Increased independence and decreased vertigo after vestibular rehabilitation

Page created by Deborah Fowler
Increased independence and decreased vertigo after
vestibular rehabilitation
HELEN S. COHEN,   EDD, OTR,   and KAY T. KIMBALL,   PHD,   Houston, Texas

OBJECTIVE: We sought to determine the effective-                       “vestibular hypofunction.”3,4 These reports indi-
ness in decreasing some symptoms, such as ver-                         cated improvements in balance symptoms. The
tigo, and increasing performance of daily life skills                  University of Michigan reports also introduced
after vestibular rehabilitation.                                       another improvement—the use of a therapist to
                                                                       administer intervention. Whitney and Rossi pro-
chronic vertigo due to peripheral vestibular impair-
ments were seen at a tertiary care center. They
                                                                       vide a more thorough review.5
were referred for vestibular rehabilitation and were                      Several articles describe broad-based vestibular
assessed on vertigo intensity and frequency with                       rehabilitation programs for patients with chronic,
the use of the Vertigo Symptom Scale, the Vertigo                      uncompensated vertigo, excluding Meniere’s dis-
Handicap Questionnaire, the Vestibular Disorders                       ease and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.6,7
Activities of Daily Living Scale, and the Dizziness                    These programs may include balance training,
Handicap Inventory. They were then randomly as-                        strengthening, repetitive head movements for ver-
signed to 1 of 3 home program treatment groups.                        tigo habituation, purposeful activities that incor-
RESULTS: Vertigo decreased and independence in                         porate repetitive head movements, and gaze stabi-
activities of daily living improved significantly. Im-
                                                                       lization exercises that also incorporate repetitive
provement was not affected by age, gender, or
                                                                       head movements. Cass et al8 reported that within
history of vertigo.
CONCLUSION: For many patients a simple home
                                                                       varying periods after their patients had received
program of vestibular habituation head movement                        such broad-based vestibular rehabilitation pro-
exercises is related to reduction in symptoms and                      grams, 60% of subjects had improved balance,
increasing independence in activities of daily liv-                    decreased symptoms, and decreased disability.
ing. (Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2003;128:60-70.)                      Similarly, Cowand et al9 reported significant im-
                                                                       provements in self-report of functional limitations
I n the 1940s Cawthorne    and Cooksey2 suggested
                                                                       after a vestibular rehabilitation program that in-
a treatment for vertigo that was a radical departure                   volved multitask outpatient physical therapy fol-
from the traditional medical management that                           lowed by a postdischarge home program.
many physicians still use today. They suggested                           Two experimental studies combined head
that encouraging patients with vertigo to move                         movement exercises and balance training. Horak
their heads repeatedly to elicit vertigo would even-                   et al10 reported that subjects given repetitive head
tually alleviate vertigo. Later groups described                       movement exercises and balance retraining im-
“vestibular habituation training” for adults with                      proved more than did subjects given a medication
                                                                       regimen or a general conditioning program, but
From the Bobby R. Alford Department of Otorhinolaryngol-               the groups were small, and the treatment duration
  ogy and Communicative Sciences, Baylor College of Med-               varied. Szturm et al11 reported improvements in
  icine (Dr Cohen) and the Design and Analysis Unit, De-               posttest scores compared with pretest scores in
  partment of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine (Dr                 balance for patients given a broad-based outpa-
  Kimball). Dr Kimball is currently in private practice.
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health
                                                                       tient program plus a home program but not in a
  grant DC-02412.                                                      group doing only daily Cawthorne-Cooksey exer-
Reprint requests: Helen S. Cohen, EdD, OTR, Department of              cises at home. Curiously, the two groups were not
  Otolaryngology, Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor               compared statistically. The data from these studies
  Plaza, Houston, TX 77030; e-mail,                are suggestive but, as with the descriptive reports,
Copyright © 2003 by the American Academy of Otolaryn-
  gology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation, Inc.
                                                                       the critical parts of the programs were not clear.
0194-5998/2003/$30.00 ⫹ 0                                              Head movement exercises or balance therapy
doi:10.1067/mhn.2003.23                                                alone could have caused the improvements.
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   Cohen et al12 showed that after 6 weeks of           control. As part of the development of the VSS
treatments using repetitive head movements, ei-         and VHQ, she developed several questions about
ther a home program using head movement exer-           locus control, although these questions were not
cises or biweekly therapy sessions using purpose-       published (L. Yardley, unpublished data, personal
ful activities plus a home program, subjects with       communication). These questions were used in
chronic peripheral vestibular impairments im-           conjunction with those questionnaires in this
proved on measures of balance, functional perfor-       study.
mance, and vertigo. Thus balance retraining,               Patients complaining of chronic vertigo span
strength training, and specific gaze stabilization      the adult age range.9,10,12 Studies of normal sub-
exercises were not essential for improvement. The       jects suggest the occurrence of age-related decre-
key components were repetitive head movement            ments in vestibular function.16 Curiously, how-
and gradual increases in movement speed and             ever, no studies of vestibular rehabilitation have
visual/vestibular interaction. That the home pro-       addressed the influence of age on recovery.
gram group did as well as the outpatient group,            We sought to determine if a minimal home
who also had a home program, was unexplained            program of head movement exercises was suffi-
by the investigators and suggests that a home           cient to decrease vertigo and improve indepen-
program alone may have been sufficient.                 dence and psychosocial functioning in patients
   In the only study with a no-treatment control        with chronic, uncompensated vestibular impair-
group, Yardley et al13 found that after 6 weeks of      ments. We also sought to determine if age and
intervention, subjects given a home program of          length of time from onset of symptoms affected
head and body movement exercises plus relax-            the response to rehabilitation.
ation exercises improved significantly on self-re-
ported scales of symptoms, anxiety, vertigo, and        METHODS
functional limitations and on sharpened Rhomberg        Subjects
tests of standing balance. Differences between the         Subjects were recruited from patients referred
exercise and control groups were greater after 6        to this laboratory for vestibular rehabilitation. All
months. Yardley and Hallam also studied the ef-         patients who met the inclusion criteria described
fect of vertigo and improvements in vertigo on          here were invited to participate. Although 71 sub-
psychosocial status using two self-assessments:         jects had been recruited originally, several sub-
the Vertigo Symptom Scale (VSS) and the Vertigo         jects were excluded, so the final sample on which
Handicap Questionnaire (VHQ).14 The significant         data analyses were performed included 53 adults
decrements on these scales suggest the influence        (38 women and 15 men; age range, 25 to 84 years;
of mental health issues on recovery.                    mean age, 51.1 ⫾ 13.6 years; median age, 48
   One psychologic factor that has not been well        years). One subject each in groups 1 and 2 (the
addressed but is known among therapists is the          groups are described in Treatment Protocol later)
contribution of locus of control. This term refers to   requested that they be excluded due to unrelated
the belief that one has influence over one’s own        illness (1 had cardiac arrhythmias and 1 was a
destiny and is not just at the whim of forces           passenger in an automobile accident); 1 subject
beyond one’s control. For example, a patient in an      each in groups 1 and 3 did not return after the
exercise program in rehabilitation must participate     pretest because they felt better; and 1 subject in
actively to strengthen a weak muscle. Passive           group 2 stopped due to nausea. Physicians subse-
range of motion by the therapist will not have the      quently revised diagnoses in 5 subjects so they no
same effect. To be willing to participate, the pa-      longer fit the study criteria, and 5 subjects decided
tient must believe that he or she has the ability to    not to return after pretesting for unknown reasons.
effect the desired change. Strong locus of control      They included 1 subject in group 1 and 2 subjects
should lead to greater willingness to engage in         each in groups 2 and 3. Data for 3 subjects were
exercise and therefore should contribute to im-         lost due to technical difficulties.
proved posttreatment scores. Yardley15 has shown           Every subject had a history of vertigo for at
a relationship between handicap and low locus of        least 2 months (mean duration, 6.1 ⫾ 12 years;
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median duration, 1 year). (For brevity, for the        Table 1. Pre-test results of rotatory and bithermal
remainder of this report the length of time that       caloric tests of the VOR in darkness. Means,
subjects reported having had vertigo before enter-     standard deviations in parentheses.
ing the study will be called history.) Every subject     VOR sum gain 0.0125 Hz                 0.4 (0.18)
had been diagnosed with chronic vestibulopathy.17        VOR sum gain 0.05 Hz                   0.6 (0.16)
This diagnosis indicates the failure to compensate       VOR sum gain 0.2 Hz                   0.72 (0.18)
                                                         VOR phase 0.0125 Hz                   38.3 (16.3)
2 months or more after experiencing some periph-         VOR phase 0.05 Hz                     13.4 (9.9)
eral labyrinthine event. These patients are the          VOR phase 0.2 Hz                       4.0 (5.5)
group described by Whitney and Rossi5 as being           VOR bias 0.0125 Hz                     1.0 (3.23)
good candidates for vestibular rehabilitation. All       VOR bias 0.05 Hz                       0.7 (3.4)
                                                         VOR bias 0.2 Hz                        0.9 (3.6)
subjects had true vertigo, not vague dizziness or        Percent caloric weakness                21 (19.9)
giddiness, with or without disequilibrium. All sub-
jects had range of motion of the neck within
functional limits, and all subjects were ambulatory
                                                          To evaluate the psychologic impact of vertigo,
without assistance or gait aids. Patients were ex-
                                                       subjects completed the VHQ and the VSS.14 These
cluded if they had Meniere’s disease, benign par-
                                                       well-normed, self-administered scales ask the in-
oxysmal positional vertigo, acute vestibular neu-
                                                       dividual about the occurrence of vertigo, the reac-
ronitis or labyrinthitis, significant orthopedic
                                                       tions of significant others to the individual’s ver-
limitations, a history of head trauma, a history of
                                                       tigo, and the individual’s sense of self due to the
neurologic disease, or a history of prior otologic
                                                       vertigo. The original scales included nine ques-
disease. No patients took vestibular-suppressant
                                                       tions on locus of control adapted from earlier
                                                       work.18 The data from these questions were
   Experienced physicians (ie, neurotologists on
                                                       summed according to advice from Yardley (per-
the faculty of this department or otolaryngologists
                                                       sonal communication). Yardley’s locus of control
or neurologists in the community) made all diag-
                                                       questions are listed in Appendix A. To evaluate
noses based on clinical examination and objective
                                                       self-perceived independence in activities of daily
diagnostic testing. Objective tests included com-
                                                       living, subjects completed the Dizziness Handicap
puterized dynamic posturography (Equitest), bith-
                                                       Inventory (DHI)19 and the Vestibular Disorders
ermal caloric tests, and a battery of oculomotor
                                                       Activities of Daily Living Scale (VADL).20
tests, including saccades, smooth pursuit, optoki-
netic tests, and low-frequency sinusoidal rotatory     Treatment Protocol
testing in darkness. Every subject had a caloric          After completing the pretest assessment, sub-
weakness and/or rotatory asymmetry; some but           jects were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment
not all subjects had abnormal posturography. Pre-      groups. All groups were given written instructions
test vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) scores are          with diagrams describing repetitive head move-
shown in Table 1. The treatment groups did not         ments to be performed as a home program 5 times
differ significantly on any measures.                  per day. Each home program was designed to take
                                                       approximately 5 to 10 minutes. Subjects were
Pretest Assessments                                    given either slow or fast head movements in pitch,
   To characterize vertigo, subjects were asked to     roll, yaw, and circumduction. The investigator ex-
rate the intensity of vertigo on a 10-point scale      plained the premise of the program to each sub-
where 1 indicates no vertigo and 10 indicates          ject, demonstrated the exercises, and had the sub-
extreme vertigo. They were asked to rate the fre-      ject practice the exercises until he or she
quency of vertigo on a 10-point scale where 1          performed them correctly. All subjects performed
indicates no vertigo and 10 indicates constant ver-    their home programs for 4 weeks and then re-
tigo. For each of these scales, the subject viewed a   turned for posttesting. Group 1 (slow head move-
13 ⫻ 18-cm printed card on which the scale was         ments while seated) started with 2 repetitions on
printed and selected the number that most closely      each of 4 exercises, that is, 2 complete cycles,
matched his or her experience.                         gradually increased to 10 cycles, at approximately
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0.04 Hz, which was the lowest frequency at which       permit the use of incomplete cases. Because the
most subjects could move smoothly. Although the        timing of measurements is explicitly used in the
investigator demonstrated the exercises at approx-     model, unlike a standard repeated measures anal-
imately 0.01 Hz, most subjects were unable to          ysis of variance, the effect of unequal timing of
perform the program that slowly. Subjects were         observations is to provide information.
not advised to look at anything in particular. They        Multilevel models incorporated changes (com-
were advised to increase the number of repetitions     pensation) over the tests in measures of vertigo
by 1 or 2 as tolerated.                                and other responses and the effects of covariates
   Group 2 (rapid head movements while seated          on rate of compensation. A separate model was
and while standing) started with 10 repetitions on     fitted for each outcome. The multilevel models
each of 7 exercises performed at approximately         involved 2 levels: at level 1, the measurements for
1.5 Hz: pitch, roll, yaw, and circumduction while      each individual over time were characterized by
seated and head and trunk pitch, roll, and yaw         intercept and slope terms. The estimated regres-
while standing in place. Subjects were advised to      sion coefficients for each individual were treated
keep their eyes open and look at a stationary          as a multivariate summary of that individual’s
object in the room. They were instructed to in-        response over time. At level 2, the coefficients
crease the number of repetitions in increments of      from subjects were related to the effects of exer-
5, as tolerated. For example, when the subject         cise, age, and vertigo intensity. The fit of each
could perform 10 repetitions of downward/upward        model to the data was evaluated by graphic anal-
pitch (the motions that therapists call flexion/ex-    yses of the level 1 and level 2 residuals. Judgments
tension, respectively) without experiencing ver-       about the significance of these variables were
tigo, then the subject increased the number of         made by examining the improvement (deviance)
repetitions to 15. Subjects were instructed to move    in the ⫺2ln(likelihood) statistic after each variable
within a comfortable distance to avoid straining       or group of variables was added to the model and
their necks. This set of instructions was adapted      by examining the estimated regression coefficients
from a previously published home program.12            and their standard errors. All subjects were ana-
   Group 3 (rapid head movements plus attention)       lyzed in the groups to which they were originally
received the same exercises as group 2 but also        assigned. STATA release 6.0 software (2000 ver-
received a weekly telephone call to encourage          sion; STATA Corp, College Station, TX) and ML-
compliance and give psychologic support.               wiN version 1.10 (2000; Multilevel Models
                                                       Project, Institute of Education, University of Lon-
Informed Consent                                       don, London, UK) were used for the analyses.
   The principal investigator obtained informed
consent during each subject’s first appointment for    RESULTS
vestibular rehabilitation but before the subject was   Level of Vertigo
given the pretest assessment. This study was ap-          Scores decrease with improvement on the ver-
proved by the Institutional Review Board for Hu-       tigo intensity and frequency scales. Vertigo inten-
man Subject Research for Baylor College of Med-        sity decreased exponentially (P ⬍ 0.001), with the
icine and Affiliated Hospitals.                        most dramatic changes in the first 30 to 45 days,
                                                       followed by a more gradual decline (Fig 1).
Statistical Analysis                                   Changes were not associated with age, gender,
   Multilevel modeling was used to analyze the         history, or treatment group. Changes were moder-
data.21 This statistical technique is useful for re-   ately associated with changes in VSS locus of
peated measures designs because the same model         control questions (P ⫽ 0.009), and VHQ locus of
can account for the correlations within groups and     control questions (P ⫽ 0.001). Changes were
between repeated measurements on subjects. Un-         highly associated with changes in VADL Total
like repeated measures analyses of variance, mul-      score (P ⫽ 0.004) and weakly associated with
tilevel models explicitly describe the changes in      changes in VADL Ambulation scores (P ⫽
the response variables as a function of time and       0.044).
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64 COHEN and KIMBALL                                                                                    January 2003

Fig 1. Vertigo intensity over time. (A) Changes in scores. The curved solid line indicates the mean score. Curved dotted
lines indicate the 95% confidence interval. (B) Relationship to VSS locus of control over time. (C) Relationship to VHQ
locus of control scores. (D) Relationship to VADL Total score. (E) Scores separated by treatment group. White boxes are
slow exercise subjects (group 1), and gray boxes are fast exercise subjects (groups 2 and 3 combined). (B, C, D, and E)
Center horizontal bars indicate the mean scores, the top and bottom lines of the rectangles represent the 75th and 25th
percentiles respectively, and the upper and lower error bars indicate error bars indicate 90th and 10th percentiles,
respectively. Small circles are outliers.

   Vertigo frequency also decreased very highly                Self-Efficacy in Functional Skills
significantly, with the most dramatic changes in
the first 30 to 45 days (P ⬍ 0.001) (Fig 2).                      On the VADL, the Total score showed very
Changes were not associated with treatment                     highly significant changes at the posttest, with
group, age, or gender. Changes were weakly as-                 slow and steady decreases over the 6-month fol-
sociated with changes in the VHQ locus of control              low-up period (P ⬍ 0.001). These changes were
question (P ⫽ 0.027) and VADL Total score (P ⫽                 not associated with treatment group, age, gender,
0.03) and Ambulation score (P ⫽ 0.03). Changes                 locus of control, or history of vertigo. As indicated
were moderately associated with history (P ⫽                   in Figure 3, similar patterns were seen for Func-
0.004) and changes in locus of control questions               tional (P ⬍ 0.001), Ambulation (P ⬍ 0.001), and
from the VSS (P ⫽ 0.015).                                      Instrumental (P ⬍ 0.001) subscores. The Instru-
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Fig 2. Vertigo frequency over time. (A) Changes in scores. The curved solid line indicates the mean score. Curved dotted
lines indicate the 95% confidence interval. (B) Relationship to VSS locus of control over time. (C) Relationship to history.
(D) Relationship to VADL Total score. (E) Scores separated by treatment group. White boxes are slow exercise subjects
(group 1), and gray boxes are fast exercise subjects (groups 2 and 3 combined). (B, C, D, and E) Center horizontal bars
indicate the mean scores, the top and bottom lines of the rectangles represent the 75th and 25th percentiles respectively,
and the upper and lower error bars indicate error bars indicate 90th and 10th percentiles, respectively. Small circles are

mental subscore was weakly associated with                       score improved over time. Changes on the DHI
changes in locus of control on the VSS (P⫽0.04)                  Total score were also very highly associated with
(Fig 4).                                                         VADL Total score (P ⬍ 0.001) and with VADL
  As with the VADL, DHI scores decreased (ie,                    Ambulation score (P ⬍ 0.001). Thus DHI Total
improved) sharply from pretest to posttest and                   score decreased as VADL scores decreased.
then continued to decline over the 6-month fol-                    On the VSS, scores decrease with improve-
low-up period (P ⬍ 0.001) (Fig 5). Changes were                  ments. Scores decreased very highly signifi-
not associated with treatment group, age, gender,                cantly from pretest to posttest and then de-
or history of vertigo. Changes were very highly                  creased more gradually over the 6-month
associated with changes in the locus of control                  follow-up period (P ⬍ 0.001) (Fig 6). Changes
scores from the VSS (P ⫽ 0.001), indicating that                 were very highly associated with changes in
DHI Total score improved as locus of control                     locus of control questions from this question-
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Fig 3. VADL scores over time. The curved solid lines are mean scores. Curved dotted lines indicate the 95% confidence
intervals. On all graphs the confidence intervals become wider at the final test dates because some subjects chose not
to return for testing. (A) Total score. (B) Functional subscore. (C) Ambulation subscore. (D) Instrumental subscore.

Fig 4. VADL Instrumental scores and VSS locus of control scores over time. The dark center circle or square indicates the
mean score, center horizontal bar indicates the median score, the top and bottom lines of the rectangles represent the
75th and 25th percentiles respectively, and the upper and lower error bars indicate error bars indicate 90th and 10th
percentiles, respectively.

naire (P ⬍ 0.001), indicating that the Total                   group (P ⫽ 0.016), indicating that group 1 lev-
score decreased as locus of control increased.                 eled out before groups 2 and 3. This difference
Changes were mildly associated with treatment                  is barely detectable and is unlikely to be clini-
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Fig 5. DHI scores over time. (A) Changes in Total scores. The curved solid line is the mean score. Curved dotted lines
indicate the 95% confidence interval. (B) Relationship to VSS locus of control scores. (C) Relationship to VADL Total scores.
(D) Relationship to VADL Ambulation scores. (B, C, and D) Center horizontal bar indicates the mean score, the top and
bottom lines of the rectangles represent the 75th and 25th percentiles respectively, and the upper and lower error bars
indicate error bars indicate 90th and 10th percentiles, respectively. Small circles are outliers.

Fig 6. VSS scores over time. (A) Changes in scores. The curved solid line indicates the mean score. Curved dotted lines
indicate the 95% confidence interval. (B) Relationship to VHQ locus of control scores over time. The dark center circle or
square indicates the mean score, center horizontal bar indicates the median score, the top and bottom lines of the
rectangles represent the 75h and 25th percentiles respectively, and the upper and lower error bars indicate error bars
indicate 90th and 10th percentiles, respectively.

cally significant. Changes were not associated                   DISCUSSION
with age, gender, locus of control on the VHQ,
VADL scores, or history of vertigo. Scores on                       Independence in activities of daily living, ver-
the VHQ did not change over time.                                tigo frequency and intensity, and psychosocial fac-
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tors all improved over the course of this study,          dence in activities of daily living.22 These results
most dramatically from the pretest to the posttest.       show that age is not necessarily associated with
This dramatic change followed by more gradual             decreased ability to recover independence or to
changes is easily explained. Subjects were in-            decrease vertigo after a vestibular impairment.
structed to do their exercises for 4 weeks and were       Although specific reflex functions may be associ-
posttested at the end of that time. Most subjects         ated with age-related loss of cells, weakness, and
reported informally that occasionally they used           brain shrinkage, the ability to compensate for ves-
their exercises after that time but only intermit-        tibular loss is probably not compromised as long
tently. The most likely cause of improvements in          as the central nervous system remains intact. In
functional skills and psychosocial interactions is        this study, subjects had no neurologic problems.
the decreased vertigo. As subjects felt better, mov-      Age had no influence on the amount of change in
ing their heads did not elicit vertigo or elicited less   either the level of vertigo or the level of ADL
vertigo, so they were better able to engage in            independence. These data suggest that in the neu-
self-care, mobility, home management, and voca-           rologically intact patient, age is not a factor in
tional or avocational activities. Subjects had pre-       recovering from a peripheral vestibular insult.
viously avoided these activities, had needed assis-          Interestingly, history had a very minor relation-
tance to perform them, or had performed them              ship to recovery. It was only moderately associ-
more slowly or carefully than usual. Increased            ated with decreases in vertigo frequency and was
participation in daily life tasks and related in-         not associated with decreases in vertigo intensity
creased activity levels may have generated more           or improvements on the other measures. All of our
head movement, facilitating the effect of habitua-        subjects had failed to compensate spontaneously
tion exercises.                                           after developing vertigo, for unknown reasons.
   Originally we had expected that rapid head             These data suggest that the length of time a patient
movements would be more effective than slow               has had vertigo chronically (ie, 2 months or
head movements in facilitating rehabilitation. The        longer) is unrelated to the patient’s ability to re-
lack of difference between the groups may be              cover, so history is not a good predictor of who
explained in several ways. One explanation may            will do well in rehabilitation. Thus physicians
be that the head must be moved just fast enough to        should be cautioned to avoid considering history
stimulate the vestibular system. One problem with         alone when considering whether to include vestib-
this paradigm is that we have no way of knowing           ular rehabilitation in the treatment plan of any
the velocity, frequency, and active range of mo-          patient who has failed to compensate spontane-
tion that subjects actually used at home. We ac-          ously within a reasonable period of time.
cepted their assurances that they did the exercises          A new finding is the relationship of recovery to
as instructed. Another related possibility is that the    locus of control. Locus of control may influence
visual/vestibular interaction is the key factor,          recovery in a variety of health conditions. Our data
rather than the vestibular stimulation, per se. The       suggest that the patient’s sense of having some
visual system is a relatively slow system, and the        ability to control his or her own destiny is an
speed of head movement must stay within range of          important component of recovery. The finding is
the patient’s dynamic visual acuity while the pa-         not surprising. Adults expect to feel competent;
tient views a stationary target. We did not measure       that is, they expect to be able to move about the
dynamic visual acuity, so we are unable to test this      environment easily, while seeing clearly and feel-
idea. Another possibility is that the exercise itself     ing well oriented, and they expect to be able to
is a placebo; this explanation is unlikely.               care for themselves independently. The sense of
   The lack of relationship to age or gender is           disorientation and tentativeness and the associated
interesting. The common wisdom among clini-               decrements in ADL independence are profoundly
cians and patients is that aging is associated with       disturbing. Patients who believe they can influence
decreased performance and greater difficulty in           the direction of their recovery are likely to seek
recovering from an impairment. Age, however, is           medical care and are likely to be willing partici-
not necessarily associated with loss of indepen-          pants in rehabilitation. When receiving medical or
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surgical care, the patient is largely a passive re-             APPENDIX A
cipient of service by the physician. Rehabilita-                Locus of Control items from the Vertigo
tion, however, is a partnership between the pa-                 Handicap Questionnaire (courtesy of
tient and the therapist; the patient must be an                 Lucy Yardley, PhD)
active participant to be successful. To do so                     1. I have a lot of confidence in my ability to
requires having a sense that one is able to par-                     cure myself once I get sick.
ticipate and is able to effect a change. This sense               2. Coping with a health problem depends on
of control, and probably of competence, in-                          how well I deal with the problem myself.
creases as the patient feels better, which in turn                3. When I have a health problem, I am usually
may lead to greater participation in activities                      able to cope with it on my own.
that involve head movement, facilitating more                     4. I am largely in control of whether or not my
recovery.                                                            health improves when I have a problem.
   Unlike previous reports that used repeated visits              5. If I get sick, it is my own behavior that
of outpatient therapy, the results of this study                     determines how soon I will get well.
suggest that for many patients a minimal home                     6. If I become sick, I have the power to make
program is sufficient. The busy person who does                      myself well again.
not have time to return repeatedly for outpatient                 7. I am generally able to take care of health
therapy can still be treated successfully and can                    problems through my own efforts.
even take the exercise program along on business                  8. I am directly responsible for my getting bet-
trips or other travel. The simplicity and portability                ter when I am sick.
of this program are likely to increase compliance.                9. Coping with illness depends mostly on what
Also, a rapid return to independence in routine                      I myself do.
daily life tasks, including occupational roles, is an
important psychologic benefit.                                  APPENDIX B
   This habituation program should be imple-                    Locus of Control items from the Vertigo
mented by a trained therapist, who has time to                  Symptom Scale (courtesy of Lucy
educate the patient about the rationale for the                 Yardley, PhD)
program, the time needed for compensation, and                     When I get symptoms of vertigo I sometimes
the expected outcomes. The therapist also has                   think that
the time and expertise to (1) instruct the patient                  1. I will fall over.
in the program, (2) have the patient practice                       2. I will be unable to behave normally in
during the visit to be sure the patient under-                         public.
stands the program and performs it correctly,                       3. I will faint or pass out.
and (3) adapt the basic program to tailor it to the                 4. I will hurt myself by stumbling or falling
patient’s orthopedic limitations, cognitive im-                        over.
pairments, or lifestyle. This individualized pa-                    5. The dizziness is a sign that there is some-
tient education was essential, even in the con-                        thing seriously wrong with me.
text of this highly controlled study, in which                      6. I will lose control.
well-motivated patients received care on a rigid                    7. I will be unable to manage potentially dan-
protocol and subjects were aware of the impor-                         gerous activities (eg, crossing the road,
tance of following the protocol exactly. In the                        walking downstairs, driving).
average clinical setting, this individualized care                  8. I will become very ill.
issue is even more important.                                       9. I will do something embarrassing.
                                                                   10. I have a serious disease that no one under-
   The authors thank Herman A. Jenkins, MD, and Pedro                  stands.
Jimenez, MD, for their referrals; Sharon Congdon, James            11. I will let people down.
Chalk, Mary Cruz, Elizabeth Elizalde, Melody Fregia, Mar-
garet Kallsen, and Kim Schmidt, for technical assistance; and   REFERENCES
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