Improving the Reader's Experience with e-books

Improving the Reader's Experience with e-books
Issue 31 | SPRING 2014

Improving the Reader’s
Experience with e-books
                         Giving readers what they want
                    Create a streamlined, comprehensive, integrated eBook
                     library system to meet reader needs and expectations.

                                 PATRON-DRIVEN ACQUISITION
                          How Bournemouth University reaps the benefits.

                          Customer-inspired innovation:
                                    The genesis of the 3MTM Cloud Library.
Improving the Reader's Experience with e-books
Improving the Reader's Experience with e-books
14-15               Giving readers
                    what they want                                                                               spring issue 2014
                                                                                      Welcome to the spring issue of Panlibus Magazine.

                                                                                      E-resources and e-books bring about much discussion and debate.
                                                                                      In this edition, with articles from public and academic libraries, key

                                                                                      suppliers providing valuable solutions into the sector, and organisations
                                                                                      that support, influence and promote the work of libraries to the wider
                                                                                      community, we examine the latest e-book and e-resource developments.
                                          “Discover the Magic” – SOLUS and
                                          The Reading Agency, Summer 2014             Back in the summer of 2012, New York Public Library wrote a feature
                                                                                      for Panlibus, titled “The value of public libraries into the e-reading
4-5 Improving the reader’s                 the “Mythical Maze” will come alive        ecosystem”. Since then the ecosystem has evolved and within NYPL,
experience with e-books in public          through a free downloadable mobile         the e-reading service offered to their patrons today has greatly improved
libraries                                  application.                               and continues to develop as a core feature of their collection strategy
NYPL provide us with an update                                                        and the digital user experience.
nearly two years on from an original       14-15 Giving readers what they
feature in 2012, looking at how            want                                       This January saw the relaunch of Edinburgh’s My Library, which
they have improved and delivered           OverDrive relate some of the               features links to more than 50 sites and apps and offers a single access
e-books provision in the library,          research and evidence in support           point for all online resources and services. Edinburgh were shortlisted
thereby improving the reader’s             of e-books and talk about creating         for the ‘Smart Governance’ Eurocities award for their outstanding
experience.                                digitally empowered library                transformation, offering a digital one-stop-shop that brings together the
                                           communities through the creation           city’s library facilities with local information, services and activities and
6 Customer inspired innovation             of a streamlined, comprehensive,           utilises seamless 24/7 mobile and online access.
– the genesis of the 3M Cloud              integrated e-book library system.
Library                                                                               We also feature some key initiatives taking place over the coming
Following their launch in the USA          16-17 Public libraries and e-books:        months. The Reading Agency in collaboration with SOLUS will bring
over two years ago, 3M explain their       cause for optimism or concern?             augmented reality to life through the “Mythical Maze” and Cityread
journey to deliver digital content to      Stephen Edwards, Co-Chair at               London returns in April with lots of new partners including OverDrive
the library market as they embark on       Shelf Free, reviews the position           who will be strengthening their e-book offer for library users.
international expansion.                   around e-lending in the public library
                                           sector, explores the challenges and        Finally, a look at e-books wouldn’t be complete without contribution
8-9 Patron-driven acquisition:             opportunities and encourages more          from content providers and so naturally we have included articles from
strategies for supporting collection       contributors to get their voice heard.     OverDrive, and also 3M in relation to their digital e-book platform, 3M
development and service excellence                                                    Cloud Library, offered today in the USA.
Chris Spencer at The Sir Michael           18 Cityread London 2014
Cobham Library, Bournemouth                Two years after the launch of the first    As always, we encourage you to get in touch with your thoughts on any
University, provides us with an insight    reading festival, Stellar Libraries talk   of the articles. If you have any topics you would like to share with the
into their patron-driven acquisition       about their work and experience to         library world in future issues then I encourage you to drop me a line.
(PDA) strategy, and explains why           put libraries on the centre stage and
and how this is a valuable tool for        provide further information relating to
developing the library’s collections       Cityread 2014.                             Wendy Pugh
in partnership with the University                                                    Editor, Panlibus Magazine
community.                                 20 Reference Online enters a new 
                                           era with SCL and Jisc Collections
10 Edinburgh Libraries -                   Ben Taplin, Project Manager at Jisc
Your Library                               Collections, outlines their objectives
Graham Mainds, Service                     working with Reference Online to
Development Leader at Edinburgh,           offer public libraries online resources
                                                                                                                                Panlibus Magazine is a Capita production
gives us more insight following the        that libraries and their users want
relaunch of My Library this January        from trustworthy sources.                                                            The views expressed in this magazine are
                                                                                                                                those of the contributors for which Capita
to bring on-line services and                                                                                                   accepts no responsibility. Readers should take
resources to a much wider audience.        26 Spotlight on Nielsen LibScan            ISSN 1749-1002                            appropriate advice before acting on any issue
                                                                                                                                raised. Reproduction in whole or part without
                                           library borrowings for 2013                Knights Court                             written permission is strictly prohibited.
                                                                                      Solihull Parkway
12-13 “Discover the Magic” –               If you have followed the Nielsen           Birmingham Business Park                  ©Capita. All rights reserved. Capita and the
SOLUS and The Reading Agency               LibScan data in previous issues, it        B37 7YB                                   Capita logo are trademarks of Capita or its
                                                                                      United Kingdom                            licensors in the United Kingdom and/or other
2014’s “Summer Reading Challenge”          will come as no surprise that during                                                 countries. Other companies and products
from the Reading Agency brings             2013, Crime, Thriller & Adventure          Telephone:   +44 (0)121 717 3500          mentioned may be the trademarks of their
                                                                                      Web site:   respective owners.
augmented reality to life. Working in      dominated the Nielsen LibScan
collaboration, SOLUS will add some         Top 10 chart with six out of ten titles
digital magic to the challenge and         appearing in that category.
                                                                                               | Spring 2014 | Panlibus Magazine             3
Improving the Reader's Experience with e-books
E-books in public libraries

    Improving the reader’s experience
    with e-books in public libraries
                                                                       In 2012, we invested significant effort         delaying new release DVDs to libraries. As we
                    Christopher Platt,                              reaching out to the four major US trade            anticipated, the data Penguin received and the
                    Director, BookOps – the shared technical        publishers who were not releasing current          feedback from other libraries closely watching
                    services collaboration between NYPL             e-book content into the library lending market.    this pilot allowed the publisher a comfort level
                    and Brooklyn Public Library                     Our position was clear: we were willing to         to remove the six month release delay a few
                                                                    negotiate with each of them to offer the New       months into the one year pilot. The pilot ended
                                                                    York Public Library as a pilot case for them       in September of 2013, and Penguin has indeed
       In the summer of 2012, I was invited to                      to step responsibly into library lending, with     expanded fully into the US library lending
    contribute to Panlibus the New York Public                      the ultimate intent that they would use the        market.
    Library’s position on the value of public                       information to expand to libraries nationally.
    libraries in the e-reading ecosystem in                         The discussions were fruitful and led to              The Penguin pilot also allowed the New
    the United States. While facing publisher                       partnerships with two publishers.                  York Public Library an opportunity to test
    uncertainty over libraries’ impact on their                                                                        a newer entrant into the e-book platform
    sales, our patrons were using our service in                        The first pilot was with Penguin Books USA,    market, 3M’s Cloud Library. We had been
    record numbers and we were actively moving                      which began in September of 2012. They had         exploring a reasonable way to test alternatives
    towards a more integrated, participatory user                   previously sold their e-books to libraries but     to Overdrive, our main e-book provider. We
    experience with the implementation of our                       had backed out over concerns of how their          launched the pilot with 3M as a partner and discovery layer.                         titles were being managed and the business         focused all new Penguin content to that
    That ecosystem has evolved since then, partly                   model under which they had been sold. They         platform to keep the collections clean. 3M
    because of strategic partnerships we put in                     were eager to return to libraries and welcomed     proved robust and gained a solid user base
    place to test models for offering content from                  the opportunity to discuss a different business    among our patrons, which gave us the comfort
    hesitant publishers, partnerships among                         model that would allow them to re-enter in         level to use them for the second publisher
    the existing and new service providers who                      a careful way that could evolve and expand.        pilot: Simon & Schuster.
    must knit their technology together in new                      Specifically, our negotiations led to copy-level
    ways to offer a superior patron service, and                    licenses that would need renewing after a set         Launched in May of 2013, the Simon &
    partnerships with our peer libraries to help                    period, and a six month delay in releasing new     Schuster negotiations arrived at a pilot model
    inform and influence e-content platform                         titles to libraries. The former was contingent     that was not altogether different from the
    development. The e-reading service we offer                     upon fair pricing, and the latter we agreed        Penguin renewable licenses at a fair price. The
    our patrons today has improved and continues                    to for the purposes of the pilot with the          differences were that the Library was interested
    to develop as a core feature of our collection                  understanding that in practice, a six month        in a more integrated patron experience and
    strategy and our digital user experience                        delay would affect a small percentage of           launching in-catalog sales, which is why we
    strategy.                                                       overall users of any title, and that a precedent   brought Bibliocommons into the discussions.
                                                                    had been set with major movie studios

4    Panlibus Magazine | Spring 2014 |
Improving the Reader's Experience with e-books
E-books in Public Libraries

With 3M’s platform as the source content and        platform applications that preclude the ability           will serve them best, without having to
Simon & Schuster’s approval, Bibliocommons          for the patron to be connected with or at                 visit separate websites (libraries, not
developed an in-catalog e-book reader that          very least discover materials and services                distributors, should be enabled to manage
allows the patron to download the e-book to         from across our range of collections? Our                 all interactions with users).
their device, or choose to open it directly in      experience to date had been that platform
the Bibliocommons web interface and read            vendors had created all-or-nothing turnkey             • S
                                                                                                              eamlessly enjoy a variety of e-content.
it there. Bibliocommons also developed in-          platform solutions designed to fully exclude             To do this, libraries must be able to choose
catalog sales, initially with Simon & Schuster      competitors from a customer’s space, rather              content, devices and apps from any
e-books but since expanded to physical items        than allow multiple competing vendors to                 provider or from multiple providers, without
as well. A patron can choose to check out           participate in that same space in an effective,          bundling that limits a library’s ability to serve
the Simon & Schuster e-book, or purchase it.        integrated manner.                                       content they purchase on platforms of their
Either way they can manage it in their library                                                               choice.
account and see it alongside other titles they         The New York Public Library knew it was
have checked out or purchased. This allows          not alone in facing this challenge. In Spring of       • D
                                                                                                              ownload e-books that are compatible with
the library to provide a more integrated user       2012 we reached out to a number of peers to              all readers, from the Kindle to the Nook to
experience and offer an additional option to        start a conversation about what public libraries         the iPad and so on.
patrons who may elect to purchase the book          envisioned an excellent patron experience
outright. The library gets a small royalty for      around e-materials to be in an increasingly               The Readers First Initiative launched at
every purchase. We knew going in that patrons       competitive market. For the initial conference         BookExpo America and the ALA Annual
are not accustomed to purchasing via the            call we expected approximately twenty libraries        Conference in June of 2012, garnering further
library, and in fact, seven months after this in-   to participate, instead, the call included             support, with 292 library systems representing
catalog purchase option was developed, only         sixty-seven library leaders from across the US         199 million readers from around the world
$450 in books have been purchased through           and Canada, eager to take the conversation             signed on as of February, 2014. To facilitate
Bibliocommons.                                      forward, soon called the Readers First                 understanding of these principles, and to
                                                    Initiative. Within a few short weeks in May of         add weight to the signatories’ commitment,
  We continue to monitor all aspects of the         that year, Readers First published a set of four       the Initiative recently worked with platform
Simon & Schuster pilot until May, and the           principles around library e-materials use that         vendors to publish the ReadersFirst Guide to
publisher has already expanded it beyond New        libraries could sign on to and use to educate          Library E-book Vendors, also found at www.
York City to other libraries and other platforms,   technology vendors who wish to serve in the  
which indicates they are serious about              library e-lending space, found at
remaining in the library lending market.                                        These have been a busy two years for
                                                                                                           the New York Public Library, but we are not
   As a public library we are mindful of the        • S
                                                       earch and browse a single comprehensive            pausing for breath. We understand that much
responsibility to expend our materials funds          catalog with all of a library’s offerings            of this effort is focused on improving access to
carefully, requiring the choice to acquire the        at once, including all e-books, physical             content. To continue to provide an excellent,
content our patrons want and need, and                collections, programs, blogs, and donor              life-enriching experience for our patrons, we
the choice to choose that content from as             opportunities. Currently, content providers          must shift more of our focus to what comes of
competitive and innovative a marketplace as           often only allow searches within the                 access—the experience of reading, of learning,
possible, so that our communities benefit from        products they sell, depriving users of the           and of creating. That strategic process is just
an excellent and integrated user experience.          comprehensive library experience.                    beginning, stay tuned.
This issue came to the forefront as we
worked through bringing our pilots forward.         • P
                                                       lace holds, check-out items, view
                                                                                                               FIND OUT MORE
How could we offer content from competing             availability, manage fines and receive
platforms without creating a cumbersome               communications within individual library                 Email:
user experience that would silo patrons into          catalogs or in the venue the library believes

                                                                                              | Spring 2014 | Panlibus Magazine   5
Improving the Reader's Experience with e-books
Customer-inspired innovation

    Customer-inspired innovation:
    The genesis of the 3MTM Cloud Library
                                                                                                                        that derived from our research: The 3M Cloud
                    Matt Tempelis,                                                                                      Library should be easy to use, it should
                    3M Library Systems Business Manager                                                                 connect to the community, and it should build
                                                                                                                        on the Library’s LMS investment.
                                                                                                                           All a patron needs to use 3M Cloud Library
       When 3M first approached publishers about                                                                        is their library card. Sign in one time, and you
    selling their digital content into the library                                                                      never need to do so again. We brought both
    market, the unanimous reaction was, “What is                                                                        cloud and native application technology to the
    the Post-it™ Note company doing in e-books?”                                                                        market to enable automatic synching across
    Perhaps a few librarians thought the same                                                                           the devices. We introduced in-library Discovery
    thing. But for 3M, it was a natural extension                                                                       Terminals to highlight digital service at the
    upon the innovations we’ve been bringing                                                                            library and allow discovery and check-out of
    to the global library market for more than 40                                                                       digital content on the spot. Librarians told us
    years.                                                          spending more and more time troubleshooting         they want their OPAC to remain a key part of
       As most people know, the 3M Company                          technical issues, answering how-to questions,       the user work flow, so we created a full suite
    is a diverse, multi-national company best                       and explaining why certain publisher’s books        of APIs to enable that. Moreover, since we’ve
    known for Post-it notes and ScotchTM Tape.                      were not available in the digital library. We       entered the market all of the Big 5 publishers
    At our core, we are focused on 3M’s vision of                   knew there had to be a better way. From those       are selling digital books into libraries in the US,
    advancing every company, enhancing every                        early conversations, the 3M Cloud Library was       with other countries warming up to the idea
    home, and improving every life through 3M                       born.                                               as well.
    technology and products.                                           Through our primary research, we found              More than two years after launch of the
       Like many serendipitous stories from our                     that libraries looking to improve their digital     3M Cloud library, we’ve made great progress
    proud history, 3M first entered the library                     lending solutions saw 3M as a trusted partner       thanks to a great team and wonderful
    market with exciting technology looking                         in delivering quality, innovative solutions.        customers. We’ve spent considerable
    for a home. Scientists found that the same                      Though we weren’t in content or cloud-hosted        resources developing tools and work flows
    technology we used to invent audio tape was                     technology at the time, the marketplace trusted     that delight content acquisition librarians.
    a perfect fit for helping secure the circulating                that we would listen to their needs and rise to     We’ve developed unique content sharing and
    collections in libraries.                                       the occasion.                                       consortium capabilities. We’ve begun our
       As we entered the market, we began to                           Publishers provided quite a different            international expansion with our launch into
    learn more about the needs of our library                       challenge. At the time we began speaking with       Canada. Most importantly, our consistently
    customers. They wanted help with some of                        them, only two of the big six US publishers         growing customer base has seen that adding
    the menial tasks at the circulation desk, so                    were selling to the library market. But we          the 3M Cloud Library dramatically grows their
    we developed the first self-service kiosks                      helped them see the benefit of our market           digital circulation, expands their user base,
    for libraries. Customers asked us to help                       entry and gain trust in 3M as a business            and helps them focus on what they do best -
    them ease workflows, simplify collection                        partner.                                            helping customers connect with great content
    management, and reduce back-office                                 New technology investment and                    and services.
    complexity, so we developed a suite of RFID                     management support are tightly linked.
    technologies specifically tailored for the                      Certainly, gaining that support during a global
    needs of the library market. Our libraries                      downturn wasn’t easy! Fortunately, the story
    asked for help encouraging visits and                           of our customer need was compelling and the
    circulation, so we introduced self-service                      pace of growth in digital lending was attractive.
    software that incorporates library promotions                   By linking this key initiative to our strategic
    and recommended reads into the check-out                        vision to connect libraries to their community,
    experience, ensuring that the last impression a                 we were able to accelerate our technology
    patron has at the library will keep them coming                 investment and quickly deliver a solution that
    back.                                                           changed the digital lending landscape.
       We also began to hear growing frustration                       Within 18 months, our team went from
    with the digital lending solutions. Our                         dream to a commercialised product. In so                FIND OUT MORE
    customers told us that digital content usage                    doing, we think we’ve helped change the
    was growing, but the solutions on the market                    digital lending landscape for the better. We            Email:
    caused a lot of user confusion. Librarians were                 began with three simple design principles               Web:

6    Panlibus Magazine | Spring 2014 |
Improving the Reader's Experience with e-books
Improving the Reader's Experience with e-books
Patron-driven acquisition

    Patron-driven acquisition: strategies
    for supporting collection development
    and service excellence
                                                                     books’ and to obtain an understanding of                 1700 records were added to the catalogue
    By Chris Spencer                                                 the likely costs and administrative workflows        at the start of the pilot which ran between
    LLS Procurement & Systems Development Manager,                   involved. Cost was an important factor. The          December 2010 and February 2012. A further
    The Sir Michael Cobham Library Bournemouth University            budget was limited and it was important that         1100 records were added during that period.
                                                                     the pilot had longevity and that funds were not      A total of 1094 e-books were ‘purchased’ from
       Bournemouth University Library view                           exhausted within the first few weeks.                the plan at an average cost of £66.50.This
    patron-driven acquisition (PDA), also known                         With all this in mind, we considered that         compared favourably with the average price
    as demand-driven acquisition, as a valuable                      thorough planning was important. This                of books purchased over the same period by
    way of developing the library’s collections in                   included time spent with the e-book supplier         staff selection. This was £81.97 for e-books
    partnership with the University community.                       fine tuning the profile. The plan covered the        and £30.56 for print books. Usage during the
       The PDA supply models enable a library                        core subject areas taught at the University          first 9 months was also favourable, with over
    to ‘seed’ the library catalogue with records                     and the list generated by the profile was de-        68% of items purchased having three or more
    of e-books or print books prior to purchase,                     duped by the supplier against existing library       accesses and over 25% having nine or more
    the purchase triggered when an item is used                      holdings. The list was then reviewed by library      accesses.
    or requested. The trigger mechanism varies                       staff, filtering out unwanted items until all were       The success of the pilot encouraged us to
    depending on the PDA model chosen and can                        satisfied it represented e-books that would          explore the use of PDA models further. Up until
    be automated or mediated and in the case of                      have been purchased in the traditional way if        this point we had not actively promoted the
    e-books may involve rental prior to outright                     budget had been available. To optimise the           service as we wanted to prove that PDA added
    purchase.                                                        user experience and minimise workflows the           value to collection development. The early
       Bournemouth University Library introduced                     PDA model chosen was automatic purchase              results convinced us that PDA had a part to
    an e-book PDA pilot in December 2010 to                          after two separate accesses with the purchase        play and so we began promoting PDA and the
    evaluate what impact it might have on the                        costs charged to a deposit account set up in         benefits it brings to resource provision.
    perennial student feedback of ‘not enough                        advance.

8     Panlibus Magazine | Spring 2014 |
Improving the Reader's Experience with e-books
Patron-driven acquisition

                                                    The success of the pilot encouraged us to explore the use of PDA models
We also piloted PDA plans with a second             further. Up until this point we had not actively promoted the service as we
supplier operating a different access model,        wanted to prove that PDA added value to collection development.
and targeted specific student groups where
National Student Survey (NSS) feedback had              Whilst return activity for some titles can             Areas where development from Library
been poor. Whilst these pilots were successful      be low, a significant number are being used             Management System and e-book suppliers
in terms of student satisfaction of resource        regularly. Usage data for 2013 reveals that             would be welcome include improved
provision, operating PDA with more than one         24% of titles had ten accesses or more during           workflows for bulk importing of MARC records
supplier can be challenging administratively.       the year, the most popular title having over            into the library catalogue and the deletion
   Quantitative and qualitative data from the       800 accesses. Similar activity was seen for             of the records of ‘unpurchased’ items at
pilots reassured us that PDA complemented           2011 and 2012. COUNTER BR2 reports, which               plan closure; customised MARC records
traditional collection development and was          measure the number of successful section                to identify PDA items in the catalogue and
worth continuing with in a managed way. From        request per title, also revealed some ‘big              their concurrent user level, and improved
2012-13, four subject specific plans have been      hitters’.                                               usage reporting for easy identification of PDA
operating successfully.                                 This information can be used to identify            e-books.
   Having had PDA plans operating for three         titles that might be considered for addition to            Going forward, we are planning to introduce
years, it has been possible to evaluate usage       established reading lists as titles the students        further subject specific plans, plus more
data in more detail.                                have found useful, to complement those titles           that are targeted at specific user groups to
   Of concern to some is that after purchase,       recommended by academic staff.                          support service excellence in areas where dis-
PDA items may have limited use. Reviewing               It has also been noticeable that book loan          satisfaction has been identified. We are also
usage of the items purchased during the first       requests via inter library loans have decreased         interested in exploring ‘mediated’ PDA for print
12 months reveals that 14% had no further           by 40% since the introduction of patron plans           monographs and also reference books that are
use during the following 24 months. This is a       suggesting that PDA may also be supporting              traditionally purchased by standing order.
similar level to print books purchased during       research.
the same period where 18% of the ‘loanable’             On reflection we believe that PDA
items had no loan activity in the two years after   complements traditional collection
                                                                                                                FIND OUT MORE
purchase. However, 53% of the PDA items             development processes and the time spent
purchased saw ‘return’ usage in both 2011-12        at the planning and review stage is well worth              Web:
and 2012-13 academic years.                         the effort.

Capita delivers bespoke library management
system to further education colleges
   Capita announces the launch of its college          “Following the Government’s recent                   across other departments in their college, such
library management system (LMS) Strato,             announcement to lift the cap on higher                  as their virtual learning environment. This will
specifically designed to meet the needs of          education places, it has never been more                ensure they can offer students a more joined
further education (FE) colleges.                    important for colleges to provide a great library       up service in what is a competitive market.”
Born out of Capita’s cloud-based LMS and            service. As colleges provide more higher
Capita’s considerable experience in the             education, there will undoubtedly be more                 Join Capita at the Strato launch event on
academic library market, the software aims          emphasis on them to provide students with                 Thursday 3rd April 2014.
to transform college libraries and enhance          access to the same experience that they could
the overall student experience.                     receive at higher education institutions,” says           To secure your free place simply visit
   Optimised for mobile devices, such as            Karen Reece, head of libraries at Capita’s      
smartphones and tablets, the cloud-based            software services business. “We’ve been                   stratolaunchevent
solution enables students to search for both        working closely with further education colleges
physical and electronic library resources from      to create an LMS that would meet students’                If you have any questions regarding the
a single search box, wherever they are and          growing expectations, as well as a system that            launch event or Strato, please don’t hesitate
whenever they want. It also means that staff        makes life easier for college staff.”                     to contact us by calling 0870 400 5090 or
are able to use tablet devices to provide              “In addition to improving efficiency and               by emailing
library services while on the move around           students’ experience, colleges will also have
the college, increasing the time they have          the added benefit of being able to integrate our          Visit:
to spend supporting students.                       software with self-service kiosks and systems

                                                                                               | Spring 2014 | Panlibus Magazine   9
Improving the Reader's Experience with e-books
Your Library, Edinburgh

 Your Library, Edinburgh

                 Graham Mainds,
                 Service Development Leader,
                 Information and Digital Team
                 Edinburgh Libraries

  January saw the launch of a brand new
version of Your Library, Edinburgh Libraries’
gateway site to its online resources and

   Featuring links to more than fifty sites and
apps, the new site makes it easier than ever for
library members to find information, learn new
skills and pursue their interests.

   People are using the site to download
magazines with a free subscription to Zinio,
test their driving proficiency with Theory
Test Pro, search for sources of funding with
edinburgh4community or simply for renewing
their library books.

   This is not the first incarnation of the
Your Library site, and it builds on some                          We also wanted a separate look and feel for        The result of all this work is a site which we
of the thinking behind the existence of its                    children’s content, an improved search facility    feel will help bring our online services and
predecessor.                                                   and closer integration between the online          resources to a much wider audience. The new
                                                               resources and other information about the          site is more user focused. The design allows
   The success of the previous version                         library service.                                   us to highlight the resources that we know are
convinced us that having a single access point                                                                    already popular with customers, bringing these
for all our online resources and services was a                    So we got together with designers and          to the attention of new users. By identifying an
good idea, but we also recognised that the site                developers to make this vision a reality. The      audience or outcome, such as starting a small
itself needed a complete overhaul.                             first version of the site was ready for the Edge   business, learning a language or downloading
                                                               conference in February 2013, there was then a      an e-book, we have signposted customers to
   We needed a site that displayed well on                     period of reflection. Once we’d considered the     the resources that will help them most.
mobile devices and reflected library branding                  feedback from colleagues and customers we
used elsewhere. Feedback from users and                        resumed work in the summer with the new site          We are using Google Analytics to monitor
staff stressed the need for a less cluttered,                  going live in December.                            and assess use, looking at how, for example,
more intuitive design.                                                                                            inclusion on the home page affects the usage
                                                                  It was heartening to discover that the people   levels of a particular resource.
   This design would have to take account                      who worked with us on the project understood
of twin aims: it would have to be as easy                      and embraced our plans for the site. Involving       We anticipate that the site will develop and
as possible for library members to find and                    people from outside the library service was        change in response to the needs of the people
carry out what you could call our ‘top tasks’                  incredibly useful as they were able to view        who use it.
(for example renewing loans or downloading                     things from a user’s perspective.
e-books) while increasing the ‘discoverability’                                                                      We’d encourage you to explore the site
of resources and services which might not                         User testing was a key part of the              for yourself, and if you have any comments
be as readily familiar to the majority of our                  development process. This helped us to             suggestions or questions about it, we would
audience.                                                      maintain our focus on the needs of library         love to hear from you.
                                                               members. Through evaluation sessions we
                                                               could pick up on and resolve issues relating
                                                               to areas such as confusing navigation and             FIND OUT MORE
                                                               unhelpful wording.

10   Panlibus Magazine | Spring 2014 |
Our self-service booking solutions
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Discover the Magic

 “Discover the Magic” – SOLUS and
 The Reading Agency, Summer 2014
                                 Neil Wishart,                 versions of ten well known mythical creatures          in the library, which children have to find.
                                 Director,                     - including a Minotaur with fluffy rabbit              These are sized so even the smallest libraries
                                 SOLUS                         slippers! Each child who takes part (and we’re         and mobile libraries can take part. Participating
                                                               expecting over 800,000 in 2014) is given their         libraries can download and print-off the
   For several years now, augmented reality                    own special fold-out poster to get started…            characters or purchase printed copies.
has been talked about and demonstrated                         the inside spread features a fantastical maze,
at library conferences as the next big thing                   and as children borrow and read library books             This year that “hunt” will be enhanced with
in user engagement. Whilst impressive in                       over the summer, they collect stickers of these        the latest SOLUS technology so that families
demonstration, so far, there have been no                      mythical creatures to stick on their poster and        with smart devices can take advantage of an
practical implementations in Public Libraries                  complete the picture.                                  exciting interactive experience and game.
in the UK.
                                                                  Some of the stickers are scratch and sniff             When children find the mythical characters
   This year, a new development with                           and this year an added motivation to collect           hidden in the library using the app, the AR
The Reading Agency’s Summer Reading                            all the stickers will be the “digital magic”           triggers the legend to life on their device,
Challenge “Mythical Maze” will change this.                    added by a new SOLUS app. This will also let           animating them and allowing the child to
An innovative collaboration between SOLUS                      children collect the mythical creatures on the         keep the character in its own place in the
and The Reading Agency will excite and                         “Mythical Maze” app. For every sticker they            “Mythical Maze” on the app. Remember the
engage children across the UK and hopefully                    receive in the library, they’ll get a digital reward   “Tamagotchi”….. but with a quantum leap in
attract many more children into libraries in the               on the app – which should also motivate                graphic design and 2014 screen resolutions!
summer months.                                                 children to collect the stickers and thus finish
                                                               the challenge, pushing the completion rate               As children collect more and more
   The Reading Agency recently announced                       and participation in the Summer Reading                characters they will also get rewards for finding
that a record 810,089 children took part in the                Challenge to record levels.                            them. When they’ve found three, they’ll get
2013 Summer Reading Challenge in libraries,
a 9% increase on participation in 2012.
Almost 70,000 children joined a local library
and over 3.5 million children’s books were
borrowed over the period. It’s predicted that
the “Mythical Maze” will see records broken
again as children get caught up in a legendary
adventure in their library.

   SOLUS will add some digital magic to the
challenge and the “Mythical Maze” will come
alive for children and “big kids” accompanying
them. Children or their families will be able
to download a FREE mobile application onto
their devices (iOS and Androids) and their
augmented reality experience will begin: sol.

   Even before they enter the library, the
“Mythical Maze” app will use AR triggers in
promotional materials, such as the Summer
Reading Challenge promotional posters and
invitations, to give the viewer exciting content,
implanted to “wow”. This element is designed                        Interactive treasure hunt                         to play a specially designed game on their
to engage children, encourage them to visit the                   Over 3,500 libraries and mobile libraries           device, after six another game and if they
library and take part in the challenge, however,               in England, Wales and Scotland run the                 collect all ten, another game and a virtual
when they enter the library, the magic really                  challenge, and this includes arranging                 gold medal. Libraries will also have the option
begins!                                                        additional activities to keep the children and         to stagger the placement of the mythical
                                                               their families entertained over the summer.            character pictures throughout the holidays to
  Following suggestions by children in                         For many years, a popular activity has been            encourage further visits to the library to find
special workshops, the revered illustrator,                    the annual character hunt which features               them all.
Sarah McIntyre, has created contemporary                       characters from that year’s challenge, hidden

12   Panlibus Magazine | Spring 2014 |
Discover the Magic

   At the heart of the Summer Reading                   that we don’t. Libraries and the Summer              diluting the core aims of encouraging reading
Challenge is the crucial goal of trying to              Reading Challenge are massively important in         for pleasure and experiencing the library as
encourage more and more children to read                ensuring that today’s children grow up reading       a contemporary, welcoming and dynamic
for pleasure. Encouraging reading during the            and I hope that by combining their gadgets           community space for the whole family. This
school holidays is hugely important as that             with gaming and cutting edge augmented               partnership, with the SOLUS expertise, allows
break from the classroom often sees progress            reality, an added incentive will be there this       us to achieve more than we can on our own
slip back. Research shows that taking part              summer. Companies like SOLUS can help and            and shows that digital apps can be about peer/
in The Reading Agency’s Summer Reading                  we are really proud to be involved.”                 family activity – not necessarily an isolating
Challenge helps prevent the “summer reading                                                                  experience for the user!”
dip”. What’s crucial then is that the “digital             Liz McGettigan, Director of Digital Library
magic” also encourages children to read                 Experiences at SOLUS, adds, “There is such a
books, the key part of the challenge.                   lot of competition for people’s time these days.
                                                        Our customers, especially young people, now
   The technology doesn’t stop there. At the            have very high expectations of exciting digital
end of the challenge, children could have the           and interactive experiences as part of their
option to receive future updates and content            everyday lives. This is a digitally magical step
from The Reading Agency. With ambitious                 forward for libraries and just one of the exciting
future programmes in development, the magic             and innovative ways we at SOLUS can support
will continue and ensure that children can be           libraries to keep people coming.”
encouraged moving into the future.
                                                          Anne Sarrag, Director of the Summer
   Neil Wishart, Director of SOLUS, explains,           Reading Challenge agrees. “On behalf of the               FIND OUT MORE
“We are delighted to be supporting The                  many libraries who run the Summer Reading
Reading Agency in their hugely important work           Challenge, we welcome this support from                   Email:
with libraries through the Summer Reading               SOLUS, which enhances the reading challenge               Web:
Challenge. Encouraging children to read is              experience and demonstrates the value-added
difficult; I know through the experience of             fun, engagement and motivating activities that
trying to encourage my own children to take             appeal to today’s digital natives! This is about     All illustrations © Sarah McIntyre
their eyes away from their tablets. The easy            applying digital technology thoughtfully to
thing to do is give in, but it’s crucial for children   complement the existing challenge - without

                                                                                               | Spring 2014 | Panlibus Magazine   13
Giving readers what they want

 Giving readers what they want
 Create a streamlined, comprehensive, integrated eBook
 library system to meet reader needs and expectations.

                                                               more books. In the near future, enhancements
                 Claudia Weissman,                             such as synched audio to text, gamification
                 Director of Education and Library Sales,      and fixed layouts for graphic novels and
                 OverDrive                                     children’s books will engage readers more
                                                               than ever.

   Today’s libraries are expected to be                           By its very nature, eBook lending enables
everything to everyone – a research centre,                    access to reading material 24 hours per day,
an entertainment portal, a quiet escape,                       seven days per week, no matter the reader’s
a technology facility and so much more.                        schedule or the physical library’s hours of
Libraries have evolved to become increasingly                  operation. Support for eBooks on major
digitally-empowered through eBooks, online                     desktop, laptop, mobile and tablet devices
resources and digital management systems.                      means that readers can borrow and enjoy
As the world becomes more technologically                      eBooks virtually anywhere: at home, at the
advanced, libraries must continue to progress                  office, at school or on the go.
to best serve their readers.
                                                                  A rise in understanding these types of
     The digital difference                                    benefits led to recommendations in the recent
   People have differing needs and a variety of                Sieghart Report, the Independent Review
preferences, and a library’s local community                   of E-Lending in Public Libraries in England,
is a mix of all types of readers. There are                    that public libraries should be able to offer
those who are young, old, studious, visually                   remote e-lending service to their readers, free
impaired, technically savvy, good readers,                     at point of use, with “frictions” to evolve over
reluctant readers, business professionals and                  time to protect publishers and booksellers. In
bookworms – and there are readers who have                     response, the government recommended a
not been to the library in years. By offering an               number of pilots to run in 2013 to test business
eBook lending service, libraries reach more                    models and user behaviors. The Publishers
of their community members by giving them                      Association (PA) is in the midst of a one-year
a choice of how, when and where they would                     study with three libraries in the UK that use
like to read.                                                  OverDrive eBook lending services to determine
                                                               best practices for e-lending. Through this
   For example, research shows that eBooks                     pilot program, OverDrive is working with the
are beneficial for visually impaired readers.                  industry to get more eBooks in the libraries
On their website, the Royal National Institute                 and develop the right business models for
of Blind People recommends eBooks as                           publishers.
a simple way for those with limited sight
to enjoy reading. Digital font sizes can be                         Trends in eBook reading
increased or decreased, and backlight colors                     The UK is the world’s fourth largest eBook
and brightness can be adjusted to a user’s                     market, behind the US, China and Russia,
preference. Digital audiobooks are another                     according to consultancy IDC. Analysts at
option for visually impaired booklovers.                       Nielsen predict that 2014 will be the year
                                                               when fiction eBooks overtake sales of fiction
    Evidence also points to a preference of                    paperbacks in the UK.
eBooks among reluctant readers or those just
learning to read. According to a recent study                     Libraries in the US have already noticed a
by Scholastic, half of children aged 9-17 said                 shift. A Pew Research study shows that book-
they would read more books for fun if they                     borrowing habits are changing, with many
had greater access to eBooks. The appeal                       library members going to library branches less
of using an exciting device, the possibility for               and using the library website more for eBook
large print, the privacy of an anonymous book                  and audiobook borrowing. As a result, many
title and the visual compilation of thousands                  librarians report that a portion of funds for
of book jacket images to browse may help                       purchasing printed books or other physical
motivate a reluctant reader of any age to enjoy                media have been reallocated to eBook

14   Panlibus Magazine | Spring 2014 |
Giving readers rhat they want

purchases. A majority of these librarians are         sampling and borrowing all in one place
excited about the role that eBooks have played        without the patron needing to leave the
in their institutions and how digital reading has     library’s website. Services such as Capita and
added to patrons’ lives, the Pew study says.          OverDrive are able to work together to not only
                                                      make things easier on the library’s systems
   OverDrive has seen a reflection of                 and processes, but also create an unmatched
this in their UK partner libraries as well.           user experience for patrons.
OverDrive’s eBook lending platform is used
in approximately 50 percent of UK public                 Cuyahoga County Public Library in the US
libraries, and in 2013, more than 1.35                is a great example of a library taking steps to
million digital titles, including eBooks and          do exactly that. Their website (http://ccpl.lib.
audiobooks, were borrowed from those         uses APIs to integrate their
libraries, an increase of 71% over 2012.              LMS with their search, patron authentication
                                                      and metadata, simplifying processes for both
   With the increase in demand for eBooks             the library and its members. Furthermore,
and audiobooks, libraries are challenged              the library is in the process of integrating a
with providing a website and lending platform         circulation API that will also enable samples,
that work seamlessly together to provide              checkouts and holds. The library also has
access to digital titles anytime, anywhere            a dedicated kids’ eReading Room, which
for their patrons. Libraries continue to add          separates all of their children’s titles from more
more content for their members in the form            mature content to provide a safe browsing and
of eBooks, digital audiobooks, music, and             borrowing area for their young readers without
video alongside their traditional print offerings,    having to leave their website.
   and integrated solutions have become
      increasingly important for a streamlined           Likewise, Liverpool Libraries and Information
        user experience.                              Service uses APIs to integrate their processes
                                                      and services on their website, http://www.
              As the population becomes      With this free integration,
              more digitally-oriented, reader         all materials’ metadata is displayed within the
               expectations are leaning               library’s online catalog, search and discovery
                toward on-demand, easily              is incorporated simply through HTML5 without
                  acquired information and fast       the need for additional software. They also
                   response. They’re used to          have a modern, clean design with easy
                    having what they want at          navigation and all resources in one place.
                      the click of a mouse or
                       the tap of a touchscreen.         Looking ahead
                        The point of entry is            eBooks will continue to rise in popularity,
                        often the library’s           and technology will continue to advance. New
                         website, where patrons       enhancements will create a fully-immersive,
                         expect to find all of the    interactive reading experience that patrons will
                          library’s materials in      want to be a part of, and libraries will be able
                           one central, easily-       to offer it to them. Fixed layouts for graphic
                            navigable location.       novels, interactivity including quizzes and
                            It’s the library’s        games, multimedia and synched audio to text
                            responsibility            will be coming soon for eBooks, delivering
                             to draw in their         more value through the digital collection and a
                            community by              more engaged community of readers.
                           creating an online
                           environment that              To effectively evolve in the modern age and
                          is inviting, simple,        keep up with patron expectations, libraries
                          comprehensive and           must offer content that readers want, how they
                         fully integrated.            want it, when they want it, and with as much
                                                      simplicity and reliability as possible. Keeping
                        Integrated                    well stocked with eBooks, audiobooks,
                     solutions                        music and video to complement the physical
                      When a library’s                collection is important to offer choices to
                  online presence integrates          readers. Maintaining an up-to-date, fully
                organisational structures             integrated and seamless user experience on
              such as finance systems, online         the library website is vital for both the patron
           payment systems and CRM                    and the library staff.
        databases into one comprehensive
      LMS, it saves the library time, money
    and resources. Taking that concept a                   FIND OUT MORE
 step further to offer convenience for library
patrons, libraries are now able to integrate               Web:
search and browsing, user authentication,

                                        | Spring 2014 | Panlibus Magazine   15
Public libraries and e-books

 Public libraries and e-books:
 Cause for optimism or concern?
                                                                currently on course for over 12,000 downloads,   Overdrive proudly reviewed progress over
 Stephen Edwards,                                               a 300% increase on three years ago. However,     the last 12 months and saluted the addition
 Co-Chair,                                                      these figures are put into context by a recent   of major publishers to its catalogue including
 Shelf Free                                                     Telegraph report that indicates that half the    Hachette, Simon & Schuster, Macmillan, and
                                                                population now owns or has access to a tablet    Penguin. So, if 13,000 Simon and Schuster
    On one hand, the post Sieghart report                       computer. Perhaps all our usage statistics       titles are available for libraries to purchase in
 outlook seems reasonably rosy. The patient                     could and should be much greater. This surely    the USA, how many of them are available to
 work of the Society of Chief Librarians and                    raises challenging questions, such as: how do    purchase here? Well in terms of e-books as
 Shelf Free e-books group has apparently                        we respond to potential demand that is there     opposed to audio, you guessed it – zero. If
 worked and the theoretical debate on remote                    now when the range of publishing available for   the ‘Buy it Now’ option is working well in the
 downloading via library websites appears to                    us to purchase is so small? Also, how do we      USA, why could we not make a greater feature
 be over. Pilots are under way and will hopefully               respond to the needs of 50% of                   of it here now in the UK? Of course, we must
 prove once and for all that e-lending does                     the community that can’t afford or ignores       acknowledge that commercial realities of the
 not adversely affect e-book sales, but, rather                 things digital?                                  size of our business and the sensitivities of the
 helps the market to grow. Those authorities                                                                     UK market mean that we will have to wait for
 with existing services are no doubt all seeing                   In addition, the awful question looms of       the outcome of the Sieghart pilots to point the
 significantly rising use. In Hampshire, for                    whether waiting another 12-18 months for the     way forward. However, it should not be just a
 example, over 15,000 people have used the                      logjam in the UK marketplace to break will       question of waiting patiently and quietly for a
 service since it started and January 2014 is                   mean that we have missed the boat. Recently,     few crumbs to fall from the rich man’s table.

16    Panlibus Magazine | Spring 2014 |
Public libraries and e-books

It may be true that practical questions around      at least we as individuals can help promote            voices heard. More contributors to Shelf Free
the friction needed in e-lending or the exact       arguments in favour of e-lending. How                  work are welcome and bloggers are invited to
nature of business models required to ensure        many of us can articulate what libraries can           add their thoughts to the posts on our website:
publisher and bookseller viability remain to be     positively bring to the table when, despite the
teased out by the pilots – but we should not        best attempts of CILIP and EBLIDA to deal
shy away from pointing out the implications of      with issues of copyright and readers’ rights,
slow progress for the viability of libraries and    commercial interests will largely determine              Addendum - Values and Value of
their digital role.                                 what will happen? Of course, at a time when              Public Library E-Lending:

Public libraries have a key role in widening access to e-books,                                              -	Public libraries have a key role in widening
                                                                                                                access to e-books, reaching out to all
reaching out to all sections of local communities including those
                                                                                                                sections of local communities including
that cannot access printed material easily or can only access                                                   those that cannot access printed material
services remotely. As with printed material, our role is to provide                                             easily or can only access services
access for all and to ensure that e-books are not limited to those                                              remotely. As with printed material, our role
                                                                                                                is to provide access for all and to ensure
who can afford to purchase them or the latest piece of ‘kit’.
                                                                                                                that e-books are not limited to those who
                                                                                                                can afford to purchase them or the latest
   Could we not as a profession, as individuals     cuts in funding mean less and less library staff            piece of ‘kit’.
within the profession, and as local authorities,    and more and more overworked and stressed
point out to our members and customers that         staff among the ones that are left, there seems          -	The library role to promote IT literacy is
various key issues are holding us back? This        to be little time to get involved. However, have            similarly important to society as a whole
is very tricky as we do not want to say that our    a look at the values and value of e-lending                 and broadens the base of the digital
service is rubbish – indeed it is as good as it     that Helen Leach and I came up with in the                  marketplace. This role includes providing
possibly can be in the circumstances – but nor      Addendum to the right. Whether you agree                    access to the internet, providing training
do we wish anyone to be in doubt as to the          or not, being aware of the issues and adding                and support for those with and without
very real issues that the book trade faces as it    an extra voice to the debate now and then will              IT experience, as well as providing a
restructures itself in a digital era. We are now    really help. If we are persuasive on our worth,             wide range of information in the form of
beginning to work in partnership to address         then partnership working will bear more fruit.              e-resources.
those issues, which is very heartening, but part
of that process is to acknowledge the very real        On the optimistic side again, the Shelf               -	Public libraries encourage wider, risk-
difficulties all sides face in order to hang on     Free national e-books group continues to be                 free reading and, by supporting reader
to a niche in the e-book marketplace. Matters       active. At the end of 2013, we held our annual              development through signposting good
of natural justice such as PLR for e-books          national meeting at the new Birmingham                      reads and supporting reading groups,
will just not go away, for example. The library     Library with over 100 people present and                    promote interaction between readers,
side of that discussion is not particularly well    had the opportunity to debate e-lending                     authors and publishers.
articulated in the public arena. Shelf Free         issues with book trade representatives as
has tried to articulate in a constructive, non-     well as hold skills sharing workshops. It is             -	The visibility and accessibility of free
confrontational way some of the issues we           very clear that there is a lot of innovative hard           e-book services provide a shop window
face in the e-book marketplace in a blog post       work happening from promotional activity at                 and entry point to the wider book world
entitled ‘The Future of Public Library E-Book       railways stations to e-reader workshops which               for all library customers. This presence is
Services and the Range of Titles Provided –         all seems to be paying off in terms of take-up.             important at a time when economic and
A Position Statement’:                              I wonder how much more can we achieve if                    digital marketplace changes may affect Anyone             we continue to work together more closely.                  how the commercial sector operates.
is welcome to use, customise, disagree, or          It was good, for example, to hear how well
comment on it. Perhaps, any response is             the Welsh Consortium has worked in setting               -	Public libraries have a proven track record
good if it gets a debate going that makes the       up and developing excellent services with                   in effective partnership working and will
population at large know what is happening.         Askews, whose offering goes from strength to                have an important contribution to make
The coming EBLIDA (European Bureau                  strength. In addition, if we could work toward              in promoting a healthy marketplace with
of Library Information and Documentation            all aggregators having customer user groups,                access for all. Public libraries working with
Associations) campaign in 2014 on e-lending         this would also undoubtedly help to drive                   publishers, booksellers and authors can
rights and responsibilities as well as World        development.                                                develop the e-book marketplace for mutual
Book Day is an opportunity for us to highlight                                                                  benefit.
these issues. Could we not create a national           In conclusion, the state of e-lending
e-lending day or include this as a significant      continues to be one of flux with positive signs
element of existing celebratory days?               and cause for concern. As well as the outcome               FIND OUT MORE
                                                    of the post Sieghart pilots, we await new
   Even if authorities as political entitles have   entrants to the UK market and trickle down                  Web:
to be careful what they say or endorse, then        from US initiatives. Meanwhile, let’s make our              Email:

                                                                                             | Spring 2014 | Panlibus Magazine   17
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