Insights into balancing a neurophysiological and client-centered approach

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Insights into balancing a neurophysiological and client-centered approach
Insights into balancing a neurophysiological and
                  client-centered approach
                                  By Erin Riley Cst-D, P.T.

          Migraines in Society               the, Migraine
                                             headache is the third most common
    Migraine headaches are a complex
                                             disease in the world (behind dental
and debilitating issue. It is estimated
                                             caries and tension-type headaches). It
that up to three quarters of adults
                                             is estimated that approximately 1 in 7
worldwide have had a headache in the
                                             people suffer from migraine which
past year and among these individuals
                                             makes migraine more prevalent than
30% or more have reported
                                             diabetes, epilepsy and asthma
migraine. The intensity of migraine

                                             combined. Migraine is ranked globally
pain and the frequency with which
                                             as the seventh most disabling disease
they occur can be severely distressing
                                             amongst all diseases and the leading
for the patient as well as have a huge
                                             cause of disability among all
impact on their ability to function, let
                                             neurological disorders.iii
alone thrive in their lives. According to
Insights into balancing a neurophysiological and client-centered approach
Due to the complexity and
overwhelming symptom constellation         Pathophysiology
experienced by the sufferer, knowing
where to start treating migraines can          There has been much research into
be just as overwhelming for the            the pathophysiology of migraine.
therapist. They are complex and multi-     According to the American Headache
faceted in their presentation and it is    Society, migraines are a complex
often difficult to pinpoint the triggers   neurobiological disorder. Historically
in a linear way. This is due largely to    and through much of the 20 century,

the fact that migraines manifest as a      migraine has been regarded as a
significant issue of sensory overwhelm.    disorder of vascular dysregulation due
The nervous system is so busy trying to    to the frequent reports of pain that is
modulate sensory inputs that it is         throbbing in nature. The migraine aura
difficult to know where to turn.           was thought to be as a result of
                                           hypoxemia related to transient
                                           vasoconstriction and the migraine pain
Thesis                                     itself to be related to rebound
                                           vasodilation. However, migraine as a
   The central thesis of this essay is
                                           vascular disorder is not a sufficient
that “migraine is a form of sensory
                                           explanation as up to 1/3 of migraine
processing disturbance with wide
                                           sufferers do not experience throbbing
ramifications for central nervous
system function, and while pain is
used as the exemplar symptom, a
brain-centred explanation provides a
framework to understand all the
manifestations of migraine.”iii

          What is Migraine?
    Migraine is a headache that will
last between four and 72 hours and is
classified by at least two of the
following symptoms being present:
one sided, moderate to severe pain
level, throbbing and/or aggravated by
movement. There must also be at least
one of the following associated
                                              Figure 1 Trigeminal ganglia and related
symptoms: nausea, vomiting,                                 branches
photophobia or phonophobia. A
variety of other symptoms may or may
not be present including osmophobia,          It may be that trying to describe
aura, difficulty concentrating and         migraines purely by their symptoms is
varied neurological symptoms.ivv           not an adequate way to conceptualize
Insights into balancing a neurophysiological and client-centered approach
migraines or their treatment. In recent   extend throughout the midbrain, brain
times, important strides have been        stem and upper part of the cervical
made in the understanding of the          spinal cord. Pain fibres involved in the
complex pathophysiology of migraine.      localization of pain ascend from the
However as with most complex things       trigeminal nucleus caudalis to the
we are trying to understand, this         thalamus (sensory relay centre) and
remains a work in progress. Current       then up to the sensory cortex. The
thinking has moved away from              specific one-sided distribution of
vascular dysregulation as being a         migraine pain can be attributed to the
primary cause of migraine. It is          convergence of sensory fibres from the
currently thought that the vasodilation   trigeminal nucleus caudalis and upper
and vasoconstriction are secondary to     cervical nerve roots.
altered neuronal regulation and altered
                                             Sensory modulation occurs via
sensory modulation within the central
                                          both ascending and descending
nervous system leading to sensory
                                          pathways through the hypothalamus,
overwhelm. Specifically, “activation of

                                          midbrain and brainstem pathways.
the trigeminovascular system, cortical
spreading depression, and neuronal
sensitization are seen as playing
important roles in migraine
pathophysiology.” 3

Trigeminovascular system and
migraine pain
    The trigeminovascular system is
comprised of the branches of the
trigeminal nerve (primarily the
ophthalmic) and the cerebral blood
vessels they innervate. The trigeminal    Figure 2 The Location of Meckel's Cave
ganglion is located in a cavity within    (Trigeminal Cave) is located in the body of the
                                          sphenoid just lateral to the sella turcica
the dura mater called Meckel’s cave
near the petrous portion of the
temporal bone. Sensory fibres arising
from the upper cervical dorsal root       Cortical Spreading Depression and
ganglion along with sensory fibres        Migraine Aura
from the trigeminal ganglion innervate            Migraine aura is experienced
dural-vascular structures within the      by about 30% of migraine patients and
cranium such as the tentorium             according to Goadsby et al, “migraine
cerebelli, dura mater and large           aura is defined as a focal neurological
cerebral vessels.                         disturbance manifest as visual, sensory
    The trigeminal nerve nuclei are the   or motor symptoms.”viii Cortical
largest of the cranial nerve nuclei and   spreading depression is a self-
Insights into balancing a neurophysiological and client-centered approach
propagating wave of depolarization              A review of neuroimaging and
that spreads slowly across the cerebral     electrophysiological studies
cortex. Its impact is one of depressed      demonstrate that migraine sufferers
electrical activity and altered brain       exhibit the following characteristics of
function. It is thought that the cortical   sensory overwhelm: increased
spreading depression activates neurons      activation of trigeminocervical and
in the trigeminal nucleus caudalis          brain structures; a lack of habituation
leading to inflammatory changes in the      to repeated stimuli, meaning that
meninges, which reflexively produces        repeated stimuli have an effect on
the headache.                               increasing the nervous system
                                            response; heightened sensitivity and
                                            attention to incoming stimuli and
Neuronal Sensitization                      altered sensory experiences.ix
    Neuronal sensitization is when              We can also understand the
nerve fibres become more easily             sensory overwhelm and sensory
triggered by both painful and non-          modulation issues in migraine sufferers
painful stimuli and this is thought to      from the perspective of Butler and
play a role in migraine. This               Moseley’s chronic pain paradigm. The
sensitization results in a lowered          experience of pain and specifically
threshold, increased magnitude of           migraine pain is not just nociception
response and attention placed more          (or tissue damage) it is an experience
widely on a range of sensory stimuli.       expression filtered through a person’s
As a result, the nervous system can         attitudes and beliefs, experience of
begin to fire spontaneously. This can       suffering, pain escape behaviours and
result in both peripheral and central       social environment. According to
sensitization, thus contributing to the     Butler and Moseley’s paradigm, the
migraine sufferers overall level of         nervous system creates memories in
vulnerability. The greater the              order to organize our experiences.
vulnerability or lower the threshold,       These memories are also known as
the more frequent the migraine attacks      neurosignatures or neurotags. A
will occur.                                 neurotag consists of the
                                            interconnection of various parts of the
                                            nervous system to produce an output.
Migraine symptoms and sensory               A neurotag is defined by its output.
overwhelm                                   The experience of pain is one example
    Migraine symptoms can be                of an output or neurotag. Action
generated in a couple of different          neurotags are those that exert an
ways. Either through over-stimulation       influence that extends beyond the
of the trigeminocervical sensory nerves     brain and Modulation neurotags are
or through abnormal modulation of           those that exert an influence only
the trigeminocervical sensory               within the brain. x
pathways (ascending and
Insights into balancing a neurophysiological and client-centered approach
Migraine and the stress response           issues often related to migraine
                                           attacks). There will also be a resultant
    Migraine sufferers tend to have an
                                           decrease in immune function and
increased baseline level of activation
                                           therefore an increase in disease. There
in their sympathetic nervous system,
                                           is a decrease in blood flow to the
resulting in a looping of the stress
                                           forebrain, limiting such functions as
response. The stress response increases
                                           clarity of thought, higher level
activation of the pituitary and adrenal
                                           thinking, strategizing, connection.
glands, resulting in increased cortisol
production. This will increase the
sympathetic nervous system activity          A CranioSacral Therapy approach:
and take the person into a
protection/action response or
fight/flight response. The result of       Downregulating the NS
sympathetic nervous system activation
is an increase in blood flow to the            We can look at the myriad of
skeletal muscles, increased blood flow     techniques in CranioSacral therapy
to the heart and lungs and increased       and get caught up in the release of this
blood flow to the hindbrain (or            joint or the change in that piece of
reptilian brain, once this happens,        fascia. But better than anything else,
automatic responses that are               CranioSacral Therapy turns down the
hardwired into this area of the brain      sympathetic nervous system response.
(generally at an age less than 7)          When the autonomic nervous system
become activated                                                is well regulated,
and this becomes                                                balanced and
the filter by which                                             doesn’t require
we start to respond                                             extra resources to
to the world. This                                              maintain this,
may be more of an                                               people make good
impulse to fight for                                            choices that
our territory or this                                           promote health and
may be an impulse                                               well-being.
to freeze taking us
into the more primitive parts of our
vagal system.                               Therapeutic Presence, Attunement,
    Parasympathetic nervous system
activity will decrease and all of the         One of the most important skills we
resultant attributes of this system such   have as a CranioSacral Therapist is our
as rest, digest, connect. We begin to      therapeutic presence. According to
have a decrease in growth, a decrease      Geller and Porges “therapeutic
in blood to the organs (resulting in       presence involves therapists using their
issues such as gastrointestinal,           whole self to be both fully engaged
inflammatory bowel type issues and         and receptively attuned in the
the gastrointestinal issues and nausea     moment, with and for the client, to
promote effective therapy.” xi The
polyvagal theory, developed by Dr                   Once the therapeutic presence and
Stephen Porges centers around the               therapeutic touch are in place. The
idea that a sense of safety within the          CranioSacral Therapist can offer the
therapeutic relationship is mediated by         therapeutic gift of focus or paying
neuroception -- a neural process                attention. The therapist will do this
occurring at a non-conscious level that         through observation, listening and
is continuously evaluating our                  sensing through their hands. When we
environment for risk and danger.                can learn to engage in an ongoing
When a therapist is able to                     mindful therapeutic process, we invite
communicate safety through markers              the client to participate in this also.
of social engagement such as facial             This gives the client an opportunity to
expression, gestures and vocal                  experience their sensory world from a
prosody, defensive                                                place where they are
behaviours are able to       Offering an experience of
                                                                  more able to effectively
be down-regulated.          safety is also communicated
                                                                  modulate sensory input
This allows the client          by the CranioSacral
                                                                  and more effectively
to become                      Therapist through their
                                                                  move into their social
empowered around                         touch.
                                                                  engagement system.
their own fight/flight
response and provides them with an                  It is when these aspects of therapy
opportunity to experience enough                are  in place that we are able to
safety within their nervous system to           effectively work with the structure and
be able to modulate sensory inputs              function. It is from this space that the
effectively and appropriately and               “right” technique emerges. There is no
move into a parasympathetic state of            recipe, no protocol to follow for
social engagement.                              migraine headache or any other
                                                condition for that matter. The most
    The CranioSacral Therapist through          effective therapy we can offer is one
their touch also communicates offering          where in any given moment we are
an experience of safety. The receptive,         able to hold both our extensive
blending and melding touch of                   training and a willingness to learn
CranioSacral Therapy offers the client          simultaneously. We stay curious, open
yet another experience of safety. It            and willing to offer whatever resources
offers an experience of being met and           we have to the wisdom of the client
held just as they are in that moment.           and their inner wisdom. The
There is no direction to change or              physiology will shift, nervous system
sense of the therapist knowing best.            regulation will become more graceful
The most profound offering a therapist          and the client will be on a path toward
can make is the therapeutic resources           empowered wellness.
comprised of the totality of their
training, life experience and                   *Article originally published as featured article
                                                in The Idea Crucible. April 2018.
willingness to engage in a client-
centred process.
Erin Riley Cst-D, P.T.

                                         Erin is a career Physiotherapist and
                                     International Lecturer. Erin received her
                                     undergraduate training through the University of
                                     South Australia where she completed a Bachelors
                                     Degree in Physiotherapy. Her postgraduate
                                     training has been through the Upledger Institute
                                     where she is a Diplomate Certified CranioSacral
                                     Therapist. She has travelled worldwide for
                                     additional manual therapy training. Although
                                     trained in a variety of modalities, Erin is most
                                     known for her work and teaching in CranioSacral
Therapy through the Upledger Institute International, where she teaches multiple
levels of the modality, is a certification examiner, and is a clinical mentor.

    Erin has worked in private clinical practice as both a Physiotherapist and
Integrated Therapist throughout the Northern Territory, Queensland and South
Australia. As a new graduate, Erin gained experience in a clinic specialising in
Acupuncture and this sparked her passion for thinking outside of the box. Erin
currently has a home base in Adelaide, Australia where she is the Director of Evolve
Manual Therapy. Erin also has a part-time practice in Melbourne, Australia where
she consults on a regular basis.

    Prior to becoming a Physiotherapist, Erin had extensive experience working with
children in an aquatic therapy and skill acquisition capacity. This work continues to
inform her clinical practice with children and infants now.

   In her role for the Upledger Institute International Erin travels worldwide to
deliver postgraduate education to therapists. This work has taken Erin throughout
New Zealand, Asia, America and Scandinavia. While on the road, Erin also
regularly acts as a consultant therapist on complex client cases and mentors
advanced students.

Erin has a particular interest in the mind-body connection and has been a keen
student of Psychosynthesis for many years. This informs her integrated approach to
manual medicine where she is particularly interested in the role of emotion and
stress in chronic and complex pain and dysfunction. Her philosophy is one of
facilitating the bodies own self-correcting mechanisms. Through this her clients gain
awareness and understanding of their own bodies and psyches. Thus empowering
them to be able to have an active and creative role in their own health and well-
iHeadache disorders (Internet). World Health Organization; 2016. (cited 2018 March 20).
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  Migraine – what is it? (Internet). Migraine Trust; 2018. (cited 2018 March 20). Available

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 Headache Fact Sheet (Internet). American Headache Society; 2018. (cited 2018 February 15).
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x     Butler DS and Moseley GL. Explain Pain. Adelaide, SA: Noigroup Publications; 2003.

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