INFUSING Clinical Corner - Joint Health Interview with Heidi Purrington - Brothers Healthcare

Page created by Margaret Cunningham
INFUSING Clinical Corner - Joint Health Interview with Heidi Purrington - Brothers Healthcare

 Clinical Corner
Joint Health Interview
 with Heidi Purrington
             Page 4

                              Decoding the
                              RX Label
                              Page 6

                              Gratitude and
                              Page 3

                              Advocacy Update
                              Excerpts from the HFA’s
                              Washington Wire
                              Page 8
INFUSING Clinical Corner - Joint Health Interview with Heidi Purrington - Brothers Healthcare
A Pharmacy
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INFUSING Clinical Corner - Joint Health Interview with Heidi Purrington - Brothers Healthcare

Change is upon us!
We are excited to announce changes to the Brothers
Healthcare newsletter. Our beautiful redesign is                                                          FOUNDERS’
coupled with a new name, Infusing Life, which is                                                           FORWARD
fitting for a fresh start to the new year.                                                                As we transition to a new
                                                                                                          year, growth continues to
                                 Infusing Life brings to mind        feature messages from our man-        be a theme for Brothers

                                 both our focus on infusion          ufacturer sponsors, to highlight        Healthcare. Last year,
                                 therapies and our commitment        products and services relevant        we added fantastic new

   Learn how                     to the whole-person approach
                                 to healthcare. With each infusion
                                                                     to you.                               team members, educa-
                                                                                                            tional programs, payer

   Brothers                      of life-changing therapies, each    This issue will help you de-            contracts, and even a
                                 phone call, and each warm smile,    code your prescription label,        new arm of our business:
                                 we honor you and your family.       understand more about joint              Brothers Pharmacy.

   Healthcare                    A few other changes you’ll find
                                                                     health, and visualize the clotting
                                                                     process. You’ll also get an
                                                                                                           These elements expand
                                                                                                          our scope but also bring

   puts patients                 in Infusing Life, is a Clinical
                                 Corner article for healthcare
                                                                     advocacy update and learn
                                                                     how Brothers Healthcare puts
                                                                                                          us back to our core mis-
                                                                                                          sion: unmatched patient

                                 professionals in the bleeding       patients first.                       care. We are grateful for
                                 disorders community. These                                                 the hard-working team
                                 articles are written by experts     Happy Reading!
                                                                                                             we have built and the
                                 for experts. We are also proud to   —Jessica Steed, Editor                  patients who trust us
                                                                                                                with their care.

                                                                                                            Wishing you a
                                                                                                            2021 filled with

                                   SCHOLARSHIP                                                                 gratitude
                                                                                                             and growth!

                                   INFORMATION                                                               Scott Carthey and
                                                                                                            Kevin Shaughnessy

                                                                                                               Presidents and
                                                                     Our committee will select two              Co-founders
                                                                     students with bleeding disor-
  Call or email us with any                                          ders, a male and a female, to
 questions you have about                                            receive a $1000 scholarship
sports, life, relationships or                                       award. Applications and
 your managing your med-                                             details are available on our
 ical condition and we will        The third annual Brothers         website: Brothershealth-
 lend our expertise to help        Healthcare scholarship  
  you in any possible way.         award program applica-            plication.
                                   tions will open January 15,
       (800) 291-1089              2021. Please note there are       For questions email:        changes to criteria this year.

INFUSING Clinical Corner - Joint Health Interview with Heidi Purrington - Brothers Healthcare

           JOINT HEALTH
          O V ER
    Clinical Corner is a new feature in Infusing Life and is targeted at health-
    care professionals in the bleeding disorders space. Each issue will cover
    a specific topic detailed by an expert in the community. It is our hope that
    healthcare providers will use this information in their practice to benefit
    their bleeding disorders patients. In this, our first article, please enjoy an
    interview with physical therapist Heidi Purrington by Jessica Steed dis-
    cussing the findings of the Joint Outcome Continuation Study (JOS-C)1
    and other aspects of joint health.

                              Heidi Purrington                     and with improving overall health    treatment throughout childhood,
                              PT, DPT, PCS, CBIS                   and participation in desired daily   we are still seeing increased
                              Heidi has been a physical            and recreational activities.         joint damage and restrictions in

                              therapist at the Hemophilia and                                           activities in people with bleeding
                              Thrombosis Center at Phoe-                                                disorders. Also, once there is
 Education is a
                                                                   Steed: Thank you for sharing this
                              nix Children’s Hospital since        study and talking about the find-    damage to the joint structures,
                              2004. She received her Doctor        ings. It’s my understanding that     that joint damage is more likely

 key component                of Physical Therapy from the
                              University of Minnesota. She
                                                                   the original Joint Outcome Study
                                                                   (JOS)2 was pivotal in making
                                                                                                        to progress. Another recent
                                                                                                        study3 examined MRI findings of

 to prevent
                              is a board-certified pediatric       prophylaxis a standard of care for   joint damage and the likelihood
                              specialist and certified brain       severe hemophilia patients in the    that a person with severe hemo-
                              injury specialist. Heidi served as   US. This extension study follows     philia will have more bleeding
 progressive                  the Mountain States Regional
                              representative for the National
                                                                   many of the patients to examine
                                                                   changes to their joints over time.
                                                                                                        and progressive damage of that
                                                                                                        joint over a 5-year period.

 joint damage.”               Hemophilia Foundation Physical
                              Therapy Working group from
                                                                   As a PT, what was the biggest
                                                                   takeaway for you?
                                                                                                           Another interested part of this
                                                                                                        study showed that kids partici-
                              2010 – 2014. She enjoys working                                           pating in sports and activities did
                              with children and adults in the      Purrington: The main takeaway        not have significantly increased
                              treatment center to assist with      for me is that even with current     incidence of joint injury. This has
                              recovery from injury or surgery      treatment recommendations and        been seen in other studies as well.

INFUSING Clinical Corner - Joint Health Interview with Heidi Purrington - Brothers Healthcare
S: Were there any surprises
for you in this study?

P: No, I don’t think so. It was
nice to see that the participants
generally rated their overall

quality of life as good. That’s
   Also, it is interesting to see                                                                                       Many centers
                                                                                                                        are using
that the PT exam scores cor-
related well with the MRI scores
at least for later stages. This has
not been shown to be true for
early joint damage. We know
that MRIs are a more precise
way to examine joint structures,                                                                                        ultrasound in
but they are not practical to
monitor joint health and we must
rely on physical exam findings to
                                                                                                                        addition to PT
help us identify early problems in
the clinic.
                                                                                                                        exams to better
   Many centers are using mus-
culoskeletal ultrasound (MSKUS)                                                                                         monitor joint and
in addition to PT exams to better
monitor joint and muscle health
and recovery from bleeds. It can
                                                                                                                        muscle health
help us determine how to proceed
after a bleed to help prevent                                                                                           and recovery
                                                                                                                        from bleeds.”
damage later. It has also been
used as a good educational tool.

S: What elements of the study
are the key takeaways for
busy clinicians?

P: It shows we are likely to still
see joint damage over time, so
we must consider what else
                                      study inform your recommen-            disorders who have joint               and long-term joint damage than
are we going to do to prevent
                                      dations for physical therapy           damage?                                the general population.
damage and especially progres-
                                      for your patients?
sion of joint damage to the point                                            P: What I see from this study          S: Heidi, this has been very
where there is chronic pain, loss     P: I think it is important that        and my experience, is that while       insightful. Thank you for your
of motion and difficulty with ac-     physical therapy is part of the        we continue to see incidents           time.
tivities. As PTs, we recommend        multidisciplinary care provid-         of joint damage in children
safe participation in sports,         ed to reduce potential joint           and adolescents with bleeding          P: You’re welcome. Thank you
PRICE (or POLICE) for bleeds,         damage. Physical therapy may           disorders, there are still much        for the opportunity to discuss an
full recovery of joint and muscles    involve a phone call, a single         fewer people than in previous          area I am passionate about.
and progressive return to sports/     clinic visit or ongoing physical       generations who will have long
activity. It seems education is       therapy services. If a child or        term consequences of severe             1. Warren, B. B., Thornhill, D., Stein,
a key component to prevent            teen is developing a problem           joint damage as a result of their           J., Fadell, M., Ingram, J. D., Funk,
progressive joint damage and          joint, we’ll need to determine         bleeding disorder. Compared to              S., Norton, K. L., Lane, H. D.,
                                                                                                                         Bennett, C. M., Dunn, A., Recht,
there are many great handouts         if they need bracing or orthot-        previous generations our kids               M., Shapiro, A., & Manco-Johnson,
and videos available. However,        ics. Do they need to improve           and young adults are able to                M. J. (2020). Young adult outcomes
education and resources do                                                                                               of childhood prophylaxis for severe
                                      strength, flexibility, balance, and/   participate in a wider range of             hemophilia A: results of the Joint
not always help the patient. As       or coordination? Do we need to         activities and many have never              Outcome Continuation Study.
clinicians, we need to figure out     re-evaluate what activities they       had a bleed. Of course, this is             Blood Adv (2020) 4 (11): 2451-
what is important for each pa-        are participating in and how           not at 100% with no bleeds yet              dadvances.2019001311
tient and support them as they        we can help them participate           which is what we want. With all         2. Manco-Johnson MJ, Abshire TC,
make choices in their health.         without causing more damage or         of the new therapies becoming               Shapiro AD, et al. Prophylaxis ver-
                                                                                                                         sus episodic treatment to prevent
We may also see improved              bleeding? The recent use of tele-      more available and ongoing sup-             joint disease in boys with severe
long-term joint health with           health has allowed for improved        port for general health, I like to          hemophilia. N Engl J Med. 2007;
new treatments and the use of                                                                                            357(6):535-544.
                                      communication and follow up            think of the possibilities that peo-    3. Foppen W, van der Schaaf IC,
MSKUS to provide monitoring           after a bleed.                         ple with bleeding disorders will            Beek FJA, Mali W, Fischer K. MRI
and education.                                                               have better rates of participation          predicts 5-year joint bleeding and
                                      S: Does this study line up with        in physical activities/sports and
                                                                                                                         development of arthropathy on
 S: As far as patients starting                                                                                          radiographs in hemophilia. Blood
                                      your experience of working             decreased incidence of injury               Adv 2020; 4:113–121. doi: 10.1182/
or maintaining PT, does this          with patients with bleeding                                                        bloodadvances.2019001238

INFUSING Clinical Corner - Joint Health Interview with Heidi Purrington - Brothers Healthcare
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Date of preparation: 7/2020. NUW-0280-CAD

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©2019. Octapharma USA Inc. All rights reserved.
Date of preparation: 4/2019. WIL-0206-CAD


                               By Eslam Omar, RPH, MPH Pharmacist

                              Many patients who have bleeding dis-
                              orders use clotting factor concentrate
                            (factor) to treat or prevent bleeding. Often,
                         when patients receive a factor prescription
                      (Rx) delivery from our pharmacy, they notice
the Rx label has many numbers and directions. Sometimes, these
numbers are confusing, for example there is a factor range (Nuwiq
4104-5016 IU) on the box, as well as the actual factor units, and
finally the Rx factor units prescribed. So, what do all these numbers
mean and how can we interpret them? Let’s examine an example
prescription label step-by-step.

With each factor Rx dose, you will get pharmacy label that explains
the content and directions. If you get your factor Rx from Brothers
Healthcare, the Rx label will look like this.

■   Nuwiq: Factor product                found on the manufacturer box         comes in these vial sizes: 250U,     ■ Dosage Range (4104
brand name. The manufacturer             and the factor vials. Lot numbers     500U, 1000U, 2000U, 2500U,           U- 5016U) Because factor
is Octapharma.                           are important because if there is     3000U, and 4000U.                    manufacturers’ products have
                                         a recall on a product it is identi-                                        slight variations in units per vial,
■   Dispensed Dose 4339U is              fied by batch and patients who        ■   Administer Nuwiq 4560 U
                                                                                +/- 10% by slow IV push as          factor prescriptions are usually
the exact number of internation-         have received this product are                                             written in range +/-5%, +/-10%
                                                                                needed for bleeding. This is
al units (IU), or units (U) for short,   notified by the pharmacy.                                                  and sometimes +/-15%. To
                                                                               the dose and directions from
available in this box of Nuwiq.                                                                                     meet this range with available
                                         ■ Exp: 11/30/2020 is the ex-          your hematologist. Your dose
In this example, this is also the                                                                                   assays, it is also common for
                                         piration date. Always check that      is based on your weight (units
patient’s dose.                                                                                                     the pharmacy to combine more
                                         date before you infuse factor. It     per kilogram) as calculated by
                                                                               your doctor per manufacturer         than one box of factor to make
■ Qty: 2 means there are 2               is best to rotate factor by expi-
                                                                                                                    1 dose. For example, for Rx
boxes of Nuwiq in this order.            ration date the same way you          guidelines. This is why you must
                                                                               update your weight with each         of Nuwiq 4000U +/-10%, the
Always check that the quantity           would with your groceries. You
                                                                               factor order. In this example, the   pharmacy can dispense Nuwiq
matches the number of doses              would use a milk carton expiring
                                                                               prescription says to administer      1036U + Nuwiq 3177U =
you received.                            sooner before opening one with
                                                                               4560 units +/-10%.                   4226U. If your dose requires
                                         a later expiration date.
                                                                                                                    more than one box of factor,
■ Lot#: M849B13292 is the                                                         The pharmacy dispensed
                                                                                                                    you will receive multiple boxes
lot number the manufacturer              ■ Nuwiq 4560 units is the              4339U which is slightly below
assigns to each batch they               dose, which will be dispensed in      the prescribed units, but within     in one bag with one label as
produce. The lot number is also          one or more boxes (vials). Nuwiq      the range of +/-10%.                             See “Decoding” on page 8

                                                                                                              “Decoding” continued from page 6

                                                                                                              shown in the example below.

                                        FROM THE HFA’S
                                        WASHINGTON WIRE
                                     had lost since 2010. However,       subsidies and outreach, and          ■ Storage: Keep Refriger-
                                       their success in the Presi-       greater Medicare/Medicaid            ated is the general rule. Store
                                        dential race did not translate   flexibilities for drug purchasing.   your factor product in the fridge,
                                         down-ballot where Dem-          While states will no longer get      preferably in its original manu-
                                         ocrats not only failed to       federal approval to narrow key       facture box and sealed bag.
                                         make any state-level gains      protections under the ACA,           We will discuss more about
                                        but lost at least 70 seats       they can continue to hinder          factor storage, reconstitution,
                                        nationwide, including two        state implementation or pursue       expired factor disposal, and the
                                      chambers (the New Hamp-            alternatives like short-term         package insert in the next issue.
                                    shire House and Senate).             health plans that could weaken
                                      The victories were critical for    the law. (Republican gains in        Do you have questions for our
                                   Republicans who preserved             Montana and New Hampshire            pharmacists about your factor,
Republican dominance in                                                                                       prescriptions or other aspects of
                                   their ability to control the redis-   may also increase attacks on
state elections creates                                                                                       your care? Call 1-800-291-1089
                                   tricting process in most states       existing Medicaid expansions
hurdles for new Biden Ad-                                                                                     and follow the prompt to reach
                                   over the next decade.                 in those states.) However, state
ministration.                                                                                                 Beeman’s Redlands Pharmacy*
                                      Republican dominance at            reforms that have substantial
Going into the 2020 election,      the state level may dramatically      bipartisan support such as           during business hours. For af-
Democrats expected a “blue         limit the ability of the incom-       guardrails protecting consum-        ter-hours emergency calls, leave
wave” at the state level that      ing Biden Administration to           ers from copay accumulator           a message and a pharmacist will
would build upon their substan-    pursue an agenda that includes        adjusters, balance or “surprise”     return your call.
tial gains in 2018, when they      expanding the ACA through             billing, and step therapy should     *Please note: Brothers Health-
won back most of the record        public or Medicaid “buy in”           continue to progress nationwide      care is licensed as Beeman’s
number of legislative seats they   options, expanded Marketplace         in 2021.                             Redlands Pharmacy.

                                                BONDED BY BLOOD
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