Expertise, Customer Driven, Service - in Good Hands with NIEHOFF 02/2016 - Niehoff Endex North America

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Expertise, Customer Driven, Service - in Good Hands with NIEHOFF 02/2016 - Niehoff Endex North America
Expertise, Customer Driven, Service – in Good Hands with NIEHOFF   02/2016

Where in the world is growth?
Expertise, Customer Driven, Service - in Good Hands with NIEHOFF 02/2016 - Niehoff Endex North America
Boosting efficiency
the economical way:
for aluminium wire

Today modern, economical manufacturing techniques         in-line as a single process, and the aluminium wire can
are vital, and never more so than in the automobile and   be wound directly onto plastic spools. This permits the
aviation industries. As a market leader in the field of   simultaneous achievement of high production speeds
multi-wire drawing of aluminium wire for automotive       and a constantly high quality level.
wire, for many years NIEHOFF has proven that alumini-
um wire can be produced efficiently, economically and     Visit our website to find out more about NIEHOFF
with outstanding quality.                                 aluminium multi-wire drawing with MMH lines.

As our customers confirm, using a NIEHOFF MMH line
enhances product quality while reducing the number of
production stages: drawing and annealing are done

Expertise, Customer Driven, Service – in Good Hands with NIEHOFF
Expertise, Customer Driven, Service - in Good Hands with NIEHOFF 02/2016 - Niehoff Endex North America
Editorial                                                                                                                      Contents                                                                       54

                                                                                                                                                         Where is growth?                                      4-7
Dear Readers,                                                                                                                                            The global cable industry:
                                                                                                                                                         Current situation,
                                                                                                                                                         trends and outlook
A very warm welcome to the new           the contributions in our present issue.   applies here: NIEHOFF machines
issue of our NIEHOFF Magazine!           Why is that? It is because we are con-    have passed through many stages of
                                         vinced that also in these markets the     continuous development and have             High-tech solutions for China’s                                                8-9
Does this sometimes happen to you        guiding rule for our customers is: Be     proven themselves on the markets            wire and cable industry
too? Time seems to fly by …              a step ahead of the competition. This     of this world time and again. The           NIEHOFF at wire China 2016
                                         not only in the face of stormy market     process knowledge of our specialists,       Technology partner of the Indian                                           10-11
                                         growth, but also in the subsequent        combined with an all-round carefree         wire and cable industry
                                         phase of an intense competition.          equipment package customized for            NIEHOFF at Wire & Cable India 2016
                                         Whoever ensures the competitive           you by our service experts, fully pays      The new normal                                                             12-13
                                         advantage, which is offered by the        off for our customers worldwide, and        China and its wire and cable sector
                                         efficiency and the optimum pro-           especially in the emerging markets.         Clear potential for continued                                              14-15
                                         duction solutions of our NIEHOFF          We have recognized in advance the           strong growth
                                         machines, acts with foresight, and        importance of India and China, and          India and its wire and cable sector
                                         will be better able to cope with seri-    their market development. We have
                                                                                                                               After-Sales Service –                          16-17
                                         ous competition. The Total Cost of        been present there close to our cus-        as we understand it
                                         Ownership analysis proves impres-         tomers for more than two decades,           From the NIEHOFF Original+ portfolio:
                                         sively that this strategy is correct.     and we are continuing to grow fur-          Spare and Wear parts, Online Service,
                                                                                                                               NIEHOFF Data Interface (NDI) and on-site Service
                                         The growth markets cannot be imag-        ther: In India we are currently enlarg-
                                         ined without China and India. In          ing further our production and logis-       Modernized for top performances                                            18-19
                                         China, a structural change towards        tics areas by around 2800 m².               From the NIEHOFF Original+ portfolio:
                                                                                                                               Modernization of machines and lines
                                         increased innovation and quality          We are looking forward to personal
                                         leadership is already under way. The      contact with you at wire China in           Setting Sail, Creating Glories!                                            20-21
It seems that wire 2016 in Düssel­dorf   economic development, which so far        Shanghai and at Wire & Cable India          Shanghai Qifan Electric Wire & Cable Co.,
and our in-house exhibition have         has been driven strongly by invest-       in Mumbai. There too we will happily        Ltd., Shanghai, China
just ended, and in a very short time     ments, is going to be overriden by        take time for you, our highly appreci-      Staying at the forefront                                                   22-23
the next two important trade fairs in    consumption oriented development.         ated customers.                             Interview with Ing. Karl Fröschl,
Shanghai and Mumbai will open their      India has been in the news because        Because: Time is valuable indeed!           Gebauer & Griller, Poysdorf, Austria
doors.                                   of exceptional growth rates, enor-                                                    Conceive it, believe it –                        24-25
But: Time is valuable!                   mous infrastructure programs, and,        Enjoy reading this issue – it is worth it   and you can achieve it!
                                         last but not least, the“Make in India“                                                Havells India’s Wire & Cable Division, Alwar, India
We at NIEHOFF spend a lot of time        initiative.                                                                           News / Events                                                              26-27
on continuous development of our         In both markets, wire and cable pro-
entire product range, especially for     ducers are facing not only ample                            Schwabach, April 2015
the extremely important Chinese and      opportunities, but also strong            Arnd Kulaczewski
Indian markets that are the focus of     competitive pressures. Thus, it also      President / CEO
                                                                                                                               In the future, the NIEHOFF Magazine will be delivered also by email.
                                                                                                                               We assume that you don’t object to this mode of dispatch. If you don’t wish to
                                                                                                                               receive the NIEHOFF Magazine by email, please inform us explicitly by phone
                                                                                                                               (+49 9122 9770), by mail or by email ( In case we don’t receive
                                                                                                                               your refusal, we will act on the assumption that you agree to receive the NIEHOFF
                                                                                                                               Magazine electronically (by email).
Expertise, Customer Driven, Service - in Good Hands with NIEHOFF 02/2016 - Niehoff Endex North America
Where is growth?
The global cable industry:
Current situation, trends and outlook

Wire and cables are virtually needed in all sectors of industry.
Therefore, wire and cable manufacturers are interested in up-to-date
information on general economic developments. Such information
was given at the CRU Wire and Cable Conference 2016 which was held
in Milan, Italy, in June.

      Uneven distribution                     ing markets with their developing       industrial output. With a growth
      Jonathan Humphrey, analyst from         economies are driving growth in the     factor of 4% investments in the
      the CRU market research organiza-       world’s industrial production. And it   construction sector are low, while in
      tion, wondered: „Where is growth        can be added that growth in cable       the consumption sector a growth of
      in the world?“ Despite many nega-       industry is outperforming global        7% is expected. The overall growth
      tive reports in the media it might be   GDP growth.                             amounts to 6%. China’s economy
      encouraging that there is economic                                              is moving from investment toward
      growth even if it doesn’t feel like     Emerging markets in Asia                a consumer-led model of economic
      it. CRU forecasts world GDP (gross      Asia is the best of the emergers,       growth and this bodes well for
      domestic product) growth near           above all China and India. Though       some sectors of the economy.
      2.5% for this year. The distribution,   China, the world’s second biggest       The fastest growing big economy,
      however, is uneven. At the moment,      economy, will see smaller percent-      however, is India with more than
      contributions of the developed          age changes in growth, it will still    7.3% GDP growth in 2015. Fig. 1
      economies are modest. Emerg-            add a lot in absolute terms to global   shows the industrial output changes

4     NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02
Expertise, Customer Driven, Service - in Good Hands with NIEHOFF 02/2016 - Niehoff Endex North America
in India, China and South East Asia.             Increasing risks                                              metallic cable market is outperform-
In India there are still huge growth             On the other side there is an                                 ing global GDP growth. The entire
potentials. More than 250 million                increasing number of political and                            cable market grew by an average
people, i.e. one-fifth of the popula-            geopolitical risks which threaten                             of 5.3% in the period from 2003
tion is still without access to electric-        the economic upswing. The media                               to 2007 and declined to an aver-
ity, and there are only 75 subscrip-             report daily on the broad variety of                          age of 3.3% in the period from
tions to the mobile phone network                threats. Also the Brexit, the deci-                           2010 to 2014. In the year 2015 the
in every 100 people compared to                  sion of a majority of British voters                          total quantity of cable production
123 in the EU and 111 in the US                  to leave the EU, will have unfore-                            amounted to 17 Mio. t and 5.5 Mio
(i.e. more than one mobile per per-              seeable consequences. It could be                             t of non insulated transmission lines
son). Another informative economic               a spark for other referendums in                              made from aluminium.
indicator is the relation of personal            European countries which hope
vehicle ownership versus GDP per                 for a better future outside the EU.                           Trends in global cable markets
capita. Fig. 2 shows in staticial terms          Another concern is China’s mount-                             The global cables market had a
how many vehicles are owned by                   ing debt, the big rise in credit rela-                        size of approximately €112 billion
1000 (adult) civilians in various                tive to GDP.                                                  in 2013, told Max Yates, industri-
countries. This factor is as follows:                                                                          als analyst from the banking house
USA: 0.95; Germany: 0.6; Russia:                 The global insulated                                          Credit Suisse. The cables market,
0.35; China: 0.1; India: 0.05.                   metallic cable market                                         however, is very fragmented. The
                                                 CRU analyst Andy Simmons stated                               top 10 manufacturers occupy less
                                                 that growth in the global insulated                           than 30% of the market. It is also

  IP%* change y/y                                                                 Personal vehicles per 1000 persons
  (in %)                                                                         1000
  16                                                                                                                                                 USA
                                                                                  800                                              Germany
  12                                                  China
  10                                                  South East Asia             600
   8                                                                              500
   6                                                                                             Brazil                          Korea
                                                                                  300                                                     Taiwan
   4                                                                                                                 Russia
                                                                                         India                       China
   2                                                                              100
   0                                                                                 0
                                                                                         0   5    10      15   20   25   30    35 40     45     50    55   60    65
       2011       2013          2015          2017            2019
                                                                                     1000s USD/capita at purchasing power partity
Fig. 1. Industrial Output in China, India and South East Asia                   Fig. 2. Personal vehicle ownership versus GDP per capita
                                              (Source: Oxford Economics, CRU)                                                                 (Source: LMCA, IMF, CRU)

                                                                                                                              NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02                     5
Expertise, Customer Driven, Service - in Good Hands with NIEHOFF 02/2016 - Niehoff Endex North America
worth mentioning that five out of                                                          Cable and Nexans, for example,                    could spend on deals. On the other                            cable player would enter the Euro-
the top 10 players are from Asia                                                           have ambitious plans to double                    hand, Nexans and General Cable                                pean market through merger and
(Figs. 3 and 4).                                                                           their operating profits. This is from             continue to identify and sell under-                          acquisition. Credit Suisse assumes
                                                                                           both fixed costs and also cutting                 performing assets. General Cable                              that NKT Cable is a potential target.
Cable manufacturers                                                                        costs in the supply chain. And there              has reduced its workforce by 3000
are improving profitability                                                                are trends in consolidation. Prys-                people, i.e. 25%, from 2013 to                                A special market:
There are ambitious cost cutting                                                           mian, the largest cable manufac-                  2015. Prysmian has closed 12 of 98                            submarine cables
plans across all the large cable                                                           turer with revenues of €7.3 billion in            plants since 2010, and these have                             A particular but very important mar-
manufacturers. The focus is on shut-                                                       2014, is focused on mid-size deals                mostly been in Europe. Three plants                           ket with increasing significance is
ting production capacity or moving                                                         in more specialised cables areas in               are going to be closed, so that after                         the submarine cable market which
to countries with lower labour and                                                         Middle East or US. Credit Suisse                  the restructuring process 83 plants                           is dominated by Prysmian (with a
wage costs.                                                                                estimates that Prysmian has € 1 bil-              will remain in 2017.                                          share of 38%) and Nexans (23%).
The cable manufacturers General                                                            lion and Nexans € 420 million they                An important question is if an Asian                          As Raul Gil, Submarine Chief Opera-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           tion Officer of Prysmian PowerLink
                                                                                                                                                                                                           srl, showed, traditional main driv-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ers are island interconnectors to
                                      Cable makers with the strongest revenues
                                                                                                                                                                                                           mainland and the power transmis-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           sion from shore. A new main driver
                                                                                                                                                                                                           is the exploitation of off-shore wind
                                            6.0                                                                                                                                                            energy and the access to grids.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Enabled by market requirements
                                                                                                                                                                                                           and the technological further devel-
    2014 cable revenues in € bn

                                                  4.5 4.5
                                                                                                                                                                                                           opment, trends are toward longer
                                                                                                                                                                                                           links. Since 1965 the record project
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Latin America
                                                                                    2.0                                                                                                                          North America                4%
                                                                                          1.6 1.6
                                                                                                    1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2                                                                                          16 %
                                                                                                                        1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
                                                                                                                                                 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8
                                                                                                                                                                             0.7 0.7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Global Market € 112 bn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Energy Cables € 89 bn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Telecom Cables € 23 bn              APAC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   49 %
                                          S W an g g da

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                                                                                                                                                                                                               31 %



                                      J ia

Fig. 3. The top 20 cable makers                                                                                                                    (Source: Company data, NKT CMD 2015 presentation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Fig. 4. Global cables market size in 2013 – € 112 billion
                                                                                                                               Integer Research’s Wire Cable Plant Database Service – Top 100 Producers)             (Source: Company data, NKT CMD 2015 presentation. Integer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Research’s Wire Cable Plant Database Service – Top 100 Producers)

6                                           NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02
Expertise, Customer Driven, Service - in Good Hands with NIEHOFF 02/2016 - Niehoff Endex North America
length has increased almost tenfold                 ing“, however, means more com-                                            Outlook                                              Summary
               (Fig. 5).                                           plexity in project planning and                                           The submarine cable market is                        In order to meet the
               HVDC (high-voltage direct-current                   implementation. There are several                                         expected to be stable or in small                    above mentioned trends and
               transmission) links low losses have                 particular aspects which must be                                          growth till 2020, with volumes                       challenges, cable manufacturers
               allowed planning of projects above                  considered for deep water applica-                                        around or slightly above € 2 billion/                need adequate processing machin-
               the 1000 km length. Implementa-                     tions. Due to the long suspended                                          year. The main growth will be in                     ery and materials. NIEHOFF delivers
               tion is still a challenge due to busi-              weights of cable during installation                                      Europe which has a global market                     machinery and process knowledge,
               ness reasons, but the technical fea-                and recovery, pulling forces play                                         share of 76%. Higher power rating                    all founded on more than 60 years
               sibility is given. Higher voltages will             an important role. Further criteria                                       in links will, in most cases, optimize               of continuously grown experience.
               mean lower losses, thus decreasing                  are the bending under tension and                                         the lifetime return on investment.                   Therefore, ­NIEHOFF is a renowned
               total cost of ownership for longer                  external water pressure. These fac-                                       Changing requirements on environ-                    technology and development part-
               links and pushing the non economic                  tors will determine the actual cable                                      ment protection, permitting and                      ner when it comes to use growth
               threshold to higher values.                         design. Trends in such cable pro­                                         burial depth are increasing the costs                and market possibilities.
                                                                   ducts are shown in Fig. 6.                                                of the projects.
               Challenges in deep water
               There is a strong need for a burial
               depth of 2000 m and more as well                                                                                                                                                                           LEGENDE:

               as for cables with longer lengths.                                                                                                                                                                                          4300
                                                                                                                                                    DC with MI-PPL
               The industry is ready to install cables                                                                                                insulation                                                                           3300
               at 3000 m water depth. „Deeper,                                                                                                                                                                                             2900
               longer and with higher power rat-                                           600             DC with
                                                                                                          Fluid filled                                                                    DC with Extruded or
                                                                                                          insulation                                                          MI-PPL       MI-PPL insulation                               2000
                                                                    System voltage in kV

                                                                                                           AC with
Length in km                                                                                                 Fluid                                                                                                                         1500
                                                                                                          insulation                                                                                                                       1200
1200                                                                                                                                                                                      DC with Extruded or
                                                                                           400                                                                                                                                             1000
                                                                                                                                                  MI                                         MI insulation
1000                                                                                                                            AC or DC                                                                                                    500
                                                                                                     3-core AC with
                                                                                                     Extruded insulation                                                                                                                    375
 800                                                                                                                           evaluations
 600                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        100

 400                                                                                       150                                                                                                                              Power
                                                                                                                                                              P-Laser   XLPE                                              (in MW)
 200                                                                                                                                                                    Indicative non-
                                                                                                                                                                        economic zone                                      DC one bipole
   0                                                                                         0
        1965     2001    2006   2008   2012   2020    2025                                                                                                                                                                 AC one 3-phase
                                                                                                 0                       50            100              150               200                  No theoretical limit        system
       Period in years                                                                                                                             Length in km                                      for DC

Fig. 5. Development of the transmission length                     Fig. 6. Submarine cable product trends for the next ten years (Source: Prysmian Group)                                     (Source: Prysmian Group)
        of submarine cable projects (1965-2025)
                                        (Source: Prysmian Group)

                                                                                                                                                                                                 NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02                           7
Expertise, Customer Driven, Service - in Good Hands with NIEHOFF 02/2016 - Niehoff Endex North America
At the wire China 2016 trade fair,        High-tech solutions
                                          for China’s wire and
booth W1F63, NIEHOFF and NIEHOFF
Machinery Changzhou Co., Ltd. (NMC),

                                          cable industry
its Chinese subsidiary, will display an
MMH 121 + RM 201 type multiwire
drawing line made in Germany and
a D 631.5 + ARP 630 type high-speed       NIEHOFF at wire China 2016, Shanghai,
double twist bunching machine made        26 – 29 September 2016
by NMC.
A co-exhibitor at the booth will be
H. Folke Sandelin AB (HFSAB), world
                                          The multiwire drawing line MMH 121     The D 631.5 single-bow double            NIEHOFF in China
specialists in Lead Extrusion and Cable   on display with inline annealer type   twist bunching machine and the           For more than 45 years NIEHOFF
Stripping equipment from Sweden.          RM 201 is designed to draw simul-      ARP 630 pay-off are both built           has been active in China now. Since
                                          taneously 14 wires on one level. The   by NMC under Niehoff license to          1970, when NIEHOFF received its
                                          MMH 121 drawing line is best suited    match the high requirements of the       first order from a Chinese customer,
                                          for the production of automotive       Chinese market.                          the number of Chinese customers
                                          wires and building wires.              The machine is equipped with AC          and the order volume coming from
                                          MMH machines are based on a            drive technology, contactless trans-     China have grown continually.
                                          modular principle enabling the per-    mission of machine data within the       Assisted by experienced Chinese
                                          fect individual solution to specific   machine, field proven energy-saving      engineers, NIEHOFF has success-
                                          customer tasks. To date, as many       ECO-Bow and an NMI touch-screen          fully introduced rod breakdown
                                          as almost 1,300 MMH lines are in       display with color user interface        and multiwire as well as super fine
                                          operation world-wide. The wires        and simplified navigation structure.     wire drawing technology for a wide
                                          drawn on these machines exceed         Another special feature is the per-      range of specifications to many wire
                                          the most demanding specifications      fect tension control for the winding     and cable factories in China. A large
                                          and processing requirements as         of the strand from the beginning to      portion of the NIEHOFF orders come
                                          far as physical properties are con-    the end of the bobbin using a load       from customers in China.
                                          cerned, and can be processed to        cell and a dancer. The results are the
                                          multiwire bundles with outstanding     consistently high quality of the prod-
                                          characteristics. Unique quality for    uct and the saving of material.
                                          high customer’s benefit.

8         NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02
Expertise, Customer Driven, Service - in Good Hands with NIEHOFF 02/2016 - Niehoff Endex North America
Technical data MMH 121 + RM 201
                                                                                                                      max. production speed 40 m/s
                                                                                                                      max. inlet diameter      14 x 2.05 mm,
                                                                                                                                               Cu hard
                                                                                                                      finished wire diameter 14 x 0.20 – 0.72 mm

                                                                                                                       Technical data D 631.5 + ARP 630
                                                                                                                      max. production speed       300 m/min
                                                                                                                      Production range
                                                                                                                      lay length,                 6 – 100 mm
                                                                                                                      infinitely variable

From an office to                      ment and manufactures double           tomer service, both from one single     max. number of twists,
                                                                                                                      infinitely variable         6,500 twists/min
a manufacturing site                   twist bunching machines, pay-offs,     professional source. Via NMC all
With the assistance of the             spoolers and coilers under NIEHOFF     Chinese NIEHOFF customers ben-          Strand cross section        0.09 – 6.00 mm²
renowned Shanghai Electric Cable       licence for the Chinese market.        efit from the high-quality service      Spool dimensions
Research Institute (SECRI) NIEHOFF     Beside manufacturing areas and         which NIEHOFF enjoys a high level       max. spool flange diameter 630 mm
opened a small office in Shanghai in   offices, the building comprises also   of recognition worldwide for. The       spool width                 475 mm
1994, which was responsible for ser-   a spare parts warehouse. With the      NMC service technicians, all Chi-
vice matters. In 2000 it became the    help of NMC NIEHOFF is able to         nese native speakers, are continually
NIEHOFF Shanghai Representative        assure customer proximity, to react    trained by NIEHOFF at its headquar-
Office. The next decisive step was     quickly to the requests of the cus-    ters in Schwabach. Therefore, they
the foundation of an own factory in    tomers and to ensure the complete      have a profound process know-how
China in 2011: NIEHOFF Machinery       after-sales service and the reli-      and are able to train the Chinese
Changzhou (NMC) Co., Ltd.              able and fast supply with NIEHOFF      users of NIEHOFF machinery to use
                                       ­Original+ parts for all N
                                                                ­ IEHOFF      it as efficiently as possible. More-
Manufacturing exclusively for           machinery.                            over, every Chinese customer has his
the Chinese market                                                            personal contact at NMC to discuss      Niehoff Machinery
                                                                                                                      Changzhou Co., Ltd.
NMC, a subsidiary of the NIEHOFF       Equipment, process know-how,           all technical matters. Quick person-    Shanghai Sales Branch – Mr. Chen
Group, is based in the Wujin Eco-      and service from one single            alized response to all concerns.        Room 2302, Hong Kong Plaza,
nomic Development Zone in Chang-       source                                                                         283 Huai Hai Zhong Road
                                                                                                                      Shanghai 200021, P.R. China,
zhou, approximately 200 km west        NIEHOFF Group offers technologi-
                                                                                                                      Phone: +86 21 61202800
of Shanghai. The 3,600 m² plant        cally advanced production equip-                                               Fax: +86 21 63906192
is equipped with modern equip-         ment and reliable personalized cus-                                            E-mail:

                                                                                                                               NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02                9
Expertise, Customer Driven, Service - in Good Hands with NIEHOFF 02/2016 - Niehoff Endex North America
Technology partner
of the Indian
wire and cable industry
NIEHOFF at Wire & Cable India 2016,
Mumbai, 5 – 7 October 2016
At the Wire & Cable India 2016 trade fair, booth E 02, NIEHOFF and NIEHOFF of
India (NoI), its Indian subsidiary, will display a 16 wire multiwire drawing line type
MMH 121 + RM 201 and a pairing machine type DSI 631 for data cables with
backtwist pay-off type ARD 630 D.

                 Co-exhibitors                          The exhibits                             ing specifications and processing       shielding, bus cables and other tele-
                 NIEHOFF partner companies August       The multiwire drawing machine            requirements as far as physical prop-   communications cables.
                 Strecker, Germany (wire welding        MMH 121 on display is designed to        erties are concerned and can be         The DSI stranding machines system
                 machines), Zeller + Gmelin, Ger-       draw simultaneously 16 wires in one      processed to multiwire bundles with     includes a lot of additional auxiliary
                 many (drawing lubricants), H.  Folke   level. The machine combined with         outstanding characteristics.            equipment, so that customer-spe-
                 Sandelin AB (HFSAB), Sweden            an inline annealer type RM 201                                                   cific production lines can be created
     2 0 1 6

                 (horizontal lead extrusion and         is best suited for the production of     The DSI 631 type double twist           and rapidly rebuilt depending on
                 cable stripping, repair and recovery   electronic wires as well as for build-   stranding machine combined with         the order situation. Compared with
                 equipment), and PLASMAIT GmbH,         ing wires.                               a backtwist pay-off type ARD            other machines and process tech-
                 Austria (PLASMA Heat and Surface                                                630 D has been designed for the         nologies, the possible combinations
                 Treatment solutions) will also be in   MMH machines are based on a              stranding of insulated conductors       of the DSI system generate signifi-
                 attendance at the NIEHOFF booth to     modular principle enabling the           into pairs and quads and the strand-    cant financial advantages.
     I N D I A

                 introduce visitors to their products   perfect individual solution for the      ing of four conductor pairs into
                 and services.                          specific customer tasks. More than       LAN cables. The machine is able to      NIEHOFF customer service
                                                        1,300 MMH lines are in operation         manufacture reliably LAN cables of      Visitors at the booth will also have
                                                        world-wide. The wires drawn on           all categories – even of future gen-    the opportunity to obtain infor-
                                                        them exceed the most demand-             erations – as well as pairs with tape   mation about NIEHOFF’s extensive

10               NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02
duction line equipped with modern        Technical data MMH 121 + RM 201
                                                                                   machinery, a paint shop, an assem-      max. production speed 35 m/s
                                                                                   bly area, a test stand and a ware-      max. inlet diameter       16 x 2.05 mm,
                                                                                   house. In 2017 the production and                                 copper hard
                                                                                   logistics areas will be enlarged by     finished wire diameter 16 x 0.20 – 0.72 mm
                                                                                   around 2,800 m2.
                                                                                                                            Technical data ARD 630 D + DSI 631
                                                                                   India and other markets
                                                                                   NoI machines are mainly destined        max. production speed             300 m/min
                                                                                   for the Indian market. NoI, however,    Production range
                                                                                   has also delivered machines to Sri      lay length, infinitely variable   6 – 180 mm
                                                                                   Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sudan,     max. number of twists,            5,600
                                                                                   Jordan, Mali, Kenya, Botswana,          infinitely variable               twists/min
                                                                                   Nigeria, and South Africa.              max. product diameter             6 mm
technical assistance and after-sales     rod breakdown and multiwire draw-                                                 max. product dia.(reinforced) 8.5 mm
service offering the reliable and eco-   ing lines, as well as annealers, spool-   Service, knowledge and quality
                                                                                                                           Spool dimensions
nomic supply of OEM-parts of the         ers, bunching machines and pay-           NoI is also responsible for the com-
NIEHOFF Original+ trade mark.            offs adapted to the requirements of       plete after-sales service including     max. spool flange diameter        630 mm
                                         the Indian market under NIEHOFF           technical assistance and the reliable   spool width                       475 mm
NIEHOFF in India                         license. NoI has rapidly become the       and fast supply of NIEHOFF custom-
NIEHOFF started its business activi-     market leader in India for rod break-     ers with NIEHOFF Original+ parts.
ties in India more than 30 years         down, multiwire drawing machines          In order to be familiar with the lat-
ago. In 1986, NIEHOFF signed a           and bunching machines.                    est technology and to meet the
distribution and licensing agree-                                                  high NIEHOFF quality standards,
ment with the Indian firm ASACO.         Modern factory                            the management of NoI, Manag-           Niehoff of India Private Limited
Both companies founded in 1997           Since 2007 NoI has been operat-           ing Director Daniel Thomas and the      Plot Nr: 186-194
the common joint venture company         ing a modern factory near Hyder-          team at NOI work in a close coop-       Industrial Park, Phase - III
NIEHOFF of India (NoI). In 2003,         abad. Today, the factory has a total      eration with the parent company in      Pashamylaram, Patancheru
                                                                                                                           Medak District 502 307. Teleganga
­NIEHOFF acquired all NoI shares.        production area of 6,000 m² and           Schwabach, and NoI’s service engi-      India
 NoI, since then a 100% subsidiary of    700 m² office space. The production       neers regularly train there.            Phone: +91 8455 - 304040
 the NIEHOFF Group, builds parts of      area includes a state-of-the-art pro-                                             E-mail:

                                                                                                                                    NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02                11
The new normal
China and its wire and cable sector

Within only a few decades China has experienced an unprecedented                        Invest (gtai) deals with individual         which is expressed also in the new
upswing. The huge country with its population of 1.3 billion is now the                 industries and lists infrastructure         FYP: By the end of 2020, a total of 5
world’s second largest economy and plays an influential role in global                  projects [3]. Thus, the automobile          million new electric vehicles should
economy. In 2015, however, the economic growth of 6.9% was the slow-                    market is far from being saturated.         have been sold in China. The plan
est in 25 years compared with 7.3% a year earlier and 10.6% in 2010. The                With 172 million registered cars at         encourages new energy buses and
International Monetary Fund expects that China’s economy will grow by                   the end of 2015 there was one car           taxis, and promotes electric vehi-
6.3% this year and by 6% in 2017 [1].                                                   per slightly more than three house-         cles and hybrid power vehicles [6].
                                                                                        holds at an average. Supported by           In general, new technologies have
        Although the period of the stron-       workbench for cheap products.           tax concessions for small cars, the         great significance in the FYP.
        gest growth should have come to         The labour costs have increased,        motor vehicle sector experiences
        an end, the country still faces great   and because of increased prices,        a stable increase. The production           Innovative technologies
        challenges which in turn are associ-    higher production costs and the         increased by 2.7% in 2015 [3]. In the       The 13th FYP specifies that develop-
        ated with market opportunities [2].     strong Chinese currency there is less   first half of 2016 a total of 10.8 mil-     ment stems from innovation [6]. By
        The political leadership has            demand for Chinese goods abroad.        lion new cars were registered which         2020, scientific progress would con-
        proclaimed a phase of the “new          Furthermore, some industries must       is even a plus of 9.5% compared to          tribute 60% to economic growth.
        normal” in connection with the          cope with enormous overcapacities.      the previous year. Also a view on the       The new FYP will initiate the key
        13th five-year plan (FYP), which was    Chinese companies enter the world       electric vehicles market is instruc-        project “Scientific and Technological
        adopted in March 2016. China’s          markets with their own products         tive: According to a study of the           Innovation 2030 Project” that com-
        government is very eager to increase    and invest there too. New technolo-     Center of Automotive Management             prises six major items. They include
        the competitiveness of domestic         gies play an increasingly important     (CAM), China has developed into             aero-engines and gas turbines,
        companies to the level of foreign       role. So 27% of the companies           the new lead market [5]. In the year        quantum communication and quan-
        manufacturers, and wants to lead        which are members of China’s top        2015, approximately 188,000 electric        tum computers, and brain sciences
        the country on a new growth path        100 Index are technology-brands,        vehicles were sold there, three times       and brain research. The project also
        by means of more innovation, sus-       compared with only 16% two years        more than in the previous year, while       encompasses nine other sub-proj-
        tainability and quality. Future focal   before [4].                             in the USA the number of new reg-           ects, including smart grid, intelligent
        points are the cross-sectoral issue                                             istrations declined by 3% to 115,000        manufacturing, and robots. Electric
        “Innovation” in general and “Made       Some industries                         units (Fig. 1). Electric cars enjoy pref-   vehicles (s. above) should help to
        in China 2025” in particular [3].       In its most recent report on the eco-   erential admission conditions in cities     mitigate the environmental prob-
                                                nomic situation of China, which was     such as Shanghai and Beijing.               lems of the country.
        Strengthening the industry              published in June 2016, the foreign     The state promotes both the pro-            Environmental quality is a core issue
        China is no longer the world’s          trade agency Germany Trade and          duction and the sales of electric cars      of the FYP. The aim is to “abandon

12      NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02
the old path of post-pollution man-                                                        big projects can also achieve the goal                             of 9.2% to USD 232.3 billion due to      experience. NMC is the licence pro-
agement and to build a beautiful                                                           of green production [6].                                           strong domestic demand and high          ducer of mechanics designed and
China of blue skies, green lands and                                                                                                                          economic growth across China. In         manufactured at NIEHOFF in Ger-
clean water”. In the next five years,                                                      The Chinese cable market                                           2009, the global recession caused        many. So Chinese wire and cable
China is expected to launch 19 major                                                       As all the above mentioned sec-                                    revenue growth to slow, largely due      manufacturers are best equipped to
projects in the sector of ecological                                                       tors need wires and cables, the wire                               to a 26.3% fall in foreign demand.       meet the challenges of the country’s
environment. They include five in the                                                      and cable industry still has great                                 However, the recovering global           “new normal“ path.
fields of energy conservation and                                                          market potentials in China. China is                               economy led to a rebound in the
recycling, six concerning environmen-                                                      the world’s largest wire and cable                                 industry in the following years.
tal rehabilitation and protection, and                                                     producing country with about                                       China’s electricity and power sec-
eight that will mend the system of                                                         8,000 manufacturers [7]. Over the                                  tor consumes about 45% of the             [1] The Worldbank. Overview China.
mountain, lake, river and forest. Spe-                                                     five years to 2015, this industry had                              wires and cables manufactured in          [2] Shang-Jin Wei: A ’big picture’ view of
cialists hope that implementing these                                                      been growing at an annualized rate                                 China each year. The wire and cable           China’s slowdown on Asia and elsewhere.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            in: Wire Journal International, February
                                                                                                                                                              manufacturing industry in China is            2016, p. 22 (Asian Focus)
                                                                                                                                                              in the growth phase of its life cycle.    [3] Stefanie Schmitt, Corinne Abele:
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Wirtschaftstrends Jahresmitte 2016 –
                                     189,000                                                                                      2015                 2014
                                                                                                                                                              Industry value-added growth in                VR China.Beijing/Shanghai, June 2016.
                                                                                                                                                              the decade to 2020 is estimated at            (
  Number of sold electric vehicles

                                                                                                                                                              6.7% – slightly faster than China’s       [4] Zheng Xin: Chinas Top-100-Marken jetzt
                                                                                                                                                                                                            $525 Milliarden wert. in: China Watch,
                                                                                                                                                              GDP growth over the same period.              28 April 2016 (Newspaper supplement,
                                                       115,000 120,000                                                                                        However, with lower forecast                  published by China Daily)
                                                                                                                                                                                                        [5] Werner Beutnagel: Gewaltiges Wachs-
                                                                                                                                                              growth, the industry is expected to           tum. China ist Leitmarkt für E-Mobility.
                                                                                                                                                              enter the mature phase of its life            in: Webportal car-it, 27 January 2016.
                                              59,000                                                                                                          cycle in the next five years [8].         [6] Tang Shubiao: China’s new vision for
                                                                         28,000            27,000                25,000                                       Maschinenfabrik NIEHOFF and                   the next five years. in: China Today,
                                                                                                                                      23,500                                                                March 2016 (
                                                                                  16,500                16,000               20,000
                                                                                                                                            13,000            ­NIEHOFF Machinery Changzhou              [7] Philip Radbourne: Will The World Catch
                                                                                                                                                               (NMC) Co., Ltd., its Chinese subsid-         A Cold, As China Growth Slows In 2016?
                                         i   na                  A
                                                                              UK                       ce                   ay                     y           iary, are highly appreciated technol-        in: Wire & Cable Technology International
                                      Ch                    US                                    an                   rw                        an
                                                                                             Fr                   No                     r   m                                                              ­January/February 2016, p. 22.
                                                                                                                                      Ge                       ogy partners of Chinese wire and              (
                                                                                                                                                               cable manufacturers and support          [8] Wire and Cable Manufacturing in China:
Fig. 1                               Sales figures of electric vehicles (including plug-in hybrid vehicles) in the global                                                                                    Market Research Report. IBISWorld,
                                                                                                                                                               them with modern machinery, a                 December 2015
                                                                             Source: Center of Automotive Management (CAM), Bergisch Gladbach                  comprehensive service and vast                (

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02                13
Clear potential for continued strong growth
India and its wire and cable sector
India, with nearly 1.3 billion inhabitants after China the country with the sec-         At present, the electricity generation   focus areas of the development plan
ond-largest population in the world, currently records the strongest economic            capacities add up to a total of 303      is the railway sector, with over USD
growth in the global comparison: The gross domestic product (GDP) grew                   GWS [3]. Of this, a little bit more      120 billion as promised investment
by 7.6% in the fiscal year 2015/16 (1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016) compared              than 186 GW are attributed to coal       over the period of 2015-2020. In
with approximately 7.2% in the previous year [1]. The strongest driver of                as a source of energy and 42.8 GW        addition, the government has ear-
growth was the private consumption with a plus of 8.3%. While investments                to renewable energy sources such         marked USD 7.5 billion to develop
and exports declined slightly, the public expenditures also increased. Also the          as photovoltaic and wind power. If       100 smart cities across the coun-
energy and IT technologies sectors performed positively. The financial insti-            hydro power plants are added too,        try. Highway projects worth more
tute Deutsche Bank expects that the industrial activities, driven by govern-             about 28% of the total amount of         than USD 90 billion have also been
ment infrastructure projects, will more quickly see an upswing than assumed.             electricity comes from renewable         announced, which include govern-
The financial institute expects that government measures will also have posi-            energy sources (Fig. 1). However,        ment flagship National Highways
tive effects on the consumer sector [2].                                                 there are still more than 250 million    Building Project (NHDP) with total
                                                                                         Indians, more than 20% of the pop-       investment of USD 45 billion over
         Progresses and challenges               published in May 2016, the foreign      ulation, who have no direct access       next three years [5].
         In a ranking of the World Bank the      trade agency Germany Trade and          to electricity [4], and the supply is    India is improving the water supply
         subcontinent reached in 2016 posi-      Invest (gtai) considers individual      not always reliable. Therefore, the      and the waste water disposal. Also
         tion 130 of 189 listed countries. In    industries and lists infrastructure     Indian state and international devel-    waste disposal requires great need
         comparison to the previous year,        projects [1]. An important sectors is   opment banks provide billions for        for action. This applies, above all, to
         this means an improvement of four       the energy supply. India’s demand       energy projects, but also for railway    the treatment of e-waste, paper and
         positions. A significant advance-       for energy will more than double        projects, new seaports and airports      plastics as well as the disposal of
         ment could be noticed above all in      until 2035. Energy from renew-          as well as roads. The construction       hazardous waste [1].
         the energy supply (plus 29 positions)   able sources will play an important     of highways should be extended to        The Indian automobile industry has
         and in the creation of enterprises      role. The grid-connected capacities     further 15,000 km in 2016/17 com-        recovered again and reports positive
         (plus 20 positions). India, however,    amounted to a total of 42.7 GW at       pared with 6,000 km in the previous      results. In the fiscal year 2015/16 the
         faces huge challenges, among oth-       the end of March 2016 of which          year [1].                                production of passenger cars includ-
         ers in the infrastructure develop-      26.7 GW were related to wind            Amit Jain, Managing Director of          ing light commercial vehicles and
         ment [1].                               power. Until the year 2022, 100         CMI Ltd. which acquired General          vans increased by 5.9% compared
                                                 GW from photovoltaic systems, 60        Cables Energy, a former subsidiary       with the same period in the previous
         Energy, environment                     GW from wind power systems, 10          of General Cable Coporation, listed      year, passenger car sales increased
         and mobility                            GW from biomass plants and 5 GW         in an interview some projects of the     by 7.2%. For 2016, the industry
         In its most recent report on the eco-   from small-scale hydro power plants     Indian government for infrastructure     expects a growth of 7%. According
         nomic situation in India, which was     should be connected to the grids.       development: One of the primary          to the Society of Indian Automobile

14       NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02
Manufacturers (SIAM) the market                          after a slowdown in the economy                              areas will be less copper intensive
volume of the sector should increase                     which saw a fall in the market for                           than the boom which was seen in
to USD 300 billion until 2020 [1].                       insulated metallic cables in 2013,                           China [8].
Up to now, the success for electric                      there was a return to growth in                              Market researchers expect that
vehicles in India has been largely                       2014 and stronger growth in 2015                             the electric wire and cable market
elusive due to the lack of infrastruc-                   meant that India was the fastest                             in India will grow at a compound
ture and the high cost of acquisi-                       growing major market in the world                            annual growth rate of nearly 16.2%
tion. The Indian government, how-                        last year. And there are good per-                           over the period 2015-2019 [9]. A
ever, is working on a scheme to                          spectives: “With total consumption                           key market driver is the upgrade of
                                                                                                                                                               [1] Heena Nazir: Wirtschaftstrends Jahres-
make the country a 100 per cent                          in 2015 only around 17% of that                              electrical transmission and distribu-        mitte 2016 – Indien. Mumbai, May 2016
electric vehicle nation by 2030. For                     of the Chinese market, there is a                            tion network systems. The govern-            (
                                                                                                                                                               [2] Dr. Ulrich Stephan: Neuer BIP-Welt­
the financing, savings on petroleum                      clear potential for continued strong                         ment of India is making efforts to           meister. Warum Indiens Wirtschafts-
products will play a major role [6].                     growth” [7]. The cable industry in                           upgrade the electrical T&D network           wachstum sogar Optimisten überrascht.
                                                                                                                                                                   in: Manager Magazin, 10.06.2016.
                                                         India has a rather fragmented nature                         in response to the rising demand for         (
The Indian cable market                                  with about 600 cable makers. Philip                          electricity. The modernization is also   [3] All India installed capacity of power
                                                                                                                                                                   ­stations (as on 30.6.2016). Based on
India is the third largest metallic                      Radbourne, market analyst from                               driven by the need to ensure the              Govt. Of India’s Central Electrical
wire and cable and fibre optic cable                     Integer Research, points out that                            security of national energy reserves,         ­Authority Report. (
market in the world by total conduc-                     India uses aluminium much more                               the high maintenance costs of exist-     [4] Kavitha Rajagopalan: India’s Looming
                                                                                                                                                                     Energy Crisis. The world’s second most
tor weight or fibre km. Rob Daniels,                     widely than China in power cables,                           ing electrical systems, and the need           populous country has a problem – and
analyst from the market research                         so that the coming boom in con-                              to increase the efficiency of power            it’s not isolated. in: Observer, March 16,
                                                                                                                                                                     2016 (
organisation CRU, summarizes that                        struction investment in Indian urban                         plants. Another key driver is grow-      [5] Akash Sinha: Indian cable industry may
                                                                                                                      ing awareness about environmental              grow over 20% over the next 5 years.
                                                                                                                                                                     Interview with Amit Jain, Managing
                                                                                                                      concerns in India, which is leading            Director, CMI Ltd. in: The Financial
                                                                                                                      many companies to focus on devel-              Express, March 12, 2016.
                                                                                                                      oping wire that has a lower negative           (
                                                                                                   14% RES*                                                    [6] India aims to become 100% e-vehicle
  14% Hydro                                                                                                           impact on the natural environment.             nation by 20130: Piyush Goyal (Power
                                                                                                                      Maschinenfabrik NIEHOFF and                    Minister). in: The Economic Times,
  2% Nuclear                                                                                                                                                         March 25, 2016.
                                                                                                   1% Others          ­NIEHOFF of India, its Indian subsid-          (
                                                                                                                       iary, are highly respected technology   [7] Rob Daniels: Insulated metallic cable
                                                                                                                                                                     market grew only 1.8% in 2015. in:
  8% Natural Gas                                                                                                       partners of Indian wire and cable             CRU Wire and Cable News, 10 Feb.
                                                                                                    61% Coal           manufacturers and have supported              2016.
                                                                                                                       them with modern machinery, a                 (
                                                                                                                                                               [8] Philip Radbourne: Will The World
                                                                                                                       comprehensive service and vast                Catch A Cold, As China Growth Slows
                                                                                                                       experience. So Indian wire and cable          In 2016? in: Wire & Cable Technology
                                                                                                                                                                     International, Januar/Februar 2016,
                                                                        *RES = Renewable Energy Sources                manufacturers are best equipped to            S. 22. (
                                                                               including Solar and Wind Energy
                                                                                                                       use the opportunities for a contin-     [9] Electric Wire and Cable Market in
                                                                                                                                                                     India 2015-2019. Published by Research
Fig. 1 Sources of electricity in India
                                                            Source: All India installed capacity of power stations.
                                                                                                                       ued strong growth.                            and Markets
                                  Based on Govt. of India’s Central Electrical Authority Report dated 30-06-2016                                                     (

                                                                                                                                                                         NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02                   15
After-Sales Service –
as we understand it                                                                          With components of the quality
From the NIEHOFF Original+ portfolio: Spare and Wear Parts,                                  brand NIEHOFF Original+, NIEHOFF
                                                                                             guarantees a reliable supply of OEM
Online Service, NIEHOFF Data Interface (NDI) and on-site Service­                            wear and spare parts. Numerous
                                                                                             NIEHOFF customers already use this
                                                                                             offer: each year more than 1.3 mil-
                                                                                             lion parts are delivered.
                                                                                             In this context, NIEHOFF is focus-
Users of NIEHOFF technology can increase the productivity and production security of their   ing on own and ongoing further
                                                                                             development. As the specialists are
NIEHOFF systems even further and sustainably reduce operating costs. ­NIEHOFF Original+      familiar with all intricacies of NIE-
helps in achieving this goal.                                                                HOFF technology, NIEHOFF custom-
                                                                                             ers can use efficiency reserves of
                                                                                             ­NIEHOFF systems in a sustainable
                                                                                              way. For sure! Examples are the
                                                                                                energy-saving bow type ECO-
                                                                                                  Bow (open and closed system)
                                                                                                   especially for the bunching
                                                                                                    machines D 631  / D 632 and
                                                                                                     D 401 of the D series. We will
                                                                                                     be happy to provide you with
                                                                                                     advice individually tailored to
                                                                                                    your equipment.

                                                                                                  NIEHOFF Online Service and
                                                                                               ­ IEHOFF Data Interface (NDI)
                                                                                             For many users of NIEHOFF sys-
                                                                                             tems the NIEHOFF Online Service is
                                                                                             becoming more and more interest-
                                                                                             ing: a laptop, an Internet connec-
                                                                                             tion and a phone call are sufficient
                                                                                             – and immediately a service special-

16     NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02
ist at the NIEHOFF headquarters in       thus can be reduced to a minimum.       individual machine park of the cus-      systems. The users of ­NIEHOFF sys-
Schwabach will plug into the control     The NIEHOFF service contract com-       tomer. In this list, N
                                                                                                      ­ IEHOFF compiles   tems can count on a reliable and
panel of the machine being able to       prises both the on-site inspection      for the customer all parts which are     fast-acting service team that uses its
carry out an online troubleshooting      of the machines at the customer´s       needed in the short, medium and          comprehensive process knowledge
especially for electrical and software   premises by experienced NIEHOFF         long term. This list simplifies spare    and its entire experience as well as
problems for the operator in the         service technicians and the regular     parts ordering and enables above         new ideas and preventive measures
case of malfunctions. The special-       maintenance of the machines at ser-     all a perfect analysis of the demand.    to support NIEHOFF customers
ists are able to modify also machine     vice intervals which are individually   By means of this list the procure-       in every aspect and to satisfy
settings for the customer and to         adapted to the customer require-        ment of parts and and the stock          them. For their success –
update the control software. Dur-        ments. So that service cases as far     levels can be planned very well.         also in future.
ing such an online service assistance    as possible do not occur unexpect-      Advantage: rapid availability of the
the machine operator has always          edly.                                   actually needed parts and cost sav-
full control over the functions of his                                           ings through optimised stock keep-
machine of course.                                                               ing and exact knowledge of the
The NIEHOFF Data Interface (NDI)         New: spare parts                        demand.
is also more and more demanded           management
above all by major customers. Via        NIEHOFF has developed a concept         Conclusion: it’s worth it
this interface, NIEHOFF machines         which enables NIEHOFF specialists       Original components from
can be connected to the customer’s       to analyse in cooperation with the      ­NIEHOFF are quali-
MES/ERP systems for example. In          customer his parts requirements          tatively the best
this way he can record machine and       according to his specific machinery.     for ­NIEHOFF
production data, which then are          The purpose of this cooperation
made available for his analysis and      is to establish an individual over-
control instruments.                     view of spare parts. This overview is
                                         based on a spare parts list pre-
NIEHOFF on-site Service                  pared by NIEHOFF that
At nine international locations          refers exactly
­NIEHOFF employs more than 80 ser-       to the
 vice technicians who get fast to the
 customer site if service is required.
 Machine downtimes and
 production losses

                                                                                                                                   NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02          17
Modernized for top performances
From the NIEHOFF Original+ portfolio:
Modernization of machines and lines

For NIEHOFF, the designing and manufacturing of machines and lines have always been
focused on quality, reliability, robustness and durability. That is the reason why NIEHOFF
machines which have already been in operation for decades are also worth a ­general
­reconditioning performed by NIEHOFF specialists. ­NIEHOFF is able to determine reliably
 for each specific case which concrete performance improvements can be achieved by a

         Technical competence, original            their NIEHOFF machines. The spare      A further measure is to modern-
         documentation, OEM quality                parts required for each recondition-   ize the control system, to install
         NIEHOFF specialists posses ideal          ing job are produced in house on       new control panels which allow an       Fig. 1. A rod breakdown line type M 85
                                                                                                                                  has been equipped among others with a
         qualifications to undertake the           cutting-edge machining centers to      intuitive operation, and to update      new control cabinet (center of the image).
         appropriate reconditioning mea-           OEM quality. The spare parts there-    the control software. Sometimes
         sures on NIEHOFF machines. This is        fore meet the same high require-       it is also recommended to modify
         particularly necessary for the bear-      ments as parts for new machines.       the control cabinet and to equip it
         ings and seals in the case of draw-                                              with a stronger cooling system, for
         ing machines and in general for the       Drives and controls                    example. For the users of ­NIEHOFF
         drive and control technology and          In many cases, a modernization of      systems it is advantageous that
         the design of control cabinets. The       a machine comes into consideration     ­NIEHOFF develops in-house all kind
         NIEHOFF specialists have access           if the drive technology is defective    of electronic controls including
         to well-maintained documenta-             and certain components, for exam-       software. These controls are ideally
         tion and therefore to all relevant        ple three-phase power controllers or    adapted to the individual applica-
         data. Because of their experience,        converters, are no longer available.    tions and help to optimize manu-
         NIEHOFF specialists can handle all        In these cases, it also makes sense     facturing processes and to reduce
         customer-specific particularities. This   to equip a machine with new AC          costs. One example in this context
         applies practically to all NIEHOFF        motors which work more energy-          is the NIEHOFF Annealing Control-
         machines including refurbishments         efficiently than the former DC          ler (NAC) for continuous resistance    Fig. 2. Detail view of the original control
         which were made by customers at           motors and are maintenance-free.        annealers.                             switch board.

18       NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02
MMH 112 RM 202 S632

                                              Procedure                               Before reconditioning, this line had   operation and help to avoid expen-
                                              When planning a modernization           been in operation for 83,000 hours.    sive repairs, caused for example by a
                                              project, the first measure is that      One of the current modernization       defective gearwheel.
                                              NIEHOFF technicians inspect the         projects concerns a rod breakdown      In parallel with the work at mechan-
                                              machine or line in question at its      line type M 85 which was put into      ical components the drive and
                                              place of operation and draw up a        operation in the year 1966. Since      control systems are updated. After
                                              quotation. The reconditioning of rod    then the machine has been in oper-     assembly the machines are sub-
                                              breakdown lines and smaller stand-      ation for approximately 300,000        jected to test runs, finally delivered
                                              alone machines like spoolers and        hours (Figs. 1 to 3).                  to the respective customer, re-
                                              bunchers is usually carried out at      Regardless of the kind of drawing      assembled, installed and put into
                                              their operation site. Multiwire draw-   machine which is to be modern-         operation again.
                                              ing lines can also be reconditioned     ized, the essential working steps
                                              at the customer’s facility without      are always the same. At first, each    Conclusion: It’s worth it
                                              any problems or are modernized          machine is dismantled into its com-    Machines which are modernized in
                                              in the large workshop halls at the      ponents. Then the bottom boxes         such a manner are not only as good
                                              ­NIEHOFF headquarters or at a sub-      are checked and cleaned, and bear-     as new again. Often they even have
                                               sidiary with own production facili-    ings, sealings and defective gear-     a higher level of productivity than
                                               ties.                                  wheels are replaced by new ones.       ever before. It is therefore worth-
                                                                                      Furthermore, the piping systems for    while to subject NIEHOFF machines
                                              Exemplary modernization:                the oil supply of the bearings and     even after decades of use to a gen-
                                              A rod breakdown line                    the drawing emulsion supply are        eral reconditioning in order to put
                                              The modernization of NIEHOFF sys-       cleaned, checked and, if necessary,    them back into tip-top condition
                                              tems is a continuously important        repaired.                              again.
                                              issue at NIEHOFF. Thus, the ­NIEHOFF    Often, also a modification on pre-
                                              Magazine reported on the general        loaded bearings in the fast part of
                                              reconditioning of a then 18- year-      the MMH is carried out. These mea-
                                              old multiwire drawing machine type      sures are recommended if a drawing
Fig. 3. Detail view of the original control   MMH 101 with integrated inline          machine has reached the runtime
switch board.                                 annealer and spooler, for example.      of approximately 40,000 hours of

                                                                                                                                      NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02          19
Setting Sail,
Creating Glories!
Shanghai Qifan Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China

Shanghai Qifan Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. was established in 1994. The company
is located in Jianshan, a suburban district of the modern international city of Shanghai,
and has become a professional enterprise in the wire and cable industry.
With an area of 350,000 m² land and more than 1,000 employees, the annual production
capability of Shanghai Qifan Cable has reached up to almost RMB 5 billion (USD 750 million).

                                     30 kinds of cables                      cables, boat cables, automobile
                                     Shanghai Qifan specializes in manu-     cables, nuclear cables, super high
                                     facturing more than 30 kinds of         voltage cables, and others.
                                     cables. The production range com-
                                     prises power cables for different       Modern equipment
                                     voltages, cables for electric equip-    With long development of com-
                                     ment, building wire, overhead           pany, Shanghai Qifan Cable invested
                                     cables, computer cables, control        in more than 300 sets of produc-
                                     cables, rubber insulated cables, alu-   tion and test equipment such as a
                                     minum alloy cables, radiation cross-    CCV line from Troester, a radiation
                                     linking cables, branch cables, robot    cross-linking line GT150 from Russia,

20     NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02
stranding machines from Pourtier,      exported to more than 30 countries    hai Qifan Cable cultivate a mutu-
France, and a two wires rod break-     and regions, such as Russia, Spain,   ally stimulating partnership. The
down line and 14 wires Multi­wire      USA, UAE, Singapore, Indonesia,       ­NIEHOFF Group is delighted to
drawing line from NIEHOFF Ger-         Philippines, Cyprus, Zambia, Mauri-    apply its knowledge, experience and
many. In addition, Shanghai Qifan      tius, Nigeria, and Congo.              customer service to assist Shang-
Cable set different test centers to                                           hai Qifan Cable in continuing its
generate the quality of high-tech      Outstanding applications               successful company history and to
wires and cables.                      Products have been used in many        reinforce its technology leadership
                                       key projects of China, like Shang-     position.
Certified quality                      hai Expo, Shanghai Jinmao Tower,
Since its beginnings, Shanghai Qifan   Shanghai Pudong International
Cable has always concentrated          Airport, Shanghai Metro, Shanghai
attention on the quality of prod-      State Grid, and others.
ucts. An ISO9001 quality system, an
ISO14001 environment system, an        On the way to future
ISO10012 measurement system, UL,       With 20 years developing of com-
3C, etc. have passed authentication    pany, Shanghai Qifan Cable keeps       Shanghai Qifan Electric Wire
                                                                              Electric Cable Co., Ltd.
by domestic and abroad authority       walking to promote the construction
                                                                              No. 238, Zhengkang Road,
organizations successively.            of enterprise, science and brand.      Zhangyan Town,
                                       Setting Sail, Creating Glories!        Jianshan District, Shanghai
More than 30 export markets            NIEHOFF and Shanghai Qifan Cable       PR China
                                                                              Phone: 86-021- 68095800
At present, the products of Shang-     Maschinenfabrik NIEHOFF with its       Fax:    86-021- 68095588
hai Qifan Cable have well sold         Chinese subsidiary NIEHOFF Machin-     E-mail:
throughout China and have been         ery Changzhou (NMC) and Shang-         Web:

                                                                                      NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02        21
Staying at the forefront
Interview with Ing. Karl Fröschl, Gebauer & Griller, Poysdorf, Austria
Ing. Karl Fröschl, long-time technical manager of the Gebauer & Griller Kabel-                       the copper wire from the Gebauer &       the world today. How was this
werke GmbH, retired at end of May 2016 after working for the company for                             Griller Metallwerk in Linz. There, the   success achieved?
43 years. Konrad Dengler from the editorial staff of the NIEHOFF Magazine                            multiwire drawing technology was         Karl Fröschl: In the Poysdorf fac-
talked with him about some of his experiences and insights.                                          introduced in the year 1984 with an      tory we were 27 employees in the
                                                                                                     eight-wire line from NIEHOFF. This       first three years, today there are 875
                                                                                                     line was technologically the big hit!    employees, and worldwide Gebauer
            NIEHOFF Magazine: Mr. Fröschl,                  As my home is only few kilometers        With it we could manufacture more        & Griller has about 3,500 employ-
            you had been employed at Gebauer                from there, I applied for a job in the   efficiently and increase the qual-       ees. This upswing actually started
            & Griller Kabelwerke* Gesellschaft              new factory, which started produc-       ity level. With a growing volume of      only at the turn of the millennium.
            for more than four decades. How                 tion there in 1974, and was then         orders we started our own wire pro-      Previously, we supplied our custom-
            did you come to this company?                   as a plant engineer responsible for      duction at Poysdorf. Today we oper-      ers in Europe from Austria. Then, for
            Karl Fröschl: In the year 1973,                 maintenance and quality.                 ate lines which can draw simulta-        the already mentioned reason, we
            immediately after completion of my              NIEHOFF Magazine: What was dif-          neously up to 32 wires. In the early     have established modern equipped
            mechanical engineering studies, I               ferent then compared with today?         1980s, we put in operation also an       premises in Asia including China and
            obtained a post at the Gebauer &                Karl Fröschl: At that time, wires        own PVC compounding installation         in the NAFTA countries
            Griller cablework in Vienna. At that            were still drawn in the single wire      at the Poysdorf facility.                NIEHOFF Magazine: The major
            time Gebauer & Griller was about to             process. Since then, there has been      NIEHOFF Magazine: How have the           customer of the Gebauer & Griller
            build another cable factory around              a continuous further development in      customer markets changed since           Kabelwerke is the automotive
            60 km north of Vienna at Poysdorf.              the drawing technology, but also in      then?                                    industry. Where is the focus?
                                                            the extrusion and stranding technol-     Karl Fröschl: The development            Karl Fröschl: We have specialized
                 Ing. Karl Fröschl (64),                    ogy.                                     driver was the globalization. Our        in copper cables for data technology
                 attended the High Technical School         NIEHOFF Magazine: Which cables           customers from the automotive            and aluminium power cables. By
                 (HTL) at Wieselburg, where he              were initially produced in the           industry serve all big markets and       the way, with regard to the demand
                 completed mechanical engineering
                 studies. After completion of his studies   Poysdorf factory?                        expect from their suppliers that they    for lightweight construction we
                 Karl Fröschl received a post in the year   Karl Fröschl: Mainly installation        have own production plants near          were also the first to introduce such
                 1973 with Gebauer & Griller in Vienna      cables for the construction industry,    the automobile industry’s foreign        cables in the automotive industry.
                 and moved one and a half years later       since 1978 increasingly also plastic     plants. And the production plants        NIEHOFF Magazine: Have there
                 to Poysdorf when there a new
                 Gebauer & Griller cable factory was        insulated wires for the automotive       of the suppliers must be technically     been events which particularly
                 opened. In the year 1985, Karl Fröschl     industry.                                and qualitatively just as good as the    troubled you?
was appointed plant manager, in the year 2004, the          NIEHOFF Magazine: How big was            parent companies.                        Karl Fröschl: A challenge was the
appointment as Technical director of the Gebauer &          the production depth?                    NIEHOFF Magazine: Gebauer &              economic crisis 2008/2009 during
Griller Kabelwerke Gesellschaft m.b.H. followed.
                                                            Karl Fröschl: Initially we received      Griller has several locations all over   which the business in the auto-
                                                            * Kabelwerke – literally: cable works

22          NIEHOFF Magazine 16/02
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