Branchlines - The University of British Columbia

Page created by Steven Marquez
Branchlines - The University of British Columbia
branchlines                                           Volume 25#2 Summer 2014

Rivers of light: Do street
lights influence stream
communities?.................................... 10
Measuring the city in 3D................ 11
Transforming findings into
policies and practice (cover) ...... 14
Developing human well-being
indicators for Haida Gwaii............. 20
Small-scale forestry in Ghana:
Surviving reforms?........................... 22
Branchlines - The University of British Columbia
                                             because forestry is so regionalized (some     believing that we can train individuals
                                             might even say parochial), we face            to do this within a few short years. This
                                             the same problem as forestry schools          is impossible; we need to recognize that
                                             everywhere in that our students have          learning continues throughout a career,
                                             been taught to meet local rather than         long after someone adds the initials RPF
                                             international needs. We have recently         to their name. Which, in turn, brings me
                                             introduced 4-week long field visits to        to the next word in the title.
                                             both China and India, but we need to               ‘Student(s)’. At the UBC graduation
                                             do more to encourage students, and            ceremony, the President always exhorts
                                             faculty members, to develop a more            those receiving degrees to become life-
                                             comprehensive world view of forestry,         long learners – if we follow his advice,
                                             and this needs to be integrated into          does that make us all life-long students?
                                             their teaching. National and provincial       We could argue that the term student
                                             forestry education and forester licensing     refers only to somebody receiving a for-
                                             systems need to take a careful look at        mal education, yet even this is becoming
     In August this year, forestry stu-      how other professions are dealing with        an extremely blurred distinction, and will
dents from the UBC Faculty of Forestry,      our increasingly globalized world. Which      become even more so in the future as
the University of Northern British           brings me to the next part of the title.      online learning increases in importance.
Columbia, and Thompson Rivers                     ‘Forestry’. It would be foolish to get   Such learning has never been more
University will jointly be hosting the       into a potentially endless argument over      important than today, driven by the pace
annual International Forestry Students’      the definition of the term ‘forestry’ – the   of change in the science and technology
Symposium. This is a tremendous              discipline of geography has shown how         advances underpinning our respective
opportunity for our students to meet         pointlessly destructive such debates          professions. We really all are life-long
other forestry students from around the      can be. However, the Association of           students. I guess this is good news for the
world, and for those students to learn       University Forestry Schools of Canada         membership officer of IFSA! It also implies
something about forestry and forestry        (AUFSC) is seeking to have the defini-        that the community of learners in forestry
education in British Columbia. Recently,     tion of forestry broadened, which some        is a lot larger than most people realize.
I had the opportunity to meet some of        members believe will help enrollment               ‘Association’. The final word in IFSA’s
the students who will be coming to BC        numbers. For most students, forestry          title implies a formal grouping of people,
in a few weeks’ time, and I challenged       can be directly related to the manage-        bound by regulations and practices, and
them to think carefully about what           ment of forests, but this excludes many       this is certainly the case. It is perhaps
the name of their association implied        students studying in forestry schools.        the only part of the title that today is
(the International Forestry Students’        For example, in the Faculty of Forestry,      clear. What is not clear is why mem-
Association – IFSA). I’m not sure that       our Forest Sciences, Natural Resources        bership of IFSA in North America is so
anyone really understood what I was          Conservation and Wood Products                low. Why have so few North American
saying, so I repeat that challenge here.     Processing programs currently fall out-       student associations joined IFSA? Does
     ‘International’. What exactly do we     side the remit of the forestry program        this reflect the parochialism that I men-
mean by the term ‘international’? Just       accreditation scheme, so are these            tioned earlier, and which is viewed as
because someone attends a conference         students ‘forestry’ students? I firmly        so important globally that it received
in another country, does that make them      believe that they are, and the Canadian       a mention at the recent (22nd) session
‘international’? Does a 2-week place-        Institute of Forestry agrees, awarding all    of the Committee on Forestry of the
ment in another country make a student       our graduating students silver rings. But     Food and Agriculture Organization of
‘international’? This applies as much to     that doesn’t necessarily mean that these      the United Nations. Hopefully, this, and
faculty members as it does to students.      programs should be accredited accord-         some of the other issues that I have
UBC’s Faculty of Forestry is considered      ing to standards developed by profes-         mentioned above will be discussed dur-
by many to be international – more than      sional forestry organizations. Instead, it    ing the course of the 2014 International
a quarter of undergraduate students          is time for those professional organiza-      Forestry Students’ Symposium.
come from outside Canada, as do more         tions to think carefully about what they
than half of our graduate students. Yet      mean by a professional forester. The
the curricula that we deliver do not         time of the general practitioner, who
adequately reflect this. Partly driven by    knows everything about every aspect
the pressures of accreditation, and partly   of a forest is long gone, yet we persist in                               John L Innes
                                                                                                                 Professor and Dean

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Graduate student symposium
    On February 18, UBC’s Faculty of             The presentations were outstand-         Sciences. This year’s presenter was Dr
Forestry supported the 3rd Future            ing, evidenced by the excellent Q&A          Colden Baxter, Associate Professor at
Forestry Leader Symposium. Organized         sessions that followed. Awards for best      the Stream and Ecology Center, Dept
by the Forestry Graduate Student             talks were given, as well as an invitation   of Biological Science, Idaho State
Association’s Emily Murphy and Letitia       for all of the students to submit a paper    University. His talk was titled “Fire and
Da Ros, along with Professors David          for a special edition of the Forestry        ice: responses by stream-riparian eco-
Cohen, Chris Gaston and Ivan Eastin,         Chronicle this fall.                         systems to shifting disturbance regimes
this year’s symposium showed excel-              The symposium was closed by the          and some consequences for forest
lent enthusiasm, both by the students        Leslie L Schaffer Lectureship in Forest      management”.
and the invited guests.
    As was the case in previous years,
the event was kicked off the evening
before by a networking night promot-
ing professional careers in forestry.
With over 80 in attendance, the night
included presentations by 15 industry,
government and Faculty representa-
tives, all sharing their views on a bright
future for graduating forestry students.
Those that were not able to present at
the symposium (due to an overwhelm-
ing response) had the opportunity
to present a poster for the occasion,
adding to the successful evening of
    The research symposium itself
was made up of 3 sessions of stu-
dent presentations, Forests and the
Environment, Forest Products and
Technology and Markets and Policy.
As in previous years, students largely
represented UBC and the University
of Washington. However, this year also
included invited presentations from the
University of Victoria and the University
of Northern BC.
    Presentation topics included
life cycle assessments of bioenergy
options, environmental monitoring by
Aboriginal communities, community
forests in Kenya, eco-labeling wood
products for the US construction
industry, investigating the potential
for bamboo-based fibre composites,
ramifications of the US Lacey Act,
wood product opportunities for the
BC coastal Nuxalk First Nations, and
many more.

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New appointments
                                 Dr Verena Griess is joining the       promotes the utilization of ecological
                            Department of Forest Resources             effects with economic consequences,
                            Management as an Assistant Professor       such as mixing tree species or close-
                            in Forest Management. Verena comes to      to-nature-forestry. Verena is interested
                            us from Technische Universität München     in the economic and social potential of
                            (TUM), Germany, where she has been         tropical agroforestry as well as econom-
                            a faculty member since 2012. Verena        ics of commercial plantations using
                            holds a PhD in forest management and       native tree species and has carried out
                            economics, an MSc in forest and wood       research in Panama, Colombia, China,
                            science and a degree in forest engineer-   Russia and the EU. She will be teaching
                            ing from TUM. Her research and teach-      in the forest resources management
                            ing interests focus on multifunctional     and wood products components of our
                            forest management and the integration      undergraduate and graduate programs
                            of multiple objectives into optimiza-      and involved in our growing research on
                            tion software. Much of Verena´s work       forest management.

                                Dr Bianca Eskelson will be joining     resources and ecosystem services. She
                            the Department of Forest Resources         is excited about applying her research
                            Management as an Assistant Professor       to forest management challenges in
                            in Forest Biometrics. Bianca received      British Columbia by advancing her work
                            forestry degrees (BS and MS) from the      on copula models and by quantifying
                            University of Göttingen, Germany. She      natural disturbance effects. Her teach-
                            completed an MS in statistics and a        ing interests lie in forest biometrics and
                            PhD in forest biometrics at Oregon         modelling and the implementation of
                            State University in Corvallis, Oregon,     quantitative methods in statistical soft-
                            where she has worked as a research         ware packages. Bianca looks forward
                            associate in the College of Forestry       to contributing to the undergraduate
                            for the past 5 years. Bianca’s research    and graduate-level forest biometrics
                            focuses on the application and exten-      curriculum at UBC.
                            sion of statistical theory and methods
                            to inventory, monitor and model forest

                                Dr Julie Cool will be joining the      Through her research, she aims to
                            Department of Wood Science as an           quantify and control wood recovery,
                            Assistant Professor in Wood Machining.     surface quality, and wood adhesion, as
                            Julie, a mechanial engineer, received      well as productivity by developing the
                            her Masters and PhD in wood science        knowledge on wood-knife interactions.
                            from Université Laval in 2011. Since       Julie will be teaching undergradu-
                            then, she has worked closely with the      ate classes in wood machining and
                            forest industry while at FPInnovations     sawmilling.
                            and also as a research and develop-
                            ment consultant in the private sector.
                            Julie’s research and teaching interests
                            focus on wood machining and qual-
                            ity control (both in the primary and
                            secondary manufacturing sectors)
                            and how these affect the value chain.

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Dr Rajat Panwar will joining the         research examines adoption of sustain-
Faculty of Forestry as an Assistant          able practices from a strategy perspec-
Professor of Sustainable Business            tive in both established and new firms.
Management in a dual appoint-                His teaching interests include forest
ment between the departments of              products business, entrepreneurship,
Wood Science and Forest Resources            and business sustainability. Rajat is
Management. Rajat comes to us from           excited about the opportunity to teach
Northland College, Wisconsin, USA            undergraduate forestry students at UBC
where he has been a faculty member           and to train them as leading thinkers in
in the areas of corporate social respon-     the realm of business sustainability. He
sibility and business sustainability since   is looking forward to joining sustain-
2008. Rajat received his PhD in wood         ability focused research groups in his
science and engineering from Oregon          home departments of Wood Science
State University and his MBA from the        and Forest Resources Management.
University of Lucknow in India. Rajat’s

    Dr Scott Renneckar will be joining       products sourced from nature are stron-
the Department of Wood Science as            ger, lighter, and more energy efficient
an Associate Professor in Advanced           than their petroleum analogs. He uses
Renewable Materials. Prior to joining        materials such as high performance
us, Scott has been a faculty member          fibers, transparent films and coatings,
in the Department of Sustainable             and nanocomposites in applications for
Biomaterials at Virginia Tech since          automobile, aerospace, building, and
2005. He obtained his degrees in wood        the emerging additive manufacturing
science from Virginia Tech (BS, 1997         industries. Scott will also teach a course
and PhD, 2004) and the University of         on wood adhesives and coatings in our
California, Berkeley (MS, 1999). Scott’s     undergraduate program applying his
research program focuses on creating         combined expertise in wood science
advanced renewable materials through         and polymer chemistry.
cutting-edge science that will catalyze
a green economy. These sustainable

    Dr Jeanine Rhemtulla will join the       maintaining ecosystem functioning,
Department of Forest and Conservation        especially in tropical regions, where
Sciences as an Assistant Professor in        conservation and development goals
Landscape Ecology. Jeanine comes to          frequently collide. Her work combines
us from the Department of Geography          a broad range of methods, including
and School of Environment at McGill          ecological fieldwork, remote sensing,
University, where she has been a faculty     analysis of archival records and house-
member since 2009. Jeanine received          hold surveys. She has field research sites
her PhD in landscape ecology from            in the lowland forests of the Peruvian
the University of Wisconsin-Madison          Amazon, in the agroforested landscapes
and her Masters in forest ecology from       of Kerala, in southern India, and the
the University of Alberta. Her interests     mixed agricultural region of southern
focus on the long-term effects of human      Quebec. Jeanine will provide a valuable
land-use on ecosystems, and on under-        asset to our Faculty’s research and teach-
standing how to manage landscapes            ing expertise in international forestry.
to increase human well-being while

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New student engagement officer
                                               Ileana Costrut has joined the stu-       student learning and personal and
                                           dent services team in Forestry as our        professional develop­ment. In collabora-
                                           new student engagement officer. Ileana       tion with students and university part-
                                           comes to us with 9 years of experience       ners, Ileana will help new students to
                                           in the student engagement field and          become successful university learners,
                                           has an MA in sustainability education,       who are well prepared to engage in the
                                           curriculum and pedagogy. She will be         university community and achieve their
                                           responsible for developing, delivering,      personal and career goals. She can be
                                           and evaluating programs and services         reached at
                                           to support and enrich undergraduate

 Co-op graduate becomes “Lean Champion”
    In 1989, Wolf Nickel began Pacific      FPInnovations, who recommended              opment and implemented an extensive
Closet Works Ltd (now STOR-X®               sending job postings to the Faculty of      quality program.
Organizing Systems) with the goal           Forestry’s Wood Products Processing             In February, 3 delegates from
of providing versatile, economical,         Co-op Coordinator. This resulted in the     Okayama University in Japan toured
and custom-fitted organizing units          hiring of their current “Lean Champion”     STOR-X® with the intent of creating their
for homeowners. During the recent           and 2010 Wood Products Processing           own co-op and exchange programs
economic downturn, STOR-X® made             graduate, Luke Opacic. Luke is also a       with the Wood Products Processing
drastic changes to the company in order     graduate of the Co-op program, and          program at UBC. The delegates were very
to stay on par with the decrease in the     strongly recommended the program            impressed by the co-op system, includ-
demand for organizing units. Their jour-    to STOR-X®. “The Co-op program is well-     ing the partnerships made with industry-
ney in “Lean Manufacturing” was aimed       suited to companies such as STOR-X®         leading companies, and the benefits to
at delivering product more efficiently,     because it can help a company com-          the company and the students. Also
with higher quality, and minimal waste.     plete projects without deviating from       part of the tour were Sudeh Jahan,
In effect, the goal of STOR-X® was to       their corporate plans,” said Luke Opacic.   Co-op Coordinator for UBC’s Wood
become a lean, green, machine. Along        “I would encourage any company that         Products Processing program, and Dr
with this, STOR-X® developed a franchise    wants to participate in a Co-op program     Robert Kozak, head of the Department
business model to expand the company        to do so.” As a result of the recommen-     of Wood Science. For further informa-
rapidly throughout Canada.                  dation, STOR-X® employed a Forestry         tion on UBC’s Co-op Program in Wood
    Much of this journey was done in        Co-op student in 2013 who completed         Products Processing, contact Sudeh
consultation with industry advisors from    projects involving new product devel-       Jahan at

Recent awards
    The Canadian Forest Service (CFS)      Nicholas and Andrés.                         for their work with the Regional District
has recognized the Lidar Best Practices        Dr Scott Hinch has been awarded          of North Okanagan (RDNO) titled
Team for their work in producing a         the annual Certificate of Achievement        Are We There Yet? Regional Growth
go-to handbook describing all of the       from the Washington-British Columbia         Strategy Monitoring & Evaluation
steps necessary for understanding          Chapter of the American Fisheries            Program. This work was selected as the
and implementing and airborne laser        Society. This certificate is given out       winner of a Gold Award in the category
scanning project. Dr Nicholas Coops        annually to someone who has demon-           of Planning Practice – Small Town &
(Forest Resources Management) and Dr       strated significant professional achieve-    Rural Areas. Dr Meitner received this
Andrés Varhola (recent graduate from       ment. The American Fisheries Society         award along with his students (Julian
UBC Forestry) are members of this team.    was established in 1870 and is the           Gonzalez and Lorien Nesbitt), William
The document “A best practices guide       oldest professional fisheries organiza-      Trousdale from EcoPlan International
for generating forest inventory attri-     tion in North America with over 10,000       and Anthony Kittel from the RDNO
butes from airborne laser scanning data    members. Congratulations Scott.              at the 2014 BC Land Summit held in
using an area-based-approach”, was the         Dr Michael Meitner and his team          Vancouver. Congratulations to Mike
most downloaded document from the          have received an award from the              and his team.
CFS bookstore in 2013. Congratulations     Planning Institute of British Columbia

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Imbalances of power:
Reflecting on our
relationship with forests
By Andrea Vasquez, Hollie Carr, and Ana Elia Ramon Hidalgo
    “It´s my pleasure to invite you to join me in organizing a      raised about the role that the recently launched Canadian
documentary screening and discussion in our Faculty to raise        International Institute for Extractive Industries and Development
awareness about socio-environmental issues of forest-related        (hosted at UBC) will play in perpetuating the status quo.
practices globally. “ This was the opening line of an email sent    Maldonado encouraged the attendees to reflect on our moral
by Maria Jose Ruiz-Esquide (MSc student) to engage other            responsibilities, as Canadians and world citizens, in advocating
forestry graduate students in her idea. Maria Jose’s vision         for global environmental and social justice. He suggested start-
materialized into a successful documentary series, held over        ing at home: “now that you’ve heard all this information, you
the winter semesters.                                               need to bring it to students and develop critical consciousness
    The first documentary, “Taking Root: The Vision of Wangari      about the relationship between UBC and these [Canadian-based
Maathai” presented the courageous story of the Kenyan Nobel         mining] corporations.”
Peace Prize Laureate Wangari Maathai, whose perseverance
in planting trees grew into a nation-wide movement to safe-
guard the environment and protect human rights. The film
chronicled the difficulties involved in challenging gender
roles and power dynamics in a deeply entrenched patriarchal
society, and showcased the outcomes of a life of persever-
ance and co-operation toward reducing deforestation and
empowering women. Dr Leila Harris (Institute for Resources
Environment and Sustainability and at the Institute for Gender,
Race, Sexuality and Social Justice) facilitated a discussion on
the ways that systems of inequality (colonialism, gender, race,
sexuality) impact our relationship with the environment and
invited us to explore different ways that we, as students, can
challenge these systems of inequality.
    The second film, “No Land, No Food, No Life”, documented
several communities’ plights in Cambodia and Uganda
fighting against corporate land grabs, forced evictions and
the destruction of forests and small-scale farms. Dr Hannah
Wittman (Associate Professor at the Institute for Resources
Environment and Sustainability and at the Faculty of Land
and Food Systems), drawing on her research, facilitated a dis-
cussion on how the loss of land often leads to a shift towards
food insecurity, due to a rise in crop prices and shift towards
cash crops. Participants agreed on the need for the regula-
tion of foreign investment and emphasized the importance
of Canadians’ obligation to be conscientious consumers,                  This series has been a very rewarding journey creating a
questioning the conditions of production of our food and its        welcoming space to explore the often overlooked imbalances
impacts on deforestation.                                           of power over forest resources and between forest stakeholders.
    “Gold Fever”, shown in the last session, portrayed social and   We hope to see another series coming up next year! To those
environmental abuses perpetrated by Canadian mining compa-          who collaborated, we express our deepest gratitude. In particu-
nies against local forest-dependent Guatemalan communities.         lar we would like to thank Christie Lee, a Musqueam ambassador
The ensuing discussion was led by panellists Oscar Morales, from    who welcomed us to their territory and shared reflections on
the Guatemalan community of San Rafael las Flores, affected by      human-forest relationships, to Mariko Molander (MSc student)
Canadian mining operations; Rafael Maldonado, a Guatemalan          for her insightful reminders of what it means to host this event
lawyer; Don Wright, from Amnesty International; and Samuel          on unceded traditional territories, to the facilitators, and to Maria
Stime, a UBC MASc student in engineering. Questions were            Jose for leading this project.

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Extending research
to practice over
                                                                                          A 30-year re-entry period is stipulated
                                                                                          in the GAR Order.
                                                                                                As it happens, 30 years is also the
                                                                                          approximate length of a career, and
                                                                                          only 1 of the original researchers has
                                                                                          not yet retired. We are fortunate that
                                                                                          Michaela is still willing to help us return
                                                                                          to the original trial and continue the
                                                                                                Much of the expertise and craft
                                                                                          required to manage uneven-aged
                                                                                          forests has been lost while local forest
                                                                                          companies have been focused on log-
                                                                                          ging lodgepole pine. At a time when
                                                                                          allowable cuts are declining and the
 Michaela Waterhouse describes mule deer winter habitat ecology to students
                                                                                          green wood in this region is primarily
    A research project spanning 3            through the Cariboo-Chilcotin Land           in the uneven-aged forests of Douglas-
decades at the Alex Fraser Research          Use Plan, the Forest Practices Code,         fir, there is an important extension role
Forest (AFRF) is poised to once again        and most recently Government Actions         for the Research Forest. Planners and
inform forest policy and management          Regulation (GAR) Orders.                     silviculturists will need to visit the sites,
practice. Since the 1980s, the AFRF has           Thirty years later we are plan-         look at the logged and unlogged con-
been a primary site for researching          ning a re-entry into the 3 replicated        ditions, and understand the costs and
methods for timber harvesting in dry         research blocks originally harvested         benefits of this particular silvicultural
Douglas-fir forests while maintaining        under the research project. In 2013 we       strategy. Likewise, provincial compli-
mule deer winter habitat. Now involv-        re-measured the original cruise plots,       ance and enforcement staff will need
ing generations of foresters this proj-      re-established the original transects for    to understand the intent of the General
ect emphasizes the value of research         monitoring mule deer use and avoid-          Wildlife Measures published in the GAR
forests as repositories of knowledge         ance, and re-mapped the original skid        Order. Finally, the lessons learned on the
and places in which to apply adaptive        trails. Pre-harvest winter track transects   Forest will be important information
management.                                  were monitored last winter. We have          as regulators review the GAR Order, to
    Research was initiated by the BC         drafted site plans and developed mark-       ensure that the regulation does in fact
Forest Service in the early 1980s due        ing guidance, and are marking the            achieve the intent of the guidance – the
to concerns that harvesting practices        stands for cutting this July.                co-ordination of timber and mule deer
of the day were detrimental to mule               The silvicultural strategy for mule     management.
deer winter habitat. The project was         deer winter range in the dry Douglas-              It is familiar territory for a research
led by Harold Armleder, Rick Dawson          fir forests of the Cariboo Region is         forest: learn the science, understand the
and Rob Thompson and resulted in             described as “clumpy single tree selec-      vision, implement a treatment, review
practice guidance first published in         tion.” The Knife Creek Block of the          the results, adapt and repeat. However,
1986. Throughout their careers, Harold       Research Forest is managed entirely          when the treatment cycle spans careers
and Rick (together with Michaela             under this strategy. Uneven-aged             the adaptation cycle needs to be
Waterhouse) continued to carry out           stands are maintained in a structure         passed on. The Alex Fraser Research
habitat ecology research. Research           that provides snow interception and          Forest has a pivotal role to play in real-
Forest Manager Ken Day helped to             forage for deer by maintaining a con-        izing the vision established back in the
refine the silvicultural strategy through    tinuous supply of large, wide-crowned        early 1980s, and passing along the les-
his graduate research in the mid             trees, while removing groups of trees        sons learned through implementation.
1990s. The practice guidance has             to ensure regeneration, plus thinning              For further information contact Ken
been consolidated for implementation         to allow the growth of younger trees.        Day at

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logging in
By Arnaud De Grave
     I have to admit I knew nothing about underwater logging            are attached to the trunk. Divers use air-driven chainsaws to cut
before my photo trip to Panama. However, I had done some                the tree which is then pulled up, sometimes quite dramatically,
homework before stepping onto a barge on Lake Bayano with               rather like a humpback whale jumping out of water. It can take a
a group of divers/loggers and their massive chainsaws. My expe-         long time to manage the finalized cut because of extremely low
rience tells me that it is better to arrive with a fresh and open       visibility below the lake surface. Once the trees are towed back
mind rather than with pre-conceived expectations. The project           they are sorted in preparation for a long drying period before
required 2 trips to Panama. In March 2013 I spent 2 weeks tak-          going to the mill. Interestingly, Coast Eco Timber is working in
ing photographs and 6 months later I returned to present my             collaboration with UBC’s Faculty of Forestry on determining the
work in a photo exhibition at the Alliance Française du Panama.         best drying techniques. The company owns a mill in Chepo, a
     Lake (Lago) Bayano was created over 75 years ago during the        nearby town, and has a showroom displaying large planks and
construction of a hydro-electric dam. The 353 km2 lake became           high end furniture in Panama City. The wood is quite beautiful,
the second largest artificial lake in the world, second only to Lago    full of knots and character.
Gatun, famous for the Panama canal. Although submerged trees                 One thing that struck me is that there are complete ecosys-
die, some of the hardwood species are preserved and can be har-         tems living on the submerged parts of the trunks. As a tree is
vested. Underwater logging is done in various parts of the world        brought out of the water there is an exodus of large cockroaches,
including Canada, Ghana (with the largest reservoir by surface          bats, water-walking lizards (one nicknamed the Jesus lizard for its
area in the world), and Panama, the focus of my photo project.          abilites) and a myriad of other beasts unknown to me. At one time
     Following my usual modus operandi (see BranchLines 23#4            I had a bat clinging for its life to my head. The bat managed to dry
2012 for an account of my previous forestry-based photography           and then take off, only to be snatched in mid-air by a vulture-like
project) I was introduced to Alana Husby, president of Coast Eco        bird. Such is life in the jungle. Each time I was in the water taking
Timber the company operating on the lake. There are many spe-           pictures with a Nikonos underwater camera (designed by scuba-
cies of trees that can be salvaged. The locals spoke of one type        diving pioneer Commandant Jacques-Yves Cousteau) I became
of tree that they were quite fond of. They call it “espavé” (actually   lunch for fish which nibbled on me when I stopped swimming
wild cashew Anacardium excelsum, an evergreen that can grow             in order to frame a shot.
up to 45 metres tall with trunks as large as 3 metres in diameter).          The exhibition consisted of 20 hand-made fibre prints
The legend is that during the Spanish conquest, locals or invaders      (11”x14”), 16 (8”x10”) RC based prints and 2 large professional
would climb these tall trees to look around: “Es para ver” (it is to    prints. The work covered documentary pictures of the workers
see, in Spanish), hence the name.                                       in action as well as scenes of the daily lives of the workers. I also
     Coast Eco Timber is FSC controlled. All of the workers are         presented a slide show of over 100 digital colour pictures during
locals living in a nearby village. Many of them are indigenous          the opening event of the exhibition. The exhibition (www.coast-
Kunas from Panama and Colombia famous for their attire and     was produced in
textile making activities. Alana arranged for me to live with the       collaboration with the Association Bricolages Ondulatoires et
workers and I commuted with them to the lake every day, where           Particulaires (, Coast Eco Timber, EAS the
we would load the barges with the equipment necessary for the           dam company, the Alliance Française du Panama, UBC’s Faculty of
day: scuba-diving gear, compressed-air operated chainsaws,              Forestry and the Canadian Embassy. I am grateful to everyone for
lunch boxes, and plenty of cold drinkable water. During my first        their help. One thing that made me happy was when the direc-
trip, every barge had an engine and was manned by 4 work-               tor of the Alliance Française told me that the cleaning ladies had
ers able to harvest 6 or 8 trees every day. Later, the company          spent a lot of time looking at my pictures and that this was the
evolved its operation by using air lines, rather than free-diving       first time he had seem them paying attention to an exhibition.
equipment and tow boats to separate the cutting of trees                Maybe the pictures talked to them, made them proud of the
from the process of bringing them back to the beach. The new            work of these people, their people. This is all I hoped to achieve.
barges are non-motorized and towed to the site. The work is                  Arnaud De Grave has recently completed his MSc degree at UBC.
very physical and involves teams of 2 divers and 2 people on            The Faculty of Forestry is a strong supporter of enabling students to
the barge taking care of the equipment. Once a tree is selected         gain “enhanced educational experiences”, and particularly encour-
(by species and then by measuring the depth of the water as             ages students to gain field experience whenever they can. Arnaud
an estimate of length) plastic barrels filled with compressed air       can be reached at

                                                                                                                       branchlines         9
Branchlines - The University of British Columbia
Rivers of light: Do
streetlights influence
stream communities?
     Artificial lights, such as streetlights, are a valuable piece of     to otherwise natural streams. She found that the density of
urban infrastructure that few of us have thought about in an              larval aquatic insects in the drift was indeed lower in the lit
ecological context. This is largely because most of us do our             reaches than in paired control reaches of the same stream.
research in the day and often fail to consider what the night             However, she did not find evidence that the lights changed
environment means for most organisms, especially if they are              the growth rates of cutthroat trout, the density of terrestrial
not night active. However, most animals, whether nocturnal or             insects falling into the streams, the decomposition rate of
diurnal, have evolved with a regular light-dark cycle that changes        leaves, or the density or diversity of the aquatic insects living
only with the moon phase, or seasons, in temperate latitudes.             on the stream bottom. It seemed odd that there wouldn’t be
The introduction of artificial lights has changed that pattern, with      any change in fish growth rates, since there was a decrease
potentially damaging effects for some organisms and ecosystems.           in the density of drifting invertebrates and no increase in the
     For example, multiple studies have found that migrating              number of terrestrial inputs to the stream, both of which are
birds are disoriented by skyscraper lights and this disorienta-           important food sources for cutthroat trout.
tion can cause them to fly into windows and die. Rather than                   Elizabeth decided to follow-up on this study in her cur-
just singing a brief dawn chorus as their country cousins do,             rent position by observing the night-time behaviour of the
urban songbirds sing all night in the artificial dawn created             trout under both lit and dark conditions. Returning to the
by streetlights. Perhaps most famously, lights from resorts               same streams she studied earlier, she used under-water
along beaches cause sea turtle hatchlings to become disori-               infrared cameras to record fish behaviour at night. She also
ented. Throughout their evolutionary history, the brightest               took stomach content samples from fish. In this recent study,
point on the horizon was the moon reflecting on the ocean;                Elizabeth found that trout do forage more from the surface
hatchlings that oriented to the brightest spot on the horizon             of the water in lit reaches than in the dark, but that there was
were selected for, but now that preference is causing them to             no difference in stomach fullness between fish foraging on lit
navigate towards bright artificial lights rather than the ocean.          versus dark nights. It could be that because both studies were
     One ecosystem type that has possibly received the least              done during the summer when nights are short in Vancouver,
attention from artificial light researchers is streams. This is despite   that night-time foraging simply doesn’t play an important role
the fact that people preferentially settle near aquatic habitats          in trout growth rates. Future research could focus on similar
and roads (and therefore light systems) often run parallel to             studies but at different times of the year to determine if this is
streams. Because of this, Elizabeth Perkin, a current post-doctoral       the case. Also, the studies Elizabeth carried out used high pres-
fellow supervised by Dr John Richardson, based her PhD and                sure sodium lights, which are currently the most commonly
now her post-doc on studying the effects of artificial light on           used streetlight. However, many cities are changing their lights
stream ecosystems. It might be difficult to imagine how stream            over to more efficient LEDs, which often emit light from the
organisms would be affected by artificial light at first, but there       blue-end of the color spectra. Because water more readily
are many possibilities. For instance, insects such as caddisflies,        absorbs the red and orange light commonly emitted by high
mayflies, and stoneflies spend most of their lives under water in         pressure sodium lamps, but much less blue light, we might
streams. They emerge to mate as flying adults and die after a few         expect LEDs to have a greater influence on stream organisms.
days. While living in the stream as larvae, they move by drifting              Elizabeth looks forward to continuing her research on arti-
in the water column, but generally only at night when visually-           ficial light and stream ecosystems. She is particularly interested
foraging fish cannot see them well. Elizabeth was curious as to           in developing a better understanding of how different light
how streetlights might change this drifting behaviour, as well as         spectra change the behaviour of stream organisms so she can
the behaviour of the adult flying stage of the aquatic insects and        help advise city planners on how to best design appropriate
cutthrout trout that are common in British Columbia streams.              lighting infrastructure near water bodies.
     To better understand these potential changes, Elizabeth                   For more information contact Dr Elizabeth Perkin at
ran a month-long experiment in the Malcolm Knapp Research        or Dr John Richardson at
Forest during her doctoral studies, installing streetlights next

10      branchlines 25#2 2014
Measuring the
  city in 3D

Over 5 million LiDAR-generated points make up this 3 dimensional representation of the area around Oakridge Mall in Vancouver

     If you were in Vancouver in February      returns provides a highly accurate            incorporating supplementary statistics
2013 and happened to look up in the            representation of urban form that Rory        on building energy performance, Rory
sky, you may have noticed an airplane          analyzed to determine the influence           was able to provide predictions of
flying back and forth over the city.           of obstructions that cast shadows on a        energy demand that closely match the
However, what you would not have               rooftop, such as another building or a        results from much more laborious and
seen were the millions of infrared laser       tree, and the geometry of the roof itself.    time consuming simulation software.
signals blanketing the city surface. For       Combining this information with the           The application of this research offers
any given second, a scanner mounted            location of the sun in the sky and the        insights into the specific energy effi-
beneath that aircraft was shooting             influence of clouds in the atmosphere,        ciency strategies that are contextually
over 350,000 laser pulses towards the          Rory generated detailed estimates of          appropriate for individual homes.
ground while measuring the time every          the changes in solar energy across the             While elements of Rory’s research
pulse took to hit an object and return         Metro Vancouver region.                       have focused on developing tech-
to the aircraft. After 3 days and a total of       In an effort to inform homeowners         niques to extract features from the
7 hours flying time, a dense cloud of 3        and decision makers of the potential          LiDAR, such as buildings and trees, he
billion points was collected, each point       for generating electricity and hot water      sees the broader value of LiDAR as a
providing a highly accurate measure of         using the sun’s energy, Rory teamed-          tool that can be used to improve our
height and location in space.                  up with staff at the District of North        understanding of a range of topics
     This technology, known as Light           Vancouver and applied his research            unique to urban settings.
Detection and Ranging, or LiDAR for            to help develop the interactive Solar              “Because cities are such complex
short, while long used in the natural          Calculator App (           environments we need new and
resource sector, is becoming an increas-       applications/solarapp/). The award-           improved ways of measuring and
ingly popular tool for urban planners          winning online tool shows residents           representing them” says Rory. Like
and civil engineers. Since beginning his       how much sunlight reaches different           aerial photography a century ago, the
master’s degree in Forestry in 2007, Rory      areas of their roof, how much money           ultimate utility of LiDAR as a planning
Tooke, now a recent PhD graduate, has          they could save on their energy bills         tool has yet to emerge, but as digital
been researching the use of LiDAR to           and how much carbon dioxide emis-             technology diffuses into the urban
better understand urban environments.          sion they can avoid compared to con-          planning process, LiDAR will undoubt-
     Recognizing that local govern-            ventional gas heaters.                        edly play a critical role.
ments in British Columbia have a man-              Rory has also focused his research             Dr Rory Tooke completed his gradu-
date to address energy and emissions,          on estimating the demand for ther-            ate degrees under the supervision of Dr
Rory’s graduate research has been              mal energy services in the residential        Nicholas Coops (director of the Integrated
primarily focused on questions related         building sector. These thermal services       Remote Sensing Studio in the Faculty of
to energy supply and demand in the             include hot water and space heating,          Forestry). Rory continues to investigate the
city. On the supply side, his research has     which together are responsible for            role of technology in understanding energy
focused on techniques to better map            the vast majority of building energy          in the urban environment at UBC’s Centre
the solar energy available on building         use. Using LiDAR to derive the shape          for Interactive Research on Sustainability
rooftops. The dense cloud of LiDAR             and size of individual buildings and          and can be reached at

                                                                                                                 branchlines         11
solutions for the
Kingdom of Lesotho
    In the spring of 2012 Lesotho‘s High Commissioner to            an alumna of UBC, Dr Tsepa appealed to UBC Forestry to apply
Canada, Her Excellency Mathabo Tsepa, visited UBC Forestry          our multidisciplinary expertise to the problem.
with an official request for assistance regarding land change           After securing some initial seed funding through CIDA’s
and forest management in Lesotho. The Kingdom of Lesotho            University Partnerships Program and Lucara Diamond
is a tiny landlocked country entirely surrounded by South           Corporation, a delegation consisting of Iain Macdonald from
Africa. It is afflicted with serious soil erosion and land degra-   CAWP, Joleen Timko from AFRICAD (UBC’s Africa Forests
dation challenges, is losing woodlots due to cattle browsing        Research Initiative on Conservation and Development) and
and illegal harvesting for fuelwood, and has ongoing land use       3 South Africa-based team members from Stellenbosch
conflicts with the large numbers of herders who roam the            University and Furntech (a business incubation organization)
foothills and mountains. At the same time, there is chronic         traveled to Lesotho in November 2013. The group first toured
unemployment and poverty in the rural communities, high             various woodlots, agroforestry sites, indigenous forest areas,
rates of HIV infection, and declining employment prospects          and a wood processing operation, as well as meeting with
for Lesotho adults in neighbouring South Africa. There are          high-level decision makers in government and the education
viable opportunities to mitigate these challenges through           sector. The group then participated in a 3-day planning forum
broad-based forestry-related initiatives. However, this will        at which Lesotho stakeholders and the visiting delegation
require significant research, institutional capacity building,      exchanged ideas on forestry-related strategies and activities
training, and business mentoring over several years. Having         that would be suitable for application in the Lesotho context.
heard about the successful work that our Centre for Advanced        The ultimate goal was to develop an action plan based on
Wood Processing (CAWP) had done in South Africa, and herself        the input of all present, and draw from local and international

12     branchlines 25#2 2014
There is a
       critical need for
educational alternatives
that focus on locally
relevant forestry and
forest management
practices. “

     experiences and knowledge.
         The meeting identified a huge
     need for education and training capac-
     ity in forestry and wood processing.
     There are virtually no forestry-specific
     courses offered at Lesotho’s only uni-
     versity. Forestry officers in the Ministry
     of Forestry and Land Reclamation              Portable sawmill in operation in the Leribe District
     typically come from the Soil Science
     program at the National University of        and shrubs for fuelwood.                        have the buy-in and participation of
     Lesotho or from Lesotho Agricultural             Lesotho’s people (Basotho) rely             rural communities. It has adopted a
     College, or have obtained advanced           heavily on biomass (wood, shrubs,               policy of decentralizing control and
     degrees overseas. There is a critical        animal dung and agricultural residues)          management of woodlots so that
     need for educational alternatives that       to supply nearly three-quarters of their        communities located close to them will
     focus on locally relevant forestry and       energy needs – the average for the rural        feel greater ownership of the resource,
     forest management practices. At the          population is closer to 95%. Several            ideally resulting in better stewardship
     same time, Lesotho is almost devoid          hundred woodlots were established               and protection of the woodlots. This is
     of wood processing infrastructure. Only      40-45 years ago, but the need for               a promising strategy but it will require
     one portable sawmill exists in the entire    firewood has meant that many have               significant training and mentoring of
     country – itself a pilot project by the      fallen prey to widespread unauthor-             community members in order to suc-
     Ministry – and there are no permanent        ized felling. Tree plantations have been        ceed. That is why the first priority of the
     mills. Timber for furniture, roof trusses    viewed as land use competition for the          UBC-African team in 2014 has been to
     and other industrial needs is sourced        range lands that herders have used to           propose a community research and
     exclusively from South Africa.               graze their cattle, and animals have            training program in 9 pilot communi-
         From an environmental standpoint         been allowed to browse the unfenced             ties. As well as gathering information
     Lesotho is in great need of sustainable,     woodlots, resulting in the further loss of      on the attitudes and knowledge that
     effective forest management strategies.      significant numbers of young trees. Of          community members have related to
     Erosion gullies (known as “dongas”) are      the pine woodlots that have survived,           forests and their benefits, it will attempt
     a common sight around the country,           many are now mature, and if they are            to engage some of those communities
     and topsoil is being lost at the alarming    not harvested soon the trees will begin         in pilot projects to help manage wood-
     rate of around 2% each year – indeed,        to decay and emit CO2.                          lots, extract timber, grow mushrooms,
     the UN has estimated that if current             The output of our 2013 forum was            make honey and other non-timber
     erosion rates continue there will be no      a holistic plan for forest-related devel-       products, and engage in microbusi-
     farmable soil left by 2040. Lesotho is       opment centered on the 4 themes of              ness enterprises that can alleviate rural
     a mountainous country whose steep            agroforestry, sustainable forest man-           unemployment. The knowledge and
     slopes and poor soils do not lend            agement, community participation                results gained from this initial project
     themselves to productive agriculture,        and business and livelihoods. Each is           will help to inform a broad range of
     and with most of the viable land in the      intrinsically linked to the other, and          intervention and assistance strategies,
     western lowlands already fully utilized,     the plan as a whole is focused on               including the creation of a business
     farming has been established on slopes       managing and growing forest lands to            incubator for the production of furni-
     and thin volcanic soils in areas of higher   sustainably produce outputs that can            ture and other wood products.
     elevation that can quickly wash away in      help the environment and the poor.                  If you would like to know more about
     heavy rains. The problem is exacerbated      The third pillar – community participa-         UBC Forestry’s work in Lesotho, contact
     by the digging of irrigation furrows that    tion – is a critical cross-cutting issue.       Iain Macdonald or Joleen Timko at
     allow the soil to wash downhill more         Lesotho’s government has recognized    or
     easily, and by widespread felling of trees   that for forestry to succeed it must  

                                                                                                                     branchlines         13
Transforming findings
into policies and practice
     The “proof of the pudding is in the     be allowed to disappear or remain            need for innovative policies that will
eating” is a very old proverb with the       obscure.                                     put environmental governance on a
Oxford Dictionary of Quotations dating           Suzi Malan is a doctoral candi-          sustainable path has become crucial.
it back to the early 14th century, and it    date working under the supervision           Since the southern region of Africa is
is widely attributed to Cervantes in The     of Dr John Innes in the Department           home to a diverse array of fauna and
History of Don Quixote. However, what        of Forest Resources Management at            flora, much of which is facing the threat
if the “pudding” never gets eaten, or if     UBC. Her PhD research is focussing           of extinction, conservation policies are
that which the chef cooks up is ined-        on the decision-making processes of          particularly critical to halt this trajectory.
ible? This perversion of the old adage       southern African transboundary con-          The dilemma is finding the balance
provides some analogy to the fact that       servation areas as models of natural         between protection and development,
much research has no application in          resource governance among multi-             since this region also supports large
real life, or is simply not communicated     national governments. With the African       populations of impoverished rural
to the right audience. Although not all      continent’s natural resources facing         communities, who often bear the costs
research could directly impact policy        increasing demands not only by its           of environmental protection through
making or management decisions,              growing human populations, but also          diminished access to natural resources
the sphere of resource governance            from large emerging economies on             or through forced removal, but have
research is one area which should not        the continent as well as abroad, the         little share in the direct benefits of these

 A community athletics day in Gonarezhou National Park’s buffer zone, under a massive baobab tree

14     branchlines 25#2 2014
Nguni cattle in Parque National do Limpopo, Mozambique

                 protected ecosystem services.                cesses. The research involved conduct-       current directions being taken, and
                     It was therefore one of Suzi’s main      ing 102 semi-structured interviews with      are presently being developed – these
                 objectives to not only identify and          community members, park officials            include: the need to establish some
                 understand the decision-making pro-          and managers at various levels, local        form of park management forums
                 cesses behind establishing and man-          government officials, national policy        among the bordering national parks;
                 aging such cross-border conservation         makers and NGOs involved in the trans-       and the need to build communities of
                 areas, but to also translate any potential   frontier conservation areas, as well as an   practice that would strengthen com-
                 recommendations to the policy and            in-depth scrutiny of relevant policies       munication networks and improve
                 decision makers driving the initiative       and treaty documents. A value system         collaboration at the operational level
                 behind these mega parks. To this end,        framework was developed as a result,         among neighbouring conservation
                 she saw an opportunity to create a           and each of the ecosystem, socio-            areas.
                 platform for discussion when one             economic and governance dimensions               One further development which
                 high-level politician invited her after an   received a cumulative score for the          ensued from the governance inter-
                 interview to return towards the end of       2 case study areas which were being          views during the research, was that
                 her studies and present her findings.        investigated. The findings particularly      Suzi was invited to become part of
                     The overall objective of the research    in the governance and decision-making        a transboundary conservation “think
                 project had been to consult with all         sphere were analysed using Capability        tank” that meets from time to time
                 layers of decision and policy makers         Maturity Model theory and the NATO           to discuss challenges and issues per-
                 involved to synthesize the current state     Network Enabling Capability model            tinent to transboundary resource
                 of knowledge, identify the range of          theory.                                      governance. The objective of these
                 potential land management options                Armed with an arsenal of resource        discussions is to advise policy makers
                 and adaptation actions at various            governance findings and recommen-            on ways of addressing these challenges
                 scales, and determine the range of           dations, Suzi invited a group of key         either through appropriate policies,
                 values that drive decision-making pro-       policy and decision makers directly          or through alternative management
                                                              involved in the planning and manage-         practices. The invitation to be part of
                                                              ment of the 2 case studies to a policy       such a distinguished group was the
                 With the African                             feedback session. In addition to her         ultimate reward for a long and arduous
                 continent’s natural                          own findings, she also invited another       journey, and has resulted in forging
                 resources facing                             PhD and a post-doc student, both from        strong ties with people driven by the
                                                              Zimbabwe to co-present their own rec-        same passion – to find practical solu-
                 increasing demands...                        ommendations on related issues in the        tions to managing Africa’s rich natural
                 the need for innovative                      areas of tourism and eco-agriculture         resources without compromising their
                 policies that will                           within these “peace parks”. An impor-        future existence.
                                                              tant outcome from this policy session            For further information on this
                 put environmental                            was that 2 major recommendations             research project, contact Suzi Malan at
                 governance on a                              from her research both strengthened
                 sustainable path has
                 become crucial. “                                                                                          branchlines       15
Matching market
  signals to the Canadian
  wood products value

    Canada’s solid wood products industry has a strong history   optimization problem became getting the right log to the
of being commodity driven, which on the solid wood side, has     right manufacturing facility for the right end-use application.
predominately served the low-cost North American residential     Resource allocation considers all product-manufacturing
construction market. Over a decade of North American hous-       alternatives, including lumber in various grades, co-product
ing growth (with over 2 million annual single and multi-family   chips and residues (and whole log chipping) for pulp, wood
housing starts) has created clear economic signals for high      composites, bio-chemicals, bio-energy, etc. The return-to-log
volume/low cost manufacturing. The resulting products that       is maximized by considering all possible “bio-pathways” or
have dominated have been - and largely remain - dimension        “value-pathways”, both for meeting potential domestic and
lumber, wood-based panels and wood chips as a manufactur-        export demands (see
ing co-product.                                                  pathways, for a discussion of these concepts).
    In this commodity world, research and industry has under-
standably been focused on technologies and processes that          NSERC Strategic Research Network on Value
minimize cost, rather than maximize value. This has led to       Chain Optimization (VCO)
decades of supply chain optimization, creating tremendous            In partial response to a growing emphasis on value-chains,
efficiencies in harvesting, manufacture and distribution.        the NSERC VCO Network was established as 1 of 8 networks
Indeed, the ‘platform-frame’ housing system evolved in North     for Canada’s Forest Innovation by Research & Education (FIBRE)
America to be amongst the most efficient in the world, deliv-    program. These are federally funded strategic research &
ering attributes demanded in the marketplace including a         development networks “in support of the priorities of Canada’s
highly competitive price.                                        vital forest sector innovation system” (
    In the manufacture of any commodity, however, at some            Officially launched in February of 2010, the VCO Network’s
point declining real prices and the diminishing returns to       stated mission is “to improve the Canadian forest industry
cost-reduction combine to challenge the sustainability of        competitiveness through forest and business innovation by
the industry. Add in the housing collapse in the US, a strong    training the best highly qualified personnel in the emerging
Canadian dollar, structural changes in the pulp and paper        field of value chain modelling and by providing analysis tools
sector (affecting co-product wood chip demand), and sup-         and decision support for optimization of the modern forest
ply constraints (including the Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic     bioeconomy networks [being] the entire network of activities
in BC), and one might conclude that the need for industry        and processes from the tree through to the consumers of
diversification has never been stronger.                         conventional forest products, new value-added products, new
    These underlying supply and demand challenges have           fibre products and new biochemical and biofuel products.”
strongly contributed to the evolution of supply chain into           VCO has the inherent objective of adding value to the
value chain optimization. By adding the focus on value, the      Canadian forest resource. By definition, ‘value’ adding will

16     branchlines 25#2 2014
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