Improved simulations in frequency domain of the Beam Coupling Impedance in particle accelerators
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FACOLTÀ DI INGEGNERIA DELL’ INFORMAZIONE INFORMATICA E STATISTICA Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Elettronica Improved simulations in frequency domain of the Beam Coupling Impedance in particle accelerators CERN-THESIS-2021-026 Relatore: Studente: Prof. Andrea Mostacci Chiara Antuono 31/03/2021 Correlatore: Matricola 1679218 Prof. Mauro Migliorati Supervisore esterno: Dott. Carlo Zannini ANNO ACCADEMICO 2019/2020
Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 The beam coupling impedance 10 1.1 Theory of the beam-wall interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.1.1 Wake functions and beam coupling impedance . . . . . 12 1.1.2 Wake potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.1.3 Relationship between longitudinal and transverse impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1.2 Simulations and measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1.2.1 The Wire method and its limitations . . . . . . . . . . 19 I A new method to obtain the Beam Coupling Impedance from Scattering parameters 22 2 A new approach to compute the beam coupling impedance 23 2.1 From the Wire Method to a new formula . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.2 Analytical validation of the proposed formula . . . . . . . . . 24 2.3 Simulation method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.4 Generalization of the method to an arbitrary chamber cross section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.4.1 Rectangular accelerators chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.4.2 Elliptical and octagonal accelerators chamber . . . . . 42 2.5 The transverse beam coupling impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 II Direct benchmark of the measurement setup of the model of complex accelerator elements with fre- quency domain simulations 47 3 Validation of the simulation model of complex accelerator elements 48 1
3.1 The example of the SPS injection kicker MKP-L . . . . . . . . 49 3.2 Simulation model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.3 Simulation results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 4 Conclusions 58 A Computation of the attenuation constant: TM modes 60 2
List of Figures 1.1 Relevant coordinates system: source particle q1 and test par- ticle q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.2 At the top the Bunch spatial distribution. In the center the slice view if the bunch. At the bottom the wake left behind each slice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.3 Thin metallic wire placed along the beam axis of a structure. . 19 1.4 Transmission line equivalent circuit for a DUT. The (Ro + 1 jωLo ) and jωC o are the distributed parameters per unit length which form the Zch ; Z|| and l are the longitudinal impedance and length of the DUT, respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.1 Model of the lossy circular pipe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.2 Comparison between α. In green α obtained from simulations and in red α evaluated from theoretical computations . . . . . 26 2.3 Comparison of S21. In red S21 obtained from simulations and in blu S21 evaluated from theoretical computations . . . . . . 26 2.4 Comparison between Zlongitudinal from the analytical compu- tation and theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.5 In red the Waveguide Port for circular pipe. In order to excite the first TM mode at least three modes must to be set at the port. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.6 Mesh view for a sphere in the case of hexahedral and tetrahe- dral mesh cells. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.7 Mesh view: the pipe is discretized with 65373 tetrahedral mesh cells (pipe radius= 10 mm, pipe length= 50 mm). . . . . . . . 33 2.8 S21 of first TM mode of the Resistive Wall structure. The S21 is plotted in linear magnitude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.9 S21 of first TM mode of the PEC wall Wall structure. The S21 is plotted in linear magnitude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.10 Real part of the impedance of first TM mode of the Resistive Wall structure. The imaginary part is zero. . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.11 Zlongitudinal from simulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3
2.12 Comparison of Zlongitudinal from analytical derivation, theory and CST simulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.13 The model of the lossy rectangular pipe. . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 2.14 G versus a/b: it should be noted that G also includes the case of circular and square cross section, where it is equal to one. While, for values of a much larger than b, G tends to the case of a flat chamber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.15 Ratio between the longitudinal impedance from simulation and the well-known from theory. In the case of: F=1, G=1.07 and a = 3b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 2.16 Ratio between the longitudinal impedance from simulation and the well-known from theory. In the case of: F=1, G=1 and a = b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 2.17 Ratio between the longitudinal impedance from simulation and the well-known from theory. In the case of: F=0.93, G=1.114 and a = 1.5b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2.18 The elliptical pipe with half-height b,half-width a and length L. 42 2.19 The octagonal pipe with length L. The cross section is a reg- ular octagon, the width is equal to the height. . . . . . . . . . 43 2.20 Ratio between the longitudinal impedance from simulation and the well-known from theory. In the case of: F=0.99, G=1.04 and a = 4b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.21 Ratio between the longitudinal impedance from simulation and the well-known from theory. In the case of: F=0.94, G=1.11 and a = 1.5b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.22 Ratio between the longitudinal impedance from simulation and the well-known from theory. In the case of F=0.93348, G=1 and l=41.30 mm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 3.1 Physical locations of the SPS kickers (red dots). Courtesy of M.Barnes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 3.2 3D model of the MKP-L kicker: PEC material in grey, ferrite block in cyan, vaccum chamber in azure. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3.3 Schematic model and setup: the central block is the MKP- L with the streched wire inside; on the sides, symmetrically, there is a block that represents a resistance circuit and one that represents a N-type connector. The whole is closed on two ports that represent the ports of the VNA. . . . . . . . . 51 3.4 Model of a coaxial cable of length l, inner conductor of radius a and outer conductor of radius b. The insulating material with dielectric constant and magnetic permeability µ. . . . . 52 4
3.5 Equivalent circuit of a resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 3.6 Magnitude of S21 . In red the S21 from bench measurements, in green the simulated S21 related to the ideal circuit of the resistance and in blue the simulated S21 related to the real circuit of the resistance with the parasitic components (C = 0.2 pF; L = 1 nH). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3.7 Relative percentage error. In blue the error experienced adopt- ing the real circuit of the resistance and in green adopting the ideal circuit of the resistance. (C = 0.2 pF; L = 1 nH). . . . . 55 3.8 Magnitude of S21 by varing the length of the coaxial cable. In orange the S21 from bench measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . 56 3.9 Magnitude of S21 by varing the dielectric constant of the PTFE. In orange the measured S21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 3.10 Magnitude of S21 by varing the tangent loss of the PTFE. In orange the S21 from bench measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . 57 5
Acknowledgments Poco più di un anno fa, mi sono rivolta al Prof. Andrea Mostacci esprimendo il desiderio di voler svolgere un periodo di studio all’estero. Come risultato, mi sono trovata in un paese al confine tra la Francia e la Svizzera per un corso intensivo sulla scienza degli acceleratori di particelle. In altre parole, un mese di studio matto e disperato nel quale ho scoperto l’affascinante mondo degli acceleratori di particelle. E cosı̀ è nato il mio lavoro di tesi al CERN. Ringrazio molto il Prof. per questo, e per la sua infinita gentilezza. Grazie al Prof. Mauro Migliorati per la disponibilità e i consigli. Un doveroso ringraziamento va al mio supervisor al CERN, il Dr. Carlo Zannini, per la sua pazienza senza fine e per essere stato una grande guida per la buona riuscita di questo progetto di ricerca. I would like to thank my CERN section leaders, Elias Metral and Giovanni Rumolo for giving me the opportunity to work in such a great team. Un grande grazie va a tutta la mia famiglia e a chi mi è sempre accanto. Grazie a mio fratello e in particolare ai miei nonni e ai miei genitori per il profondo sostegno. L’opportunità più grande mi è stata donata da loro. Grazie ad Alessandro, Francesca e Gianmarco, miei colleghi e amici, per aver reso questi due anni di vita universitaria indimenticabili. Grazie a Marco che è sempre con me. Alla prossima, Chiara 7
Introduction An accurate computation of the beam coupling impedance is essential to identify the accelerator structures causing performance limitations and im- plement mitigation strategies. Ideally, the beam coupling impedance of a device should be evaluated by exciting the device with the beam itself. However, in most cases, this solution is not possible, and one must resort to alternative methods to consider the effect of the beam. A well-established technique is to simulate the beam by a current pulse flowing through a wire stretched along the beam axis. For beam coupling impedance evaluations, the stretched wire method is a common and appre- ciated choice. Nevertheless, the results obtained from wire measurements might not entirely represent the solution of our initial problem, because the presence of the stretched wire perturbs the EM boundary conditions. The most evident consequence of the presence of another conductive medium in the centre of the device under study is the fact that it artificially allows TEM propagation through the device, with zero cut-off frequency. The presence of a TEM mode among the solutions of the EM problem will have the undesired effect to cause additional losses. The simulation of the beam coupling impedance of complex or rounded- shaped accelerator elements is very challenging and frequency domain simu- lations are more suitable for this kind of calculations, since a discretization of the geometry with tetrahedral mesh cells is available, contrary to the time domain case. The goal of this project is to investigate simulation methods in the fre- quency domain to obtain the beam coupling impedance of arbitrary cross section geometries without modifications of the device under test (stretched wire, perturbing objects, etc.). In this framework, we identified a method to obtain the resistive wall beam coupling impedance of arbitrary cross section geometries directly from the scattering parameters, without modifications of the device under test. This very promising method could pave the way to develop a measurement technique to obtain the beam coupling impedance of vacuum chambers above the pipe cut-off frequency without perturbing objects. We also addressed the benchmark of measurement setup of the model of complex accelerator elements, with frequency domain simulations, by com- paring the simulated and actual stretched wire measurements results. Here we studied the case of the SPS injection kicker (MKP-L), looking carefully at the correct representation of the termination of the stretched wire setup. A very accurate representation of these terminations is crucial for the direct 8
Chapter 1 The beam coupling impedance A beam of charged particles flowing around an accelerator is affected, at low intensity, by the Lorentz force produced by the “external” electromagnetic fields generated by the the guiding and focusing magnets, RF cavities and the other significant accelerator devices. When the beam intensity increases, the beam can no longer be treated as a collection of non-interacting single particles; indeed in addition to the “single- particle phenomena”, “collective effects” become significant. The term ”collective effects” refers to the set of phenomena in which the evolution of the beam depends on the combination of external fields and interaction between beam particles. These effects can be classified depending on the type of interaction: • space charge effects due to the Coulomb interaction between beam particles • wake fields effects caused by the interaction of the beam with its surrounding • beam-beam effects due to interaction of the beam with the contra- rotating beam in a collider • electron cloud effects due to the interaction between beam and elec- trons produced in the accelerator structure A very important issue for particle accelerators is produced by all these per- turbations in both longitudinal and transverse plane. In particular, in this thesis the attention is focused on the Fourier transform of the wake field, the beam coupling impedance. In the ultra-relativistic limit, the causality principle dictates that there can be no electromagnetic field in front of the beam, which justifies the term “wake”. 10
In more detail, a beam traveling inside a complex vacuum chamber, induces charges and currents in the surrounding structures, which create electromag- netic fields, precisely called wake fields. This e.m fields generated by the head of the particle beam affect the tail itself and the beam motion causing beam dynamics instabilities. As a consequence, an accelerator can be consid- ered as a feedback device, where any longitudinal or transverse perturbation occurring in the beam distribution may be amplified or damped by the e.m. forces generated by the perturbation itself. The impact becomes crucial when the beam intensity inside an accelerator reaches higher values, in fact the beam motion is triggered and allowed to grow, and without any damping mechanism, the beam is quickly degraded or even lost. Furthermore, the energy lost by the beam is eventually deposited as heat in the accelerators devices, potentially causing damages. Wake fields and the related impedance are usually responsible for tune shift, emittance growth, beam loss and extra heating. As the beam intensity increases, all these “perturbations” and their under- lying mechanisms, should be properly quantified, studying the motion of the charged particles, using the total electromagnetic fields, which are the sum of the external and perturbation fields. The beam instabilities have been the subjects of intense research for several decades. As the machines per- formance was pushed new mechanisms were discovered and nowadays the challenge consists in studying the interplays between all these phenomena, since in most cases is not possible to treat the different effects separately. In the specific case, studying the impedance is an essential part in the de- sign phase of any accelerator, since it allows identifying possible mitigation techniques, ensuring beam stability during operations and reducing beam induced heating. If possible or needed, the impedance should be kept as small as possible without compromising the device functionality. Fortunately, stabilising mechanisms are known, such as Landau damping, electronic feedback systems and linear coupling between the transverse planes. 11
1.1 Theory of the beam-wall interaction In this first chapter, the theory of the beam-wall interaction is described by means of the concept of wake fields and beam coupling impedance, giv- ing their physical meaning and mathematical treatment. The theoretical analyses, computer simulations, and experimental measurements of these quantities are crucial tasks in accelerator research. In the last part of the chapter are mentioned some simulation methods to compute the beam cou- pling impedance and is described a standard measurement technique and its limitations. 1.1.1 Wake functions and beam coupling impedance When the beam is traveling in a smooth and perfectly conducting pipe in- duces a ring of negative charges, with the same velocity of the beam particles, on the walls of the beam pipe, where the electric field ends, and these in- duced charges create the so-called “image”, or induced current. However, if the wall of the beam pipe is not perfectly conducting or contains geometry variations, the movement of the induced charges will be slowed down, thus leaving electromagnetic fields, which are proportional to the beam intensity, mainly behind, called wake fields. Figure 1.1: Relevant coordinates system: source particle q1 and test particle q. 12
In Fig. 1.1 there is a source particle q1 (z1 , r1 ) and a test particle q(z, r) traveling with constant velocity v = βc, where c is the speed of light in vacuum and β is the relativistic factor. The electromagnetic fields E and B produced by the charge q1 in the structure can be derived by solving the Maxwell equations imposing the proper boundary conditions. The Lorentz force generated by the source particle q1 and acting on the test particle q is: F = q[E + v × B] = q[Ez ẑ + (Ex − vBy )x̂ + (Ey + vBx )ŷ] = F|| + F⊥ . (1.1) The Lorentz force is composed by the sum of two components, F|| is the longitudinal force which changes the energy of the test particle and F⊥ is the transverse force which deflects its trajectory. The computation of these wake fields is quite challenging and two fundamen- tal approximations are introduced: • the rigid-beam approximation: the beam traverses a piece of equipment rigidly, i.e. the wake field perturbation does not affect the motion of the beam during the traversal of the impedance. The distance z of the test particle behind some source particle does not change. • the impulse approximation: as the test particle moves at the fixed velocity v = βc through the accelerator component, can be considered the impulse instead of the force point by point. The energy variation is defined as the integrated longitudinal force acting on the test particle along the structure. Considering a device of length L, it is expresses as follows: Z L U (r1 , r) = F|| ds u U (z). (1.2) 0 The transverse deflecting kick includes the dipole kick and quadrupolar kick. The first one is described by the following: Z L Mdip (r1 , r, z) = F⊥ |r=0 ds, (1.3) 0 that is the integrated transverse force from an offset source acting on a on- axis test particle, while the quadrupolar kick is defined as the integrated transverse force from an on-axis source acting on an offset test particle: Z L Mquad (r1 , r, z) = F⊥ |r1 =0 ds. (1.4) 0 13
The longitudinal wake function is the energy loss normalized by the two charges of the particles: U (z) w|| (z) = − [V /C] (1.5) q1 q The longitudinal wake function (Eq. (1.5)) does not depend on the transverse positions. In the case of axisymmetric structures, in particular of cylindrical symmetry and ultra-relativistic charges, the wake function can be expanded in multipolar terms. In the longitudinal case, the dominant term is the first one and the wake function depends only on z [2]. The minus sign in Eq. (1.5) means that, for a positive wake, the test particle is losing energy. It is important to introduce also the loss factor as follows: U (z = 0) k=− , (1.6) q12 that is the energy lost by the source particle per unit charge squared. From the above definitions we easily note that, when the charges travel on the same trajectory, the loss factor is the wake function in the limit of zero distance between q1 and q: k = wz (0). This is true in the case of β < 1, while, in the relevant case β = 1 is valid the beam loading theorem, that states: w|| (z → 0− ) k= (1.7) 2 It means that an ultra-relativistic particle can only see half of its own wake and it exists only in the region z < 0. The energy lost by the source can be related to two components, the electro- magnetic energy of modes that propagate down the beam chamber (above cut-off), which will be eventually lost on surrounding lossy materials, and the electromagnetic energy of the modes that remain trapped in the accelerator devices. In the latter, this energy can be dissipated on the lossy walls or it keeps ringing without damping, but can also be transferred to following particles with the probability to feed into an instability. Furthermore, also the transverse wake function Eqs. (1.8),(1.9) can be de- fined, it is the transverse kick normalized by the two charges, in both the case of dipolar and quadrupolar kick. dip Mdip (z) w⊥ = (1.8) q1 q quad Mquad (z) w⊥ = (1.9) q1 q 14
A positive transverse wake means a defocusing transverse force. Similarly to the longitudinal, the transverse wake functions can be expanded into a power series in the offset of source and test particle [2]. Since no transverse effects can appear when source and test particle are in the center of symmetry, the zeroth order term of the power series is null. Also in the transverse case, the wake vanishes for z > 0 due to the ultra- relativistic approximation. In the frequency domain, can be defined the analogous of the wake functions, by performing its Fourier transform: 1 +∞ Z ωz Z|| = w|| (z)ej c dz, (1.10) c −∞ the Eq. (1.10) is the expression of the longitudinal coupling impedance mea- sured in Ohms. Here j is the imaginary unit and ω = 2πf is the angular frequency. The transverse impedance can be similarly defined by Eqs. (1.11),(1.12): j +∞ dip Z dip ωz Z⊥ = − w⊥ (z)ej c dz, (1.11) c −∞ Z +∞ j ωz Z⊥quad =− quad w⊥ (z)ej c dz. (1.12) c −∞ In general, the beam coupling impedance is a complex quantity: Z(ω) = Zr (ω) + jZi (ω). Where, for the longitudinal impedance Zr (ω), Zi (ω) are even and odd functions of ω, while for the transverse is the opposite. 15
1.1.2 Wake potential The wake function defined in Eq. (1.5), is a Green function since it is gen- erated by a point charge. When there is a bunch of particles moving on a trajectory parallel to the axis, at a distance r1 , its wakefields can still be computed from the wake function of the point charge for any bunch dis- tribution. Indeed, considering, for example, the longitudinal plane and a bunch with longitudinal distribution λ(z), the wake function produced by the bunch distribution at a point z, is simply given by the convolution of the Green function over the bunch distribution. In practice, the convolution in- tegral is obtained by applying the superposition principle. The distribution is splitted into an infinite number of infinitesimal slices summing up their wake contributions at the point z 0 (see Fig. 1.2). Figure 1.2: At the top the Bunch spatial distribution. In the center the slice view if the bunch. At the bottom the wake left behind each slice. 16
According to the definitions given so far, wake potential of a bunch is ex- pressed as follows: 1 z Z W|| (z) = w|| (z 0 − z)λ(z 0 )dz 0 (1.13) Q −∞ where Q is the total charge of the bunch. The same consideration can be done for the transverse plane, the transverse wake potential is: 1 z Z W⊥ (z) = w⊥ (z 0 − z)λ(z 0 )dz 0 (1.14) Q −∞ 1.1.3 Relationship between longitudinal and transverse impedance Since the particles move at the fixed velocity v = βc through the accelerating structure, an important quantity is the impulse, defined as follows: Z +∞ Z +∞ ∆p(x, y, z) = Fdt = q[E + v × B]dt (1.15) −∞ −∞ From the definition of the impulse can be introduced an important theorem which links the transverse and longitudinal impedance. Starting from the four Maxwell equations, for a particle in the beam, can be shown (considering β = 1): ∇ × ∆p(x, y, z) = 0 (1.16) which is known as Panofsky-Wenzel theorem [3]. This relation is very general, as no boundary conditions have been imposed. With some mathematical pas- sages, it can be shown that a consequence of the Panofsky- Wenzel theorem is the following relationship: ∂ ∇⊥ w|| (z) = w⊥ , (1.17) ∂z The Eq. (1.17) can link the longitudinal with the dipole transverse impedance by performing the Fourier transform. 17
1.2 Simulations and measurements For each particle accelerator design, the careful establishment of an impedance budget is a prerequisite for reaching desired performances. Therefore, the- oretical analyses, computer simulations, and experimental measurements of the beam coupling impedance of accelerator components are critical tasks in accelerator research, design, and development. Concerning the computer simulations, can be sorted into three main groups, namely Time Domain (TD), Frequency Domain (FD), and methods without a particle beam. The most common are TD methods, since they require only matrix-vector mul- tiplications for time stepping. They are usually based on finite differences time domain (FDTD, Yee 1966 [4]) or finite integration technique (FIT, Wei- land 1977 [5]),which result in a coinciding space discretization on a Cartesian mesh. TD simulations are suitable at medium and high frequency, and particularly in perfectly conducting structures. They are unfavourable for low frequencies and low velocity of the beam. Also, dispersively lossy materials are difficult to treat in TD, since a convolution with the impulse response, i.e. the inverse Fourier transform (FT) of the material dispersion curve, is required. In FD the beam velocity and dispersive material data are just parameters. How- ever, a system of linear equations (SLE) has to be solved for each frequency point, which is costly when the matrix is large and ill-conditioned. The most common method without particle beam is the computation of eigenmodes, which can be related to the wake function as discussed in [6]. Other methods that involve different excitations from particle beam are describes in [8], [9], [10], but they require special interpretations to obtain the beam coupling impedance. The most common software used is CST Studio Suite [11], a 3D electromag- netic Computer Aided Design (CAD) tool, widely used for the computation of wakes and impedances. In particular, the Wakefield solver of Particle Studio (PS) solves Maxwell’s equations in time domain, using a particle bunch as excitation of the struc- ture under study. The outputs of the simulation are the wake potential and the beam coupling impedance. The wake function is produced by the ex- citing Gaussian bunch, that is the source, as a function of the time delay τ with respect to the passage of the source. It is the the voltage gain of a unit charge crossing the structure with a delay τ with respect to to the leading charge, due to the fields created by the latter. The beam coupling impedance is its Fourier transform normalized to the bunch spectrum, in other words the equivalent of the wake potential in the frequency domain. Concerning the experimental measurements, ideally, the evaluation of the 18
beam coupling impedance of the accelerator components should be performed by exciting the device with the beam itself. However, this method, which in principle is the best one, is not always possible. In addition, when we need information on the behaviour of the components before the set up of the machine, it is desiderable to perform bench measurements. For this purpose, the stretched Wire method (WM) [2] is a common choice to establish the beam coupling impedance of accelerator structures in mea- surement. The WM is also a common approach used in frequency domain simulations to approximate the beam excitation. 1.2.1 The Wire method and its limitations The Wire method was proposed in the first half of the 70’s, based on in- tuitive considerations. There has been a long history in the development of this method and in the improvement of its accuracy, in both theory and technique [12],[13]. Today it is widely used, at CERN the method was em- ployed already in the second half of the 70’s to measure the longitudinal and transverse beam coupling impedance of a kicker in the frequency domain [14]. Furthermore, an improved version of the bench measurement technique of the Wire method was proposed by V. G. Vaccaro [2]. The intuitive consideration on which the method is based is that the particle beam can be replaced by a current pulse with the same temporal behaviour of that associated to the beam, but flowing through thin metallic wire placed along the beam axis. Figure 1.3: Thin metallic wire placed along the beam axis of a structure. An accelerator component with a thin metallic wire on its beam axis can 19
be considered as a two-port circuit, which can be characterized with a Net- work Analyzer. In particular, the transmission scattering parameters of the Device Under Test (DUT) and the reference beam pipe (REF) can be mea- sured. The longitudinal beam coupling impedance of the DUT can be found as follows [15]: S21REF Zlongitudinal = Z|| = 2Zch −1 , (1.18) S21DU T Zch is the characteristic impedance of the equivalent transmission line formed by the wire and the DUT wall. In 1993, Vaccaro [2] derived a more rigorous and accurate formula, based on the transmission line theory. He showed that the longitudinal coupling impedance in a transmission line (see Fig. 1.4) can be expressed by: 2 2 l Z|| = jZch (kDU T − kR ) (1.19) kREF Figure 1.4: Transmission line equivalent circuit for a DUT. The (Ro + jωLo ) 1 and jωC o are the distributed parameters per unit length which form the Zch ; Z|| and l are the longitudinal impedance and length of the DUT, respectively. The kDU T and kREF are the propagation constant of the DUT and REF. Since the transmission line is symmetrical, the related scattering matrix is 20
the Eq. (1.20): 2 (Zch − Zr2 ) sin kl −2jZr Zch 2 −2jZr Zch Zch − Zr2 ) sin kl S= 2 (1.20) (Zch + Zr2 ) sin kl − 2jZr Zch cos kl where Zr is a reference impedance. If the line is matched implies S11 = S22 = 0 and Zr = Zch and in addition the propagation constant can be related to transmission coefficient by Eq. (1.21): S21 = exp (−jkl), (1.21) and the longitudinal coupling impedance can be expressed as in Eq. (1.22). S21DU T ln S21DU T Z|| = −Zch ln 1+ . (1.22) S21REF ln S21REF In most cases of the accelerator components, the S21DU T is close to S21REF and the formula can be approximated by the well-known Log-formula of Eq. (1.23) S21DU T Z|| = −2 · Zch ln . (1.23) S21REF The Wire Method for Coupling Impedance evaluations is quite appealing for the possibility to make bench measurements and to simulate the beam excitation in frequency domain, indeed the scattering parameters as well as the characteristic impedance are direct outputs of the simulations and measurements. Neverthless, this established method has some limitations due to the presence of the wire that perturbs the electromagnetic boundary conditions. In fact, the conductor in the center of the structure modifies its cross section that is no longer simply connected, and artificially allows the propagation of TEM modes with zero cut-off frequency. Therefore, the WM might not entirely represent the solution of our initial problem leading to additional losses during the measurements. 21
Part I A new method to obtain the Beam Coupling Impedance from Scattering parameters 22
Chapter 2 A new approach to compute the beam coupling impedance In the previous chapter, a brief overview of the methods to compute the beam coupling impedance focusing on the wire method, with its principle of operation and theoretical bases, have been discussed. Furthermore, the limitations of the method have been also presented. In this section, a new method to asses the longitudinal beam coupling impedance of the accelerator components, which does not require the modification of the DUT, has been introduced. The new formula relating the longitudinal beam coupling impedance and the scattering parameters has been analytically validated for a resistive circular chamber. The generalization to arbitrary chamber shapes has also been discussed. Furthermore, the related simulation method is described together with its main simulation settings. 2.1 From the Wire Method to a new formula Although the Wire method is a well established technique in the world of particle accelerators, the study of its limitations and the development of new methods that overcome these limitations is a high demand task. In this regard, to exceed the issues explained in the subsection 1.2.1, the attention has been focused to possible approaches without modification of the DUT. The longitudinal beam coupling impedance is essential related to the energy loss of the electromagnetic wave propagating in the structure and, therefore, is intrinsically linked to the transmission scattering parameter. Given these considerations and the fact that there are no obvious contradictions, the intuition has led to study the first propagating TM mode of the DUT, instead 23
of the TEM of the equivalent transmission line formed by the wire and the conductive wall in the case of the WM. The proposed relation to evaluate the impedance without modifications of the device under test has the following form (Eq. (2.1)): |S21DU T | Zlongitudinal = −K · Zmode ln . (2.1) |S21REF | The expression is quite similar to the Log-formula, where the characteristic impedance of the equivalent transmission line is replaced by the appropri- ate impedance of the propagating mode. The S21DU T refers to the Device Under Test, that is the structure with finite electric conductive walls, while the S21REF refers to the same structure with Perfect Electric Conductive (PEC) walls. The reference scattering parameter has been involved in order to obtain an accurate evaluation of the impedance even under the cut-off frequency of the pipe. Furthermore, the S21 and the Zmode refer to the first TM propagating mode. The term K is a constant. 2.2 Analytical validation of the proposed for- mula The circular resistive structure under test is displayed in Fig. 2.1, where b is the pipe radius, L is the pipe length and σ = 3000 S/m the wall conductivity. Figure 2.1: Model of the lossy circular pipe. The longitudinal beam coupling impedance of the circular resistive pipe can be analytically calculated by using the following well-known equation [16]: theory L Zlongitudinal = ζ, (2.2) 2πb 24
where ζc is the wall surface impedance, and for simplicitypin the thick wall regime and for good conductors ζc = (1 + j)ζ, with ζ = ωµ 2σ 0 ; ω = 2πf is the angular frequency, µ0 the magnetic permittivity of free space. In order to validate the proposed approach is necessary to demonstrate that the formula of Eq. (2.1) reduces to the theoretical formula of Eq. (2.2), it means: −K · Zmode · ln |S21DU T | |S21REF | → ζc 2πb L. As a first step, the analytical expression of the S21 of the lossy circular pipe is derived from [17], where an expression of the attenuation constant α of the lossy circular waveguide is obtained, applying the Leontovich boundary condition: s 1 jk 2 ( unm )2 α = Im k02 − 2 [unm + unm 03 µ0b ], [1/m], (2.3) b ω( b ) ( ζc + 0 ζc ) The S21 parameter can be computed from the equation of conservation of the energy: |S11 |2 + |S21 |2 = 1 − α0 , (2.4) assuming |S11 | = 0: √ |S21 | = 1 − α0 . (2.5) The term α0 refers to the adimensional losses, and can be derived from Eq. (2.3) as follows: α0 = 1 − e−2|α|z , (2.6) so it turns out: √ |S21 | = e−2|α|z = e−|α|z . (2.7) Therefore, to benchmark the analytical derivations with simulations, a com- parison is displayed in Figs. 2.2, 2.3. 25
Figure 2.2: Comparison between α. In green α obtained from simulations and in red α evaluated from theoretical computations Figure 2.3: Comparison of S21. In red S21 obtained from simulations and in blu S21 evaluated from theoretical computations The plots show that there is a perfect agreement between the two approaches. Therefore Eq. (2.1) can be computed by using the S21 of Eq. (2.7), so it is: ln |S21 | = −|α|z. (2.8) 26
The derivation of the α is detailed in the Appendix A. The attenuation constants below and above pipe cut-off frequency can be expressed as follows: 1 : r 4 u2 ζ ζ αbelow cut−of f = − (k02 − 2 + 2ω0 )2 + (−2ω0 )2 (2.9) b b b r 4 u2 ζ ζ −ω0 ζ αabove cut−of f = (k02 − 2 + 2ω0 )2 + (−2ω0 )2 ( 2 u2 b ). b b b k0 − b2 + 2ω0 ζb (2.10) Calculation of the beam coupling impedance below pipe cut-off frequency For the lossy circular pipe the attenuation called αDU T can be written as in Eq.(2.9). For the reference PEC pipe the attenuation is written as follows: r u2 αREF = −Im[ (k02 − 2 )], (2.11) b The longitudinal impedance is then derived from Eq.(2.1) and applying the relation of Eq.(2.8): |S21DU T | ln = ln (e(|αREF |−|αDU T |)L ) = (|αREF | − |αDU T |)L (2.12) |S21REF | and considering the full q expression of the longitudinal impedance (Eq.(2.1)) 2 (k02 − u2 ) and Zmode = ZT M = ω0 b : Zlongitudinal = q u2 (k02 − ) r r u 2 u2 ζ ζ b2 4 −K · Im (k02 − 2 ) − (k02 − 2 + 2ω0 )2 + (2ω0 )2 L ω0 b b b b (2.13) It can be shown, with some mathematical manipulations, that the longi- tudinal impedance obtained from the analytical approach (Eq.(2.13)) has the same expression of the theoretical impedance (Eq.(2.2)). 1 The expression of α is different below and above cut off frequency, see Appendix A 27
Zlongitudinal = q u2 (k02 − ) r r b2 u2 u2 ζ 2 HH ζ 2 4 = −K · k02 − 2 − + (2ω 0 )) + (2ωH (k02 − 0 H) L ω0 b2 b b bH (2.14) ζ 2 The term (2ω0 b ) can be neglected when the structure can be treated as a planar geometry, that is: r 2 1 b >> δ = → f >> (2.15) ωµ0 σ πσµ0 b2 Under this condition, Eq.(2.14) reduces to: q 2 r (k02 − u2 ) (2ω0 ζb ) q u2 u2 = −K · ω0 b k0 − b2 − 4 [(k02 − 2 b2 )(1 + 2 )]2 L = (k02 − u2 ) b q 2 r (k02 − u2 ) (2ω0 ζb ) 2 q q u2 u2 = −K · ω0 b k02 − b2 − k02 − b2 4 (1 + 2 ) L= (k02 − u2 ) b q u2 (k02 − ) r b2 u2 (2ω0 ζb ) 1/2 = −K · k02 − 2 · (1 − (1 + 2 u2 ) ) L (2.16) ω0 b (k0 − b2 ) (2ω0 ζb ) (2ω0 ζb )2 (2ω0 ζb ) The term 2 is small, 2
Calculation of the beam coupling impedance above pipe cut-off frequency For the lossy circular pipe the attenuation called αDU T can be written as in Eq.(2.10). For the reference PEC pipe the attenuation is written as follows: αREF = 0, 2 (2.20) The longitudinal impedance is then derived from Eq.(2.1) and applying the relation of Eq.(2.8): |S21DU T | ln = ln (e(|αREF |−|αDU T |)L ) = (−|αDU T |)L (2.21) |S21REF | and considering the full q expression of the longitudinal impedance (Eq.(2.1)) 2 (k02 − u2 ) and Zmode = ZT M = ω0 b : Zlongitudinal = q u2 (k02 − ) r b2 4 u2 ζ 2 ζ 2 −ω0 ζb −K · (k02 − 2 + 2ω0 ) + (−2ω0 ) u2 ζ L ω0 b b b (k02 − b2 + 2ω0 b ) (2.22) Above the cut-off frequency of the pipe, under the condition k02 >> 2ω0 ζb , it can be shown show that the longitudinal impedance obtained from the analytical approach (Eq.(2.22)) has the same expression of the theoretical impedance (Eq.(2.2)). Indeed, under the same condition f >> πσµ10 b2 the Eq.(2.22) assumes the following form: q 2 (k02 − ub2 )2 4 r 2 u2 2 ω0 ζb ζ Zlongitudinal = K · (k0 − 2 ) 2 u2 L = K L (2.23) ω0 b (k0 − b2 ) b For both cases below Eq. (2.19) and above Eq. (2.23) cut-off frequency 1 with K = 2π the expressions become exactly the well-known theoretical longitudinal impedance. 2 u2 above cut off frequency (k02 − b2 ) > 0, so its imaginary part is zero: αREF = q 2 Im[ (k02 − ub2 )] = 0 . 29
q The condition 3 b >> δ = ωµ20 σ → f >> πσµ10 b2 means that the radius of curvature can be neglected and therefore also the attenuation caused by the propagation of cylindrical waves. For instance, in the present case, where the circular pipe has a wall electrical conductivity σ = 3000 S/m and radius b = 10 mm, the condition results in f >> 8.5 kHz. This means that the frequency range in which the equal- ity (2.23) is valid, must be sufficiently above 8.5 kHz. In fact in the case studied, the frequency range of interest is above 1 GHz, then the method is valid. Furthermore, it is important to underline that, the frequency limit of application of the method is indirectly proportional to the wall electrical conductivity σ. As a consequence, for higher conductivity (pipe with less losses) the frequency limit scales at lower frequencies while for lower conduc- tivity (pipe with more losses) the limit is at higher frequencies. The analytical validation asserts that the longitudinal beam coupling impedance can be computed with the following formula: ZT M |S21DU T | Zlongitudinal = − ln (2.24) 2π |S21REF | In Fig. 2.4 is displayed the impedance from the analytical derivation and the impedance from the theory for a lossy circular pipe. The perfect agreement between the impedances is evident below and above the cut-off frequency of the pipe, while around the cut-off frequency is not perfect, due to the analytical approach which does not provide an estimation of the impedance at the cut-off frequency. 3 It is important to note that the imposed condition is not a real limitation of the proposed formula, but a mathematical simplification to make the calculations simpler. Indeed, the analytical formula derived for the impedance is much more general. 30
Figure 2.4: Comparison between Zlongitudinal from the analytical computation and theory. 2.3 Simulation method In the previous paragraph, the analytical expressions of Zlongitudinal below (Eq.(2.13)) and above (Eq.(2.22)) the cut-off frequency of the pipe have been derived. These equations have been obtained in the hypothesis that the beam coupling impedance can be expressed from the scattering parameters as described in Eq.(2.1). The equations have been shown to reduce exactly to the well-known longitudinal impedance (Eq. (2.2)) for f >> πσµ10 b2 , proving the correctness of the relation between the scattering parameter S21 and the longitudinal beam coupling impedance proposed in Eq.(2.1). At this point, the discussion of the new possible method to get the impedance continues showing how this has been implemented in simulation. With this aim, the simulation settings are shown referring to the circular pipe of Fig. 2.1. First of all, in order to excite the structure, the Waveguide Ports are used and displayed in Fig. 2.5. This kind of Ports allow to set a specific number of modes to be simulated and the frequency domain solver of CST computes the scattering parameters for each mode set at the port. 31
Figure 2.5: In red the Waveguide Port for circular pipe. In order to excite the first TM mode at least three modes must to be set at the port. The frequency domain solver is equipped with the tetrahedral mesh cells that allow a better discretization of the calculus domain, contrary to the time domain solver where hexahedral mesh cells are used.. From the Fig. 2.6 is clear the advantage of using the tetrahedral mesh cells, especially for round geometries. Indeed, the aim of the proposed method is also to establish an accurate procedure to compute the impedance of curved and complex geometries. Figure 2.6: Mesh view for a sphere in the case of hexahedral and tetrahedral mesh cells. In the example of Fig. 2.6 it can be observed that, using the same number of mesh cells, the sphere is better represented in the case of tetrahedral discretization. 32
To determine the right number of tetrahedrons, the numerical convergence of the simulation results versus the number of tetrahedrons has been studied. A good compromise between computational time and accuracy of the simulation results is shown in the figure 2.7. The first studies are carried out by using the ”Discret Sample Only” method of the frequency domain solver. The frequencies to be simulated are chosen to explore the pipe behaviour below and above its cut-off frequency. Figure 2.7: Mesh view: the pipe is discretized with 65373 tetrahedral mesh cells (pipe radius= 10 mm, pipe length= 50 mm). To perform the study of longitudinal impedance with new formula of Eq. (2.24) the involved parameters to be considered are the mode impedance and the transmission scattering parameter of the first TM propagating mode. The following formula gives its cut-off frequency [19]: u01 2.4048 fcT M 01 = c= c = 11.6 GHz (2.25) 2πb 2πb where u01 = 2.4048 is the first zero of the Bessel J0 and c is the speed of light in vacuum. Furthermore, the S21 and ZT M are direct output of the simulation. They are reported, for the specific pipe, in Figs. 2.8,2.9, 2.10. 33
Concerning the S21DU T , above the cut-off frequency of the pipe (fc = 11.6 GHz), its value is below one due to the losses caused by the finite conductiv- ity of the walls. Instead, the S21REF as expected, is just equal to one. The same situation occurs also below the cut-off frequency, where both the S21DU T and S21REF are affected by propagation losses, because the mode does not propagate, and the S21DU T also by the losses due to the finite conductiv- ity of the wall. The S21REF is essential to extrapolate the losses due to the finite conductivity of the wall below the cut-off frequency of the pipe. Figure 2.8: S21 of first TM mode of the Resistive Wall structure. The S21 is plotted in linear magnitude. Figure 2.9: S21 of first TM mode of the PEC wall Wall structure. The S21 is plotted in linear magnitude. 34
Figure 2.10: Real part of the impedance of first TM mode of the Resistive Wall structure. The imaginary part is zero. The formula (2.24) applied to this circular pipe gives the impedance in Fig. 2.11. Figure 2.11: Zlongitudinal from simulation. The longitudinal impedance computed from frequency domain simulations by using Eq. (2.24) has been compared with the exact theoretical evaluation and the analytical derivation in Fig. 2.12. A larger fluctuation is observed below the cut-off frequency of the pipe that could be caused by numerical errors due to the very small value of the transmission coefficient. These results shows that, the proposed approach is a suitable and accurate method to compute the beam coupling impedance through simulation stud- ies. 35
Figure 2.12: Comparison of Zlongitudinal from analytical derivation, theory and CST simulation. 2.4 Generalization of the method to an arbi- trary chamber cross section In the previous paragraph has been identified with the associated analytical validation, a method to obtain the RW beam coupling impedance of a circu- lar chamber directly from the scattering parameters, without modifications of the DUT. In this section, the generalization of the method to arbitrary shapes of the vacuum chambers is explored. As a first step, the case of the rectangular chamber is studied to investigate the applicability of the method to non-axially symmetric structures. Therefore, the generalization to arbi- trary shapes is tested for the case of elliptical and octagonal chambers. 2.4.1 Rectangular accelerators chamber The generalization of the method is studied analytically on the rectangular chamber of Fig. 2.13, with height 2b, width 2a, pipe length L and wall electrical conductivity σ. The goal of the analytical study is to figure out if the impedance can be still obtained from the scattering parameters as expressed by the Eq. (2.24). 36
Figure 2.13: The model of the lossy rectangular pipe. As a first step, the analytical expression of the S21 of the lossy rectangular pipe has been derived. The expression of S21 is obtained from the attenua- tion constant α. For a rectangular waveguide, an expression of α for TM mode is provided in [20], applying the power loss method (PLM). This method assumes that the expression of the fields, in a highly but imperfectly conducting waveguide, is the same as those of a lossless waveguide. Neverthless, in literature it is shown that, far above the cut-off frequency, the power loss method provides a good approximation of α also in the imperfectly conducting waveguide. Therefore, the aim of this approach is to determine the expression of Zlongitudinal above cut-off, using the attenuation constant obtained with the simplified method (PLM), and verify if the achieved expression can be used to evaluate the longitudinal beam coupling impedance. 37
It turns out 4 : 2ζ(m2 (2b)3 + n2 (2a)3 ) α= q , [1/m] (2.26) η(2a)(2b) 1 − ( ffc )2 (m2 (2b)2 + n2 (2a)2 ) where m, n are integer indices and define the possible modes that propagates; η is the intrinsic impedance of free space; fc is the pipe cut-off frequency and b, a are the half-height and the half-width of the pipe, respectively. In order to compute the impedance of Eq.(2.24), in the range above cut-off frequency, it is necessary to evaluate the following parameters: ln S21 = −|α|z, (2.27) where for f >> fc , for T M11 mode and z = L, it is: r ω0 b3 + a3 1 ln S21 = − ·L (2.28) 2σ b2 + a2 ab Now, the theoretical longitudinal impedance of rectangular pipe is the fol- lowing: rect circ ZTcirc M Zlongitudinal = F · Zlongitudinal = −F · ln |S21circ |, (2.29) 2π where F is the Yokoya longitudinal form factor for rectangular pipe (see [21]), which allows to obtain the longitudinal impedance of an arbitrary pipe cross circ section, with respect to the circular one. While, Zlongitudinal is the Eq. (2.24) obtained in the previous chapter. From Eqs. (2.10),(2.21) it is: circ ζL ln |S21 |=− , (2.30) bZTcirc M so it can be written: circ ln |S21 | − bZζLTM η rect = p ω0 (b3 +a3) = G , (2.31) ln |S21 | − 2σ b2 +a2 ab 1 ·L ZTcirc M (b2 +a2 )a where G = (b3 +a3 ) is a geometrical factor displayed in Fig. 2.14. From the Eq. (2.31): circ η rect ln |S21 |=G ln |S21 | (2.32) ZTcirc M 4 This is the expression for TM modes 38
Figure 2.14: G versus a/b: it should be noted that G also includes the case of circular and square cross section, where it is equal to one. While, for values of a much larger than b, G tends to the case of a flat chamber. Then, substituting Eq.(2.32) in (2.29) it is: rect G rect Zlongitudinal =− ln |S21 |ηF (2.33) 2π The analytical derivation shows that, also in the case of rectangular pipe, the impedance can be derived from the scattering parameter S21 . It is important to point out, that Eq.(2.33) was derived in the assumption of being far above the cut-off frequency, where the impedance of the TM mode tends to the impedance of the free space η 5 . It means that, in the range above cut-off frequency, the longitudinal impedance of a rectangular pipe can be expressed as follows: rect G rect Zlongitudinal = −F · ZT M ln |S21 |, (2.34) 2π It is worth mentioning that Eq. (2.34) is a more general expression of Eq. (2.24). In fact for a circular chamber F and G are equal to 1 and Eq. (2.34) would reduce exactly to Eq (2.24). Simulation tests are done to benchmark the longitudinal impedance of Eq.(2.34) 5 From the theory is easy to show that, far above the pipe cut-off frequency, it is: ZT M = √ηr , where r is the relative dielectric constant of the medium in which the mode is propagating. In this case the medium is the vacuum, then r = 1 39
with the exact and well-known theoretical impedance of a rectangular cham- ber of Eq. (2.35): theory ζL Zlongitudinal =F (2.35) 2πb The goal is to demonstrate that Eq. (2.34) can be used to compute the longitudinal impedance of rectangular chambers. In Figs. 2.15, 2.16, 2.17 are displayed the ratio between the two impedances for different values of a and b, in the range above the cut-off frequency. Figure 2.15: Ratio between the longitudinal impedance from simulation and the well-known from theory. In the case of: F=1, G=1.07 and a = 3b Figure 2.16: Ratio between the longitudinal impedance from simulation and the well-known from theory. In the case of: F=1, G=1 and a = b 40
Figure 2.17: Ratio between the longitudinal impedance from simulation and the well-known from theory. In the case of: F=0.93, G=1.114 and a = 1.5b The case of a = 1.5b (see Fig. 2.17), is a clear proof of the importance of the G factor. Indeed, the ratio is equal to one with a relative error less then 1% and without the G factor it would be much higher, reaching the value of 11%. It is evident that the Eq. (2.34) can be used to obtain the longitudinal beam coupling impedance of rectangular chambers. A more general expression valid for both circular and rectangular chamber can be written as follows: ZT M |S21DU T | Zlongitudinal = −F · G ln , (2.36) 2π |S21REF | where ZT M always refers to the first TM propagating mode. 41
2.4.2 Elliptical and octagonal accelerators chamber In the previous section a possible generalization has been demonstrated for the case of a RW rectangular chamber in the range above the cut-off fre- quency. The formula of the circular case (Eq. (2.24)) has been extended to the rectangular by means of appropriate factors. These factors, in the specific case, are the Yokoya form factor and the G factor. The G factor can be defined as a geometrical factor related only to the width and height of the geometry under test, which has been analytically derived. The equation in- cluding these factors is more general and can be applied to both circular and rectangular chamber (Eq. (2.36)). The intuition suggests that the method could be extended to other more complex geometries as long as the half- height and half-width of the cross section can be defined for these structures. Consequently, in this section, the developed method is tested on RW cham- ber with elliptical and octagonal cross section of Figs. 2.18, 2.19, with the same simulation settings of the previous cases. Indeed, the simulations are carried out with the frequency domain solver, using the Waveguide Port to excite the structure and the tetrahedral mesh cells to discretize the model . The studies are performed with the ”Discret Sample Only” method of the frequency domain solver, exploring the pipe behavior below and above its cut-off frequency. Figure 2.18: The elliptical pipe with half-height b,half-width a and length L. 42
Figure 2.19: The octagonal pipe with length L. The cross section is a regular octagon, the width is equal to the height. The approach consists, in testing the Eq.(2.36), on the elliptical and octag- onal pipe. 2 2 )a G = (bb3+a +a3 is the geometrical factor reported in Fig. 2.14, that can be com- puted also for the elliptical and octagonal case, considering the half-width a and the half-height b of the cross section. The longitudinal beam coupling impedance of the elliptical and octagonal RW pipe can be analytically calculated from the circular one using the ap- propriate form factor F (Eq. (2.35)). For the elliptical case, F is the already known Yokoya longitudinal form factor (see [21]), and for the octagonal case is computed with respect to a reference circular pipe with CST simulations as could be done for any kind of shapes (see [22]). ζ is the wall impedance, b the height and L the length of the pipe. To apply this formula, the RW pipe must have the same conductivity, height and length of the reference circular pipe. The purpose is to benchmark the impedance obtained from simulations using Eq.(2.36), with the theoretical impedance in (2.35). 43
Elliptical RW pipe The comparison between the impedances is provided by the following plots (Figs. 2.20, 2.21), where is displayed the ratio between the simulated longi- tudinal impedance and the theoretical one, above cut-off frequency. The simulations are carried out for different elliptical cross sections of the pipe, which means different value of a, b and then F and G. The results show that the ratio is always one with a relative error less or equal to 1%. In particular, for the case of a = 1.5b, is evident that without the G factor the relative error would be much higher leading to an incorrect impedance estimation. Figure 2.20: Ratio between the longitudinal impedance from simulation and the well-known from theory. In the case of: F=0.99, G=1.04 and a = 4b Figure 2.21: Ratio between the longitudinal impedance from simulation and the well-known from theory. In the case of: F=0.94, G=1.11 and a = 1.5b 44
Octagonal RW pipe The comparison between the impedances, also in the case of regular octagonal cross section, is performed by plotting the ratio between the two in Fig. 2.22. Figure 2.22: Ratio between the longitudinal impedance from simulation and the well-known from theory. In the case of F=0.93348, G=1 and l=41.30 mm. The result proves that also in the case of octagonal chamber the impedances agree, indeed the ratio is equal to one with a relative error less than 1 %. These simulation tests suggest that Eq. (2.36) is a general expression that could be applied to obtain the longitudinal beam coupling impedance of arbitrary shaped chambers. 45
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