Innovative circuit breakers for Oxford's largest hospital

Page created by Tiffany Hampton
Innovative circuit breakers for Oxford's largest hospital

Innovative circuit breakers
for Oxford’s largest hospital
Mike Porter, Business Development Manager at electrical distribution and control specialist, Electrical
Distribution Solutions, who has ‘a wealth of knowledge on switchgear’ gained throughout a lengthy
electrical career, describes a project undertaken in very rapid time, with minimal disruption, at Oxford’s
John Radcliffe Hospital, to replace obsolete low voltage air circuit breakers with retrofit variants, which will
significantly extend the life of the existing switchboard at a cost of under one-third of a new switchboard.

Oxford University Hospitals NHS               Electrical switchboard issue                    reliability and continuity of supply with
Foundation Trust provides a wide range        The power required by the Trust’s largest       obsolete switchgear.
of clinical and specialist services – which   acute healthcare facility, the John Radcliffe
include cardiac, cancer, musculoskeletal      Hospital in Headington – Oxfordshire’s          Space constraints
and neurological rehabilitation, as well      main Accident and Emergency site, which         Consideration was given to replacement
as medical education, training, and           provides acute medical and surgical             of the complete switchboard, but with
research. It says that ‘collaboration with    services including trauma, intensive care,      space limited, and with the Trust not
the University of Oxford underpins            and cardiothoracic services – is distributed    willing to see the electrical distribution
the quality of the care we provide to         at 11 kV through a network of high voltage      system put at risk – a potential scenario
patients’.                                    cables to four sub-stations, where it is        being one transformer isolated in order
   As of the end of 2020 the Trust            transformed down to 415 V for further           to install a new low voltage switchboard,
had 1,133 beds – which included 946           distribution into the hospital buildings.       the customer looked for an alternative,
general and acute beds, 79 critical care      Each transformer feeds a main low               innovative solution. I thus met with Mark
beds, 18 for rehabilitation, and 90 for       voltage distribution switchboard, which         Martin, the Trust’s Operational Estates
children. With 58 inpatient areas, 48         were manufactured by Ottermill, which           project manager, to discuss and gain an
operating theatres, and 11,904 staff at       ceased trading many years ago. The              understanding of the operational issues
that point, the Trust has over 1.5 million    switchboards date back to 1974 and are          and constraints faced by the hospital.
patient contacts annually, and serves         now obsolete. The unavailability of spares,     Upon completion of a joint site visit,
the growing populations of Oxfordshire,       and the low voltage air circuit breakers        Electrical Distribution Solutions proposed
Buckinghamshire, West Berkshire,              becoming problematic, gave rise to major        and tendered a solution.
Northamptonshire, and Wiltshire,              concerns over the reliability of supply, and      The joint site visit between the hospital
although patients come from even further      the Trust’s Estates Department faced            Estates Department and Electrical
afield for specialist procedures.             the dilemma of how to maintain                  Distribution Solutions revealed that the

                                                                                                  Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital in
                                                                                                 Headington is the Oxford University
                                                                                                   Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust’s
                                                                                                  largest hospital, and Oxfordshire’s
                                                                                                  main accident and emergency site.

                                                                                              February 2022 Health Estate Journal 59
Innovative circuit breakers for Oxford's largest hospital

The original Ottermill low voltage air circuit breaker in its withdrawn              An EDS retrofit low voltage air circuit breaker
position (left), and an EDS Ottermill retrofit such circuit breaker (right).         replacing the Ottermill type OMA24 bus-section.

fixed portion of the switchboards was                                                         Of equal importance when undertaking
in very good condition, and suitable for
                                                         It was necessary to                  this work on the John Radcliffe Hospital
continued operation.                                     undertake tests to                   distribution system was that, where
   With-ever increasing financial pressure                                                    possible, we should maintain the N+1
facing Oxford University Hospitals NHS                   ensure that both                     requirements as set out in Health
Foundation Trust, Electrical Distribution                transformers were in                 Technical Memorandum 06-01: Electrical
Solutions was able to offer an innovative,                                                    services supply and distribution (2017
technically sound, and cost-effective                    phase                                edition).
retrofit solution.                                                                               As the project involved the
                                                 device which affords much improved           replacement of incomers and associated
Extending existing switchboard’s life            functionality. It allows enhanced grading    bus couplers, in theory both transformers
The proposed solution was to replace the         with upstream and downstream protection      being of the same phase rotation would
obsolete low voltage air circuit breakers        devices, along with remote closing,          allow the bus coupler to be closed
with retrofit low voltage air circuit            opening functionality, and metering          before the incomer is opened. The John
breakers, which would significantly extend       facilities, which can be incorporated into   Radcliffe Hospital distribution network
the life of the existing switchboard at a        the Trust’s building management scheme.      was operated with both incomers
cost of much less than one third of a new           The project at John Radcliffe Hospital    closed and the bus coupler open. This
switchboard.                                     involved the replacement of 14 low voltage   has been the case for many years. In
   The retrofit solution negates the             breakers, as follows:                        order to utilise this arrangement, it was
requirement for complex planning, civil,         n Four Ottermill OMA 12 50 kA, 1250 A,      necessary to undertake tests to ensure
cabling, and cable jointing/termination,            incoming ACBs.                            that both transformers were in phase.
and extended periods of time where the           n Two Ottermill OMA 12 50 kA, 1250 A,       Having undertaken testing and proven
hospital electrical distribution system             Bus coupler ACBs.                         that the transformers associated with
would be at risk.                                n Five Ottermill OMA 25 50 kA, 2500 A,      each switchboard were in phase, it was
   The Electrical Distribution Solutions            incoming ACBs.                            now clear that the system’s N+1 status
retrofit low voltage air circuit breaker         n Four Ottermill OMA 25 50 kA, 2500 A       could be maintained throughout the
utilises a modern air circuit breaker which         bus coupler ACBs.                         installation work, thereby maintaining
has been engineered to directly fit in place                                                  continuity of supplies to all parts of the
of the old low voltage air circuit breakers      Installation considerations                  hospital – to the extent that very few, if
without, in most cases, the requirement for      As with undertaking any work on              any, hospital staff were even aware of
a busbar outage. All interface points, such      an electrical distribution system, of        the major work being undertaken on the
as contacts and interlocks, are identical        paramount importance is health and           electrical distribution system. Thanks
and operate the same way as the old              safety. Guidance for electrical compliance   to Mark Martin and his team, all Permits
circuit breaker. The retrofit circuit breakers   in the NHS is the HTM 06-02: Electrical      to Work and Sanctions to Test were
incorporate a modern intelligent electronic      safety guidance for low voltage systems.     issued promptly and very professionally,

60 Health Estate Journal February 2022
Innovative circuit breakers for Oxford's largest hospital

allowing the entire works to be
completed in one eight-hour shift.                Mike Porter
Getting equipment to site                         Mike Porter, appointed on a part-time basis as
One of the more mundane issues to be              Business Development Manager for Electrical
considered – given that the John Radcliffe        Distribution Solutions in February 2021,
Hospital is an extremely busy acute               brought to the role ‘a wealth of knowledge on
healthcare facility, with heavy staff, patient,   switchgear’ and many UK and overseas contacts.
and visitor traffic – was the delivery of         He says of his career to date: “On leaving
the equipment to site and to the different        school, I secured an apprenticeship with South
substations. To mitigate any risk associated      Wales Switchgear as an electrical technician,
with transporting and lifting of large plant,     gained a sound grounding in engineering
it was deemed best practice to deliver the        practice, and considerable knowledge of the
equipment to site in the silent hours.            principles of High Voltage switchgear. On
   The Trust’s Mark Martin said of the            completing my apprenticeship, I worked as an
project: “I have completed similar                electrical technician in the Test and Certification
replacement projects in the past, in              Department at South Wales Switchgear, followed by a three-year spell as a Design
previous roles. The amalgamated team of           Draughtsman in the Switchgear Design Department – where I was involved with
Electrical Distribution Solutions and SPE         the detailed design of switchgear, overhead stack-bridge dampers.”
Energy worked flawlessly, and proved one             His next role was as Senior Electrical Authorised Person responsible for the high
of the best teams to work with. On the            voltage distribution network at RAF St Athan in the Vale of Glamorgan, where he
day of the changeovers the combined               gained practical experience in the installation, maintenance, testing, and operation,
resources, along with my hospital team,           of HV switchgear and transformers installed in a distribution network, including
worked tirelessly together to ensure that         switching, and issuing of Permits to Work and Sanctions to Test.
safe working and supplies to all areas were          He later moved into business development in the switchgear industry, as Area
uninterrupted. We also maintained our             Sales Manager for the South Wales and the South-West with GEC Alsthom. On the
N+1 resilience at all times. The project’s ’s     sale of GEC Alsthom and a re-organisation, he became Key Account Manager with
successful completion also gives us the           AREVA responsible for South Wales Electricity Board, Southwestern Electricity
ability going forward to parallel up our          Board, Midlands Electricity Board, East Midlands Electricity Board, Guernsey
transformers, so we can ‘make before              Electricity, and Jersey Electricity. His next role was as a National key Account
break’ if we need to switch to alternative        Manager for the rail sector, which included Network Rail, London Underground, and
supplies. The technical ability of all staff      all consultants and contractors involved in the electrification of the rail network. He
was exceptional, and the installation was         said: “My last full-time role was as Sales Director for switchgear designer, developer,
completed within a single day.”                   and manufacturer, SPE Energy, responsible for both UK and export sales.”

                                                                                               February 2022 Health Estate Journal 61
Innovative circuit breakers for Oxford's largest hospital
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