Inspire Me Camp 2021 Developmental Instruction Modules

Page created by Harvey Young
Inspire Me Camp 2021
Developmental Instruction Modules
The Seven Habits of Amazing Muslims

2021 presenter :           Imam Yaseen Sheikh

Stephen Covey transformed the field of personal development with his book name “The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People”. This book was a worldwide success that helped transform the lives of many people who were
looking to become more successful in their personal and professional lives. Hamza Yusuf followed this up with a
lecture that can be found on You Tube by the title of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Muslims”. This two hour
lecture communicated the speakers version of what he felt the seven mission critical habits for all Muslims should

For the purpose of our camp the mentor will select 7 habits based on the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet
Mohammad (PBUH) that would deliver a clear and specific path to self improvement and development for our
youth through Islamic teachings. The mentor should focus on stories from Islamic history and relate these stories
to current realities on the ground to help our youth better understand the habits. Explaining the habits alone is not
sufficient to affect change in the minds of our Muslim youth, we must give them practical and progressive actions
that would take them from their current state to a more religious, God conscious state.

The mentor must prepare the following to support the delivery of the concept and to assist in the children in the
comprehension of the module:

    1.   A sound heart felt power point presentation with vibrant visual aspects. (Please avoid long, text heavy
    2.   A worksheet that can help them better understand their goals. (Camp staff and help prepare these items).
         They should be submitted for printing 7 days before the camp or brought by the mentor.
    3.   A heart to heart question and answer session.
    4.   Brief role playing and interactive discussion to drive the point home.
    5.   Strong conclusion with key phrases or concepts reviewed.


Maximum Time :                      30 Minutes
Q & A Time:                         15 Minutes
Interactive:                        15 Minutes
Worksheet:                          2 Pages Maximum
Group Size:                         2 - 20 Youth
Gender:                             Male / Female
Age Group:                          10-20 years of age.
Setting:                            Indoor or outdoor
Recommended Resource:               Quran, Sira of the Prophet (PBUH), 7 Habits of Highly effective Muslims /
                                    Hamza Yusuf, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey.


    •    Youth should understand the value of forming Islamic Habits
    •    Youth should understand all 7 habits.
    •    Youth should understand how these habits can improve their lives.
    •    Youth must feel that mentor cares for them and wants them to be the best.
    •    Youth should be able to articulate bad habits and how they affect them poorly.
Amazing Muslim Women

2021 Presenter:            Sr. Mona Ibrahim

In todays Islamic society a majority of khutbas. lectures and halaqas focus primarily on the historical achievement
and piety of male figures, the highest of which is our dear prophet Mohammed (PBUH). Although Islamic male
achievement does improve and positively affect the development of our female youth, emphasis on female
achievement in the Islamic context must be communicated to help youth girls better relate to the Islamic ideology
and their role within it. Youth girls should not only be exposed to the achievements of their Islamic predecessors
but current Muslim women of strength, knowledge and endurance.

The discussion should not be merely how our Muslim women are succeeding in their Ibadat , but how they are
achieving results in their personal, family and professional lives. Professional achievement should not be
emphasized as done in the West but also not disregarded as often done in Muslim countries. A happy medium
should be communicated with the core message of taking initiative and affecting positive change in their own lives
as well as others.

Emphasis should not be put on female dress code and hijab as that is covered at length in other modules. The
emphasis should be to remind them of the special place they hold as Islamic women and how they can play a
dynamic role in the achieving great success, first in their homes, with their children, professionally and within
society as whole.

    1.   A sound heart felt power point presentation with vibrant visual aspects. (Please avoid long, text heavy
    2.   A worksheet that can help them better understand their goals. (Camp staff and help prepare these items).
         They should be submitted for printing 7 days before the camp or brought by the mentor.
    3.   A heart to heart question and answer session.
    4.   Brief role playing and interactive discussion to drive the point home.
    5.   Strong conclusion with key phrases or concepts reviewed.

Maximum Time :                      30 Minutes
Q & A Time:                         15 Minutes
Interactive:                        15 Minutes
Worksheet:                          2 Pages Maximum
Group Size:                         2 - 20 Youth
Gender:                             Female
Age Group:                          10-20 years of age.
Setting:                            Indoor or outdoor
Recommended Resource:

    • Girls should learn about at least three role models in Islamic history that exemplify Iman and loyalty.
    • Girls should learn about at least three modern Muslim women who are affecting change and setting
    • Girls should understand how important the role of a mother and wife is contradictory to what they hear.
    • Girls should understand the power of commitment and focus to goals.
    • Girls should discuss obstacles to achieving their goals and objectives through knowledge.
    • Girls should be inspired with personal stories of achievement.
Islamic Health & Wellness

2021 Presenter:             Br. Amer Tobing / Sr. Stacy Tobing

Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States. Despite recent declines in the prevalence among
preschool-aged children, obesity among children is still too high. For children and adolescents aged 2-19 years, the
prevalence of obesity has remained fairly stable at about 17% and affects about 12.7 million children and
adolescents for the past decade.

Our Muslim youth today have very limited sound advise or practical training on how to select healthy, nutrient rich
foods that helps them improve their minds and hearts. Our Muslim youth also are receiving little to no practical
training on how to stay fit and are becoming more prone to being sedentary due to the onslaught of digital media
that is available to them 24 hours a day. Muslim youth are generally unaware of how to keep themselves healthy
and disease free throughout their lives.

This program will orient and emphasize the importance of selecting good healthy food, committing to regular
physical activity and looking for alternative solutions to common aliments. Inviting youth to develop healthy habits
can help them in maintaining a healthy lifestyle as they get older and face the challenges of aging. The importance
of eating zabiha meats will also be covered.

    1.   A sound heart felt power point presentation with vibrant visual aspects. (Please avoid long, text heavy
    2.   A worksheet that can help them better understand their goals. (Camp staff and help prepare these items).
         They should be submitted for printing 7 days before the camp or brought by the mentor.
    3.   A heart to heart question and answer session.
    4.   Brief role playing and interactive discussion to drive the point home.
    5.   Strong conclusion with key phrases or concepts reviewed.


Maximum Time :                      30 Minutes
Q & A Time:                         15 Minutes
Interactive:                        15 Minutes
Worksheet:                          2 Pages Maximum
Group Size:                         2 - 20 Youth
Gender:                             Male / Female
Age Group:                          10-20 years of age.
Setting:                            Indoor or outdoor
Recommended Resource:


    •    Youth should understand the risks, both short term and long term of poor diets, especially fast food.
    •    Youth should understand the risks, both short term and long term of sedentary lifestyles.
    •    Youth should understand the options in treating common aliments.
    •    Youth should understand how exercise is a must as youth and adults.
    •    Youth should have a clear list of good and bad foods.
    •    Youth should have clear understanding of how physical fitness leads to mental fitness.
    •    Youth should understand how good health benefits them Islamically
Feminine Beauty in Islam

2021 Presenter:            Sr. Hoda Fahmy

Muslim women are the most identifiable symbol of the Muslim ummah today in the West through their hijab and
modest dress. With this honor comes challenges in dealing with stereotypes which falsely define them as
oppressed and uneducated. Adding to the challenges of dealing with these inaccurate stereotypes, a large portion
of Muslim women do not have good fashion sense and often poorly represent all Muslim women by dressing in a
sloppy or mismatched manner which speaks volume to the outside eye.

This module will emphasize the importance of first and foremost the hijab and how it works to protect the whole
of mankind, not just her. Secondly, an emphasis on taking pride in their appearance will be communicated.
Personal cleanliness and hygiene will be discussed and related to the Sunnah of the prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

Personnel, heartfelt stories by the mentor and invited guests will convey each of their experiences with wearing
and maintaining their Islamic beauty and creativity through their hijab.

Youth girls will be introduced to different fashion concepts that help them maintain their Islamic obligations while
giving them a path to fashionable expression.

    1.   A sound heart felt power point presentation with vibrant visual aspects. (Please avoid long, text heavy
    2.   A worksheet that can help them better understand their goals. (Camp staff and help prepare these items).
         They should be submitted for printing 7 days before the camp or brought by the mentor.
    3.   A heart to heart question and answer session.
    4.   Brief role playing and interactive discussion to drive the point home.
    5.   Strong conclusion with key phrases or concepts reviewed.


Maximum Time :                      30 Minutes
Q & A Time:                         15 Minutes
Interactive:                        15 Minutes
Worksheet:                          2 Pages Maximum
Group Size:                         2 - 20 Youth
Gender:                             Female
Age Group:                          10-20 years of age.
Setting:                            Indoor or outdoor
Recommended Resource:


    •    Youth girls should understand the importance of hijab to protect the ummah and society.
    •    Youth girls should understand that all Abrahamic religions have historically worn hijab.
    •    Youth girls should understand that modesty is not weakness.
    •    Youth girls should understand how they are a symbol for the ummah in the west.
    •    Youth girls should understand the importance of a clean, fashionable and feminine appearance.
    •    Youth girls should understand how to match clothing and color with hijab and fashion in general.
    •    Youth girls should understand 4 DON’TS in Islamic dress.
    •    Youth girls should have a positive image of their self and the hijab.
Mohamed Ali – The Man, His Legacy

2021 presenter:            Br. Azzam Abdel Kareem

Muhammad Ali (1942-2016) was an American former heavyweight champion boxer and one of the greatest
sporting figures of the 20th century. An Olympic gold medalist and the first fighter to capture the heavyweight title
three times, Ali won 56 times in his 21-year professional career. Ali’s outspokenness on issues of race, religion and
politics made him a controversial figure during his career, and the heavyweight’s quips and taunts were as quick as
his fists. Born Cassius Clay Jr., Ali changed his name in 1964 after reverting to Islam and becoming a Muslim. Citing
his religious beliefs, he refused military induction and was stripped of his heavyweight championship and banned
from boxing for three years during the prime of his career. Parkinson’s syndrome severely impaired Ali’s motor
skills and speech, but he remained active as a humanitarian and goodwill ambassador.

His story is inspiring to all Muslims and specifically to Muslim youth. The mentor for this module will impart his non
apologetic stance when it came to Islam, his achievement as a world champion, his achievements outside the ring
and his ability to bring people to Islam due to his character. The out pouring of love for Mohamed Ali by the
general public will be discussed and how this love and support was achieved while he held firm to his beliefs.

The emphasis will be to show Muslim youth that their fellow Muslims brothers like Mohamed Ali are highly loved
people of character they should be proud of and emulate.

    1.   A sound heart felt power point presentation with vibrant visual aspects. (Please avoid long, text heavy
    2.   A worksheet that can help them better understand their goals. (Camp staff and help prepare these items).
         They should be submitted for printing 7 days before the camp or brought by the mentor.
    3.   A heart to heart question and answer session.
    4.   Brief role playing and interactive discussion to drive the point home.
    5.   Strong conclusion with key phrases or concepts reviewed.


Maximum Time :                      30 Minutes
Q & A Time:                         15 Minutes
Interactive:                        15 Minutes
Worksheet:                          2 Pages Maximum
Group Size:                         2 - 20 Youth
Gender:                             Male / Female
Age Group:                          10-20 years of age.
Setting:                            Indoor or outdoor
Recommended Resource:

    • Youth should understand the history of his returning to Islam.
    • Youth should understand his stand on religious principles.
    • Youth should understand his contribution as a Muslim athlete and citizen.
    • Youth should understand what he overcame as a Muslim and an African American.
    • Youth should understand at succeeding in the world as well as in the hereafter.
    • Youth should understand his legacy and love world wide.
    • Youth should understand that his given title “the greatest” is inaccurate because Allah is the greatest.
    • Youth should be inspired to personally achieve and never compromise their principles.
Amazing Change

2021 Presenter:            Br. Mohsin Jose

Many people have come to Islam after a difficult sorted life that had taken them to the lowest recesses of the soul
and only through the grace of Allah were they able to turn their lives around and recommit to the only true
ideology. The ideology of Islam is the best tool to help us decode our environment and make choices free us and
make us truly alive and connected to the king of king.

Through stories of the struggle and trials and tribulations of Muslim reverts, we can convey the value of this deen
to our youth. Mentors will communicate their stories of coming to Islam, the challenges they faced before and
after accepting Islam and the reason they are thankful that Allah has lead them to this path.

The riveting stories will be presented in heartfelt sessions that tackle uncomfortable issues such as drugs, drinking
and peer pressure. The main goal is to have the youth feel privileged to have the moral compass of Islam to lead
their life.

    1.   A sound heart felt power point presentation with vibrant visual aspects. (Please avoid long, text heavy
    2.   A worksheet that can help them better understand their goals. (Camp staff and help prepare these items).
         They should be submitted for printing 7 days before the camp or brought by the mentor.
    3.   A heart to heart question and answer session.
    4.   Brief role playing and interactive discussion to drive the point home.
    5.   Strong conclusion with key phrases or concepts reviewed.


Maximum Time :                      30 Minutes
Q & A Time:                         15 Minutes
Interactive:                        15 Minutes
Worksheet:                          2 Pages Maximum
Group Size:                         2 - 20 Youth
Gender:                             Male / Female
Age Group:                          10-20 years of age.
Setting:                            Indoor or outdoor
Recommended Resource:


    •    Youth should be shocked by the challenges facing non-Muslims.
    •    Youth should understand the dangers of drugs, alcohol, peer pressure etc.
    •    Youth should understand what drove the reverts to Islam.
    •    Youth should understand the transformative nature of Islam.
    •    Youth should understand how happy they are to be Muslims.
    •    Youth should understand how non-Muslims see Muslims.
    •    Youth should understand how emotional the journey is to Islam.
    •    Youth should be moved by the mentor and the stories expressed.
Amazing Muslim Inventors

2021 Presenter:            Imam Refai Arefin

Muslim scientists and inventors, including Arabs, Persians and Turks, were hundreds of years ahead of their
counterparts in the European Middle Ages. The Muslims made innumerable discoveries and wrote countless books
about medicine, surgery, physics, chemistry, philosophy, astrology, geometry and various other fields. The Mentor
will explain many of the life changing inventions the Muslims brought to civilization and their impact on our
current world. The mentor will use their achievements to build confidence in our youth to use their creative minds.

1. Surgery
Around the year 1,000, the celebrated doctor Al Zahrawi published a 1,500 page illustrated encyclopedia of surgery
that was used in Europe as a medical reference for the next 500 years. Among his many inventions, Zahrawi
discovered the use of dissolving cat gut to stitch wounds -- beforehand a second surgery had to be performed to
remove sutures. He also reportedly performed the first caesarean operation and created the first pair of forceps.
2. Coffee
Now the Western world's drink du jour, coffee was first brewed in Yemen around the 9th century. In its earliest
days, coffee helped Sufis stay up during late nights of devotion. Later brought to Cairo by a group of students, the
coffee buzz soon caught on around the empire. By the 13th century it reached Turkey, but not until the 16th
century did the beans start boiling in Europe, brought to Italy by a Venetian trader.
3. Flying machine
"Abbas ibn Firnas was the first person to make a real attempt to construct a flying machine and fly," said Hassani.
In the 9th century he designed a winged apparatus, roughly resembling a bird costume. In his most famous trial
near Cordoba in Spain, Firnas flew upward for a few moments, before falling to the ground and partially breaking
his back.
4. University
In 859 a young princess named Fatima al-Firhi founded the first degree-granting university in Fez, Morocco. Her
sister Miriam founded an adjacent mosque and together the complex became the al-Qarawiyyin Mosque and
University. Still operating almost 1,200 years later, Hassani says he hopes the center will remind people that
learning is at the core of the Islamic tradition and that the story of the al-Firhi sisters will inspire young Muslim
women around the world today.
5. Algebra
The word algebra comes from the title of a Persian mathematician's famous 9th century treatise "Kitab al-Jabr Wa
l-Mugabala" which translates roughly as "The Book of Reasoning and Balancing." Built on the roots of Greek and
Hindu systems, the new algebraic order was a unifying system for rational numbers, irrational numbers and
geometrical magnitudes. The same mathematician, Al-Khwarizmi, was also the first to introduce the concept of
raising a number to a power.
6. Optics
The year 1000 Ibn al-Haitham proved that humans see objects by light reflecting off of them and entering the eye,
dismissing Euclid and Ptolemy's theories that light was emitted from the eye itself. This great Muslim physicist also
discovered the camera obscura phenomenon, which explains how the eye sees images upright due to the
connection between the optic nerve and the brain.
7. Music
Muslim musicians have had a profound impact on Europe, dating back to Charlemagne tried to compete with the
music of Baghdad and Cordoba. Among many instruments that arrived in Europe through the Middle East are the
lute and the rahab, an ancestor of the violin. Modern musical scales are also said to derive from the Arabic
8. Toothbrush
The Prophet Mohammed popularized the use of the first toothbrush in around 600. Using a twig from the Meswak
tree, he cleaned his teeth and freshened his breath. Substances similar to Meswak are used in modern toothpaste.
9. The crank
Many of the basics of modern automatics were first put to use in the Muslim world, including the revolutionary
crank-connecting rod system. By converting rotary motion to linear motion, the crank enables the lifting of heavy
objects with relative ease. This technology, discovered by Al-Jazari in the 12th century, exploded across the globe,
leading to everything from the bicycle to the internal combustion engine.
10. Hospitals
"Hospitals as we know them today, with wards and teaching centers, come from 9th century Egypt," explained
Hassani. The first such medical center was the Ahmad ibn Tulun Hospital, founded in 872 in Cairo. Tulun hospital
provided free care for anyone who needed it -- a policy based on the Muslim tradition of caring for all who are sick.
From Cairo, such hospitals spread around the Muslim world.

    1.   A sound heart felt power point presentation with vibrant visual aspects. (Please avoid long, text heavy
    2.   A worksheet that can help them better understand their goals. (Camp staff and help prepare these items).
         They should be submitted for printing 7 days before the camp or brought by the mentor.
    3.   A heart to heart question and answer session.
    4.   Brief role playing and interactive discussion to drive the point home.
    5.   Strong conclusion with key phrases or concepts reviewed.


Maximum Time :                      30 Minutes
Q & A Time:                         15 Minutes
Interactive:                        15 Minutes
Worksheet:                          2 Pages Maximum
Group Size:                         2 - 20 Youth
Gender:                             Male / Female
Age Group:                          10-20 years of age.
Setting:                            Indoor or outdoor
Recommended Resource:


    •    Youth should understand the history Muslim Inventors
    •    Youth should know specific inventions and how they have affected modern society.
    •    Youth should know and relate to the Muslim Inventors.
    •    Youth should understand the timeline of the inventions.
    •    Youth should relate the iman and taqwa of early Muslim to their achievements.
    •    Youth should understand the different Muslim races and creeds represented by the inventors.
    •    Youth should be inspired to have great ideas.
    •    Youth should be inspired to invent.
    •    Youth should be proud of the achievements of Muslims through the acceptance of Allah for their faith.
Amazing Muslims Living Their Dreams

2021 presenter:            Br Wael Elkoshairi

The Muslim ummah is plagued by being trapped in the mediocre, average level of performance on all levels. The
current state of this ummah is due to the individual Muslims themselves, loosing their commitment and
consistency to Islam both personally and professionally.

Most are stuck in poor to average relationships, jobs or social circles however there are Muslims who are
operating on an exceptional level achieving their goals and aspirations without compromising their faith and
commitment to the deen.

The mentor in this module will communicate concrete steps to achieving an exceptional level of performance in
their personal and professional lives without compromising their religious responsibilities.

The mentor will focus on a 5 step process to realizing one’s objetcive and how to pursue it through real life stories
and achievements that will both inspire and motivate the youth to work hard and to become exceptional rather
than average.

    1.   A sound heart felt power point presentation with vibrant visual aspects. (Please avoid long, text heavy
    2.   A worksheet that can help them better understand their goals. (Camp staff and help prepare these items).
         They should be submitted for printing 7 days before the camp or brought by the mentor.
    3.   A heart to heart question and answer session.
    4.   Brief role playing and interactive discussion to drive the point home.
    5.   Strong conclusion with key phrases or concepts reviewed.


Maximum Time :                      30 Minutes
Q & A Time:                         15 Minutes
Interactive:                        15 Minutes
Worksheet:                          2 Pages Maximum
Group Size:                         2 - 20 Youth
Gender:                             Male / Female
Age Group:                          10-20 years of age.
Setting:                            Indoor or outdoor
Recommended Resource:


    •    Youth should understand difference between average and exceptional.
    •    Youth should understand the importance of choosing to do what they love.
    •    Youth should be given examples of people who have achieved their dreams.
    •    Youth will be inspired to make a difference with their life.
    •    Youth will be implored to never forget their deen in the process.
    •    Youth will be asked to share their ideas and thoughts.
    •    Youth will be moved by personal stories of achievement and exceptionalism.
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