Instagram How to guide: We help your business fly higher, faster, and further - Propel KWUK

Page created by Lewis Franklin
Instagram How to guide: We help your business fly higher, faster, and further - Propel KWUK
How to guide:

We help your business fly
higher, faster, and further.
Instagram How to guide: We help your business fly higher, faster, and further - Propel KWUK
    account setup                             3

    understanding your audience               3

    posting engaging, quality content         4

    post optimisation                         8

    interface help                            9

    concluding tips                           11

    useful tools and tips                     11

2                                 How to guide: Instagram
Instagram How to guide: We help your business fly higher, faster, and further - Propel KWUK
account setup
1. Download and launch the app
2. Enter your email address
3. Create a username
4. Ensure you set up a business account,
   find settings, select ‘account’, scroll down
   to ‘switch to professional account’. This
   will allow you to add relevant business
   information, such as opening hours, a
   business address or a phone number.

5. If you have a business
                                                  your audience
   account on Facebook,                           Ensure you understand who you are targeting
   you will have the                              on the platform
   option to add this.
                                                  1. Local homeowners looking to sell
6. Build your bio - make
   it personable but                              2. Out of town buyers moving into
   professional. You can                             your community
   do this by pressing                            3. Out of town agents looking for referral
   on ‘edit profile’                                 agents in your community
7. To upload a profile                            4. Past clients who can refer you to others
   photo, click on the
                                                  5. New clients who discover your real estate
   + on the top left
                                                     Instagram profile
   corner on the profile
   picture template                               6. Referral clients who were tagged on
                                                     Instagram by a mutual connection
8. Read through this
   document, then                                 7. Local residents who aren’t in the market
   develop a strategy                                to buy or sell (yet)

How to guide: Instagram                                                                          3
Instagram How to guide: We help your business fly higher, faster, and further - Propel KWUK
posting engaging,
    high quality content
    GRID CONTENT (2160 x2160 px)
    Your grid is where you will post your
    images, and sometimes videos.
    TIP #1 Choose a theme
       •   Choose a colour palette, font and              TIP #4 Make use of Instagram’s additional
           camera filter and use it consistently          tools such as Hyperlapse
       •   Make sure all posts are on-brand                  •   This app allows you to create high
    TIP #2 Make your business stand out with                     quality time lapse videos, whilst using
    strong creative content                                      Instagram’s stablisation
       •   Use your logo to make it distinct                 •   This tool can look as effective as using a
                                                                 camera and tripod, without the time
       •   Tell a story that supports your                       or cost
           business goal
                                                             •   It allows you to personalise your feed
       •   Upload an on-brand, friendly photo of                 and keep it relevant to your area. Record
           your face - viewers won’t feel a personal             a timelapse of a pretty village in your
           connection to a listing photo or business             area or the bustling streets in your city.
           logo, and personal connections are key
           when marketing on social media.                   •   Add information in the caption regarding
           Post a current, stylish, friendly, high               the features of the area (i.e. schools,
           quality photo.                                        parks, shops, train stations) - this allows
                                                                 you to show of your local knowledge and
    TIP #3 Use high quality photos and videos                    demonstrate that you are the local expert
       •   Where possible, use images taken by
                                                          TIP #5 Share testimonials
           a photographer
                                                             •   91% of people read customer reviews
       •   If you are taking images yourself, ensure
                                                                 before making a purchase decision
           there is bright lighting
                                                             •   In the caption, direct them to more
       •   If you have a panoramic image, crop it
                                                                 testimonials on your website (i.e. “read
           into multiple photos and use Instagram’s
                                                                 more testimonials on my website via the
           ‘carousel’ option. Make sure the
                                                                 link in bio”)
           first image is strong and enticing to
           encourage them to scroll through                  •   Handpick the right type of content for
                                                                 your audience, choose the testimonials
       •   When posting an image of a listing,
                                                                 that really highlight your USP
           always use multiple images using the
           carousel tool. By giving the viewer more          •   Incorporate design elements that
           insight into the listing, the more likely             enhance the visual appeal of your page,
           they are to envision themselves living in it          whilst staying on brand

4                                                                                                 How to guide: Instagram
Instagram How to guide: We help your business fly higher, faster, and further - Propel KWUK
TIP #6 Post quotes
    •    Quotes are hugely popular on instagram
         and there are many underpinning the
         ethos of KW that can be used to tell
         your story
    •    Ensure these are designed in a visually
         appealing way and are on-brand
TIP #7 Ask a question in your caption
    •    Posting content with a question in the
         caption encourages your audience to
         engage with your content
TIP #8 Create content that inspires feelings
    •    You want the viewer to look at the image
         and feel inspired to live in a house like
         that, or to simply admire the image as it
         aesthetically pleasing
TIP #9 Create useful and informative content
    •    This will encourage users to save your
         post, which ultimately increases
         your reach
    •    An example could be top tips when
         buying/selling a house or property
         viewing turn offs

How to guide: Instagram                              5
Instagram How to guide: We help your business fly higher, faster, and further - Propel KWUK
STORIES (1080 x 1920 px)
    Stories provide users with a sense of
    ‘FOMO’ (fear or missing out), which
    encourages them to view stories.
    Instagram stories are a great source of
    increased visibility for your brand. Stories
    perform best when you upload a few at
    once. Create a mass amount of content
    in advance, and post them strategically
    over a period of time. To add a story,
    simply go to the Instagram homepage
    and click on the + on your profile picture
    (top left). From here you can add images
    and videos from your photo album, or you
    can film/photograph something in real
    time. For more information, refer to the
    Interface help section below.
    TIP #1 Share behind the scenes exclusive
    videos through stories
       •   Post behind the scenes of how to stage           •   Use ‘question stickers’ - ask for viewers
           a home, the process of setting up for an             input or set up a Q&A
           open house, buyers getting keys to their         •   Get to know KW better - Ask us anything
           dream homes                                          about KWUK
       •   There’s a reason there are so many real          •   What are your must haves when buying
           estate shows on TV!                                  a house?
       •   Post behind the scenes of your listings          •   Go ‘live’ when you have something
           - this gives people a sneak peek in                  exciting to share. Followers who are
           anticipation of listings to come. Take               currently using the app, will receive a
           a photo/video of the photographers                   notification alerting them you are live. So
           shooting, or the drone taking aerial shots           try and go live at peak times
    TIP #2 Share testimonials                               •   Use the ‘countdown sticker’ when you
                                                                are looking to build hype around an
       •   It’s useful to share reviews on your
                                                                event or release
           stories too, as stories are more likely to
           be seen in the early stages when you             •   For example, countdown until an open
           may not have high engagement                         house event
       •   By sharing testimonials on your story         TIP #4 Use hashtags and geo-tags
           allows you to save them to your
           highlights, providing users with                 •   Stories get their own dedicated space at
           easy access                                          the top of the screen, on each hashtag
                                                                search, so using hashtags to increase
    TIP #3 Use Instagram’s engagement                           organic reach is key
    boosting features
                                                            •   Adding a location can help you increase
       •   Use ‘poll stickers’ - polls are a fantastic          views, because as people search for
           way to drive more audience interactions,             locations, they’ll be able to scroll through
           and often the most simple ones                       the stories attached to that location too
           work best
                                                            •   To optimize your story hashtags,
       •   For example, ask users whether they                  consider the subject matter of your story,
           prefer city living or country lifestyle, or          what your target audience is likely to
           ask whether they prefer new builds or                search for, and the volume of posts for
           more traditional homes                               each hashtag

6                                                                                                How to guide: Instagram
Instagram How to guide: We help your business fly higher, faster, and further - Propel KWUK
Instagram Stories Highlights live
permanently on your profile, allowing
users to gain quick access to useful
content. These are essentially portals for
your story content. To use this feature,
upload content to your story, view the
story, and click ‘highlight’ in the bottom
right corner, you will then be able to
choose which highlight you want to store
this content in. For more information,
please see the ‘interface help’
section below.
TIP #1 Set up archived stories
    •    Archiving all your stories will enable you
                                                        TIP #4 Create custom highlights covers to
         to add story highlights at any time, rather
                                                        match the aesthetic of your profile
         than solely live stories
                                                           •   Use logos to represent the highlight
    •    To do this, go to ‘settings’, tap ‘privacy’,
         then ‘story’, finally, turn ‘save story to        •   Ensure these are consistent with your
         archive’ on.                                          theme and are on-brand
TIP #2 Set up your highlight albums                        •   To create a highlight cover, click onto
                                                               the highlight, tap ‘more’, select ‘edit
    •    To create a highlight album from your                 highlight’, finally select ‘edit cover’.
         profile, tap on the + sign in the Story
         Highlights section
    •    When you add a new highlight, the
         archive list of your Instagram stories
         appears. Select the posts you want to
         add to that highlight album
TIP #3 Be wary of the chronological order of
your highlights
    •    When creating new highlight albums,
         the first (or oldest) album will be the
         rightmost album in the banner
    •    Have a strategy for the topics you plan
         to create in highlights and ensure the
         most important topics aren’t pushed out
         of view. If you plan to have five or more
         highlights, create the less-significant
         ones first, and the most relevant or
         important ones last
    •    The chronological upload of stories to a
         highlight is also relevant to your content
         strategy. Your most recently uploaded
         story in a highlight will be the first post
         viewers see. Therefore, the first post you
         ever added to a highlight will be the last
         post viewed in that highlight album.
         If you include tips or tutorials that should
         be watched in chronological order,
         upload them in reverse order to
         the highlight

How to guide: Instagram                                                                                   7
post optimisation
    TIP #1 Post at peak times                          TIP #4 Use profile tags
       •   The lifetime of an Instagram post is           •   Always make sure to tag relevant
           relatively short, therefore the time you           profiles, such as businesses, locations
           post is important                                  and people that are in the post
       •   Use the analytics provided through             •   For example, if a house recently had a
           Instagram to understand when your                  new kitchen installed, tag the company
           followers are most active on the platform          that designed it - this will help your
    TIP #2 Use hashtags                                       profile be discovered

       •   Use hashtags - these are the way a          TIP #5 Encourage engagement
           business can be found by people looking        •   In order to organically grow your reach,
           for something online                               engagement is key
       •   You can use up to 25 tags so make useof        •   The best form of engagement is when a
           of all of these                                    follower ‘saves’ your post
       •   Create a document that has a range             •   The more a user engages with your post
           hashtags, so you can mix and match                 (likes, comments, saves, shares), the
       •   Include the popular real estate hashtags           more you will appear on their feed
           that people are already searching for          •   You can encourage engagement
       •   Here are some of the top hashtags to get
           discovered by local residents:
       •   #London, #LondonRealEstate,
           #LondonRealtor, #LondonOpenHouse
           (change ‘London’ to the relevant city,
           county or town)
       •   Using uppercase/lowercase letters will
           not impact the effectiveness, choose
           which you prefer and be consistent.
       •   Add the hashtags below your caption,
           either directly below or use spacing to
           lower the hashtags further - this looks
           less commercialised (see image). You
           can do this by adding dots, each on a
           separate line, then add the hashtags
           below (do this on notes/word and copy
           and paste to instagram)
    TIP #3 Use geo-tags
       •   Always add the location of your listing
           using the geo-tag tool. Tagging a
           location can increase engagement by
           up to 79%! Instagram isn’t just a social
           media platform, it’s a search engine too.
       •   Tag the location of your listing by
           selecting ‘add location’ when you are
           uploading the image.

8                                                                                             How to guide: Instagram
interface help
•       Buttons along the bottom                     Explore page
•       Homepage/feed                                1. You can search for people, hashtags,
•       Search page - also known as explore page        accounts and places in the search bar

•       Upload content to your grid                  2. This page will show you content from
                                                        accounts you do not necessarily follow, but
•       Activity page where you can see who             types of content that Instagram thinks you
        is engaging with your content, who has          will like based on your activity
        followed you etc.
                                                     3. The tabs along the top allow you to search
•       Profile page                                    trending content
1. By tapping these buttons you can add
   content to your story
2. These are stories                                                                                  1
3. This is where you direct messages                    3
   are stored
4. This is how you save an image
5. If you tap this button you can send the post
   to someone you follow as a direct message


                       5                         4
                                                     Upload content to your grid
                                                     Instagram has a built in photo editor tool,
                             1                       allowing to make adjustments to your images
                                                     and add filters

How to guide: Instagram                                                                                   9
Activity page                                  Profile page

     This page allows you to see who is engaging    1. Click ‘edit profile’ to edit your bio, profile
     with your content, who has followed you and       picture and personal details
     who has tagged you in other people’s content
                                                    2. Click here for your settings
                                                    3. By pressing this + you can add highlights
                                                    4. Here you can switch between your business
                                                       account and your personal (if applicable)
                                                    5. This button takes you to your tagged photos
                                                    6. The + in the top left allows you to add new
                                                       content (grid post, story etc.)

                                                     6                                 4                2



10                                                                                              How to guide: Instagram
concluding tips
TIP #1 Develop a strategy
    •    Having read this how-to guide, develop a
         strategy moving forward to outline what
         you want to post, when, and how
TIP #2 Engage with people who like
your posts
    •    If someone has tagged a friend/family
         member in the comments, send them a
         quick message introducing yourself
TIP #3 Measure your analytics
    •    Finally, ensure you are measuring your
         analytics to maximise your reach and
         engagement. For more information,
         please see the Analytics Guide.

useful tools and tips
    •    Canva - easy-to-use graphic design
         platform with thousands of stock photos,
         illustrations and high
         quality templates
    •    Hootsuite - great for social
         media insights and instagram
         post scheduling
    •    You can edit a post once it’s uploaded by
         simply tapping the three dots on the top
         right corner, and clicking ‘edit’

How to guide: Instagram                              11
a Dakota Weybridge,
11 De Havilland Dr,
KT13 0YP

image credits, unsplash:
Alex Bracken
Charles Deluvio
Claudio Schwarz
Erik Mclean
Free stocks
Georgia De Lotz
Social Cut
Skyler Smith
Zeb Johnson
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