All controls and accessories including automatic gas ignition systems, piezo-electric spark
         devices, manual gas valves, automatic valves, gas appliance regulators, pilot gas filters and draft hoods
         must be certified.

         Internal Wirings: All primary, and grounding circuit conductors are CSA/UL certified TEW, TR-64, AWM
         SR-PVC or AWM XL-PVC, raged min 80°C, 300 VAC. All wiring is suitably routed and secured away from
         sharp edges and moving parts to prevent chafing of the insulation. Alternatively, additional insulation is
         provided where the wiring passes over sharp edges and through holes.

         Grounding: The green or green/yellow insulated grounding conductor of the power supply cord terminates
         singly in a crimp type, closed loop connector, secured to the chassis by a min. No. 6 plated or non-ferrous
         threaded screw, nut and star washer (to ensure surface coating penetration).

         Accessibility of Live Parts: All uninsulated live parts in primary circuitry are housed within a metal/plastic
         enclosure constructed such that any openings are not penetrable by the probe specified in the above-
         referenced Standard.

         Markings: The unit is to be marked with the manufacturer’s name or identifying symbol and address,
         model number, a distinctive number which will identify an individual appliance (serial number), electrical
         ratings, and cautionary markings where required. Products for end-use in Canada may be required to
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         have markings in both French and English. It is the responsibility of the Applicant to determine
         any such requirement and provide bilingual markings, where applicable, in accordance with the
         Provincial Regulatory Authorities.

         Installation, Operating and Safety Instructions: Instructions for the proper installation and safe use of this
         product are provided by the manufacturer. Products for end-use in Canada may be required to have
         markings in both French and English. It is the responsibility of the Applicant to determine any
         such requirement and provide bilingual markings, where applicable, in accordance with the
         Provincial Regulatory Authorities.

         ELV: All references to "ELV" denote Extra Low Voltage (less than 240 VA and less than 42.4 V pk) energy
         limited secondary circuits.

         ELV Wiring: All non-certified conductors and connectors in ELV sec circuits have insulation materials with
         a flammability rating of 94V-2 or better or are made of PVC, TFE, PTFE, FEP or Neoprene and are routed
         and secured away from contacting all primary circuitry.

         Dimensions: All dimensions specified are approximations only. Unless stated otherwise, the least
         significant digit is uncertain by plus or minus one unit.

         Polarization: Proper polarization is maintained throughout the equipment on polarized receptacle and load
         fittings where these devices are conductively connected to the supply.

         Sleeving: All thermoplastic and other insulating tubing used in primary circuits are Certified/ULR, rated min
         105ºC, 300 V ac.

         Crimp Connectors: All crimp type connectors used in primary, low voltage, secondary, and grounding
         circuits are Certified vinyl insulated and appropriately sized for the gauge of wire used. Any larger
         compression lugs are Certified, 600 V rated, and covered with heat shrink tubing if required.

         Printed Circuit Boards (PCB): All PCB's are made of Glass base, epoxy resin, carry a Flame Rating of
         NEMA FR-4/G-10, and are min 1.6 mm thick. All have solder mask and component identification layer.

         Segregation: Insulated conductors of different circuits are provided with spacing as specified in spacing
         above. Insulated conductors are positively maintained away from bare live parts of different circuits, sharp
         edges and heat producing components.

         Soldered Connections: All connections are mechanically secured before soldering.

         Strain Relief: Strain relief is to be provided for all conductors leaving an enclosure.

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         The manufacturer/applicant agrees to complete all below noted alterations prior to shipping and labeling
         products with the LC Certification Mark:

             1. Unit shall be marked as with the marking noted in the Marking section.

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         All markings required by CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 61730-1:11 (R2016), CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 61730-2:11
         (R2016), UL 1703 (Ed. No.3), and UL 790 (Ed. No.8) must be permanent and, except for date of
         manufacture, visible after installation of the fixtures. Graphic symbols shall be in accordance with table 1 if
         applicable. There are no color requirements for symbols. Graphic symbols shall be explained in the
         documentation. This consists of:

              The Warning markings shall be provided in English and French translation which shall include the
              following information:

                        A. Each module shall include the following clear and indelible markings:
                                a. name, monogram or symbol of manufacturer;
                                b. type or model number;
                                c. serial number;
                                d. polarity of terminals or leads (colour coding is permissible);
                                e. maximum system voltage for which the module is suitable;
                                f. safety class in accordance with IEC 61140, if applicable.
                        B. The date and place of manufacture shall be marked on the module or be traceable from
                           the serial number
                        C. These additional markings shall be applied to either the module or placed into the
                           instruction and installation data. All electrical data should be shown as relative to standard
                           test conditions (1 000 W/m2 at 25 °C):
                                a. voltage at open-circuit;
                                b. current at short-circuit;
                                c. maximum over-current protection rating, as verified by IEC 61730-2, MST 26;
                                d. recommended maximum series/parallel module configurations;
                                e. application class of product.
                        D. Connectors suitable only for field assembly of modules shall be marked “Do not
                           disconnect under load”.
                        E. For modules with open-circuit voltage in excess of 50 V, and/or modules rated for
                           maximum system voltage in excess of 50 V, a highly visible warning label regarding the
                           shock hazard shall be applied near the means of connection to the module.
                        F. A module or panel marking shall include the following: “System Fire Class Rating: See
                           Installation Instructions for Installation Requirements to Achieve a Specified System Fire
                           Class Rating with this Product”.
                        G. The output power wiring terminals, leads, connector, or other connection means of a
                           module or panel shall be identified with one of the following marking statements:

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         To avoid any misunderstanding, market and subject areas of the accredited scope covered by the
         LabTest Certification Mark must be indicated as shown below.

                                           Conforms to: CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 61730-1:11 (R2016)
                                                        CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 61730-2:11 (R2016)
                                                        UL 1703 (Ed. No.3)
                                                        UL 790 (Ed. No.8)

         Note: Jurisdictions in Canada may require markings to be also in French. It is the responsibility of the
         Customer to provide bilingual marking, where applicable, in accordance with the requirements of the
         Provincial Regulatory Authorities. It is the responsibility of the Customer to determine this requirement and
         have bilingual wording added to the "Markings".

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                                                EXAMPLE MARKING LABEL

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                                                  PRODUCT DESCRIPTION

         Ergosun 15, a photovoltaic module with integral concrete roof tile. Application Class A and Safety Class II.
         Rated power output of 14.5 W 20-cell modules with a maximum system voltage of 600V; maximum fuse
         rating of 2.5 A; Class A roof covering material fire rating.


         The ergosun 15 photovoltaic (PV) module with integral concrete roof tile converts power in the visible
         portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to DC electrical potential. The basic construction of the laminate
         consists of laminated assembly of individual solar cells and interconnecting ribbons encapsulated within
         an insulating material. This encapsulated assembly is pressed between a rigid transparent top surface,
         referred to as the Superstrate, and an insulating back surface, referred to as the substrate.

         The ergosun 15’s laminate is adhered to a rectangular concrete roof tile, with the PV cell area of
         approximately 300 mm by 345 mm. The max dimension of the laminate is 340 mm by 380 mm. Individual
         solar cell size of 25 mm by 152 mm; with minimum distance between cells of 3 mm. The dimensions of
         the concrete roof tile are 420 mm by 330 mm. The minimum dimension of the laminate is subject to the
         following distances: "Minimum distance between cell and the edge of the laminate [9 mm]" and "Minimum
         distance between any current carrying part and the edge of the laminate [9 mm]". The ergosun 15 has a
         PV module weight of approximately 0.65 kg and an area of approximately 0.14 square meters.


         Electrical Rating Type                                                                           Electrical Rating Value
         Max. power (Pw) +/- 5%                                                                                     14.5 W
         Max series overcurrent protection device where required                                                     2.5 A
         Open circuit voltage (Voc)                                                                                  12 V
         Current at MPP (imp)                                                                                       1.45 A
         Volt. at max. Power                                                                                         10 V
         Short circuit current (isc)                                                                                1.20 A
         Current temp coefficient                                                                                   0.05 %
         Voltage temp coefficient                                                                                   0.35 %
         Power temp coefficient                                                                                     0.35 %
         Maximum system voltage                                                                                    600 Vdc
         Total number of cells                                                                                        20
         Connection of cells                                                                                         Serial
         Number of bypass diodes                                                                                       1
         Number of cells per bypass diode                                                                             20
         Nominal operating cell temperature (NOCT)                                                               25°C to 55°C
         Note: Power measured in standard test conditions (STC) of: Irradiation 1000W/m 2, AM = 1.5, Temp 25°C

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              1. Combiner Cables (Wiring System and Harness): UL listed (E355120). Manufactured by Shoals
                 Technologies Group LLC. Model STG.ICT.12.12. Rated 600Vdc, 20 A, maximum operating
                 temperature 105°C.
              2. Junction Box: Junction box plastic UL recognized (E45587). Manufactured by Sabic Japan LLC.
                 Model PX9406P (f1). Flame class V-0, RT 110. Suitable for outdoor use with respect to exposure
                 to ultraviolet light, water exposure and immersion; IP65 rated.
              3. Laminate to Tile Adhesive (US only): UL recognized component (E322764). Manufactured by
                 Sika Services AG, model Sikasil AS-70. Black adhesive minimum thickness 3.0 mm, flame class
                 HB40, RTI 105.
              4. Junction Box to PV Module Adhesive: UL recognized component (E345066). Manufactured by
                 Shenzhen Toshin Silicone Material Co. Ltd. Model TS-728N. Black adhesive minimum thickness
                 3.0 mm, flame class V-0, RTI 105. Room temperature vulcanizing (RTV), furnished as liquid.
              5. Laminate to Tile Adhesive (US/CA): UL recognized component (E40195). Manufactured by Dow
                 Corning Corporation, model 995 Multi-Surface Adhesive/Sealant. Black adhesive minimum
                 thickness 3.0 mm, flame class HB40, RTI 105.
              6. Roof Tile: QAI listed (B1044-2). Manufactured by Boral Roofing, model Saxony 900 Slate.
                 Concrete material. Tested with unit as whole assembly.
              7. Photovoltaic Module Superstrate: UL recognized component (E311412). Manufactured by
                 Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation. Model Norton FEP-FG. Furnished as film.
                 Thickness: 50 micron. Clear color. Flame class V-0, RTI 105. Maximum temperature 165°C.
              8. Photovoltaic Encapsulate: UL recognized component (E326347). Manufactured by Hangzou
                 First PV Material Co. Ltd. Model F806. Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (E/VAC). Furnished as rolls or
                 sheets. Thickness: 0.3 mm. HWI 4, HAI 3.
              9. Photovoltaic Busbars: Manufactured by Shenzen Huaguangda Technology Co. Ltd. Ribbon
                 dimensions of 0.23 mm by 1.6 mm. Tin-coated copper soldering ribbon. Total of 4 busbars in
                 whole assembly. Tested with unit as whole assembly.
              10. Photovoltaic Diode: Manufactured by Jinan Jingheng Electronics Co. Ltd. Model 12SQ045.
                  Bypass diode rating of 12 A. Thermal resistance from junction to base of 2.5°C/W. Maximum DC
                  blocking voltage of 45 Vdc. Maximum RMS voltage of 32 Vrms. Flammability classification of 94V-
                  0. Operating temperature range -65°C to 200°C. Tested with unit as whole assembly.
              11. Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Manufactured by Big Sun Energy Technology Inc. Model Big Mono
                  Combo-Cell 1940. Single cell area of 36.8 cm². Mono-crystalline type. Grey color. Total of 20 cells
                  per module. Number of 10 cells in series per string. Tested with unit as whole assembly.
              12. Photovoltaic Solar Cells (alternate): Manufactured by Lof Solar Corporation. Model C-CellTM – 6
                  Multi-Crystalline Silicon Color Solar Cell. Single cell area of 36.8 cm². Terra cotta color. Tested
                  with unit as whole assembly.
              13. Photovoltaic Printed Circuit Board: UL recognized component (E327080). Manufactured by
                  Weiyuanda Industrial Co. Ltd. Model WYD-8. Multi-layer printed wiring board. Maximum area of
                  50.8 mm. Solder temperature limit of 280°C. Solder time limit of 20 seconds. Flame class V-0.
                  Maximum operating temperature 130°C. Grey or terra cotta color.
              14. Photovoltaic Printed Circuit Board (alternate): UL recognized component (E327080).
                  Manufactured by Weiyuanda Industrial Co. Ltd. Model WYD-9. Single-layer printed wiring board.
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                   Maximum area of 50.8 mm. Solder temperature limit of 280°C. Solder time limit of 20 seconds.
                   Flame class V-0. Maximum operating temperature 130°C. Grey or terra cotta color.
              15. Photovoltaic Module Substrate: Manufactured by Zhejiang Ventura Photovoltaic Materials Co.
                  Ltd. Model Norton TPT300. Dimensions of 0.3 mm by 1000 mm. Maximum system voltage
                  1118Vdc on basic safety factor of F1 = 1.2. Tested with unit as whole assembly.
              16. Photovoltaic Insulating Tape: UL listed (E471703) / CSA certified (262611). Manufactured by
                  DSG-Canusa. Model CET88. 19 mm wide by 0.21 mm thick. Black color. Flame retardant and
                  cold resistant. Maximum voltage of 600Vdc and maximum temperature of 80°C.

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                                                     FIGURES / DIAGRAMS

                                 Figure 1 – ergosun 15 Exploded Layer View Diagram Example

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                                    Figure 2 – ergosun 15 Electrical Circuit Diagram Example

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                                   Figure 3 – ergosun 15 Solar Cell Wiring Schematic Example

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                                    Figure 4 – Illustration Example Drawing of Typical System

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                                       Picture 1 – ergosun 15 Top View Complete Assembly

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                                      Picture 2 – ergosun 15 Rear View Complete Assembly

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                                       Picture 3 – ergosun 15 Side View Complete Assembly

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                                       Picture 4 – ergosun 15 Side View Complete Assembly

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                          Picture 5 – ergosun 15 View of Cable Connectors; Male and Female Ends

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                              Picture 6 – ergosun 15 View of Junction Box and Wiring Assembly

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                                            FACTORY PRODUCTION TESTS

         The LabTest Certification Inc. Field Representative shall determine that the product is manufactured in
         accordance with this Report, and that label procedures are followed.

         Label Control - Record serial numbers of labels if applicable, in the plant. Inspect label log sheets. The
         following information should be recorded in the label log sheets by the manufacturer:

         1. Label numbers, product labeled, date labeled or shipped, and destination.
         2. Labels removed from, returned, freight damage, or rejected products should be picked up.

         Examination of Product - At each Follow-up Service Inspection the LabTest Field Representative shall
         determine that the product which is intended to bear the LabTest Certification Mark is manufactured in
         accordance with the specified standards as per the test program and stated herein. The LabTest Field
         Representative shall pay special attention to the following:

         1. Materials used must be free from defects that could affect the performance of the product.
         2. Suitable protective packaging.
         3. Complete Safety and Installation Instructions are supplied with each product. No modification to these
         instructions shall be made without LabTest authorization.

         Examination of Applicant's Inspection Programs - At each Follow-up Service Inspection, the LabTest
         Field Representative shall determine that the Applicant's methods of inspection conform to the
         specifications included in the quality control procedures. The LabTest Field Representative will pay
         attention to:

         1. The Applicant's Quality Control report is complete and conforms to the procedure accepted by
         LabTest and included in this Report.
         2. The equipment used for inspection conforms to the specification in the quality control procedure.
         3. The work area is suitable for a good quality control program.
         4. Regular manufacturing production line tests are carried out by the Applicant.

         Periodic unannounced Follow-up Service Inspections of the manufacturing facility shall be conducted by
         LabTest Certification Inc. A Follow-up Service Inspection Report shall be issued after each visit. Special
         attention will be given to the following:

         1. Conformance of the manufactured product to the descriptions in this Report.
         2. Conformance of the use of the LabTest Certification Mark with the requirements of this Report and the
         LabTest Certification Agreement.
         3. In-plant quality control procedures and personnel.
         4. Manufacturing processes and changes.
         5. Performance of specified Manufacturing and Production tests.

                                                                    Page 26 of 34
                                                          DCN: 3008, Rev.9 January 2016
This document may not be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without
                                                permission in writing from LabTest Certification Inc.
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