Improving Zero-Shot Entity Retrieval through Effective Dense Representations

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Improving Zero-Shot Entity Retrieval through Effective Dense
                                                            Eleni Partalidou                              Despina Christou
                                                      Department of Informatics                      Department of Informatics
                                                  Aristotle University of Thessaloniki           Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
                                                     54124 Thessaloniki – Greece                    54124 Thessaloniki – Greece

                                                                                 Grigorios Tsoumakas
                                                                               Department of Informatics
                                                                           Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
                                                                              54124 Thessaloniki – Greece

                                                             Abstract                           writing, digital humanities, and biomedical data
arXiv:2103.04156v1 [cs.CL] 6 Mar 2021

                                            Entity Linking (EL) seeks to align entity men-      analysis.
                                            tions in text to entries in a knowledge-base           While EL systems typically rely on external KBs
                                            and is usually comprised of two phases: candi-      and assume entities at inference time known, real-
                                            date generation and candidate ranking. While        world applications are usually accompanied by min-
                                            most methods focus on the latter, it is the         imal to zero labeled data, highlighting the impor-
                                            candidate generation phase that sets an upper       tance of approaches that can generalize to unseen
                                            bound to both time and accuracy performance
                                                                                                entities. Logeswaran et al. (2019) introduced Zero-
                                            of the overall EL system. This work’s contri-
                                            bution is a significant improvement in candi-       shot EL, where mentions must be linked to unseen
                                            date generation which thus raises the perfor-       entities, without in-domain labeled data, given only
                                            mance threshold for EL, by generating candi-        the entities’ text description. By comparing two
                                            dates that include the gold entity in the least     texts - a mention in context and a candidate en-
                                            candidate set (top-K). We propose a simple ap-      tity description - the task goes closer to reading
                                            proach that efficiently embeds mention-entity       comprehension.
                                            pairs in dense space through a BERT-based bi-
                                                                                                   Most EL systems consist of two subsystems:
                                            encoder. Specifically, we extend (Wu et al.,
                                            2020) by introducing a new pooling function         Candidate Generation (CG), where for each en-
                                            and incorporating entity type side-information.     tity mention the system detects entities related to
                                            We achieve a new state-of-the-art 84.28% ac-        the mention and document, and Candidate Ranking
                                            curacy on top-50 candidates on the Zeshel           (CR) where the system chooses the most proba-
                                            dataset, compared to the previous 82.06% on         ble entity link among the found candidates. Most
                                            the top-64 of (Wu et al., 2020). We report the      state-of-the-art models (Logeswaran et al., 2019;
                                            results from extensive experimentation using
                                                                                                Li et al., 2020; Yao et al., 2020) rely on traditional
                                            our proposed model on both seen and unseen
                                            entity datasets. Our results suggest that our       frequency-based CG and focus on building robust
                                            method could be a useful complement to ex-          candidate rankers using cross-encoders to jointly
                                            isting EL approaches.                               encode mention and entity candidate descriptions.
                                                                                                However, the memory-intensive CR phase depends
                                        1   Introduction                                        on the set of candidates provided by CG. Therefore,
                                        Entity Linking (EL) aims to disambiguate entity         the accuracy of CR (and, by extension, the overall
                                        mentions in a document against entries in a knowl-      EL system), is capped by that of the CG phase.
                                        edge base (KB) or a dictionary of entities. Ac-            The goal of this work is to advance the state of
                                        curately linking these entities plays a key role in     the art in the CG phase (Wu et al., 2020), in order
                                        various natural language processing (NLP) tasks,        to set a higher performance ceiling for CR and for
                                        including information extraction (Lin et al., 2012;     EL overall. We start from (Wu et al., 2020), which
                                        Hasibi et al., 2016), KB population (Dredze et al.,     encodes mention and entity descriptions in dense
                                        2010), content analysis (Huang et al., 2018) and        space through a BERT-based bi-encoder and then
                                        question answering (Li et al., 2020), with poten-       retrieves the closest K entities to each mention us-
                                        tial applications in many fields, including technical   ing the dot product method. Although this method
increased accuracy at top-64 retrieved candidates       ize to unknown named entities, either via a re-
from 69.13% (Logeswaran et al., 2019) to 82.06%,        duced candidate set or through a more robust can-
an approach that allows higher CG accuracy with         didate ranker. Our work falls into the first category,
fewer candidates is yet to be developed.                namely the candidate generation phase and is re-
   We introduce a new state-of-the-art CG model         lated to BERT-based sequence modeling, pooling
that achieves 84.28% accuracy on the top-50 candi-      techniques, entity type side-information, and can-
dates; namely, we obtain a 2.22 higher unit thresh-     didate retrieval methods.
old in CR and EL overall using 21.88% fewer can-
didates, compared to (Wu et al., 2020). Our pro-        Candidate Generation (CG) Traditional CG
posed model uses a BERT-based bi-encoder and            has been based on string comparison (Phan et al.,
incorporates a special pooling function that effi-      2017) and alias tables. These methods lack rich rep-
ciently encodes mention and entity descriptions in      resentation and restrict to a small entity set, respec-
dense space by aggregating information from spe-        tively, thus proving inefficient for the challenging
cial tokens. We experimented on various pooling         task of entity candidates retrieval, especially in the
function alternatives, retrieval methods, and the ef-   zero-shot set, where generalization to new entities
fect of entity type side-information. At the same       is on the spot. Over the last years, many works
time, we report our results on both seen and unseen     (Sil et al., 2012; Murty et al., 2018; Logeswaran
entity sets to evaluate our model’s efficiency on       et al., 2019) focused on frequency-based methods,
both typical and zero-shot sets of EL. Our results      with most of them following TF-IDF and BM25 ap-
revealed that concatenating special tokens of the       proaches. Gillick et al. (2019) introduces a simple
proposed BERT-based input representation and us-        neural bi-encoder and shows that encoding mention
ing dot product to retrieve candidates yield the best   and entities in dense space works well. Inspired
outcomes on both test and heldout train seen sets.      by this idea, (Wu et al., 2020) proposed the, to
Meanwhile, state-of-the-art results were preserved      our knowledge, current state-of-the-art CG model,
without the entity type information, warranting our     using a more robust transformer-based bi-encoder
model’s robustness regardless of additional infor-      (Humeau et al., 2019). Precisely, they achieve an
mation.                                                 82.06% acc. on top-64 retrieved candidates in the
   The contributions of this paper are summarized       Zeshel dataset. Their model uses a BERT-based
as follows:                                             bi-encoder to encode mention and entities’ descrip-
                                                        tions in dense space, where the top-K entities are
    • We introduce a new CG approach, based on
                                                        then retrieved based on the two vectors’ maximum
      BERT-based bi-encoder and a new pooling
                                                        dot product. Our work extends the work of (Wu
      function that manages to encode mention and
                                                        et al., 2020) by investigating other than the default
      entities in the same dense space very effec-
                                                        BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) pooling functions, ad-
      tively, achieving state-of-the-art results.
                                                        ditional entity type side-information, and alternate
    • A 84.28% accuracy on top-50 candidates,           retrieval methods.
      compared to 82.06% at top-64 of (Wu et al.,
      2020), measured on the Zeshel test dataset.       Entity Type side-information Apart from
      We thus increase the CR accuracy by 2.22          model architecture, several methods (Raiman and
      units while requiring 21.88% fewer candi-         Raiman, 2018; Khalife and Vazirgiannis, 2018)
      dates, allowing more accurate and faster infer-   show that fine-grained entity type side-information
      ence.                                             helps to further disambiguate entities in EL. First
                                                        attempts to integrate type information in the task
    • State-of-the-art results on both seen and un-     consisted of end-to-end systems (Durrett and Klein,
      seen entity sets, with and without entity type    2014; Luo et al., 2015; Nguyen et al., 2016) that
      information, reveal the robustness of our         jointly modeled entity linking and named entity
      model in both the typical and the zero-shot       recognition to capture the mutual dependency
      EL settings.                                      between them, typically using structured CRF and
                                                        hand-crafted features. Automatically extracted
2    Related Work
                                                        entity features were captured by (Yamada et al.,
Former work has pointed out the importance of           2016; Ganea and Hofmann, 2017) using typical
building entity linking systems that can general-       embedding methods proposed by (Mikolov
et al., 2013), while (Martins et al., 2019) learned     Input Representation The mention context and
entity features using Stack-LSTMs (Dyer et al.,         the entity description are encoded into the follow-
2015) in multi-task learning. Latest works in EL        ing vectors:
(Hou et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2020) suggest to
build entity type embeddings by modeling the                            ym = red(T1 (tm ))
mentions’ near context and its semantics using
                                                                         ye = red(T2 (te ))
Word2Vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) and BERT
(Devlin et al., 2019) embeddings, respectively. In         where tm is the representation of mention, te is
our work, we choose to model entities as special        the representation of entity, T1 and T2 are two trans-
tokens in BERT representation and let the model         formers. The function red(.) reduces the sequence
automatically capture relevant information across       of vectors into one. By default, the last layer of the
all sequence, following similar BERT-based entity       output of the [CLS] token is returned.
representations (Shi and Lin, 2019; Poerner et al.,        The representation tm is composed of the men-
2020; Christou and Tsoumakas, 2021) applied in          tion text surrounded by two special tokens that de-
other NLP applications.                                 note the existence of the mention, the context from
                                                        the left and the right side of the mention text plus
Candidate Retrieval methods As mentioned                the special tokens that BERT inserts. Specifically,
above, most approaches (Logeswaran et al., 2019;        the construction of the mention is:
Sil et al., 2012) retrieve entity candidates using
frequency-based methods, such as BM25 (Robert-          [CLS] ctxtl [M s] mention [M e] ctxtr [SEP ]
son et al., 2009). Meanwhile, recent bi-encoder
approaches in EL (Gillick et al., 2019; Wu et al.,        and with the addition of the entity type it is:
2020) score mention-candidate pairs using dot
                                                          [CLS] [ent type] mention[H SEP ] ctxtl...
product during training while retrieving top-K can-
didates using the same vector similarity measure.           where [Ms] and [Me] are the special tokens that
In our work, we experiment on alternate candidate       tag the mention, ctxtl and ctxtr are the word-pieces
retrieval methods, i.e., euclidean, cosine, and dot     tokens of the context before and after the mention
methods, to find out cosine (Manning, 2008) and         and [CLS] and [SEP] are BERT’s special tokens.
dot product to outperform the euclidean metric sig-         The representation te is composed of the entity
nificantly.                                             title, the special token [ENT] separating the entity’s
                                                        title and description plus the special tokens that
3     Methodology                                       BERT inserts.
Our proposed method for candidate generation uses
                                                            [CLS] title [EN T ] description [SEP ]
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) in a bi-encoder set. The
bi-encoder uses two independent BERT transform-           and with the addition of the entity type it is:
ers to encode the mention’s context and all entity
descriptions into two dense vectors. Then, the best                  [CLS] [ent type] title...
candidates are retrieved by scoring the mention-
entity pair vectors with a vector similarity measure.      For simplicity in both input representations a
This section presents specific sequence representa-     maximum length of the document is retrieved.
tion methods, and other than the typical dot-product       The score of the entity candidate ei given a men-
metric used to retrieve the best candidates.            tion is computed by the dot-product:

3.1    Bi-encoder                                                       s(m, ei ) = ym ·yei
We use a BERT-based bi-encoder, following (Wu              The network is trained to maximize the score
et al., 2020) to model the mention-entity pairs, be-    of the correct entity with respect to the entities of
cause it allows for fast, real-time inference, as the   the same batch. For each training pair (mi , ei ) in a
candidate representations can be cached. Below,         batch of B pairs, the loss is computed as:
we present our structured input to the bi-encoder,
our proposed pooling functions for sequence repre-                                        B
sentation and brief notes on entity type incorpora-     L(mi , ei ) = −s(mi , ei )+log(
                                                                                                exp(s(mi , ej )))
tion in the structured input.                                                             j=1
Input Encoding The dataset needed to be pro-               • Concatenation of special tokens: Concate-
cessed by the models to understand information               nates only the special token representations
and to extract representative vectors from it. For           from BERT’s last hidden layer.
that reason, a Tokenizer was used to split each doc-
ument into a list of tokens and to give each token                 conc special = [hL [j1 ], ..., hL [jM ]],
a respective id. The Bert Tokenizer used a spe-
cial technique called Byte Pair Encoding (Sennrich             where j refers to the index of special tokens
et al., 2016). BPE makes use of a simple data                  with M being the total number of special to-
compression technique that iteratively replaces the            kens.
most frequent pair of bytes in a sequence with a
                                                           We note that hL corresponds to the last hid-
single, unused byte. Instead of merging frequent
                                                        den layer of BERT, n = 128, namely the max
pairs of bytes, characters or character sequences are
                                                        length, and special tokens declare specific parts
merged. The reason this technique is used by the
                                                        of the sequence (i.e. [CLS], [SEP ], [Ms ], [Me ],
algorithm is to compute subwords from unknown
                                                        [ent type]) that are not split by the tokenizer.
tokens, so words that the algorithm may known can
be associated with unknown words that tend to be        Entity Type Representation In the extent that
similar to them and consequently are given proper       entity types put some constraint on the possible
token ids.                                              entity to link, we also experimented on incorporat-
                                                        ing the entity type in the model’s structured input.
Pooling Functions The different sequence repre-
                                                        Precisely, we incorporate 18 generic entity types,
sentations that were tested fall into the following
                                                        captured from recognizing mention’s and entity ti-
                                                        tles’ entity types with the spaCy model1 . SpaCy
   • Usage of [CLS]: The default representation of      is an open-source software library for advanced
     the sequence.                                      natural language processing, written in the pro-
                                                        gramming languages Python and Cython (Honni-
                     CLS = hL [0]                       bal et al., 2020). We note that entity types, include
                                                        the < unk > type for unclassified mentions/entity
   • Average of tokens: Averages all token repre-       titles. Also, all entity types are encoded as special
     sentations from BERT’s last hidden layer.          tokens; consequently, sequence representations that
                                                        make use of special tokens also consider the entity
                            i=0 (hL [i])
                                                        type embeddings.
                  avg =
                                                        3.2    Retrieval Methods
   • Sum of tokens: Sums all token representations      In the candidate generation step different methods
     from BERT’s last hidden layer.                     were performed, in order to find a proper candi-
                                                        date set. The first method was to initialize a k-
                   sum =
                                 (hL [i])               nearest neighbors classifier and fit the model with
                           i=0                          the representations of the entity descriptions from
                                                        the bi-encoder and their respective id. After that,
   • Average special: Averages only the special to-     for each context mention the k closest neighbors
     ken representations from BERT’s last hidden        were returned, where k the number of candidates
     layer.                                             the candidate set should have.
                               Pn                          Another approach was to compute the similarity
                                  i=0 (hL [i])          between each context mention with each entity and
             avg special =
                                       n                construct the candidate set with the h more com-
                                                        mon ones. To find the similarity between two vec-
   • Sum of special tokens: Sums only the spe-          tors A = [a1 , a2 , ..., an ] and B = [b1 , b2 , ..., bn ] ,
     cial token representations from BERT’s last        some main similarity measures were used to choose
     hidden layer.                                      from.
              sum special =            (hL [i])         spacy-models/releases/tag/en_core_web_
The cosine similarity method measures the co-                Set     World                  Entities
sine of angle θ between two vectors. The cosine                 Train   American Football      31929
increases as the two vectors tend to look alike.                        Doctor Who             40281
                                                                        Fallout                16992
                                      AT B                              Final Fantasy          14044
                    cos(A, B) =                                         Military               104520
                                                                        Pro Wrestling          10133
  The dot product method measures the cosine                            StarWars               87056
multiplied by lengths of both vectors. For very                         World of Warcraft      27677
similar vectors the value is increased and also for             Val     Coronation Street      17809
vectors with big length.                                                Muppets                21344
                                                                        Ice Hockey             28684
                                                                        Elder Scrolls          21712
A · B = a1 b1 + a2 b2 + ... + an bn = |A||B|cos(θ)              Test    Forgotten Realms       15603
                                                                        Lego                   10076
                                                                        Star Trek              34430
   The euclidean distance method measures the dis-
                                                                        YuGiOh                 10031
tance between ends of vectors. For vectors that are
similar and consequently very close to the vector         Table 1: Number of Entities per world and train, val,
space the value is small.                                 test sets in the Zeshel dataset.

    d(A, B) =           (a1 − b1 )2 + ... + (aN − bN )2   4.2   Hyper-parameter Settings

4       Experimental Setup                                In our experiments we utilize bert-base-uncased
                                                          model with hidden layer dimension Dh = 768,
4.1       Dataset                                         while we fine-tune the model with max seq length
For our experiments, we use the Zeshel2 dataset,          Dt = 128. Regarding model’s hyper-parameters,
which to our knowledge, is the prevailing bench-          we manually tune them on the training set. For fine-
mark for zero-shot EL. The dataset was constructed        tuning, we assigned batch size = 8, epochs =
using documents from Wikias, namely community-            5, all the BERT’s layers are updated during
written encyclopedias, each specialized in a par-         back-propagation, learning rate lr = 3e−5 and
ticular subject. Documents in Wikias exhibit rich         weight decay = 0.01. Moreover, we fine-tune
document context, thus are an excellent source for        our model using the Adam optimization scheme
natural language comprehension models. Mean-              (Loshchilov and Hutter, 2017) with β1 = 0.9, β2 =
while, each encyclopedia contains domain-specific         0.999 and a linear learning rate decay schedule. We
entity dictionaries, making it an ideal dataset for       minimize loss using cross entropy criterion.
evaluating the EL system’s generalization on new            Experiments were conducted on a PC with 15
domains.                                                  GB RAM, an AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor
   Table 1 presents the number of unique entities         with a base frequency of 4.00 GHz and a NVIDIA
per domain (world) and train/val/test sets. Regard-       GeForce GTX TITAN X graphics card with 12 GB
ing mentions, the training set includes 49,275 la-        memory.
beled mentions, while the validation and test sets
consist of 10,000 and 10,000 unseen mentions, re-            Training time took about 150min for the whole
spectively. Moreover, an extra 5,000 seen and             process. For the CG task and to process all test set
5,000 unseen mentions from the training set are pro-      (10K mentions, 70.140 entities), the model takes
vided. The goal of this discrimination is to explore      90min using cosine method, 60min with the eu-
the models’ performance to known domains. We              clidean distance method and 50min with the dot
present our model’s performance on both known             product method. For the heldout train seen set, the
and unknown worlds in section 5.3.                        model takes 30min with the cosine method, 25min
                                                          with the euclidean distance method and 20min with
    2               the dot product method.
4.3    Evaluation                                             Method                       Test    Top-K
To evaluate the performance of our model against              (Logeswaran et al., 2019)   69.13      64
the rest state-of-the-art models, we report the ac-           (Wu et al., 2020)           82.06      64
curacy at top-k. Namely, we assess the perfor-                Ours (sum)†                 80.27      50
mance on the subset of test instances for which the           Ours (sum special)†         83.23      50
gold entity is among the top-k retrieved candidates.          Ours (CLS)†                 83.83      50
We highlight that since EL systems’ overall per-              Ours (avg special)†         83.88      50
formance is upper-bounded by the CG accuracy                  Ours (avg)†                 84.19      50
and their speed is associated with the number of              Ours (conc special)         84.28      50
retrieved candidates, a model that will increase CG     Table 2: Normalized accuracy on the test set of Zero-
performance in fewer candidate entities is crucial.     shot EL dataset. Baseline models are compared against
                                                        our model’s various sequence representation alterna-
4.4    State-of-the-art CG Models                       tives, with selected pooling function noted in paren-
For evaluating our method, we compare against the       theses. † indicates methods including entity type side-
following state-of-the-art models in Zero-Shot EL:      information.
BM25 (Logeswaran et al., 2019): Use a traditional,
frequency-based method (BM25) for the candidate         accuracy than (Wu et al., 2020) and (Logeswaran
generation. To re-rank the top K candidates pro-        et al., 2019) respectively, using 21.88% fewer can-
pose the use of a cross-encoder to jointly encode       didates and without incorporating any additional
mention context and entity description.                 side-information.
Bi-encoder (Wu et al., 2020): First to perform the
candidate retrieval on a dense space. Mention con-
text and candidate entities are encoded into vectors
using a bi-encoder and the retrieval phase is then
reduced to finding the maximum dot product be-
tween mention and entity candidate representations.
Final entity selection is performed using the top K
candidates from the retrieval phase and re-ranked
through a cross-encoder, similar to (Logeswaran
et al., 2019). As an encoder BERT model is se-          Figure 1: Top-K entity retrieval accuracy of Ours (conc
lected.                                                 special) model.
While state-of-the-art models in Zero-shot EL (Lo-
geswaran et al., 2019; Yao et al., 2020) focus on the     Meanwhile, in Figure 1, which shows our best
CR phase, Wu et al. (2020) are the only to propose      model’s accuracy across various top-K retrieved
a different to traditional IR approach for CG. Our      candidates, we can see that choosing more can-
focus is to further push the boundaries of the CG       didates could further increase accuracy. Still, we
phase and set a higher performance threshold to         decided on fifty (50) candidates due to its small
CR and EL overall.                                      enough size and performance improvement over
                                                        the rest baselines.
5     Results
                                                        5.2     Ablation Studies
5.1    Comparison with Baselines
                                                        In this section, we review the effect of pooling
Here, we compare our CG model against the pre-          functions, entity type side-information and retrieval
vious state-of-the-art works and our model’s var-       methods.
ious alternatives that use different pooling func-
tions for sequence representation and incorporate       5.2.1   Effect of Entity Type across all Pooling
or not entity type side-information. Table 2 shows              Functions
our model to significantly outperform the previ-        We experimented with various pooling functions
ous state-of-the-art works with fewer candidates re-    to find the most efficient sequence representation,
gardless of chosen pooling function and additional      whereas for each representation, we explore the ad-
side-information. Precisely, the best version of our    dition of the mention’s entity type at the sequence
model achieves 2.22 and 15.15 higher normalized         encoding (see section 3.1).
Test                    Euclidean distance presents the worst performance
 Pooling Functions         w/o Ent.Type      Ent.Type       for all methods, with dot product consistently
 Sum tokens                  79.64%          80.27%         slightly outperform the cosine. Figure 2, which
 CLS token                   83.52%          83.83%         shows our best model’s performance for all three
 Avg special tokens          83.83%          83.88%         distance metrics across top-{1, 10, 25, 50} re-
 Avg tokens                  84.06%          84.19%         trieved candidates, exhibits similar observations.
 Conc special tokens         84.28%          83.30%         Namely, the dot product achieves higher accuracy
                                                            across all top candidates, closely followed by co-
Table 3: Comparison of results with and without entity
                                                            sine and then by the euclidean distance. Conse-
type side-information for each pooling function on the
Test set of Zero-shot EL dataset. We report results on
                                                            quently, our findings are in sync with (Manning,
the top-50 candidates, using the dot product as retrieval   2008). Comparing the three distance metrics, co-
method.                                                     sine and dot product metrics are advantageous to
                                                            euclidean as they measure the angle between docu-
   Table 3 presents the normalized accuracy on top-         ments; namely, they measure documents’ similarity
50 candidates for all pooling functions presented           regardless of their size. Moreover, the dot product
in section 3.1 incorporating or not the entity type         considers both the angle and the magnitude of two
side-information. As can be seen, state-of-the-art          vectors, which makes it competitive to the cosine
accuracy is achieved by representing the sequence           similarity metric.
as the concatenation of its special tokens without
incorporating entity-type information. Meanwhile,
the addition of entity type in the rest representation
techniques seems to improve performance, but only
slightly (up to 0.63%). We suspect that the reason
that entity type does not add significant value is
that about 60% of mentions are detected with UN-
KNOWN entity type; thus, the model was not able
to capture robust patterns. From manual inspection,
we notice that most UNKNOWN entity types are
associated with pronouns or co-references.                  Figure 2: Performance of (conc special) model for all
                                                            Euclidean, Cosine, and Dot product distance metrics
5.2.2 Effect of the Retrieval Methods                       across the top retrieved candidates.
Regarding the retrieval phase, we wanted to explore
the effect of other common distance metrics, apart
from the typical one used, i.e., the dot product.           5.3   Case Study: Performance on the typical
                                                                  EL set
 Method/                               Test                 So far, we have tested our methods’ efficiency in
 Distance Metrics         Euclid.     Cosine      Dot       the most challenging set of EL, the zero-shot set,
 Ours (CLS)               79.51       82.74      83.52      where we must prove the model’s generalization in
 Ours (avg)               81.27       83.73      84.06      out-of-domain, unseen entities. In this section, our
 Ours (sum)               76.05       78.02      79.64      scope is to examine the in-domain generalization
 Ours (avg special)       82.08       83.55      83.83      performance and prove our method as a valuable
 Ours (sum special)       81.56       82.36      82.90      complement to all existing EL approaches.
 Ours (conc special)      79.96       83.63      84.28         To test the performance on in-domain, seen enti-
                                                            ties, we exploit the “Heldout train seen” set, pro-
Table 4: Comparison of all methods using Euclidean,
                                                            vided by (Logeswaran et al., 2019), that includes
Cosine and Dot product distance metrics on the top-
50 retrieved candidates on the test set of the Zero-shot    5,000 mentions linked to seen entities during train-
EL dataset. Reported results refer to Normalized Acc.,      ing. In Table 5, we present the normalized accuracy
while all methods do not incorporate entity type.           on top-50 candidates for all pooling functions in-
                                                            corporating or not the entity type side-information,
   Table 4 compares all methods’ performance us-            whereas in Table 6 we show the performance of our
ing the Euclidean, Cosine, and Dot product dis-             best model using different distance metrics in the
tance metrics to retrieve the best candidates. The          retrieval phase.
Heldout Train Seen            the one hand, that proves our model’s robustness
    Pooling functions     w/o Ent.Type Ent.Type           regardless of side-information, but from the other
    [CLS]                   98.42%       98.56%           suggest specific enhancements for the future. Fu-
    Avg tokens              98.56%       98.05%           ture enhancements could incorporate entity graph
    Sum tokens              97.60%       97.62%           information instead of entity types to capture co-
    Avg special tokens      98.76%       98.54%           references better and integrate a generic document
    Sum special tokens      98.26%       98.30%           entity type to locate the main concept of the doc-
    Conc special tokens     98.86%       98.36%           ument. At last, we plan to extend this work with
                                                          respective experimentation in the candidate ranking
Table 5: Comparison of results with and without entity    phase.
type for each pooling function on the Heldout Train
Seen set. We report results on the top-50 candidates,
using the dot product as retrieval method.
                                                          Shuang Chen, Jinpeng Wang, Feng Jiang, and Chin-
   Both tables reveal same observations to our              Yew Lin. 2020. Improving entity linking by model-
methods’ performance in the Zero-shot set.                  ing latent entity type information. In Proceedings of
Namely, using the concatenation of special tokens           the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol-
                                                            ume 34, pages 7529–7537.
to represent sequences and the dot product to re-
trieve the best candidates leads to greater accuracy.     Despina Christou and Grigorios Tsoumakas. 2021.
Moreover, entity type only slightly boosts few se-          Improving distantly-supervised relation extraction
quence representation methods, and euclidean dis-           through bert-based label & instance embeddings.
                                                            arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.01156.
tance performs the poorest. At last, we provide a
great upper threshold (98.86%) for EL under its           Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and
typical, supervised set.                                     Kristina Toutanova. 2019. Bert: Pre-training of
                                                             deep bidirectional transformers for language under-
            Distance metrics      Results                    standing. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of
                                                             the North American Chapter of the Association for
            Euclidean              97.3%                     Computational Linguistics: Human Language Tech-
            Cosine                98.64%                     nologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers), pages
            Dot product           98.86%                     4171–4186.

Table 6: Comparison of the similarity methods for con-    Mark Dredze, Paul McNamee, Delip Rao, Adam Ger-
catenation of special tokens and 50 candidates. Results    ber, and Tim Finin. 2010. Entity disambiguation
for the heldout train seen set.                            for knowledge base population. In Proceedings
                                                           of the 23rd International Conference on Computa-
                                                           tional Linguistics (Coling 2010), pages 277–285.
6     Conclusion
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                                                            tional linguistics, 2:477–490.
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Precisely, our model achieves at least 2.22 higher        Chris Dyer, Miguel Ballesteros, Wang Ling, Austin
threshold for CR and EL using 22% fewer candi-              Matthews, and Noah A Smith. 2015. Transition-
dates, compared to previous state-of-the-art works          based dependency parsing with stack long short-
                                                            term memory. In Proceedings of the 53rd Annual
in the zero-shot set. Meanwhile, we tested our              Meeting of the Association for Computational Lin-
model’s efficiency with in-domain corpus, seen              guistics and the 7th International Joint Conference
entities to also accomplish great results with the          on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long
same parameters as in zero-shot EL, proving that            Papers), pages 334–343.
the suggested method can be a valuable comple-            Octavian-Eugen Ganea and Thomas Hofmann. 2017.
ment to all existing EL approaches. We also exper-          Deep joint entity disambiguation with local neural
imented with adding entity types to boost perfor-           attention. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on
mance, without success, though. After inspecting            Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing,
                                                            pages 2619–2629.
the data, we found out that 60% of the mentions
were not classified with an entity type, with most of     Dan Gillick, Sayali Kulkarni, Larry Lansing, Alessan-
them constituting pronouns, not named entities. On          dro Presta, Jason Baldridge, Eugene Ie, and Diego
Garcia-Olano. 2019. Learning dense representa-            Christopher D Manning. 2008. Prabhakar raghavan,
  tions for entity retrieval. In Proceedings of the           and hinrich schutze. Introduction to information re-
  23rd Conference on Computational Natural Lan-               trieval.
  guage Learning (CoNLL), pages 528–537.
                                                            Pedro Henrique Martins, Zita Marinho, and André FT
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  berg. 2016. Exploiting entity linking in queries for        nition and entity linking. In Proceedings of the
  entity retrieval. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM In-        57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Com-
  ternational Conference on the Theory of Information         putational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop,
  Retrieval, pages 209–218.                                   pages 190–196.
Matthew Honnibal, Ines Montani, Sofie Van Lan-              Tomas Mikolov, Ilya Sutskever, Kai Chen, Greg Cor-
 deghem, and Adriane Boyd. 2020.            spaCy:            rado, and Jeffrey Dean. 2013. Distributed represen-
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                                                            Shikhar Murty, Patrick Verga, Luke Vilnis, Irena
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A    Examining model errors and
In tables 7,8, 9 we show some example mentions
and model predictions.
... When he took it off , a boy working for Insector Haga swiped it and inserted the card
 Mention      P̈arasite Paracide ı̈nto his Deck as he ran away with it . Jonouchi managed to catch the
              boy and met up with Anzu , Bakura and Sugoroku as he did so . ....
                                              Haga ’ s helper ( manga ) Haga ’ s helper was a boy
                                              employed by Insector Haga to help him cheat in a Duel
                                              against Katsuya Jonouchi . Biography . Haga promised
              Haga ’ s helper ( manga )
                                              the boy a rare card if he could sneak the card ” Parasite
                                              Paracide ” into Jonouchi ’ s Deck . ...
                                               Queue cutter The ” queue cutter ” is an elementary
                                               or junior high school kid , who appeared once in the
                                               manga . Biography . The boy cut past Yugi in a queue
              Queue cutter
                                               to a Capsule Monster Chess coin machine , outside Old
                                               Man Dentures store . ...
                                              Daichi Daichi is one of the children in Crow ’ s care in ”
              Daichi                          Yu - Gi - Oh ! 5D ’ s ” . He has black hair in a bowl cut
                                              and dark blue eyes . ...
Table 7: First example with the mention and the entity candidates. The correct entity candidate is the first from
the candidate set.

              ... He stole the Type 7 shuttlecraft ” ” , intending to join a freighter on Beltane IX and
              asked Captain Picard to tell his father he ’ s sorry but had to do this . ...
                                             Jack Crusher Lieutenant Commander Jack R . Crusher
                                             was a Starfleet officer . Considered by Jean - Luc Picard
                                             to have been his best friend , he served under Picard ’ s
              Jack Crusher
                                             command on the . He was husband to Beverly Crusher
                                             and father to Wesley Crusher . ...
                                               Kurland Kurland was a Human male aboard the in 2364
                                               . He had one son , Jake Kurland . When Jake tried to
                                               leave the ” Enterprise ” - D with a shuttlecraft that year ,
                                               he asked Captain Picard to tell his father he was sorry
                                               but he could not stay aboard the ship . Picard told him
                                               he should bring back the shuttle and tell this his father
                                               himself . ( ) ...
                                               Gabriel Lorca Captain Gabriel Lorca was a male Human
                                               Starfleet officer who lived during the mid - 23rd century
              Gabriel Lorca
                                               . He served as the commanding officer on board at least
                                               one Federation starship , ...
Table 8: Second example with the mention and the entity candidates. The correct entity candidate is the second
from the candidate set.
... Riker argues with him and is generally uncooperative . Remmick asks La Forge in
 Mention      engineering about the incident with Kosinski and the Traveler , and La Forge is forced
              to acknowledge that the captain lost control of the ship . ...
                                            USS Enterprise bridge holoprogram The USS ” Enter-
                                            prise ” bridge holoprogram was a holodeck recreation
                                            of the bridge of the original . The program was accessed
              USS Enterprise bridge
                                            by Captain Montgomery Scott when he was on board
                                            the in 2369 after having been rescued from transporter
                                            stasis on the . ...
                                               Captain ’ s log , USS Enterprise ( NCC - 1701 ) The
                                               captain ’ s log on the was the method used by the
              Captain ’ s log , USS En-        commanding officer to record the ship ’ s events . These
              terprise ( NCC - 1701 )          logs included Captain James T . Kirk ’ s famous five -
                                               year mission . ( ) ...
                                               Traffic accident A traffic accident was an incident involv-
                                               ing vehicle s and their occupants in which the vehicle
                                               in question malfunctioned or crashed . Some accidents
              Traffic accident
                                               resulted in death . In 1930 , Edith Keeler died in a traf-
                                               fic accident after she crossed the street to find out why
                                               James T . Kirk had left her abruptly . ...
Table 9: Third example with the mention and the entity candidates. The correct entity candidate is not part of the
candidate set.
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