FOCUSsummer 2018/19 - The Hills Shire Council

Page created by Theodore Turner
FOCUSsummer 2018/19 - The Hills Shire Council
  Sydney Hills                                            summer 2018/19

   n e w s a n d i n f o r m a t i o n f r o m t h e H i l l s Sh i r e C o u n c i l

                                                                                        Sport for Jove’s Francesca Savige and Damien Ryan at Roxborough Park Rose Garden
s ha k e s p e a r e in t h e p a r k
P i o ne e r T h e a tr e g u id e
S umm e r b u s h wa l k s
C hr i s t m a s i n Th e Hill s
Ge t f i t f o r f re e
L i b ra ry n e ws a n d mor e …
                                                                                        image - Seiya Taguchi

10 years of Shakespeare in the Park – it’s a ROSE RIOT at The Farm!
The Hollow Crown | The Wars of the Roses | 8-30 December
FOCUSsummer 2018/19 - The Hills Shire Council
New Year                                                                           T o h e lp y ou p l a n yo u r

                                                                                   ac tiv itie s ov e r C h r i st ma s
                                                                                   an d N e w Y e ar, pl ea se n o t e
                                                                                   C ou n c il’ s op e r a t i o n a l h o u r s
                                                                                   for th e h olid a y per i o d .

                                                                                   Customer Service
                                                                                   Council’s Customer Service Centre at 3 Columbia Court
                                                                                   Norwest will be closed from 4.30pm Friday 21 December
                                                                                   2018 - reopening on Wednesday 2 January 2019 from
                                                                                   8.30am to 4.30pm.

                                                                                   Hills Community Care
                                                                                   Hills Community Care will be open until 4.30pm on Friday
                                                                                   21 December 2018 - resuming on Wednesday 2 January
                                                                                   2019. Throughout the Christmas/New Year period client
                                                                                   support will be provided on request and emergency contact
                                                                                   numbers provided.

                                                                                   Childcare Centres
                                                                                   Council’s five Child Care Centres - Balcombe Heights,
                                                                                   Castle Glen, Ellerman, Eurambie Park and Excelsior
                                                                                   Avenue - will close from Friday 21 December 2018 and
                                                                                   recommence from Tuesday 8 January 2019.
    Library Service
    The Hills Shire Library Service will operate on the following schedule:        Online Services
                                                                                   You can report a problem, book a venue, update your
    Date             Castle Hill    Rouse Hill      Baulkham Hills   Dural
                                                                                   details or lodge an application 24/7 online on Council’s
    Mon 24 Dec       9.30am-5pm     9.30am-5pm      10am-5.20pm      10am-5.20pm   website - for emergency
    Tues 25 Dec      Closed         Closed          Closed           Closed        contact details and waste hotline numbers, visit the
                                                                                   Contact Us page.
    Wed 26 Dec       Closed         Closed          Closed           Closed
    Thurs 27 Dec     9.30am-8pm     9.30am-9pm      Closed           Closed
                                                                                   BIN COLLECTION
    Fri 28 Dec       9.30am-8pm     9.30am-6pm      Closed           Closed
                                                                                   Over the Christmas period, bins will be collected as
    Sat 29 Dec       9.30am-5pm     9.30am-5pm      Closed           Closed        normal, even if your bin collection falls on Christmas Day
    Sun 30 Dec       1pm-5pm        1pm-5pm         Closed           Closed        or other public holidays. Please ensure you place your
                                                                                   bin out at the kerbside before 5.30am on the day of your
    Mon 31 Dec       9.30am-5pm     9.30am-5pm      Closed           Closed        collection. If your bin has been missed, please call the
    Tues 1 Jan       Closed         Closed          Closed           Closed        Waste Hotline on 1800 623 895.

    Wed 2 Jan        9.30am-8pm     9.30am-6pm      10am-5.20pm      10am-5.20pm

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FOCUSsummer 2018/19 - The Hills Shire Council
Wh y v olu n t e e r                                                                                                                   Bush Wa l k s

with the Hills?                                                                                                                        t o t r y t hi s
S t o r y by R a b ia Ra s u l                                                                                                         G e t ou t an d abou t th is
                                                                                                                                       s u m m e r by tre atin g

                                                                                                                                       y ou rs e lf to a bu s h w alk.
    n the Hills Shire, volunteers play an     for people to get out and become            and The Mayoral Sleep Out – raising
    important role in assisting Council.      involved in the community. Some of          funds and awareness for homelessness.        T h e re are lots of op e n
    They provide beneficial services to       these include joining the Hills Bushcare,                                                s p ac e s to e x p lore in th e
    the community, while learning new         the Hills Youth Army or becoming a          Apart from Council’s volunteer program,
skills along the way.                         youth mentor with MTC Australia.            you can also volunteer with community        H ills S h ire .
                                                                                          organisations like MTC Australia. MTC
It’s an extremely valuable and rewarding      The Hills Bushcare has volunteer            Australia is a not-for-profit organisation
experience for all involved.                  opportunities available for everyone who    that provides a range of services to
                                              wants to get out and about, and preserve    both individuals and employers to help
Here’s what a few of our volunteers had       their local environment. Tasks include                                                   Heritage Trail,                                interpretive signs along the way. Don’t     Starting Point: Rouse Hill Community
to say about their role and why they                                                      them live the life that they want to lead.   Baulkham Hills                                 forget to visit the Café Saligna if you     Centre car park Aberdour Avenue,
                                              seed collection, cleaning and propagation
choose to spend their time helping the                                                    They provide individuals with many                                                          want a bite to eat.
                                              at the local nursey, track maintenance                                                   Why not take a calming walk along the                                                      Rouse Hill.
community they love:                                                                      opportunities to volunteer through the
                                              and monitoring fauna and flora.                                                          Heritage Trail in Baulkham Hills?              Distance: 1.8km
                                                                                          Youth Frontiers Mentoring Program.
“What I love about volunteering is the                                                                                                 This track takes you on the historic track     Grade: Moderate                             Waterfall Walk, West
                                              The Hills Youth Army is another exciting                                                 where the early settlers first established
teamwork - that we can work together to                                                   This program provides individuals                                                           Time: One and a half hours                  Pennant Hills
                                              opportunity open to anyone who is                                                        farms in the late 18th Century. The
a common goal,” said volunteer, Lesley.                                                   with the chance to mentor students                                                          Facilities: Toilets, picnic areas, BBQs,
                                              between the ages of 13-25 years.                                                         trail ventures through the Toongabbie                                                      Looking for a more adventurous walk try
                                              The youth dedicated program aims to         between 12-16 years-of-age so that                                                          café, retail plant nursery and Tree Tops
“I’ve lived in the Hills Shire for 30 odd                                                                                              Creek headwaters through Sydney                                                            the Waterfall walk in West Pennant Hills?
                                              empower young people so that they           they can create a community project to                                                      Adventure Course
years now and I don’t work. It’s nice to                                                                                               Turpentine Ironbark Forest and to                                                          The Waterfall walk takes a scenic route
                                              can actively contribute to their local      develop their confidence, teamwork and                                                      Track Status: Formed Bush Tracks,
give something back,” said volunteer,                                                                                                  Crestwood Reserve where there are                                                          along the Darling Mills Creek surrounded
                                              community and can connect with other        leadership skills.                                                                          some steep grades with many steps
Lynn.                                                                                                                                  various facilities available for a picnic to                                               by Blue Gum trees, sandstone gullies and
                                              likeminded people.                                                                       be enjoyed.                                    Starting Point: The Visitor Centre car
                                                                                          Are you interested in becoming a                                                                                                        wildflower. This beautiful walk showcases
“It’s a very healthy thing to talk to other                                                                                                                                           park, Cumberland State Forest, 95
                                              Since the group’s inception in 2014,        volunteer? More information about            Distance: 6.4km                                                                            the only waterfall in the Hills through some
people and to learn from other people                                                                                                                                                 Castle Hill Road, West Pennant Hills.
as well,” said volunteer, Kali.               the Hills Youth Army has supported          these great opportunities is available       Grade: Easy                                                                                of the prettiest scenery. It’s also perfect for
                                              many local events including the Orange      on the Hills Shire Council website,          Time: Two and a half to three hours                                                        kids with a playground to keep them busy.
In the Hills there are many opportunities     Blossom Festival, Hills Relay for Life                                                                    Bushland Corridors,
                                                                                                                                       Facilities: Playground, toilets, picnic                                                    Distance: 3.1-3.4km
                                                                                                                                                                                      Rouse Hill
                                                                                                                                       tables and BBQs at Crestwood Reserve                                                       Grade: Moderate
                                                                                                                                                                                      For a more historical track why not try
                                                                                                                                       Track Status: Walk on paved paths
                                                                                                                                                                                      the Bushland Corridors in Rouse Hill?       Time: One and a half to two hours
                                                                                                                                       Starting Point: It can be accessed
                                                                                                                                                                                      This track is packed with lots to           Facilities: Playground and picnic table
                                                                                                                                       through various points along the trail.
                                                                                                                                                                                      see including an early farm house,          at Richard Webb Reserve
                                                                                                                                                                                      a mysterious grave and remnant              Track Status: Graded fire trail and bush
                                                                                                                                       Forest Walk, Cumberland                        bushland. There is even some wildlife
                                                                                                                                       State Forest - West                                                                        tracks. There is an optional steep climb
                                                                                                                                                                                      along the way with waterbirds and a
                                                                                                                                       Pennant Hills                                                                              and descent
                                                                                                                                                                                      lizard mosaic to admire. This track is
                                                                                                                                       Want to try a slightly more challenging        perfect for those who love to get out       Starting Point: Richard Webb Reserve,
                                                                                                                                       walk, try the Forest Walk at the               in the sun and enjoy stories about the      Aiken Road, West Pennant Hills.
                                                                                                                                       Cumberland State Forest?                       settlers in the early colony.
                                                                                                                                       This walk journeys through the                 Distance: 4.4km
                                                                                                                                       Cumberland State Forest, the only              Grade: Easy                                           Want to know more
       The Hills Youth Army is                                                                                                         urban forest in Australia. Explore the tall
    another exciting opportunity                                                                                                                                                      Time: Two hours                                 information about our summer
                                                                                                                                       native trees and Cabbage Tree Palms                                                                  bush walk series?
    open to anyone who is between                                                                                                                                                     Facilities: Playgrounds at William Harvey
                                                                                                                                       and enjoy all the birdlife of the forest.
       the ages of 13-25 years.                                                                                                                                                       Reserve and Milford Drive Reserve             Visit The Hills Shire Council Website,
                                                                                                                                       The walk showcases the indigenous
                                                                                                                                       plants of the Hills District, signposted       Track Status: Paved paths and some     
                                                                                                                                       with individual plant names and                grassed areas

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FOCUSsummer 2018/19 - The Hills Shire Council
C e leb r a tin g
           ye ars o f                                                                                                                                                 Wher e it a ll beg an…
                                                                                                                                                                      The Sydney Hills                kind in Sydney, occupying        allows a place admire the
                                                                                                                                                                      Shakespeare in the Park         over 8,000sqm. The original      beauty of the gardens, or in
                                                                                                                                                                      was the brainchild of Hills     design for the gardens was       the Ryans’ case, to dream

                                        in the park
                                                                                                                                                                      residents Damien and            prepared by the Senior           up a plan to bring outdoor
                                                                                                                                                                      Bernadette Ryan, who held       Landscape Designer of the        theatre to the Hills.
                                                                                                                                                                      the first outdoor theatre       Royal Botanic Gardens.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       More than 100 varieties
                                                                                                                                                                      season in 2009 at their local
                                                                                                                                                                                                      The retaining walls create       bloom annually, with many
                                                                                                                                                                      rose garden.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      four terraces with by a flight   donated by local nurseries

I t al l be g an 1 0 y e a r s a g o in the Hills with the creation of an
                                                                                                                                    A message                         The ‘Alfred Henry Whaling       of steps finished in Cowra       and rose societies. Visitors
                                                                                                                                                                      Memorial Reserve Rose           slate. The circular rotunda      can find the Rose Garden at
o ut d o o r S h ak e s p e a r e Fe s t iv al at the Roxborough Park Rose                                                          from Sport                        Garden’ was established         provides a retreat to admire     the corner of Mileham and

                                                                                                                                    for Jove
                                                                                                                                                                      in 1972 and is regarded         the climbing scented roses       Roxborough Park Roads in
G ar d e n . A r t is tic Dir e ct or a nd Baulkham Hills local, Dam ien R y an ,
                                                                                                                                                                      as one of the largest of its    while the grassed open area      Baulkham Hills.
pro d u c e d a s e a s on o f Rome o and Juliet and A Midsum m er Nigh t’ s
Dr ea m t h at so ld o u t f or t h e bulk of the season.                                                                           “LET US SIT UPON
                                                                                                                                    THE GROUND…”

         he season moved         outdoor theatre with their                                                                         When a famous leader of
         to Bella Vista Farm     most immersive and                 ROSE RIOT - The Hollow Crown                                    nations is forced to recognise
         the following year      ambitious season yet:                                                                              he is no more than a frail
                                                                    The Hollow Crown spans the reign of the lavish and
         and has remained        Shakespeare’s Rose Riot.                                                                           human being like everyone
                                                                    wasteful Richard II, torn from his perch by the brilliant and
there, staging many of                                                                                                              else, he implores the people
                                 Rose Riot is Damien                persuasive tongue of a true political animal, Henry IV.
Shakespeare’s iconic plays                                                                                                          around him to help him
                                 Ryan’s new adaptation of
over the decade including                                                                                                           understand what the story
                                 Shakespeare’s extraordinary
Macbeth, The Taming of the                                          ROSE RIOT - The Wars of the Roses                               of living is worth, and what
                                 history cycle, covering a
Shrew, Hamlet, The Tempest,                                                                                                         it means to die - “let us sit
                                 hundred years of riotous           Shakespeare’s Wars of the Roses, the inspiration for
Twelfth Night, Antony and                                                                                                           upon the ground and tell
                                 humanity and a pantheon of         television’s Game of Thrones, is all about glory – its
Cleopatra and Julius Caesar                                                                                                         sad stories of the death of
                                 the earth’s most remarkable        splendour and its terrible price.
– later adding classics like                                                                                                        kings…”, Richard II asks his
                                 political thinkers and drinkers,
Cyrano de Bergerac, The                                             Adaptor & Director Damien Ryan (both productions)               friends.
                                 warriors and clowns, villains,
Crucible and The Importance                                         Tickets: Adult $42, Concession $32,
                                 heroines and despots.
of Being Earnest.                                                   Family bundle (2 Adult, 2 Concession) $120,                     We ask you to do the
                                 The Hollow Crown (Richard                                                                          same this summer. To sit
In 2013, The Second Age                                             Children 9 and under are free.
                                 II, Henry IV, Henry V) and                                                                         upon the ground in one of
youth theatre project was                                           Come once or come see both shows and get an extra
                                 The Wars of the Roses                                                                              Sydney’s most beautiful
created, offering local school                                      20% discount off tickets on the second show.
                                 (Henry VI, Richard III) will be                                                                    outdoor theatres, to tell
students the opportunity to
                                 presented as two distinct but                                                                      stories, to revel in poetry,
experience of performing a                                          Celebrate 10 years of Shakespeare in the Park with
                                 linked productions                                                                                 to think as a community
curtain-raiser as part of the                                       Rose Riot at Bella Vista Farm, Elizabeth Macarthur
                                  – with audiences being                                                                            about what nationhood and
annual outdoor festival.                                            Drive Bella Vista. Free parking available on-site.
                                 able to enjoy either show as                                                                       leadership mean, and to
This year, Sport for Jove        a stand-alone production or        Visit                                   bear witness to how Richard
will celebrate 10 summers        experience full the cycle by                                                                       II’s deposition, the first
of thrilling and surprising      seeing both in one day.                                                                            formal party room meeting
                                                                                                                                    to spill an English king, sets
                                                                                                                                    in motion an extraordinary
                                                                                                                                    ricochet of political fractures
                                                                                                                                    that William Shakespeare
                                                                                                                                    turned into the greatest
                                                                                                                                    study of leadership, human
                                                                                                                                    competition and ambition
                                                                                                                                    ever penned.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             a midsummer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             night’s dream at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the rose garden

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FOCUSsummer 2018/19 - The Hills Shire Council

        H a v e f u n in t h e s u n th is
        su m m e r a n d t r y th e e x e r cise
        eq u i p m e n t a t t h e l oca l p ark
        n e ar y o u !
                                                                                                              Be one of the first to experience the magic of the theatre so close
                                                                                                              to home. There’s a variety of productions to enjoy throughout the
        The Hills Centenary Park                                                                              first season—we hope you enjoy the show.
        The Hills Centenary Park is our newest
        installation featuring 12 exercise items spread                                                       THIS DECEMBER
        out across 3 stations around the park. There is
        a hand cycle, butterfly press, leg lift, chin up bar                                                  1 December
        and pull bars are available to use any time.                                                          Broadway Reimagined
                                                                     Crestwood Reserve
        The stations are also equipped with a push                                                            Talent Development
        up bar, a step up, plyo box jumps, back                 Crestwood Reserve has a multitude of
        extension and a sit up board just waiting              equipment with 15 exercise stations to try     2-5 December
        for a 24/7 workout.                                    with a cross trainer, hand bike, leg press,    Finding Your Feet
                                                                chest press, spinning bike, pull up and
        Address: Commercial Road & Withers                                                                    Australian Performing Arts College
                                                                 plyometric boxes all available for use.
        Road, Kellyville
                                                                The facilities also include a lat pulldown,   5 December
                                                               assisted pull up, recumbent bike, shoulder     An Evening with Kerry O’Brien
                                                               press and a seated row ready to operate at     A Memoir
                                                                                your leisure.
                                                                    Address: Corner of Crestwood              9 December
                                                                       Drive and Chapel Lane,                 Flights & Sounds
                                                                           Baulkham Hills                     Entertain Sydney
                                                                                                              15 December
                                                                                                              The Women of Wisemans
                                                                                                              Convict Footprints
                                                                                                              21-23 December                                                                    HAVE A SHOW
                                                                                                              Cairo Jim & the Tomb of Martenarten
                                                                                                              Bookcase Productions                                                                TO STAGE?
                                                                                                              Get your tickets online today                               The Pioneer Theatre is Sydney’s newest entertainment
                                                                                                                                             destination, in the heart of Castle Hill. Our fresh,
                                                                                                                                                                             modern, 350+ seat venue could be just what you’re
                                                                                                                                                                         looking for. Available for theatre productions, seminars,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  lectures, trade shows and more.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             More information
                                                                                                                                                                       | 9843 0586

                                                                                                                                                                       Follow The Pioneer Theatre on Instagram & Facebook
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FOCUSsummer 2018/19 - The Hills Shire Council
                                                                                                                                                                               Library news                                                                                   Councillors
                                                                                                                                                                               Top Summer reads                         Castle Hill Library
                                                                                                                                                                               • Wild Fire by Ann Cleeves               In this workshop students will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        guided through drawing fanciful,

                                                                                                                    in The Hills
                                                                                                                                                                               • Tailspin by Sandra Brown
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        fictional animals, before setting their                        Mayor Dr Michelle
                                                                                                                                                                               • At Long Last Love by Milly Adams
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        imaginations free to create their very                         Byrne
                                                                                                                                                                               • T
                                                                                                                                                                                  he Ones You Trust by                 own Curious Creatures.                                         0448 268 140
                                                                                                                                                                                 Caroline Overington                    Popular artist Matthew Lin will lead                 
                                     F o r t h e s e v en t h y e a r , C h r is t m as in The Hills will bring joy to                                                         • Shelter in Place by Nora Roberts       the fun on the day.
                                     Be l l a V i s t a Fa r m!                                                                                                                                                         10am-11am or 11.30am-12.30pm                Connectivity is key
                                                                                                                                                                               What’s On:                               Suitable for children in school years 4-7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Connectivity is such an important factor
                                                                                                                                                                               Join one of Australia’s most respected
                                     •    Food stalls, rides, animal petting zoo and                                                                                                                                                                                for the growth of our Shire. Council works
                                                                                                                                                                               journalists, Kerry O’Brien, as he        Wednesday 16 January                        hard to ensure local roads and footpaths
                                          family-friendly entertainment from 4pm.                                                                                              discusses his memoir,                    Escape Room! $23PP                          are well maintained, and that new
                                     •    Displays by the Castle Hill Police, The                                                                                              Memoir By Kerry O’Brien,                 Castle Hill Library                         infrastructure is provided to ensure high
                                          Mounted Police, The Rural Fire Brigade                                                                                               at the Pioneer Theatre on                Outwit, outsmart and just GET OUT!!         levels of accessibility.
                                          and SES.                                                                                                                             Wednesday, December 5 at 7pm.            Work as a team to face pirates, aliens      As part of greater Sydney, our community
                                     •    Christmas carols with a 49-piece orchestra                                                                                           Cost: $17.50pp.                          and zombies in your attempt to solve        also needs good access to key features
                                          and choir from 7pm to 9pm.                                                                                                                                                    the mysteries and escape. Book as a         of our city, like the CBD and the Second
                                                                                                                                                                               To book:                                                         Sydney Airport. This is why I’m calling
                                     •    Event concludes with a spectacular                                                                                                                                            team of five or individually.
                                                                                                                                                                               au/e/an-evening-with-kerry-obrien-                                                   on the Department of Planning and
                                          fireworks finale.                                                                                                                                                             10.30am-11.30am, Suitable for children
                                                                                                                                                                               tickets-50940529495.                                                                 Environment to progress planning for the
                                     Ticket sales go to supporting the charities Foster                                                                                                                                 in school years 5-8                         connection of the Sydney Metro Northwest
                                     Angels, Learning Links and Hills Community Aid.                                                                                                                                                                                to the North-South Rail Link at St Marys.
                                                                                                                                                                               School holiday activities                Tickets on sale 1st December
                                     Wednesday 12 December, Bella Vista Farm                                                                                  We               Tuesday 8 January                          I believe this missing link is critical for the
                                                                                                                                                            12th Dd            Curious Creatures Illustration           Details correct at time of printing,        growth and economic prosperity of The
                                     Tickets from                                                                                  ec
                                                                                                                                                          BellaVista           Workshops $14PP                          but are subject to change.                  Hills and must be fast-tracked.
                                                                                                                                                           Farm                                                                                                     A majority of Councillors have voted in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    favour of making a submission to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Western Sydney Aerotropolis Land Use
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Infrastructure Implementation Plan –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    outlining why this vital public connection
Hills Focus Pioneer Theatre.indd 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    between The Hills and the Western Sydney
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Starts 1st                                  Airport is needed sooner.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    We know that another 100,000 people will
                                                                                                                                                               NEED                                                                                                 move here within the next 15 years, taking
                                                                                                                                                              CHILD                                                                                                 our population well above 250,000. We
                                                                                                                                                            CARE FO                                                                                                 also have 20,000 businesses employing
                                                                                                                                                             2019? R
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    approximately 80,000 people and these
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    numbers are set to double over the next
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    30 years.

                                                                                          tomorrow’s achiever                                                                                                                                                       We need the Department of Planning and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Environment to speed up the delivery of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    these plans. A 10-year time frame is too
                                                                                          Qualified, experienced early childhood education—places now                                                                                                               far away - easy and accessible transport
                                                                                          available at Ellerman Childcare, Pellitt Lane, Dural and Eurambie                                                                                                         links to the airport is vital for the success of
                                                                                          Park Childcare, West Pennant Hills                                                                                                                                        the Aerotropolis, as well as the local and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    national economy.
                                                                                          Is your child aged 3-5 years old? We offer a not-for-profit service with qualified
                                                                                          professional early childhood teachers and educational programs that can optimise                                                                                          Happy New Year
                                                                                          your child’s learning potentials.                                                                                                                                         As the year draws to a close, we reflect on
                                                                                          Our teachers use the Australian Government’s ‘Early Years Learning Framework’                                                                                             what a busy year it has been and what we
                                                                                          to ensure you child achieves the highest standard of pre-school education and                                                                                             have achieved as a Council, the highlight
                                                                                          school readiness.                                                                                                                                                         being the opening of the new Pioneer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Theatre. There is still so much to do and I
                                                                                          •   Spacious indoor and natural outdoor spaces
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    know that 2019 will be just as busy as we
                                                                                          •   Caring, experienced and qualified staff
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    work hard to create a wonderful place to
                                                                                          •   Nutritious meals, drinks and snacks prepared by a qualified cook                    Discover your library and borrow to collect rewards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    live, work and play for current and future
                                                                                          •   Monthly educational visits                                                          Open to school students aged 5-14 years.                                          residents. I would like to thank everyone
                                                                                          •   Regular excursions and special events                                               Visit any Hills Shire Library for more information                                for their support during 2018
                                                                                          •   Excellent reputation within the community                                           and to join. Ends 31st January 2019.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    On behalf of myself and my family, I
24/10/18 10:27 am

                                                                                          Enquire today                                                                                                                                                             would like to wish you and your loved
                                                                                 | 9761 5703                                                                                                                                       ones a Merry Christmas and a wonderful
                                                                                                                                                                                    For details visit                               New Year.

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FOCUSsummer 2018/19 - The Hills Shire Council
Councillors comments                                                                                                                                         Councillors comments

                                                                                                        Transition zones nor our request to exhibit          hard working executives, but need local             and bus movements.                               Over the past 12 months, I have been
                                                                                                        the proposal for Transitional Housing.               residents to join in order to survive. I would                                                       fortunate to meet many residents of The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The North Kellyville Advocacy Group held
                  Clr Alan Haselden                                                                     I will continue to reinforce Council’s position      please encourage you to join, or attend                                                              Hills, discuss what they love about the area
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 another residents meeting during this
                  East Ward                                            CLR ROBYN PRESTON                on this important issue and to ensure I              a meeting if you are in the area. Feel free                                                          as well as their concerns and what they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 edition that was again well represented
                                                                                                        represent the community and voice your               to contact myself or one of the executive                                                            would like to see in the future; attended
                  (Deputy Mayor)                                       North Ward                                                                                                                                by all three ward Councillors, The Mayor,
                                                                                                        opinion. Know that I will not waiver from this       members if you would like to get involved.                                                           community events and celebrations and
                  0419 495 089                                         0419 200 300                                                                                                                              Castle Hill MP Ray Williams, the LAC
                                                                                                        advocacy.                                                                                                                                                 expanded on my knowledge in relation to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Rob Critchlow from Castle Hill Police and
                                                                                                                                                                                       Local Government through conferences and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the Rural Fire Service along with council
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  networking with other Councillors.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 officers and again this was another great
Our caring, cultured and considerate                 Standing up for what matters                                                                                              Clr Brooke Collins                forum to have your issues and concerns           As one year comes to an end, we start
community                                                                                                                                                                      OAM                               heard and more importantly for us to             looking into the coming year and beyond.
                                                     With so much unpredictable behaviour
Representing council at the opening of               going on in politics around the world at the                          Clr Dr Peter Gangemi                                North Ward                        share what is happening in your local            I have no doubt that 2019 will be filled with
a new sensory play area at Jasper Road               moment, it is important to take a breath and                                                                              0438 373 994                      community.                                       challenges and successes and we will see
                                                                                                                           North Ward                                                                                                                             one of the greatest transformations to our
Public School reminded me of the large               remind ourselves of what really matters                                                                            I also attended other local progress
number of families and children in the Shire         to us. It might be that you are focused on                            0419 429 095                                                                                                                           Shire with the completion of The Sydney
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 group meetings at Box Hill/Nelson and
who struggle with a range of disabilities.           raising a family, growing your own business,                                                                                                                        Metro which will bring improved connectivity
Jasper Road School caters for a number                                                                                                                       I can’t believe how quickly time is                 Annangrove and hope to get to more like
                                                     getting better educated, expanding your                                                                                                                                                                      for our residents and business community.
of such children and the new play facility,          career or slipping into retirement mode.                                                                flying by and how much I am enjoying                Glenorie over the coming weeks.
                                                                                                        One of the greatest privileges of my life
funded by State and Federal Government,                                                                                                                      representing the awesome people from                                                                 I look forward to being able to serve The
                                                     There is a place for all of you in The Hills       is not just to represent you on The Hills                                                                The laying of underground power lines
brings obvious joy to the children whose                                                                                                                     the north ward along with the rest of our                                                            Hills Shire community in 2019 and will
                                                     Shire and protecting and preserving what           Shire Council, but represent North Ward                                                                  will commence very shortly on Samantha
lives are otherwise more difficult than those                                                                                                                amazing residents who make up the Hills                                                              continue to advocate for a strong financial
                                                     we value in this area is essential – after all,    specifically. I believe that North Ward is                                                               Riley Drive and Hezlett Rd which is
of their peers.                                                                                                                                              Shire!                                                                                               position, less bureaucracy and appropriate
                                                     isn’t that what attracted us here in the first     the jewel in the crown of The Hills, and is                                                              great news and, like all things to do with
Judging by the quality of the production of          place. That said, never more have I had to                                                                                                                                                                   family friendly development.
                                                                                                        unique in so many ways. It is the home of            On development applications and since               infrastructure planning and building,
the Blackout Theatre Company’s ‘Singing              stand up for what matters in preserving and        our acreage lifestyle, agricultural producers,                                                           it does take time and every month we             From my family and I, we wish you all a very
                                                                                                                                                             the last edition the proposal for a place
In The Rain’, the investment in the newly            protecting our rural areas of North Ward.          orange orchards, sheep farms and                                                                         continue to see major improvements in            Merry Christmas and a prosperous New
opened Pioneer Theatre in the Castle Grand           I have exposed a flaw in the NSW State                                                                  of worship on the corner of Larapinta
                                                                                                        extractive industries.                               and Glenhaven Rd Glenhaven has been                 and around north ward which is great             Year. To all those travelling over the festive
building was well considered in providing            Government legislation that allowed existing
a modern and flexible performing arts                                                                                                                        deferred for 3 months after it was made             news for our residents.                          season, we wish you safe travels.
                                                     seniors living developments in rural areas         North Ward features bushland wilderness,
facility which should prove to be popular            to purchase neighbouring properties and            the beautiful Hawkesbury River and                   abundantly clear that a lot of work still           Finally, sorry to those residents for
in meeting the diverse interests and tastes          then rezone them by stealth without the            breathtaking walks and lookouts. North               needed to be done by the applicant                  missing the conciliation meeting that was
of our community. The ill considered                 need to seek approval from Council or State        Ward is home to new communities such as              around water and waste management,                  held regarding a development application
white elephant known as The Hills Centre             Government. This type of development was                                                                cut and fill, height, parking, biodiversity
                                                                                                        Box Hill, North Kellyville and North Box Hill,                                                           for a new bus depot on Mile End Rd
nearly ruined Council back in the ‘80s and           eroding our rural landscape.                                                                            issues, lack of traffic management plans,                                                                              Clr Frank De Masi
Council debated many options before                                                                     with new residents bringing new hope and                                                                 Rouse Hill that I know is a real cause of
deciding on this modest venue. Fiscal                I am pleased to say that NSW Minister              incredible stories to the long history of The        landscaping and ecological issues even              concern, however I believe your voices                             Central Ward
responsibility is a hallmark of a modern             for Planning, The Hon. Anthony Roberts             Hills Shire.                                         before the planning panel could even                have been heard and council is preparing                           0439 013 343
council carrying out its responsibility as           recently announced changes to the seniors                                                               consider the application!                           a very detailed report that outlines your
                                                     housing development policy that now                North Ward is also the home of the                                                                                                                                
the steward of public money.                                                                                                                                                                                     concerns and we are working towards
                                                     prevents this from happening.                      vast majority of the resident progress               However again I will put on the record
Council’s grand property in Baulkham Hills                                                                                                                                                                       getting better outcomes for our residents        Welcome to Summer which for me is a
                                                                                                        associations in the Hills. North Ward                that we have asked the applicant to meet
known as Cropley House has been leased               Let’s ensure our seniors can live close by                                                                                                                  in this area.                                    special time to live in The Hills - and time
                                                                                                        features the Annangrove Progress                     with us and investigate more suitable
to a new tenant which has invested in a              to health care centres, medical specialists,
                                                                                                        Association, the Box Hill Nelson Progress            locations in our community that will meet           In closing, I wish all of our Hills Shire        to take advantage of the many functions
major restoration. The end result is simply          public transport, parks, community facilities
                                                                                                        Association, the Glenorie Progress                   their needs as they grow over the coming            Year 12 students currently sitting their         and facilities that Council has to offer.
magnificent and a credit to the foresight            and retail areas. These are all services that
                                                     contribute to the better health and well-          Association, the Friends of Glenhaven                years … unfortunately to date they have             HSC exams the best of luck and I know            I always look forward to attending the
of people with vision. As a venue for
weddings, conferences and other major                being of our increasing aging population           and the North Kellyville Advocacy Group.             not taken up our offer to meet!                     you will do yourselves, your families and        various events in Bella Vista Farm,
community events it is matched across                and should not be denied.                          The roots of some of these progress                                                                      our great community proud. Have a safe           ‘Christmas in The Hills’, Shakespeare
                                                                                                                                                             Still on Glenhaven, we were successful
Sydney by only a few other rare examples             I have also advocated for a change in what         associations go back almost 100 years and                                                                and happy Christmas and New Year and             In The Park, Australia Day and the Red
                                                                                                                                                             in having the sporting fields on Gilmour
of such grandeur.                                    is permissible in RU6 Transition zones             the list of achievements they have made                                                                  I look forward to working even harder for        Hot Summer Tour, which will feature two
                                                                                                        over that time is absolutely incredible.             and Glenhaven Rd moved to a more
                                                     (semi-rural areas). With the support of my                                                                                                                  you all in 2019.                                 headline concerts with Jimmy Barnes in
Council continues to wrestle with the                                                                                                                        appropriate location, we held back on
fallout of China’s decision to halt imports          fellow Councillors, I have lobbied to remove       I want to encourage residents in these                                                                                                                    February and John Farnham in March.
                                                     ‘places of public worship’ from this zone to                                                            expanding the sporting capacity of
of recyclable material. The news this week                                                              areas, particularly in Box Hill, Nelson and          Glenhaven Oval, the traffic lights on
of a similar move by Malaysia will only              protect the semi-rural lifestyle we so covet.                                                                                                                                                                I appreciate that there are many who
                                                     A recent application by a religious society        Annangrove to get involved in your local             Glenhaven and Old Northern Rds are                                                                   may take leave during the Christmas
add to the challenge which Council and                                                                  progress association. The Box Hill Nelson
its contracted refuse collection services            proposed to put a place of public worship                                                               progressing well and we have pushed                                                                  period and remain in the Shire opting
                                                     in leafy Glenhaven. I have totally opposed         progress association has the most informed           back on more seniors living in and                                   Clr Elizabeth Russo             not to travel. This is a great time to take
face as we confront this new reality. It is
barely an exaggeration to say that societies         this application on planning issues because        resident discussions and impressive list             around Glenhaven because right now                                   Central Ward                    advantage of the 329 parks and reserves
across the planet are suffocating in waste           it would undermine the intention of the zone       of speakers of any progress association.             Glenhaven Rd is at capacity!                                                                         that Council has both in urban and in rural
                                                     and is totally inappropriate. A year later, this                                                                                                                             0438 608 173
with plastic and other rubbish soiling our                                                              The Annangrove Progress Association                                                                                                                       locations. Just go on the Council’s web
waterways, oceans and roadsides. A lot               Council is still waiting for the Department of     punches well above its weight, putting               North Kellyville continues to grow at a                    
                                                     Planning to allow this recommendation to                                                                                                                                                                     page to find where they are located.
more collective effort across all levels of                                                             on the enormously popular Australia Day              rapid rate as does North Kellyville Public
government needs to go into determining              be placed on public exhibition for comment.        ceremony and Anzac Day service.                      School which is expected to open on                 It’s hard to believe that 2018 is coming to      Many of these locations have children’s
how we address this burgeoning problem.              The same delay was not experienced                                                                      January 19, and we are currently in talks           a close and it’s been one year since I was       playgrounds, barbecue facilities and
Shipping our crudely assorted trash                                                                     The Box Hill Nelson and Annangrove                   with the state government to address our                                                             walking trails which can be an opportunity
                                                     when Council proposed to remove Animal                                                                                                                      elected to represent the residents of The
overseas is no longer an option.                     Boarding Establishments from RU6                   progress associations feature incredibly             concerns around parking, stop and drop                                                               to discover The Hills for family or formal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Hills Shire.

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FOCUSsummer 2018/19 - The Hills Shire Council
Councillors comments                                                                                                                                      Councillors comments

gatherings, or just simply taking time out          was now confident that the forest would           East Ward councillors and majority Liberal                                                            congratulate Clr Uno on the birth of their first     New facilities are being built in West
with the children and relaxing.                     be protected into perpetuity.                     council voted in favour of the Mirvac                                                                 child. This will be a wonderful experience           Ward and throughout the Hills Shire to
                                                                                                      development at West Pennant Hills at                                                                  but welcome to sleepless nights Clr Uno.             accommodate the increasing population
As we head towards the end of a busy                                                                  the old IBM site. The proposal includes                                                                                                                    and focus has been placed on using our
                                                    Sporting Amenity
2018, I wish you a Merry Christmas -                                                                  unprecedented ‘micro lot housing’ with                               Clr Mike Thomas                  Finally, I would like to wish all our residents      existing fields in the most efficient ways
                                                    The West Pennant Hills community is
and a Happy, Healthy New Year to you                                                                  terraces as little as 86 square metres                               West Ward                        a very Merry Christmas and prosperous                to provide stability for home teams and
                                                    desperately under resourced when it
and your family - and look forward to                                                                 and removal of employment land. The                                  0423 798 891                     new year in 2019.                                    enough flexibility to accomodate larger
                                                    comes to sporting fields, with only the
continuing to serve you in 2019.                                                                      site being adjacent to Cumberland                                                                                                                          varieties of sports and activities.
                                                    heavily over utilised George Thornton                                                                        
                                                                                                      State Forest, the community have deep
                                                    Reserve being available for local sports
                                                                                                      concern for the ecological impact of                                                                                                                       Improved Traffic
                                                    clubs. This Planning Proposal will provide                                                         It is an honour and a privilege to represent
                                                                                                      development to the site and concerns                                                                                                                       Roads continue to be upgraded and
                                                    the community with a full sized synthetic                                                          the residents of the Hills Shire. The
                                                                                                      about traffic in relation to the proposal. I                                                                                                               constructed and strong advocacy
                                                    football field, resistant to weather                                                               support from the community has been                                                                       for upgrades to RMS roads remain a
                                                                                                      am the only East Ward councillor to stand
                  Clr tony Hay OAM                  conditions, and available all year round, in                                                       overwhelming and very humbling. The                                     Clr Reena Jethi                   constant. It is clear that many of the
                                                                                                      up for the community in West Pennant
                  Central Ward                      contrast to the existing grassed fields that                                                       values I bring to council are:                                          West Ward                         upgrades have and will require re-routing
                                                                                                      Hills against this proposal. As a local
                                                    are limited to 25 hours of usage per week.                                                                                                                                                                   of traffic and at times slower movement,
                  0414 482 000                                                                        consent authority we must not be afraid          - Financial prudence                                                    0439 008 173
                                                    I could not pass up this opportunity to           to say No to inappropriate re-zoning and                                                                                                                   however this short term challenge will
           provide our local children with access to a                                                        - Less bureaucracy                                                 be offset by the long term gain of being
                                                                                                      over development. We must preserve the
                                                    premium sporting facility.                                                                                                                                                                                   able to move. In having the opportunity of
                                                                                                      values of our existing suburbs and ensure        - Less regulation                                                                                         seeing the infrastructure plan for the Hills
Information about Councillors, Council                                                                                                                                                                      Information about Councillors, Council
                                                                                                      that they remain a good place to live in                                                                                                                   Shire I know that we are moving towards a
meetings and latest news can be found               Traffic Conditions                                                                                 - Responsible governance                             meetings and latest news can be found
                                                                                                      the future.                                                                                                                                                roads plan that gets us home and around
on Council’s website www.thehills.nsw.              The IBM site, with its 1,600 car spaces,                                                                                                                on Council’s website www.thehills.nsw. – click on the ‘About Council” tab                                                             I am always pleased to join our local            Residents have been concerned at the        – click on the ‘About Council” tab            as efficiently and timely as possible.
                                                    and at the height of its activity, had                                                             amount of development not just in The
on the home page.                                                                                     community’s various functions and                                                                     on the home page.
                                                    thousands of traffic movements a day.                                                              Hills but throughout Sydney. Critical
                                                                                                      celebrations. Recently I was excited to                                                                                                                    Keeping Council debt free
                                                    The replacement of this facility with family                                                       infrastructure has not kept pace with
                                                                                                      join the India Club and celebrate Diwali,                                                                                                                  The financial position of The Hills Shire
                                                    dwellings, and the introduction of the                                                             our rapid growth. The same roads,                                                                         Council is one of the strongest in New
                                                                                                      a festival of Hinduism, Diwali symbolises
                                                    North West Metro and North Connex, will                                                            parks, sporting fields are having to                                                                      South Wales and ranked amongst the
                                                                                                      the spiritual ‘victory of light over darkness,
                                                    have a positive impact on the existing            good over evil and knowledge over                cater to more and more people. High                                                                       best in the Local Government sector.
                  Clr Samuel Uno                    road infrastructure throughout the valley.        ignorance’. India Club Inc. is a not-            levels of immigration is the cause of this                              Clr Jacob Jackson                 This position has been achieved and
                  East Ward                                                                           for profit organisation of progressive           unsustainable development. Recently, the                                                                  maintained through the strict financial
                                                    While this Planning Proposal brings a                                                                                                                                      West Ward                         discipline adopted by past and present
                                                                                                      people of Indian origin and Australians.         NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has called
                  0438 248 085                      large amount of change to the West                                                                                                                                         0439 118 575                      Councillors and prudent financial
                                                                                                      India Club conduct social, recreational,         for a halving of the current immigration
               Pennant Hills community, which can be                                                                                                                                                                        management in Council’s budgeting
                                                                                                      educational, informative, humanitarian           intake level. I strongly support these calls,                 
                                                    daunting, there are some tremendous                                                                                                                                                                          process. NSW Treasury Corp has
                                                                                                      and spiritual activities for positive            at least until our infrastructure can be
Recently the planning proposal for the              opportunities that will be delivered as a                                                                                                                                                                    rated Council as ‘Strong’ in financial
                                                                                                      experiences. India Club is not limited           developed to a level that can cope with our
IBM Site in West Pennant Hills came                 result of this proposal coming to fruition.                                                                                                             I would like to thank the residents                  sustainability and Fit For the Future.
                                                                                                      to the Indian subcontinent only; but it is       current population numbers.                          of West Ward for electing me at the                  Council has a very high liquidity ratio,
before Council. The next milestone                                                                    open to all, Indians, Australians and other                                                           recent by-election to represent them
                                                                                                                                                       In addition, controversial development                                                                    is debt free and has no infrastructure
will be exhibition for public comment,                                                                ethnic communities. Enquiries: http://                                                                and the wider Hills Shire community. I               backlog. This Council has not had any
                                                                                                                                                       applications have highlighted the
subject to the Department of Planning                                                                                                                                         continually recognise the challenge and              special rate variations over the past
                                                                                                                                                       loss of control that Councillors once
& Environment endorsing Council’s                                                                                                                                                                           responsibility that I have been afforded             20 years and provides services to the
                                                                     Clr Ryan Tracey                  I was pleased to attend Positive Vibes           had over development applications.
approach.                                                                                                                                                                                                   and will ensure that my efforts are put to           community within these limitations. I look
                                                                                                      Foundation Masquerade Ball. Positive             Residents concerned about inappropriate              good use.
                                                                     East Ward                                                                                                                                                                                   forward to continuing my advocacy for the
As an East Ward Councillor and                                                                        Vibes Foundation is a Hills based charity        development have been alarmed to learn                                                                    Hills Shire residents and hope everyone
representative for the residents of West                             0419 429 217                     which aims to reduce the stigma of               that Councillors now have no role at all in                                                               has a safe and joyful Christmas break.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Responsible Development
Pennant Hills, I believe it is important to                   mental illness and promote and deliver           assessing and approving development
                                                                                                                                                       applications. Residents want to be able              One of my main election promises was
explain my rationale in supporting the                                                                programs aimed toward the youth and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            to maintain the character of the Hills by
proposal.                                                                                             The Hills Community. It is vital as a            to take their concerns to their elected
                                                    I encourage you to speak to your local                                                                                                                  ensuring family friendly development.                 Seeing yellow lines?
                                                                                                      community and individuals that we get            representatives who can then act on their            All Liberal councillors have worked
                                                    Liberal Councillors about their position of
Environmental Protection                                                                              behind such initiatives. It is important         behalf. Council voted unanimously to                 extremely hard to manage the balance                  Did you know that a single yellow line on
                                                    not acknowledging traditional custodians
Seeking the highest level of protection for                                                           to be alert to those around us who may           oppose the unelected panels that have                between need and want with residential
                                                    at Council meetings. As well as                                                                                                                                                                               a kerb means ‘no stopping’? According
                                                                                                      be experiencing depression or other              taken the role of Councillors. Those on              developments, however with new
the ten hectares of pristine forest was the         acknowledging the traditional custodians                                                                                                                                                                      to the RMS, an unbroken yellow kerb
                                                                                                      mental health issues. We have a range of         these panels have little if any local ties and       planning pathways in NSW we continue to
number one concern of local residents.              in our council meetings I firmly believe                                                                                                                                                                      line is a NO STOPPING line. You
                                                                                                      services and agencies in our community           many people on these panels are likely to            face numerous challenges. I will continue
The site’s current B7 zoning of Business            we should be flying the Aboriginal flag                                                                                                                                                                       must not stop for any reason except a
                                                                                                      that can help. More info: Mental Health          have developers as clients. This calls into          to focus on necessary growth and resist
Park meant that the forest would always             at Council chambers. The continued                                                                                                                      developments that are not needed by                   medical or similar emergency.
                                                                                                      line 1800 011 511                                question the independence of their decision
be at risk.                                         denial and refusal by this council to                                                              making. Council considers that taking away           Hills Shire residents.
                                                                                                      As we enter the holiday season I wish                                                                                                                       Yellow lines may or may not be
Through intense lobbying and                        acknowledge the Darug people is a sad                                                              these remaining controls from Councillors is
                                                                                                      you all a safe and happy holiday season                                                                                                                     accompanied by signage and are
negotiations, we were able to recommend             and sorry chapter in our story.                                                                    bad policy and the sooner it is overturned           Better Local Infrastructure
                                                                                                      with friends and loved ones. You can                                                                                                                        often placed in areas of high demand
the rarely used E2 Environmental                    In this phase of unprecedented growth                                                              the better.                                          I promised to advocate for more
                                                                                                      help families escape homelessness this                                                                                                                      for parking to ensure safety and
Protection zoning over this bushland. With                                                                                                                                                                  footpaths, sporting fields, playgrounds
                                                    the community expect us to deliver                Christmas by making a donation at                On a positive note I would like to                                                                         visibility are maintained. Be aware
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and community facilities. I am proud to
the proponent in ongoing discussions with           balanced urban development that is       or a                 congratulate our colleague Clr Haselden              say that in the short time I have been                when you’re choosing a parking spot,
the State Government to consolidate this            suitable to the existing and proposed             charity of your choice. Wishing you Merry        who has been elected unanimously                     there I have seen councillors and council             and avoid a fine.
land into the Cumberland State Forest, I            future environment. Unfortunately fellow          Christmas and a Happy New Year.                  as Deputy Mayor. I would also like to                officers have this as a strong focus.

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FOCUSsummer 2018/19 - The Hills Shire Council
                                26 JANUARY
                    FUN | FOOD | FIREWORKS
                                   BELLA VISTA FARM



FOCUSsummer 2018/19 - The Hills Shire Council
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