Influencing New Zealand's future with Tech - The New Zealand technology sector and listing with NZX. All you need to know -

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Influencing New Zealand's future with Tech - The New Zealand technology sector and listing with NZX. All you need to know -
New Zealand’s
with Tech

The New Zealand technology
sector and listing with NZX.
All you need to know.
Influencing New Zealand's future with Tech - The New Zealand technology sector and listing with NZX. All you need to know -
                       in tech exports

of total NZ
 are tech

      104%                                                    21,870
                                                             tech enterprises in
      growth in tech                                        2019, with 555 being
    exports compared                                           new in the last
        with 2015                                                12 months

                                         New Zealanders
                                         employed in tech

Influencing New Zealand's future with Tech - The New Zealand technology sector and listing with NZX. All you need to know -

When you look across the
S&P/NZX 50 there’s no escaping
the importance of technology
– from healthcare, nutrition
and telecommunications to
transport, infrastructure,
energy and retirement living.
While retaining the very essence of what           Technology has never been more important
we’ve always celebrated in New Zealand –           to our country, as the fastest growing
individuality and a quiet determination to earn    export sector in 2019 and particularly as the
success – Kiwi companies have shed the             Government considers how the evolving
old “No.8 Wire” mentality to become a global       global situation with COVID-19 might impact
showcase for technology benchmarks.                some industries that have long been at the
                                                   core of New Zealand’s economic success.
We are defining our place, rather than looking
to the rest of the world for validation. This is   There is a tremendous opportunity in applying
an important evolution among the standout          innovation and technology to what we already
examples – tapping into global trends and          do very well, so that we build on traditional
growth opportunities, with New Zealanders          strengths to ensure we have the long-term
backing them along the way, and turning local      resilience we need in our economy, which
revenues into the foreign earnings that drive      delivers high-value jobs and contributes to
our economy.                                       the wellbeing of all New Zealanders.
In this report we put the spotlight on             At NZX, we’re passionate about our role
technology, some of the key trends, and            in capital formation in New Zealand, and
feature on two of our listed companies who         working with you to support your growth and
are global leaders, Rakon (NZX: “RAK”) and         ambitions – helping shape a brighter future,
Pushpay (NZX: “PPH”), taking that Kiwi             and create what’s next.
can-do and hard graft to be the very best
in the world at what they do.

Mark Peterson
Chief Executive

Influencing New Zealand's future with Tech - The New Zealand technology sector and listing with NZX. All you need to know -
Kiwi ingenuity is a phrase we often
    hear to describe our collective ability
    to roll up our sleeves and solve a
    problem, despite the challenges
    in front of us. It is a character trait
    that is interwoven into the fabric
    of New Zealand, which has helped
    us to build, innovate, disrupt and
    challenge, for decades.

Influencing New Zealand's future with Tech - The New Zealand technology sector and listing with NZX. All you need to know -

The Kiwi tech sector is this
ingenuity in-action. Thousands of
lightbulb moments take place each
and every day, with any one of
them turning into the next big idea
and potentially the launchpad for a
new global business.

At NZX, we are recalibrating
our focus to become part of
the tech ecosystem, helping
provide our brightest minds with
an environment in which ideas
can be nourished and cultivated.
Access to sufficient funding is the
cornerstone to this objective.

It is important for the gatekeepers
of capital at all stages to ensure
both current and future tech
leaders are properly informed of
these levers of scale. This includes
early stage venture capital, private
equity, bank funding, as well as
both public and private markets.

This report seeks to provide a
snapshot of the tech sector in New
Zealand and demystify the listed
market. We truly believe that the
public markets can provide a long-
term and viable avenue for profile,
investability and scale, whilst
providing stakeholders with access
to a liquid secondary market.

Sarah Minhinnick
Head of Issuer Relationships

Influencing New Zealand's future with Tech - The New Zealand technology sector and listing with NZX. All you need to know -
The tech sector was                                         Figure 1: Exports Revenue Generated from the Tech Sector
New Zealand’s fastest
growing export sector in 2019.                              11,000
The impacts of COVID-19                                     10,000
to date have significantly                                   9,000
accelerated the importance                                   8,000
                                       Exports Value ($m)

of this sector’s contribution                                7,000

to rebuilding New Zealand’s                                  6,000

economic future.                                             5,000
Figure 1 shows the tech sector’s                             2,000
share of exports has increased                               1,000
over the past five years. The ICT
industry has demonstrated some                                         2015       2016      2017        2018      2019      2020      2021       2022       2023
rapid growth and is expected to
                                                                         ICT (Actual)              Manufacturing (Actual)             Total Tech Sector (Actual)
be a key driver for future growth,
                                                                         ICT (Projection)          Manufacturing (Projection)         Total Tech Sector (Projection)
compared to dairy and tourism,
two of New Zealand’s historically
strong export performers.
                                                            Figure 2: Exports Growth Rate in Tech, Dairy and Tourism

Figure 2 shows that the tech
sector’s forecast growth rate has                           30%
the potential to align with dairy
exports rate of growth in 2020.
This will be part of the solution to
plugging the export revenue hole
felt in tourism. To stimulate or                            10%
even maintain the rate of growth
in the tech sector, we need to                              0%
ensure that there is designated
focus and strategic investment in
innovation that creates scalable
and globally relevant solutions.
                                                                        2015/16             2016/17             2017/18            2018/19              2019/20

                                                                              Dairy           Tourism           Tech

6                                      Sources: Fig. 1 Stats NZ and NZ Tech, Fig. 2 Stats NZ and NZ Tech
Influencing New Zealand's future with Tech - The New Zealand technology sector and listing with NZX. All you need to know -
Rethinking NZ’s
future, stimulating
investment                                                                                                         2019 R&D funding
                                                                                                                  in tech $570 million,
                                                                                                                  indicating that the potential
                                                                                                                    opportunities for further
                                                                                                                       growth in the tech
                                                                                                                     sector are significant.

R&D investments and export
                                                                 Figure 3: R&D Expenditure in the Tech Sector as a Percentage of Exports
performance both influence the
competitiveness of an industry.
Although independent of each other,
the limited amount of investment in
R&D within NZ could drive start-up                               10%
innovation offshore. There have been
a number of examples where NZ tech
companies have sought R&D support
offshore and these companies
are often sold early to overseas                                 0%
companies, removing the future                                        2015              2016              2017                       2018                   2019
export revenue streams from NZ.
While NZ’s R&D investment in tech has                            Figure 4: Number of Individual Investors in the Tech Sector
been reasonable [Figure 3], strategic
positioning for R&D investment                                   4000
in globally relevant solutions will
help fuel further growth. Continual
                                          Individual Investors

innovation improvement is important
for NZ to gain and maintain a global                             2000
competitive advantage in the sector.
Investment behaviour in NZX-listed
tech companies sharply increased
from early 2020, and was sustained                                    Jan 17               Jan 18                  Jan 19                      Jan 20
throughout the COVID-19 lockdown
period [Figure 4]. The significant jump
                                                                 Figure 5: IT Sector Index Returns Compared to S&P/NZX 50 Returns
in the number of buyers over sellers
illustrates new investors prefer to buy                                                                                                              IT
and hold. This supports the possibility                                                                                                              S&P/NZX 50

of a broadening tech investor base and                           50%
opportunity for increased liquidity and
new investors over time. As shown
in Figure 5, S&P/NZX 50 listed tech                               0%
companies collectively outperformed
the S&P/NZX 50 over the past three                               -25%
years. While falling more substantially
during NZ’s COVID-19 lockdown,                                                 Jan 18          Jul 18    Jan 19             Jul 19          Jan 20          Jul 20
they also recovered faster and
continue to outperform.

                                          Sources: Fig. 6 Fonterra Annual Financial Results and Stats NZ, Fig. 9 NZX Data, Fig. 10 S&P Global                        7
Influencing New Zealand's future with Tech - The New Zealand technology sector and listing with NZX. All you need to know -
Case Study

big in an

For a Kiwi company founded in a garage    Rakon is a world leader in the rarefied
                                          domain of high-precision frequency
in Auckland two years before the          control products (FCP), a supplier
                                          to the world’s largest telcos, space
Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969, it’s a    agencies, aircraft manufacturers, and
                                          innovators in autonomous vehicles.
pretty big achievement to have your
                                          “Each has its own challenges,” says
tech on the Rosetta space probe mission   CEO, Brent Robinson – someone
                                          who thrives on the constant pace
to Jupiter – a mission that resulted in   of the technology cycles and loves
                                          nothing better than winning the
the first-ever landing on a comet.        global race to find a solution.

Influencing New Zealand's future with Tech - The New Zealand technology sector and listing with NZX. All you need to know -
“The small pieces
                                                                                   Advancement in 5G will open a
                                                                                   world of opportunity in fields such

                                            of extremely
                                                                                   as robotic surgeries, evolution
                                                                                   of IoT (Internet of Things) and
                                                                                   gaming. Sitting at the pinnacle of
                                            precise, tailored                      telecommunications, Rakon is one of
                                                                                   the key FCP suppliers to this sector
                                            technology from                        globally with their components
                                                                                   embedded in these expanding
                                            this New Zealand                       networks. Network latency has been
                                                                                   reduced 90% over the past ten years

                                            company are                            to two milliseconds – but Brent and
                                                                                   his team are already focussed on the

                                            finding their                          next benchmark in performance.

                                            way into an
                                                                                   With each of the four Rakon
The European Space Agency                                                          components for the Rosetta space
lander module that touched down                                                    mission requiring 2,500 hours of
on the comet 67P/Churyumov–
Gerasimenko (67P) on 12 November
                                            increasing range                       testing – and accompanied by
                                                                                   hundreds of pages of technical
2014 is a measure of the credentials
of the Rakon team, who are
                                            of applications.”                      documentation – this was an
                                                                                   important milestone to celebrate.
deeply connected with the needs                                                    Then, once the cheering’s done, this
of their customers.                       When the RAK ticker went live in         team of just 950 is back to “being
                                          May 2006 the opportunities were          the first”. This could be solving how
Brent attests to the absolute
                                          in global positioning systems (GPS),     to provide the precise timing to
importance of understanding your
                                          and that heritage is still inherent to   enable satellites and spacecraft to
niche, including your customers’
                                          this ingenuity success story that’s      operate perfectly in the extreme
ecosystems and technology
                                          setting itself apart by designing        conditions of space, or adding its
standards – in many cases involved
                                          solutions to problems even their         advanced processes to tonnes of
in shaping evolving frameworks.
                                          customers don’t know about.              sliced and diced quartz crystal such
While Rakon has people based in                                                    as unlocking the future of oscillator
                                          Brent says: “To be first, you really
England, France and India, New                                                     technology, Quartz XMEMS™.
                                          need to intimately understand what
Zealand is a good country to operate
                                          the challenges are”.                     Being a little fish in a big pond
from if you “want to be the best in
                                                                                   doesn’t faze Rakon. Brent is a big
the world”, he says. There is still       The company’s drive to research and
                                                                                   believer in making the pool smaller
the heart of that family business         understand knowledge gaps within
                                                                                   and being the smartest fish in
formed back in 1967, and the values       their niche is fundamental. Being
                                                                                   the school – a strategy creating
that they cherish as part of an           one of the first companies to learn
                                                                                   unlimited opportunities for a Kiwi
international competitive advantage.      early on the attributes needed in the
                                                                                   company that’s quietly getting on
                                          frequency control of GPS – including
This is a team dreaming big – about                                                with transforming the way we live,
                                          environmental conditions, led to
the opportunities in remote medical                                                work and play.
                                          the development of high-reliability
procedures performed by surgeons
                                          products used in the autopilot
on the other side of the globe,
                                          capability featured in many Boeing
driverless cars that react in real-time
                                          and Airbus models today.
to road conditions and hazards. . .                                                                 Brent Robinson
and, in the words of Buzz Lightyear,      Tackling autonomous cars head                             Chief Executive
this thinking extends “to infinity        on, Rakon is drawing from its                             Rakon
and beyond”.                              experience with frequency control
                                          in driverless tractors, trucks and
                                          defence applications – to design
                                          products that enable synchronised
                                          information from sensors in real
                                          time with control functions in the
                                          vehicle. The intricate detailing of
                                          these systems will detect obstacles,
                                          reacting with speed and accuracy
                                          to ensure safety.

Influencing New Zealand's future with Tech - The New Zealand technology sector and listing with NZX. All you need to know -
the market

Becoming a publicly listed                                                  Investors often focus on the
                                                                            long-term outlook, market share
company, far from being an             Myth: I need to be a                 and competitive advantage of a
end-game, is the start of a new
                                    large business and I need               business, as well as the experience
era in the life of a business.
                                         to be able to raise                of the management team.
The rewards of an increased                                                 Furthermore, most companies
                                      significant amounts of
profile amongst customers and                                               who consider listing have a good
                                    capital as part of an IPO?              growth rate.
peers, access to new sources
of capital and the associated                                               The ‘classic’ IPO is the most well-
opportunity to scale your                                                   trodden path, with respect to
business, are only a few of the                                             which engaging with a distribution
                                  The minimum anticipated market
                                                                            and broker network is key to
many benefits for a publicly      capitalisation of a business listing
                                                                            building out a viable listing and
listed company.                   on the NZX is $10 million. However,
                                                                            capital raising proposition. There
                                  the suitability of listing a company
                                                                            are, however, alternative routes
While listing is an exciting      in New Zealand is not necessarily
                                                                            to market, such as a direct listing
milestone, there are a series     driven by the size of the business
                                                                            (formerly known as a compliance
of common misconceptions          or its capital raising plans. This is a
                                                                            listing), which can offer a more
                                  personalised question, the answer
and urban myths around                                                      dynamic and cost-effective
                                  for which is based upon the specific
what listing entails and what     stage, scale and growth ambitions of
                                                                            listing solution.
options are available in          a company.
New Zealand. At NZX, we
believe if you are an ambitious
and focused company, the
goal of listing is far more
achievable than you may think.
Time to bust some myths.

Flexibility of direct listing                                                      How to save costs
A direct listing offers greater                    Myth: Listing on                Aside from NZX’s fees being
flexibility to an aspirational listing               the exchange                  significantly lower than competing
candidate as it avoids the need to                                                 exchanges. Direct listings save on
                                                   is too expensive
raise capital. However, this route still                                           broker and distribution fees, by virtue
leaves open the opportunity to raise                                               of there being no capital raised.
new funds using the same class
                                                                                   Furthermore, a direct listing only
offer regime after a three-month           Listing does have an initial expense,   requires a listing profile document
period, during which an issuer has         however the potential rewards           to be written as part of informing
time to build its profile and network.     as a public company are wide-           the market of the listing proposal, as
In some respects, this can be the          ranging and long-term. Therefore,       opposed to a full PDS. This has the
best of both worlds. Pushpay,              appropriate resource planning prior     potential to be a shorter and simpler
featured in this report, is one such       to listing is essential.                document, as it does not need to
successful New Zealand tech                In respect of an IPO, a business        contain information relating to the
company that came to market via            will be engaging with financial         offer of new shares. This can save on
the direct listing route.                  and legal expertise as it begins its    associated costs.
                                           listing journey, inclusive of running   Separately, another driver for cost
                                           a comprehensive due diligence           savings is having a good governance
                                           process and preparing the product       infrastructure in place at an early
                                           disclosure statement (PDS).             stage of the business. Being listed
                                           Brokerage fees will also be paid to     on a private market and registry first
                                           the broker syndicate in the form of a   (such as Syndex) can create and
                                           percentage of the amount of capital     refine these disciplines and thereby
                                           raised, though it is important to       save on valuable time and resource
                                           remember this is a cost against new     further down the line.
                                           funds the business would not have
                                           otherwise acquired.

Dual listing
                                          In certain circumstances, a                 Myth: Being listed in
       Myth: If I am to build             secondary listing overseas might be         New Zealand means
     scale globally, I need to            considered to build further presence
                                                                                  overseas investors are unable
     list in overseas markets             within these markets. For example,
                                          being able to raise capital in two
                                                                                    to invest in my business
                                          locations, whilst retaining access to
                                          the New Zealand listed debt market,
The experience of many of our             can help diversify funding options.     Overseas investment can be a key
listed tech issuers is at odds with the   Importantly, under the Trans-           driver behind growth and scale,
perception that overseas markets          Tasman Mutual Recognition               which can correspondingly facilitate
is where a tech business should           Scheme, an issuer can raise capital     international profile and access
list. In addition to our featured                                                 to new markets. However, it is a
                                          in both New Zealand and Australia.
case-studies, businesses such as                                                  misconception to think that being
                                          The foreign exempt listing category
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, Serko,                                                domiciled and listed in New Zealand
                                          also means that an issuer with two
EROAD, Vista, Gentrack and AFT                                                    detracts from the ability to build that
                                          listings is not be subject to two
Pharmaceuticals, have built scale                                                 overseas interest.
                                          compliance regimes. Compliance
and profile overseas, whilst being
listed in New Zealand.                    with NZX listing rules is recognised
                                          on the ASX and vice versa.
                                                                                  Overseas investor
As told by our issuers, the real key
driver to building and growing a          We do suggest, however, that            ownership contributed
successful tech business is having
a clear focus on creating a viable
                                          the potential benefits of building
                                          presence in Australia should be
                                                                                  to around 38%1 of
and scalable product solution for         carefully weighed up against            NZX listed equities
consumers. There is no reason why
this objective cannot be fulfilled on
                                          some key considerations. These
                                          include exposing the company            in 2019. This is higher
a global scale, whilst retaining and
building presence in New Zealand.
                                          to a much more litigious
                                          environment, additional listing and
                                                                                  than other major
                                          regulator fees, increased insurance     international
                                          costs and other requirements.

12                                                                                1 JBWere (NZ) Pty Ltd 2019, Equity Ownership Survey New Zealand
Myth: There is little
     Myth: The process of                   Myth: The compliance
                                                                                 or no advice or guidance
   listing on the exchange                 burden of being a listed
                                                                                       to support my
         takes too long                    company is far too great
                                                                                     listing objectives

The time it takes to go through          Becoming a listed company              Come and talk to us!
the process of listing has a wide        coincides with important
                                                                                Our team at NZX is always
variation and is dependent on the        responsibilities focused on
type of business, investors, strategy,   protecting investors and keeping       happy to have a confidential
objectives (whether or not to raise      the market informed. This a key        discussion around your
capital), as well as its current legal   driver behind the trust that the       requirements, and we will work
and governance structures.               public markets can help create.        closely alongside you throughout
As a very rough guide, an IPO can        It is important to note, however,      your journey to provide expert
typically take 4-12 months, whereby      that following the Listings Rules      advice and support.
a direct listing could be as little as   review in 2018, there is now a
6-8 weeks.                               significantly simplified rules set,
                                                                                We are well connected with
                                         which was designed to enhance          advisors, law firms and sources
                                         the understanding of the               of capital throughout New
                                         compliance obligations, whist          Zealand, who are able to provide
                                         retaining market integrity and         you with specialised expertise
                                         strong investor protections.
                                                                                within their fields. Furthermore,
                                         Compliance costs have therefore        we will also introduce you
                                         been reduced, by virtue of creating    to our NZX Regulation team
                                         stronger alignment with legislation,   (NZXR), who can provide expert
                                         lowering the amount of resource
                                                                                assistance on specific matters
                                         that needs to be dedicated to this
                                         important function.                    around pre and post listing.

Case Study

             To fully comprehend the
             success of Pushpay, you

on tech
             only need to look at the
             entrepreneurial mindset of the
             company’s CEO, Bruce Gordon.

and a
             His Kiwi ‘can do’ attitude saw
             the launch of New Zealand’s

             first internet merchant banking
             platform in the 1990s funded
             from a stationary budget.

“We’ve moved from
                                                                                  Testament to this is how Pushpay
                                                                                  helped churches connect their

                                                                                  congregations virtually through
                                                                                  COVID-19, live-streaming services,
                                                                                  maintaining connections and
                                         banking, to the                          maintaining the giving so vital
                                                                                  to the work of churches in their
                                         desktop and now a                        communities.

                                         super-computer in                        “Just because your church has closed
                                                                                  its door, it doesn’t mean you’ve lost

                                         our back pocket.”                        your faith,” says Bruce. In some
                                                                                  cases digital reach has enabled a
                                                                                  six-fold increase in attendance, and
                                                                                  opened a new door for Pushpay to
Pushpay’s name belies a company        While it wasn’t the done thing in the      demonstrate what’s possible.
that is built around a big heart –     US, the company’s founders had a
with a focus on strengthening and      sense of urgency and pushed on with        Having a digital strategy is important
expanding contemporary and             good old Kiwi determination. Once          whether you’re a retail clothing store
traditional church communities         on the ground, they starting listening     or a church, and on top of COVID-19,
alike, through digital giving and      and learning the vital language of         connecting to the younger generation
engagement solutions, made simple      “churchies” – which, combined with         is a challenge many older, traditional
and intuitive via an app.              user-focused product design and            churches are facing.
                                       technology, has been core to the           And, in a world of tech-native
“It’s not hard to rally a great team   success to date.
when you have a vision like ours,                                                 younger generations - who
serving customers who build            Pushpay has reported continued             often strongly focus on giving to
connections with communities,”         strong growth, with total giving           causes they believe in, creating a
Bruce commented, speaking on           volumes processed in the past              simple app not only encourages
what drives his team who help knit     financial year topping US$5 billion.       donations - but encourages repeat
together and grow the congregations    Revenues were up 32%, following            giving. Appreciation is built in, with
of nearly 11,000 individual church     the trend over the past five years,        Pushpay’s new “Thank You by Fund”
customers in the US.                   and operating earnings (EBITDAF)           feature allowing a specific note of
                                       increased 1,506% to US$25.1 million.       appreciation to be sent to donors
“Some of the biggest churches                                                     regarding the initiative or cause that
would fill Eden Park every week,”      Listing on the NZX in 2014 was an          they supported.
he says. At the other end of the       instrumental stepping stone for
scale to the modern gigachurches,      Pushpay, helping give credibility to       This small team, of less than 500
some are more than 100 years old       “the crazy Kiwis with big ideas”, giving   in total, has a big reach and a huge
and may have congregations of          their largest customer prospects           ambition. Pushpay wants to be the
fewer than 100.                        confidence from their due diligence        best for their customers, and for
                                       and creating a sense of transparency.      Bruce the energy and passion has
Bruce admits it was audacious to                                                  to be driven from the core “creating
have a vision from New Zealand         This success story echoes the              quality and enjoyable jobs for our
of being the payment processing        parable of the “The Wise and               people” as they revolutionise the
and community-building platform        the Foolish Builders” – Gospel of          future of churches one tap at a time.
of choice for US churches. From        Matthew 7:24–27, in that Pushpay’s
his experience in the New Zealand      rock solid foundation is the natural
banking sector, he is used to          place this technology has found at
challenging the status quo.            the hub of church communities.                               Bruce Gordon
                                       From the strategic fit of the mission-                       Chief Executive
Bruce and the team at Pushpay          minded Church Community Builder                              Pushpay
ignored the prevailing wisdom that     acquired in December 2019, to the
“you couldn’t just go up to churches   staff volunteering programme that
and win them over”.                    extends the churches’ reach of
                                       generosity – this is a business with
                                       a higher purpose.


Syndex: Helping
Kiwi ideas
to industry
Supporting the innovation       Founded by three Kiwi                  The digital tools also provide
and ingenuity of Kiwi           entrepreneurs in 2014, Syndex          efficiencies in communication,
                                looked to solve the issues that        compliance and governance services
businesses, private capital
                                limited the private market from        to create stronger investments, with
market specialist, Syndex is    its true potential, eliminating the    supporting functions for registry
built on a promise to enable    frustrations and risk that private     management, administration,
growth through access to        investors face.                        compliance and investor relations.
capital - bringing investors    At the heart of the solution,          That means for tech companies
and businesses together.        Syndex created an online               needing to scale up at speed, the
                                investment platform, providing         platform functions allow for
                                the infrastructure to support and      ‘click of a button’ reports,
                                facilitate private market investing,   communications and compliance
                                simplifying shareholder relationship   – all drastically reducing distracting
              Mike Jenkins      management and enabling easy           administrative tasks.
              Founder & COO     transacting for any proportionally-
                                owned asset.                           To date, Syndex has eliminated
                                                                       many ‘blind spots’ of the private
                                                                       markets, opening up many
                                                                       interesting and innovative assets
              Ross Verry                                               in the investor market. In 2019, the
              Chief Executive                                          company raised over $30 million,
              Syndex                                                   predominantly from issues within
                                                                       this funding range.


                                                                                “Syndex has over
                                                                                  10,000 private
                                                                                  market investors
While the company began primarily      This has been particularly evident
                                                                                  on its platform. In
in the commercial property and
primary sector, Syndex have
                                       in the agri, medical, bio and food-
                                       tech sectors – with a quarter of
                                                                                  the 2019/2020 year,
increasingly expanded its focus into
the tech industry. Syndex caters
                                       market offers in this sector, who are
                                       advancing robotic surgery, improving
                                                                                  Syndex hosted 14
to ‘angel companies’ in the early
stages of business, providing a
                                       farm irrigation, skin cancer detection
                                       devices and plant-based foods.             independent capital
stepping stone to raise capital and
find ‘smart investors’; mid stage
                                       Kiwi ingenuity has allowed New
                                       Zealanders’ to achieve amazing
                                                                                  raises introducing
companies looking for growth
funding, succession options or new
                                       feats over the years - especially
                                       within the tech industry. Syndex’s
                                                                                  over $30m into the
shareholders and more mature
companies preparing to transition to
                                       online investment platform not
                                       only unlocks Kiwi potential at the
                                                                                  private markets.
                                                                                  Assets under
the public markets.
                                       beginning of their business lifecycle,
Private markets are now an integral    but helps lay the foundations for
part of the capital markets and
essential to the innovators and
                                       future success, transforming Kiwi
                                       ideas to industry leading businesses.      administration now
entrepreneurs of the country. And,
with the increased appreciation of                                                exceed $3.3 billion
the innovation and tenacity of tech
companies working hard to solve big                                               across over 200
world problems, interest in private
market investing is on the rise.                                                  issuing vehicles.”


The word ’unprecedented’               The NZ tech export sector has         Fortunately, as many tech
has been used a lot this year,         grown primarily because of            companies achieved scale prior
and for good reason. 2020              technology-enabled business           to COVID-19, they not only began
                                       models, rather than the technology    to deliver metrics that could be
will always be remembered as
                                       opportunity per se. This has          understood by any investor, but
the year the world changed
                                       allowed companies to scale and        exhibited qualities that set them
because of a disease called            become profitable with strong cash    apart from non-tech stocks. In
COVID-19.                              flows, which in turn has attracted    particular, the ‘business as a service’
                                       broadening interest from investors,   model delivered high recurring,
In the midst of the global turmoil –
both economic and societal – it’s      many of whom were previously          predictable revenues, strong
heartening to be in New Zealand        reluctant to invest based on the      cash flows, sticky customers,
where our (mostly) effective           technology opportunity alone.         marginal cost of new customer
management of the disease has                                                acquisition, faster growth and
                                       Whilst total revenue for the TIN200
enabled our economy to start                                                 greater profitability.
                                       Companies (NZ’s 200 largest
bouncing back sooner than it might
                                       technology exporters) grew by         This move to profitability was almost
have. While significant challenges
                                       10% in 2019 to $12 billion, EBITDA    prescient, in how it anticipated
still lie ahead, investors should
take heart from the significant        (net income) grew by 16% and by a     the cold winds of an economic
opportunities that now exist here      staggering 58% for ICT companies.     slowdown and ensured these
within our technology sector.          Notably, listed companies led that    companies either had balance
                                       growth, accounting for 25% TIN200     sheets or investor support to last
                                       revenue in 2019, but 45% of the       the COVID-19 economic winter, of
                                       $1.1 billion revenue growth.          18-24 months that is expected.

Consequently the growth in market
capitalisation of many listed TIN      “In future, cloud         Kiwi investors are increasingly
                                                                  voting with their wallets and being

companies over the past 12 months,                                rewarded for it as our economy
including the COVID-19 period, has                                morphs through the COVID-19 sea
                                                                  change. The ultimate outcome of
                                         companies will
been extraordinary. In the 12 months
to 29 July 2020, the following                                    this will be to propel the tech sector
                                                                  to become the largest export sector
                                         utilise AI (artificial
share price increases for listed TIN
                                                                  in New Zealand.
companies were observed; Pacific

                                         intelligence) to
Edge +289%, Pushpay +140%,                                        That’s an outcome that’s going to
F&P Healthcare +111%, Xero +48%,                                  have long-term benefits for New
                                                                  Zealand as a whole – both economic
                                        add even more
AFT Pharmaceuticals +30%.
                                                                  and societal. Let’s make sure we
This presents an immense                                          don’t lose sight of that in the midst
opportunity for the NZX, because
demonstrating that we can build         valuable customer         of the current COVID-19 challenges.

really big, resilient successful
companies will attract more             insights as the                           Greg Shanahan

                                        customer network
local and foreign investors in Kiwi                                               Managing Director
technology companies, and that will                                               Technology Investment
ultimately propel the tech sector to
become the largest export sector        and volume of
                                        data grows.”
in New Zealand, transforming our                                  *The TIN200 is the combined TIN100 and
                                                                  Next100 (1-200) companies ranked by
economy as a result.                                              revenue in the annual TIN Report.


Setting the
sector up
for success
Our analysis shows tech has
the opportunity to play a
significant role in New Zealand’s
economic future, particularly
with the impacts of COVID-19.
To really get the best out of
the tech sector we need to set
them up for success:

If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it –
     Sourcing data relating to the tech sector was like
   a treasure hunt, without the fun. Analysing the data
   was made even more difficult given the definition of
   what a tech company is varies significantly and the
    sub industry classifications are not consistent and
   don’t appear to align with the global classifications.
       To understand success we need to be able to
    measure, benchmark and monitor milestones and
     enterprise performance. All of this is really hard
       to do if there isn’t consistent centralised data.
      Key industry and enterprise performance data
        points need to be defined and consistently
        collected to ensure an appropriate measure
                 of performance and success.

                                                                     Turn the talent tap on –
                                                           In order to accelerate and maintain growth
                                                       within our Kiwi tech sector we need an agile and
                                                        dynamic education strategy, with a strong focus
                                                      on commercial rewards to entice and engage new
                                                    talent. Rather than poaching our talent from similar
                                                       industries, we should be focusing on channelling
                                                           new ideas, being prepared to take risks and
                                                     drawing inspiration from new talent and those with
                                                    experience overseas. This will mean working hard to
                                                     attract talent home, with possibilities to draw from
                                                     initiatives used overseas such as China’s Thousand
                                                        Talents Plan, which fund the best capabilities in
                                                      industries to move home to China. By taking these
                                                           measures, we will not only be encouraging
                                                          growth within the sector but helping provide
                                                                  immediate relief in expertise.
          Home is where the heart is –
    Let’s make sure we set up the appropriate
investment platforms in NZ to empower scaling
and growth. If companies want to seek overseas
  buyers and sell their companies that is their
  prerogative, but let’s make it hard for them to
  leave. We want our tech companies to have
global relevance and scale in the global market,
and at the same time we want investors to have
   the opportunity to recognise NZ innovation.
 The tech sector has contributed to more than
      2,000 jobs in 2019. It’s about thinking
             global, benefiting local.

Any questions?
                                          Please just ask us...

Sarah Minhinnick               Doug Vrame                    James Sharp                   Julia Jones
Head of Issuer Relationships   Senior Relationship Manager   Senior Relationship Manager   Head of Analytics
NZX                            NZX                           NZX                           NZX
M: +64 21 813 589              M: +64 27 298 3610            M: +64 27 237 1189            M: +64 27 524 8901
E:    E:         E:        E:
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