Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth - April 2021

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Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth - April 2021
Innovating the group insurance
policy administration core to
drive business growth
April 2021
Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth - April 2021
Proposal title goes here |
                          Section title goes here


Executive summary                                                             1

The case for group insurance policy administration transformation             6

Business and technology architecture implications                             8

Key learnings from the trenches                                               10

Group insurance policy administration transformation approaches               11

Policy administration technology marketplace perspectives                     13

Getting started with a group insurance policy administration transformation   14

Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth - April 2021
Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth | Executive summary

Executive summary
Market trends indicate the business case for a core policy
administration system (PAS) transformation to be stronger than
ever. Legacy PAS systems continue to limit an insurer’s potential for
growth and its ability to meet its digital transformation objectives.
Legacy systems were built with an emphasis on core system
capabilities, but these systems are now turning into bottlenecks,
and more carriers are undertaking core transformation programs
to address the following challenges:

                                                                                                                        administrative burden associated with
Business challenges                                        ecosystem integration across key
                                                                                                                        core processes, such as onboarding,
                                                           partners, such as benefit administrators.
• Create customer-centric integrated                                                                                    and addressing those concerns will drive
  product architectures for rapid quoting,               • Manage technology debt within the                            higher retention and greater market
  rating, and proposal generation and                      architecture to reduce risk of obsolescence.                 penetration across case sizes. The
  development of plan offerings to increase                                                                             PAS serves as the system of record for
                                                         • Identify and address security
  quote volumes in support of topline                                                                                   employer and employee data and is vital
                                                           vulnerabilities to prevent risk of
  growth objectives.                                                                                                    in delivering a differentiated customer
                                                           business-threatening data breaches and
                                                                                                                        experience by simplifying and digitizing
• Optimize employer, employee, and                         improve compliance posture.
                                                                                                                        processes that leverage data from sales
  broker experiences to drive seamless
                                                                                                                        and underwriting activities while also
  digital interactions in moments that matter.           Innovating at the insurance core through
                                                                                                                        minimizing onerous back-and-forth with
                                                         a PAS transformation has become table
• Support improvement of product                                                                                        the carriers.
                                                         stakes, and the industry has recognized
  development and distribution
                                                         the need for a modern digital core. A 2020                • Product innovation has never been
  capabilities to meet market needs
                                                         survey of insurance CIOs reveals that 37%                   more important in the group insurance
  across segments.
                                                         would choose to allocate a hypothetical 10%                 market. Product offerings must
• Resolve inefficiencies in business                     increase in discretionary technology budget to              be tailored to respond to a robust
  operations (e.g., underwriting, billing)               core transformation and cloud projects, which               combination of external (regulatory,
  to reduce operational expenses and                     would be 14% higher than the second-highest                 customer expectations, etc.) and
  premium leakage.                                       category, innovation and growth.1 As adoption               internal drivers (distribution channel
                                                         continues to rise, it will be increasingly difficult        diversification, profitability, etc.).2 The
• Close reporting and decision support
                                                         to remain competitive without a modernized                  PAS provides the digital core needed
  gaps to enable effective business insights
                                                         core that enables the digital capabilities                  to develop the integrated product
  and decisions across group administration.
                                                         needed to thrive in the market.                             capabilities necessary to keep up with
                                                                                                                     ever-changing market demands.
Technology challenges
                                                         A PAS transformation provides the
                                                                                                                   • As the group insurance ecosystem
• Reduce the run costs to free up resources              underlying business and technology
                                                                                                                     continues to broaden, the role of partner
  to spend time on strategic change                      core needed to build out enabling digital
                                                                                                                     engagement continues to play a pivotal
  initiatives, such as PAS modernizations.               capabilities that drive multiple elements in
                                                                                                                     role in growth.3 Providing a platform with
                                                         the broader group insurance value chain:
• Address legacy technology brain drain                                                                              plug-and-play capabilities to employers,
  to minimize key person risk.                           • Group insurers need to provide a                          brokers, agents, and other ecosystem
                                                           delightful customer experience.                           partners simplifies data and workflow
• Improve interoperability within the
                                                           Employers are grappling with the                          integration in an increasingly complex web
  technology stack to enable rapid

1. Deloitte, 2020 Global Tech Leadership Study, 2020.
2. Michelle Canaan and Kelly Cusick, “Modernizing insurance product development,” Deloitte Insights, October 9, 2019.
3. Deloitte, 2020 insurance outlook, 2020.
Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth - April 2021
Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth | Executive summary

  of interconnected business relationships.
                                                            Figure 1. PAS transformation approaches
  The diversity in group insurance
  ecosystems (HRIS/HCM providers, benefit
  administrations, enrollers) and the
  nature of many of these partners being
                                                                                             Replace                               Refocus
  technology companies further warrants a                                                                 Replace
  robust digital architecture.                                                                           and retire

                                                                                                Greenfield                         Sale of
• As the digital core of the organization, the                                                    install                      closed block
  PAS must have the infrastructure and
  integration capabilities needed to enable
                                                                                    Remain Do nothing              PAS              Wrapper
  innovation and organizational agility that                                                 (wait)          transformation         or reskin
  will drive continued growth. Insurance CIOs                                                                  approaches

  surveyed mentioned that, on average, they                                                    Consolidate                    Port to newer
                                                                                                systems                        technology
  expect the percentage of their technology
  budgets allocated to innovation and                                                                   Convert or    Upgrade or         Retool
                                                                                                          retire       enhance
  growth to increase from 15% in 2020                                                          Retire
  to 25% in 2023.1 During the COVID-19
  pandemic, companies running cloud-based
  platforms and modern architectures,
  such as microservices, APIs, and low-code
  approaches, have scaled and adapted                     right solutions. A nuanced PAS strategy that                   investments and provide a framework
  more easily, illustrating the importance of a           aligns with the business’s strategic levers will               to make data-driven product and
  robust and resilient digital core.                      potentially deliver key capabilities that drive                customer decisions.
                                                          impactful outcomes.
• Analytics and artificial intelligence                                                                               • Develop tiered service delivery models
  contribute to large amounts of value in                                                                               across segments or cohorts.
                                                          Getting started
  data-intensive workflows like underwriting              Independent of the decision to commit to
  and rating. In a recent industry survey, 67%                                                                        There are various best practices that may
                                                          a full-scale transformation, there are four
  of respondents indicated they were able                                                                             potentially ensure the impact from a PAS
                                                          “no-regret” steps that all group insurers
  to achieve cost savings in the underwriting                                                                         transformation is realized while mitigating
                                                          should take. These initiatives not only provide
  process using predictive analytics, and 60%                                                                         some of the more common risks. The
                                                          immediate value by alleviating some of the
  of respondents managed to increase sales                                                                            most appropriate approach to take will
                                                          pressing challenges carriers face today, but
  and profitability.4 Such use cases require                                                                          depend on where a group insurer is on its
                                                          also create the foundation for additional
  a robust data foundation and integration                                                                            transformation journey.
                                                          benefits that can be achieved through a PAS
  fabric that are often bottlenecked by legacy            transformation—either today or in the future.               • I need to define what my long-term strategic
  PAS system limitations.                                                                                               vision is and which PAS capabilities are needed
                                                          • Optimize product structure by
                                                                                                                        to support it. > Plan digital transformation
There are several different approaches to                   developing modular product
                                                                                                                        design workshops to align on the strategic
deliver a PAS transformation, which include                 architecture and simplify business
                                                                                                                        goals–enabled transformation.
a combination of technology and sourcing                    operations processes.
strategies (figure 1).                                                                                                • I know where I want to end my journey
                                                          • Establish business-aligned reference
                                                                                                                        but need to craft a compelling argument
                                                            technology and digital architecture to
Developing the right PAS strategy for a                                                                                 to get the resources to start. > Formulate
                                                            define a core systems vision and guide
group insurer requires a multilevel analysis                                                                            a PAS transformation business case
                                                            future investment.
of the business model, strategic priorities,                                                                            to determine the value proposition of
technology needs, available resources, and                • Modernize data and integration                              undertaking a PAS transformation.
timeline objectives while also selecting the                environments to simplify future

4. Josh Wozman, “North America life insurers embrace predictive analytics to elevate their business,” Global Newswire, June 17, 2019.

Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth - April 2021
Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth | Executive summary

• I want to find the right PAS vendor and               • I am ready to start and want to ensure I        enough to weather market disruptions.
  systems integrator that share my long-term              achieve my vision in a cost-effective manner.   In an industry that has historically been
  vision. > Go through the PAS vendor                     > Start a PAS implementation with an            plagued by legacy technology bottlenecks
  selection process to identify the vendors               experienced strategic partner.                  and underinvestment, group carriers
  that are most aligned to the objective of                                                               now appear to be initiating steps toward
  the transformation.                                   Conclusion                                        revitalizing their aging core systems. Our
                                                        While a core PAS transformation                   recent Group Insurance Benchmarking
• I need to identify which ongoing programs
                                                        undertaking is a complex journey, the             Survey indicates that 80% of participating
  are part of my final vision and should be
                                                        capabilities and benefits delivered by            carriers have already or are planning to
  continued. > Perform a PAS program
                                                        modernized PAS solutions far surpass              undertake at least one PAS transformation
  health check to evaluate all ongoing
                                                        the pressing needs of the current market.         in the short term.5 The time to act is now in
  initiatives (including PAS, if currently
                                                        Additionally, they also create a stable           order to remain competitive in the group
  underway) and see if they align with the
                                                        digital core for future growth that is robust     insurance market.
  strategic vision.

5. Deloitte, Group Insurance Benchmarking Survey (GIBS), 2019.

Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth - April 2021
Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth | The case for group
                                                                                                                  Proposal title
                                                                                                                    insurance    goesadministration
                                                                                                                               policy here |
                                                                                                                                                     title goes here

The case for group insurance policy
administration transformation
Group insurers are recognizing the need                   CIOs surveyed by the 2020 Global Tech                   needs and achieve the resulting business
to transform and revolutionize their                      Leadership Study choosing to allocate a                 benefits, a group insurer likely needs a
operating models through a variety of                     hypothetical 10% increase in discretionary              digital infrastructure that can enable real-
modes that include customer experience                    technology budget to core modernization                 time and consistent interactions with its
transformation, greenfield technology                     and cloud projects, leading the second-                 members through mobile apps, member
setups, and extension of capabilities                     highest category, innovation and growth,                portals, and other engagement channels.
through M&A and the InsurTech ecosystem.                  by 14%.6 Furthermore, our 2019 Group                    As core system of record that aggregates
In response, insurers are continuing to                   Insurance Benchmarking Study revealed                   member data from all supporting business
refine their value proposition to be relevant             that 80% of respondents were planning on                functions, the PAS is the core for enabling
with brokers and employers. Employers and                 undertaking at least one PAS transformation             an ecosystem of customer engagement
employees continue to demand seamless                     by 2022.7 As industry adoption continues                capabilities across the group value chain.
experience across all their interactions with             to increase, a modern PAS core will soon
the insurer. The complex legacy technology                become a requirement, rather than a luxury,             Product innovation
architecture environment demands ever-                    in staying competitive in the marketplace.              One fundamental shift in the group
increasing IT maintenance budgets to                                                                              insurance marketplace is the need for ever-
keep systems relevant. Legacy technology                  We believe group insurers can achieve                   increasing velocity in product development.
architecture further imposes limits on                    accelerated growth by focusing on the PAS’s             As tailored product offerings become
the business and inhibits growth. The                     role across the following strategic levers.             increasingly necessary to meet external
modern group insurance market requires                                                                            drivers like changes in regulations and
modular product structures and simplified                 Customer experience                                     customer demands, as well as satisfy
operations, such as client onboarding, that               Customer experience and the importance                  internal drivers, faster time to market may
can only be enabled by a modernized digital               of providing a human touch is one of the                allow group insurers to ensure viability
core. Recent pandemic impacts have further                leading differentiators in the market today.8           and market response to new product
demanded acceleration around digital                      Keeping the modern customer satisfied                   offerings. These needs have been further
transformation initiatives given business                 requires capabilities to allow them to engage           accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The
continuity issues experienced in various                  with their insurer at any time and through              Insurance Innovation Reporter (IRRE) noted
functions, such as sales and distribution,                any channel. In a study of more than 2,000              that “post-pandemic, the group insurance
enrollment, claims and absence, and                       consumers, three of the top-cited customer              market will reward insurers that can keep
underwriting. Prioritization of customer                  expectations were (1) fast response times               up with market demand.”11 Modernized
retention is critical, given increased                    to the customer’s needs and issues, (2)                 product development capabilities require
sensitivity to inadequate experiences during              a real person to speak with, regardless                 a robust product engine core to a PAS. The
this period. Moreover, products likely need               of time or location, and (3) information                modernized PAS not only enables the group
to be adapted to more individual needs                    where and when they need it.9 Providing                 insurer to develop tailored products, but
during the pandemic.                                      a differentiated omnichannel customer                   also provides automation capabilities and
                                                          experience is no longer just a luxury, but a            business rule frameworks to accelerate
In the face of these market pressures,                    foundational requirement to achieve growth.             delivery to market. Group insurers reliant on
it is becoming increasingly clear that                    Customers who have the best experiences                 legacy PAS systems will be unable to keep
modernizing the core PAS is likely critical               tend to spend approximately 140% more                   up with the rate of innovation needed to
to meet business objectives. Executives in                and remain with their provider five years               consistently and quickly adapt their product
the industry are recognizing the value of a               more than the customers who have the                    offerings to the demands of the market.
strong digital core, with 37% of insurance                worst experiences.10 To meet customer

6. Deloitte, 2020 Global Tech Leadership Study.
7. Deloitte, GIBS.
8. Deloitte, 2019 Tech Trends.
9. CMO Council and SAP Hybris, “The Customer in Context,” 2017.
10. Harvard Business Review, “The Value of Customer Experience, Quantified,” 2014.
11. Stephen Boucher, “Opportunities for Group Insurance Innovation during the Pandemic.” IRRE, August 20, 2020.
Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth - April 2021
Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth | The case for group insurance policy administration transformation

Partner engagement                                         Organizational agility                             of the vast amounts of data generated by
The business impact of partners, such as                   Innovation and agility remain a priority for       group insurers. In a recent survey, 67%
brokers, third-party administrators, and                   growth for group insurers. A study of 41           of respondents indicated that predictive
enrollment providers, in the group insurance               insurance CIOs revealed that, on average,          analytics had led to cost savings in the
ecosystem is important in influencing the                  respondents expect their technology                underwriting process, while 60% credit
overall employer and employee experience.                  spending on innovation and growth to               the insights for improving both sales
The partner ecosystem continues to                         expand to roughly 25% in 2023 from 15%             and profitability.15 Higher levels of data
be fragmented by various technology                        in 2020.14 A modernized PAS provides the           standardization, quality, and integration,
companies across benefit administration,                   robust core needed to thrive in this dynamic       anchored by a modernized PAS, can drive
enrollment, HRIS, and other functions that                 environment. A group insurer’s revitalized         significant improvements in the business
are vital to the business operations of a                  PAS strategy can leverage on-demand                operations of a group insurer. The life
group insurer. Furthermore, the scope                      infrastructure provided by cloud offerings,        cycle, from customer onboarding setup
of the partner ecosystem continues to                      which keeps run costs relatively low while         to servicing turnaround times for data-
expand, with insurers increasing their usage               also providing the flexibility to scale up on      intensive workflows, including rating, can
of external data depositories, application                 short notice to accommodate new products           be greatly reduced. In addition, error rates
hosts, and external partners.12 Developing                 and business capabilities. Furthermore,            for enrollment and billing processes can
business relationships with partners in this               modernized PAS platforms typically                 be lowered. As new external sources of
ecosystem requires increasingly complex                    support robust integration frameworks              data continue to emerge, it is paramount
bidirectional connections to support                       between the PAS and dependent functional           that a group insurer builds the PAS data
data-driven processes like quoting, rating,                systems, reducing the turnaround time for          core needed to continue realizing the value
underwriting, enrollment, claims processing,               key business processes like underwriting,          of analytics. As the key system of record
and absence management. The capability                     evidence of insurability, and new                  containing member and policy data, PAS
to provide a plug-and-play ecosystem that                  enrollments. Combining the scalability of          is an important component in addressing
minimizes the overhead of data exchange is                 cloud with a dynamic integration framework         dynamic data and analytics needs.
a key point of differentiation in the market               creates a level of organizational agility
and can likely result in growth stemming                   that enables a group insurer to respond
from additional cases won and additional                   effectively and quickly to changing market
premium revenue.13 A legacy PAS, serving                   conditions.
the role of main system of record, is one
of the major bottlenecks in building out                   Data and analytics
an ecosystem engagement platform that                      The group insurance business model is very
delivers true plug-and-play capability with                data-intensive, and there is a significant
business and technology partners in the                    amount of growth opportunity that can
group insurance ecosystem.                                 be achieved through more effective use

12. Deloitte, 2020 insurance outlook.
13. Deloitte, “Digital market connectivity in the group ecosystem,” 2020.
14. Deloitte, 2020 Global Tech Leadership Study.
15. Wozman, “North America life insurers embrace predictive analytics to elevate their business.”

Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth - April 2021
Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth | Business and technology architecture implications

Business and technology
architecture implications

PAS transformation has fundamental                    catalog, ensures a single source of                         • Policy management
implications across all layers of the                 truth, and facilitates design and                             Manages any changes to plans, products,
enterprise business and technology                    construction of products to support                           and/or policies requested by an employer.
architecture due to its central role as the           underwriting capabilities.
                                                                                                                  • Bill calculation
digital core of a group insurer. It typically
                                                    • Case installation                                             Calculates and generates bills associated
serves as the system of record for critical
                                                      Configures cases associated with                              with employer plans (i.e., list bill), based on
data domains (e.g., policy, product) while
                                                      employer plans, along with associated                         the enrollments and associated premiums
being integral to enable other value chain
                                                      product- and employer-specific                                in the plan to support bill presentment.
operational systems (e.g., claims, customer
                                                      operational and servicing metadata.
portals). We define PAS as the system that                                                                        • Operations
has and supports the following capabilities         • Case maintenance                                              Supports ongoing customer service
(figure 2).                                           Maintains employer plans, including, but                      operations to manage employee-level
                                                      not limited to, eligibility determination,                    demographic data, capture of life events,
• Product management
                                                      premium administration, etc.                                  and/or servicing customers with plan
  Maintains a comprehensive product
                                                                                                                    inquiries (non-claims-related).

 Figure 2. Typical PAS capabilities



                                                                    Case               Case
                                                                 installation       maintenance

                                                                              PAS                              Compensation
                                                         Product                                 Policy
                                       Enrollment        mgmt.
                                                                           system of             mgmt.         and incentives
                                                                             record                               mgmt.

                                                                 Operations           calculation

                                                                                                      Metrics and
                                                 Self-service                                          reporting


                                                    Core Capability – Addressed directly by the PAS system

                                                    Enabling Capability – Relies on PAS, but happens outside of it

Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth - April 2021
Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth | Business and technology architecture implications

As PAS capabilities are an integral part of                                  partners like brokers and employers.                                          • What changes are required to the
a group insurer’s operations, they have                                      Technology capabilities like plug-and-play                                      business operating model to realize
numerous downstream and upstream                                             are becoming increasingly intertwined                                           efficiencies from a modern PAS?
impacts across the entire technology                                         with business strategy, as they are the only
                                                                                                                                                           • What PAS capabilities should be owned
architecture. The reference architecture                                     pathways to enable profitable future growth.
                                                                                                                                                             in-house, and which ones are leveraged
(figure 3) depicts the various technological                                 In addition to meeting the organization’s
                                                                                                                                                             via third parties in the ecosystem to cost-
capabilities that are either directly                                        technological demands, the PAS
                                                                                                                                                             effectively enhance the value proposition?
addressed by or enabled by PAS.                                              transformation strategy must match the
The widespread organizational reach of                                       needs of its various business functions.
a PAS transformation and its associated                                      Crafting a PAS transformation strategy to
impact on a group insurer’s technology                                       accommodate the structure of business
architecture provides an opportunity                                         units and/or product classes will require an
to enable several modern technology                                          organization be ready to address the PAS’s
capabilities and design patterns, many of                                    key role in various dimensions of the group
which have historically been a challenge to                                  insurance business architecture (figure 3).
implement due to the limitations of legacy
                                                                             • How will the PAS capabilities support
PAS platforms. For example, one of the
                                                                               the group insurer’s desired
more notable trends in recent years has
                                                                               distribution channels?
been the increased importance of having
a robust data integration fabric in order to                                 • What product and/or service
enable real-time integration with ecosystem                                    differentiation does the PAS enable?

    Figure 3. Group insurance reference business architecture

     Key customer
                              Employer                  Employees              Brokers and agents               Internal staff                              Partners

                                                                                                                                      Enroller     HRIS/                       Benefits          Cloud
                                                                                                                                                                TPA/TPP         admin
                          Self service interaction and communication management
                                                                                                                                      Payments                 Regulatory      External
                                                                                                                                                                              data prov.
         Mobile                     Web                        IVR                    Email                    Chatbot

                                                                       Data and integration connectivity fabric                                                                             Infrastructure

                                             APIs and                      Enterprise                       Events and                                                 Framework
            API gateway                                                                                                                 Data abstraction
                                           microservices                   service bus                      messaging                                                    services

                                      Operational data stores                                                               Non-operational
                                                                                                                                                                  Design, authoring,           DevOps
                                       Business operations                                                                    data stores
                                                                                                                                                                   and publishing
                Sales management                                      Actuarial
                                                                Product management                                  Enterprise data management
              Account management
                                                                    Underwriting                                                                                      Capture, index,
                     Enrollment                                 Medical underwriting                                                                                    and search
                                                                                                                   Master data management and
                                                                Provider management                                  single view of customer
                     Marketing                                                                                                                                                                 Security
                 Customer service                                      Claims                                                                                           Document
                                                                                                                                 Analytics                              workflow
                                      Workflow and RPA
                             Core systems and business support                                                            Data and analytics                          Content mgmt.        Support services

      Core capability – Addressed directly by the PAS system         Enabling capability – Relies on PAS, but happens outside of it

Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth - April 2021
Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth | Key learnings from the trenches

Key learnings
from the trenches

Despite the ongoing need to modernize core        to prevent misaligned expectations                     functionality to free up the business
PAS environments, the industry overall does       among executive stakeholders.                          value intertwined with legacy systems.
not yet have a successful track record using
                                                • Utilize a robust vendor due-diligence                • Commit to an executive-led
new technology solutions. Group insurers
                                                  process to minimize implementation risks.              change management strategy early
have historically encountered a variety of
                                                                                                         to prevent the low adoption of new
challenges throughout the transformation        • Periodically refresh the PAS
                                                                                                         PAS capabilities.
journey, predominantly stemming from              transformation business case with
varied product requirements and case-level        financial outcomes (return on investment,
                                                                                                       Being ready to address the common
customizations across various market              growth opportunities, etc.) to justify and
                                                                                                       challenges of a PAS transformation will
segments. Each of these challenges has            secure continued funding.
                                                                                                       enable the group insurer to navigate around
a proper mitigation step that can be
                                                • Pilot transformation programs in                     the common pitfalls that have limited
preemptively put in place to minimize
                                                  smaller lines of business or segments                overall success of PAS transformations.
implementation risks and increase
                                                  to validate business fit and value of PAS            However, no amount of preparation will lead
confidence in realizing the objectives
                                                  vendors in the early stages of maturity.             to a successful outcome without the right
associated with the transformation agenda:
                                                                                                       combination of transformation approaches
                                                • Adopt a policy of simplification and align
• Clearly define business objectives                                                                   that align to the business’s needs.
                                                  business capabilities to out-of-the-box
  at the onset of the PAS transformation

Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth | Group insurance policy administration transformation approaches

Group insurance policy administration
transformation approaches

One of the most difficult decisions to                                   tailored to meet the differing needs of all                   • How can the customer experience be
make with regard to transformation is                                    business segments, requires careful analysis                    optimized to achieve profitable growth?
which approach to employ when having                                     of several strategic and operational drivers
                                                                                                                                       • Could a third-party administrator or service
to choose between incumbent legacy PAS                                   to deliver optimal results in a manner that
                                                                                                                                         outsourcing be used as a strategic lever,
solutions and a new, modern solution. The                                is aligned to the overall business strategy.
                                                                                                                                         keeping acceptable customer experience?
following framework provides a model for                                 Answering the following questions for
characterizing the differences between                                   each line of business affected by the PAS                     • Can we simplify our operating and
approaches Deloitte has leveraged in the                                 transformation will provide a good starting                     platform ecosystem?
industry (figure 4).                                                     point to ensure that a group insurer
                                                                                                                                       • Can the services be tiered based on the
                                                                         identifies the priorities and nuances that
                                                                                                                                         level of customization required across
The continued intertwining of technology                                 must be addressed with the overall PAS
                                                                                                                                         case mixes?
and business architecture raises                                         transformation strategy:
additional considerations that must be                                                                                                 • Can we enhance the overall architecture
carefully considered when crafting a PAS                                 Questions regarding key strategic drivers                       maturity to a sufficient level leveraging
transformation strategy. Picking the right                                                                                               the PAS system?
                                                                         • Is this line of business or product group
combination of approaches, which must be
                                                                           critical to our strategy?

  Figure 4. Approaches to PAS transformation

                                                                           Replace                                Refocus
                                                                                       and retire    Sourcing

                                                                             Greenfield                          Sale of
                                                                               install                       closed-block
       Greenfield install:            Replace and retire:                                                                                       Sourcing options              Sale of closed-
      Select a replacement           Select a replacement                                                                                   (TPA, BPO, AMS, ITO):            block policies:
     application, but do not        application and convert                                                                               Includes full administration     Selling nonstrategic
                                                            Remain Do nothing                    PAS              Wrapper                   of policies, hosted ITO,       blocks of policies to
      convert existing data          existing synonymous Remain
                                                                     (wait)                                       or reskin                application management,       expedite transformation
                                          applications                                     transformation
                                                                                             approaches                                       or function-specific          and free up capital
                                                                             Consolidate                    Port to newer
                                                                              systems                        technology

                                                                                         Convert     Upgrade or        Re-Tool
                                                                                         or retire    enhance

     Convert or retire:            Consolidate systems:*                                                                 Wrapper or reskin:         Port to newer         Upgrade or enhance:
  Convert to a synonymous       Consolidate multiple instances                                                           Reskin presentation         technology:         Upgrade current system
   or existing application         into a single application                                                          layers and service enable   Update underlying        and applications to a
                               * Often resulting from M&A transactions                                                    back-end systems      languages, data bases,      later release level
                                                                                                                                                    file structures,
                                                                                                                                                 communications, etc.

Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth | Group insurance policy administration transformation approaches

Questions regarding key                                competition, increasing its share of wallet,        • Data and analytics
operational drivers                                    improving revenue, and driving growth.                Organizations achieve high levels of
                                                       Furthermore, disaster events like the                 data standardization, quality, and
• Are the operational costs for this line of
                                                       COVID-19 pandemic have demonstrated                   integration using PAS data that can be
  business too high?
                                                       the need for robust digital engagement                utilized to improve business outcomes.
• How do you streamline any legacy                     channels that can rise to the forefront               Clean data greatly reduces processing
  product complexity?                                  when traditional channels are temporarily             times for data-intensive tasks (e.g., rating)
                                                       or permanently closed.                                and lowers error rate in workflows like
• Can we standardize and improve our PAS
                                                                                                             claims processing.
  service process efficiency?                        • Product innovation
                                                       A modernized PAS enables product
• Does the line of business have favorable
                                                       development capabilities required to
  conversion economics?
                                                       create robust solutions targeted to the
• Can savings be realized through “lift and            market’s needs. Automation and flexible
  shift” to a modern platform?                         business rule frameworks enable new
                                                       products to be brought to market relatively
• Are there enough critical resources skills
                                                       quickly to capitalize on changes in demand.
  to maintain multiple systems?
                                                     • Partner engagement
To maximize the impact from a PAS                      A modernized PAS enables plug-and-play
transformation, a group insurer must                   capabilities between partner ecosystem
carefully craft its PAS strategy so that it            and PAS, including the ability to accept
aligns to the prioritization of the strategic          real-time electronic notifications for
and operational drivers, as well as any other          changes in member data. The improved
significant organization-specific nuances.             ecosystem connectivity results in
                                                       reduced turnaround time and fewer
Another factor that must be considered                 manual workarounds for processes that
when selecting a PAS transformation                    require external data, including EOI and
approach is the trade-off between                      new client enrollment.
an approach’s timeline and the value
                                                     • Integration
associated with its completion. Incremental
                                                       Services build composite applications
digital development remains a tried-and-
                                                       that interoperate with the PAS across the
true method of delivering value in the short
                                                       organization with real-time data flows.
term, but still cannot match the totality of
                                                       Complex processes like new plan creation
benefits delivered by a comprehensive PAS
                                                       and underwriting can be automated
transformation that builds a true digital
                                                       or simplified to reduce manual effort,
core. Several different outcomes across
                                                       therefore reducing costs.
different domains that rely on the PAS’s
capabilities could become key differentiators        • Infrastructure
in the group insurance ecosystem:                      PAS infrastructure needs are supported
                                                       through an “on-demand” model
• Customer experience
                                                       that allows for rapid deployment
  A modernized PAS facilitates real-time
                                                       of new applications or features. New
  updates between the PAS and user
                                                       provisioning paradigms grant increased
  engagement layers, creating a consistent
                                                       organizational agility and allow faster
  user experience across all platforms.
                                                       adoption of new capabilities with lower
  The outstanding user experience can
                                                       capital requirements.
  differentiate the group insurer from

Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth | Policy administration technology marketplace perspectives

Policy administration technology
marketplace perspectives

To achieve the benefits of a complete PAS
transformation, a group insurer must identify                      Figure 6. Breakdown of major PAS vendor classifications
the PAS technology platforms with capabilities                                                                    4
that are matched to the organization’s
strategic goals. PAS platform selection
remains a nuanced challenge. For many                                               3
reasons, the PAS technology market has not
reached a fully mature state (figure 5).
Comprehensive solutions continue to be
developed, but organizations will need to
mix and match solutions that fit the needs of
their business and technology architecture.

PAS platforms have scaled their solutions
and capabilities from an initial industry
                                                                          Quo�ng-, ra�ng-, and        PAS- and billing-focused                    Claims-focused
focus (e.g., P&C, retirement), along with
specific functional focus (e.g., billing, claims)
into full enterprise solutions. However, the                      Group insurers should identify platforms            solution. While group insurers have initiated
platforms original framework will continue                        whose capabilities are vital to supporting          programs to modernize the PAS in pockets
to influence the strength and completeness                        overall strategic goals. It must, however, be       for specific segments or product types, a
of its capability offerings. There are likely                     noted that the group insurance technology           full-fledged, industrial-scale deployment has
three major categories of PAS vendors                             platform space is fragmented—none are               yet to be observed in the market.
based on their original specialties (figure 6).                   emerging as a fullyformed, best-in-class

Figure 5. PAS technology market fragmentation factors

        Most of the PAS vendors in this space began their lives
                                                                                                                        Given the limited number of group insurers in the market,
       focused in other parts of the market—P&C, individual
                                                                                                                        there are only a handful of vendors who have invested to
                 life, or pension—and evolved into this space
                                                                                                                        develop modern technology solu�ons
                       searching for new market opportuni�es

                                     MARKET APPROACH                                                                    PLATFORM MATURITY
      PAS vendors have taken two dis�nct approaches to the                                                              The maturity of the specific capabili�es and features of
       market: 1) beta build with major group insurers with                                                             each PAS pla�orm varies depending on what has been
           broader scope; 2) more agile, MVP builds on new                                                              required by previous customers, both from product and
                products and smaller scope to test and learn                                                            feature perspec�ves

                                MARKET FRAGMENTATION                                                                    ROAD MAPS
            Where gaps exist in the capabili�es of the primary                                                          Building greater maturity across the product and feature
      solu�ons vendors, we’ve seen smaller players enter the                                                            spectrum tends to be driven by their ini�al client
         market to help support unfulfilled needs, at �mes in                                                            implementa�on needs first, and only then to address
                   formal rela�onships with the PAS vendors                                                             market poten�als

Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth | Getting started with a group insurance policy administration transformation

Getting started with a group insurance
policy administration transformation

Independent of the decision to commit to                 environment is a requirement for unlocking             various PAS transformation approaches to
a full-scale transformation, it is likely that           the value of a PAS transformation.                     decide on the methodology that is the best
there are four “no-regret” steps that all                                                                       fit to achieve long-term strategic vision.
                                                       • Finally, group insurers can define a
group insurers should take. These initiatives                                                                   Create a business case document and
                                                         tiered services catalog to simplify and
not only provide immediate value by                                                                             summarize outcomes, timelines, and scope.
                                                         standardize the service offerings provided
alleviating some of the pressing challenges
                                                         to their employers, with tiering based on            • I want to find the right vendor that shares my
that carriers face today, but also create the
                                                         service usage, profitability, and internal             long-term vision.
foundation for additional benefits that can
                                                         capabilities. The service catalog is used
be achieved through a PAS transformation:
                                                         by both outward-facing functions (e.g.,                PAS technology selection process
• Group insurers can start by optimizing                 sales) to determine which services can                 Define which PAS capabilities are critical
  and simplifying product structure                      be provided to customers in a profitable               to thrive in the group insurance industry,
  and business processes. The resulting                  manner and internal teams (e.g., claims) to            and perform due diligence on vendors in
  organizational agility improves reaction               align on and execute services consistently             the market to determine which is the
  times to new market demands, allowing                  for all customers.                                     best match.
  the insurer to capitalize on changing
                                                                                                              • I need to understand which ongoing
  customer preferences. In addition, the               In addition to taking the “no-regret” steps,
                                                                                                                programs are part of my final vision and
  lean business structure will be better               there are several key activities that should
                                                                                                                should be continued.
  suited to most out of-the-box vendor                 likely be undertaken by any insurer who is
  functionality and reduces the time needed            embarking on the PAS transformation journey.
                                                                                                                PAS program health check
  for a future PAS transformation.                     These are vital to maximizing the value that
                                                                                                                Perform an analysis of the health
                                                       can be achieved by a PAS transformation, no
• Next, insurers could establish a                                                                              of ongoing PAS transformation or
                                                       matter where an organization currently is on
  reference technology and digital                                                                              enhancement programs to determine if
                                                       its transformation journey.
  architecture that is aligned with the                                                                         the current programs will still deliver the
  business’s strategic goals. They should              • I am not sure what my long-term strategic              desired business value. Complete a value
  try to identify opportunities to sunset                vision is and which PAS capabilities are               assessment for active PAS programs and
  inadequate or redundant legacy systems                 needed to support it.                                  formulate a decision framework to make
  to reduce operating costs. Insurers should                                                                    future start-stop decisions.
  also define the core systems vision,                   Digital transformation design workshops
                                                                                                              • I am ready to start and want to ensure and
  which could be used to guide investment                Plan interactive workshops with key
                                                                                                                achieve my vision.
  decisions, including the approach and                  stakeholders and outside industry experts
  timing of a PAS transformation program.                to reimagine the business capabilities
                                                                                                                PAS implementation with an experienced
                                                         needed to succeed in the group insurance
• The third step is to modernize the                                                                            business transformation partner
                                                         marketplace. Obtain executive alignment
  data and integration environments                                                                             Avoid common pitfalls to improve
                                                         on the long-term strategic vision, and detail
  across the entire business, reducing the                                                                      confidence in value creation and ensure
                                                         a capability map for the ideal PAS solution.
  complexity of future investments and                                                                          delivery excellence by partnering with an
  providing a framework to make data-                  • I know where I want to end my journey, but             experienced system integrator to execute
  driven product and customer decisions.                 need to craft a compelling argument to get the         and support the PAS transformation journey.
  Given the PAS’s role as the system of                  resources to start.
  record for critical data domains (e.g.,                                                                     As current market trends continue to
  policy, product), having a prepared                    PAS transformation business case                     accelerate the rate of digital transformation,
  modernized integration and data                        Analyze the business benefits and costs of           legacy PAS platforms are becoming

Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth | Getting started with a group insurance policy administration transformation

increasingly larger liabilities for group              advantage by either beginning a PAS                     reemphasized the need for organizations
insurers. PAS transformations are no longer            transformation program or accelerating                  to become digitally native, and it all begins
isolated as technology initiatives, but are            any ongoing initiatives within the space.               by building a robust and modern core that
fundamentally tied to an organization’s                The technology benefits delivered by a                  acts as the foundation for future innovation
future strategic vision and intertwined with           modernized PAS potentially enable the                   while also supporting group insurers’
its business structure. Despite the many               business capabilities and organizational                strategic imperatives across both business
historical challenges of completing a PAS              agility needed to thrive in a market                    and technology.
transformation, group insurers would likely            that is changing with ever-increasing
be better suited to capture competitive                velocity. Recent pandemic events have

Innovating the group insurance policy administration core to drive business growth | Authors and project team

Authors and project team

William Mullaney                        Santosh K. Kutty
Managing director, Group                Principal, Insurance
Insurance Industry sector leader        Operations & Technology        

Abhishek Bakre                          Will Wang
Senior manager, Insurance               Senior consultant, Insurance
Operations & Technology                 Operations & Technology           

Additional thanks
The project team expresses gratitude to the following
for their contributions and support:

David Schmitz                           Ted Epps
Managing director, Insurance            Principal, Insurance
Operations & Technology                 Operations &Technology

Peter Migliorato                        Michelle Canaan
Principal, Insurance                    Deloitte Center for
                                        Financial Services

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